newsletter octubre 2012 - ACE International Consultants


newsletter octubre 2012 - ACE International Consultants
October 2012
A few words from the President
Dear ACE friends,
This Newsletter edition wants to mark a milestone in ACE’s communication strategy. I am really pleased to announce
you that we have developed new communication tools. We think that these will be a huge asset in our aim to accelerate the process of an effective, transparent and smart communication and build a strong relationship amongst the
community of ACE experts.
For this reason, we have launched a range of initiatives to keep you informed of the new opportunities and events. You
will find frequent project updates and new vacancies available on Linkedin and Twitter. We believe that a
close-knit relationship between our members is essential to create successful outcomes.
Thus, we invite you to take part in this process with us and share your experience and know-how from related fields
of the development sector, connecting yourself on ACE Twitter (@ace_consultants) and Linkedin (Ace International
Consultants) accounts.
As part of this global strategy, we wanted to share with you our willingness to improve the Newsletter. Because it
is important for us to keep the newsletter both interesting and informative, we are open to ideas to help us create new
contents of your interest.
For this purpose, you can participate in this exciting process by sending your comments or suggestions to
Laetitia Mazet from the Expert Centre: [email protected], she will be
happy to receive your feedback.
Table of Contents
The Projects
- Newly Awarded Projects
- Top Story (Croatia, Turkey and Kenya)
I hope we can collaborate in making the new communication tools efficient,
helpful and inspiring!!
Consulting Opportunities
For new projects and vacancies, don’t forget to follow us on
Twitter @ace_consultants & Linkedin Ace International
- Finance and Public Management
- Aid and Social Development Division
- Economic Development, Trade
& Competitiveness Division
- Project Implementation Unit
ACE News
- Social Responsibility Committee
- ACE Staff News
Best wishes to all,
Antonio Bonet
The Projects
Newly Awarded Projects
Project Title
Apoyo a las institucionesdel SICA para las actividades previstas en el marco del Programa PAIRCA II
Mission d’appui à la cellule d’accompagnement du programme “Réussir le statut avancé”
Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Assessment (PEFA) for Local Governments in Uganda
World Bank
d’évaluation du système de gestion des finances publiques de la ville de Cotonou selon la
Mauritania Mission
méthodologie du Programme PEFA
World Bank
Azerbaijan Support to the State Social Protection Fund for the development of a twinning fiche on the introduction of funded element within the insurance-pension system
Estudios y matrices para análisis de situación y perspectivas macro económicas, gestión de finanzas y
rendición de cuentas
Capacity building for officials of the Vietnamese General Department of Taxation on Transfer Pricing
Food Security Programme 2010 - Technical Assistance Team
Support to the Public Debt Division
Herzegovina Cost of Government Study
Mission de suivi du programme PEFESE
ACP Region Feasibility study of an ACP Investment Bank project
Support to develop Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes (standards and curricula)
Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA)
Providing Technical Assistance for the Pre-accreditation Review (Compliance Audit) under IPA Component V – Rural Development (IPARD) on behalf of the CAO and NAO of Turkey
Final Evaluation of the Fifth National Development Plan - Macroeconomic Developments Component
Misión de Asistencia Técnica para el: “Fortalecimiento de la Subsecretaria de Estado de Administración
Assistance in Supply Chain Management in support of the PFM Capacity Development StratSouth Africa Technical
Evaluation of the Grant Programme “Advancing Indonesia’s Civil Society in Trade and InvestIndonesia Midterm
Misión de Apoyo al Comité de Control Interno del Poder Ejecutivo
The Projects
Top Stories
CROACIA - Bilateral meeting between Croatia and Spain
ACE has the honor of being invited to the bilateral meeting “Croatia entering in EU: Spain, your next business partner”
which will be celebrated on Wednesday 24th of October, at the Croatian Chamber of Economy, in Zagreb, Croatia.
At a roundtable morning meeting, representatives of the Croatian Chamber of Economy, EEN (European Enterprise
Network) and organizations from the development sector will discuss new business opportunities, and thereby gain
momentum in the strengthening of commercial ties between the two countries.
ACE’s President, Antonio Bonet, will have the pleasure to hold a conference on “Improving competitiveness and social
development trough European Structural Funds: The Spanish experience”. We wish him good luck.
TURKEY - Technical Assistance on Improved Integration of Disabled Persons into Society
ACE has been awarded in September 2011, by the Central Finance and Contracts Unit of Turkey (CFCU), the project
“Technical Assistance on Improved Integration of Disabled Persons into Society”.
The objective of this project is to promote the equal access for goods, services and all aspects of life for disabled persons in Turkey through promotion and awareness raising activities for a future EU-Turkey Technical Assistance project.
ACE Team of consultants conducted a widespread media campaign to promote visibility and publicity for the future
Technical Assistance project. During the first week of July, posters have been published in 60 billboards in the center of
Ankara, including Bus and Metro stations, promoting the grant component of this future Technical Assistance project.
KENYA - ACP MTS Programme
ACP MTS Programme is an EU financed programme that gives a response to the need to actively involve ACP countries in the multilateral trading system, enhance their national development and support their international integration.
It was specifically designed to provide tutoring activities aimed at creating and/or consolidating negotiation capacities
able to ensure all countries equal benefit from WTO policies and rules. ACE has participated to the High Level Forum
on Emerging Issues and Challenges in the Multilateral Trading System, 11-14 September 2012, in Nairobi KENYA.
The meeting was the opportunity for ACP senior trade officials at national and regional levels to meet and discuss
emerging issues about the multilateral trading system and create awareness about the understanding of these issues to
come up with recommendations for ACP negotiators.The meeting was organized by its Brussels-based PMU and was a
frank success.A total of 107 participants were present.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kenya) came to give the opening
speech. ACE team has also met with the Ministry of Trade (Kenya) and with the president of Tanzania, Jakaya Kikwete.
Now follow us on Twitter
@ace_consultants and Linkedin
Ace International Consultants
Consulting Opportunities
If you are interested in taking part in any of the projects below, and would like further information
please contact the ACE Expert Centre at [email protected]. Please don’t forget to attach your
updated CV!
And now follow us on Twitter
@ace_consultants and Linkedin
Ace International Consultants
Finance and Public Management
Open tenders + Forecast
South Africa
Support to the capacity development and technical cooperation activities and specialised logistical support services through an international tender
Support to coordination and implementation of public administration reform (PAR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina
RS-Belgrade: IPA - Strengthening capacities of the State audit institution of Serbia and support to the capacity
building of the Audit Authority
TA in development ofbusiness statistics and upgrading of data collection system
Improving the statistical information system - Montenegro
We are currently looking for experts with experience in PEFA Assessment
Please contact [email protected] attaching your CV with the following format:
i.e: SMITH_John_ENG_12OCT
Expert 1: Capacity building expert
- Master’s Degree in Capacity Development, and/or Organisational Development, and/or Human Resource Development and/or
Education & Training and/or Business Administration
- 15 years’ general experience in capacity building
- Extensive knowledge in the design and development of capacity development interventions, specifically for the public sector;
-Sound demonstrated experience in the development of Education and Training Development (ETD) solutions.
Expert 2: PFM Capacity building expert
-Masters degree, or equivalent qualification, in Accounting, and/or Budgeting, and/or Economics, and/or Financial Management or an
equivalent qualification in a Public Financial Management field.
-15 years’ general experience in PFM / capacity building
-Extensive demonstrable experience in the development and implementation of PFM capacity development programmes, policies,
standards, frameworks or guidelines in various spheres of government; development and implementation of PFM; development of
Education and Training Development (ETD) solutions; conducting monitoring and evaluation of the implemented PFM and/orcapacity development interventions.
Aid and Social Development
Quality approaches in learning and training patterns in European small firms
Support to the Human Ressources Management Authority
Open tenders + Forecast
Capacitación para la articulación de educación secundaria de jóvenes y adultos con formación profesional
Bosnia and
Entrepreneurial Learning in BiH education systems phase II
Bosnia and
Training in administrative procedures
Consulting Opportunities
If you are interested in taking part in any of the projects below, and would like further information
please contact the ACE Expert Centre at [email protected] Please don’t forget to attach your
updated CV!
and now follow us on Twitter
@ace_consultants and Linkedin
Ace International Consultants
Economic Development,Trade & Competitiveness Division -
Open tenders + Forecast
Region 1: Europe, Mediterranean and Middle East
Technical assistance to consolidate the regional economic development process
Building capacities of institutions involved in the implementation of industrial policy
TR-Ankara: IPA — technical assistance for increasing the adaptability of tradesmen and craftsmen operation
Provision of Advisory Services to SMEs, Phase II
Technical Assistance to the Higher Council for Science and Technology (HCST) for the implementation of the
Support to Research, Technological Development and Innovation Project (SRTD) - Phase II
LB-Beirut: ENPI — strengthening human resources management capacities
We are currently looking for experts in innovation policies with experience in ENPI Southern Region (MEDA) and with
excellent working knowledge of French and English.
Please send your CV at [email protected]
Region 2: Asia and Africa
Papua New
SME’s to access to finance project
Trade related technical assistance Programme 3
Central Asia
Sustainable energy programme for Central Asia: renewable energy sources and energy efficiency
Technical assistance to the SADC Secretariat - Institutional capacity development programme (ICDP)
EU-India capacity-building initiative for trade development (CITD)
Support the alignment of technical regulations and enhancement of the quality infrastructure in Turkmenistan
Support to the long-term strategy economic development and private sector development in Turkmenistan
Trade negociation training and capacity building support to Afghanistan
We are currently looking for expert in Human ressources management and Agriculture and rural development in ACP countries.
Please send your CV at [email protected]
Consulting Opportunities
If you are interested in taking part in any of the projects below, and would like further information
please contact the ACE Expert Centre at [email protected]. Please don’t forget to attach your
updated CV!
And now follow us on Twitter
@ace_consultants and Linkedin
Ace International Consultants
Economic Development,Trade & Competitiveness Division -
Open tenders + Forecast
Region 3: Spain, Caribbean and Latin America
Programa Regional de apoyo a la integración económica centroamericana y a la implementación del Acuerdo de
Costa Rica
Asistencia técnica para el proyecto «€MPRENDE — fortalecimientode las capacidades empresariales de las mujeres para potenciar su autonomíaeconómica» con el Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (INAMU) de Costa Rica
We are currently looking for experts with experience in British & Dutch OCTs in the Caribbean Region:
TL and Experts
10 years experience
5 year in EU projects
Strengthen the capacity of SME Intermediaries
Experience in British & Dutch OCTs
Please contact [email protected] stating which project you are interested in, attaching your CV with the following format:
i.e: SMITH_John_ENG_12OCT
Economic Development,Trade & Competitiveness Division Argelia
Projects under Implementation
Assistance Technique pour le Programme d’Appui aux PME/PMI et à la Maîtrise des nouvelles technologies d’information
et de communication (PMEII)
Recrutement de l’Assistance Technique pour le Programme d’Appui à la mise en oeuvre de l’Accord d’Association
Asistencia Técnica y Servicios para el Programa Integrado de Cohesión Social México-Unión Europea- Lote 1
Programa de Apoyo a la Administración Pública y a la Integración Regional (PAAPIR)
Technical Assistance to the Integration to the Multilateral Trading System and Support to the Integrated Framework
Improvement of Administrative Efficiency on National Level
Support To Ministry Of Trade In The Implementation Of Kenya’s New National Trade Policy And Private Sector Development Strategy Goal 3 (Economic Growth Through Trade Expansion)
Asistencia técnica a la SENPLADES e instituciones del Estado para la consecución y acompañamiento del PASES
(Programa de apoyo al sistema económico, solidario y sostenible del plan nacional de desarrollo de la República del
Technical Expert to update standardisation regulatory framework in Kenya and build capacity for Standards Quality
Management, Metrology and Testing (SQMT)
Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM) for implementation of the National Strategy
for elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
We are currently looking for experts for the following projects:
- Algeria - Study of the organizational structure of “Forum Chef d’Entreprise” / Forum of CEOs
Requirements: Senior expert >15 yrs of experience, experience in the organization of employers’ associations and / or professional
association, knowledge of ISO 9001 in the field of services. Fluent in French
- Algeria - Specifications for the information system for managing the implementation of “Programme National de
Remise à Niveau” / National program for upgrading
Requirements: Computer Expert specialized in Information System. At least 7 years of experience in the design and development of
information systems, experience in the preparation of procurement notices for the acquisition of IT solutions. Fluent in French
- Algeria - ‘Coaching ICT’ and ‘Investments in technology and information systems’
Requirements: At least 10 years of experience in the field of business consulting in ICT. At least 10 missions of advice or training in
the field of Internet applications: project website, e-marketing, e-commerce. Fluent in French
ACE News
ACE’s Social Responsibility Committee
In October 2010 and at its employees´ suggestion, ACE International Consultants first set up its Corporate Social Responsibility
Committee. The CSR committee is composed of staff from different departments and participation is voluntary.
This bottom-up approach to CSR with the full support from ACE´s management has been positive and several initiatives sourcing
from the Committee have been put into place as company policy.
One of the CSR Committee key measures has been the implementation of family-friendly policy through flexible working hours.This
simple measure has led to increased job satisfaction and productivity, allowing each staff member to adapt its working hours to its
own rhythm, professional and personal commitments.
ACE is increasingly involved in reducing its paper consumption and using recycling friendly attitudes. For example, all printers have
been set up by default to print double sided and the paper used is FSC-labelled and chlorine gas-free.
ACE Staff News
New Arrivals
Carlos Callejo Delgado ([email protected]). Carlos has a BA in History and Economics and an MPhil in Latin American
Studies, Carlos has fieldwork experience in Bolivia and has also researched the sustainability of inequality reduction in several Latin
American economies. He joined ACE as Junior Project Manager for the Latin American region. He is fluent in Spanish and English.
Diego Boero Lutz ([email protected]). After his graduation at the European School, Diego focused his career on international and humanitarian issues. Diego is currently working in the Project Implementation Unit and is in charge to provide technical
assistance. He is fluent in Spanish, French and English.
Laetitia Mazet ([email protected]). Over the last 4 years, Laetitia focused her professionnal career on international issues
providing technical assistance for development projects in Latin America. After an internship at the European Commission, Laetitia
joined ACE to work in the Expert Center. Laetitia has a BA in Corporate communication and a Master’s degree in International
Cooperation and Economic Development. She is fluent in French, English and Spanish.
Leticia Narváez Narváez ([email protected]). Leticia oriented her career in the travel management in different companies,
comercial support to different hotels in Spain. She also worked as management assistant in a bank. She joined ACE six months ago
to work as manager assistant in the administration department. She has a BA in Tourism. She is Fluent in Spanish, English and French.
Miguel Santiago-Juarez ([email protected]). Miguel is a lawyer specialized in Human Rights and Public Law. For
the past 3 years, he has been preparing the state exams for access to the Diplomatic corps. He has an extensive knowledge of EU
legal issues, international relations and international public law. As Laetitia, he joined the expert center back in July 2012. He fluently
speaks Spanish, English, French and has a good knowledge of Portuguese.
Sara Cabrejas ([email protected]). During the last year, Sara has been finalizing her degree in Prague where she focused
her Master Thesis on bio-fuels. She is about to be an Agronomic Engineer and very passionate about development issues. She joined
ACE in September. Sara is fluent in Spanish, English and speaks some German.
Silvia Boscolo ([email protected]) Silvia has a degree in Economics and a Master in Community Programs and Policies.
She has consolidated experience in management of EuropeAid Technical Assistance projects for developing countries along the
whole project cycle duration.With a deep knowledge of EU procedures and Project Cycle Management. Silvia joined ACE as Project
Manager of the Framework Contract Division - Business Development Unit. She is fluent in Italian, English and Spanish.
Stéphanie Dupont ([email protected]). Stéphanie holds a Master in International Cooperation from the University Institute of Development and Cooperation. Before her incorporation to ACE as Junior Project Manager for the Region 2 of the Business
Development Unit , Stéphanie worked in various NGO in Spain. Stéphanie is fluent in French, Spanish and English.
Sagunto, 17 y Santa Feliciana, 12. Madrid 28010 - SPAIN
T: (+34) 91 435 15 67 F: (+34) 91 435 01 84
Ace International Consultants