Annual Report - Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation
Annual Report - Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation
Thank you for being the “I” in MRI. REPORT TO OUR COMMUNITY Year of the MRI! We are delighted to thank everyone who made a gift to the Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation this past year. During our recent fiscal year we received over $3.5 million from corporate, community and foundation donors. Throughout this report we will share with you some of the pieces of equipment we were able to purchase thanks to your continued support and generosity. Dear Friend of CMHF, It has been a busy year, filled with phenomenal gifts, events and new partnerships. We have had many exciting announcements this year about the expansion project at our hospital and we are excited to enter the next stage of fundraising for this project. Last spring we launched our “Be the I in MRI” campaign, and these past 10 months have truly become the year of the MRI. We are happy to report that the MRI machine is in its newly built suite and is performing approximately 17 exams daily. With this new piece of equipment our medical staff are better able to serve our patients and our community through earlier diagnosis of diseases and more accurate diagnosis of injury. It is because of the generosity of our community that we have been able to raise just over half of the $4 million needed to complete the funding for our MRI magnet and the construction of the MRI suite. Fundraising for MRI has enabled us to meet and engage more members of our community than ever before. We have spent most of the year strengthening our community and corporate partnerships, and building new relationships. As we look back on our success from last year, we cannot help but feel hopeful for the year ahead. Exciting changes are taking place here in the hospital, with the expansion on the horizon. We are looking forward to another wonderful year. Thank you for your commitment to Cambridge Memorial Hospital and for your continued support. With sincere thanks, Susan Brown Foundation Board Chair Thank You Although we greatly value every donor to the hospital, space allows us only to acknowledge a select few in this publication. The following are those who have given gifts of $250.00 or more this past fiscal year: 2040177 Ontario Ltd 828421 Ontario Inc Sunlight Heritage Homes A.F. “Sandy” Forbes, Insurance Broker Abraham, Isabella Abrams, Dr. Mitchell Achmann, Albert & Ursula Achtymichuk, Dr. Gerald Acores Socidade De Santo Imperio Action Coach Business Coaching Adams, Leonard Aecon Group Inc African Lion Safari Agnew Peckham & Associates Ltd Ahmed, Ibrahim All Through the House Allan, Linda Allen, Glen Amigas Dinner Anderson, Dr. David & Bonnie Anderton, Ken & Audrey Anonymous Antcliffe, Allan & Margot AnyWare Group Inc Armenian Prelacy of Canada Inc Armstrong, Glen Armstrong, Paul Armtec Infrastructure Income Fund Ash, Helen Astins, Al & Helen Atkins, John & Dr. Susan Atlas, Dr. Jason Attridge, Donald Ayr Farmers Mutual Insurance Co Jennifer White Executive Director Babcock & Wilcox Canada Ltd Bailey, Louise Bainwohl, Sabrina Bairos, Antonio Bal, Dr. Sharon Bald, Kenneth Banks, Lara Barker, Macarena Barrday Inc Barrie, George & Gwen Bartholomew-Saunders, Douglas Bauman, Paul & Marlene Bayus, Beverly BDO Canada LLP Beattie, David & Verna Beaver, Robert & Carol Bechtel, Linda Beechey, Todd 2011-2012 Foundation Board of Directors Susan Brown – Chair Naveen Rakkar – Vice Chair Natalie Bodnar – Treasurer Robert Cunningham Patrick Gaskin – Hospital President & Chief Executive Officer Barry Kennedy Dr. Michael Lawrie – Chief of Staff Angelo Loberto – Hospital Rep Bev Martin Robert (Sam) Purdy Surekha Shenoy Mike Takacs Ken Zelazny Bereaved Families of Ontario-Midwestern Region Berends, Eka Berg, Lloyd Berger, Genie Bevan, Raymond Beveridge & Brown Clinic Pharmacy Biswas, Dr. Iqbal & Julie Hussain Blackmore, Melissa Blake, J. Frank & Bessie Blasman, John & Anne Bloomfield, Rob & Diane BMO Bank of Montreal BMO Bank of Montreal Ontario Regional Division BMO Employee Charitable Foundation Bodnar, Terry & Denise Boland, Hugh & Betty Bonney, Evelyn Bosdale Farms Inc. Boughner, Douglas Bourgeois, Dr. Jacqueline Bowry and Associates Inc. Brake, Maxine Bramhill, Percy & Rhoda Brar, Mukhtiar Brett, Jean Bridgeway Foundation Brokenshire, Larry & Rosanne Brousseau, Frances Brown, Frances Brown, Susan & Terry Broydell, Wallace & Grace Brubacher, Ada Brunsden, Elizabeth Brunton, Bernice 1 Report to our Community LYLE S. Hallman Foundation On June 8, 2011 the Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation (CMHF) received its largest foundation gift to date, the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation showed their commitment to the Cambridge community by making a $1 million donation to the Foundation’s MRI campaign. The Lyle S. Hallman Foundation is a granting foundation continuing a tradition of giving, focused in its home of Waterloo Region, supporting health, education and children’s initiatives that inspire and grow individual and community potential. The investment by the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation highlighted the regional significance of the MRI. “The Hallman Foundation is proud to support this initiative as MRI technology brings a much-needed service and measurable results to our communities. The additional MRI at CMH will not only provide over 3,000 scans to patients in the region, but it will also help to reduce wait times for everyone in our Region,” says Hallman Foundation Chair, Jim Hallman. The MRI was installed at CMH on February 13, 2012 with the first patient scans taking place in early March. The donation made by the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation kick started the CMH Foundation’s MRI campaign tremendously. Having a regionally significant Foundation donate such a large grant to the MRI campaign helped to raise the community’s awareness of the campaign and helped other organizations consider the impact of our MRI within the community. Photos by: JPB Photography Budget Propane Corporation Bulla, Paul & Colleen Burbidge, Louise Butler, Ann Butt, Nazir & Nasreen Butt, William BUZZCO International Inc. Cabral, Maria & Fernando Caley Orthodontic Lab Ltd Cambridge & North Dumfries Community Foundation Cambridge & North Dumfries Hydro Inc Cambridge Aggregate Services Inc Cambridge ALP Imaging Services Cambridge Brass Cambridge Cares Cambridge Chamber of Commerce Cambridge Eye Care Cambridge Heat Treating Inc Cambridge Lodge #188-IOOF Cambridge Mack Cambridge Memorial Hospital VA Cambridge Pro Fab Inc Cambridge Professional Firefighters Association Cambridge Shrine Club Cambridge Times Cambridge Toyota Inc. Cambridge Transmission Limited Cambridge Volkswagen Inc. Cameron, Dr. Clare Campbell, Don & Shirley Campbell, Laura Campbell, Ray & Charlotte Canada Motor Car (CMC) Cambridge Canadian Tire Store # 52 - Paul Medeiros Enterprises Ltd Carlton, Edward & Barbara Carson, Cindy Carvalho, Antonio & Maria Castle Cooper Inc Casto, Maria Castro-Roman, Mary Caswell, Roy Cello Products Inc. Chaves, David Cherniak, Dr. Victor Chouinard, Dr. Edmond CIBC Cimbron, Ana City Carpet Clail, Peggy Clark, Alan & Sherry Clark, Edith Clark, Victoria & Gary Clarkson, Colin Clarkson, Hilda Cline, Suzanne Closs, Lloyd & Verna CMH Medical & Professional Staff Association Coates, Alan Coldwell Banker Maximum Results Real Estate Services Cole, Marlaine Collaborative Structures Limited Collins-Wright, Robert & Lavonne Collision Plus Colson Casters Ltd. COM DEV Ltd Conestoga College Institute of Tech. & Advanced Learning Connell, Patricia Conrad, Christine & Adrian Coobs, Henry Co-operators General Insurance Co Coronation Dental Specialty Group Corporation of the City of Cambridge Coulter, Ross Cowan, Maureen & Matthew Cowan Insurance Brokers Ltd Crawford, Lloyd & Brenda Cressman, Reg & Katherine Crosby, Dr. John Crossey, Derrick Crump, Edward & Marilyn Cunningham, Patricia Curik, Robert & Anjela CW Kitchens Inc Cyr, Dr. Pamela & Dr. Michael Czekaj, Jozefa Czerkaski, Sophie D5D Enterprises Limited Dahmer, Kenneth & Carol Dal Hastings Ortwein Paving DaRocha, Cesar & Albina Davidson, Dr. Carolyn & Tim Davidson, Monty Davis, Kim DeBrusk, Howard & Margaret Delta Elevator Co Ltd DeMars, Janice Demmery, Mike & Carolyn Dendy, Nick Derks, Peter & Thea DeZURIK Employees Dickson, Lorna Dion, Roger & Denise Dix, Patsy Dodge, Ken Doe, Diana Doherty, Joel & Gloria Donkers Millwrighting Services, Inc. Donohue, Evelene Donovan, Peter 2 Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation CAMBRIDGE CARES Every once in a while, in the face of adversity, something magical happens. Despite losing her sister to cancer, Gail Growden felt the kind of care she and her family received at CMH needed to be recognized. It didn’t take long for Growden to decide that she was going to do something different. She wanted the staff of CMH to know they inspired something within her. Growden, a full-time kindergarten music teacher, is so passionate about the fundraising she does. “I get more from it than I give,” said Growden. With the task of keeping up with her day job, Growden has dedicated much of her spare time to sourcing talent, prizes and donations for the Cambridge Cares fundraiser. Over three years the fundraiser has donated $48,314 to help improve care at CMH, most recently to MRI. “The people in healthcare are angels on earth,” said Growden. “You have to be a special person to work in healthcare.” Three years ago, Growden made it official. She walked into the CMH foundation office, met Sue Lockett, Development Officer, and said “I want to do a fundraiser and I’ve never done this before. Am I crazy?” Needless to say, three years later the Cambridge Cares fundraiser is a raving success and has earned CMH various pieces of equipment proving that Growden is anything but crazy. “When Gail first approached the Foundation, I was very touched by her personal story and impressed with her desire to give back to CMH,” said Lockett. “This is one of the best things about my job; helping community volunteers ‘grow wings’ and realize their dreams to make a difference.” Doran, Nigel & Sharon Dowson, Judy Doyle Capital Corporation Drill Doc Ltd Drumbo Transport Ltd Drury, Douglas Duarte, Frank Duarte, Tony Dumfries Mutual Insurance Co Dunbar, Moira Duxbury, Paul & Kim Easton, Leslie Easton, Stewart Edmunds, Bernice El Ghamudi, Dr. Abdulhakim & Fouzia Drah Ellis, Bruce & Laura Ellis, Doris Emary, Dr. Peter & Colleen Eramosa Physiotherapy Associates-Hespeler Erba, Tony Escobar, Maria Eugenio, Dr. Arthur Evans, Agnes Evans, Gary Evans-Galway, Angela exp. Services Inc. Fadden, Dr. Tracy Fairley, Dr. Robert & Joan Fairview Mennonite Homes FaithLife Financial Falconer, Laurie Fanstone, Donald & Myra Farm Mutual Reinsurance Plan Inc. Farris, Mary Fastenal Canada Ltd. Feelings From The Heart Cambridge Cares is a group of individuals who as a team recognize the efforts of the staff at CMH. Each member has been touched by the care provided to them or someone close to them and they want to give back. “There is so much good that happens here,” said Growden. “We feel strongly about what they are doing and we want to give back. Gail Growden Gail and her team work together to bring the Cambridge Cares fundraiser to life. They will be holding their fourth annual fundraiser in April 2013. “At such a reasonable ticket price, anyone in the community can be a part of this,” said Growden. Thanks to the dedication and commitment to excellent care by CMH staff, this group of citizens are inspired to help to put the magic back in the community. Written by: Christine Dainard Photos by: Carrie Warner Fennell, David & Joan Figueiredo, Jose & Julia Firmani, Lynne First United Church Fisher, Oliver Fisk, Joan & Bryan Flamand, Dr. Francois & Christine Floval Equipment Ltd Foote, Betty Foote, Dr. Margaret Forsyth, Laverne & Elizabeth Fortner, Barbara Foss, Harriett France, Harold & Ellen Frape, Dr. Nori Frazer, Beverley G.A. Masonry Gaetan, Angelo Tiny Cakes Galt Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ltd. Galt View Restaurant/ 2240309 Ontario Ltd Gaskin, Patrick & Fiona Main Geddes, Dr. Jay Geddes, Dr. Scott & Val Gener-Portugal, Gina Marie George, Alan & Carole GeoSmart Energy Inc. Gerdau Cambridge Inc, Local 8918 Gibson, Lynn & David Girard, Matthew Gleed, Robert Goebel, Gordon & Sarah Goklara Investments Inc. Gonzalez Lejarza, Dr. Rogelio Gore Mutual Insurance Co Gower, Lloyd & Linda Gowlings Grafinger, Fred Graham, John & Amelia Graham, Mathew & Partners LLP Grapes, Dr. Bert & Margaret Gray, David & Joyce Green, Allan & Dorothy Green, Jean Green, J & H Green Horizons Group of Farms Ltd Gregoroff, Susan Growden, Gail Growden, Glenda Gulenchyn, Dr. Karen Hacking, Reta Haddad, Dr. Dimitri Hall, Susan Hallam, Peter Hankinson, Dr. Keith Hanley Painting and Renovations Harrison, Barbara Hart, Margaret Harvey, Dr. J. & Ann Haskett, David Hayward, Ruby Heath-Clifton, Brenda Hermann, Harry Hermer, Coleen & Dale Hickey, James Hilborn, Allan Hilker, Kelly Hillier, Brett & Darlene Himelfarb, Proszanski LLP Hinde, John & Eleanor Hinton, Sheri Hobden, Jennifer & Douglas Hodgson, Carol 3 Report to our Community FUNDRAISING EVENTS AMIGAS “Amigas” (meaning friends) are a group of Portuguese ladies that plan an annual ladies dinner each year that encourages women to celebrate friendship on a special day. This year’s Amigas dinner was a night filled with delicious food, exciting entertainment and great draw prizes. The Amigas Ladies raised over $15,000 at their Friendship Dinner, towards the MRI at Cambridge Memorial Hospital (CMH). Next year’s funds will be directed to another department at CMH. Thank you! Obrigado! DeZurik's Cancer Walk DeZURIK’s 2nd annual walk/run event, in June 2011 was an overwhelming success, raising over $20,000 for Medical Day Care at Cambridge Memorial Hospital (CMH). This money helped to purchase new pieces of patient equipment that will assist in cancer diagnosis and treatment, including 3 portable scales, 2 stretchers and one commercial grade ice machine for our Medical Day Care clinic. Why do they do it? “Because they care” about their family and friends who have been touched by cancer. physician's gala While doctors at Cambridge Memorial Hospital (CMH) spend every shift caring for patients, this year, a group of physicians and medical professionals decided to take another step towards helping the members of our community, by hosting the first annual Physician’s Gala at Langdon Hall. The proceeds Holiday Inn Cambridge Hollinger, Denise Holmes, George & Elizabeth Holy Spirit Catholic School Honeywell Limited Hood, Perri Hope, Douglas & Shirley Horner, Michael & M. Jocelyn Horning, William Howard, Paul & Sharon Howey, Ronald & Rae Howison, Dr. Robert & Janice Howlett, Robert & Muriel Huddle, Jon & Chantal Hughes, Dr. Tracy Hurst, Harold & Orena Hurst, James Hurst, Veronica Hutcheson, Gary & Denise Hyde, Sherrill Hygate, Rex & Isobel Ilavsky, Sharon IODE Preston Chapter Irwin Foster Inc. Islamic Centre of Cambridge Isley, Gerald & Helen J.D. Melo Haulage Jackson, Doug James, Robert & Ruth Jamieson Whetham Electric Inc. Jan, Dr. Edgar Janssen, John Jenkins, Joan JKM Custom Fabricating John Posthumus Memorial Golf Tournament Johnson, David & Susan Johnson, Lina Jonas, Barbara Check our website often! from this year’s gala went towards the MRI campaign at CMH. In 2011-12, our physicians and medical professionals proudly donated over $150,000 in gifts and pledges. best bites Best Bites -A Hollywood Affair, jointly presented by RBC and MNP, offered a complete selection of gourmet food and beverage, in addition to lively entertainment provided by Matt Storch and the Usual Suspects, as well as an exciting costume contest and a thrilling live auction. This annual fundraising partnership with the Rotary Club of Preston Hespeler takes place on the second Sunday in September at Shades Mills Conservation Area. Our 2012 event will celebrate the fun and glamour of Las Vegas. Visit for tickets and information. Spring Classic & President's Invitational Amigas DeZURIK’s Cancer Walk Our Foundation hosts two annual golf events: the Spring Classic at Savannah Golf Links, and the President’s Invitational at the Galt Country Club. This year the proceeds from both tournaments were directed towards the MRI Campaign at CMH. Photo by: Bob Vautour Jones, Garvin & Janet Jones, George Jones, Glen Journey of Caring Kasaboski, Alex Kavanagh, Dr. James & Barbara Keith, Karen Anderson Kelly, Joe & Heather Kempthorne, Harry & Kathleen Kendall, Mark & Monique Kennedy, Barry Kennedy, Eilish & Iain Kerr, Dorothy Keyes, Gary Kinette Club of Preston King, Douglas & Jean King, Freeman & Evelyn Kinsmen Club of K-W Kirkham & Jack Inc. Spring Classic Klaassen, David Klager, Charles & Janice Klahsen, Dr. Andrew Knowles, Janice Knox Preston Presbyterian Church Koho Food Services Inc Kolic, George Kolic, Terry Kolyn, Dr. Donna M. Komar, Antonia Krebsz, John & Marlene Kroeger, Ken Kumar, Ragbir Kurzawski, Patricia Kwik Kopy Design & Print Centre Laberge, Jackie LaFontaine, Don & Joyce Lam, Anthony Langdown, Bill & Sheila Lanktree, Dr. Bruce & Jean Lanno, Denis Laurentian Bank of Canada Lawrence, Glen & Ellen Lawrie, Dr. Michael & Louise Lawrie, Robert & Judy Layzell, George Leadbetter, Ethel LeBourdais, Linda Leckie, Wallace & Colleen LeClerc, Paul Lee, Lorrie Lee, Dr. Winnie & Dr. Augustin Nguyen Leggett, Karen Lehmann, John LEO Pharma Inc. (1983) Leone, Dr. Karen Leone, Paul & Angela Lewis, Marilyn Linton, Joan Lions Club Ayr-North Dumfries Lions Club of Galt Cambridge Inc Little, David Little, Roger Littlejohn, Joan Lloyd, Dorothy Lloyd, Jack Loberto, Angelo & Monica Lockston, William & Joanne Logikor Inc Loosemore, Daniel Loosemore, Paul Lopes, Shari Luce, Hazel Lundquist, Dr. Ahti Lyle, Donna Lyle, Sarah & Matthew 4 Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation Your Generous Donations We are so grateful to all our corporate and community partners for helping to make a difference by building a healthier community for us all to live in. Some of the items purchased in 2011-2012 include: Financial Snapshot MRI Magnet MRI Construction Stretchers Vital Sign Monitors LED Phototherapy Lifescan Glucometer ICU Beds Pulmonary Function Equipment Infant Warmer Adult Ventilators Nursing Education Pharmacy Education PACS Scales for Medical Day Care Endoscope Ice Dispenser for Medical Day Care Anesthetic Machines Infant Scales Stay Informed Lyle S. Hallman Foundation Lywood, Rosemary M & M Restaurant & Sports Bar MacDonald, Helen MacDougall, Kim Machnicki, Janina MacInnes, Cheryl MacKay, Lucy MacKenzie, May MacLean, Candace MacMillan, Douglas & Helen Madill, Robert Maheshwari, Dr. Anil Maidment, David & Karen Maidment, Edward & Audrey Maidment, Grace & Alan Malatches, Kelly Mandel, Alois & Anna Marquis, David Marshall, Rocert & Barbara Martin, Dr. Glenn & Pauline Martin, Hugh & Judy Martin, Keith & Jackie Hatherly-Martin 2010-2011 Annual Gifts 506,615 609,275 Investment Income 279,223 342,871 Major Gifts 326,793 1,400,880 Legacy Gifts 2011-2012 1,727,754 257,686 Once Voice One Vision Pledge Payments 109,829 375,119 Special Events 501,815 525,351 Total Revenue $ 3,452,029 Total Expenses $ 768,253 3,511,182 849,934 Legacy Gifts Our aim is to keep you connected with what is happening at CMH and with our various community events and fundraisers. Check in with us on the go, at the following sites: @CMH_Foundation Fiscal Years Facebook LinkedIn Martin, Lynda Martin, Sherri Mathai, Dr. Shyla Mathew, Dr. Paul & Dr. Jasmine McAnsh, Clifford & Hazel McBain, Isobel McClurkin, Bob McCowan, Martha McCoy, Norman & Doreen McCue, George & Gail McDonald, Grant McGeoch, Andrew & Karin McGrath, Ann McIntyre, Jane McIsaac, Donald & J. Barry McKay, S. Allan McKinley, Ruth McLeod, Barbara McLeod, Robert McMullen, William McMurray, Josephine McNeil, Russell & Jean Medbuy Corporation Melady, Patrick & Doris Melo, Maria Mercer, Edith Merkir, William MNP LLP Milestone Integrated Marketing Millar, Peter Miller, Margaret Miller, Orval Miller, Robert & Ann Miller Thomson LLP Miske, Ray & Wendy Mitchell, Jean Mitchell, William Mitchell, William & Bonnie Moeller, Norman Moore, Donald & Christine Moore, John Moore, Neil & Lois Morneau Shepell Ltd. Morris, Dr. Anna Morris, Matt Mortgage Advisors (Cambridge 2008) Inc. Moura, Celso & Maria Stanley F. Stoyle Manfred Bentin Joan E. Bullock Carrie Peck Robert A. Cowan Jean M. Midgley Helga A. Payne Rodger Lester If your future plans include a donation to the hospital, we would love to know about your intentions! Nothing is more meaningful that the opportunity to thank you and celebrate your generosity during your lifetime. Planning ahead helps reduce taxes and teaches future generations about the power of philanthropy. Please contact us at 519-740-4966 if you would like more information about legacy giving. Moura, Marlene Moyes, Anne MTD Products Ltd Mulder, Joseph Murdock, Ross Murphy, Norm & Catherine Myska, Marty Nahrgang, Stan & Donna Nairn, Phyllis Nancy Tomkins Denturist Professional Corporation Neely, Marjorie Nicholas, Dr. Paul & Valerie Nicholls, Bill & Kay Nikolaou, Peter & Alexandra Nixon, Robert & Dorothy Norwich, Ed Novo, Maria Nugent, Leo & Patricia Nykamp, Dr. Hank & Bev Oberlander, Helmut & Margaret Oberlerchner, Marlene O’Brien, John O’Connor, Dale & Jim O’Dell, Iris O’Dell, Philip O’Donovan, Sheila Oldfield, Dr. Lorne & Marjorie Olesen, Anne Olney, Larry & Anita O’Neill, Jeannine Opavsky, Jon & Susan OPSEU-Local 239 Order of Eastern Star Preston Springs Chapter 208 Organizacao do Imperio Mariense Organizacao Terra Dos Bravos Osborn, Charles Osbourne, Margaret Ottney, William Pandey, Dr. A. Shekhar Parke, Barbara Parkway Auto Recyclers Pavey, Law, & Witteveen, LLP Pearsell, Elsie Pengelly, Mike & Janice Perioperative Staff at CMH Peter G. Hallman Ins. Brokers Ltd. Peter Hay Knife (1985) Ltd. Petras, William Philco 2003 Phillips, Chuck & Sara Nixon Pimentel, Vincente & Constantina Pitz, Clifford & Erma Plad Properties Inc. Plumridge, Doris Popuri, Dr. Ramu Porter, Peter Portuguese Club of Cambridge Portuguese Community Counsil of South Western Ontario Post, Lorne & Barb Poweska, Dr. David Poynter, Andrew & Madeleine Precimac Tool Ltd. Pride Signs Ltd. Primemax Energy Inc Prno, Deborah Process Group Inc Prociw, Mike & Carolyn Crum Prokopowicz, Joe Promed Properties (CA) Inc 5 Report to our Community OuR Continued Thanks! Purdy, Doug Purdy, Robert (Sam) & Gwyn Queen’s Square Terrace Rakkar, Naveen RBC Commercial Banking RBC Dominion Securities Inc. RBC Foundation RBC Royal Bank Re/Max Real Estate Centre Inc. Reay, Nancy Reid, Ken & Jane Reid’s Heritage Homes Ltd Reier, Ken & Eileen Reis, Carlos & Karen Reis, Jose Reitz, Tom Renwick, Gordon & Maggie Residents of St. Peter’s Place Retired Teachers of OntarioDistrict 11 Reynolds, William & Alice Reynolds Custom Machine Inc. Ribeiro, Pedro Riddell, John Ridsdale, Dr. David & Nancy RIM-Corporate Philanthropy Robbins, Eleanor Robbins, Peter Robertson, Darrell & Tonia Robertson Automotive Rockwell Automation Canadian Trust Roffey, Natalie Rosenberg, Leonard Ross and Doris Dixon Charitable Foundation Ross C. McKellar Sales Inc Rotary Club of Cambridge Preston-Hespeler Rotary Club of Cambridge Sunrise Rowles, Marie Roy. Bernard & Gilberte Royal Canadian Legion Branch 121 Royal Canadian Legion Branch 126 Royal Canadian Legion Branch 272 Royal Canadian Legion - Ladies Auxiliary Branch 272 Ruddick, Jean Russ, Richard & Karen Russell, Doreen Russell, Louise Ryan, Helen Samolczyk, Drs. Tom & Janet Sanders, Robert J. & Alison Sanderson, Irene Sauder, Jim Scaller, George Scapinello, Ido & Mildred Schaefer, Floyd & Helen Schenk, John & Christina Schiedel, Ron & Susan Schiedel, Shirley Schiedel Construction Inc Schmidt, Gerard Schneider, Don & Junne Schoenfeld, Merle Schuman, John & Anne Schwarz, William & Nancy Scott, Margaret Scott, Walter & Joanne Scrivens, Kelly Seek Solutions Inc Seeley, Bruce & Karen Seldentuis, John Septodont of Canada Inc Shafir, Dr. Mark Shannon, Roy Shantz, Winifred Sharma, Rakesh & Nisha Sharp, Allison Sharp, Marilyn Sharratt, Rita Shaver, Dr. Donald Shenker, Dr. Robert Shoppers Drug Mart Short, Dr. Roger Shuhaibar, Dr. Hafez Sigel, Gordon & Darlene Sigurdson, Russell & Lillian Silver Star Society-Cambridge Chapter Sims, Ann Sims, Dr. Louise Sims, W. & Joan Skillman, Dr. Jean & Dr. William Nickling Skinner, Marianne Slade, Kenneth & Jayne Slattery, Barbara Slotegraaf, John & Pamela Smellie, Gladys Smith, Beth Marie & Gord Smith, Brad & Denise Smith, Penelope Snyder, Patricia Snyder, Peter & Marilyn Souder, Marjorie Source Point Business Group South Waterloo Naval Veterans’ Association Southworks Outlet Mall Inc Spaenaur Inc Spencer, Kenneth Spurgeon, Albert Squires, Albert & Pamela St Thomas Ladies Guild St. Elizabeth Catholic School St. Gregory Parish St. James Anglican Church Women Stager, Charles Stantec Architecture Ltd Stantec Consulting Ltd Stapleton, Dr J. K. Stauffer, Isabelle Steed & Evans Ltd Stevenson & Hunt Stewart, Edward Stewart, Fred Stewart, Gordon Stewart, Irene Stewart, Karen & Michael Thomas Stewart, Katherine Stork, Mike & Hennie Stoyles Fish & Chips Strauss, Dr. Paul & Cathy Stritychuk, Margaret Struck, Josephine Stuart, William & Marjorie Suds Express Inc Sutherland, Joan & Sidney Sutton, Rita Sweeney, Anne Marie T. Little Funeral Home & Cremation Centre Takacs, Steve Taylor, Cyril & Doris Taylor, Jennifer TD Commercial Banking TD Investment Services Inc. Teed, Donald & Genny Tennenbaum, Erica Teodorescu, Mircea The Arthur Press Ltd The Hespler Medical Clinic The Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation Thompson, Donald & Mary Tibbo, Dr. Perry Tiercel Technology Corp. Tim Hortons Tomkinson, Elizabeth Toth, Susan Treasures Publications Tremaine, Ken & Pearl Trudel, Odette & Andre Unger, Dr. Ivan Uniglobe Donaldson Travel United Kingdom Club of Cambridge United Way of Cambridge & North Dumfries United Way Ottawa UPI Energy Veglia, Lina Vollmer, Maria Voros, Dr. Gabe Vreeland, Barry & Maureen VRM W. S. Nicholls Construction Inc W. S. Wood Associates Ltd. Walls, David & Kathleen Ward, Dr. Kenneth Watson, John Webber, Bryan & Gayle Wehrle, Inez Wells, Harry & Audrey Wellwood, Marion Welsand, Bruno & Charlotte Welsh, Andrew Westacott, Dr. Paul Westbrook, John & Rita Whetham, Roger & Audrey Whistle Bear Golf Club White, Jennifer & Darrell Whittaker, Terry & Linda Wickens-Schiedel, Susan Wildfong, Bill & Audrey Wiles, Norman & Marjorie Wilk & Wilk Orthodontics Wilkinson, Dr. John Wilkinson, Marilyn Willard, Gordon & Patricia Williamson, Albert & Mary Jane Williamson, Paul & Marissa Wills, Christopher Wilson, Ron & Helen Winser, William & Glenda Witmer, Bruce & Pat Kinzie Woeller Group Inc. Wohlgemut, Horst & Sharon Wong, Dr. William Hau-Ki Wood, David Wood, Richard & Susan Woods, Deborah Wright, Ken & Ruth Wyard, Kenneth Wyatt, Robert & Beverley Wybrow, Scott Wyllie, Jane Wynette, Edward & Joanne Xerox Canada Ltd Xylotek Solutions Inc Yach, Edgar & Rita Your Neighbourhood Credit Union Yuzek, Matthew & Barbara Zadori, Paul Zinkann, Roxy Yes! I Want to Help Cambridge Memorial Hospital Purchase an MRI. Here is my gift of: $500 $300 YOUR INFORMATION: ® $100 $60 $40 $ I would like to become a monthly supporter! Here is my first monthly gift of: $20 $30 $50 $ other Name: Address: other City: Province: Postal Code: Tel: ® PAYMENT OPTIONS: SINGLE GIFT Email: Credit Card (Please fill out information on the right) Cheque (Payable to Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation) CREDIT CARD INFORMATION: ® MONTHLY GIFT Credit Card (Please fill out information on the right) Cheque (*I authorize Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation to debit my bank account on the 1st each month.) Name on Card: Card #: Expiry: 700 Coronation Blvd Cambridge, Ontario N1R 3G2 p: 519-740-4966 f: 519-740-4971 [email protected] Signature: Charitable Business No. 11882 6288 RR0001 Gifts can be made anytime at In January 2011 the Minister of Health and Long Term Care, Honourable Deb Matthews, arrived at Cambridge Memorial Hospital (CMH) with some very exciting news, after a great deal of waiting CMH was given the green light to purchase an MRI. Just a little over one year later the MRI is in place and running scans daily. MsRliIves save Dear Friend of CMHF, An MRI is especially important for an acute care hospital like CMH that treats patients with cancer, musculoskeletal and neurological diseases. The fast and clear diagnoses provided by MRI will translate into quality patient care for your friends and loved ones. With the community’s support we have made tremendous progress in our fundraising for the MRI campaign, having raised over half of the $4 million that is required for the MRI. However, we still your help raising the remainder for the MRI. Once again we are asking for your help. Your gift 700 Coronation Blvd. Cambridge, ON N1R 3G2 [email protected] to MRI will help us complete this campaign, and allow us to focus on other priority patient equipment. Thank you for your continued generosity and support of our hospital’s vision “exceptional healthcare through exceptional people”. Sincerely, Jennifer White Executive Director 2319756 “Be the ‘I’ in MRI” Campaign artwork conceived and created by Milestone Integrated Marketing. Annual Report designed by Two Blonde Chicks Inc. THANK YOU!
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