Angiosperm Latin Name: Begonia coccinea Common Name


Angiosperm Latin Name: Begonia coccinea Common Name
Latin Name: Begonia coccinea
Common Name: Angelwing
Family: Begoniaceae
Geographic Origin: Tropics
Soil: Use a good well-draining soil or
commercial potting mix. Equal parts
loam, peat, sand, and compost.
Temperature: Daytime temperatures
should be between 70°-75°F and no cooler than 60°F at night.
Light: This plant prefers bright light with partial shade.
Moisture: Water every two to three days, while letting soil dry between each thorough
Fertilization: This plant should be fertilized every other week, alternating between fish
and seaweed fertilizers.
Grooming: Repot every two to three years. This plant does better if slightly pot-bound.
Seasonal Care: Reduce watering and fertilizing during winter months. These plants can
be put outside during the summer.
Propagation: Propagate from seed or stem cuttings.
Pests and Diseases: Check for mealy bugs and whitefly.
Latin Name: Begonia rex
Common Name: Rex Begonia
Family: Begoniaceae
Geographic Origin: Tropics
Soil: Use a good well-draining soil or
commercial potting mix. Equal parts
loam, peat, sand, and compost.
Temperature: Daytime temperatures
should be between 70°-75°F and no
cooler than 60°F at night.
Light: This plant prefers bright light
with partial shade.
Moisture: Water every two to three days, while letting soil dry between each thorough
Fertilization: This plant should be fertilized every other week, alternating between fish
and seaweed fertilizers.
Grooming: Repot every two to three years. This plant does better if slightly pot-bound.
Seasonal Care: Reduce watering and fertilizing during winter months. These plants can
be put outside during the summer.
Propagation: Propagate from seed or stem cuttings.
Pests and Diseases: Check for mealy bugs and whitefly.