St Joseph`s Primary School, Gloucester


St Joseph`s Primary School, Gloucester
St Joseph’s Primary School, Gloucester
53 Denison Street
PO Box 83
Phone 6558 1555
Fax 6558 9123
7 March 2013
Term 1, Week 3.
Dear Parents and Carers,
Firstly, I must apologise for missing the deadline yesterday and not having the
newsletter ready on time. Considering we now go to print once a fortnight, there
really is no excuse. Unfortunately days like yesterday happen from time to time
- not too often I hope.
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which marked the beginning of the Lenten
period within the Church year. Lent is the Christian season of preparation
before Easter – the most important season in the Church year. Lent begins 40
days before Easter – Sundays are not included in the count. Lent is a time when
many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting,
repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside a
time for reflection on Jesus – his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death and
This Sunday is the first Sunday of Lent, which coincides with the Education
Mass for our Parish. Mr Ray Collins, Director of Catholic Schools in the
Maitland-Newcastle Diocese will be in attendance. Mass commences at 8.30 a.m,
but will be preceded by Stations of the Cross, commencing at around 8.10 a.m.
Staff members will be in attendance at Mass and we look forward to as many
families as possible joining with us to celebrate. Morning tea will be served
after Mass.
On Tuesday, the students enjoyed a Pancake and Milkshake breakfast for
Pancake (Shrove) Tuesday. Children donated money to Project Compassion and
were able to raise $75.50 on the morning. Hopefully we will be able to add to
this tally during Lent and have quite a sum to donate to Caritas at Easter. A
huge thank you to staff who managed this mammoth task and to wonderful mum,
Shayne Gardiner, who helped out.
Jessica and Alison Kernahan enjoying pancakes on Pancake Tuesday.
Neve O’Brien enjoying breakfast at school on Pancake Tuesday.
Klara Gardiner and Jessica Relf enjoying a light hearted moment before
class on Pancake Tuesday.
School Swimming Carnival
On Tuesday, February 5 our school held a very successful swimming carnival.
After leaving school under the cover of clouds and getting rained upon along the
way, we arrived a wet and sorry bunch at the pool. After a short interlude of
whinging, ably lead by yours truly, the sun appeared and a great day was had by
all. For some reason, the clouds gathered on our return walk and once again we
got wet! There was some great sportsmanship displayed on the day and the
winner of the Inaugural Spirit Cup was the Blue Team – The Bellbirds. Winner of
the point score trophy was the Red Team – the Rosellas. Both these trophies
are on display in the school foyer. Well done everyone.
Age champions for the day were:
Junior Boy: Jack Wamsley and Josh Howard
Junior Girl: Amy Shultz
11 year Boy: Adam Battle
11 year Girl: Jessica Relf
Senior Boy: Thomas Relf
Senior Girl: Neve O’Brien
Congratulations everyone for a wonderful day. Thank you to all the parents,
carers and grandparents who attended on the day. Your support and help was
invaluable and we really enjoyed seeing you there.
Chelsi Harrison and Mackenzie Ryan waiting to swim at the carnival.
Jack Wamsley and Josh Howard were joint winners of the Junior Boys
Winning team on the day was the Rosellas. Thomas Relf and Neve O’Brien
were the Year 6 leaders on the day.
Kylie, Emma and Nick Johnston enjoying the day at the pool.
Winners of the Spirit Cup were the Bellbirds. Emma Johnston and Cadel
Beard were the Yr 6 leaders on the day.
Novelty races were a big hit with everyone.
Next Wednesday, Sam Wilson, Jorja Beard, Anthony Shultz, Amy Shultz,
Josh Howard, Callum Howard, Jessica Relf, Thomas Relf, Neve O’Brien,
Emma Johnston and Mackenzie Ryan will represent our great school at the
annual Regional Swimming Carnival. The children will compete against swimmers
from Bulahdelah, Forster, Wingham and Taree. The carnival is being held at the
Gloucester pool. Our wonderful canteen mums are providing morning tea and
lunch for around 30 officials on the day, so if you can lend a hand, please let
Sue Hoppe know. I am sure that Sue will appreciate any offers of help to
Pupil Free Day
Please remember that tomorrow Friday, February 15 is pupil free. The staff
will be working on a balanced literacy timetable and the day will be facilitated
by Mrs Trish Gleeson, Education Officer from the Catholic Schools Office. This
day of planning sits well within our National Partnership Framework, with our
core focus being on the teaching of Literacy. The school has entered into its
second year of a four year plan and staff education is an integral part of our
plan. Professional Development undertaken by staff this year will have a primary
focus on the explicit teaching of Literacy – in particular reading.
Other pupil free days for the year will be:
Friday June 21, Friday August 30 and Friday September 20. At this stage,
that will be all, but extra days may be added by the Catholic Schools Office in
light of the introduction of the new K-10 Syllabus in various subjects as of
Fees Agreement
Thank you to all the families who have taken the time to complete the annual
fee agreement and return it to school. Unfortunately, there are still some
outstanding. Another copy is attached for your convenience. From Thursday
February 21, all families who have not returned the agreement will be
contacted by me. This is an important document and should not be overlooked.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Even if you have arrangements in
place, unless they were made with me, they will no longer be valid.
Fete News
Please find attached a copy of the fete balance sheet from last year’s fete.
Thank you to all the people who contributed to the fete in any way. A great
community event.
Community Ads in the Newsletter
The school is inundated with emails from community groups asking us to
advertise for them in our newsletter. While some of the information will be of
relevance to you, these ads can take up heaps of room. So, if you receive your
newsletter via email, you can read them all as attachments. If you receive a
paper copy, you will receive a very condensed version and any I feel unnecessary
will not make the cut. Maybe these groups would be kind enough to run
fortnightly ads for our school – free of charge of course.
If you would like to receive your newsletter via email and have not given your
details to the school as yet, please complete the return slip at the end of the
Upcoming Dates
Friday February 15: Pupil Free
Wednesday February 20: Regional Swimming Carnival at Gloucester
Friday March 1: Winter Sport Trials for talented players in years 5 and 6 at
Thursday March 7: Parent Teacher Afternoon/Night
Friday March 8: Gloucester Soccer Gala Day for Yrs 2-4
March 11-15: Catholic Schools Week
Monday March 11: P&F meeting in the library @ 7.00 p.m.
Tuesday March 19: St Joseph’s Day
The Staff at Joey’s Gloucester
Newsletter via email
Family Name:
Email Address: