Stratigraphy and floristics of Eocene swamp forests from Axel
Stratigraphy and floristics of Eocene swamp forests from Axel
1914 Stratigraphy and floristics of Eocene swamp forests from Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago Dnvrn R. GnseNwoool lNo huBs F. BnsrNcnn Department of Geological Sciences, University of Saslcatchewan,Sasl<atoon,SK S7N 0W0, Canada Received March 22, 1993 Revision acceptedAugust 3I, 1993 A record of polar Eocene forests is preserved as in situ tree-stump fields and leaf-litter mats in Buchanan Lake Formation sediments on Axel Heiberg Island, in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Stratigraphic examination at the centimetre to metre scale of peat-coal lithology and macrofossil floristics in two levels of thesefossil forests reflects small-scale changesin forest composition and swamp hydrology horizontally and temporal variation vertically. Root system structure and tree base stratigraphy suggestthat exposedtree stumps may not include only coeval individuals of a single forest stand, but rather also individuals representing different phasesof the forest through one cycle of the hydrological development of this Eocene polar forest community. Earlier calculations of stand density and biomass, based upon the assumption that all stumps represent coeval trees, may therefore be greatly overestimated. A mosaic of Alnus - fern bog, mixed coniferous community, and taxodiaceous (Metasequoia-Glyptostrobus) swamp appears to have produced both the leaf mats and the in situ stumps, with the taxodiaceous swamp the dominant peat-accumulating phase. Les s6dimentsde la Formation de Buchanan sur I'ile Axel Heiberg, dans I'archipel de I'Arctique canadien, renferment des champs de souches d'arbres et des tapis de litiEres de feuilles in situ qui document I'existence d'une for0t polaire Dr I'EocEne. L'6tude stratigraphique, i I'echelle du centimbtre au mbtre, des unitds lithologiques de tourbe-houille et de la flore macrofossilifdre repr6sentantdeux niveaux de ces for0ts fossilis6es reflEte i petite 6chelle des changementshorizontaux dans la composition des espCcesforestidres et de I'hydrologie des marais, et verticalement des variations temporelles. La structure du systdme de racines, jointe i la stratigraphie fond6e sur les espbcesd'arbres, suggdre que les souchesd'arbres expos6es ne repr6sentent pas uniquement des sp6cimens contemporains d'un peuplement forestier unique, mais plut6t des sp6cimens qui appartiennent i diff6rentes phases d'une for6t soumise i un cycle de d6veloppement hydrologique qui a affect6 cette communaut6 forestidre polaire de I'EocEne. Les dvaluations faites auparavant de la densit6 et la biomasse du peuplement 6taient fond6es sur I'hypothtse que toutes les souchesreprdsententuniquement des arbres contemporains, par cons6quentelles sont fortement surestim6es. Une mosarque formde d'Alnus - fougbres de tourbibre, d'une communaut6 mixte de conifdres et d'un marais i Taxodiacdes (Metasequoia-Glyptostob,ns) a vraisemblablement produit les tapis de feuilles et les souches in situ, et c'est dans ce marais i Taxodiac6esqu'est apparue la plus importante phase d'accumulation de la tourbe. [Traduit par la r6daction] Can.J. EarthSci.30, l9l4-1923 (1993) Introduction Fossil forests are assemblagesof tree stumps preserved in their growth positions at a single stratigraphic level (Jefferson 1982; Francis l99l). Such autochthonousplant fossil assemblages provide information on the stand structure and synecology of ancient forest communities (e.g., Fowler et al. 1973; Jefferson 1982; Collinson and Scoff 1987; Francis l99l; Taylor et al. 1991). In contrast with allochthonousfluviolacustrineplant fossil deposits, fossil forests preserve patterns of abundance and biomass of forest ecosystems approximately intact, as well as spatial relationships of some of the forest constituents. Recent studies on high-latitude fossil-forest standsindicate stem densities of between 325 and 484 trees/h for EoceneArctic forests (Francis l99l) and 258 trees/h for Triassic Antarctic forests (Taylor et al. l99l). A key problem in determining stem densities, spatial relationships,and biomass,however, is time-averaging;that is, determining whether the in situ stumps were all alive at the same time and, in turn, killed and preserved at the same time. If treesfrom within a single continuouslygrowing forest die at different times and are preserved over a geologically short time interval (500-1000 years), later compression of the swamp-peat may bring tree stumps from different time intervals (i.e., lived and died at different times) into stratigraphic juxtaposition. Subsequenterosion may exposeall of thesestumps rPresentaddress: Department of Paleobiology, NHB MRC 121, SmithsonianInstitution, Washington, DC 20560, U.S.A. Printed in Canada / Imprimd au Canada and give the impression that all of the stumps represent coeval members of a single forest community which were killed and preseryedin a single catastrophicevent. Evaluation of standing biomass (as stems per hectare) and of stand structure and dynamics, based upon assumptionsthat stumps are coeval, may therefore be grossly overestimatedand may misrepresent species composition and relative abundance. Leaf litter of modern forests reflects the spatial arrangement, canopy composition, and relative biomass (stem basal area) of the standing forest (Chaney 1924; Ferguson 1985; Greenwood 1991, 1992; Burnham et al. 1992). Therefore, autochthonous fossil leaf litter layers will reflect the spatial arrangementand biomass of the palaeovegetation.Such reconstruction of forest structure is also dependenton whether a litter layer representsdepositionwithin the life of a single forest, or an accumulation of successivestands. Floristic variation from point to point must be determined as being caused by either spatial (lateral facies changes) or temporal (vertical stratigraphic changes)variation (e.9., Taggart 1988; Barrett and Christophel 1990; Greenwood l99l). The standstructure and dynamics of someof the fossil forests of Axel Heiberg have been briefly examined (Francis l99l; Basingerl99l). The original studyby Francis(1991)was based on the unstated assumption that all of the stumps within a single layer were alive at the same time. Stem densitiesand biomassestimateswere derived by measuringthe size and position of all exposedstumps. Preliminary examination of the leaf layers had suggestedthat lateral variation in speciescomposition reflected local community structure but did not address l9t5 GREENWOOD AND BASINCER variation with depth within the leaf litter layer (Basinger 1991). Lithology of peats and low-grade coals can be assessed basedon colour and the preservationor absenceof recognizable plant macrofossils (Moore 1989; Moore and Hilbert 1992). Differences in coal lithology within a single seam can be attributed to the former existence of a mosaic of plant communities, controlled in part by local hydrological conditions, and the plant types present, as well as subsurfacediagenetic processes(McCabe 1984; Moore 1986, 1987; Collinson and Scott 1987; Cameron et al. 1989; Moore and Hilbert 1992). (Modern taxodiaceousswamps in Florida contain mosaics of different plant subcommunities,reflecting differences in local hydrology, substrate, and disturbance history (Davis 1946:' Spackman et al. 1969; Collinson and Scott 1987).) Stratigraphic examination of floristic and lithological character within seams will therefore demonstrate differences in the hydrological regime and plant community type within a coeval surfaceand successionalchangesover time in vertical section (McCabe 1984; Moore 1986; Cameron et al. 1989). If the assumptionof coeval stumps is valid, then each stump should be rooted at the same stratigraphic level, with roots similarly penetratingthe peat substrate.Variation in floristics laterally is likely to have been controlled by local hydrology and therefore may be reflected in local lithological differences within the peat leaf-litter layer. In a similar manner, temporal changesin floristics, controlled by either local hydrological changesor disturbance events, are likely to be reflected by both changesin peat lithology and floristics with depth through the peat layer. Recent fieldwork, reported here, questions some of the assumptionsupon which earlier analysesof the Axel Heiberg Eocenefossil forests were based. A detailed lithostratigraphy (centimetreto metre scale) and spatial changesin floristics of two laterally extensive peat-coal layers are presented. To assesswhether thesefossil-forest standsrepresentcoeval trees or a successionof stands,root systemspatialand stratigraphic organizationhas been examined. Also consideredis the relationship between individual leaf layers and local spatial and temporal mosaicsof hydrologic conditions and plant community structure. Materials and methods Macrofloras in BuchananLake Formation (upper coal member) sedimentspreservea record of near-polar vegetationand environmentsnear the Geodetic Hills on Axel Heiberg Island (Fig. l) in the CanadianArctic Archipelago (Basinger1991; Mclntyre 1991). Ricketts(1991) interpretsthis sequenceas a meanderplain fed by alluvial fans. The upper coal member of the BuchananLake Formation has been dated palynologically as Eocene (Ricketts and Mclntyre 1986; Mclntyre l99l). Well-preserved taxodiaceousfossil forests are preserved in carbonaceouspaludal facies of these sediments (Basinger l99l; Francis l99l). Rickett's (1991) upper coal member of the Buchanan Lake Formation is representedat the fossil forest site by a repeatingsequenceof lacustrine shales,fluvial and fluviolacustrine sandstonesand sandyclaystones,paleosols, and peaty coal seams(Fig. 2a) exhibiting varying degreesof humifaction(Ricketts l99l; Goodarziet al. l99l). Peatycoal layers at the site were originally labelled (e.9., levels M, N, and O) in descendingalphabetical series (i.e., M is stratigraphicallyhigher than levels N or O) by Francis (1991), and this convention is continued here. Each major coal layer is Heiberg lsland F o s s iI Q Forest Locality Frc. l. Locationmap of the Eocenefossil-forestsite, Buchanan LakeFormation,GeodeticHills area,Axel HeibergIsland,Canadian Arctic Archipelago. about 0.5-2 m thick and may be laterally continuousfor more than2 km (seealso Ricketts l99l). In situ stumpscomprising "fossil forests" commonly occur within or overlying coal seams. One of the most extensive fossil forests, level N of Francis(1991), is embeddedin a coal layer in which mummified leaf litter is clearly recognizable(Figs. 2b and 2c). The fossil forest of level N and the peat layer of level M are considered here (Figs. 2a and 2b). To test the assumptionof coeval fossil-forest stump and litter layers of earlier studies(Basingerl99l; Francis l99l), a seriesof trencheswere dug through vertical edge exposuresof the in situ stump-litter layer (level N of Francis' nomenclature) (Fig.2b) anda trench dug horizontally within the surface exposureof this layer (Figs. 2c and 2d). Samplesof the leaf litter - coal (10 x l0 x 5 cm) were collected in vertical sequencewithin the edge sectionsto reveal the stratigraphyof the peat leaf-litter layer. The horizontal trench was dug to exposeroot systemsof sometree stumpsto reveal their spatial arrangement, laterally and vertically, within the litter layer and any lateral and vertical variation in the microtopography of the peat surface. The horizontal trench in level N (Figs. 2c and 2d) passed near several small ( < l0 cm diam. at peat surface) in situ stumps, a medium-sizedstump (>10-30 cm diam.) and a large stump (l m diameter). An accesstrench was first dug 40 cm from the stumpsand the peat stockpiledat the site. Slabs CAN. J. EARTH SCI. VOL. 30. 1993 \i* - .!r" Y' r; -.|:t-nft tr' ., a .. \ - {' -- +'-.' .-'EiK. --tr7-' Frc. 2. Stratigraphyofthe uppercoal memberandthe fossil forest. (4) Photographshowingaltematingsequenceof swamp-forest peat-coal fossil-forest site(eastridge,Basingerl99l). Scalebar = l0 m. (r) Photolacustrineshales,andpaleosols; layers(K-R), fluvial sandstones, graphshowingexposedhorizontally lying peat(leaf litter) layer with in situ tree stumpsfrom levels N andO (arrowheadsapprox. I m diam.). The positionsof the vertical stratigraphicsectionsthrough level N are indicatedwith arrowheadsand the numbersI -8; tr, position of the horizontaltrench. (c) Photographshowinghorizontaltrenchthroughleaflitter layer of level N. Note in situ stumpsand root, Position of putativepneumatophoreor taxodiaceous"knee." Personfor scale.(d) Photograph(detail) of trench showing root systemsof in situ stumps(trenchwidth 0.6 m). of peat, approximately20 x 20 x l0 cm, were then sequentially removed along a transectand each sample labelled with its vertical orientation recorded on the sample. After removal of the peat samples, small spatulasand brusheswere used to exposethe root systemsof the in situ stumps. Detailed examinationof the stratigraphicsectionsexposed by the vertical edge trenchesthrough level N (Fig. 2b, l-8) were used to assessstratigraphic variation within a 30 m lateral transect. Floristic variation with depth was assessed from samplescollected from one of these sections, section 7 (labelled trench G elsewhere),using the procedureoutlined below. A lessdetailedtransectfollowed the stratigraphicallyhigher level M laterally for about 1.5 km to assesslarge-scalevariation in floristics. A traverse followed level M horizontally "east ridge" to a point from the fossil forest site proper, along where level M becametotally obscuredby cover (Fig. 3). Samplesof coal, 10- 15 x 10 X 5 cm, were collectedfrom the basal clay-coal contact at about 100-125 m intervals. The coal sampleswere composedlargely of mummified coniferous material (foliage, cones, and other organs), and so macrofossilswere extractedby simply dispersingthe dry peat manually. Material was sorted according to organ type (cone or other reproductivestructure,foliage, etc.). A semiquantitative analysisof the level M transectis presentedhere using a five point abundancescale (whole or equivalent recognizable t9t7 GREENWOOD AND BASINGER east ridge Frc. 3. Sketch of the east ridge and the fossil-forest site (/) showing the position of level M and the transect sample points (l - l0). Fig. 2a was photographedat s and the campsitewas at c. The distancebetweeneach samplepoint from points 3 to l0 is approximately 100 m and the total distance betweenf and s is 2 km. organs,see below) used in Quaternarymacrofossilstudies (Grosse-Brauckmann 1986,p. 608). i.F Results Root systems The excavationof the horizontal trench revealed intact root systems for the two small stumps and for the medium-sized stump (Fig. 2d); however, no evidencefor the root systemof the large stump was found in the excavatedpeat, with only a minimal amountof root material remaining at the peat surface. It would appear that the root system of this individual either rotted after burial, or the individual was dead prior to burial and the root systemwas already in an advancedstateof decay. Clay was found to be domed beneaththis large stump as well as other large stumps of level N. The root systemsexamined were consistentwith conifer root systems.The flattenedplanklike appearanceof the major roots (e.g., Fig. 2d) is probably due to compression,but may also reflect a degreeof planarity in the living roots that may be indicative of shallow-rooted trees in swamp conditions (Munaut 1986). A root structure exposed in excavation strongly resembled a pneumatophore (or "knee"; Fig. 4) such as those produced by some Taxodiaceae.This structure was geniculate, resembling the form produced by the modern Glyptostrobus pensilis Koch (Fowler et al. 1973\, and not conical as seen in Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich. Similar structureswere found projecting from the unexcavatedpeat surface. The positions of the stump baseswere variable within the peat, but the basal level of the peat (possibly representingthe establishmentmicrotopographyof the precedingpaleosol)was also variable. Compactionof the sedimentsmay have contributed to variations in apparentthickness and microtopography of the peat and peat-clay contact. However, it is likely, given the very low compaction ratios of these sediments, that the microtopography of the peat and peat-clay contact reflects original highs and lows in the swamp forest. Similar microtopographic patterns seen in modern peat swamps correlate with small-scalefloristic changes,due to differences in water level. The roots that radiate from the small to medium stumps occur at the mid-level of the peat layer; however, a significant numberof large roots and branch roots extend to lower levels. Theseroots did not appearto penetratethe basal clay. Significantly, the remnants of the large stump root system encountered in the trench, and additional large stumps nearby, stand in relief and appearto sit atop the peat layer. However, excavation beneath these stumps demonstrated that they were underlain by clay, suggestingthat they were rooted directly in the precedingclay paleosol. The implication is that the largest "knee" notedin Fig. 2c, exposed FIc. 4. Closeupof taxodiaceous in the trenchthroughlevel N. Scalebar : 2.0 cm. size stumpsmay representtrees that existed throughout much of the period of peat (leaf litter) accumulation preserved in level N. Vertical peat stratigraphy (Ievel N) Sections through level N revealed interbedding of peatycoal, clayey-coal, coaly-clay, and clay layers (Fig. 5). The thicknessand lateral continuity of distinct layers were variable, with individual layers thinning and thickening, anastomosing, and occasionallydisappearingand reappearing(Fig. 6). Individual peat-coal and clay layers within level N were generally between 6 and 30 cm thick. Net peat accumulation (as thickness) reflects the result of gross productivity (as leaf-fall and root systems,in this case), loss from decay and herbivory, and compaction(Clymo 1983; Moore 1989; Moore and Hilberl 1992).In thick sequencesof peat ( > 150 cm), total thicknessof peat may be a poor reflection of original biomassand the rate of accumulation,as decay and compactionvary with depth (Clymo 1983). Very shallow peatswill better reflect accumulation, as compaction is more even and loss through decay is similar at depth. The thickness of eachpeat layer provides an estimateof accumulationrates, and thereforeof the period of peat accumulation.This estimate provides a rough time frame for the fossil forests. McCabe (1984, 1987) estimatesthat rates of accumulation r9l8 CAN. J. EARTHSCI. VOL. 30. 1993 Frc. 5. Photographsof vertical sectionsthrough level N. (c) Section 5. (b) Section 7. Peat (leaf mat) layers appear darkest, with coaly-clay layers gray and mineral-clay layers pale. The pen in the photographs is l0 cm in length. See Fig. 6 for an explanation of lithology. ffi peat 2 5 r tr l---= coaly clay I lctl 0 clay 1 2 "," 3 m 4 5 [:" x 10. betweenmeasuredsections(l -8), Venical exaggeration Frc. 6. Compositestratigraphyof level N. Stratigraphyis diagrammatic Prominentin situ roots (r) were observedat section3 and an in situ stump (s) at the baseof section l. The coal layer found betweenl0 and 20 cm abovethe bas€is stratigraphicallycontinuousover the whole lateral transectand is markedly fossiliferous, b€ing dominatedby angiospermleaves(a) at section2, and 'ich it Chamaecyryis (c) at s€ction8. At section7 (seeTable 2) this layer is dominatedby Metasequoia, with significant amountsof angiospermleaves,the undescribedTaxodiaceaetaxon, ^trd Glvtostrobut- TnsLn l. Accumulation rates of peat in Tertiary and modern peat-forming vegetation Accumulation rate Type of vegetation Mixed podocarp and angiosperm swamp (Miocene) Mixed podocarp and angiosperm swamp (Miocene) Tropical angiosperm swamp forest (modern) Mixed angiosperm and Taxodiutn swamp (modern) Taxodium swamp (modern) Quoted 60 m / 4.8xIff a ( 0 . 1 3m m ' a - ' ) 60 m / lff-lOs a (0.6-6.0 mm'a-') 2.2-2.8 mm' a-r I -2 mm'a-l 5.9m l7O00a ( 0 . 8 4m m ' a - r ) Years/IO cm 770 Source Luly et al. 1980 t7 -170 George 1975 36-46 Anderson 1983 50-100 l2O Gower et al. 1985 Cohen 1985: Retallack 1990 GREENWOOD AND BASINGER 1919 Tnslr 2. Generalized floristics of level N coal through vertical for Recentpeats range from 0.1 to 2.3 mm'a-r. Table I section 7 (trench G) Tertiary summarizes peat accumulation for some modern and forested swamp communities. Accumulation rates for these examplesrange from 0.13 to 6 mm'a-r. The estimateof 0.13 mm'"-l provided for Miocene podocarp-angiosperm swampsby Luly et al. (1980) is basedon pollen accumulation Distance ratesand pollen density in lignites and may be conservativefor from base this swamp community. Similarly, the upper limit of 6 mm' (cm) a-l for these Miocene swamps estimated by George (1975) (1990, p. that 272) suggests Retallack as may be excessive, 2-3 2-3 43 5 peat cannot accumulateunder forest at rates much greater than 2-3 2-3 42 5 I mm'a-I. Accumulation rates for the Axel Heiberg fossil 2- 3 2- 3 5 4l forest peats of around l-2 mm'a-l seem likely, based on 2-3 2-3 5 40 2-3 2-3 5 accumulation rates in modern taxodiaceousswamps (Gower 39 Clay parting 38 et al. 1985).On this basis, l0 cm of peat in the Arctic Eocene Clay paning 37 Buchanan Lake Formation fossil-forest sequencesrepresents Clay parting 36 is a between 50 and 100 years of forest development. This 5 35 of implicit assumption is an as there estimate, conservative 5 34 productivity and loss through decay or compaction equivalent 5 33 to the Recentexamples.It is possiblethat the time represented 32 + + 5 by this thicknessof peat is much longer (200-400 years). The I + 5 3l layers of clay and coaly clay may representsingle events, such I + 5 30 as a minor flooding, but may also reflect temporary changes t 5 I 29 Clay parting 28 in the hydrological regime lasting decades or longer. The I 27 5 whole sequenceof level N deposition, therefore, most prob| 2-3 26 5 ably represents 500- 1000 years of forest development, + + 5 25 although much longer time frames (2000 years or more) could 2 5 24 be representedif loss has been excessive. Clay parting 23 A period of 500- 1000 years for the deposition of a single Clay parting 22 peat, or leaf litter layer (such as level N), is within the lifeClay parting 2l span of modern taxodiaceous trees (such as Taxodium and 2 3 5 20 Sequoia). However, the small size of the largest stumps 2 2 5 + t9 (approx. 2 m diam.) and typical ring widths of 3 mm (Francis + 4 L-2 4 l 18 + 4 t-2 4 l t7 l99l) suggestthat the fossil-forest stumps of level N may be 2 5 + l6 300-400 years old, and therefore potentially younger than the 2- 3 2-3 l5 5 l lowest horizons of level N. However, these larger stumps in 3 t4 5 level N appearto be rooted directly in the basal clay, whereas 3 l3 5 + the smaller stumpsappearto be rooted in the peat (seeabove). 3-5 2-3 5 r 2 t 2 At least some of the largest stumpswere deadbefore the fossil 3-5 2-3 ll 5 r-2 forest was buried by the succeedingclay, becausetheir hearts 2-3 3-5 5 r-2 l0 show evidenceof having rotted and in some casesfilled with 3 5 3-5 9 debris (Francis 1991). 5 4 l 8 5 The degree of humification of the coal layers was variable, 2 7 5 2 6 with individual layers composed of essentially leaf litter to Unidentifiable plant fragments 5-0 predominantly twigs and wood to unrecognizable organic material. The leaf litters of level N were composedmostly of Norps: Samplesare I cm apart. +, only a few pieces (l-2 specimens)of Metasequoia leafy twigs, rarely of broad-leaved angiosperm tissueremains (e.g., angiospermleaf pieces), representing llVo of material; with fruits, cones, or seedsof the taxon generally not present; l, l-3Vo of leaves (mostly Betulaceae,especiallyAlnus), fern fronds and material, or 3-5 fruits, cones, or seedsof the same taxon; 2,4-10% of rhizomes, or other (often diverse) assemblagesof conifers, material. or 5- 14 fruits, cones, or seeds; 3, 10-25% of material, or > 14 such as Pinaceae(e.g., Pseudolarix) and Cupressaceae(Chafruits, cones, or seeds;4,25-50% of material; 5, >50% of material. l99l) maecyparis) (LePage and Basinger l99l; Basinger (Table 2; Fie. 7). The peat of level N was generally richer in angiosperm suggests that other conifers (especially Glyptostrobus, an leaves (principally Alnus) towards the base (7-18 cm above taxodiaceous conifer, and Chamaecyparis\ may undescribed 5 on the abundance basal clay) of section 7, ranging from 3 to scale (10-25% to >50% of material). Other angiosperms dominate in place of either Metasequoia or Alnus (t other angiosperms)over small areas (2-5 m2) and short stratiwere rarely present,then in small amounts(2-3 on the abungraphic intervals (2-4 cm). dancescale, or approx. l0% of material) higher in the section Smaller stumps encountered in the lateral section transects 7 section was throughout (39-43 cm). Metasequoia dominant (levels N and M) were most commonly rooted in the top (Table 2; Fig.7), with the exceptionof three intervals (7, 8, l0-20 cm of peat, the roots extendingonly as far down as the and 17- l8 cm) where it was either codominantwith Alnus (at preceding (7 clay or peaty-clay layer within the level (e.9., cm). 17-18 cm), or replacedas dominantby Alnus and 8 were typically not rooted within the same Fig. 8). Stumps freld season 1992 N in the of level examination Subsequent $ € s $* *q gF . *rE s s Es 3.{$ cAN. J. EARTH SCr. vOL. 30, 1993 1920 abundance score 0 43 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 E () s c o ! 27 25 7t 21 19 17 15 13 11 I 7 5 Osmunda other angiosperm Alnus undescribed Taxodiaceae Pseudolarix Glyptostobus Metasequoia Frc. 7. Floristic composition at centimetre intervals within level N peat through section at section 7. Abundance scale as in Table 2. Tlnln 3. Plant associations(common macrofossils) along level M transect(1.5 km), baseof section(<25 cm from basalclay), based on field observations Sample points 4 Metasequoia Foliage Cones Glyptostrobus Other conifer Alnus Other angiosperm Onoclea (fern) Osmunda (fern) No macrofossils Frc. 8. Photograph (detail) of level M showing in situ stump in upper part of the level and root system. The pen lying against the stump is l0 cm in length. horizon in this topmost layer, suggestingestablishment(?and death) of trees at either different times or at different microtopographic positions. Horizontal transect (level M) The macrofossil taxon most commonly found in abundance in level M (Fig. 3) was Metasequoia, representedby both foliage and cones (Tables 3 and 4). Glyptostrobuswas rare, and remains of other coniferous taxa virtually absent. Very few specieswere found in individual samplesand throughout the transect,indicating a conservativecommunity of low diversity X X X X 5 6 l0 7 X X Tnnr-B 4. Plant associations(common macrofossils) along level M transect(1.5 km), middle of section (25-50 cm from basal clay), based on quantitative examination of samples Sample points Metasequoia Foliage Cones Glyptostrobus Other conifer Alnus Other angiosperm Onoclea (fern) Osmunda (fern) Wood pieces 5 + 2 3 5 l 3 4 5 5 6 7 l 5 + 10 5 2-3 I 3 + I f + + 2 + + 5 I 3 4 f 3 2 5 3 Nore: Abundance scale as in Table 2. + 2 3 2 1 4 3 2 t92l GREENWOOD AND BASINGER over a large area. At sample points 5, 6, and 10, thick leaf mats dominatedby Alnus (Betulaceae)were present(Table 4). The fern remains in level M include Osmunda and Onoclea. At one samplepoint, level M was dominated by Alnus leaves in association with abundant fern fronds and mummified whole fern plants of Onoclea. The amount of woody matter (small branches,bark, etc.) varied between samples. Angiosperm leaves were most commonly preserved as either rare fragmentswithin minor clay partings within otherwiseconiferous leaf mats (e.g., sample9) or as densemats (e.g., sample6). Alnus was present in all but two samples,but was most common where Metasequoia was rare or absent. Although some samples include an abundance of angiosperm leaves, as is apparent from Tables 3 and 4, higher in level M (i.e., )50 cm from the basal clay) peat-coals were composedof either mixed conifer (including Metasequoia)or pure Metasequoialeaf mats. Mixed conifer layers were commonly succeededby Metasequoia-dominated leaf mats higher in the layer. In situ stumps in level M were uncommon, typically associated with Metasequoia leaf mats, and generally occurred from the middle to near the top of level M (Figs. 3 and 8). Cones of Metasequoia were present in four samples, being common in only one sample.Alnus was presentin all but two samples, but was most common where Metasequoia was less common, or where Metasequoia was absent. Discussion Litter accumulation in modern taxodiaceous swamps is high, producing peat dominated by Taxodium foliage (Spackman et al. 1969; Conner and Day 1976; Wing 1984). Nevertheless,modern taxodiaceousswamps in the southern United Statescontain a mosaic of plant communitiesreflecting the interactionof hydrology (variations in the water table) and ecology (Davis 1946; Spackmanet al. 1969; Conner and Day 1976; Collinson and Scott 1987). Different subcommunitiesin such swamp mosaics reflect differences in substrate, water level, and successionalresponsesto disturbance. Spackman et al. (1969) have suggestedthat successionfrom Taxodium forest islands ("Cypress heads") in the Florida swamp-marsh communitiesto hardwood-dominatedforest may be causedby the accumulation of peat and the resulting lowering of the water table. Recordsof thesesubcommunitiesare preservedin the peats. Open-water plant communities commonly produce fine-grained peat lacking obvious plant remains, whereas forested swamps produce coarse-grainedpeat with obvious leaf and twig remains (Spackmanet al. 1969). The polar Eocene taxodiaceousswamps of Axel Heiberg Island would seem to have had a similar ecological dynamic to modern taxodiaceousswamps, although open-water plant communitiesappearto have been a more minor componentof the ancient swamps. The associationof Onoclea with Alnus leaves in the peats is consistent with the preference of the modern speciesOnoclea sensibilis andAlnus spp. for wet soil or marshy forests and is similar to the associationof remains of O. sensibilis with betulaceous remains and Metasequoia foliage in the Paleoceneof Alberta (Rothwell and Stockey l99l). It is plausible that the Alnus-Onoclea association representshardwood stands or thickets within the taxodiaceousswamp, on local slightly raisedor exposedareasof peat. It seemslikely, therefore, that hydrological differencespromoted developmentof a vegetationalmosaic of taxodiaceous and betulaceousswamp and bog forests, and that hydrological evolution of the swamp was complex. The stratigraphic arrangement of root systemsin level N may reflect redirection of the roots during the life of thesetrees, indicating fluctuating water-table levels (Munaut 1986). Repeatedpatterns of succession of plant communities have not been recognized for the Eoceneswamp forestsof Axel Heiberg Island. The occasional presence of layers rich in nontaxodiaceousconifers (e.9., Chamaecypari s, I-arix, andPseudolarix ; LePage and Basinger l99l1' Basinger 1991) indicates the existence of relatively diverse mixed-conifer plant communities within the mosaic. Thesecommunitieswere encounteredin level N, but were not seen in the analysisof the level M transect. Nevertheless,the majority of the peat is composed of taxodiaceouslitter (principally Metasequoia). The predominanceof taxodiaceouspeat in the paludal facies of the upper coal member of the Buchanan Lake Formation does not imply that theseplant communities were the dominant vegetation of the meander plains. However, Metasequoiadominated forests were by far the widespread vegetation in areas of high net accumulationof peat. Conclusions A successionof coaly layers, representingtree-dominated swamps, is found interbeddedwith lacustrine shales, fluvial sands, and paleosols within the Buchanan Lake Formation of Axel Heiberg Island. These coals may include well-preserved leaf matter and in situ stumps. Lateral variation in the stratigraphy of these coaly layers indicatesthat hydrological conditions, and as a consequencethe floristic and ecology of the plant communities, may have been highly variable laterally within these swamps. Vertical changesin sedimentcharacter within coal layers indicate that hydrological conditions also varied over time, apparently influencing local community composition and structure. Semiquantitativechangesin macrofossil taxon abundance(Tables 2-4; Fig. 7) within levels M and N indicate the former existence of a mosaic of taxodiaceous swamp (Metasequoia- Glytostrobus), angiosperm- fern (Onoclea-Osmunda), and mixed coniferous communities. Taxodiaceous swamp was the dominant peat-forming community and must have been intimately associated with areas of soil saturation. Such peat accumulation reflects higher water-table levels and hencesuppressionofdecay and doesnot necessarily imply higher productivity (Moore 1987). The thicknessof individual coal layers within levels M and N suggeststhat each represents500- 1000 (or more) years of swamp-forest growth. Individual stumpsmay representcoeval members of a forest killed and buried contemporaneously,but may also have been shown to be the remains of trees from previous stands. Laterally exposed horizontal layers with in situ stumps may therefore contain superimposed individuals representingdifferent components of the temporal and spatial vegetational mosaic. Inclusion of all stumps in stand-density calculations, based on the assumption that all stumps in such beds are coeval, may substantially overestimate biomass, stand density (stems per hectare), and productivity. 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