NaturalParadise - Turismo de Asturias


NaturalParadise - Turismo de Asturias
#shopping #vanguard
#enviroments #leisure
Design: Paco Currás Diseñadores
Layout: Creativos Cayco
Cartography: Intermapa
Texts: Sociedad Pública de Gestión y Promoción Turística y Cultural del Principado de Asturias, SAU, on texts
by Antón G. Fernández
Traslation: Claudine Centro de Idiomas y Traductores and Tradelia, Orchestra
Photography: Cover - Benedicto Santos. Inside pages - Alfonso Suárez, Files PCSL and own Files
Printing: Imprenta Mundo, S.L.U.
D.L.: AS- 03147-2015
sturias is a triadic region being divided into East,
Centre and West. From the North to the South, it is
shaped by the coast, the middle valleys and the mountains.
Both the”trisquet” as a popular decorative element taken
from Asturian ethnography and the triplet window
characteristic of Asturian Pre Romanesque have become
the tourist logos of the Region. Once again number three
is present in the most relevant human settlements in the
Principality of Asturias: Avilés, Gijón and Oviedo form a
triangle where Oviedo is the administrative capital city while
Gijón and Avilés as trade and financial exchange centres for
being port cities.
Oviedo, founded in year 761, was the only capital city of
a Christian kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula during the
8th and 9th centuries. Nowadays, this restored, impeccable
and dynamic city has a high-level and constantly growing
amount of facilities and services without forgetting its past
and missing the opportunity of being innovating.
Gijón, inhabited from the 5th century B.C by the “Cilúrnigos”
(Asturian people), was chosen by the Romans as their settlement (1st century A.C) because of its bay and geographic
location. The presence of relevant archaeological remains
(salting factory, walls, baths) proofs the former prosperity that
continued for years. Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos as a key fi-
gure promoted the development of his region from his home
city during the transition to modernity. This enlightened Jovellanos built up the future Gijon through his interest for urban
development quality, art and technology and science.
Avilés was founded in the Middle Ages (10th century) to be a
trading and maritime city which has left this mark characteristic of towns used to exchanging activity, to giving and
taking, to opening to new possibilities without losing his
identity. Only this can explain that the historical personality
of Aviles represented by its well-cared old city and the festive and friendly character of the inhabitants has not blurred
1000 years afterwards.
However, cities must be rediscovered by each traveller. Only
the one who walks along a city, talks to people, eats and
drinks, and enjoys it with them will be able to find out what
it is the truth behind either for good or bad. Oviedo, Gijón
and Avilés inhabitants welcome you to do this.
Likewise, thanks to their central geographical location in
the region, these three cities are the starting point for the
traveller to go deeper into Asturias and discover its beaches
and cliffs, its fishermen villages, its valleys and mountains. An
endless number of tourist and cultural resources which will
let you enjoy a country full of contrasts.
#asturias #urban tourism
A tour around the monuments
Leisure activities
Street map
A tour around the monuments
Leisure activities
Street map
A tour around the monuments
Leisure activities
#asturias #urban tourism
16 Gijón
Street map
#shopping #vanguard
#environments #leisure... (+)
#asturias #urban tourism
Avilés is placed in the central coastline of Asturias on
the left hand side of the estuary of the same name. Thanks
to this natural shelter, it gained relevance from the 8th
and 9th centuries as trading and fishing port. This status
was reinforced in 1155 when it was awarded the “fuero” (a
compilation of local laws) that freed inhabitants from paying
taxes on arrival and crossing from the sea to the region of
Leon. This boosted a remarkable financial development
turning it into the main port of Asturias and its second urban
Wall’s circular layout was finished at the end of the 18th.
This was known as the Villa and was devastated by a fire in 1478.
As a way to help Avilés, the Catholic Monarchs granted a free
market on each Monday of the year, which still takes place.
Mr Pedro Menéndez de Avilés was born here in 1519. He
founded Saint Augustine of Florida, the oldest settlement in
North America. St. Augustine and Avilés are now sister cities.
Avilés expansion began with the Town Hall square
during the 17th century, and continued in 1818 with the wall
demolition. From 1950, the arrival of several large industries
encouraged an enormous growth that respected the city
centre. For this reason, it was declared Historic-Artistic
Site. Avilés is nowadays a dynamic town that preserves its
medieval identity and roots in the 21st century and opens
new worlds with the Niemeyer Centre.
The town has integrated its
remarkable medieval and
trading past into the future.
Area: 25 km.2
Altitude: 8 m.
Km. to Gijón: 25
Km. to Oviedo: 29
Inhabitants: 83.617
#asturias #urban tourism
Álvarez Acebal Square
#asturias #urban tourism
Caños de San Francisco fountain
A tour around
the monuments
We propose a tour around the old
quarter, one of the most beautiful and
better preserved places in Asturias
starting and ending in the Town Hall
square. It goes along the Villa and Sabudo,
former city centres, while visiting some of
the most outstanding monuments.
The Ferrera Palace (17th century), the
Marquisate’s sunny house, is located on
the corner of Plaza de España and San
Francisco Street. The backyard of the house
is nowadays a beautiful public park.
Following that street we find the Caños
de San Francisco fountain (17th century)
decorated with six human heads and two
heraldic coats of arms from Avilés on each
#asturias #urban tourism
Armando Palacio Valdés theater
San Francisco street
side with the royal coat of arms in the centre.
Behind the fountain, we find San Nicolás de
Bari church dedicated to the protective saint
of traders and sailors who were a majority in
the medieval villa. Its Romanesque style was
restored during the 16th, 17th and even 20th
Going up Galiana Street we see Balsera
Palace on the corner of Julia de la Riva
-Alfonso VII (Modernism 20th century) which
is the Municipal School of Music.
Walking along Galiana, a clobbed street
full of arcades, we pass Casa Arias de la
Noceda, an Indiano rococo decorated house
with the typical palm tree as a symbol of its
former Latin American life. Almost at the
end of the street, in San Roque passage, we
discover the Ecce-Homo chapel or Jesusín de
Galiana chapel from the 19th century. From
there, we cross Carbayedo park to go down
Fernández Balsera and Cabruñana streets
up to La Camara street crossroads where
the Maqua Palace is found (Historicism 19th
On the left hand side of La Camara
Street on the corner of Cuba Street, there
is another example of Indiana house “Casa
Eladio Muñiz”. From that place, we can see
the New Sabugo or St. Thomas of Canterbury
church (Neogothic, 1903) which is another
high quality work designed by Lus Bellido
with Latin cross plant, outstanding transept,
polygonal apse and portico.
Carbayo square surrounds the church
and goes as far as Marcos de Torniello.
This was the heart of Sabugo’s old seamen
quarter where Old Sabugo church was
erected in the 13th century (Romanesque
and Gothic) being refurbished in the 17th
and 18th centuries. It preserves the former
single plant, semi-circular apse with straight
section and two façades: south and west.
Going down Estación and Rui Pérez
streets, we reach Hermanos Orbón Square
(Modernism, 1870 – 1883) built as a link
between Villa and Sabugo centres. It has a
rectangular shape and is made up of two or
three-floor buildings with attics and glazed
Once inside there are arcades on castiron columns linked by means of semi#asturias #urban tourism
Marquis of Camposagrado palace
It was built in the 17th century and its elegant architecture is
considered the finest example of Baroque in Asturias.
circular arches. There is also a permanent
market with metallic roof where the market
granted by the Catholic Monarchs more than
500 years ago still takes place.
Once we leave the square through La
Muralla Street exit towards the Muelle Park,
we run into the Marquis of Camposagrado
Palace with two façades. The defensive one
overlooks the estuary, so it can be observed
from the estuary and Cuesta de la Molinera
Street. On the other hand, the south façade
is visualized from Camposanto Square. This
latter was finished in 1696 being the most
impacting one for its side towers, great
coat of arms and the decorative dressed
#asturias #urban tourism
There we also find the Municipal School
of Pottery, a building of the 16th century.
Then, if we follow the street between
this building and Camposagrado palace
we reach Padres Franciscanos church
(Romanesque 12th century) which preserves
its original façade while the rest is the result
of several refurbishments in the 15th and
18th centuries. Mr Pedro Menéndez de
Avilés remains are in the temple inside an
urn under the arcosolium on the left side of
the Main Altar. He founded the oldest town
in the USA: Saint Augustine of Florida. Santa
María de los Alas chapel (14th century) is
attached to this church. It is one of the main
examples of Pre Gothic in Asturias.
Avilés Town Hall
Aviles art, ranging
from Romanesque to
Modernism, the most
diverse schools leaving
their imprint on the
religious and civil style.
From here, we may walk down Ferrería
Street up to Sol Street corner to find the
two-floor Valdecarzana Palace (Gothic 14th)
which is the Historical Municipal Archive
The last part of the medieval Ferrería
Street leads to Plaza de España where Aviles
Town Hall building built by Juan de Estrada
is located (Baroque 1670).
Once we have visited the oldest
quarter, we suggest going to the awesome
architectonic complex that represents
the present and the future: The Niemeyer
Centre. Being the Town Hall the starting
point, we go down Ruiz Gomez Street and
arrive at Santiago López square. On the right
hand side, there is a footbridge over the
railways to cross to the pathway that goes
by the estuary. If you go down the pathway,
you arrive at the highly colourful and striking
San Sebastián Bridge. The five independent
while complementary parts: the Auditorium,
the Dome, the Sight-seeing Tower, the Multipurpose Building and the Square make up
this unique and welcoming space being a
symbol of the city’s evolutionary spirit.
#asturias #urban tourism
Avilés marina
Leisure activities
Avilés streets keep the charming of those places that transmit the medieval
environment of the site. Street naming (Ferrería, Cámara, La Fruta) and cobbled paving,
the churches, squares and fountains reflect the former trading activity performed by
people from different places who shared the space peacefully. This mixture of origins that
gave shape to the active, open and friendly character of people from Avilés was again
found in the 50’s during the industrial growth. For these reasons, Avilés is a perfect place
for shopping or strolling. We may enjoy the old quarter stopping at the different cider
places, restaurants, cafés and local food houses of the Villa.
Avilés can be considered a pioneer of night
live in Asturias. It mainly takes place within
the magnificent old quarter.
It was the first city to do business with
the “places to go out” as it was named some
years ago. That happened during the 60’s
and 70’s (last century) when Avilés was
mainly an industrial town where money was
squandered. At that time, massive night live
was found in Sabugo district where not only
local youth enjoyed themselves but also
people from Gijón and Oviedo.
Later on and following trends, the
“movida” (fashionable places to go out) was
moved to Galiana Street. It was during the
#asturias #urban tourism
80’s that the culture and leisure features
of the first democratic town halls were
promoted. Small and simple shops in the
arcades were replaced by pubs to form the
most original place to go out in Asturias.
Plaza de Carbayedo must also be
mentioned. It has been recently changed
into a very crowded gastronomic area during
the day and a place for teenagers at night.
Finally, Sabugo district has currently
come back into fashion thanks to an
excellent offer of traditional Asturian food
and drink. Abundant cider and Cantabrian
fish servings are sold in this popular district
of Avilés. They were quite right to say that
Sabugo survives the passing of time
Ferrera Park
Carballo square
Traditional shopping areas are found in La
Cámara, José Cueto, Fernández Balsera and
La Fruta streets and in a Shopping Centre
nearby. Besides this traditional shopping
area, there are some Shopping Centres
located outside the town, such as La Carriona
and Parque Astur, Shopping and Leisure
Centre, in the near council of Corvera.
Walking around the beautiful old quarter
is also possible even in the rain because
of the numerous arcades and pedestrian
streets and symbolic squares. Besides, it
is also possible to enjoy parks such as the
English-style Ferrera Park (a little more
than 80,000 square metres) and its French
gardens, as well as Magdalena, Muelle and
Meanas parks.
The coastal side of the city displays a
promenade and riverside walk along Aviles
Estuary of around 3,000 m long that makes it
possible to come close to the marine and the
industrial heritage of the City.
Likewise, Illas and Corvera, nearby
councils, also offer extraordinary ways of
enjoying the nature and the environment:
Mill route (Illas) or Trasona Dam (Corvera).
#asturias #urban tourism
Niemeyer Centre
A space devoted to the exhibition and dissemination of the
history and artistic and monumental heritage of the ancient
city of Avilés through four large areas: The Medieval Town,
the Modern City, the Citizens City and the Industrial City. A
museum which invites visitors to travel around a city, which
is a museum in itself.
Phone: (+34) 985 565 512
A Singular resource to learn about the largest open-air museum
of every city, in this case Avilés: its cemetery. Two itineraries:
“Espacio de arte” [Space of Art] and “Lugar de memoria” [Place
of Memory]) permit visitors to get to know an important artistic
legacy and delve deeper into the past of the city by means of the
people who are buried there.
Phones: (+34) 985 541 939
This open-air museum built to pay a tribute to the
oceanographer Philippe Cousteau is located in the near
council of Castrillon. It exhibits anchors from different times,
#asturias #urban tourism
styles and vessels while offering wonderful views of Salinas
Beach and Avilés Estuary.
Phone: (+34) 985 502 163
It includes the recuperation of part of the original installations as
exhibition and interpretive areas. The mine’s emblematic derrick
(the building which housed the lifts that transported the miners
to and from the mine galleries) located on the cliff bordering the
Arnao beach, is a site of cultural interest, and allows the visitor to
descend in the lift to the underwater galleries.
Phone: (+34) 985 507 799
This Cultural Centre, the first and only work in Spain by
the Brazilian architect Óscar Niemeyer, forms a part of an
important collection of architecture in the surrounds of
the Avilés estuary. The cultural collection consists of five
independent, yet at the same time complementary pieces:
the Square, the Auditorium, the Watch Tower, the Dome and
the Multi-Service Building.
Phone: (+34) 902 306 600 - (+34) 984 835 031
Carmen Danza Prima. On 16th July at midnight The Virgin of
seamen is worshipped in front of the niche in Galiana Street
and then back to España square where the traditional dance
is performed.
Avilés and its District Interceltique Festival. Second
fortnight of July. Bagpipe bands, Folklore groups, crafts, sports
and more activities that bring Atlantic Celtic people together.
Festival of Tourist Interest for the Principality of Asturias.
CELSIUS 232. A fantasy literature festival that offers a firstclass literary meeting, combining talks, conferences, book
presentations, street acts, etc. At the end of July.
Bollo Festival. Tourist Interest Festival
Carnival or Antroxu. Various events take place from Thursday
before carnival Tuesday until Sunday. We must mention
Galiana International Fluvial Descent in which original vessels
go down the street full of foam. Festival of Tourist Interest for
the Principality of Asturias.
Easter. The processional floats of seven brotherhoods fill the
streets with a peculiar environment from Holy Monday to
Good Friday. Festival of Tourist Interest for the Principality of
Bollo Festival. Easter Sunday and Monday. This festival is
characterized by the traditional Bollo escarchado (a sponge
cake typical from Avilés) that godparents give to their
godchildren and the float parade. Festival of National Tourist
The Cheese, Wine and Ceramics Fair. An inescapable date
in the festive calendar of Avilés for many years. It is held
during the last week of May and the first week of June, in La
Magdalena Exhibition Pavilion, with the sampling and sale
of Asturian artisan cheeses, wine with D.O. and folk ceramics
from all over Spain.
Famous Wine Festival. An original tour around local wine bars
to know wines worldwide and relate them to culture and art.
Puchero (stewpot) Festival. A wedding couple breaks a jug
at the Luz chapel so they have the right to kiss each other
as many times and the number of pieces into which the jug
has been broken. It is held on Tuesday following the seventh
Easter Sunday.
Saint John Danza Prima. On 23rd of June at midnight,
officiants dance together this ancient dance in Pedro
Menéndez square.
Saint Peter Danza Prima. It starts on 29th of June at midnight
in España square and ends in front of San Pedro Church.
Bitácora (Week of the Sea). In early August.
La Mar de Ruido. Rock music festival. Held in August.
Tapas (appetizers) Week. It takes place in the first week of
September and is an opportunity to sample small culinary
creations taking your own particular route through the
different participating establishments, including restaurants,
cider bars, wine cellars, hotels, etc., with the help of a gastromap.
Saint Augustine Festival. Cultural and artistic and festival
activities take place in the second fortnight of August to end
up with spectacular fireworks.
International Popular Music and Dance Festival. This
festival has been held for more than 20 years in mid-August
and is attended by bands worldwide.
Miranda Rice Festival. This massive popular festival takes
place on the first Friday of August to taste rice cooked the
Asturian way.
Beer Festival. Different types of beer and tapas can be tasted
in Hermanos Orbón square in mid-August.
Villa de Aviles Comic Conferences. held in September.
The Aviles Comic Conferences remain true to their original
concept of bringing together some of the best authors of the
ninth art, with as varied a list as possible, whilst creating a
welcoming atmosphere, which for a couple of days, genuinely
lets them share this experience alongside fans who get to
know them as well as the other authors.
La Seronda. Customs, traditions and gastronomy related to
the agriculture environment.
“Villa de Avilés” International Choral Contest. Every
Saturday in November, remarkable national and international
choral associations take part in this contest.
Nativity scenes tour. Tour proposed to visit Nativity scenes
in Aviles and surroundings.
Turrones and Marzipan exhibition. The most remarkable
confectioner’s of the municipality exhibit their craft
specialities for Christmas.
Advent festival. It takes place in the streets of the old quarter
to exhibit typical Christmas craft.
#asturias #urban tourism
Streep map
Gijon is located to the East of the Peñas cape, distributed
over its double bay. The origins of the city are found at Torres
Cape which closes the bay to the West. There, we can visit
the remains of a fortified settlement or castro of the Asturian
Cilúrnigos. (5th century B.C). After the Roman conquest
(year 29 B.C), they left the village and built a new village in
the peninsula located in the middle of the bay (Cimadevilla
quarter) and the old and primitive villa of Gijón was born by
the 1st century A.C. This small fortified settlement underwent
troubled periods of strife between Asturian nobility and the
King of Castile during the 13th and 14th centuries until 1480
when the Catholic Monarchs authorized the construction of
its port thus causing its development and expansion.
At the end of the 18th century, Gijón become the
maritime capital of Asturias by evolving to an industrial and
commercial city. This tendency was strengthened during the
19th and 20th centuries.
The city has undergone major changes during the
last decades thus becoming a modern tourist and service
destination while keeping its historical and industrial
identities. Urban improvement, the recovery of former
industrial areas, new facilities and services (Laboral City
of Culture, aquarium, Roman Villa of Veranes, the Atlantic
Botanic Gardens and Thalassotherapy centre), the celebration
of cultural events and festivals (Black Week, International Film
Festival, The Atlantic Art Festival...) plus the usual hotel and
gastronomic offer in Asturias have transformed Gijón into a
reference point for Northern Spanish tourist offer.
The old platform, now the
marine, houses cruising sail
boats from all around the world.
Area: 41 km.2
Altitude: 8 m.
Km. to Avilés: 25
Km. to Oviedo: 28
Inhabitants: 280.000
#asturias #urban tourism
Gijón marina
#asturias #urban tourism
Campo Valdés roman baths
A tour around the monuments
The tour begins in the old quarter, visiting two remarkable remains of Roman
settlements. The largest and best preserved Roman Baths of Northern Spain are found in
Campo Valdés square (end of 1st century A.C) They were located within a fortress and were
public. They were arranged in parallel stays perpendicular to a broker as the gradation
heat-cold. From here we get to Jovellanos square to look at the remains of the Wall which
was approximately one kilometre long and its door, flanked by towers with a square base,
was located where the Clock Tower is today.
In the same square we find Jovellanos
Birthplace Museum (15th century, rebuilt in the
16th-17th centuries) articulated inside around
a central patio with columns. Outside, there
are the family’s coats of arms. The Mausoleum
of Jovellanos is in the adjoining chapel of the
Remedios and Campo Grande streets
lead to journalist Arturo Arias or Lavaderu
square headed by the Old Tobacco Factory
(1843). From here Campo de las Monjas and
Eladio Verde streets climb to San Cantalina
hill, the former military site where Eduardo
Chillida’s Eulogy of the Horizon is found
belonging to the Gallery of Contemporary
Sculpture Coastal Path.
Going down to the marina we found
the sculpture “Northeast”, by the Asturian
Joaquín Vaquero Turcios. The walk from the
Old Dock (Claudio Alvargonzalez street)
leads to Marqués square, dominated by the
Revillagigedo Palace (Baroque, 1702) the
former tower-house of Valdés-Jove based
on which Francisco Menendez Camina
introduced an identical one on the left and a
#asturias #urban tourism
body between both. The interior is organized
around the common central patio with
columns of Asturian palaces. Adjoined to
this, there is the collegiate church of San Juan
Bautista, designed by Pedro Muñiz Somonte
in 1720.
In the nearby Trinidad Street we find the
Trinidad Palace and Chapel (Baroque, 17th
century) formed by the Palace and Chapel
of the Jove-Huergo. The palace is made up
of two rectangular plant and three-height
attached buildings. The Façade has the coat of
arms of Hevia, Miranda and Lavandera being
the only decorative element. Attached to it
there is the chapel, whose façade presents
the coat of arms of Jove surmounted by a
pediment and a graceful steeple topped
with curved pediment. It houses the Barloja
museum nowadays.
From Trinidad Street we lead to Corrida
street, the commercial area with several
modernist and art-decó buildings. An
example is number 32, a project by Luis
Bellido in 1905 with trapezoidal plant, five
heights and façades to three streets. Another
San Lorenzo Church
Elogio del Horizonte
is the neighbour’s house projected in 1911
by Garcia de la Cruz for Antonio Sarri. More
nearby streets also present interesting
examples of both styles.
Once we leave Corrida street through
Tomás Zarracina and Francisco Tomás y
Valiente, we reach Instituto square where the
Royal Institute of Navigation and Mineralogy
of Asturias (now the Cultural Centre) is located.
It was promoted by the most representative
figure of the Spanish Enlightenment, Gaspar
Melchor de Jovellanos from Gijón, at the
end of the 18th century. Ramón Durán’s
project was taken up by the Asturian Juan de
Villanueva who presented a square building
and interior arcaded patio plant layout, and
ground and two heights elevation layout.
We end our tour by going down San
Bernardo towards Plaza Mayor where in 1858
the corporation commissioned the architect
Andrés Coello a new Town Hall between the
old and the growth area. Based on the classicist
model, he included an arcaded square around
the perimeter in which each side joined the
other by means of walk-through arches. This
idea was changed by provincial and local
architects to isolate the town hall.
In addition to the proposed route, two
significant sites must be pointed out to
understand the history of the City, Castro
Noega Information Centre in Campa Torres,
with well-preserved walls of admirable finish;
and the Old Laboral University in Cabueñes
(1946-1956), today named City of Culture,
by Luis Moya according to the architectural
design of the Franco dictatorship. Its 44,000
square metre-built area is now devoted to
various uses such as the Centre for Art and
Industrial Creation, theatre, lecture halls for
university studies and the tower, designated
as the viewpoint from which you can enjoy
an interesting glimpse of the city and its
But we cannot leave the city without
visiting the Atlantic Botanic Gardens. The only
space in Spain which recreates four different
environments, featuring all the flora from
the northern hemisphere: the Cantabrian
Environment, the Vegetable Factory, the
Island Garden and the Atlantic Route.
#asturias #urban tourism
Simultaneous cider pouring Guinness Récord
Leisure activities
Gijón is a dynamic city that presents a comprehensive program of activities throughout
the year. Besides the intense summer schedule, the rest of the year offers all types of events
and of different styles. From October to December one can enjoy Jazz, Gospel, cinema,
comics, dance and other art forms that continue at the beginning of the year with Antroxu
(Carnival) and Easter. Gijón’s urban design meets pedestrians’ rhythm and needs offering
leisure services and high quality commercial areas. Being a coastal town, it gives the chance
of enjoying the sea and sea sports.
The old quarter houses night-life spots and
cider places. We must include nearby areas
such as Fomento, with some bars specialized
in Latin rhythms and Marqués de San
Esteban street, with cafés and pubs. There
are also pubs around the Nautical and Capua
Street. On the other hand, Institute Street
and neighbouring streets, as well as Carmen
district, made up the Wine Route, with day
and night life.
Arena district to the East, near San
Lorenzo beach is a busy area with people
of all ages and social backgrounds. We must
not forget the residential area of Somió,
quieter and more relaxed atmosphere with
restaurants and bars.
Throughout the city, good cider places and
restaurants display a wide offer ranging
from cider, tapas and dishes at excellent
#asturias #urban tourism
Cuesta del Cholo
Sunset at Gijón
We can find different
routes to enjoy the city
on foot or by bicycle. To
do this, we have cycle
lanes on the Avenida de la
Constitución, the Avenida
del Llano, Calle Velázquez,
Calle Rodríguez San Pedro,
the Paseo del Muro de San
Lorenzo and many more.
good prices to high quality signature cuisine.
Cimadevilla quarter, Plaza Mayor and
adjacent areas are highly recommended.
Numerous centres and shopping areas are
present around the city such as San Bernardo
Street, Los Moros, Corrida, Langreo, Asturias,
Alvarez Garay, Uria, Cabrales or Marqués
de Casa Valdés. Also La Calzada Borough
offers good services in streets like Brasil and
Argentina Avenue.
We should particularly mention the
Ecological and Crafts Market held on the
second weekend of each month in Plaza
Mayor with musical activities, exhibitions
and recreational craft. There is also a market
or flea market that takes place on Sunday
morning near the Palacio de los Deportes
car park.
The promenade goes from the West to the
East of the city with a total distance of about
7 km. Besides downtown busy squares and
parks (San Miguel, Instituto, Begoña and
Europe), we must mention Isabel la Católica
Park located in the East as a liaison between
the city and sports facilities. It is near
Hermanos Castro Park
Finally, the Laboral City of Culture, the
Botanic Gardens and the University Campus
create a wide area for leisure and relaxation.
The Laboral stands out for its majesty and
singularity stand. Visits may be free or
guided to see how its facilities are given
different cultural uses such as the Theatre,
the Art Centre, the Museum or Conservatory
of Music of Gijón or the Public Radio and
Television of the Principality of Asturias
among others.
#asturias #urban tourism
Cultural activities are held throughout the year, that they increase
considerably in the summer months, especially in August by
Begoña Festival.
It was created to preserve research and spread the history of
railway in Asturias. Its permanent exhibition offers a broad
vision of the relationship between the railway and Asturias’s
social, technical and financial history.
Phone: (+34) 985 308 575
Temporary exhibitions are meant to both boast Jovellanos
and to show and explain the permanent collection.
Phone: (+34) 985 185 152
Web: www./
A monographic museum devoted the painter Nicanor Piñole
(Gijón, 1878-1978), aimed at showing his artistic production.
Phone: (+34) 985 359 594
Web: www./
#asturias #urban tourism
A four-floor building that exhibits part of Juan Barjola works
particularly from mid-50’s to late 80’s (20th century).
Phone: (+34) 985 357 939
Within its 50,000 square metres, we find the remains of a
pre Roman village later on Romanised. Campa Lighthouse
was recently restored in order to become an exhibition area
of the park.
Phone: (+34) 985 185 234
It is located at La Redonda de Somió (Gijón) with beautiful
gardens within an area of 16,000 square metres. The museum
exhibits the works of Evaristo Valle (Gijón, 1873-1951).
Phone: (+34) 985 334 000
Atlantic Botanic Garden
This museum preserves shows and spreads material, graphic
and verbal expressions to know traditional Asturian society
and preserve its memory. It counts on a vast collection of
ethnographic materials as well as typical buildings displayed
in 30,000 square metres.
Phone: (+34) 985 182 960
This museum is located on site. These public baths from
the Early Roman Empire are considered one of the most
important sites of this nature in the North of Spain.
Phone: (+34) 985 185 151
It is located on the fourth floor of the Casino of Asturias where
former Hernan Cortés cinema general seats were located. It is
a tour along the history of films in Asturias showing the most
representative characters and works.
Phone: (+34) 985 340 018
Also known as Capua residential complex. It is an
ethnographic area meant to show the visitor the living
conditions of working-class people during the last quarter of
the 19th century and the years before and after the Civil War.
Phones: (+34) 985 182 960 – (+34) 985 181 040
It comprises 30,000 plants belonging to almost 2,500
different species within a natural environment using water as
the core and linking element between the Old and the New
worlds thanks to the Atlantic setting joining both shores of
the ocean, the Peñafrancia River flowing down the Garden
and the water-driven mills across La Isla, its waterfalls, springs
and ponds.
Phones: (+34) 985 185 130 (ticket office)
(+34)985 185 131 (offices)
It is an exhibition centre specifically devoted to art, science,
technology and advanced visual industry. Besides it is aimed
#asturias #urban tourism
Laboral, City of Cultura
at artistic and technical research, training and production and
at the promotion of new art and industrial creation.
Phone: (+34) 985 185 577
It was built in the 50’s to promote vocational training. It
comes back now as an innovating cultural centre because of
its dimensions and the magnificence of its buildings.
Phones: (+34) 985 185 858
Exhibition center dedicated to art,
science, technology and advanced
visual industries.
#asturias #urban tourism
Archaeological remains from a nobility house Villa type
built in the Late Empire (4th century A.C). It belonged to a
prominent owner probably called Veranius.
Phones: (+34) 985 185 129
It is presented as a journey around the world seas starting in
a Cantabrian River and its freshwater spices going to warm
waters full of corals and wonderful goldfish, reaching cold
waters with penguins and obviously showing sharks, turtles,
Phone: (+34) 985 185 220
Black Week
Antroxu. One of the most intense carnivals in Asturias.
Parades, street bands, and floats. Festival of Tourist Interest
for the Principality of Asturias
Easter. The centre of Gijón, especially Cimadevilla quarter,
hosts several religious processions at the end of March.
Gijón Sound Festival: A newly created festival that aims
to revitalise the music scene in Gijon and Asturias, as well
as recovering the space occupied in previous decades as a
reference point in the Spanish music scene.
Metrópoli Festival.
Black Week. Literary “Black” novel event that has become
one of the most popular ones for young people in Spain. It
includes exhibitions, musical performances, book sales and
several festival attractions.
Arcu Atlánticu Festival. The roots of a common space.
Traditional culture, gastronomy, crafts, music, folklore, etc., of
countries that make up the European Atlantic Arch.
Traditional Asturian Song Contest (Tonada). Performances
held in Plaza Mayor in Gijón.
Art in the Street. Musical performances in different city
squares and public areas during summertime.
Euro Ye-Ye. Mod and 60’s Asturian Festival. It is one of the
major festivals of this kind worldwide.
Asturias Day in Gijón. Popular parade in Sta. Catalina’s
hill which includes many different varieties of traditional
dressing, music and dancing of Asturias. Festival of National
Tourist Interest which takes places the first Sunday of August.
International Folklore Festival
International Trade Fair of Asturias. Held at Luis Adaro.
Big Week. The festive atmosphere is felt all around the city
during Nuestra Señora de Begoña Festival.
Begoña Bullfighting Fair. Major bullfighters come to Bibio
bullring during the Big Week.
Great Night of Fireworks. . Tons of gunpowder paint Gijón
sky to announce Begoña Festival in the early hours between
the 14th and 15th of August.
Gijón Fireworks and Danza Prima. On the 15th.
Cider and Apple Festival. Free cider testing, record of
simultaneous cider pouring, cider pourer contest, samples of
traditional music related to Asturian popular drink, the “Cider”.
International Show-Jumping Contest. Equestrian Games
held for different official show jumping categories.
Agropec and San Miguel Fair. Countryside and Agriculture,
Stockbreeding, Forest and Fishing Fair.
International Film Festival of Gijon. One of the most
remarkable and old film festivals in Spain. It is divided
into several categories: Official, Series, Special passes,
Documentaries, the night of Spanish short films, Asturias Day,
Jazz Festival.
Mercaplana. Childhood and youth fair.
New Year’s Eve in Plaza Mayor.
GOSPEL Festival.
#asturias #urban tourism
Gijón / Xixón
Streep map
Oviedo was founded on a hill called Oveto in the year 761
by two monks who built a church dedicated to San Vicente.
During the same century, Asturias became the unique point
of resistance to the Muslim invasion of the Iberian Peninsula
(711) which led to the Battle of Covadonga (722) and the
establishment of the Kingdom of Asturias by Pelayo, elected
as chief by Astures (718). Due to the consolidation of the
Kingdom, Alfonso II had to choose Oviedo as the new capital
(808) and started a building activity to extend and make
the court more beautiful. This task was continued by his
successors in order to provide the city with several Asturian
Pre Romanesque religious and civil buildings (World Heritage).
Oviedo become a relevant place again in the Middle
Ages thanks to the pilgrimages to San Salvador Cathedral as
landmark of the Way to Santiago: “He who goes to Santiago
and does not visit the Lord, goes to the house of the servant
yet does not greet his lord” says an old medieval saying to
express the importance of Oviedo’s site.
Throughout the 19th century, the city grew beyond the
wall limits and in the 17th and 18th centuries, Oviedo turns
into the great centre of politics of the Principality of Asturias
which led Asturian nobility to build their palaces in Oviedo.
The 19th century Confiscations released a lot of soil thus
prompting a new urban development. The construction
process in Uria street meant cutting down the very much
beloved and great ancient oak named as “el Carbayon” by the
inhabitants (“Carbayu” means oak in the local language). This
name began to identify the inhabitants later on.
The city centre became denser from the second half
of the 20th century. During the last decades it has been
improved by the creation of new pedestrian areas, the
restoration of façades and new urban furniture, fountains
and sculptures as well as new facilities as the Convention and
Exhibition Centre Ciudad de Oviedo or Las Caldas Spa outside
town. All this has changed the appearance of streets, squares
and avenues together with the great care of its inhabitants
thus being granted the “Cleanest City in Spain” emblem for
several years in a row.
Despite being a classical city,
Oviedo counts on a modern
cultural infrastructure full
of high quality services.
Area: 26 km.2
Altitude: 232 m.
Km. to Avilés: 29
Km. to Gijón: 28
Inhabitants: 225.391
#asturias #urban tourism
Escandalera square and Campoamor theater on the right
#asturias #urban tourism
Trascorrales square
A tour around the monuments
Our visit begins at San Salvador Cathedral. Even though it presents Pre
Romanesque, Romanesque and Baroque elements it is mainly a Gothic building.
The Holy Chamber and the Cross of Angels (808), of the Victory (908) and the
Chest of Agates (910) also belong to the Pre Romanesque. Romanesque elements
are the Old Tower and the extension that took place in the Upper chapel of the
Holy Chamber between 1175 and 1185 to include a decorative master piece
typical from Spanish Romanesque consisting on six statue-columns located in
the corners and centre of walls.
The Gothic nature of the Cathedral
started with the Chapterhouse (1293)
and ended in 1587 when the tower arrow
was finished, designed by Rodrigo Gil de
Hontañón, regarded as the best of the arrowended towers in Spain. The enormous bell
Wamba (1219) of 1.22 metres diameter is
installed there. As far as the Baroque elements,
we must mention the Girola (1621 – 1633)
and the Vigil of Quiñones bishop (1640) and
Santa Bárbara chapels among others.
After visiting the Cathedral we just start
going down Santa Ana Street to run into the
end wall of the central apse the San Tirso
church (Pre Romanesque) which shows the
characteristic triplet window with semicircular brick arches.
#asturias #urban tourism
Then, we see Velarde Palace (Baroque
1771 – 1773) with square plant and three
floors arranged around a central patio. A
remarkable Empire style stair and a gallery
on the higher floor stand out. It forms the
Fine Arts Museum of Asturias together with
the House of Oviedo-Portal (17th century),.
San Ana Street descends and becomes
Mon Street from where Adolfo Álvarez
Flojeras passage leads to Transcorrales
square, one of the most pleasant corners of
the old quarter. From then, we lead to the
Huevos side street just to go under Oviedo’s
Town Hall arch (1622) by Juan de Naveda.
The building was located in the former
South entrance to the city or Cimadevilla
door so the architect had to integrate it by
San Salvador cathedral
It is located in the place of
the earlier pre Romanesque
cathedral complex of
the 9th century. For this
reason and the increase
of the construction of the
current building, it contains
Pre Romanesque style
structures (Holy Chamber),
Romanesque (vaults
and ministry of the Holy
Chamber), Renaissance (top
of the tower) and Baroque
(Girola, Casto King’s Chapel
and other chapels).
means of a central body with an arch step
and a balcony of honour on the first floor
finished with a broken pediment housing
the Royal Coat of Arms
From the Town Hall square and following
Fierro Street, we reach the Fontán square
(1795) built by the municipal corporation
and some merchants as a commercial space.
With a rectangular plant defined by a line of
buildings with porches linteled over columns,
the access to the interior is done by passages
placed in the middle of each lateral. In the
Daoiz and Valverde attached square, we can
find the Cano del Fontan (1657), the Marquis
of Sanfeliz Palace (Baroque 1723) and the old
Casa de Comedias (current Library of Asturias)
designed by Ignacio de Caxigal.
Leaving this corner of the old part of
Oviedo, through the streets of Arco de los
Zapatos, Fontán, Rosal and Pozos, we arrive
at the Plaza del Riego, with the Casa de
Quirós constructed in the 16th century and
reformed in the 18th century, the Oviedo
University building (1568), the work of
Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón, distributed around
an interior patio with an open gallery, with
the upper floor closed with large windows.
In the close Porlier square there are
two Baroque palaces. Toreno (1673) on the
right, and Camposagrado (1757) of square
plant structured around a central patio. The
external decoration of the ground floor is
much more Baroque while the first floor
announces Neoclassicism. The roof has the
#asturias #urban tourism
The Oviedo Exhibition and Congress Palace (PEC)
It is designed by architect Santiago Calatrava. It is one of the most unique
buildings in the city and houses in its facilities the many meetings that take
place throughout the year
wooden eaves with three rows of moulded
corbels with curved pediment. Today the
headquarters of the High Courts of Justice.
Going back to the Cathedral square, we
must mention the Valdecarzana Palace with
the enormous Coat of Arms of Hereida and
the Rúa House (Gothic, 15th century) whose
façade presents a typical disorganized
medieval arrangement.
Oviedo has several contemporary
sculptures spread across streets and squares
downtown with pieces by Uruclo (“the
return of Williams B. Arrensberg), Fernando
Botero (“Maternity), Fernando Alba, Faustino
Goico-Aguirre and Manolo Hugué (“Woman
#asturias #urban tourism
Oviedo is also known by housing some
of the most representative and known
Asturian Pre Romanesque constructions
(World Heritage) Out of the buildings
situated at the surroundings, we can
outline the San Julian de los Prados church
(Santullano square 812-842) in first place for
being the biggest Pre Romanesque in Spain,
and for preserving the best medieval picture
sample of the country. In second place,
Santa Maria palace (Naranco, first half of the
9th century). It is quite peculiar for being the
only Visigoth or Carolingian palace building
in Spain. This civil usage was lost in the 12th
when it was turned into a church dedicated
to Santa María. Its magnificent Byzantine
influenced decoration stands out.
Woody Allen
View fron Santa María del Naranco
We finish with San Miguel de
Liño or Lillo church, close to the one
above and dedicated to Santa Maria
in the year 848. In the 12th century
such dedication was transferred
to the nearby palace leaving the
church to honour San Miguel.
Spectacular views of the city
can be enjoyed from Naranco
Mountain. Among all constructions,
complex by the Valencia-born
architect and engineer Santiago
Calatrava attracts our attention.
The main part is the Conventions
and Exhibitions Centre following
the characteristic design of white
steel ribs with a kind of helmet
ending in an overhanging canopy.
All this is encircled on three sides
by glazing containers supported
by very high steel arrows housing
administration offices and a hotel.
An enormous shopping centre is
placed inside.
Other points of interests
are the Baths and Municipal
Golf course both in Las Caldas,
the Equestrian Asturcon Centre,
located in Villapérez and the
Children’s Palace at Parque de
Invierno in Oviedo.
#asturias #urban tourism
Fontán square
Leisure activities
Oviedo being the capital of Asturias is mainly a city devoted to services. Commercial
and catering sectors of the city do not only give service to locals (carbayones) but also
to a great amount of population settled in the central area of the Principality. Such
circumstances have given shape to the commercial, leisure and amusement offer which
has remarkably improved during the last years due to pedestrianization of streets where
shops, cafés, cider places and restaurants are located. These areas full of terraces, squares
and places to have a break offer the visitor a wide variety of shopping, gastronomic and
amusement places within a convenient, pretty and pleasant environment.
Oviedo, the Capital of Paradise, is a beautiful,
welcoming, nice and friendly city that makes
you enjoy its night live in a warming and safe
The pedestrianization of the Old
Quarter turns Oviedo into a beautiful stroll
to enjoy different places located in quiet and
charming streets welcoming leisure.
Lovers of night life will have no problem
to find places to relax and enjoy themselves
especially in the streets of the Old Quarter
which displays a suggestive and varied offer.
Places for the youngest are found in Quintana
and Rosal streets; university atmosphere is
found in Mon street, Carta Puebla, Carpio,
#asturias #urban tourism
Fuero, Máximo and Fromestano, Rúa,
Ildefonso Martínez, San José or Martínez
Vigil. Plaza de Riego and Cimadevilla, Águila,
Jovellanos, La Luna or Schultz streets offer a
range of options for all ages.
The Old Quarter and its surroundings house
many restaurants: from Fontán to Alfonso II
El Casto (or Cathedral) square, including San
Francisco, Cimadevilla, Altamirano, Schultz,
el Águila streets or Trascorrales, Porlier,
Paraguas and Sol squares. The premises
located in Campomanes or Jovellanos
streets close the limits of the Old Quarter
and nearby we find the Cider Boulevard
Riego square
(Gascona street), a place you can’t miss if
you like cider and its related cuisine. San
Bernabé and Manuel Pedregal placed in
downtown and commercial areas form part
of this offer. In the latter, the numerous
wine places and restaurants form the socalled “Route of wines” that also extends to
adjoining streets.
San Francisco park
Oviedo has traditionally been a commercial
city. Crafts and presents in the Old
Quarter: Fontán, Riego and Porlier squares,
Cimadevilla, Rúa or Águila. Fashion,
perfumes and presents downtown: Uría,
Conde de Toreno, Avenida de Galicia, Gil de
Jaz, Marqués de Pidal, González del Valle,
Pelayo, Covadonga, Melquíades Álvarez,
Nueve de Mayo or Campoamor. Book shops
at Riego square, Doctor Casal and Pelayo.
The capital of the Principality has numerous
appropriate places for strolling and feeling
the Nature; from the traditional San
Francisco Park in the city centre to the pretty
Campillín, near the Old Quarter besides
others such as Oeste and Purificación Tomás
parks or Invierno Park where a 7km-long
Green path to Fuso de la Reina starts. At the
bottom of the Naranco Mountain, we find
the Pista Finlandesa, (trekking path) whereas
from the top of the mountain we can enjoy a
wonderful view of the city.
#asturias #urban tourism
Fine Arts Museum
It represents the largest public art collection in Asturias,
comprising painting, sculpture, drawing, engraving,
photography and applied and industrial arts.
It is located in three buildings in the old quarter of Oviedo
near the Cathedral.
Phone: (+34) 985 213 061
Artistic objects with a sacred use are displayed along the hall
and in seven rooms. It includes de Holy Chamber and the
treasures there found are: The Cross of Angels, The Cross of
Victory, the Chest of Agates, the Holy Ark, the Holy Shroud, etc.
Phones: (+34) 985 203 117 / (+34) 985 203 601
The Archaeological Museum of Asturias is housed in the
former 16th century Benedictine monastery of San Vicente
and offers the history of the most recent archaeological
findings in the region.
Phone: (+34) 985 208 977
Located in the Former Naranco Schools, this centre shows a
tour around the different Pre Romanesque stages linked to
#asturias #urban tourism
the political evolution of the Kingdom of Asturias between
the 8th and 10th centuries.
Phones: (+34) 985 114 901 / (+34) 902 306 600
Ramiro I Palace (Santa María) has a peculiar construction
whose purpose has not been clarified yet (palace, church,
royal pavilion, royal castle, etc.). It is the most relevant
construction of Asturian Pre Romanesque. San Miguel church
is located nearby.
Phone: (+34) 638 260 163 (Guide)
It is the oldest and biggest Pre Romanesque building
preserved. It was built during the reign of Alfonso II the
Chaste (791-842).
Phone: (+34) 607 353 999 (Guide)
It is located on the ground floor of Carlos Tartiere stadium. This
700 square metre space enables visitors to consult everything
related to this all-time Spanish football team, Real Oviedo.
Phone: (+34) 985 215 300
America’s Day in Asturias
Carnival. Its date varies. This festival is becoming more
and more popular every year. Colourful parades and
costume competition.
Desarme Festival. On the 19th. The restaurants offer a
menu of chick peas with cod and spinach besides tripe
and traditional desserts (Rice pudding). Its origin has been
discussed although the strongest theory is that it represents
the meal with which they lavished the Isabel’s troops during
the Carlist war.
Ascension Fair. The date varies. It is devoted to the countryside
with a remarkable stockbreeding Fair, agricultural machinery
exhibitions, crafts and local craftsmanship products as well as a
recreation of an Astur medieval market in the old city quarter.
La Balesquida or Country Tuesday. (First Tuesday of
Pentecost). It is one of the oldest festivals in Spain (13th
century). A rich and religious Mrs Velasquita donated money
to the Brotherhood of The Taylors to feed the poor every
year. Nowadays, this is represented by handing out the “Bollu
preñau” (bread stuffed with Spanish sausage) which must
be traditionally eaten in San Francisco Park after the Virgin
The Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony. Last Friday of
the month.
A solemn ceremony is held at Campoamor Theatre in Oviedo
to award relevant individuals from around the world who
make notable achievements in the social sciences, arts, sport,
scientific research or literature among others.
San Juan Bonfire. A great crowd gathers on the 23th at
midnight around bonfires located in the neighbourhoods
and dances the ancient Danza Prima.
Saint Matthew Festival. From the week prior to the 21st, several
traditional, artistic, sport events and activities take place such as:
America’s Day in Asturias. On the 19th, a float parade takes
places along the main streets of the city in order to pay a
tribute to all those who immigrated to America. Festival of
National Tourist interest.
Saint Matthew Day. On the 21st of September. Local festival
where “bollu preñao” (bread stuffed with Spanish sausage)
and wine are handed out.
During the month of October, the Princess of
Asturias Awards are held, in which the work carried
out by international personalities is recognised.
#asturias #urban tourism
Streep map
El Cabril
Oviedo Town Hall square
Capital of the autonomous community
Pop. +100.000 people.
Pop. 20.000 - 100.000 people.
Pop. 5.000 - 20.000 people.
Pop. 500 - 5.000 people.
Pop. 100 - 500 people.
Pop. 0 - 100 people.
Municipal capital
Highway or freeway
State road
Regional road
County road
Local road
Province limit
Municipality limit
Parks limits
F.F.C.C. wide track
F.F.C.C. close track
Order number
Puerto de San
Mountain pass
River, reservoir, dam
1. Castropol
2. Vegadeo
3. San Tirso de Abres
4. Taramundi
5. Villanueva de Oscos
6. Santa Eulalia de Oscos
7. San Martín de Oscos
8. Pesoz
9. Grandas de Salime
10. Ibias
11. Degaña
12. Cangas del Narcea
13. Allande
14. Illano
15. Boal
16. Tapia
17. El Franco
18. Coaña
19. Villayón
20. Navia
21. Valdés
22. Tineo
23. Belmonte
24. Somiedo
25. Teverga
26. Yernes y Tameza
27. Grado
28. Salas
29. Pravia
30. Cudillero
31. Muros de Nalón
32. Castrillón
33. Soto del Barco
34. Illas
35. Candamo
36. Las Regueras
37. Oviedo
38. Ribera de Arriba
39. Santo Adriano
40. Proaza
41. Morcín
42. Riosa
43. Quirós
44. Lena
45. Aller
46. Mieres
47. Langreo
48. Siero
49. Noreña
50. Llanera
51. Corvera
52. Avilés
53. Gozón
54. Carreño
55. Gijón
56. Villaviciosa
57. Sariego
58. Cabranes
59. Nava
60. Bimenes
61. San Martín del Rey
62. Laviana
63. Sobrescobio
64. Caso
65. Piloña
66. Colunga
67. Caravia
68. Ribadesella
69. Parres
70. Ponga
71. Amieva
72. Cangas de Onís
73. Onís
74. Llanes
75. Cabrales
76. Peñamellera Alta
77. Peñamellera Baja
78. Ribadedeva
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