Foghorn 0416 Apr - Point San Pablo Yacht Club!


Foghorn 0416 Apr - Point San Pablo Yacht Club!
FOGHORN April 2016
April 2016
Foul Weather does little to dampen PSPYC Mar ch Events.
Alameda YC Land Yachts to Cioppino Night in SUV Limo!
The Friendly Little Club at the end of the Santa Fe Channel!
700 West Cutting Blvd, Point Richmond, CA 94804
FOGHORN April 2016
Chair. Thank you Lauren! Please direct all inquiries and prospective members her way.
Paul Maheu
Finally, we were all saddened to hear the news of
our old Shipmate Tony Carter’s passing. A memorial service is planned for April 2nd at the Club. Details to follow.
End of message.
Fully into Spring and steady as she goes. It’s been
another busy month at your Club.
See you at the Club!
March charged in with a full spread of canvas and a
bone in her teeth but that didn’t stop Paul Lagier and
Company from putting on a fine Cioppino feed once
again this year. The Alameda and San Rafael Clubs
were forced to shorten sail but not enthusiasm as the
ice and dice were rattling, the wind was blowing ,
and the pints were flowing. Could it get any better? Maybe next year.
Corned Beef and Cabbage season started early on
March 11th at the Meeting Dinner. Good craic,
good grub, and plenty of it. The leftovers at the
work party were sparkling as well. If you weren’t
there you missed it. Speaking of craic, a good many
of our Shipmates returned the favor and made it over
to San Rafael YC’s hoolie the next evening and were
treated to more CB&C, step dancers, and a nice little
band. Hal and Elaine’s Maru made us all proud by
flying the PSPYC burgee at the guest dock.
Boat owners: with all the heavy weather we’ve been
having, please make it a point to come down and
check your lines and bail out your tenders or stored
boats. A tip of the Commodore’s cap to Lauren
Pressler for taking on the mantle of Membership
Contact the Editor at:
[email protected] if you would like
to submit articles or photos for publication.
Deadline is the 20th of each month.
Read the Foghorn on-line at
March 5th Cioppino Night - Alameda & San Rafael
YCs Cruised-In, despite the stormy evening.
Conveniently located near PSPYC
Boat Show coming up at Craneway Pavillion
and Marina Bay Harbor in April
FOGHORN April 2016
Vice Commodore
Ingrid Hogan
Rear Commodore
Tonja Jackson
Happy Spring Everyone.
Thanks to all that have volunteered
at the bar, especially to David Greitzer for making the trip down to help out. I'd also like to
thank Paul and Earlene Lagier for their support
of Friday Happy Hours, driving from Ripon, Ca nearly
two hours each way. I'm open to any member that would
like to try out their bartending skills or maybe pour a beer
or two. Volunteering at the bar is a great way to get to
know your fellow members and familiarize yourself with
many of our regular guests. In the upcoming months I'd
like to have more club sponsored events, our club is
unique, fun, and has lots to offer. I've had a few members
present some ideas recently such as wine tasting, once a
month game night, an auto show, white elephant sale, and
a western day with country music. Suzanne and Tom List
will be bringing in their motor home club the 49ers with
approximately fifteen motor homes May 14th and have
reserved the Strange Angels Band to perform. I hope a
few members can be around to welcome them. I recently spoke with Griff Brazil, who plans on having another
big barbecue in August. There's many more months that
we could have our own events, it's our club so let's enjoy
it to the fullest.
I’d like to begin by thanking Bob Rectenwald and Robby
and Dolores for helping clean up the galley after a successful dinner of Cioppino and chicken schnitzel. The
cruise-in was just one boat from the San Rafael YC and a
limo from the Alameda YC. The weather was full of rain
and wind but the atmosphere at the club was great. Everybody will come back next year. Paul and Earlene Lagier and crew did a great job. Everybody loved their Cioppino.
I was in charge of the chicken and I had great help from
Blake and Debbie, Casey, Elaine and Bob. They helped
cook, clean and collect. Thanks Team.
According to our Commodore Paul Maheu, the guests
had a great time and were very happy. Rear Commodore
Tonja Jackson also kept them hydrated and happy.
The meeting night had an Irish theme thanks to St. Patrick’s Day. We served corned beef and cabbage and the
usual stuff. Everybody liked it. Lilian Maheu and I traded
jobs that night. I made the desert and she made the main
meal. Great job Guys.
There was just enough for the work party lunch the next
day. Thanks to Beb Skye who cleaned out the under the
sink in the galley. What a Gal! It looks great.
Next month we have a memorial for an old member, Tony Carter, who passed away suddenly. It’s scheduled for
April 2 at 2p.m. Let’s gather and say goodbye to an old
On April 6 we have the Cruising Club of America for a
luncheon. Another two BBQ luncheons are scheduled for
the same group on April 16 and 20.
I will be on a cruise and will have to miss the upcoming
meeting night. Not to worry. Richard Alexander and
Kelly Mack have volunteered to be the chefs for our
April 8 meeting night dinner. Please encourage and support them. I really appreciate the reservations members
make for the dinners. It makes the planning and shopping
more efficient.
I looking forward to seeing you all soon.
I know we have been using plastic cups for quite sometime now and I hope with the boards approval we'll have
the sanitizer problem resolved soon. Until then please
continue using the plastic cups, as I've seen some using
glasses, even washing them by hand "IS NOT SANITARY"! I look forward to seeing more member support
as I have seen a slight increase lately. One thing we all
should remember, some of us like to come to our bar to
simply enjoy it, so if you don't have anything nice to say
maybe just don't say it!
Join Us for Happy Hour Fridays
It's always a great time and we will have our band
"Strange Angles". If you can, bring an appetizer or
snack of some sort, as they are always appreciated and
enjoyed! Come, hang out, eat, drink, dance, and have
some Friday evening fun and meet fellow club members.
FOGHORN April 2016
Port Captain
John Peitso
Fleet Captain
Glen Bigelow
This month’s report will be a bit brief I'm afraid, I've
been out of town. Many thanks to Robby for handling
the Saturday work party on March 13th. As per Robby's report: 'Rain be damned, some hearty souls still
turned out to do their part for the good of the club.'
I know this list doesn't include all who pitched in, but
from what I've heard Beb Skye deserves Kudos for
taking on cleaning-out under the main dish sink in the
Galley (Thanks Beb, repairs to the seal under the sink
will be forthcoming). Chris Jannini gets the call-out for
'Yoeman’s duty' for braving the rain to continue removing hazardous nail pop-ups, and re-fasten dock
March rains have the lawns and gardens running riot.
April work party projects include (weather permitting):
 Lawn hair cuts & grounds up-keep
 More deck rail improvements
 Water heater up-grades for dish sanitizer
Upcoming Cruise-ins include:
 Apr 16-17; San Jose Sailing with Old Friends
 Apr 30-May 1; San Jose Sailing Club
It's all our Club
Any and all welcome for work parties
Do your part and leave your mark
Our first cruise-out of the year to
San Rafael YC on March 12th, was a
great, all be it soggy, success. Paul
& Earlene and Hal & Elaine brought
some great appetizers for cocktail time in the SRYC
bar. The highlight being Paul’s great crab dip, but everything was delicious.
San Rafael served up their usual delicious corned beef and
cabbage, roasted potatoes & carrots, and that terrific soda
bread. The meal was followed by an Irish Dance Troupe
and they kept the rowdy crowd well entertained. This was
all followed by an eclectic Irish Band, who also provided
great entertainment.
Others attending the event included Frank Zia & Teri
Horn and their guest Terumi; Glen Bigelow; Bob & Sarah
Rectenwald; Paul & Lillian Maheu; Sybal Halbauer; Ingrid Hogan; Tonja Jackson & her guest, Lamar Bobo; also
joining us was Bill & Susie Martin , past members, and
their daughter & son-in-law. I hope I didn't forget anyone. We had a total of 21, which was much appreciated by
The April 16-17 cruise-out to Sierra Point YC is coming
up. This is SPYC’s monthly meeting and will feature live
music. Menu and costs haven’t been communicated yet,
but they always provide a great meal at a reasonable price.
The Napa YC is also attending, so this should be a fun
time and an opportunity to meet members from two clubs.
The May cruise-outs include Oyster Point YC on May 7-8
for their Cinco de Mayo celebration, and then to Petaluma
on May 21-22 for the American Graffiti celebration associated with a classic car show and lots of music. I will
have more to follow on both of these May events.
16-17 Sierra Pt. YC
May 21-22
Oyster Pt. YC
Cinco de Mayo
20-21 Aeolian YC
Tropical Party
Petaluma YC
American Graffiti
Half Moon Bay YC
Labor Day Weekend
South Beach
18-19 Alameda YC
Pirate Party
No Cruise-Out Planned
Fleet Captains Dinner
FOGHORN April 2016
Darrell Struck
The Vice Commodore has introduced
a revised fee schedule for dining
room rental, galley use, and other
items associated with member and non-member events.
The basic fee for dining room rental is $110.00 for member events and $350.00 for non-member events. The
PSPYC generally pays no income tax for income generated by the membership, however, non-member income is
burdened by a 23% tax rate for what is defined as
“Unrelated Business Taxable Income”. Additional fees
apply for ancillary services associated with the dining
room rental. Remember that all parties must have a sponsor and that the member is ultimately responsible for arranging for a bartender, clean-up, payment, and any damage to the facility.
Obviously there are exceptions to the basic fee schedule
for unusual circumstances and you should arrange with
the Vice Commodore for any event that you sponsor for
conflicts that may exist. Remember that it is the “Vice”
who runs the show in the galley and dining room and is
the responsible officer-in-charge. The Vice also controls
the schedule that is posted. Everybody loves parties so
schedule yours as soon as possible.
Hotel Mac Diner
Lara Choe
50 Washington Ave.
Point Richmond
California 94801
Fax: (510) 217-9000
Harbor Master
Glenda Linn
Spring has sprung with warm days, rainy days, and color
bursting out days! Love seeing the freshness of spring and
more time to spend outdoors on land and on the water!
Our slip and locker availability is in the process for updates
and our waiting list is 5 for large slips. I should have full
updates later in April.
With the rains we've been having there has been standing
water in traps covering boats, in dinghies and in buckets
around the club. Vicky Oswald has discovered mosquito
larva in a couple boat tarps and buckets where standing water has been there awhile. With heavy rains and then warm
days it doesn't take long for mosquito infestation to start
happening. My thanks to Vicky for taking care of what she
has found and we all need to check these boat tarps, dinghies and buckets and anything that holds water, as we get
into the warmer days and spring rains.
Last month I got an email about an urgent voluntary medical device recall with our AED electrodes. They sent me a
replacement and Jim Koss checked out the lot numbers. He
found that our AED electrodes lot number did not match the
recall lot number so we are in good shape with our device
and now have a spare. I thank Jim very much for taking
care of this for me and luckily we have never had to use the
device. Jim has said he would be happy to have a review
class should we need to use the AED and I think this would
be excellent and important to be more informed should a life
saving situation occur. The instructions are fairly self explanatory, but it can be intimidating. To have a quick review
class some work Saturday Jim is very willing to do if there
is an interest with members. Let me know and we'll get
something set up on a Saturday morning work party.
March was a busy month with the CCA luncheon, our Cioppino Feed/Cruise-ins, a baby shower, our monthly dinner
meeting and a cruise out to San Rafael Yacht Club. A lot of
hard work putting it all together from Ingrid Hogan, Paul
Lagier, Tonja Jackson, Paul Maheu, and Glen Bigelow and
all the Volunteer help that goes into these events making
them successful and fun! Our biggest Thanks to All of
April 8 is our dinner meeting and I hear that Richard Alexander and Kelly Mack will be our chefs. It should be some
good cooking :) and I will send out an RSVP as usual, about
a week before. See you then and HAPPY SPRING TO
FOGHORN April 2016
PSPYC General Meeting: Minutes
March 11, 2016
Commodore: Paul Maheu
Paul called the meeting to order at 8:13 pm.
Approval of last month’s minutes. Minutes approved.
Welcome everyone. It’s good to see some folks we haven’t seen in a while. We want to get through this meeting
Vice Commodore: Ingr id Hogan
Thanks to Lillian, Debbie, Blake, Levon, and Lillian said
thanks to Ingrid for dessert. Ingrid really appreciates everyone that made reservations. There’s little waste when
everyone does that.
Rear Commodore: Tonja J ackson
Thanks to everyone, Beb, Blake etc. for their help. For
now we are still having to use plastic cups due to the sanitizer not working.
Treasurer: Darrell Struck.
Whoever signs off on the Liquor delivery please fold up
the receipt and put it in the harbormasters drop box.
Thank you.
Fleet Captain: Glen Bigelow
San Rafael tomorrow night. Paul and Earlene have invited everyone to have cocktails on Loadstone at 4:00pm.
Dinner at the yacht club is at 6:00pm. They will have a
band and Irish dancers, dinner is $25 and he has 23 confirmed and hopes to see up to 30.
Port Captain: J ohn Peitso
John is not here tonight but Robby will be having the
work party tomorrow. He has a voice message from John
with a list but hasn’t listened to it. If it rains Robby will
have Ingrid help with a list of stuff to do inside.
Harbormaster: Glenda Linn
Glenda was not available to report tonight.
First Mates: Sue Pr oudfoot
Suzanne, Louie and her will be working on T-shirt designs tomorrow morning and trying for a lighthearted
design. They will be looking for donations for baskets for
PICYA and this will be Friday night on April 1st. Colleen
said we should do it before happy hour starts.
PICYA: Sybal Halbauer
She said thank you to Blake. She was happy that we had
somebody else to help out. Last year we donated baskets
to PICYA and the baskets were well received and she
thinks we should definitely do it again. Blake said there
are two free seminars on issues going on with the bay.
March 16, in Oakley Ca. on all the stuff we can do to
help clean up the bay. On March 29th the governor is
sending a special envoy saying what the governor is willing to do for the bay. There will be an aquatic of ages
workshop on how it effects the bay, etc. Blake said he
spoke with a lot of people and found out what the organization is all about. He’s happy that our club is a member.
Opening day on the bay is April 24th and if you don’t
have a boat you can go out on the bay on the committee
Other clubs volunteer one or two days per month for PICYA activities and our club doesn’t volunteer at all.
Some of the things they do is the bay clean up on the last
Saturday in September and they get thousands of folks to
help. If you can get one member to participate for one
day it’s a big help.
Sybal added that the theme for opening day is Hero’s. If
we want to decorate boats we have lots of hero’s we can
choose from, any kind of hero will work.
Old Business:
Paul said we have had the Friday happy hours and have
been averaging about 40 people. Half from the club, half
from outside. If you’re around, participate, it’s a good
This past Saturday Paul and Earlene did a GREAT job
with the Cioppino feed. Paul Lagier said it was a fairly
long day, Hal and Bob spent the whole day helping and
after the dinner helped with washing the dishes. We had a
lot of members here and some of the other members
could have helped with the dishes.
Ingrid pointed out that Bob, Robby, and Delores helped
with washing the dishes and thank you all very much.
Paul Maheu: If you paid up your dues your membership
card is available.
Glen Bigelow: He will be collecting the money for the
San Rafael yacht club tomorrow so they only have to deal
with one person.
Barb: The Foghorn looks wonderful.
Paul Lagier: Officer phone numbers, and emails should
be listed in the Foghorn.
Paul Maheu let the group know that former member Tony
Carter has passed away. There was the ceremonial Eight
Bells and a moment of silence to memorialize and honor
New Business:
Motion to adjourn. Motion appr oved at 9:09pm
FOGHORN April 2016
First Mates
Susan Proudfoot
March 11th, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Sue Proudfoot at
1730 hours.
Present: Colleen Fielding, Sybal Hallbauer, Earlene
Lagier, Sue Proudfoot, Dolores Robinson, Beb Skye,
Karen Stokes, Nancy Struck
The February 12, 2016 minutes were approved.
The Cruising Club of America luncheon crab feed
was a success at the PSPYC; $44.00 in tips was deposited.
Sybal deposited $151.86 in coins from the laundry
room. Sue Proudfoot was reimbursed $132 for
White Elephant purchases. Colleen reported $40
deposit for clothing.
First Mates replaced the dryer in the laundry room.
Sue had been informed that it was not working as
well as expected; that the gas supply could be the
problem. Sue will contact Port Captain John Peitso
to check the gas supply. It was noted that the gas
supply to the lounge fire place interferes with the gas
supply for the galley ovens
Sue Proudfoot, Suzanne Statler and Louis Nickles
will meet on workday to create a design for club tee
shirts for presentation at the next First Mates meeting.
Sybal Hallbauer reported that the PSPYC Board discussed buying a dish/glass washer for the bar and
will gather the necessary information. It was suggested that the First Mates contribute after receiving
further details.
Contact Info for your PSPYC Board
Paul Maheu
[email protected]
(510) 524-3587
Vice Commodore:
Ingrid Hogan
[email protected]
(916) 969-9676
Rear Commodore:
Tonja Jackson
[email protected]
(510) 964-0320
Port Captain:
John Peitso
[email protected]
(510) 506-6894
Fleet Captain:
Glen Bigelow
[email protected]
(916) 996-4241
Darrell Struck
[email protected]
(510) 235-3719
Hal Peterson
[email protected]
(707) 569-7485
Richard Alexander
[email protected]
(925) 954-8700
Griff Brazil
[email protected]
(510) 685-8841
Sybal Hallbauer
[email protected]
(510) 409-4382
Steve Hutchinson
[email protected]
Available at our online store or
April 1, 6 pm, First Mates will assemble one or two
baskets to donate to PICYA to use as prizes on
Opening Day. Baskets and stuffing are available;
donations such as wine, cheese, crackers, etc., were
requested for ingredients. Sybal will collect the decorated baskets in time for the PICYA April 4 meeting.
Sue would announce First Mates information at the
membership meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 1820 hours.
Next meeting: April 8, 2016 at PSPYC.
Many items can be customized to your liking
For questions or comments please email
[email protected]
FOGHORN April 2016
San Rafael YC Cruise-Out & St. Pat’s Party
March 12th
& More
FOGHORN April 2016
Greetings from
the USA
I returned to California
from Antarctica earlier than
planned and wanted to recount some of the last part
of summer season 2015-16.
We enjoyed our 'traditional
Icestock' music and chili
cook-off on Jan 2, 2016.
There were more than a
dozen bands playing outside on the stage with folks
dancing and singing,
having a good day
off. The Ross Island
Yacht Club of Antarctica won the chili
contest; it was most
flavorful, with just
the right 'bite'. A bit
'weird' to do a New
Years Eve countdown the night's a harsh continent.
A friend and I were
able to descend into
the Ob Tube; a body
size metal tube that is
set into the ice which
was about 7 feet thick and the water depth about 40
feet, the tube extends about 18 feet so you're able to
look up at the underside
of the ice, and peer down
toward the bottom. I saw
tiny fish and krill and
could hear a seal, but we
weren't able to see any.
(Photo of me coming up
out of the tube above).
The Polar Star, the US
Icebreaker, was clearing a
channel in mid-late Jan.
We were given a tour at
the end of our work day,
always good to go aboard
and see the world from a
deck. The ice edge was
only about 15 miles out
and the ice was only one
year build-up, so was an
easy task for them to create and enlarge an opening.
(Photo at the ice pier)
Last year was the first time that the resupply vessel
came in earlier than the Fuel ship. This season saw the
same arrangement and the Ocean Giant arrived in late
Jan and we began our off-load process. Our Supply
department goes to 12 hour shifts, I was glad to be on
days 6 AM- 6 PM and not the night shift. Weather cooperated and the containers came off in a timely manner. Every container destined for McMurdo Station is
placed somewhere and most of them are emptied by
our crew. We check manifests to note the correct item,
correct quantity and which warehouse or storage area it
needs to be moved to. I was a IT-28 Forklift driver this
season, so I was moving crates to those designated areas. Long days in a forklift and fortunately it was finished in a 6 day week and we had Sunday off.
I signed a contract for next summer season, probably
head to Christchurch late Sept. for my 14th season in
the United States Antarctic Program.
Happy Spring, LaVonne Weber
FOGHORN April 2016
Building a Ferro-Cement Boat
by Glen Bigelow from information provided by Paul
Have you ever wondered what goes into building a
Ferro-Cement sailboat, besides cement? Enjoy the
Paul Lagier’s father, Fred, was the founder of Fred
Lagier and Sons and their firm built 44 boats, and
6 were of Ferro-Cement. Paul’s latest boat is a 44’
ketch, with design roots that date all the way back
to the 1900’s when Colin Archer designed and
built Sailing Lifeboats for the Norwegian Lifeboat
Institution. The specific design for the Norsk 44,
used a Ferro-Cement design by Colin Brookes.
Installing the vertical frames.
What does it take to build a boat that’s capable of
lasting 40, 50 years or longer? Many assume the
strength in cement boats comes from the cement.
Not so! The strength comes from a complex, galvanized steel framework, similar to that used in
steel boat construction. The cement forms the waterproof skin.
Paul is using the steel framework design developed by his father, Fred. When his boat is finished, it will be one of the soundest Ferro-Cement
sailboats found anywhere in the world.
Paul has graciously provided the following chronology on the the latest, Fred Lagier and Sons,
Norsk 44, which was started in Nov. 2007.
The beginning...setting the centerline
The frames as drawn in the original boat plans were
transferred to this lofting platform at full scale.
Each frame and the spine of the boat are drawn on
the platform and then built to full scale accordingly.
Side frames in place, starting to take shape.
FOGHORN April 2016
Building a Ferro-Cement Boat, continued part 2
Deck frames in place.
Deck pipes and hatches installed.
Installing the longitudinals (3/4” galvanized pipe).
The longitudinals must first be wired in position and
then will be welded to the frames.
The mainmast deck collar, which the mainmast
will pass through to be stepped to the keel.
Pipe bent around the frames create the hull’s beautiful contours, and this fully framed structure is what
distinguishes the Fred Lagier ferro-cement system
from all other systems.
Keel receives extra reinforcement. Steel rod & rebar is inserted and welded throughout the keel and
then cold galvanized to prevent corrosion.
FOGHORN April 2016
Building a Ferro-Cement Boat, continued part 3
Once plastered, the keel will be ballasted with lead
and filled full of concrete.
First layer of lath.
Once the frames and tubing have all been welded
together, the next step is wrapping the entire hull
in a metal sheath called the armature. This consists
of a layer of 3.4 gauge galvanized metal lath, followed by 2 layers of 1/2” 19 gauge welded mesh.
Then, vertical and horizontal strands of cold
worked 8 gauge galvanized wire are installed creating 2.5” squares, then 2 more layers of 1/2” 19
gauge welded mesh. Then, all layers are locked
together by twisting galvanized wire through and
around at each corner of the 2.5” squares.
(See arrows above).
Finished layer of lath, from the bow.
Cross-section of the armature.
The first layer of 1/2” 19 gauge welded mesh is
added over the metal lath. This will be followed
by a second layer.
FOGHORN April 2016
Building a Ferro-Cement Boat, continued part 4
After the second layer of 1/2” mesh, the 8 gauge
wire stringers are attached.
Final step in the armature, wire twists at every corner of the 2.5” squares created by the 8 ga. wire.
Installation of the 8 gauge wire is complete. Now,
two more layers of 1/2” mesh.
Ready for Plaster...and
I think, already, amazingly beautiful.
Port view of the cutlass bearing after third layer of
1/2 mesh has been added over the 8 gauge wire.
In the next installment...the Norsk 44 gets a skin.
FOGHORN April 2016
FOGHORN April 2016
April 2016
Tony Carter
Memorial 1400
8 1630 BOD MTNG 9 0900 Work Party
1900 Dinner
Cruising Club of
America Luncheon
Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show
~Sierra Pt YC
~San Jose SwOF
Boat Show
Opening Day on
the Bay
San Jose Sailing
Club Cruise-in
May 2016
Oyster Point YC
1900 Dinner
0900 Work Party
]Opening Day on
Petaluma YC
FOGHORN April 2016
Point San Pablo Yacht Club
PO Box 70307
Point Richmond, CA 94807
Commodore: Paul Maheu
Vice Commodore: Ingrid Hogan
Rear Commodore: Tonja Jackson
Port Captain: John Peitso
Fleet Captain: Glen Bigelow
Treasurer: Darrell Struck
Secretary: Hal Peterson
Harbor Master
Glenda Linn
Club House: 510-620-9690
Office: 510-233-1046
Cell: 510-375-0289
Fax: 510-233-0843
Richard Alexander, Griff Brazil,
Sybal Hallbauer, Steve Hutchinson
Mailing Address
Berthing and
Membership Chair: Lauren Pressler
First Mates President: Susan Proudfoot
Staff Commodore: Kelly Mack
PICYA Representative: Sybal Hallbauer
Webmaster: Bob Skye
Foghorn Editor: Sarah Rectenwald
PO Box 70307
PT. Richmond,
CA 94807
Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show
April 7-10 Craneway Pavillion
and Marina Bay
Member Meeting & Dinner
April 8th
Work Party
April 9th
Cruise-Out - Sierra Point YC
April 16th
Cruise-In - San Jose Sailing
with Old Friends
April 16th
Cruise-In - San Jose SC
April 30th