Enjoy the summer with us! At Kristinehamn Herrgårdscamping you


Enjoy the summer with us! At Kristinehamn Herrgårdscamping you
Welcome to
Tourist guide 2013
Welcome to Kristinehamn!
You have in your hands Kristinehamn’s tourist brochure for 2013. It has 44 pages
of ideas and tips for all the days of the year, regardless of whether you enjoy being
active or prefer to relax and take it easy.
Kristinehamn lies on the shore of the inland sea, Lake Vänern. It’s the perfect
place for fishing, travelling around the archipelago on the historical vessel
Christine af Bro, island hopping on boat bus no. 95 whilst dipping your feet in the
water, exploring, bathing, barbequing, camping or just heading out to yet another
island, or the nearby town of Karlstad, and back again.
There are lots of things for children to do: jump in the hay at the city farm; meet
the junk man Skrotnisse at Kristinehamn’s Art Museum; take a pirate trip to find
Captain One Eye’s treasure; enjoy the excitement of a ride in a double go-cart and
have fun sliding down the water chute in the town’s public swimming baths.
The Picasso sculpture is always worth a visit whatever the time of year. Other
ideas of things to do include visiting the museal general store Ölme diversehandel
to buy homemade, old-fashioned, boiled sweets; checking out the popular
silhouette of Kristinehamn made by the Nordic master potter at the pottery
Keramik hemjord and visiting the geranium museum at Niklasdam, which was
If you are the more active type you can hike along the whole, or just part of, the
Iron Trail (Järnleden) which is 30 km long and has a long history. Or maybe even
pedal a trolley bike through the forest, looking out for wildlife on the way.
You will find lots more ideas of things to do and see as you look through
the brochure and, of course, you are more than welcome to contact us at
Kristinehamn’s Tourist Office. We are at your service!
Fredrik Lööf won a gold medal in sailing in the 2012 Olympics.
Growing up on Lake Vänern was a great advantage.
Foto: Roland Svensson, Krifo.nu
Södra Torget 3
681 84 Kristinehamn
Tel. +46 (0)550-881 87
[email protected]
Jan. 2 to May 18 Mon.–Fri.
9–12, 13–16
Sat. 10–13
June 15 to Aug. 18
Sept. 16 to Dec. 30
Mon.–Fri. 9–19 Mon.–Fri.
9–12, 13–16 Sat. 10–16
Sun 12–16 Sat. 10–13
May 20 to June 14 Mon.–Fri.9–17
Aug. 19 to Sept. 14 Internet
access available
Sat. 10–14
– 2 –
History of Kristinehamn
– 3 –
Lake Vänern and activities 6-11
Adventure in the forest
Playful activities
Places of interest 16-19
Sleep well
Eat well
Shop ’til you drop
Inspiring adverts
recently featured in the TV programme ”Sommar med Ernst”.
The Tourist Office in Kristinehamn is open all year round just for
you. We promise to do our best to make your visit even more fun!
The Kristinehamn Tourist Office
Places of interest
26, 30-38, 42, 44
Foto: Gun Karlsson, krifo.nu
History of Kristinehamn
The money box ”Lusseasken” at the museal general
store Ölme diversehandel.
Foto: Bernt Magnusson, krifo.nu
The world market price of iron
Foto: Pernilla Andersson, krifo.nu
Relax in the park Vågparken. Nearby there are monuments from the time when iron was at its most important.
Wahlundsgården and Torgkällan by the Varnan river,
where you also find Bildarkivet at Västerlånggatan 22.
Its location close to water and to the
route used to transport iron to Lake Vänern
resulted in the harbour and market place of
Bro becoming the town of Kristinehamn in
1642. At that time, 200 people lived in Bro.
The town’s position as a centre for exporting
timber and iron from Bergslagen was
reinforced when one of the first railways in
Sweden was built between Kristinehamn and
In the year 1633 Peter Flygge was appointed
customs officer at Bro market place. One of his
first tasks in serving the interests of the crown was
to set up a toll gate in the 2,453 m long fence that
he had built around Bro. It ran around the streets
known as Staketgatorna (the Fence Streets). The
toll gates were to the north and south, at the
ends of today’s street Kungsgatan. The gateposts
remained there until the end of the 1850s, when
they were moved to the newly built church. They
are now in the church wall, facing the street Östra
The market Fastingsmarknaden was relocated
from Karlstad to Kristinehamn in 1686. People
of authority, merchants, traders and mill owners
from far and wide added to the population of the
town for a few weeks every spring. Kristinehamn
became not only the centre for handling iron in
the county of Värmland but also the place where
the world market price of iron was fixed. Although
the Fastingmarkanden ceased in 1903, it still
exists today in the form of a fun fair and street
market, see p. 39.
– 4 –
Kristinehamn is known locally as Lusasken,
and many people wonder why. So here’s the true
story. In the 18th century there was no poor-law
in Sweden, which meant that the state did not
help very poor people. In Kristinehamn this was
resolved by placing three money boxes around
the town. The money collected in one of them
went to the town’s sailors and their widows. This
particular box was emptied on December 13th,
which is Lucia Day in Sweden. It’s easy to imagine
how much this meant to the sailors who lost their
jobs when Lake Vänern froze over for the winter.
The sailors used to say, “Now we’re going back
home to Lusseasken”. Someone, at some time,
had jokingly said “Lusasken”, which stuck and is
still used today.
Feel free to drop a coin in the box, which is at
the museal store Ölme diversehandel, see p. 18.
Kristinehamn’s coat of arms includes a boeier
(a traditional kind of vessel) to emphasize the
importance of shipping to the town. A full-scale
model of a boeier was built in the 1990s and given
the name Christine af Bro. It now sails on Lake
Vänern and is a popular summertime attraction.
For information of the boeier see p. 6-9.
If you interested in the history of Kristinehamn,
there are suggestions for trips to historical places
on pages 18 & 19. The photograph archives
Bildarkivet have exhibitions and 550,000 historical
photos of Kristinehamn. Study the photos from
the middle of the 19th century onwards. These
show how Kristinehamn looked at that time, and
how the town has changed.
– 5 –
Kristinehamn’s floating coat of arms: the boeier Christine af Bro.
Foto: Kookie Tarp, krifo.nu
Foto: Helené Grynfarb, bildarkivet.se
Foto: Foto: Bengt Salander, krifo.nu
Lake Vänern and activities
Summer on an island. Don’t forget your book!
Karlstad Fishing area Boat trips
Eat well
Gurgling water
1) Vålön
On the eastern side of this island there is one of
the finest sandy beaches in the archipelago. Its
children’s play area, Sandvikarna, makes it a very
popular place for young families. Some parts of
Sandvikarna are adapted for the disabled, with
a footpath leading to the bathing ramp, toilet
facilities with wheelchair access, barbeque areas
and an information site. Vålön - Kalvön - Sibberön
are connected by a series of bridges and a 4 km
long walking trail. Wander along the path and you
will come across lovely bays and rocky beaches.
– 6 –
to seek shelter in case of poor weather. The island
is suitable for walking around on and for enjoying
Lake Vänern. If you are lucky you may even have
the small beach, north of the jetties, all to yourself!
6) Långön
Find your own rock to take a dip from on the
island´s own little Riviera. Seek out the channel at
Krakosundet and gaze out over Vänern.
7) Rävön
The northern part of the island is unspoilt and is a
popular bathing area. The eastern beach has some
nice, and somewhat flatter, rocky bathing areas.
8) Hammarö/Lövnäs
Hammarö Cultural Heritage Centre is at Lövnäs.
Here you find the Archepelago Museum, Hammarö
church, Hammars gård, Hammarö folklore museum
and the school museum.
9) Karlstad, Inre hamn
The harbour area welcomes you with the smell of
freshly roasted coffee in the air. Here you can see
many local people in the area around the marina
enjoying a meal or simply spending time together.
Boeier – Christine af Bro see p. 34
Hamnvägen 9. Tel+46 (0)550-881 87.
www.bojorten.se Dep: Kristinehamn´s guest
harbour. The boeier Christine af Bro has become
a reminder of the times when Kristinehamn was
Lake Vänern’s most important seaport town. It was
here that timber and iron ore were once shipped
out into the world. The boeier was launched on
4th May 2002 after 8 years of work in the dock.
This historical vessel, built in the traditional Dutch
way, is a great experience for people of all ages
who are interested in boats. From the deck you can
admire the endlessly glittering Lake Vänern, and
in the cabin you can enjoy a cup of coffee. If you
go to Karlstad or take a charter trip you will eat
off the vessel’s specially designed porcelain. From
the deck you can admire the villas from the last
century and the seemingly endless Lake Vänern.
The stairs down to the cabin are fitted with a chair
Pirate Trip with Treasure Hunt
Can you find Captain One Eye’s lost treasure? Go on
a pirate trip in Lake Vänern’s archipelago together
with Captain One Eye and the rest of the crew on
the Christine af Bro. There’s supposed to be treasure
on the bottom of the lake close to the mythical
island of Saxholmen. That’s what we are going to
find! Watch out for the canon shot. Ship ahoy! The
price includes a sandwich, ice cream and a soft
drink or coffee.
Jan Lööf-boattrip
Enjoy the boat trip to the Kristinehamn’s Art Museum where it is the time for children, see p. 16.
Coastline Trip
On the boat ride you can admire many beautiful
19th century houses and the Picasso sculpture
from the water. The ride goes back to the guest
Cake Buffet
This is the same as the Archipelago trip above with
the added bonus of there being a cake buffet on
board. You also have the option of setting off from
Blues Cruise
Blues music at sunset, incl. food, beer / wine.
Kristinehamn - Karlstad - Kristinehamn
Discover 25 nautical miles of the beautiful archipelago in Lake Vänern. This enjoyable trip on the
boeier Christine af Bro, which is a copy of a 17th
century ship, goes between Kristinehamn and
Foto: Øyvind Lund
2) Kalvön
The smallest of the three linked islands. There are
lots of areas here suitable for pitching a tent. The
pretty beach with smooth rocks right by the jetty
on Kalvön is perfect if you don’t like getting sand
between your toes! There is also a barbeque site
located close by.
3) Sibberön
The southernmost of the three linked islands of Vålön - Kalvön - Sibberön. This island offers wonderful
outdoor experiences, with its rocky bathing areas
and sandy beaches, wooded areas and open fields.
The large grassy area by the cabin is suitable for
playing games as well as camping. You will be sure
to find a suitable fishing spot.
4) Saxholmen
An island surrounded by myths in Kristinehamn’s
archipelago, where archeological excavations
have been carried out. In bygone times there was
a fort, or stronghold, on Saxholmen. Now only
ruins remain. The Värmland Museum in Karlstad
has many of the artifacts that were found in the
archeological excavations , see p. 40.
5) Alvön
The island’s flat rocks, with lovely smooth surfaces,
face the west and are probably unique in Vänern.
The eastern side of Alvön, facing the channel
leading to Svinön island, is best. The flat, smooth
rocks there are often deserted, waiting for eager
bathers to arrive. There is a small windbreak that is
suitable for overnight stays or as a place in which
Stöten, m/f Vålön
Vålösundsv. 156. Tel +46 (0)550-881 87,
+46 (0)70-553 37 31.
Departure: Vålösundsbryggan, Café Pärlan.
Go to one of the finest sandy beaches in the
archipelago, Sandvikarna on Vålön, see p. 6.
Enjoy Lake Vänern and the wonderfully smooth rocks in
the archipelago.
Hulda II
Vålösundsvägen 156. Tel +46 (0)550-881 87.
Departure: Vålösundsbryggan, Café Pärlan.
Boat trips to Karlstad, via Alvön, Långön, Rävön
and Lövnäs, see p. 6. The boat leaves twice a day,
and allows you several options. You can go out to
an island and either return from there or carry on
to Karlstad, before taking the bus or train back. Or
you can go on to another island and sleep over in
your tent, if you have one with you.
– 7 –
Foto: Øyvind Lund
Dear guest, welcome to life in the archipelago!
Climb on board a ferry and head out for a
beautiful island in Lake Vänern. Paddle in the
water, discover new territory, swim, light a
barbeque, pitch a tent, pull up a bucket of water
and quench your thirst before heading off to
another island.
You can also take the ferry to Karlstad, the largest
town in Värmland, to go shopping, visit museums
and have fun. The train, bus and ferry all bring
you back to Kristinehamn. Or get off at the stop
on Hammarö, and take a walk around Lövnäs, a
pretty area of cultural interest, and then take the
ferry back. We can recommend the ferry whatever
the weather: if it’s fine then you can visit the small
islands, where you can swim and walk or, if it’s
raining, you can explore the town.
see p. 17
see p. 10
see p. 40
see p. 10
see p. 7-9
see p. 24
Book a seat on the popular pirate trip on Lake Vänern.
Ferries in the northern archipelago
m/s Hulda II
Price Adult/0-19 yrs
Tues.-Sun. N.B. not Mon.
Oneway ticket - all prices in SEK
June 25–Aug. 11
On board
Vålösundsbryggan08:3013:10 13:4018:30
09:1012:30 14:2017:50
09:2512:15 14:3517:35
10:0511:35 15:1516:55
Hammarö, Lövnäs10:2011:20 15:3016:40
Karlstad, Inre Hamn 10:40 11:00
15:50 16:20
K-hmn-Karlstad 90/60
K-hamn-Långön/Alvön 45/30 K-hamn-Rävön 75/50 K-hamn-Lövnäs 90/60
Karlstad-Lövnäs 23/15
Karlstad-Rävön 45/30 Karlstad-Långön/Alvön 75/50 Lövnäs-Rävön 45/30
Bus No. 66 The archipelago bus June 25–Aug 11, Tues.–Sun.
Kristinehamns RC
08:15, 13:15, 14:15, 18:45, 19.30
Vålösundsbryggan 08:30, 13:30, 14:30, 19:00, 19.40
Vålösundsbryggan 08:45, 13:45, 14:45, 19:15, 19.45
The archipelago bus 25/15
Kristinehamns RC
09:00, 14:00, 15:00, 19:30, 20.00
Tickets are available:
On board the boat . When purchasing on board, then
the rule is “first come, first served”.
Online www.destinationvarmland.se N.B. booking in
advance guarantees a place on board.
Important information:
The times given are approximate only, as they are reliant
upon the weather. The boat can carry max. 65 passengers. Bicycles are allowed if space allows. Information
is available on
www.kristinehamn.se/oluff if the trip has to be cancelled for safety reasons (i.e. bad weather).
There is a cafeteria on board selling coffee, soft drinks,
cakes, sandwiches and ice cream. Remember that you
can stay as long as you like in either Karlstad or Kristinehamn and take the train or bus back.
Timetables can be found on www.varmlandstrafik.se
Lena Dyberg +46 (0) 54-540 46 11.
Sjöfartsverket © 13-01585
Lake Vänern and activities
Inre Hamn
Saxholmen Kristinehamns
Part of: Jan Lööf Ta fast Fabian. © Jan Lööf
Boeier: Pirate Trip
Dep. guest harbour
Tues. and Sun. June 25–Aug. 25
Thurs. July 4–Aug. 1
Dep. 13:30 Arr. 16:30
Price: Adult 300 SEK, 2-15 yrs 175 SEK
Boeier: Krhmn - Karlstad - Krhmn
Dep. guest harbour / Karlstad
Sat. July 6, 20 and Aug. 3
Kristinehamn 10:30
17:30 Karlstad , Inre Hamn 14:00
14:30 Price: Adult 400 SEK, 2-15 yrs 300 SEK
Boeier: Jan Lööf-boattrip
Dep. guest harbour and Marieberg.
Sat. June 29. Sat. July 13, 27. Sat. Aug 10, 17.
12:00 15:15
Guest harbour
Boat oneway: 70 SEK
Entrance and boat oneway:
adult: 150 SEK. 0-18 yrs 70 SEK
Entrance and boat roundtrip adult: 220 SEK. 0-18 yrs 140 SEK
Boeier: Blues Cruise
Dep: guest harbour Fri. June 28, July 26, Aug. 9.
Dep: 19:00 Arr: 22:30
Food, vine and music.
Visit the Tourist Office.
Boeier: Coastline Trip
Dep: guest harbour Wed. June 26, July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31.
Wed. Aug. 7, 14, 21.
Price: Adult 250 SEK
2-15 yrs 150 SEK
Dep. 13:00
Arr. 15:15
Cake Buffet (incl. cake)
guest harbour / Marieberg
Sat. June 29. July 13, 27. Aug 10, 17.
Guest harbour Dep. 12:00 Arr. 15.15
Marieberg Dep. 12:30
Arr. 14:45
Price: Adult 300 SEK,
2-15 yrs 150 SEK
Stöten, m/f Vålön
30 SEK
Mon, Weds.-Sun.
N.B. not on Tues.
3–19 yrs 20 SEK
June 15–Aug. 18
round trip ticket
Vålösundsbryggan 10:00 11:00 12:00 14:00 15:0016:00 17:00
10:08 11:08
14:08 15:08 16:08
Vålösundsbryggan 10:16 11:16
14:16 15:16 16:16
Tickets are available:
Online www.destinationvarmland.se N.B. booking in
advance guarantees a place on board.
Important information:
All of the times given are approximate, as they are
reliant upon the weather. The boat can carry max. 55
passengers and 45 on the pirate trip. Information is available on www.kristinehamn.se/oluff if the trip has to be
cancelled for safety reasons (i.e. bad weather).
The price of the pirate trip includes a sandwich, ice
cream and a soft drink or coffee.
On the tour: Krhmn-Karlstad-Krhmn are meals available,
if ordered in advance, at a cost of 200 SEK. Remember
that you can stay as long as you like in either Karlstad or
Kristinehamn and take the train or bus back. Timetables
can be found on www.varmlandstrafik.se
The Archipelago trip on Saturday includes the cake
buffet. The Jan Lööf-trip includes the entrance fee to the
Kristinehamn Art Museum and the Jan Lööf exhibition,
see p.16.
The boat’s staff can help wheelchairs on board using a
small hoist. No permobiles.
The stairs down to the cabin are fitted with a chair lift.
The boat’s staff can
help wheelchairs on
board using a small
hoist. No permobiles.
– 8 –
Tickets are available: On board the boat . When purchasing, then the rule is “first come, first served”.
Important information:
The times given are approximate only, as they are reliant
upon the weather. The boat can carry max. 28 passengers. Bicycles are allowed if space allows. At peak times, the boat makes several journeys until all passengers
have been ferried across.
The ferry Hulda II takes you out into the archipelago.
The impressive boeier Christine af Bro.
– 9 –
Take the ferry m/f Vålön and admire the Picasso
sculpture from the water.
Foto: Abu-trolling
Lake Vänern and activities
Fishing luck: a memory for life.
Jump into Lake Vänern Fishing water
There are several fishing areas to choose from.
Consult the fishing brochure at the Tourist Office
in Kristinehamn.
Lake Vänern Fishing is free with handheld tackle.
It has more than 30 species of freshwater fish, including pike, perch, pikeperch, salmon and burbot. You
can, of course, fish directly from the islands named
on p. 6.
Baggeruds camping site: a trolling heaven for all.
Ramp fee: 65 SEK.
Trolling charter on Lake Vänern
We troll for salmon, salmon trout, pikeperch and pike.
We can offer complete packages with fishing trips
and accommodation.
Tel. +46 (0)70-582 24 69. www.abu-trolling.se
Hökens trollingcharter
Tel. +46 (0)70-661 13 88. www.trollingcharter.se
Vänerkajak, see ad. on p. 31.
Tel +46 (0)76-765 33 77.
This is a wonderful place to begin a kayaking holiday,
whether you try paddling a canoe for just a few
hours or take a longer trip lasting several days, with
a number of protected bays and lots of small islands
to explore. Feel free to combine Kristinehamn’s Herrgårds Camping with Ölme Strandvik, Karlstad Inre
Hamnen or Borgvik.
Per 1 person
340 SEK / day (9-17)
Per 2 persons 580 SEK / day (9-17)
Kayaks are also available at the camping site below.
Kristinehamn Herrgårds Camping & Stugor
Presterudsallén 2. Tel +46 (0)550-102 80, see p. 44.
Paddle in the Vålösundet bay. Take the canoe
out to the Picasso sculpture, Kristinehamn’s Art
Museum, the guest harbour or the Hjälmarsundet
120 SEK/2 hrs
250 SEK/ day (9-17)
150 SEK SEK/a.m. (9-13) 200 SEK/p.m. (13-20)
RIB boat trip
Kristinehamns RIBcharter
Tel. +46 (0)70-220 20 42.
Enjoy the archipelago. Feel the water splash your
face and the wind blow through your hair!
Sightseeing in the archipelago in an RIB boat.
Cost: from 660 SEK/person for a group of 8
Take a ride speeding through the waves.
Cost: 440 SEK/person
Bathing boat: If you’d like a beach of your
own, we’ll take you to one! Cost: depends on
destination and number of passengers. Please ask
for a quote.
Sauna deal: first take a trip in an RIB boat,
followed by a sauna on the raft floating in the
Cost: 800 SEK/person. Min. 6 people, max. 8.
– 10 –
Wonderful bathing spots
The Vänern, Vismen and Skagern lakes have a variety
of beaches from which you can bathe: sandy, grassy
and rocky. Kristinehamn itself has several alternatives.
The starting point for the directions given is the town
centre. Bathing areas are shown on the map on p. 43.
Those named below all have toilet facilities.
Baggerud A lovely rocky beach and a small sandy
beach; 30 km south.
Bengtsgård Small sandy beach and a large grassy
area; 30 km south.
Gottbol Shallow bathing on a popular sandy beach
on Lake Skagern; 30 km south. Playground.
Gräsviksbadet Grassy areas suitable for sunbathing
and a small sandy beach on Lake Vismen at Björneborg; 10 km south east.
Hult Shallow bathing on a sandy beach on Lake
Vänern and a summer café; 15 km south.
Jutviken Shallow bathing on a sandy beach on Lake
Vänern, suitable for small children; 10 km south.
Revsand Shallow bathing on a sandy beach with
great views over Lake Vänern; 15 km south.
Sandvikarna A paradise for families! Two sandy
beaches with shallow bathing and a playground on
the island of Vålön in Lake Vänern; 10 km south. See p.
6 for ferry times (Stöten, m/f Vålön).
Skymningen Shallow bathing on a sandy beach on
Lake Vänern. Great place for a quick dip. South of
Kristinehamn Herrgårds Camping & Stugor.
The ferries have life jackets for each passenger. Life jackets are available for hire at the guest harbour, see p.33. Cost: 1-3 days: 25 SEK/jacket.
4-7 days: 50 SEK/jacket
– 11 –
Foto: Øyvind Lund
Foto: Lars-Peter Jansson
Adventures in the forest
See osprey in and around Lake Vänern’s archipelago and
the bays of Kilsviken, Ölmeviken and Varnumsviken.
Out in the fresh air
Follow the marked bicycle trails to the Picasso
sculpture or to the manor Gustafsviks herrgård.
Maps of bicycle trails are available at the tourist
office in Kristinehamn and on the web site.
Team Sportia
Albinvägen 2 (in the Coop building),
Tel. +46 (0)550-107 01.
Open: Mon.-Fri. 10-19, Sat. 10-16, Sun. 11-16
Standard bicycle with 3-7 gears:
70 SEK/hr
150 SEK/day
280 SEK/2 days
380 SEK/3 days350 SEK/Fri.-Sun. 800 SEK/1 week
Helmet 20 SEK/day
child’s seat 70 SEK/day
Kristinehamn Herrgårds Camping & Stugor
Tel. +46 (0)550-102 80. See advert on p. 44
Bicycle hire standard: 50 SEK/2 hrs 150 SEK/ day
90 SEK/a.m. (9-13)
120 SEK/p.m. (13-20)
Tandem: 80 SEK/2 hrs
200 SEK/day
120 SEK/a.m. (9-13) 160 SEK/p.m. (13-20)
Skagern Runt Bicycle Trail: see Riding Trail.
The Iron Trail (Järnleden), see advert on p. 34
The trail is an authorized Värmland trail and
runs between Hytte and Kristinehamn. Its history
is brought alive through several information
boards that have illustrations by the artist Kjell
Sundberg from Kristinehamn.
Riding Trail
The footpath is 30 km long. Along the course
of the trail you pass several historical sites and
places of interest, such as two old ironworks
and a hill fort from the Iron Age. You can catch a
glimpse of the manor Gustafsviks herrgård, which
has a long and interesting history (p. 18), and
look around the unique chapel Österviks kapell
(p.19). Take a break and enjoy the geranium cake
at Niklasdam’s café (p. 16), or buy bread freshly
baked in the wood-fired stone oven at Nässundet
Hiking with guide on the Iron Trail
The hike can be 5-30 km long and take a few
hours to a whole day. The price for food and
guide is from 300 SEK/person. Minimum 4 people.
Transport to and from start- and endingpoints are
not included.
Hiking brochures, Kristinehamn Tourist Office
Skagern Runt Hiking: see Riding Trail.
Ölme islandshästar
Ölme Berg. Tel. +46 (0)70-644 64 74.
Two hour long rides on Iceland horses - all year
round. Package deals available. All rides include
refreshments. Riding school and barbeque hut.
2 hrs Weekends + June, July, Aug. 500 SEK/pers
2 hrs Weekdays Sept.-May 450 SEK/pers
Peddling a trolley bike
Station Konsterud. See ad. on p. 35.
Hotell Svedjegården. Tel. +46 (0)70-374 20 06.
Hire a rail-trolley and take the whole family on an
adventure. Pedal along the long-disused railway.
Single trolley
50 SEK/hr 300 SEK/8 hrs
Double-rail trolley 60 SEK/hr 300 SEK/8 hrs
Trolley single or double 400 SEK/24 hrs
– 12 –
Skagern runt Riding & Hiking Trail
See ad. on p. 36. Tel. +46 (0)70-659 86 89.
www.skagernrunt.se For accommodation visit
our web site. June 1 - Sep 30. (riding, hiking).
Cycle all year round.
Riding and hiking trails. Separate bicycle trails.
Lake Skagern is surrounded by deep forests,
farmed cultural landscapes and red cabins.
The riding trail is 100 km long but you can ride
however much of it you like, of course.
Tel. +46 (0)76-800 02 02, 0550-41 19 12.
Discover this beautiful landscape and its wildlife
together with the professional guide Alistair
McCann all year round. Choose from beaver/elk
& wildlife safaris, countryside walks, snow shoe
safaris and tracking wild animals.
Hungry on the go?
The café at Niklasdams Trädgård (p. 16)
and the bakery at Nässundets Station p. 29)
can help you!
Order a basket with lunch or light refreshments;
pick it up here and drop it off there.
– 13 –
Foto: Pernilla Andersson, krifo.nu
Foto: Emma Martinsson
Foto: Gudrun Caesar, krifo.nu
Playful activities
Say hello to the animals. The town farm is open all year
Happiness is having fun
Foto: Pernilla Andersson, krifo.nu
Enjoy Sannabadet, the public baths.
Jump in the hay at the town farm Stadsbondgården.
Open: Mon.
Tues. Morning bathing session Wed. Morning bathing session Adults only
Thurs. Morning bathing session Fri.
Sat. Morning bathing session Sun. Morning bathing session Price: 11–16:30
6–8 11–19
6–8 11–18:30
8–10 10–16:30
8–10 10–16:30
Adult 60 SEK Senior citizens 45 SEK
6–19 yrs 40 SEK 2–5 yrs 30 SEK
– 14 –
Be creative
The art workshop, Kristinehamn’s Art Museum
Water colours, acrylic paint, coloured paper of
all sizes, paper plates, felt pens, crayons, scissors,
glue, pencils, wool, cheerful pipe cleaners,
magazines. We have everything you need to have
fun and be creative. Same opening hours as the
art museum (p.16).
Free of charge.
passengers: 4 years.
Jump in the hay and pet the animals
Östervik. Tel. +46 (0)550-167 12.
Free and always open. See the animals and admire
the beautiful scenery! Children will enjoy jumping
off the tower into the hay. There is a barbecue
area. Mon.–Thur. 10–15, Fri. 10–13 are the times
when the café is open.
Kristinehamns bowling
Kungsgatan 47. Tel. +46 (0)550-100 80.
The bowling alley has 16 lanes.
The lanes can be fitted with bumpers to stop the
bowling balls from rolling into the gutters.
Carlslund hotell
Värmlands Säby, Karlslund 3.
Tel. +46 (0) 70-308 55 06.
Fee incl. 300 balls:
275 SEK per person
Playing time is included in the fee.
Play golf / football golf
Värmlands gokartcenter, see ad. on p. 31.
Motorstadion E18. Tel. +46 (0) 550-177 00,
(0) 70 - 590 50 64.
Hire a go-kart, trimmed or standard, and
challenge your family, friends or colleagues to a
“real” race! The junior go-karts are suitable for
children from 7 years who are between 130 and
150 cm tall. Book in advance or take a chance and
drop in. We do however recommend that you call
first and check that we’re not fully booked.
Double go-karts mean that just about everyone
can either drive or be a passenger. Minimum age of
Golf course Kristinehamn
Ämbetsägorna. Tel. +46 (0) 550 -823 10.
18-hole park and woodland course. Bookings to
be made in advance. Mon. - Sun. 8-20.
Greenfee: Seniors from 300 SEK
Accommodation is available at the golf course.
Book your green fee and a hotel or cabin via:
Slättens Golf & café, see ad. on p. 31.
Ölme, Slättom 1. Tel. +46 (0) 550-311 55.
A 9-hole ”pay and play” golf course. At least one
player in each group of 4 must have a Green Card
or the equivalent knowledge.
Greenfee: Junior 80 SEK
Senior 120 SEK
Free refreshments for all golf players.
Large car park for mobile homes/caravans.
Foto: Ellinor van Leeuwen
Sannabadet, see p. 31.
Arenavägen 3. Tel. +46 (0) 550-131 30.
Sannabadet has pools for all ages so the whole
family can have fun together. Everyone who dares
can try out the water shute, as you land in a shallow pool. Modern architecture.
The family bathing area has a whirlpool bath,
relax area, play pool, water chute, 25 m pool and
a pool for the very young.
The complex is next door to the Kristinehamn
Arena and accommodates the Wellness Gym.
Football golf at Carlslund Hotell
Värmlands Säby. Karlslund 3.
Tel. +46 (0) 70-308 55 06. www.carlslundhotell.
Senior 80 SEK
0 - 17 yrs: 50 SEK
Kristinehamns Gästhamn, (guest harbour) (p.33).
Hamnvägen 9. Tel +46 (0) 550-130 80.
18 hole miniature golf course.
Adult 30 SEK
0–15 yrs 20 SEK
2 adults + 2 children 75 SEK
Extra 15 SEK
Kristinehamn Herrgårds Camping & Stugor
Presterudsallén 2. Tel. +46 (0) 550-102 80.
www.herrgårdsliv.se see ad. on p. 44.
12 hole miniature golf course.
30 SEK/pers
Hire a go-kart and challenge your family.
Foto: Kristinehamns konstmuseum
Foto: Bernt Magnusson, krifo.nu
Bathing at the public baths
The “Junk Workshop” Skrotverkstaden,
At Kristinehamn’s Art Museum there will be a junk
workshop for children of all ages when Jan Lööf’s
work is being exhibited. Come and create artwork
from all kinds of junk and waste. Open:
May 4 - June 6, Aug. 19 - -Sept. 8 Sat. - Sun. 12-16.
June 17 - Aug. 18
Daily 12-16
– 15 –
Creative artwork.
FFoto: Øyvind Lund
Foto: Bengt Salander, krifo.nu
Places of interest
Geranium museum with over 350 kinds of geraniums.
Jan Lööf i rött plan. © Jan Lööf
Kristinehamns konstmuseum
Foto: Sara Johansson
Jan Lööf has illustrated several popular children’s books.
Kristinehamn’s Art Museum lies on the shore of Lake
Dr. Enwalls väg 13 c. Tel. +46 (0)550-882 00.
Interesting, exciting and beautiful exhibitions
at the art museum that touch you emotionally
with a varied programme of exhibits. For more
information of the exhibitions, see p. 42.
The time for children is May - August, when
Jan Lööf visits the art museum. He has illustrated
several popular children’s books, such as
”Granddad is a Pirate” and the popular Swedish
TV programme “Skrotnisse and his friends”.
The exhibition includes many original
illustrations from his children’s books and series.
A number of models that were created for one
of them, Skrotnisse and his friends, will also be
on show. Release the child within you and come
along! The art museum also has an art workshop
(p.15). Enjoy the childrens trip with the boat
Boeier to the Art Museum, see p. 8.
The café Kafferian is housed in the same
building, where Olympic gold medalist Agneta
Andersson serves food and delicious cakes (p.24).
Gift shop with fun items for yourself or a dear
friend, see p. 27.
Open at exhibition, see p. 42.:
Mon. 12–16
Tue.–Thu. 12–18 Fri.–Sun. 12–16
June 24 - Aug. 11
– 16 –
Mon. 11–16
Tue. - Thu. 11-18 Fri. - Sun. 11–16
Admission fees
Adult 40 SEK
0-18 yrs free
May 4 - Sept. 8 Adult 80 SEK
0-18 yrs free
Guided tours:
For guided tours in English please contact
Reception. Tel. +46 (0) 550 – 882 00.
Guided tours/group bookings: 75 SEK/pers
May 4 - Sept. 8 115 SEK/pers
Galleri Vågen
Södra Hamngatan 1. Tel. +46 (0) 550-880 76.
This publicly-owned gallery, situated in the artists’
district “Vågen” in the town centre, has temporary
exhibitions of all kinds. The gallery is divided into
two sections: “Lilla Galleri Vågen” (the small gallery)
and “Stora Galleri Vågen” (the big gallery). Open
only when exhibitions are on show.
Geranium Museum
Niklasdams trädgård, see p. 30.
Niklasdamm. Tel.+46 (0) 550-550 12.
The Geranium Museum, which is housed in a
purpose-built greenhouse, has over 350 kinds
of geraniums. When you visit the museum we
recommend that you try the unique geranium
cake in the café. It’s delicious!
May - Aug.
The Picasso Sculpture
Vålösundsvägen 161. Tel. +46 (0) 550 - 881 87.
It all started by chance on a dusty country
road in France where Bengt Olson, an artist
from Kristinehamn, met the Norwegian painter
and photographer Carl Nesjar. Nesjar, who
experimented with decorative work in a new
concrete-based material, was in contact with
Pablo Picasso.
”Why not in Scandinavia?” asked the Swede
and Norwegian, well aware of Picasso’s interest
in this peaceful part of the world. On his return
to Kristinehamn Bengt Olson presented the
project to the local county council. They, in
turn, contacted Picasso and sent him pictures,
recordings of traditional folk music, etc. to
illustrate the spirit of Värmland.
Confirmation from Picasso, in the form of
a deed of gift, arrived shortly after; it was a
photograph showing a model of the sculpture
in the Swedish countryside. It was signed simply
“Oui” (Yes) Picasso, 7.7.1964. Work could then
begin! The sculpture was constructed by Carl
Nesjar. Picasso followed the whole process via
films and photographs. The 15 m high sculpture
was inaugurated on Midsummer’s Eve 1965 by the
Swedish poet Bo Setterlind.
The Picasso sculpture in Kristinehamn is one of
Picasso’s biggest works of art. It is Kristinehamn’s
most famous “celebrity” and the peninsula on
which it is placed is the town’s most frequently
visited location. The road from the town centre
out to the peninsula follows the shore of Lake
Vänern, which is lined with jetties, boats and
cafés. Out here you can take a trip on one of the
many ferries that traffic the northern part of Lake
Vänern in the summer, see p. 6-9. A boat trip
also means that you can admire the sculpture
from the water! Housed in a small building
close by, photographs and plans illustrate the
process involved when the Picasso sculpture was
constructed in Kristinehamn.
Take a boat trip and admire the sculpture from the water.
Foto: Henric Nahls, krifo.nu
Craftsmen see p. 27.
Foto: Bernt Magnusson, krifo.nu
“Oui,” said Picasso, 7.7.1964
Carl Nesjar’s Fountain
Brandkårsvägen 11. Tel. +46 (0)550 152 50.
Carl Nesjar, who is one of Norway’s most famous
artists, was commissioned by Pablo Picasso to
build his monumental concrete sculpture in
Kristinehamn’s archipelago in 1965.
Nesjar is a versatile artist. This particular Carl Nesjar
fountain flows all year round, so its appearance
varies according to the season. This stainless steel
monumental creation is situated next to Ölme
diversehandel & kafé, see p. 18.
The lovely street Trädgårdsgatan.
– 17 –
Foto: Lars Fredriksson, krifo.nu
Foto: Gun Karlsson, krifo.nu
Places of interest
The enigmatic rune stone at Järsberg.
Foto: Gun Karlsson, krifo.nu
Kristinehamn’s folklore museum is open all year round.
The charming museal general store Ölme diversehandel
with delicious homemade cakes.
The rune stone at Järsberg
This is one of Sweden’s oldest rune stones and
dates back to the 6th century. The stone is one
of the more mystical and has been interpreted in
several different ways. When it was discovered, it
was lying on the ground, partly covered by soil.
The stone now stands upright in the field, in
the exact same spot where it was found by the
farmer in 1862. He wanted to use it as a gatepost
but soon realized that it was something very
Ölme diversehandel & kafé see p. 30.
Brandkårsv 11. Tel. +46 (0) 550-152 50.
Imagine the time when clocks were not
important, and there were neither conveyor belts
nor electrical cash registers. A time when flour
– 18 –
was not delivered to the store ready packaged
and sugar didn’t come in cubes; when ice
cream machines were not automatic and coffee
beans had to be ground manually. That time,
in the mid1800s and the hundred years that
followed, is still here. The old general store Ölme
diversehandel is a museum that takes you back
to the time you had almost forgotten about, or
maybe never experienced. There is everything
from football shoes to toys, porcelain to full
packets of cigarettes, and groceries such as flour,
cacao, washing powder, herbs, peas, coconut and
coffee, with their original contents and packaging.
You can, of course, shop in the store for gifts
including pretty serviettes, gifts, tins and baskets,
as well as linen goods and jackets.
The café always serves freshly brewed coffee
and tea, sandwiches, biscuits and cakes. From the
outdoor seating area, which has a view over the
town, you can listen to the soothing sound of Carl
Nesjar’s fountain (p.17).
Open all year round: April, May and June
Fri. 15-24
Sat. 11-16
Sun. 11-16
Closed June 17 - 23
June 24 - Sept. 29 daily
Oct. & Nov. Open 2 weekends/month. Times: as in
Dec: 1 – 22, 27-31 daily
Free entrance
Folklore museums
Kristinehamns hembygdsgård, Norrgården
See ad. on p. 30. Karlagatan 1.
Tel. +46 (0) 550-825 23.
In the red 19th century house Norrgården you can
treat yourself to coffee and homemade cakes and
waffles. The area, which has several red wooden
buildings, and an 18th century mill, has a stream
running through it. Book a guided tour of the 19th
century middle class home Lundbomsgården, or
the miller’s house. Play boules or let the children
let off steam in the park.
Open all year round:
May 2–Sept. 1: Mon.-Fri. 9–18 Sat.–Sun. 11–17
Other times: Mon.–Fri. 9–17 Sat.–Sun. 12–17
25 SEK/pers
Rudskoga hembygdsgård
Erk Orsas i Revsten. www.rudskoga.se
Tel. +46 (0) 70-200 40 55.
Dates back to the middle of the 19th century whilst
the interior decoration is early 20th century.
Ölme hembygdsgårdar / folklore centre
Tel. +46 (0) 550 - 332 46, 070 - 971 15 96.
In the Lundsholm park there is a pavillion that
is a gazebo from the 18th century. Näbben, the
soldier’s cottage Holmenstugan, has furniture and
uniforms from the 19th century.
Kristinehamn´s Church
Pastorsexpeditionen. Tel. + 46 (0) 550 - 879 00.
Kristinehamn’s church was built in 1858. It has a
christening font from the 13th century carved out
of sandstone and a 14th century triumph crucifix.
Mon.-Fri. 13-16
Sat. 12-17 Sun. 9-14
The main entrance has a ramp for wheelchair
access. Guided tours can be booked at the parish
office (tel. nr. as above).
The parish of Kristinehamn has six churches. The
Madonna sculpture in Rudskoga´s church is from
the end of the 12th century, making it the oldest
of its kind in Värmland. The church in Visnum
houses a triumphal crucifix from the 14th century
and a picture of St. Olof dating back to the 15th
Österviks kapell, see ad. on p. 30.
Östervik. Guided tours
Tel. +46 (0) 550-511 33, 070-531 18 85.
The history of this remarkable chapel always fascinates visitors. Open in the summer only.
Foto: Birgitta Andersson, krifo.nu
The Manor Gustafsviks herrgård
Lieutenant Colonel Georg Adlersparre,
commander of the Swedish western army,
instigated an uprising against King Gustaf IV
Adolf when he occupied Karlstad and then
marched on to Stockholm. On his way to the
capital Adlersparre, then 49 years old, was invited
to Gustafsvik by Capten C.A. Linroth, where he fell
in love with the 24 year old daughter of the house.
Their wedding took place in 1809 and the couple
become the new owners of Gustafsvik. Their
fourth child, Rudolf, who was born in 1819, later
took over the manor. He also built a cemetery in
which the Adlersparre family grave is located.
Kristinehamn’s church in the town centre is even more
beautiful in the monlight.
Foto: Mats Öhman
Foto: Pernilla Andersson, krifo.nu
Historical outings
Eric Rafael Rådberg’s sculptures in the dairy at Östervik’s
– 19 –
Sleep well
Key to symbols
E Single room
D Double room
b Beds
F Family sud Without shower/wc
smd With Shower/wc
Number of cabins
Pitches with electricity
Summer rate
Weekend rate
Sleep well
Key to symbols
E Single room
D Double room
b Beds
F Family sud Without shower/wc
smd With Shower/wc
Number of cabins
Pitches with electricity
Summer rate
Weekend rate
Carlslund hotell
Hotell Fröding See p. 35
Centre: 27 km
Värmlands Säby, Karlslund 3
Tel. +46 (0) 70-308 55 06 11 r, 25 b, I
E 575 SEK D 695 SEK
F from 950 SEK
Centre: 0 m, Kungsgatan 44
Tel. +46 (0) 550-151 80 28 r, 54 b, I
E 795 SEK/650 SEK so*
D 995 SEK/795 SEK so*
Suitable for the disabled
The Pirate package
Ölme Prästgård GÄSTGIVERI
Centre: 14 km
Ölme (E18) Träfors
Tel. +46 (0) 550-333 33
E 795 SEK
F 1 295 SEK 2+(2)
includes an overnight stay
5 r, 12 b, I
2 050 SEK
D 995 SEK
Bed & Breakfast
Hotell Marieberg See p. 35 100 m
(One room is designated for pets)
Kristinehamn Herrgårds 3 km
Camping & Stugor See p. 44.
Centre: 2 km, Mariebergsv. 2
Tel. +46 (0) 550-173 40 17 r, 42 b, I
E 650 SEK D 850 SEK/800 SEK *
F 1 100 SEK 2+(2) S 1 250 SEK 2+(4)
Suitable for the disabled
A hotel in a cabin
Centre: 3 km, Presterudsallén 2
Tel. +46 (0) 550-102 80
www.herrgardsliv.se 20 smd, 100 b, I
E 990 SEK
D 1 190 SEK
Karaby gård B&B
3.5 km
Strandgårdens wärdshus
b&b See p.35
Centre: 4 km
Strandvägen 1
5 r, 11 b, I
Tel. +46 (0) 550-800 60
E 485 SEK
D 685 SEK
F 885 SEK 2+(2)
Centre: 3.5 km
Tel. +46 (0) 70-581 20 92 6 r, 12 b
E 450 SEK
D 600 SEK
F 900 SEK 2+(2)
Camping sites
Park hotell See p. 35
Centre: 700 m, Floragatan 2
Tel. +46 (0) 550-150 60 19 r, 25 b, I
E from 695 SEK/night
D from 795 SEK/night
hotell Svedjegården
See p. 35
Statts hotell i
Kristinehamn See p. 34
Centre: 0 m, Kungsgatan 27
Tel. +46 (0) 550-122 00 40 r, 60 b, I
E 1 290 SEK/850 SEK so* D 1 490 SEK/980 SEK so* S 1 790 SEK 2+(2)/1 280 SEK 2+(2) so*
Värdshuset Stolpen
Centre: 26 km, Säbyallén 4, Nybble
Tel. +46 (0) 551-101 46, 070-374 20 06
www.svedjegarden.se 20 r, 35 b, I
E 695 SEK D 795 SEK
F 1 095 SEK 2+(2) A 995 SEK 2 pers
Suitable for the disabled
– 20 –
Centre: 10 km
Ölme, Stolpen (E18)
Tel. +46 (0) 550-311 95
E 650 SEK/550 SEK so*
D 850 SEK/750 SEK so*
2 r, 4 b, I
Ölme prästgård GÄSTGIVERI
Baggeruds camping
Centre: 14 km
Ölme (E18) Träfors
4 r, 12 b, I
Tel. +46 (0) 550-333 33
E 595 SEK
D 795 SEK
F 995 SEK 2+(2)
Centre: 22.5 km
Tel. +46 (0) 551-400 29 5 st, 5 r
Camping spot incl. electricity
175 SEK
78 el
Kristinehamn Herrgårds 3km
Camping & Stugor See p. 44
Centre: 12 km
Revsandsvägen 12
Tel. +46 (0) 70-695 25 08
Centre: 3 km, Presterudsallén 2
Tel. +46 (0) 550-102 80 50 st, I
Camping spot incl. electricity
from 200 SEK
100 el
– 21 –
12.5 km
12 km
5 st
Camping spot incl. electricity
from 240 SEK 49 el
Sleep well
Key to symbols
E Single room
D Double room
b Beds
F Family sud Without shower/wc
smd With Shower/wc
Key to symbols
Number of cabins
Pitches with electricity
Summer rate
Weekend rate
E Single room
D Double room
b Beds
F Family sud Without shower/wc
smd With Shower/wc
Number of cabins
Pitches with electricity
Summer rate
Weekend rate
Karaby gård
3,5 km
Centre: 3.5 km
Tel. +46 (0) 70-581 20 92
6 r, 12 b
E 350 SEK
D 500 SEK F 600 SEK
Sheets 50 SEK/b Breakfast 60 SEK
Mariebergs vandrarhem 100 m
Centre: 2.5 km, Axel Kumliensv 5
Tel. +46 (0) 550-146 60 www.lusaskens.com
20 r, 54 b
E 200 SEK
D 330 SEK
F from 395 SEK
Dormitories from 150 SEK
0-6 yrs Free.
Group discount
Sheets 50 SEK/b Breakfast 60 SEK
Hotell Marieberg See p. 35 100 m
Värmlands campen
Centre: 2 km, Mariebergsv 2
Tel. +46 (0) 550-173 40 1 r, 6 b, I
Dormitories 250 SEK/b TV in the r
Suitable for the disabled
Sheets incl.
Breakfast 60 SEK
Centre: 3 km
Kasernvägen 7
Tel. +46 (0) 550-213 813 10 r, 50 b, I
www.varmlandscamp.se 1-4 b 200 SEK/b
5-9 b 175 SEK/b
Sheets 60 SEK
Breakfast 60 SEK
Centre: 3 km, Presterudsallén 2
Tel. +46 (0) 550-102 80
47 st, I
smd (25 st) 700 SEK–1 200 SEK
sud (22 st) 500 SEK–750 SEK
Kristinehamn Herrgårds 3 km
Camping & Stugor s. See 44
Värmlands Campen
Revsands stugor
3 km
Baggeruds camping
12.5 km
Centre: 22.5 km
Tel. +46 (0) 551-400 29
5 st, 5 r
smd (6 st) 1 000 SEK–1 400 SEK
sud (4 st) 400 SEK–500 SEK
Kristinehamns Conference Centre
Kristinehamn Herrgårds Camping
Västerlånggatan 21 Tel. +46 (0) 550-500 050
Presterudsallén 2
Tel. +46 (0) 550-102 80
Kristinehamns konstmuseum
Kristinehamns hembygdsgård
Dr Enwalls v 13 b
Tel. +46 (0) 550–882 00
Norrgården, Karlagatan 1 Tel. +46 (0) 550-825 23
Lev Vackert
Värmlands Campen
Garnisonsv 1
Tel. +46 (0) 70-641 05 80
Kasernvägen 7
Tel. +46 (0) 550-213 813
www.varmlandscamp.se Kristinehamn Herrgårds 3 km
Camping & Stugor See p. 44
Group accommodation
Centre: 3 km
Presterudsallén 2
Tel. +46 (0) 550-102 80
Lodge Vänern 15-30 b 3 200 SEK
3 km
12 km
Centre: 3 km
Kasernvägen 7
Tel. +46 (0) 550-213 813
750 b, I
10 b 1 200 SEK
18 b 1 500 SEK
19 b and more. Please ask!
Centre: 12 km
Revsandsvägen 12
Tel. +46 (0) 70-695 25 08
5 st, 2 r
smd (2 st)
750 SEK
sud (3 st) 350 SEK–450 SEK
private hosts
Cabins and apartments in the town,
the woods or close to the lake.
Info: [email protected]
Tel. +46 (0) 550 - 881 87
Book via:
Elofstorps gamla
Private Hosts
Guest harbour
Kristinehamns gästhamn 20 m
See p. 33
Centre: 700 m
Hamnvägen 9
Tel. +46 (0) 550-130 80
Boat berth 150 SEK
Hardstanding for mobile homes: 175 SEK
– 22 –
3 km
Centre: 20 km, Ölme, Broby
Tel. +46 (0) 70-321 53 53 2 r, 4 b, I
smd (1 st)
Extra beds: 8
D 600 SEK
Extra bed 150 SEK/b
Ölme diversehandel
Brandkårsv 11
Tel. +46 (0) 550-152 50
– 23 –
Eat well
pl=Number of seats indoors
ute=Outdoor seating
Internet café.
Vegetarian / special diets
Bageri Höghuset
80 pl
Västerlånggatan 41
Tel. +46 (0) 550-823 48
Old-fashioned bakery. Sandwiches.
Odengrillen livs och pizzeria
30 pl/30 ute
Nolbygatan 31
Tel. +46 (0) 550-186 08
Pizza, salads, kebabs. Fully licensed.
Restaurang Vedspisen
60 pl/40 ute
Bodalsvägen 4 (E 18)
Tel. +46 (0) 550-144 88
Home cooking, à la carte in a pretty setting.
Bells Kitchen See p. 38
Kungsgatan 34 Speciality: charcoal grill.
100 pl/50 ute
Tel. +46 (0) 550-100 72
Orion kök och café
150 pl/40 ute
Vintergatan. Nya Kyrkog. 19.Tel. +46 (0) 550-810 60
Pizza, homemade food, à la carte, daily specials.
Skymningens sommarcafé
40 pl/50 ute
Skymningsvägen 9
Café with a view over the lake, homemade cakes.
Café Borgen See p. 33
36 + 28 pl/25 ute
Kungsgatan 41
Tel. +46 (0) 550-827 02
A cosy café in the Salvation Army´s castle.
Papaya kök & café See p. 33
70 pl/36 ute
Albinvägen 2
Tel. +46 (0) 550-106 68
Lunch buffet, plain fare, à la carte, real Thai food.
Statts hotell i Kristinehamn See p. 34 Kungsgatan 27
Tel. +46 (0) 550-120 00
From a simple pub meal to a 3 course menu.
Café Broäng
70 pl + 100 pl
Kungsgatan 26
Tel. +46 (0) 550-41 06 06
Homemade traditional Swedish food.
Picassouddens café
60 pl/150 ute
Vålösundsvägen 161
Tel. +46 (0) 550 - 899 16
Café, light lunches, refreshments, ice cream.
Strandgårdens Wärdshus See p. 35 50 pl/48 ute
Strandvägen 1
Tel. +46 (0) 550-800 60
Good food. Call for booking. Sunday brunch.
Café Paus
90 pl
Södra Torget 3
Tel. +46 (0) 550-155 51
Café, lunch, sandwiches and pies.
Pimiento Rojo
100 pl/80 ute
Tegelslagaregatan 17 Tel. +46 (0) 550-21 39 39
Tapas and rock sport bar in a cosy environment.
Thanh thai palace
120 pl/75 ute
Hamnvägen 7
Tel. +46 (0) 550-152 80
Thai food. Lunch buffet. Mongolian barbeque.
Café Pärlan S. p. 33
70 pl/70 ute
Vålösundsvägen 156 Tel. +46 (0) 550-120 62
The church´s summer café in the archipelago.
Restaurang 2 i 1
60 pl
Västerlånggatan 21
Tel. +46 (0) 550 - 821 21
Lunch buffet in a homely setting. Catering.
The coffee corner See p. 32
50 pl/48 ute
Kungsgatan 33
Tel. +46 (0) 550-173 30
Sandwiches, salads, pies. Great location.
Charlies Pizzeria
55 pl
Norra Hamngatan 4
Tel +46 (0) 550-193 19
À la carte, pizzas, salads and kebabs.
Restaurang China Garden
68 pl
Kungsgatan 21
Tel. +46 (0) 550-168 22
Asian and Chinese food.
The Pub S. p. 32
80 pl/70 ute
Tegelslagaregatan 27
Tel. +46 (0) 550-122 22
Pub dinners, sandwiches, “black rock” bbq.
Kafferian (at the art museum)
55 pl/55 ute
Dr. Enwallsväg 13c
Tel. +46 (0) 550-191 91
Close to Lake Vänern. Lunch & refreshments.
Restaurang Mastmagasinet 200 pl/200 ute
Södra Hamng. 5. See p. 32 Tel. +46 (0) 550-803 40
The maritime restaurant in the heart of the town.
Två Tanter i Lev Vackert huset 52 pl/30 ute
Garnisonsv 1 S. p. 30
Tel. +46 (0) 70-641 05 80
Close to Lake Värnern. Homemade cakes & salads.
Krukmakeri Hemjords café See p. 30 14 pl/18 ute
G:a Kyrkogatan 16
Tel. +46 (0) 550-144 37
150 varieties of coffee.
Restaurang Maxim See p. 32 48 + 35 pl/45 ute
Kungsgatan 52
Tel. +46 (0) 550-823 20
Homemade food, naturally.
31 pl
Kungsgatan 21
Tel 070 - 581 57 11
homemade cakes and light lunches.
Niklasdams Trädgård See p. 30 30 + 60 pl/50 ute
Niklasdamm Tel. +46 (0) 550-550 12
Home-made cakes in a beautiful manor environment.
Restaurang Pizzeria Träslottet 60 pl/60 ute
Tullportsg 11. See p. 32. Tel. +46 (0) 550-102 10
Menu ranges from baby food to fillet of beef.
Värdshuset Stolpen
142 pl/50 ute
Stolpen, E18 Ölme
Tel. +46 (0) 550 - 311 95
Café. Daily specials and menu with 40 dishes.
Norrgårdens café See p. 30
70 pl/70 ute
Hembygdsgården. Karlag 1. Tel. +46 (0) 550-825 23
19th century building. Home-made cakes.
Restaurang Sjöjungfrun
90 pl/100 ute
Vålösundsvägen 117 a
Tel. +46 (0) 550-899 95
Maritime environment. Suitable for the disabled.
Ölme diversehandel & kafé S. p. 30 40 pl/40 ute
Brandkårsvägen 11
Tel. +46 (0) 550-152 50
Museal general store with a fully licensed café.
Nässundets station S. p. 33 50 pl/20 ute
Riksväg 26 N
Tel. +46 (0) 550-540 30
A cosy café; bread baked in a wood-fired stone oven.
Restaurang Sun-Ran
30 pl/25 ute
Järnvägsgatan 3
Tel. +46 (0) 550-123 00
Sushi. Korean and Japanese food. Outdoor seating.
Ölme prästgård Gästgiveri 40 pl/40 ute
Ölme (E18) Träfors
Tel. +46 (0) 550-333 33
Modern food made with care; old-fashioned café.
– 24 –
– 25 –
Shop ’til you drop
– 26 –
Kristinehamns konstmuseum
See p. 42 (The art museum)
Dr. Enwalls v 13b
Tel. +46 (0) 550-882 00
See p. 16 for opening times.
Art literature, design artefacts,
jewellery, postcards, posters.
Gamla Kyrkogatan 16
Tel. +46 (0) 550-144 37
Mon.–Fri. 10–18
Sat. 10–15
Ceramics, tea, coffee and decorative
articles for the home. Café.
Lev Vackert See p. 30
Garnisonsvägen 1
Tel. +46 (0) 70-641 05 80
Open every day.
A unique and inspirational boutique for a
gracious lifestyle. Interior design pieces,
clothes and new and old goods.
Lisas dockbod
Lokandergatan 27
Tel. +46 (0) 550-818 29,
(0) 70-558 18 24
Mon.–Thurs. 13–18
Handmade porcelain dolls and
Salane Anna Jedrezejewska
Svanen konsthantverk
Hovslagaregatan 2
Tel. +46 (0) 70-642 97 79
Weds.–Fri. 10–12.30, 13.30-18
Sat. 10–13
Artistic handmade jewellery.
Hovslagaregatan 2
Tel. +46 (0) 550-801 49
Weds.–Fri. 10–12.30, 13.30–18
Sat. 10–13
Textiles, glass, ceramic and wrought
iron goods.
Rudskogaslöjdarna See p. 37
Ölme diversehandel See p. 30
Väg 204, Rudskoga
Tel. +46 (0) 551-603 25
Sat.–Sun. 13–18
Mon.-Sun. 13–18
Sat.–Sun. 13–18
A large selection of local handicrafts.
Brandkårsvägen 11 Tel. +46 (0) 550-152 50
See p. 19 for opening times.
The perfect place for pretty
serviettes, gifts, storage tins and
baskets, linen textiles and jackets.
– 27 –
Krukmakeri Hemjord See p. 30
Shop ’til you drop
Shop ’til you drop
Antiques and Second-hand
Antikt och diverse
Karlskogavägen 16
Tel. +46 (0) 70-253 19 27
Weds. 14–18
Most Sat. 11–14
Antiques - second-hand - flea market.
Tegelslagarg 29 Tel. +46 (0) 70-760 00 79
Tue.–Fri. 10–18
Sat. 10–14
The second-hand shop for children’s
articles: clothes, prams, toys, etc.
Mariebergs trädgårdshandel
See p. 31
Dr. Enwalls väg 9
Tel. +46 (0) 550-153 00
Mon.–Fri. 10–17
Sat. 9–13
Greenhouse, shop, idea garden and
food market.
Niklasdams Trädgård See p. 30
Niklasdamm. Tel +46 (0) 550-550 12
Garden centre, café and geranium
museum. Sells annuals, perennials,
geraniums, roses, etc.
Skaraborgsvägen 38
Tel. +46 (0) 70-673 10 10
Mon.–Tues. 14 -18
Weds.–Thur. 16.30-19
Sat. 10-14
Antiques and second-hand goods on
two floors.
Fyndboa Antikt & kuriosa
Stolpens trädgård
Bodalsvägen 5
Tel. +46 (0) 550-150 04
Mon.–Fri. 10–18 Sat.–Sun. 10–14
Large flea market. 1500 m2 of
bargains, antiques and curiosa.
Ölme, Stolpen (E18)
Tel. +46 (0) 70-747 51 12
Specialist nursery display garden with
several very rare species.
Lions loppmarknad
Pingstkyrkans second hand
Nässundets station See p. 33
Norra Staketgatan 18
Tel. +46 (0) 550-100 60
Sat. 9–12
Traditional flea market with lots of
Dr. Enwallsväg 15
Tel. +46 (0) 550-898 90
Mon. 14–17
Sat. 9–12
Buy second-hand: a good
environmental choice!
Riksväg 26 N. Tel. +46 (0)550-540 30
Bakery with a wood-fired stone oven
in a newly-renovated station.
Thurs.-Sun. 11-18.
Summer Tues.-Sun. 10.-18.
Svedrins Trädgård See p. 36
Gisselbacka, Rudskoga
Garden centre for wholesale trade: we
now sell a wide variety of plants from
our own greenhouse and garden to
the general public.
Tegelslagaregatan 28 b
Tel. +46 (0)70-778 14 09
Tues.–Fri. 10–18Sat. 10–14
Locally-produced delicacies.
Delicatessen Food market at
Mariebergs trädgårdshandel
See p. 31
Dr Enwalls väg 9
Tel. +46 (0) 550-153 00
Locally-produced products are sold
28.3, 27.4, 25.5, 29.6, 27.7, 31.8, 28.9, 26.10
Kungsg 48 Tel. +46 (0)733-58 67 80
Tue. - Fri. 10-18 Sat. 10-14
Mediterranean delicacies.
Sour dough bread, oils & vinager,
Italian ice cream in the summer.
Garden Centres
Röda korset mötesplats
Spelmansgatan 47
Tel +46 (0) 550-159 59
Weds.-Fri. 12-18Sat. 10-13
With your help the Red Cross can help
many people.
– 28 –
– 29 –
Sörgården See p. 33
Vike, Sörgården 1
Tel. +46 (0)550-530 00
Thurs. - Fri. 14-18
Sat. 10-13
Meet our animals and visit our farm
shop! Organic and local products. We
slaughter, hang and process meat in our
own butchery.
Slättens Golf & Café
w. s la
tte n s g o lf
.s e
- 31
Ö lm e S
1 55
9 4 K r is tin e h a m n
• T
9-hole Pay & Play +
Driving Range
Come in for free refreshments when you
have finished your round of golf.
Ölme Slättom • www.slattensgolf.se • 0550-311 55
Café, garden center
and geranium museum! Come and experience
the wonderful world of geraniums!
Enjoy coffee and delicious homemade
cakes in our beautiful garden or cosy café
Season open from March
For opening hours check our web site
or please give us a call!
New go-carts
Factory-adjusted motors
Approved racing tracks
Monitors situated at the track and
in the cafeteria
Information and booking: 070-590 50 64
– 30 –
– 31 –
– 32 –
– 33 –
The Iron Trail - a walk of cultural and
historical interest, with roots in the 15th century.
In 1413 a letter of patent was drawn up by the Nordic king, Erik of
Pommern, that allowed iron ore to be extracted in the mining area of
Värmland. In the middle of the 16th century it was the king of Sweden, Gustav Vasa, who realized the value of iron and its importance to
both Sweden and Värmland. As well as the state needing income, his
goal was to break the trading monopoly enjoyed by the German Hanseatic League. An infrastructure was necessary in order to transport
the iron from the mines that were being opened to Lake Vänern. It
was then that the Iron Trail between Hytte and the harbour
in Kristinehamn was constructed.
The Iron Trail is a 30 km long
authorized Värmland trail that
starts from the northern edge
of Kristinehamn. The trail is
well marked and runs through
varying countryside, passing
places of cultural interest. You
will pass by small lakes, ponds,
ruins of old mines, mansions,
open landscape and, finally, end
up in a harbour environment
where a boeier lies anchored
Welcome to Kristinehamn
– a part of Värmland
For further information
please contact the Kristinehamn
Tourist Office.
nce & din
Confere s at KCC
+46 550-50 00 50 www.kristinehamncc.se
– 34 –
– 35 –
– 36 –
– 37 –
Events 2013
Kristinehamn has lots of fun events – almost one a day! And if nothing takes your
fancy whilst you’re here, there are other fun things on offer: the Picasso sculpture,
lovely shops, cosy cafés, the archipelago, hiking trails, old buildings, exhibitions, the
rune stone, sculptures and nice restaurants.
For further details and an updated list of events visit: www.kristinehamn.se or come
talk to us at the tourist office in the town centre.
30 maY - 1 june
The traditional Fasting Market is nowadays an amusement
fair: tivoli and musical entertainment in the centre of
Kristinehamn. www.kristinehamn.kiwanis.se
Welcome to the shopping town of Kristinehamn: personal, nearby and pleasant!
Kristinehamn Handel ~ www.kristinehamnhandel.se
– 38 –
MAY 4 - SEPT. 8
Place: Art Museum Kristinehamn. See p. 16.
Technology day
july 28
So much more than
A whole day with
something for
everyone. More info,
see p. 37.
culture week
13-22 sepT.
incl. ”A town in light.”
rolls royce women´s cup
22-29 JUNE
$25,000 tennis competition.
CUPcake party may 11
The sweetest folk festival of
the year! Yummy cup cakes
will be baked and eaten for
the third year in a row. Competitions, talks and gimmicks
in Kristinehamn’s town centre.
aug. 30-31
Popular annual
– 39 –
aug. 2-3, aug. 9-10
Popular annual festivities
blues festival
julY 19-20
Last year’s success
continues this year. A
festival area will be built
up around the store Ölme
diversehandel where
wonderful blues music
can be enjoyed for two
whole days.
Many different Christmas markets in and around Kristinehamn
Places of interest
Stay fo
r a coup
by Lake of
and giv
e yours nern
for an e
lf time
For mo ra outing.
www.v ideas visit:
start or
Office i
Places of interest
Storfors 17 km
The canal, which is 64 km long and has 6 locks, is
of historical interest and an idyllic place to visit.
Foto: Frida Edlund
Boda Borg
Karlskoga 25 km
Gösta Berglings väg 51, Karlskoga
Tel. +46 (0) 586-77 11 30
Alfred Nobel at Björkborns herrgård, Karlskoga.
Adventure teams of all ages will rise to the challenge. Everyone can play the role of the hero and
save the team!
Karlskoga 28 km
Björkbornsvägen 10, Karlskoga
Tel. 0586-834 94
The last Swedish home of Alfred Nobel is a
Alsters herrgård
Alster Karlstad 36 km
Alsters Herrgårds väg 3, Karlstad
Tel. +46 (0) 54-540 23 50
Foto: Per Eriksson
The birthplace of the famous Swedish writer
Gustaf Fröding.
Alsters herrgård, Karlstad.
Sandgrund Lars Lerin
Karlstad 43 km
V Torggatan 28, Karlstad Tel. +46 (0) 54-10 07 80
Sandgrund, Karlstad’s famous dance restaurant, has
recently been converted into a 2,300 m2 museum
to show the works of the Swedish artist Lars Lerin.
– 40 –
Acknowledged as one of Scandinavia’s foremost
aquarelle artists, Lerin has recently exhibited artwork
of his travels around the world. A new exhibition
will be shown in 2013 along with the work of several
interesting guests exhibitors.
Värmlands museum
Sandgrundsudden, Karlstad
Tel. +46 (0) 54-701 19 00
Karlstad 43 km
The 9 fixed displays in the county museum allow
you to examine Värmland in great detail. Take the
chance of seeing the exhibition “JAG HERULEN- a
history of Värmland”. The museum also has temporary displays, a shop and a pleasant café with
outdoor seating.
Nöjesfabriken Lekland
Karlstad 43 km
Karlagatan 42, Karlstad
www.nojesfabriken.seTel. +46 (0) 54-22 22 00
This is one of the biggest playlands in Europe and,
above all, most fun.
Karlstad 45 km
Treffenbergsvägen, Karlstad
www.mariebergsskogen.se Tel. Naturum: +46 (0) 54-540 27 60
Visit the nature centre Naturum to discover things
such as what a beaver smells like! In the Lillskogen
animal area you can meet the pig.
Klarälvsbanan, hiking. Entrance Karlstad 49 km
90 km of car-free asphalt on a disused railway embankment. The trail runs from Lake Vänern in the
south to the forests in the north.
Wasa knäckebröd
Filipstad 52 km
Konsul Lundströms väg 11, Filipstad
www.wasabrod.seTel. +46 (0) 590-182 82
Crispbread museum and factory shop selling Wasa
and Barilla products.
Göta kanal
Sjötorp 60 km
One of Sweden’s biggest tourist attractions.
A wonderful exhibition of contemporary art with a
fantastic atmosphere.
Rottneros Park
Sunne 101 km
Rottneros, Sunne
www.rottnerospark.seTel. +46 (0) 565-602 95
The beauty of hundreds of statues, flowers and
trees is overwhelming. Large adventure play-
ground for children.
Mårbacka minnesgård
Sunne 103 km
Mårbacka 42, Östra Ämtervik, Sunne
www.marbacka.comTel. +46 (0) 565-310 27
From Mem, Östersjön - Sjötorp, Vänern.
One of the best known authors in the world, Selma
Lagerlöf, was born and grew up at Mårbacka.
Grums 67 km
Östra Kungsvägen 148, Borgvik
www.borgvik.infoTel. +46 (0) 555-742 45
Klässbols Linneväveri
Arvika 105 km
Damastvägen 5, 671 95 Klässbol
www.klassbols.seTel. +46 (0) 570-46 01 85
One of the country’s best preserved industrial
environments of cultural and historical interest.
Iron was made here in the period 1627 to 1924. The
maximum amount produced was 4,000 t.p.a.
Örebro 71 km
Gustavsviksvägen 11, Örebro
Tel. +46 (0) 19-19 69 00
This year-round bathing facility has an incredibly
popular adventure pool.
Sliperiet Borgvik
Grums 79 km
Gamla Landsvägen 6 www.sliperietborgvik.se
Foto: Wasabröd/Barilla
Wasa Bröd, Filipstad.
Foto: Sunne Turism
The Johansson family have been making highquality linen in Klässbol since the early 1920’s.
Vattenlandet i Sunne
Sunne 107 km
Kolnsäsvägen 6, Sunne Tel. +46 (0) 565-142 80
At “Sunne Waterworld” there is a law that says
”everybody must have fun ”.
Arvika 114 km
Kungsvägen 11, Arvika Tel. +46 (0) 570-809 90
An art museum that exhibits work by the most
prominent figures from our rich art tradition.
– 41 –
The water theme park“Vattenlandet” in Sunne.
Good to
1 know
Bathing areas
Public baths.......................................Town centre, p. 12
2) Baggerud.........................................................B4, p. 8
3) Gräsvik.............................................................. E3, p. 8
4) Hult....................................................................C3, p. 8
5) Jutviken ...........................................................C3, p. 8
6) Revsand...........................................................C3, p. 8
7)Sandvikarna....................................................C3, p. 8
8) Skymningen...................................................C2, p. 8
9)Gottbol............................................................. E5, p. 8
Boat trips and other activities:
16 13
Bowling..............................................Town centre, p. 12
Bojorten.............................................. Town centre, p. 6
11) Island hopping ..........................................C3 p. 6-9
12) Trolley bike....................................................D4 p. 10
13) Go-carting..................................................... C2 p. 13
14) Golf course Kristinehamn........................D2 p. 13
15) Vänerkajak, paddling..................................C2 p. 8
16) City farm......................................................... C2 p. 12
30 5
Bus and train times
Places of Interest
Mon.–Fri. 10–18
Sat. 10–15
The opening times of the
shops in the town centre
may vary.
Galleri Vågen....................................Town centre, p. 14
Art Museum Kristinehamn ..........Town centre, p. 14
Krukmakeri hemjord......................Town centre, p. 27
Salane..................................................Town centre, p. 27
Svanens konsthantverk.................Town centre, p. 27
Ölme diversehandel och kafé ...Town centre, p. 19
Medical help
Tel. 1177,
24 hours a day
Tel. +46 (0) 550 - 150 45
Tel. +46 (0) 550 - 105 00
Art and history:
16) Östervikskapell........................................... C2, p. 19
Carl Nesjar’s fontain........................Town centre, p. 15
28) Gustavsviks herrgård / manor.............. C2, p. 18
Kristinehamns hembygdsgård...Town centre, p. 18
30) The Picasso sculpture........................C3, p. 14-15
31) The rune stone at Järsberg....................D3, p. 19
* Contact the tourist office for detailed
information, see p. 2 for information.
– 42 –
7) Vålön–Kalvön–Sibberön, islands.........C3 p. 4-5
17) Järnleden, The Iron Trail...........................D2 p. 10
18) Kummelön Nature reserve...............................C2*
19) Nötön Åråsviken Nature reserve....................C5*
20) Hultet, recreation area.......................................D2*
21) Skagern runt trails......................................D5 p. 10
Tel. 114 14
Kungsgatan 30.
Kungsgatan 38
Tel. +46 (0) 550-348 50
Kungsgatan 50
Tel. +46 (0) 771-22 44 88
Kungsgatan 29
Tel. +46 (0) 550-202 60
Biljettbutiken (tickets)
Tel. +46 (0) 550-875 30
Train & bus tickets
(county traffic).
Mon. - Fri. 8-17
Opening times may vary
during bank holidays.
– 43 –
Enjoy the summer with us!
At Kristinehamn Herrgårdscamping you will
find an exciting and wide range of activities that
the entire family can enjoy. There is much to see
and experience, and activities that are suitable
for both young and old. With a long shoreline
we can offer cabins and camping pitches with
beautiful views over Lake Vänern.
The Manor
Presterud Manor with its
beautiful surroundings is perfect
both for conferences and weddings.
We tailor your stay to match your
expectations - and then some!
Contact us for more information.
Address: Presterudsallén 2, 681 52 Kristinehamn
Telephone: +46 (0)550-102 80
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.herrgårdsliv.se