April 2014 - Guru Nanak Multi Academy Trust
April 2014 - Guru Nanak Multi Academy Trust
The Guru Nanak Sikh Academy and Nanaksar School Newsletter To celebrate the 21st birthday of the Guru Nanak Sikh Academy, the staff and students put on a Birthday Bash event at the Beck Theatre on Saturday 15th of March. The event was organised to commemorate the continuous success of the Academy since it first opened in January 1993. The students and staff from the secondary and primary phases worked very hard to make this an occasion to remember, and their efforts shone through in their creative and imaginative acts. Whether it was stage decoration or the presentation of every act, all the aspects of the event were full of energy and joy. Everyone present that evening spoke of how successful it was. The theatre was completely sold out and the audience were full of praise for the amazing students and staff who put on a great show! The show was commemorated by the speech of Member of Parliament Mr John McDonnell, who said that it is only because of strong ethos and hard work that the school has successfully been able to leave such a great impact on our community during the past 21 years. Other honourable guests who congratulated everyone in their speeches included Member of Parliament Mr Varinder Sharma, Mr Onkar Sahota and Mrs Daryn Harvey. Whether it was the Bhangra dancers, the Punjabi plays (primary and secondary), the fashion show or the teachers’ giddha, every part of the show was full of excitement and reflected everyone's joyous emotions in being part of the Academy's history. We were lucky to have Signature performing with us, they were fantastic and kindly gave up their time to celebrate with everybody. The evening was made even more perfect by the blessings of Baba Amar Singh Ji, via a video message and the presence of our dignitaries and special guests. May Guru Ji bless the staff and students, and wish the Academy many more years of success. At the end our principal Mr Rajinder Sandhu thanked everyone for coming to the event and congratulated the students and staff who put on a great event for the audience. It was really an astounding evening - GNSA style! Issue 4/ April 2014 * * *for important dates please see back page ** * page 1 Department news—Maths Maths Competition On Tuesday 4th March, four year 8 students, Akashdeep Bains, Diviya Chandar, Tara Makwana and Isher Singhota represented our school when participating in a math competition at Haydon School. I am proud to — Whole School News — Whole School News — Whole School News — say that we achieved second place out of 14 schools! The winners were Haydon School, who only beat us by 2 points! It was a very interesting and enjoyable experience. At the competition, we had to attempt 3 tasks. The first was a series of questions, which we had to answer as a group. Next, we had to do a ‘cross-numbers’ challenge, which was similar to a crossword, but the answers were numbers. Finally, we took part in a relay, which was probably the most fun activity of the evening. We had a time limit for each activity so speed was crucial and our efforts were very effective, securing us the second place. This competition was a very exciting and memorable experience. It was very rewarding to do so well and I hope that we can aim even higher next time. Akashdeep Kaur Bains – 8PM 24 Maths Challenge On Thursday 20th March, Mrs Biggins, Mrs Bridge Madden, Miss Locke, Mr Bridge Madden, Harshvir Grewal, Harmandeep Singh, Bhavdeep Bola and I all attended the 24 Maths Challenge at Ruislip High School. The 2 hour competition was a once in a lifetime opportunity! When we reached the library (the location of the challenge) we had to split into 2 teams of 2. The two girls made one team and the two boys made the other team. In the 24 Challenge you are given four numbers that you have to use to make 24, using the four operations. Altogether there were 3 rounds. The first round consisted of whole numbers and was easy at the beginning but got harder towards the end. The second round had double digits; again it was easy at the beginning but harder at the end. Then we had a 10 minute break, during which we had some refreshments. Finally there was the decimals and fractions round – all of these questions were extremely hard. At the end there were prizes and the Guru Nanak Sikh Academy boys came second for the third year in a row! That was when the tiring but awesome day came to an end. By Esha Rudki 7DK Issue 4/ April 2014 page 2 Department news—Science On Thursday 20th March Year 6 classes had the exciting opportunity to have a Science lesson from a secondary teacher. In the Primary phase this year’s Science day theme was, ‘Electricity.’ During the lesson we learnt how to draw circuit diagrams. Not only that, we also had the chance to make a working circuit. We were all split into various groups and given the equipment, which included power packs, wires and a light bulb; we used the equipment to make different circuits. Overall Year 6 enjoyed the lesson and learnt lots of new facts about electricity. We hope to have the opportunity to have another interesting lesson in secondary again. By Gurjeev and Jaskirit 6AO Department news—Art Artists of the month are: Sharon Kalsi 7PP Issue 4/ April 2014 Sirat Sahota 7KP — Whole School News — Whole School News — Whole School News — YEAR 6 STUDENTS DO SECONDARY SCIENCE!! page 3 Department news - Drama Year 10 trip to the Orange tree Theatre On Thursday 20th March the Year 10 Drama group went on a trip to the Orange Tree — Whole School News — Whole School News — Whole School News — Theatre in Central London. We arrived at the Orange Tree Theatre around about 10:30 am. The organizers of the workshop welcomed us an asked us to complete a sentence with the two words ‘I am…’ in it.. We were asked to answer questions by standing up e.g.: Do you think Justin Bieber is a good role model? Or Is Shakespeare for you? In the workshop we were shown extracts of different kinds of plays written by Shakespeare. We saw different aspects of Shakespeare plays and were taught the value of expressions which have a great impact on how our performance in drama looks and ways to absorb into a character. We had such a long, tiring day but we very much enjoyed it and hope we can go on another trip like this very soon. A special thanks to Mr Al-Araimy for accompanying us and Miss Mistry for organizing the trip. Aandeep Dosanjh (10AM) & Gaganjit Singh (10AM) Department news - Business Coca Cola Factory – Business On 5th March we went on an exciting business trip to the Coca Cola factory for an action packed day full of activities. We started by watching a video about Coca Cola and we were surprised to know that they also made bottles for companies like Oasis. After that, we met our tour guide who was going to join us for the day and he first gave us a lesson on Coca Cola and how their bottles are made. We found out that the size of the bottles were initially smaller but now are bigger to save energy and space. We also learnt how the branding and bottles of Coca Cola have changed significantly over time from the original bottles. Afterwards, we all got kitted out in appropriate clothing for the factory and we went to see the 5 production. While touring, we got our own headphone guide as we saw the various different stages of the production from the bottles getting blown, filled, labelled and packed to be stored. We were stunned to see their storage which was like a dark freezer 30m in height. I enjoyed the day very much as I gained knowledge about how factories worked and how coca cola bottles are made which was a great opportunity. By Karman Dhupar 10 Issue 4/ April 2014 page 4 Department news - Panjabi kivqw mukwblw 27 PrvrI idn vIrvwr vwly idn gurU nwnk is`K skUl dy b`icAW ivc BwrI auqSwh sI [ ies auqSwh dI vjHw sI skUl ivc AT`vI jmwq dw pMjwbI kivqw mukwblw [ b`icAW ny v`D cVH ky ies mukwbly ivc ih`sw ilAw qy hr b`cw mukwbly dI pUrI iqAwrI iv`c sI [ sB b`icAW ny v`K v`K iviSAW qy pUrI imhnq kIqI sI qy hr b`cw ij`qxXog sI pr ijs qrHW hr mukwbly ivc jyqU GoiSq kIqw jWdw hY ausy qrHW ies mukwbly ivc vI iqMn jyqUAW dI GoSxw kIqI geI [ pihlw ienwm nUrdIp, dUjw hrismrn ny ij`qy pr qIjy nMbr dy ienwm dy do dwvydwr hirMdr isMG Aqy hrnIq gudwmI GoiSq kIqy gey [ ies qrHW ieh mukwblw jyqUAW leI AQwh KuSI qy dUijAW leI nvyN vryH iv`c nvIN pyRrnw dy ky Kqm hoieAw [ nUrdIp josn Issue 4/ April 2014 — Whole School News — Whole School News — Whole School News — Panjabi poetry competition page 5 Department news - Panjabi Trip to Panjab Radio Station — Whole School News — Whole School News — Whole School News — pMjwb ryfIE stySn dw tir`p 12 mwrc 20 14 idn Su`krvwr vwly idn swnUM nOvIN jmwq dy ividAwrQIAW nUM pMjwb ryfIE stySn jwx dw suinhrI mOkw imilAw[ auQy AsIN swry ividAwrQI pMjwb ryfIE dy pYRzYytrW nUM imly Aqy swnMU auQy d`isAw igAw ik iks qrHW brOfkwsitMg isstm clwieAw jWdw hY[ swnMU irkwrifMg krn dw vI mOkw imilAw [ ryifE stySn dy AMdr swnMU swrw kuJ dyKx dw mOkw id`qw igAw[ AsIN brofkwsitMg isstm nMU vrqxw vI isiKAw ijvyN ik Awvwj, gIq - sMgIq, Sbd Aqy KbrW Awid [ swry ividAwrQIAW dy pMjwbI is`Kx dI mh`qqw bwry ivcwr vI irkwrf kIqy gey jo jldI hI brOfkwst kIqy jwxgy [ mYN dUsry ividAwrQIAW nMU vI ieh slwh dyxw cwhuMdI hW ik auh vI ies t`irp qy jwx jdoN vI auhnW nUM jwx dw mOkw imly [ ryifE stySn jw ky swnMU bhuq kuJ is`Kx dw mOkw imilAw [ ikrnvIr ig`l jmwq nOvIN AYs jI Department news - RE What do you mean by ‘Khalsa’? The literal meaning is "Pure". When the word "Khalsa" is used for a Sikh, it implies belonging to the TRUTH…. God himself. To become a Khalsa a Sikh must surrender him/her self completely to TRUTH……To God and obey God's will completely. Only then is a Sikh called “Khalsa." The tenth Guru Gobind Singh ji has said that : ‘Khalsa is created by the will of God’ And: ‘Khalsa is the image of my morality’ All Sikhs who have taken Amrit get collectively to be inclusive member of the Khalsa Institution ….which was ordained to be “Pure" & flawless by Guru Gobind Singh….The creator of Khalsa Panth. The initiated Khalsa lived by Truth and pledged his/her life to tenets of Guru’ and Gurbani and sacrificed anything and everything in a never ending struggle for the just cause of ensuring safety & welfare of the entire humanity. To make his Sikhs better learners the Guru presented them with discipline and Khalsa uniform; which are five K’s. Guru Gobind Singh’s doctrine of service was for ALL HUMANITY. Issue 4/ April 2014 page 6 Department news - PE Gymnastics competition March 2014 Hello, my name is Gurjeet Sidhu and I am in Year 10. At the beginning of March I went to Kent to take part in a Gymnastics competition. I left my house at 9am and arrived at the venue for 11am for a 11.30 start. I first went to the canteen for a rest break and then went down to do my competition. I did my routines and won 2 bronze medals. I was very nervous but I think I performed all the different gymnastics skills well. My parents came to watch and they were very happy. I was in shock that I won two but also very proud of myself! I love gymnastics so much! Issue 4/ April 2014 — Whole School News — Whole School News — Whole School News — Department news - RE page 7 Department news - PE Year 7 Borough Hockey Tournament On Monday 24th March 2014 the GNSA year 7 boys’ hockey — Whole School News — Whole School News — Whole School News — team was ready to show their skills and determination off at the Borough Hockey Championships on the GNSA Astroturf. the and desire after months of hard work at training. Soon after our own warm up and an intense team talk from coach Lakshya Sethi, the nine boys were geared up for the ultimate test. The team began their first match quite comfortably, cruising to a 1-0 victory with a great team goal. The tactics had worked. Soon enough, the next opponents were ready before us, and after slight adjustments to the starting line up GNA were on the pitch. An extremely tight game soon followed and we had to settle with a 0-0 draw against Haydon. Next, the team dug deep and managed to grind out another two extraordinary wins against decent opposition, with the defence holding firm and midfield controlling the game. The results got us into the final of the tournament, and GNSA were going to battle it out with Stockley for the trophy. The opposition were very strong and two minutes before end of play the score was still level. Just then the boys broke out of the defence at a soaring pace and with a lethal shot past the keeper GNSA headed for victory. Guru Nanak Sikh Academy Year 7 Hockey team were crowned champions of 2014, and let’s hope they can keep this up and retain the titles in the coming years. Rachel Yankey’s visit On Tuesday, 18th March, Rachel Yankey, a record breaker, visited Guru Nanak Sikh Academy. She presented an assembly to the year 8 PE class. We were shown a video and we were allowed to ask as many questions as we wanted to. After that, the girls that were going to be doing the workshop were taken to room 15 to work with Rachel and her team. In the room, there were many cameras set up to record us. In the beginning we got into groups of 3 or 4 and using the characteristics of animals, we had to decide on our final 11 to play in our match. Continued overleaf Issue 4/ April 2014 page 8 Department news - PE In a press conference, we had to then say why we chose the ones break. During break, Rachel made us feel welcome to come and ask for her autograph and had our photo taken with us. After break, we acted as if we were journalists and we had to interview Rachel. We decided on what questions we would like to ask her and she was so nice and honest and answered all of them. After lunch we went to Goals Soccer Centre to do a practical. As goals we practiced some football skills and when Rachel showed us a demonstration we were absolutely flabbergasted as some of us have never seen such good footwork. As the end of the training session, we found out who won the team building challenge and Rachel presented some prizes to some girls. A lucky few won a signed football and her signed England shirt! We are all lucky in the end as we got tickets to see Rachel play and had a day with her. By Esha Rudki 7DK Year 8 triumph in Borough Hockey The year eight 'A' boys hockey teamed romped home in emphatic style beating Haydon 5-0 in the Hillingdon borough Hockey tournament. A nervy start to the tournament left team GNSA in second place only by goal difference. This was then put to bed with a resounding win in the final and a fine display from all the team. The team were clearly well drilled and prepared from their Thursday afternoon hockey club which was demonstrated throughout the tournament. Excellent use of two-touch hockey allowed GNSA to stretch the opposition and make use of the space. This resulted in some sublime plays which was paired with resolute defending. All the team played a role in the victory with notable performances from — Whole School News — Whole School News — Whole School News — that were in our teams and the ones that were not. We then had Jagdeep Bal and Akshay Sethi. The year eight 'B' team also played extremely well, grinding out a result that put them into a 3rd/4th place play off. This game went right down to the wire and was a nervy finish but GNSA 'B's managed to steal the victory and take home third place. A great team effort by all, well done! Issue 4/ April 2014 By Mr Perryman page 9 - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary Phase Year 1’s Trip to the V&A Museum On Friday 28th February, both Year 1 classes went on a very exciting trip to the Victoria & Albert Museum to learn about clothes. We lined up in pairs to get on the coaches. The journey to get there was quite long! I sat next to Tegh and we talked about the games we could play. When we finally got there we went inside and we looked at dresses behind a glass display window. The dresses had flowers, polka dots and one was very sparkly because it had sequins on it. My favourite dress was a flowery gown. Next, we went upstairs to the theatre area to try on some costumes! There were lots of costumes, such as a king’s robe and a purple dress. I tried on the purple dress, it looked great! Finally, we had a tour by a kind lady. She showed us a big Mantua dress that ladies used to wear 300 years ago. To get through doorways, ladies had to go sideways because the dress was so big. The dress had gold thread on it; this showed that women who wore these dresses were rich and important. Overall, my favourite part of the trip was trying on the clothes. It was a very exciting day! By Ramneek 1AK ‘Drawing Wild Things’ Compass Theatre As part of their IPC unit, ‘Our World’, pupils in year 2 took part in a ‘Drawing Wild Things’ activity in Minet Country Park on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th March. Pupils had great fun working with a local artist called Kailean Khongsai, who works for a charity called A.Rocha, drawing various wild animals in small steps so pupils could follow easily. They drew animals such as a duck, giraffe, rabbit, woodpecker and a dolphin. Kailean demonstrated how to use numbers and shapes to draw different animals. The results were stunning and all pupils enjoyed this opportunity very much. On Friday 21st February 2014, two Year 5 classes met up from different schools; Guru Nanak Sikh Academy and Ruislip Sacred Hearts School. This was part of the 3FF project– the 3 Faiths Forum. As soon as we reached the neutral destination of our meeting, the Compass Theatre in Ickenham, we were greeted by the other Year 5 class. We found out more about the pupils, and discussed information about ourselves and our faith. As we settled down we had an introduction from Seth Townsend, a phenomenal storyteller. He told us stories with significant morals. In conclusion, it was a fantastic day! Now that we have already met the other class and have become closer to them, we will be much more confident the next time we meet them. The class is desperate to meet them once again. By Gursewak 5JP Issue 4/ April 2014 page 10 Roald Dahl Museum th On Friday 28 March, year 3 were very excited about their visit to the Roald Dahl Museum and story centre. It was a long coach trip but was worth the wait. When we arrived everyone was very excited and couldn’t wait for the busy day ahead. We entered the museum and sat in Miss Honey’s classroom, where we met our tour guide. We visited a room that had a replica of Roald Dahl’s writing hut where he would spend four hours a day writing his stories. Sehaj Roop had the chance to sit in his chair and pretend to be Roald Dahl! Katie (our guide) gave us little booklets that we could use around the museum. After we had a good look around we went to the Boy Gallery where we learnt about Roald Dahl when he was a young boy. We looked for a gobstopper jar and saw what he did to the sweetshop lady. Apparently he put a cold and dead mouse in the jar. Next we went to the Solo Gallery. The Solo Gallery provided information on Roald Dahl’s adult life. We saw his real writing hut which was in a glass frame and read some information about his time in the RAF (Royal Air Force). After lunch we went to the local library, which was his inspiration for Matilda. We were lucky enough to spend some time in the local park. After the coach trip back to school we got our goody bags which included a book, two Dixon Triconderoga pencils, a postcard and a Willy Wonka chocolate bar. We had lots of fun and learnt a lot about Roald Dahl. By Sehaj Roop and Har-Simran 3HS Hillingdon Fire Station Important Dates th On Friday 7 March, the students in year 6 had the opportunity to attend the Junior citizenship event located at Hillingdon fire station. Both year 6 classes were split into groups and participated in various educational activities. We were rewarded points regarding our effort level throughout the enjoyable tasks. We took part in activities to educate us on the dangers we might come across such as; stranger danger, keeping safe on public transport , drug and knife crime, e-safety and so much more. Overall, the year 6 students took away some very important learning and thoroughly enjoyed the trip. By Paneet and Palak 6AO Friday 4th April - last day of term - PRIMARY PHASE CLOSES AT 11.30am Monday 21st April - Bank Holiday - ACADEMY CLOSED Tuesday 22nd April - School re-opens for all pupils Monday 28th April - Year 3 Parents Workshop Friday 2nd May - Sacred Heart Primary School spending the day with 5JP Friday 2nd May 2:15pm - 3pm - Year 2 Parents Workshop - 3PT trip, Tesco Eat Happy Project Monday 5th May - May Day Bank Holiday ACADEMY CLOSED Friday 9th May - 3HS trip, Tesco Eat Happy Project Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May - SATS WEEK Friday 16th May - Year 3 trip to the V & A Museum Friday 23rd May - Last day of term - Primary closes at 3pm. After School Clubs will run until 4:15pm Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May - HALF TERM Issue 4/ April 2014 - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary Phase page 11 - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary Phase Science Day th On Thursday 20 March, pupils in the Primary Phase were excited about taking part in another popular Science Day. The whole day was based around investigating electricity and learning about electrical safety. To get in to the role of being ‘young scientists’, pupils all wore their white science lab coats and some put on their goggles too! The main activity for the day was to investigate and use different components to build a simple circuit and discuss why and how a light bulb is lit. Pupils understood that the electric power from the source (the battery) needed to run from the wire to the bulb and from the bulb back to the source in order for the circuit to be complete. They then took different challenges such as adding a switch, another bulb and even measuring the voltage and amps by using meters. This was a fantastic opportunity for pupils to work collaboratively and use key words while carrying out their investigations. Pupils in year 6 also went to the Secondary School to take part in their investigations in the labs. They worked with Secondary science teachers and gained lots of knowledge about circuits and fair testing. Another learning opportunity was when pupils investigated static electricity with students from the Secondary phase of the academy. This was a very practical and fun activity where pupils first learned some facts about atoms and then used balloons to test static electricity for themselves. Pupils also took the time to learn about electrical safety and discussed how we can be aware of electrical dangers at school and at home. They enjoyed playing various games on the interactive white board to highlight dangers and the ways these can be made safe. To celebrate the work done during the science day, we are creating a big science book in the reception area for parents and visitors to look at. We hope to hold another science day soon based on a different aspect of science investigations. Teacher’s Award Congratulations to pupils who achieved the Teacher Award at the end of the spring second half term! The following pupils were given recognition for their outstanding effort in their work and behaviour over the half term. Taru Singh Khaira (RSD), Fateh Singh (RKJ), Milpreet Gulati (1AK), Amraj Dhaliwal (1KV), Ivleen Sethi (2MM), Attar Hanspal (2MD), Japsimar Dhingra (3PT), Varandeep Sandhu (3HS), Sahib Singh (4AKS), Sunint Kaur (4JM), Bhavleen Talwar (5PR), Anshika Saddi (5JP), Pukar Soni (6AO) Prisha Kohli (6AKB) Mother’s Day in Foundation Stage On Friday 28th March, Reception and Nursery children invited their Mum’s for a special Mother’s Day gathering! Children in Nursery cut and collaged hearts with their mummy’s and made special cards together. In Reception, children made fabulous necklaces and bracelets with coloured pasta for their mummy’s. This was a lovely afternoon for all and a wonderful way of celebrating Mother’s day! Issue 4/ April 2014 page 12 World Book Day On Thursday 6th March, the Primary phase of the Guru Nanak Sikh Academy, celebrated World Book Day in style. Pupils had the wonderful opportunity to dress up as their favourite story book characters with best-dressed winners in each class. In order to make the day memorable, Anne Jungman visited pupils and shared her experience as a renowned writer. Pupils were inspired by her visit and have since then, become keen and avid readers of her books. Later on in the day, parents also had the opportunity to come in and share reading with their children. Overall pupils thoroughly enjoyed the day and have been talking about it ever since. Reading Corners Well-Being Morning Over the past five years, the Primary phase has regularly held a book fair, which has been greatly supported by parents and pupils. The book fair not only gives children the opportunity to purchase some lovely books but it also raises money for the school to spend. This term we have spent some of that money raised on some fantastic books. The school council had the opportunity to select which books they wished to purchase for their classroom reading corners. Every class in the school now has some great books in their reading corners! Thank you for all of your support over the past few years and we hope to have many successful book fairs in the future. On Friday 21st March, the Academy organised a Well-Being Coffee Morning, where parents from both phases of the school could meet with staff and other agencies to seek advice and discuss any concerns regarding child welfare. Representatives from both phases of the Academy were present, as well as the school nurse, the police, Young Carers Services and the local education welfare officer. The morning was relaxed and staff, parents and outside agencies were able to discuss the well -being of our students over tea and coffee. After the success of this event, we are keen to organise more future events for parents and staff to come together and further strengthen the links created. Issue 4/ April 2014 - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary - GNSA Primary Phase page 13 - Nanaksar Primary—Nanaksar Primary - Nanaksar Primary - Nanaksar Primary - Nanaksar Primary School Welcome Back Friendship Award Welcome back to Nanaksar Primary School. We hope you had a lovely break and look forward to the Summer term ahead. Our new topic for this term is ‘Changes.’ If you would like to participate or contribute in any way, please see your child’s class teacher. Well done to all children for making an extra effort in the playground with their friends. Certificates have been handed out awarding positive playground behaviour. This term we will be handing our ‘Friendship Awards’ for acts of kindness towards each other. Keep up the good work! What’s coming up this term... Congratulations We look forward to working together throughout the Summer Term. Please continue to encourage and support your child at home and speak with your child’s class teacher if you have any questions. Please look out for letters regarding this term's school trip and information regarding forthcoming school events. We look forward to an action packed and exciting final term! Congratulations to all children who became a ‘VIP’ (Very Important Person) and ‘Writer of the Week’ last half term. Well done to all the classes for making so much progress with their cursive handwriting and to those children that received certificates from our Easter handwriting competition. Special congratulations to our four children who received the ‘Super Star Award,’ recognising outstanding effort in all areas of school life. Peacocks (RKJ): Sachleen Rana Robins (RPR): Prabdeep Neele World Book Day 2014 Nanaksar Primary School celebrated their first ‘World Book Day’ on Thursday 6th March 2014. Children and staff dressed up as their favourite book characters and enjoyed a fun day of reading and character themed activities. The children enjoyed showing their outfits on the catwalk and sharing their favourite books. Well done to the ‘winners of our bookmark’ competition and our costume winners. On the day we raised a fantastic total of £111.20 for ‘The Book Bus’ charity. A representative from this charity came into school to talk to the children about the charity and expressed his thanks for the donation. Thank you for all your efforts and support on this day, we now look forward to World Book Day 2015! Issue 4/ April 2014 page 14 A Busy Spring Term at Nanaksar Primary School... This term it has been wonderful to work together with parents and family members, to support and celebrate the children’s hard work and achievements. ‘Stay and Play’ was a huge success and an invaluable opportunity to see how your child learns at school. Please continue to send your ‘Wow’ notes into school, so we can share the children's achievements at home. Thank you to all parents and family members that attended and we look forward to more sessions like this in the future! Vaisakhi Celebrations Easter Activities The last week of the Spring term was busy with Vaisakhi celebrations. We began the week by inviting parents to a special Vaisakhi assembly. Thank you to all family members for attending and well done to the children for a wonderful performance! The remainder of the week consisted of Vaisakhi themed activities and we were very fortunate to be invited to watch a Gathka performance along with the children from Guru Nanak Sikh Academy. In the lead up to Easter the classes were busy with their Easter themed activities. Well done to all children who entered the Easter Bonnet Competition. We were so pleased with the amount of effort and creativity put into all of them over the holidays. We thoroughly enjoyed the Easter Parade, where the children showcased their creations. Congratulations to all the children! We wish you a Happy Easter Happy Vaisakhi From All at Nanaksar Primary School Issue 4/ April 2014 - Nanaksar Primary—Nanaksar Primary - Nanaksar Primary - Nanaksar Primary - Stay and Play Sessions page 15 Last but not least Visit from the Panjab national Bank and London West Management Services It was a pleasure to welcome our guests the Chief Manager Mr. Onkarjeet Singh, Senior Manager Paramjit Singh of Punjab National Bank and Mr. Naib Singh Sidhu of London West Management Services, to Guru — Whole School News — Whole School News — Whole School News — Nanak Sikh Academy on Thursday 27th March 2014. Punjab National Bank, a local bank, has been associated with Guru Nanak Sikh Academy for several years from when the school was previously a VA school. We have maintained good relationships with PNB who not only serve us but the wider community offering banking facilities which are unique to those who have links with India and other countries throughout the world. We are very grateful for their continued support and thank them for their sponsorship, to date, all the Annual Parkash events. As our appreciation of their valued support and service over the years to Guru Nanak Sikh Academy we presented the Chief Manager Onkarjeet Singh and Senior Manager Paramjit Singh a Silver Salva for Outstanding Business & Banking in the community. During the visit we also welcomed Mr. Naib Singh Sidhu who has been a long term faithful friend of the Nanaksar Thath Isher Darbar Trust, doing selfless Sewa in managing the Trust affairs. We would like to take this opportunity to give our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Naib Singh Sidhu for his gupt devotion to duty. Mr Paramjit Singh Mr. Onkarjeet Singh Mr Naib Singh Sidhu Senior manager Chief manager Punjab National Bank Int. Ltd. Managing director London West Management Important dates 2nd - 9th May 16th June 25-26th June 27th June 11-13th July year 9 exams year 12 work experience for 2 weeks year 10 business residential trip year 9 History trip to France Parkash Term dates 2013/2014 Spring Term 2014 Term starts Tuesday 22nd April 2014 Monday 5th May—Bank holiday Half Term Holiday—26th May—30th May 2014 Term ends Friday 18th July—last day of term Secondary school finishes at 12:00 pm. Issue 4/ April 2014 page 16
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