June 19, 2016 Bulletin - Our Lady of Victory Parish
June 19, 2016 Bulletin - Our Lady of Victory Parish
OUR LADY OF VICTORY CHURCH 2 FLORAL PARKWAY FLORAL PARK, NY 11001-3198 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Thomas M. Fusco, Pastor Rev. Rony Fabien, Associate Pastor Rev. John D. McCarthy Lawrence Mulligan, Deacon Christopher Loester, Seminarian Rev. Msgr. Charles J. Nosser, Pastor Emeritus Rev. John V. O’Farrell, Pastor Emeritus Peg Augello, Principal Christine Fuchs, Director of Faith Formation Mary Garofalo, Director of Adult Faith Formation Maureen Russell, Director of Parish Outreach Michael Foley, Youth Minister Jane Parrinelli, Administrative Assistant Matthew Zinser, Music Director MASS SCHEDULE CONTACTS Daily Masses: Monday - Friday: 8:30 am, 12 noon Weekend Masses: Saturday: 8:30 am, 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am (Family Mass), 12 noon, 1:30 pm, 5:30 pm Rectory Office: 516-354-0482 Rectory Office Fax: School: Faith Formation: Convent: Parish Outreach: 516-354-7450 516-352-4466 516-352-0510 516-354-2150 516-352-5400 VISION STATEMENT WE, the parish of Our Lady of Victory, proclaim with joy the presence of Jesus in the world through Word, Sacrament, and deed. It is through our discipleship that we recognize our connection to God, our neighbor, and our deepest spiritual selves. WE, seek to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ by: + Welcoming all with kindness, compassion and hospitality. + Nourishing the faith life of the community through prayer, fellowship and education. + Reverencing the dignity of each person by celebrating the beauty of life from conception to natural death. + Nurturing the gifts of all so that each person may live out his or her unique and personal call from God. + Caring for the needs of the less fortunate by empowering our parish community to answer that call. WE, do this in the name of Jesus Christ and the mandate: “See those Christians how they love one another!” TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 19, 2016 Saturday 8:30 am 4:00 pm 5:30 pm June 18 Raymond Dean Guido Parisi & Anthony Adams Marie Hooker Anthony Bianco Teresa Asheown Richard Chilelli Andrew & Barbara Welki Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 19 7:30 am Father’s Day Novena 9:00 am Angelo Cutone & Fiorentino Liberta 10:30 am George F. Long, MD 12 noon O’Reilly & McMurrer Family Paul Lettis Edward Reid Hughie McGuire James Finlay 1:30 pm Dominick Pellegrino 5:30 pm Parishioners of OLV Monday 8:30 am 12 noon June 20 Father’s Day Novena Patrick Lonergan Tuesday 8:30 am 12 noon June 21 St. Aloysisu Gonzaga Father’s Day Novena Anne Nahman Wednesday June 22 Saints Paulinus of Nola, John Fisher, Thomas More 8:30 am Father’s Day Novena 12 noon Anna Egan 7:00 pm Mass for Religious Liberty MEMORIALS SANCTUARY LAMP DONATED IN MEMORY OF KATHLEEN & MICHAEL TUOHY ALTAR BREAD & WINE DONATED IN MEMORY OF FREDDIE & JOHN HURLEY Sunday, June 12, 2016 $22,241 Youth Ministry Collection $4950 Thursday 8:30 am 12 noon June 23 Father’s Day Novena Salvatore Ramindino Friday June 24 The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 8:30 am Father’s Day Novena 12 noon Deceased members of the Fisichelli Family Saturday 8:30 am 4:00 pm 5:30 6:30 pm pm June 25 Father’s Day Novena Constance Figueroa Stephen Tholl Fr. Tom Phillips Anthony Bianco Ann Brancaleone Nora & James Deen Special Needs Mass Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26 7:30 am Father’s Day Novena 9:00 am Parishioners of OLV 10:30 am Tim Nash 12 noon Lang & Frank Family Andrew Giuntini O’Reilly & McMurrer Family Vincent Giordano Calvin Hayes 1:30 pm Spletzer & Sciattera Family 5:30 pm Douglas Dillon Altar Server Band # 1 Kitty Walsh & Mary Ann Reid Presider Schedule Saturday, June 18 4:00 pm Fr. Joe Fitzgerald 5:30 pm Fr. Rony Sunday, June 19 7:30 am Fr. Joe Fitzgerald 9:00 am Fr. Rony 10:30 am Fr. John 12 noon Fr. Tom 1:30 pm Fr. John 5:30 pm Fr. Tom Saturday, June 25 4:00 pm Fr. Tom 5:30 pm Fr. Rony 6:30 pm Fr. Tom Sunday, June 26 7:30 am Fr. Rony 9:00 am Fr. Rony 10:30 am Fr. Tom 12 noon Fr. Tom 1:30 pm Fr. Tom 5:30 pm Fr. Nick Zientarski Dear Parishioners, Happy Father’s Day! Thank you to all Fathers for their dedication, leadership and example! Your witness helps to build strong families, which in turn, build a strong community! And your example reflects the love of God the Father of us all! Fortnight for Freedom The Fortnight for Freedom begins on June 21st and continues until the 4th of July. During these days we focus on Religious Freedom in our country, and our need to be vigilant in regard to protecting that freedom. The following events are scheduled: Wednesday, June 22nd - Feast of St. Thomas More - Mass at 7 pm and a presentation by Barbara Samuells, the president of Catholics for the Freedom of Religion. Monday, June 27th - Diocesan Rally for Religious Freedom at St. John the Baptist High School in West Islip at 6:30 pm Friday, July 1st - 7:00 pm - Holy Hour for Religious Freedom Monday, July 4th - 8:30 am - Mass for Religious Liberty Please attend all or any of these events. Adult Education Course - Old Testament Mary Garofalo, our Director of Adult Faith Formation, will begin a series of adult education classes this Tuesday, June 21st from 7 pm to 9 pm in the Faith Formation Office. The first 5 week course will be on the Old Testament. All parishioners are welcome, and catechists are encouraged to attend. Prayers for Victims Let us continue to pray for the victims of the senseless and tragic shooting in Orlando last weekend - for the souls of the departed, the healing of the injured, and the consolation of the bereaved. Gym Project With the writers’ permission, I would like to share this letter I received with you: June 8, 2016 Dear Father Tom, Your plans to refurbish the OLV gymnasium has caused us to remember the fond memories of our time spent there. The many parties and dances we have attended over the years, Kindergarten Graduation, the Father Daughter Dance, School plays, and Fashion Shows to name a few Our daughter Gillian, who attended OLV School and graduated in 1994, was a member of the OLV CYO Diocesan Champion Basketball team that was undefeated for the four years they played. My husband Michael was the Treasurer for the CYO and I worked for 8 years in the front office of OLV School. We have spent a great deal of time there as members of the OLV family. It is because of these memories and our understanding of how integral the gym is to the life of the parish that we are very pleased to be able to donate to your much needed Gym Renovation Project. We are very happy to have you here as our Pastor and we wish you continued success in all your endeavors which benefit the parishioners of OLV. Yours sincerely, Michael & Kathleen McGovern I am very appreciative of the McGoverns’ letter and their generosity. I suspect that many other parishioners share similar experiences and sentiments surrounding our OLV Gym. To date, 185 families have contributed $80,000 towards the project. Brochures and return envelopes are available at the doors of the church. Thank you for your generosity! Praised be the name of Jesus Christ now and forever! Fr. Tom Basic Religious Studies Course Series This course is for anyone pursuing a Basic Religious Studies certificate. This series of courses is designed for teachers, catechists and interested adults. COURSES OFFERED Old Testament Ecclesiology June 21—July 19, 2016: 7:00—9:00 pm February 28—March 28, 2017 Our Lady of Victory—Faith Formation Office Instructor: Mary Garofalo Instructor: Mary Garofalo New Testament Sacraments/Liturgy August 2—August 30, 2016: 7:00—9:00 pm June 20—July 18, 2017: 7:00—9:00 pm Our Lady of Victory—Faith Formation Office Our Lady of Victory—Faith Formation Office Instructor: Mary Garofalo Instructor: Mary Garofalo Christology Living the Christian Life September 27—October 25, 2016 August 1—August 29, 2017: 7:00—9:00 pm Instructor: Mary Garofalo Our Lady of Victory—Faith Formation Office Instructor: Mary Garofalo Please print and return to the rectory Name__________________________________________________Phone_______________________________ Address_______________________________________________City/Zip______________________________ Email______________________________________________________________________________________ Please check the courses you plan to attend Old Testament New Testament Christology Ecclesiology Living the Christian Life Sacraments/Liturgy Our Lady of Victory Summer 2016 Hours: 9:00 AM – 12:00PM in Memorial Hall Adult Leaders: Noreen Dodson, Anne Sweeney, Carole Timlin All children entering Pre-K through those who have completed 3rd grade are invited to a end OLV Bible Camp. Children will listen to Bible stories about living as the kind of neighbors Jesus would want us to be! They will par cipate in indoor/outdoor recrea onal ac vi es, make art projects and enjoy tasty snacks. A registered nurse is also on staff for those daily booboos and allergies. Please print all informaƟon Name:____________________________________________Age:_________________Grade in Sept:___________ Address:__________________________________________City:_________________Zip:____________ Name of Parent/Guardian:_______________________________________________________________ Email:___________________________________________ Home Phone:______________________________ Cell Phone:_______________________________________ Any allergies? _____________________________ Please check your preference(s): July 5-8 (Tues-Fri): _________ July 11-14 (Mon-Thurs): _________ July 18-21 (Mon-Thurs):_________ July 25-28 (Mon-Thurs): _________ All 4 weeks: __________ Each week costs $80.00 per child. Please make checks payable to Our Lady of Victory Church. Peter’s Pence Collection Weekend of June 25-26 Next week our diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides the Holy Father with the funds he needs to carry out his most important charitable works. The proceeds benefit the most Disadvantaged victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters. Through your generosity, we can cast the peace of Christ upon the world. From the desk of Maureen . . . Our food pantry has been reaching more and more of those in need in the last few months. Our numbers have almost doubled! Thank to your continued support. We have been able to continue to feed all of these families and still have enough to send to other needy parishes. St. Mary of the Isle and O.L. of Loretto thank you. Our pantry needs: ♦ Chef boy-r-dee meats ♦ Canned stew ♦ Canned fruit ♦ Dried milk OUR LADY OF VICTORY ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY Cordially invites all parish mothers to a year-end Tea Party. Join us on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm ( bring your own tea cup) at the Parish Center (old convent) -201 Plainfield Ave, to celebrate a successful year, and provide insight about the Rosary Altar Society. If you have questions, please contact: Anne Marie Tweedy McGeever 516-225-6377 or Janice Harnett 516-437-3955 Thank you and God bless you! Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the homebound. Please contact the rectory office. You are cordially invited to join Father Alessandro da Luz as he celebrates the One Year Anniversary of Priestly Ordination on Monday, June 20th at 7pm Mass—Our Holy Redeemer Church, 37 South Ocean Ave, Freeport. Light refreshments will follow. Sacred Music by Our Holy Redeemer Parish Choir, Christ the King Parish Choir and Our Lady of the Angels Young Women’s Chorus. The exciting design and safety improvements at Our Lady of Victory continue . . . We are hoping you can help with our next project THE OLV GYM RENOVATION PROJECT ∗ CYO Sports Basketball, Volleyball ∗ Physical Education Classes ∗ School Drama Club ∗ Cardboard Box Players ∗ School Assemblies ∗ Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts ∗ Christmas Masses OUR LADY OF VICTORY SCHOOL A PARISH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ACCREDITED BY THE MIDDLE STATES ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS Important Dates Dear OLV Parishioners, Another school year is about to end! We all look forward to the welcome change of pace that is our gift of summer recess! It is always a delight to see how much the children have grown during the year. We remember the children who arrived in September: some fearful, some confident, many happily anticipating a new year. Each child brought expectations for the year ahead. We look at these same children today and we see the fruits of a year of work~ how much they have grown! How much they have learned! I wish to thank all of our teachers and staff for their continued dedication and the work they do for the children. This is a bittersweet time for teachers: we look forward to the summer break as we say goodbye to the group of students, the “class family,” who have been such an important part of our days, weeks and months. Finally, a very special thank you to Father Tom for his unwavering support of OLV School! Sincerely, Peg Augello OLV School Principal CONGRATULATIONS CLASS of 2016! ♦ Monday, June 20th: 11:25 Dismissal ♦ Tuesday, June 21st: Last School Mass, LAST DAY OF SCHOOL—10:30 Dismissal. A Prayer for Fathers God our Father, We give you thanks and praise for fathers young and old. We pray for young fathers, newly embracing their vocation; may they find the courage and perseverance to balance work, family, and faith in joy and sacrifice. We pray for our own fathers who have supported and challenged us; may they continue to lead in strong and gentle ways. We remember fathers around the world whose children are lost or suffering; May they know that the God of compassion walks with them in their sorrow. We pray for men who are not fathers but still mentor and guide us with fatherly love and advice. We remember fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers who are no longer with us but who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love. Amen SACRAMENTS WE REMEMBER PRAY FOR THE SICK BAPTISMS 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 2:45 pm To arrange for a baptism, a copy of child’s birth certificate must accompany your date request. Please come to the rectory office to make these arrangements. A Baptism Preparation Class is required. Michael Vastola Robert Sarro Regina Fitzgerald Erin Slavin Jessica Gruenfelder Glenn Grossarth Rita Martyn MaryBeth Finnegan John Varrone Viola Weiss Eric Ern Isabella Ieraci RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Our RCIA process welcomes adults not baptized who Names will remain on the sick list for six weeks. Please wish to join the Catholic Church. We welcome, as well, contact the Rectory if you would like the name to remain baptized adults seeking the Sacraments of First Communon the list longer. ion and Confirmation. Please contact the rectory office 516-354-0482. CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 3-3:45 pm Eve of Holy Days: 3-3:45 pm Eve of First Friday: 3-3:45 pm Confession by appointment - please call the rectory office 354-0482 SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE We encourage those planning a wedding at Our Lady of Victory parish to contact the rectory office at 516-3540482 before booking a wedding reception facility. All plans with our church must be made at least 6 months prior to the anticipated date. SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS The priests are available at any time to discuss the call to Priesthood, Diaconate or Religious Life. Please call the rectory office at 516-354-0482. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK The Anointing of the Sick takes place on the first Saturday of each month at the 8:30am Mass. If a home visit is needed, please contact the rectory office at 516-354-0482. PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE MILITARY Army: Chief War r ant Office Rober t Pr okopowicz Lt. Brian Greene Capt. Chris Greene Sgt. 1st Class Bryan Welch Capt. Keith Grant Capt. John Herger Spec. Angelo J. Arroyo SPC.Matthew C. Fallon Pvt. Stephen Pendelton Capt. George Radford Sgt. John Patrick Riffle Capt. Thomas Safina Navy: Lt. Malachy J . Soller Lt. Emily Beth Lipsky Marine Corps: Sgt. Fr ank Phillips Capt. Michael Sweeney Andrew Thorndike Sean Phelan PFC. Kierston Turner 2nd Lt. Matthew Sweeney PFC. Conor P. Peterson Air Force: TSgt. Michael Tor r e Tech. Sgt. Matthew Ashmore Capt. Kevin Groom WE CELEBRATE - WEDDINGS Danielle Gallinaro Michael Capolongo Our Lady of Victory, Floral ParkChrist the King, Commack, NY DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration with Benediction— The First Friday of the month at 7:00 pm in the church. Thomas Matera Our Lady of Lourdes, Malverne Kristina Evangelista Our Lady of Victory, Floral Park The Angelus is recited each weekday at 12 noon. JohnPalamar Christina Rocha The Rosary is prayed each weekday after the 12 noon Mass and on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm. The Miraculous Medal Novena is prayed on Mondays after the 12 noon Mass. Our Lady of Victory, Floral Park Our Lady of Victory, Floral Park Rich Martinez Most Precious Blood Long Island City Donna Catapano Our Lady of Peace, Lynbrook
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