mador rts - Amador Community News
mador rts - Amador Community News
Fridays • June 10 through August 19 • 6:00 - Dusk FREE PUBLIC CONCERTS mador rts Amador County Arts Council TGIF SCHEDULE AT-A-GLANCE June 10 Wingnut Adams Band Kennedy Mine Amphitheatre, Jackson June 17 Late for Dinner Far Horizons 49er Village, Plymouth June 24 Esquires Minnie Provis Park, Sutter Creek July 8 Crystal Image Pine Grove Park, Pine Grove July 15 Mokelumne Crossing Mollie Joyce Park, Pioneer* July 22 FreeZeout Volcano Amphitheatre, Volcano August 5 Sierra Sax and Brass Quartet Castle Oaks Golf Club, Ione* August 12 Tess and Hip Trash Detert Park, Jackson August 19 Feather River Montevina Winery/Terra d’Oro, Plymouth DIRECTIONS Kennedy Mine Amphitheatre, Jackson: From Hwy 49/88 and Main St in Jackson, turn on North Main Street. Turn left into amphitheatre parking lot across the street from the Kennedy Tailing Wheels Park. Far Horizons 49er Village: Go north on Highway 49 toward Plymouth. Bear left just past the 49er Village entrance. Park in the Fairgrounds parking lot. Minnie Provis Park, Sutter Creek: From Hwy 49 in Sutter Creek, turn onto Church Street. Park is a half block down on the left. Additional parking is available behind City Hall; entrance is just north of Church St between City Hall and the church. Pine Grove Park, Pine Grove: On Hwy 88 in Pine Grove, across the hwy from Pine Grove Town Hall. Mollie Joyce Park, Pioneer*: Heading east on Hwy 88 in Pioneer, turn left on Carson Drive, follow the park signs to Mollie Joyce Park. Volcano Amphitheatre, Volcano: From Hwy 88 in Pine Grove, take Pine Grove Volcano Rd to Volcano. Amphitheatre is on the left across from the St. George Hotel and Whiskey Flat Saloon. Parking is on the street or in the city parking lot across the street from the amphitheatre. Castle Oaks Golf Club*: From downtown Ione, drive west on Highway 104. Turn left onto Castle Oaks Drive and head for the Clubhouse. Detert Park, Jackson: From Hwy 49/88 in Jackson, south of the intersection of Vogan Toll Rd, turn into ball fields entrance. Keep right past ball fields to parking area. Montevina Winery, Shenandoah Valley: At the intersection of Hwy 49 & Main Street in Plymouth, turn onto Shenandoah Rd, then right on Shenandoah School Rd. to 20680 Shenandoah School Rd. * FOOD & BEVERAGES AVAILABLE at Mollie Joyce Park (July 15) and Castle Oaks Golf Club (August 5). Please, no outside beverages at these two shows. Thank You! 7KH&DODYHUDV$UWV&RXQFLO3UHVHQWV 20th annual $OO&RQFHUWVDUH:HGQHVGD\V IURPWRSP %ULQJD3LFQLFDQG/RZ%DFN &RQFHUW&KDLUV ZZZFDODYHUDVDUWVRUJ ) U HH6XP P H U &R Q F HU W 6 HU L HV -XQH&RSSHURSROLV7RZQ6TXDUH 7285*8,'(6&$17$026 $&RPER:LWK5RFN/DWLQ²$PD]LQJ9RFDOV -XQH9DOOH\6SULQJV%DOO)LHOG %,6&8,76+21(< )RON&RXQWU\ZLWK*UHDW+DUPRQ\9RFDOV -XQH0RXQWDLQ5DQFK&RPPXQLW\3DUN %5$':,/621%$1' 5RFNLQ¶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ingnut Adams plays drums, harp and performs vocally with a roster of touring pros. The band pays homage to the roots of the Blues, while injecting Wingnut’s own life experiences into a funky musical stew that has captured hearts and souls everywhere! Wingnut began his musical journey as a percussionist for artists such as Archie Lee Hooker and Ron Thompson. In 2002 he went out on his own and it wasn’t long before fans everywhere realized that Wingnut’s love for a strong, danceable groove and the ability to interact with the fans made his shows comfortable, relaxed and lots of fun! TONIGHT’S CONCERT SPONSORED BY JACKSON RANCHERIA CASINO & HOTEL 2011 Summer Season Kennedy Mine Amphitheatre Great Theatre Under the Stars Fri. & Sat. June 24 thru July 23 A Flea in Her E ar By Georges Feydeau Translated by John Mortimer Fri. & Sat. Aug. 5 thru Sept. 3 Sponsored by Leaving Iowa By Tim Clue & Spike Manton Tickets Available at the Gate $17.50 Adults - $12 Students - Family Pack $49 Gates open at 6:30 for Picnics - Show at 8pm mador rts Amador County Arts Council Donít Miss These Other Events! Put this on your refrigerator or onto your calendars AmadorArts CURRENT CALENDAR June 10 6 pm First TGIF free concert, continues every Fri. ‘til Aug. 19 -- see TGIF schedule. June 25 5 - 8 pm Jazzin’ in Up in Jackson, our NEW fundraiser on Main St., featuring live music, art, wine and food. FREE admission. June 25 Winning Raffle Ticket drawn for Maui Condo stay in April 2012 Aug. 25 6 - 8 pm Arts Networking Affair -- Mixers for the Arts bringing everyone together -- Volcano Amphitheatre featuring vignettes by Volcano Theatre Co., plus appetizers and no-host bar by St. George Hotel. Free to members or $5 donation. (Also Dec. 1 -- check for info.) Sept. 17 - 18 Two full days Open Studios Tour presented by Amador County Artists Association. Sept. 24 5 - 7 pm The Sons of the San Joaquin at Helwig Winery presented by AmadorArts. Oct. 9 Extravaganza, a fundraiser for Amador Schools Arts Foundation. Nov. 12 WineFest 2011 in Sutter Creek, our annual fundraiser with art, wine, tasty treats and Silent Auction. March 2012 A Taste of the Arts - One day Mini Arts Institute for teens & adults. 10 Need info? Go to or 209-223-9038 Watch for Additional New Events JUNE 17 FAR HORIZONS 49ER VILLAGE, PLYMOUTH LATE FOR DINNER Voted the Best Musical Group in El Dorado County 2008, 2009, 2010 by El Dorado Style Magazine and referred to as “Awesome” by Garratt Wilkin of the Parrot Heads. Late for Dinner’s unique blend of reggae and Caribbean jazz fuses into a white hot dance blend we call Rastamerican Blues. Formed in the mid 80s by guitarist Bruce Bonnello and vocalist/writer David Hamblin, the group owes its musical roots to the legendary breakthrough band Itsa Wah. Late For Dinner includes: Leanne Hamblen - Energy Engine/ vocals; Dave Hamblen - Vocals; Bruce Bonnello - Guitar; Michael Boren - Lead guitar; Rob Brown - Bass; Rich Faircourt - Synthesizers; Bill Snyder - Keyboards/vocals; Ricky Long - Drums/percussion/vocals. Food and bev er ages av ailable at FFar ar Horiz ons - CCaf af ark. bever erages available Horizons aféé at the PPark. TONIGHT’S CONCERT SPONSORED BY JACKSON RANCHERIA CASINO & HOTEL The Gold Country’s only 5W/ 5W destination resort Café at the Park ACCOMMODATIONS x x x x x x x x x DINING Full Hook-Up RV Sites Vacation Cottage Rentals w/Continental Breakfast Cable TV Proudly Supports Recreation Complex: 2 pools ACAC’s Amador Arts’ & spa, billiards, horseshoes TGIF Summer Deli-Espresso Café Music Series! Kids’ Playground Modern ADA Restrooms & Laundry Wi-Fi throughout the Resort Pets welcome 18265 Hwy 49 · Plymouth · 95669 245-6981 x x x x x x x x x Open daily at 7 a.m. Espresso Drinks Hot, Iced, Frappé Deli Sandwiches Fresh Salads Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream Beer & Ice Amador County Wines Unique Gifts Indoor & Terrace Dining Setting the Course for Arts in Amador County... Your Amador Arts Directors DeDe Ryan, President, moved to Sutter Creek in 2006 from Birmingham, AL, joining the Board of AmadorArts in 2007. A long time supporter of the arts and a retired businesswoman, DeDe brings a wealth of experience in leadership to this board. With a goal of moving AmadorArts to the next level, they have already completed a countywide cultural survey to help guide them in the just finished writing of their 3-year strategic plan. In its 29th year, AmadorArts is positioning itself to become a much larger, vibrant and visible catalyst for all the Arts in Amador County. Christie Lane, Vice President, became an Amador County resident in 2006 and joined the board of AmadorArts in 2007. She is a retired elementary teacher and an artist who works in pastels and also paints and decorates gourds. She is especially interested in helping AmadorArts bring art experiences into our local schools. Mark Koenig, Treasurer, lives in Sutter Creek with his wife Nancy. He joined the Board in 2008, shortly after retiring from CDF. As a registered nurse he works for Hospice of Amador-Calaveras. Mark has enjoyed TGIF and Winefest for many years, and now enjoys helping to make it all possible. Helen Bierce and her husband Al live in Sutter Creek, for many years as part time residents and then full time in their retirement. After joining the Board in 2008 Helen has worked on several special projects for AmadorArts including the rewriting of our by-laws. She is also on the board of Friends of the Library. Cindy Cass, Secretary: Amador County has been my “go to” vacation spot for over 17 years. After I retired from 32 years of teaching, I thought, “Why not move to Amador County?” That is exactly what I did a year ago. Now I am a board member of AmadorArts, a member of Friends of the Library and AAUW. I am also active in my church. I am thrilled to be on the board of AmadorArts which promotes the arts both in the community and in the schools. Entertaining, traveling, swimming, and reading are other pastimes I enjoy. Gale Fairbrother, Event Chair, was raised in Davis. After a career that included owning her own businesses, she retired from Bank of America in Chicago. She knew she wanted to retire in the Sierra foothills, finding her dream home in Drytown in 2009. Gale immediately became very active in the community. Currently she volunteers with the Interfaith Food Bank, the JBCA and works passionately for AmadorArts as Event Chair. Art has always be a part of Gale’s life. Both her son and her sister are artists. Sharon Galligan was born in San Francisco and raised in the Bay Area. She moved from Los Gatos to Amador County in 1987. She is married, with three children and several grandchildren. She is a professional artist painting in watercolor, oil, acrylic, monotype, and mixed media. She was an art major in high school and college — San Jose State University, West Valley College, Evergreen College. She has also studied with nationally noted artists and teachers. She exhibits in several galleries (including Sutter Creek Gallery) and her work has been presented in several art publications. Sharon first became a board member of AmadorArts in 1992, continuing for 12 years, then returned in 2008. Carol Harper is a religion writer and community media consultant. She is the author of Through the Eye of A Needle, on the International Board of Directors of Plain Truth Ministries, and is a guest writer for Plain Truth magazine. She is also the Editor of Amador Community News, and the Director of PR/ Media for the Amador County Arts Council since January. She is a pianist for the Amador Glee choir, and the Music Minister of Trinity Episcopal Church in Sutter Creek. JUNE 24 MINNIE PROVIS PARK, SUTTER CREEK THE ESQUIRES A tribute to the blues of Chicago. Get a heavy dose of the blues with a dash of soul and funk thrown in for good measure. They have been plying their rockin’ mix of classic and contemporary blues since 1999. The Esquires feature sounds from Muddy Waters, Albert Collins, BB King, The Fabulous Thunderbirds, Magic Slim, John Primer, Lurrie Bell and Jimmie Reed. The Esquires are Chris Christenson on guitar and vocals, Paul Lee on harp, Dennis Holland on bass, Glenn Mandelkern on piano and organ, and Johnny Stone on drums. The lineup has recently added vocalist and super blues harmonica player Two Tone Steiny. Steiny recently represented the Sacramento Blues Society in nationwide International Blues Competition in Memphis. TONIGHT’S CONCERT SPONSORED BY JACKSON RANCHERIA CASINO & HOTEL NOW! n Demand! o News High Speed & DSL Users Can Watch All Local NEWS & Programs On Your Desktop! Streaming LIVE online Local NEWS & Out & About, Let’s Talk, AMador LIVE Amador This Week, Our Sports Show, Just Between Us, Also on Cable: Comcast 7 & Volcano 5 It’s just like cable to your computer! Advertising & Programming (209) 223-4877 JULY 8 PINE GROVE PARK, PINE GROVE CRYSTAL IMAGE Crystal Image is a high energy band that plays a variety of music including your favorite classic rock songs from the 60’s & 70’s, country, blues, originals and oldies. This band focuses on FUN and will get everyone dancing and singing along. Crystal Image is under the direction of band leader, John Covert on keyboards. John is an awardwinning songwriter and his original songs have been featured in popular television shows and Hollywood movie releases, including “The Sopranos”,“General Hospital” and VH1 network TV shows. The band also includes Michael Samaritano (“Mr. Rock N Roll!”) on lead guitar and vocals; Stephanie Farrell, vocals and bass; Steve Farrell on harmonica, vocals and guitar; and Jerry Tamburino on drums and vocals. Crystal Image was recently voted #9 out of 200 bands on the 2011 KCRA A-List and their professional sound has made them a favorite for Northern California venues. Visit for more band information. TONIGHT’S CONCERT SPONSORED BY JACKSON RANCHERIA CASINO & HOTEL STEPHEN R. ZALKIND ATTORNEY Proud Supporter of the Arts ,QWHUQHW$OO'LJLWDO797HOHphone ZZZ9ROFDQR&RPPXQLFDWLRQVFRP AND MEDIATOR 235 NEW YORK RANCH ROAD, SUITE C JACKSON, CALIFORNIA 95642 TELEPHONE (209) 223-2244 MOTHER LODE PRINTING Support the Arts FACSIMILE (209) 223-5458 Setting the Course for Arts in Amador County... Your Amador Arts Directors continued.... Kelly Langelier, a lifetime art enthusiast, considers herself a crafty & creative textile artist, an avid seamstress and a student of photography. Kelly moved to Amador County with her husband & 3 children in 1995. Although her educational background is in accounting, she developed Cinderella Cleaning Services 15 years ago to be more available for her family. She has proudly supported their activities and volunteered her time at school, athletic & child-oriented community organizations for the past 25 years. Currently, Kelly believes it is important for her to devote her time promoting the Arts that she loves in Amador County. Mission Statement The Amador County Arts Council is dedicated to supporting the Arts in our schools and our community. Sue Lagomarsino was born and raised in San Francisco and moved to Sutter Creek with her husband, Joe, in 2000 when she immediately became involved with the Arts Council. Having been an elementary school teacher as well as a businesswoman, she uses her administrative skills as Chair of ARTS in Education, which serves the schools and the community. She has 3 grown sons and 2 granddaughters and her passion is world travel. Diane Olsen has lived in Sutter Creek for many years. She joined the board in 2008. She works for Dr. Ken Curry, DDS. She and Stan Redkey have a passion for travel, family and friends. Diane enjoys working on Winefest and this year is Decorations Chair. Chuck Swiderski joined the Board in 2000. He and his wife Gloria live in Volcano. Chuck serves as Scholarship Chair and is on the Finance Committee. Honorary Directors: Jim Guidi, KVGC - 1340 AM/Hometown Radio Jack Mitchell, Ledger Dispatch / We’ve made over $1 million in grants to our community since 2001. We help non-profits fulfill their missions in our community. We help donors fulfill their vision of giving back to our wonderful county. We help professional advisors serve clients interested in charitable giving. For more information about ACF, visit the web site, or call us at 209-223-2148. JULY 15 MOLLIE JOYCE PARK, PIONEER MOKELUMNE CROSSING Mokelumne Crossing, music designed for everyone. Mokelumne Crossing consists of a small band of very talented musicians from Calaveras and Amador Counties. Our original songs, combined with a variety of country, rock, bluegrass, Irish, and jazz numbers, create an experience we like to call “foothill fusion.” Patricia Jackson, our song writer, has a unique style of vocals and rhythm that leaves you wanting more as she takes you through a journey of years of experiences. Jonathan Lack, a master at many stringed instruments such as mandolin, banjo, dobro, fiddle, cello, and vocals, gives the music a superior variety of palatable sounds. Gil Vanover, a seasoned guitarist, brings a highlight of guitar work, vocals, and harmonica to the blend, thus completing the Mokelumne Crossing foothill fusion music. Mokelumne Crossing occasionally has a guest percussionist Dave Parker accompany them. Dave is a wellseasoned drummer and percussionist who adds an effortless variety of beats to the mix. PLEASE, NO OUTSIDE BEVERAGES AT THIS PERFORMANCE FOOD & BEVERAGES AVAILABLE -- PICNICS WELCOME! D • D • S KENNETH L. CURRY, D.D.S. 1946 - 2011 65 Year s of ears cellence Excellence Ex General Dentistry, Orthodontics & TMJ Treatment LUCY A VALENCIA, D.D.S. Cosmetic and Family Dentistry 9449 Landrum Street Plymouth, CA 95669 (209) 245-4413 Amador Tuolumne Community Action Agency Youth Services Programs Friday Night Live ~ Youth Empowerment Program Amador Youth Assets for Independence - Mentoring Works! Help inspire Amador County youth through leadership development, community service commitment and life skills education. ATCAA’S Youth Services contact: 209-223-1485 ext. 242 [email protected] JULY 22 VOLCANO AMPHITHEATRE, VOLCANO FREEZEOUT FreeZeout is an exciting young band performing rock and roll from the 1950’s up until today. They have a unique blend of contemporary country, blues, and classic rock. Performing both covers and originals, FreeZeout always gets the crowd dancing. The band has been going strong for over 8 years, now in their 20’s, FreeZeout has captured their audience with their on stage chemistry. Having played covers for several years, FreeZeout recently branched out into writing original music which has been an outstanding addition. The band is made up of Dominic Vicari, Andy Ferdani, Cody Gold, Becca Ferdani, Curtis Janto, and special guest Giorgi Khokhobashvili. TONIGHT’S CONCERT SPONSORED BY JACKSON RANCHERIA CASINO & HOTEL AUGUST 5 CASTLE OAKS GOLF CLUB, IONE SIERRA SAX AND BRASS QUARTET Sierra Sax & Brass Quartet was formed in 2009 as an affiliate to the Central Coast Saxophone Quartet, which still performs in the Bay Area and will be making its 17th annual appearance at the Gilroy Garlic Festival. Sierra Sax & Brass features some of the areas top players: Barry Duncan, soprano sax; Hank King, alto sax; Jeff Chambers, flugelhorn; Steve Chambers, baritone sax and leader. Music repertoire spans from ragtime, Disney movies, movie themes, classical, polkas, marches, swing and big band, jazz, and popular standards. The quartet can perform as strolling musicians, as a stage show, or simply provide background dinner/ listening music for receptions, wine tastings, cocktail hours, special events, and private parties. No amplification is used and the group can even play and fit into small, intimate settings. Steve Chambers, founder and leader, has been a professional musician since 1974. Steve currently leads a 19-piece Bay Area big band, co-founded and leads the 12-piece Speakeazy Jazz Orchestra, is a member of the Central Coast Saxophone Quartet, and leads the Steve Chambers Quintet, which performs in the Pebble Beach/Monterey area. PLEASE, NO OUTSIDE BEVERAGES AT THIS PERFORMANCE FOOD & BEVERAGES AVAILABLE -- PICNICS WELCOME! 11 Saturday, November 12 • Historic Sutter Creek Don't miss AmadorArts Fundraiser Concert Sept. 24 at Helwig Winery featuring The Sons of the San Joaquin. for more info. Up-Country Pool Center 130 Peek Street Jackson, CA 95642 AUGUST 12 DETERT PARK, JACKSON TESS AND HIP TRASH Tessie Marie met her bandmates in prison.... no they weren’t doing time, they were playing music for the inmates as part of a blues society project to educate juvenile offenders, real “Jailhouse Rock.” Part of this gig was a songwriting contest that had bandleader/guitarist Paris Clayton write and record songs using lyrics written by inmates. When the group recorded this song, Paris was so impressed with Tess’s killer vocals that he asked her to record some other songs he had written. And the rest, as they say, is history. Blues, soul, and roots rock influence the band’s original tunes and heartfelt covers, all done in a smart, unique, and sometimes humorous style. Tess is backed by veteran pros who have played with a long list of legendary artists -- bassist Allie Marcel and “Ratatat Pat” Balcom on drums. This music makes you feel so good you should need a prescription to buy it, but you don’t ! In addition to the original music, the group also has a massive song list of rock, blues, jazz, soul, R&B, and country covers guaranteed to please any crowd. TONIGHT’S CONCERT SPONSORED BY BANK OF AMADOR / JACKSON RANCHERIA CASINO & HOTEL Local People Helping Local People Bank of Amador Bank of Amador a division of American River Bank a division of American River Bank WAYNE GARIBALDI MARSHA BURNEY Member FDIC Member FDIC Division President Jackson Branch (209) 223-2320 [email protected] Bank of Amador Member FDIC a division of American River Bank Client Services Officer Buckhorn Office 26395 Buckhorn Ridge Rd. Pioneer, California 95666 Bank of Amador Member FDIC a division of American River Bank SHERRY BUTLER Cathy Williams Branch Manager Post Office Box 908 Jackson, California 95642 (209) 223-2320 FAX (209) 223-4746 [email protected] (209) 295-2265 FAX (209) 295-5616 [email protected] Client Service Officer Ione Branch (209) 274-4731 [email protected] Thank you, TGIF Individual Sponsors! $100 Sponsors: Cindy Cass Jeff Holman Auto Center Sue & Joe Lagomarsino DeDe Ryan & Patrick Doran Diane Olsen $50 Sponsors: Christie Lane Pamela Sharp $25 Sponsors: Michael J. Brown The Boyd Family Ralph & Isolde Harder Judith Lerner Liston Little City Studio & Gallery/Carol Sethre Mrs. D. Sutton Richard & Sheila Vinson We especially want to thank all those who have assisted us in this year’s series by allowing us to use their facilities for these weekly concerts. To show your appreciation, please remember to leave the area looking better than you found it. MEDICAL-LEGAL AND FIRE INVESTIGATION CONSULTING MARK A. KOENIG CONSULTANT Get Your Dinner for the Concerts Here! 10773 Highway 49, Martell, CA 95642 Phone:209-267-5806 Cell: 209-418-5143 Email: [email protected] Champs Yard ‘n Garden 6500 Buena Vista Road Ione, CA 95640 (866) 488-2237 [email protected] Proudly supports the Amador County Arts Council TGIF Music Series Program AUGUST 19 MONTEVINAWINERY /TERRA D’ORO, PLYMOUTH FEATHER RIVER Rodger Faddis and Danny McCauley have been playing together for about four years. They met in a work environment and quickly discovered they both had a long time love for country western music with a western swing flavor. Rodger plays rhythm guitar and does vocals and Danny plays pedal steel guitar leads and sings backup. They have played at many Amador County events including at the Italian Picnic Grounds, Teresa’s Place, B G’s Lounge, Dandelion Days, private parties and events. They have bookings for this year and intend to add bookings for public and private events. Patron of the Arts presentation tonight! TONIGHT’S CONCERT SPONSORED BY JACKSON RANCHERIA CASINO & HOTEL Thank you to all our supporters! Members, donors, sponsors, advertisers and in-kind services General Membership Allen, Judy Armstrong, Billie Bagshaw, Donna Baugh, Thomas; Seabreeze Sculpture Studio Berg, Sheila Bilheimer, Richard & Carol Boyd, Steve & Anne Brown, Rollin Brumit, Lynne Cenotto, Darlene Chang, Marianne Chapman, Renee Chevrette, JoAnn Coldren, Loretta Coleman, Christine Collins, Phil Coryell, Nora Cowan, Debbie Cowan, Mary Crittenden, Lisa Dahl, Jean Louise Daly, Mike & Linda Dawson, Kathy; Sutter Creek Cheese Shoppe Dickerson, Wyman & Karen; Grey Gables B & B Dixon, Sarah Doncaster, Jeane Drake, Leslie Emery, John & Sandy Flynn, Mike & Sue Funk, Russ & Maureen Gallo, Mary Garcia, David Garlick, Roger & Sue George, Patty and Ron Gillett, Sandra & Larry Glassel, James & Katherine Olney Gottstein, Meg & Adam Grant, Chesney, Blue Moon Café Hansch, Kathy Harder, Dr. Ralph Harris, Arthur Keegan, Krista & Gerry Lack, Jon Lane, Christie Lerner-Liston, Judy Lesher, John & Mary Linde, Toni Lipp, Rick & Lynnette Magoffin, Dorothy McGahan, Charles & Leslie Merzlak, Kam Miller, Susan Mort, Marie; Marie Designs Motto-Ros, John & Nadine Ohlau, Melissa & Mark Olney, Katherine & James Gassel Page, Helen O. Pearson, Ximena; Kit Carson Lodge Peccianti, Bruce Pickett, Roberta Pimlott-Cruit, Gail; Fine Eye Pinotti, Jean Regan, Ron & Marie Rianda, Linda Richman, Joanne Robinson, Debbie; Robinson Cleaning Service Serna, Cheryl Sethre, Carol; Little City Studio & Gallery Settlage, Jim & Carol Darling Sharp el Shayeb, Pamela Stacy, Ray Sutton, Darlene Sweet, Keith & Gail Swift, Dolores Tarleton, Chris Thomas, Katherine Trail, Julie Vasquez, Leslie Vinson, Richard & Shelia Warren, Frank & Connie Butter, Millie Ross, Margaret Carlson, Gretchen & David Davenport, Kellee; Davenport Realty Merzlak, Sharon; Merzlak Signs Gultez, Marjorie Porteous, William & A. Fielding King, Norma Kingsbury, Gretchen Michel, Jay; Add Art Art Supporter and/or Business Bedard, Marie; More Than Just Hair Bierce, Helen Carla Gianandrea Insurance Agency Cazenave, Rene Dorkin, Timothy & Elizabeth Ellyson M.D., John Galligan, Sharon; Sharon Galligan Fine Art Gunion, Larry & Kazumi Herrick, William Jeff Holman Auto Center McGinnis, Patrick & Francy Ohlau, Melissa and Mark Slivick, Sue; TSPN TV Terra d'Oro Winery Walser, Mary & John West, Penny & Dennis Dickman; Penny West Arts Consulting Wilkinson, Jane & Wilkinson, Thom; Up Country Pool Center Art Lover Anderson, Chuck & Sandy Baracco, Bruce & Sandi Bertoli, Sharon Breeze, Bonnie Cass, Cindy Foster, Phillip & Marie Garibaldi, Wayne Hospice of Amador & Calaveras Jeff Holman Auto Center Ketron, Doug Koenig, Mark Lagomarsino, Joe & Sue Langelier, Kelly & David Sanders, Betsy Shaver, Martha J. Swiderski, Chuck & Gloria Uriarte, George & Tana Worsham, Lynn Friend of the Arts Gullett, Suzy & Jim Hereford, Bill & Corinne Jackson, Ruth Ryan, DeDe & Patrick Doran Lifetime Members Jackson Rancheria Duncan, Barry & Sue; Mother Lode Printing Reciprocal Members Amador County Tourism JBCA Jackson Business & Community Association Chamber of Commerce Chiropractic... adding Life to your Years CHIROPRACTIC, INC. Armen R. Kendig, D.C. Low Force Specialist Activator Methods Advanced Proficiency Rated TM Mother Lode Plaza 19881 559B So. Hwy Highway 88, Suite49#1 Pine Jackson, Grove, CACA 95642 (209) (209) 223-CARE 296-1122 ǰȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ¢ǰȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ£ȱdz ...Provides art, music and cultural events for Amador County ...Holds free summer concerts around the county. ...Gives scholarships to deserving high school seniors ...Works with schools to provide art programs. General Membership, $35 Art Lover, $100 Art Supporter/Business Level, $60 Friend of the Arts, $250 and above Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Business Name:_______________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________ City, State & Zip:______________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________________________________________ Would you like to be a volunteer? Yes No Payment:: Cash Check Credit Card #: Security Code: Exp. NOTE: You can also pay your membership securely online via PayPal at: Amador The Amador County Arts Council is a California non-profit organization operating in the public interest under 501©3 of the IRS code. Join Today! AmadorArts • (209) 223–9038 Mail: P.O. Box 1722, Jackson, CA 95642 • [email protected] Brian Oneto John Plasse Ted Novelli Richard Forster Louis Boitano The Amador County Supervisors invite YOU to join them in supporting the Arts in Amador County.