Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce your connection to the beach DORAL BANK MAKES LANDFALL on Panama City Beach COMMUNITY EDUCATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HEALTH “SEE & BE SEEN” “OUT & ABOUT” MEMBER NEWS GRAND OPENINGS CHAMBER EVENTS January/February 2011 dependable distinctive delightful 1002 W. 23rd St. • 850.914.2525 701 Harrison Ave. • 850.769.3939 Coming in February to Edgewater 415 Richard Jackson Blvd. Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce your connection to the beach DORAL BANK MAKES LANDFALL on Panama City Beach COMMUNITY EDUCATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HEALTH “SEE & BE SEEN” “OUT & ABOUT” MEMBER NEWS GRAND OPENINGS CHAMBER EVENTS THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 1 January/February 2011 2 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2009 The Cosmetic Vein & Laser Center Leads the Way to Healthier Legs NON-INVASIVE LASER TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE TREATMENT OF VARICOSE AND SPIDER VEINS RESTORE THE HEALTH, BEAUTY, AND VITALITY OF YOUR LEGS. Don’t let unsightly and uncomfortable varicose and spider veins rob you of your natural beauty. Dr. Kimberly Moskowitz is one of only 240 board– certified vein specialists (Phlebologists) in the United States. As a leading expert in the field and a member of the American College of Phlebology, she has pioneered the safest and most up-to-date treatment options for varicose and spider veins. Today, those options include state-of-the-art non-invasive technologies that allow patients to return to most normal activities the same day as treatment. Left untreated, abnormal veins can lead to serious health risks like blood clots, phlebitis (inflammation of the veins), cellulitis, and leg ulcers. Expert treatment of varicose veins dramatically improves painful symptoms and prevents complications. Dr. Moskowitz will perform a thorough ultrasound examination of the legs to accurately assess the severity and extent of vein disease. This diagnostic ultrasound is a necessary part of the initial consultation as it allows the physician to determine the most appropriate treatment plan. “I am so truly grateful that my education, experience, and technology allow me to spend every day doing exactly what I love to do. I place enormous emphasis on my relationships with my patients and do my best to help them look and feel young, natural, and healthy. I want everyone to maximize the beauty they were born with.” Dr. Moskowitz has been performing and training other physicians to perform EVLT (Endovenous Laser Treatment) since its FDA approval in 2003. During this 45-minute, safe, outpatient procedure, an ultrasound is used to guide placement of a thin laser fiber into the abnormal Saphenous vein in the leg. Heat energy from the laser causes the abnormal vein to immediately collapse and redirect blood flow to the normal healthy channels in the leg. The body reabsorbs the abnormal vein, resulting in improved circulation and symptoms. Local anesthesia is used to completely numb the area around the Kimberly Moskowitz, M.S., M.D. vein so the procedure is virtually painless. EVLT has a 99% success rate and has eliminated the need for painful surgical procedures such as vein stripping. Contrary to what many physicians are taught, spider veins can cause the same symptoms as much larger varicose veins. Also, because 25% of spider veins are associated with underlying larger vein abnormalities, it is often considered medically necessary to treat them. Sclerotherapy (tiny injections of a solution that closes the veins), is the most effective and least painful treatment for spider veins and blue veins under the skin surface called reticular veins. Skin lasers are very effective for treating small veins on the face and chest; however, for leg veins, they are less effective, more painful, and often lead to scarring and hyperpigmentation. The +/)!0%Ǝ !%*Ǝ ĔƎ /!.Ǝ !*0!. provides the most advanced nonsurgical treatments for skin, face, legs, and cellulite reduction. Dr. Moskowitz also specializes in .4!(™ '%*Ǝ!/1."%*#, +0+4™, !/05(*!™, 12! !.)™, /!.Ǝ%.Ǝ!)+2( and ! %(ƎĔƎ+/)!0%Ǝ!.)0+(+#5. BOARD CERTIFIED, PHLEBOLOGY ē BOARD CERTIFIED, INTERNAL MEDICINE ē MEDICAL DEGREE: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY RESIDENCY: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL ē PHLEBOLOGY/VEIN TRAINING: AMERICAN VEIN INSTITUTE AND HARVARD’S BRIGHAM & WOMEN’S HOSPITAL ē AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHLEBOLOGY ē AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR LASER MEDICINE AND SURGERY øùùúÿƎ*)Ǝ%05Ǝ!$Ǝ'35ƎēƎ*)Ǝ%05Ǝ!$ĎƎƎúùû÷þƎēƎ!(!,$+*!ďƎĴÿü÷ĵƎùúúĨ÷ùýûƎēƎ4ďƎĴÿü÷ĵƎùúúĨúøøú Panama City Toyota Where Relationships are Born! "" "$"#$ Ladies Day Every Wednesday Get an Oil Change for $24.95 + tax, Free Manicure, Complimentary Breakfast, Lunch & Flower 4 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 Every successful business starts with a good foundation. In 2011, make the Oaseas Professional Center yours. This 5-level premium location on Panama City Beach will serve as headquarters for Oaseas Resorts and the chosen site for Doral Bank’s beach branch. Flexible suite/office layouts and low introductory lease rates are just two of the many reasons your business should call this location “home”. Contact our Leasing Agents to reserve your private tour and bring your business to a whole new level today. Oaseas Professional Center is “Success on Every Level”. 4 1 5 R i c h a r d J a c k s o n B l v d | P a n a m a C i t y B e a cTHE h , CIRCUIT F l o r iJanuary/February da 2011 5 O a s e a s P r o f e s s i o n a l C e n t e r. c o m | L e a s i n g I n f o r m a t i o n ( 8 5 0 ) 2 4 9 - 0 2 7 6 The your ter P ana conn COMM WORKFUNITY EDUCAT ORCE GOVERNION PIER PA MENT MEMBERRK NEWS GRAND OP CALEND ENINGS EVENTS AR OF Th e G r ma C ity ctober ur co ea ter nn Pa hes Cham ma Cit y B ea tio ch n t o T Gr he Isseen ue Vol 3 Issu e5 ma C ity B eac r co n pril Mar ch/A ber 2008 2010 3 Iss ber am be r o f be T e mm of C om merc e UIT RCUIITT THE CIIR y CH www. PC Beac h.or g nection y o u r c o nb e a c h to the da da iida ollid o Ho 0H 20110 e 20 he h TTh de uiiid u ng Guid piiin p oppin op ho Sh COMMUNITY EDUCATION WORKFORCE MILITARY NESS 1 HEALTH & WELL MEMBER NEWS GRAND OPENINGS CALENDAR OF FALL EVENTS IN PCB THE CIRC UIT Marc h/April 2010 1 r/October 2010 er 2010 THE CIRCUIT Septembe November/Decemb Are You Connected to the Beach? Advertise your business in The Circuit! For Rates & Information Contact: Skip Alford (850) 628-3490 Cyndi Ainsworth (850) 691-6259 erc e T ac .org o m b e r o fMCA B e a c h C h a CITY nama City BEA COMM UNITY EDUC ATION WORK FORC E MILITA RY TDC UP DATE MEMB ER NE WS GRAN D OP ENING ALEN S DAR F EVEN TS Co CBeach com w mun .org t oe t orkfo ity d h e rc gov ucatiob eea c h n e p rnm me ier pa ent m gra be rk cale nd o r new IN N ndar opfeningss eve n PANA mtsm e r c e PCB each t i o ac n ue 6 Ch CUI www.P nec dinin g Vol h Ch am es the THE C IRC you merc Healt lth Well lln ln & Isssue ess na ec ber o f Co m n to the b each CIR 2008 Pana Beac ectio THE yo eptemb er/O em Grea h his past year we experienced the potential for devastation that could have led to many calling it quits. However, our community rallied and miraculously without any major spill on our beaches, we persevered. If that wasn’t enough, we ended our year with a shootout at our school board meeting. Again, we witnessed a miracle that none of our educational leaders or school board staff were hurt during this horrendous eevent as they displayed courage beyond aanyone’s imagination. We are so fortunate to have the leadership W ffrom not only our elected officials but aalso from the numerous volunteers in our community. I aam truly proud to live in and be a part of Panama City Beach and Bay County. Last year wasn’t the year we were B aanticipating, but the Chamber made monumental strides bby creating events such as the inaugural Beach Chamber Golf Classic, The Women’s Work-Life Symposium, and a successful poker tournament. We anticipate these events to grow significantly this year, and continue to be the standard for success. With the current Board, committee chairmen, volunteers and Chamber Staff, we have the tools in place to have a very prosperous year and reach our full potential. I encourage all of our members to join one of our committees and become part of this incredible organization. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Griff Griffitts, Jr. for his countless hours of dedication and devotion to this Chamber. I look forward to being the Beach Chamber’s Chairman of the Board, and having the opportunity to watch this great community continue to prosper. J anuary first…..a time of new beginnings. A time for pondering and reflecting, a time for making new resolutions, a time for considering the past year’s achievements, a time for planning the new year’s aspirations. A time – for just one brief, luxurious moment – to contemplate our future. For the past two months, the Beach Chamber’s Staff, Board of Directors, committee chairs, Ambassadors and volunteers have been focused on taking this Chamber to the next level. From the programs, workshops and events we produce, to the new and improved promotional opportunities we offer our members, this Chamber is always crafting, constructing, creating, developing, producing and improving our offerings. In 2011, a brand new event will take the place of “Friday at the Beach,” the quarterly Chamber D.I.N.E. (discover, interact, network, evolve) Luncheon, which will kick off in early March. Our Annual Awards Soiree, “Celebrate the Coast,” will take place on a Thursday evening this year (February 24th) at Edgewater Beach Resort. We are excited to be working with Neves Media is producing a brand new video showcasing Panama City Beach called “Business at the Beach.” This 15-minute 6 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 Robert Carroll piece will loop and play at the top of our high traffic kiosk in Baggage Claim at the new airport, and be interspersed with 30-second commercials which may be purchased from the Chamber. The video’s seven segments beautifully portray a snapshot of life in Bay County, highlighting our Community, Vitality, Infrastructure, Learning, Earning, Around Town and Dwelling. Another change has been the unforeseen popularity of this magazine, The Circuit, resulting in an Outstanding Communication award in 2010 from the Florida Association of Chamber Professionals, and the need to increase circulation to 10,000 copies per issue, from 7,500. The additional Circuits will be stocked at the new airport, where officials report they are “flying off the racks.” In 2011, the Beach Chamber will bring back three highly successful events that were conceived in 2010: The Chamber Golf Classic, a Poker Tournament and the Women’s WorkLife Symposium. We will bring back our ever-popular Business Expo in April, with a fun, new theme, and continue our 12@12 networking luncheons, monthly Business After Hours and quarterly New Member Welcome Days. Be on the lookout for lots of new Lunch & Learn workshops put on by the Chamber’s small business initiative, Navigator, at the FSU PC Holley Academic Center. Continued on Page 30 Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce 309 Richard Jackson Blvd., Panama City Beach, FL 32407 Phone: (850) 235-1159 Fax: (850) 235-2301 2011 Board of Directors Chairman of the Board Robert Carroll, McNeil Carroll Engineering Past Chairman Philip Griffitts, Jr., Sugar Sands Inn & Suites Incoming Chairman Paul Wohlford, Resort Collection of PCB Treasurer Karen Blackerby, Magnum Capital Secretary Derrick Bennett, Law Offices of Derrick Bennett, P.A. CPA John Johnson, Segers, Sowell, Stewart, Johnson & Brill, P.A. Legal Counsel Steven L. Applebaum The Board Lisa Adams, Thrive Partnership Jack Bishop, Breakers Mike Burke, Burke Blue Hutchison Walters & Smith, P.A. Ryan C. Davis, Regions Bank Ramon Duvall, Beachside Fellowship Pam George, Gulf World Marine Park Darren Haiman, Nations Real Estate Amy Harris, Royal American Hospitality Annie Holcombe, Oaseas Resorts Terry Hook, Publix Super Markets Lewis Howell, The St. Joe Company Kenny Jett, Bonefish Grill James Johnson, Knology Jayna Leach, Sterling Resorts David Lee, Pier Park Pete Mallory, L3 Communications Procter McInnis, McInnis Builders Dan Rowe, Tourist Development Council Cil Schnitker, Comcast Cable David Sheets, Bay Point Marriott Golf Resort & Spa Claire Sherman, Lamar Advertising David Southall, Innovations Federal Credit Union Honorary Board Members Mayor Gayle Oberst, City of Panama City Beach Dr. Ken Shaw, FSU PC Dr. Jim Kerley, GCCC Brian Connors, Naval Support Activity PC Janet Watermeier, Bay County Economic Development Alliance Chamber Staff Beth Oltman, IOM Marta Rose Jena Kimmel Skip Alford Cyndi Ainsworth Lindsay Dring Kristopher McLane Catherine Collins President & CEO Vice President Communications Vice President Finance Director of Membership Development Vice President Member Services Events & Programs Coordinator Systems Coordinator Executive Assistant/Member Services THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 7 J A N / F E B 2 0 1 1 2010 Outstanting Communication Award your connection to the beach C O N T E N T S FEATURES ES 9 Meet Your 2011 Leadership Team 10 Business Spotlights z Oaseas Resorts z Thrive Partnership, LLC z Blue Heron Fine Gifts z Bay County Audubon Film Series z Krewe of Dominique Youx z z Sponsors of Hope z Beach Mosquito Control 14 Eye View: Oh, the dreaded New Year’s Resolution 27 Update on the Community Redevelopment Agency 28 Doral Makes Landfall on Panama City Beach 16 COMMITTEES 32 Chamber Committee Updates z Connections z HYPE z Governmental Affairs z Navigator z Education Partnership AROUND TOWN 38 38 38 39 40 40 Community Bay County Commission Bay District Schools EDA Update FSU Panama City Gulf Coast Community College MEMBERSHIP 27 34 42 43 43 Out & About Membership Update / Ambassador Update Ribbon Cuttings New & Renewing Members IN EVERY ISSUE 6 16 19 31 Chairman’s & President’s Messages A Few Minutes With Anthony de la Torre See & Be Seen Health Update EDITORIAL STAFF Editorial/Creative: Online Content: Staff Photographer: Social Media: Production: Advertising Sales: Distribution: 28 8 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 Marta Rose Kristopher McLane Skip Alford Lindsay Dring Kristopher McLane Boyd Brothers Printing Skip Alford Cyndi Ainsworth Coastal Communications Cover Photo: Raymond Powell and Sherry Bruening of Doral Bank. Photo by John Russo. THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 9 BUSINESS Spotlights A rendition of the new Oaseas Professional Center at Hutchison Blvd. and R. Jackson Blvd. Oaseas Resorts I n less than three years, Oaseas Resorts has grown from two properties and 260 units under management to eight properties and over 1,000 units spanning Bay and Walton Counties. Success has not come easy with the bad economy in 2009 and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010; the team at Oaseas has worked overtime to ensure that success would not be fleeting. With a strong leadership team, led by President & CEO Marty McDaniel, the Oaseas Resorts team was able to continue reaching for the top as is evident by their most recent acquisition. On December 14, 2010, Oaseas closed on the 43,000 square foot building once occupied by the Beach Chamber, Peoples First Bank and several other area businesses. After being closed down at the end of 2009, it was unclear what would happen to the beaches’most visible commercial properties. “It was an attractive deal for us,” comments Marty McDaniel. “We are anxious to strategically lease the property and pleased to have our first tenant, Doral Bank. Oaseas will relocate their corporate office to the new building in the first quarter of 2011, Doral Bank will open February 1, and the goal is to fully lease up the remainder of the space by the middle of 2011.” This new home will allow Oaseas the opportunity to join the Sales & Marketing, Central Reservations, Association Operations and Accounting under one roof, giving them the ability to accommodate growth into other markets and hotel management, which has been in the works for some time. The building 10 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 will undergo some minor renovations and receive a new name, Oaseas Professional Center. Attractive lease rates and terms are available for immediate occupancy. More information can be obtained on the property website or by calling (850) 249-0276. v v v Thrive Partnership, LLC With the distinction of Certified Quality Facilitator, in addition to Lisa and Shane Adams’ past achievements and accomplishments, Thrive Partnership, LLC are uniquely qualified to help enhance and develop people and business potential that already exist within these organizations—a potential frequently underutilized. Thrive can be reached at [email protected] or An Innovative Approach Dedicated to the Development of Business Potential R esource Associates Corporation and the Total Quality Institute of Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, are pleased to announce that Lisa Adams and Shane Adams of Thrive Partnership, LLC located in Panama City Beach, FL, have successfully fulfilled all necessary qualifications of TQI Certification. They have now been awarded the title of Certified Quality Facilitator and proudly join a handful of selected individuals across the nation to have achieved this designation. As a Certified Quality Facilitator, Shane and Lisa Adams partner with organizations to help them solve business problems and achieve higher levels of success in their business such as greater profitability, increased market share, decreased time to market, decreased process variation, decreased employee turnover, increased on-time delivery, and greater flexibility just to name a few. Thrive Partnership’s process quickly allows clients to become more successful in meeting their specific strategic growth objectives. v v v Blue Heron Fine Gifts T his is where nature and artist come together for an exciting sensory experience. At Blue Heron you will discover fine, hand-crafted works from across America and Canada. Over 40 Artisans are represented. Each piece of hand crafted jewelry, pottery and glass is rich with history or a great story. Discover the unexpected and the unique: v Handcrafted and French-milled soaps in a variety of shapes, sizes and scents. v An exotic culinary collection of spices, teas, olive oils, balsamics, sauces and pastas (our most popular is dark chocolate linguine!). v Carefully selected art prints and originals, framed and unframed. v A unique collection of music and an abundance of other clever creations. We are eager to meet you and introduce you to a truly exciting shopping experience. Blue Continued on Page 12 State Representative Jimmy Patronis supports our Beach Community and the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce. Panama City Office: 455 Harrison Ave. Suite A Panama City, FL 32401 (850) 914-6300 Tallahassee Office: The Capitol 402 South Monroe St. Tallahassee, FL 32399 (850) 488-9696 jimmy.patronis@ Bay County Audubon Film Series B ay County Audubon presents their sole fundraiser of the year, a four-part film series at Arnold High School Auditorium, 550 Alf Coleman Road off PCB Parkway, at 7:00 PM. The films are presented and personally narrated by the cinematographer. Tickets are $5 per film; season tickets for all four are $16. A nice door prize will be given at each film. The 2011 Film Schedule is as follows: January 19, Wednesday Bali by Buddy Hatton January 27, Thursday The Apalachicola River by Elam Stoltzfus February 8, Tuesday Cruising The Eastern Mediterranean by Mary Lee and Sid Nolan February 22, Tuesday America’s Amazing Places by Bob Deloss Pictured from the top: Scene of a fortess city from “Cruising;” scene of Venice, Italy from “Cruising;” a Bali temple from “Bali.” THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 11 BUSINESS Spotlights The 2010 Krewe of Dominique Youx Parade at Pier Park Heron Fine Gifts is located at 11260 Panama City Beach Parkway (Hwy. 98 next to Publix at Breakfast Point). For information call (850) 588-8008 or visit v v v Krewe of Dominique Youx Beach Mardi Gras Festival & Parade 2011 M ardi Gras 2011 at the Beach is a two-day festival and parade put on by the Krewe of Dominique Youx at Pier Park on March 4th and 5th. On Friday, March 4 the evening festivities include a street dance with live bands, great Cajun food, gumbo and low country boils, liquid libations for pirates of all ages, tours of a Mardi Gras float, classic cars on display, and plenty of pirate beads and Krewe doubloons to give away. Meet Krewe Kings & Queens in costume, and have your picture taken with royalty. Merchants will have beads, trinkets, hats, t-shirts and more for sale. Media sponsors include Magic Broadcasting, the Panama City News Herald and News Channel 7. On Saturday at 10:00 am the Kids Parade will make its way through Pier Park. Then, starting at 2:00 pm, the Mardi Gras Parade starts on Front Beach Road at Seahaven and moves through Pier Park. After the parade the festival resumes with live music, fabulous Cajun food and beverages for the whole family, pirate beads and Krewe doubloons to give away. Make your plans to attend the area’s finest Mardi Gras Celebration! Information is online at v v v 12 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011® Announces Lee Ann Leonard to Oversee Panama City Beach Market B, a leading online travel provider, today announced Lee Ann Leonard to the position of Market Manager for Panama City Beach, one of Florida’s most popular travel destinations and headquarters to Leonard will be responsible for the development of destination relationships and site content to support market development and growth. “I’ve always worked here, and look forward to enhancing’s presence by creating new relationships and increasing tourism to the most beautiful part of Florida,” she said. “It is part of the business model to have a passionate in-market manager for every market we serve,” said Bud Finlaw, CEO and President of “Lee Ann’s passion for selling Panama City Beach is obvious from the moment you meet her, and we look forward to merging our passion for our hometown with hers.” Leonard currently serves on the board for the Bay County Chamber of Commerce; the Executive Secretary for The Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association’s (FRLA) Bay Chapter and is a member of the Tourist Development Council’s Marketing Committee. She offers twelve years of experience in the hospitality and broadcast industries. Prior to joining, Leonard served as General Manager for By The Sea Resorts Inc., a Panama City Beach hotel chain including five gulf-front properties, since February 2006 and the year prior served as director of sales and Lee Ann Leonard marketing. Previously, she worked as a marketing director for WPGX - Fox 28 for ten years. Leonard’s earlier accomplishments include serving on the Gulf Coast recovery roundtable committee, serving on the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors and acting as publicity coordinator for the Friends of St. Andrews State Park for a three-year term. Leonard was also elected to the Fox Promotions Advisory Council for three years and served as a board member and volunteer coordinator at the Humane Society of Bay County for five years. “I’m extremely proud to represent one of my favorite markets and my hometown, Panama City Beach,” said Leonard. “I’ve always worked here and look forward to enhancing’s presence by creating new relationships and increasing tourism to the most beautiful part of Florida.” v v v Sponsors of Hope S ome of the area’s most needy families will have thousands of toiletries and clothing items to share thanks to “Sponsors of Hope” charities who donated hundreds of boxes to the Saint Andrews Benevolence Center for distribution today. The boxes contained anything from razor blades and toothpaste to blankets and shoes. Sponsors of Hope says it collected about 2,000 articles of clothing and more than fifteen thousand toiletries. Volunteers said people really stepped up their donations in a time when a lot of businesses aren’t able to give as much as usual. $*LIW*DOOHU\IRU DOORI\RXU6HQVHV +DQGFUDIWHG-HZHOU\8QLTXH&XOLQDU\7HPSWDWLRQV )UHQFKPLOOHGVRDSV3RWWHU\6SHFLDOW\7HDV$UWSULQWV %ORZQJODVV7H[WLOHV*LIWEDVNHWV$QGRWKHUFOHYHUWKLQJV Cindy Mulla won the 2010 Rising Star Award “This year wasn’t as easy as previous years. Since the oil slick, some of the businesses have slowed down on their donations so we have had to depend on personal donations,” volunteer Sally Britton said. If you would like to contact Sally and her team, please call: 850 219 1755. Drop off location: “AAAA Storage” 2125 Lisenby Ave. Panama City FL, 32405 A t the Fall Florida Mosquito Control Association (FMCA) at the end of November, Cindy Mulla was chosen by the president of the association as the recipient of the 2010 Rising Star Award. It was for all of the hard work and determination to develop a positive and successful mosquito control public outreach program. The goal to improve the population’s understanding of what is mosquito control, the importance of mosquito control and its significant role in public health and safety. The Beach Mosquito Control District public outreach program includes all ages from school age students to the senior population. Our program just celebrated its third year. During the first year of our program one of our 5th grade students won the “Fight the Bite” poster & essay contest. The contest is sponsored by the Scholastic Books and the Centers of Disease Control and prevention. Only one fifth grade and sixth grade winner are chosen from each state annually and then compete for the 5th & 6th grade national winner. Fine Gifts Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 10am - 6pm Located next to Publix in the Breakfast Point shopping center 11260 Panama City Beach Pkwy. Suite 104 Panama City Beach, FL 32407 XXXCMVFIFSPOĕOFHJęTDPNt Beach Mosquito Control Blue Heron ON THE MOVE WITH Jan Lambert “Like what you see behind me? It’s available right now!” JAN LAMBERT, REALTOR® Previews Property Specialist Coldwell Banker United, REALTORS 850.381.3817 [email protected] THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 13 Eye View Oh, the dreaded New Year’s Resolution. Y ou know you do it; every December, as the days creep closer towards the end of the year, you catch yourself thinking, “What in the Sam Hill am I going to do for my new year’s resolution?” If you’re anything like me, you start out thinking big: I’m going to lose an utterly ridiculous amount of weight in an inconceivable amount of time. Then, as the first of the year draws near, you come up with something a little more reasonable: I will go to the gym every single day for at least 2 hours to meet my goal weight. But after days of gluttony and indulging on tasty holiday treats right before the New Year, you decide on a more sensible pledge: I will drink one less cocktail than I normally would when at a social gathering. Alright, let’s be honest. That’s not very realistic, either. After doing some research on resolutions for the New Year, I found a list of the top ten most common. As broad and general as these goals are, keep in mind that of the 45% of Americans who actually make a New Year’s resolution, only about 12% are successful. After breaking these statistics down with respect to the current U.S. population, I found that only 5.4% of Americans stick with their pledge. And still, year after year, people continue to make a resolution for the New Year that they basically know they won’t commit to. The top ten resolutions, according to, are ridiculous. Not because they are impossible achievements, but because they are things that a person should have the desire for their entire life, not just the first few months of every year. 1. Drink Less Alcohol. Alcoholism is a serious illness – I get it. But if you truly have a drinking problem, you need an intervention, AA, and tons of moral support to help you. A New Year’s resolution is worthless to you. For those of us 14 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 who like to enjoy a cocktail socially (or privately; no judgment here), drinking less alcohol just seems, well again, worthless. 2. Get a Better Education. Like I said before, this is one of those resolutions that one should actively pursue their entire life, not just for the New Year. In fact, I would argue that it would be more difficult to not continually educate yourself. You would have to make it a point to avoid books, the newspaper, magazines, television, etc., in order to cease learning. Then again, I could also argue that most of the trash and nonsense people choose to read or listen to could easily lower their brain function. But that is neither here ‘nor there. 3. Get a Better Job. In this economy? Good luck. 4. Get Fit. Yes, please do. Except try this year-round. The New Year falls in the winter, after all; not the summer when we have to look at you in a bathing suit. 5. Lose Weight. See number 4. 6. Manage Stress. In this economy? Good luck. 7. Quit Smoking Now. I know this is getting redundant, but once again, this is a goal that an individual should consistently be working towards. As with By Catherine Collins drinking, if you have a serious problem with quitting smoking, you’re going to need more than a new calendar year to stop. 8. Manage Debt. See number 9. 9. Save Money. Unless your financial situation does a sudden dramatic change at the beginning of the year, do you really expect to magically pay off debts and/or save money? The bills are going to keep coming and living expenses are necessary. If your kids are set for life; you don’t have to pay rent or a mortgage; you’ve done some favors to escape electricity, water, and cable bills; your car is paid off; your insurance is dirt cheap; your taxes are in line; you have a gasoline fairy that comes to visit you once a week; and you make an exceptional salary at your job, then 1) you’re one hell of an overachiever and 2) this resolution has your name written all over it. Save away! But if you’re a financial hot mess like the rest of us, this is another potential resolution you should scratch off of your list. 10. Take a Trip. Finally! A resolution I can work with. Vacations are much needed and something people don’t do enough of – especially in times like these. However, looking at the previous resolutions, if you plan on drinking less alcohol, improving your education, moving up in the business world, getting fit, losing weight, and quitting smoking while managing stress, debt and money, taking a trip just doesn’t seem like much fun after all. American author Jonah Lehrer surmised, “It makes no sense to try to quit smoking and lose weight at the same time, or to clean the apartment and give up wine in the same month. “Bad habits are hard to break—and they’re impossible to break if we try to break them all at once.” Catherine Collins is the Executive Assistant to the President & CEO of the Beach Chamber. Eye View is her observations of everyday life in Bay County, Florida. THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 15 a few minutes with he explains. “…just another reason to call people to see if they received my letter.” anthony de la torre Nearly six months ago, Brown & Brown gave Anthony the opportunity to head its Panama City, Florida branch. He relocated to Bay County, where he currently lives in Panama City Beach. There are, of course, challenges one faces when moving to a new area…namely, the challenge of not knowing anyone. There are also age challenges; at 27, Anthony is relatively young to be running a regional division. “It’s challenging to find like-minded people, as a young, single person,” he admits. “Being someone who is a recent college grad, I’m often speaking with people who are my parents’ age. Sometimes it’s hard to relate.” But, he adds, everyone he’s called has been willing to sit down and talk about their experience in Bay County. Photo by Skip Alford A nthony de la Torre believes in the power of being positive. “Everything starts with attitude…a positive energy,” he says. “The way you attack each day, personally and professionally. Every day starts with exuberance and enthusiasm. I believe in treating people the same way you want to be treated.” very disciplined,” he remembers. “The only way I got business is if another agent failed.” The economy in Tampa was not especially thriving, and his target customers – business owners – were apprehensive about change. The positive factors of relocating to this market, however, have not been lost on Anthony. “This is a great opportunity professionally,” he acknowledges. “There’s so much growth opportunity here. People have been welcoming, and have immediately made me feel comfortable here.” Another obvious positive is being close to a gorgeous beach with close proximity to metropolitan cities. “We’re five hours away from Atlanta, Orlando, Tampa and New Orleans,” he adds. “This is a place you can make an immediate impact in a short amount of time. If you’re a go-getter, this is a good place for you.” And go-getter he is. His conversation is laced with phrases like “You’ve got to challenge yourself on a daily basis…feel uncomfortable;” “You ultimately drive your success and your development; no one else is going to do that for you;” and, “I like to lead by example. If I’m willing to make 35 cold-calls, you should want to make 40!” “I sit down with people and try to find out what has made them successful. Learning just one thing–one take away from that person–is what I like.” Five years ago he graduated from Florida State University in Tallahassee with a degree in marketing, and went to work for a home healthcare agency specializing in private duty nursing services. “I started in Atlanta and was there for five months, then relocated to Daytona Beach, Ft. Lauderdale and finally Miami…four moves in two years,” he offers. “Being on call 24/7 and working on weekends I started thinking, ‘What am I doing?’ I didn’t see this as a long-term career.” In 2008, Anthony was introduced to the insurance industry and joined Brown & Brown’s Tampa office as a Commercial Account Executive. It was a challenging jump; the insurance business is very detailed, and he admittedly is not so detailed. “I had to be 16 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 He had to find creative ways to get in front of these business owners. He remembers his Baby Shoes campaign, in which he would mail out a pair of baby shoes with a note saying, ‘I have one foot in the door. When are you going to allow both feet in for me to review your current insurance program?’ He would then relentlessly and aggressively call business owners until they finally told him “No,” which he loved. (Sales 101 tells us that the more ‘No’s’ we get, the closer we are to a ‘Yes.’) The Baby Shoes tactic generated about 90% of Anthony’s revenue that first year in the business. Another approach was sending out hand-written cards. “It’s a drip,” Anthony directs and administers the team at Brown & Brown, from hiring and training to mentoring and helping sales professionals develop their prospecting skills and knowledge of the industry. “I look for people who have the right attitude,” he says. “Energy providers, not energy suckers. Enthusiasm. Charisma. When these people walk into a room, the energy level elevates.” His other focus is branding and business development, which he cultivates by getting involved in Continued on Page 30 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 17 18 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 SEE & be seen 1 4 4 4 4 4 Governor’s Appreciation Luncheon mckinney fitness .com 2 1. Robert Carroll, newlyelected Governor Rick Scott, and Griff Griffitts at the Shrimpboat on December 29. 2. Beth Oltman meets Rick Scott with (from left) Philip Griffitts Sr. and Dr. Neal Dunn. 3. On December 15, the Chamber held its monthly 12@12 Networking Luncheon in its board room. 850.233.2111 11205 Hutchison Blvd Panama City Beach 3 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 19 SEE & BE SEEN 2 1 4 5 6 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 1. Steve Southerland was the keynote speaker at the December 10 final Friday at the Beach at Edgewater Beach Resort. 2. The Chamber staff presented outgoing chair Griff Griffitts with a “Key to the Chamber,” citing the Chamber’s everlasting open door policy. 3. Felicia Cook, Steve Southerland and Nicole Mincey at Friday at the Beach. 4. Billy Cumiskey represented Panama City Toyota, who sponsored the event. 5. Ryan and Kara Davis. 6 & 7. The 30th Annual Optimist Christmas Parade on December 11 at Pier Park included high school marching bands and children on floats. 8. The On Call Band performed at the annual Holiday Member Appreciation Party at Breakers on December 16. 9. Guests networked and enjoyed the gathering. 10. Angie Phillips, Joe Chavarria and Jennifer Conoley. 11. Tol and Vera Williams with Larry Deutsch. 12. Brett and Beth Oltman with Griff and Laura Griffitts. 13. Sylvia and Michael Smith with Hope Abbott. 7 8 20 3 9 10 11 12 LQQRYDWLRQVIFXRUJ 13 0(0%(51&8$,167,787,21 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 21 You’d do anything for your children. So why not make the right choice in health care? When it comes to caring for children, we know kids aren’t little adults and that they need specialized care when it comes to treating injuries. That’s why we’re here with the area’s only Pediatric ER. 4JDL 22 There’s an app for that. iTriage now available free on iPhone, Android and more. Go to XXXJUSJBHFIFBMUIDPNHFUNPCJMF THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 % 0 8 / -0 " % / 0 8 EMERGENCY PEDIATRICS AGES 0 UP TO 18 The Area’s Shortest Average ER Wait Times THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 23 24 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 26 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 UPDATE ON THE Community Redevelopment Agency T he Panama City Beach Community Redevelopment Agency is on its 8th year and well on its way with the 3rd construction project. Both Richard Jackson Boulevard and Churchwell Road & Public Parking Lot are complete with welcome improvements being enjoyed. The Front Beach Road/South Thomas Drive Segment is under construction and currently 50% complete. The Front Beach Road/South Thomas Drive section continues to replace all old utilities and take all overhead utilities underground. The redeveloped roadway will now have a current stormwater system. The ponds will be enhanced with landscape, seating areas, gentle slopes and walking paths that create mini-parks with access to the water’s edge. This section is also unique in the provision of a dedicated bicycle and transit lane. The sidewalks will provide pedestrian mobility that will continue to interconnect all future projects. Lighting and enhanced paving will accent the pedestrian transition through midblock road crossings, transit stops and roadway intersections. Future projects include State Road 79 (SR79) from Panama City Beach Parkway to Lullwater on Front Beach Road and Front Beach Road (FBR-2) from South Thomas Drive to Richard Jackson Boulevard. Both sections are progressing through design and the PD&E process with SR-79 construction plans at 50% complete & FBR-2 construction plans at 90% complete. Opposite page, Top: Rendering of Segment II new roadway with tram/bicycle and median shown; Bottom: Rendering of Front Beach Road with CRA improvements. Above: Before photo and After rendering of Segment I at pedestrian crosswalk. Below: Richard Jackson Blvd. after completion. Public/private partnerships, grants and State/Federal Funds are being solicited and utilized to enhance the existing tax increment revenues. A TIGER II Grant application was submitted for 2010 and FDOT TRIP funds have been extended into 2011 for SR-79. Inter-local agreements and DOT have also provided additional funds. The HAAS Center performed a study to support our grant request that shows a benefit to cost ratio (B/C) of 2.19 which means that each dollar of CRA expenditure increases net national income by $2.19. In conclusion, the CRA projects are not only redeveloping infrastructure, expanding transportation and providing beautification for Panama City Beach, it is also an economic stimulus for our community. THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 27 Lunch & Learn I Workshops n the four months since it opened its first branch, Doral Bank Florida has discovered that a bank business model, emphasizing highly personal service and sincere community involvement, is as valid as it ever has been. BROUGHT TO YOU BY NAVIGATOR, THE BEACH CHAMBER’S SMALL BUSINESS INITIATIVE. Florida State University Panama City’s Holley Academic Center From 11:30 am to 1:00 pm SAVE THESE THURSDAYS: January 27 * February 17 * March 24 April 28 * May 26 * June 23 Check the Beach Buzz & for details on speakers and workshop topics. Co-Sponsored by FSU PC and the Small Business Development Center. “We’ve been very grateful for the support we’ve received since opening our 23rd Street location on Sept. 1, but not necessarily surprised by it,” said Raymond Powell, Southeast regional president for Doral Bank. “We were convinced when we began operations in Florida that there was a niche available for a bank that would place customers at the center of its operations and treat them warmly and courteously. DORAL LAND ON PANAMA CITY Pledges to make community Emergency? Call 911 and choose Gulf Coast Medical Center Closest ER from the beach ER WAIT TIMES Wait times are updated on our website every half hour. 8&45SE453&&5t1"/"."$*5:'-03*%"t 03*%" 28 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 “The feedback we’ve received from customers has been highly validating,” Powell added. “Many had found that due to bank mergers and other events, they were doing business with a financial institution that they had never actually chosen as their bank. Everyone who has become a Doral Bank Florida customer has done so by choice and people feel good about the opportunity to choose a bank that offers genuine community banking.” Doral opened its second location, in Pensacola on Bayou Boulevard near the Cordova Mall, on Nov. 16 and has been in operation in downtown Panama City at 701 Harrison Ave. since December 15. It will open its first Panama City Beach branch, in the Oaseas Professional Center at 415 Richard Jackson Blvd., on February 1. “The dynamics of the county are changing,” Powell said, “but the reality continues to be that the Hathaway Bridge is a line of demarcation dividing Bay County into halves. We view the Beaches area as a market distinct from Bay County east of the bridge. Many people have commented to me over recent weeks that they were ready to become Doral Bank customers, but they simply didn’t want to have to cross the bridge to open accounts. “We look forward with great anticipation to answering the demand for a Doral branch on the Beach – and not just anywhere. The Oaseas Professional Center building is a prominent, premier office space with a history of hosting branch banks. We felt good about being able to help Oaseas acquire its new home and the potential for growth and recognition it represents and we’re excited about becoming Oaseas’ first tenant. We would have been hard pressed to find a better location.” MAKES FALL BEACH customers and the top priorities Sherry Bruening will serve as manager of Doral’s Edgewater branch. She brings to the job 16 years of community bank experience on the Beach and previously worked for nine years in the hospitality industry in the Beaches area. She understands the workings and needs of a resort community. “I can’t wait to reconnect with old friends and customers and make lots of new ones,” Bruening said. “In particular, we’ll be working to meet the needs of condominium associations and other property owners’ associations with services designed especially for them.” Bruening finds that people understand and readily detect the differences between a genuine community bank and a financial institution that may pretend to be, but isn’t so. “I’m a relationship banker,” Bruening said. “I want to get to know my customers so that I can better ensure that their relationship with Doral Bank works well not just for us, but for them. People don’t want to be referred to an 800 number when they have a question or a concern that they would like their bank to address. They want to deal in person with a friendly, familiar face who is prepared to help them on the spot, not refer them to Mission Control. “At Doral, we’re all about restoring to the Beach the personal touch that has vanished from so many other banks.” “The appetite for a new community bank in the Florida Panhandle remains strong,” Powell is convinced. “That’s a niche that is both viable and available. The real estate downturn in Florida was tough on banks both big and small and we’ve seen, in recent months, several community banks drop out of the market. “Business abhors a vacuum and we’re here to pick up the slack.” As a “genuine community bank,” Doral Bank pledges to provide customers with a warm, welcoming environment; to furnish products and services designed, first and foremost, to suit them; and to ensure that they have the opportunity to meet face to face with bankers who are prepared to help them achieve their financial goals. Doral Bank Florida further pledges to contribute time, talent and financial support to deserving organizations and to pursue ways to help communities meet their challenges. “We’ve embarked upon a winning formula with the right people,” Powell said. “The reception we received upon opening our first branches made that clear and we feel certain that our early success will be replicated on the Beach.” Doral Bank Florida will serve its customers as “the best bank in their neighborhood.” To that end, it will (and does) employ familiar bankers with long histories and strong reputations in Panhandle markets, bankers whom people feel they already know and trust. THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 29 Happiness is Simple. President’s Message Continued from Page 6 The Panama City Beach Chamber is a unique chamber of commerce, going far beyond the boundaries of simply promoting and engaging its members, but also being deeply involved in its community. We have a strong partnership with the Bay County Chamber, and look forward to our bi-annual “First Friday with the Beach” morning meeting at FSU PC’s Holley Academic Center (our next joint meeting is January 7th). We love working alongside our local Tourist Development Council in producing our beach’s official marketing collateral piece, the annual Vacation Planner. We are proud of our close working relationship with the Bay County Economic Development Alliance, with our Airport Authority and with our military. We have fostered a close bond with our local media, often partnering with and co-sponsoring one another’s events. “How do we keep our Members active and engaged?” and “How do we, as a chamber of commerce, stay relevant in our community?” Focusing regularly on these two questions throughout 2011 will help this Chamber to create opportunities for success – for both our members and for this whole community – as we contemplate our exciting future here in Bay County, Florida. Beth Oltman, IOM A Few Minutes with Anthony de la Torre Continued from Page 16 NOW OFFERING EXPRESS CATERING! From the light and healthy to the sinful and heavenly, let our catering team plan the perfect meal for your next meeting or event. We offer all the convenience of our culinary and hospitality staff delivered to your home or office. contact our team today! 877.533.7596 Scan QR-Code with your mobile for more information about our express catering. A P RO P E RT Y O F 30 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 non-profits, local chambers of commerce and professional organizations. He is the 2011 committee chair for H.Y.P.E., the Beach Chamber’s Young Professionals committee, and is a member of the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association. He is also on the Board of the Children’s Home Society (and was in Tampa as well). “Last year I watched The Blind Side and was extremely touched,” he shares. “It left an impact. Just afterward, I got involved with the (organization) because I want to make a difference in someone’s life. I strive to be selfless…to help others. Some of these kids don’t have the structure and direction that I was afforded by my parents.” So what does this driven young man see for himself in five years? “I would take the office I’m currently running and triple it in size, from both a revenue and employee standpoint,” he considers. “Personally, maybe I’ll be married…(laughs) and I don’t know…a child? Maybe!” X Health Update By Kristy McKinny, Gold’s Gym It’s probably even harder for many of us to believe that we survived the past year. Our community was faced with an enormous amount of heartache during 2010. We were all facing a down economy which wasn’t playing favorites on whom it effected. Sadly, we lost two local banks who had always played a huge part in giving back to our community. Then, of course, came the announcement of the BP oil spill. And what a fabulous job the media did announcing it. Unfortunately, although the oil never coated our beaches, the media led people to believe it would. This led to a drastic decline in our much needed tourism. As a long time resident of Panama City Beach, it saddened me to no end to look around and see my neighbors, family and friends hurting and struggling over the past year. This is why it is so important for each of us to see this new year as a New Beginning. We must not dwell on the stresses we have encountered. This is not good for our minds or our bodies. This new year, let’s skip our usual fitness resolution: “I resolve to eat less and exercise more.” How many times have we all said that in January? And how many have followed through for the entire year? This year, let’s resolve to be consistent with our fitness. Consistent exercise keeps our minds clearer, which allows us to tackle daily obstacles with clarity. Consistent nutrition keeps our energy levels higher throughout the entire day. It eliminates the roller coaster effect we get from eating processed foods and not eating frequently enough. This year, rather than saying “I am going to workout every day until I reach my goal weight,” which is an impossible resolution to keep, let’s vow to keep a food journal daily and take three group fitness classes a week, or to hire a personal trainer to train you and your spouse together a couple times a week. Let’s vow to add cardio into our workout plans so that your heart stays healthy. And let’s vow to bring a buddy to the gym with us. It is much easier to stay consistent when someone is counting on you to be there. This is often why many people hire a personal trainer. And who knows, that buddy you bring may be what keeps you training consistently all year long. Hug your neighbors, friends and family. Let them know that even through a tough year, we had each other’s back and made it through it all. That is what this community is all about! That is why I am proud to call Panama City Beach my home. Happy New Year and Happy Healthy New Beginnings to each and every one of you. Please feel free to contact me for any help you may need to stay consistent with your fitness goals. Contact me at [email protected] or avenir_light_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? åç´ƒ©˙ˆ˚¬μ˜øœ®ß†¨¥`¡™£¢§¶•ªº–“‘«…æ÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜،‰Íˇ¨„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±"'»ÚƯ˘¿|áéíóúâêîôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" avenir_light_italic_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? åç´ƒ©˙ˆ˚¬μ˜øœ®ß†¨¥`¡™£¢§¶•ªº–“‘«…æ÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜،‰Íˇ¨„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±"'»ÚƯ˘¿|áéíóúâêîôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" Hard to believe it’s a new year already! Introducing a revolutionary idea: Affordable health insurance. ✺❁❐❆✿❄❉■❇❂❁▼▲❁❂❃❄❅❆❇❈❉❊❋●❍■❏❐❑❒▲▼◆❖◗❘❙❚❀✑✒✓✔✕✖✗✘✙✐✍✝✻✽✼✛✌✎✏ ✡✢✣✤✥✦✧★✩✪✫✬✭✮✯✰✱✲✳✴✵✶✷✸✹✺❞✁✠✃✄☎✾✆☛✈✉✿☞❛❝❜✚✜✞✟ avenir_roman_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? åç´ƒ©˙ˆ˚¬μ˜øœ®ß†¨¥`¡™£¢§¶•ªº–“‘«…æ÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜،‰Íˇ¨„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±"'»ÚƯ˘¿|áéíóúâêîôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" avenir_italic_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? åç´ƒ©˙ˆ˚¬μ˜øœ®ß†¨¥`¡™£¢§¶•ªº–“‘«…æ÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜،‰Íˇ¨„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±"'»ÚƯ˘¿|áéíóúâêîôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" avenir_heavy_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? åç´ƒ©˙ˆ˚¬μ˜øœ®ß†¨¥`¡™£¢§¶•ªº–“‘«…æ÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜،‰Íˇ¨„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±"'»ÚƯ˘¿|áéíóúâêîôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" avenir_heavy_italic_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? åç´ƒ©˙ˆ˚¬μ˜øœ®ß†¨¥`¡™£¢§¶•ªº–“‘«…æ÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜،‰Íˇ¨„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±"'»ÚƯ˘¿|áéíóúâêîôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" avenir_next_condensed_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? å∫ç∂´ƒ©˙ˆΔ˚¬μ˜øπœ®ß†¨√∑≈¥Ω`¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠“‘«…æ≤≥÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜Ø∏Œ‰Íˇ¨◊„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿|áéíóúâêîôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" € univers_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? å∫ç∂´ƒ©˙ˆΔ˚¬μ˜øπœ®ß†¨√∑≈¥Ω`¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠“‘«…æ≤≥÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜Ø∏Œ‰Íˇ¨◊„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±"'»ÚƯ˘¿|áéíóúâêîôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" € univers_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? å∫ç∂´ƒ©˙ˆΔ˚¬μ˜øπœ®ß†¨√∑≈¥Ω`¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠“‘«…æ≤≥÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜Ø∏Œ‰Íˇ¨◊„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±"'»ÚƯ˘¿|áéíóúâêîôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" € avenir_underline It's reassuring when you know you have the right coverage. And as an insurance expert, I can help you find the perfect policy at a surprisingly affordable price. • Affordable health insurance policies • Coverage that includes a Pharmacy program • One of the largest provider networks in Florida* • One-on-One customer service in your neighborhood • Affordable dental insurance Fisher Brown Insurance 144 Harrison Avenue Panama City, FL 32401 850-785-7404 WWW.FBBINS.COM Appointed Agency The amount of benefits provided depends upon the plan selected and the premium will vary with the amount of benefits selected. These policies have limitations and exclusions. For costs and complete details, contact your local insurance agent. *Our Networks are made up of independently licensed health care professionals. ****Dental Insurance is offered by Florida Combined Life Insurance Company, Inc. an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida. BCBSF and FCL are independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ***Discounts available as a courtesy to all BCBSF member through separate business partners. Discounts may be used once covered benefits, if any, are exhausted. 64858-0910 MX THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 31 u Chamber Committee Updates GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Typically, with the beginning of a new year, most of us look forward with optimism and an eagerness to start with a fresh perspective. Along with this fresh perspective usually comes new goals. The same is true for the 2011 Panama City Beach Chamber Governmental Affairs Committee. Our Committee looks forward to the coming year, and we are excited about the goals we have set for 2011. Connections Connections is the committee of the Beach Chamber tasked with developing new members and enhancing your membership experience. A new initiative of Connections is Connect-4-Cash, a new-member recruitment and referral program open to all members. Simply refer a business you have personally contacted to one of the Chamber sales staff. If your referral joins the Panama City Beach Chamber within 60 days, you will receive a $50 credit to your Chamber account, applicable to all non-dues products and services. Who and what you are connected to will carry you along the highway of life. Your connections will determine at what destination you arrive. The people and organizations you affiliate with either add value to your life or diminish your life. There are people and groups who add to and multiply your life, and those who subtract from and divide your life. Connect with the adders and multipliers; you will then arrive at a destination of success. Want to help shape the future of our Chamber? Become a member of Connections. We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 11:30 am in the Chamber Board Room. Your input is valuable, so join us at the next meeting. Let’s all Connect for Success in 2011! It’s once again time to close the books on another year; time to break out a clean sheet of paper and begin the story of the new year ahead. The successes, challenges, laughter and tears of 2010 are behind us, and new opportunity awaits. There are mountains to be climbed, chasms to be bridged, and dreams to be realized. Dreams of peace, health, wealth and success in business. 2011 will be a year when you can achieve your loftiest vision and greatest goals. It all depends on your connections. The Beach Chamber provides numerous opportunities throughout the year for its members to learn, network and connect with others in the business community. Above left: The Chamber’s monthly 12@12 Luncheon; Right: A Lunch & Learn Workshop at FSU PC’s Holley Academic Center. What’s the HYPE? The Panama City Beach Chamber has established a brand new young professional group in 2011 called PCB HYPE. “HYPE” stands for “Helping Young Professionals Evolve,” and our mission is to help young professionals, in Bay and surrounding counties, evolve by connecting and engaging with fellow young professionals through events that encourage leadership and team building. HYPE will meet on a monthly basis for social events or professional development luncheons/workshops. The Kickoff party is on Thursday, January 27. Check out our blog at; on Facebook search “PCB HYPE” and join our page for more information. 32 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 Come to our KICKOFF PARTY Thursday, January 27 Visit for details. 2010 was a successful year for our Governmental Affairs Committee. We saw an extremely busy election year that involved political races from local, state and national levels. We also had several important amendments on the state ballot that were of local importance. Your GAC played a key role in some of the success that came out of the last election. 2010 also marked the end of the Chairmanship for John Robbins. John has been an active member of our local political scene for more years than he will care to admit. John’s experience within military and political circles is nearly impossible to replace and the Beach Chamber is honored to have had his leadership and guidance for the 2010 political season. Some of our goals for 2011 will be to increase the number of GAC members and to continue to hold monthly meetings with select guest speakers from all levels of government. Additionally, we plan to take our committee to Tallahassee in 2011 and get a behind the scenes look at our state Legislative and Executive branches. Our agenda also includes touring some of the local governmental offices and military bases. We hope to continue to build a strong bond with our local elected leadership and military officials. As we move into 2011, we do so with renewed optimism. Although not an election year, there are many items that our GAC will be focusing on. We are a strong Chamber and we are only going to get stronger in the coming year. I encourage any of our Chamber’s members to attend one of the scheduled monthly meetings for the GAC. We always welcome new faces and fresh perspectives. To get involved, call Lindsay Dring at the Beach Chamber (235-1159) or email [email protected]. X Chamber Committee Updates EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP Navigator On December 9, the Beach Chamber’s small business initiative, Navigator, held a “Lunch & Learn” workshop at the FSU Panama City Holley Academic Center. The workshop featured a panel of experts from the banking and accounting fields discussing details of The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, signed by President Obama on September 27. Attendees learned how to access the SBA recovery loans, and gained information on lending support, tax breaks and resources to help small businesses drive economic recovery and create jobs. The expert panel consisted of (pictured above, from left) John Johnson from Segers, Sowell, Stewart, Johnson & Brill; Ralph Ross, District Director of the Small Business Association; James Hosman from Florida First Capital Finance Corporation; Mike Byers from Regions Bank; Karina Stadelman from Carr, Riggs & Ingram; and David Tipton from Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain. The workshop was sponsored by the Beach Chamber, Small Business Development Center, FSU Panama City and Gulf Coast Community College. On December 16, James Johnson (pictured below) gave a special workshop, “Miracles Happen,” prior to the Chamber’s Holiday Member Appreciation Party. Guests gathered at Harpoon Harry’s, then walked next door to the Breakers. Save the following Thursdays for future Navigator Lunch & Learn Workshops in 2011, all held at FSU PC from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm: January 27, February 17, March 24, April 28, May 26, and June 23. ON THE FUTURE FOCUS Empowering Students to See Their Own Potential The Beach Chamber’s Education Partnership Committee is recruiting business leaders to become classroom mentors in our local high schools. Business people in our community can make a difference to students by offering consistent and nurturing relationships. Research shows that introducing a mentor into a youth’s life plays a powerful role in increasing their prospects of living a fulfilling and productive life. The business community represents “the real world” to our youths, and can offer a powerful source of inspiration. Mentoring in a classroom 2-3 times a month for 20-30 minutes is a small investment of time that can return large benefits to the schools. If you are interested in mentoring, email [email protected]. NORTHWEST FLORIDA SURGERY CENTER Outpatient Surgery and Procedures ENT Surgery General Surgery Neurosurgery Ophthalmic Surgery Gastroenterology Neurology Procedures Orthopedic Surgery Plastic Surgery Podiatric Surgery Retinal Surgery 767 AIRPORT RD. PANAMA CITY, FL 32405 (850) 747-0400 NWFSC is nationally accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 33 X Out & About A New Deacon for Grace Episcopal Church in 2011 is located at 9101 Panama City Beach Pkwy.; for more information visit In 2011, Grace Episcopal Church will welcome the ministry of a new deacon, Raymond Wishart. Ray had never been to Panama City until he was hired after college for a one year contract to teach at Mosley High School--and never left! Mr. Surf’s Surf Shop He teaches video production and digital media, and has taught a variety of elective courses. He has also helped to lead Education for Ministry groups at Saint Andrew’s and Holy Nativity Episcopal Churches in Panama City. As a permanent deacon, Ray will continue his work at Mosley, but has been asked by Bishop Philip Duncan of the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast to serve as a Christian Education Coordinator at this end of the diocese. Ray has been married to his wife Diane for almost 34 years and they have two grown children, Rachelle and Rebekah. He will begin his ministry at Grace Church on Sunday, February 13, 2011. Grace Episcopal Church Mr. Surf’s Surf Shop will be offering Surf and Stand-up Paddle Board Camps on Panama City Beach in 2011 for individuals, familes and large or small groups. Camps include personal instruction, all surf and stand-up paddle boards, wetsuits if necessary, digital pictures of camp session all for a very affordable rate and the most memorable experience on Panama City Beach. We are the most qualified and experienced on Panama City Beach since 1980. For the most awesome time in the sun and on the water, come let us take you surfing and standup paddleboarding. We also now rent bikes, and will deliver and pick-up. We also offer hourly, daily or weekly rentals for surfboards, stand-up paddle boards, skimboards and wetsuits. Call (850) 235-2702 or visit for more information. Top left: Ray and Diane Wishart of Grace Episcopal. Top right: Tony and Liv Johnson, owners of Mr. Surf’s Surf Shop. What’s Up For Pat Sabiston? During my tenure on the Bay County School Board, I was very fortunate to have staff in place to keep my company, The Write Place, functioning. Now, there are so many things that business owners and Chamber members can do to help the schools -- aside from being an elected official. For instance, I mentor a young woman at New Horizons. Every Tuesday morning, I co-teach a Journaling class at Oakland Terrace. The Panama City Beach Chamber has an Education Committee, which is another way people can serve. But perhaps the most important thing I would suggest is for parents and grandparents to get involved in the schools where their children/grandchildren attend. And don’t forget the importance of being a member of The Bay Education Foundation. For our educational system to continue to improve, everyone needs to get involved. Pat Sabiston The Write Place, a Marketing & PR Firm 34 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 X Out & About 3 [i] I Am Involved & Inspired In every issue, The Circuit will feature several Chamber members who share their ideas on what it means to be a member of the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce. “It’s easy to be enthusiastic about being a Panama City Beach Chamber member because of the energy that resonates from the staff and volunteers. Last year, I had the pleasure of attending some of the Chamber’s unique events, such as 12@12 Business Luncheon and the first-ever Women’s Symposium, which created a new, special setting for networking. I also plan on becoming even more engaged this year by joining PCB HYPE for young professionals. One thing is certain throughout the Chamber’s functions, committees and publications: the Beach Chamber is dedicated to the success of Panama City Beach, Bay County and its members – another reason to get involved and join their efforts!” Jennifer Conoley Bay County Economic Development Alliance Director of Communications & Marketing “When my family moved here in August, we knew very few people. That changed quickly after joining the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce. I’m amazed at the events and networking opportunities the Chamber offers. I have participated in a 12@12 Business Luncheon; several Business After Hours; Fridays at the Beach; and a Women’s Symposium with nationally recognized speakers. To welcome other new members, I’ve joined the Chamber Ambassadors. MEMBER SPOTLIGHT “One of the greatest benefits is the feeling of being part of such a strong community and contributing here. My business is growing, and our family feels very welcomed here. Thank you Panama City Beach Chamber for all you do!” Vera Williams Rodan and Fields Dermatologists Independent Consultant “I find the most important part of the Beach Chamber to be the quality of the relationships. What I build with Beach Chamber members results in both friendships and business, and the results are quantifiable! It tears down the stuffy atmosphere that can often prevail, and hits at the core of what makes businesses work: people. When you consider what the staff does, and the services they provide, their value is second to none, and they really take a vested interest in helping me be successful. For all of these reasons my Beach Chamber membership is my most important professional affiliation!” John Shepard Carpet One Floor & Home President Peaches to Beaches Peaches to Beaches, which opened October 1, is located at 17203 Panama City Beach Parkway, one block west of Highway 79 in the Parkway Plaza Shopping Center. Peaches to Beaches specializes in unique, one-of-a-kind furniture and decorative items for the home, including garden pieces and window treatments. They also carry jewelry, books, candles, gift and snack items. The store’s owners, Jerry and Sherry Nelson, chose the name because Jerry grew up in Panama City, then moved to Atlanta where he met his wife Sherry and now the Georgia Peaches have returned to the Beaches, thus the name “Peaches to Beaches.” Jerry and Sherry have combined their love of interior design and home furnishings with their blind and shade business they have owned for the last ten years. The number one customer comment since they opened has been, “You carry such unique and different things for surprisingly great and reasonable prices.” For more information, call (850) 588-7422. Teresa Tuno Teresa Tuno is a local artistic photographer whose work has been shown inside the pages of The Circuit many times and has also graced the cover. She has been published both locally and nationally, and is a member of the Professional Photographer’s Association. Teresa’s passion for the artistic side of photography shows through in her custom designed greeting cards, graduation announcements, collages, and painterly images. Her expertise ranges from family portraiture including maternity and newborn, executive and business portraiture and talent headshots and comp cards. She has recently started offering a wide range of high quality, unique specialty products for sports teams, bands, reunions, etc. at reasonable prices. Second only to her family is her life behind the camera. She is a wife and mother of two who enjoys furthering her education through conferences and web-courses in the rapidly changing world of photography. She has a knack for interior design and an eye for arranging and decorating. Teresa captures moments; between a mother and a child, the bounce in the step of a high school senior ready to enter a new phase of life, the excitement of a team tightly bound in sportsmanship, and the subtleties between a bride and groom. She can be reached on the web at or by phone at (850) 896-1493. THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 35 36 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 A Beautiful Evening Prime Rib of Beef begins with a great early bird dinner. Served Daily 3-6pm Chicken Fresca White Fish Pork Loin Smothered Meatloaf BOOK NOW For Private Room Holiday Parties 2218 Thomas Drive (850) 233-9514 From everyday collection to environmental protection, Think Green. Think Waste Management. • Residential Collection • Commercial Containers • Roll Off Containers 6319 E. Hwy 22, Panama City, FL 32404 (850) 874-1019 (800) 273-9757 W W WASTE MANAGEMENT 15701 Panama City Beach Parkway Panama City Beach, FL 32413 • Highway 98 and Pier Park Phone: (850) 235-4225 Fax: (850) 235-8869 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 37 a round Town Updates on Community, Education, Workforce & Government Community Update Mayor Gayle Oberst City of Panama City Beach During the month of December, as shoppers were getting into the Christmas spirit, Panama City Beach saw record breaking cold weather. Pier Park kicked off the season with Santa arriving and riding the train through the park. The Pier Park annual tree lighting took place on “Black Friday” and shined beautifully throughout the season. The annual Panama City Beach Christmas tree lighting took place on December 6; hundreds of children and families enjoyed carols, cookies and punch. Santa arrived in a fire truck escorted by the Arnold High School band. The Optimist Club’s Christmas parade was the largest ever and took place on December 11. The City staff worked to get Christmas decorations on the Parkway and around the Park and City Hall. Construction on a project located on Hutchison Blvd. across from Walmart, has been going on for several weeks, which will be home for a Dollar Tree and four other small retail stores including an auto parts store. Papa Johns Pizza has relocated to the Public Shopping Center off the PCB Parkway. Dead Eye Dick’s Steakhouse is nearly complete, and should be open in the spring. Mandatory or Universal trash continues to be a topic of discussion and work by the City Council. Consultants, City Staff and the local trash haulers are putting together a plan that will afford the city residents a better price and service on trash pickup. The City continues to work on Form Based zoning for the Front Beach Road. The Planning Board reviewed each section of the land development code, and it will return to the City Council and should be approved by the council in the late spring or early summer. As spring arrives we will see beautiful landscaping come to life on Highway 79 at the 38 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 West Bay Bridge, and southward along the medium and berms. The Tourist Development Council has placed a large “Welcome to Panama City Beach” sign in the mist of a giant sand dune complete with sand fence, sea oats, and palms…a great entrance to The World’s Most Beautiful Beaches. Bay County Commission Update Bill Dozier Bay County Commission Chairman After one of the most trying years our county has seen in a long time, 2011 brings an opportunity for a fresh start, and the Bay County Commission is looking forward to it with optimism. There’s no question, the economy is still tight, and jobs – be it finding one or keeping one – are on everyone’s mind. This year the board will be focusing on helping bring more jobs to Bay County, not only through supporting the Economic Development Alliance and other important organizations, but also by putting infrastructure in place in order to make Bay County more attractive to potential investors. I would also like to congratulate Congressman Steve Southerland on his election to the U.S. House of Representatives, and highlight that he has opened his district office on the Second Floor of the Bay County Government Center, located at 840 W. 11th St. This addition will help the Center to be the “onestop shop” for citizens to conduct their government business that we envisioned it to be. Residents will have a chance to learn everything they wanted to know about their county government when the county kicks off its Citizens Academy this spring. The course is still in its formative stages, but it will feature presentations by county staff and tours of county facilities. Stay tuned to for information about these and other Bay County events. New Beginnings Bill Husfelt Superintendent of Schools I enjoy the holiday season every year, but this year I enjoyed it more than you can imagine. I cherished every minute with my family and friends in a way that I never have before. As we go into the New Year, I intend to carry December’s lessons with me every second and to encourage my colleagues to do the same. It’s great to be alive, it’s great to be a part of Bay District Schools, and it’s great to work and play in Bay County, Florida. My colleague, Jan Chapman, District Coordinator of Assessment and Accountability, sent this email after our school board meeting incident, and it perfectly captures my thoughts: I don’t know about you, but I feel very blessed to live and work in a community that supports each other and pulls together when times are tough. Teachers are never thanked enough for what they do each and every day. I know you don’t do it for the recognition, the money, or the vacation days, but you do it because of your love of children and the gift of knowledge for the future generations. We have entered 2011 with a renewed sense of mission and purpose, believing that the School Board and I were given more time to accomplish good things for the students in our area. Thank you for your continued prayers and support as we work to provide the gift of knowledge to all students. We are excited about the new opportunities that these students will have as we work to improve technology throughout the district. Our major goal is to ensure that all students have an equal chance to experience the best instructional programs that new technology offers. We are excited about the new grading system for high schools, which relies on many indicators to judge success, not simply FCAT scores. Other tests scores (SAT, ACT), gradu- ation rates, International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement scores are part of the school’s overall performance, and we believe this new system gives a better picture of high school quality. Our high schools fared well in this first year, with all earning B’s. I know I’ll see many supportive community leaders at the Tom Barefield Social Studies Fair, judging projects and interviewing students. I’ll sit with many proud grandparents as our fifth grade choirs perform in their annual concert in March. I’ll shake hands with family members as we honor our support employees and teachers of the year in annual ceremonies. I’ll be applauding with you as we join the Bay Education Foundation in our first Arts Alive event, a showcase of student and faculty talent. EDA Update Janet Watermeier Bay County Economic Development Alliance Executive Director z FREE Hearing Evaluations. Advanced digital designs for clarity zA 95% + patient satisfaction rating z Sharon and Gregory Yordon, HAS,, BC-HIS, MS, are Nationally Board z Most trusted brand w/ adults over 50 Certified in Hearing Instrument z Exclusive lifetime aftercare program Sciences z Financing available ...same as cash plans (wac) ...s SALE $990 100% CUSTOM DIGITAL (Regular Price $1,295) Optima Mira Digital Hearing Aid. Cannot be combined with other offers. Limited time only. Panama City Location 2633 Highway 77, Suite A Beach Location (Tuesdays) 612 Wisteria Street Corner of Hutchison Boulevard 1 block west of Seabreeze Winery Call C alll ffor or a appointment: 850-763-0801 or 877-608-4327 At the end of November, it was announced that I, along with 48 other leaders across the state, was selected to serve on GovernorElect Rick Scott’s transition team for economic development. This is a wonderful opportunity to help shape the future of Florida’s economic development systems and processes and put in place concepts to make Florida and Bay County more competitive. This team, along with the regulatory reform team, is charged with identifying opportunities to reduce the size of government, transform the regulatory climate in Florida and look for ways to attract new businesses that will create 700,000 new jobs over the next seven years. Despite some of the disheartening events we faced in 2010, we are fortunate to kick-off the New Year with some positive news from several of our existing businesses and industries: • Northwest Florida Beaches International Continued on Page 40 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 39 a round Town Updates on Community, Education, Workforce & Government Airport’s passenger traffic is logging recordbreaking numbers, increasing by over 170 percent compared to the old airport. • Eastern Shipbuilding Group completed the second FDNY fireboat, Fire Fighter II, which recently made its debut on Staten Island, accompanying Three Forty Three in New York Harbor. • DeTect, a local developer of unique bird and bat detection and tracking software, received a major international contract from the largest power company in Turkey. • Tyndall Air Force Base will receive 10 T-38 Talon supersonic twin-jet trainer aircrafts, complementing the F-22 program. The EDA has also been involved in bringing business leaders and reporters from around the country to see our economic development assets. I participated in Florida’s Great Northwest’s 9th Annual Focus event where site selection consultants, investors and business executives learn about the region through business sessions, tours and recreational activities. We also assisted the St. Joe Company in coordinating a media tour. Four business journalists traveled to Bay County and met with several of our area defense contractors, as well as our airport and port leadership. These two trips allowed us to showcase our assets and generate some strong, personal relationships. as first in degree, in rank or first in excellence, quality and value. These are qualities FSU Panama City faculty and staff take seriously. Their hard work and discipline ensures that students who choose FSU Panama City obtain a high quality degree in which they can be proud and that will serve them well in the future. In 2011, we are ready to provide “prime” service and “prime” instruction. Recently, a convocation ceremony was held for our summer and fall graduates. Robert Carroll, co-owner of McNeil Carroll Engineering, was the prime-time speaker and talked about the pride he has in being a graduate of Florida State University. Robert shared with the graduates how having that degree allowed him to not only have a career and profession he is passionate about but to do many things to help improve our community. He challenged the graduates to find ways to give back to their communities. Robert leads by example as he has held many community leadership positions, including being the 2010 president of the FSU Development Board and currently the 2011 chairman of the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce. It does our hearts good to see our graduates making positive contributions to the work force, their families and the community. The EDA also spent time connecting our existing manufacturing businesses to a unique training program, the Time Wise Mobile Outreach Skills Training (M.O.S.T. ®) program which trains individuals through an intenselyfocused practical skills, theory and hands-on curriculum. In 2011, we plan on continuing our “prime” academic programming and adding additional bachelor’s programs and certificate programs. These can be found on our website at pc.fsu. edu. We are committed to upholding the values of Strength, Skill and Character reflected on the Florida State University seal. We will strive to provide excellence to all of our students. 2011 – A “Prime” Year GCCC Update Dr. Ken Shaw FSU Panama City Dean Dr. Jim Kerley Gulf Coast Community College President FSU Panama City is planning on a “prime” year in 2011 as we serve our students and the citizens of Northwest Florida. It is extra special that the year, 2011, is the 305th prime number. Prime can be defined 40 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 One of the most important aspects about any college or university is its accreditation. In fact, accreditation may be one of the most fundamental attributes since it is a direct reflection of a school’s strength, wellbeing and quality. We, the faculty, staff and administration at Gulf Coast Community College, are proud to announce that GCCC was recently given preliminary reaffirmation of our accreditation. There were absolutely no recommendations in the compliance portion of the standards, which deal with critical functions of the College like academics, faculty credentials, finances, student support, financial aid, marketing, continuing and community education, workforce education, and more. An on-site team from the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) visited Gulf Coast in October. The on-site team was comprised of faculty and administrators from other peer schools in the South. It was their responsibility to ensure that GCCC is aligned with our community college mission and that we support the intellectual, educational, economic, environmental and cultural development of this region. Gulf Coast faculty, staff and administrators had been diligently working for the last three years in preparation for the reaffirmation visit. Adding to the good news, we were also notified by SACS that our bachelor’s degree in Technology Management has also been approved. The new program had received approval from the State Board of Education last spring and prepares students for a management role among a team of engineers and technicians. Independent workforce-oriented surveys conducted throughout the region confirmed the need for highly-trained professionals who also possess knowledge of business, management and leadership development. GCCC is committed to providing a world-class workforce and creating a climate for promoting economic development throughout Northwest Florida. We would like to thank the Panama City Beach Chamber for their support as evidenced by their recently endowed scholarship to the GCCC Foundation. That gift will change the lives of many students in a positive way, and we are completely uplifted by your generous spirit as we begin a great new year and new semester! HOW DO OUR CUSTOMERS MEASURE SATISFACTION? Is it working with experienced professionals to create a quality product? Is it watching their ideas come together before their eyes? Or is it the bottom line, knowing they are getting the most for their hard earned money. We say it’s all these and more. From the simplest business card to a full color magazine printed on our new GOSS SUNDAY 2000/24 page (57” wide) 4 Unit Heat Set Web Press, or one of our Heidelberg 28 x 40 8-color Speedmaster presses we will work with you to achieve your printing goals, time and time again. AT BOYD BROTHERS WE DON’T WANT ORDERS, WE WANT SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. Printing Excellence S I N C E 1 9 31 {ÓxÊ>ÃÌÊ£xÌ Ê-ÌÀiiÌÊÊUÊ*ÃÌÊ"vwÊViÊÝÊ£nÊUÊ*>>>Ê ÌÞ]ÊÊÎÓ{äÓää£n £nääÈÇÇ"9ÓÈήÊUÊnxäÇÈΣÇ{£ÊUÊ>Ý\ÊnxäÇÈÈxÓÈ Membership Update * Ambassador Update Cyndi Ainsworth, VP Member Services other award-winning publications. Whatever you decide, get involved and start meeting people! Happy New Year! We at the Chamber hope you had a wonderful holiday season filled with joy, and were able to spend some quality time with family and friends. As 2011 begins, our community is beginning to break away from the challenges of 2010 and look forward to a much brighter future. The opening of the new airport continues to boost our economy as the traffic flow has exceeded all projections, with increased holiday travel in excess of three times compared to the old airport. This means that new visitors are discovering what we have known for years: Panama City Beach is home to the “World’s Most Beautiful Beaches.” We would like to thank Terry Hook for all of his generous support and dedication as Ambassador Chairman for the past year, and welcome Terri Hugghins as our 2011 Ambassador Chairman. We thank you for all of your support during 2010, and wish you a very peaceful and prosperous 2011. Business professionals are setting new goals for themselves and their careers. I’m sure you have made some resolutions, some personal and some professional. We will continue our resolution to you, our valued chamber members, to keep you connected and well informed throughout the year. Remember, our number one goal is to assist in the growth, development and promotion of your business while keeping you connected with other business people through networking opportunities. We work for you! A new year is a promise of another chance, a chance to do things better. This is a great opportunity to analyze where your company is right now and to further develop strategies that worked and learn from your mistakes. Every company should have a business goal, think of it as your personal GPS to success. While developing your goals consider these points: What do you want to achieve? Where do you want to go? What changes do you want to implement? How do you plan to get there? The Beach Chamber offers many different marketing and networking opportunities to help you achieve your goals. Showcase your business through hosting a grand opening, anniversary celebration, groundbreaking or by sponsoring one of our well-attended events. We also offer free editorial in The Circuit magazine and advertising in our weekly e-newsletter, the Beach Buzz, as well as our 42 THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 Participating in the Ambassador program is one of the best networking opportunities within the Chamber. I have been an Ambassador off and on over the last fifteen years, and have made many friends and business connections. It is the largest and busiest committee of the Chamber. This year we will focus on working with the Connections committee to polish our networking skills and target in on recruitment of new Ambassadors, as well as continue to do what we have always done: support and encourage new and existing Chamber Members. If you are not an Ambassador and would like to become one, the procedure is simple. All you need to do is obtain an application at the Beach Chamber office, fill it out and turn it in. Let’s continue our work together and make 2011 a year of excellence and great accomplishment. You are the best, and I’ll be seeing you at the next event! The “Passing of the Scissors” from 2010 Ambassador Chair Terry Hook to Terri Hugghins took place on December 6, 2010. Terri Hugghins, Ambassador Chairman Happy New Year, Ambassadors! I hope you enjoyed the holiday season and were enriched by spending time with family and friends. I am grateful for the many Ambassadors who provided service to our community and Chamber during 2010.Every single one of you is important to the mission of the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce, and I look forward to working with you during 2011. Many thanks are also due to the Board and Chamber staff for their support during the past year. Please thank Terry Hook as outgoing Chair and Patti Lowery as outgoing Secretary for their endless dedication of time to the Ambassador program. “Celebrate the Coast” at the Beach Chamber’s Annual Awards Soiree Thursday, February 24, 2011 6:00-9:30 pm Edgewater Beach Resort Call Lindsay Dring to sponsor or reserve your table at 850.235.1159. m embers Ribbon Cuttings . New & Renewing Chamber Members . Membership & Ambassador Updates Ribbon Cuttings PCB Plaza, 11/17 Verizon Wireless, 11/19 Hancock Bank, 12/2 Legend Liquors, 12/2 Peaches to Beaches, 12/9 Islanders Marketplace, 12/14 Bay Education Foundation Country Inn & Suites JC Penney Lowe’s Viamedia Bippy’s By the Beach, 12/16 NEW MEMBERS Camp Creek & Shark’s Tooth Western & Southern Financial Group Animal Care Center/Beaches Pet Resort Arthritis and Infusion Center Panama City Beach Bed & Breakfast Peaches To Beaches Surf’s Up Studio Pease & Associates, Inc. Gulf Coast Chiropractic & Rehab, P.A. Islanders RENEWING MEMBERS Renewals - 1 Year Barry Tate Anthony Bondi CareSouth Homecare Professionals Emerald Coast Dale Carnegie Training Firehouse Subs John Lee Nissan / PC Mazda Panama City Rescue Mission & Thrift Stores Renewals - 2 Years Back Porch - Bay County Dillard’s Department Store Emerald Coast Urgent Care Massage Envy Nike Factory Store Panama City Beach Center for Cosmetic & Family Dentistry Panama City Resort & Club/ Vacation Resorts International Reggae J’s The UPS Store Tri State Plumbing, Inc. Washington County Tourist Development Council Renewals - 3 Years Alexan Laguna Beach Apartments Renewals - 4 Years Fowhand’s Furniture Honda/Volkswagon Renewals - 5 Years Beachside Fellowship Foster Business Interiors Landmark Holiday Beach/ Vacation Resorts International Pier Park St. Bernadette Child Development Academy Thomas Stroud Renewals - 9 Years American Red Cross/ Central Panhandle Chapter Renewals - 10 Years Hampton Inn at Panama City Beach Healthpark/Seawind Medical Clinic Renewals - 11 Years Devcon Security Services Corp. Company Renewals - 6 Years Aqua Condominiums Jane Bondi Retina Specialty Institute Surfside Middle School Renewals - 12 Years Beach TV Beachcomber By The Sea Prudential Shimmering Sands Realty Renewals - 7 Years Diamond Title Agency, Inc. Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast Renewals - 14 Years Bay County Association of Realtors Camper’s Inn, Inc. Renewals - 8 Years C Dennis Evans Architect Keith Mortensen Louis P. Alessandrini Panama City Beach Rotary Renewals - 15 Years Intercity Oz, Inc Renewals - 17 Years Cox Pools THE CIRCUIT January/February 2011 43 Skin to Smiles WE TAKE CARE OF YOU. Cosmetic and General Denistry on the Beach SMILE MAKE OVER NUTRILITE VITAMINS PORCELAIN VENEERS BOTOX JUVEDERM ESSIX ORTHODONTICS CROWNS & BRIDGES IN OFFICE WHITENING LASER DENTISTRY OBAGI SKIN CARE SYSTEM CLEANING DIGITAL X-RAYS TARA M. GRIFFIN, D.M.D. P.A. Healthy Happy People Spread Smiles 850.249.9311 3135 T H O M A S D R I V E , P A N A M A C I T Y B E AC H , F LO R I D A 32408s W W W . ECDSPA.COM 6KHUU\%UXHQLQJ(GJHZDWHU%UDQFK0DQDJHU'RUDO%DQN)ORULGD ĂĐŬtŚĞƌĞ^ŚĞĞůŽŶŐƐ 6KHUU\%UXHQLQJKDVEHHQKDSS\ODWHO\KHOSLQJ'RUDO%DQNJHWLWV3DQDPD&LW\ORFDWLRQVXSDQGUXQQLQJ VWURQJ%XWDVVXUHO\DVWKHPRRQDIIHFWVWKHWLGHVWKH%HDFKH[HUWVDJUDYLWDWLRQDOSXOORQKHU$FRPPXQLW\ EDQNHURQWKH%HDFKIRU\HDUV6KHUU\FDQҋWZDLWIRU)HEUXDU\ZKHQ'RUDOҋV(GJHZDWHUEUDQFKZLOORSHQDW 5LFKDUG-DFNVRQ%OYG´3HRSOHXQGHUVWDQGWKHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQDJHQXLQHFRPPXQLW\EDQNDQGRQH WKDWLVQRWµVKHVD\V´:HҋUHGHGLFDWHGWRPDNLQJVXUHWKDW\RXUEDQNLQJUHODWLRQVKLSZRUNVIRU\RX :HҋOOUHVWRUHWRWKH%HDFKWKHSHUVRQDOWRXFKWKDWKDVYDQLVKHGIURPVRPDQ\RWKHUEDQNVµ :UG6W +DUULVRQ$YH &20,1*62215LFKDUG-DFNVRQ%OYG ZZZGRUDOEDQNÁRULGDFRP PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 50 PANAMA CITY, FL 309 Richard Jackson Boulevard Panama City Beach, FL 32407 embrace new beginnings At the Bay Point Marriott Golf Resort & Spa, we understand the importance of making your wedding day an affair to remember. Big or small. Afternoon or evening. Traditional or decidedly not. Whatever your dream may be, our Marriott Wedding Planner will assist you in making your wedding a dream come true by making everything perfectly yours. Every flower. Every song. Every moment. • 40,000 square feet of Spectacular Indoor & Outdoor Settings • Award Winning Culinary Team • Options of Wedding Services • Ceremonies • Receptions • Rehearsal Parties • Bridal Showers • Luncheons • Spa Appointments • Golf Outings • Guest Accommodations and More! FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call 850.236.6027 or Email [email protected] 46 THEMarriott CIRCUIT January/February 2011 4200 Drive | Panama City Beach, Florida 32408 |