Reaction to fire testing of `Arundo Reed` a.k.a. `Thai Coconut Thatch
Reaction to fire testing of `Arundo Reed` a.k.a. `Thai Coconut Thatch
Efectis Nederland BV Efectis Nederland report Efectis Nederland BV Centre for Fire Safety Lange Kleiweg 5 P.O. Box 1090 2280 CB Rijswijk The Netherlands 2010-Efectis-R1091 Reaction to fire testing of ‘Arundo Reed’ a.k.a. ‘Thai Coconut Thatch’ tiles, polyvinylchloride (PVC) reed roof covering. External fire exposure to roofs according to ENV 1187:2003 + A1:2005; Test 1 Date November 2010 Author(s) W. Scheffer B.Be. C.C.M. Steinhage B.Sc. Sponsor Arundo Reed Europe Waalbandijk 91-92 NL-6669 ME DODEWAARD The Netherlands Project number Number of pages 2010395 8 T +31 88 fire safety (88 3473 723) F +31 88 3473 724 E [email protected] All rights reserved. No part of this publications may be reproduced and/or published by print, photoprint, microfilm or any others means without the previous written consent of Efectis. In case this report was drafted on instructions, the rights and obligations of contracting parties are subject to either the Standard Conditions for Research Instructions given to TNO, or the relevant agreement concluded between the contracting parties. Submitting the report for inspection to parties who have a direct interest is permitted. © 2010 Efectis Nederland BV: a TNO company This report is issued by Efectis Nederland BV (previously TNO Centre for Fire Research). Efectis Nederland BV and her sister company Efectis France are full subsidiaries of Efectis Holding SAS since 1st January 2008, in which the Dutch TNO and the French CTICM participate. The activities of the TNO Centre for Fire Research were privatised in Efectis Nederland BV since 1st July 2006. This is in response to international developments and requests by customers. In order to be able to give a better answer to the customer’s request and offer a more comprehensive service of high quality and a wider range of facilities, the international collaboration has been further expanded. This is done with highly experienced partners in fire safety in Norway (Sintef-NBL), Spain (Afiti-Licof), Germany (IFT), USA (South West Research Institute) and China (TFRI). Further information can be found at our website. Efectis Nederland report | 2010-Efectis-R1091 | November 2010 | 2/8 Arundo Reed Europe Product identification: ‘Arundo Reed’ outside Europe also known as ‘Thai Coconut Thatch’ tiles, polyvinylchloride (PVC) reed roof covering, further referred to as ‘the product’. Abstract: Determination of the reaction to fire by exposure to external fire to roofs according to ENV 1187:2003 + A1:2005; Test 1: Method with burning brands, with the objective to obtain the reaction to fire classification according to EN 13501-5:2006 + A1:2009. Intended application: The product will be used as a roof covering. Product description: According to the sponsor the product is composed of: - Plywood; the reed thatch tiles are attached to plywood with a thickness of 18 mm. - Silisto Max Plus; on the plywood Silisto Max Plus roof covering is attached; 1 layer of fire retardant polypropylene (PP) laminate with a thickness of 0.5 mm and a weight of 150 ±8 g/m2. - PVC Reed thatch tiles; on the plywood and the roof covering the polyvinylchloride (PVC) thatch tiles are attached. The product has a weight of 0.5 kg/tile and a square meter of roof contains approx. 16 tiles. Samples: Sampling procedure: The specimens were prepared and submitted by the sponsor. Efectis did not exercise any supervision during specimen fabrication. Age: At the time of receipt: no information received. Date of receipt: October 14, 2010 (1st specimen) and October 26, 2010 (2nd, 3rd, 4th specimen) Conditioning: Prior to the examinations, the specimens were conditioned over a period of one or two weeks at a temperature of (23 ± 2) ºC and a relative humidity of (50 ± 5) % according to § 4.1 of EN 13238:2010. Specimen preparation: Actions taken by the laboratory Non taken to prevent flames passing the edges: Testconditions: Test Method: Test 1: Method with burning brands Roof pitch: 45° Ambient temperature at start approx. 20°C Efectis Nederland report | 2010-Efectis-R1091 | November 2010 | 3/8 Arundo Reed Europe Examination: Number of tests: A total of four tests were carried out according to ENV 1187. Deviations from the test method: None Date of examination: October 21, 2010 (1st test) and November 8, 2010 (2nd, 3rd and 4th test) The results are given in Table 1. Table 1: External fire exposure to roof classification parameter results Parameter Test result Classification parameter Test number 1 2 3 4 Flame spread 1): - Internal, upwards [m:s] - 10 cm 13:30 - 30 cm - 50 cm - 70 cm Not reached - External, upwards [m:s] - 10 cm - 30 cm - 50 cm - 70 cm Not reached - Internal, downwards [m:s] - 10 cm - 30 cm - 50 cm - 60 cm Not reached - External, downwards [m:s] - 10 cm - 30 cm - 50 cm - 60 cm Not reached Maximum burned length: - Internal: < 80 cm [cm] 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 Compliant - External: < 80 cm [cm] 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 Compliant Lateral flame spread to edges 2) (m:s) [Y/N] N N N N Not reached Burning droplets/debris falling from exposed side [Y/N] N N N N N Burning/glowing particles Penetrating the roof [Y/N] N N N N N Size of through openings: [mm2] Compliant - one single opening: < 25 mm2 2 - sum of all openings: < 4500 mm [mm2] Compliant 1 ) Spread of flame measured from the edges of the projection of the ignition source 2 ) Edge of the measuring zone Efectis Nederland report | 2010-Efectis-R1091 | November 2010 | 4/8 Arundo Reed Europe Table 2: Observations of physical behaviour of the test specimen: Parameter Time since start test [m:s] Burning of wood wool Glowing of wood wool Burning of roof 1 4:30 15:00 - Glowing/smoking of roof Termination of test Internal inspection of specimen 17:00 60:00 60:00 Test number 2 3 4:00 3:00 12:00 13:00 13:0030:00 30:00 12:00 60:00 60:00 60:00 60:00 4 4:00 11:00 30:00 60:00 60:00 Conclusions: A formal classification is to be assessed in accordance with EN 13501-5, “Fire classification of construction products and building elements – Part 5: Classification using data from external fire exposure to roof tests”. Remarks: The test results relate to the behaviour of the test specimens of a product under the particular conditions of the test; they are not intended to be the sole criterion for assessing the potential fire hazard of the product in use. W. Scheffer B.Be. C.C.M. Steinhage B.Sc. This report is issued by Efectis Nederland BV (previously TNO Centre for Fire Research). Efectis Nederland BV and her sister company Efectis France are full subsidiaries of Efectis Holding SAS since 1st January 2008, in which the Dutch TNO and the French CTICM participate. The activities of the TNO Centre for Fire Research were privatised in Efectis Nederland BV since 1st July 2006. This is in response to international developments and requests by customers. In order to be able to give a better answer to the customer’s request and offer a more comprehensive service of high quality and a wider range of facilities, the international collaboration has been further expanded. This is done with highly experienced partners in fire safety in Norway (Sintef-NBL), Spain (Afiti-Licof), Germany (IFT), USA (South West Research Institute) and China (TFRI). Further information can be found at our website. Efectis Nederland report | 2010-Efectis-R1091 | November 2010 | Arundo Reed Europe Representative photographs of the tests performed Test 1 ©Efectis Nederland BV - 2010 5/8 Efectis Nederland report | 2010-Efectis-R1091 | November 2010 | Arundo Reed Europe Test 2 ©Efectis Nederland BV - 2010 6/8 Efectis Nederland report | 2010-Efectis-R1091 | November 2010 | Arundo Reed Europe Test 3 ©Efectis Nederland BV - 2010 7/8 Efectis Nederland report | 2010-Efectis-R1091 | November 2010 | Arundo Reed Europe Test 4 ©Efectis Nederland BV - 2010 8/8
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