14404 Francis House Newsletter 09
14404 Francis House Newsletter 09
14404 Francis House Newsletter 09 12/3/09 GIFT AID 12:35 Page 1 EVENTS FRANCIS HOUSE NEWSLETTER SPRING 2009 We are most grateful to everyone who has already completed a Gift Aid Declaration. To date over 2000 supporters have signed up to the scheme. “The Bails are Off!” – Friday 19th June Following the Budget in April 2008, the Chancellor pledged that following the fall in the basic rate of income tax from 22 to 20% charities will still be able to claim 28p for every £1 donated. This will be made up of 25p per £1 plus 3p transitional relief and will continue until 2011. Guest speakers Geoff Miller ex county of England player and now a National Test Selector and starring Kevin Connolly of BBC’s ‘Dead Ringers’. Join us for a lunchtime special in the new Gold Marquee at Lancashire Cricket Club. Reception drink and 3 course lunch £55.00 per ticket (£500.00 per table of ten). Concerts with Chethams School of Music If you are a UK taxpayer and haven’t already signed up please consider completing and returning the slip overleaf, no donation is too small to be gift aided. If you are planning a special occasion wedding anniversary, birthday, christening etc and wish your guests to make their gift a donation to Francis House, we can supply small gift envelopes and cards to be sent out with your invitations. We can only claim gift aid if the donor pays UK tax and we have their name and home address. Please phone Pauline on 0161 434 7252 or email: [email protected] if we can help. As you will know Francis House has a special relationship with Chethams through Brigitte and her family. Last year we enjoyed two wonderful concerts at the Cathedral and the RNCM. This year two more concerts are planned. 23rd June at Chethams, Whiteley Hall. This will be a French Horn Celebration Concert and the highlight will be Britten’s Serenade for Tenor Horn and Strings – Tel: 0161 834 9644. On the 9th November we shall hold another concert at Manchester Cathedral, programme to be confirmed. We take this opportunity of wishing all of our friends at Chethams congratulations on their 40th anniversary. Concert in the Park 2nd August STANDING ORDER The majority of our income comes from fundraising activities and though very welcome none of them guarantee us regular income. That is why the supporters who pay by standing order are so important to us. Here is a source of income that can be relied on. Following our last appeal we now have nearly 700 loyal friends who have set up standing orders, many of them have gift aided their donations so that in 2009 we will be able to reclaim over £11,000 from the Inland Revenue. This source of income guarantees us over £100,000 per year. Our aim is to raise this even further - and so we are asking for your help. If you can consider setting up a Standing Order please phone Pauline on 0161 434 7252 or email [email protected] A big thank you to all who have signed up already. Once again we are partnering IMG and Tatton for a ‘Back to the 80’s’ concert starring the Human League, Belinda Carlisle, ABC and Go West. Tickets are £29.50 Children 5-16 £20.50 Seniors £20.50 Family ticket £82.00 Booking through Francis House means that a percentage of the price goes direct to the Hospice. This year we are also organising the hospitality on both the Halle and the Party Night. Ticket and Hospitality Hotline: Judy 01625 583453. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Saturday 5th September - Annual mixed Open Bowls Tournament at the Drum and Monkey, Alderley Edge. Tel: 01625 583112 or [email protected] Friday 4th December - Annual Ball at Mere Golf & Country Club For more information on any of these events contact Judy on 01625 583453. Oldham Business Turns Pennies into Pounds for Children’s Hospice An Oldham company’s first venture into raising money for charity has made almost £2500 for Francis House Children’s Hospice. The family run Focus Education and Talking Point Exhibition Centre at Scouthead in Saddleworth provides teacher’s guides to schools across the UK and decided to donate 10 pence from every item they sold between August 2007 and 2008. A total of £2429 was raised from sales and this money is being used to help the work of Francis House by funding the care team – it costs £222 per hour to run the hospice. Claire Duggan of Talking Point feels the work of the hospice is something which touches everyone and is a great help to children and families from Oldham and the North West. She said: ‘As a family business we wanted to support a charity which reflected our values and which would provide help and support for children from the Oldham area and we are delighted to have found this in Francis House.’ YOU WON’T LIKE ME WHEN IM ANGRY David Woodrow showed his true colours as he accepted a generous donation of toys from Salford’s Lowry Centre Manager, Robert Hallworth. The pair – who had started to turn a delicate shade of green – joined in the fun by trying out some of the goodies themselves. David Woodrow became quite attached to the Hulk gloves and said he wasn’t sure if he was going to give them back: “Growling mittens could come in very useful in persuading people to support us and may become a regular part of my work for the hospice. But seriously, this donation of toys should bring smiles to many children’s faces as well as helping us to raise vital funds and so we are very grateful to Hasbro UK for their kind offer”. If you think that you know what David is saying why not enter our competition. The writer of the chosen caption wins a prize of a free place at our next abseiling event. Please send your entries to Hulk Competition, Francis House Fundraising office, Blade House, Battersea Road, Heaton Mersey, Stockport, SK4 3EA or e-mail your suggestion to [email protected] Don’t forget the Soreen .. David? One of the all time classic advertising slogans ‘Don’t forget the Soreen Doreen’ was given a Francis House twist at the CAMRA Winter Ales Beer Festival in February. The company who produce the malt loaf offered to join our stand at the event and provide drinkers with pieces of buttered Soreen to help soak up the ale – and what a success it was. Fundraiser David Woodrow spent a lot of time with the Soreen team dishing out the malt bread and taking donations in exchange. He said: “As well as creating a lot of additional interest at our table the offer of a free sample provided us with more funds than we had expected as real ale fans would generously throw money in our buckets as they took a slice”. On the day Francis House raised more than £2,800 from selling promotional goods, raffle tickets and donations – including £300 from Soreen. FORTHCOMING EVENTS FRANCIS HOUSE NEWSLETTER SPRING 2009 7th MARCH Diva MMTV themed charity ball event Imperial War Museum, Salford Quays Pam 0161 443 2200 8th MARCH Abseil Velodrome David 0161 443 2200 16th APRIL Corporate Day - Become a Premiership Player for a day Manchester United David 0161 443 2200 23rd APRIL St. George's day ICE golf competiton. St. George's Disco at night Altrincham Old Hall Pam 0161 443 2200 3rd MAY All Day Music Charity Gig 11am-11pm (more bands than last year - 8at present). Thatched House Pub, Churchgate, Stockport Pam 0161 443 2200 9th MAY Football Charity Ground Collection (collectors always needed) Old Trafford - Manchester United vs. Manchester City David 0161 443 2200 9th MAY Metropolitan Hotel Fun Day to be decided Pam 0161 443 2200 11th MAY Viewing Day Francis House 0161 434 4118 15th MAY Dance Into Spring. Tickets £40 to include drink on arrival, 3 course dinner and dance The Hunting Lodge, Adlington Hall Kate 0161 443 2200 9th JUNE Charity Golf Day - Teams of 3 Davyhulme Park Golf Club David 0161 443 2200 13th JUNE Summer Party. £30 a ticket to include welcome drinks, free entry into raffle, BBQ, DJ and band Northern Tennis Club Fiona Armstrong Hall 07961 127548 14th JUNE Macclesfield 3 Peaks Sponsored Challenge Tegg's Nose/Cat & Fiddle Maurice Ireland 01625 829320 19th JUNE The Bails are Off Luncheon Lancashire County Cricket Club Judy 01625 583453 20th JUNE 7-a-side Charity Challenge Manchester United - Carrington Academy David 0161 443 2200 23rd JUNE Concert Chetham's School of Music Judy 01625 583453 Verona Sports Tours 0161 703 8161 25th-28th JUNE Opera Trip 28th JUNE Abseil/Zip Slide Baiting Dam, Ripponden 0161 443 2200 5th JULY City of Manchester 10K Sponsored Run Sports City Kate 0161 443 2200 2nd AUGUST Open Air Concert Tatton Park Judy 01625 583453 10th SEPTEMBER Charity Golf Day Stockport John 0161 456 7904 8th-15th OCTOBER Charity Golf Week Almerimar, Spain John 0161 456 7904 17th OCTOBER The Glass Slipper Family Ball Adults £65.00 Children £30.00 Shrigley Hall, Pott Shrigley Karen 0161 428 8871 07827 442007 9th NOVEMBER Concert Manchester Cathedral Judy 01625 583453 DECEMBER Charity Ball Mere Golf & Country Club Judy 01625 583453 ANNUAL RAFFLE If you do not receive raffle tickets for the Francis House Christmas Draw with this Newsletter and would like to support the raffle, we will gladly send you some. Phone Pauline on 0161 434 7272 or email: [email protected] THE NEWSLETTER FROM FRANCIS HOUSE www.francishouse.org.uk SPRING 2008 14404 Francis House Newsletter 09 12/3/09 12:35 Page 2 FRANCIS HOUSE NEWSLETTER SPRING 2009 In the first few months of the year Francis House has had visits from some well known friends. Our front cover shows James with actress Sally Whittaker (Sally Webster in Coronation Street). Sally has bravely agreed to run in the Wilmslow half marathon to raise funds for Francis House. In February we had an unannounced visit from Sir Bobby Charlton who left the lads speechless and not wanting to wash their hands! (However one of our young ladies recognised him as the man from the Actimel advert!!). In early March we re-addressed the balance when Stephen Ireland visited and was interviewed by the national press as he launched his new website (which has a link to our Francis House website). HAPPY RETIREMENT?! This month sees the retirement of Sister Francine who came to work on the Care team in 2001 after many years running nurseries for the Catholic Children’s Rescue Society. We could wish Sister a peaceful retirement but in fact she is continuing to support Francis House by working with Alan in the shop, carrying out reception duties and continuing to care for the meeting hall. Even so we want to take this opportunity of thanking Sister Francine for all of her dedicated work over the years and in anticipation of what she is still going to do in the future. Stephen has been keen to help Francis House for several years and has made several visits and is quoted as saying. “Francis House is a place close to my heart. I love going to visit there and talk to the children and parents. Francis House performs a vital function for families who may be scared or confused. The staff do a great job and things don’t get any easier when there is the financial turmoil that there is at the moment. This is not something that I like to shout about because I don’t want people to think that I am helping for the sake of publicity. I am committed to helping and will do so for as long as I can, even when the football is over and done with.” NORTH ALLERTON SCHOOL North Allerton School had a most successful year of fund raising finishing with a ball in November to raise a fantastic amount of £8100.00. Hmm, I’d like a cheque for £2,500 please. Some wishes do come true, especially with the help of the kind people at the Garrick Playhouse Theatre in Altrincham who collected money during performances of their Christmas Pantomime, Aladdin. Francis House does care for children with incurable conditions but many of them spend time with us over several years. We differ from the traditional adult hospice in the amount of care and support we provide for the family as a whole, offering respite for carers and parents during their time with us. There can be as many as 200 families involved with the hospice at any one time as we provide what has been described as a ‘home from home’. Francis House is staffed by a dedicated team of professionals and a strong body of volunteers who provide domestic, administrative and fundraising support to provide the best care for the children and families of the North West. The charity receives only a small amount of money from central government and local authorities and the rest is made up from our own fundraising efforts. To stand still we need almost two million pounds a year, the bulk of the funds being used to provide the best care for our children – breaking this down into a more manageable sum it becomes £222 per hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We never close. Looking to the future and the longer lives of many of our children we are planning to expand to enable us to provide an even better service. During the 1990’s many of the children we cared for lived into their teens, but today we are seeing a need for care for young people into their late twenties. This is one of the issues that we hope to address as we look at plans for future expansion and development. Friendly Warning!! Be Aware!! As you are aware we struggle with the fact that there are several charities with the word ‘Rainbow’ in their name. At the moment we are receiving many enquiries from people who are being asked on their doorstep to sign Direct Debit forms. This is nothing to do with Francis House. We are the ‘RAINBOW FAMILY TRUST’ and we do not carry out door to door collections. Please tell your friends and neighbours. There are two routes to cater for all standards of fitness. You can do the scenic half marathon taking in Teggs Nose, Shuttlingsloe and Shining Tor or the more leisurely seven mile walk in the Goyt Valley. Last year the event raised £20,787.00 and a big thank you goes to the sponsors Arighi Bianchi. Why not come along and bring friends and family? For information ring Maurice on 01625 829320 or [email protected] BOWLING INTO THE GUINNESS BOOK OF RECORD BOOKS and RAISING £7043.41 FOR FRANCIS HOUSE The Lloyd Hotel Bowling Club from Chorlton started to bowl on Saturday October 25th and finishing at 5.00pm on Saturday November 1st, two teams of six players bowled continuously throughout the week and set a new record of 168hours for outdoor bowls and raised £7,043.41 for Francis House. Marco Frigatti, Director of Records at Guinness World Records presented a certificate to the extremely exhausted guys on the final day (Saturday 1 November) of the marathon and confirmed the clubs claim to be the new Guinness Book of Records holders of the world record for the longest game of outdoor bowls. Not only originally guaranteeing to raise £500 with collections from the audience but they ended up handing over another £2,000 on top. The last time I entered a race was at primary school and that was with and egg and spoon so up until recently I would have laughed at the thought of running 13 miles. It was the suggestion of Duncan Evans, a trainer at the gym I go to, who first put the idea into my head and midway through January I went out for the first time with my next door neighbour, Alison Irving. What surprised me was how quickly you can build up the miles and in just under a month I was running six miles, often with Alison and a group of mums from my youngest daughter’s school. The thought of running more than twice that distance is a bit scary at the moment but I’m enjoying the exhilarating feeling it gives me and the motivating thought of letting people down if I don’t do it. To push me on I decided to have a reason for doing the miles, more than just getting fit and to run with a goal in mind. I decided to support Francis House and once I’d phoned the hospice I knew there was no going back – I’ve seen the great work the hospice does for so many families and children and I think of them when it gets tough and this pushes me on. Deciding to support the hospice has been a great reason to get out there on those cold and wet days when I’d much rather stay indoors in the warm. Another bonus is the incentive and encouragement I’ve had from my own family who say they’re proud of me for having a go. Sally Sally’s sponsorship page is www.justgiving.com/sallydynevor Title The relationship with American perfume and beauty products company, Kiehl’s, continues to blossom. The company held an event at House of Fraser in Manchester where they donated a percentage of their takings and held a raffle in support of Francis House. Coronation Street celebrities, Anthony Cotton and Tupele Dorgu joined in the fun along with our very own David Woodrow, seen here enjoying a Manhattan cocktail. Almost £400 was raised for the hospice adding to the amount raised during their opening week. Thanks to the staff of Kiehl’s for their help, enthusiasm and generosity. Forename(s) Surname Address Post Code Email I wish the charity to treat: WATES QUIZ NIGHT TEAM PRESENT £2000 CHEQUE TO LOCAL HOSPICE Following a highly successful charity quiz night held by the Wates Group, their clients and supply chain raised over £2000 for Francis House Children’s Hospice. The event’s success has inspired the team to start planning next year’s event. We can only hope that we will gain similar support and be able to raise as much to help the charity in 2009! CORNISHMAN PUB, WYTHENSHAW Landlord Michael Flannagan, friends and customers joined together to hold a charity night and raised £1,840.00. Well done and many thanks to the ‘little helpers’. CORRIE STAR SALLY ON THE RUN Coronation Street actor Sally Whittaker - who plays her namesake Sally Webster in the series is taking part in the Wilmslow Half Marathon at the end of March on behalf of Francis House. Here are her thoughts about training and running for charity. Details of Donor: THE SWEET SMELL OF SUCCESS Oh Yes they did! It’s almost Easter and we’re still talking Christmas. We felt we had to mention the communication skills of Kate Kenney in being the catalyst for a mass group of Father Christmas lookalikes taking part in our Santa Run in December. Kate, who by coincidence works for communications company the Connaught Group, began with a couple of friends and by the time she’d finished there were almost 60 Santas and three companies taking part to raise money for Francis House. As well as Kate’s colleagues there were runners from two housing associations, Parkway Housing and the Eastlands Group and altogether they collected £1700 for the hospice. Once again Maurice Ireland and his Prestbury Group are organising the Macclesfield 3 Peaks challenge. This event is now in its seventh year. Gift Aid Declaration Name of Charity: RUB THE LAMP AND MAKE A WISH That day could be at least another decade away with Stephen going through a very good spell Three Peaks Challenge! 14th June 09 We know that each of our friends, whatever their background, whatever their status are important to our work and we value every bit of help that we receive. David Stephen has had a good season to date and is about to launch a new website linked in to Francis House. Francis House is the North West Children’s Hospice. The hospice was established in 1991 and was only the fifth centre in the UK at the time it opened. There’s often confusion over the role of Francis House, many thinking it’s a junior version of the adult hospice where people usually spend their last days, but nothing could be further from the truth. You will realise that the economic situation affects Francis House and our families but thanks to your generosity in the past and your continued commitment, we feel able to ride out the economic difficulties and still plan for future development. Whatever your faith background please keep our children, their families and the staff and volunteers in your thoughts and prayers and whether you celebrate Easter, Passover, New Year, Enlightenment Day, Rama Navami or just greet spring with joy and happiness may we wish you every blessing and thank you for being our special friends. Stephen Ireland was another of our visiting friends this month. FRANCIS HOUSE NEWSLETTER SPRING 2009 WHAT A LOAD OF SANTAS We are so lucky to have so many generous friends who take the work of Francis House to heart and who want to help us to help our children and their families. We are also very conscious that many of our friends are struggling as a result of the economic slowdown. Redundancy, loss of homes, loss of pensions are making life difficult for so many of you and we want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, named and unnamed. FRANCIS HOUSE NEWSLETTER SPRING 2009 THE HEART OF MANCHESTER RAISED OVER £6,000 (please tick as appropriate) the enclosed donation of £ The pupils and staff at St Peter's RC High School, Specialist College for Business and Enterprise, and Kate Puc from Francis House, compiled the Heart of Manchester calendar for 2009 as Business and Enterprise project for the school and raised in excess of 6,000 for Francis House Richard Fleeshman, Michael LeVell and Kirsty Howard helped us to launch the calendar at the Christmas Tree Festival. A big thank you goes to all of the year 9 pupils and staff at St Peters school. the donation(s) of which I made on: all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise WE ONLY VISIT THE FINEST ESTABLISHMENTS all donations I have made from 1st April 2003 and all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise Or so Kate Puc would have us believe, although she is often pictured at the best gigs. Here she is mixing with the royalty of clubs paying a visit to St Kentigerns. This was more than a social call though as Kate collected a cheque for £5,150.00 which was raised by Kay Burns & Ena Kennedy by holding a Charity Dance organized by Kevin Fitzpatrick. Kevin is the newly crowned ‘King of Clubs’ – St Kentigerns was voted the best in the UK at the end of last year. A very special thanks to Margaret Murray and her family who donated £2072.00 to the total, an amount raised in memory of Martin Murray, who himself was a great supporter of Francis House. Martin sadly passed away on December 3rd 1995 £ as Gift Aid donations. I am a UK Tax Payer. MANCHESTER LADIES AUXILIARY Manchester Ladies Auxiliary raised £1000 during a very successful fund raising year, but sadly somewhat darkened by the death of one of their members Eunice Cullen who was a great supporter of the Hospice. We send our condolences to her family. Signature Date Registered Charity No. 328659
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