c2094 hvr
c2094 hvr
Cardinals take care of Midview, move to 6-1 AL Sports Hal] of Fame Class of 2004 See Sports, pages 25 See Sports, page '2o ^ 1 »- SERVING AVON • AVON L A K E * SHEFFIELD • SHEFFIELD LAKE f ° 54th Year, No. 45 c-opWit c 2094 October 13, 2OO4 Developer mulls withdrawing buffer request A V O N LA'.'•:£ es/ L'J" = ir .vti-j. T-.\u Av*m Lakt? c o u n t ;ii;i»n .KV intjtiiriil" w h y .1 lnt;;«l .l^vt'luiHT should I'*' (HTmitifii f u j>.fc, tht- citti.**. .,*• Avuii Lake Jii>l 1i.1v Vill.i^i* t(> ••uc:r<Kicli 0 0 p u b h : p-irk.!anii th.it abuts his property in AVUII L-ikf. The issue, w h i c h !u< ln-uotiif nmvspaper fodder in ih« past neeL may be moot after Mayor Kob Bernur said developer Herman "Uucky" Kopf is considering tvtthfl rawing tht* .n>f|iiBSl the mayor valued at SHtU.UOU. At issue is whether Kopf shuuld 'i-ceivc buffering accommodations in tht; form of a 20-tt. cncruuchmtMiT onto public properly 6D0 f».-«-t in length ihul' runs along proposed residential jiroj)j-rty abutting the park. The propfrty i<* undevoloped. but Kopf is exprett.-J lo add rM'dBiitial housing. City i:mh' rtJiiui/""8 tht' park ownurs to add buffering approximately :nu fut't ulong tb.« same e>l#v aint:e ilioy. art? adding a parking lot dbultinK residential area. Berner s.iid Ktipfa!)sorbiriH tht* wsl of the muundiiiK 1Vit<i nmiu'y Avun Lake and Day ViH.i^>: would not have to 'spend. Tb.« tnotioti. whit-h was prfscnti-'d to Bay Village City Council in Si*ptfinberand later tablt-d, was originally ;>rtinnted to Bay VHla>;B Council int-rnin-f-s SEE BUFFER, PAGEJ 8 Democratic day in the sun Presidential candidate Senator John Kerry greets a crowd of 20.000 at loraffi County Community CoHogo O c t 9. Keny detected Lorain County as the srte 01 his 20th visit to Ohio. Seo story and more phctos pugy 3. PFBSS photo • Frank Corse/to Money talks: committee discussing salaries for mayor, clerk and council a n d c o u n c i l • m e m b e r s . T h e List t i i m t h « s « i l a r i t " i vvrrtt r e v i e w * ! * ! w . t s (»ri(»r t u t h e ^UUO c o u n c i l t t ' i i u r t - . " O n t * u f l l i » r i M - u n s f u r th>' r m i i - w i s t i n ' d i s p a r i t y i n s i i l . i r i r s l-.-uvi-fit thf |»f»li(.r crh'it-f - n i l ! i t . . - m . i v t . i . " Kiit'Hii.** ( l o i m i i i l ! ' " ' ' f ' i i ' i i r m . i n M . t r k AVON By JuUe A. Short Money tiiiiiters •xc novfr easy to discuss, e3|»ft'i.illy when they urn salary re!att>il. Members of the .city's finance cummitlec were Jutius t h e t a s k o f r e r o m m ' - m i i i i : ; \>- l.-ld-w c o u n c i l m u m b t - r * inf:rt-.iM-«. t : i Mi-s a l a r i e s f o r ih»* [ui>iti<in>- " f r i > v n t , c l e r k o f c o u n t . i l . I H . I V > H s *.»••.n't-u*. Community Since 195S __ Care Center $mptete Auto Repairs 2 TRUCK RENTAL _ MriarUli fW.. Avon Lz&z 3 C Cnir.-ntlv ' l i - nvr,i.r\ [ni^iliuii ri-i r i v t - s .1 I J I I S I ' s . i l . i r y i ' t 5 7 ( 1 , 4 \1. A i l i l i t M i n . t l .1111111.1! l i i ' d c f i t | ' . i i k.(i;<• . . l i d l>v t h . - 1 i t v i m t m i f S t . n i l U-t \:,•<.-.•••• H V r * T. 1 . f . i •; l l . i l ) U>i I M I li \i-.ir) H I \>'.tr** i . i > ' I ' l 'i-T. n '• ! l hi-dlth instjr<inc.r Th»* r n . i y u r rci.iMvrt i\ S ' t . l i U U taxable S \, t f , : i 1 i t 1.1 ' h i ' ' MlllIMtltf.- - Uf"-•"• I'll •! I l l l l l l t l ' T M ' ' 1 " •"•'• S H . r u . -i;iti Sports ' 'J 5 8 :;i:'!n!V n i l i l f s ' i n l ! i1"* h > ri SEE SALARIES, PAGE 18 m Put TM PRESS CIas5J»ed> to work for you. Call today 1-883-MS-C603. B u t « . — 3 ' Oxxch directory'-23 C U i f Z Editorial 6 Library 36 Litestyte 20 On Ttw Town 34 Polio? Dlolt'S'a 37 S-Jiool News _..32 «:.tl,iry 1 -tnupari^on. in flay Vii* l.iiif, ttii- t n - i v n f \ s a l a r y is ^ r u . T i U , A v u n l...iki>'« i t u i y o r i s ;it S72.U0U, T h e c h i W o f | i i i l i t : t ^ \ '.>;*••<• - . a l a r y i s Nnftli K i t l ^ . - v i l l i - ' s iti.iyur i s p a i d ST4 4 0 1 . M l Tli*^ U V I T . I 1 I l n i i r T i t p . i i . k SHl.u^H, U'Tt-as mayor makes 1 •mi |>.ti<l b v t i n t c i t v i t i L l u i i r s S - . 4 D U S1U0.00U i.nil Westlak»'s mayut's U>: l i ) i n > i - v i t v . .1 S'J.OOO » ' d u i : . i t i u r i ; i l s a l a r y i< S l l J . : i Z O inc • • n t i \ « \ 5 i r > . 1 7 1 1 m l it i- p i m s i u i i u n d " A s yuti 1..111 s<r**. tin* m.iytir, of S H . T ' . h f o r h i ' o l t t i itssnr;iiii-.f. Tht* Avun is 1 ertiiinSv ;<t t l i " bolttitn of thir l i l y ' s i . u r a - n t p u l i i i - t hit-f ilni-s n u t l i s t . " J u l i u s siaul ".In t r r i n s uf t h e ilis|i.i> K i l n M f d i t - . t r . ' bt-i.tu*— t i e H M S ji.irity tvith t h - poli*:*' i:hii*f. it .1 n u t 1 hii'-il h'-tur'- I ' " " - t ' u h i i i ••inpluv.-i-'i t h f iii'M t-vi'rviMi*" h«i*i In hi* t i n ' <ati:t', i i i r . - i ! -t|i>T t h . i f -i .!<' I ' l i M p.lV f l l t n Sui r.iiiti r Tiif p n s t h o n lit- ( r i i . n u r ) i t \!'-ln,ii.' . 111 %(i'uit<l hi- i-i|tj.il t o . " • -1 Kfiii'fiiii-ii! .<i-i. t.iit "Cfrt In i'l<er>t PflOKIS • C0M7VTIRS SATHUTIS y Potato Chios Longhora Colby Cheese Millbrook HotDogBuns or Hamb^irger Buns Cooked Ham Bananas Cooked^ Dove Ice Cream All Flavors PEPPER ChickenRolI Cappuccino C H & 5 s ) G l o Balls or Scary C a k e s . - - 2 C T . Corn or Jalapeno Twistees qnR Low J f * V Fat TT TttrkeYHam 137 Lear Rd •• 933-2718 155 Oun« Hunt's Manwich Locals rally for Kerry, at LCCC during candidate's 20th Ohio visit ntulon j i i . ' u'j bv on iJftruit Ktwd n.i-, ,1 kid . ' r4 "1 -jiti -uji(.".i:iiiit: lutm Krrrv. I Ihuuiilst '£ liv .inl 'in cv. - l ! - m \D\I at !hf tally. V\f — r .a"--tii.it a i - i::i;'.jri'i."i! l u m - -a*' h^aMj- o i .in1. >-:ii|.ii)'. :;i-ui aiui ^iiu'-.iti"ii. Hi.'ihii- C i.oi>-1 'j)i-> ,n.- usiirai;<i.tus. VVf ^ , i l b«. [-i\- ^ ihv; SJ 4 miilinii in h'-allh'.-.i:1* in th'.' .\\t-r. "J st,ln>:jU thii >t-.ir -tkiif That's u[[(yl;-^- -3 ablf Sorne 'jt my kiii-*" !ri.tM'.d> h<i\>- \>th< -^ but iw li-.iiiii nisur.iii'.v. ;"vr>' u - (j-tt>-r ul! a '••Mil vvt; wvre Vnir \t-.ir-> ai;u'' i w y »"-' "" Th*1 v \ e n t . held undr-r e\ti:».-fi«fly ttj^bl s-.turiu went nil with n;inr;r hilLhui ajid (.Jtmt-d lij be a t:i>u{> f"r LCT.*C '.vim i-^t-vkini; a 1.5-miii re;>l.« i-tnc-nl aiid itn.riM-s** lfv\ e n Ut» Suv. li ballut. K-.-rn.'-^ \liit mjxk'-d the f;rst ti::i*- in 2UyeiU-s that •i prvMili'illiiil (.uultdale vi-:l».*d the county, 'l'tie |.t>! Wits \V«tlti't Muudale in l'iH4 B y L-on £- S.v.ta; Democrat it mmImxtg » AN m53855 s Be [jrvsidt.mi.il nitmmeH Senator Jolin Kerry chu'.e U^r.mi tlnunty as bi« 20lh visit to Olii'i. thrilling up tt> 20.000 supporter* dt Lur.n.i O.junty Coranmnity College ILCCQ (i-.r. <J. Kerry opened up his *[»-t.i.h with a little humor, tyins l"*^' f^-id-nts to iit-s bone state of Massachusetts.. "Whether you're from Liirjiii Count v and the ClevtLuul area ur whether you're from Middlesex County. Suffolk. Cuunty oi the Boston area. lei me tt*U yix: •.cin^thing. w all waul the same thing." he said. "We wanl our country lo be impeded abroad, we want job* and wtviill wan! to beat, the Yankees." Under sunny fell skies. Kerry <Lcrivt-d In the crowd..~S]lotted hanging out in almost an hour late to a crowd th.it had lh>K'Try "\'IV ix-rrdl" and nearby %vt:re -i been warmed up wilh a hoM of Democra# be»"y oi locals intiluriing femes teaclit-r tic speakers including Lyrain Con^ri-ssand (uun'-iUti'iii Dale Caracas: Sheffield man Sherrud Brown. senatorial candidate Like mayor John Piskura *iiid his wife Eric Fingerbul and former astronaut and T»-res,i; Avtju Lake Law Director Geoff Ohio -i^nator John Glenn. LCCC President Senator Kerry rallies a record aowd al UCCC iale last week. Roy Chun-h welcomed the crowd to the rampm, which had only a few days to "We will put 51.000 in vuui pocket, prepare for the massive rally. Kerry supporters, who funned a line [uwer llie usst nf hedltti u. v ajid make Aniericar. business inonf competitive." stretching across the campus, were entertained by folk, sin^r Mary Chapin Car- he said. I^x-jl residents peppered »'e rally, penter before several'campaign signature songs by Bruce Springsteen, including many of Uiem obtaining admission to ilie -Mo Surrender." marked the Massachu- -VII'" artMs near the countrv- flavored podium. coinpU-te with luskets or apples setts* senator's imminent arrival. r Kerry's 25-minute sptwch included and bales u hay. Avon Lake resident Frederick James, a some Umillar campaign rhetoric, asking voters la choose, "a bold, new,direr-'->n thi-ee-waj veteran who recently returned fro'Ji Irai^. received riear-pod.um status. Tor America or more of the same." a "Vietnam Veterans" lut. James, The railv. announced lati Wednesday, Sporting who fought in die VMnam. Gulf and ir*{ was Kern-"s first following the st-ojnd of •wars. Mid he was there to show supjKirt. tliree preiidetitiiil debates. The presiden"I'm also here to Iw? t»art of the Demotial candidate referenced the previous cratic process." he saidnight's debate making fun of President Also present were more lluin a dozer, Bush's demeanor. of (he "Fire' V'ighters for Kern" -I was a little worried al one point-1 membersincluding fitefi&hter D^ria Szythought Iho president was tfoing to group, .114-year member of the Avon atlatk (moderator) Charlie Gibson," he manowski. k'ked but (hen became critical. «iying Loke Hrc t>'i>^n'iiiL-iit (AlJ-D). Savins; he tame down to show support he was rtuaned by the president's Avon Lake firefighters (from left) Dana Sr/manowski. Lt jeft f^loore and LL Chris Huerrer inability to admit he bad made any mis- for Kerry. Szymanoivski said Bush is slashing funiU that could affert nmfiKhl- hoid Fire Fighters (or Kerry signs at the John Kerry rafy last Saturday. takes. . . . Kerry focused on healui can? issues ers. Huurner and Szymaoowski was ALFD Lt. Smith and his wife 'ITieresa. Avon Lake is big on firefighter issues, lawyer Kreig Brusnahan with wife Lisa saying undur lu» presidential watch, he he "IKerryJ ' • said. "He supports safely issues.in Jeff Moore. arid son Anthony; ALMS recrnt grad »nd would cr.i!t a federal fund lo cover health general. Avon resident Anpie Mar«iglu. who Kfrry phone cowrdiiLiKir Nliidelimt Sopko having our funding cut. care erases and lower the cost of premi- There's aWe're isalsn vice president of the Avon Local with IHT father Mike; candidate for lot of guys getting laid off.1 ALFD Lt. Chris Hurrner «Jioed Szy- Sch-wU Board of Education, attended Lorain County Commissioner Ted Kido nunowskTs f.-eiinys saying Kerry b.ick.N the rally with her family to witness and wife Sandy and Carta D. Moore, judithe SAFER (St-iffing for Adcciuale Fin? history. cial candidate for the 9th District Court of -Its such a rare event when a presi- Appeab. and Enit-rnency Rfsources) Act. Tlie pr-sidential umdidiite has already eArned the di'nl.il candidate'or president visits this Julie A. Short contributed to this 1-ndorwftnml of the lmem-ittonal A;.s<«;i- apM." Marsigliii said. "1 told my kids that vrticlv. ulion of Fire. Fi«hu-rs IIAFI-'). luiniiig this is tmturical. 1 watched the Kennedy A future voter shows her support for John Kerry. rr ~+\ i>05, J«hn Kerry addresses the thousands of tans in attendance. Local LCCC Students show support \o' Srsiator Kerry rit.- iunry Kopfs Aqua Marina rezoning plan gets approval by planning didn't want »o retain {'he front lotsl, he A . . J f . ..„3 A V O N LAKE uuddh* h^.y cd,.u,iums and and 5 B y L c ^ E. Svwfta; ----- ._ . 3 — Avon Lake clevslnpes Herman "ButAv* -j i<Copf received o;*proval Se-pl. 5 from si\ of ^ ')*•? seven planii "iy commission tiiMiiix'fi 2 to change ttie A . u Marine's zoning &UI» ?: R-l (resideniiai) • -d B 2 [bu_smrs>l to R-'J. ^ (resident!^JJ. whi' i would iwmui mullir family zoning. IT dpinfoveii as t"quirvo bv Avon Liikr City Council. Kopf, through hii company Kopf BuUdt-n, could build a maximum vt 12 housing units ps" acn- Hie Aqua Marine resort is locatud il 216 MiUwRo^d. previously »>i« siid lis ^.opi previously ••-• plans f"—-on — I ;\y ptrth le-urt. :il?i -Ji-Ti*p.ur in recent -, -*'i:tis price iior hj-> property own own-r, property -r>. M^amtt Global Development. . .~'..__--n ._. Havtrbj'.k t i i t the cnly dissenting vote tin the rvrojiiui;. ~l'iu nut uppcse'ii t« the proj«J: over* •ill." liiverhjck saic. "I'm opposed to rfzi-jnng tliH lots on Lake Rot*d. It will K"pf did prt.*r.»-iit cotttrptudi plans to bv interspersed «ith l'»{j fcr sir.^lefiiathw i.Liin:iiissi6ti, sho»"ii;« th/nf-story ily aoning. i ju^t fn.'l L^at as a rt*suieUiul cundoniiniura LomplfACS, ap^rtnieut having suniei:tfnt. i.inlt>fjir-ily interbujtslins* a [ l t i an up.'-cat.* re-jriMtiuiul facility. Hs added he will try to ke*-p as slit' fwU Kopf i;au!d much of liie'gulf course on tr.e 3S-acr« the liict*i> lots, nliii.lt to'^al rcixiniaUly 3.5 icies. ct;! a_» possible. My problem is this ptoftsct 'jould gu Kopf has untilraid-Drt-i;uibtfrTo r a couple of yeais." siw v^id. "If h r the purchase a^iwtnent with tha — r Th« djdnt could war sfll them off and waiedne else ciould build multi-fdjnily hauaiog facing the late. Spealinj; -»trirtly ior'myself* 1 think, that area on Lake (Road] should remain single-family." HawrUick stressed sht; st;li thought tht. projw.-t in iti entirely was beneficial ti> the ciiy. "Ovt* rail the projecl ivill ttfdlly improve thdt •*nfa treiuendou.^ly," *he said. Tttert will still need tu b* a public hedrin^ jt a future tiitv council meeting. Residents innuediately affected by the rezuniiu; will icceive notification of the met*ting by 7 7 Drill practices come in handy after fire breaks out at elementary school AVON By JUe A. Fire drills are an important part of a school"*; saiely polic- They are often pracr ^n«i. and fortu -ately evacuations fa- a real fire are » *'«-. For the stU'ifcnls at Avc -i Ea,>t Elementarv. the drill on Oct. ,. was not for practice a» a small fire liroke out on the roof of the new admiiiistrativu offices being constructed in 'Se front of the existing building. According to Superintendent Jim Reitenbacb. at approximatelj 11:50 a.m. two-thirds of the school* 249 student* were outside on ';he pityground, while the remaining fhird were eating lunch, when fparlts Trora a welder working on the roof a. the new office area Mxidentally igiiited some material and started a small l.r*. The new administrative office* .ire at the east end of the building and .ire connected to the cafeteria. The students and staff inside smelted smoVs, but at no tim-i did the fire ipread IO the cafeteria. "Upor. seeing the smoke, the welder immediately slopped working and pulled the fjr« alarm." Reilenbat:h said. "The building was immediately evacuated. The small fire in the new idminivlralive wing was contained and immediately put out. When the fire department showed up, they doused the iirea with water." According the fire department's report, tiie construction workers put out most of the fire. The department's crvws overhauled same of the roof and checked for any hot spots in the area. "When we arrived, things were 'uu.der control," Avon's Fire Captain Frank Root ?r. said. "We had called for Avon Labi's aerial truck, but eventually cancelled it. There were also no hct spots in the area." Keitenbacb commended the staff and students dt Avon East for the quick and orderly evacuation of the building. This was a situation where all the drills we practice a.e exactly for this reason." he said. "Thefirewas unlbr- The roof of the new adnwustratn-s office wing cf Avon East Bomentary >ichoot recefved rranor damage from the fire. tunate. but things were handled very appropriately and things «'e hack to bu*1'"' • as usual. Nobody W;JS hurt t iu time was anyone in danger. There was a small amount of damage to ths roof. The contractor will pay for the replacement of ths roof." Damage estimates total 51,000. Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Changing your body can change your life. 0V Curves JO-imnu'* fitttei*. tnntmonteme ^cijlit loi» | c w rwlp dimirtiih (tie fitlt of bftiit cjrwer. If'you join the week of OCKJIJCT 1 lttt J O J hrinp; in proof uf * current mjmm o j n n i . »c11 w*ive ihe scrvite fre. AVON enJi C w t %& LAK£UT>On 14*01 IVrmn A.< KJ AVON LAKE H. OLNISTtD EAST 24*6^ Lt-li.1 Kd 14401 "Transforming Ordinary Spaces into Favorite Maces" 440-315-4270 N. OLM5TED / N.RJDGEVILUE WJ'.KH Luu.n RJ (*%0l 7 M - 2 0 3 J 14401 934-11T9 ROCKY RIVFR tiZu l-tn<rr I'U^r Utl (V-»OJ SMAIMO www.'vhatalovelyhome.com Imciiur IUil(.-.ij;t: | Hc.il Lst:irc St.ipng | AftordaMc Dccoratinp, JMJ** (>n"« \\"f offer Interior Redesign as seen on HCTV. O«T S£WO locutions worldwide. vi hi*J.«tfimn«i ttimtl Cardinal marching band inspires pride, community wide, for many years .ji b'lnd [iru^rjin <""finruinitv lid.i l ' . i - )>•••••, f'tiii.- .iiity Tin -f\t'i) i ,, . < , , n IMK 1 . I.J. turi-1 U ; i * .i time. for a p h c t o »t H'Jiiif't.innin^ j few •••au. That j'->rl. uf t h f iiiitruiHi-iiUl fu-t.-.Ts \'.. v*.i* t i " ' ("inii::iu[i tlit-ui- in ' f i r remiirL-i about t h e (<I1J .,1 II.HI.J dirt-Uur !t'-* >'< h:»-'i ' " lomnit-tits frnm Icny-.i^., j t i u m n . "Ihe IMIHI' m>t it? •'!••-* HI I'i4~ uiitl-T t o . s ' . l s . - - I J . • : ! ; • • ! > : u . ' v :H i M . - l i f . m - r t i M . k M ; . - r {.;." W - i l i lit S ;iitt;l U k - t-ti.• l j i i - - Hi!>'.. v i n W j ) bifcifii i:ifi[i>"-r. j ' L i v t - i ' 1 i n : ; - - ' i f . ' l the. late lUrl K.u!i..-^i. Ktt«-»-n B i » « n trumU.n.- in ill-- BKS huvi. i> -I'd 'Imji- CniVfi). ut IhiMit . ' * " - vi.i. ,1 ni.'rtili-T of that first bjii't •"*:•• "-vrutf. in .t M l - T I I T lui'.'f. w I n ' n r . i ' l n j . i ' " i w i t •-i-iT. H I T -'-a 1 l e r t - m v . a fin*- t u b . i ; ' l . u i ' i . ^.— li:.iN->i k . i i i to Sheffield Middle SUmoi [SMS! hni.l dvrenur (and former BUS dini lor) Mark p«m(ry Cizl. that bhe >till (Ji«-ri*!tt-s her "-year T u i [itcjuif tif u ' u t (lit" k i n d ine..uis old HHS band pinto the cumtuu'iity." Hildebra'-.J said "I "We went with the fucjiboll players timikil means- '••f ' n ;.-iuud of each uf and played for the Rames;". Craven, my students and I irt'end tn work h.ird whose five siblings alsci played in the to keep ihe band suuA-ssful for iiuiiy hand between 1U47-57. wrote. 'So years to come." Through all the «v.irs of losin;; ftwitKftt a young outfit then, not imwe than ball teams the bur.d played on. giving 2U.* " Cud tin) fans sopjethinjj to t heer about. h» those d.»ys the unit wa* nut a as "marching baiid" we know them today. They "niaruh*-d" <m antl uff th" field, hut stood Mill wink- playing. "Ill jnv seventh grade year 1 was in the band/" wrote *J4 j;rrjii Nancy A>p Parker of Avon- "Because tli*-r*> w.-ts sniall emollment. Imver grades were induu'ed. VVi* wore t-i|i^s and h.tl* furnished bv the school and i>uruwn wliite «hin». The boys wore blacL pant< <md the girls wore'biack skins. In the V.OUH Mr. Rotwrt l>"«it. *» leacher. showed us differwut marching- We were a M-nsation that year. By the next year everyone <-lb«was f)nini;it.Tltat year the bund ^m utiiforms. I'Ue muiureUes furnished their own. I Liiim' that becau**? I VVJS a in;tjftrotlu. andraymom made mine Mr. Orlt.-y Gingory becaiae hand ilint.lur in the i95]-ri2 year. In my senior year tin* band ^t»i new uniforms. There wt're fund-raisers, etc. The'Kind had grown in numbers and there Were nut enough unifonrw.*" The fund-raisers continue tn this day. The school district's instrumental music budget has been provided by the Band BooMers since it W h S , :Ui in a financial crunch back, hi ihe early MJ*. Avoii Late resident Gary tliaw^'ti .loot over the BtiSbiind in VM2. He w.n als*. the SMS baud director. .1 jub he worked full lime i" Vtti'i. when Mike Lvnno took over the hi^h j-xhi.ol proRrnin. Clawson tt'mnined as SMS band director land started die fifth^railiband po^-rain) until bis retirement in BHS band director Dale nildebrand. ass«tant f.ta'k OX former band director Gary Robert Schnetder got together at Homeccning, • They are .still theerinK tht-Lr band's cjnsistent e-vielifiiCf. Fl.ish and precision n..irt:hin^. 'alung with fine playing, ore the band's hallmarks During th-^ir "cuncert" ieasnn, the band has consistently racked up excellent ratings in dis-trict ard state corapetitions far years. Pride iu performance keeps their standards iii^b. J atAndird of excellence fram which it has never slipped. A n outstanding selection of ck sks. computer cabinets & file cab.nets for home and office tn traditional and contemporary styles. With our new supplier of custom made office furniture we can frit alt your office needs at £1 mazing <Prices! 'In my ilr;t yi'«»r wi- hail 32 Lidi in thebLind :tnd uudt frountuTi-.' i:i:iwsou satd. "The itisUuiticnt.il mu-.ic pnyr.iiii hits alwav-il''-**'" l ' u ' "•'r"<'f,i st iu tb«- district. The bi(W^' re.tsoTi fur tli-it i« parental support. W«'-.t: li.nl tmi-.tafi.Sinj* sunporl from the parents and th»Dan*I Boosters, which has maintained 'Clyriii resident Robert St.l oeiitfr took over tliw prof;r.tm frt.in 1'H.'-i'l7H. "It was enjoyable being as-.ut iad-d with the pride th« kids took ir b«-in« i» the band." Schneider Siiid. "I il-.»avs felt thebesl kids in school were in 'he band. *o I was p»oud tn be associati-d with Uiose kids. The continuity of the [«"•gram imprwses me most. The numb'T of kid» who Ret jnvulvi-d in hiind. U>r a school thai size, is very i in press ive. When I left. Mark Cizl, who was mv drum major, took over. I'm pleased *liat be decided to become « band director." Cizl, a life-lo»K Sht-Ifield Lake resident, ijeknowled^-s that his drum imtjor betomw a band dire<.tiir. (;i/l"s -.vif*1. LuAnnn is also a BUS alum and tlx-ir daughter Val':rii* ami sou |cfl wive .tU'f hand inemln*r«. "The pride this coitituunity takes HI 'ho baud menu* a I"t tu me." Cu.l •..ii-11 .HB led th« hand (torn '?H-'«n wb'-n, likClawdon, he ttmk L*\rt the miiMli" .u:i! Y o u r L o j d m q ' . - ( A I K . ^ f::r i ; i . j ' : t y y«.JUtn • f u r n i t u r e in u n ^ x t i t i t u - ) v.ifit.'.iv ui sty ! '_".. and f.mshos ct 'Fabulous Savings SEDLAK M M : Hi J 440-24S-2424 W e have one of the largest 34300 So'oti Road, v.cm Tu.> ihuii •> i wni fn ••s.-.t i> s 50 s e l e c t i o n s of b o t h 'HomeOffice & Vut.ith ' F u r n i t u r e •.vwvv sfdl.iku-.tcnorv tmn ifl t h e StOtG! Top 10 reasonTtoattendUomecommg this weekend Superb search Tha process in which the Avon Lake Board of Education iff trying to find Dr. Dan Ross' replateroerJ is twillianl toe man? reasons. Out of a field of 50, the scope has been nairowwi hi seven ane* a nalianrr*«to search brought the board back to OhXe. as all of the potential superintendent* call tire state home. Ultimately, the board wilt vote on the finalists and select Ros5*succ*.«sot How they get to the finalists U what deserve* recognition. In an oEToct fof community nnxnbon. both business aod residential, to take ownership and prids in a district thai s*ands high on the academic scale, selected people have been asked to participate in the interview process. Residents will get tha chance to hear what tha candidates say, ask questions and get a better understanding of 1 what that person will bring to the- disVerios of narrowing iotex'*rij] be cpUectwr* from V&?m*^mS** Jobs a opinion wOl tip the «cal» for onsauir • d S S T o n r Mather -wiU obriauiiybe *: bspttothebaari.battfwfcetth« group , is eHotvittg'cemanuniiy ioput speaks bma* fatdirtxict-wWas****--•;.,• v *Tb* pemesa allows the entire aty to take owneoWp offi»new hire lli« ht ' exptictod U\ h» announced, by the fiat: oftf»ywiti'Tbat being aald, lha boWd baa tangible p n u f torn retJdmt* tfaal tbe^irfeclkai^elCuff supported « ."•:'v I t * mfeiifiw tcjakd*!hs board wffl j tww tfco bineflt of laUing back on the^ lajmmittoefllithfciVbaTa . wvfctwed ths< ''ma"- tauxKgafc^Owwss*!;*. if the j f « , f a * or, £ng tfe» fonaa to ««eb a" replacement • od that ilntlrag HOB** jwplacenwn baa daunting task. •' \ 7 •V^*'r';?v L•: Simply ; stated; iw'sm•'will; reptaoe Ross; ^Tbat; typeiof, <hta need net be vocalfemfcit f» undon a The tkoOarfy ffleaa tbat th*i*wr wjst cant d bxgB bt it v ^ ;' ' p i* VVIth(n> Jew Ewotbs, a iww «uiw- l ytV&^knaxlxoi of the dl»trict What W o a i b i ntSr «»tha taacJi- • cm, parenU. boanl "imfi »»ff th«t T»ve helped tbe district gut to where it t> ICTKC nas bean apt. bultb*tdoe«i't ptr- now.' V ^ S ^ ' ^ ' N ^ ' . ^ V - ^ O " - " VC -". • Itoat tUdn't do it all alone, spr wttt ihanewnipBTiiitend«nL : I • .,. to s. tr> i y nii:^ lull- • Ft"' llio'se i>f > i>"-i • ii'-« to Avuu Lii-v. htMi .* hrrv: Hu:«t-^«itiui; vvv*Li'inl i* THE ev«it ot - he year. It's j go.d chance [yr rv>ideats to •ALapv ttieir UxA«i-in subdivisiona with fulure cutrtriv«l naniiis such as Grande Lucre and The Trotioirs diid inwt the rvat of th« touiiIt's tiiM !tine cf the year when the easi sfdu rntwls tin: west sli-i at tbt1 grand divide also known as t h e .identity-confuted SR K3-'Avon Beldea'Ctratier road. It's tiw pbct.* far die new (iii^rfs tu !«<»m a linle about Avon IJI-P his'.iiy. ;ind tin? olij Utuers to i iitiriir» of. Avon L.ii-w (M^I. !?'* tht, time ti. uiluriu!fli>iL-i-twirlers ami iLuii^Ts. a j^et togotii«T uf tj^ihfps arid lutijl huiiiwsa*"* .ititi [MlituVt; b ajid inusin It'1* a tim- (ur rrisp [all w 4ud lost licks to tniioy the outdoors , we-'all n.trt:at t« <jm bonifs ind do«7i For thf: lu g wuit<T tnwitlu. So without further ado. lrf« couni d u m i tlie tup 10 r»M*ons to attt-ad this weekend's festivities. 10. Start your holiday sbopping now. By LO': E. tiun. • • (i. i-W* riiirt un SfwtBShij-One: Oka>. 1 u u d r tiwt utu' up, ui*re a n n t any frv* r.Jt-> on SpacvShipOae. SuK*Shi[jOn<won"! trv«i be then;, b u t l isa'lv like 'ii-j ivu-Tt** a n i vC-'Wfl't thiiiK of a ba'U'r way tu WUIIL it into a COILUIU- 5. Balloun Iwistinj} Oaw.-!^ -ud Sumo WTfa-Jillg. 'N'uff sjH. Sumewb?re b « t w « c b = i a v Uhe works of the Silvvrthui -w artisw is the perf-*! "something spwda'" for that peminUl hjni-to-End gift gritty y. Bluebem- pic baking contest- I ve heaid rumors thai real people cook- Wilh hedt! lu ovens) Forget iL Check out eotr> #«)21. SwitijV Blut'bonied Pie, it's a wina. .. AiiJ ih* band pbvs oa. Festivities i u e even afttf the oflicial end of the -tl. Head OVKT to the Performing Arts er a; 3 -3U p.m. on Sundd'y lo catch th« PatrioU Virnd "Save the Woods" benefit tuiiurrt EtMtunng Luri Coujjilin. Consider it the wevkrnd's "happy F«iciing sundae." 7. History nuking drum majors—Metft fonnw OSU drum tnajora and ALHS graib Scott ami Eric Sotnmtir. the only brothers 4. BooEre. Mayhem- wouWn't b«? CUUH plete without the anniwl hi^U sdxxA bonfire Tliursday . ' "bt at 7 p-m. S.'KiwdniJ ^aiicak" breakfast: Pecplw « y Tlw PRESS i*fluffy,but we dout hold a ouidle to a sutk of th«ie Sunday inomiog specials. 2. I want candy-.What timing!, >ust two weeks befo^j Halloween, your chance U» s."-p up all the candy hosed during the parade to recycle far riki 1- The PKESSmobilK Making our second consecutive appearance. The Boy-driven PRESSmobile. compIetB with editors, reporters and baga of candy, will make a rare public showing, Tliis is your best chance to heckle that idiot reporter Lori/Iulie/Matt/Mike who you'w been sending anonymous "fan mail" to all year. The proofs in the pudding,' which by the way is rancid not hHI1'Mi"g it- (oiis. and they're lying about £>aung it over to tha Iraqis. The economy is in the pits and no COFFEE amount of lantari-iug about -tumint tho comer" is going .* revive it, if we leep BREAK rewarding companies for "outsourdig" iob« to India or wherever. Protacting liie By John Edwards tax loopholes of the vary wealthy b oue of ThKir aiicvriT* have nwertlielesA been Crty Reporter Bush's "con* values." of course, but it'*, tnfimuiitive. And Vvv readied *fewconvery hid lot ihh rest of us, no matter hoiv duiioos by listsolng carefully. bo tnes to spin it. First, 1 feel bttter about supporting And the wuy the Republican Party Kerry over Bush. Though politically mess you've made of the war, the economy oblique, Kerry's answers to the debate and bow you've messed around with the treats its sob'd "ripht-to-life" voter* is questions have convinced me that he's coostilutioo. lie about it. because if you shameless. Most "right-to-lifee*" are iir^ •orious und thoughtful enough to provide repeat the lie often enough, some people cere, honest people and they vote. They a viable alternative to the mess Bush has will believe i t I know this column will vote Republican because, every Unw gotten us into on every issua. Not every- infuriate all but about two of my Republi- them's an election, the Republicws gjvp thing Kerry promises will be »>«cUcal to can friends and relatives, but I must say them a lot of Up service- But thil J oil. put into practice, of course, that's the bow budly 1 feel about what's become of -Right-to-lifers" iuve given the COP tiiair votes in every election since 19rs. *»j nature of American politics. But. dear their party. The GOP ooce was filled with Lord, we need to be doing saiaetliing other fiscally conservative. projp'ewuvB thinkers. what have the Republicans donn? Given than what WD'TS been doing or we'll end The party of "Teddy the Trust buster" Roo- them Up service every time there's tart elecsevelt is now tb.-j ™rfy of "*Duubyji the tion. Nothing else. Even with a RepubUup even deeper in disaster. Anyocft who's read my columns know* Budget buster" Bush. Still railing' about can-pAcked Supreme Court, there's been I'm an unabashed Democrat, and that I'd "tax and spend" DcmocraU. they cant rec- no reversal of Roe v. W&fc. But the high support anyone who run agitinst President ognize that thcy'vB become "borrow and court did appoint Bush president. Georg" W. BuM. Welt anyone' except spend" Republicans. Remember tha budI haven't space enough to get into how Rilph Nader that is. Poor Nadw ought to get surplus we had in I9*r*»? It's been •hey try to scare us into votingforthem, replaced by thttwr "conservative*" with the |ust come out in support uf Bush, but his when their "war on terror" Isfocusedon biggwst national debt ever, er,o craves attention too OIUCIL His 15 minteod*?« people's e-mails and library iies were so long ago that, like Lyndon Tlie COP in under the domination of rttcardi* and hassling air travelnrs while 90 LaRouche, be keeps running for president people who impugn your patriotism and percent of Cut millions of cargo contain*— fust to keep his name in tbepapers. Hard- accuse you of aiding the enemy If you dare ships entering n<" ports go uninspected,' ly anyone remembers the Chevy Con-air. to disagree witn them. Rerreinber how tT*«y Or "Wo Quid Left *6cn:nd." a huge new let alone "Unsafe At Any Speed." stivaged John McOun in tho 2000 primary? bureaucracy thri'i bankruf *in» school disSecond. I'm even surer Uian ever that We had Osama cornered but let him get tricts and states. Or the vast bureaucracy . the President and his men ve living In the away so wo could indulge in a family feud created in the name of Homeland Security. land of "saying so mokes it so." Bush has and "get Saddam." Saddam's a bad guy. but Bush says be wants to get government out made it clear to me that his "cars values" Osama (and Saivlis. not Iraqis) attacked us. of people's lives, but does the opposite. '• are: t. Never admit you're capable of a mis- The war. which was supposedly over two Making sandwiches is manufacturing? take; 2. Being stubborn is the same as being and a half years ago according to Bush and Please. dftmrnined; 3. when confrontud with tho Rummy, grows worse by the day. They're We need regime change. The election i? only 70 days bence. Like many, fve been watching the debutes between President Bush and £wtL-itor Kerry, and between Vice President Qwn»ry and Senator Edward*. Sincu all fuu- art* professional politician*. OIK debalrr* rarely answered any question a* askfi. established 1951 Mokrn ttly FounLrr: R.J. (DMJ H«na»er, St. h>Ni<J*r: ILKrnnrthDouthitlll Ctnerol KUnogrr: lantt L Sinner k T d Sports Editor: Matthew Thornioroft F,O. Bo* 300 • 15B Lew R M A Avon U k r , Oil +4012 Phone: <«0) 933-5100 • fax. (440J M3-7W4 8 C-Matt: Lon E. 5**Mi. Ant. Editor )uli* A. Short John EJwjir J i DM W»mke Cynthia Sthmtrr Lt-u BruvuKm ADVERTISING SALES JulifOrtpr Torn Mu*sfi>v»Mt-li\v> Rogrn ART DEPAfTTMEHT Bt-v«Iy Wrltjor Tracy Lrr Milfcr ADMINISTRATION Vv PKl SS r> * Lor WORD PLAY it ia>- when Ufein A iup*-» *••* C#n*»4l Circul Jt««n in B^rb Kohlcr DEADLINES N£IVS ITEMS: ThuratUv ADVERTISING: fridjy - Noon OASStniD*- MonA.y-3p.rn. GARACC SALE ADS: MotuUy - 3 p.m. 't?ar> mrt imiude special ru.'trrti.iin; VC/WMI CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS1MG DEPT. Phonr. 1-BSS-346-66O3 M^ftoMj, roe u» » sii) PW POUCY ON UU«rs, E-maDl & N«rwm Tte PRESS m a m sftfhgtt M Kuot or njid my LRtwtottsBtdtv. £** Mtn nyim •ram.ad*tn strf £Tfe» ptiw nurobn tar vnfloten pwpnn. tfttsa « J MW*J DM b not pwk i ftmm w n b s hr ir,M*m ***** « i »tt tw sWt*i U teem m • u p d H *&wq fv brniti ano d*#f. itemtecAla/m m VMnevtof naUmVm P*tfS$ >ffic» M Out pri f Thmitf it 5 BJB. ft» ntSS Mm vrrM fMIHIHlB sormx MPKSS (U5PS 01M2B)« pobfata) « t M , by TV PR£» Ct, tM Usr Road,tenUfa, Ota « 0 1 t SAwipCaii prtM B C1S0 per jar. PtitafcafJ poctagt && A tmm like, OH M l ! and a t t e n d mritq offlOL POST THE ?RESS. PA Bet 301 Aon U e . OH 44BU.. Congratulations, Brittany TQ ihe Editor This letter is to corrvct a letter in The PRESS on Sept- 22- While the Avon Lake Athletic Boosters Were proud to award Micbvlie Burke an athletic scholarship in 1998. the 20tH winner is Brittany Burke. Brittany excelled both tm the Geld and in the classroom and we wer* very happy to awaid her ooe of our scholarships. I regret th* error and offer Brittany J hugj congratulation* on her schoUrshipCood luck in your future endeavors. Brittany. Avon Lake Athletic Boosters Scholarship chairman The truth will set you fros To lire Editor Amerioms need the fjtts on Innj. Since the initial invasion. President Bush's optimistic outlook rws bean proveu wrong over and over again. All the facts should be put cii the table so that we can have 3 meaningful national tf^b&tt? about what our country should do Bush's oul-of-touch speech at the United Nations reveals an administratmn that believes its ovrn spin, not reality. The piestdeiit's ewn intelligence analysts have concluded that Iraq will likely remain dangerously urwtable-and possibly dissolve into civil war-over tlie next . y w without a change in policy. The president's response to the CIA analysis? -They '.-ere jusl guessing as to what the conditions ought be like". Tbe American people have a right to know what is in that analysis. Release the report. After alL, it is the right of a frw society tu h*v« tbe facts before them so they can make informed decisions. . • Mary Grace Horensky Avon Lake Don't compromise education T o iheEditofT •; •; Ouce agair the Sheffitld-Sheffietd Lake schorls will be pletding with voters ti* 'joppori a levy to cow,rv*iytl±y operrttLi^.-otpcajcicnd prevratiog the school district from sinking deeper into financial deficit and feeing state uke over. It disturbs me that individuals are blaming our financial woe* on poor financial management The fad that our schools do not heve enough money to run the district I* d e w Tbenr has been a steady increase of our population over the past few ytan, decrease* 1.1 state funding and • drastic incline of the co» of living expense*, which have contribute i to tin openlinc cost deficit. Teachers and support staff have decreased <pendim; and hav« even agreed to raise Iretvea and are paying more nut of pocket expenses. I'm afraid W-siftf, low our grx>d teachers to tsan* <coip£iltive communities who place Mgbef values on U>U ser'icr* if we nuke asy ii*ore a m to their bent-fits. And tha more WB cut our school district's learning resources, the lower our Matf teat *cote> will be. which Indirectly rHwcls th» pride of a community. I urse voters of SheH>ld-Shfffield Uk«tu research the financial stntw und pour cooditions of OL r schooli before saying no to the school levy Nov 2. As a result of , several failed school levies, SheffieldSbeffiRld Uke school district is in serious financial trouble. We can't nlfcrd to IgDonr the fact that our schools need the. comniumty to pull together and pass a much needed school levy. Schools nrw a vital part of any community and without community support, our children'* education will be t-ompromised. 1 wauld likrt to commemanilK t Knnip of caring individuals wiionrr* involved in furiniiiK the Oirdin;*! I'rid.' Crmtmitlw. These individuals are working vt*ry hard no ideas lu increase school priiU' »ntl dacnta.se community negativity. Deborah Ciprut Sheffield Vi!!»'" A taste of music in Avon Lake To th« Editor Th«t studnif*. or Avon Like urn sinning your praiwra. Oti Nt»v. 7. th« Avon Lake A~:y Schools Foundation will hold its "A Tarte of Music" event. A light luncheon . will be SMTVitd followed hy tit) afternoon of musical entertainment prnienlfd * v itudents of Avon Lake City School*. Yin* sale of tickets and a raffle will provide additional funds to bt u*ed for special program* in the schoals. W- die s>*kin.', your h«-lf> lo in^k* this hdjipt-ii. We invitt contributions of items .md s.ervi(-«> to our raflW. Monetary coutii but ions and the purchase of *dvi-iti>ing space in the prop-iim art; aiso welcome. All donors will rwieive recognition in the pruerain for liie event. Any contribution may be laxdeductiblf. As a result of cominuiuty supporl fur the foundation in the post, the children at Westview and Redwood tlemenlur>schrxils have new music front which to sing. E*«tview and Erieview eU*ai«fOt<ir>1 sciiools %vill cuntinutf 'heir chuir KIUSU; program. StudtrnU at Avon Lake High School art- proud lo share the notes ot a newly composed njusit,<*l selection. Funds have aUo been contributed towards Oie purtiii-s*! ni a new concert piano. The strings [irpgrain al Ttay and Lejrwood has been funded entirely through Foundatiun funds. In addition to music prognun enriciiiuenl. Uir Foundation has provided tiin funding for special projects in many other area*. AII al which benefit the sludf nts of Avon Lake. Your contributions have !»-l;»ed support the**? unique programs in our schools. Please coiwtdec dondting to this v\ ent. All contributions to the founddtiun y-ill never bp spent Only the income generated by investing the donation- i* available for spending, becaise of this, your gift will keep on "givitg" year after yuar. If yo*i have »nv quesVions. kindly contdU any toundat-ia boaid roefnber: Nonn NL-snbaum at y33-435G. John Daly at 333-4875. Donn Carmel at 933-3049 w Cheryl Burkhardt at 937-9313. The Avon Lake Uty Schools FoundatioT and the young people from Avczi Lake Cirv- Schools who have benefited from programs funded through the foundation wwit lo thank Avoii Laka and surrounding conuaunity members for their gem rosity. Norni Nisenbaum Avon Lake Support the scout* To the Editor: .Von Laka Cub Scout and Bay Scouts will once again sell popcorn this fall as a way to raise funds for pack and troop programming. For many units, popcorn sales are the only fund-miser held during the school year. Throughout October. *von Lake scouts will be present at sevcul locations around Avon Lake, including Giant Eagle and Top*. Our sincere appreciation goes out !o these locations for allowing us to conduct our "sbovr and sell" programs tn t i w WOCM. More impe^anlly. we appreciate the way the citizens of Avon Lake liavtt iUpnorted scoe!i=5 i.~. »bn pAit by stopping by thf tables and nuikiL'g a purdhase. We hope you'll Mop by und support st-outing vihf'n you see us around town. We aUn ask that you watch for Uw numU-rs "332" or "334" ar. the uniforms tts thfse an? the units that am from Avon Luke. Tiidiik you for supporting Avun Laky scouts by" puruhiwiny from Pack 332. Pack :i3-» and Troop 334. DJVHI Tltum r. Pat-k 312 Avon l-ik'- Bush's rat hole To the Editor: It is apparent tn all thldlv. AttliTlOCCUpfllioU of IriHJ i** ^ l t;jn i^isiialti*^ j r t i |dd M i i i ui Ilif (.ituiitry i" n!! limtl- •" l : - s " v " 1 ' 'tiers, .tn.i llu- .tf-i-oint.-.l U.v\\ \-:n\<-ts\u\> ."[-•iiiU all "f it-* linn- I»-liimi walls |'">let.lfd liv Aiiifrit.ui tpw'pi (^ivit U n U i n i-i Jilxmt tn (lull out .i I h i n i of ils lr<»t-'i'-. '.. ! : -,Jy. !w»yi j u s t t h e C[fjxjsite. • ••«•*» r e p o r t s . T h i s n e w • .•. f r mi.e£stiind > .e is r c p o r t t d i::jt *!nr ht'A scc(iari') is i i.on- PRESS Points. tir.uitiuu ot the currt-nt instdbility «i;d AVON the wrjn-t div»olution into uvil war. lr. nu t-d-«- is pro^irv* brills made. Oiunh (35293 Detroit Knadt for At a time when ^il Qdetii i^ rebuilt ziid ^«Unui2 strength. 'Jt\e Taliban [•> resur^'-nt\ wn. Michael Grant, Andre Kins and Luke I it'. .-T-f^lumMin and bf-tii North Ktwe^ and ! McCown oo Oct. 18ai7p4n-Tbeprograa • Iriii ^n* uii the polh lu combinmc rsueiej* \ Mil) fcjturc A ttuestk— *ad answer vasUin. | vvfrfpon* and oiis^ilet. very hard thokes t a*. •**'& as Browns' tu&hlijfat videos and i niu^t be 'uadtf ubout the is;e of American i blooperv Tbe tvcni b free and open to the ' resauftcs. The Ameticdn people cnu^t public A special Uilfrtc pwty will be ; ktiuw ill- truth about Iraijt orTered far middle and high school stu- j t ur^; all of you to join a growing number of govcrami'M officiil* and citi- dents at 5 3 0 PJXL for more info, log onto w-provideoachiirch-u*. zens tu caiLmg on the president to share • Teacher awvrf_Avua VElajc Semen* "Jit; CIA's National Intelligence Estimiste tary School Kindercxnen teacher Mkhette S with the public been named Ionia County j Thu president must tell us if he rw* a tkntx has of the Month. exit strategy, bow many years we will b« Teacher Sack to sdwoL-Emptojiect at AJ. in Iraq, how many mare troops will neetl Kose• ManufacTurinfc are uidims a host of to bw seut theie in the next year or thf senkes aod traiains oflerwl next ID years and most of all, how many through Lonin Countyprograms CtMnmxiity Cdmure dead and wounded young ,\m*ri- l*S*"i Corpcntu and Community Qunrach cam do«k he plan on counting up and. Services oflke, iodudins job prcrfiSng of how many billions more rloes he intend several pourioas. employee x to throw down this rat hole. traicint. supervisory trainHenley John- cofomunicaiJoo and trchnicd rraiaing. AJ. l o t is * Avon Lake ing nunufscturtns coinpaoy u u i provides pans for the autoratfetfc Industry. Endorses Issue 59 • Coming toon—ATOM'S amrul ChristTo the Editor On bvhalf of Pluniben & Steumfllter* mas CmcUetilht Walk b IX:. >5 lo the Local 42. it is truly an honor to support frcoch Crrek Dtstrio. Enjoy an old &shthe Lorain County Commuoiiy College iooed couiury Chrismus in tbe famocic s houstof antique, craft and ^ift for what they continue to do for not only the community but Lorain County. Their boutiques duDCgJioat tbe disrioL THere continued efforts to promote not only wttlfcecaroling, LoBy dwTroHy shuttte SCTquality education, but ability and desire vkr. craft shows. <foor prizes, buttling to bring various groups together such as rivts. Saota Qaus and Father Christxua. tabor organizations, businesses owners, AVON LAKE contractors and the Chamber of Commerce for opvc dialog and discussions Busbwfeacfcs<.Lraiickst* regarding concerns and ideas from all to a+tr m rash oTtbtftof jcbnKorry s promote bettor education, a stronger com- now being ianrst&ttetffey the ALPO. munity, better lifestyles and standard of Amoncsz othnt crmtr^tmp*uaot and living fur all. tfaeft. . . '-'>•>•:>-•.<.*•:••;•.••.•.•..•../ • • . * 5oldUlo the Ory of Avoo tnke. » Thervfore. it in our pleasure to endorse Issue 50 foi tlif LCCC/Uniwrsity F«itner- house at 327G U t o Bo*d MJOiNOlTlic aty apftwtft At puntett Uoodrjr. whidl sliip OR the N'cv. 2 ballot. Robert L. Utter w i n a p a o d ^ t c o o c i p i e u s Wtefiont prnpBusiness manager/FST e n y a s V e t evo a s h i r k . ' . . . • ' : ' • ' A l t h e < party Offers suppou Leticr t= Uio Editor Wow! Aftet tvading last wetk's Letters to the Editor. I M'- sorry for Brad Negulescu. and I wanted to offer my rapport. Personally. I find Mr. Negul«cu*» views and opinions reEreshing in an otherwise liberal saturated media. I am so tired of alt of iho Bush-bashing conservativecrushing that takes place in America's media today. That b, why 1, too. am ui avid Fox News watcher. I know lhat Fox has its own agenda, but 1 feel they do a better Job ofrepreientingboth sides of the issues than other news organizations (including HHS anil NPR radio]. I also tixik exception to the readrr who thinks th« war io b«o is only about frerdom for Iraqis. I know'people like to iTiticiw «>ur effurW in Ir*i s» bcirn; ttubidr tin- ;w:op*r of a "IV.ir on Terrorism" wltit.h rjfj'jn in Afghan istiin. However, anyone who thtnk.% that Saditani Hus.M-in war not protii<jtin){ ;md funditu; ail unti-Arnerican ••^••tiii.t in thf Middle East i<t deluding llirmvlvcs. WVare truly IH*H»T off and •iaft-r us a result uf President E)ust»\ .ii tiiini. If you dem't »w*^' th^n think iibtnit thiA-.-liuw n u r y terrori*( attack,» h.ivi- t.iVi-n place on Aint*ri(-ni soil sinr«( '*- II7 TIM* witr in ITIMJ i% first and ftirrmaM .i!vm' iirutit.tiriK America'i frrTilum. 1. for (ttiv. slvi.-p bt'tlfr ill iiij;''' knowing th.it U-i ,.iis>< u i ' h.ni' "uVt'ii tin* IIRHI to tin'tii," 1 ilmt't luivf In wrirry uhmil my t:liitdnatt ItKikin^ down tin? Kirn-I nfa I«.Trcirist'n t*uii wiit-ri they y« tu st linol and th* Unitinl Nation* ^ty* it "ill ""1 t ti.itioiuil rirt:tium tin!«"•'. th**] y sitlialinn ilranutticitlly iinpritii-s At a tintrr ivin.*ii IIWIIV Irmjit btdiiir tinnccuiMticm for lai.L of t:loan w.it.-r and electricity, ttta- adminittrHlimi U askinj; to > ! ". in a c!i»Mfi!*d r-.'part pto- >i •• - •. -" • •-•»••:;• • • - ' • • • : -. lu iifl .• .J.V Wftulv Avim L.ik.1- Sincere thanks to Coach Tn th l i i We xv.ultl like Hi at:kntmI'^l^i and sriiil "lit d big "llwiik V?JU" irom the Avtm Like IV nirU tt-nui* ( r u n l«i our JV roach Sui* Tr/ii.iak fur hi-i r.onsUnt >;utddnt:e on ami off th» i ouitv Frmn il.iy imi*. %ve knipw Mu»t t'»? (virtif plan wai ;»ll .ltxttil siuft billions from rcwmsiruction to training un Imqi army. Unf(n1undt«ly. I'ri'sidetit Uush i* oi»> nf the tvw who timtinu.es to a w i l th.ttwilit:1 hn» a plan hvhich lie IM* >tt I" «»•«'' '' us) that Iraq is on itt way to u " and tliat pTu&v">s is Iwuig made SEE LETTERS, RAGE'S ft B ,.«fHcw«iltoA«ioUfcei*toryd^Jirie-ylxftCTJithonitc^nstttefarttlOB wS b«t BitbmS* «r^rfo« Tbe Docwv -acih wbh faobiwwteyt awt D « HortM^KfflOryW&wrtSehM. Hsu W>jwef aba «d»e*tW to pttttrm. - Race fat dte.G»* »«fcwex-v«« A«« i o%»»ftjbjucrjfMUI** AUK boj« eoootry«»chOct.*Wb**W«finlr* of ine 11th Aratu*! 5m»o. C:\BBBOW NE Ohio tore for tbe CUP* vm opwred ** oo WKTC-tV He beM out rhouttwfa tot the boot*. . . • -•- ;\- VC'-^jv™: • Water on tbe w«b-Xof «* todrf at wwwjvuolaknraUftonr desljoed to iO)iuinc new rowfcna wko Avon Lake Municipal UBWes ami it* boanl. acn make communicatlni with customer* easier. Feedback b encouraged. £*tu& commtnis to Ilnd>@alut£StIesxoin. • H*Uowem...Trk:k-or-tr**rtiot tot Avon LaketoOct. 3» from 6-7-30 pjn. See nexr week's "fell activiry section* for other places celehratine Halloween. Send your event* to theprew®brisht.iut with "fall aaiviti'" in the lubject line. SHEFFIELD LAKE / SHEFFIELD VILLAGE - Levy lobbying-.5 hrfTieW Lake Ward 1 Councitwomsn Joyce flanks invites all tint ward vesldentwnd anyone -tie-to * disco*.**1"* of the levy toni5h£ at 7 p.m. at Knoliwood Elemen tary School. 4975 Oster Road. "We r.li need to know wh»t we're voting on * Hanks sjid. "Crt tbe facts before you make your decision. Thii session U mainly for fir« ward residents but anyone Is welcome. There will be oiber »ev vion* in the other wardf." • Where's the beri7_Tne police ar*d fire departments* annual steak-Try fundraiien will take pUce in November. The police fund-raner will be from 7-9 p.m Nov.fc« U. Thonu* EJementary School on Harris Road. The fire fundraiser w«l he Nw. >2 at Tom'« Oiontry Place in Avon. J . ' •. •" liltermg and inc/ediblv •—' the \uImiUT* whu try to k.eep the rfuxe clean fur its t usloiuvr* arid rui^siuns. If you have any qu«»tions about dausting. ple-ise call the store at 932W17- TiidiiiL you tu all whu donate such wooderfiil thing* for such «i good purpose. Slop in in'i see us. Jane and John Sbeau-d Avon L-iV.« !e«iclier. Our teacbers continue to plan and implement pruiyaitia to niai.« tiling* better tot ihe distrit.1 and students, such Modi-1 V.S.. Carter Day, nwrnoring b . art r,v, m p ,thor> djid liit could go on and on. We would like to extend an o'pei. iitdlion to all in the coinmuiii!}' u> oiiJ *--e what is going ou in your dislfict, visit the b*^ldtnss. go to a syorting event ur tuncert. We hope you will be pleased and realize all these i hildrtn *re wurth your support. We ,ts a itdft certainJy think so. Michele Gi'tiring Avoa Like Children are worth the support No child luft unrecruited? 'is away wiii the mission's pur: d that's i '. bt-irv a "£<>-•-! neJ jh- LETTERS, trwn page 7 p twr." Ou Sept. 27. tkui.fi up a piu up true*. . f Wank«u; hcnv to improve our individual games *ad at the end trt knowing we did out best be the niust . . -rUuit and not wincing. It was about shipi thai were established and uuiturvtl. Parents, who pLamii*d team dinners, jiris practicing Sunday nights. going out together for fun and beiog able to phoce Coach Sue about Miool And ptfionaJ cocHids and knowing that shr would just understand. We Mould like to .tlso biarvk tii» Trzuciak family for holding their dinners as games went into the evening. We love you. Maddie. and knowing that their tnoia would give up Sept. 2S as she vtngle-handedJy orchestrated at Avon Laif the JV SWC T-anis Tournament, onue asjain. demonstrating her genuine talent and abilities to run a tournament and coach us. , We will be back next year. We will play with more confidence, we will still be friends and we will be happy to pUy teanis tor our outstanding coach. Sue Madeline Shanfco. Rachel , Mwiaa Matthews, Katie Beyer. Krirtin Wilkinson. Cairo Dyczkowsfci. Priya Makadio. Hannah Fischer. Rachel Hussey. Julie Peacock. Kelsey Faludy, Sarah Germain and KrisiMii Cunningham Avon Lai-e 1 Be a 'good neighbor To th& editor. When you see the store sign, that's exactly what it ii-Tue Good Neighbor Built Shop. We tie always grateful for the otrw ur gently used clothing and household items that are donated. All proceeds go to missions such as Meals on Wheels, CRS, homeless shelters and mc»re. Th*t store co-managers and volunteers are so kind, they hesitate telling the other side of the story- *o I will. On occasion, people *buse the purpose of the store by dumping off clothes am) Items outside of iho store, which am filthy and oltaolete. Tbe sign in the window tUtes, "no donations after hours." PICOM do not use the store as a dumping ground. Via all have trash pick-ups at our hofltes. The thrift shop has had to increase BF1 pick-up tc rwu times a week, at 539 each lime. That is taking To the Editor: Recently. I was diked as president of thf Sheffield/Sheffield Lak'e Teachers Assoclatioji how the association has contributed to the community and school district. 1 found it very difficult to differentiate between *bu association! and the individual teachers, classified staff and administration, Upon rrfWtiiig on this question. countless cur.tributiuns frivol all came to mind, f will :'-+VO.K only a small portion in this tetter. The staff rvaene» deeper into our own pockets for simple things like student supplies for the students whose family can't afford to buy them, lending lunch money tu the student who has "forgoltan" it ur purchasing general room supplies. They do not hesilate to take a student heme after sports or n u b practice because their ride doesn't I'IOW up or give them a lift home from sct*x)l so they do not have to walk along a bu iy road at rush hour. Our staff has alsj mad* concessions, which have cost all staff members additional money. The entire staff has taken ft p*y freeze for over a year now, changed insurance costing them more and extended contract language to savu the district money. Our staff continues to work in after school programs, sports and club* with no compensation because it benefits the students, just to mention a few things. While making financial sacrificea a large percentage of our stuff continues to pursue highsr *-ducniiun wt-U beyond a tijchelar's dWre* with a majority of our teachers holding a roaster's degrev or hetlvt. This has nil been done at no cost to the district, just thn Individual We're lust Around the Corner! 9iailsR 5190 Detroit R i She 934-3225 U D M ^ Mad S C PUM Shop at These Fine Sheffield & Sheffield Lake Businesses! 3°°Off full Sot ol Nails ! ! "C.ll Till npv^iiSHclSa PHOKES Gel Undccap« Suppliers Allstate Full Service Landscape Company Li FINANCIAL fc* Sy.ttand Colorado A ,(440)934-6098 (440)871-2323 i inside ftoan /ifstes SdcBcrs . Wrefesa Sciuficn VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SATEUPT3 UNDERGROUND 'I DAVE'S VACUUM REPAIR SERVICE "SALES and SERVICE o~e- 4 NEW and USED UaC.KatUncLUTC %\ COMFTOtS • 2(M0% OFF AIL Vitamms S Supplements every day 10-15% OFF ALL Groceries and Hea)tfi 4 Beaut/ products Over 1000 Low Carb products • Mo Membe'ships needed Located in Cobblestone Pfaza with Regal Cinemas and Sam's Club Call me to find out how safe drivers save. jh^UM. OH 4«$4 At thif time in our history, the drift process is alieudy underway. According to ti'w Selective Service Annual Perfbrma3i« Plan for 2004. by March 31 dmft boartit must be operational within two uid a half montLs of a return to conKTiptUvi. The facts an that there are strong indic*k»* tint we will ultimately ruo ou! of trooiY- li Rumsfeld is being hon-' est. where wt ill the»e tro*ji»s come EromT Now that we %re involved in a war that many of us /i.-e scratching our ho«ds about. >*oti WtnJd h*»r this adutiutstration say that shared sacrifice is the patriotic thing to do. Would we be able to hide our children in the system as George "41" did or would we watch tr.9 rich get unathe. t«.\ cut after this election and watch the poor get a chauce to make the ultimate sjtj-ili*:*?? ne Pox Avon Lake Outlet < Pedicure G" • T> l. I Manicure S 1 <?dlCUre ; ** us iw wxsx \ sn. xx u»n s To the Ediwr The So t^iild Left Behind Act. sicned by Prescient Bush two years ago. includes a pro-ision tliat if secondary schools fail io release the names, addrvsst-i and phone numbers of student* ta mililar>" recruilvrs, they will lit»e their fedtral funding. This includes y.mr dau^rittir's ru»"ie •« =*.il as your w n s . While you. i-^^tger has been busy playing sports, singing in choir and visiting potential college?, the Defence Department'* web site po>teu «ui ad asking Americauu ever IB to "Serv'e Your Communitv and the Nation. Become a Selective Service System Local Board Member." These are the people who would make up the 2.000 local and appeal boards who will decide who gets deferments, postponements or exemptions fro-ja service. The Pentagon has now t-eroovrd the notice from its Web site and denies any, move to reinstate the draft. It is. after all, an election year. Why is this hapi*ening? Our troops are statiorwtl in 213 o* the world's countries and are spread v«.iy thinly. The high casualty rates of at I-*ast 14.000 and fatalities upward of 1.0S3 based on statistics twsteu on the Web sita of the Department of Defense makes our possible rvcriits think twice. Many of the troops who have been extended "Jverseas Aometimes more than once. V j , not be re*nlistins. The quagmire In Iraq •- -ill tuntictue and w are looking at a future bo£K«*tJ down in Iran sod North Korea n.t well. If House and Senate bill-. HR1G3 and SB') pass, the loophole of college, used by many to avoid servict* in Vietnam _ _ _ _ ^ will be closed. All meo and women betwet-ri tiie age» of l«-- r ' would be eligible for induction t>nce they graduate fruiu his-h school- Th^ Saiart Border Uecl'irailoii. which w--is -^ijuwi by Canadi-in and L'.S. offi-jals m Decen'ber 'liiOl. would keep draft dod^«s in this country". yite Admtoi>trdliun denies that a draft is in the works. Uonald Rumsfeld h^s s-iid "W./rt nut going to re-impleunrnt ^ draft. Th««» is no need for it.** As the mother of three children vrbo f.\ll under the criteria I've discussed earlier. 1 £o QW believe hira. I am not listening If what they are saying, I'm looking at what the "facts are. Karl Rove polie-d Hi-publican merabers of Congress un how they felt about the draft. Thuy saia they'd "support the President." The Pentagon has hed before. They oevrr told us the truth about the Vietnam casualties. Lost year, 1 attended a farewell party for some of our local boys heading ctfF to their futures in the service of our country. I saw the tears of pride and fear in thV' mother's and father's: eyes as they watched their son do their duty. These voung men chose their future, as did many others who are recruited around the country wvery day. It is their choice, and I thank Cod that these young adulls have chosen to serve their country and defend her for you and me. This is something that they wjnt to do. Tb* ,lraft takes that choice away. Oitc "ttirdDHK" Shcirartt. O » « r Vi,rn,'. ..I I At K-uJ k K-rf.-.wnod A.r 4^56 Like Rd. Shcfllcld L41.C. Ohio 44054 440-949-6360 Local retailers rally all month in memory of Karen Nakon AVON Sy Ferran Forget about pars, birdies and e-sgl.-s. Nevt-rmiii'l about the sedres and can tests for new cars an certain halesThe Karen P. Nokun Breast CuiLer foundation Ji«is two hugely successful golf outings already under its belt w i ± a tbiid scheduled for Aug. 29. 2003.' In an effort to bobter "grassroots'* support during 3reast ( * J f w T ' .\ivare*Jt«s Month. The Foundation has spread its wings to involve local retailers in th- groups" efforts to both raise avana»is and funds for research and treatment of th« disease. Ou Oct. 23 local shop owners in Olde Avuo Village have designated t)»e day as Karen P. Nakon Breast Canotf Foundation Day- A'l of the participating businesses are asking for omnnctnhy support in joining them to h d p raise awareness arv * hind;, for Naknn and breast cancer. Each store at " Tav Village" is doing something either during the month af October or on Out. 23 to raise money (or The Foundation. • Treehouae owner Ron Larson is donating SI front the sale ot each bottle of Crane Lakes wim to The Foundation. A California wins. Crahf Lakes is available in Ottardoonay, Zinfandel and Cabernet. The Tnwhuuse is i daily dtiti luivJi i^ ^rved fr'Jtn 11 d.m.-2.1t> p • Luh Mile*1. own-T of iM-uls Gift Sfiup ha* t'.i-iits. li^ou.it-^^t hvr M»HV with a j:«.nk ritibun. All ,_ tiin^j^h O^t 2'i. Mii"» i» duriitins a pjrtjon in.1^1 the ^aJe uf tjiase itr-m* in The KdT«i F. NiLun Brtiist Qmuer Fuundjtiun NichulA-j .K^ai-on. Kareu t-ldf>t son's urhpiictl. hiiids. ihit \ v t*e LieJtevl ijt i!i'.-tnur\- iA bis all h w l but ou Oct. 23 hour> are 1 i *.m.-tt p.ui. • At Bird* uf a Feather on Oct. 23 And fur the remainder of lha mouth, a quilt designed and niade by Karen's sister Tdmi and hri friend Amy Foye will be on dujjUv to coincide with-a.CJVUOCK foe shoppets to team tfchiiiLjut^ of quilt-making. Family mtmbfJn* and friends were each gtvttn a squaw to deicurate. and Tcuiii and Amy sj»t-ni maay hcnirs Msembung them into the quilt in KarenS haaat Tlw quilt WAS presented to Karen's husband NUtt Niion and the ccuple's childrwi firlitT this itinuiKf. A ponion of the proceeds from the day will be dunated to Tht Fouatbtioo. Foundation calendars an? iivailobit* for «al« at this shop as well • At French Creek Fiber Arts, owner Peggy Strung is sponsoring a "Stitch to V.TN1 Against Breast Cancer" e\enL With a daoation. locals can select either a Vjiining or crochet kit. Volunteers will be present to demonstrate the basics and get those interested in the projwO. started. Tie? Lit-. h^\t been donated by The National NewileArts .\isadiUun. ollo\»"uig all proct*xis to ^o toward The Karen F Naiou Br^ii! Cancer Fouada'ion. Octoi>-r 2"3 hours will be 11 a.iu.-a p.m. \il-on iv^s di«gu<r>«d with breau cjnctf u her early 1 . while pregnant with her thini child. nude it to her 3B!h birtbdiy vrhen he hnsarf slie was fi^htiag took her lift* on Feb. 2T of 2003. Shortly after Karen succumbwi to the disea-e. Matt goi the provRthUJ wheels in moliou by tirgaiuzing the gtJf outing and otlief events to help raist? money lor research and treatment of brvast cancw for those that wet* having trouble paying for medical care. To iKtnor Karen's cuuragtrou* and graceful fight. tw.f fatnilv established The Fouruidtion's tnissiuQ which is to fund hicu&t caactr lewanii as well as to 1'elp timilies trilh the staggennjj to»ls of ticatnioit—where medical expenses can easily exceed S25/J0C monthly. "It's exciting to see that new anii differwil «ne«ts are being held for T!» Fo*jud^'.ioii without our dredors being invoht-d ia the prDoeis." Nakon said. *"H is a sign of growth that th»i commusiity wants to hold events to benefit our caust." For iiuore infonnatiou OD The Karen P. Nakon Brt-ast Cancer Foundntion. ot to volunteer for this worthwhile cause, contact the administrative offioes ot 937-6712 or 'visit liieir website at wvrwjjakonfoundation.org. •Wine is the main event at Arthritis Foundation's major fund-raiser AVON LAKE By Lori £. Swstaj 1 For the one in people who are. or mil be stricken with urdaiH*. U is organtzatktDs s u i i t ' ^ - t h e Nortlveastem Ohio Oiapter of the Arthritis Fcuooatlon that tfwy turn to for tnSotThe nou-pjofil i Hamann tion pKnides funding for prograinis. tnCmmttion and researdi on the dispose, which can be crippling t r f tiax DO cure. To beip support the cause, thw Northtnratem OJuo Chitpter on OcL 2lA*ill host what has be-xuu* iw b i ^ e ^ fund-raisnr of thft^jwff. rfAmour du \ln** ttbe UJVV of \Vuw). The ev*nH«thtf brainchild of Avm Lake rraidVnt Uad*> HamiDO.:C«h« abo >its on the hoard of ii»e Nonheostem Obio chapter m& will be hosting the event al Elyria Countrj* Obh hvea 6-9 p.m. -Thw'ls tba wGHttth year we've had the event." . "AtthatPae. we werw hosting g several smallweren't making makinc AOV AIIV money. muncv- 1 «ndI ihM^'^iltu weren't m g it made sense to fust have ooe W«e v\ wit." Since then, the fund-i-aixer has tripled its attendance und chapter reiiresentativvs mv. hoping to stl a rvcnrd ff«fund-raising. **UV nope to make at least 5JC.O00." Hdmanr. said. "We sUr^d with 200 pvntile. LseA year there wtre 400, and this war we are e.'specting bOO. "It's important to note that all of the money raised will remain in Lorain Qxinty to helj' support pnr^ranw. wrvices uni outrvach in the county." In Lorain County, over 74IKK) individuals are atf«.tt?d by arthritis. Thr event L* n^eivina: auistince fruru lurjil businesses and mnunucity nwmbets. Larr>' Cioodman. mvn« of Goodawn Bevt-ragj h\ Ujrain is doiwtuig all of th« wine for the event. Hamann h<u bwn involved with artlirilis-reU««d issues for years ami ««dits Dr. M i d w ! C KtAcain. '.«»• n{ li»e Qei.'flluid Clinic docturs «t the Ho«|4tiU fur Ortf iup.-- The Economics of Preventative Dentistry Vvmon D. Psttcraoa DO As of October 18,2004 contact us at 450 Avon Be Id en Road, Avon Lake ill UN By Douglas W. Voiers DDS II your j?wl is to tcep jour t n t h for a lifetime, Hum p»,f hajis >-ou need to exaa ine how you «pi»o«rii your dental can.1. For many. lrii> h'gh coat of continual detOal repairs is a DioUvstor to adopt pf»vrnitiw habits. The old adage **an OUIKX' of nrwrntton is worth a pound of cure" is tuehly applicable to dentistry. The longer a dental problem penists. the niucv involved the repair will be. Silent Trouble Even a tiny a«w of tooth tlrcay, if left untreated, will ffpremi. Tha probimn is. llw vast majorily of lojtli ds.-cay Is completely palnlew, S"**"^ pa'^-"*»t;4 " " waminj; of disaster to come DeUys in appropriate preventive (^»t« met time can resull in root canal* or even tooth removMl if left too inng. The curly staffs of gam distMiw are abo completely witliout paui or evm blwding. Timely TTratment Early trcatmettt f(»r Iwth louth decay mid gum dis««e i^ less invasivB and less* exiwiwivc in Uiw lont; trnn. Small fillir" or cwmtnit rtatcirations to n-rtotv ttt-iywl ttn.-th and non-surgical mirn tn;iitmrnt i^»n itwke nil UM- diffentnev between ktvpinx tevth f»r .1 lifctimif ur .i prifjual loss of teeth. Il is nvvvr too late to start a preventive oral hiiolih proyrum Dr. Voittn h an UilrmtitiunaOy nxojtnutxl leader in rouncbV and udvancrd tnchnolox%' drnti*tn: Author i>f 440-933-2929 Specialties v Scoro Medicine OpccurlSiri Spiing-2Q05'»;tb6KJbr:c^if.Ay.ON: Fafcftrty6r\Chester Ro,nt3 . " " A , . 1 o.".">o i . ' r 1 - "> ••,>. \ ^vV JI.V.A ^ ' N ' i V * ' •'•* •'•; ' + • • '•>••• '» V f l .-•-•- V *'• .'•• . - . " O • ' Team Physicians for tha ClaveUnd y^3&tter*JStvmat&tm-£xyM%'^^ DETAILS... 20% off ONE ITEM "i* tew tfce book AJtxvtbiXGMcJzSXfiECJ&nko ECJk / // conduct**! over too ptrn#nlatj<Mt* to dvnti*t* fntm arvanil die warftt Or. Voters con be rrtnhrd at hi\ Counetic I'amity Drntol practice at 4W-'JJ7-5432 or online at wym.dmiifi.cvat. Zmnom Vwngrto*, DO Moving to Avon Lake •.?•* •5i dic and Specialty Senictrs. as her arthtiUs iiirpkui liamaon worked with him for ei^ht years and now serves as the Director of Marketing for Elyrb Mettwjriat Moepiul. Kolczmi lias nmiMned instn'jiienW Ln the tunJ-rais^-r. whiri* U presented b>- the Hospital for Orthoi>»i*;dic ATMJ Sptrtialty S^rviosL For iiaminn. arthritis is n\v* personal. She v*3tchtd h«r moth**. wi»'passed away this year. sirusste with crippling artlinli^ fur yews. "She couldn't vralk." rUi!.arui said. "SK& mil s*.*vrrB jrlliritU in her hips and knees. * Tl»! buvinecK casual event will future food, wine* frum across the country, a silent section ami • trip raffle. Throughout th« evenins. Ritests h*re lh» opj«ortuni;y to minjil^ as they sample food* from 15 rrwtaurantB. Tir-kett are 530 prr person- For tickirta.« for nto»-*i uifbfmation. contact the Arthritis Fouudariou, Northea-ttrni Ohio Chapter, at (2IC) 831-7000, exX. 1»3 or o i " at 'J88-C2S9. SHOP FOR THE CURE October 1*23, 2004 A 1 Vu.-ri.Ti wilt K> nuvL' to hrtr.»%t ^jtwer rt"«.-.trvh fr.mi [miilij-.ci.-f rum-. tJcrmtVJ wnti tin- Pink Rit-Kin 934-3457 • 36840 Detroit Road.Avon -Located behind the Tree Home Gallery in Olde AvonWijgc- Vtsit »\ at j ; Parade, festival mark weekend long list of homecoming activities t'aik. l- e.\ Ocl 14 f;-r .v e • 7 pja. tlacCn? in th«> south park.I^-a lot a ALflS. B / '-on *£L S^.ita; r.mi. J. <> Oct1S NUrchmg ^ music. The Avurt 1 bill*..! .t- J ; . i ; i n i ii'iiiiii. .'.- bi^>-«t f \i-t ii.i-. I«•••(: .iirv;.»tii/i-ii b\ In •«(••* i • 7:3U [i in. Vir*ity fcoiball giiunf. .-\UiS vs. H..y \\\U^. Ai .:ii i . i i> m i c.-.i ;• -'r*.ji t Jf- vr iI "the community evsul" 'jf ' thisThurwi-v (O«-l. U J u i l h a t i - .Hill t l V t i «.'j;.(UI£jtli)Ii> <tt"iiti<; .1 m r r i uf ttt-tm j i n i 1:11 •'•• y lOct. J5) varsity ftiim* will f*--iii:re (trf->;Aiiif activities, tin* (HUIL-M .iwrmn; i court <*t hdlftlinr and hrjii-i'>-ln '*>l "Trif l n v t i h - ^ r f •w>Kt atiiuQ agiitist Bjy Villas* liititi Si in ml. ~ I ii"t.*'v •* u . j i t i i m l i s t . " O n Sund-iv muriuti tli« On Saturday iiiuming. hi«- liif <lm-t* alottK thtf paraiit* rim I* In < livrf <>u uuw«- ui!3 ht>-*i .( jwnviLi* i>rf.J.Cf. 1 j t u - l : . H i j i m . in rl»- Av1.11 fhilt 73 flo.il*. vt-hit W uit'l ic'titi* * IU th«Avon lai.* f-lcuuit^uUiiiv; l\*rjtti\ •*-.!«•» I- S* biml O j n u m t ' i * . Hr*>|mi'l iti 11 1 tir S"< J t tht* dut»r. i-u* i-d to be one uf ilw vrwkpfut\ liislilit' " is S 2 "tud i.hililti'ii 4 m i d ii:tJ»*r Chuci. Fy« luve spent (ho I**' immtti i i g the pAtad* ' u hie h n» hvU-* from evvfy MJUM*! in the i u» h^VB total cumniuirity in\*>l\fm?ut.~ Cratas sdid. "The class*.** "I '•»•* and 'G4 will b»* then* alooi; with *tiiJt*itt K*anis Clubs." Tilt) parade, which begin.* at 10 .'O I"u att* av-.iil.tblf ftoni KIWAIU> l l v l'.i!rii>:> (^'airuunttv frUnd. in 1 .'tiiuii.t on WilU the Stve th«' Wot«l» (inui.l.itunt will bnit a i.uut^rl ••! the Dr n.uiu'1 H. Ki-v^ IWfurniinx Art* tV11li-r.il *hr lii^b •>. biK'l. •.tartiijs.tt 3:10 p in The 1 uiu'vn wilt U-titTit S.tv.- tin* VVocxii. Council approves cellular antenna AVON LAKE By LonE. Switaj By a 5-2 vote, tity uxmd\ appfttvfd the additjnft of d cellular antenna wi tup of tli*r tower at the comet of Walker and Moare- ro*d» ont tbe ubjtxlioos of T-I-IJ Co.'* J«? Scarpelli and his lawy« Gerald PhUiips. Councilrrwai K.C Zubw and Tim Rush voUxi K£*in*t UM* that while they supported better ceUtiXat Avon Lake, thay *•_•«: ji'wnvaJ JSUOPM. grrw*. to h u w an jnu*niu on th«* tcnvw." Zuinr said, adding h* did nut think. tLe city was t>lluv*-uy tt l ii Uirr> had lirtuou* t;onh'nti»u*. Aiid whii-l»-*».iidt]rf supfKirtt-iJ Scjqtili'-i intenl a.*, A btisint^s ptrrsun, Iw felt tlwil PCS. wtxi is sm-LiJS t'» aild tii*r , was within thoir r l ^ U . a cuurt sten jprapbw in U m^ "I autio;ute M t pt'11!!, tn juke JegjJ a<licjii) iijrm&l Avuii Uil-f" but Mid hv WHS voting • .*ith ilne tonfttl**i« *• tfuit l^*w Dirvnor C*wII Smi'h *-"d ill*-* ti f )' .'\*d foliowvtl i>nij>rr |a-iKJ-4urr.*. /Meet & Greet ^^ib^i^ Invites you to to »{>en<J a **easuul* evening of conversation *>ver awanl-winninj; wine ano* rl»*rH<'. Please join u>! Oct. 16 • 10:10 am. Hamfi:r;niiiijl parddc U-gin* a: Bl*s*r Pjfk OJI Electric and travels d w a Cleoriew. i'srtvicw and SR B3. • H J 0 (tin. Festival B«ijii» [ends <i -4 p.tn.J :<t ALiiS. l j Art Snow. • Nooa-12:43 p.m. Mia* Kristen'a Dance i'how. • IJr.V) pju- 14th Annual Pet Shew. • 1-1:JC p.m. St. School & m t j Co. • 1-4.- pjn. Balloon QQUTU. • 1-4: p ja. Sumo Wrestling• V3b-1: pjn. Qiildren'* P p Show. • 1J&-Z-30 pja- Ice Sculpting Demoostralion Nunh Lot. • 2J0-3: p.s3- Otua Sute Drum Majors Dp3onstT8lion• Z'45-3:45 p.m- CJevetaod MetioPaxLs Animal Show. 0ct17 - 7:30 a.m-l:30 p-m. Kiwaais Pancai.i Breiiiast in Commoas• 10;30 a.m. Festival BP^HS '.ends •S 3 p.m.). " 10:3U a-m..-3: p-£ Cdlliuy-Art Skwvt. • ittJO ajn.-3: p.tn- Music• Noon-l pj=- St. Ignatius High School Circus CQ. , • • 12:30-1 p-m- lazxxrris* Demoostiatjon. • 12^0-2 Jfl p-m- Eilloon 1\visting l • 1-1:45 pja. MetrcPuia .\ainml Show. • 1-2 pju. Blueberrj- PteBaking ConttMt. • 1:30-2:30 p.m. ALHS Cbe«i«»dOensom • 330 p JB. Patriots Band'Save tb* Woods concert at ALHS. Area teams prepare for volleyball, soccer playoffs See sports, pages 25,27 STATE GHAMPS First Federal of Lakewood Can Help You With AH Your Financial Needs. Slop In And See How We Can Help You Achieve Your Financial Goals. We Offer Accounts Thai Hi Your Lifestyle. tb*- • Student Checking • Student. Savings • Interest Bearing Cheeking Accounts • CDs &: IRAs • Mortgage Lending • Home Equity Lines Of Credit & Loans • FRl:!: Online Banking Stop By And See Our BLUE PIGGY! Open House Saturday. October 30, 2 to 4pm Pembroke Kich ptovidvi * (ifirvj, pfof«v<Mi«l te«thmq t u f f that erwouf*g«. lupporti. *nd qwidci i.lu.'Jrtfij *«p(orationv Our innovative curriculum i* dfi.yned to help vour child diKtwer t h * joy of lifelong l i f t i n g We've Been Here. We'll Be Here. 2S 32812 Walker Rod Ana U&t - lituh Zefonh, Manager - 44M3Q-5M1 lot o&«r branch koiiom tell I16-SW-270Q For more infMnMtton. vijft us Ofilioe at: www.pembtokekWj.com www.FFL net Won n's Health OB/GYN Associates • 24700 Lorain Road S304 Morth Olrnvted- OH 44070 Michclfe BsUrdo. M.O. Generations trust the skilled physicians of Asftral p-Dabh. M.O. Joftn femtacf). M.O. Stacw A. jhJvsri. M.O. Fairview Hospital Women's Health OB/GYN Associates. 2001 Crock** Ro*d WntUh*. OH 44145 Suite 520 Whether you're a daughter, mother or grand mom. your best choice for OB/GYN cara Anthony E. Bacrnce. Jr. U.O. Suit* 650 Leonard H u v M.O. David Sattamch, M.D. M>che<« Colare*ic. D.O. - 20*00 Wt»t*ite '310 Fxuvtow P«k. OH 44126 Rotwrt KUus, M.O. • 10*54 Uraln Annul Cl**tUn<5.0H 44111 John &MMf, M.O. (CYN onl)) • SOS Cetuotbii Ro*d #102 Wnttelw.OH 44145 Jo*n M. J « « . M.D. S*O) KdhaUha, M.O. Milotlna M«v*rt. M.D. Lynn Simpson, M.D. is at Fairview Hospital Women's Health OE/GYN Associates. Our west side network contains physicians and nurse midwives that specialise in all types of women's health care. And there's a phys.cian located ftea' >our home or wo'k...eacr> one supported by one of the area's only Level Ml birthing centers-, at Fairview Hospital. Fairview Hospital announces the next generation of birthing centers! Our exciting renovation and expansion begin: this fall! For more information, call our ModLine Referral Service toll-free at 866-733-6363. • 7575 Northcbft * « n w «iO2 Brooklyn, OH 44144 F«Jt S. B»rwur, M.O. D.O. • 18099 twain A CmUnd. OH 44111 Suite 345 Ju!«S Moodily. M.O. Yo»£Mh Sh«h. M.D. Suite 429 J,VK K^gpui. U.D. Su.t» 437 Fairview • I ! . il'":-" W Hospital 'V ' • " " ' •' i i in i i Hi ' Pastor sends .'relief- when recent floods strike former home "I toot diem ic zreliefcenter." be said. 'They asked people td use the shm'els, ptiss them on to their neighbors and thvn ; AVON bring thvm back lo ihe relief waiter." By Lori E- Stress • In subsequent weyks, tls* church co]L'ct^i aver S1.400 in cash dud two vinFGT Dr. Charles Feiie. i:*stor oi Lake Ioad» of clothing for the students who 1st Shore United Methodist Church, the their homes. One additionil van Ica'i i; recent storms liiat strucH ihe caunuy from waiting for delivery. Florida to Ohio hit home. LitwdJIy. The church also farwruded mom-' to Peale. who grew up in tiny W-t-^ tbf South tit'Uiixe Church to UMI t\x P1;-.!Hollow, Ohio, called horn* SopL 17 to rations on senior citizen hoin** whicl; MUlearn 'uut his mother's house, ojiy that *vas tained damage to their it-iates. rt-built after being destroyed in uV great "This year s Doods were moiruiaeiitai." flood of 199O.hjd again sustained damage. Pe^le said, adding that the ar*-a hadn't su-The flooding was ihc result of hurricane; Ivan, which was crossing I He eastern Unittained that much dainagw since 19'KJ. ed Stales with a vengeance. From left, Dick Kamps and Lake Shore UMC pastor Dr. Charles PeaJo ready supplies for when his homftuwn Io^t 26 residents. Six of nU neighbors, including those rixt Although his aging mother iCathleen. a flooded residents in southeast Ohio. widow, sustained some damage lo her to Southeast Ohio, he had a full truck that door, were killed. flooded, causing a raw set of problems. home and property, she was e-iientiaUv Lake Shore Ucited Mt-diodist Church included 38 shavr!s.. II push brooms, -Then* v.ere kids on a bus trying to get hand left unscathed by the incident. brooms, mops, a ladder. Shop Vacs, is still accepting donations in care of home OP a Fridiy and they ixjuldn't "The read near her home was undercleaner, and cases of water and non-per- "Flood Relief" at 33119 Electric. Avon water and health aides couldn't get to her because the r a d s were blocked." Peale ishable food items. Lake 44012. said. "They had lo return to school and £nrafewdays, hut othenrtse she just had stay there. When they finally returned they minor damage," Peale wiid. Otburs in the area weren't so lucky, Hi* found they had no home." Two ? ea residents died in the floods. mother's area, including thn small towns Peal" arranged a visit to his mothers, of NeH and Quincy. <& alotg the, Ohio River Valley just outsiile of West Virginia home Sept. 26 and two of his parishioners. arid are subject to (lash flooding aad a ris- Dick and Nancy Kamps on the church's INSURANCE AGENCY, INC mission team quickly organized a flood ing riv«. Since 1952 "The area was hit with a triple wharn- relief drive. roy." Pealtf said. "First there wne the flash "Within minuLtfS we had over SiOO," "We at Bob Allen floods (ram (hurricane Frances} earlier. Peale said. Insurance are old Thee there were fksh HaocU from IVEUI folPeale went to the Lowe's Home lowed by afloodedi;ver." liapravement store in Elyrie who agreed to fashioned, we still Peale said that fit**- flnndirw U espe- sell htm shovels at half price. cially dangerous, hut the waters generally "I cleaned Lowe* ou" of their inexpenbelieve custouier subside -vithin ihe hour. Following the sh e shovels." he saidservice is the flashfloods,the tanks of the Ohio River By the time Peale was nrady fnr the trip Phone system in police, fire stations to be analyzed coat the jity SO7^»n pe r hour, and will probably take three to four hours. SafetyDirector Cannella Frsgissi said caller 10 Edwards is needed ou at least two phone" in each * 'The city may find out this wtwL ifit's dtip-irtnienl. ThB current system is not capable of huth Bed to. and |«ssibly ovwcharged. by CentvtvTel. Earlier this year, the city- caller ID." Romero said. "The needed asked Uw vhone company to install caller piece of equipment to upgrade the sysXL'bstts orr telephones m the police and tem is no longer being made by the manufacturer." fire station*. , . The current phone system obvious. "We ba\e woiketl with the city all syflian used in the station* is too anti- along trying to meet their needs," miBted to install c^ler ID. and would Romeroinsaid. dioy or the city have any need to be replaced. But the phone com- questions they"Ifshould call us." pany did install caller ID on phones in Other matters discussed at last wefts city hall last spring. meeting included FraWard 4 Councilman Ridt Rosso, chair- safety committee announcement that Chief of man of council's safety committee, umt- gassi's Police Uirry Shepherd aad CapL Touy ed Telecom Piofewionals Inc. to perform Cainpo certified last week as a foil analysis of tha phono systemc in the domesticwere violence instructors. Tlie pair city's police and fire station* this week. can now train other officers in the hanTelecom's prt-Uminary analysis In My dling and investigation of domestic vioindicated that CenturyTd s insistence lence calls. that a new phone system is needi-d in order to provide caller ID in the stations is an attempt to sell the city an unneeded second phone system. Telecom said the phones in the stations are the same system dry hall Presented by uses. Telecom also su{rge.*John S.Pvke, 111. V.DS. ed CenturyTcl may have 440^93^-2549 bwn otercWging the city , for years for the "antiquated." but still quite serviceOne vl tlj** prinviry w,»)-» to l ^ - ' -hildivn's tivth cavable equipment. ity -In* w to have •uuLmts app1^*1*l(> " ^ chewinp surfaces Finance Director o( trw bdtk Iwrth. A sealant is a liquid th.it« brushed onto Tammy Smith (old Kosso ihe teeth and thpn hjrJfns into an almost invisible. pU»tlie city is paying S372-60 tlc-ltke barrier. Typically t,«tiriK s^v""jl years, thii iivitin per month on « (10-month protects th*1 groovy and drprwisions i»f twth (whe lease fur the "NorStar" is iruj*t likely to bm>nw trapped) from bavtrria. 5 phonn system in the city jr? pntnahly uvrti nn rvrmjwnt hvth, apJ Uwir o a s t is hall, police andfirecom- p.Ud lor many tim« wv*?r K virtually eliminjintj; the plex, in addition to the nood fi>r fdlinps. Their jppln-J^on UMially tAes l»rss lh.«n monthly phonu bill- TeleUTI minul*"s and rvquir« tio arvslhetii. .VH pifwtive as com told Kosso tliHt may bo M-alants an- M pn>vniing ptiHi-ctum jf.jin^t dtvay, t»rJy about 211 p*Tteni of chikltt-n have thorn applied an overcharge. At Avon Lake DvnUI, we invite any and all of your "That figure is for tin; oral hr'alth tniesliiias. We .in- cannp, compaioioruu*, locat service rinly." highly billed prolr«i(mals who arc deduott^l h» prnviJJoaiit-ttK Romero. Onturying you with hinh-^u.i!itv denb-tn1 jnd service. IW- an* Tet publicrelationsmai"»HUx-aU-d at 333W Walker R J , Su- [) I'U-j-..r cr for tht* Great Like* N^ ' 440tWVZ54t* t» v.htHJuIc a'l Jp|x>intnh'n( UV arc iur ket said. "Currently "ur rontly acivptin;* n*-w jMticnK .inJ tpmi't('1iirn'ii"» b records shuw that we arc not dwirging them fur the ustf nf the service." SHEFFIELD LAKE Your Dental HEALTH Sealant of Approval Rossf»sji<ltl»M;i>inp"'..j uf the sv*t«M» Wl" back bone of our business." Bob and Mary Glen Allen 933-5223 * 1-800-683-7305 Fa* 933-5054 33399 Wdlker Rd. B" Avon Lake Patriots bympnomc Band \SumUv. October 17, 2004 at 3:30 pm High School Ross Auditorium Vi 175 Avon Bcltlcn Roaa .\, b5.00 admission witli profits ; ^ i g shared Save the Wouds, Pliose III 7 and Ine Avon Lake Hi^li Scnool Band Call (440)933-0638,:; ii1 Lome's Floral Shop, still here after 33 years on Colorado _..._•— SHEFFIELD VILLAGE By . ;. loyal custoinerr knuw what Lurue-* Flnrat Shrjp U: .*.:Jt's » > « y friendly p'aCL* tu buy flowers. i»: 544^ Colorado : Ave- *fl Sheffield" MUag'-'. tust wwt1 of th» Avon border. •".But owner Lome .Schwede ack«owkd<i«3 that dmp-in :.'. bd$««»s dropped oil in tin- 1990s when th» •-;!J!*• widened SR 611 to five lanes with a ~>d m.-i.h. sj>—.-d m people com? in and scy. i'vt? bwn drithis pbcc for years."" Sdnvetie said. "But if 1 _ iw for even' driver who used my parking lot for •££>;,« turnaround, I wouldn't have to sell flowers any more. ^VBiA 'faey'U ixmB in when they need flowers, especially if .?.•*'"• xbetralfic is slow. ? : y ^ * W e have a M of loyal customers all over this arta, ""&*i. t&Nfch, and they call in their ordei *. We deliver to pw•^i>fp?e in Sheffield Lake. Sheffield Village. Avon and Avon £&i.Lelu». Lorain and Elyria. Our deliver}- area isfromBay ^ Village to Amber*. Anything further away than Lorain ^"'"County or western Cuyahoga County. Teleflora! makes lMl ':-the delivery. We gel a lot of calls from old customers ^ivbo've moved away, even from out of state. We do •i'«^iding3. graduations, proms, homecomings, funerals, occasions. Home decoration, too. Whatever you sea. Si? 1 >i Lome's was founded in J971 by its ori^nal owner. Wil': Uura Schmidtz. In her homo one door east on Colorado. ^ V S d b w d e worked a* an assistuit to Schmidtz far Cve then began managing the business in 197G. d husband Andy built llie store in 1991. when Lome's Boral Shop has been in business since 1953. Their location changed long ago but service remains the same. Brookside and LCCC students to work part time, like Elissa Bariik. an LCCC student who's worked the last three •dimmers and increased her hours last Janiu -y. when SchwedB"s dau^iter. Sandy, got married WJO moved lo England. T v e trained a lol of people." Hie widening or the road wasn't the only obstacle to drive-in customers Lome's has oveicome. lust before the road was widened, a couple of turkeys kept folks away. Schwede chudJes wiwn sha remembers the furor caused in the early '90s by a pair of wild turkeys who took over her parking lot. t h e first wihMuzkeys seen m Sheineld in decades attacked customers and frequently " carrier from getting out of his truck. They the mother of then-mayor Jerry Buuko. i ;.,., out r,... of r,f h h^r hnmfl to get set her her mail. mail, iThey from coming « home ••njoyvd stopping trifle on SR Gil. "They isemwl \<i know wkua ths the Ford plant let out ard they'if bliy:l- irai&c. then." Schwede said. "I think wv liil tlit-- front p.!'-1^- about tight, tirats with thr*w turkeys. I aLmsist didn't make it but 1 survived it ali. It iv;,s ^ -Lvh'-'t'.- Yoir witb ihina litll-? sucktrs. I never knew mrk^y* crjulilflv.otii Uiey m-.nly auifni many accidents living atToss iSK| 61i. Oue of th« twi^ibors, lobn Csubiiiu Hiwllv1 iiiui'it thiiia." Thy Oil!.-, Division tif Wildlife. fs.uiny U;at the .feed nt'iyit»fi hud iiwa providin;; tiie birds would caust* tlwrn to \o<v th'.-ir f'jrvj^ing instmt;l>, moved the toms lo a farm. "It dropped dead, likw a heart attack, when the tinner's dug ch<ts«l i'.," Schwede said. "Later the hen flew through a neighbor's window. It was like she knew her mate was gone and committed suicide to join him." "I've always liked what I do." Srhwede said. *"I don't think too many people can say they love their Jobs, but I do. I know my Qowets liave made a lot of people happy ur helped them through their bereavement" MAIDS TO ORDER. ire*. - w &«*• s Ss 10 OFF 25 OFF ;1 First r"; "Spring 25 Cleaning Qcaning 1 * VrihCjutWf H»et (.«*•!** I } *i0iC«i|»iu-O«ifC«"i0tH« | ! C-alwwd - Lipvn |O-'T4M j • Tooi*»nnJ • F*(**i 10-2T*! I orera new S5358 440-933-6000 • 1-866-50-MA1DS r. *prrta , brrttnt t{ftittff #• i Ij.ookgrratthilft'U ******/<*''*itt oftbo*r upcoming rrrw/* 39424 Detroit EtU Avon 934-5948 OPEN 7 DAYS Consultations « « fr«?. CaU 44O-»:M-2J7O for on «ppoiuti«ciit. The Avon Center for Aesthetic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery i* m*re AND Sweetest Day and affordable than jfon think Bosses Day D.VV1D A. NOVOTNY, M . D . ifJituw*KiMgi*trailnble. Mtmbet Visit u» at our webnUrs *rtr Saturday, Oct T6th R O S E S S19.99/DO2: (uhilr tupphn Utit) •n^y GwuUnGent&t CALL v.VKLV to OM>EIl (110) 9»I-5»M Cleveland's Premier Personal & Business^torageXondos 4O-327-5* s Why Pay Rent?! V . * ,'*! -.* ' \ For those who insist on the best CABINET «£r*C!NG * COUNHRTQPS h'.i- I rattc" Contlos (..us. »ff Ri. -* u Sis k' VSSSK I M mM m i We're Experts at Telling People "Where to Go" 3 Barbers on .Saturday! '^RPPLBVACATiON^, S o u t h e r n O CATANZA'S CANCUN PUN7ACASA VEGAS CRUISES GOLf PACKAGES Barber Shop HOURS: Mon &, Fri 9-5; Tues & "Piur 9-6; Wed 11-"; Sat 7:30-2^50 525 Nags! Rd., Avon 32730 W^JVer Rd, Suite E-3. Awn Uhe. OH 44012 ©aliery cee from Hc : y Trnicy Church (440)933-7010 SouthernETravel.com (440) 937-92S4 32730 Walker Rd E-3, Avon Lake, OH 44012 24/7 www.flwgaHery.coni 933-7010 This Sweetest Day. Dazzle her with a Gift from the Heart Give Someone Who's Too Sweet To Forget Flowers mid Gorant's Candies .This Swedes! Day ffann your ioved oat's Bcart a( BUY from... isson%1 San ^ flowers and gifts iWAmn B«U«i IW, (Rt 03) AMU Ufa* 933-3253 SUNTASTtCTANNINC MTh l i - s - Nut toiWMarfiriMSinn* S » t 1O-2 uL—^f • A — L — c • S-tvicxc Av/.jL www. j(tiaa*flowcin xom 10 TANS GET 3 FRE£ 930-2530 Stm ia-3 The PRESS is Pun Rentals FcrYour v-(2.for1 Special $ 2 Q95 on Our Readers! o 1-44D-823-9117 i it rifts- ^^668-3795 TtmsKletxr-SOIyunttt Includes FREE untfonn. m a • TSMS • KM • Kscn International Karate Centers MifanMfa* IM4:1VM'!« . 1»il«5« Km" - 93O-353O ASEI scoo S'iOO OFF OFF :! OFF IDEN A Your full Sen Ire :• S^OO PEDICURE: I FULLSET ; ; MASSAGES! AFILL U GIFT CERTIFICATES S S ffi Avon Conuttou Shopplnc Center • 937-0Z28 35944 Detroit R<Md • A*MI • UOtR-S: >Io»S«| %tmm-7 NAIL CLINIC only UIG best will do for your Sweetie! lunng J?I0 roses at our every &»y price FRIX loca] delivery (cnll for details) y ^ - Floral designs ant sure (o dnli^ht •Your flowers nre CtjBranlet'd Fresh r\ Expires 1»-30-04 I * Vineyards and wineries bountiful along Lake Erie coast Sy Editor's note: Starting todav. The PRESS will begin its t/:ftf-ivt«-i .-^riVs focusing on local viiit-'yiinis and Hintries in our rvadenhip uma. Part one iw:7 fm'us on whvte local vineyard* and inneries an' heated today. Part fito will allow rradrrs to take a step back in time to see /i O if iW.-if • was made in the early years and by ivitgni. And part three »iW center on u.'icn.- tht^f vineyards and nineties are lodav. "It is vt.T>- difficult to grow thf v.irk'ty .md number i;f '^rjpvs iiet.-d'."J for the winery." McCJeiljjid -viiti. "[ !cul. !.jr tin.* b*1^ tju-ilily of graphs th.it 1 iuii: find " t.i \ - ' . v Vnjl. :.jr t h f 1 tiinjiatiy." M u r s-iid. •"!•!•? •.ill-ii ih-Tii u p i;!! 0i>- (••I I'lion** .Kini .)>l...-d AVON LAKE Klingshlrn Winery Inc. 33050 Webber Road Klitij^him Winery Inc. has been £anuIy-oivned and operated since 1935 >.vhun Albert K. Klingsbim began producing wine tonmi-rtially in 20-30 gallon 'wuodvn bdntfli in the cellar of bis home. Today, the second and third generatiuiii of Klin^shirm ruu the family farm winexj* o(f Webber Koad. According to Lee K!in^*hin:. who has a Dachelur uf Science degree in viticulture and enology from Ohio Sute University, the number of acres the family farm har\ests is an estimated 3-1 with an additional four acres of land being prepared to plant in Uie next two to three years. "All of our Niagara and Concord $ John Christ Winery •<3ZU1 WaJker Road y '"• John Christ Winery has been part of •'^the Avon "Lake community since 1!HG ; whea John Christ bought land from the .;• ""According loMicMcClfclliind, oper^aitfr/of John Chri*i Winery for the last •:.««yean.thB HorWedeU were the first '.- owners ' of th« 33 ~*cre-vineyard and [; wtpety.\- ;_ . '-.•'•' >\~~ At the.time when, fobn Christ pur>, chased the land, a mafohty of the grapes w n Coooord. Whun the land was first : bought by the Christ family, the grapes ..were hbldat Jocalloarkets, but soon the " family was foxing money. "" - Irrhey^eould not sell grapes at the ~ local nurlets/so John Christ established ;> wioery.**McCIeUand said. [Today, the vineyard is an estimated tacro in size and McQelland. w u o has a husine«s idministratjon degree but did <ah tppreoticeshlp with the Christ family before taking it over, receive imported grapesfctraother vineyards in the region, : inchtding Sandusky and Fredania. N.V. tJifiii 1! t!i.-y i i f more «rap--*>(. '['h«-n Ii» luult.'d them t' Parti -" ,-e the Late 1800s. the land along they * kuVe Erie has be*'n referred to asth*f-». £rieGrap*?Be[t."By the turn of the century, thousands of gallons, of •wine were being produced by local wineries on or near the Lake Erie islands. However, vineyard* were wwn planted along the entire southern short- of Lake Erie and included the cities of Avon Late. Avon. Sheffield. Sheffield Lake tnd North Rjdgevilk'. •itxi'tched bfl'-vi'i.T. Avtjn a n d Avon Laki.md ihf priiii-ir,' «ra()•-•> y u ' . v n wer>: C u n t.urJ .lii'J tJdta\ibri. • Anil dtirin^ Oii-•>-.i.irs i.\h>*ti j^.ipes wtfv in -liiLimi.iiii.'', N.t^i'l .ii-.j h . i J ;t t u n lr:i'-.t wilb 1 Wt-lt.b'^. "M> d.j-J i.-»i:l,jt l - d \\Vluir> ar.d b e s iy The Njyt-1 Vineyard'Wint-ry is no luiig'T in existence. A.I. p<is>ed awjy in l'Jj'j j n j the l^nd w\i> tht-n sold in the early l'JOOs. Todav, Drug slart sits on the Lind. Schober Vineyard 34402 Chester Road Friends and family members of Ed Schober Jr. have been lending a helping hand in harvesting grapes this fall and soon, those grapes will be shipped tn Welch's headquarters in Piano. Texas. Schober Jr. comes from a long line of grape growers as both srts of grandparents had vineyards, as well as his father. Ed Schobyr Sr. "The first grape on my father's land was planted on my birthday. Oct. 19. 1945," Schober Jr. said. One set of Schober's grandparents owned \h': Maple Grove Winery which is where The Rock. Pile is located today on NaRel Koad in Avon. Schuber's second set of grandparents hail J vineyard near lhe conurr «i[ Le;ir .tint Oi«ster roads. Todav. those four ar-n-s n: vinwvard an* uwiied by tlie Jacobs Brothttrs but are stitl hirvtjst^j by Schober St:hub*?r Ir.'-; vln^yartl-* consiitt of Canrr;ni £r:i[M.-. and h>? has a ixintract with W-'Iths tu provide (h-.-iii with ibe mat'->nty fjf bis ^r.ip^s. but thwe iin? two a a e s <jf vin-.'>iirrl> where S<Jiuber li<n cunlrul o \ « tli« t:irjp? diid wii.il they an.* u*^d for. Hi-. i,niiL*r stiirted the contract with \V«!.:iii in tlie I9JU>. Toddy, ihe Cuw^rd ^r.jp^s die witxi !o iridke juic'j and j^ily. Schober s-jid. N O R T H RILXBE^/ILLE . Roger Gaiippo 3C502 Wcstfield Drive North Ridgeville resident Roger Gaiippo has a different story It* tell regarding the making of wine at his home. Galippo, who has been rnalang homemade wine for 20 years, purchases the juice [rani Klingshim Winery Inc. in Avon Lake and theri uses the jutci; to make bii own wine. "I have afrwgrapevines, but usually the birds get to the grapes before I,do." he said with a laugh. "But. if I have enough grapes. I will make wine." Galippo learned haw to make wine from his grandfather who was from Italy. "It's just a fun activity t-j do." Callppo said. Gaiippo Klingshim Family (iniportedl grapes come from the Avon area." Lee said regarding the variety of grapes used at Klingsliim Winery Inc. "Catawbaa come from Avon and nortlieast Penrwylvanta. Som^ small quaniititis of our premium varieties come from the Sandusky area or Madison. Pa. or northeast Pennsylvania. T h e oldest vineyards on our firm date back to the turn of the century," Lee said. New wiiie'grape varieties were planted in T9«2. On the Klingshim farm, the following grapes and wines are harvesttKl/nvtue in the fall: Concord. Vidal Diane r'inotGrigio.Bidnca.Chambourcin. Cabernet Snuvignbn. Qiardonnay. Riesling and Delaware. Sometimes no matter how hard your work... AVON Nagel Vineyard/Winery Comer of Dctruit Road and Na^cl Road For Mary Morahan. talktnj; iifwut her father's vineyard on the cornrr of D*'trcjit and Nagel roads briiifts luvX fond nwmorics of her childhood. HIT fathrr. A.J. N.iirl. purt.h^M'J tli'|.ind when' tin; lOfl-acri' vitieyjirtl form»r. - - - • / McClelland iy s.it frtitii l i ' " «»" l h"r. [jmis.1. in llif 1'i^lls itiid planted hi-. Mr-; ^t.i|>-vi!ii-s.Hii! , t |i'T It WIIHII'I until tv.l'i whi-n tli<- N . u - 1 Viiii.'y.ird'AVint'ry oju-rifd fur buMii»">s. At'i-onlitig tn Monih.i. 1 . tin- viiif-v.mi I>c">une b*» » few plain on their botlr ihx term to b* trtu •a diet and nercite — thrr jcjti won't p,v iwi*'. a LORAIN COUNTY RECORDED ENDORSED BY: • lorilfl Cotum Beard of leslurs • Son K e « • Cartmtela-TotoBrara • DoBSd Steel Workers el America Local Onion 8845 • loratfl Cstmtv M-C1B reflorsiloa ol Ubsr CAfCeootU • OBfiBti Steel Wflrten si America .Not* thcrr'* i n j d u n i r d [>riKFdurr. UpoScl«.ttun...t>ntT b> VA5FR, cLhn«i!»t^ IKJI K r n 1 '' dittolvri anwanicd lal wl'ile leaving other tiuuci Urgtlr inuct. lipoSdccrio!f\..oniy by VASER UnraS»lacth(». UttraSmooth. UtlraSound. J. VlCLSTE P. POBLETE, M.D. Sm/~/?/'/f///7/^r IC AND PLASTIC SUnOEFTV C t N T C f l H"JiJ I icrtiiitJ l'» the AitKiikin BI.JM trf Manic Surpty www.ictcmiutcwitliin. wm .1 I ii 1 1 i •ii ii 1 H si SHHs 1 iff 1H 1 • sea SaSS i$ 1 ii im1 1H i 1MM HI fiSS Decade old vision coining to fruition in 76-acre land purchase irn the property. Tli" (iuu-'-r viid hi* i-) unsure ^if iiiipemtivh lu ufiu.ni ill" i-ontrul vl Smith thought it was important to where lii.: fundir.y fur th*- puahast.. will \ ;ji-jnt pn-'jtenv In -n--iire tint their city tuiiir: from because the tiia;;«.' of the note that the partially wooded parcel hj-« every jjujsihi" disn-iuty. \vhik' *i\ (lie property has not bwn determined. If the • comei with ro hazard concerns., Siliie tirr.'- preventing •ill oviTLruwdin^ According to the mayor, in the lale lard tjr'a portion of it i'* d-'sigiuti.'d for i if both resident* jfid tr-ji Jit. 197"* and early "ttuS. the Environmental n \\<t* initially reported by Th* xh- p.l^l.^. >ume .of the purrhdsinji Protection Agency [EPA) studied and PRESS ilu! Smitli was authorized by money will come from ihe parks.fuitd. the land acd confirmed there cuuut.il to nfgotijtt- tin* purdu^i* for to Conversely, if the LI!> dL-cidt-s to utilize surveved the acrvagtJ for city services, the money were Tjot any hazardous materials preacres vi la.;;d. sent on the land as a result of the burnt In the l.iit we^fc. oil ji'ditio:i=»t ltj lor the idJid could cocie fjom the gener- coal. acies was added to tht* IR^OUJU'JIIS. al fund. "1 have EPA statements that there iire "Council will dec:de on tlie usage of bringing the total to 7fi. hazardous materials," Smith said. "The laud is very reasonably priced." the land." Smith said. "No ono can no are still going to follow up from the otuith Sitid. "We could us-e the land fur argue that the land will be good to have, "We side to mate sure everydiiferent municipal uus with Uvs pdrks particularly wtieti tbe city is at full environmental build out because ive will need more thing is alright though." being unr of those uses." Smith said if and when an agreement The property is adiat-ent 'o 42 acres land for poxLs and other things. "When some property becomes is struck between tha city and First of land lhat is aJ eddy uwaed and controlled by the ciiy. Currently concrete available, especially at the,right price, Energy lhat an independent, mure curand s'oiie and other materials u>ed by you have ta take a look at it because we rent study will he initiated. "We will be checking the chemical various city departments are on (h»? will r.evd mure land in the future." land. The 7fi acres ani'iunt to all of the makeup of the laud again ju*t to be South iiL'ted that AT&T also h*-* a First Energy propt-ny that in the past safe." Smith said. "We have the old cell tower on the pruperiy whicli peniT- ivjs the location for burnt coal that reports but will rvclieck H again to mate buried in the small lakes that were once sure there is a good product there." atei money fcr tiie city's general fund. 1 ^ AVON By F.iW Ferrari Avon Mayoi Jim Smith tool, office in 1994 with a vision of what his city could beHt* took that foresight and trit-d to lust ill it into the administration and council members. Shortly thereafter, amongst other things, he and council began wdlUmig a large parcel of property off of SK Oil dnd Miller Road. A decade removed from him striping through the doors at city hail. Smith is now in th* process of negutiating with First Energy- to buy that [)roperty for a myriad of possibilities. It is no secret, as the housing starts will attest, that Avon is growing with new homes. Furthermore, more and more industrial and commercial developments are following suit. S miUi and council feel that it is Still time to enter submission for historic pictorial book BudzinsU-Brauuscheidel in writing the captions for' tbe book that ha* not yet been finalized in terms of its page AVON By JiJie umtit. The new Avon is quite different from the old Avon—and they have the pictuxes to prove it. A picture book with captions is currently being crafted depicting Avon past and present. The French Creek Development Association, along with the Avon Historical Society, is organizing production of the book that is expected tu hit store shelves nationwide this spring. Past-president of the association. Michelle Budzinski-Braunschfidel first heard about the possibilities of creating a book while attending a national preservation conference. "In 2002. I was at a conference and one of the vendors there was Arcadia Publishing." Budzinski-Braunsclicidel said. "They asked me what city I lived In and looked it up and said we don't have a book on Avon. I presented the information to ihe French Creek Development Association and the Historical Scjtiety and we HII thought it would be a guod Idea to create a book." Arcadia Publishing is a lending publisher of regional and local history in the United State*. Thu Avon book will tie part of its Images of America aeries. Sim* its inception in 199a. the Images of America series has preserved and shared the history of hundreds of individual communities throughout the country- The book will be titled "Images of Avon" and will retail for 519.99Other surrounding comrnuuitir. with books published through Arcadia includt) Lakewood and Rocky Kiver. ~'..-t books are available nationally at Bnmes ind Ncble, Borders and Waldenbooks. The Avon book will also bo available locally at Avon businesses through the French Crock Development Associa, lion and Avon Historical Society. The Avon, book will feature sepiacolored (black and white) imagrs of Avon from the mid lSUUs-lo present. -There will be approximately 240 Former Avon Hotel Photo • Courtesy of Robert Gates. "photos" in the book." BudzinskiBruunicheidrl said. "It will have lu chapters lhat will be divided into sections including business, farming, schools, organizations and historical homes. We've received more than :iuO photos thus far, but are looking fur more," Historical photos will capture much of the book, but images of the new Avon will also dot the pages. "We have some pictures of the new skalepark and hope to include some pictures from the Duct Tap*; Festival." Budzmski-Braunschpidel said. "We have some photos from the oulhuusu races at the former Festival of Flowers, so it will be nice to compare the two festivals through photographs." Budzinsii-Brjtunscheidel said member* of the committee working on thu project have enjoyed learning things they didn't know about Avon's history. "Many people did not know tli«M in 1924 there was a tornado that ripited through town." she s;tid. "Avon ulsu had a hotel at the corner of SK n i l and Detroit. "We had a woman contact us several months af.ct saying that IJFT 100-ytMr-oIi! grandmother is an Avon resident ami wunted to contribute photos. It's been great to hoar from MI many longtime DANIEL G. WIGHTMAN HOMECOMING SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17/2004 7:30 am - 1:30 pm ATTORNEY AT LAW General Pntcticr at Law imUulin^: Criminal and Traffic Personal Injun. Small Husincv Wills and Prohate I58-A Lear Road. Avon Lake. Ohio 4-4012 930-2600 Avon families." Committee members will assist Budzinsla-tJratinscheidel had hoped to have the book available in time for the upcoming holiday shopping season, but unfortunately due to the volume of photos, that will not occur. "We've extended tht; photo deadline to Nov. 1 to maximize everyone's opportunity to contribute photos." she said. ttudziusU-Braunscheidel grww up in MiUii£<m. but has lived in Avon for s*iVfen yt-ars. She is a registered nurse who writes for medical publications. Anyone interested in lubmitttnx jihotot for consideration can contact fiudjiu^ki-BrdunscheidBl at P-O Box 111. Avun 44011. attn: Michelle or emait her «t [email protected]. . : Avon Lake High School Cafeteria Adults: Pre-Sale S4.00 Adults: At the Door $5.00 Children: under 11 yrs. $2.00 Children: 4 yrs. end Under FREE w 1 1 i M ID pii mI1 I 1 Ii Or I 1 Super search shaved to seven suitors from across Ohio J AVON LAKE lii i-riri F.ill- Mi«ldli*S' liyol Uom 3y M I'.IIIH-J j.riir ij'-il -il \Vr.^.ifi,i^'- \ J n H > •''!iii.>t ir.'iti l ) ( '-(.rj. Kticii-h, e j . i i i u : i mer Avon LaU* Suf-niUvnd.-nt llr. U.n .Ross wotilti bv liifhiiiiii lui-ht nM Ii,\..done a good iMiuujih ju!i >[,|.Mfii:i^ tin- -.iniii'.:; (lis.^jiliijt--; t-.i> h.-r -iijf.e piu^Lj::i J h i - ij-y.'"r,jfe.i! A i j u n t ' n : ^."!]t .V.iti- 1 'lilMTSltV. • It: VV.il* Citiru-.r. ^i![>--ri:t!--r;d.T.' o! word. fitber that or tin- upjuisit.- j-, tru.- in thai the reputation of ih,. north -lim.community's1 education a\sj.-ui pn^.td's itsslt After a nationwide M\in:h to find KnsV replacement, the school bttirtl rw.*?iitly announced thai of thf tuul 5U tinplicmiN. they have narrowed the field tu seven candidates, all fru.-n Ohio First round interviews' commented yesterday where, trventu.illy, thv field will 3gail) be narrowed to tiit- top two ur three applicants. Hit; interview uroces-, will conclude before the end of the weeL Tie seven candidates (in alphabetical oider) are: Ni.tli'JJl Si lln'iU -111! i- [ T i n . .i-il>I Hi! tti|HTiiit.-'siiJ«-ii[ -it Suili-.-rlir^i -if Ohy.i • hilr:- !• ->,j-Ti-i]i •• in O.ilur;ui'.> jfni S-uili.i^o. C J lilt*, tjn^ht i l . ^ v , .it Mt-U"p-ilil.ii: ("fiimiiuiiity O.!!(•_;•• i n Oni-ib-i. \>:ljr;i-Li: i-.unyii dra-'or.ile fruin Oiii'i Stjli- iri:iv»-rsilv. • Ur. Muriel* Ewns-Cdnieil. -uit> tlii-T.tr;r 'jf Krjtltii1^ r'titl Ohi'j lor Ohiu Dt-l»urrim*m uf Kdurjtiun's Office «f Keudin^ Iiiii>ruvt.-.TUT.t fur J ye^r. former princijul of Ur-uvn Eleaient^iry. Httli^rd S.huoli for five yi-iis; t.-ujiht reading. nidlh ani] sutijl studies: earned doctorate fmtii Oliiu SUtf t'liiversily. • "rjhn Kichdid. curtenUv Avun Lite's iissiiitant supjriatentlu*i!t j n d wurked with Russ fur the ld-il \>-dr:. prircijwl of JI.-J-.IJ • Dr. Th'.'n.j- Sh.i'Ii- sUf>«Titiit.-inii-:ii ot Ki^-.T \'jiifv Si hrviU i n (^ilciidotiid.' O h i o sir.re 1*W. priti- ijj.il uf Willis li.iern i e d u t f Sfilnx^l irrj::i 'H'S-HTt: SJJCI^I *>H,idie- t«j< ii^r "-ifn;e Ttr-i: t - j n i e d dtjftunile from Otiio b!jfe U n i i e r i i t y . • MifJu-.-l Zie^elhofirr. ^uperimt-ndetit uf Lj'\iiigti»il Sctiooli since 1^'iH: served J> assiitoiit •iuut-fiiiteudeiit in Mine disUitJt fijr fuur Vear^; was higb sdnxil printiji.il in df jreuientiriiied dUtrii^ from "BHl W: EII^!I>1J teault*r and trick cud^h [rum •73-80." to Interim Superintenuent Dt'.'inis Rettfinvjjil. thu fmiliiV-i wilt b*.' ;itmnun(.ed in appni\Hiiot»Iy one ryunlli [ijilu'.v.'d by -I Jdnujry dppoiiitnient. TH- iiil>'r.ii. iv pttMJ'-ss will be uj>;n*-fJ u\> '.u -..-Ir-ct ruiiiitiunity n!'.-i:ib--ts (Jt'-itin4 ilil'fvrt'iii i uninihiiv* tiut '-vill tdke part in th*' ppa-—>s. At tlf.' .•.utK.iu^iriii r,i the vrs-Kim th--, i mitnntte*.' will pru^ide b<A»rd i!it-.iii>-r> .vitii thfir fe<*dh.«J« on i*.i(ii iiHhvidu.il t^mdidatt*. U-velujK-i-,. uotiimufiity ledden* and p^r»*itts invulved with the scho^jl Ljard rind 1TA will !»e pan of *••** interviewirig prw_e>s. "1 think the board of education is attempting tu bring in as many people into Uie process as they can st>Ujeyhave n good view- of the community's needs, wants and desires."" RedenwaJd said. "Tiicy started ou! with wanting focus ^fGups ^"-ru teachers, students and business leaders. Tl'.e btwrd is giving tlieir best effort by including the community to make sure we have a quality candidate." Stay Spot stay: dog ordinance may stand up after all g said he was mK.eitdiu iis tu study the ruling furth*f. but council am what effect tlie ruling nitwit have on the probably %n alidad widi its t>^. 12 third Ohio Revised Ci)de's (OKCJ requiriTiient nMdiii'4. The Uw dirftlor said he will offer By John that pit buil owners carry S100.U00 liabili- council iin amendment lu the nt'rt- ordiLaw Director Dan Wightrnan told city ty insurance policies on tlieir dogs, online nance at llial time if UIIH is needed. couacil's safety committe« tltat thu new- them in roofed pens with concrete floors, Tlie curnniittee is alsu wxtrking an d "vicious dog" ordinance may not have U* and use chain leashes and muzzles when to recover the cutts be coinpleteiy rewritten after alltaking the does out uf their keiuiels. incurred by first i>*sponder» (both thts The ordinance was given a spctMid Those ORC requirements are al*u in the police andfin;departments) in handling reading a! council's Sepl. 2B meeting, but new ordinance. motor vehicle accidents (MVA). 1 lt w Wightinan sal * "°"ltl probably have to Bui last week IVightman admitted ht? Chairman Aim Smith said Safety go back to the ordinance committee's spoke too s*K»n. On examination of tht? Director Cannella Fra^assi is obtainuijdrawing board. Supreme Court ruling. Wightnuui found informalion. standard ctnitracl forms ami Wightman reported that a Supreme that it was not about naming pit bulb as model ordinances from Cost Recovery CorCourt ruling struck down the city of Qeve- vicious to the exclusion of other breeds, portjlion ICKC] of Dayton. In addition to recovering the cost of , land's ordinance, which defines pit bull but about Cleveland's "first bite~ rule for labeling dog-i of other breeds as vicious. MVA clean-up, but also other cost*, CRC dogs as a "vicious breed." Sheffield Luke's new dog ordinance has The new ordimnt-.e Wightman crafted for may alw reimburse trie hourly pay of the same definition of pit bulls as vicious. Sheffieiif Liikt; includes a "second !)ite police and firefighter/r>ar;uned!u.. FurtlienHor«, SmiUi said, tlie CRfZ proas it was modeled mi •evvland's ordi- rule" for other breeds. nance. Wlghtman lold tlie committe« he wilt posal offers reimbursement of stntilir nnia SHEFFIELD LAKE itu-unvil at hc*it>«r and car GresUU' Uw cost ntxtvwy progmm the city mi!tbursetn«nt from tnsurancu i- furn»cut? squad calls, this program would bill insurance companies, who already are covering the charges via inavas*.tl insi'jancw premiums. "WVrw all already paying for this on our insurance premiums." Smith said. T h e insurance companies doat inform cities tliat they can do this, and most cities don't. We might as vtvH o^lect it." According to CKC Ohio's 10.7 million insurwl vehicles generals 57.72 billion in dnnual premiums. If all police and fire departments in the state billed first respondcr costs tor acridt-nls the income would be S25 nuUibrt on 100.300 responses. Thai S25 million represent* only 03 percent of the premiums paid. While KitTy is j w j y buying ,»t thp furnitu'e m.ifket, thf start' has go°«* CTSty drasttcally reducing pfifes o« t^tty ihTn. A Must b** £Jfcfe«fVe Line • Authvptic Country French 19900 inRtTSoll Dr. Rorky Rivi»r, 44M6 -440-333-3992 lOd-ttiuM iuifs.it lo-t ixctuofcMKJMAt . r t t V ° ^ £$il 1 R E N T A L OfTICE HOURS > t ^ ! ; ^ t ! l ! \ X j * | j Mon. through Sat 9 AM-5PM j "V/hy Monkey Around- CLOSET! ® } C RAFTERS i : VISIT oun &*OW»OOM t o SEE MOW we CAN OHCAWE WXWLWE. W E / . < S VOU'.LL LOVE "OUR CLOSETS. WE CJVE BACK OUAHAMCE... SlQP i"J «JO bPEAK AltM Of OUn DE3lGf4EHS TODAv' Store with Us!" Why Monkey Around—Stors WHh UsI Our New Facility Offers You... 100 free accessories • Free TrticH Rental With Move-In • No Deposit •On-Site Manager • Completely Fenced And Lighted Property • Electronic Security System • Variety Of SI* * Urge Commercial Units • Long Term Discounts * Senior Citizen Discounts with any order over $650 WE SELL MOVING SOXES f. SUPPLIES SHOWROOM ClosetGuru.com 806A Sharon Orlva _u—'^-~ CALL TODAY FOR RATES f (440) 949-6600 5360 Lake Road - Sheffield Lake. OH .' It* 31' WW % (•'.'•'.'Wind 'f .*"' nut Ail 1 :* •»• agreed lo buffer ihe -dililional land far Bay Village residents, the same courttsy should be extended to Kopf. Kopf said list week that his campa*". in a letter from Avon Lake Mayor.Rub — Berner dated Sept. 27'asking tur r.y was providing the buffering at his expense and the niovt* was saving bciih 5 approval. a The letter said Avon Lake planning cities a considerable amount of muney. £ and zoning codes Will require a 15-ft. "IVhat wt-'re asking for is to add g buffering for thu parking iat that buffers some buffering to thai park, that's it." {j Kbpf? undeveloped property. The Kopf said, noting that plans wertft buffering must contain either ticnu* amended for Bay Villdge. Q: vegetation or a landscape mound. "1 felt it was a reasonable compro£• The cities will remain in control and mise," he said. t retain ownership of the encroached Several Avon Ldie couucilnir-n disproperty. agreed at ti.e Out. -1 met-ting 'Councilman Tim Rush, who requestBoth cities agreed in August to add 40-fL of buffering behind property own- ed a council discujsion uf the iU-rn vaid ers on Plymouth Drive in Bay Village it .appeared the dt-dl was a "private benafter residents complained, a consider- efit for a private developer." Counciltnaii K.C. Zuber i-xprt-^t-d ation Berner thought should be extended to Kopfs property, but not ai the irritation nul only at the enut 1 but that Bay Village- tuuKt-il ciiy*s co* "Berner suggested at the Oct. 4 cm- were voting on an item that Avon council meeting that *ince the city members had never seen. "| .M O U N D I N G , from page T Dint-ussiuus JISQ included th" 541 dry for the city's clwrk'of council. Currently. th« salary fur thf position The committee will b« recommend- is S37.232. Salaries for surrounding jng to council in the coming weeks communities with full-licne clerks that over a four year period, beginning show Berea at S4B.241. Avon Like at in 2006. the mayor's positioo receives S44.407. North Ridgeville at 544.37^ a 7 percent increase that vear. 7 per- and Wttstlalwe wilhtit the range of cent /or the following year (2007). and 5-14.300-555,500. Bay Village's clerk 5 percent in 20U8 and 2009. At the end of council is 9 part-time position dt .* of 2009. the mayor's position will wage of 517.31 an hour. According to Julius, the clerk of receiv a salary of 592,431. -Considering surrounding wag<?s for council position follows the guidemayor? sod considering our police lines as outliued in the American chief Is ahead in compensation, we Federation of State. County, and Employees contract need to upgrade the position in a peri- Municipal od of four years to eradicate tfiat differ- (AFSCMEJ union, although the indionce." Julius said. "ThU will also keep vidual in the position is not an offihim in line with surrounding commu- cial member of the union. nities. As Avon continues lo grow, so do "We don't want to make a inee jerk the responsibilities of its mayor. This is reaction." he said. T h i s increase not a smalt town atmosphere anymore would be as we go forward. Over the in terms of the administration." next three years, in addition to the , from page 1 Have a comment or news tip? Send them by e-mail to: "I think tiie way this wai handled was done quite (,'jurly," Zubir soid last ,'*fi'i.. "Bay is voting on something we haven't even *e':n or hijrd of \K\" A frustrated Zuber continued to dirt't't comment's dirvcily at the mayor adding. "It would Uuve bit-n nit;'-". Mr. M.iyrjr, if we had heard abt>ut Uii*-" Herm-r said ai the Q<:t. 11 council .meeting that he did nut need t.cut:ul approval fur th«? ^ncrojchmviU sincn it '.s .;ii administnitite. not legislative Editor, Mike Ferrari: [email protected] Sports Editor, Matthew Thorntcroft pressthorntcrofWShotmail.com tiLtiim. • "Or;ce dgain. it's my upinioti ti.at uu j;oud iK-fd ^uvs unpunished." he saidWhether or not Luunt.il permits the t!lii:ru-tchnieiit misfit ivil b>- an i»ue. "IKOJIO inrrt* thin lik«-ly will .n-movt. lla- titter." Beni'T >jid Oft. 11. "I w.ii hupiiiK it wuuiiin't come to ittJt but it's lo-jking like llul's where it's Tht.- is^Uf vvill . tf Oct. 1H council Asst Editor, Lori E. Switaj: loriswitaj@comcast net Avon reporter, Julie A. Short [email protected] The PRESS: . thepress@brightnet be discussed at curreut salary ordinance, we would add an additional 3 percent to the increase. This would be in addition to her existing contract that averages a 4 percent increase each year. So it works out to approximately 7 percent in total each year." The position of mayor's secretary receives the saint compensation as the clerk of council. The new salary structure increase will be the same as listed above. The secretary's position also follows AFSCML as well. '"! think we are being prudent." Julius said. "This is what we are recommending to council." Finally, the finance committee, made up of councilman fuliu*. Oralri Cents and Tim Nickum. discussed recommendations for wages for the next seated council in 2006. Currently council members earn S6.000 with an additional S3,000 paid to the council president- Salaries for surrounding area Council persons include Bay Village at 56,965. North Ridgeville at S7.200 (no additional, compensation for council president} Avon Lake at 7.500. Berea at 510.147. West lake at S11.375 and Breckiville council persons earnS14,QQ0. "Our recommendation is that the council president position remain at 33.000." Julius said. "We'd like to see council's compensation be set at 57.500 annually. As a committee, we felt council deserves some compensation. But we are reluctant to raise the monies too high so that is becomes an attractive part-time job. Council is a lot of work. We stilt want council to •Si be a position that you are truly serving the community. Again, all of thsss salaries are recommendations. T h e ' entire council must vote on ibe increases." • . ••:«.! How to contact your local elected officials AVON VlifOf; Janxi Smith —_ .?37.750)ot9J"-7SCC CIe« ut Cuunci Cunctt Preview AVON LAKE fct»-onRcfc«T Berner -759-3513 Courd! Pioidenc 931-9604 -9J4-695I -9JJ-73I0 Ward I Councilman Timothy Rwh „—;— Ward n Councilman jaioei StiBunovich V&od & Councitaan Damis McBnde Uird ID Coundlmia Tim Nickum ™. 670-56*6 Ward 111 Councilman iarnrMeincn VCWdtV Councilman Michael E - S o r A . __9J7-6657 917-6951 Clerk ofCoundt Eflen Tfoung - _9)7-78.il SHEFFIELD LAKE CouncJ PrniJect SHEFFIELD VILLAGE Dennii Brtng CouncilnuD-it-Lan^ Stevi- Kovach Council *onian- at- Largr Dura. Hu»b _ ttafd I Councilwvmin }wc Hxnks ,_ U'ard U Councilman Aim Smith Ward 111 Councilaun Jfi3-0359 ;9J3-61J4 ^-933-6629 930-5)54 -949-2483Clerk of Council: Kay Fannari Mi^Dt: John Tiikura — EJ Co 9)7-5501 9J4-5239 933-6MI 949-4451 ...._W9-8346 — 949-6450 949-7069 949-7443 -Open Sear EJDujan - -93*-5fcAar (216) 529-6810 EmcrScm -..949-4*70 or 9 J4-3673, Bonme Cimetbury : 277-1937 or 322-0301 Cfnthu Conrad m 9>4-623r K«-m\C'atfcia«n \ SUyvt Daflenc Civieran 934-6324 .949-6,325 cc 949-7507 INGUPANCE Your partner in protection V?. -Brows" •.^Llps- • •' EycUnf rs-s **Bcfore'arid. After Photos Waxing • F a c i a l s ^ Nails.:: superior life insurancetratesp/us extralsavings oh your auto policy - • superb claims serviced • expert agent advice] sws i William J . •j Kerner Sr. :Attor&cy-At-Lan; VJ^^B i«E •*" * ^ General Practice Including: It mines* Domestic Probate 525 Avon Beldcn Road 1 Criminal • Personal lnjur>', Real Estate 933-6461 Botson Insurance Group 36480 Detroit Rd., Avon 800-589-9461 • \ Ask about saving up to 7% on your insurance^ We are askini: l'gr \ vur to ourcoitununity's only blood provider. LifeShare is distinguished by keepiug bhxxl local; your gift of blood stays in the community where you so kindly gave it. LifeShare is the sole provider to Allen Medical Center, EMH Regional Medical Center. Community Health Partners Regional Medical Center. The Ireland Cancer Center at Community Health Partners. St. John West Shore Hospital, and The Hospital for Orthopedic and Specialty Service*. LlVV,', Only five percent of tho^e in Our community are caring enough to give blood; as LifeShare chronically battles blood shortages, we cannot safely afford a single donation from our community to go to a blood organization that supplies no blood here. Please continue your unwavering support of the charity dedicated to protecting you and those you love here at home. US mk: 4|BB Brian C. Lockwood . President and CEO CHP Regional Health System m mm nm President and CEO EMH Regional Medical Center and The Hospital for Orthopedic and Specialty Services Michael S. Deming President CHP Regional Medical Center 3eSaa ?J V Hi Keith R. Poisson President St. John West Shore Hospital ill -Bragg :;:WH MM Kevin C. Martin KSBoH HBKBBV .'. Ed Oiey President Allen Medical Ceri community blood services 440.3 22.5700 LifeShare. It's About Ufe. p Ps | PI S Pi i m ii 1s I1iIB Music for healing 1 8 • nSJHDBHlraSi I1 1 »i i is SSIm 20 The PRESS fi i BBS IS 1 Cc'.cber 13 •_-X>4 The Music for Healing and TraiiMtitjti 1'ru^r.uu Uxc. (MHTPJ- <* non-profit't^diiLatioridl turpuratiun. annountfs the comiaiwtion of its tt?rtidealism j.»rogram in XVestlaLe on Nov. 20. MHTI' is a course of study, which trains individuals to serve Ibe ill.1 dyin^ and all tha»« who may benefit. *.vilh live therapeutic IIIUMC dl thv bedside. Graduates receive the title Certified Music Practitioner. CMI's sene ihe critically ill, thv- < lii(Jiiii;jlly ill, the elderly, the dyiui;. premature infants. *iusical patients, hirthing mothers and the injured to name <i few. Courses are held in five intensive vvwl.enri modules. All vocalist* and acou<muil iiw!rumentatist-i are considered for participdliun in the program. Classes are held at the Campus Medical Arts Building 2 of SL John West Shure Hospital. The remaining schedule for 2004-Z005 is: Module 2. Nov. 20-21: Module 3. Ian. 22-23; Module -i. March 19-20: Module 5, May 20-22. The cost of each module is S37*. for Modules l-A. and 5500 for Module 5. Although :* is suggested that modules are completed in order, 'hey may he. taken out of order and in any location, but Modules 1-4 must be completed before Module 5. There is a onetime SlOO registration fee due no later than 30 days b»fore tbe first module date. Students can begin the program ant1 complete the requirements of classes. Internship, selected reading and reporting and musical development within two years. Ail modules must be taken before beginning the internship. A mentor advises each student throughout the program, To register and tu receive a complete list of graduation requirements, visit wwwjnhtp.org or contact Susan (Crystal* Ohio area coordinator for MHTP. at »=ikharp«comcastnet or 933-4624. American Association of University Women to meet • The American Association of University Women will meet Oct. 18 at 7:30 p.m. to work on decorations for their tree for the Festival of Trew. Bring supplies and books to tell to Grace Lutheran Church. 9085 East River Street. Syria. For more information, call Ann at 305-5357. Donald and Cecelia Conrad r <ay and Stefanie Johnson Neuman, Johnson married Sept. 30 Stefonie Neuman and Kay Johnson were married Sept. 'JO in St. Pete Beach. Kb. outside Don CeSar Oeach Rt-surt and Spa. Parents of the couple are Ross and Marsha Neunuin of ShelfielU Lake and Abe and Linda Bowman of St. Petersburg. Fb. The bride is a 1998 graduate of Brookside iiigh School and is curreutlv serving in the United States Coast Guard assigned to Station St. Petersburg. Her husband is o 1093 j-raduate of Wiltiauw Prep;uMtor>- School in Montgomery. The groom U ulso serving in the Coast Cuird and is temporarily asiii^niKl to Group St. PetersburgHone\-moon plans ere being postponed while the groom awaits his newly assigned orders. The newlywt-ds plan on residing in Spring llill Florida pending thn groom's orders. Networking presentation at Corporate College On Oct. 21 from 7:3U-U:3tl a.m.. Corponte College in Westlake will continue its breakfast ser.es with a presentation by Phil Stell?. president A Effective Training & Communication Inc. Stella will present "Power Networking for Business Proltvsionals."' The program is open to the public The cost 's 515. which includes a continental breakfast. For more information or to RSVT. call Amy Butrey at (216) 'J87-3086 or email aroy.butreyetri-c.edu. *t ^ : f UunaM and Cecelia (nee BalmertJ Conrad celebrated 50 years of marriage on Oct. 9. The couple was married in St. Mary Immaculate Conception Church. Avun- A surprise celebration was given by their children and family in August. An anniver-1 sary- Mass was hi-Jt* Oct. 9 at St. Mary lnun.it.uUUt Conception Church. Mrs. Conrad is a housewife and oart-thue receptionist. She enjoys crafts, traveling and speudmg time with her grandchildrenMr. Conrad retired from B.F. Goodrich, Avon Lake, in 1992 after 2-* years of employment. He scned in the 1/.S. Navy. Mr. Conrad has been a membej of the Volunteer Avun Fire Department for 31 years. He enjoys gardening, woodworking and traveling. The couple's children and their spouses are Dave and Sandy Conrud. of Avon; Donna Conrad and Ron Hoiob. of Aion Laic: Diane and Mark Spitzer. of Avon Lake: Denise and Tim Sprague. of Aioherst and Doug *nd Jaciie Conrad, of Avon. Tbtt Conrads ha%'e eight grandchildren. Junior Cardinals win two in a row See Sports, page 27 FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES . CiAtr. Tomatotft. Squash. NEW ELYRIA LOCATION -PLt'Siih Wwis, CbttMft, &a*^p(. Tarns ». Jetties. _ MamaJo Vit*. EiUoy TBsse Moments- Without Pain! ;; Conrads celebrate 50 years of marriage \ / * 602 Leona Street i Less than a ten minute drive from Avon. Avon Lake, North Ridgeville and Surrounding Communities CALL 440322.7526 for an appointment nsaM cut Baottutan CJtlrtirtctlc etsln* ssti ke«la Ua » r t ta rwtttn ml rtllt! tna Ma. from Avon Common* Detroit PA V e x w Ccstarwf • Birth Control, PA? Smears, Free Trcpiuncy Tciting. STD Testing and Trratmcnt. Emergency C • Charges for services and supplies are b^scd un tncmne. No 'tne n turned a*aj clu« to irut>itity to pay C«avcnieat • nu and So hour* available, PUMPKINS, PUMPKINS TO ^.rtoose IhrlUHHIMM TlwreotfebMi -cmnwnctic X-ranOfoccessaai ^ Weekend Wagon P i d « to FicU Your Own ^ i m t Saturday 5 Sunday in Octobei 12-5 Plus Corn Mine Slates. Straw, Gourds > fir Confidential • All services are Family Planning Services www.familyplanningservices.org of Lorain County BULLETIN BOARD of pJt/jaiJi: music, jajrchc* ami po[)ul-ir 4:3O-G:3U p.m. -±l L'AW Local 2000 Hall. i«!ei;(iuns. The b.ii.iu j 3 li.ij by Harry 31D1 Abbs.' Road, Sheffield Village. Pfingston who txinductt-d the Avuu LaV^ Pancake breakfast • Higti S<JJL«J1 biiiid. for I'lany \v-irs. Tiuk- LQRAIN COUNTY • The Avon High School senior cUss ets iiuy kv obtained by cdiiinj^ <lTi-b3'J.(i will sponsor a pancake breakfast Oct. 17 4-H activity applications or will be- avaiUble at the d-xir. . £rom 9 ii.ra.-l p.m. at the high school Application farms are available far cafeteria- The cast is S3 per person. Your Health, Medicare event Lur<iin County 4-H teens who wish to Children 10 and under are irw. Tickets Avon Lakf WVlliicss Comitil will apply fnr 2005 activities, awards and can bo purchased at tho door. Money pivseut Your HtMlth and Meditarw. Tnis •.tdtf and national 4-H trips. Application raised will benefit the senior class and ir:v trvt.-nt will be held Oct. 27 at Indf- forms are available from 4-H advisors g pendency Vllldss. 1-15 Ltar Road. The and from the Ohio State University their Washington. D.C trip. Homecoming bake off The Avon Lake Homecoming Festi- day \*ill t>egia withfccoTitinenial break- Extension in Loratn County. A Junior AVON LAKE val will host a blueberry pie baktolf on las\ at 8:15 a.m. Janna Shelton will lead Fair Board application form roust be Strains Strvtch " tram B:45-9 a.in. submitted by any teen in 4-H. FFA. Halloween at Learwood Square Oct. 17 in the Avon Like iii^i School -The Keynote speaker Chiis Rtwg will present FCCLA. Farm Bureau Youth "and Camp The Merchant* at Leaiwood Square commons. Fir»t, second and third place "Ti-.c NVw- Medi^-axe" from 9-10 a.ra- Fire USA who wishes to be consideml vail host the 16th annual trick or treat prizes will be awarded. Bake.•• must be Door prUes will be taflli'd at 10 a-in. for the Loratn County Junior Fair Boardouting at the shopping center on Oct. 20 a resident of or work in Avon Lake am* witf: health screening? arid visits to Th«se forms are available from advisors from noon-3 p-m. This will be the lEth pay a S5 entry Fee with cfa"ck payable to exh:bitors until 12:30 pjii. Resenation* to these youth organizations orfromth« consecutive year for this very popular Avon Lake Homecoming Committee. af*; riquirud as space is limited. Call St. OSU Extension. Applicants must be 15 event. Children 12 and under and their Pies must he dropped off between 10 Mary of the Woods at 937-6ti69 lo or older by Dec 31. 2004. parents are invited to visit participating a.m. and noon on Sunday. One entry' per tin ;•-.•* A separate application [urm must be stores and services at Learwood Square person- £nUy tag* will be provided and submitted by «»>; H member who wishes Shopping Center to trick or treat. Ther* must be attached. The deadline to writer SHEFFIELD LAKE to apply for 4-H Food and Fashion Bout}. will be balloon animals and lace paint- is OcL 13. Send name, address and 4-H Committee and state trips and uming- The Learwood Square Shopping phone number, along with the enf> Zr*. Oil painting demonstration fertrcces such as Conservatioa Camp, to Jim Vctruba. chairman. Homecoming Center is located at the comer of Lear Frances Ollozzi will give a seascape Leadership Camp. Forestrv* Camp and Conirni'te*. J48 S. Pointe Drive. Avon and Walker roads in Avon Lake. Lake or Katby Mannino. 702 Coron-ido. demonstration in oil painting. She will Citizenship Wushiagton Focus. share her lifelong passion of art and proThe application deadline is Nov. 19. Circle, Avon Lake. Museum to raffle basket vide a list of supplies [ox those interest- For morn information, contact Eva The Peter Miller House %%-il have a ed in beginning oil painting. The Weber, 4-H «*Jucator at OSU Extension. table, at the Avon Lake Homecoming Pet show at Homecoming Avon Lake's 17th annual pet show demonstration will be held OcL 20 tram 4211U Russia Ro«d. Elv-ria or call (4401 Festival on Oct. 16 and 17. They will • have their annual basket raffle for a New will be held Oct. 16 from 12:30-1:30 7-9 p.m. at Sheffield Lake Community 32f>-5B51. England q'-ilt baste* woveu by Eadiiie pjn. at Avon Late High School. Regis- Center. 4575 E. Lake Road. Men's Chorus festival Sezbenski. Tickets are 51 each or 6 for tration is at noon. The show is spon- SHEFFIELD VILLAGE On Oct. 23. 100 high school tenon S5. The booth will be at the high school. sored by the Avon Lake Animal Clinic and basses from Northeast Ohio will , Th» raffle also includes gift certificates and the Avon Lake Animal Care Center. Child immunization dinics gather , et OberlLn Conservatory to and other donations from local support- Children agts 6-12 ar« invited to enter. Clinics are open to any family witil rehearse and perform under the direcThe pet show is free. All participants "ing businesses- The drawing *"ill be at will be recognized. Children will children up to age 18. There is a fee for tion of James Gallagher. The public is 230 p^a. on Oct. 17. The money earned receive a photo vri*h their pet. For more each immunization; however, no one invited to tho concert, which will be will go directly to The Peter Miller information, call the Avon Lake Animal will be denied an immunization due to held at 4 p.m. en Oct. 23 in Warner ConHouse MuseumClinic at 933-3297 or the Avon Lake inability to pay. A parent or guardian cert Hall on the campus of the Oberl'n must britig die child and a record of the Conservatory. Admission U freo. 5onaAnimal Care Center at 933-7774. child's previous immunizations. For tirn: will be accepted at the door. Save the Woods benefit concert more information, call Larain County Save the Woods announces the sec- Ceoeral Health District at 244-3418. The ?^?SS wants your aero! ond annual benefit concrrt featuring th# Elyria City Heath Department at 323- E-ma'J; [email protected] Patriots Symphonic Band at the Avon 7595 or Larain City Hea;.» Department Ull 933-5100 - Fax to 933-7904. Lake High School Performing Arts Cen- at 204-230O. A clinic witl hv held Get. 20 from ter on Oct. 17 at 3:30 p.m. This is the final event of Homecoming weekend and features the Patriots in a collection Avor4 Women'S Chorus craft table Proceeds from the Avon Luke Women's Churus craft table will benefit their music scholarship, which is dwarded lo a high school student each year. The chorus nusv lias S30U to award next spring, hut will add Ike Homecoming sales tu that autuuiu. ~lhe table will beat Avon Lake Hi«h School this wWi.end. pet. IZ and 17. KREIG J. BRUSNAHAN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW 158-A Lear Ituarf xrts i fc«rerfOT Avon Lakr, Ohio 14012 CRIMINAL DEFENSE PERSONAL INJURY • • • - • • • • Auto Accidents Slip/Fall Industrial Accidents Wrongful Death Felonies Misdemeanors DU I/Traffic Appeals REAL ESTATE f. SMALL BUSINESS^CIVIL LITIGATION Eve *•£ and ^ ^ - ^ -^ [WecKendAoporntments 9 3 0 1 Available WWW -» * ^ * 7 6 0 0 «• Ww w Office Hours: Monday thru Friday g ^ ^ . 5:00 pM Presented by Dr. Leo H. Simoson The Cleveland Pops Orchestra under tn« direction ot Cart Topilow A*on U k * H-^ft School Choral* SitMtdaj, Octutxr Jt>. :o<M. 7:J0 p.m. A«un Ukc U'fh HchnA Dinwl B Kim IVrlfirauujt Ails t'eititi 175 AMHI DcLtcn 'Kwul TkLrli: SI5 Purchatc Tkhrl* »is Anm Lake Hrjh Sttu-I (140, gli^:'«J K. ::~> M i n e r c. (in 'i»i; Tuesday, October 19,2004 6:30 p.m. Avon Public Library 37485 Harvest Drive Dr. Leo H. Simoson Chiropractor OBITUARIES Raymond A. Erker Raymond A. Eri.er. 50. cf Avon Lak». died S-pt z~ 2004.. at Cleveland MelroHeallh Center. ClevWap.d. He was born April 22.134.8. iu CleveLmd. and jiv.-<i in Mentorfor21 years and in Euclid. Mr. ErLer was employed dt P.uker H^miifm Ai-ruSpate Division for 20 years J* aii engiiH'tr U.-fuiv rt-tiring in 2003. Survivor* include his wife, Lorraine (iiev Kurt'.); sons, Raymond A- Erin* of Avon Late and Christopher Popovich of Orl.inda. KU-; Uaujihli-r. AllUati Fjit vf Euclid; bra'-her. James of Houston: sister. Nancy Sh-ci of Eudid; and four grandchildren and oihrr rvlatiws. Prvcwdiiig him in death was Liis sister. Virginia Schneider. Arrangements wem handled by Zt'le Funtrdl Hcme, Cleveland. Service* were held Oct. 1 in St. Jvlm Vidun«*y Church. Mentor. The K*v. Tiio'tias ]uhn> otlicUttd. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Rita Fries Rita Fries. 74. of Nonvalk. died Sept. 28. 2004, at Konvalk Memorial Home. She was bom July 30. 1*330. in Lorain. tnoviag to N'oxv.-alk in I960. Ms. fries had worked at Christie Lane Workshop Renaissance House ia Norvralk since the rnid-19a0s. She was s member of St. Paul Catholic Church, the Women of SL Paul and a former member of Ctwn- er Link Club dnd enjuv^i n=hirn: ;uv.! nulling. p ^ c e . Sl:>- (.•rij'j;.>-ci ri»»r*iN_'iwjrk and ri;».i\i»'* Sur\iv;jrs include ht-r <isifr>. M^rv <" Siisiiiu: "t Nurvv.tik rfiid •Eiiiilv Cr.ti -A U u n i K J( -i-iv Mr.h ; t-pjWi-'.rs. Bwn.uii F i n - ni MIIIWJK. Mil h. AriwiJ f'ri'-1•of A', on. i'.iui Fnt-> uf VY.si.rni in. Unu< Frit:- n( Cul'Uhwaili". 'IV\J» :ni'i fc-irl Friv-. uf Ciiiiiuii-Sjuiii. Mn.ii.: -itiJ ui.u.y ni.-i.i-. -iiiJ i:*pl!'.".v> I'ri-^.eiiin^ IHT in •i-.-jth wvn- h>.-r ['jn-nt>. K-ul A. and Ai!»«Jid M !r:te Bou^iO Kru-s. 'uH'th'-T-.. V-rnr:;i. Aldelb^rt and ,t'>^|>h; Jtui .J >i-!t-r in inf:tiu >. H.l<iJ , Arrjn^fiii • '-> wt-rv h.imil'-tJ by Wall."! FiMi-T.il H'JIIIL-. Nitrw.dk. A M J ^ I vwta < (.•Is-brucsi O<-t 1 .it St foul Oithuli'- Chun.li. N.jr.\d!i-. Burial \*J> in Si. I'.iul CwtR'tery. Survivors in. lud»' Iiis wife v? L-rj y^ars. Nura L. (nee K<^^.,rdj: JUU . Willi.iru D. <>f ShettieW LJ^L-: si»lws. Kuiti Mm h-1 jnd Crane Buri>.:iV. both of FItvuia: anil thie--* i;r.i!nJdiildr«u. ['r- edin-i ht-r ijt Ue.iih were h:i (»aienli. rrank H. dti-i haii-1 M-iv I(tw '.Vhitenburt! Burfwnk: and b/uthvr. Kii.hixii Uurb-ink. Air-.n^it»..'nt* w-re IMIUIIL-II by Bu>ch Funeral Hoiiii/. A\on L-tU'. A jiruaif ->T-rii( <- WM- livid at the f)hi'j \V^-:.-rn Ke-t-nv NJIIOBJI Ceim-l-ry. Ritrnwn. M.-inuriu! i,uii!n!^!ioib niav be in-ult; to Hospice of the V.V-iterii Kt-.t-rve. :iW K. lS^iti St.. Cleveland Donald Stuart Burbank Theresa H. Porter Donald Stujrt BurUuik. HI. of Avon Like, dif-d S*.'pt. 30. 2UU4. at the Ciood Soi:uiril.±ii Suriinj; Center. Avcn. following a length* illn-ss. He was barn Air.;. Z'A, l'Jl'J. in UiL>-winHi jiui inavi-tl lo Avon L&We from Hay VilUnv in t'J31. He yraduJted Irum K<j«-kv Kiver Hi.di St.hool ami served in tixv lr-S. Army irum 1943 tu 19-ifi a* •* sefeant in the -J3rd Kf.xunri^n-i.iirsce Sqiudron in llie Asiatic-Pacific theater. Mr. £Jtirb.inV was chief technical a'ni for the city of Avon Lake engineering department from 19GQ unlil his relireuitJOl in 1983. He was a member of the Avon Lake Senior Comput- TliTi-wi H. Porter. a5. of North Rid^viJie. died OO. 5. ^UU4. at Nurthrid»;e Health Center in North Kul^-iill-. fulluwinga six-mouth illness. Siie wdt boru IP. Avon and lived in North Ridgeville fur tuduy yedrs. Mrs. Porter was manager of the former Lawson't Store in North Kidgeville unlil her retirement. Preceding her in death was her husband. Ernest Porter. Arrangements were handled by Lisltm FiL^eral Home, North Ridgeville. No funeral service was heM. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of the Western Reserve. 424 Middle Ave.. Elyria 44035. CHURCH NEWS HOPE Christian Church to celebrate grand opening annual CHAG Challenge, a 5K runAvalk along Chester Road in A*un. A 2K family fun run/walk will follow ai R:30 a.m. on the church premlMa, located at 36455 Chester Road. Face painting; battoon art. an obstacle course, outdoor ettivities pto- : vided by (he Saadusky Children's Museum, clowns, Young Spirits luncheon meeting and the" Home Town Buffet bee mascot willaisolw Young Spirits will hoid a luncheon meeting featured. ; , , ,.' '- On the weekend of Oct. 23 and 24, HOPE Christian OctThe 20 al noon at Father Mosovsky Hall. Holy Spirit Christian Heritage is working in conjunction Cbuxh, in Avon, will celebrate its grand ope»Ung ser- Church. Avon Lake. The entertainment will b# fhs with the Cleveland Cai-aliers on this evejtt. Kach vices. The congregation, formerly known as W'wtlake and Donna Show. The menu will include pork [ire-registered race entrant will receive a ticket-to Church of Christ, purchased the site on Detroit Road Eddie scalloped potatoes, mixed vegetables, rolls. »:wf- thi> November home game of the Cavaliers vs. the in Avon, two years ago. The new facility, located st chops, tea and Jwwrt. The ia»l U SO. Call Nancy Faul* Washington Wizards. A portion of the proceeds of 32E25 Detroit Road. Is a little more than 20.000 sq.-ft. fee. y30-BI0a for resenations by Oct. 18 at"5 p.m. the rare will go towards purchasing an automatic Each room is designed for maximum usage, with sev- haberat external drfibrilU>nr for the Avon Police Departeral possible purposes available for each room. The Bring friends, ntighb/jrs and relaiivrs. merit and .i donation will be made to Genesis House-' building-; features a mutli-purpote ruditorium that Spaghetti supper seats 330. a large atrium, classrooms, offices and cofThe Lake Shore United Methodist Church. 33119 Domestic Violence Center of Lormtn County. fee chop. : , Electric Blvd.. will hold a spaghetti supper OcL 20 Overall race winner* will be recognized on GJnd The grand opening dedication wrvtcss will take from 5:30-7 p.m. The cost for adults is S5 at the door or Arena's court prior to tip-bff. place ao Sunday woroipg, with service times of 0 a.tn_ $4.50 with reservations. $2.50 for children b>12 and Christian Heritage -will finish off the weekecd . and 10:30 aou.' There ore children's programs bath fres for children 5 and under. Pi« will be available for nith its annual fall festival on Sunday from 4-7 pjn. hours. Th»re will also be an open house on Saturday 51 per slice. Carry-outs will be available. For reserva- Admission to the festival >s free as me the refreshfrom 2-5 p.ni. for tours of the building. The public i* tions, call the church office at U33-5238. ments, games, inflatable rides, pult putt, face paintinvited to all activities. ing, hurse drawn buggy ride through the pumpkin CHAG family fun weekend On Oct. 23 and 24. Christian Heritage Assembly patch, puppet performance!* and more. Fall luncheon card party For more informaiion. call the church olPce at St Mary's Altar and Ko»ary Society will scKmsor n of God in Avon will host the CHAG Family Fun fall lundtvon card party on Oct. 27 at noun at Tom's Weekend. The weekend's festivities will commence •J34-567H. Race forms can bv downloaded at Country Place. 3442 Stoney Kidfte Kuad. Avon. Tim on Saturdav utuniiug at H a.m. with ihe secotiil www.chri stiari-heritago.org. luncheon wii! include bated pork chops, stuffing, acorn squash, salad, dessert and beverage. Adm'ssion is S3 at the door. Reservations can be made by calling 934-6639. 934-5722 or 934-4078. All are welcome. I'roDts will be used to purchase church supplies. ^ DIRECTORY O F LOCAL CHURCHES L ™ AVON CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH ST. CLEMENT OF ORCHID MACEDONIA ORTHODOX CHURCH INTERKATIONAL CHURCH OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD Avon Lak* Ptlnting B*yVM*B* Kjpa Auto Parti Co. 273'! WCUl! ST. MART Or THE IMMACUUTE CONCEPTION JWi Kralg J. Bmsnatun & A«soc Attom«>i j t L 440-934-4J12 FArTH LUTHERAN CHURCH HOLY TRINITY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 3'JCOt CW3'! Rra-J A.on 4aOJJ37-5 AVON BAPTIST CHURCH A.on BuscbBurm*tst»r Family Funeral Oupafs 32 : Pd. Artii • . AL AVON UNfTED METHODIST CHURCH 377't O'rortRo*! CHRISTIAN HERITAGE ASSEMBLY OF GOO AVON LAKE LAKE SHORE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 33H9Ciw.tr.cBM. A^n U-f AVON LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH 321 Lrv R.jJd Avo.i Lair — ^ « 0 9J3 C'5^1 AVON CHURCH OF GOD /.,•-, NEW CCMMUNmr BAPTIST CHURCH L.-1.' _ Jan "33 CHRIST EVANGEUCAL LUTH^TAN CHURCH 44011 93« 5949 Ray's Auto A Truck S«rvte» J H2i'2C«va.-oA.« A.m «34-43'0 S«e-Thnt Window Ctaantng Co. NEW HAVEN BAPTIST ..440-934-4293 S4sen*s Ftowcfi A Crttt 440-033-3152 UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH HoLYSPtRITCHUntH HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH ANCHORED IN CHRIST JCO ^33 6^ SHEFFIELD LAKE ToAdwvrttM Y b u r B w l M t i tn thm church dtr*ctocv Dr. M«rh D. CooW • Podiatrist AJLJ'; L**e ST. JOSEPH CATHOUC CHURCH H:l. S!w M A.,jn PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ;»340 c*ctf«: Bi** FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 033H*-f^Hv*d SAINT TERESA CATHOUC CHURCH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 003 Sut-et 4 Richelwfu Sft-tfisid Lake ^440-949-5171 CHURCHOFGOD, SHEFRELD. THE CHURCH LOVE IS BUILDING 69*3 A-OTI Held** Ra TtM PRESS M Leir fid/ f 0 Bo- 3Ctt 933-5 TOO . Tom's CotiMry PI«« Osttrtng 34J0 i:t R R SAINT THOMAS THE APOSTU CATHOUC CHURCH ^("•"..•KJ L i - - 44->'t-J'.+-77J-1 LAKE BREEZE CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN BAY VILLAGE B ETHESDA-ON-THE-BAY LUTHERAN CHURCH — 0.33-403 ( 4arU*r« AutomoUv* td9L««Ro*>l /W'on Lil-e 93O-AIJTU I n I If«lags - t t . Wl EmMxf Enii Landing* Animal Hospital Mitencik Functal Hom« A, ,-• 4 - J ' ; ' ; - j 4 !;IW"KI P*(rrt & P»p« i.'7-ir; A'-Ui-iff ,. lPI^ORT OUR ALQ1UKCHKS WORTH NOTING ura E- (nee U>; sisters, urida; and Hypnosis program The next American Lung Association of Ohio (ALAO) group Hypnosis program will ue held Oct. 19 at St. John West Short* Hospiul. building 2. auditorium A. The stop smoking clinic will begin at 5 p.m. and the -.wight loss *»siun will be at & p.mEach session is S50 and includes a self-hypnosis Ufw or CD and one year free reinforcement at any ALAO clinic Call taOO] LUNG-USA or *isi't www.ohiolung.org to register. Cuy-LorPex 2004 The Cuy-Lor Sump Club will sponsor its 46th gnnml stamp exhibit and bourse, Cuy-LorPex 20O4, Oct. 16-17. Show hou-s are 10 a.m.-5 pju. on Oct. 1G and 10 a.m.-4^T pju- on C"<. 17. The show will be heij at Lutheran '.Vest High School. 3850 linden Raid. Rocky River. Admission is free. The show will feature 72 frames of exhibits. 18 dealers and 3 U.S. Postal Service sub*«dtian where new issues will be sold. 2 4 HOUR JLO*«TO*5;NG AVAILABLE Reflections Creative Arts Fair ui'.i'.-^i tu [wrti^]p.t',e in liie 2uy-i'lisJOJ "Kdlwiiuiis" Cifjiivt- Arts F«itr. TIM i-ih is ?JXJIi>t*n.'<i ^iUi y^-u by lh^ A-.on LaXe FTA* a:id St. (ov-pii V J I O J L ^ a ud*bratiuti [jf tlic drt-i. rtiid the lii^h lew! cf tit-itivitv of Icx^il yoirth. Thi.' fair ;vill !.«.• held Jon. rJO Jt U'anvuwi Middle Schtwl- The thtfme £or ihii > v.u's I^ir i^ "A Di fu may submit witrie*; and win awards, ia the artiis of vUual arti. photugriiphy. muiic: jr.d !iit-ratur«. CiuUiandinii Avon Uike Qt>' School entrie"- will be sec! to the Ohio FTA for a iiid»cK ta win al ihe state level SUte If vel winiwt1* go on ID compete oil a national level. Last year o v « 7U0 eiitiiei v^•^;^e received and displayed at last years fair. SlMeen of the>e entiies received aM*ards of disunction and repfejsented Avon Laii- dl the Refletlions Fair at the slate ievtrL Further information and entr>p fcrrcs will be distributed to students at thvir resuettive schools, and will be available in school offices. The deadline for enlries is Nov. 22. For mare information, contact Pam Cl.r«uiansi.y at 933-9526 or LJoda Grosjeaa at 933-35G1. Blood donors have chance to win shopping spree Fi>ur UtVShiiv Corrnjuniiy Blcxxl Services bk-od (irj«ui> will be d-.v,vdi.".i uiLh SiOO .-shopping sprwes at ^r,y U>.iftt-Id Shoy;iia« Town The promotion will run •Junixji f.in. 1 Two donors *-viJJ be seltttwl ^ ranilom and notified Nov. 2ti and two olhtrs will be notiDcd Jan. 2. Ui't-Share hjs nine p^rmanern blood supply centers in NunlitxLsl Ohio. To ULA« an appointinent to donate, cull (866) W4-5433 Wall-ins are accepted. UfeShare blood drives UfeShare will huld the following blood drives: Oct 15 at Wal-Mart-Avon, from 7-9 pjjL; O c t 15 -it Avon LA.v HoniKComing Festival. 175 Avon Belden Road. Avon Laku, from 11:30 .^n.-* pjn.:OcL 17 at IVal-Mart-Avon from 46 p.m.: O c t 17 at Avon Lake Homecoming Festival feotn 1030 a-m.-2 pjn.; O d . 16 at EMH Titneea Center from 7:30-9:30 p j i u Q d . 34 at Christian Heritage Assemhly of Cod. 3S4G5 Chester Road. Avon Efom l-» pjn.: Oa. 24 at Avon Commaas from 3-6 pjn.; OCL 25 at Cummunitv Kedlth Partners-AL Health Ctr.. 4SQ Avon Beldeo Road, Avor. Lake, from 9 a.m.-12 p-ru.; OcL 27 at Dairy Q-jeenAvoo Lake. 33720 Walker Road. Avon Late, from 2-4 p-m.; *l Wal-Mart-Avon from 2-4 p j n . ,+40) 0 65-5500 (440) 937-4937 FALL DECORATIONS FRCSH PAUL CABBAGE- SWASH • BRU55EL SPR00T5 • PEPPERS BROCCDU • CAUUflCW£R -TOMATOES A P H I S ' APPLE GOER Benedict. Potato pancake, - with UdanJai3C sauce. A Shade Better^ October Lamp * Clearance! SAVE... 30Sliro70%O(T MSI. prtcc on selected style* of uble. and icceni b m p 31. Independence Village of Avon Lake 345 Lear Road (North of Lear Rd. & Walker Rd. Intersection) 44O-93O-71CO 888-287-8O98 www.seniorvuiagcs.cpxn Professionally managed by Senior Village Management Same faces. Same locations. Same superior service 8 u) o Preferred Properties B NEW fcW. NEW PRICES w Tom & Cart FowitM 9*'.0Q0 LI S T la F E A T U R E H O M E S mm. OMMT Down] %icn tcct . gwa^t. M M T tumac« A C K M « K iha nic* ; 6 * M trwiMae o3a<» speftancM 5 i p n t a g fe ft* JSCTif How warrant* tool #2169113 «»,«!• Rsct M l , wattifl tfistanc*" (mm l a i * EUn U t W u d * * ; MsaMy fanert jrarfL. i»-d* w t bin c5*r# M!SS&« Wflt) yCMibffitT Of tMMkn 54i tot) $«ff»J f2i55&6. CoM CoughUn aw-iooo . . Spictotn & Prlvital 0v«<[ 2*COsl I a W r t . J - . i t a ' 1 occupancy. Family wrfry. larga uodaHul lutchan W r * * Boer & lcp». newsf carpel (umar». AC 4 ••aiBfpfoofad taint 3220'J? #2171558 Chxvun Sadnec 934-tOQO Prld* 5h<a««l 3 or 4 Wfffli, 111 KW* cu»lcm_ tenced yaid, r**er wir Cocfirtr). «i«ctfcaJ. piumdwg 4 retiO'J*i*d ba!M too! A wcndsrfut b o / ' Am* KraH 934-1000 S « n « S«tbng( B«Ew«jn 2 3d) COUTMS trus ticma an octagon* ilcch to Uke it aH <n< 3 b a l m s . 2 Eatfis. fuil p / byW, muler tv/tlrusing ar%a & J»S shawqi ne-«* carpal 4 met? *2141h3 9M-1C0O catmtfyHear* StwwnS«fiwjc934-10C5 • ' WELCOMED ImmacuUUl Sc*«l. ) M - • * £ 3 S a What a fkMtl 4 t d n MrTn- A > - ^ isn*il twitf eiai ottiri rec ciou* cap* wdh 3 bdnm. t.itit*'_——-, rm 4 offct j r o M H i t ) motter! fyl) baMnvtnt. tun*«r roof. t ^ TBrt, 2-car garag*. conturnac*. A/C 1 windows) ' One ewnar. Q i ^ y frougwut. o«ni«ni i txx* living w/fint 5p*ciau* backyanl. rmg« o»»f 2400 it. Fsr^» rm »*1fc»flew utiWy rm. 4 3 ncaty » t d 4 pricad at TIJCW. Sjimai l w ^ 4 Swng BUS. bdrmst Patio in Dart afty hugs y art vrtteci 4 sUw pabo* ftneed jart. r i » * ^ TLC bid CJ; I119.9O0 #2170984 Chad 3 ( M I ad a oraat buyf X2169901 wm J^na 9W-7777 914-4444 Judy War^o 934-UJ4 M O R E U«t( !o*l*dL 1 such u tutcfwn. fumaco. fgywr. rooting. A/C & roof. O»«f i n W Si. privacy fencM p j t o 1 ssnw dOPl'ancBi fn-t; stay! »2167i»2 Carol J. Grtsco 4 fit Pogo 934-4444 P R E F E R R E D Cn a 1/2 ae/a t r t & no| outtat Sut«i s Cus c^o-" mat Gounntt kitchen 4 vaulted motrung rm. Onr/ 2 m d o 4 bk« new* 4 bdnra, 25 boon oi«f 2600 atj ft. loft, formal living 4 Dinmq rms—St« tfm) now1 S2aO's. 12160013 Shannon S*Jr»»c 934-tOCO ;£0)CDThi7 ^ br o r i » * n KadifecrHr 440934-tOXt Vm. EsM » P R O P E R T I E S DM* 1700 to •. ! * * • mjr» « OuBOntlrq M i « n Uca ipK •* large Ef«»M m A tra«^M tjr 4 1*71 tCf^s 2 AdotUa K Alto^iUt iwrt. W Wtar«ay <m. nww C4»«ng S roe* UW*d Mb. M Fiwoac» « • « « * GWJ( m wwyt^fla trot** t = - r « S«*na W. M- j r t » " • * * ' . CAI-5 «r^). ( Lonfy Jtscfc Cwnlct Woi ctwi ttov plan. t M i r t * r ^ Ci«onQurfI»lhrouofWuBS>1X«*"«l*'nWc». Omafii ocwi mt«»v. wnr>e«r»y, CJOO U M f i^HW I * . m w W * o > r i j « Ucf^.to«4W«»TO««:*0C<4Mnr^Z'i6«MIFjtiiiio«^fWtrtn.t«Iv«»igt ' LwrqtDrmjmu.fcloJI'rriMHTIWSfWirc" !*157 Swvxn S«*«e 934- WOO WO #.4o m i i 4 iHP •'"'•1 5f*«» s Idacfc * v m poretf 4 W n « . 2 k9 & J tart bath*, vtyttd D U S W - W C I fflCW-4 IMS) »•{ fi'Mlfi p M n M l u Sen* rjti?]*c* pjlo ftMrtbaint QjrrnilorinMnanrtfLoSHlEaai —s^it V**". TORI I m d ]Wl t O ' * StMnninot 4 6**x. pand occnfloorstar wtoirwl w francti dnyi. pdwi. noodfluo«*3& mm< Unwr g « n 2 M A - * * . I - M T I M I J a w n bii i auUd ead>rg Z iw dtc^-MO"E< J M f f * « l » 3 9 0 Rod Bo-* 934-1000 L«««(r w * H C « t * ki dmrttti sou1 Tamntx Ft* - ^ . , , mi owing ico > h o t M * M twnq1 K16UU1 JulM lAiwa 9X-I0O) nwitar imti 2M* rmrd H kelp with y or Lalie'ror.! brit'' ranch fcreaffrtjkirg views cf OeviOcd skytine from window walled & & J t rm w/firpplace. 'l to pa!io i more a-«escnt« , gourmet kitchen, 2 ' 1 *. Slune bmakwajl. P21S5973 Torn S Carat Ttwifcos 93^-1000' Avon Lake H w k J e n u For Ovtr 30 Y o t r * ABR D o i p u i t o n - RcalioroftbrVcjr.. Iioit DolUr Producer-- For |irovcn success call Lvnne Fol? at 440-734-2444' Shoremen fall behind in SWC race with tie against Demons momentum £oiny with third yodl uf thi- A V O N LAKE with 18:4H in thi_ Ey Ryan Ga-.ugan The Avon LaVe Shorurnen soccer team met up with th'-' WestUW Domim-* in a critical game last Wednesday night at Avon Lale High S<-houl". TluShoremen needed a win if they wanted tc keep ils hand on a share of firsl plat,** in the Southwestern Cuufwvtiu? chasipionship race. They did not get that win. nor did they take the loss. The match ended in a 3-3 *ie. But while the Shoremen fall lo 3-0-3 in the Southwestern Conferenre the giiiue wasn't without excitement Things started off great for the Shomnen in the first half when 4:20 into the game Victor Strimbu scored putting the Shoreaien " p with a 1-0 lead. The game turned ioio a defensive battle for the remainder of the first half, but Westlake turned things around and came out strong in the second. Westlake's losfa Grnssman wasted no time tying the score just 24 seconds into the second half. Grossman put Westlake up 2-1 not long after that. Demons freshman Zac MagHo kept !he Th Avon ii.«* j l that p luol •: iim fur .i that J l changed with HltiO rt. Shon.-nten inn: JI scurt-ti uii lilt uiinssisf S!u.rt"iHt.*a within ui: Ihiif; I iiot IKMUTJ win.-ti. with 2.2P. i-'iii.iimn;.1, Ul tll-i gUIU'.'. UVstlji." U;is [;t'U<llUt'ti fur a pass Iwik to tr»j J^«IK J . tin.Stioremt-n weru a warded J penalty kitk and wasted no time lokiug advantage of it. Picktit toot the snot, converted the opportunity arid tied the game at 3-3. That would be tin* way the game would end. "We came out with a lot «ffireand intensity," Avon LaLc* head cuach Matt I-Manisei. said at the end of the gaiiit. "It was senior-parunt night and we were just really ready to play and we came out like that. I think it wore off as the ganio settled in and that middle section of the game from about twentyfive rainu'es in until the half was really just a middle-third battle. We just could not create any good opportunities. They (Westloke} had a couple of i;oud opportunities but goalie Dave tK»ik:i;I and the defense stepped up j i i d <lt>[i['i-:t lh».jni. In t h e M'cond half w e e m u - • • : ' -iii'l n u d e .1 i.uupte of miM,jL.> — 'it.' w e h i v e n o t m a d e ail -i:i-vi.T>.ii S-Huniav •...ill .i :-'! -vin i.)V T Elyria Catholic. f';r 1.1.-11 t:..i ndrew I'jul butli -t:ored f«.r A\uii L J '. K'.UI c;.i!luw;iy -.cured .tn ,ii-.i-t. j!kt*ipj)fr Ad Jin Gijuili; n.-i,unk-d the hutout. North ted d--f>M(ed rairvi«w 3- 0 to improve tu 4-0-2 in the SWC. a point ahead uf Avon Lake. The Shoremen opt-n their playoff run Oi:t 21 at home against either Suuthvtmv or Shoregals face LAK in round one With Saturday's 3-1 loss to West lake, the Shoregals, 7-2-5 overall and 2-1-3 in the South western Conference, are out of the SWC title race. However, playoffs begin n?xt week. The Shuregals open their sretional tournament run Oct. 19 at at Avon Lake's Andrew Paui (21) gets tied up Lorain Admiral King. The game starts in front of the Westlake net last Wednesday. PRESS photo - Frank Corseffo at 7 p.m. Junior Cardinals win second game in a row JV Redskins SHEFFIELD The Sheffield-Sheffield Lake Brookside Junior Cardinals {grades 5 and 6) won their second game in a row with a 21-13 win over the North Olmstbd Eagles (White) on the new artificial turf at Rocky River High School, The Junior Cards again controlled the line of Bcriraniage with 266 total yards (231 rushing. 35 passing). But despite moving tbe ball, they found thumwWes down 13-8 at halftime due to iwo well-executed big plays by the Eagles. The Cards' fi"t hair scoring included a rare safety and 10-yard tuuehdown puss Iron* fullb»r.k/qu.iiti!rbact Cory -Nails" Si-akovich to winghack Arthur "Thurston B." Kowell. The extra point failed. ^ The second hnlf again had the Junior Cards moving the ball, but mistakes and penalties kept the Eagles in the game. Luke "Roadrunner" Ackerman returned a punt 38 yards for a touchdown [his second of the season). Quarterback "Jammin" Joshua Bender ran in the conversion to give thu Card's their first lead 15-13. Bender put the icing on the cake with a 50-yard quarterback sweep to make the final 21-13. Bender led the Junior Cardinal rushing attack with 81 yards, followed by Kowell's 48, Ackennan's 42, Michael "Energizer Bunny" Allison's 22, Sirakovich's 19 and Stiver's 19. The blocking of fullbacks Sinikovich anrf Stiver were key, while center Mike "M#?i" Harrison and tackle Josh "Boulder™ Amburgey ujK-ued holes on the lin*:On defense, solid games were played by linebacker Simkovich (five solo tackles) and tackle Cody "Banks" Broyies. Jacob "junkyard" Metcalf helped on special teams'. Head coach Scott Hale was pleased with the win"We moted the ball up and down the field but had a difficult time executing our red zone offense," Hale said. "The penalties and turnovers didn't, help but part of that was due to the team we were playing. You have to give North Olmstfd credit. We had three kids that couldn't travel, then lost several more during the course of tho game due to injuries, so I was proud how our kids responded to ar vwrsity. Some were in positions they w*jre unfamiliar with. Our kids showed a tut of poise and character. And whv a gr**at experience playing on the nfw Rocky River artificial turf." Tim Brookside Junior Cardinal? (21) travel to North Olmstcd Cumniunity Park to tukt* on the Midview Middies Black on Saturday in MiniSouthwestern Conference play. ATHLETHS OF THE W E E K SLJr.C . tjwifc ftatbal" T u n e SSL Jr. Cards S u i t : Football •*$UiOTp'Stiver, ptyed ' ws9 cfeler&veiy irt his first start -.at nose t i c k l e -He 'hrafre thfoupb C * North Qtmstaifrffensiwline' $«i«ai fcwss. Oi oWensafl>«'ufibacksained 19 ; ywds and fnattoseveraf flood blocks. 'Meat* Harrison helped pavjj the way lo* the Junia Cardinal (ushers. The Center earned the coaches' highest Nocking grade against North Onsterf. Ho also made some key tacWos on defense. Amburgey. offenaiw and Snemar, has tfiown big iriprovement on both sides ot the' b ^ . He mail w c r a l tackles .igainst rtorth OdnstH one wcfl at t*ie stroog-side tackte position. Same day service, every day low price Willlamsb>irg Qeaneni lias opened tbi seventh location at 379 Lear Ruad acrtji«i from Ace Hurdwniv in the tffiiWMd Shopiug P'^za in Avon Ukr. V/lUlanubuig Cleaners should b« the only choice in lookinu your best. . Founrfod by Bay Village resident Chuck. Cowell over 20 yeurs ago, - this 6nn2y-ownod enterprise ubrijigs hometown pride to'sesv'n* ^ friend<.and. n«!g]ibon of tha cominui ity with excellence. COTTDU'S daugliten.. Kathy and Beth, and hts son. Bryan, personally soanage each locJionToere arc no pricing surpristjs with Williamsburg Cleaners. Same day service coraes.at.tho regular prico. And, there arc w>"u'gcliarses" or unexpected'' costs w'oeir you'come back for your.' order, "Ifyou left troupers to b« cltntned, you will be charged for •.rausers-no suiprisM," Kolhy said. record their fourth shutout AVON The Avon Lake JV Kedskins improved to 5-1 and recorded its fourth shutout of the season with a 20-0 victory over Iho CCYF Vikings. The Redakin*. currently lead *he league defensively having allowtd only {wo touchdowns and a total of 15 point* >r. their six games played. Andrew Soltay lea the detvnae with four solo tackles and strippcl the ball from a Vikings runner srtting up a scoring drive. Pete Greaae and Sammy Rose each had t h x r tackles on the day. Rose bad his second interception of the sei*on and Greene also caused and recovered a fumble. Offensively, tho Redskins had another solid gamp. Quarterback Eric Stuczynski had two touchdown p.itsfs of 15 and 87 yards. Stuczynski hit NTichael Dutiey for a 15-yard touchdo'vn on the first drive of the game. Or thnir second drtvtj, with time runirng out in the half, he bit tight tmd Nick Stueber for an H7 yarder. On thu first drive of thu sfcond half, after the strip by Sdlt.ty, tailb?i:k. Michael Curli's scared his ?jventh touchdown of thu season en a 20-yard run. Thw RftltJktns next g^me is Saturday iigainst the BYFA Bucs at Bruruwicl Middle School. 5150 LibeityAve., Vermilion, Ohio 44089 {at McGwayt) 440-967-0313 / FAX 440-967-< 31Z REDCtAYONTHERlVERQYAHCO.COM WWW.REDCLAYONTHERrVER.COM Casual cLockxide-dbuHJ* 0H,tkc In *m il >m UHIB«h*j Deanrnndit**. hand Same day Bvrvice at tlieir rcguliir low ptf ce is one orihe n'asans Williumsbuij; Cleaners has emerged as the leader among quality-conscious west shorn clientwlu. For your added convenience. \yitlianisburg Cleaners can open it personal fliargM account for you. With seven convenient locations, those who live in Avon. Avon Like, Bay Village iuid Rocky Kiv«r will lijid .i Wili'tunsi'iux Cl«ancrs location just a milt; or so down tliw n>ad. CLAM BAKE! So.ved Daily Sun., Oct. 10th thru Sat, Oct 30th Includes: 12 steamed clams, clam chowder, sweet corn, baked sweet potato & your choice of chicken, steak or lobster! ITALIAN WINE DINNER Serving 6 courses . . . . $ § 5 * © 0 Monday, November Sth at 6:45 P m. & gratuity nol RSVP by Novemhdr 3rd FOOTBALL CAPSULE: SCHEDULE Wednesday, Oct. 13,2004 BoysSoccer 7 p m : ALHS <g' A-r.f-.ef 5t SriS p e g t o g 5 am; Buckeye g E S , 7 pm: Afrherst @ ALHS ' Thursday, Oct 14, 2004 VofieytsU 7 p r o : Oea-Vre* @ AHS 7 jun_- ALKS @ Antferst 7 p m : Otw&n @ EHS . 15,7 p n Wbem VreJaigfcn K£i Scvxi Becaidfc /HS:3-2.i-0; V.y^gtcn 4-3.3-1 Dtacflao* T;&a (-50 3 5S-&a He SR-53. tcxgh CtaV; aM *3D We&rgVr. b * opponents 236-71. Trite an 3 * 2 5 * score o* S*-10. Sto Friday, Oct 15,2004 Fcctfcal BckcM: Riia&Oct 15730 pn. W h e t Avon La!« Kgft Soxxii Records-. B y «-£ 1 -3; WJ-&7-Q, 4 4 Whli ta lode b e Rackets are cor-jrw off a wsy fcLgh 27-21 bsstoRocky Rwc E*ject Ba/ to Egrt 3teebarter h what a x U be tre last-wer tsr!e fr t a Lowi' d p . Radwte B-an Heigesef\ «ari< Kefly 3rd Kart Scnreter aS seo-eo las: v*eik Fhdets L5e a no of iiie run ard pass. "fte story is tre sane t w wee* for ?<• Staemer, play w i i , play hard ard a w l nsts>£& Co ?at arc theaov tne jrajnd Keep )<w sie en Baa D » c 7prruBHSi§.Ke^lore 730 fuiu Bay « . ALHS Saturday, Oct 16,2004 Cfoss Country 1 0 2 0 ajn; LCCC Jack WSh Beys Soccer 1 Mrf Friday, Oct 22,2004 7pjn:0faertn@AHS 730 pnu AIRS @ Westlake ATHLHTH OF T H E W E E K •Kyle Baumaifti The Avon Eagles resemble a fine win*, getting belter and better with each passing week: Avon looked nothing short of stellar in a 40-0 shutout of the Firulands Falcons last Friday. Paced again by the steady rushing of sophomore Bob LaRosa, behind a strong performance by the offensive line, the Eagle* offense sniolherd the Falcons. LaRosa carried the ball 21 times for 165 yards and two touchdowns. And there was plenty more offense to go around. _. . ^SWW wftiiQ ladd«;fcrt ftmbSe, «cov'-.onm tttjul'wy tunblg sri made atacfeSe.faran losstaY*2ngter. BTIMWCB* S 1 (teepa; beder team ^an t » WSdcah « i ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ can happec. V-lidcaii teat t e ' Car6rafc_last r&e. 7-a WJdcais hs.e yridec 22S ports joferihs seasof. an arefaje oi 32 a game. Offense s Qriy wag r>gsii ports per game. Football Zack Giargis carried the ball eight times for 46 yards and a touchdown. Quarterback Shawn Stencil, who went 8-af-10 for 108 yards, threw a fiveyard touchdown pass to Tit*i Mentler {four catches, 36 yards) and ran in For a 12-yard score. Adam Long scared on. a six-yard run from scrimmage. Frehsman kicker Tyler Irwin finished with four uxtra points. Avon's defense forced three fumbles and limited Firelands to 152 total yards. They held the Falcons to just 20 rushing yards. The victory improved the Eagles' record to 5-2 overall and 4-0 in the Lorain County Conference. They're lied with Brookside {6-t ov» rail. -. - in the LCC) for thw ! a ^ a lead The Cardinals maintained their sh^re of the lead w»th a 27-21 win over. Midview. The current situation in She confer-' ence sets the stage for what could ba a ' wild finish. Avon travels to •. Wellington Friday to take on the 4-3; 3-1 Wellington Dukes, who are comiog off a 62-6 win against Keystone. • • Shoremen top Fairview, improve SWC'standing A V O N I_AKE finished the Wat to keckto*Key*re is ccming eft a ffi-6 Ragles remain tied for first place in LCC AVON 7pm:BHS GWsSoccer [email protected] r i c LaGrange TjnteAanSR3O3lTjneft«iSd»DarBe As the Avon Lake High School family crowns this year's homecoming court, the kings of the Southwestern conference return home to add another jewel to its croiim. The 4-3 (1-4 in the Southwestern Conference] Bay Rockets come to Avon Lake for what may pan out to be th« final battle in the annual series for tlie Levin* Cup. Bay will leave ihe SWC next year to Football join the West Shore Conference. The Shoremen couldn't be in any belter position. They're 7-0 overall after last week's 49-0 shutout ut Fairview. Quarterback Mike lift went 7-of-lZ for 122 yards and Uirte touchdowns. Fullback Stfiii Murello caught 0110 nml nut in another. Receivwrs TW Stress ami Andrev Means ran in for two more. Tailback Bobby., Doyle carried the ball 13 times for 130 yards and 4 touchdown. Ben Willsoo end Klaxx Schmidt also recorded rushing touchdowns. The Shoremen, who've won 22 straight, have scored 40-pIus points in all, seven games this season. Ths defense has given up just 76 points. Avon Lake is tiid with Amherst fur thn lead in th« SWC The CotneU an* «l*" 7-" overall and 4-0 in the ^VC. St. Joseph sixth-graders shut out St. Jude, improve to 4-0-1,; AVON LAKE . The St. Joseph sixth-grade CYO football team continued its defensive dominance Saturday as the Vikings pitched the*r fourth shutout of the season in beating "ho St. Judtt Jaguars (Elyria) 18-0. St. Joseph improves to 4-0-2 on th« year, while the Jaguars dropfromtheranks of the undefeated, falling to 4-1. In five game* this year, Ibe Vikings havu now allowed only two touchdowns, with juitt one In the lust three games played. Things did not look good for the Vikings oil Brian Mihalik (RB/LU) was drilled in the backfield on the first play of the game just as the ball was handed off. The Jaguars took ov«r at the St. foe's 29 following the fumble. St. lud« drove down to the St. Josuph 13 before the Viking* defense held and 1 Brian Walborn can.e up with a humfourth-down stop. Both teams traded possessions after the big defensive play, but it was a special teams stop for the Vikings that set up the first score of the game. ' Walborn came up big again tackling the punter after a high snap at the Jaguar 22. It1 only took four play* for the Viking, * to crack She end zone, as Brian Mihalik. scored from on* yard out for a C-0 lead. Tlieri- Wiw no more scoring until the Vjkinfis first possession ofuV second half, oh Z\. low's went 00 yaids in <;ighl plays. Kyle Pisco was the workhorse in the drive carryinfMhe ball four times for 34 yards. Mihalik capped the drive scorinj his second TD of the game from six yards out to giv« the Vikings a 12-0 lead. Ales Krawcc's 2-point conversion pass was knocked down in the* end zonn to keep the lead in 12-0 fur St. Jott's. ThiJ Jayiurs pul toguth«r llu-ir best drive of the KIUHU foHmving the second VikinK** scure, inarching dowit to the Joe's 34-yard lint! before fa"Jnt; n fourth and four play. The defensive front line of Walboru. Krawec. IJonnie Pavlov, John Hcgcrty and Austin Crosel! collapsed the Jnguars O-line. holding on fourth down •o give ihe ball btick to the Vikings. Brian Mihalik wasted no time putting the game out of reach far St. Joseph's going off left tacklo, cutting back to the middle of the field and thun racing 69 yards fur a touchdown and the final 18-0 advantage for the Vikings. Mihalik finished the day with 9G yards on 13 carries. Kyle Pisco (PJJ/LBJ averaged ovur 10 yards per run going for ft2 yards on eight carries. Brian Walborn hud a great 24-yard run in the game ami Colin Holmes carried the ball four times for 13 tough yards. St. Joe's finished the gume with 227 total yards, while giving up only 111 to the Jaguars. This follows up a 299-yard rushing effort UsL week in a 2G-B win over St. Albert the Great. Tntilingby IB paints latB in the game, IVorih Shore Podiatry, Inc the Jaguars were forced to throw the t»U"^> I and SL Joe's wits ready for the Jaguars.••%$1 St. Juda was down to the Vikings 34'^ when Nick Brady (TE/DL) hit quarterback as he threw the 1 Pesarchick was there at his middle 1 backer position picking off th» pas: St. Joe's. •' -"; The Vikings will be playing foi Senior Conference Division TI title Saturday at 3 p.m.. against SL Mary p£ the Falls thanks to St Jude*» 12-6 ,wH ovt-r St. Michael last week. The will be at St. Mary's in Olmaled Fat Also playing and contribut wirr Saturday anci for the entire are: MichaerKarpinski (DB) Tot (Rfi/DBJ. Andrew "Minnesota" (OL/DL). Scan Flynn (OL/DLl. Jusinskl (DO/WK). Michael Ohredisuuki^ (DB/R0). Rubby Pesarchick (OU.-Kevfo^ Seaman (FB/LB). Mark Spring "" Zath Waltz (OL). Anthony \\ (Dfl/WKJ. Miles Wayne (DB) and KyWS Witham IDLJ. ^.^J "33S72 DnROIT ROM • iTDH 515 Moo*e Rood I S'tiio 31 Avon Ukt-1 030-5037 "" Conservative and Surgical Treatment — l^Yi (Uar S<gtl 4 Dttrnl ttidi it Duenst Snt I«11 Adults & ChlMroa: fown Ttx> Nails !«* comwc Hour S Nloil tniurancM 930-TOES 3 •*-• ' Diabetic I'oot CKIIQ.. 5 - 0 0 O F T <! HIGH SCHOOL S U N L E S S >! STU»ENTS & SPRAY TAN Sure foot keeps Old Gold Shoe in Shoregals' hands AVON/Avorj B/ Matt The Old Ciold Shoe mmaizuxi in Shoiegal hands after Avon Lake's 1-0 win o w the Eagles Oct. 4 at Avon. Annie BUancuu's penalty l i c t in the Srst half was enough to seal the deal on the shiny sneaker, wbfch has remained in Shoregal hands since the first mwting between the two teams a few years ago. The PK VV.1-, avvortM to the Shorn; il* dfter funv<irii Sammy Harris tixA a ti^iibliwhile rmwijiij; luwdid th« Avon goal Tin.' t. lliuial ftjgst^j tise E^Ivs f<>r in'<-rft.-ring u:t ilie [»tv. Though' Harris W«i-. lutil^i. any player on tji» fk'M uui tji,*- the sii«:. Hf.jd coach CaJ-.-b Reut>.T g.-»ve it 10 BiLtnLint. "I til,' to be VJti-if-iaiiX." UiLmcim said about her approach, without giving d\vay any s^cn-Ls. "It's my firi! one this season." Avonfou^ht un until tin; end. but the Shot •.•gals manayvil to huld tin. "I h^v>- trj pw Avon a lot nf a^di!." Avon Lak« hiM d ujrich Cih'b Kt-uttw viid. "Tl!•-•>' uM\i.tl with a !•_>! uf h-^ui." K^Irt afJtiU-*.r?[X!r Aiiidndd Milft.ifiJ finished with six s-iv*.^. "W>- tm-d to hold tln-ir >h(*u to a sriiniimini." AVQIJ hujfj COJ<JI Bri in Irvvin s;iid. "L'nftirtuiwtt'ly. that diiin't hdjjjifii. We tiid a lilllf bt/'ter in i h t stcuiiii half and rn«ina^'Al tu ^t?l si;:m- shols. but cuuidn't scon.-." p rts st ho mi croft«*i u 1 mail, c urn Sa.*ah Richardson (10) of Avon Late battles Avon's Laura Schwartz for a loose bail Great Pumpkin Duathlon returns to LCCC this weekend Nature's Bin Run AVON LAKE By Mara Thon-croft And you thought "Runnin* with th« Devil" was just a song. Gome this Sunday at t/wain County Community College, you can rtol only run with the devil, but Snow White, Spcogefiob Square Pants and Elvis too. The fifth-annual running of the XCN Great Pumpkin Duathlon. Biathlon. 4-mile run and 12-mile inline skate race, presented by Bramhall Engineering and Surveying, returns to the track at LCCC this Sunday iQraJng- Registration tables .open at 8 am. The race is scheduled to begin at 9 am. :" The duathlon will consist of a four-ftute run, a 12-mile bikerideand conclude with o tWf>mue run. The biathlon will consist of afour-mileruu and a 12-miIo bike. It's a lairiyaLmjJe course for beginners, yet long enough lot a nice workout by more experienced athletes: ' A« always, the Wvenl will feature a costume contest. A prieo will be given to the best costume. Costumes aren't limited (o the contest.' Competitors in past Great Pumpkins ha vent been bashful fiartici pating Lri full Halloween dress.,. Ke-puigwUh the spirit a(^:htf reason, a h*rarse wiij serve as ih*» uSkiil pacu veiiicle for thin rare. •;.'>^ "ItVa fun Bvent." NCN Ebcim; tUm^ur RicV Cadweil said; "Il'ttowardthe Ln,i of the season, so we liksto hnvv a tilth* tun with it. You can still race hard, but you can enioyyotuseUtoo.'V v••>•>. Overall avntrds will ba presented at the finish luiQ It* tr» top three males and to three feoulea In each race, as well agu the top threes males and females in each ajps iy/toams can participate in the duathioa and biathlon races. NCN wefog can still use some more mvnt voItmtBcra. Call NCN Racing at 9338075 or visit www.nairacing.com. pnactliomlcrnn&bntmaiLcont 1 - **£ Zacrar^r 43237 Maits: MJ-3 25-29:1 - Da* Ko-/ace»-cr 3354.6; 2 1 • Dor. Rrwrc T85aa - Ru-ppe A-dteft 342't5: 3 - SVa/r.e rice! - AT* 27:129. 30-3-1:1 - Matte* Rskur 3350.7. ^ 0 - " : Males A j « 25-591 - Jcsecr J^ar 2232B. 23-29:1 6 ; 3 • & u Koacwch 63\X 1 - Artfcew Cnta 33.43S: 2 - Fred Wsfc 34 5£ 1: 2 R 3 2 a t W 5 O«aa femaies: t - firre Hosftnger 22:4! ft 2 - Jean 3 - C v a Coci. 40^8.6. 45-49: 1 - Jor.n 1 • C*are D'Amcorv; 2005.7. 50S* ! Kosmac 24225: RJn Vtagnt 24332 ' Zargnieis'e/ 3056.7; 2 Pat Kstiy 39;47.7.3 &no Carr.? ens 2320,6; 2 - Jcrti TTKVXT 2S429:3 - Oaie Mates Ages Ifhrter: t - Khatefl OuOeh 27231; 2 K**car- lC5:43i 5 5 ^ » T -Oes fitrris26513. Mctanrr>d Oudeh 32£K1 15-lft t - Joto Hans • Pukto ^5523. 50-54.1 - Steven Sett 31:iQ.5; 2 Tofry Garirit 37:1 A A; 3 - Doug Rfrer 40225. & > 2 - Wfliam ).1d3c«)U5h 32:16a 65^3t 1 - Tm Bcv^w 21 £63.P5-.29-1 -GectPefaa23:143:2-Stephen 64:1 - Angei R/-era342aa 65-651 -.Ua Bocda Gross 27093; J - Daid P-fiy 2759.0. JO-3J: I 33.43; 2 - Due Ban- 40-443. Gydesda.& 1 - > i Rraies Ages 25-29:1 - Jemfw Aycock 38575i Km Jarnes E&s 22£04; 2 - Onstop«- Adarns 24.44.fr, 3 VWsh 4029.4; 2 - Darnel Ri'ey 59233; 3 - RJ. Ajitert 38505.50-54:1 - Ma/eon f/usson 57:00.4; - Rogerttafcer25.<lQa 35-39:1 - Dan Vto U-.«nto 2 - Come Solar 57023; 3 - br**a K*3roary 245tt7; 2 - DarwJ Rudolf 2&2&^. 3 * DawJ Budge Females: Ajes *&*&: 1 - Ka*y H^gvnan « 3 9 . Z 27C&I. 40-H-1 - Rch traevi 24.051:5 - Rote* Uoyrf 24:ia«; 3 - Rofcert & c u r 27:149. 45^9-1 Mrf-e Madfflor 224X6; 2 - Da« SrmSi 263515&$t. 1 - Jt//i Wncek 3&34.a 55-59: i - Cev-ts Kctoi 2tt39a 2 - Jm BurVe 24.471; 3 - Jm Sunday. Oct 17 (Pre-registration must be received by Oct 15) 32085. 0 m i R»qi5lf»t)on 9 ajTL Raca Ttmtf Skate Rac» 1 1 3 0 « j n . . g fOiwtec 1 - Mara Cttx>y 32324; 2 - real Pumpkin Buathlon, Biathlon, 4-mile run, 12-mlla skate i Hj/tee 3236£ 11-14: t - La/en BartoJ Berrafctte fA*ar 5651 £: 2 - Bam C r a w 3K322 25-29:1 -AmafwH Bate 27:13.7:2Emdy Dandoert 2&.413. 30*»: 1 - La Gyscca 2634.Z 35-2S 1 - Ke! Zxhar^s 2&05.& 2 - Tracy Roserau 3 0 0 3 ; 3 - Bed? Mrfter 3!fl5.~ -W-4J; 1 V&i tte&p 3039. -i5--9r 1 - Ka?r/n I-aecak 27:047; 2 - Oariote rtrte 4057fi S>5J: I - Narcy Dan»d 2S:1&7; 2 - Las hala 2751& 3 - Ofrt Anderson 23^*12 CXeral Mates T - Kewi e t75-.l;3-ftu! j p c - 'i.5. 7 - " •.- P r « Namo Phona (Si^rwur* ot parent or guardian il uxiiv IB) Age Runrang CW9 *' Address, it t T-SHIRT SIZE ,-te S M L XL XXL • _J r- . 1 am PRE-REGISTERING with my credit card" V1SAD M-C.Q Discover • EXP: t i r t u«r-u st w ^JLMMKDi » g (SB * w K 0 s rr!/T d o t KttlttUHEl»St Avon Lake 2004 Homecoming Events Oerafl Maie 1 • Erar Danets 'OR-PEDIC ISH FURNITURE fcvarythlntf lot youf woy of living! iWRAi>EfeOctot^rii;eJ2004?; The Homecoming Parade will start at 1D5Q A ^ l . Saturday OcL 16,2004 at Bleser FieftLEven/one is irr/itEtJ to participate, organisations, or jndrviduais. Entries can be groups waiting, vehidfis and ertravagantly decorated floats. Your imagination is your limit The parade wSl end at the Iiigh school. •s'llhstcBM-imBlnwiBWiB^', 237/0 Lowln Bd. (440) 779-77O0 •A•_;. Dais Cracas ( 9 3 ^ 4 4 3 1 ) M5 Jm UtavfcwUta. UH HB12 U*ta RICWARD P. STUART 2CT O i a r t M Fy« (933-477S) 3Z381 Like W, Ins U b . Ott 44011 ATTORNEY AT LAW 158 Lear Road, Suite A Avon take, Ohio 44012 Evening and Wuhend Appointments PERSONAL INJURY • • • ;: ;, Run In the Park, for Scouts P R E S S U R E RELIEVING M A T T R E S S iao DAY RISK FREE EVERY SIZE In Stock For Immediate FREE DELIVERY! IN-HOME TRIAL WE AR£ OHIO'S LARGEST DEALER. Lmt U» Show You Wyyt 1925 MAYFIELDHEIOHTS PROBATE - W i n * / Trusts * Estate Planning • Estate Administration * Guardianships " Adoptions • Power of Attorneys Uiyision iJ'r itf '2.'75;2 -A--'.-:. -'- 17057. Maice Agei iQ-s&r \ - U»n SJ:/ST 22.30^. ^ i r •^9:1 - Joe TAiocco 13S&3. 3»**ha laoijli) JUS I J H u _ : ftraks: Ages 'Owen 1 - Safrarr jya 2559a 15-19:! - A n t e Strw 1933A i IJW Jin & i a 1«TT«! 1759L7 3>34: 1 - uyrai' tJCO I f t i i f t 2 - Carre H»,tJuk !941.1. 55-39:1 - keO> Jch-scn 25554; 4fr4ft 1 - T i t i * Artcno ie.495; 2 ri im wr; - j-jwt Maocco 185aa 3 - Kale Ki!mari 7527.6.5O 54; l - Batwa Zrke 18:113.' S5-5*. 1 - Cud- t E v * t 17531. 606^: 1 - Chansfctscra192S0. I S-r »s W g I Tn Taxt re aart Sat i« ucrv ixn ^s*; ct ? 1 - Sus CWmw 2524,a AJsra f.-.May 175-12 TELEPHONE ORDERS WELCOME R-iortJ B SVwrt r . Auto Accidents Slip / Fail Industrial Accidents Wrongful Oeath • • • • • • GENERAL Real Estate Title Insurance Small Busira.-ss Corporation Partnerships D U I 7 Traffic RESERVE TOUR BOOTH FOR THE HOMECOMING FESTIVAL MOW: Ptessa return the Homecoming Festival ccntnct ajang noth j a w fet ta Kdby B n t 32WB Brfe Rd, Ann Lake, DH 44012 by September 17,2004 to man your b a c i Vbur wnfiniiBd restr— . B - ^ * — — — — . — _ _ • . ^ — — — ^ ^ — — . ^ - . — ^ «rtSov booth tocatiofl, cap and ! This AQiesmenUor lesse Space j pa^jn«worm«i3nwibemaisiia fanftit!tm:ne[«ikaccagbHj!t*SLkcal | you»pprwimatBljtwwetJobefore thi (extML If you haw any tjua*pfcait contact tothy at 93J- Office Hours: Monday mm Friday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM • . •< ; * - o extra point missed and left the score at 6-0. Brookside responded with a IQ-play drive into — Midview territory, but handed the ball back to the Middies £ when Roger Le picked off a haljback pass and returned it jo to thB Midview 32. Six plays Liter. Middies quarterbtd. H Biyant Ross dropped back to pass under preasurt; friin Q Cards defensive end Kirk Wangbidder. Ross lofted a detp tf throw. Grife tracked it down, intercepted the paw at the 2 Brookside Al and sprinted 59 yards for the score. Kicker g: Brad Baker converted the extra point to give the Cards a 7- £ ld Heugartner gave the Itad back to Midview with a sixyard touchdown run with 48 seconds left in the halt The Middies began the drive at their own 46 after Brookside Jailed on a fourth down and four situation with 2:45 left in the second quarter Ross's pass to Troy DaviU convertixl the two points and put Midview up 14-7. Both teams traded turnovers as the second half got underway, but neither team was able 10 comer! them. Midview"fumbled the ball to Brookside on thu first pla> of the second half. Brookside rnovpd it into Middle territory but turned the ball Uit-k overtt»Midvk-w on downs. Midvie-.v fumbled ihe ball bauk to Bruok&uK ivhu fuoib'ed it back to Midvieiv. Midview fuuibkti thf ball ag-iiu two plays bier dt their own 27. but niiiwgwi to j;i.*l to it bfjforu lilt' Cardinal*. It wouldn't matter. Facing second down and 23 to go. they took to lite air. Ross' pass was tutted down and grabbtii by BruuksUK: defensive tackle Stan Peters. Pt?t«rs rvtunied the kill la tiie Midview 7. MastroUiiitt turued it into a touchdown two plays later o» a three-yard run from scrimmage. Le blocked Baker's extra point altempt to allow Midvicv to keep the lead. 14-13. Brookside got the ball back two plays later. Linebacker Kyl*i Bauniann gobbled up another Midview fumble and the Cardinals made the most of it. They took over possession at the Midview 42 and marched it down to the Mtddie 25. Facing fourth-and10 at the Midview 25, Grile found Hammer wide open When she arrived in 1993. she volunteered as the boys, junior varsity gulf coach and helped establish the Avon Lake girls golf program in 19913. She took over the varsity During those years she earned a variety of honors, includ- boys team in 1999. Since then the Shoremen have won ing four First-Team All-Southwestern Conference awards. ihree-sUaight SWC championships. She is also an assisAll-Ohio honors and four-straight state championship tant coach on the Avon Lakp softball itytm. meet appearances. She placed sixth at states her senior Among her laundry list of honors. Manco is a sevenseason and helped the Sboregals to their first of two state lime winner of the Lorain County Coach oi the Year championships. , award. Moberly lettered in track and field four times. She is a 19U1 graduale of Bay High School, where earned three first-team All-SWC awards in the 3.200- sheManco a two-vear letterwinner in girls basketball. She meters. three more in the 3.200 relay and two in the indi- wentwas on to play basketball and softball at Baldwin-Wallace vidual 1*00. She qualified for states in the 1.GOO her She earned four varsity letters in softball and two junior aod senior years and helped the 3.200 relay team Collegr. place eighth at states in 1984 and earn state runner-up more in basketbalL booors in 1965. 1994 Cross Country Team Moberly went on to be a four-year letterwisruer at Ohio The 1994-95 Avon Lake cross country team marked its University in cross country and a three-year kderwinner place in Shoregab history with a second-placefinishin In track and field. the Southwestern Conference won a district championship and made a statefinalsappearance. Amy (Chadwick) Manco Shoregals finished 7-1 in the SWC that year. Led The numbers continue to pile up for current Avon Laltc by The four-year lettenvinnws and co-captains Julie Perretti head coach Amy Manca The SbotegAls head coach will begin her 12th season and Amanda Cooper, the Shoregals consisted of six freshthis winter. Over her first 1} seasons in charge, the men, one sophomore, two juniors and three seniors. Colleen Byrne earned Team-MVP honors and placed Shoregols won a state championship, two regional championships, Bvo district titles, nine sectional champi- first at districts and fourth at states. Cooper earned firstonships and eight Southwestern Conference titles. She has team All-SWC honors and placed 15th at states. First-time runner and senior Megan Chawansky was that years 234 career wins. •' scholar athlete. Perretti earned the Team Spirit Award. on the left end of the fizld. hammer caught the pass and ran it in the end zone to put Brooksm* back on top. The two-point conversion failed, leaving the store The defense held Midview lu a thiw-iad-out and the •offcnw went back on the move. S t a r t s at Lheir own 40 with about 1U:27 to play, the Cardinal* alternated bantloUs bvrwwn P*?s and Mastroi-uini. Four minutes, and 54vdrds Uuv Grife handed o£T to Garber. who punched it in from 10-yards out. Pete Zagorski scored the two-point c jnversion on a pass from Grife to put Brookside on top 27-14 with 0:59 left in the game. Midview scored on th-ir next drive with 4:00 left to play to cut the score to 27-21. But Brookside racked up three Grst downs on the ensuring drive and ran out the *>J;. As the final seconds ticked away, euphoria ensued. • > js overwhelming,"" Mastxoianni said. "It's something that's n.-ver been done before at Brookside. Before the game coaci. *-»pt telling us how we were a special team. We never gave u^ " ioftSbotmaiI.com H A L L , from page 25 Shooting to be stars Avon Late residents ReiHy Bates and CJ. Biankenshtp participated tn the Future High School Golfers Tournament Sept 25 at Big Met Golf Course. Bates tied for first overs* with a SnaJ score of 81. Btankenship finished second with an 84. The two golfers are oigh*hgradera at Learwood and hope to mate next year's Shoremen gotf team. SPORTS SPOT Avon Lake Youth Basketball The recreation department is now accepting Youth B*sketbaJt Regatrabons. ftrms have been sent home through »iie A w Late Schools, and are also available at the recreation department located at 150 Awn Bdden Road or downloaded from wwvuvonlakesportsjxg. There wfll not be specific registration dates. Completed forms may be mailedtothe recreation department along with checks made payable to the City of Avon Lake. Registrations received after Nw. 5 wi3 be placed on z waiting 1st If you rave any questions please caH the recreation department at 930-4130. Avon Lake Swim Club ing a steak fry/right at the races Mo* 13 at St. Thomas School Cost is S15 per person. Dinner is (torn 5-7 pjn. Races start at 7 p m Contact Joe SchiH at 94S-6089 or me BHS athletic office at 949-4242 for info. BHS alumni flag football game The Cardinal FVide Commrttee would hketosponsor an alumra flag footbaa game if A can find enough interested players. The game wfl be held Oct 22 after the BrooksKle-Weilington game. Th* irvitaSon a also opentoaJumm cheerleaders rf you are a former Brookside foofcail player or cheoieader, please caH Kaw Shoemaker at 949-7585. Deadline is Octia The Avon Lake Swim Out) is hosting a parents meeting Oct. 20 at Monday night football 7 p m in the chorr room at Learwood Middle School The swim dub is . The Avon Lake Father and Son Football Cub 'Monday High! open to all Avon lake students. AS students need updated physical and Football* film session meets every Monday at 7 pm. al coach Dave emergency forms to participate. Call Ram Thomas at 933-5900 if you Diugosr's room at the high school, just off the Commons area. Coach have any questions. Dtugosr w;W review films of the previous Friday night football game. SSL youth b-ball registration Pizza and pop. AH fathers and sons a?e welcome. SherfeJd-SieffieW Lake youth basketball league registrations wJI take Monday Night with the Browns place at Brcokside High School Oct 1? and 24 from 73CH3G p m and' On Oct 18, ^evidence Church w<H preset Monday fight with the the Oct 28 from 5-7 pmTheteaguebopentoboys and girls m grades 1 Browns featuring scheduled appearances by Andre Davis, Phil Danion. a Cost is $5Q CaB Joe ScMI at 94&-6089rfyou have any questions Michael Grant, Andre King and Luke McCown. With Browns' highlight video and btoopws, the program features a Question and answer session BHS basketball steak fry with the Browns' team members sharing theit vwwj on what it takes to Brookside High SchooTs boys and girls basketball program is host- WESTVIEWSCONGREIE 26000 Sprague R<±, Olmsted Falls, OH 44138 get .into the NFL. what 4 takes to1 stay m the NFL, thetf most exciting football memory to-daie. haw they handle the pressure and expectations and how they handle the tough times. The program, which begins at 7 . pm, takes pbce in Avon at Providence Church, 35295 Detroit Arenue. Doors open at 6.40 pm, This event is free and open to the generat public A special tailgate c*vA writ be oHered for middle school students and high school at 5 3 0 p m Please contact the church at 937-500) between 9 a m and 3 p j a t o r more Wormabon on the >outh evert. \ Information is afsa available on the church's Web site at wwwpjwdencecfiurcrujs. • ' , ; ; LaRue Under 5K v KSU softball pitching camp . The Kent State University softbaTi team is sponsoripg a pitching:;' camp Oct 24 for gir!s in gra-Jes 3-12. The beginning pitdu»g camp a-.'.i from 1130 a m - t p.m. The intefdetfato camp is from eittier 1 1 ^ 0 . aum.-1 pjn. or 130 pja-3 pm. 'fho advanced pitching camp is froKi •'. 130 cuu-3 p m Cost is J40 if registration is postmarked by Oct 13 ;". and $50 if post-narked after Oct 13. Pitchers must provide their own," catcher. The camp wli take pf^ce at the KSU Bctd House located on V Summit Road, no-ttothe football stadium. Call (330) 672-2162 or visft-\ www.kentsta!esporticom and click on camps.' • • '!". h\ i RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL We Carry A Full Line Of Masonry Supplies B R I C K - S T O N E . E R O S 1 440-2 , The Ham-on Cultural Community Centre a hosting i'j 10th anew al LaRue Under Autumn Classic 5K run and 2Kwalk Oct l&Trwrace will b-gin at the center. Call (440) 244-0359 for info." O N B L O C K 1-800-332-2738 w-iuoer J O . ^LHJ-* •. v . ,. • • _ _ _ . '• • ' Avoid putting too much company stock in 401(k) Here's a scary sUlistic: NVarly 5H (>«riit of Enron employ**?*1 4Qi(k) assets was invited in Uiunn stock as it full Oa.B wn»nt in value duriiiy 2001. according to the National Association uf Securities rValers (NASD), and hvtv's a still more frightening piece of information: Even after the fall of Enron, many employees have even larger pvrccnta^.i of their **01(fc) assets iii their company stiick than Enron employees did. OF course, Huron was aa extreme example; most companies don't flame out in that fashion. Yet. almost all curnuanie* go through ups and downs-and. if you're overloaded on company stock, these "downs" can take a pretty good whack at your -4011k} balance. To complicate matters, your employer raav use various methods to encourag-j you to niake company stock a significant part'of your 401 tkt For one tiling, you may be able to buy the stock for less than the current market price-and it's hard to resist the temptation of a "good deaL" Also, you may bo able to defer a higher percentage of your salary to your401(ki if you're buying company stock. And your employer niay even choose to make matching contributions in stock, rather than cash. You need to be aware of this potential FINANCIAL FOCUS Reported By Rick Pott3 institutional "bias" toward using your employer's stock in your 4UHU- Even if your company truly is worth inv*»Ung in. you'll be doing yourself a favor by timiting your exposure to company stock. In tact, many experts recommend that you lirrut company stock to no morw than 10 percent of your 401(10 poitfolioDiversify. diversify, diversify To avoid getting "bogged down" with company stock, you'll need to make a conscious effort to spread your 401[k} dollars among lh« various investment options in your plan. Diversification is the key to "investment success outside your 401(k)-and it's just as important within your plan. too. Fortunately, most 401(k) plans have expanded their investment choices in the past decade or so. Depending on your plan, you could easily have a dozen or (THE B U Z Z AROUND TOWN ii\Ai'M\*. Uii lutlin^ puoVd invest-1 nifiiti co-'i\iii;iii£ clucks or bonds, inunt-y iii.trki-t itn.-iunts ;«id giidraut't^l investment t.untrji ts (it iyjw of investment that oilers pit.'M'niitiuii ul principal ond a fixed rate nf rtrturn). With dl! 'JK-W.' i-hoirt**. innv t a n you know lh* proper way iu ih'vwvlfy your 4Ul[k)? ActiidUj. there's no one "risjn" an>w**r fur e wry one. Tu offwlively iiilo L.itu \tiur iiVit.-is inside your 4Ul(kl. you nw*d In tjVi.' lulu account your tolerance for risk <ind your time, horizun. So. for e.vaiupU-. if you are by nature an aggn.*s$i ve investor, you'll probably want to weight your 4Ul(k) more heavily toward the stock accounts. Also, if you're just starting out in your career, ynu have a lot of Umt; to overcome any "down"* periods in the market, so you laight want to invest more aggressively than you would if you were muring retirement. It's a good idea lo review your 40l(kJ itsntA, allocation at leavt unce a y**ar to see if it still Ets your needs and goals. Get the roost from your 401[k) By looking beyond your company's stock, and by allocating your assets across a range of investments, vou can help ensure that your 401(k) will pay off for you when it counts-during your retirement Interested in 'interest only' loans? Look into your options With so many different mortgage options available these days, have vou even, beard of paying "interest only?" These am mortgages set up where you are required lo pay only the interest on the loan amount, simple interest at that, BO the monthly payment is about 65 percent of the conventional 30-year fixed. It sounds pretty enticing atfirst,but you need to consider very carefully whether this type of loan would benefit you or not. Like traditional loans, monthly interest payments are tax deductible. The amount of the tax deduction will be much lower than using the 30-VEnrfixedrate mortgage in the early months because you are paying only simple Interest Your payment is so much less because you are not paying off the mortgagr through an unionization table adculation. If you plan to stay most of your hie In the home you purchase and never refinanca-and you want to eventually «Uminato your mortgage d&bt-an 'interest free' loan could be a re»l disadvantage. However, homeowners on average stay only seven year* in a home and most homeowners do refinance during their homeownewbip. If you fall under cither of these probabUitifs. then an 'interest only loan can be very valuable lo you. Remember thit the entire principal you borrow will have t y *» P^d a l s o m e P° m t *-»wn the road tiilher whwn the interest bee loans convert to traditional mortgages (usually alter 10 years or so) or when you sell the property. Sine* moit interest only loans art! -variable" Interest rate loans, consider principal a* anytime. Since most 'interest only* loans ore calculated as simple interest." your monthly interest payment is based on the amount owed and the interest rate charged. Calculate your payment usin^ a 30-year amortization schedule. Divide that payReported By ment amount into the nxjuirvd 'interest only* payment and take tho difference Ken Kodger evcrv month and apply it against the prinThis should allow you to "pay-off" what might happen if you sell your home dpaL mortgage in fewer than IB years in a short period of tune if you have an the you will be paying a much greater •interest only* loan? In many cases, your because toward uV principal during the equity increases faster &o»n the property'» amount early months of your loon than you do appreciation in value than it would from using a 30-year amortization schedule. making principal payments. You might since there is no commitment to pay make only interest payments for a few Also, than tho interest charge, when you years and still sell your home for a profit. more a low cash month, you do not have !o If you sell and ihe equity has not increased have faster than the 'interest only" interest rate. make the principal payment Find a real estate agent who is savvy you may liavw some neRative amortization about helping you determine an appmpnto accountforwhen selling. loan.'An 'interest only' mortgage may There am many variations available ule not be right for you, but ask your realtor to using the interest onlyfinancingavailable explain your options and recommend a todav. One. which 1 find intriguing, is to strong lender for your needs. set "up your own principal reduction his is a paid advertisement by Kan schedule. Commit to an •interest only' loan r of HE/MAX Homeward Bound. with the option of paying off a part of the REAL ESTATE HOTUNE Chapter of Bill to meet The Business Builders Chapter of BM (Busiiwss Network hiternational) has moved its weekly Wednesday morning meeting to-Dave & Busters. 25733 1st Stnsrt. Westbke at 7:30 a.m. The cliapter i* mad« up of a diverse croup of business professional* that assist each o*1'" "' B"»vin« their business throng" refcrruls. IJN'l prm-iito a simctua-d and supportive systvny y developing personal n-l«ion.iht|» «• "" ether business prnf^ionals. you have • opportunity to Rpnv your busi».,.,mi. tnrMn-Ml.nl ness. Anyone intt-n-steu trl in urnWIIIJ is...----r their business is invited to nth-nil tinnmt Businnss Huiklont mining "".[ ) i : l 20 at 7:50 a.m. Cntitt' und UiH*1!^ "'ill i"' wrvcd. For furtlyr iiifoniwli'ni.' <'"'-»(;l Kenny Cilder, diajrtfr pn-*id»nt *il 3413579 or Rick Otdwull. public rulalions coordinator al 'J33-HU75. 35765 Chester Rd., Avon For more htftmnutit»i vi.\ii wickenslaw.com 27 Local Attorneys Practicing In The Areas Of • Corporations & Limited Liability Companies • Business, Tax & Succession Planning - Pension, Profit Sharing, 401 (k) & Employee Benefits • Commercial & Industrial Real Estate • Civil Litigation • Labor & Workers' Compensation • Estate Planning & Probate • Domestic & Family Law • Personal Injury Staggering volume for August Harna Holdings, the parent comjtany ol Sm>the. Cramer Co. of Cleveland and Howard Hanna Real Estate Services of Pittsburgh, announces a sp^ciaculjT volume oj over SIS bilUoti for the month of /Vugust. Closed vulunie is defined as the sale* volume of properties sold. Listing volume is the total list price of properties on the market. Written volume reflects sales pending. Total volume for the firm's western region was Siaa million. Western region offices include Avon Lake. Bay Village. Brecksville. Brunswick. ElyrU, Lakewood, Medina. Middlvburg Heights. North Olmsted. Rocky River and Strongsville. In Lorain County ar«a branches of the Western Region for Sraythe, Cramer, the firm's Avon Lake office, led by Christopher Higgins. registered total volume of 57 million. linda A. Hiwim snd Susan L. SchUlingt were the Top-2 REALTORS® in closed volume for the month. Homra and Joseph Cellaoci took top honors in written volume. CeSucci Page joins local animal clinic Trw Avon Lake Animal Clinic U pleased to announce Or. P. Paw has recently joined its staff. Dr. Pago is K 1096 graduate af Ohio State UL.*vcrsity, college of veterinary medicine. While al Ohio State. Dt Page received additional training in the area ol animal behavior. Dr. Page has a special interest in treating exotic pets including birds, pocket pets, farrets and reptiles and is a capable orthopedic and soft tissue surgeon. She currently lives in Bay Village with Chauncy. Norton, Samantba and D.uqitia (her dog. cat. rabbit and cockatoo). The Avon Lake Animal Clinic itt very pleased to have " veterinarian with Dr. IVifitt's ubilitie* as a u«w member of their team. Breast Cancer Av/areness The world's largest chain of fitness and weight IOM centers. Curves, has announced plans to actively support Bruast Cancer Awareness Month in October. Curves locations across the country will be participating in a promotion designed to encourage early detection. Jennie Geise. a Curves frundimtj in Avon Lake said that the club will waive the initial service fee for women who join during the wwfc of Oct. 11 and showVvidunno of having u recent rnainmogrnm. Wornt-n who are interested in getting more information uboul breast onr.«;r attct brnast camcer ri^ik factors should visit tlit* officii'I Nat ion al Ilrrast Cancer Aw.irt'iiens Munth witbsttt at www.nbcam.com. Fur niofa intiiniiiittui: on the Curv**» Avnn Uke liffiT tall 03H-7678. Srnd pn-ss re/caws for "Thr Buzz Aro:>und Tim-tr to The PHESS. P.O. 300, Avon Lukp. Ohiu 44012 or (••moil to tht'prrsstybright.nat fsub~ fivt lint-. Attn: BUZZ). approaching flection. The evitnt will take place in the Performing ArU" Center of the high school. All axe welcome. Refreshments will be served. Candidates'Night at ALHS On Oct. 28 at 7:30 p.m-. the senior class of Avon Lake High School will be hosting their annual Candidates* Night. There will be congressional candidates, Parents' seminar series state representatives, as well as local Avon Local Schools will present and county officials voicing their opin- the first seminar in their parents' ions about matters concerning the series on Oct. 19. The topic will be What's for Lunch? For the week of Oct 14-50.2004 toast, puddmg. milk, Avon High School, Middle, Fri: Macaroni and cheese, sabd. fruit, juice, Heritage, East and Village Thuc AM & AHS: Choice of grand siam, veggie sub, Mexican bai. Phiiiy steal*, chicken tenders, salads. A £ ?/: Waffle dippers, sausage patty, hash bn.-*ns, orange juice, milk. Fri: AM & AHo: Choice of calzone, hoagie, burger, salads. AEHV: Lasagna rcfl-ups. grew beans. breadsbdts, peaches, milk. Mon: AM & AHS: Choice of breadsticks. chicken Caesar wrap, pasta bar, chicken tenders, salads, AEHV: Rib barbecue sandwich, com, fruit shape-up, milk. Tue: AM & AHS: Choice of pizza, egg salad. oriental bar, pizza burger, salads. , AEHV: Chicken pot pie, mixed veggies, biscuit peaches, gogurt, milk. Wed: AM & AHS: Choice of stromboti. bagel, breakfast, hot dogs, salad. AEHV: Rzza sticks, celery w/peanut butter, apple, miik, Avon Lake High School Thur. Pizza 6t beef-a-roni, salad bar, garlic milk. Men: Rzza or sandwich, fruit rniik, . Tue: • Chicken patty sandwich* fruit fnJk, V/ed: Hamburgef. fries, fruit, cookie, milk. Avon Lake Grades 1-8 Thur: Hamburger, fries, peaches, milk. Fri: French toast sticks w/syrup, pork . sausage, fruit pudding, juice, milk. More Chicken soup, mini corn dog, fries, fruit juice, milk. Tue: Sft-p, peanut butter and jeJIy pocket cheese stick, melon slice, juice, milk. Wed: Pizza, salad, fruit, cookie, milk. "Molding Compliant Behavior in Children." presented by Robert Reilman, LPCC counselor. T h e seminar will be held from 7-8:30 p . m . at the Avon High School Auditorium. Admission is free. For more information, catl Dr. Craig Kohler at 934-3SGQ or Kristina Buller at 934-6171. SL Mary School benefit A fund-raising dinner will be served Oct. 24 at 4 and 6 p-m. at St. Mary's School Hall. Avon. The menu will include grilled chicken, pasta, salad and bread will be provided and prepared by Carrabba's Italian Grill. Dessert and Caribou coffee will also be served. Car* ryout orders will be available. Tickets are available by presale only. The cost is $10 for adults and S5 for children under 10. There will be prizes lo raffle. Proceeds will benefit improvements to the school hail, cafeteria and gym. To place an order, call Sharon at 934-5015. A check, made payable to St. Mary PTU. must be received by Oct. 20. Spaghetti dinner at JVS Sheffield & Sheffield Lake City Schools Thun Turkey w/gra^y, whipped potatoes, , bread, fruit crisp, miik. Frt Pizza snack burrito. Spanish rice, mixed fruit milk. Mon: Fish sandwich, fries, applesauce, milk. Tue: Ground beef and gravy, mashed potatoes, bread, green beans, apple icy, milk . . Wed Taco, corn, orange, milk. The Lorain County fVS Teachers* Association will host an all-you-caneat spaghetti dinner on Nov. 4 at the JVS. Dinners will be served from 4:306:30 p.m. The cost is 56 for adulta. S5 for senior citizens and $4 for children age* 4-12. Children 3 and under arcfree.In addition to spaghetti and meatballs, the menu will include salad, breadsticks, cake and ice cream. Funds raised from the dinner will be used for tho support of student activities and scholarships. Breast Cancer Awareness Help the students at Learwood Mid- dle School raise awareness and money for breast cancer. During the week of Oct. 11-15. the PTA. with the help of the Builder's Club, will be collecting money to send to the Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation. The foundation is dedicated to helping find a cure for cancers that affect women such as breast cancer. During one week, the students will fill in an outline of a ribbon with pink Post-It notes- It is asked of each student to bring SI. but any donation will be accepted. When the students bring in a donation, they will write their name and/o* a message on a Post-It note to be put on the outline. The money will be collected in the homerooms in the morning. The room that raises the most money will be awarded a doughnut breakfast. Reunion info , Plans are underway for the 20-year reunion for the Brunswick High School Class of 1985. A dinner is planned en July 23, 2005 at the Wyndham Hotel Cleveland Playhouse Square. The committee is locking for area classmates. Please e-mail Chxisti Chizmar-Patrick with your mailing address, and those of any classmates you still keep in contact with to: BHS8SREUNlONSaol.com. A formal invitation will be sent in the coming months with more details. Pancake breakfast The Avon High School senior class will sponsor a pancake breakfast Oct 17 from 9 a.m.-l pjn. at the high school cafeteria. Th« cost U 55 per person. Children 10 and under are free. Tickets can be purchased at ihe door. Money raised will benefit the senior class and their Washington. D.C trip. October 14th, 15th, 16th, & 17th BOKftXE Dai4-7.-O0PM Soo*riftifkingLot VARSITY FOOTBALL GAME AVON LUCE VS. BAY VILLAGE O a 15-7:30PM PARADE GRAND MARSHALS OHIO STATE J / OCI16@1:30PM 16 @ 10:30 AM North Lot BiVEBKJRRY Pre-Oame Malf-Ttme Activities K1WAN1S PANCAKE BREAKFAST SUM, OCT. 1 7 7:30AM-l :30PM A! AlHS Commons OCt 17 @ 1:30PM 16 12:30PM Sponsored by Avon LdVe ' l Hil Pie Baking Contest OCI17@1:OOPM oai7 1:30PM OCT/ 16 EVENTS @ ALHS COMMONS1IOCT. 1 7 EVENTS @ ALHS COMMONS CAT'S MEOW 3 i" All Btpticai will tw on ial«. 11:30AM 12:00 - 4:00PM i2:O0-12:4CPM 12:30PM 1:00PM-l :30PM : :OOPM-4:O0fM i;OOPM-4:O0PM I:30PM-2:OOPM l:3OPM-2:30PM 2:30PM-3;O0PM 2:45PM-3;45PM FESTIVAL BEGINS (ENDS @ 4PM) Sllv«rih«rne Ooll«ry - Art 5hew M I u KrisfenTs Danc« Shew 14lh Annual Pot Shaw St. Igwcrilus High School Circus Co. D«II»on IWUtlng Clowns Sumo Wrestling Children's Pwp^af Shew I t * S«wlp1Ing Demonstration North Lot Ohle Slate Drum Ma|ers D«tnoct£tratloa Cleveland Metro Porks Animal Show Remaining Pies To Be Sold 7.-30AM-1:30PM 10:30AM 10:30AM-3:Q0PM 11:30AM-3:00PM 12 ;00FM- 1:00PM 12:30PM-l :00PM 12:30PM-2:30PM l:00PM-1:45PM l:00PM-2:00PM 1:30PM-2:20PM Klwnnb Pancake Break* arf FESTIVAL BEGINS (ENDS <$ 3PM) Sltveiihorne Gallery - Art Shew MUSIC - Pianist St. Ignatius High School Circus Co. Joxzerclse Demonstration Balloon Twitting Clowns & Jugglers Cleveland Metro Parks Animal Shew Blueberry Pie Baking Contest ALHS Cheerleadlng Demonstration Jackie Schaefer memorial scholarship A (turner to raisw funds lor the Idt-kit? S d u f k r IJILIMUrial scholarship will be held Ott. 21 at TbmVOjuniy Place at 6.p.m. Jackie was a lifelong Avon Likt* re-sidviit and former Westlaki;Te-acher of tlw Yiw Shv •succumbed to a rare form of cancer in October 2001. Her family started the scholarship, which awards unv Wesilakt- Hiiji School senior who plans to study eduction S3UO The dinner will include a:i ail-yuu-3ca11-e.il pig rrwit. Tickets are S30 per person- There will A.w \M j.'rizrs riffled, a silent auction and a 50/50 ralfl*?. Kur dimiw and raJfle tiiVft-; i-fjiitai t I.iel!-Aiui Lj-vvis <ii "'J7-'ir7Z ur K.JJ S< IW'F.T-.' (4-tU) H.I1-7J". All proi.t vd- fnmi t!ii> ••v.-iil uill .y.j liirvcity intfj the -J Iirjijr«.}ni> fund. St Mary School students of the month -Sl. Marv of thf InimaLuUti- Cor.M.'jitiou S<1ILKJ1 uf Avon has t».f n awarded a TanM Tdk».' C-'lur^v uf KduL.ilit-n Craiil fcr S2.WJU. The -whoo! w l l apply tiu- {yaiit fund-. towards their a n t-kTditil rrjiier program and library muti-rials. September students of the mutiih The PTT tr'-jtoj all student lo Iuin.i.t: ACADEMIC NOTES Bryan Fitch, of Avon, received an associate ia applied science from Ohio State University. Nicole Koakoly and Christopher Thomas, botii of Avon Lake, received dt«r*fs Iroiii Ohio State U i Eric Allen, of Sheffield LaVe. recrntly received a associate af applied 'sciuncv di-gref from Ohio State UniversityAdam •Tobias*, of Sheffield Village, recently received a bachelor of science degree in hospitality from Ohio State University. • • . * © •O- ' Meredith Monfot and Adam Young, both of Avon Lake, were named In the honor roll at Ohio State Universttv. •0Jennifer Novotny, of Avon Lake, was selected as an orientation leader during the 2004 freshman orientation weekend at Baldwin-Wallace College. Novotny is a Junior at B-W. where she majors in early childhood education. She is active ia Mid-Ntght Madness, the Alpha Gamma Delta sororily and is vice president of Greek. Council. She is also a'College 101 assistant. The 2002 Avon Late High School graduate is the daughter of Del and Kathy NoVotny. •• . - ' \ sthoUrship i-i awarded to th<: student uf the edutr-lional institution's f.huiL". Avon Lake Ht^h SI.1K.J1 graduate. Ericka .\(. Morrisua, r»'i.wiit'ua Sl.UU'j scholarship frimi llie (i)lU*s*.* of Mis»*ritonlia Betliany |. Connelly, a BrcoVsidt* Hit;h St-luwl^r.idudlf ret.eived <i SaOO scholarship frutn Lorain County Comniuiiity Colleg*;. '•* Kyan O'Donnelt, i»f Avon Lake, recently grad-jHt'-d from Kent Slate University. " • * • Itachel Soucek. of Avon, received a bachelor of arts" deyn-e from Miami University. • * " UfeShare CmamuniVy Blood Servict-s awarded scholarships to atiidents across Northeast Ohio. For every SO blood donations m school provides., a S500 Hradley Bartol, Carl F«TRUSUH and Dominique lones, all oE Avon L;ike. recently receive i degrees from Nliami University. • © • • • ' Brookside High School graduate Rian Medina, the daughter of Eugene and Patricia Medina, was one of alracwt 500 new students formally ecrolled at Marietta College during the traditional Matriculation Ceremony held Aug. 19 on Fetiton Qnirt in Dyson Bauin Recrnation Center. . ' • First grade: Ciilue ZAutny. Mickc-y ON'eil: arten; Jacob Buarman and Alexis Zzry k. Graduate credit available • Ligio Papa and Scott Wendell, both of Avun. wt-rt.named to the honor roll at Ohio State University. id?: Viriyrua I'.irkcy; rvide: Kale Divd'-Tith: m Sii\th ;;f It-: IdcUe Bava jjid Mully Cuiuuy: ?£ L>: Amy Di^di'ri(,h. Kristeri Krystowsli. LuV« Q Lutidy and Jacob Mulliiiv: O Fourth ^nide: Catht*rinf: Vdrnosr>?rcsi. Erir«» Eiswman. Q ).iaib Hon-ath. Mattiiew Vuriwk: g Third gradt*: Jwy Bvgany. K.C Kiloria. Ca'h«.'rii,*' ^ W-irren; — SM-OIHI grade: (erina Gallipuli. Joey Gib>c '. Jii^htli • ' - * • Hotly Zwolinski, of Avon Lake, is a nembtr of the Social Work Club al Ashland University. She is the daughter of Kon iind Evelyn Zwolinski, of Avon Lake. Magnificat High School senior Erica Bauer of Avon Lake was named a Commended Student in the 2005 Merit Program. She placed within the top 5 percent uf the students who entered the competition hv taking the qualifying exam, the PSAT7NMSQT. Lint rdt Graduate fdmalion u\-dit in i.urriLulum and ins'ruel'um is available next summer on f-vo <tudy tours sp<jny>rwl by Cliio I.'niversity Southern CatTipus. The tours ar« Di^'iver Ireland June 12-1*3 dJid tZruise ;uid 'explore Alaska July 31 -Au£. *i. Uiscuunlt-iJ gn>up rates ajid sp»T:i.il sunuuw sraduatL* workshop tuition fees apply for then: I:1AVS<.*S. For jnore infoniution. call Steve Qill at [74')) 333-155<J r*r tsuo) (i2G-ll5l3 ext. 4559 or e-nmil call8ohU»-edu. Ohio Dominican open house Ohio Dominican University will hold mi opeu hou^; for prospective students and'their pdrtnis on Oct. 22 from 9:30 a-m.-l p.m. ou the University's Main Campus. 1216 Sunbury Rood. The day will include tours of the campus; an overview of th« admissions andfinaiiri.ilaid process: information on i>fJiularship t)ppurtuntU>^: ODU faculty presentations ind luntii witli ODU faculty, sti!? aiid students- Registration will begin at 5 LUIL The event b open to the public Rssi-naiions an* encuuraged. Tliusw interested ti«i rest!T\e their spot fur the open hou«: by calling (800) 'J33-OKIC1 or registering online at www.ohiudomuiicaii.edu. Pick Your Own Apples Saturday & Son day 10 aun**6 p.m. 7-Acre American Freedom CORN MAZE Farm KUrkct Opca Dttoj 1O A.M. - 6 PJ*. (44O) 96S-&9O4 LAV OFFICES OK JackKilroy 215 Mtux ROM. Sutre 5. AVON L»« Bf APPavTMtm: 440-030-7280 Integrity in the Spirit uf Public Service I3BJM Women SeHidnq- Women A 35;? NORTHCOAST OB-TTN *iHrcLilu« in niutuic gyneu'logy, nb^tetrits. pap tests, breast cttevks. inlertility. incontinence. IV.F. Hann & Sons wrc. tm-^iile bi'nc ilfn-»ity Dr. Karen .ind hrr tram cf lir.ittlt ure professional* iirc curing each woman j.t an l frtim pr Get a Furnacs Tune-Up, Safety Inspection & Gleaning Today! ftarvlng Morth«a«t Ohio alncts 19O7 Heating • Cooling • Plumbing NOW OFFERING User Treatment for hair ri-mny!. spider vein^, F.wiil wrinkle>. brown spirts. >»cnc and Rosu'va. New Patients Welcome Convenient Evening Hours 2 Office Locations NORTHCOAST OB-GYN ELYRIA Furnace Inspection j & Cleaning AMHERST 125 East Broad St. 590 Leavltt Rd. Gates Medfcal Sldg. (Rt. 58-South> Liberty Woods Suite « 0 1 Profesilonat Park 440-329-7375 440-985-3050 OFF Plumbing Service Call *' 1 3. 2004 Quaker Steak and Lube revs up menu with new items IIIJ> FOOD REVIEW ^•T'.'-ti ljiitj-i Quaker St'Mk and Luu*?. AmerH-iS number one duto-thcined fiinily reMaurant. i» celebrating it" 3uth anniversary by introducing several new menu items guaranteed to gut your motor rvnniivv Not oniy that', but the ciuiii 'hit serves chicken wings in lfi different flavors has added some light, low-curb entrees. First an the list of menu additions is the rib rack appetizer, a full or half rack of Danish baby back pork ribs to munch on and share. The nbs are baited with Quaker Steak's award-winning Lube . sauce, hickory smoked barbecue. Buckeye bajbvcue or Louisiana Uckfcr- iauce (S6.99 a half rack, or 510.99 a f'tll rack}. The Chicken Caes*f Mobile salad appeals to low-carb dieters- It is prepared -.vitb grilled Parmesan pepper chicken tenders over c h o ppetl romaim* lettuce, tiisscd with a house Caesar dressing. p a r in c s a n chewje and garlic croutons (S7.99). Satisfy your craving for both Quaker Steak wings and ribs by ordering the new wing and rib combo dinner. Enjoy a "sprintster." ot appetizer-sized portion of wings in your clioicp of sauce and a half-rack or barbecued ribs, served with \ Craftcr* Wanted for 17th Annual Loraln COE nty JV5 Saturday, October 16th 9 a.m. to 4 pjn. Ore/150 Ctatten! 6'X6* space $30.00, 6'xlT' s p » « &S0.00 (tmblc* not provided) To incrw ifstce wto «ce«e more koto, nit Una* at {440} r7-t-I05I. Eit 315 Loraln County JVS JMCIIMI «l 5 ( J U H M M 20 A M u i t h ( n t — .iiui I n ; S 1 '. •>'!, u ! ' ^ ' J lit tjfii iuk'-i i'-Mii-. .i i ' ' ) ! : L K ( . <ii t i t , - , u h h i h i iM ' M rji-.ii! f i l i *i'i). < h i ' k--[\ U-n J . T - i'il'l.'ni. i.r n i - - . u n i . ; , j i n i h.iib'^iU'-ti s h r i m p i'•>!•* '' r ( l\ | i > ' ' , W w Vu:k«r. „ tijUtK triiinu.%1 -l,ri|> •vli.'-ik, -t-rvfii w u h p n U t u a m i .i 49GQ Transportation LVive, 3-h=?iis!u Village 934-WIHG • • < - • • Havyrsul b-tr. ;%r-ip s.ttm'-v.LJ'.es. pji.i<i!.. » ^ " U 1 " ' tri'rs. snup and an a^'irtnieut of du-Tis'/rts f.-.rSr.4'» The wejlher i^ '•'i'l p l e ^ a n t fijou»li I.J «,tup by tor. kur.iuke night an th- p-Jtio im \\>ihi--<liv fvenin-;^. loin :i.m!'j uf vour il<i,-st (rieildi for the Wt'*:kly bike iiii;ht tm Tliursfldy. with live !xtini.> ^:iJ ff-T- ihrt r hoire uf »oiij.. t^e*ar or bous-- s^iljif. i-; •i niuutli-w.r.rrinfl In-.v-uarb olferin--; IS IT.•>'>}. i:<irI:L-i:uniuI'''l i-t-.i-'-d-V^ t^iii.kt-n is srilit:(l and iinoth-r**tl wilii uriW ^i-.v-iuays. Live bands like Eddie freih mu>hn»ouis. roasted r e j j)t.-(jpt-r> ;md the Edsuli. the Getrzt- C^ts and Tti« ami unions, t-wiss j n d American buffett M.iJi can be heard on Friday cheesi's and t:ri*p bacun. It. i^ served uveiiing. Enter a drawing to win a.hot with s.-.i-.tiu-il frte» and cinnamon tub and listen to music by a featured UJ -ipjiK-3 151U ".l)|. Tlur B;» Chopjier is a IH-tnim •• ihiijijifti iirl'jin st^ak, •>*;&• this ^aturdLty. A car cruise-in with oldies tunei; is •<u::e<] .nid grilled to utii'-r. with ma->!ied planned for Sunday. Oct. 17. A clown, ft'*J -V.in pot.itoes j n d riwstt'd brown «r.iv> iSa.yyJ. Tli>? Full-Drvsscd Chup- tu.igic shoiv and free kid's meals with the purchase of an adult-size enUw is p»T is tupri^ii with m**lii-d Swiss and (lie draw on Monday. Tuesday is counAni'.Tif.an Lhi -i> vs. sw>-**t unions ;inii try ni^ht. with live bands. DJ Cubbaand s.«iti>*d mu-ihroums (S"J "I'll. line dujicinjiQuaker Steal, .mil Lub*1 ir-rvt'i ,u. Qu-ikt'r Sltak and Lube. 4900 Transt'>pfi,'-i-. liiinJi nn Monday through t'npurUtiuu Drive i[i ShefHeld Village, is d.;> t.Kni 11 ti in. - 2 ;• in Chi KM*?1 on* nE two d.iity m i n i ' s from tin.1 special lueim iu-.LTi for Sfi.L:'l. The Quartt-r-Mik* ilultV:, d'nt) jv^jh'ble oil Muiitliiy (liruu^h ripen from 11 a.m.-midnight on Monday-Wednesday, until 2 a-m- on Tu«-»tJay-Sdturdjy. aud from 11 a.ui.-n p.m. on'Sundav: Phone 9W-WI\"G. French fries for StO-91*- Nt*w parinesan steak strips are sauteed slices of sirloin served on a bed nf prtrmesan pt-ppercoated fries (S10/JQ). Test drive a full order of baby hack ; P BE5 $< DINING Close OlKJli«r» 31953 Lot* Rood A-onlok*440-933-i217 5w**(briar Calf Club 750 Joycoi Rood A-on LoU 440-933-90C 1 Johnny Mattoy's 33475 LaU Rood A»oo UV« 440T?33-7OOO Liquid Th«rnpr Ciwb & Grill 33493 Lake Road Avon Loie 440-930-9178 Atlanta Bread Company Avon Laie Tcwme C-r«e> A.on Lot* 440-930 7t44 A) he no'* O«Ii 33424 Lakr Rood A*on Lake 440-9302685 Rio Cof« 3338SWa!VerRoad Avon Lake 440-930-7201 Cw** Steak & Ale 5348 LoU Road Sr-eKw-ld Lat« 440-947-7553 legacy C l j b 750 Jaycoi Road A,on Lok« 440930 5^70 Ali*rn Catering 726 A.on S*ldi>n A.on UAe 440-*»33 4/2 1 ' FREE SHALL 1-lTEM PIZZA n PntHH OF BEER Si el la'» Itatiort Rett & lounge 446 A.on B-ldpn Kd A.unLat- 933 3S01 OPtNINC NIGHT TICKETS ONLY S10F „ „ . y^yc Atlanta 8r»od Company A.ort Lnke To-fw Cenl^f A>on Lake 440-930-7144 Novotny Cat wring t43 U w Road onLokf 440 933-5375 Domirto'* Fill a Drua Mart Plaid A«wn Lut» 440.733 •3099 1 Geppefto'i *izza & Rib* 33475 Lake Rood A*oi lake 440 933-'ixlO Irish Heritage Ctwb 776 A(on B*Wen Road wjnUk- 440-933-3413 Zappe'i r";-erio 2100 C*'iVr< Vd , Su*le £ A.«m 440 934-6485 3 e*s:eit wiy to ormrtiCkttJ, BO 10 txXttnvttTf Ticket C*nt*(j, Gund Arem Boi Ot1>C« or call (216) 241 -5555 c.,.>-a. {330} 945-9400 A.,,. Croup* (2161 420 2153 TICKET PRiCES: {14 - J » - J 3 I M m - K t H • * - • * . • S6S £«.. Cl»MI M4 UWHh M th* ThTM fllM A^nMWt* • MM bM> M m tfcmxttM. SHOWS AND EVENTS AVON LAKE CABLE 2424 R1DGELAN0 DR. AVON Patriots Community Band concert BROADCASTING THIS WEEK Program l,ne-vo for Public Access Channel 99 for !~>e v.etkofQct t3-t9.20Oi: Public Access Channel 28 'Financial Focus,* w.*ji host R^fc Pots, 12 pjru 8 p-^-; - ajn, *ntness Forum." wrth Jeanne Shustw. 1 p_-n; 3 G-TI; 5 am. "Truettorth Spctfcgfit,* presented by Ftt> Fortne-/, 2 p/n.; 2 pm; 6 am. • Sunday servsce of the Lakesfic e United Metnodst Cvjrch, •4 pm; 12am;8x'n. t e a i n g 'the Way Home,' presented by Cafol Murph/. 7 pm; 3 pju; 1J a m (The Artsn La>e Ucvtsd Church of Chrst broadcasts rb setvice 6ve on Sunday mornings at 9 ana 71 am) . Government Access Channel 12 Awon Lake City CouncJ cofiectwe meeting of Oct 11. 7 ajn/pjn; 1 im/pjn. The Natural World Around Us.* prcdured by Miles Reed, 11 am/p-m; 5 a/n/pjn. ALC-TV Playback This week on ALC-TV, Carol Murphy talks wth mortgage banke: Ttm Atkinson, ajout the options cum *it)y available to homebuyers. Jeanne Shuster *e>ghs in on oi«t and pfeventing childhood obesity. ALC-TV is a community based teie*is«on station. Programming is generated by Avon Lake residents. For .ndividuals Of. groups interested in producing a program, it ts necessary to schedule with ALC-TV a rrtrrmtum of tvto «eeks tn advance. Rease caQ ALC-TV at 933-7677 with questens or comments. TIIP FdtnoLs Community B<iiid Save the Woods conu^n will be Od- 17 at 3:30 p.m. Jt liif Avon UA.v Hi^li School Audituriuiu.' Svlfttians will include marches, Broddwdy musicals. Big Band sunup and vocals featuring Avun'Lake's Luri Ctmghlin. Tickets will t^ or sale «it the door fur 55 each or tall 'J33-6326foradvdHCt sales. Future concerts will include the ChrUim«is cuncert on Oec- 4 ill Hie S^mdiiiky S1 ite Thcit^r and Dec. 17 at Avon High School. Times will b« annuunced. The Phantom of the Opera Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phamoiu uf the Op«ni will be at the Allen Theatre now-Nuv. 7. Tickets are available at the Playhouse Square Center box office, all tickels-tom outlets, online at www.playhousesquare.cuai and by phone dl (21B) 241-6000. Prices range from S22-5r>S6G.5O (plus handling). (1/4 (nil* MSI Of RL fill Oft Detroit ROL B*hind Avon WUgc D«toenttry School) * SEAfOOO i BARBECU£ i! BLACKENED GROUPER SANDWICH: $4.95 BBQ PORK, CHICKEN, TURKEY: $4.95 FRESH CHOWDERS! HOURS: 10AH-8PW UOM-SAT-CLOSED SUNDAY Barry Manilow Barry Manilow will be at Gund Artn? OcL 15 »t 8 p m A portion of the proceeds will benefit a local charity. Tickets are S84.75. S62-50 and S41.25 and axu available at all Tickctmaster locations, Cund Arena ticket office, www.ticketmaster.com. or charge by phone at (216) 241-5555. Salads • Subs • Wraps * Wings Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey The 134th edition of the Greatest Show on Earth will be at Gund Arena Oct. 22-31. Tickets are S14 and S19 with a limited number of VIP. front row —*als and Circus Celebrity seats at $32.50. S52.50 and 565. respectively. There is an opening night offer off all tickets for SID and special weekday pricing for S10 an the Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday evening performances. Tickets are available at Tickctmaster and the Gund Arena Box Office. Hours: Sun--Thurs. 11-10; FrL & Sat. 11-11 Avon Commons Next to EB Games £ Ptay Matters LARGE _—————. —| Avcn Commons 3-Toppin9 PIZZA O p l m 11-3O-O4 j Avon Commons ' LUNCH A DINNER DINE-IN SPECIAL SMALL 1 TOPPING PIZZA u & 2 2 0 Z . ORINK Of t O Coffee Heaven with a Drive-Thru need a Season Celebrating Our 3 Year Anniversary!!! ^£- Buy your Season Pass NOW Try Our Drive* Thru • Try Cur Drivo Thru AND SflVE O N - 0 N U M I T E 0 VISITS TO THE PARK ^ VOTEDBESTONTHEPLANETSEVENYEARSINARawl •*"* " r " 2 5 Q J ' * l t !° B"« tito C U v 1-o.ot. Soak Clir««t i r r » S i ? « - ^T"- ^ J ' " ™ - ' -*»"»<n -rul miKti r-.or.-l " -;", " 'V.-' ~ BUY ONE BAKERY ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • ^ ~ > : ^ ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .tvr Creat Savings on Great Fun! SRQt Combo Paj> Combo $9fi INCLUDES. wfth this coupon •Ct * MffNCIW» 0"PO OB SPtOU C*£ COUPCH Pt» Ofi»lB"P> KK Wf Rt» C» EQWl W USttit WUCOWEIUMtai with this coupon "™ — IVy Our Drive Thru BUY~6NE~~"""~""~ CAPUCCINO OR LATTE atio «v«ilabla wKh this coupon -I n o.i i n - Il5|i I P . , _s.it. r . i . n t -»•[>.m.; S u n . H.» m.-(•['.MI. -ctf , 37485 Harvest t>.. Avon • 934-4743 1 Kids sign-up for library card 2 Children who are 12 years old and younger can > apply for a library card and receive a coupon for a trva ' item bom ths Lid's menu at area IHOP restaurants. r Stop in at the library- and sign up for a library card. A - parent must accompany the child to sign fur a card. : The parent also needs lo bring photo identification and / proof of address. - Library closed for staff training The library will be closed today for staff training. Mother/daughter book group workshops h-;Id at the library. On Oct. 19 from 1U11:30 a.m. learn effective jab hunting lechiii [ues frcm networking la web-surfing. The presenter is a professional career counselor. This workshop is f~c*. but space is limited. Registration is n.*quired. Call 9J3771U to reserve your spot today. Book discussion groups The library's book discussion sroups will discus* a variety of titles tiurlny the month of October. Copies uf the books are available al the reference desk. New members are welcome. Fur more informaliuu, cull 0337710. The following is a schedule of books to be discussed: Oct. IB at 7:30 p.m. "Memoirs ofa Geiiha." by Arthurs. Golden; Out. ZtJ at 7:30 p.m. "Under the Banner of Heaven." by John Krakauer. Mothers and their daughters who are in the fourtheighth-gradtiS are invited to join the mother/daughter book group on Oct. 26 at 730 p.m. at the library. The book to be discussed is "Baby-sitting Is A Dangerous Job." Copies an? available at the library. Enjoy *tn evening of discussion and light refreshments. Far more information, call the library. AVON LAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY 32649 SectrlC Bt*l. Avon Lako • 933-81 2B Avon Lake Public Ubrwy Website: vn<wjilpl-org ACT test preparation Knit one, purl two DOMONKAS P j B U C LJ&RARY Library Board meeting The Avon Lake Public Library Bo^ird of Trustees will hu[d iL» ciontbly meeting on Get 14 at 7 p.m. The public is welcome to atlendTaking the ACT? Sharpen your test-taking skills on Oct. 17 from 1:30-4 p.m- College preparation instructors from Townst?nd Learning Center will provide an overview of the ACT. Registration is required along with a S10 nanrefundable fee. Sign up at the young adult desk. Be a part of the knitting craze on Oct. 23from1-3 R d . Srvsffvela Lake pju. Students in grades 6-12 can learn how to cast on. knit, purl and bind oS. Class size is limited. Sign up for Sign-up for library card one session only. Registration is required, along with a Children who are 12 years old and younger can 52 non-refundable fee. Sign up at the youn? adult desk. aprj)-- fof a library card and receive a coupon for a free item ijom the kid's menu at area 1HOP restaurants. Job search that works This is the third program in the series of carver Stop in at the library and sign up for a library card. A parent must accompany the child to sign for a library card. The parent also needs to bring photo identification and proof of address. Family read-afoud, mom tickets The Avon and Qomonkas Public libraries are sponsoring a special family read-aloud activity that started Oct. 1. to promote reading and family literacy. Prizes will be provided through the support of Th* Stocker Foundation. Families who complete eight hours of reading during October and November., will receive « hardback copy of "The Polar Expten," by Chris Van Ajkburg and movie tickets to a December showing of The Polar Express at Regal Qnemas in Sheffield Village. Altar the (smilies have complete'! eight hours of reading together, they are to return to the library no later than Dec. 4 with their signed reading record. At that time,' families will receive a book andticketsto the movie [maximum of four tickets per family]. To participate In the f.-mUy read-aloud activity, pick up the family read-aloud packet at either libraries. The packet will include a reading record and list oTsuggested books that are Ideal for reading aloud.. . OMDCA1X RANDALLS LAWN CARE AND LANDSCAPE QUAUTY SERVICE AT A GREAT PRICE MOWING - LANDSCAPING • FERTILIZING WEEKLY LAWN MAINTENANCE RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL FREE ESTIMATES AND EXCELLENT PRICING Toddler story time . The weekly story time is for 20-36-monlh-olds. The program includes sJ'jHes, songs, flngerplavs and more. Pre-ffljjtstration if required by filing the library at 9497410 or by stopping in. is Hreregis required by calling the library at ^49-7410 o» by stopping in. Library dosed for staff training The library will be closed lod;ty for stall training- Teen Advisory Board meets The Teen Advisorv Board will meet Oct, 14 at 0:30 p.m. at th- library- "Sixih-Uth-graders are iiivtliKi to attend- Conn? and share your ideas for making \ii-c i/<r^rv tL'-u-friend!v. for niort* uifommtion. call ihv libri*'y. A Taste of Music The Avon Lake City Schools Fnumljtion has set the date for a special benefit. A Taste of Music This event will feature a light luniieon and concert bv soine of Avon Lake's finest student music giuups. A Taste of Mibic will be held Nov. 7 from 12:30-3:30 p.m. at tbe Daniel B. Ross. PhJ3. Performing Arts Center at Avon Lake High School. The concert will include the combined choirs from Redwood and Westview Elementary schools, the Herald Trumpets from the Avon Lake High School, the Learwood Choir, the Troy Strings Croup, and the Avon Lake High School Chorale. The concert features the world premiere of "The Earth, The Air. The Deep." by Daniel E. Gawthrop. performed by the Avon Lake High School Chorale. This piece was commissioned by the Avon Lakn City Schools and funded through a grantfromthe Avon Lake City Schools Foundatioa. AJl members of the community are invited to attend this special event. Tickets for lunch and the coQcert are 520. 515 for seniors and children 10 and under. Tickets fur the concert only are 510, S3 for seniors and children 10 and under. The event will also feature a raffle. All proceeds will benefit the Avon Lake City Schools Foundation. For more information, call Carol FroehHch at 933-4159 or Amy Boyd-Kuksey at 933-3637. Sign up for preschool story time cUpi up for jession I of preschool story time at the library. The "lory time, for 3-5-year-oIds, will be held Oct. 19. 26 and Nov. 2 al 10 a.m. or 7 p.m. Children will have fun with stories, crafts, fingerplays and more. WE WANT WHAT YOU WANT. WHAT'S BEST FOR YOUR BABY WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE/* ^ISHKyg «• n l u t viatf u r UV^IH til Th«t'» why <t* yvur nrmWiorhi^J tar oBu'^fs.r «oJ uwiprtitn* ratn HEADQUARTERS What should you do wtth roti/oraont plan distribution? Joui u* for our upcectinp wmiaar on Company Ftan [lutrAutiun Options. You'll Irani acout jour uptiun* and the aulmaUge* itQ'l dinadnntigitt of rarh. Tlwo toull bf ithle tu autkr it •*»*% iot'tniuti drcMinn. Data: October 28th Time: 7:00PM u ^ Bwtkio n y I5afer J& xppoinUneats avxilablr upon rr<jun»t. Chip Wrotr, A«cnt 379 Int Kawt. Svi%" )M0 Avon Ukr. Oh^i 4W12 (440) V35-4910 12710 W^krr liuJ, Unit f-2 chip HfnII >jlul(" ttjUfJTFM mm Edwardjones WE BEAT COMPETITORS PRICES! www, etf* af d^ofwi. com 440-653-0835-AVON LAKE CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE Lakeland Eye Core., Inc. www.lnkelondfve.com Dr. Scott H. Seipcl Dr. Wendy Hallier Dr. David DelPrincipe Dr. Thomas Garner Heritage Moatb with CUVNFOLKLOWCO DEHLXICO Iwa dM> ML My t*t t*. Specializing In Ft ily Eye Core'- 933-8300 445 Avon Bclder. Rd. The Landings. Unit B4 Convenient Evening Hours STRAY WE AM IM NEED Of OWES, OWNED KWO. TREATS TCKS 4 V01UKIEER5 TO WAUC 4 PUT WTH DOGS tamtro m H Imti a it brWft 1*9 U» tut Im Uu •«U4fl 18. W * i trartn »m h u t w n ta OrtdM' IMfeMl A n « un UMl CUU Utf IEL iHere comes the father of the groom-barely in a tux ^S^ijo 1 am going out of to*n this weekena side t i p dortn to the ....._are driving because my }i*iiSIe hates toflyand I am attempting to visit * ' £ i » state capital and can't think of any reason I would even come dose to _ fort. Kent And one other thing: my kid &•£ getting married r^K- w«vfor the many, marry of you looking . youthful picture and thinking. -He be old enough to have a kid getting stf Congrats to you. My STEPson is l^acttatt/ getting married ! am only 12 years .bCflfifarthan he is. VAich puts us on the same n the Chinese Zodiac, if you care. he was bom, I was in sixth-grade is young even nowadays to be a f. N 0 "* the tess. I have noted over the inv. &yea«.he eats ail my food and stays for -"-LiL~>-1 periods o. time in the basement Since my wife and 1 are not O F F THE£ BEAT By D M WarrUe StaH Writer renting out the space. I can o-"i/ assume h« is my son in some sort of tedruca' s^f.se, and I for one coutd not be haspier or prouoer of that fact He is a good kid and a nice man. two things I was ne*e-' caiied Yifien I was his age. When the pending nuptais v^ke otace Saturday, it will obviously bring a -dose to .» book for me. First kid through cj»ege. oH and married and someone else's problem. And' will tell you; the last few chapters have be-.fi tough. I keep gexng stuck with the rappy jobs do*n the sl/etch. In my fam.Jy, we w*k things differently th,*n most P/y wife arid I mad? an active decision fur me to ctt back on rr.y work hours aiH be home w:t i the farm!/ rrcru. so I naturally a."iunw» *hj jcb cf running the house. I cook and dean and do the iau'^d-'y ans.* stuff tnat lots of dads and mo^is do as *>«!! .iz ruling down ss»e:al part-t me pbs- no tdea why. ( had basicaSy two arguments towards the wedding ceremony, and both were shot do«n. First, technicaily. 1 am not the father of the groom and thereby relieved from !u*edo duty: Wrong. Okay, 1 a!so dont have to process tn, just sit in the front row making sure my v».fe is in one piece and t can smack the Mile Vids if they get out of fine. B7ZZ. Wrong again My second argument ar.d cne I am stiil fighting, is for one pofka. I s-irr-e 'ers than tr.an'-y task? these past *oa'd argue a short poika. but there are no star? poikas. 1 kro-v the bride is from weeks. If iv cne th.ng to tetni the fa.*nj'y; but Tennessee, not exactly the backyard poika when you find yours;!f at the crsss shop looking a: flower gtrl dresses-ana /our «;fe capita!, but ONE? No dice. is busy at work-you "«ive stepped a bit o*ef So 1 limp down the stretch with ciy tne tne. Now. I was basically just m charge machismo barety intact I hope my kids team of making s u e the dresses trt. not picking from myexTno's that there are lots of .ways them out But st*!. hJot exactf/ a man>y to run a family, tots of ways to have a happy endeavor. And my opinion is solicited on life. Just so 1 don't have to pick out alf the things like boots, purses and makeup- f have aking the way: stolen after man leaves it curbside 'for just a moment LAKE FOUCE'BLOTTER I ^ A Parson Drive man called in Oct 3 to report a stolen '•''-A, mower. According to police logs, the man was mowing 2 neighbor's house and stepped to go get something his (essence across the'street He left the lawn near the street on the house aide of the sidewalk, lereafter, he heard a car door s'arn and looked outliife to see his lawn uv <wer being driven away in *he back of Due to the (bet it was a Sunday evening, it was ied that perhaps someone thought the mower was ,t«tng discarded as trash and p-cked up. The loss was vall3t,$35u. A report was filed for insurance purposes. »andoned >d Drive man called in last weektoreport an us on the north side of his property. He picked i &« Wkc and brought it to the station for police impound. ^"^;AtocaI,wu»ca!!ed iri to report some fight <tvnage to his ^ c » i i t f c e p a ^ | lot at B-VV three last week. When the man ^ restaurant, there was a dent in the hood was filed on the matter.. >^; r§i;p!ftjWs^!oi»,Oamef Construction called in twice. r\ early fcOclober' to repit('6mage and theft at two separate construc:>$•, tigositesk» t ^ C n O c t 5, an air condifconing unit was stolen ^Vfiwo.tte'garag^Tof a Sous* on Crestwwd Drive. Officers noted tgwfofoec! ertt-ylOn Oct'St1* bathtub was stolen from a first floor .§^mBtef,*u«esta Lear Rooi site. The tub was valued at $ l ^ 0 0 "K aod rr*as.tfUlrO4ied'that at least thre« pecpte had to carry it ^ R ^ ^ fkdfoinsurance purposes. >n the Rn Oak Parkway area came ^ speeding down the street The car was and a check through police computers revealed in reported atotea The drive/ stated he had recov^ w car s e m t l months 330 from Cleveland police, but ;"dia!fld unB the matter cwjld be strakihtened out p later, coofii-nalion of the story w?s fixed to ,-HjaWi Ukspdice and the nan w%s cited for spesd and seat b*tttriotottons a d Consumer Adhesives Oct 9. A quick check revealedftesecurity ere* were tie only people on siLs. Darkness eleased. • A local man called in to ask that police check the Eights at the skate park on patro! arvj report any damaged or missing bulbs. Over anxious Police were catted to a Detnji* Road address when a domesbe dispute was reported The couple mvoi-rtd stated it vts no more than a wo-tian having an asthma attack. A report was Bed on the matter. SHEFFIELD L^KE P O U C H BLOTTER Shady character Missing cash Officers were called to the Forestiawn and Shei' ^lo Drive area Oct 5 when a suspicious person was report* j waiking the rwsghborhood at 1254 am. A check of [he arr,a reveied nothing; the suspect was gone when officers arr*ed Officials at a Detroit Fv-od business caSed In last week to report someone had broken in ci<ernight and stoten money from tne cash bcx A repc * teas filed tor insurance purposes. All over the place Ouch The Rescue Squad was tonedtoa Laka Dike'address Oct 9 when a 34-year-old man ruptursd a disc in his b«k and needed transport to a local hospital. The man was transported without rncrJent ;" A Kerulworth Drive resident called in to leport an erratic dri»er a!! a/er the road last week. A unit was set.* over, but officers were unable to locate the vehicte in question. Muzzle Wrong route An animal complaint came in from the Cove Beach Drive area last week. A unit was sent ovc and the owner was aiiv-sed on the matter. A report carr-e in last week about a juvenfe riding his bike down 1-90 westbound between, SR 611 and the fy line. The ster *as picked up and »«*M until his parents picked him Sunny side of the street JC. Mice wefs caCcd to tf* rorestlawn and Lake Drive aiea last week when some vehicles were reported illegally parked. A unit was sent Over, and of'<ers found no cauie for corcrplamt No deliveries ?••"•"•. A Stcney Ridgs Road .tan cafled intorepr.t bis maHboi fost was damaged overnight. .vioreportv»asrequested,but a log entry was made in *he matter, ; Out of hand Police were called to Mcriner's O d e last week when * domestic trotence situation got out of hand. One arrest wa* made. ' WHEN YOU WANT AVON POLICE BLOTTER LOCAL NEWS... Helping hand You WANT THE PRESS. Poke on patrol came across a car with the trunk open on Cypress East Drive at 1232 a m The trunk was secured and officers cleared the scene. Every Issue of The PRESS containstea!Jtorto! Plus adverthJngforgoods and iervices from Jocai businesses and spedal evens. Trunk you Avon, Avon Lake, Sheffield and Sheffield Lake for reading The PRESS. Jam Job A taxi driver catted in to report being stiffed on a $29 fare East week. According to police logs, a man was picked up downtown and bansport«rf to th» <>c!e K, wfiore he »tcpped lot coffee a<id then disappeared The driver just wanted his fare; a log entry was made on the matter. uuth u* in 2€04! Vandals on the way B b « t th* Beechpark towers called the R-scue to report a woman had fallen and was bleedfrom th« head. The woman was treated at the transported to medical attention. A Fairway Drive man called in last week to report several light fixtures were broken on his property. A report was filed on the matter. Wrong button An alarm company called in a holdup alarm at Henkel Area business offers one-day decorating Are ">ou addicted to HCTV7 Are ^ o l l w i y i moving your furriture i «round? Are you struggling to pull tho ^Iook.of your home together? Maybe .you are concerned that your home will ^not be ready for lhn holidays. If so. you tCould'use the decorating services lettered by What « Lovely Horns ^Interior Kedeslgn in Avon. >"> .Suzanne Cox-Hudson, owner of £Wh«ta LovHy Home boliuvus a fjntasf.Gc home does not have to cost u forktune or take months to creat«. £V, A* a trained interior r«di?sli*,iwr, y,Cox-Hudson in a decoratur whu s»«iu liulpiiiK clietit.4 usi? what ive to tronafonn tht-ir hoiin;. love t h t 'u«f-ivhal you have' £wpect of redesign. It milly honor* clwots* choices and m»l.t*?* (Ifi.nriitinx fun and affordable for everyone. CoxHudson «aid. Her clients are both the budget-conscious and othurs. "Some rfienl*' Want to havt a true rotkflign in which we use only what thev have. Then the process is to clear the room, reposition furniture, 'shop' the home for n<*w and difTBr*mt pieces, «nd rt'acct'ssorizn ajiil rtrhung the u i work in new ways to create a fresh look in lew thin a day." Other Hittntft wont to shop fur new things bul kt-ep trt ^sures or key pitsci's in the n* ii. • b'lth'T w«y, redi'sifiners T» contact What .i Lovely H(«m«. call 440-315-4U70 r>r visit 7'/i/'.v is ' i fwiti (A lorm t* AYjilablv lor your convenience.) Mai! l« : Tlie VRliSS, VO. H.-x 300, Avon L J U , Ohio+4012 n t J t l : l!-eprc*#i>f Itri^iit.iu-t IIUJ.II HHJA-S m eitlin T U T ,« }V\1C> l»tnt, D r o p n i l : riu* (M\!;;*;• ^'nii.e, lr"i> Lo.ir fvoail, Avc»n LaUr. I'lruH.1 inkUiuv J r"Arh if yi>u null lo II.IW ytu/r [ilii'tt'^rjiili ri'turnt'il. : : '- , , . -J REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS .AH real eataio transfers listed here can be found on the Internet at www.toraincaunty.com/ S3 real_estale_dala/. Data prodded by Lorain County Auditor's Office, Mart Stewart, Auditor g S a l e * listings for 1 0 / 2 / 0 4 thru 1 0 / 8 / 0 4 : SCHULZ JAMES H VlUJlSEATCKfEK3QE $5 Buyer ORUSffiUJDHI Seller IUTTEUHCHA3QJ MS IK HU2ALL HILL HQUES OHIO RAUERIUW CSTERCCKIRilCriCJlillC HAYS JOHN G CUIQSAUCEG £ WATERS WOUB.0 KRUSE FREDERICK V SERSCH1ERG1IM CEEAMTMOEttflY HSOUBHSW SUDSffliCK JEFFREYS TSCUGSCOTTT U£HIDQS£S TESSY UOUUflMIHlfEKU LEE JEFFREYS OEQUJfTDlUEU PtlUEHflUESCFQHlCUE SHEKHURiW BtUETTGlOUTY HOMES PULTE HQUES Of CH13 AVON LAKE 22SDC0VYSST J7U2DQCYI5TJI StU DUAJL HCLLCtf KEYSE1HB AiiilDCRTS ROEtHTSCK JEFFREY R LW6UBEH JEFFREY 371C3 SQITTK R10GE OS ELEXBEKSIXG H 8EQ GROUP LTD CRUECGLLEEKU RDBEHISMtJEFFEBYK GOULD RICHAR3E LUUJ3USER JFFEB &UIELIU COXSTRUCTICM ISC THOVPSOX LARRY D JE113CIPHWEK DIKE KIUUSSFE^A PiJlPillEIE* ETHEL y T? COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE at the Old Fire House Saturday, Oct. 16, 2004 8:30 A M - 1 P M omes g from the MNBURY for ippaintmeni eJi \EOK-INS WELCOME £JCh donation can save up to four local lives. er $2 million in recreational amenities! Avcnbury Lodge Outdoor Amenities Avenbury Hours: Monday-Saturday: U a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday: I - 3 p.m. 3532S SADDLE CREEM OH 35074 fiURK 33311 ra GATE PL'S SCHWAHURfl 33SSSSiaQUIH£tfIIR 3330QV1XEYAK3FK S2*5i3DO mm S31EO0 J27UC0 W1215 | ^ 3001 FOUNTAIN CIRCLE. AVON 33603 ST. FRANCIS. AVON 35995 FALCON CREST, AVON , 33803 ELECTRIC A-3. AVON LAKE 391 MULBERRY. AVON LAKE 207 LEAR. AVON LAKE s b I \m\*a. 513 CROSSINGS WAY, AVON UKE 33392 CHARLESTON. AVON UKE 125fcNGLEWOOD,AVON UKE 147 VINEYARD. AVON LAKE 507 CROSSING WAY, AVON UKE Call SlWiMifitaL 78 HUNTINGTQN WOODS, BAY VILLAGE AD* r*TtOH HELENA SIHWSKI MAHV STAMDCM FRAN SPtKC 4286 BROCKLEY. SHEFFIELD UKE 714 0AKW000, SHEFFIELD UKE 28100 BASSETL WESTLAKE 4O46BREWSTER.WESTLAKE -ivinyj '**"* 1-833-346-S6Q3 The Classifieds are your bey to buying or selling your nome. You'll Jind listings for every style imaginable. Pick UD a copy todsy and start packing for your move. 32713 Walker Road Avon Lake Scott Reynolds ieP. Lvdia Scappucci Realty One/Real living f >., £530 Beaky One/Reol living 440-781-5267 ( 0Z~ 3p]li 440-396-3061 wwwjcotUeynoldsonline.wm V , * % $ & & & i * € b . www.lydiDonIine.tom WESTLAKE VS BAY VILLAGE You can get 12 months of The PRESS — PLUS 3 ADDITIONAL >«*; MONTHS FREE — delivered to your home for ONLY $ 2 7 Hurry! This deal won't last... CLEVELAND VS LAGRANGE r~7 Must subscribe by October 31,2004. StartMySubscription to The PRESS! For the "Scary Deal" of only $27.50. O 5259,900 SI 99,900 n S i . i h b d C h e c k IfektdiedtpayablelcThePRESS.PleaseaUcwtwo(2) weeks far pracesing. $79,800 SI 79,900 fMf CaatM M m b r w V « *firai n tanw. Till TkJwnB flu irn mi uTi i i if * n'P»3temtdcudgk*SImtfjfiatjcTauiiA•'jew . -AiTun'GMT apM IV M>. miM alnp t tec bnr K^I 1 ELYRIA'VS CLEVELAND Exp. dale • Signature Ham«_ '. . ,—:— .City . Phone ( .Tip. £150,000 S74,800 [««9iMv*ii<ii>v ). ' J4 * * « ^ d 1 brtmn i«iWft«wn*a Mail coupon to: The PRESS, P.O. Box 760, Sandusky, OH 44871 ; ^ ^ < ^ Pros ^ .„-.* . ^ _ l w r i - _Hoineivard Bound Children's Outstanding Agents.7 - RB^JUBK.Crossroads Properties AtodeNetvrork' •Outstandinu Results. RB^lfk Premier Service Realty ^ " ffl **•* * ii J0UMUiK*0Mlt l-4U.lt 1- BJ« 15^^>^"K HEK & LOIS KODCEH I-I0MH-0II9 STACT W * I 5 O H •T IM( etna i«»i H KEN A LOIS KOQCCn 5* ^*s. STACT WATSON 'Tr CAfKH. MURPHT fi£j CAAOLMHRPHT S^fe -i; KEKAUMSKOtXiCR HEN & LOIS KOOGER KEN & tOIS KOOCttt 1-S00-4I94IH •....•.^v""^ HZH t LOIS KOOCKR 1-I0O-4G9-0I8S LAURIE BRILL <t Utilities: Bond issue frees up money for other projects dents concerning *he issues involved in connecting to a modern sanitary sewer system. Most of the questions were positive since they perPlugging the boles. Recently there has been a rash tained lo p reconstruction, construction and post conof sevvex backups caused by plugs that were installed struction concerns, which involved .eliminating their by contractors in new sewers. These were installed at septic tanks and paying connection fees. The Utility the connections to existing sewers for new subdivi- can be of great help in this regard by advising them sions. When the sewers were complete, the <~ontractors about nitty-gritty items such as plumbing inspection, failed to remove the plug, homes were built and con- deanouts. making sure storm water doesn't enter saninected, and the plugs were still in place. The backups tary sewer dwelling laterals, etc. and they were very occurred at Piccolo Place and Wildberry. The WUdber- pleased that we can offer assistance in those areas. ry backup impacted approximately 12 basements. SimThe request for a loan to finance the project is still ilar backups occurred in the 90s and in 2001 Avon being reviewed by the Department of Agriculture. We Lake Municipal Utilities wrote a policy that only suggested they should also look at a possible G.O. allowed the Utility to install and remove plugs. This obligation bond backed by Lurain County. This might was the practice until for some unknown reason it was take a little negotiating but should be an excellent 1101 followed, probably because there was no way of solution and, if the County CommissLoneis are agreeknowing the plugs were installed since the engineering able, 3 auick loan process. They would have tho department oversees all the construction. We checked advantage of bviug able to pursue both avenues to a aner these two occurrences and found three mare point of decision at no additional cost plugs installed on completed sewers, which we Since the meeting, LORCOs executive director removed. advised us the Department of Agriculture's funding The municipal utilities informed engineering that agency would be making a decision on the loan in - no future connection could be made to any Avon Lake about three weeks. If approved the LORCO Board is sanitary or combined sewer without makrog arrange- prepared to immediately proceed with the project ments with this utility to Install and remove the plug. Avon Lake Municipal, Utilities has a contract with Internally we now have a check off system that will LORCO for receiving tip to 1.2 million gallons a day assure in the future that plugs are removed before any through its Water Pollution Control Center from Eaton and Carlisle Townships. The wastewater plant, properties are connected. Basements have been damaged and the problem designed to treat 6.5 mgd and currently averaging only remains as to who is at fault. The contractor took it about 4.4 mgd. has the present capacity to handle the upon himself to install the plugs, the engineering additional flow. Board tips new water and sewer line construction department inspected the installation, observed the prcssiuv test and Elming, a i d we reviewed their fees. The board of utilities approved raising three-year results from written communications. We assumed the old water and sewer fees for new line construction. contractor removed them and he did not. Allowing The Utility uses both the Cleveland Construction Cost anyone to install and remove plugs other than munic- Index and its salaries to calculate fee increases. The comparisons were remarkably similar but calculations ipal utilities personnel is contrary to board policy. ':•_. _TUe requests for damages will be turned over to the based on utility salaries, which included administration fees, were lower. CO costs apparently move faster Utilities insurance company for their review. V- CUE assures township residents. Chief Utilities than our utilities costs. For information about new . Executive John Knlepper attended a Lorain County water and sewer line construction fees, call the office •..Water Authority Board Meeting and along with at 933-6226 or e-mail [email protected]. ; LORCO Board Members fielded questions from Bond issue frees up money for other projects. The M&- approximately 60 Eaton and Carlisle Township resi- lost bond issue in 2000 left approximately $523,257 in A V O N UXKE W A T H R U N E By Mart.. Ovist interest revenue, which should be available for debt service. The utility's bond counsel is reviewing it and if appropriate will notify the trustee. This would free up budgeted money for contingencies on the water plant filter expansion. Beck Road waterline replace* ment. and final payments for the ofnceVgarage complex. Another request for cell antennae. Nextel has requested permission to locate its cell antenna on the city's Lear Road Water Tower. The method th^y propose cannot interfere with the other luiur antennae already on the tower. The Board will consider their request when more information is available and vote whether to authorize the Chairman to sign an agreement Nextel feels the water towti site is the best place they can locate short of building a new tower near Lake RoadBoard awards WPCC Study to CDM. On SepL 20. after deliberation the board of municipal utilities voted to give its staff authorization to negotiate a price with Camp, Dresser & McKes for preparing a master plan fai the Water Pollution Control Center. The plan will provide a "road map" identifying upgrade and expansion improvements needed to continue to treat current Gows. accept future flows, meet regulatory requirements, and extend the service life of ths w*stowater treatment plant for the next 20 years. Issues of plant capacity, service area expansion, combined sewer seperation. process: evaluation, disposal, odor control, monofill evaluation, future regulator)* requirements, phasing out of existing equipment and ultimately the cost and phases for implementing the plan will be considered. The two finalists, CDM and GRW Engineers, are well known regionally and nationally in the field of wa5tcwater treatment and disposal and have worked on previous projects with Avon Lake Municipal Utilities. However, the board felt that CDM*S organizational structure and approach to the master plan provided a better fit for the utilities short term and long-term goals. Ed St John, from CDM'S Cleveland office. Is the Senior l*roject Officer. St. John lives in Avon. Mark Cluist writes part-time. Send your opinions and comments to Watedine, Avon Lake Municipal Utilities. 201 Millet Road. Avon Lake, Ohio 44012. or email Unda'Slalutilities.com. EVENTS AT TEEN/SENIOR CENTER ".The following'events will be held at the Avon Lake The deluxe motor corch tour will be on Oct. 14 and Teen/Senior Center. The center is located at the comer of includes a local guide tuid sightseeing of the IB covered Lot* Road and Sfl 03. Most of the following events am bridges and lunch at the Uniunviile Tavern. The cost is open to everyone So the community, and are not exclusive $41. The tour will depart from the center at 8 a.m. to taens or seniors^Call Ann Marie Downey at 930-4135Reserve a soot by calling Downey. 'for Additional information or to register if indicated. Newly formed Avon Lake poker pack . Wacky .Wednesdays Oct. 15 will be thefit^tday of play for the Avon Lake ' \ The Teen Center will b« open on Wednesdays from Poker Pack in the senior center. No money will be wot. • 3-a p.ni. Amenities in the center include a 52-inch TV, or lost. Poker will be played from 10 a.in.-2 p.m. For : Play Station 2. computers, pool table, air hockey and mure information, call Dowiw»y at 030-4135. "Sriousgunea. For information, call 930-4135. Photo organization demonstration •. - Communltr Lock Box program Shelly Lamb will hold a photo organization demon' •!. Thwe security box devices will be purchased by the stration on Oct. 1H at 7 p.m. Participants will learn a sys1 property owner through the City of Avon Like Senior tem for managing and storing photographs as well us a •Gunier/Awi Marie Downey, the City of Avon Lake stcp-by-step approach io creating keepsake photo '' Senior/Youth Coordinator. With the lock box program. albums. Anyone who is overwhelmed with haws or - there is no forcing tho door op»;n to gain entry should thu unorganized photos or is fnwitattKl with the slow pact* -.owner be unable to get to the door. The Lock Box pro- of scrap booking is •MifuuiaJitl tu. atlrnd this fire "* gXam reduces response time and property damage. Each demonstration. KtfjjijttT by wiling 'ni)-ll3r>. ;, box will be instilled by the Avon Lake Fire Dep<trtni<;nl Lively Avon Lakers free of charge. No one has access to the house key kept in The next lively Avon Lakers meeting will be? Oct. 20 tfo* box except authorized fire department personnel. ut noon at the Avon Lake Public Library. The cost of lunch Once the box is locked, even the homeowner cannot gain is Sfl- Thi; speakers will lv- Drew Lindsley from Competi. access. The cost of each box installed is S18. For more live Edge, who will speak tin tht; benefits "f exercise-. lafoftnation. call Downey at 93O-4135. Those participat- it!gardl*!ss of .ig«f. Man' Newman, a public health nurse ing m the program must fill out r.u application. will sjwak on cardiac rehabilitation rnd other subjects Tae Kwon Do classes important to seniors. If your lait name brgiiu with A-M, Classes will be held Tuesday and Thursday nights call H«len at 930-2357 and N-2. call Elaine a' <J33-3715 to from 0-7:30 p.m. at the center for a cost of S20 per stu- make a reservation by noon on Oct. IB. Autumn floral vail hanging , dent, per month. Thu cost will bo pro-rated for additionJoin Murgart-t Anderson of Andtiison Floral as she al family members. The first week of doss will befret;for instructs this make and take class an Oct. 21 at 10:30 new and prospective students. Call 930-4135 to register. a.m- Each participant will complete an autumn rake 1'lUlrs class Pilotes la a combination of exercises that are wall hanging. The cost is S10. The sample of this cmft is designed to strengthen tluj, core muscles of the at thw Senior Center. Pre-registi-r by calling 1130-4135. Teen Halloween party abdomen, while incruosing flexibility in the legs, arms . A spooktacular uvenitig is {ilanni-d fur Oct. 23 for the and smaller supporting muscles. Leslie Crates will instruct Pilates at thu center on Thursday evenings from teens of Avon Lake. The Halloween rvuty will he h«ld 7-ti p.m. The cost is 57 per person. Register by calling from 7-11 p.m. Thu cost is S3 and includes food, music costume contest prizes and mart!. Tickets will he sold ut 930-4135. the door. For mare information, call Downey at 930Learn to play bridge There will bo free bridge lessons on Wednesday 4135. Inltrgenerational Hallowwn parade and party mornings at 10 a.m. The third annual Pre-School PTA Trick or Treat in Holiday mdgic with rubber stamping Make handmade holiday cards tonight at 7 p.m. and th« Seniur Center will b« held Oct. 20. Seniors will disOct 21 ot 10 a.m. Participants will create 15 ciird-s with tributo citndy to children dressed in their Halloween three different designs. All supplies and materials are costumes. Candv is provided by thu City of Avon Lake. included In thu cost otS15. Pre-register by calling 930- The parade wilf bogin at 3:30 p.m. Th«r« will ha juice und baked ^juodj. Seniors who would like to distribute 4135. candy neud to RSVP to Downey. QStfllP volunteer ut the cenler Flu shots Nancy Harper of Elyria Unit-id Methodist Village Fuirview Hospital Ownmuiiily Outre.n.h will prnwillba at the center today from 3-4 p.m. She will answer .questions on Medicare, Medicaid. long-term care insur- vidi* fiu shots ;it tin- Senior D^ntrr nn Oct. 11 from 1:303:30 p.m. Call 930-4135 to rtiakn .»lestTvation." ' -, -. ance and more. No appointment is necessary. Part IJ covers tht; flu vac;i:ini.'j*. I'nr* • i .,u< • *>: ' Fall foliage and covered bridge tour '••', All are welcome on this tour to AshLibnla County. Medicare I'urt it must bring liii'i" Mfl; *.••• •'. ondary insurance with them the day of the vaccine. Wear a short-sleeved shirt. Hearing screenings An auuiologist will provide free hearing screenings at the Senior Centtr cr. Oct 27 from 9 a.m.-noon. An appointment is required. Call 930-4135 to make en appointment Hearing aids will be cleaned and checked free of charge. • Pumpkin carving class The art of pumpkin carving will be enhanced on Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. Participants will receive one pumpkin and the instruction to complete their choice of carving. All supplies and materials are included id the price of S3. I're-regisler by calling 930-4135 by Oct 22. Low vision support team •' . The iifx.t mwting of the Low Vision Support Team will bt; O.;i. 28 at 10 a.m. at the Senior Center. AH are welr;utut> lo attund. Senior physical assessment test Tlit* physical ustKbMiiHiit test will be held Nov.'5. Appointments will IK; from U-l 1 a.m. The test will measure strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and agility. The cost is S3. Participants will receive » mailed computer evaluation of their individual results. Make an appointment by calling 930-4135. Each appointment will take about 15 minutes. Participants must be 60 or older with no liMHrt problems. Internet 1 and 2 This course will provide hands-on experiencti on learning how to use the Internet It will cover the various search engines and browsers, how to connect to the Internet and how to navigate around the web. Participants will aba learn how to find websites with wash, download programs, search and avoid vii uses. Trie class will bo held Nov. Band 9from9-lt at the Senior Center. The cost is S39. Call Downey lo rogistRr. , Seed bead necklace make and take class Jewelry designer. Jill Emrick of Avon Lake will host a seed beud necklace class on Nov. 9 beginning at 6 JO p.m. at the center. The cost of making a double strand with pendant necklace is $10 and making a triple strand is Si 5. Pre-register by calling Downey. Seneca Niagara Casino tour Take u trip to Seneca Niagara Casino oti Nov. 1G. The cost is 522. To reserve a space or for more information, call Downey at 930-4135. , Wheeling Downs, Oglcbay Festival of Lights tour All aru welcome on this tour for Dec. 9, which includes gaming at Wheeling Downs and a holiday buffet at Oglebay Wilson Lodge. After dinner, there will be a guided tour of the Winter Festival r' Lights. Participants will receive 535 in coins and u racing guide from Wheeling Downs' The r.ost of S57 per person includes deluxe motor coach transportation, tlinni-r, snacks ami all gratuities. Kost-rvv .i space by Nov. 5 by calling Downey. & Prudential 3=0 Preferred Properties S © -.Uirce bedroom, 2-1/2 bath nidi a two cur attached garage located at 35666 Reserve Way in Avon for P 1 only$l,500/month. Comes complete with all kitchen appliances and Is within 1/2 mile of freeway access and Avon Commons' Shopping Center. SpgclacjUf - tnhn, in desirable Kensmjlw! F-jfl fin- Srtiated en a bvefy wooded lol« Wjndeffttre. 4 bdms chaj basement with net bar. Deck cat lacks tab tarnl- master sate w/jtaraiNr taltu fuH finished tassmwt, scaonq-Miidi rare #2150552 ' loads d jmerabw *2B4I71__ [: T t * >' SCHABER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY INC. ^^ A Mortgage Banker You Can Count On... Not p j r t p i a l omtlo! 3 btJrac, left, lul basemeni Uust see. 29X if on n v i h Kie-Lnety wwdworit nonderfid nwrora bohs o>jl to a verir prwats patio fac- ttvcu0ait aS racms, < p«sSfe 5 bcSrm. iolcba n/fireing the mod:! #71329&1 piact too! #2!7KU n g a h o m e •< *a «c;ttnj nmi of * «JIJ it U important to cboow, tkr ri jnl , VIM wilt np*ri*Dt-e vhvuailtntjcuu intiac*;ics of Uw toc'l mirltit, and one »fc* will rir ftoatMt lo you- Mooic FimncUl u iv* ui tb» opportunity to «arn jroui buiitm*. Va'd t« bcmoihl Is count jou inunf Ivunil H Rarefind*Bemtfid Camelat ranch irtaaiol for lots of JtstbtaMturry! 4 bdm 2ft bath cape on n a c r e , ! * pnvacy tf/gorpeous btrubcapng. tul bsmt great mas- Roar mas&r, huge kltcbsD and very brge bdnns-iee it la- suite 1 more! #2170738 tatw! #217«I73 MGDRE F I N A N C I A L Tout Mo«TO*oii UAHKEI jJ^/ft^VW^lW:^^ CJI n 2 0 9 S. MAW STKEET - AMI ItSST C l t l O MOU1 RE/Max Crossroads Properties The Calhv Hugick Team (888)565-8786 924 Wettpoin! 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J60 .3C5 J70 .....143 140 Cvpartrt 1*3 Oaring .......t50 CL 155 154 tao FfcanoW... ....1» Fmood .131 fiw»*B»Oppc«fcjnffle» Mt ' Oanga Doors -13* .Qa»anlS«*ic** 133 "inraratiaiSarvcaA 13Z IK ....IK .,170 173 O4 lavcstment Real Cstmte PUBLJSHER'S NOTICE M (Ml MUM aduoising in 9 M m o - putycnea ImMnw cr aWcrWuflm bawd on ro. etfor. ration, m . tunScap. lwi»W i t i t * o> nalenat »v f\ or tn WMontomate v<y nxft p u l f w c i . bmUBon or dUcnn ^ n - F M O U ftrt« hdudn chWren tndir fw ag« of IS b n j M>t pannB Of lagat cuoUJarw. pngnM K D W I wd paopla Mcurtng onody of o * f a r t jnanoa Uart»Servo 160 tat ULVWS ,«2 las g Hucnbng f l T B S 7 190 3 3 142 191 .183 195 200 1 Ficofog Rubten Hauling 5ncMFtamxr.il T I M Car* '• •'•!. OtnatnosTraas JtC ...2W • ' - > >265 ® •Mdi la in vtob-hxt d h» rw Ot* e n o t hancy Mnnwi M l al fSMOngi aOwtiuad in IMS ct»tpac«( a f awftBa en m aqu»J opportrty bant. 10 conpttn of OscnmnadDn cat HUOtoWrw at t-«)O«9-3777. T>w (untiar tar M Namg ""pand ia 1- BSucanon t IntUudJon. .290 AVON Horn* tor***. 38OHM Ranch on aera to> Sl7S.QO0*4Q.93*-5729 AVCN LAKE Opmt Sunday Ipm-Spm MnniMWILiM . N«w conatruoon. imrnadHt* occuwncy 380RU rancn. fatAtd cwdng*. porca**^ W». dmng room, h?^, IWpiac«. full AVON LAKE: WORM, aha dm ami Dfflc*. 2 tun tuina. nait to park. O o u ID tcnooM. An aoptuncm ttay. Newttmntot tlTOOoa C*» CUSTOM BUU.T ttf floor m M n , 3/ 4B0RWS. 2.SBTM. txvTM on Mautt. jHy lanbcapad '-»o» lot. N«w«r tpriuinc**. new window trvAtmaRt m 2 »to*y great room. d 9 p g d«Ck privata Dackyard sprtnMar t/ilem $294^00. By appo>ntmi>ri orvy 440-033-3226 Co-EVok<* •molcoitm. HOW TO WRITE A GREAT AD AVON FS8O ™WRTTE CLEARLY WHEN SUaWTTINa A WRfTTEM AO~* KEYWORD Start H i h a word truti u«n(ili«« «riat you •••» tailing by Hi most commonly fcnovnn nam«i. DESCRIFTION d>kjr. 4S0RU. 3 s e r a 2$ ^ pan«< wood door*. n<Mc >oc*4ttvoughoui.M O mru owunry FPL. Full basement. moo6«t1WS253e0C • ; Opan y pp l*oc Lessen* ScfflOl - . - ! Sporting. GooS , 505 PuHieNcects '....2m Prjytrj ; J 1 0 NoEctsiAnoouncwnants 292 ..320 .J2S . J27 .323 HouMnokJGoofe Qrttoa FufT»tx*.. L M & Found . . . o atoS Sterso Ea*pmanl Comnarcial Proptrt/ FanstorSala HornaLoans US -123 .125 18 -05 15 OT ....10 Out of town Property Vicabcn Pfoptfty lor Safe 25 ...33 -35 . J40 .3*5 Announcement .121 PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD CommercialSoacatorRartt . . . . 4 2 Doduga lor R«nt , .67 For Rant ,45 HalftteRani SO Offica SoacatorRant .55 CO*"J>tlOfl STOP FORECLOSURE! W* buy hous«9 lor tail cash or **sy tamx. FJacornmiMiont • to yoo trfvs tnouunds. G*t a IfMii start tcd*y and call our iicansad at our 24 f*. rrwusga H now Ml 440-292-5639 16 Business For Sale CHARMING GIFT SHOP FOR SALE Nice Location In Avon Established Business. National Business Brokers 440-774-4400 20 Lots and Acreage For SaJe Information ind An Apporttn«nl. ABBREVlATtONS Aidd tnam. CompleU wo>da • , comp(e» ITw tJt» Equal Homing Opparhmlty . W. poo. t63J.'moclh. dwpoul pta-is» AVON {.AKfc t i l A*on Po.nl 1BDHM aaatimsni. upp«f suitu. rth yius util'tms No pets ' J0J6 AVON LAKE. 3D0RU. 1.5BTM. wpioJeltfl rjnen. naiir Fletlmuod Scnool. atuc*«>3 gafJOB. ctmlral * r S90arrv3fitfi • unties 440-933-4668 Kan AjoonScias 20 .231 .—203 235 CtaASale* .205 Estate Sates -MS Ftaattartatt -22S CaragaSam -230 UovmSaies 5« Plant S»*» -245 RumrumSitof , 233 Sped*) Evortt «2SZ Raaala 4 Con^gnmwt Shad-.. 232 Q J f l Au» Parts & S * r * » AumfcfSalc , O ....305 ...J90 .395 .400 *C6 Boas&Uom .410 UourHomM .426 UXreydeaftU n & f a n ^15 Sne»wTw6*t* ^20 Tfalors 425 TnjctatarSato «0 VcndesftBoat Sk»ga . . . . . . 435 Pcnonal Watarcttit .423 ChWC»ra -H J3 ; HeipWtniad JC SHuUfanMrtad WBttdloBuy J5 30 WartadDBuyHouMS WtnMKRani Bfcreift Working Hard for You 91 X J* Daw W Cr»-;; Voice Mail: 1-800-469-9161 Office: 1-440-933-6195 Email: [email protected] "1 sell homes yard by yard." LYN LEAHY REALTOR Mult) Million Dollar Producer 32713 Vftlker ft- Office: Wi-933-6* Voice Mail; 1-800-974-5' You Won't Find Northern a Better Mortgagel SOUTHEAST OHIO -Wac . y wooded. 2 THltn ot acolud tra-Js, lots <ii w««if«. 2 oondJ 260OM ua*iw.' Wlnctiv:. ii?ptic. walor ITO.000 Exceptional customer scr\'io.' Vtrr\p low closing costs Free pre-npprovals Fixed and adjustablo rate loans One-Step Construction lojns 45 For Rent LAKE JOURM. now Wth Avjil.irM now S'J9^"V> 216-4TO-0000 O' 440- 937-9800 13 AVON LAKE 2DORM, «al-in appRsncai. a»di 2-CAI gaiage. new g S o Call 440-»l»-7443 AVON LAKE. 2BDRU S . ami Pf«CE AJwaya HTCfude U i2*'» of <;!*•«••* reades wool nsoond tw on * 1 witnoui a pnc« PHONE NUMBER TuO reitdors i^tien you can tw £0 Saaaga Spoca Icr Rani ...47 Vacation Praparty br Rant £5 AVON LAKE 2BDRrW2BTH Bungalow. Lake privileges S795/month Plncnvr ai (440]«J3-2Z23 tor 10 Homes For Sale AVON LAKE eEAUTV 113 Th« NEWSPAPER m * M *v«ry •!• Ion » avoid trrors. W * ask Ihat you tftock yowi ad Ina FIRST d*y that it «pp«vs andrnvnaOUWyrvport any 440-537-4686 *>ror B fri* Qosaiftod Deoaiimani try U&ng l-«»-34S-«M3. W« cannot AVON LAKE b« rHiKn&bkf lor m>« Dun on* BEACHPAAK TOWER IS NOW djy*l mcorri.'Ct InMrUon tt yoi do not Taking Application* for Ms ca.* tne amy W ow «I»nton. Wartlng Ltel. Baacnpark T»,'Mf tu« AVON LAKE xSOfiM, n Thank you. adonluria hou*ngtorVXMO AQ« 62 and baSX n«w 2oar gorsga. M y up- • and pvw and I T O M twin Mo&uv dated. qr«at tocaaon. tmpairmanB. P t e u * CAH PnvWa Attain 1144^00. 440-93, 9300 or 5 A Musi S w 105 295 IrtMemorun J80 Teedom Mortgage * 4SORU3FBTHR«ncn. F«ncod Yanl, Newly H«mocWKxl. .285 Cart of Thania HwRn 4 Baaur/ , M3 440-834-7009 o» T M o t « v ^ * r M l no! EwrciM C a i w i Muce Salisbury Avon Lake Lending Office (440) 930-7415 I1 I1 1 11» ! ?I i 1 I1 i I 11P <1 els i ^w 4 i" IS • BH i i tea BXH -,. r- --- ••*:??« i KSSBSSBSE AVON FIOCKV RIVER: 2BDRM . p * r l meni. clean. a u * u luu^ c j / p * ' « i , HOW TO WPITE A GREAT AD " W R I T E CLEARLY WHEN SUBMITTING A WHrtTEN AO™ KEY«/ORO S t i i o O a BJ'S tnat >ti« -«!*•> nhit ,'.-j i-E V;.', f ; t-y f 5 n c : ; csmracrsy i65&'m<joU\. Call Bob 44»flT 1-3381 AVON- figoty r ficuse 'of rcia • P'jajso CJ3 mint -<-r-T-l SHEFFIELD LAKE ^EW 1EORU DUPLEXES PRIVACY, air. appliances, utility ream. patio. I'JO pets. SSOO/montn plus electric B«achpark t o Mas an BTwr>*(a.t 440-943-5352 Piewso scnbtct P^/ls R r mcra IELD LAKE £.t,re"c 3SCPW *W933-2233 Egml Opportunity Houjjng JCS A - " Avon Lake Office and Retail Space Tr^Hic Arva • AmpU- yard S, 5CIT c from I-HO (Rt. 2> KEU.EYS ISLAND Lans Coort ca13^4 Ccme<*teiy F u f W ^ S 2 Bed "Oora Rancn. Sleeps 7. C * Sow:tanuUt View. JS50 We**:? 01 ST6O Per Day. Cai. (419) 62S-8I66 o. CALL DICK MWK VIP 2BCWM.2BTH "?i Snort HO- OUU3TED CONGO 23CRW «op*anew. new cac*vpa*u * f y y mo d O u M wastiheai. rKi nets WELLlSCTO'i (440) 933-715! - C440) 871-9320 --3. 'jrrvy y^'ij'is' i-2 Vi, C'„' F j - M Pr*'-r.t.<: TVC Ira.-? BE YOUR OWN BOSS!! * c t ressond to an ad C PHONE NUMBER Te* rej->?rs «rian yoc Car ABBHEVUT1OHS PfOCM» m«C<cai CIAUHI from home csn your computer. di Si* F e w * Tr±M j f « j fljt (TC«I t^ seel Dnve* • Hrvf Tisroccn. a y on«n*«fl. stiD1* corrc4f> is rw/ig i j i o Ci>.efi' S^o-on Bonus. M i m , o , 1-877-B60-2023 f.is. 1^77-FTC-HELP 3HDHU. 20TH ^.-n- the F7C ^ • • * "',"•- 8 a Masx -v l »H9M 1 . . • • < " • • ; NORTH OLMSTED Lovely updated 4BDRM. 1"»BTHspUlS1.145. iU' Krtct>en appliances. U J j a t ll jno*pto»i»rvj p( SlOOO/mcnm . t montfi"* Owner/agent 440-637-4686 NORTH R1DGEVILLE oa35 52 Commercial For Rent 4BDRW2.5BTH Split S1.03S/monlh 440-537-4636 ^ • ^ • • ' ^ WESTLAKE 2 Uontt)» FREE Ran* y Buitdtno A*aUsOt* 1tOOM)fL 7746 Oovw C«nMr Ro* Wntlaka DTK 55 OCQce Space For Rent AVOM- ComrmutMU JCJC« lor rent AtCMCuruteiy 1250I3H- HOOO. piK " W O r Pieaa* cai eiffwf •"0-S34-7J79 or 61«-93>!235 (w "iofo irtorrruaon v an ac AZ. fcvfy P hv'space? FtOfllOA K£VS RENTAL HOWE: 23OHJ.V2BTH. 'Tsi-n r u i s 13 W M I Coast i tod E Benetaj c»fl Ste.e As« toe Mara. EEDED1 Forona. c«r hema AyQrt. 4-5 (Uyvaaam. j»«rmifYj canal m.^cal Occk. 1? l t K V/ 65 Vacation Property For Rent 419^72-1231 SO Help Wanted 440^71-0758 Wortinito mate America CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Pvrmamant ?o»ttion» svattaM* tor busy drf dcalnlng couniw. Appt* Inpaiort. Ridge Cleaners 32805 Pin Oak Parkway Avon Lake, OH 44012 Dnv«f - 100 Dmr*ri N^»oM Nor Como*oy & O-Os *A»>gn«l wnknn Concios '2.50O-3.0OO m i l e v w a , * "SJ3 50O- I K y««r ' 877-637-5637 JOC Loyaaea COL-A.'6 roprtfis QTR. Teams vJc* cr>eo« out our new pa/ A i * <ccut' cor R«9onai Runs. Dnvt;ua» stu- Orr.ef- f4o« Earn McreT l«7«a»« in Pay Pa-sage. Contracts'] i ComN a l FU Rg f d OTR. Som« Regional. a DmW'l bCa Ttann? 800-771-S31S. Dnvv. p y p S600 bofta phis tuifion mefit tor r«e«nt driving scr>ool g d U * Bt H r « lh 300^923-27/8 * « t Oco«rtunil Too Pay* Upto30QQ mlei. W Ex cailarrt B « n « ( i t i ' L * t * Modal F«upir*»(« Soto%.T«am3,0-i O n Z3.WCOL-A.ar7.St3-638SyH.gSg. PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD Tho r^WSPAPER mahM «*wv • * <wt lo avixj errors We msi mat you c««c» your ad V* FIRST (toy tfwi * appear* and irryrwdlaiety f *pott iny e«tor n ihcr Oassifiad DvconYnertf c~CWjrg t-8a»-34e-4«a. W« cannot tm rairxnuoi* br n c ntt-^non« day i •ncc"«ct inscrton •* you do not cad ;ne error la our aa^nbrt True* ycu A man wafees: up after-'siTOpu^uhder an ADVERTISED blanket .^-,-ao^ADVERTISED mattmsiano pulls on ADVERTISED pajamas, battles In an ADVERTISE© shower, shaves wilh an ADVERTISE!^ razor, brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste, washes wilhADVERTI5ED soap, puts en ADVERTISED^ctothflta^.tfrinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee^^dfiyes to work in an ADVERTlSEDvcar.;ai>di'ttan...Refuses to ADVERTISE, believing it doesn't par. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it (or sale. beautiful for all. ADVERTISE i £ IT WORKS! Call 1-888-346-6603 for Details WHEN YOU WANT With your support, Vi)lurm.er\ of Since 1U'J6, Volunteer* of America.gives hup*: to children in America has helped millions o f need—and n chance IO pursue their Americans achieve their dreams, American dream. Volunteers of America is committed to promoting the healthy development of children, adolescents and their families through services that include prevention and intervention. Some, o f the services that help rebuild their lives, and restore dignity. Find out how you can help make America beautiful by giving people in need an opportunity for a better life. Call (800) 899-0089 or visit www.VolunteersofAmerica.org., children and youth enjoy bright LOCAL NEWS.., You WANT THE PRESS. Every issue of The PRESS contains local stories! Pius advertising for goods and services from local businesses and special events. Thank you Avon, Avon Lake, Sheffield and Sheffield lake for reading The PRESS. futures include: • Child care and after-school care; • Mentoring; • Emergency shelter; and • Foster care and adoption. unteers ofAmerica• ( i n - mi limits tti t,urin_ii in 2004! SS EARN EXTRA MONEY DELIVER THE NEW tW BERRY TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES Hen and women 13 yea's and ofier «.'.i insured venues are needed to deliver in Loram. Archers!. Aver,. Una B.rrr,:^^" Sheffield. South Amne^t. VemVicri and 5u(rwr,4r.3 areas' Defivery is in process. Wort a mn.rr.Ljn cf i -ja^gii hers per Cay and get pad wttun 43 hours upon sweessfui ccr^leLon of ycur route. Cali («G) SSO-0284 between a.OO i m . and 4:30 p.m. . Mon. through Sat. , CH1LDCARE PROVIDED In My Avon Lake Home • Meals & Snacks • • Planned Outings • • FulS Time Openings • . • References Available • 440-933-=! 804 CHILOCAflE Eupd'wnc* Mother And Chilccare Pro»iO«f Li tiorth H.C5»iitJI« Near Lj&eny School And A<on. fenctt) Ytrd. Ue*>s And Snachs & 135 General BUSINESS & RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONE S» SIEMS Jp a denied S . S C ' W I I K for o p a / Run* 'Paul ILIC" la* ' 93 CO" • PtW Gk»«r Tc« C A T S ' 8kie Cross/Blue Sr»e«' 783-315-9116 M-F. 6-4 1 ««(««: Wee-Jy nometme 1 EZ PasV New Eowcmont E*e*yining' Meanland E x p r e i s 8 0 0 - 4 4 1 - J 9 5 3 LAKE TELECOU OFFICE ASSISTANCE Ra^Ciy <jrj*;pg D*iSir*4i Kotjv} lor DfUe>l REGIONAL HUNS AVAILABLE1 H o ™ W t M , . l,'*]ng OTR Company-Owner Opeato Solo- Teams. Cafl eoo-CFMJfUVE O m a n Wanted. Ho experience Necessary* $7CO-S3QOPer Wee* To Stan >5 Days toget c a n A COL* Jot P-acemantTueOon H*rnt*«emenl AtaiUUHe. Transportation, Meals Provided. 877-554-3600. Ort*er«. avwage 1.100 m M nti Paid attar each tnp. Stttte comnany wtn g/»at teosfJs. Owiwr Operators , 83o«nts a3 rntos. Students Wcpme. o Drhwrv Own** O p « r a ) M or Comp*JT_ J A M radas^e«k. CkO Earn ^acjxn. ConparMdrwcra *am up to J 7 cp<n plus full benefit*. Tango Taorta77a26WCS Equipment Yard Person O p * w $ i (w Airwi and Brunwodi atoras. mavidual mist to detail g T q M b a d ^ r o i n l anj « M ahiMy » Kara n*« tasks. CuBJOmar urwc* cotnmuncaaon ind aMilytotpaak •>«• *» * must Good Ontrtj recott Atfc.** w so irjoba. Aciprr a t ABC EqulpMunl B M I U I ft Sate* 2$ P—rt Rd. B m n w t e H OH 44?12 FIRE YOUR BOSS* Sates. U a m 2 Earn. 7S0K 1st. yr. cotonnan won i a o 7 FMM£.'Dnv«rs Horn* Run Inc. It Otferlfig Great Pay- B«neMs. Horn* Tk Pwa OrtanotfB. S ^ n O - 5 3 Tkn» On Bcnu* COLA 2 3 M * . O5>ai9axtiana FiBSiad Onwan Horn* ftun Inc K O<l*ooq C a s t Pay, 0a*«<it9. Horn* T P l G M n M t tv &gnOVSt On Bcnut CTJLA23irQNL f>6<lqi38 « W12O O o - - New Pay Partaga* 71%. w# rater. 7s% your k o q o m l n t n l s i i O pm M f M t^Mi Tnc by tnp IOC)*- mcmM. t s « ) « M I rabaM. SSOO Fuoi R n a a i S500 paid onemaoon P*d 5 a M p U M A p*rtm» O a s t A COL • 1 i r vwtfMtoupL PFT Rcbenon jtfj-7g7 7W&. PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD The NEWSPAPER m»ka3 « « * ¥ etIon to avod atrun. w « u k not you cneck your ad vm FIRST C M / V U I it d ju error to irw CttaaAea Owparsr^ni by ae respon*Ue tor more than one day*! inconccl msereon a you do rot COM tho errortoour sOei'JiorL Thar*, yew. PS Exacutto* Centers (www paoftcss.com) needs talented. hart-«or*mrj rxJivdua to jom our team as Aarrenotratem Associate at our Inrjapendenca location and a tuil or p a t tun* at our irVesaake locaQon. T h a i s ) last paced environment a potitne and professional attitude necessary? Musi be a QUICK Bunker, aole to onofiwe. and h a n d * muWpi* tasks. M a seH-startet and aole to worn independenfly. Proven deOcaton In past posieons and itifty to oe Kewble necMsary. Will be respons^Ie for cuftomer WiM J prtfessiaiul telephone manner. Uust be a d e to follow dmactions. WiU be respons**e for customer service and basic secreunal and recoptionist funcoons. tnctumng greeting and announcing guests. lel»OaEa erary on C U V I C * T U Mfrtimgaa&w e . and teMpnone programing. ^ y . 8 30am 5 30cm. Banetits *fle* M days (cOAiQrehensive eng attofdabln heaRn and denUt. dsaohr/ and H*, vacation, holiday. *icfc tinw, 401 (k) and raucment). Sonus potential. . m u n w H)th salary requlramnr.* to tddetal 8 psomc«.com FLORAL DESIGNER RETAIL SALES Experience in all forms of design, pood people skills, Lafcewood area Part timo Apply in person: 216-521-6800 2M91 Oetrort Road WeWato. Onk> 44t45 Housekeeping Experience? S*C'« Shoppurs Ne«*»d Tor S»'« Evaluations Gel Paid hj Snop. Local Stores. n«>Uo'»"l* & Theaters Tti«»ng Provided. ^k«ibie Hourj. Email BequvM 800-585-9024 E.t 62J2 Homamaker? more valuable man you t i e * at Molly U a m . We jfie* •>eeM*y hours, no mrjnt,. no weeMnda. no rrnjor hofcday Wiy KMY I V I»4S? Ft* fcna S290-S«OOp«r week. Call 440-327-0000 If You're Organized & Great With People ,»MpU»He4oP»opl»C*t Settled S l d II v M U H 4 P l C * t , The* New Ham* And Seniors Downsti* To ftettiwmerrt ^ ConununJttM. Unpacking Etc. \ f car/ig haT* co"T*™o n i r^P s fiie al ion-*' M-,i?«ne ASM. fours oer •?«« iwt^ruFoi »,tn in« • mea's. r^oui?*ork. up 10 24nr care coportunity a yu* Duties woOO mTog leterwicM We ao irunjiYOUR Cua« c"C!« answenng. blmg, com• JY A.toMj£« rates. puter <Uta «rvy. act VISITING ANGELS PWia«e sand r n u i i u to: 440-2A2-4J33 Howt*7 Bread Croup. LTD 30400 Detro4 Rd, STE 401 GIFTS UNUUTTEO SNOW PLOWER3 WAMTED Suoa. Ortwvrv StaMwaU Ehowlerv. Loedar Op^aiors. Payday E««ry 3 W t i l u ISO Commarelal Accounts ' East And West Side J30-467-T27J STAR TRANSPOflT perwncod drtvefi Mom« mint w**hends. PMBfCwt uuciis tLPu-cl tuition Food ani liWg»*fl promdud 554fla2 90 Wanted To Buy A-l TOP CASH PAID. DamcnCj. Je»«iry. Cons. Oc4d. St»er. Sumps 4 Cofreney. Sports UerrtoraCJia. AnUques. CoUucticies & Estates. C*» C*ry 9 OQam-7 JOpm. 26S2Sa3 I BUY Lionui Train* 44Q-934-63!!. OLD BOAT OARS WANTED. CALL VEBH.BUON 440-S63-63M 135 Notices & Announcements APPLE SALE! B«a Your Own Red Delicious A GoMP«Mctooi (19 00 a hafl a busnel} Also In aeason: Boac P e a n . UeUTMe. JonaQold. Empu*. and many others.' Also Fresh Ctderl Rex Lees Orchards 5t.Rie.113 Open l«n>-7pai 44O»W77»I CRAFT VENDORS NEEDED Saturday 11/06 WestBm Reserve Elementary Collins Oh 10(tx10(t Space S30. 440-833-22S0 HAVING A HALLOWEEN PAHTY? CALLAPSYOUC Tits Pan. Pretont And Future. Spwaal Parr/ Rates CailTodayi See What The Future Hold* For Uve RttiHteer. Pumplilns, Courds * Indian Corn. Free: Hayrides Through Trte Woods. U a » . Storyteilers In TVPI RAM OA SKifiE'l Frt-Sun 10AU-«PM. O SelU tia-2iO-M2t ST. JOSEPH LADIES GUU.D Is once it^am vViuvj tne Enicrtiinmenf 2005 coupon Doofci These Doohv at a cost Ol only !?•>. mjka eicellaril ffts t f « ' k «^P g«nnq ut tne yoar *tffi aa tne new y { I TGI Fridays. Quaker SleaK. and ruintefS to name a lew) it also a gnwt grat for »ours">" Yuu can gri your copy befont they ere gijfw at Ihe Rectory O t c ^ or by M0-f33-20Mor44T>«71-050S Chiropractic A s s i s t a n t preferred. Bo»y Officer Fax l e w tailing ue mttf w« should Mrs you. 440-S? 5-8849 No Resumes Hoe's Southwest Grill In French Creek Square Now lafcng «JpliCi»hons (or FOOD LINE SERVERS PSEPC3OKS CASHIERS DISHWASHERS Looking lor encq«TK: Q provide fl^ar custorrie) PfaeM apply In person at 36050 D M T O I Ro»d, Avon OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR ie Day* Tr a r nq T ' " ^''^"JJ,* 1 ™ WANT TO WORK FOR YOURSELF? Con-sidar i> C A R E E R 11 FIJJI (riUIW » " J • * ' • hoiYW SdlHl Call Adrian FreO>r)ch at CCK.OWELL BANICFH MUNTEM REALTY for more detail* at 40»3! P JBM 131 E-Commerce Advertise Your ON-LINE Business Herel 133 Profession*! Service* ON SITE COMPUTER SERVICE - • « . > f»«J=u"r. » • so*p!'-iou» O« • a t * money * Nm»r i>ay up ••oil. v « , tl a money-to** ijoar»rtr»« i . . CJ." y«.r ^ ^ . ^ Burenu to trtqul.e aboul In« » « » the N...O..-I Affordable Rates Pr o(* > atona L wn Solution* For All oI Your technical Meads MOUSl- 3RK MAKES YOU . ! » - » . . : . '....-.t'.-J--•!•«(' <-f-< . . . . . . . ....I i.ul ( I ' l l l l l - »'C*» LAKE SitslM Ex»ci;icB-<a o f O f j f i t n c * Tt-.^.-vii/ 'ijr"-5E<^ E»- O CRtAT GUT IOEA A «v;o* 139 Financial Services Casn nowto*nrudu'wl s amvjAps. and mwjranco' (8CC) r « - 7 3 ! D JG. W«nwcrm. JG W i f « o 7 i Usans. C*s.i No»tarStruamed SwWmana Cain For Structured SeEement'Ajv m&f Mym^nW. ITs >0i*r mcriHT* Get ca&n now V<r«n you rved it masf CWesv fceM «i Wie ou**wss. Seitement PurcnaAers. eT7-Moner**e.. NOTICE Lending Opportunities HOUSEWORK. ETCM-jrr— or Oftce. Tnorou^i. CtfliatarTt Bcndad and Insy.sa Free EstfT--ito3 440-3U-2SH 440-4M4MS 5 2 0 o SascOfQdy' America's test ffanctnw opportunity. Enufment. naming, suppwt. eaclusnv termory incUjCod S%K mvvsvnanL American Asprtalt Se^lcoating Cleveland, OOJO wnw jimenca n -sea ico atmg com. BBttgO-SEAL. —NOTICE— g betora you n w n l Call the Ono Diytjuon o> S«cunt)es BE . ^ • H E purcttasimj an invtsirimrH. CdM (he Ow&ion's V>V««QI HaDina ax dOO-78a-l1W the investment i j properly l o and if me seller is property licensed (Trus notice « a put-'ic lennce ol TH£ PBES5) All Cash Candy Pours. Do you earn Jaoo m a d a y Your on^t local cjnoy (Ouia Includes 3 0 Machines and Canny Amorjg.995 60Q-814-6443 Are you malt^ig St n o per • « « • * AB caati vending routes wtti pnme locaton **siUti« n o * ' Urulm S9.O0O tn•e«mont reQuirea C a l T d i r r e e CLEANING AasdKealtCeBKwcal QQ CarUkatn Noe Aeatablt 216-577-1219 1S5 Pointing RENAISSANCE RESTORATIONS WTEWOH • EXTERIOR -Dry Wai Repairs "MrW»MjnS«fwa» Statewide Classified Advertising Network REACH OVER 2 MILLION newspap-r te&ie't with one ?5 wor-J a-l placemerx OMLY S250 Ohos t j n t community'Vwapijpfli-i Furmo'e-ntormjtuin on JI>.«II-II-W-) SU!T"iC<* catt wo Ct-t-uitied Drpan-n^rti at TMt PRESS 0o«i nut nave tno 'e~tuur-:es to imrcitiqjti> "walk al noun" KJvars-MWTwia. Please M suie IO ia-<e trw t-ji*7wmg precautiorury measure* Be suspicious ol ' e a i y money.* Never pay up front even II a money-back guarantee la ottered- Bewa.-e ol sbnCtr e-mail oterv. Celt your local Belter Business Bureau to Inquire e&out tne company; or call ttia Ma dona I Fraud trrfomnaiion Consumer Hoillneal 143 Building Supplies TRASH REMOVAL: Yards. Garagas and Dasemarrts cleaned. CaV Bruce. 440-373-1455. SEASONED FIREWOOD. 5150. per cord delivered. 440-337-1818 23O Auction Sales AORJEL BENEFIT Auction: Supperf Preview Friday, tOtS.d-apm : Qua Aucton. Saturday. 1OT6 »O a m Weit liberty 337-t6*-0Ot0 Premew l m w adnel tyg. Bvnctlts TrwjChM 230 Cairage Sales GARAGE SALE ADS DEACMJKE: Uonday at 3:00pm For SIS a 30 word Oareqa Sale Ad m be placed m Trw Pens. NorOi Press I LrqhL West Lrle. ^nikxi PnoKwMirrul new&Your ad OH! «lto tM tJAced HI eacti M p o r s Omcit Clipper lor me convenience ol in« OJrage Sale Shopper" Remember: Deadline is Monday by 3:00pm! K1OS CLOSET Avon Preschool Parent Club Avon H.5.3733 Detroit Rd. Sat 10f15 Early btad sale Sam-Oem XS.00 Vam-noon. J t i M . Unique resale event reaturlng chHdren/maternrty Nursery supplies, toys and furniture. Also featuring a bake sale and Send•»tic SooM sale 30x40.40x60.70x150 Can Dollvcr! AVON 909 Ktoore H o * ] Thura-Sal 10,1410(15 9.im Spm Arilxjuo rnck. i*f. url paintimis, Feifon wiciier1 act. Ji'.ra-i. k^ftxmiO (Hiuwin lonosjtj!. m « i ; i * a . e . iuketio< f»3io. gatifctn •lings Way 1 Q> 14 M o * ing 3M* f'u'nilure U Others 5fn«.tiif,jl Oil«'* SIw) rj,« I T .1 Bros . 'nc ' a ' brlrMlicn WESTSHORE MOTHERS OF TWINS 3rd ANNUAL FALL SALE Saturday. October i « m Eartf Bird Special 19 Admission General AdortjaioB * t p 40 pKn larrries seMna basy. ct»td w i i am} tnatemity cMwia. baby eeupmant andtoys.&J*e Sols CASHONLY Dwycr CeMar. 30a Bf>»on Lww, Bay VBiage. i*L ol WoW Betwam 198 Firewood AVON 41?0 Sl'jn.-y R.dqa HiJ TriUf»f '• Oam-lpm T f j J « littcn HO. boy* Ltofi"** I J i u p , VWno g.urws. mutn ;.tHD SAY VIUAGE: 31104 Rwbwy Park. Triursrtar. Sam-JZpm. MoosenoW tttrns. OTWO.-tn's Oon»C skis. k>y*. 475 *ood*n iurv« gym. Gateway Ojmpuler. pn>W. 193 Rnbbiab ALL STEEL BUILDINGS Roy 80Q-499-2760 AVON LAKE; Oaooer 14-15 9am2pm. Antqua ooooafds. oo>s Octnmij sUa 10-*4. -tomafM aasjgnei" dress domes size 6, d a n * * , toys. ffvnes. old sAreraare and jeiWrr. boys Oeai and bed tram*, muc nrucenctd oacro. lot* ot haoowtea O3stt#nee, d d mirk, some M a r t s 45s and borAt, years ol cravrf tpaco SWt, guod prices. Find us at 697 Wedgowood OrWe. 'sir Jayco*. Sougi of Watoniaea 8162131. 440-933-7505 EASY WORK CHEAT PAY Proces* nma £ ensemble products fr.~i.Ti ficn-rw CaJl our live oper^turs to Q<-eat startml. 800-i»1-B573Eit 951 AVON LAKE: UJVlamrfy. 625 P a * M e Of.W (BnCc^*ide CsvetCpmtrrt. V T f c O Ittt4 3 AVON LA<E: Thur 9 OOwn-3-OOprn, wwsfy et- 32S17 Greenwood CVnr*. Mae, cictherrors. Vrt aik Ifut you •ng ana twusenoid Horns. cfwdi your i « me FlflST day tt\at d ana La-Z-Boy iec»nec/iocliw. acvc~vs and *rvnedii:c7 report any «for » ffie Qassiti&J Dcpu'Viwi t-^ Ca-Ung T-Ma-346-6603. » • c-innot be 'esponsAe tor irras tnan cne Ciy'i KTccirjci msertran rl you Jo r « *VO»J LAKE: fumture s«M 37709 F S l cad <r« cr^r to uur i g sat Thar* y-ju t a rack ami rrunt. C*« far eatty aale 4JQ-3J3-8>34 Think First. £ o r r o * Smart. Cw^dct ine Or»J Dr<*»on o* Financial InaatjOofn' O«-J* o< Cortsunwr A l l * 1 * OEFOfiS you reOnance your ncme or ofctam a mciga^e. BEWARE Ol requests tor tny lanje advance payrmrm ol taes or irsuranca. Can tne. O&ce o* Consurnor anairs lott tree at 1-e66-Z7tKO03tolearn 4 the mortgage broker or lender is property beamed. {Thi* nance -s a puQbc ser-oee c* the ClauAed Deporvnerc) 14O Btulneui Opportunities 3yn. L2B C( crwaerrs tost KTyV Octfws. vioocu. Cbidocr piay^ou. i-»] muctt more m j c ittTtl PLEASE CHECK W u B tOquHi use G'B.it 3^:* . «•...:-t.n 3 ' R*at Est'itv o«.c« actmiti-.fr. i*»f Good Wmpjfer i*rt". .vifcn-.o Call 440-537-4666 158 Cleaxilng AVON LAKE 5 0 9 DAPOur, Ln g Call Timothy At 440041-1948 l> A( H .' '.l:| I I'JN 'II W'J'AW l API I f . *'*• •.'— .11 l - l " " t " - ' J AVCt L A ' P 163 S 154 -ifc " " ~ -W-63S-1B93 !2*n eQQ9 IfiOY SUPER SUNDAY, Automoti»» Surop Meet A Car Sale Ociooer 24. tnduvupo>rs Inctvia. tndiaia Slate FairgrourrU AU U a h n And M o d a l . 8 A M - 3 PU Spaces All Indoors Call B A P M M-F »Adcom. ' ^ ioe 84 Elder Care SENIOR HOMECARE BY ANGELS r i Servics on Uost Ua,sr R l W g 440-327-4471 •nv«rs HataM fcUes. "They re 5 0 3 . 3C AVON 1 A ?tjn •>ilrtt 3^-? A . . M 1O.t3 4 30pm-"' i.ii) < b.>> i a - t b '.iir «ifvn.'Fall 11 ?! Lrita ,i;w1 LIIM" O w t r i w l Caftoow) CLEVELAND- 10«O5 EdOw>-«ta*. Fnday & Saft*day. 9anv£pnv Huge) Antique*, lurnlture. cott«ctlbles. houK***J. rugs. art. yard. iMncocap. Ipyt and moreMCWTMOLMSTE02428I N Ortord CMf d Watw Rel Thursday-Sauir« » SanvScm, FumJure.tampa.e»OTOM e » * . foots, ddnes puzMs act OLD BUNDUNO MACHtNE (USES CORO SPOOL) IN WORKING C O W T W H . MAKE O f FEB. C A U 440-sm-7146. ASK FOR JANET. SHEFRELD LAKE 730 OWef SI o» F»m0a)ff Aira. 1W14-1V1B 9#»~ 2pm. CWOies. wy». 6a9at»< cards, Low otmocal priced P W VEBMOJON LAGOONS; 5331 Port•ca Dnwe. Thu»-Ffl 9-OOarfrC OOpvft Sot 9 OCam-- (Xlpm. BIG & GREAT SALE. AnOque «nc**r. school desk. »nc puoestai taWe. telephone tattt, imai chest and more. Antique crwa, coMediCies. household and deco**ttvarterrts.antique Cnnsanes deco. riuon. coo^boaka Lot* ol really great misc. items. Ho tmh VERMILION. 13509 W . Darro*) ftoid, SjSjrrU/. 9am-Som. Stereos. TVs. doors. tc»aa, tires and clothe* Everymmrj a nerpa^Ple VERMIUON: 423 Aidncft Boad. Frtday. 1O1S. 1Oom-»pm. Hoklwy dw> Ofotons. miKekaneous housencM items, t^wetry, books. Cancelled 4 WESTLAKE NTB1 Rocky Pomtn Mowig sate Tnuruy 10/14 I^pnv 4pm. Friday S a m < t 3 p m . bmall iViKjues/iiWiUnees, pdures h*mK turn, tools, womens ctoimnfl 231 Cnarltte*/ Donations -PASS IT ON" A Cnnsiian Outreacti Mmistry owes your gwiBy u»*d donnnxl Hems ffitZ to those i need Ituough aura Cu h CLOTHING • HOUSEHOLD FUSNITune • VEHICLES t>iciupg up every Monday m A Luli and Thu'vldy m Avon No d<op o f l i TAX OEOUCnSLE For detaifs call 440-9I7-90M 250 Rummage SaJea HUGE RUMMAGE SALE At Avon Lake Presbyterian Church 22340 Electric Blvd (west ot Jaycoa) . Tfursdey October 14. Vam-4pm. r i s n 2pnv4p<n nil a bagtort t . Larger Hems SO** oft Now Accapttta Nn> Studactts F<ir Spring & S w n M ' Hunt Sa*l B*gsHiM to Adoanesd vsttafil* ANDY'S APPUANCE SERVICE Sandusky 413-626-5053 440-933-5335 North Crest Equestrian Center 'We Service ALL Major Brands' 440-933-5565 323 Collectibles Sto»3 " 1 5 % OFF Any Nature Stow Floor t400 So. Ft.ftrettowns! cwwacfc orty Pnor Wiei 1-800-707-ANDY Offer Expires Nov. 30.20O4 I BUY UQSEL TKAffiS. 4*0-93^6311. CONSTRUCT1ON/REMODEUNG (440) 327-7976 [email protected] ^^^^ SUWMf q CAJUPS AVAJiABLE- Call 440-333-4654 295 Besltb & Beauty • CININGROOM: 14pc EUntngtem Collactlon, bvautlfullr hand earvvd, M/marWa top •«rv*r. Cast S12aoa S H « 7 » 4*0356I*« Winter is Coming \ Schedule A (ScregeScte Now! You May Neec* Your Garage. Space1 For Details Call 1-888-346-6603 Dotuite Items Tu "Pzss It O n " 440.937-VHW LEJlJ A* on D • a IW.VL«.wK.«,l * « ! . V»•>•*• '!>-''- •"«•• 'P^."- !;•*« 1 h t £ M4 Jjlitr^b>«l: 1*.J T t . ^ . l h v )*. * »".«.. . ft* l_ir*2in(x UJB. TTi'tf>-i... •HW [Jwlwv l.*w. Ih-f^ D iuilders inc. BATHS - KITCHENS WINDOW REPLACEMENT ROOM ADDITIONS • POLE UAHNS HOUSE ERECTION • I'ATIOS VINYL SIDING A1A2UC D U D 2 I A K AVON, OHIO ROOFLNCS GARAGES A division of Duractean Restoration ft Cleaning Services. Inc. r Ottfc tKTMtOR-CXTKWIOPI PAJKIW C M O W H MouoiMa VISIT OUR SHOWROOM h-it <*rjte%i*^ t»i.c. D M^tn KcJVKal lil>J 1 '...I.--,-.. ' ^ v Villa Z" ' ' " l i t ' " K..<hufv IVV I»i I I " i t l ^ " c l k > Clctclund : 174 Lear Rd.. Avon Lake 1 EHTERTAINMEMT CEfJTERS , . » (!>«„ •;„,. r^,. a a a Distinctive Coatings""" $ptclfltyng In Interior Residential Paining 46*5 Jayaw Boad • Awon. OH • Phoo« 440-J37-606S • Fax 44C-937-6900 KITCHEN CAHNETS'fiEWCtf Ht)J< tJttiri. Hiid. !hi • a • kj & Hot Tubi -Siding & Soffit* -Roofing Repj fiof M*int l Ck-irvup BOOKSHaVES D o Repair - Remodel - Maintain If It's Made Of WOOD... We Can Do It." *..« r v *?*> [vn,«i D a Charles Uptak Construction - 440-933-7436 or 440-258-7136 Call: 440-933- frue Ctvsu/iiions and Esfcmatos References Ava^s • TIM FORTHOFER Builder • Contractor Home Remodeling Garages Remodeling Addtions COHIAN >» Ou Ponfs f^gtstaiwd ( r M * n , v h tor its premium quality brand of «3xJ surtaca ixoOucCi Only Ou Pont m t k « i CORIAN liiMrt lilfrajiei Itidjir A S4MhU>. 1jl» ' p » ' North Olni\tcd a :i:m N HU.-JO.JI. • a --MKfl..r. Sirrrt Ihur, ShcfTicld Lake a a Vermilion t Hum Jptn D ^."' Avon Luke Authorized Dealer o( Wood Decks Pfione: 440-937-6430 34875 TimDerview Dr., A'/cn. OH 44011 Repairs FREE ESTIMATES. REFERENCES Basemen! LICENSED/BONDED Remodeling YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 1-888-346-6603 to place an ad in the experts NEW CASTLE ROOFING CO. Shingles • Tear-Otfs • Rat Roots Gutters • Skylights • Windows • Siding 440-892-8696 440-930-2399 FREE ESTIMATES^