Foghorn 0316 Mar - Point San Pablo Yacht Club!


Foghorn 0316 Mar - Point San Pablo Yacht Club!
FOGHORN March 2016
March 2016
The Friendly Little Club at the end of the Santa Fe Channel!
700 West Cutting Blvd, Point Richmond, CA 94804
FOGHORN March 2016
From Lillian:
Paul Maheu
Fully into the new year and things have been busy around
the Club. The lasagna was great, the work party well
attended, and good crowds for the happy hours!
Ahoy Mateys!
Here are two recipes for all the fresh citrus that are in season. The Candied Tangerines
you may have had at February’s meeting, except I
swapped in Ingrid’s oranges.
The salsa recipe I have not
tried yet, but will let you know
how it is at the March meeting.
Candied Tangerines
Lots of Club members have been taking advantage of the
wonderful weather (between storms that is) to get out on
the bay and do maintenance on their vessels.
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
3 thinly sliced tangerines ( or oranges )
March is one of our busier months at the Club and the
new guest dock (tip o' the cap to Paul Lagier for coordinating) will be getting a good workout with a handful of
Clubs cruising in.
In sauce pan combine sugar and water and bring to a boil
over high heat. Stir to dissolve the sugar. Reduce heat to
medium, simmer about 5 minutes. Until the sugar is all
dissolved and liquid is starting to thicken a bit.
Speaking of Paul, be sure to RSVP Glenda and come to
his and Erlene's annual Cioppino feed March 5th.
Add fruit slices and continue to simmer till the fruit is
translucent and sauce thickens, about 10 minutes. set aside
to cool. Keeps in the fridge for a few weeks.
While you're at it why not come to happy hour on Friday
the 4th, have a drink, play some liar's dice, and welcome
the San Rafael and Alameda Yacht Clubs in?
You won't be sorry I promise you! Your participation
makes our Club strong: see you at the Club!
Clementine Salsa
6 clementines
1 green onion, thinly sliced
1 serrano chile, seeded and finely chopped
1/4 cup chopped cilantro and/or mint
1/8 tsp fine sea salt
Cut off ends of each clementine. Slice off the skin and pith.
Slice each fruit crosswise and working over a bowl remove
seeds and large chances of membrane, discard these. Add
the remaining ingredients and toss to combine. Enjoy!
Contact the Editor at:
[email protected] if you would like
to submit articles or photos for publication.
Deadline is the 20th of each month.
Read the Foghorn on-line at
FOGHORN March 2016
Vice Commodore
Ingrid Hogan
Rear Commodore
Tonja Jackson
First I‘d like to thank all the fantastic members that helped
in the galley last month.
Hello all,
Off the top of my head I can remember Blake, Debby, Kelley, Shary, Lillian, Richard, Bobby, and if I have forgotten
anyone please forgive me, because I do appreciate all the
help we can get from anyone and everyone who is able.
It was nice to see so many members with reservations at the
monthly meeting able to make it to the dinner, even if the
meeting agenda was somewhat difficult. Now let's move
forward and get back to making PSPYC a club we can all
enjoy and build on the best of what the club has become
over the years.
Here are some activities that are happening in March: On
March 2nd we are hosting lunch for the very prestigious
Cruising Club of America. And of course we have our fantastic Cioppino Feed and Cruise-ins on March 5th. On our
March 11 Members’ Meeting night, Paul and Lillian will
make corned beef and cabbage as an early St. Patrick’s Day
celebration, then the next day you can participate in a work
party or cruise out to the San Rafael YC for more Irish food.
And don’t forget to set your clocks forward on Sunday
March 13th when daylight savings time begins.
I’m happy to feature guest chefs in our wonderful club
kitchen. If you would like to be a guest chef for any future
events, let me know and I will work with you to make it
Saturday, March 5th, 7pm
San Rafael & Alameda YCs
Reservations required, RSVP to
[email protected]
We'll it's been two long months to say the least. Now it's
time to move on and continue with our fun happy hours.
It would be nice to see more membership participation in
our club activities. It's our club and it's what we make it. If
we don't support our own club we can't expect anyone else
I'm pleased with those of you who have been continuing the
efforts of keeping the bar free of pests. I've had some awesome help during our events and would like to thank Blake,
Beb, James Koss, Scott, Colleen, Steve Hutchinson, and
Paul Maheu.
Paul and Lillian provide many of the appetizers for the happy hour which makes our members and guests along with
the band keep coming back.
Join Us for Happy Hour Fridays
It's always a great time and we will have our band
"Strange Angles". If you can, bring an appetizer or
snack of some sort, as they are always appreciated and
enjoyed! Come, hang out, eat, drink, dance, and have
some Friday evening fun and meet fellow club members.
FOGHORN March 2016
Port Captain
John Peitso
Fleet Captain
Glen Bigelow
Our weather has turned decidedly spring like, though
hopefully there will be more rain to come. Our parched
lawns have returned to life thanks to plentiful sunshine
mixed with the rain, but their rebound seems a bit scraggly. We've started a conversation regarding about how
best to go forward with these areas with expectations of
continued drought conditions.
The first cruise-out of the year is approaching fast...we're
headed to San Rafael YC on March 12th. SRYC's St.
Patrick's Day celebration is always a highlight of the
cruising year and it has long been a favorite destination
for PSPYC.
The Club would like feedback from membership in the
future regarding the lawn areas. The trees at the South
building entrance need to be watered appropriately or
they won't survive.
Beyond that, do we:
let the lawns go brown for the summer and hope for
winter rains
consider options of artificial turf
consider 'Xeriscape'; drought tolerant, native plantings
February’s work party:
cleaned-out and re-organized the store room.
identified, inventoried, and tested all emergency
equipment on the docks (equipment found to be
deficient has been sent for repair)
cleaned wood shop
inventoried electrical issues for future repair
The menu will be some of the best corned beef and cabbage, potatoes and SRYC's locally famous soda
bread. Please let me know ASAP if you will attending
and whether you will be arriving by sea or by land. RSVP
to [email protected].
I'm still working on a cruise-out in April and hope to
have it finalized this week. Our original plan that month
for Ayala Cove was complicated by poor mooring conditions that require repair by the State Parks Service before
overnight mooring is practical for all of us.
Also, we are currently scheduled to cruise-out to Oyster
Point YC on May 5th for their Cinco de Mayo celebration.
I'm also working on an additional May cruise-out to
Petaluma YC. The weekend of May 20-22 is Petaluma's American Graffiti celebration associated with a
classic car show and lots of music. More to follow on this
event as things firm up.
Hope I'll see you on March 12th in San Rafael!
Jan & Feb
12-13 San Rafael YC
St Pat’s Day
16-17 TBD
Oyster Pt. YC
Cinco de Mayo
18-19 Alameda YC
Pirate Party
20-21 Aeolian YC
Tropical Party
Half Moon Bay YC
Labor Day Weekend
South Beach
Fleet Captains Dinner
NCP = No Cruise-out Planned
TBD = To Be Determined
FOGHORN March 2016
Darrell Struck
The club is off to a fine start for 2016
in spite of the uncooperative crabs.
While El Nino is a good thing for skiers and gardeners, the crabs prefer waters that are seasonally
colder. I'm sure next year will be different and the crabs will
arrive in abundance.
We have forwarded renewal invoices to more than 100
members and to date have received only a few requests to
terminate a membership for a variety of reasons. It appears
that our final membership tally in 2016 will be a record
year. There was a time a few years ago when it appeared
that our membership was on the decline, however, that trend
has now been reversed for the PSPYC. The slips are full and
we have a waiting list which we have not had for several
New members bring new ideas for club operations. For example, Happy Hour Fridays, except for our Friday meeting
night, have become very popular with the “Strange Angles”
providing the entertainment. This is an up and coming group
that bears watching. Hope to hear more of their musical talent, particularly the guest vocalist.
Next time you meet your favorite First Mate(s), thank her
for the new TV. Super Bowl Sunday will never be the same.
Harbor Master
Glenda Linn
We had some February gorgeous days with hints that
Spring is around the corner! Time, when in the winter
months, life, in all respects, seems to go dormant and
now time to wake up, perk up and enjoy the beautiful
new colors come to life once again.
Our slips remain full at this time and our waiting list is 5
for just the large slips. Locker & container are full also
with a waiting list.
January and February seem to be very busy months and I
just want to say thanks to LaVonne & Jenny for giving
me a helping hand where it was needed. The littlest
things, like washing bar glasses, folding towels, runs to
get coffee, goes a long ways and is much appreciated!
Also, grateful thanks to Glen and Robby for helping me
get over hurdles with the Roster and membership cards
and PICYA yearbook. Glen helped with the roster data
base so our membership cards could print out correctly as
they should. Robby has been taking care of the Roster
and PICYA yearbook publishing and it is no easy task as
well as time consuming. Thank you again, guys!
You should be receiving your Roster any day now and
please, if you see any errors, let me know. I will correct
the error and send out an email to everyone to make the
corrections in their copy of the roster.
Speaking of membership cards, they are now all ready for
all those who have paid up on their membership. I will
have them at our next general meeting on March 11th and
if you can't make it here to pick yours up, let me know
and I will have it mailed to you.
With that, to a Happy Spring – new growth, new beginnings, and a time of renewal. See you all at our March
Hotel Mac Diner
Lara Choe
50 Washington Ave.
Point Richmond
California 94801
Res: (510) 233-0576
Res: (510) 233-0576
Fax: (510) 217-9000
FOGHORN March 2016
PSPYC General Meeting: Minutes
February 12, 2016
the QuickBooks program but thanks to Glen that’s
all corrected and we are up and running again.
Commodore: Paul Maheu
First Mates: Sue Pr oudfoot
Paul called the meeting to order at 8:12 pm
Hope everyone is enjoying the new TV. At Tonja’s
request the old TV has been mounted over the bar.
The new dryer has been installed and is working better than the old dryer. The New guest dock is in
place and thanks to everyone who helped with that.
There was a raffle for gift baskets (3) and that helped
raise some money so thanks to everyone who participated in that effort.
Approval of last month’s minutes. Minutes approved.
Vice Commodore: Ingr id Hogan
Ingrid wants to tell Blake, Lillian, Bob, and everyone who helped with the dinner tonight.
In the future when we have cruise-ins she would like
more members to come and participate to help welcome the visitors and for extra help in the galley.
There will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board so
please help out and sign up. Also, please join us on
Friday nights for Happy Hours.
Rear Commodore: Tonja J ackson
Thanks to everyone who helps with the Happy
Hours and she would also like a little more help
from other members.
Treasurer: Dar r ell Str uck.
All is well with club finances.
Fleet Captain: Glen Bigelow
Our first cruise out of the year will be Saturday
March 12 to San Rafael for the St. Patty’s day celebration. He will get an email out this weekend for
sign ups. Please let him know as soon as possible so
he can get the reservations to them.
PICYA: Sybal Halbauer
There was no meeting this last month so there are no
Old Business:
Paul want’s to allow Norm to speak and reminded
everyone that this is not a trial. He will allow everyone to speak for 2 minutes. There will be a recess
when the ballots will be opened and counted. If you
don’t have a ballot there will be an opportunity to
fill one out during this meeting. The counting will be
done in the back room and Norm will have the opportunity to observe the process.
45 ballots came by mail. Some people still have not
voted yet.
Norm was allowed to present his position on the issue.
Ballots were collected and the meeting was recessed
to allow the counting of the ballots
Port Captain: J ohn Peitso
Meeting Recess
Bay View club will be coming on the 27th. March
5th will be San Rafael and Alameda will be cruising
in for the Cioppino feed.
After the recess the results of the count were announced.
On the last work party we cleaned up some of the
storm damage.
There is the new guest dock. It’s new, not sinking,
and it’s nice and stable!
Tomorrow’s work party. There was a boat that was
listing and Glenda and John had to dig through stuff
to get to the pumps so tomorrow the work party will
be checking the safety equipment so that if there’s
an emergency we can get to it and it’s functioning
The board’s motion has been sustained. 37 for suspension to 23 for reversal. Norm has been suspended
from the club for six months. Paul thanked Glenda
for being here and doing the enormous job of getting
all the ballots and supporting paperwork out. Thanks
to Sybal for helping with the count.
Casey observed the process and said it was a fair
New Business:
Harbormaster: Glenda Linn
Motion to adjourn. Motion approved at 9:09pm
All slips and lockers are full. We had a glitch with
Meeting was adjourned at 9:32 pm.
FOGHORN March 2016
First Mates
Susan Proudfoot
February 12th, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Sue Proudfoot at
1735 hours.
Present: Earlene Lagier, Kathy McMahon, Vicky
Oswald, Sue Proudfoot, Dolores Robinson, Bob
Skye, Suzanne Statler, Karen Stokes
The January 8, 2016 minutes were approved.
The First Mates bought a new dryer for the laundry
room, replacing the dryer that was installed in 2008.
It will cost $1.50 for 45 minutes. It was determined
that there was no problem with the existing dryer
Port Captain John Peitso puts the finishing touches on the
new galley tankless water heater as Paul Lagier looks on
Available at our online store or
A new television purchased by the First Mates was
installed in the lounge. The old set, with the Rear
Commodore’s approval, was installed over the bar.
A new guest dock was in place; First Mates had expressed concern about its condition.
Approved: $132 reimbursement to Sue for purchases from White Elephant sale for raffle baskets. Income from crab feed baskets was $146. Sue brought
a home made, cloth bag, and suggested bags could
be used at times in lieu of baskets. There is a space
in the back room by the light switch for items donated for raffles. Darrell Struck donated a cellophane
sealer that can be used for decorating baskets.
RC Tonja will contribute some overstocked wine
from the bar for future baskets. Kathy McMahon
will donate her home made quilt with the PSPYC
logo for a raffle during a special club event.
Clothing: Suzanne presented samples for PSPYC
logo; It was agreed that the club name should be included. Suggestions for items to be on hand: tote
bag, grocery bag, small six-pack holder, bottle opener, breath mints with logo on package, caps, tee
shirts. Attention will be drawn to clothing display
for members and visitors.
The meeting adjourned at 1825 hours.
Next meeting: March 11, 2016
Many items can be customized to your liking
For questions or comments please email
[email protected]
“Don’t ask what your club
can do for you
Ask what you can do for
your Club”
FOGHORN March 2016
Member Meeting
February 2015
From Paul Maheu: Kathleen and Tiger rafting-up on serene Southhampton Shoals
FOGHORN March 2016
From the Editor:
Learn about the Sea Scouts
If you have ever attended a PSPYC
event where teenagers helped deliver,
clear, and wash your plates and utensils, then you have been served by a
Richmond Sea Scout. But there is a
lot more to being a Sea Scout than
bussing tables for our club, and they
could use more of our help to keep
their program running strong.
If you don’t know what Sea Scouts
are, they are an extension of the Boy
Scouts of America, with a focus on
seamanship and developing nautical skills. Sea Scouts
learn to row, sail, and operate motor boats and ships. Program graduates often go on to careers in the Coast Guard,
Navy, or maritime industry. While there are several Sea
Scout programs around the San Francisco Bay area, the
Richmond program is unique from the others in that its
members are the most socioeconomically challenged and
ethnically diverse, its ship is the largest, and it is the last
remaining Sea Scout program in
the East Bay, founded in 1933.
The centerpiece of their program
is a 102’ former Navy vessel,
now named the S.S.S. Northland,
which has one of the top Sea
Scout crews in the country. It’s
berthed at its base in Dock 4 at
the Port of Richmond, near the
Red Oak Victory museum ship.
Richmond Sea Scouts are open to
young men, ages 13-18, and adult
leaders who want to volunteer to
help the youths. While the Northland does not currently have a
female crew, they can refer
young women to other Bay Area
programs that do.
The Richmond Sea Scouts program is operated by the
Northland Nautical Foundation, which is a 501c3 nonprofit California corporation and a registered charitable
organization. All donations are tax deductible, go directly
to support their program, and none of the program members are paid. It is completely run by volunteers.
The Foundation promotes educational opportunities for
youth and adults in seamanship and navigation, maritime
career skills, environmental awareness and leadership
training. It emphasizes practical application of math, science, communication and learning skills in a maritime
environment to youth and adults inspired by boats and the
sea. Its primary focus is at risk, underprivileged youth in
the Bay Area who would not otherwise have safe, low
cost access to training in a nautical environment.
The S.S.S. Northland is planning a cruise to Southern
California in July 2016, which requires each Richmond
Sea Scout to raise $600 for their spot on the cruise. There
are several Sea Scouts who need scholarship help to
make the trip this year.
Consider including the Northland Nautical Foundation in
your charitable giving plans, including any gift matching
offered by your employer. The Foundation’s 2016 fundraising goal is roughly $50,000, which will be used for
ship safety upgrades, additions, capital improvements,
and for 8,000 gallons of fuel and 50 gallons of oil per
year. Although the Richmond Sea Scouts crew participates in a variety of fundraising activities (such as serving all of us at our club functions, which is the only bay
area club they service in this manner), the primary source
of funding is made through private and corporate donations, and they appreciate any gifts possible. If you would
like to donate funds or equipment to the Richmond Sea
Scouts, please contact their Skipper Paul Hirsh at
[email protected], or go to the “funding” tab on their
website at
FOGHORN March 2016
FOGHORN March 2016
March 2016
Cioppino Feed
San Rafael &
Alameda YC
1900 Dinner
0900 Work Party
San Rafael
April 2016
8 1630 BOD MTNG 9 0900 Work Party
1900 Dinner
Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show
San Jose Sailing
with Old Friends
Boat Show
San Jose Sailing
Club Cruise-in
FOGHORN March 2016
Point San Pablo Yacht Club
PO Box 70307
Point Richmond, CA 94807
Commodore: Paul Maheu
Vice Commodore: Ingrid Hogan
Rear Commodore: Tonja Jackson
Port Captain: John Peitso
Fleet Captain: Glen Bigelow
Treasurer: Darrell Struck
Secretary: Hal Peterson
Richard Alexander, Griff Brazil,
Sybal Hallbauer, Steven Hutchinson
Membership Chair: Vacant
First Mates President: Susan Proudfoot
Staff Commodore: Kelly Mack
PICYA Representative: Sybal Hallbauer
Webmaster: Bob Skye
Foghorn Editor: Sarah Rectenwald
Fleet Surgeon: James Koss, M.D.
Harbor Master
Glenda Linn
Club House: 510-620-9690
Office: 510-233-1046
Cell: 510-375-0289
Fax: 510-233-0843
Mailing Address
Berthing and
PO Box 70307
PT. Richmond,
CA 94807
Cioppino Feed & Cruise-In
San Rafael & Alameda YCs
March 5th
Member Meeting & Dinner
March 11th
Work Party
March 12th
San Rafael St. Patrick’s Day
March 12-13
Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show
April 7-10 Craneway Pavillion
and Marina Bay (info: