Monthly Newsletter - Old Brumby United Church


Monthly Newsletter - Old Brumby United Church
2008 2015
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent,
the season of preparation for
the resurrection of Jesus Christ on
Easter Sunday.
The Methodist and United Reformed Church
Ecumenical Local Partnership
The Methodist and United Reformed Church
Ecumenical Local Partnership
“Old Brumby United Church”
Tel 01724 848015
Superintendent Minister
Reverend David Leese
01427 872319
Reverend Ian Coates
01724 733307
Church Contact
Christine Prestidge-Hargreaves
01724 869766
United Reformed Church Secretary
Jim Reid
01652 688753
Ian Smith/Christine Prestidge-
01724 347554
01724 869766
Jim Reid / Sheila Atkinson
01652 688753
01724 342769
Viv Holmes
01724 342280
(Sunday School)
& Wednesday Club
Luncheon Club
Isobel Brown
01724 842807
Salt Group (Sharing & Learning together )
Irene Holtby
01724 359247
Ladies Group
Sheila Atkinson
01724 342769
Friendship Club
Jim Reid
01652 688753
Flowers & Weekly Notices
Margaret Sturmey
01724 843502
Dear Friends
Maybe it’s just me, but time seems to pass
more and more quickly each year. It seems no
time at all since Christmas and yet here we are
entering February and that means the beginning
of another Lent as we start to look forward to
Easter. As a child I always used to look forward
to the start of Lent, because that meant Shrove
Tuesday with as many pancakes as I could
manage. Reflecting on Shrove Tuesday last year I commented on
how much I looked forward to pancakes with sugar and lemon,
or better still with lashings of Golden Syrup.
I’ve never been any good at making pancakes but I did buy
some instant pancake mixture once – not as good as the real
thing! People tell me that the recipe for pancakes is really quite
simple, requiring flour, eggs and milk mixed together in the
correct quantities, maybe I’ll try the recipe for myself one of
these days. But I must remember all of the ingredients or my
pancake won’t turn out very well – a pancake without flour is an
When I went camping many years ago I was introduced to ‘eggy
bread’, which was eaten at breakfast time and was made by
dipping bread into a mixture of eggs and milk before cooking it in
a frying pan. I covered mine in ketchup or brown sauce and was
not over impressed. I was quite surprised when I saw someone
else liberally sprinkling sugar on his eggy bread which seemed
strange at the time. When I asked ‘why sugar on eggy bread?’
he pointed out that the recipe was the same as a pancake – but
just with the flour replaced by bread, and what would I have on
a pancake? From then on eggy bread was transformed for me
and I still enjoy this substitute for a pancake with loads of sugar
to this day!
It occurs to me that the church is a bit like a pancake. We
need to get the ingredients right. We are all different and
we need to mix different types of people together, not
missing out any of the ingredients, if the church is to turn
out as it should.
Saint Paul may not have talked about the church as a
‘pancake’ but he knew the importance of valuing all of the
ingredients for the church to be successful. Referring to the
church as the body of Christ Paul said that,
“ just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its
many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were
all baptised by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether
Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the
one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one
part but of many. Now if the foot should say, “Because I am
not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for
that reason stop being part of the body. And if the ear
should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to
the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of
the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the
sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where
would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has placed the
parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted
them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body
be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
1 Corinthians 12: 12-21
Do you realise that YOU could be a vital ingredient in the
pancake which is Christ’s body here and that only with all
of the ingredients in place can the Christian Church here be
truly successful? Perhaps this is the time to offer yourself as
a more active ingredient to ensure the success of his
kingdom here.
Just like with “eggy bread” sometimes the ingredients
change, but the end result can be still be very similar and
just as successful. As many of you know I will be
moving away in the summer to take up my new
appointment in Stoke-on-Trent and we shall be
welcoming Ruth Simpson as the new minister at
OBUC. I’m sure that Ruth will receive just as warm a
welcome as I did when I joined you and that the
chapel and wider community will be richly blessed by
Ruth’s ministry. The ingredients may change, but I’m
sure that the recipe will be just as successful, and
maybe even more so. In a year or two’s time you
might be comparing my “eggy bread” to Ruth’s
“pancake”. Who knows?
Enjoy your pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and never
miss the chance to be a vital ingredient in the
pancake which is the church of Christ here. You might
be just the ingredient that makes all the difference!
Ian Coates
The Body Song
I am the eye, I go blink, blink,
Yes, I am the eye and I can wink,
I am the eye but I can't think,
That belongs to my friend the brain.
Fritter fratter frit, fritter fratter frit,
I'm the brain with electric current
patter pit,
I'm the brain and I fritter learning bit
by bit,
Yes I fritter fratter fritter all the time.
I go lub dub, lub dub I go.
I am the heart, I pump like so.
I'm bringing life to all the parts,
I am consistent, I'm the heart.
Swinging, I'm swinging,
Swinging on life's merry
I'm the arm, I'm the arm,
Bringing grace to all.
Hearing, hearing,
Small ears, hearing,
We don't, miss much,
Hearing all the time.
We are the body of Christ,
We are the body of Christ,
Together bringing His
love to the world.
“O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and
you have healed me. O Lord, you have
brought up my soul from Sheol (the grave).
Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy
comes with the morning.”
Psalm 30:2-3, 5
News about people from Centenary
Dorothy Meggett has had a success had a second
hip replacement operation. Dorothy delayed having
surgery so she could look after her husband Arthur
whilst he had radiotherapy treatment. It was lovely to
see Arthur worshiping at OBUC on Sunday
Dorothy’s sister, Margaret Duce who had been ill for
a number of years, died 17th January. Margaret used
to play badminton at St Mark’s Please remember
Dorothy, Arthur and Richard Duce in your prayers.
Irene Cowling is having a second course of
chemotherapy and needs our prayers.
Eileen Verran has had a fall and fractured a small
bone in her ankle. Her son took her to A & E
Scunthorpe where she was examined, X-Rayed and
advised not to weight bear and to be reviewed in
fracture clinic. Since Eileen lives alone arrangements
were made for respite care at Bridgewater Park, Care
Alan Johnson who suffers with dementia continues
to grieve for his wife. His son David is the main
carer. David is finding it increasingly difficult to care
for his father and continue in full time employment
Please remember Alan and David in your prayers.
Bert Smith father and father-in-law of Ian and
Beth, is receiving more treatment at Hull Infirmary.
He has had a further amputation of his foot, leaving
just the heel. The healing process is extremely
slow. Please remember Bert and Nettie and his
family In your prayers.
Stan Haines is unable to worship with us because of
severe arthritic pain which has effected his mobility.
Stan is able to maintain his independence at home
with the help of carers who visit twice a day. Please
remember Stan in your prayers.
Rosemary and Peter Barratt planned a winter
holiday in Spain. Two days into the holiday Peter fell
and gashed his head and was admitted to hospital
where he received treatment in intensive care for a
lung problem. His recovery has been complicated by
a further fall Please remember Rosemary and Peter
in your prayers as they struggle with Peter’s illness in
a foreign country.
Mary Isabella Holden died on 8th January 2015 at
Scunthorpe General Hospital, Mary was a member of
St Hugh’s Church but she was well known in the
Brumby area for her faith. A service of thanksgiving
for her life was held at St Hugh’s on Thursday. and
her funeral service will be held at Woodlands
Crematorium on Tuesday 3rd February at 2.40 pm.
Good wishes and prayers are asked for, Joyce Hart,
Mary Spencer, Ken Quickenden, Jill Carter, Jean
Sinclair, Eileen Elliott, Doris Brocklesby, Betty
Dalton, and the family of Mary Holden.
remember all who are unable to worship with us.
Memories from the Ladies Group
The Ladies Group will be celebrating their Golden
Anniversary in October. The group was called
‘St Mark’s Young Wives’ and later changed its name
to ‘The Ladies Group’ When the group was formed in
1965 they met in an afternoon and many of the
members had small children. A crèche was formed
and volunteers from the church looked after the
children whilst their mothers enjoyed the meeting.
These volunteers have always been included in the
St Mark’s Ladies Group (October 2005)
These photographs
were taken ten
years ago Can you
identify any of the
Cutting the 40th Anniversary Cake
A ‘forties evening’ was organised to raise funds for
the celebrations. The hall was decked out with Union
Jacks and bunting. The ladies wore clothes to match
the occasion—double breasted pinafores, turbans or
are they snoods? Mary Radley was a ‘working girl’
dressed in her husbands dungarees. .
Forties Night
Photographs lent by
Eileen Elliott who was
Vice President of the
Ladies group at the time
of the 40th Celebrations
Forties Night
Goodness is Stronger than Evil
Goodness is stronger than evil;
love is stronger than hate;
light is stronger than darkness;
life is stronger than death.
Victory is ours, victory is ours
through him who loved us.
Victory is ours, victory is ours
through him who loved us.
Desmond Tutu 2001
Services and Rota
Date & Time
Vestry Stewards
1st February
Peter Thomas
David Sanderson
Sheena Wilson
8th February
Ian Coates
Peter Hargreaves
Christine PrestidgeHargreaves
15th February
Laura MacBean
Raymond Hewson
Hazel Jackson
22nd February
David Sanderson
Reg Currey
Jim Reid
Please ensure the preacher of the day wears the radio m
all users of the reading desk microphone
Please arrange your own ‘s
a for February 2015
el Brown
y Radley
Bible Readers
Reg Currey
Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Irene Holtby
Mark 21:28
Mary Radley
Peter Hargreaves
Isaiah 40: 21:31
Christine PrestidgeHargreaves
Mark 1: 29-39
Raymond Hewson
2 Kings 5: 1-14
m Reid
Hazel Jackson
Mark 1: 40-45
Lorraine Lewis
Isaiah 43: 18-25
et Sturmey
Jim Reid
Mark 2: 1-12
Sheila Atkinson
Rosemary Barratt
Sheena Wilson
June Reid
Margaret Sturmey
Sheila Atkinson
Sheena Wilson
Irene Holtby
microphone at the correct height (roughly. 4" below chin) e please ensure it is pointing to your mouth.
waps’ if dates are not possible
Dates for Your Diary
7th February
7:00 pm
Home Mission Evening with
Fish and Chip Supper
at Ashby Wesley
Deacon Laura MacBean will
talk about the work of the
Forge Project
22nd February
Wednesday 25th February
1st March
6th March
Lent Lunch
7:30 pm
Old Brumby
Little Chapel
Lent Lunch
Old Brumby
Women’s Day of Prayer
“Jesus said to them:
Do you know what I have done to you”.
2:00 pm, St Lawrence Church, Oswald
Speaker Reverend Lee Gabel
7:00 pm Salvation Army Ashby High Street
7th March
Coffee Morning
and Book sale Old Brumby
in aid of funds
for Ladies
The afternoon service will be held at
St Lawrence’s Church
Oswald Road at 2:00 pm
Speaker Reverend Lee Gabel
The evening service will be held at
The Salvation Army
Ashby High Street at 7:30 pm
There will be a Traidcraft Stall available
Missions Committee
Circuit Lent Lunches 2015—(in aid of All We Can)
12.00 noon to approx 1.30pm
All welcome
22nd Feb
1st March
8th March
15th March
No Lunch
22nd March
29th March
Lent Study
This years ecumenical Lent Studies
will be based around the film
Every Sunday evening throughout
Lent commencing at the following
22nd February Scotter Eau Centre St Peters
1st March Messingham Chapel Messingham
8th March Scotton Village Hall
15th March Laughton Chapel Laughton
22nd March Scotter Chapel Scotter
Open to anyone interested
For further details contact
Reverend Ruth Simpson on 0773603874
Although things are not perfect
Because of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame
Even when the times are hard
Fierce winds are bound to blow
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know
Imagine life without His love
Joy would cease to be
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts to thee
Move out of "Camp Complaining"
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone
Quit looking at the future
Redeem the time at hand
Start every day with worship
To "thank" is a command
Until we see Him coming
Victorious in the sky
We'll run the race with gratitude
Xalting God most high
Yes, there will be good times and yes some
will be bad, but...
Zion waits in glory...where none are ever
You are invited
Last Wednesday of each month
from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Scunthorpe Baptist Church
Ashby Road, Scunthorpe
friendship fun fellowship
all free of charge
Come and be refreshed
Dear friends
You are invited to come to our Tea/Coffee
afternoon at Scunthorpe Baptist Church. The café
is called Oasis and we hope that it will be a place
where you feel you can come to have a chat, meet
new friends and get to know us.
Kindest regards
The Oasis Team
Hazel Jackson is Fund Raising for
St Georges Orphanage
"bake-a-thon" .......
Every month I will bake
a batch of scones,
2 sponge cakes
a pudding/pie....
First come basis so....
put in your order/request to Hazel...
Donations please in aid of
St Georges Orphanage, Freetown. Sierra Leone..
Can you help?
Lincolnshire House Association provides care
and support for adults with cerebral palsy and
similar disabilities. They have transformed
their care in recent years moving away from
traditional residential set up, empowering and
inspiring people with disabilities to be more
independent and take an active role in the community.
Fund-raising has been at the heart of the community and
funds have been raised to rebuild all the accommodation
and activities.
Arts and Craft Fair
is planned for
17th & 18th April 2015
Donations of any hand made articles would be gratefully
If you can help please contact Hugh Scullion 0172 86095
Support Our Services
Don’t Waste your waste
Marie Curie Cancer Care can make use of the following
Postage stamps, Mobile phones,
Phone cards,- foreign or English picture ones,
Postcards– old new blank or written
Paper back books
Jewelry—Old, new or broken
Sheelagh Greenfield will collect for Marie Curie Cancer Care
(telephone 01724 872384
Would you like help with household maintenance
i.e. repair work, plumbing kitchen/bathroom tiling,
decorating, joinery, guttering and gardening
No Job too small
Contact “AGEE” 01724 336995
Need to Talk?
Or a Prayer
Await your Call
9 am to Midnight daily
We are a team of committed, trained Christian listeners,
who care about people and want to be available to help in
their times of: - loneliness, bereavement, distress, sadness,
or sickness.
The aim of all Crossline listeners is to offer: an open heart of Love and Compassion to every caller,
irrelevant of age, nationality, sexuality or religious
belief. Crossline listeners are not judgemental and
seek to follow the teaching of Jesus, to care for and
support vulnerable and needy people.
Committed Christian volunteers are urgently needed to train
as listeners to enable Scunthorpe Crossline to open extra
hours each week. Training is provided. If you are able to
help, or require further information, please contact:
Muriel King Tel. 01724 - 868573
Meet at 12 noon for Lunch at 12.30 on Tuesday 3rd February
Please let Isobel Brown know if you are unable to attend
A quiz will follow the lunch 1:30 pm approx all invited.
Tuesday evening at 7.30 pm in the Snug
Wednesday After School Club
6 pm to 7.30 pm In Room 3
Meets 2 pm on Wednesday in the Snug
Wednesday 10 am to 11.30 am
A group for under 5’s with play, singing and Bible Stories
Meets each Wednesday
10.00 am to 12.00 midday
Wednesday 11th February 2013
at 10.30 am in the Little Chapel
Thursday evening 7:30 pm in the snug
5th February – Fun & Games Night
19th February - ”Bess of Hardwick”
speaker Alana Green