January, 2015 Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity


January, 2015 Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity
January, 2015
Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity
Christ-centered, Biblically grounded, worshiping in the Anglican Tradition
The Feast of the Epiphany
The Church celebrates seven “principle feasts” throughout the year, one of
them is occurring this month on January 6, The Feast of the Epiphany. The
word “Epiphany” means a manifestation or appearance. The Feast of the
Epiphany occurs at the close of the 12 Days of Christmas and celebrates the
arrival of the Magi (The Three Wise Men) at Bethlehem. Since it is a feast
that normally does not occur on a Sunday, we tend to include the coming of
the Magi with our Christmas celebration.
The Feast of the Epiphany also ushers in a time in the church year known as
The Season of Epiphany. Since this season spans the time between the two
great pinnacles of the church year, Advent-Christmas and Lent-Easter, it has
the less-than-flattering distinction of being called “Ordinary Time.”
…Father Rob
Is Holy Trinity Your Healing Place?
Father Rob
As we move from the Christmas Season and into the Season of the Epiphany, we pick up the Epiphany theme of
Christ being manifest in the world (‘Epiphany’ means manifestation). The manifestation of Christ begins with
the power of God being manifest (revealed) in your life and mine. One of the ways Christ is to be manifest in
your life is that you are being healed; that is, you are being made healthy and whole in body, mind and spirit.
Holy Trinity can and should be your place where the physical and emotional wounds of this life are presented to
God and healed. Together we are called to be a community who on a Journey to Wholeness.
Many of our parish ministries are directed toward this Journey to
Wholeness, chief among them is the pastoral counseling ministry
of your clergy. We also have, however, a group in this parish
trained in prayer counseling and Inner Healing. Inner Healing is
the healing of trauma and wounded emotions resulting from our
past, such as the emotional sources of depression, a spirit of
rejection, un-forgiveness, bitterness, anger, etc. These fellow
parishioners who are both clergy and lay have trained with
Christian Healing Ministries of Jacksonville, Florida, a long and
established ministry in Inner Healing.
Like the friends of the paralytic in Capernaum (Matt 9:1-8) who
presented their friend to Jesus for healing, the prayer minsters at
Holy Trinity would love to do the same for you. But your answer
to Jesus’ question, “Do you want to be healed” (John 5:6) needs to be yes. If so, let Father Rob know and he
will connect you with fellow parishioners who would love to walk with you on your Journey to Wholeness.
The Healing of the Paralytic at Capernaum
Matthew 9:1-8
Holy Trinity
A beacon
people to
God and
into the
of God’s
The Adoration of the Magi,
Matthias Stom, 1600-1650
Lay Ministries for December
Upcoming Events
Feb 8-10 Vestry Retreat
Feb 20-21 Diocesan Synod, St. Andrews, Mt. Pleasant
Jan 4
Jan 11
Jan 18
Jan 25
Feb 1
Mike H
Nadine G
Mike S
Sandra S
Ed P
Wayne L
Joe &
Myrle W
Mike H
Frank G
Elah W
JoEllen B
Richard M
Bill B
Bill B
Mitch C
Sue J
Monte S
Jennifer C
Judy C
Jason N
Bill B
Phillip &
Laura C
Jami W
JoEllen B
Avery S
Pat K
Mitch C
Donna L
Michael S
Rich L
Mike S
Sandra S
Myrle W
Nancy H
Ginger H
Wayne L
Laura C
Elah W
Ginger H
Julie R
Monique T
1. growing in your knowledge and love of God
Ginger H
Barbara H
Virginia F
Terry N
Sandra S
Annette M
Myrle W
2. growing in your devotion and obedience of God.
Euch. Min.
Altar Guild Monique T
JoEllen B
[week of]
Michael S
Avery S
Sandra S
Oke I
Mike H
Wayne L
Julie R
Elah W
Frank G
Nadine G
Evidence of Your Salvation
We all desire to have that strong and memorable
conversion experience in which Jesus became the Lord
and Savior in our lives. The ongoing evidence of your
salvation, however, is going to be the power and
presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. The markers of
the Holy Spirit in your life are your…
3. growing in sacrificial, unconditional love of others.
4. growing in Christ-like character that is manifest in
the Fruit of the Spirit in your life- Love, Joy, Peace,
Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, SelfControl. (Galatians 5:22).
Using Holy Water upon Entering the Church
In the Anglican, Lutheran, Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic and other denominations, there is a tradition of
tracing the sign of the cross upon oneself using Holy Water upon entering the church. This is done by dipping
one’s fingers in a stoup (small vessel) or in the Baptismal Font at the entrance of the church, touching the forehead,
stomach, left and right shoulders, ending by touching the chest. Holy Water is water in which a pinch of salt is
added (a sign of purification) and over which a prayer of blessing has been said. To bless something is to simply
set it apart for a holy use. The water reminds us of the waters of our baptism and therefore of our identity as
beloved children of God. It is a symbol of who we are and what entering God’s sanctuary is all about. We are
reminded that, regardless of life’s stains, we have been washed clean and made holy in the sight of God. We are
therefore worthy to enter this holy space and stand in the presence of the almighty.
Father Rob
Completion of Our
“Jesus in the Gospels”
That's right, after well over a
year, we will soon be
completing our Wednesday
night studies of Jesus in the
Gospels. Be sure to prepare for
the first half of lesson 28 (John
13-15) on January 7. We will
complete the study prior to
Ash Wednesday. Watch for
information on upcoming
Lenten study, which will
begin on February 25.
Christmas Greeting
from the Rices in the
Mission Field in India
No matter where our hearts
may be, or what trials we
are facing, may each of us
allow our hearts to pause
and see the light of Christ,
the Son of God,
born of the virgin Mary.
Love and peace to each one
of you,
On November 16, the Lord gave Patience Iwuji a prophetic word for our church family...
I woke up early in that Sunday morning praying for the church service, then I saw a pad lock hanging and it was opened or
unlocked, and also Exodus chapter 16 was shown to me. Then the Spirit of the Load said that He had seen every situation, no
matter what it might be. He is the Elroi (the one who sees all things), Most High God, the Creator, and He has the key to open, to
restore and control, and also He is the manna that comes from Heaven. He is sending Jesus to unlock every padlock in the life of
members of the church [Holy Trinity].
Theme: Gods vessels 2Timothy 2:20-21 (NIV)- 20In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood
and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. 21 Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be
instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.
Paul used house property to encourage his son in faith, Timothy, that Christians were like vessels of honor and dishonor, in verse
21 Paul said if any one cleanses himself or herself, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the to the master, prepared
for every good work.
The large house is like the church community where many people gather to seek and praise the Lord, as long as we come with
our whole heart to seek, serve, trust and obey the Lord of the church even if we see our self as an empty vessel, God will fill us
and make us vessels of honor for His use.
In II Kings 4:1 and following- 1The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, “Your servant my
husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.”
Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?”
“Your servant has nothing there at all,” she said, “except a small jar of olive oil.”
Elisha said, “Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. 4Then go inside and shut the door
behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.”
She left him and shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring. 6When all the jars
were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another one.”
But he replied, “There is not a jar left.” Then the oil stopped flowing.
She went and told the man of God, and he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left.”
As God used Elisha to meet the need of the widow whose husband feared God all his life, and borrowed empty vessels were filled
with oil which she sold and paid her debt. No matter what you are passing through, physically, mentally, spiritually, materially
and otherwise God sees and knows about them. Only keep on marching to the righteous side. He cares.
God gave me a Song:
He will fill my heart today to over flowing;
as the Lord commandth me, bring your vessels not a few,
God will fill my heart today to over flowing
with the Holy Ghost and Power.
Provide your input to the
Annual Parish Report
The annual parish meeting (Sunday, Jan 25) is a time for us to
celebrate what God has done to us and through us this past year.
We do this largely through reports submitted by you on the various
ministries taking place in our church family. If you are a ministry
leader, please submit your report to Monique as soon as you can.
If helpful, you can find copies of the 2013 Annual Report in the
Foyer to use as a guide.
January, 2015
Sunday Mornings at Holy Trinity
Holy Eucharist & Children’s Church- 10:00 am.
Children’s Sunday School and the Adult Forum
follow. The Adult Forum is conversation about
the Sunday readings and sermon, about what
the Lord was doing among us in our worship,
and what we heard from Him this day.
2nd Sunday after
6:00 pm Choir
2nd Sun. after the
10:00-11:30 am
Bible Study
10:00 am Worship
11:20 am Coffee
11:30 am Christian Ed
Nursery available
6:00 pm Choir
10:00 am Worship
Covered Dish Luncheon
Annual Parish Meeting
Nursery available
Happy New
10:30 pm
New Year’s EveThe Great Litany
to follow
No Eucharist
or Healing
9:00 - 10:20am
Breakfast &
Bible Study
7:00 pm
Friday Night
at the movies
No Eucharist
or Healing
10:00-11:30 am
Bible Study
10:00 am Worship
11:20 am Coffee
11:30 am Christian Ed
Nursery available
3rd Sun. after the
7:00 PM
6:00 pm
Seminar- Why
Bad Things
& Bible Study
Happen to
Nursery available
Good People
1st Sun. after the
9:00 - 10:20am
Breakfast &
Bible Study
6:00 pm Choir
10:00-11:30 am
Bible Study
10:00 am Worship
11:20 am Coffee
11:30 am Christian Ed
Nursery available
No Eucharist
or Healing
6:00 pm
Fellowship Supper
& Bible Study
Nursery available
6:00 pm
Fellowship Supper
& Bible Study
Nursery available
10:00-11:30 am
Bible Study
6:00 pm Choir
7:00 pm
Friday Night
at the movies
6:00 pm
Fellowship Supper
& Bible Study
Nursery available
9:00 - 10:20am
Breakfast &
Bible Study
7:00 pm
Friday Night
at the movies
No Eucharist
or Healing
9:00 - 10:20am
Breakfast &
Bible Study
7:00 pm
Friday Night
at the movies
Eucharist &
Prayers for
9:00 to 10:20am
Breakfast &
Bible Study
7:00 pm
Friday Night
at the movies
Wednesday Evenings at Holy Trinity 6:00 – 8:00 pm
We begin with a fellowship supper that is provided- you don’t need to bring a thing- just come. We have worship followed with
something for all ages: the adults engage in an ongoing study; the teens have their activities; and children gather for their programs.
Holy Trinity is a congregation of the Anglican Province of the Anglican Church in North America
Christ-centered, biblically grounded, worshipping in the Anglican Tradition
Sweetwater Center, 160 Merovan Drive, North Augusta, S C 29860
www.AnglicanChurchoftheHolyTrinity.com (803) 341-0075 [email protected] Blog: North Augusta Anglican
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Steve Wood,
Rector: The Rev. Rob Hartley,
Clergy: Rev.’s Dan Brown, Nancy Kenney, Theophilus Iwuji and Dr. Rick Barbare
Vestry: Betty Croy (Senior Warden) Mike Sanders (Junior Warden) Julie Roberts Bob James Monte Steedley
Mike Holley