Foghorn 0516 May - Point San Pablo Yacht Club!


Foghorn 0516 May - Point San Pablo Yacht Club!
FOGHORN May 2016
May 2016
The Friendly Little Club at the end of the Santa Fe Channel!
700 West Cutting Blvd, Point Richmond, CA 94804
FOGHORN May 2016
Paul Maheu
Seems like the good weather is finally here and fitting out season is upon us.
Lots of activity around the Club as members got
ready for Opening Day and beyond. Chuck Lind’s
wetsuit has lived up to its name and hasn’t dried out
all month!
Strictly Sail Pacific made it’s way north to the
Craneway Pavilion, and was lined clew to earing
with stuff to buy. Despite the slop, our friends from
the S.S.S. Northland were there with their whaleboat
and their enthusiasm. The good weather also brings
Cruise-ins to our Club, so please check the posted
Calendar and make it a point to come down when
other Yacht Clubs visit. As you know we are always
graciously received whenever we visit other Clubs
so it’s important for us to return the hospitality and
keep up our good name as the “Friendly little Club
at the end of Santa Fe Channel!”
Additionally, now’s the time to help put the “Yacht”
back into PSPYC by using your boat or crewing on
someone else’s! Sails and lines are made to be
stretched, motors run, and hulls to be
moved! Besides the salt air is good for the
soul. Speaking of which, I’ll sign off now as Kathleen needs attention: wood boats love May!
See you at the Club!
Contact the Editor at:
[email protected] if you would like
to submit articles or photos for publication.
Deadline is the 20th of each month.
Read the Foghorn on-line at
Lillian Maheu’s dessert made for the Cruising Club
of America (CCA) luncheon on 4/6 received lots of
compliments. She says is really easy to make, and
the hardest part is the stirring so you don’t burn the
cream and sugar. Or perhaps it is the wait to set the
gelatin. She provided the recipe below, and recommends you try it.
Makes 6 servings
1/3 cup milk
1 envelope gelatin [unflavored]
1/2 cup sugar
2 1/2 cups heavy cream
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Combine the milk and gelatin by sprinkling the gelatin on top of the milk. Let sit it while working then
stir to make sure there are no lumps. Heat cream and
sugar in a sauce pan over medium heat then bring it
to a boil.
Add the gelatin mixture and stir to melt completely
cook for another minute or so, take off heat and add
vanilla. Mix well and portion into 6 serving cups.
Cool to room temperature. Cover with plastic wrap
and place in the fridge. Let sit 2-3 hours (or better
Serve alone or with a yummy topping.
FOGHORN May 2016
Vice Commodore
Ingrid Hogan
Rear Commodore
Tonja Jackson
I’m back.
The Mexican Riviera was beautiful. It’s quite different in the sailboat that Harry and I took the last time.
It was nice to remember the good times we had and
how much I learned about sailing on that trip.
Thanks to Kelly & Shari Mack and Richard & Katherine Alexander for taking care of April’s meeting
night dinner. I understand they did a great job. Maybe it can be an annual thing they can do. Again,
thank you.
Regarding future cruise-ins, it sure would be nice if
other clubs came to our great club for a cruise-in.
They would meet some of our members. I am usually there but it would be more enjoyable if they could
meet several of our great members and not come to
an empty clubhouse. Let’s be hospitable and welcoming. Maybe you just might make new friends
and have a good time.
Hope to see you soon.
Hi all, thanks to our boards approval, our state of the
art glass washer/sanitizer is finally here, installed,
and ready to go.
I'm thankful to all of you who cooperated in using
the plastic cups. As always I'd like to thank Blake,
Beb, Lauren Pressler, David Greitzer, and Shary
Mack for their bartending assistance. Thanks to Sybal Hallbauer for all of her efforts in assisting with
the purchase of the glass washer and to our Port
Captain John Peitso for his timely installation.
The bar is doing well and the happy hours continue
to be lots of fun with good music from the Strange
Thank you Kelly Mack for the awesome appetizers
you contributed a past Friday, and also Paul and
Lillian who always provide lots of goodies.
Now back to the glass washer/ sanitizer, the operation instructions are as follows:
1. Turn on washer
2. Wait for the wash temperature to reach 165°
and the rinse 185°
3. Wait for the amber light to turn green
Join Us for Happy Hour Fridays
It's always a great time and we will have our band
"Strange Angles". If you can, bring an appetizer or
snack of some sort, as they are always appreciated and
enjoyed! Come, hang out, eat, drink, dance, and have
some Friday evening fun and meet fellow club members.
4. Press the start button
5. Once the cycle is complete the screen will
read end.
6. Open and remove the rack let them sit for 1-2
minutes to air dry
If you do the last wash before leaving
press the drain button to drain any 
water left in the washer the screen will
read drain, once done turn off.
There is also a operations manual on the counter in
the bar. Follow instructions properly and our washer
will last a long time.
FOGHORN May 2016
Port Captain
John Peitso
Fleet Captain
Glen Bigelow
April showers have arrived aplenty with flowers of their own, and more sure to come in
May. The rains seem to be zeroing-in on the weekends,
putting a bit of a crimp on work party efforts directed
at the grounds.
Our second cruise-out of the year
to Sierra Point YC on April 16-17
was a very enjoyable time. The appetizers and Paella
dinner were amazing. Two chefs, that obviously knew
what they were doing, each cooked on huge Paella
pans, approximately 4 feet in diameter. One pan was
full of a seafood based Paella and the other pan featured sausage. They also served grilled chicken breasts
as a choice or in combo with the Paella dishes. Dinner
was followed by live music and dancing.
Many thanks to Jenny for her efforts on keeping the
lawns and garden in such good shape. With another
rainy Saturday the work party focused on maintenance
issues in the Club House. We had some cleaning and
organization in the Galley, with some of the same for
the Store Room. Thanks for the recommendations
on improving the lighting in there. Plans are in the
works to make it a more inviting and useful space for
the Club.
Mike Proudfoot did some great work on getting the
South dock gas powered emergency pump back toward
functionality. Chris Jannini and Hal did some great
work digging out some rotted wood from the floor of
the closet by the South entrance, with repair and waterproof detailing to come. Tonja got a new glass sanitizer for the Bar and we provided upgraded water and
electrical supply's to bring the installation up to code.
I wished PSPYC would have been better represented,
but the six of us had a good time. Paul and Earlene
sailed Lodestone over and Glen & Pam Bigelow and
Bob & Sarah Rectenwald all met on board for cocktails
and Paul’s great crab dip, before heading up to the
clubhouse. Napa YC was also in attendance and they
had 2 boats and 6 people and the Sierra Point members
had a great turnout.
We had a great cruise-in on Apr. 16-17 by the 'San Jose Sailing Friends' who enjoyed our facilities and hospitality.
The May cruise-outs include Oyster Point YC on May
6-8, for a 3-day weekend of fun and merriment, including a Friday night Prime Rib dinner; then on Saturday
watching the 142nd running of the Kentucky Derby;
and followed by a celebration of Cinco de Mayo with
dinner and dancing. Finally, on Sunday, a Mother’s
Day Brunch will be served.
Several of them will be returning Apr. 30-May 1 with
the expanded San Jose Sailing Club cruise-in, there
will also be several boats from San Rafael for the
weekend. Let's come on down and extend our hospitality and let them know what a great club we have!
On May 21-22 we’re heading up the river to attend
Petaluma’s 11th Annual American Graffiti celebration
associated with a classic car show surrounded by a
great local area of art, wine, cheese creameries, fine
dining and lots of music.
May 7-8
Oyster Pt. YC
Cinco de Mayo
Aug 20-21
Aeolian YC
Tropical Party
May 21-22 Petaluma YC
American Graffiti
Sep 2-4
Half Moon Bay YC
Labor Day Weekend
18-19 Alameda YC
Pirate Party
Oct ??
South Beach
30-31 Loch Lomond YC
Cajun Boil
No Cruise-Out Planned
Dec ??
Fleet Captains Dinner
FOGHORN May 2016
Darrell Struck
Your next drink at the PSPYC will no
doubt be served in a very clean glass container. The new
glass-washer is now installed and operational and clearly
a cut above the old one. As a bonus, it is fitted with two
trays; one is blue and the other is yellow. This of course
is a coincidence but makes a great story as a “tribute to
the club” from the manufacturer.
A few days ago Sybal and Tonya, tired of the foot dragging of a major vendor, ended up at the East Bay Restaurant Supply and drove a hard bargain for this new washer
including delivery which was previously approved by the
board. The delivery was specifically limited to a drop off
at the door and not inside the clubhouse or installed. Fortunately, Mike Proudfoot was at the club on the delivery
date and used a little persuasion and tact so it ended up in
the clubhouse after all. At that point our Port Captain,
John Peitso, took over and after some electrical redesign
and plumbing modification on Saturday, John returned on
Sunday to install the beast with the assistance of Luc
Maheu and moral support from yours truly. This is our
first capital purchase for 2016 and a fine acquisition it is.
Hotel Mac Diner
Lara Choe
50 Washington Ave.
Point Richmond
California 94801
Fax: (510) 217-9000
Harbor Master
Glenda Linn
Wow, May is here already! Beautiful
days mixed with rain has been a perfect April. The lawns
have been growing like crazy and it is such a treat seeing
how very green they are.
Our slips are two vacant and they will be filled shortly.
John Peisto is working on the slip assignments and that
will bring our waiting list down to four. With our lockers
we have one large and two small currently available. We
have two on our waiting list for containers.
Yay!! We now have a glass sanitizer for our bar! Thanks
to our Rear Commodore, Tonja, with all her research, we
got a brand new one delivered, installed by John Peitso
and ready to go!
Many thanks to Steve Friday for finding us the right kind
of light bulb for our big screen projector. It took some
time and effort between finding, ordering and the crazy
round about way of getting it delivered, but we are now
back in business...well, once it's installed! Thank you
again, Steve!
Last, but not least, another humble thanks to Glen Bigelow. No, not computer break downs, just a printer failure
break down. Argh!! Of course, it resulted in the purchase
of a new one. Really, it's not me, but I'm beginning to
wonder what kind of karma is following me!! Glen found
an excellent one, I got it delivered, and he came down on
his own time spending over an hour just getting me
hooked up. He set me up so that my new HP printer is
connected to the internet with HP and the printer orders
the ink when needed...which means I will always have it.
Pretty slick and cannot thank Glen enough coming to my
aide for my ‘help’ calls, keeping me going...and even in a
better way!!
This last month there was another CCA luncheon where
they enjoyed Ingrid's great cooking once again and
Lillian's awesome dessert! We had a cruise-in from San
Jose Sailing with Friends and another upcoming cruise-in
the end of April from the San Jose Sailing Club. It is always with great appreciation the volunteer help that
makes these events fun & successful.
As those of you know who attended the April Dinner
Meeting, you were able to get the new edition of the
RULES AND BY-LAWS. For those of you not there we
have copies for all members. They are here in the Harbor
Master office, and can be picked up at your convenience.
May 13th is our dinner meeting and with these lovely
spring days & evenings looking forward to seeing everyone!
FOGHORN May 2016
PSPYC General Meeting: Minutes
April 8, 2016
Commodore: Paul Maheu
Meeting called to order at 8:09pm
Paul asked for approval of last month’s meeting. Motion was made to approve, motion 2nd. All in favor.
Paul said thanks to the cooks for the meatloaf dinner.
Kelly, Richard, Shari, and Lillian for the desert.
old dock by the fence straightened up. We also want to
work on one of the containers, do some rail work,
weed whacking, etc. as long as the weather is good.
Paul reminded everyone that the work party is a great
chance to volunteer and meet with other members.
There are other things that can be done as well. If you
think there is something you are good at Paul said we
can get you on a committee. Please help if you can.
No report this month as she is in Mexico.
Jim Koss said there was an AED conference so if there
is anyone interested in learning the opportunity is
Rear Commodore: Tonja J ackson
First Mates: Sue Pr oudfoot
Thanks to everyone for using the plastic cups. As a
reminder the snacks are not free. They are one dollar.
Please mark your card when you get snacks. Keep in
mind that it’s theft if you do not pay for them. Jim said
there used to be a sign for the prices of small and large
snacks. It’s all large now and all snacks are $1. Sodas
are also $1.
They made two gift baskets. One beer basket and one
wine basket to give to PICYA. We sent them as a gift
from the club and not the first mates.
Vice Commodore: Ingr id Hogan
Next happy hour will be next week. They are usually
the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. This month there
are 3.
Fleet Captain: Glen Bigelow
Next week’s cruse out is to Sierra Point YC. Please
sign up on the board in the bar so he can let them know
how many people are coming. The dinner is $20.
Also, Sarah Rectenwald is the editor for the Foghorn
and she needs pictures and articles by next week to get
them in the Foghorn.
Bob Sky pointed out the great article that was in the
Foghorn that highlighted Paul Lagier’s boat building
project. Glen said that these kind of articles make the
Foghorn a yacht club publication that other yacht clubs
can envy. Sarah also asked for high quality pictures.
Modern smart phones can take good pictures.
Paul Maheu reminded everyone Bob Sky is our website editor and is doing a great job. Bob said that he can
use articles, pictures and stories. Also, be sure to let
him know about upcoming activities so he can include
them in the website.
Port Captain: J ohn Peitso
John said we have a cruise in next week end. Maybe 6
boats. They will have a BBQ on the deck.
At the end of the month we will have the same people
come in and also some boats from San Rafael.
Tomorrow’s work party: We will see if we can get the
The clothes dryer is not working as well as expected
and John will be putting in a new gas line that should
Tomorrow Louie and Sue are meeting to design Tshirts.
PICYA: Sybal Halbauer
Reiterating that we get COTY points for the gift baskets. Thank you. Donations are needed for the COTY
The opening day on the bay. ‘Hero’s on the bay’ is
April 24. Hopefully we have some boats that will enter
so we can get COTY points. Andy knows some of the
details for getting boats numbered for the parade so
talk to him if you want to enter your boat.
Antioch has a Jazz and Wine festival on Saturday June
24th. Sybal will post a notice on the bulletin board.
PICYA does scholarships. They have 6 to 8 $2,500
scholarships available. If you have a child, grandchild,
great grandchild, cousin, etc. planning to go to college
have them apply. Last year they didn’t have that many
applications for the scholarships they were offering.
The deadline to apply is June 30th. The scholarships
will be awarded in August. If you want to donate to the
scholarship fund that would be greatly appreciated. It’s
a $250 donation. It was suggested that we can put a
link on our website for the information.
Old Business:
Paul Maheu said there was a very nice memorial for
Tony. It was wonderful to see everyone. There was a
video and slide show. One thing that happened is that
we were not able to use the projector. Steve has run out
and got a new lamp thanks to him for that.
FOGHORN May 2016
New Business:
There is a new PSPYC rules and bylaws manual available. They are available to pick up tonight or anytime
afterwards in Glenda’s office.
Contact Info for your PSPYC Board
Thanks for all the volunteers and help with kids. However, there were kids running on the docks so please be
sure to help kids be safe.
Paul Maheu
[email protected]
(510) 524-3587
Coleen asked when Kelly’s picture is going up on the
wall of past commodores since it’s been 3 months. It
will be happening.
Vice Commodore:
Ingrid Hogan
[email protected]
(916) 969-9676
Jenny asked folks to not just leave stuff here at the
club. If it’s stuff that needs to be thrown way use the
dumpster. If your using the oil recycle area don’t leave
containers or filters. Also, don’t put banana peels in the
recycling bins.
Rear Commodore:
Tonja Jackson
[email protected]
(510) 964-0320
Motion to adjourn. Motion approved at 8:39 pm
Port Captain:
John Peitso
[email protected]
(510) 506-6894
Fleet Captain:
Glen Bigelow
First Mates
Susan Proudfoot
[email protected]
(916) 996-4241
Darrell Struck
[email protected]
(510) 235-3719
Hal Peterson
[email protected]
(707) 569-7485
Richard Alexander
[email protected]
(925) 954-8700
Griff Brazil
[email protected]
(510) 685-8841
Sybal Hallbauer
[email protected]
(510) 409-4382
Steve Hutchinson
[email protected]
April 8th, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Sue Proudfoot at
1730 hours.
Present: Colleen Fielding, Earlene Lagier, Vicky Oswald, Sue Proudfoot, Dolores Robinson, Nancy Struck
President Report: The laundry dryer was going to be
discussed at the PSPYC Board meeting. Possibly the
dryer does not receive sufficient gas. Discussion is
underway regarding installation of new gas lines.
Available at our online store or
Louie Nickles will bring his preliminary design for
PSPYC tee shirts to workday for review.
Sybal Hallbauer took two prize baskets from First Mates to PICYA for their opening day prizes. They were
presented to PICYA as gifts from the PSPYC.
Treasurer Report: To date there have been fewer private parties resulting in less tips for First Mates. First
Mates’ tips are given to the entertainers during the Friday Happy Hours.
It was agreed that the back room needs improvement,
especially better lighting. Suggestions are forthcoming.
The meeting adjourned at 1840 hours.
Next Meeting: June 10, 2016 at PSPYC.
Many items can be customized to your liking
For questions or comments please email
[email protected]
FOGHORN May 2016
Shary & Kelly Mack
Mike & Sue
Barbara Friday & Rosemary Hegarty
David Greitzer &
Colleen Fielding
Paul Lagier &
Hal Peterson
FOGHORN May 2016
Wayne & Julie Rundall
Tonja Jackson &
Suzzane Staler
Steve & Barbara
Glenda Linn &
Shary Mack
Band: Strange Angles
FOGHORN May 2016
 Paul & Earline Lagier
 Giant Seafood and Sausage
 Glen & Pam Bigelow
FOGHORN May 2016
Building a Ferro-Cement Boat
(Part 5—See April Foghorn for Parts 1-4)
Below, Paul begins the first batch.
by Glen Bigelow from information provided by Paul
This is the continuation of the story of building
Lodestone, the ferro-cement boat that Paul Lagier
began building in 2007.
In the first installment (parts 1-4 in the April Foghorn), we covered be most critical part of the process
the build of the metal structure of the boat, including
the intricate framing and then covering it with a wire
mesh, to which the cement plaster will be applied.
And, that is where this month’s installment begins.
So, on with the story.
Below, Paul discusses the game plan, so that everyone is on the same page and knows their job. This is
extremely important, because once you get started
mixing and plastering, there isn’t time to stop and re
-think strategy. Once everyone is on board, let’s get
Ferro-cement Mixture
Ferro-cement is a combination of sand, cement,
posilon and water. Posilon (pozzolan) is a fine silica
based compound which comes from volcanic ash
and reduces the porosity of cement which makes it
more waterproof.
The mix is 4 boxes sand, 2 sacks cement and 2 cans
of posilon. The mixing is done in two parts. You
start with 2 boxes of sand, 1 sack cement and 1 can
posilon. After it is well mixed you repeat the process
with the remaining materials to complete the batch.
When the plaster or mud is ready, it is transferred
to 5 gallon buckets to be delivered to each of the
Each plasterer has a flat board with a handle on the
bottom called a “hawk”. Below, Benny, the master
plasterer tests the mud. You can see his “hawk” in
his left hand. Once, he approves the consistency of
the mud, everyone can get started.
FOGHORN May 2016
Building a Ferro-Cement Boat, continued part 6
Working on the deck.
Three quarters done!
While the plasterers work on the outside, someone
small and quick on their feet has to work inside finding spots where the mud didn’t come all the way
through. In this case, it was Erin, Paul’s daughter-inlaw. When, she finds a thin spot she pokes a wire
through it to show the plasterer where it needs work.
Erin also uses a broom to sweep the mud smooth.
Half done!
Finishing the port side.
Finishing the deck around the cockpit and stern
hatch. The forward hatch is finished.
FOGHORN May 2016
Building a Ferro-Cement Boat, continued part 7
Benny finishes up around the cutlass bearing while
Paul looks on.
After the mud is on, they "float" the plaster to where
the hairpin ties just show through, ensuring uniform
thickness. Floating further compresses the plaster
and provides a texture for the finish coat to adhere
to. The shiny part of the hull is waiting to be floated.
Earlene serves up a well deserved lunch break!
1/8th inch finish coat!
Below, floating up close.
Plastered and Floated!
The Finished Hull!
Then, it has to be sprayed down 3 times a day for a
month to allow the plaster to cure.
On Saturday, for the plastering & floating, there
were 16-18 people, 6 plasterers and the rest, support.
On Sunday, for the finish coat, there were 8-10 people, 6 plasterers and the rest support. I find it noteworthy, that after the finish coat, no other fillers
were ever sanding was ever done...just
multiple coats of epoxy and the finish paint.
To be continued...
FOGHORN May 2016
FOGHORN May 2016
May 2016
Oyster Point YC Cruise-out
1900 Dinner
0900 Work Party
Petaluma YC
June 2016
1900 Dinner
0900 Work Party
Alameda YC
FOGHORN May 2016
Point San Pablo Yacht Club
PO Box 70307
Point Richmond, CA 94807
Commodore: Paul Maheu
Vice Commodore: Ingrid Hogan
Rear Commodore: Tonja Jackson
Port Captain: John Peitso
Fleet Captain: Glen Bigelow
Treasurer: Darrell Struck
Secretary: Hal Peterson
Harbor Master
Glenda Linn
Club House: 510-620-9690
Office: 510-233-1046
Cell: 510-375-0289
Fax: 510-233-0843
Cruise-Out - Oyster Point YC
May 6-8 :
Friday - Prime Rib Dinner
Saturday - Kentucky Derby &
Cinco De Mayo
Sunday - Mother’s Day Brunch
Richard Alexander, Griff Brazil,
Sybal Hallbauer, Steve Hutchinson
Mailing Address
Berthing and
Membership Chair: Lauren Pressler
First Mates President: Susan Proudfoot
Staff Commodore: Kelly Mack
PICYA Representative: Sybal Hallbauer
Webmaster: Bob Skye
Foghorn Editor: Sarah Rectenwald
PO Box 70307
PT. Richmond,
CA 94807
Member Meeting & Dinner
May 13th
Work Party
May 14th
Cruise-Out - Petaluma YC
May 21st: American Graffitti &
Classic Car Show