April 5 2011 - Selwyn College


April 5 2011 - Selwyn College
Tuesday 5 April 2011 —Issue 8
Tena Koutou Katoa
A Successful Inaugural House Day
On Tuesday last week our students and staff were
transported by bus to Mt Smart Stadium for our first
ever House Day. Right from the start, House spirit was
alive and buzzing with everyone attired in their House
colours and many covered in a huge amount of face
paint! There were wonderful banners and, as the photo shows, staff
member Jane Grant had made a
spectacular House mascot costume
of a marlin for Takeketonga. The
students took part in a wide range of serious athletics events and some exciting fun
events such as a 3-legged and egg and spoon races. They earned points for their
House for participation and for coming in a place.
Congratulations to Takeketonga House for coming first in the Participation section.
A huge congratulations to all those in Rautawa House for being the winning House
overall on the day! The overall points were:
BAT BOY: The Musical Opens On Wednesday
Our school production BAT BOY: THE MUSICAL opens this Wednesday 6th
April and runs until Saturday 9th April. Bookings are available through
www.iticket.co.nz or by phoning 361 1000. We strongly encourage all of
our community to come. It promises to be fantastic!
This musical is based on a story in The Weekly World News about a half
boy/half bat creature who is discovered in a cave, learns to speak from
his adoptive family and yearns for acceptance in society - only to face
hatred and rejection from a town that fears him.
Boasting a cast of 60, plus musicians and a large crew, our production of
BAT BOY is a real team effort. There is a healthy mixture of seasoned
performing arts students and some first time performers meaning a
diverse cast that has brought an infectious energy to this production.
Kapa Haka at
Stonefields School Opening
Last Friday, our Kapa haka was invited to
perform the welcome for the official
opening of the new Stonefields School. It
was an auspicious occasion attended by the
Governor General, local MPs and other
important guests from ERO and The
Ministry of Education. Their powhiri was
dramatic and powerful which resulted in
huge accolades from the speakers as well as
many individuals present. This followed on
from their first-class performance at the
Polyfest. We are hugely proud of the fact
that Kapa haka are going from strength to
Staff Resignations
Recently we have received resignations from two of
our teachers – Rachel Purchas and Nicole Macquet.
Cathy Parsons, Administration Assistant, Community
Education is also leaving next week. We thank them for
their contributions to our learning community and wish
them all the very best for the future.
Junior Boys Field Champion
Intermediate Boys Field Champion
Senior Boys Track Champion
Junior Girls Track Champion
Junior Girls Field Champion
Intermediate Girls Track Champion
Senior Girls Track Champion
Senior Girls Field Champion
Christopher Kessell
C K Manase
Jordan Leher
Nina Van Lier
Dora Gancs
Xsara Hobson
Nita Rakovica
Katrianna Lammas-Howell
To be named a field or track champion, competitors must
have been placed in the top three in at least two events.
Overall Junior Boys Champion
Christopher Kessell
(first in 400m, Long Jump & Discus)
Overall Junior Girls Champion
Amber Campbell
(first in 200m and Long Jump)
Overall Intermediate Girls Champion Xsara Hobson
(first in 200m, second in 100m and first in Long Jump)
Overall Senior Boys Champion
Jordan Leher
(first in 100m, 200m & 800, second in Long Jump)
Carmela Hughes on
Breakfast TV
Last week Carmela Hughes (right)
represented Selwyn College on
TV One’s ‘Breakfast’ Programme.
Carmela and a student from De
La Salle College were interviewed
by Petra Bagust about how their
schools deal with bullying. Carmela talked about our
Peer Mediation and Restorative Justice programmes
and about the key role that trained peers can have in
helping their fellow students resolve bullying issues.
She also highlighted the fact that at Selwyn College
we all make every effort to get on top of any bullying
in the early stages so that the problems don’t get too
big. This has resulted in a relatively low level of
Short courses: (during holiday break)
Pilates -early morning
 Yoga— early Wednesday evening
Continue with your fitness or have a go at
something new.
Luke Cullen sprinting for the finish to come third in the
Intermediate Boys 200 metre race
see our website www.selwyncomed.school.nz
or phone 09 521 9623 to enrol
Careers Department News
Congratulations to our three students, Joana Corriera, Callum
Wears-Service and Ahad Hamzaie who were selected to
attend the Army Experience programme at Waiouru in the
school holidays. Taneroa Emery is on the stand-by list and
could be lucky later on. Only 15 students were chosen from
all Eastern Auckland schools. Selwyn College is well
represented in this group.