The Palette - Peninsula Art League


The Palette - Peninsula Art League
July– No meeting.
Next Meeting September,
New more central meeting location at
the Methodist Church. Address to follow.
Next PAL Program—
September 24th:
Mark your calendars for the July 20-21st Peninsula Art League
Member’s Show at Key Bank.
I grew up in Sundsvall in northern Sweden and moved to Stockholm in 1970
where I attended the National College of Art, Craft and Design (Konstfack) and
received my MFA in 1976. Though specialize in tapestry, I have also worked
as a muralist and a graphics illustrator.
Since 1977 I have worked in the United States, producing tapestries
for public and private collections, and commissioned works for hospitals, banks and for the
headquarters of the Bonneville Power Administration in Portland, Oregon. I was commissioned by
the Washington State Arts Commission (WSAC)
to create major pieces for the new Washington
State University campus in Vancouver, and for
Grays Harbor College in Aberdeen, Washington.
In 2010 I finished a commissioned piece for
WSAC for Moxee Elementary School near Yakima, Washington, and in 2012 installed a tapestry, also commissioned by WSAC, for McMicken
Heights Elementary School in Seatac, Washington.
My tapestries have appeared in numerous national and international exhibitions and my work is represented in Contemporary Textile Art
- Scandinavia, The State of the Arts, The State of the Crafts, Fiberarts Design Book I, IV , V and
VI, World Tapestry Today, and a number of magazines. I spent two years in Scotland, working
on a project recreating the Hunt of the Unicorn tapestries.
I live with my husband in Gig Harbor, Washington.
2012-13 PAL Board and Chairs
Jo Ann Sullivan
[email protected]
(360) 876-0742
First Vice President*
Hilaire Radowick
[email protected]
(206) 293-1269
Second Vice President(s)*
Cathie Jphnson
[email protected]
(971) 241-5418
Greg Trathen
[email protected]
(253) 265-3669
Mary McInnis
[email protected]
(253) 858-9224
Charli Meacham
[email protected]
(253) 858-9388
GHAA Rep./Plein Aire
Anne Knapp
[email protected]
(253) 265-6700
Summer Art Festival Rep.
Myrna Binion
[email protected]
(253) 857-4222
Member Representative
Virginia Alvarez
[email protected]
(253) 265-6363
Membership Chair
Cecile Anderson
[email protected]
(253) 549-4646
Regional Juried Show Chairs
Sheila Anderson
[email protected]
(253) 549-2896
Karen Wilsey
[email protected]
(253) 549-2929
Newsletter Editor*
Carlene Salazar
[email protected]
(253) 278-0942 (cell)
Newsletter Distributor
Becky Eagle
(253) 228-1184
Monthly Programs*
[email protected]
(253) 857-0543
Video Library
Judy Buskirk
Judy CaruthersGampper
[email protected]
(253) 858-6978
Hospitality Chairs
Becky Eagle
(253) 228-1184
Kris Nail
(360) 871-3549
Bi-Monthly Exhibit
Roberta Rogers
[email protected]
(253) 858-8808
Jeannie Crider
[email protected]
(253) 857-3142
Sherri Bonsell
[email protected]
(253) 858-4032
Equipment Storage
Patti McQuillin
[email protected]
(253) 857-9261
Charlee Glock-Jackson
[email protected]
(253) 857-5604
Screenings Committee
Lynn Guenard
[email protected]
(253) 265-6123
Roma Loemer
[email protected]
(253) 851-1610
Sandra Erikson
[email protected]
(253) 468-7981
Drawing You In Chair
Dee Barrett
[email protected]
(253) 845-6723
Drawing You In Co-Chair
Stephanie Cardinal
(members shows)
Board Members at Large*
PAL Video Library
Check out these new DVD's: Breaking the Rules of Watercolour, by Shirley Trevena (and, yes, watercolour is spelled this way
here); Capturing LIght in Acrylics by John Hammond; The Essence of Watercolor by Hazel Soan; and Splashing Paint by John
Lovett. Thanks for Myrna Binion and Judy Buskirk for their suggestions.
Happy viewing.
Judy Caruthers
July President's Message:
What a great turn out for our June meeting. We had a great group of returning members who have been
away and new members enthusiastic to participate. Following a good meeting we were educated by Tis who
demonstrated her techniques of loosening up while painting with water media and some collage.
The Uptown paintings that were displayed in several shops were picked up July 1. They had a great reception
by the public and the "People's Choice Award" went to Pat Meras for her wonderful pastel painting which was
displayed at J Jill's.
The Pleine Aire group is in full swing now. If you are interested in joining them you can contact Anne Knapp
(253-265-6700) to get on her e-mail list for information on the venues each week.
Everything is set for our Summer Art Festival on July 20-21. We still need a few more volunteers so please
contact Myrna Binion (253-857-4222) and see what is needed. The Member's Show at Key Bank during the
festival also needs a few more hosts during the show. If you would like to assist, please contact Cathie Johnson ((971-241-5418) or Greg Trathen at (253-265-3669).
Please DO NOT ENTER the bank until 3:00pm Fri July 19 to deliver your paintings. We do not wish to disturb the customers by forming
a large line throughout the bank. The committee will be set up and ready to go at 3:00.
Remember, any volunteers who put in 4 hours or more are entitled to a free festival T shirt for their service.
Roberta Rogers has volunteered to take the position of coordinator of hanging the art at TCC Gig Harbor campus. We change the art every two months. So if you are interested in hanging at TCC, please contact Roberta at ([email protected].
We will not be meeting before our Regional show in August and they also need some more volunteers to help with taking in the art work
and taking it down. Please contact Sheila Anderson (253-549-2896) or Karen Wilsey (253-549-2929) to help out.
We have several position that need to be filled for our next year. We will be discussing these in more detail in September. Please be
thinking of something you might due to help out.
A discussion was made about a change of venue for our monthly meetings. We are waiting for confirmation on the new location which
will be more centrally located in Gig Harbor. Please check your newsletters and web site as we will be making this announcement regard
the change. This would occur for our September meeting.
Looks like the nice weather is here!!!!! Let's get painting some great things.
Jo Ann Sullivan, President
Peninsula Art League Plein Aire Schedule 2013
Thursday mornings, meet on location at 9am- paint until lunch. Not an early riser? Come a little later, but know that most others leave by 1pm (safety in numbers!). If
you are on site and can’t spot me- call Anne’s cel (253) 225-3008. To get directions and additional info or what we do if it rains- sign up for emails from [email protected] or Feather Hilger- [email protected]. All events subject to change on short notice due to weather, road construction, etc.- so sign up for
Drawing You In
June 6 Sehmel Homestead Park
Free summertime outdoor drawing or painting
June 13 Steamer’s by Titlow Park Tacoma
group with models provided . Will be at the UpJune 20 Old Ferry Dock minus 1.2 tide (lowest tide in our timeframe)
June 27 Crescent Creek Estuary area
town Pavillion or Pagoda from July 10 to Sept 25,
(no painting on July 4)
Wednesday Afternoons from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm.
Additional event- Fri/Sat July 6-7 Blue Willow Lavender Festival near
Bring your own gear and materials. Join us! For
more info call Dee Barrett- (253) 845-6723, or
July 11 Echo Bay Fox Island including Chapel
Stephie Cardinal - (253) 222-3023
July 18 Jerisich Park/Netshed#9 area Downtown Gig Harbor
Additional event- Sat/sun July 20-21 GH Art Festival
3 other “special” events are planned: end of
July 25 Austin Estuary/Eddon (backside of History Museum)
June -painting at Gig Harbor Garden Tour
August 1 Hub area Tacoma &/or Seymore Conservatory
(you must sign up 1st w/ Anne Knapp to
August 8 Demolay Spit Fox Island
attend), early July- the Lavender Festival at
August 15 Bridgeviewing Park
Blue Willow Lavender Farm near Vaughn,
and an end of season October Plein Aire
August 22 Mossimo/Purdy
Show for PAL members at The Lodge at
Additional event- August 27 Plein Air at GH History Museum
Mallards Landing.
August 29 Finholm Hillclimb area (Anthony’s, Boats, etc)
Bonus season (after Labor Day- as long as weather stays nice)
Reschedule any spots missed due to adverse weather + try to add Wollochet Estuary
Alternate locations- if it rains we can use protected spots at these locations to paint:
Pt Defiance Park- (Japanese Gardens or Lodge/Rose Garden area)
Ecology Bldg by Chambers Bay Golf Course
PAL Events!
Summer Art Festival Member’s Show July 20-21 at Key Bank on Judson Street.
Member work drop off: Key Bank Friday, July 19th, 3 pm – 5 pm. No early drop off as customers are in the bank.
Member work pick up: Key Bank Sunday, July 21, Sunday from 4 pm –5 pm. Be prompt as
bank closes at 5 pm.
Bring your completed forms, available on PAL website with one attached to your painting. Fee is
$10 with only one piece per artist. We do accept 3-D work at this show but would like a heads up
for this so we can provide a pedestal for it. Please contact Cathie Johnson or Greg Trathen for 3D.
Reception: Key Bank Saturday, July 20th from 6 pm-8 pm. Prizes will be awarded at the reception with a new memorial prize for Mary Bassette of $150 that will be awarded to the most creative
work. In addition, we will also have a people’s choice award, best of show and the usual 1st, 2nd,
3rd and notable mention awards. The juror Cecelia Blomberg will discuss the art and her reasons
for selecting the award winning pieces. Food and drink is provided by PAL this year. Music by
PAL. Come and enjoy a special evening with art.
“Structure” National Juried Exhibition
Description: “One cannot help but be in awe when [one] contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the
marvelous structure of reality.” – Albert Einstein
We are seeking works of art that address the concept of "structure" in all its forms. Structure can define vision and expression within political, religious and technological boundaries. How do you express the structure
and thus the inherent meaning in your art?
Interpretations both representational and abstract may include, but are not limited to imagination, fabrication,
process, format, framework, or organization. Subjects may encompass anatomy, architecture, form, object,
concept, motif, texture, etc.
Juror: James Bacchi of Arthaus Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Juror’s Award: Juror’s Award ribbon and certificate awarded to three works that express the most imaginative interpretation of “Structure”
Eligibility: Artists residing in the continental United States
Submission Fee: $35
Media: Sculpture, painting, drawing, photo, printmaking, ceramics, assemblage, collage, mixed media, fiber
art, artist book.
Deadline: September 4, 2013
Exhibition Dates: November 9, 2013 - December 7, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 9th 7-10PM
Split on sales: 60/40 between artist & gallery.
On-line Prospectus & Application: Go to
Special Future Net Shed Show: Proposed for the Spring of 2014. More details being worked out with the Gig Harbor Arts
Commission, and the Gig Harbor Historical Society. Feather and Anne are the lead on this!
Notice to start your paintings now! Here are some details worked out by the board: 1. Show will be limited to active PAL members
only. 2. 1 Piece for each Net Shed per Artist 3. $10.00 per entry. Other options for group paint outs are being discussed, so keep
your eyes out!
1 Entry Piece is as follows: 1 Entry = 1 large piece (NLT 28”X36”), OR 2 medium (16”X20”), OR 3 small (9”X12”) All are Framed
Sizes. … why are you still reading? ….get painting! ;-)
On a Sad Note:
August NO Program: NO meeting,
Summer Art Festival 20 -21 July
M A RK YOU R C AL E N DA RS ! Se pt e m b er D e m o
A rt ist is Ka y Ba rn s. I nf o t o b e p u bl ish e d i n i n
A u gu st ’s ne ws let t e r. Use t h is t i m e t o ma k e AR T!
PAL Board Meeting
20 June 2013
Cottesmore Care Center, Gig Harbor WA
Called to order at 10:04am
Members present: Mary, Cathie, Greg, Jo Ann, Sheila, Charli, Ceci, Judy B., Karen, Hilaire, Charlee, Myrna, Anne
Treasurer’s Report (Charli): $182,253.30
Correspondence – (Jo Ann)
Re: the scholarship committee – PAL received thank you notes from scholarship recipients, Sara Harrison and GHHS Tides Scholarship Foundation. Jo Ann suggested that the committee report on scholarship distribution during member meetings. Jo Ann emailed Sherrie Bonsell asking her to
keep her informed and to invite recipients to come to future meetings. Charlee asked Sherrie Bonsell for scholarship recipient information for the website. Also, it would be good to put out press releases now at the end of the school year. Jo Ann would like Sherrie to come to the general member
meeting to talk about this years’ scholarship recipients and/or to write an article for the newsletter. Many thanks to Sherrie for her dedication to the
scholarship committee. Overall, heads of committees need to submit reports to the President and any member can write general articles for newsletter.
Also, PAL received an email from Lorene to thank us for the retirement and gift cards.
Peninsula Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Empty Bowls project is looking for donated bowls by local potters for their fundraising effort to feed the
hungry. They also need artwork for the silent auction. Beth Allen is the contact person and more information will be passed on to Carlene for the
newsletter. Their efforts benefit local food banks.
Positions to fill – (Jo Ann)
Open Show coordinators
TCC Coordinator – Chris Cotton has resigned from position.
Equipment Manager – Patti McQuillan sent Jo Ann a description of Equipment management. There needs to be an inventory made of the
contents and keys to storage unit.
Member-at-Large – Myrna suggested getting a new member to fill this spot as it is a good way to meet other members.
Assistant program coordinator – Judy would like to have someone to train to take over this position.
DVD Librarian – Judy Caruthers will be moving to AZ. This is also a good volunteer spot for new members.
Summer Art Festival – (Myrna) Emily Porter may take over the financial part of the Festival. We still need volunteers and this will be talked about at
the member meeting. We got a room at the library for 15 July from 2 to 4pm for volunteers to pick up their t-shirts ahead of the Festival. Committee
heads need to get info to Jo Ann as to what jobs still need volunteers so that she can announce it at the general member meeting. Festival committee
will meet again on 26 June at Myrna’s. Charlee passed around posters and rack cards for members to distribute. Anything having to do with money
needs to be brought up to Charli before she travels. Myrna has hired kids to help set-up and break-down and the credit card machine needs to be activated and only used for PAL booth materials and/or Key Bank show sales.
Mary Bessette – passed away last week. She founded and ran the Festival for a good 15 years. PAL owes her a huge debt of gratitude. Myrna proposed a scholarship in her name. Motion MSP that we establish an annual Mary Bessette Memorial Award for $150 at the Summer Member
Show. Charli reported general info re: Festival from Jon Lonning.
Summer member show - (Cathie) We still need volunteers to staff the bank show. Jo Ann would like to see the award checks be presented to the winners in an envelope. Regional Show – (Sheila and Karen) Sponsors generally budget in September so we need to submit requests to them before then
for the next years’ show. Entries are coming in and we have sent the juror instructions. The new venue (Harbor History Museum) has presented some
issues (e.g. size limit) that have been addressed.
Uptown Display – (Anne) Pat Meras won People’s Choice Award and it will be presented to her at the General Member meeting. Arts Center –
(Anne) The GHACA fundraiser reached the PAL matching grant of $2000. Plein air schedule – (Anne) Feather has come up with additional opportunities. Tacoma Urban Sketching invited our members to join them. It would be a good idea to get on the Tacoma List Serve. Net Shed Challenge - 8
x10 or under plus frame (plein air or not). Chamber of Commerce has map of locations of net sheds. Stroh’s Meeting Room – (Jo Ann) Access to the
meeting room is through the new store to old store. Lighting is being replaced. There is lots of space with tables and chairs available. Water/bathroom
available in the new building and heating will need to be improved. We would have to change the time/day of general member meetings and be out of
the building at 8:pm sharp. Suggested that we have our social before the business meeting and demo. Charli suggested we survey the general membership, maybe via email. Charlee volunteered to do this. Myrna wants to make sure they know that we will be bringing stuff/equipment through the
store. Discussion of other venues/days/times. Any decision should be made before September. Myrna and Judy B will check out the B&G club and
Methodist church on Pioneer.
Next meeting in September.
Meeting adjourned at 11:47am
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary McInnis, Secretary
Empty Bowls Project
Peninsula Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
(PUUF) has made the Empty Bowls Project a yearly
community service. Empty Bowls is a project of The
Imagine/Render Group, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to positive and lasting social
change through the arts, education and projects that
build community.
Our local event is held at the Olalla Bluegrass
Festival (Saturday August 17th this year). We will
be serving soup and strawberry shortcake. Last
year we were able to give $1000.00 to each of the
local food banks (Key Peninsula/GH/Kitsap). Everything is donated and 100% of the proceeds go to
We are asking of donated bowls from the local
artists. We are also discussing the possibility of having a silent auction for a certain number of art pieces
to help us increase our donations to the food
banks. We would like your input.
Our local Empty Bowls Project contributes to a
nationwide effort to raise hunger awareness. Thank
you for your time and consideration.
Beth Allen
PUUF board member
[email protected]
The Gig Harbor Arts Center Alliance (GHACA) had their
first small fundraiser on Friday evening June 14th to raise
money for an Economic Feasibility Study necessary for this
project to move forward. It was held at Babich Net Shed
near Tides Tavern, and its primary focus was on the Arts
groups and Artists that lead in our area. Peninsula Art
League issued a “Matching Grant Challenge” of up to $2000
for the event. I am happy to report that we raised over
$3000 towards the $50,000 goal. The official notice was
presented at the PAL meeting on June 25th , and Charli
Meacham wrote the $2000 “matching funds” check from
PAL and presented it to me for GHACA. I want to Thank
PAL for being such a wonderful support and proponent of
the Arts in our area. Our GHACA Board is extremely thankful for the money and the impetus that it gave our fund raising. We have just started our website- google: Gig Harbor
Arts Center and you’ll see it. We will try to put regular updates on the site, and you can see the visual plans for the
Arts Center as well. The most exciting thing to look at is the
fabulous video made by Juleen Murray Shaw (a local actor
and Peabody award winning producer who is on GHACA
Board) and Sean Bonsell (son of PAL head of scholarshipsSherry Bonsell). It is a truly fine work- worthy of PBS! Just
click on the arrow where it says “Watch 10 local artists
talk…”- or go directly to You Tube via this link: https:// We hope to get a
“donate now“ button that will take credit cards- but for now, if
you can donate to this important cause- please send check
to GHACA 8133 Shirley Av Gig Harbor Wa. 98329. The
sooner we raise the money for the study the faster we can
move forward! Anyone who would like to help me with future
fundraisers, let me know- it’s way more fun when work is
shared- plus you’ll meet interesting people from all the Arts!
Thanks to all- Anne Knapp
Don’t Forget! Joe Garcia’s Watercolor Workshop 26-28 August ! !
Make sure you put this on your calendar if you have signed up. Remember,
he’s the juror for the Open Show! (see page 9)
August 30 - October 6
Gig Harbor, WA
This year our eleventh Annual Juried Open Art Exhibition,
August 30 – October 6, will be hosted by the Harbor History Museum in downtown Gig Harbor near the marina.
Each year, artists from around the country and beyond
take part in this exceptional art show, which includes original paintings, hand-pulled prints, drawings, photography
and sculpture. We invite you to participate.
Our 2013 exhibition will receive even more exposure at
this new venue. At the museum, we have the use of a
first rate gallery with expanded hours and space for over
200 works of art. This is an exciting opportunity for the
public and artists alike, as well as for our art show sponsors.
In excess of $3,000 in cash prizes will be awarded, plus
This show is now closed for entries. Come see the
Open Show Co-chairs:
Sheila Anderson (253) 549-2896
Karen Wilsey (253) 549-2929
Native Californian Joe Garcia is an established landscape and wildlife artist living and
painting near the small mountain town of Julian,
Joe earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the
Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles. He
worked as an illustrator and graphic designer for
13 years then left the commercial field to focus full
time on the fine art side of his career.
Today Joe continues to paint in oil or watercolor,
and emphasizes composition, value and spontaneity in each medium. His works reflect his love of
nature in landscapes, birds, mammals and a variety of other themes on location and in the studio.
Joe’s art has appeared in numerous magazines,
including Southwest Art, The Artist Magazine,
Wildlife Art, and Watercolor Magic. North Light
produced his books, Mastering the Watercolor
Wash and the Watercolor Bible, and included his
art in several other publications.
While in Gig Harbor, Joe will present a three-day
watercolor workshop at the Harbor History Museum on August 26, 27 and 28. For more information on the Joe Garcia workshop contact Donna
Trent at (253) 265-6523 or email [email protected]. See page 8. (Full)
PAL Presence: This is for PAL members accepted in other
shows: If you have pieces in shows such as Backbone or Kimball
galleries or in other shows, this spot is for you!
The Plein Aire Painting in the Garden
Show in Gig Harbor was a blast! Several PAL members were on hand to
“Paint the Gardens”. Here are some
samples of works from the show:
Anne Knapp at Work
Mary McInnis is showing her new pastels in an exclusive
show at the Collective Visions Gallery, 331 Pacific, Bremerton, WA 98337. The reception is Friday, August 2nd, 5pm
to 9pm. The show runs July 30th through September 1st.
Come see this great show.
My pastel painting, "Benny", won First Place in Drawing and Painting at the Kenmore Arts Juried Show at Bastyr University! I also
won an Honorable Mention for "Carousel #2"! See the photo of "Benny" and its Blue
Ribbon on my fan page - mjmcinnis fine art.
Roberta Roberts has volunteered to oversee the Tacoma
Community College (Gig Harbor) Art Shows this year, taking
over from Chris Cotton, who has run it for many years Roberta is delighted that Chris will help her in her new position.
Paintings for the TCC Showings will change out on the first
Monday, starting 2 September. Removal of previous works
and hangings of new works will be at 930 am, with perhaps a
coffee afterwards. Contact Roberta at: 253-858-9909, or [email protected] for your turn to hang. Thank you
Artists showing in September for the PAL meeting will
include Karen Petrillose and
Stephanie Cardinal (a new
member) This is a time for
sharing our art with fellow
members and the public who
Uptown Show: The Uptown paintings that were displayed in several shops were
picked up 1 July. They had a great reception by the public with “people’s Choice Award
going to Pat Meras for her wonderful Pastel.
PAL CLASSIFIED WANT ADS (Must be a paid member to advertise here)
Submit yours today !
PAL Sponsors:
Ongoing Classes presented by PAL Members:
Decorative Painting—Dori Wheeler, Teacher, Tole and decorative Classes at 253-851-3192 or-851-3193
Jeanne Crider CDA , Teacher. Tole and decorative classes and Watercolor 253-857-5132 or [email protected]
Pastel & Oil
Donna Trent—call 265-6532 for information
Portrait and life drawing/painting group meets every Friday from 1 to 3 PM at the Peninsula Retirement building
(3445 50th St. Ct. NW). Live models. Contact Doug Michie, 851-7579."
Jewelry Making - Joan Tenenbaum, Teacher. Private instruction in jewelry fabrication. 253-858-7478
[email protected]
Fumiko Kimura—Sumi Class
Art Consultation: individual or 2-3 members to nurture personal success and enjoyment on the
subjects of Drawing, Sumi Art (brush calligraphy, painting and sumi-e), Acrylics, Watercolors and Mixed Media Collage. Methods, techniques
and critiques are offered to enhance one's creativity from the heart. 253-752-3845, [email protected]
Fox Paw painters meet on Wednesdays at the Fox Island center—if you are interested in painting with them, call or
email Cec Anderson 253-549-4646—[email protected]—PAL Members and Fox Islanders welcome—small fee involved.
On Tuesdays, "Go Figure" group meets at Donna Trent's studio. There is a model who poses from 10:002:00pm. From 10:00 until 11:30 there are short poses with gesture from one minute, two minutes, five
minutes and 10 minutes. We take a break for lunch (brown bag it) and continue with a long pose for the rest
of the time. The fee for this is $10 (model fee) for the whole session and $5 if you come for the long pose only. Please contact Donna at (253) 265-6532 and she will e-mail you weekly with a description of the model
for that week. There will be one week a month when there will be no painting. If a model is not available for
the session there will be open painting at no cost. You are welcome to come and paint whatever you would
like and there are plenty of items which can be set-up for a still life.
Martha Jordan: I am the owner/director of Winslow Art Center on Bainbridge Island and a PAL member. I wanted to let
our members know about some important upcoming art classes and workshops at Winslow Art Center.
1. Thinking Conceptually for Better Results: A Plein Air Painting Workshop* Ron Rencher (August 1-4) 3. Plein
Air painting in Italy! Painting the Tuscan Light in Acrylics with Dianna Shyne October 5-October 15 For more
information about these and other classes and workshops, visit my website- If you
have questions, please call Martha at 206-715-6663.
Check out the Gig Harbor Summer Art Festival Facebook page! Artists can post to the page also.
Please note: If you have not paid your PAL Dues, your classes will NOT be listed. I have removed all lists for individuals not listed in
the PAL Directory! If you paid late for some reason, please email, so I can verify your status with Cecile. Then send me an up-dated
list of your classes. For all other classes, remember to up-date your class information in a timely manner, so it can
be published before your class runs! Thanks!

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