February 2016 - St. Francis Episcopal Church
February 2016 - St. Francis Episcopal Church
February 2016 Change-ing Lives Initiative The Lenten Season invites all of us to enter into a special time of prayer, reflection and spiritual discipline in preparation for the celebration of Easter. Again this year at St. Francis, in place of mite boxes, we will have the opportunity to partner with Family Service of the Piedmont and their Change-ing Lives baby bottle program. Parishioners will be able to use the bottles to collect loose change (coins, bills) or checks during the Lenten Season. We will begin distribution of the bottles on February 14th, continue throughout Lent, and ask that all bottles be returned by Palm Sunday, March 20th. Checks should be made payable to Family Service of Greensboro. Family Service supports families and children in the greater Greensboro area through its services, education and advocacy. Change-ing Lives is a program that we can participate in to help change the lives of women, children and families in our community – many of whom have been the victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse – by collecting loose change. All proceeds will go to support services including Clara House Domestic Abuse Violence Shelter, The Chil- dren’s Advocacy Center and Healthy Start, a program provid- ing counseling and education. Please consider joining the Outreach Committee of St. Francis by adding this meaningful discipline into your Lenten preparations. This is a way we can all get involved in the life of our community and in Change-ing the lives of others. Thank you! Outreach Committee of St. Francis T HE REACH… FROM THE OUTREACH C OMMITTEE What does Outreach do in our community? In 2015 the Outreach committee has sponsored several worthy non-profits to meet unmet human needs such as hunger, safety and shelter, such as: Malachi House II, a faith based 9-month program providing a safe and trusting environment where men can recover from life-controlling issues, such as drug and alcohol addiction. Community Support and Nutrition Program- CSNP a gr ocer y assistance deliver y program with One Step Further BackPack Beginnings, founded in Gr eensbor o to pr ovide school childr en with food for their families over the weekends FoodCorps, an Amer icor ps or ganization based at Guilfor d County Cooper ative Extension that educates Guilford County school children about nutrition and healthy eating through school gardening and taste testing healthy foods during the school year and over the summers Sanctuary House, a day pr ogr am that pr ovides mentor ing ser vices and fellowship for young adults who struggle with mental illness Wheels 4 Hope, a faith-based car donation program that turns donated cars into local blessings— Father Milton will bless a car at St. Francis on January 31st after the 10:30 service IRC (Inter active Resour ce Center ) Emer gency Shelter , a refuge for anyone experiencing or who may experience homelessness in Greensboro StepUp Greensboro Ministry, empowering disadvantaged adults living in Guilford County, North Carolina with training, active mentoring and support services that help them find and keep jobs, and build stable lives Clara House, a shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence Barnabas Network, providing gently used home furnishings to families in need in Guilford County 2 T HE REACH… FROM THE OUTREACH C OMMITTEE Food Assistance, a totally volunteer -driven, charitable, community outreach offering food, friendship, and hope to low income and disabled seniors in Guilford County Healing Garden at the Moses H. Cone Memor ial Hospital Adult Center for Enrichment, enriching the lives of frail and impaired adults, their families, and the community through specialized adult day services, respite care, education and support. Greensboro Urban Ministry Food Bank, particularly important since we are no longer allowed to conduct food drives at Harris Teeter on Lawndale Dr. We also support St. Francis ministries such as the Day School scholarship program, EYC Glory Ridge mission trips, as well as world support efforts like Episcopal Relief and Disaster Fund, Salvation Army and Stop Hunger Now. The list of agencies needing support grows every day. Please support the Annual Book Sale by donating books, sorting, staffing the sale, and buying books. Get involved with Outreach either by joining our committee, volunteering at one of our ministries, working on special projects, or making donations to Outreach. Your prayers are always welcome! Call Mary Flinn at 509-8968 if you would like to get involved. (Gifts should be made out to St. Francis with “Outreach” in the “for” line or on the outside of a cash envelope.) CAR BLESSING 3 ST. F R A N C I S E P I S C O PA L C H U R C H A Parish of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina The Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple, Bishop Suffragan & Bishop Pro Tem The Rt. Rev. Peter Lee, Assisting Bishop P A R I S H The Rev. Milton C. Williams, Jr., Interim Rector Amanda Harmon, Director of Children's and Y outh Ministry Sam Doyle, Choir Director Jane Woody, Junior Choir Director Pat Copley, Organist Kit Hargett, Interim Day School Director S T A F F Linda Allgood, Parish Administrator Bonnie Thyer, Communications Coordinator Jack Steelman & Bo Edwards: Sextons Rigoberto Bautista, Custodian ST. FRANCIS VESTRY: Jim Cox: Senior W arden, Michelle Koehler: Junior W arden, Dennis Barry: Treasurer, Cindy Patterson: Clerk, Patrick Marshall, Brian MacKenzie, Grant Haviland, Geoff Wehe, Pat Russell, Mary Dator, Bruce Lyon, Dick Maxwell, Virginia Summerell On the web at: www.stfrancisgreensboro.org Phone: 336-288-4721 Fax: 336-288-4760 St. Francis Day School: 336-288-4740 ST. FRANCIS EPISCOPAL 3506 Lawndale Drive Greensboro, NC 27408 CHURCH 4
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