October 11-13 MeadowView Conference Resort and Convention
October 11-13 MeadowView Conference Resort and Convention
Issue 163 September 2012 Focus PUBLISHED BY THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF KINGSPORT October 11-13 MeadowView Conference Resort and Convention Center Ladies Night at the Market, Thursday, 6-10 pm General Shopping, Friday & Saturday, 10 am-7 pm Barn Party-Allandale—Saturday, October 13, 6:30-? Junior League of Kingsport 418 Shelby Street Kingsport, TN 37660 Phone: (423) 245-1321 Fax: (423) 245-3813 Email: [email protected] Web: www.jlkingsport.org MISSION The Junior League of Kingsport is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. A Note From the President.. We are all feeling fall in the air, just this week as temperatures change we are reminded how blessed we are to experience all four seasons. FOOTBALL season is here and everybody is a buzz about the teams they support from High School, to College and the Pros. Even though football and Jr. League seems to be on totally different ends of the spectrum, actually we have a lot in common, such as teamwork, motivation and leadership. I am thankful to be a part of this organization of women in leadership bringing their time, skills and talents to make a difference in our community. We just wrapped up the Provisional Trolley Tour and had a great time with our new members to league. It was refreshing to be reminded of all the organizations Jr. League has had a part in founding, supporting or provided trained leaders in these organizations. As we ended our evening at Girls Inc. they shared stories and needs of the girls that most of us take for granted. One of the things they have is a gift reward room, where they 2012-2013 Board of Directors earn points to pick an item they want. There are toys for the younger girls, and one of the things she shared was President ......................... SHARON DUNCAN President-Elect ....................... LINDSEY RAY most of the older girls love makeup, toiletries, makeup or Community VP ................ JENNIFER BAKER tote bags, straightening irons, curling irons, etc. and they Personnel VP .................... TAYLOR BROWN are always in short supply. I am asking you to go Recording Secretary ............ LORA BARNETT through those makeup gift bags we get, and most of us Membership Secretary......... SARAH HAYNIE Financial VP ............ CLAIRE ADDLESTONE never use, and bring any items to our General MemberTreasurer ................... CATHERINE TUCKER ship Meeting on September 25. I will make a delivery to Asst. Personnel VP........ KRISTA OSTERHUS Girls Inc. that week. "Make a Difference" by helping to Finance Mem. at Large ......................... TACIE BAUMRUCKER boost a young lady's self esteem. Sustainer Advisor ....................DONNA COBB Committee Chairs Arrangements................... ASHLEY TAYLOR CEE .............................. HAYLEY DIETRICK JANE HENRY Communications/PR. MARY GLENN LIVELY Comm. Connections ......... JENNIFER BAKER Comm. Research/Scholarship/Grants .... CATY ROSE Holiday Market .................... JULIE PIERSON KATIE HOLT Mem. Development ................. CARY BOGGS CASIE GRUBBS Nominating ....................... TREVA TARPLEY Placement ......................... TAYLOR BROWN Second Harvest ........................ EMIILE PARK TAPA ................................. ERIKA PHILLIPS September is Hunger Action Month , and Jr. League of Kingsport doesn't have to be reminded because we support programs on hunger all league year. I am so thankful we have the Second Harvest Project where we help to support children that are on free or reduced meal plan to have food over the weekend. We are also proud to be a part of the Second Harvest Annual Food Drive at local Food City locations helping to feed the hungry. Sincerely, Sharon Duncan JLK President 2012-13 Page 3 FOCUS September 2012 Holiday Market 2012 From Holiday Market Committee Co-Chars— Get Your Jingle On! It is (almost) Holiday Market Time. We are getting close to Holiday Market time, ladies! We hope everyone has had a wonderful summer and is ready to kick back into high gear. The Holiday Market Committee has been hard at work this summer getting everything ready to go. We have many new and exciting vendors as well as many repeat vendors. Ladies Night at the Market is promising to be a fun-filled evening for you and your friends. Friday we are planning to have an event during the day to help fundraise and to draw a larger crowd during the day. The Evening at the Market is coming along nicely and will be a fabulous event on Saturday evening to close out our fundraising weekend (more details to come!). So many fun and exciting opportunities to have a great time while helping our community (and working on your Christmas shopping list!). Over the coming weeks we will be sending e-mails out that have photos of what our vendors are bringing this year for JLK members to see and to send to their friends (all sorts of wonderful vendors!). We are all so very excited about this year’s Holiday Market, and we are looking forward to working with everyone to make this year incredibly successful. Thank you for your support. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call Julie’s cell at 865207-3031 or email [email protected]. Now for the important information— Dates & Times Ladies Night at the Market—Thursday, October 11 (6-10 PM) General Shopping—Friday, October 12 (10 AM – 7 PM) General Shopping—Saturday, October 13 (10 AM – 7 PM) Barn Party-Allandale—Saturday, October 13 (6:30-?) Page 4 FOCUS September 2012 Member Work Shifts and Financial Requirements Tuesday, October 9—Sunday, October 14 (sign-up sheets will be emailed soon) • All Active and Provisional members are required to work two 3-hour shifts • Sign-up information for work shifts will be emailed soon. • The following are ticket sales requirements; tickets may be purchased in any combination (i.e. all General Shopping, some General Shopping combined with Ladies Night or Evening at the Market): ~ Provisionals—$75 ~ Actives—$100 ~ Senior Active Silver—$50 (half the requirement for Actives) ~ Senior Active Gold Fundraising—$100 Auction Items—Need Your Help! We are in the process of getting all of our auction items lined up—for both the silent auctions and the live auction. However, if you have anything that you would like to donate as an auction item of anyone you can contact for an auction item, please let us know! Our silent and live auctions are critical to the success of Holiday Market! Sponsors We are working on getting all the sponsorships lined up. However, if you have a company, friend acquaintance, complete stranger (you get the idea, right??) that you think would be a good fit as a Holiday Market sponsor, please let us know. It’s not too late! We will arrange to contact them and see if we can get them to be a sponsor. ~ Senior Active Gold Placement—no work or financial requirements • Tickets will be for sale at the Summer Social, the September General Membership Meeting, at JLK Headquarters and online at www.jlkingsport.org. Page 5 FOCUS September 2012 Join us for the Holiday Market 2012, presented by your very own Junior League of Kingsport! Holiday Market will be held again at the award-winning MeadowView Marriott Conference Resort and Convention Center. We continue to hand-select vendors that will showcase fine art, collectibles, home decor, gourmet foods and accessories for men, women and children that are not readily available in our area. Mark your calendars, ladies . . . shop ‘til you drop while continuing to support our many programs that help the children and women in our community! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ General Shopping—Holiday Market is open to the public all day Friday and Saturday. Single Day Pass—$5 per day Weekend Pass—$8 (Friday & Saturday) Ladies' Night Barn Party Thursday, October 11th Saturday, October 13th 6:00pm- 10:00pm 6:30 pm - ?? Hi, ladies! Grab a girlfriend or two or three! Turn your Girls' Night End your week in style at our Barn Party-Allandale on Saturday, October 13. Enjoy this evening with Out into a shopping extravaganza at Holiday Market's Ladies' Night. Enjoy the delicious hors your friends and loved ones! Remember that we d'oeuvres and have a cocktail or two. Stroll up will have a silent and live auction . . . so bid freely and generously! and down the aisles and booth-shop . . . sample the chocolates, dips, sauces . . . admire the Tickets—$45 each pretty, one of a kind pieces of jewelry . . . visual(includes dinner, adult beverages, ize your home with that special painting or entertainment and dancing) sculpture! Don't forget to check out the silent Julie Pierson & Katie Holt, auction table. Vendors and local businesses Holiday Market 2012 Co-Chairs have selected a few of their favorite items for you to bid on! Invite your best friends, your neighbor, your mom and your sister! We guarantee a fabulous time! Tickets—$35 each Page 6 FOCUS September 2012 Welcome back ladies! We hope you had a wonderful summer full of new memories to share and are excited to get moving on a new year with the Junior League of Kingsport! We'd like to introduce you to the Second Harvest Committee. New to the 2012-2013 Junior League of Kingsport! This committee will primarily serve as the base of information and collaborative work effort for the previously known "Backpack for Kids" committee and the Second Harvest Food Drive project under Community Connections. Currently, we have five members: Tacie Baumrucker, Hollie Pennington, Logan Begley, Caty Rose and chair, Emilie Park. Each month we will be accepting bulk shipment from Second Harvest at JLK HQ, packing and delivering bags to the many needy children in our area schools that are not always guaranteed a solid meal over the weekend when school is not in session. We are truly honored and humbled by this community-wide endeavor and look forward to being part of this much needed project. The schools we will be servicing are: Ketron Elementary School, Central Heights Elementary School, Sullivan North Middle School and Sullivan North High School. There are hundreds of children that will benefit from the few hours we work together each month. If you would like to volunteer a few hours a month packing bags or delivering food to these schools while engaging in some fellowship with a very chill group of gals, I encourage you to call or email me. Here's to another great year! Emilie Park Second Harvest Committee Chair 423.579.8211 The Community Research/Mini-Grant/Scholarship Committee has begun work on the mini-grant process for the 2012-2013 League year. Applications may be requested by email to [email protected] or downloaded from the JLK website, www.jlkingsport.org. The JLK Mini-Grant Program is designed to meet an immediate, specific need within the community. Mini-Grant requests that serve a need of developing the potential of women and/or promoting educational opportunities for children and youth are considered. Applicants must be a 501(c)3 non profit organization. Requests are not considered for fundraising drives, building fund or capital, individual or religious projects, or to cover administrative expenses. Applications are considered individually. Applications must be postmarked or received in person by October 12,2012. Mini-Grant recipients will be notified in December and the Mini-Grants will be awarded in January of 2013. If you have any questions, please call me at 423-6124037 or email [email protected]. Thank you! Caty Rose Community Research/Scholarship/Grants Chair Page 7 FOCUS September 2012 Junior League of Kingsport’s School for Kids With Cancer and Immune Deficiency Diseases Update from Children Exceeding Expectations School— We’re looking forward to another great year for our Children Exceeding Expectations School for kids with cancer and immune deficiency diseases. Our opening school date is October 12th. Once again, our school will be housed at Bristol Motor Speedway (BMS). The speedway has been very generous in providing for our needs and continues to support us in all that we do. Children Exceeding Expectations Co-Chair Here are a few things that have happened since our last Hayley Dietrich and JLK President Sharon report: Duncan. • CEE students were invited by BMS to be in the Transporters Parade at the August Bristol race. They started the day with a special lunch from Chick-fil-A followed by a ride around on the track. They met special drivers, got to climb into the haulers and see where the race cars are stored, where the truck drivers sleep, where the boys watch tv and where all the fun stuff is. During the parade, the kids rode in the front seat and talked on the CBs to each other. They parked the cars// trucks in starting order for Saturday’s race and then fell fast asleep (it was a busy and exciting day!). • Members of the CEE Committee and other volunteer helpers staffed a souvenir stand for race weekend as a fundraiser for CEE School. BMS will make a donation to the school. We’ll be setting up our classroom in the next few weeks and will let JLK members know when help is needed. As always, thanks for your support and encouragement. JLK’s work with these children and their families really does change lives! Hayley Dietrich and Jane Henry, CEE Co-Chairs Page 8 FOCUS September 2012 On Sept. 6th, the provisional class went on the annual JLK trolley tour. Before the tour, we met with our President and President Elect as well as Julie Pierson who explained Holiday Market and the provisional requirements for our fund raiser. Our first stop on the tour was at the V.O. Dobbins center. We discussed all the important organizations JLK has played a vital role in developing as well as the current projects in which we are affiliated. After the V.O. Dobbins center, we stopped at Girls Inc. This has become one of our favorite stops on the tour because of the passion and drive that Julie, the director of Girls Inc., possess for "her girls". We discussed past provisional projects that have been completed at Girls Inc., the need of the children who attend the program, and our annual Thanksgiving dinner we serve to the girls and their families. Finally, we traveled to Rascals and the Child Development Center downtown and learned that the Kingsport Jr. League was the organization that first created the Head Start program for all of our region! Our trolley tour proved to be a great success. We not only learned more about the history and accomplishments of JLK, but also had a great time getting to know each other as well. We would like to say a big "Thank you" to Sharon Duncan and Lindsey Ray for being such wonderful and resourceful tour guides! Cary Boggs, Casie Grubbs, & Emilie Park Membership Development Committee Updates Needed for Member Contact Information If any of your contact information has changed, please notify the JLK office as soon as possible to update. Actives and Provisionals - if you would like to update your picture in the membership directory, please send a digital headshot to the JLK office by email. Thank you! Mary Glenn Lively Communications/Public Relations Chair Page 9 FOCUS September 2012 Thank you to all who came to the summer social. It was a fun evening and a great way to start off our new league year! JLK Board of Directors will be providing food for the General Membership Meeting in September. The following Placement Groups will provide food for the General Membership Meetings: October November December January February March April May Julie Person’s Placement Group Sarah Haynie’s Placement Group No GMM Katie Holt’s Placement Group Taylor Brown’s Placement Group Cary Boggs/Casie Grubbs Placement Group BOD/Executive Committees Dinner Meeting TBA Here are a few things to remember: 1. When bringing refreshments please bring them in a disposable container if you do not plan to stay to the end of the meeting. 2. Each group should plan on bringing drinks as well. 3. The Arrangements Committee provides all of the paper products. 4. When it is your turn, plan on enough for about 30 people. 5. Please have your refreshments at the meeting by 6:30, the beginning of soial time. Ashley Taylor Arrangements Chair Page 10 FOCUS September 2012 The new League year has started and it is time be active and involved in the community. There are many great opportunities for JLK to be involved in. Please show your support this year by being a part of the various activities. Volunteering is generally considered a principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others intended to promote good or improve human quality of life.. It is considered as serving the society through one's own interests, personal skills or learning, which in return produces a feeling of self-worth and respect, instead of money. Volunteering is also famous for skill development, socialization and fun. Community Voluntary Work Community volunteering refers to volunteers who work to improve community enhancement efforts in the area in which they live. Neighborhood, church, and community groups play a key role in building strong cities from the neighborhoods up. Supporting these understaffed groups can enable them to succeed in a variety of areas, which connect social, environmental, and economic boundaries. Jennifer Baker JLK Community VP / Community Connections Chair Ladies… I am so excited to officially start another league year! I want to make an effort to get to know each of you better and I encourage all JLK members to reach out and get to know one another. Please feel free to contact me anytime concerning your placement or if you have any other internal question/concern about Our League. Remember that you can always turn to your Placement Advisor if you need anything at all. We are all here to support you and make your experience in JLK as meaningful and rewarding as possible. Taylor Brown, Personnel VP Page 11 FOCUS September 2012 2012-2013JLKPlacements EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President President Elect Financial VP Recording Secretary Membership Secretary Personnel VP Community VP Sustainer Other Asst. Personnel VP Treasurer ARRANGEMENTS Chair Members Sharon Duncan Lindsey Ray Claire Addlestone Lora Barnett Sarah Haynie Taylor Brown Jennifer Baker Donna Cobb Krista Osterhus Catherine Tucker PLACEMENT Personnel VP (Ch.) Asst. Personnel VP (Asst. Ch.) T.A.P.A. Chair President Elect Mary Glenn FINANCE Finance VP Treasurer President Elect Community Research Chair Fundraising Treasurer MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Co-Chairs Claire Addlestone Catherine Tucker Lindsey Ray Katie Rose Treva Tarpley Carrie Boggs Casie Grubbs NOMINATING Chair Treva Tarpley Assistant Chair’s Angie Davis & Maranda Demuth Member Lisa Lohoff Past President (non-voting) Sharon Duncan Personnel VP (non-voting) Taylor Brown Emilie Park Tacie Baumrucker Hollie Pennington Katie Rose Becky Britton Lindsey Ray Executive Committee CHILDREN EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS Co -Chairs Hayley Dietrich & Jane Henry Amy Margaret McColl HOLIDAY MARKET Katie Skelton Co-Chair Co-Chair COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS Assistant Co-Chair Chair Jennifer Baker Membership Requirements Members Cassie Hudson Treasurer Julie Raines Members Amber Sykes Logan Begley Maggie Booher COMMUNITY RESEARCH/GRANTS/SCHOLARSHIP Chair Caty Rose Members Susan Creech Claire Addlestone Catherine Tucker Jennifer Baker Erika Phillips Lindsey Ray Lora Barnett SECOND HARVEST Chair Members Ashley Taylor FUTURE PLANNING Meaghan Guest Wolfe Chair Brooks Pond\ Members Jill Rose COMMUNICATIONS/PR Chair Lively Members Taylor Brown Krista Osterhus Gina Bradley Vandi France Bobbie Frentz Hannah Harvey Stephanie Kingsley Mary Glenn Lively Julie Pierson Katie Holt Becky Britton Treva Tarpley Jessica McCurry Amanda McDowell Rachel Ralston Shelly Reeves Amy Rebecca Steadman Allison Stewart SENIOR ACTIVE FUNDRAISING Beth Chandler Heather Kunysz SENIOR ACTIVE SILVER PLACEMENT Lisa Lohoff Becky Britton Angie Davis Maranda Demuth Casie Grubbs Shannon Hyatt Hayley Dietrich SENIOR ACTIVE GOLD PLACEMENT Beth Chandler Jane Henry Page 12 FOCUS September 2012 2012-2013 Placement Groups Julie Pierson Katie Holt Taylor Brown Lora Barnett Jennifer Baker Susan Creech Gina Bradley Angie Davis Meaghan Guest-Wolfe Stephanie Kingsley Hannah Harvey Heather Kunysz Shannon Hyatt Mary Glenn Lively Amy Margaret McColl Jessica McCurry Emilie Park Tina Pasquale Brooks Pond Rachel Ralston Julie Raines Jill Rose Caty Rose Katie Skelton Amy Steadman Sarah Haynie Claire Addlestone Tacie Baumrucker Logan Begley Maggie Booher Beth Chandler Becky Britton Hayley Dietrich Maranda Demuth Bobbie Frentz Sharon Duncan Lisa Lohoff Vandi France Katy Mink Jane Henry Krista Osterhus Cassie Hudson Erika Phillips Lindsey Ray Shelly Reeves Allison Stewart Amber Sykes Treva Tarpley Ashley Taylor Catherine Tucker Casie Grubbs / Cary Boggs Provisionals Ashley Britt Rachel Burdine Brandi Cantwell Katie Coffman Stefanie Cooley Jennifer Fox Jessica Genco-Grisby Laura Guthrie Ashley Hobbs Marina Matthew Kevon McCrary Stephanie Robinette Page 13 FOCUS September 2012 Happy Birthday from JLK September 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 27 29 Suzanne Boles Nancy Tate Sarah Brunson Casie Grubbs Sylvia Caldwell Nelle Sipe Carolyn McPherson Tacie Baumrucker Meaghan Guest-Wolfe Alice Page Jane Harris Heather Kynysz Susan Lauhoff Christina Nix Brooks Pond Mary Ruth Claudia Tustin Susan Dedrick Sherry Spadafino Betty Nelle Duke DeLois Anderson Mary Ann Smith Betty Elam Linda Martin Leslie Ridings Elaine Bodenweiser Tonya Ick Catherine Rose Gail Cole Tracy Dishner Julie Pierson October 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 21 22 26 31 Nancy Burem Anne Hadden Valerie Ketron Jo Brock Christine Morrison Donna Cobb Barbara Holt Pat Bryan Charlotte DeVault Caty Rose Melinda Hatfield Mitzi Gilmer Sheila Moss Jeanette Blazier Martha Mewbourne Doris Bush Susan LaGuardia Sandra McGinnis Katherine Buckles Retta Overturf Katherine Hawk Elyse McCoskey Betsy Schrum Vickie Snodgrass Deborah DeBraal Elizabeth Boyd Congratulations to: • Demuth family... John Christopher was born Sat., Sept. 1st at 9 lbs., 10 oz.! Prayers for: • Jessica McCurry’s (Active) family as her grandmother passed away in June. • Jane Gibson’s (Sustainer) family. She passed away on July 15th. • Gail Cole’s (Sustainer) family. Her mother passed away on Sept. 6th. Page 14 FOCUS September 2012 Junior League of Kingsport General Membership Meeting Minutes May 22, 2012 May Dinner Meeting Ridgefields Country Club President Kyla McCoy Recording Secretary Jane Henry The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Kyla McCoy, President. A quorum was present. Kyla welcomed all the JLK Annual Dinner Meeting and welcomed special guests. Agenda: MOTION was made by Emilie Park to approve the Agenda. Motion seconded by Pam Davis and approved by voice vote. Minutes: Minutes from the April, 2012, General Membership Meeting were reviewed. MOTION was made by Lora Barnette to approve the April minutes. Motion seconded by Donna Cobb and approved by voice vote. Birthday Drawing: Lindsey Ray presented a gift to the Birthday Drawing winner. President’s Remarks: Kyla McCoy, President, welcomed all to General Membership Meeting (GMM). She shared that a new JLK Office Manager has been hired. Information about her is in the Focus. She is in the process of training with Karen Schallon, previous Office Manager, and she will be at the May Dinner meeting. Birthday Drawing: Lindsey Ray, Personnel VP, held a drawing with the names of all members with March birthdays and presented a gift to the member whose name was drawn. Committee Reports Membership Development: Angie Davis and Maranda Demuth, Membership Development Co-Chairs, welcomed and introduced members of the JLK 2012-13 Provisional class. Community Research/Mini-Grants/Scholarship: Hayley Dietrich, Chair, introduced Katy Mink, recipient of the 2012 JLK Scholarship. Hayley shared a little about Katy and her community service, and Katy then spoke to members and thanked for the honor of being chosen. Membership Awards: Catherine Tucker, Membership Secretary, presented the following awards to member recipients: Members with Perfect Attendance for 2011-12; Members with 5 Years of Active Service; Members with 10 Years of Active Service; Members with 15 Years of Active Service; Members with 25 Years of Active Service. Marie Schulken Most Outstanding Sustainer Award: Kyla McCoy, President, shared with members that a new award was established this year and will be presented annually at the JLK May Dinner Meeting – the Marie Schulken Most Outstanding Sustainer Award. The first recipient of this award was in attendance at the May Dinner Meeting, Mrs. Jeanette Blazier. Jeanette is a JLK Past President, is former Mayor of the City of Kingsport and has served on countless community boards and in other roles of community service. In accepting her award, Jeanette shared how her work through JLK helped prepare her for the jobs she has held since then. She thanked members for the honor of receiving the award. JLK Sustainers’ Most Outstanding Active Award: Donna Cobb, JLK Sustainer Advisor, presented the 2011-12 Sustainer’s Most Outstanding Active award to Emilie Park. Donna shared that the Sustainer Committee considered members’ service and leadership through JLK and also their community service through other organizations. Emilie thanked members for being chosen for the award. Page 15 FOCUS September 2012 Thank Yous and Outgoing President’s Remarks: Kyla McCoy, Outgoing President, presented Thank You gifts to members of the 2011-12 Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Kyla also presented a Thank You gift to Nicholas Schallon, son of JLK Office Manager Karen Schallon, for his work at JLK Headquarters as part of his Eagle Scout Project. Kyla shared a special thank you with her husband, Mitch, for his support and encouragement throughout the year. In closing, Kyla thanked all members for their hard work and dedication during the year. She shared that she, Mitch and their son will be moving to Mississippi soon but that she will not forget the good friends and hard working ladies she has met and gotten to know through JLK. She thanked members for giving her the opportunity to serve as President. 2012-13 Incoming President’s Remarks: Kyla McCoy, Outgoing President, introduced Sharon Duncan, Incoming President. Sharon thanked members for the opportunity to serve and shared some thoughts on why JLK has been special to her through the years, in happy times and in sad, and also shared her vision for next year’s work. Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned by Sharon Duncan at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: Jane Henry, JLK Recording Secretary Junior League of Kingsport September 4, 2012 Board Action MOTION was made by Catherine Tucker, Treasurer, on behalf of Claire Addlestone, Financial VP, to accept the financials to be filed for audit. Motion seconded by Mary Glenn Lively, Communications/PR Chair, and approved by voice vote. MOTION was made by Catherine Tucker, Treasurer/Former Membership Secretary, to resign the following members. Maternity Leave: Maranda Demuth. New Member – Transfer: Amy Steadman. Reinstatement of Sustainers: Bonnie Macdonald, Katherine Scoggins. Resigned in Good Standing (Actives): Lisa Knape, Katy Mink and Leslie Webb. Resigned in Good Standing (Sustainers): Shanna Tincher. Resigned in Poor Standing for non-payment of dues: Karen Randolph, Kelly Breeding and Sherry Latimer. Deceased: Jane Gibson (Sustainer). Motion was seconded by Taylor Brown and approved by voice vote. Page 16 FOCUS September 2012 September General Membership Meeting September 25, 2012 First Broad Street United Methodist Church 6:30 pm - Social 7:00 pm - Call to Order Agenda 1. Call to Order and Welcome Sharon Duncan 2. Administrative Business A. B. C. D. Approve Agenda* Approve May 22, 2012, GMM Minutes* President’s Remarks Birthday Drawing Sharon Duncan Sharon Duncan Sharon Duncan Taylor Brown 3. Committee Reports A. Arrangements B. Children Exceeding Expectations C. D. E. F. Communications/PR Community Connections Community Research/Mini-Grants/Scholarships Holiday Market G. Membership Development H. I. J. K. Nominating Placement Second Harvest TAPA Ashley Taylor Hayley Dietrich & Jane Henry Mary Glenn Lively Jennifer Baker Caty Rose Julie Pierson Katie Holt Carrie Boggs Casie Grubbs Treva Tarpley Taylor Brown Emilie Park Erika Phillips 4. Unfinished Business Sharon Duncan 5. New Business Sharon Duncan 6. Announcements & Adjournment Sharon Duncan *Items with and asterisk require a vote. The Junior League of Kingsport is an organization of women committed to promoting Voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities Through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Page 17 FOCUS 423423-245245-1321 September 2012 418 Shelby Street Kingsport, TN 37660 [email protected] Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday 11 am - 3 pm , and Thursday 11-3 pm www.JLKingsport.org October Important Dates September Important Dates 2 EXEC Meeting, HQ, 5:15 pm BOD Meeting, HQ, 6:30 pm 5 FOCUS Deadline Holiday Market - Ladies’ Night Meadowview Conference Resort 11 and Convention Center 6:00 - 10:00 pm GMM, FBSUMC 6:30 pm Social 25 7:00 pm Call to Order Holiday Market - General Shopping Meadowview Conference Resort 12- and Convention Center 13 10:00 am -6:00 pm JLK Barn Party at Allandale Barn 6:15 pm - ???? GMM/Cluster Meeting 16 FBSUMC 6:30 pm Social 7:00 pm Call to Order
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