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?Pluoo &o l Instruction-manual e}ectxic svinches TABO1-P4ge 2 'U k?' 07591- LM EP 10,000 l @,,l,6(?, kse.( WLL }01 ( 010/18553B QG 'W! EIECTRIC PLANETARY WNNCHES '? W J !;f W ?llW.l }i € ml U ffi M ? H "l ! lIp {I? J !e=! :l; } H, i ?. )} ? !m R !! )l t{ m} m Type : LM EPI0,000 Year: 2008-09 Serie: 07591 Leinans Nederland b.v. Opdracht .' 07591.LGH dd. ]Oseplendber2008 '!NEDERLAND s.v. Lei'nans Ncderland BV NL-4600 AM BERGEN OP ZOC')M 'I'el. (+31) 0164 680097 Fax. (+31) 0164 681971 F.-mail l,ci+iansiai+s,qgdgl,lnd.ei Nederland ucl hkki:/ 'svxsv.!cmans-nederl n .e Postbus 527 mIX l xrqsrgtycrxou-rvuxuht. WINCHES TAB-02 - PAGE 2 l 07591- uv EPI0,000 l r'f '- pi il l r l 11 il r l 5?s c -n [ ] 6,, N 'i li l; j :J'! :) 1 l 6 l i ia I T?'? I l m ff l i (? i I l gE.ffi I $ l ?? 60€ l l l affl € l 0 l EIUD 4UB T [:' ??- - I T l l i l i ,-'L -"l i 'e L f l r l -r- J i r C:) 0 (A --i l ] I i? *. l i LemansNederlandBV Tel. ' (+31)0164680097 ' k()HBAND B.y NL-4600 AM BERGEN OP IOON E-mail lemans lemans-nederland.eu Postbus527 Fax. (+31)Ol646Ell971 Nederland url htt ://www.lemans-nederland.eu l !q00e8D l Instruclioii-manual electric winc?ies . TABOI-Page4 07's91- LM EP 10,000 l 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Generalperformance 1 .1 .1 . Electric planetary winch ya> te? r planetary wincb W ??I' wsi CThM]li# {11 LM-EP 7500/rmi Type Jektrxsche plmetmre ber a Trekkracht iO,Of)Dkg Snelheid 1 l mtr/rnin I l;t g atti !aBerging '1,11',',',l ',',',','11,'.',rno?tof l',',',', k lhWoemg? Hauling speed ) {{ E 250 mtr - e22rnm in 6 lagen IBC 160-4-20Kw - 3x 400V - 50Hz - IP56 - inclusief gekapselde rem - P:TC - marine-uitvoenng - TBNV Overbrenpnr ksaksephnttmeb<'kfgevuld d ! l !l m l metbediemnggkastopdeber? s 8.4 mtr/min in the 1st layer W Qfflt eil3 $ 2 lkyets + ! eX$? 'w4&gS Wire storage I m t s atamm diameter = ?355imn. x length= 500 mm., grooved for ?22 mm Drum xac;<&?zi'4pb mai'it>- so r??i<at 60FT)!!) l ) rso electrO-motor l ?k?? P21T!?7 'fiJ W t IP 56, TENV (totaHy enclOsed not venti?ated) Protection jl'ec Executed with - Pll'll('ll 'I il e- PTQ-BMbvr'6t>o@iaabtsb*Al ,x Ay .tt ,a k -? tiw maa ? s -. I Square angled planetary (4e:?r unit RA? 700T MS Transmission w B > oss>br*e<tmx-giy,ontbeys;oethepotxxs(.wrisappiieMd4mqejA@' 0 6rakateAalon - 4%vottAC A' ! k:' (; Extra's Spool tensxon. 1% Vo}t DC )> Standsblkheater,moi don emotor Quantity ? ? iWa l unit W" 'Dvrst?rchrsi ?,Prese.nx&ti6ri.l m } l I ??.' l?*? Blast cleaned and coat*d lll'[l%!msrmE%B, ? )al m!? ;yy@> , , , , , , , , , ,. , , ,, ., ??? Standaard, see TAB-32 Drawing 6'i' 4i?;'%'.:p" H' qd@y" i ?l';M}}l l I mmm? MmPlIWl? 8 s? I m 11(i '?'MN?a [8}'lffla l 1 .1 .2+. Electrical switchboard mounted on above winch > Fuses, relays', wiring, transformer, standstill heater, etc.Switch material on the box: main-switch lemergency stop > Controls on the box, switches: Consisting of m 101111111 )B,leffl, risxon, Protection ffi Drawing m on/off w left/ right s Emergency stop ( . Box IP54 Remote control IP65 M ? m'? ? %? (} lil s ?ll I see TAB-10 "Mm NEDERLAND B.V. Tel. leinans Nedcrland BV Fax. Pos(bus 527 NL-46i?0 AA?[ Nederlaiid BERGEN OP ZOOM (+31) 0164 680097 (+31) 0164 681971 E-mail utl h(tl'i:,/%vw.lcma+it-ncderlaiid.eu "[ P L,7 @;=o (9 o l II?S!lructl0n-l'nalmal el€'cmc l%'lllches TAB 10-I%gc1 07591-LM EP 10,000 l *' : @ " ' e ScIH,me Elec(ric switchboard for LEMANS winch, fab.nr.: 07591 I I l l r )ti r'T'ff"l m'a'i'-'j NEDERLAND B.V. Lemans Nederland BV Postbus 527 NL-4600 AM BERGEN OP ZOOM Nederland Tel. Fax. E-mail url (+31 ) 0164 680097 (+31) 0169 681971 [email protected] http://wwiiv.lecans-nederland.eu ) l i r l Iiisinidion-miuuml clcciric wiiidics TAB 10-P+igc2 ozsgi-i.hx EP 10,000 l A4.2. Mountinq The switchboard - box has to be placed beneath deck, preferably nex( or at least in (he fecundity of the winch. In a dust-, acid-, moist- and water-free environmen(. Switchboard boxes mus} be fixed by means of bolts of proper size bolting, 8.8 grade is suitable for the most of the applications. Be sure that the box and the con(rols are easy to access, with enough space to escape when necessary. Make sure the winches' controls are so installed, tha} the operator of the winch can oversee all surroundings of the winch in general, and the dnim and the wire rope (-s) in particular. Avoid unnecessary hazards. lVhen people are to close to (he ss'ire rope, do riot hesitate to stop the winch and warn them or even let them be removed from the site. Switch-boxes of this type gcnerate magnetic/inductive fields, make sure if does not interfere any other equipment. It is also possible that other equipment in the surroundings generate cven stronger magnetic/inductive fields, which will interfere with this equipment. One can resolve both examples by placing lead firewalls between them. Lemans Nederland bv is not responsible for any damages which may occur from these magnetic/inductive fields. Do not place foreign object (-s) against or on the winch controls or switch box at miy circums}ances ! Before the switchbox is used, be sure that all condense water inside the Elec(ro-motor is vaporised. This will be obtained by powering the anti-condense standstill-heater inside the box. To have the maximum effect, it is advisable to power the stands(ill-heater at all time. But if the switch-box will be ou( of service/commission for longcr periods, stocked, or if it is impossible IO power it at all time, make sure that before commissioning the winch the standstill-heater has been powered. Depending on the time it has been still, for longer periods, it should be powered at least 12 hours before commissioning. One povvers (he anti-condense standstill-heater, by switching the main-switch to "on". ... familiar electricity ask fordangerous professional helptake !! care..l To workwith with. electricity please ss extremely please If one ss not i Never open any cover, hatch or lid. There are no user serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel. It may contain open electrically charged metals. These are Iife threatening 1.B.3. Maintenance: When something damages the box, even minor cases, always begin inspection by switching off the electricity, which supplies the box and/or the winch! l. Check periodical?y tbe tighrness of al{ external nuis/bolls and the trame fixing bolts and ffiat the goc'id alignment situation between gear, winch and skid is kept. 2. ? Unless the equipment generates excessive heat or vibration no other maintenance should be necessary. Check periodically the fuses. And equipment and wiring on burn-gtains. dust or o*ex alienrnatter. Replace if it seems necessary. Before executing any maintenance and/or repairs to the switch board or its box make sure that }he electric power has been switched "off ', so that it cannot interFere with the job which has to been done. Also remove/drain all remaining electxic power by le((ing it make 'earth', check thoroughly. (Capacitors and coils can store potential electric posyer for a long time! And any electrical part can be seen as capacitor or coil.) If one is on a maintenance check-up round, always avoid environmental-hazardous situations. The supplier recommends consulting with local authorities, svhere to dispose replaced materials and fluids. The supplier does not take any responsibility for any environmental damages. 'NEDERLAND B.V. Lemans Nederland BV Pos}bus 527 NL-4600 AM BERGEN OP ZOOM Nederland Tel. ' (+:31) O'l8:l 680097 Fax. (+31)Ol646Ell97l E-mail url h}t ://www.lemans-nederland eu ') ?i Iiislriictirin-manuiil clcciric wiiiclics TAB 10-Pazc3 @? a r(' 07591-LAi EP 10,000 l sgs U N X n X l'l" W? R n X er;11 U A o : t n €N x l 'jeL XO Q-Q cwt b 7 IM 0 L s :%, ?M 2, i' jl '- W? a rT- I 71m? ? s a X z (t LJg 10 l JO us i l * -; T; s m R? t s? s r, e I I 16 n v (n51 ] i ! % S x o j a. l) !ffi i,a tO l l l l .-J (N x 21 W A €N IL W n X L: j[ s I TTr- ir la f 0 [[I N M [= N x l'+ I'} -a-? ,'P - i& m NEDERLAND s.v. k IWI;l: 11' aK l n Lemans Nederland BV Postbus 527 NL-4600 AM BERGEN OP ZOOM Nederland %ffi l;; (5 J'0 (51{k c5i"a' ?4-:! ( !1! Tel. (+31 ) 0164 680097 Fax. (+31)0164 6819'71 E-mail lemans lemans-ne. i url ht} :l]vvww lemans-nederland.eu l l INSTRUCTION-MANUAL WINCHES TAB-02 - PAGE 1 07591. S4 EPlO.000 l DRAWING (05259400) PARTS LIST (tabieau rie piece) " not yet supplied (moins de founiir)" LEMANS hydraulic winch (treuil hydraulrique), LM EP 10,000 Fab.m.: 0759 Item l Number 00 l - -' Description iIn English ----------------------------------- (en Fran<'aise) l0 l 11 Planetary'gear Hnit lm----H(roue d aerxgrenage a planr:tair) l 12 11 , Leve.l plug------------------------------------ (bouchon niveau) 14 .1 20 l 21 l 22 l 23 ] 25 l 28 ' l 30 l 40 l 41 il ' Magnetic emptying plug ---- (bouchon vidage magn6tique) i Fill;ng p}ug-------Y----l-----------------l(boQchon bourrer) Electric motor-2------Z-----------Z----- (moteur r:lectrique) ' Hatch for connec(or-box --------(clapet de botte jonction) Connector box ----------------------(clapet de boTte .ionction) l RA1700 RAl700 RAl700 RAl700 IECl60-4 IECl60-4 IECl60-4 IEC160-4 Hatch for fan --------------------------- (clapet de verrtilateur) Disc brake' assembly-a----------f---Il--- (frein-complet ) icibg-= - 7 " Main bearing-----f2------------L-------- (principal-roulement) Base assembly ------------------------- (fondation assemblde) Dnim ----------------------------------------------- ( tambour) Wire cli (com lete)---------------------------- (tra e de i/) kNEDERLAND B.y NL-4s00 AM BERGEN OP ZOOM- -Tel. E-mail'(+31)C)164685097lemans lemaiis nederland.eu '- Pos}bus527 (+31)0164681971 -%'- '- - " '-'- Fax. ' LemansNederlandE!V Nederland url %.gg l '% l INSTRUCTION-AfANUAL WNCHES TAB-02 - PkGIE 2 07591- LM EP10.,000 l ! l ffi r"- --i } m l }m Ia 'i i) Th }.ff 00 ? rlt'fi'r"i 4 + g # l 1 r' Th € 6 ? I l l l g r%J s €n i W € 6 i l ?€ 9[l[J 4UB l l ffi lI ( :l: m a 11 l [[ :l g €:l Ja Lemans Nederland BV Tel. (+3 1 ) 0164 680097 Postbus527 Fax. (+31)C)164681971 kNEDERLAND B, NL-4600 AM BERGEN OP ZOOM E-mail lemans lemans-nederland.eu Nedetland url ht( ://www.lemans-nederland.eu