- Rocky Mountain Buffalo Association
- Rocky Mountain Buffalo Association
The July/August 2013 Buffalo Rancher Official Newsletter of the Rocky Mountain Buffalo Association Important Dates: PLAN TO ATTEND! September 6-7 RMBA Fall Ranch Tour Genesee and Daniels Parks (see pg 13-15) Registration Deadline August 25 (see pg 15 for form) January 22 - 25, 2014 NBA GTSS In This Issue: Page 2— President’s Message Page 3— RMBA Spring Meeting Update Page 4-9— Peak To Peak Show Results/ Conference Updates Page 10— RMBA Booth at State FFA Convention Page 11— State/Regional Committee Report, Classified Ads Page 12— Hail the Mighty Dung Beetle Page 13-15 — RMBA Fall Ranch Tour Information Rocky Mountain Buffalo Association 303 S. Broadway, Ste B522 Denver, CO 80209 (c) Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved. No reprints or reproductions in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. Newsletter Chair: Patty Smith Proof Reading: Jill Crotty Editor and Advertising: Laurie Dineen — 303/857-9306 [email protected] Prairie Ridge Buffalo Producer of the Year at 10th anniversary Peak to Peak Show Ray and Debbie Thieman started Prairie Ridge Bison in 1999 with the purchase of 26 head of buffalo. They leased the old Denver Buffalo Ranch in 2002 and expanded their herd numbers to a high of 1200 head, with about 350 breeding cows. "We have a full time ranch operation with several of our family members getting involved," said Debbie. "Our daughter and son in law, Curtis and Rebecca Stanko have purchased buffalo and help out as needed. We also have two grandchildren, Aaron Thieman and Cannon Bennett who have started small herds. Our other children and grandchildren (total of 12) are always available to help out as needed as well." The Thieman's have set their market focus on selling quarters, halves and whole buffalo direct to customers and they also have an active hunt market. "We wanted to just be in cow calf business, however, with the downturn of the market around 2002, it forced us to develop a 'direct to consumer market', which we have kept up with until present," said Ray. They use the wholesale market to market their excess fats. "We sell some breeding stock, but have never made that our main focus," said Ray. "We have worked toward a good production herd and sell our calves through our market plus purchase an additional 100 to 200 calves each year," he continued. Ray and Debbie have been great supporters of the RMBA. Debbie has served as an officer with RMBA for several years and Ray has also put in his time as a board member. They are both active with the RMBA Colorado State Fair Bison Meat tasting event and promotion of the bison industry. Also great supporters of the Peak to Peak Show and Sale, Ray and Debbie have worked countless hours in preparation leading up to the show and sale, and Ray can be found in the yards unloading, feeding, watering, and loading animals after the completion. Animals from Prairie Ridge Buffalo have made there way to the Peak to Peak Show and Sale every year for the past 10 years. "We have only shown animals at the Peak to Peak Show and Sale, winning several awards along the way. This is a great feeling being named Producer of the Year for the 10th anniversary of this event," said Ray. continued on page 11 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 2013 - 2014 Board of Directors PRESIDENT Larry Higgins Heart Rock Bison 719/763-2439 VICE PRESIDENT Debbie Thieman Prairie Ridge Buffalo 719/775-8742 SEC-TREASURER Tudi Arneill 303-921-5632 DIRECTOR 13/14 David Hayes Spomer Bison Ranch 970/587-2001 DIRECTOR 13/14 Boyd Meyer Cold Creek Bison 970/396-2249 DIRECTOR 12/13 Tom Sowle Platte River Bison 308/539-6238 DIRECTOR 12/13 Brent Ginther BC Buffalo Ranch 785/462-0864 RMBA Official Web Site: buffaloranchers.com 303/243-0900 All RMBA meeting minutes and financials are available from Secretary-Treasurer Tudi Arneill 2 What happened to spring? Seems we went from winter to summer in a few short weeks, snow on the 6th of May and 87 degrees on the 17th of May. These weather changes do not bother the buffaloes however; we have been having healthy babies in this mixed bag of weather, unlike our beef cows, which I will describe as being " a wreck" this calving season. Conclusion and note to self: buy more buffalo!! So, as we move into summer, we are praying that the pasture conditions will improve over last year's lack of moisture. While nothing substitutes for ample moisture, range management is a key in maintaining grass. Unfortunately there are some places I have seen, (southeast Colorado), where they are in a condition of “no grazing” if possible. The wind has piled sand and dirt in drifts that we usually see with snow. These are difficult times to endure, however buffalo have a way of maintaining with limited resources. As some of you may know by now, it has been decided unanimously by the Board, and overwhelmingly by the membership to cancel the 2014 Peak to Peak Show and Sale. For me, and I am sure for others, it is a bittersweet decision. Many factors went into this decision, but the bottom line is we felt there is no longer a need for the sale, as most of the consignors over the last 4 or 5 years have no problems selling their animals privately. We will continue to monitor the needs of our members, and look into other means if and when things change. We have had some questions concerning the viability of the Association if we drop the sale. The Board feels that the Rocky Mountain Buffalo Association has been and will remain to be an important part of the buffalo industry in this region. Our plans are to continue the spring meeting, with perhaps some turn and learn sessions, guest speakers, banquet and of course,…. fun!! We will still do ranch visits, FFA involvement, State Fair and whatever else we feel is necessary to do, quoting our mission statement: "Promoting and preserving bison through education, research and marketing." Lastly on the topic of the Peak to Peak Show and Sale, I would like to thank those who over these 10 years have supported, assisted, helped and contributed to the success we have enjoyed. Many of you have put in countless hours and effort which makes the position of a president and of a sale chairman a tremendously easier task. So, with that said, from the inception, through these 10 years, THANKS again to all. God Bless, Larry Higgins 2013 - 2014 RMBA Board of Directors Pictured left to right: Larry Higgins, Brent Ginther, Debbie Thieman, Boyd Meyer, Tudi Arneill, Tom Sowle, and Dave Hayes. July/August 2013 — The Buffalo Rancher RMBA 10th Annual Spring Business Meeting & Banquet The Business Meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by President Larry Higgins. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved, financial report was presented and approved, a review of the previous year was reported, committee reports and upcoming activities were announced and elections were held. Officers elected were President; Larry Higgins, Vice President; Debbie Thieman, Secretary/Treasurer; Tudi Arneill, Board Members; Boyd Meyer, Tom Sowle, Dave Hayes and Brent Ginther. During the meeting President Higgins indicated that a number of members were questioning the wisdom of continuing the Peak to Peak Buffalo Sale. There followed a lively discussion both pro and con. Members were asked to complete a questionnaire and President Higgins indicated that the Board of Directors would continue to consider all options. Next on the agenda - Social Hour complete with cheese and buffalo sausage from Black Forest Bison. Needless to say, the discussion about the Peak to Peak Sale continued and dominated much of the conversation! T h e dinner bell rang and it was time to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of RMBA with a fabulous buffet featuring buffalo prime rib and lobster tail. The dinner was absolutely outstanding and the Embassy Suites staff did an excellent job in the preparation and presentation. After dinner there was a special recognition of Patty Smith. Patty has been involved in RMBA from its start and served many years on the Board as Secretary-Treasurer. Beyond years on the Board, whenever another hand was needed, Patty was always there. Her generous commitment of time and effort was instrumental in keeping the Association viable and functioning. She claims that now she is "just a member" -- leading to her new nickname - JAM. Next was the presentation of awards from the judging of the buffalo entered in the Peak to Peak Sale (see Peak to Peak Sale results pg 4). Once again, Rawhide Power Plant graciously donated their award money back to the RMBA. We can’t say enough for their continued support to our association! on certain auction items. It was all in fun and for the association. Thanks to Jud and Laurie for putting more than a few bucks in the Associations treasury! NBA Summer Conference Update Many RMBA members were able to attend the NBA Summer Conference in Dead Wood, SD and report that the DTBA was a gracious host and that the ranch tours were a great The last event of the evening was the fun auction. Auctioneer Jud Seaman was at his best - he was entertaining and was great at getting bidders involved in the process. Jud had some impromptu assistance from Laurie Dineen - she was instrumental in “convincing” a number of buyers that they absolutely needed to continue bidding The Buffalo Rancher — July/August 2013 success. Fun was had by all who attended! For more information on the Summer Conference, visit the NBA website. 3 Show Results Heifer Calves Gold - # 120 Prairie Ridge Buffalo Ray & Debbie Thieman Sponsor: Snyder Land & Development Silver - # 122 Rawhide Energy Station Charles Rogers Sponsor: Arikaree Buffalo Co. Josiah Higgins Bronze - # 116 Stonewall Bison Mason Meyer Sponsor: Lay Valley Bison Ranch Dan Martin & Patty Smith Honorable Mention - # 119 - Platte River Bison Tom & June Sowle Pen of 2 Heifer Calves Gold - # 10 AB Cold Creek Buffalo Boyd & Allison Meyer Sponsor: Sweet Water Bison Bill & Kathleen Rogers Silver - # 13 AB Platte River Bison Tom & June Sowle Sponsor: High Wire Ranch Dave & Sue Whittlesey A special Thank to our our Show Judges: John Commack and Travis Mickelson You Bronze - # 14 AB Prairie Ridge Buffalo Ray & Debbie Thieman Sponsor: Black Kettle Buffalo Ranch Dick Gehring A special Thank You to Ron Bradeen for emceeing the awards presentation, selling the fun auction items and calling the Peak to Peak Show and Sale and our Peak to Peak Sale Chairman, Boyd Meyer 4 July/August 2013 — The Buffalo Rancher Show Results Yearling Heifers Gold - # 212 Arikaree Bison Josiah Higgins Sponsor: Cold Creek Buffalo Company Boyd & Allison Meyer Silver - # 213 Prairie Ridge Buffalo Ray & Debbie Thieman Sponsor: Prairie Ridge Bison Ranch Ray & Debbie Thieman Bronze - # 211 Arikaree Bison Josiah Higgins Sponsor: Peak to Peak Elk Ranch Tom & Shirley Stelmach Pen of 2 Yearling Heifers Gold - # 21 AB Heart Rock Bison Larry & Jackie Higgins Sponsor: Spomer Ranch Dave Hayes Silver - # 23 AB Prairie Ridge Buffalo Ray & Debbie Thieman Sponsor: BC Buffalo Ranch Brent & Carolyn Ginther BUFFALEROS Bronze - # 22 AB Peak to Peak Elk Ranch Tom & Shirley Stelmach Sponsor: Rock River Bison Ranches Rex Moore Getten ‘er Done! Not all Buffaleros are pictured. A special Thank You to all that helped in the yards, before, during and after the Peak to Peak Show and Sale! The Buffalo Rancher — July/August 2013 5 Show Results Bull Calves Gold - # 106 Rawhide Energy Station Charles Rogers Sponsor: Adams Natural Meats Bryan & Mary Adams Silver - # 103 Heart Rock Bison Larry & Jackie Higgins Sponsor: Rocky Mountain Natural Meats Bob & Laurie Dineen Bronze - # 104 Prairie Ridge Buffalo Ray & Debbie Thieman Sponsor: Eagle’s Wing Ranch Bob, Claudia, Jim Beauprez Pen of 2 Bull Calves Gold - # 2 AB Cold Creek Buffalo Boyd & Allison Meyer Sponsor: Platte River Bison Tom & June Sowle Silver - # 3 AB Platte River Bison Tome & June Sowle Sponsor: Evergreen Memorial Park Ron & Carol Lewis Bronze - # 5 AB Horizon Buffalo Glen Marshall (Larry Higgins and Debbie Thieman accepting) Sponsor: Buffalo Groves, Inc. Dave & Marlene Groves Yearling Bulls Gold - # 261 Lone Tree Bison Gavin Meyer Sponsor: Heart Rock Bison Larry & Jacki Higgins Silver - # 260 AB Battle Ridge Bison Cayden Meyer Sponsor: Brian & Diane Ward 6 Bronze - # 262 AB Prairie Ridge Buffalo Ray & Debbie Thieman Sponsor: Medicine Wheel Ranch Vance Forepaugh & Jill Crotty July/August 2013 — The Buffalo Rancher Show Results Grand Champion Male # 106 - Bull Calf Rawhide Energy Station Grand Champion Female #212-Yearling Heifer Arikaree Bison Josiah Higgins Charles Rogers Sponsor: Mosquito Park Enterprises Rod Sather Sponsor: Diamond Tail Ranch Mike & Renee Duncan Reserve Grand Champion Male #261 - Yearling Bull Lone Tree Bison Gaven Meyer Reserve Grand Champion Female #21 A/B Pen 2 Yearling Heifers Heart Rock Bison Larry & Jackie Higgins Sponsor: Red Canyon Ranch Michael & Kathleen Gehr Sponsor: Rawhide Energy Station Charles Rogers 2013 Prairie Ridge Buffalo Producer of the Year Ray & Debbie Thieman Sponsor: RMBA Sale Results 2013 PEAK TO PEAK SALE TOTALS SHOW ANIMALS: # Sold Avg. Wgt. Yearling Heifers 3 860 Pen of 2 Yrlg Heifers 6 748 Heifer Calves 8 501 Pen of 2 Heifer Calves 12 447 Yearling Bulls 3 1155 Bull Calves 7 619 Pen of 2 Bull Calves 10 543 TOTAL SHOW 49 Total $ Avg. $ $ 5,100 $1,700 $ 8,800 $1,467 $ 8,450 $1,056 $11,450 $ 954 $ 8,800 $2,933 $10,650 $1,521 $13,200 $1,320 605 $ 66,450 $1,356 Avg$/lb. $1.98 $1.96 $2.11 $2.13 $2.54 $2.46 $2.43 PRODUCTION ANIMALS: # Sold Avg. Wgt. Heifer Calves 12 462 Yearling Heifers 3 564 Bull Calves 18 473 Yearling Bulls 5 701 Total $ Avg. $ Avg.$/lb $10,450 $ 3,000 $17,550 $ 6,850 $ 871 $1,000 $ 975 $1,370 $1.88 $1.77 $2.06 $1.69 TOTAL PROD. 44 507 $37,850 $ 996 $1.97 TOTAL SALE 87 562 $104,300 $1,199 $2.13 $2.24 The Buffalo Rancher — July/August 2013 7 Scenes from the 2013 Peak to Peak Show and Sale & RMBA Banquet A Lot of Smiles and 8 July/August 2013 — The Buffalo Rancher Good Times! The Buffalo Rancher — July/August 2013 9 RMBA Members Help Promote Buffalo at State FFA Convention Patty Smith On Tuesday, June 4, Tom & Shirley Stelmach and I set up the RMBA display booth at the State FFA convention held in Sterling, Colorado this year. We were the only display there that represented any livestock industry. NBA gave us videos and handbooks on Bison Handling and Management that we were able to give to FFA advisors. Tuesday was a quiet day - we really didn't talk to many FFA members or their advisors that day. We d n e s d a y, Larry Higgins, Vance Forepaugh and Jill Crotty joined me at the booth and we were able to visit with quite a few of the students and handed out about 15 of the videos and handbooks to advisors. “Vance and I were very impressed with all the kids we visited with,” said Jill. at the convention. We were thanked by many for our contributions. We would like to thank Rocky Mountain Natural Meats for helping us obtain the meat. I hope that we have given the Colorado FFA'ers not only a taste of our product but also some information that might spark their interest in raising bison. RMBA donated 320 lbs of buffalo brisket that was part of the Colorado FFA Alumni Feed Trough on Wednesday night - we were told they fed about 650 FFA members, advisors, sponsors and alumni. The brisket was great and garnered lots of compliments. RMBA has donated meat for the several years but this is the first year we had a presence 10 July/August 2013 — The Buffalo Rancher State/Regional Committee Report June 19, 2013 Submitted by Debbie Thieman Jim Matheson gave an update on the bisonadvantage.com website. An appeal had been sent out to the State and Regionals to help cover the $36 expense for the 2013/14 website hosting fee, which the NBA has already paid. The TBA is currently planning their October Bison Advantage workshop and will be in touch with Jim to promote the workshop. A brief update was given on the Farm Bill, which is currently being reviewed by the House of Representatives. The NBA is encouraging participation in the legislative round-up in DC during September, and they will be attending. The NBA Summer Conference agenda was given by Karen Conley and Jim Matheson. Currently over 200 attendees will enjoy an action packed schedule. The ranch day will be held at Cammack's Buffalo Ranch and will feature the "Girls Gone Wild" class that is pastured adjacent to the ranch day festivities. Jim gave an update on the 2014 Summer Conference and urged any State and Regionals interested in hosting the conference to contact him soon. The NBA will start site selection for 2014 shortly after the 2013 conference next week. There is tentative interest from the Missouri Bison Association to hold the conference in Branson, MO. Matheson informed the group that (per the action plan from the State and Regionals Las Vegas Summit last year) we will be reaching out to SR leadership in July to work on selecting potential nominees for the 2014 NBA board elections. Debbie Thieman asked about the education tent at the stockyards during the GTSS and whether we could bring it back if we had the volunteers to man it. Jim explained that we did not have the tent this year due to a lack of volunteers to man it, the responsibility of the tent falling on a few shoulders to handle the whole project, and the cost of the tent. Gail Griffin added that the lack of interest from the public and the loss of sponsors were other reasons it was dropped. Producer of the Year, RMBA Classified Advertising BUFFALO GAL YARNS Jill Klawonn at High Point Bison has four different buffalo yarns available. We offer fine hand-knit garments or you can create a one of a kind piece. [email protected] or call 970895-3303. TRANSPORTATION Dan Martin will haul your buffalo. No distance too far. Call: 970/824-9207. Your ad could be here! Call to place your FREE ad before the next issue! 303/857-9306 RATES: Classifieds — Each RMBA member receives one FREE ad/issue. Business Cards — Advertising in the RMBA newsletter costs just $45 for the entire year (5-6 issues) or just $10/issue. All ads must be pre-paid. Contact Laurie Dineen to place your ad today! [email protected] Classified Advertising Pays - especially when it’s FREE! cont. from pg 1 Thieman's lost the lease on the ranch last year and with drought have had to whittle their herd down to 100 cows and about 500 in feed lot. "We are In the process of looking for additional land to rent so we can expand to a larger cow herd. If not, we will organize our market around a smaller production herd, purchase less calves and maybe slow down a bit," said Ray. Ray & Debbie on NBA Summer Conference Ranch Tour this summer For the mean- The Buffalo Rancher — July/August 2013 time, Debbie, a teacher, has 2 more years and then she can retire and Ray is looking to serve a more active role with the NBA. They both have many more things to accomplish wether on a large or small scale. "What is exciting about the buffalo industry is there are always so many options on which way you can take an operation,” said Ray. “One way or the other, we plan to be around for many more years." 11 Hail the Mighty Dung Beetle If f we could have visited eastern Colorado 200 years ago, we'd have found massive herds of bison, estimated to be between 30 - 60 million animals. These animals would have grazed the grasses and forbs of the prairie, digested them, and finally excreted the remains as dung. Ten times a day, each and every bison would deliver a patty of dung to the prairie. This dung is a valuable and all-natural fertilizer but not available to the prairie plants until it is incorporated into the soil by dung recyclers, mostly dung beetles. Other insects, bacteria, fungus, etc. assist with dung recycling but the real heroes are the dung beetles. Dung beetles have developed basically three different lifestyles around and in the dung piles. Rollers can be observed shaping balls of dung which they roll to their prepared burrows and bury them for food or for their young to feed on while developing. Tunnelers bring the dung into tunnels underneath the pile, while dwellers live inside the piles themselves. The beetles find the piles by smell. Recent research in South 12 Africa has suggested that the rollers navigate their way away from the dung pile on moonless nights by using the hazy Milky Way in the night sky. Dung beetles are especially attracted to bison dung. We don't have any scientific studies from those days 200 years ago, but it is likely that the population was flourishing when the bison were abundant. As the bison populations declined, so did their dung beetle clean-up crews. As European settlers came west, bringing their exotic plants and livestock, they also brought European dung beetles. This invasion of "foreigners" changed the ecology of most of North America and the dung beetles were left without their bison dung. Dung beetles can survive on introduced cattle dung but only if it is grass-fed. Medicated cattle, partially fed on corn, can produce dung that is toxic to dung beetles. Today, in parts of North America, the dung beetle population is nearly 90% of the introduced species. Enter Dr. Frank Krell, Curator of Entomology at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. He initiated the Bison Beetle Project in 2008 at the West Bijou Site of the Plains Conservation Center (PCC), headquartered in Aurora, CO. He aims to find out how the reintroduction of the bison to a natural area will affect the dung beetle populations. Using three sections of land, the PCC entered into an agreement in 2007 with the Prairie Ridge Buffalo Ranch to graze between 30 and 40 head of bison, primarily a breeding Dr. Frank Krell herd of cows and a few bulls. The animals are considered a land management tool and educational element. Visitors enjoy viewing the herd and learning about the natural and cultural history of this iconic animal. Dr. Krell's study involves collecting ten buckets of bison dung that have dung beetles, once a month. Dung beetles are most likely to fly to dung piles that are about 24 hours old. These buckets are then filled with water and the beetles float to the top where they are collected, identified and preserved at the Museum. Collecting occurs during the warm months when the beetles are active. To quote Dr. Krell from his DMNS webpage: "If the presence of bison in an area results in a recovering, more efficient dung beetle fauna, bison herds may help to maintain soil quality in rangelands." The Bison Beetle Project is a longterm study of at least 10 years but some early results are being garnered. Updated state records of new beetles being found in Colorado for the first time will be published this year. For more information about the Bison Beetle Project, see the Denver Museum of Nature and Science website: www.dmns.org. For more information about the bison at the PCC, see their website: www.plainscenter.org. July/August 2013 — The Buffalo Rancher 2013 RMBA Fall Ranch Tour Genesee Park & Daniels Park September 6th & 7th are the dates for our ranch tour this year. We will be visiting the Denver Parks of Genesee and Daniels Park. A lot of us have been to the sale at Genesee, but probably very few of us have been to Daniels. Also we will have dinner at the Kachina Southwest Grill in the Westin Westminster Hotel. Friday, Sept. 6, at 12:30pm, we will meet at the corrals at Genesee (call for directions) and be given a tour of the park, facilities and a chance to view the herd. We will then meet at the Kachina Southwest Grill (which is in the Westin Westminster Hotel) at 6:00pm for social hour and dinner at 7:00. Many of you have been to the Westin Hotel for the NBA Winter Conference which was held there for many years (call for directions). For those that want to stay the nite, the Westin Hotel is available as well as the LaQuinta Inn nearby. (see numbers below for reservations). Saturday morning we will meet at Daniels Park, at 9:00 am for a tour of the park, facilities, a chance to view the herd. At noon we will have a picnic lunch of buffalo burgers. History Genesee Park Genesee is reported to be a Native American term for "shining valley." Cut by I70, the Park is in two parts. To the south of I-70, Genesee Mountain offers a 360degree view from its 8,284-foot summit, with Mount Vernon Canyon below. Bald Mountain, at 7,988 feet, is a prominent point on the north side of the park. On the north, the Park reaches all the way to Clear Creek Canyon, with its lowest elevation of 6,280 feet at the bottom. Denver's largest mountain park, Genesee offers diverse visitor experiences, from group gatherings and individual picnicking to bisonwatching along I-70 at Exit 254 and backcountry hiking on the historic Beaver Brook Trail. established at Daniels Park; both herds are managed at about 24 adult animals. Daniels Park Daniels Park is 21 miles south of Denver. Florence Martin donated the park to the City in two parcels. The first 40acre area at the shelter house was given in 1920. The remainder of the 1000.65 acres was donated in 1937. Most of the park is a Bison preserve and natural area where visitors can view the animals in a high-plains habitat. The 1,000-acre historic ranch in Douglas County is known for its bison herd, dramatic view of the mountains, historic ranch buildings, distinctive stone shelter, and Tallbull Memorial Grounds. For more information please contact the Denver Mountain Parks Office at 720.865.0900. In 1914, Denver acquired bison and elk from the herds at Yellowstone Park, and Genesee Park took on a new role in helping maintain these two species, then nearing extinction. Watching the bison herd along I-70 is still a major interest of park visitors. In 1939, a new bison herd was The Buffalo Rancher — July/August 2013 13 Fall Workshop Schedule Friday, September 6th, 2013 12:30 - 1:00 pm, registration at Genesee Park Corrals (see directions) 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Tour 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Social Hour Kachina Southwest Grill (see directions) 7:00 pm - Dinner: Kachina Southwest Grill Saturday, September 7th, 2013 8:30am - 9:00am - Gather at Daniels Park (see directions to Daniels Park) 9:00 am - 12:00pm - Tour 12:00 pm - Lunch at Daniels Park, (Buffalo burgers) Please register for the Fall Workshop by August 25th. Please Note: Lodging will be at your preference and location, there will be no host hotel for this event. Directions and Information Genesee Mountain Park 20 miles west of Denver on I-70 to Exit 254 (Genesee Park Exit) or Exit 253 (Chief Hosa Exit). Westin Westminster Hotel 10600 Westminster Blvd. Westminster, CO 80020 Off of Hwy 36 and Church Ranch Way (303) 410-5000 - hotel Kachina Southwest Grill (303) 410-5813 - restaurant in the Westin Westminster Hotel http://kachinagrill.com La Quinta Inn & Suites, Westminster Promenade 10179 Church Ranch Way, Westminster, CO 80021 Phone: 1-303-438-5800 Fax: 1-303-438-2120 Daniels Park Travel south on I-25 to exit 188 (Castle Pines Parkway), and go west to Daniels Park Road. Turn right (north) and travel 2 miles through the park. One may also go south on Santa Fe Drive through Sedalia and turn left onto Daniels Park Road. Fall Workshop information: Larry Higgins at 719/ 740 -1068 if you have questions. 14 July/August 2013 — The Buffalo Rancher FALL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION FORM Denver Mountain Parks Genesee and Daniels Park Buffalo Herds and Facilities September 6th & 7th 2013 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Names ________________________________________________________________________________________ Ranch Name ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Registration Fee Enclosed: #________ Adults #________ Children @ $20.00 $____________ No Charge #_______ Friday Supper at Kachina Southwest Grill @ $40 per person, including children TOTAL ENCLOSED $____________ REGISTRATION DUE: August 25th, 2013 **FRIDAY SUPPER AT Kachina Southwest Grill MUST BE RECEIVED BY AUGUST 25TH Send to: Rocky Mountain Buffalo Association 303 S Broadway, Suite B522 Denver, CO 80209 Fall Workshop information Larry Higgins at 719/ 740 -1068 if you have questions. The Buffalo Rancher — July/August 2013 15 303 South Broadway Suite B522 Denver, Colorado 80209 303/243-0900 www.buffaloranchers.com First Class Membership Application Join Today! Memberships New Renewal Lifetime Membership - only $1000 Dual Membership(couples) - only $85/year Individual - only $50/year First Name______________________ Last Name____________________________________ Ranch/Business Name _________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________State _______________________Zip ______________ Telephone ___________________________ Fax ____________________________________ Email _______________________________ Website ________________________________ Mail To: Rocky Mountain Buffalo Association 303 South Broadway, Suite B522 Denver, Colorado 80209 303/243-0900 www.buffaloranchers.com