From the Pastor... - Pilgrim Church of Sherborn
From the Pastor... - Pilgrim Church of Sherborn
From the Pastor... June 2016 We tend to use prayer as a last resort, but God wants it to be our first line of defense. We pray when there's nothing else we can do, but God wants us to pray before we do anything at all.” --Oswald Chambers Special Points of Interest Cape Cod is Calling You! pg. 2 Gems and Jewels, pg. 3 9th Annual Golf Day, pg. 3 First Annual 5K March for Mattresses, pg. 5 Summer Schedule and Notes, pg. 6 Faith on Tap/Faith Uncorked, pg. 7 What prayer stays with you? Feeds you? Guides you? Abundant Table, pg. 7 The Lord’s Prayer. “Give us this day our daily bread…” The Serenity Prayer. “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…” Psalm 23. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil…” If you grew up in the Roman Catholic tradition the Hail Mary may still hold great meaning for you. “Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us…” Baby Blanket Thank-you, pg. 10 Family Promise Schedule, pg. 11 and 12 Pastor John’s Middle School Summer Camp, pg. 12 Some prayers….they just last. Last. Stick around in the Christian faith, for hundreds, even thousands of years. Get passed on from generation to generation. Feed us more richly somehow, by the spiritual truths these teach us about Jesus or God or how to live a good and faithful life. They are our “go to” prayers, the ones we lean upon in good times, bad times, in all times. One of my favorite prayers and a loved prayer for millions of Christians and people of other faiths, is the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi. “Lord make me an instrument of your peace…” Though Catholic in origin it’s now ecumenical and international in its reach. It appears in the seminal book about Alcoholics Anonymous, “Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions”. It’s been embraced as the prayer of choice for everyone from Mother Teresa to Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Its words have been set to countless hymns and sacred music. And this coming summer, this prayer will form the basis for our preaching and worship series. One of the gifts of worship at Pilgrim Church, from mid-June through Labor Day, is that it has become our tradition to take a prayer or a book or scripture and then dig into it more deeply. Take the time over several weeks to really get to know some beautiful and inspiring part of our faith walk. On Sunday June 12th we move our worship time back to 9 am. Sabbath becomes a bit less formal. We have special music. We take time after the sermon for often spirited discussions about the theme for the day. The windows let in a breeze. A more intimate worshipping community comes together. God is in the house! So come to Pilgrim Church this summer. To sing. To sit. To listen. And…to pray. Peace, I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : M ODERATOR ’ S M SG . 2 D EACON ’ S C ORNER 4 C HRISTIAN E D 8 MSYG & SHYG 9 M ISSIONS 10 Pastor John P AGE 2 P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER A M ATTER OF P ERSPECTIVE . BY ANDY MEYER, MODERATOR Due do a pretty serious case of deferred maintenance on my part, a large part of our front lawn was set upon and fairly well-eaten by grubs last fall. It was sad to see a formerly proud stand of grass succumb to such an end. It was completely my fault. And I knew the only solution was to start over. Landscapers removed the existing sections of dead grass, brought in screened loam and seed, and I have supplied the daily watering. The morning and evening soakings have actually provided very nice, quiet daily moments of reflection, during an otherwise fairly dull exercise of hose dragging and dirt wetting. The first 10 days or so provided increasingly concerning levels of inaction. My lawn project was pronounced 'dead on arrival' by at least one family member. But after a few more days of this purgatory, you could start to see the little seeds started to germinate, spout, break forth, and begin their magnificent journey of growth. But only if you got down low and looked across the lawn. If you stared straight down at the new patch of grass, it was pretty depressing; bare, spotty, unimpressive. That's when I started to think about perspective. When my neighbor, who is famous for his pessimistic life outlook, stood next to me and looked straight down at the patch, he laughed and told me how badly I had wasted my money. I explained to him how many compliments I had received from morning dog-walkers who have watched from the beginning. As they pass by, I told my neighbor, looking low and from a distance, they see what appears to be a nearly full restoration. So I told him to go away and look at it from a distance. And he had to admit that I was right. The thought occurred to me that we, as human beings, are forever falling into this perspective trap. We look at things the way we do, draw conclusions, make our comments and move on. How often do we think to ourselves, maybe I should look at this scenario in a completely different manner, and perhaps then change all of my thoughts, beliefs and conclusions? Usually we stand pat with our human experiences and stand behind what we appear to see. We use our own judgments as our way-finding guideposts. To me that is the importance of a Christ-based, faith-filled life. I have long ago concluded that when I rely on myself, and not Jesus, I usually end up getting it wrong. We, as humans, can so easily be fooled by what we see. If we trust only ourselves and follow only what we conclude is the right path, we will almost certainly get lost. We absolutely need a fixed navigational point, by which to set the courses of our lives. Jesus, who we can trust no matter what we see with our faulty eyes. May God Bless you all Andy Meyer Moderator Cape Cod is Calling You!!! to attend our Annual “All Church” Retreat September 23 – 25, 2016 (Friday dinner through Sunday lunch) Please block out your calendars today! We are looking forward to spending time with you at the Pilgrim Church Retreat this September at The Craigville Conference Center on Cape Cod. This is a relaxing weekend full of fun and fellowship for our entire church family…kids, seniors, singles, couples and families. Share meals, sing songs, play games, have group discussions, do arts and crafts, participate in mission projects, walk on the beach, fly kites, visit the penny candy store, laugh at the talent show, share evening vespers, communion and worship. When: September 23 – 25; Where: Craigville Conference Center, Centerville MA. Sign-up sheets are available in Fellowship Hall. We look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions contact Paul Maguire— Cell: 508-907-4842, email: [email protected] P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER P AGE 3 BY CHRIS WINTERFELDT On Thursday, June 9, 2016, 6:00 pm to 8:15pm, Fellowship Hall, Pilgrim Church, all women of the church are invited to attend this special evening including a light catered summer supper, and a short program highlighting the fascinating role jewelry has played in the lives of women from Queen Victoria to Jacqueline Kennedy. Bring a daughter, a mother, a sister, a friend, or just come to celebrate with us. Wear your favorite piece of jewelry, and share its story with your tablemates. Tickets: $20.00 ($12.00 for seniors and young women 18 years of age and younger). Available at coffee hour or through the church office. Or call Chris Winterfeldt (508)653-8765. 9 TH A NNUAL P ILGRIM C HURCH G OLF D AY ! Sunday, June 12, 1:30 pm Sassamon Trace Golf Club, Rt. 27, Natick Nine holes of fun and fellowship! Who: for men and women of all skill levels (youth/teen golfers are welcome to play!) Cost: $26 includes a cart To join please send a check for the full amount, made out to Pilgrim Church, by June 5 to: Charles Blaney, 11 Hollis St., Sherborn, MA Please arrive at Sassamon by 1:00 pm on the 12th! Questions, please email or call Charles Blaney: 653-2375/[email protected] Sign-Up Today! S CHOLARSHIP O FFERING BY CAROL MOORE A special offering will be taken on Youth Sunday, June 5, for the Pilgrim Church Service Scholarship Fund. Two scholarships are awarded annually to a male and female student who are entering into their college education and who have been actively involved in Pilgrim Church or the Pilgrim Church Youth Group and demonstrate an outstanding record of service to church and/or community. The women's scholarship is now named the "Dorothy M. Quinn Service Scholarship" in memory of Dorothy Quinn. We hope that you will prayerfully consider supporting the outstanding youth of our church and the many worthwhile service opportunities they take part in, with the intent that the recipients will take this culture of service with them as they pursue their higher education. Offering envelopes will be available in church on Youth Sunday, and donations will be accepted anytime. Come on Youth Sunday, June 5 and find out who this year’s scholarship recipients are! P AGE 4 P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER D EACONS ’ C ORNER … I slipped out of work to attend Alan’s funeral and arrived at Pilgrim Church just as the funeral had started. BY ERIC DRAGSBAEK There were so many people there that they set up speakers on the front lawn so that people who couldn’t The recent visit from Andrew Mudge as this year’s Powell fit into the church could hear the service. I stood and speaker reminded me of the path that led Heather and I to listened to the entire service with my toes on the grass join Pilgrim Church over 25 years ago. Ken Powell used to say to me that I should tell this story every few years. I real- and my heels on route 27 because the lawn was packed ize that I have not told this story in a public forum since the with people. When I got home that night I said to Confirmation Retreat of 2003 when Ken asked me on Friday Heather, “I just heard a minister at Alan’s service that I would like to hear again. Let’s go check out Pilgrim night to tell the story the next morning at the worship service. It snowed over a foot that night and I woke up early the Church together this Sunday.” Heather said yes, and next morning and stomped a path to the lake and told a ver- so we went to Pilgrim Church that Sunday. sion of this story to a confirmation class that included my When we went to Pilgrim Church that Sunday, we son Kirk. found it closed for renovations, but there was a sign Back in the spring of 1990, I was 28 years old, Heather and I had been married 6 years, and I was the father of a one year-old son, Kirk. Growing up I had not gone to church, and it really wasn’t on my radar to start going at that point. Heather had grown up going to church, and she thought it would be a good idea if we started going to church now that we were starting to raise a family. Also, Heather’s mother Holly kept asking Heather when Kirk was going to be baptized. So when Heather said let’s look for a church, I wasn’t sure about what going to church would entail, but I said yes, and so Heather and I started shopping for a church. that directed us up the hill to the UU church where Pilgrim’s summer services were being held. Ken Powell was preaching a summer sermon series about the journeys of Paul. Since I had not attended church hardly at all growing up, the story was new to me, and Ken’s sermon fascinated me. Afterward I said to Heather “Let’s go back next week. I want to find out what happens to this Paul guy.” Heather smiled and said yes, and we went back the following week and the week after that. After our last game of the spring season, we all gathered at my father’s house around the corner in Hopkinton. Alan told us all about his plans after DS for a gap year, starting with serving on a Russian-American sailing ship. I was so impressed with his enthusiasm and his plans, and even jealous of the adventures that lay ahead of him. It was visceral shock a few weeks later to hear that he had died when he fell and broke his neck while hiking alone in the Azores, while docked there with his ship. How could someone so alive be dead so young? shepherd who welcomed us into Pilgrim Church. And now 26 years later Pilgrim Church is still our spiritual home. Ken noticed us and spoke to us after the services and then he invited himself out to our apartment in Marlboro to meet us one evening. I remember that Ken At the same time, I was playing soccer for Cornell’s Pub in Hopkinton on Sunday mornings in the Quarter was kind and patient and asked a lot of questions and Sportsman League. There were a lot of ex-DS players listened a lot and at the end of the evening I had committed to attend Kerygma bible study every Wedneson our team. That spring, while finishing his senior year at DS, Alan Mudge played goalie for Cornell’s. As day morning at 6:30am to fill in the huge gap in my a defender, I was playing right in front of Alan and got knowledge of the bible. In November of 1990 Heather to know him. Alan was a tall and skinny, with a curly and I joined Pilgrim Church, and Kirk was baptized at a year and a half old. When Ken introduced him to the mop of blond hair that flew around when he played. Alan played fearlessly even though he was up against congregation he was sitting up in Ken’s arms smiling and waving at everyone. strong grown men in a league where the refs let a lot of rough play go. Our team loved his enthusiasm, When I look back on that time I think of the three of sometimes we feared for him when he challenged for them as my personal trinity: Kirk, the son whose birth balls against larger, stronger men, and we all protected led us to look for a church; Alan the holy spirit who led him like he was our little brother. us to Pilgrim Church; and Ken, the father and Postscript: Years later Kirk played a role in the “Perfect Gooseys” written and directed by Andrew Mudge. And just recently I read Andrew Mudge’s piece “By the Light of the Moon” at which made me ache again for the loss of Alan and brought these memories flooding back to me. P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER P AGE 5 First Annual 5K March for Mattresses Dear New Life Friend: On behalf of New Life Home Refurnishing, I want to invite you to an outstanding community event which provides an opportunity to support the organization, take part in expanding its visibility, and have a great time with friends and family! New Life Home Refurnishing is thrilled to announce the First Annual 5K March for Mattresses Charity Walk, a family-friendly event with proceeds to benefit those transitioning out of homelessness. We serve our clients through the purchase of mattresses, kitchen table materials and other operational expenses, in addition to necessary donated furniture and household items. We have assisted more than 550 households that have directly benefitted from our mission to date, and the need continues to grow, largely because of the disparity between wages and housing costs. Here are the details: Date: Saturday, June 18th from 9am-12:30pm Location: Begins and ends at the New Life HR warehouse on the Walpole/Medfield line (102 Elm Street, Walpole) Walk Details: 5K (3 mile) walk which consists of a 100% sidewalk-lined loop Fund-raising Goal: $50,000 Post Walk Festivities: Will include Food, Drinks, Music and tours of the NewLife HR warehouse If you are interested in joining the walk, we encourage you to bring one or more friends and their families along. To make the fund-raising process as easy as possible, we have a link to Network for Good on our website where you can register to simply walk, but we hope you will take the other option of creating your own fundraising page to reach out to friends and family to sponsor you. Donations can be received via your web page in a secure, quick and simple manner. If they prefer, donors can send a check payable to New Life Home Refurnishing at P.O. Box 573, Medfield, MA 02052. As the event is around the corner, we need to gather as many walkers as possible and start the fund-raising efforts right away. Whether you can join as a walker or would like to support someone who is, please follow this link to sign up or make a donation ( We’ll be looking forward to seeing your name there along with ours! Thank you in advance for your ongoing support of New Life Home Refurnishing! Best, The Fund-Raising Committee Brian McKenzie, Chairman, Barbara Yates, Doug Marshall, Paige Brodie, Brendan O’Leary P AGE 6 P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER Summer At Pilgrim Church Schedules and Notes Summer office hours: Beginning on June 12, the office will be open from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Tuesday through Thursday. There will be a volunteer in the office from 9:00 AM to noon on José’s vacation days. If you would like to be an office volunteer please call or email José at 508-655-1667 or [email protected]. From Pastor John: I will be in and out of town for the summer. My time away will include time on Nantucket, a church camp in Connecticut and road trips around the northeast. I’ll be on my bike in preparation for the Pan Mass Challenge with the Pilgrim Church team. May we all refill our spiritual hearts and souls and minds in the coming months. Pastoral Care coverage: when I am away coverage will be provided by Pilgrim Church members Tom Hunt, Liz Williams, and area pastors. Summer Worship: 9 am worship begins on June 12 and continues through Labor Day weekend. Filling in the pulpit for three Sundays will be some amazing and gifted preachers from the area: line-up to be announced soon! Summer Worship Childcare: The nursery is available for those children ages three and under. All children over the age of three are to remain in the sanctuary for our summer worship service. Please consider being an office volunteer this summer. The office needs to be covered from 9:00 am to noon, Tuesdays through Thursdays, during my vacation weeks. Teenagers are welcome to volunteer and earn community service! If you would be able to help out this summer, please contact José, at 508-655-1667, ext. 10 or [email protected]. Thanks so much! P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER F AITH ON T AP AND F AITH U NCORKED R ETURNS ! When: Tuesday, June 7th, 7:30 to 9 pm Where: The Heritage, Sherborn Who: all are welcome—to come and share a beer or glass of wine or coffee or soda and informally gather together and then talk about things that matter…life or God or hope or whatever direction the night might take us. Led by Pastor John. P AGE 7 T HE A BUNDANT T ABLE BY AMELIA WALSH AND DONNA MOORE It happens every summer - too many veggies from our gardens! A surplus abundance - what to do? Bring them to Pilgrim Church on summer Sundays and drop them off in the large, well marked "Veggie Drop-Off" basket in the kitchen. Each week Amelia Walsh and Donna Moore alternate delivering this fresh produce to A Place to Turn food pantry in Natick, where it quickly goes to feed people who need it. We are asking for new volunteers to join our team, who would like to help this summer by picking up the produce from Pilgrim Church and a local CSA and driving it to Natick. We do this on a rotating schedule through the growing season. Please contact Janet Walsh if you can help at [email protected] or 508-655-3131. Everyone deserves an abundant, healthy table! As Christians, lets help make this happen!!!! See you there! Calling All Confir mation C l a s s G r a d uat e s a n d 8 t h G r a d e r s t o Jo i n S H Y G f o r M ove - U p D ay ! The SHYG members would like to invite all of you confirmation class graduates and 8th graders to attend a special Move-Up Day on June 13th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. SHYG has planned a fun evening with games and an orientation so you can learn about the SHYG program. The SHYG members are eager to welcome all of you to youth group and look forward to getting to know you better! If you have friends who might like to join youth group as well that's great - the more, the merrier! Dessert will be served. A hearty big THANK YOU to our Pilgrim Church family for your love, prayers and support over the past month. The offers of food, rides, etc. kept pouring in and we definitely felt your prayers. There are not enough words to adequately express our gratitude. Please know we appreciate it. Charlie and Winnie Williams P AGE 8 P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER Christian Education BY COREY LINCOLN AND JANE RAITHEL Y OUTH S UNDAY ON J UNE 5, 10 AM WORSHIP Youth ministry is one of the most vibrant aspects of church life here at Pilgrim. Nursery care, church school, senior high fellowship, junior deacons, acolytes, middle school youth group, confirmation, senior high work camp, human sexuality education; the list goes on and on. So many rich opportunities for our young ones to nurture their inner moral compass as God’s compassionate people. It happens every week at Pilgrim Church. Come celebrate all the givers and gifts of this special ministry on Youth Sunday, June 5, 10am worship. If you are a church school student – come. If you are a fellowship participant – come. If you teach, mentor, chaperone or otherwise serve in any of our youth ministries – come. Really, if you’re a child of any age (one to one hundred!) – just come. And afterward come downstairs for a Pancake Reception featuring a special media presentation of the Senior High Youth Group’s April 2016 work camp in New Orleans. Not to be missed. B E THE MOST POPULAR PERSON IN C HURCH S CHOOL 8 TH GRADERS IN 2016-17 We are looking for a volunteer to fill the position of Church School Friend (the famous donut person!) for Session 2 – October 25 through December 6, no November 29 -- of the 2015-16 program year. You’ll pick up the munchkins from DD (conveniently next door to the church), deliver them to church school classrooms along with a pitcher of water, and clean up snack debris after students are excused. Once in a while, you might be asked to do some small task like photocopying. This is a good opportunity for someone new to Pilgrim Church to see our church school program from the inside. Let us know as soon as possible at [email protected] to volunteer today. Thanks. Detailed information will be sent to all incoming eighth grade student families in late June about the special programs for their eighth grader on Sunday nights throughout the coming 2016-2017 program year. Human Sexuality from a Christian Perspective orientation and classes will meet 6:30-8:30pm on Sundays from September 9 through November 20. Confirmation orientation and classes will meet 6:008:00pm on Sundays from January 8 through Confirmation Sunday on May 7. Consistent attendance is an important component of participation. Please mark your calendars now. PROGRAM YEAR T HANK YOU … ….Brad Kohl for patiently and skillfully leading the Cherub Choir. ….Donna Henry for enthusiastically and professionally leading the Junior Choir and Junior Bell Choir. ….CE committee: Diana Beaudet, MariAnne Bloecher, Doreen Brooks, Nick Grant, Lindsey Hancock, Dale Kohl, Sandy Spadi, Angie Johnson and Addie Mae Weiss for their leadership and wise counsel. ….the countless volunteers whose generous contribution of time, talent and treasure makes the educational ministry of Pilgrim Church possible. P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER P AGE 9 M IDDLE S CHOOL Y OUTH G ROUP BY JOAN WHITMAN BY DIANE ANDERSON All has been well with SHYG! We had an amazing Work Camp trip to Washington, D.C. in April where we served at soup kitchens and homeless shelters and got to hear the stories of many who are experiencing homelessness in the D.C. area. We are very grateful to all those who supported our trip by working at and making donations for our fall yard sale and by purchasing Work Camp stock certificates. We hope those who helped make our trip possible will be able to join us at coffee hour on Youth Sunday where we will be presenting our slideshow. At one of our recent meetings we experienced different forms of prayer by spending time at various prayer stations set up in the church. We used Banana Gram letters to link one word prayers, we prayed for our world by placing prayer stones on a map, we engaged in visual prayer by meditating on images of Jesus and we did a Lectio Divina form of prayer by opening Bibles and seeing what phrases touched our hearts. It was a wonderfully contemplative evening - a bit of an oasis from all the crazy busy end of the year activities. This week we honored our graduating seniors at a very special Senior Banquet. We had a delicious meal thanks to the parents of the juniors (special thanks to Leslie Yancich and Kristy Barnard) and then gave gifts and offered blessings. We have such an incredible group of seniors - We will miss them and hope they will visit and stay in touch! What do you get when several adult leaders and a bunch of middle school and high school kids get together to play the game of Apples to Apples? You get some pretty crazy answers and a room full of infectious laughter. That's exactly what happened recently at a combined meeting of MSYG and SHYG. I loved watching so many ages interacting with each other and hearing the laughter from every table! The love note that I handed out at the end of that meeting was simply "Love is a verb", certainly an appropriate one for that wonderfully chaotic time of fellowship. This past year of Middle School Youth Group has been full of "Love is a verb" moments. Our MSYG kids have done an amazing number of things to bring joy and hope to others. How I love working with them and being their leader! I am so proud of our program and our kids and the messages that they send throughout the year. I am especially proud of Avery Moore, Caity O'Connell, and Ryan Hopkins for being the recipients of the Carol Leitch Book Award that we present each June to members of MSYG for outstanding service to others during the program year. I am so grateful for all of our awesome kids, for their parents who support us in so many ways, for Faith Carlson who makes sure we are fed at every meeting, and for Eric Brooks and Lynn Jameson who are extraordinary leaders and love this work and these kids as much as I do. P AGE 10 P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER S ALVATION A RMY D INNER BY DAN MARPLE AND JENNIFER BETHEL, CO-LEADERS THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! Special thanks & appreciation to all the Pilgrim Church volunteers who helped deliver, prepare, and serve casseroles, salad, & desert at the Salvation Army “Miracle Kitchen” in Framingham on May 25. Heather Dragsbaek Kate Potter Dawn Borden Cindy Maguire Katie LaBonte Lynne Lamson Donna Moore Tom Hunt Dan Marple Anne Marie Bowen Sue Anderson Winterfeldt Family Barbara Koman Doreen Brooks Jennifer Searle Betty Schlenker Lynda McQuillan Peter Liffiton Jim & Daniel Hartman Pat Mulhall Mark Young Rosemary Sortor Joanne Whitney Michelle May Jacque Lewis Jennifer Bethel Carol Ann Oliver Eric Melanson Peg Robinson Melanie Geary Megan Hall Phoebe Yassa Robin Godine Loretta Dragsbaek Thank you all very much for your help & support. It was very much appreciated and was truly “FAITH in ACTION”!! Our next Pilgrim Church Salvation Army “Miracle Kitchen” dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, August 24, 2016. M OTHER ’ S D AY B ABY B LANKETS AND S WEATERS A Thank You Note... BY MEGAN HALL Thank you all so much for your donations towards the Hearts and Hands ministry. Our annual Mother's Day project was a huge success!! We collected many hats, sweaters and blankets on that day. We have sent and delivered all of your donations! We collected 35 handknit blankets, 10 hand-tied fleece blankets, 12 purchased blankets, 2 burping cloths, 7 Guidepost sweaters, 8 other sweaters, 24 infant hats, 13 preemie hats, 10 kids hats. We sent some to the Central Baptist church in Corbin Kentucky, some sweaters to Knit for Kids in Sewickley, PA, and delivered some to Healthy Families in Framingham and Milford and some to Framingham Union Hospital maternity ward. We encourage you to start knitting for next year!! Thank you again! Megan Hall and Barbara Ambos Dear Megan and Pilgrim Church Congregation, Thank you for your donation of beautiful baby blankets and hats. The time that was so clearly put into creating these items is so greatly treasured. The staff and families appreciate you generosity. Sincerely, Jennifer White Healthy Families P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER P AGE 11 F AMILY P ROMISE G UESTS ARE C OMING ! BY JANET WALSH Please support Pilgrim Church as we move toward our time as Host Congregation: June 19 - July 2, 2016 We need many hands to make this ministry work! How you can help VOLUNTEER at Pilgrim Church to: 1. Provide a meal and host "family time" for our guests. 2. Be an Overnight Host. 3. Provide breakfast on Saturday. 4. Be a shopper. 5. Set up guest bedrooms. 6. Breakdown guest bedrooms. 7. Do some laundry. Sign-up with us in Fellowship Hall on June 5. or email [email protected] & [email protected] anytime to be added to the schedule! You may also sign-up online at Look for our bulletin board in Fellowship Hall for more information. Your Pilgrim Church team looks forward to working with you! If you haven’t yet trained, the next one-time training dates for volunteers who assist families are: Tues., June 7 ~ Peace Lutheran Church, 7-8:30pm, 107 Concord Road, Wayland Continued on next page. P AGE 12 P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER F AMILY P ROMISE G UESTS ARE C OMING ! BY JANET WALSH Continued from page 11 DID YOU KNOW EVERY SUMMER PASTOR JOHN LEADS A WEEKLONG SUMMER CAMP FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH!? This year the camp will be held from July 3-9, at the Silver Lake Conference Center and is open to youth in the 7 th and 8th grade Our theme is “THE EDGE”--Jesus was about the “edge”: inviting those on the edge of society, asking us to get to the edge and then cross over. We will explore our personal edges, in both body and spirit. We’ll hike, bike, and canoe (some offsite) plus enjoy all the fun of Silver Lake. Discover where the edges of experience meet the center of faith. No experience required; bikes will be rentals. Interested? Talk to Pastor John or visit Full and partial scholarships from the church also available. P AGE 13 P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER Articles for the NEXT issue are due by the 15th of the month. This is a monthly publication. Please submit comments, articles to the church administrator by email or written copy. Submissions will be edited for length and clarity. Bari Weiss, Assistant Treasurer [email protected] Joan Whitman, Middle School Youth Group [email protected] Diane Anderson, Senior High Youth Group [email protected] For Pastor John’s column in the DS Press: David Tiedman, Music [email protected] United Church of Christ Website Corey Lincoln, Jane Raithel Christian Education [email protected] Janet Walsh, Congregational Ministry [email protected] Joséfine Muri, Church Administrator [email protected] Reverend John F. Hudson Senior Pastor [email protected] Pilg r im Churc h Newsletter Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage Permit #1 Sherborn, MA 01770 PAID 25 South Main St. P.O. Box 322 Sherborn, MA 01770 Phone: 508-655-1667 Fax: 508-655-7997 E-mail: [email protected] WE’RE ON THE WEB WWW.PILGRIMSHERBORN.ORG Massachusetts Conference Website P OSTMASTER : ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED
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