April 2008 - Pilgrim Baptist Church
April 2008 - Pilgrim Baptist Church
A Monthly Publication of the Pilgrim Baptist Church—Rockford, Illinois The Pilgrim Messenger APRIL, 2008 Volume III, Issue 5 VISION STATEMENT The Vision of the Pilgrim Baptist Church is the fulfillment of God’s promise of salvation through the belief in the ministry of Jesus Christ and the empowerment of excellence in all people through Christian education and community activism. PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH HOLY WEEK CELEBRATIONS 1703 South Central Avenue Rockford, IL 61102 Phone: (815) 968-4449 www.pilgrimbaptist.org MINISTERIAL TEAM Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Board Senior Pastor/Servant Leader - Reverend Steve Cossey - Minister Angela Davis - Minister Willie L. Reed - Minister Jacqueline Robinson - Minister Carl L. Towns Office Manager Mrs. Beverly Owens Office Receptionist Mrs. Queen E. Patterson Pilgrim celebrated in many ways during the week leading up to the Resurrection of Jesus, the Christ on Easter Sunday. On the evening of March 20, the Lydians once again presented an inspiring Maundy Thursday Feast in the Nancy Smith Youth Center after a brief worship in the sanctuary. Worshipers walked in silence to the dining tables set up in the shape of the Cross and feasted on foods significant to that Holy observance. During the meal, designated persons read words of Christ from the Scriptures. Holy Communion was also Pilgrim’s “Unlimited Praise” dancers at First observed. Assembly of God Church’s community-wide Good On Good Friday, many Pilgrim members Friday service were Marquise Williams, Jacqueline worshiped at First Assembly’s city-wide Walker-Edwards, and Samantha LeShoure. noon service. Rockford Register Star Photo, used with permission. WEEKLY ACTIVITIES MONDAYS: (During School Year) 6:00 pm—Boys’ & Girls’ Ministry TUESDAYS: 9:30 am—Bible Study WEDNESDAYS: 6:00 pm—Prayer Service 6:30 pm—Bible Study (New Time) SUNDAYS: 9:00 am—Sunday Church School 10:30 am—Worship Service 10:30 am—Children’s Church* *(2nd and 4th Sundays) ALL ARE WELCOME ! “A Church Inspired by the Word and Empowered by the Spirit!” INSIDE Events Calendar Special Dates Morehouse Award Medical Help “He is Risen” Mrs. D. Newson New Musician Baby Blessing More . . Easter Program 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 (Left) Worshipers partake of the Feast in silence, as many readers share preselected scriptural passages—especially the words of Jesus, the Christ. SUNDAY SCHOOL EASTER PROGRAM On Easter Sunday morning, Pilgrim’s Sunday School presented an enlightening skit, “The Easter Tree,” which was decorated with symbols of Easter. The program also included recitations by the Primary Students and “Poems of Passion,” whereby members of the Youth and Adult Sunday School classes beautifully captured images and feelings of major characters in the Easter Story. (More on Page 4) Three-year-old Marquavian Williams delivers his speech with help from his coach, Mrs. Traci Staten. Marquell Williams and Sha Russell act out their roles in “The Easter Tree” as Mrs. Marilyn Board explains the significance of her gift for the Tree. PAGE 2 T H E PI L G RI M ME SSE N G E R EVENTS CALENDAR NEWSLETTER STAFF Senior Editor/Advisor Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Board Editor Mrs. Helen Ware Phone: (815) 877-6593 [email protected] Associate Editor Mrs. Beverly Owens Phone: (815) 968-4449 Photographers Mrs. Janie Wilson-Cook Mr. Patrick Johnson Mrs. Helen Ware A PR I L , 2008 APRIL, 2008 06 Sunday 13 Sunday 19 Saturday 20 Sunday 20 Sunday 27 Sunday 27 Sunday 10:30 am—Morning Worship, Communion—Mass Choir 10:30 am—Morning Worship, Youth Sunday/Mass Choir/”Unlimited Praise” 6:00 pm—Pastor Board Speaks, Liberty Baptist Anniversary 10:30 am—Morning Worship—Mass Choir 6:00 pm—Spring Piano Recital (Mr. Donald Robinson’s Students) 10:30 am—Morning Worship— Mass Choir 3:30 pm—Pastor Board Speaks, Mt. Carmel Church MAY, 2008 04 Sunday 11 Sunday 18 Sunday 25 Sunday 10:30 am—Morning Worship, Communion—Mass Choir 10:30 am—Morning Worship, Youth Sunday/Mass Choir/”Unlimited Praise” 10:30 am—Morning Worship—Mass Choir 10:30 am—Morning Worship— Mass Choir Proofreader Mrs. Jacquelyn Tenard BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES Note: All are Birthdays—unless otherwise stated! Technical Support to Editor Mr. Sedrick Hyacinthe HOW TO SUBMIT INFORMATION News items and articles may be submitted to the Editor by phone or email (as shown above) or placed in the Newsletter mail slot near the church office. Our goal is that the newsletter will be available on the first Sunday of each month. Information is requested by the 15th of the preceding month. All published information will have been reviewed and/or edited by the Pastor and the editorial staff. NOTE: The new e-mail address for Helen Ware, Editor, is: [email protected] APRIL, 2008 02 03 07 08 09 18 19 20 20 21 22 24 27 Maurice Flowers Ashley Crawford Michael Mann Janet Mitchell Jesika Hart Greta Foster Mother Bea Taylor (Celebrating 103 Years!) Clara Anthony Brittany Staten Joel Weatherall Albara Morris Matti Chappel Minister Carl L. Towns Congratulations to All! MAY, 2008 03 05 05 06 07 10 11 15 18 19 20 21 23 28 31 Beverly Owens Catherine Dixon Angeline Whitlow Deacon Robert Owens Shanique Sockwell Zakiya Floyd Carrrie Ellis Lishia Campbell Carl O. Towns B. B. Owens Deanna LeShoure Ophelia White Shatiqua “Tiki” Brown Mitch Chappel Deacon Sam & Jean Gaynor Wedding Anniversary DR. HOWARD RECEIVES MOREHOUSE AWARD Dr. M. William Howard (at left) was one of seven Morehouse College alumni honored with 2008 Bennie and Candle Awards on February 16, 2008. He received the “Bennie Achievement Award.” Dr. Howard’s aunt, Mrs. Nanelle Due, attended two celebratory events in Atlanta—a Saturday morning public forum, moderated by Tony Harris, co-anchor with Heidi Collins of the morning edition of “CNN Newsroom,” and a prestigious invitation-only evening gala, Candle in the Dark, held at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta. William “Smokey” Robinson, Jr. was awarded the “Candle for Lifetime Achievement Award in Arts and Entertainment.” Dr. Howard is also a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and has been Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church in Newark, New Jersey since 2000, prior to which he served as President of the New York Theological Seminary. Dr. Howard has long-standing ties with Rockford and Pilgrim. Originally from Americus, Georgia, he spent summers as a youth in Rockford with his uncle and aunt, the late Mr. Cecil Due and Mrs. Nanelle Due. He was ordained into the ministry by the late Rev. Dr. E. H. E. Gilbert, then Pastor of Pilgrim. He is still fondly known to many at Pilgrim as “Moses” or “Bill.” His most recent visit to Rockford was as speaker at Pilgrim’s 90th Anniversary celebration in August, 2007. Pilgrim congratulates Dr. Howard as one of our own! Special Happy Birthday to Mother Beatrice Taylor who will be 103 on April 19, 2008 2006 Photo By Patrick Johnson MEDICAL HELP Rockford Rescue Mission Partners with Churches! Pilgrim and eight other churches are seeking to assist those uninsured or under-insured individuals get medical assistance when needed. The Mission’s Clinic will see Pilgrim members who meet certain criteria, but only if they have called Mrs. Beverly Owens in the church office, who will make the appointment, at (815) 968-4449. A PR I L , 2008 T H E PI L G RI M ME SSE N G E R PAGE 3 HE AROSE: “UNLIMITED PRAISE” DRAMATIZATION Pilgrim’s Praise Dancers, “Unlimited Praise,” are appropriately named, as they are seemingly “unlimited” in their talents and energy. After a Friday performance at First Assembly (see Page 1), they were ready to bless Pilgrim’s congregation on Easter with dance and a dramatic re-enactment of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. At left, Rev. Steve Cossey, as Jesus, carries His Cross, and Deacon Forest Patterson, as Simon, follows. At right, “the Women” celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. Mrs. Matti Chappel, Director, Choreographer, and Drama Coach, seems to be as untiring as those she coaches to ever-greater heights of worship through dance and drama! (Unlimited Praise Photos by Janie Wilson-Cook) THANKFUL! On Easter Sunday, long-time member Mrs. Dorothy Newson said how thankful she was to be in Worship Service at Pilgrim again. For the last four years, she has either been in a hospital, in a nursing home, or homebound. Dorothy said she feels especially blessed because the completion of the elevator wing now allows her access to the sanctuary. She and her husband, Deacon Ben Newson, were faithful stewards of a $10,000 bequest from the late Mrs. Viola Ross for the elevator fund. She was escorted to church by her grandson, Nik, who said he will be bringing his grandmother to church as often as she is able. PILGRIM’S MUSICIAN A warm Pilgrim welcome has been extended to Minister Alphonzo Heath, who is sharing his musical gifts as Pilgrim’s Musician. He and his wife, Pastor Barbara Heath, are co-Pastors of First Christian Church of Rockford. Their service starts at a later time which enables him to serve Pilgrim. He is the grandson of the late Rev. D. W. Heath who founded the church located on Heath Street, which was renamed in his honor. Pilgrim’s Music Ministry is being taken to new heights under the direction of Minister Heath! BABY BLESSING In the top left photo, family members of four-month-old Malachi Ny’re Rigsby witnessed his blessing ceremony as performed by Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Board at Pilgrim on Sunday, March 9, 2008. Baby Malachi was born on November 21, 2007, to Sherise Rigsby. Other loved ones of Malachi include Grandparents Eugene and Mia Rigsby and Veverly Rigsby; Great-Grandparents Bertha Rigsby and J. C. and Rochelle Addison; and Godparents Chris and Albara Morris. Baby Malachi was the youngest actor in Pilgrim’s Christmas production, “A Uniquely Pilgrim Christmas,” in December, 2007, as he played Baby Jesus. In photos at left and right, Malachi wears his hat at a jaunty angle while safely nestled in his Mom’s arms during Easter Sunday worship service on March 23. (Oh, those eyes!) Malachi Ny’re Rigsby APRIL, 2008 THE PILGRIM MESSENGER PAGE 4 PILGRIM’S MINISTRY FOCUS FOR 2008 “Building up the Body of Christ” — Ephesians 4:16 MORE . . . EASTER PROGRAM Evon Sams provides an instrumental selection on his sax, accompanied by Minister Alphonzo Heath. “The Easter Tree” cast included: Mrs. Marilyn Board, Laura Pelayo, Christopher Reed, Sha Russell, Christopher Tenard, Jackie Tenard, Eboni White, and Marquell Williams. “He Lives” speeches were recited by Primary Department students and coached by Mrs. Traci Staten. Primary students were Na’Ziya Moorehead, Victor Pelayo, Christyn Robinson, Amara Simpson, Alana Swift, Marquavion Williams, and Anaya Wright. Mrs. Albertha “Bert” Towns recites a “Poem of the Passion” entitled, “A Mother’s Sorrow.” Mrs. Patricia Fricks served as MC for the Sunday Church School’s Easter Program, which was a great success! Pastor Board gathered the participants around him (some of whom are shown above) to thank and commend them on an outstanding program. He also commented that perhaps we should create a traditional “Easter Tree” decorated with symbols of the Resurrection. Props for “The Easter Tree” were provided by Mrs. Alberta Weatherall. Decorations included Angels, Butterflies, a Cross, a Crown, and Lilies. Explanations were provided as each was added. A welcome blessing (and surprise) was the Youth Easter Choir, directed by Bethanne Holifield. Thanks go to many others responsible for the success of this Easter Program, including Mrs. Marilyn Board and Staci Wright of the Easter Program Committee, Dr. Vinest Steele, Superintendent, and all other Sunday School Officers, Teachers, and Youth Leaders. PI L G R IM B APT I ST C H U R CH 1703 South Central Avenue Rockford, IL 61102 Office: (815) 968-4449 Fax: (815) 968-2603 www.pilgrimbaptist.org Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Board Senior Pastor / Servant Leader To: Sunday Church School Youth and Adults who participated in “Poems of the Passion” were Jesika Hart, Jasmine Holifield, Deacon Roby Johnson, Justin Morgan, Timothy Rogers, Te’Shaude Sockwell, Albertha Towns, Marquan Williams, Shatuana Williams; and Karli Wright. (Easter Program Photos by H. Ware)
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