Global Innovation


Global Innovation
unique packpaper 01|14
the magazine for professionals
­ ugmented ­Reality
for the new
­K3®-D cup
Experience the global
innovation in an
interactive animation
and discover the special
features of K3®-D with
your smart phone or
For more details
see page 03
K3 -D
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Global Innovation K3®-D
Cardboard-wrap shaping
in the third dimension
Cult snack in a cup
Soletti Cup
Regional – increasingly becoming
the number one choice!
Globally interconnected,
regionally anchored 06–11
Ready-to-mount complete solution 12
Company Information
Dear Readers,
Jens Krause
Jens Krause
Sales Director
The story of K3® technology is a success story
that originated in Switzerland. This is where
K3® was invented, and this is where substantial
momentum for further development continues to
pick up. We call the latest development K3®-D,
where D stands for a new way of shaping the
carton for the third dimension.
The packaging decoration of cups with special
shapes has so far been reserved for the sleeves technology. K3®-D opens new possibilities in
this area. Additional leeway in the packaging design and communication means having an edge
at the point of decision-making and at point of
sale. Our customers profit from using K3®-D.
In this edition of unique packpaper, you will find
extensive information about K3®. With the help
of Augmented Reality
, you can even experience the global innovation on your smart device.
Happy reading!
Jens Krause
Sales Director
Greiner Packaging Switzerland
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Global Innovation
K3 -D
Cardboard-wrap shaping
in the third dimension
K3® technology traces its roots to Switzerland.
The Diepoldsau site also drives the ongoing
development and has now come up with a
global innovation: the K3 ®-D. Decoration
challenges previously possible only with
sleeves can now be handled. K3®-D makes the
cardboard wrap for the outer shell of any cup
shape desired, from 68 to 75 mm in diameter.
Decoration with all the K3 advantages
K3®-D packaging stands out due to all the
advantages that the classic K3® packaging
exhibits: Its cardboard wrap can be printed on
both sides – each with up to six colors in offset
printing. It therefore meets the highest demands
for marketing. The use of the interior allows
additional ways to communicate, for example,
integration into marketing activities, raffles,
etc. Cardboard is perceived by consumers as a
„warm“ material. Together with the cup shape’s
aesthetics, the pleasing tactile sensation of the
packaging can be brought into play.
from renewable raw materials or recycled
materials, reduced plastic content. It’s also
lightweight, and therefore more efficient to
transport. The low recycling fees are a boon to
manufacturers and bottlers. And end consumers
can very easily detach the cardboard wrap and
cup and dispose of them separately.
We introduce the latest technology in this
edition of upp. For the best experience, mock up
the K3®-D packaging yourself, using Augmented
Reality on your smart device! The necessary
steps are explained in detail below.
K3®-D packaging
provides dairy products
with new ways to stand
out at the POS.
As sustainable as possible
Compared to other materials, K3® packaging
wins people over with its many sustainability
advantages: excellent CO2 balance, cardboard
How Augmented Reality works
You may load the „GPI“ app directly from the appropriate
store. Alternatively, you may scan the QR code and
download the app for iOS or Android.
Start the Greiner Packaging
„GPI“ app.
Hold the camera of your
smart device over
the pictured K3®-D cup.
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Totally Tailored
to Masculine Taste
Danone surprises the market with a yogurt product line
especially for men
new concept – one directly tailored to
masculine taste preferences. A special
challenge during the development stage of
the packaging was the cup’s unique shape,
especially with respect to how it fits in with
the filling process. A competitor was unable
to meet the enormous challenges, so Greiner
Packaging got its chance, and accomplished
the task right away.
Packaging facts
 Capacity: 190 g and 370 g
 Material: PS
 Decoration: PVC sleeve
 Technology: thermoforming
Danone for Men is breaking new ground,
and so is its packaging. The cup design
is “square-round”, unfussy, and stylish.
Masculine black dominates the look.
Grainer Packaging packages yogurt products
for Danone Bulgaria based on a completely
Men prefer thick yogurt
Some studies done before Danone for Men
was introduced in the market revealed the
taste preferences of Bulgarian men. They
like yogurt with a thick consistency, high fat
content, natural ingredients, and a distinctive
taste. Danone for Men contains five percent
fat and may also be consumed with a fork.
Cult snack in a cup
Soletti Cup
Soletti pretzel sticks in convenient
and crumb-free packaging
The new Soletti Cup follows the trend of
modern mobility. Greiner Packaging has
developed a packaging solution with a
hexagonal thermoformed cup that meets the
increasing need for “a snack on-the-go”. The
packaging fits in any backpack and baby
carriage, and in most cup and can holders.
A resealable lid allows intermittent snacking,
while keeping the pretzel sticks fresh and
crunchy. Soccer legend Herbert Prohaska,
who is also a Soletti brand ambassador, smiles
and sums up the container’s advantages in a
nutshell: “Who wants crumbs anyway?”
Flexibility in decoration
The Soletti Cup is decorated with a sleeve.
This decorative variation comes with a
significant advantage: the visual design of
the packaging can be simply and quickly
adapted to different products and occasions,
making the cup a flexible, useful marketing
 Capacity: 75 g
 Material: PP
 Decoration: sleeve
 Technology:
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Group photo (left to right): Kenneth Boldog, Martin A. Schoiswohl,
Robert Obermayr, Nico Van de Walle, Kai Thomas, Uli Vogel,
Innovation Day 2013
Günther Botschen, Klaus Hockl
Packworld examines and discusses
the role of packaging at point-of-sale
Six highly engaging speakers. More than
100 invited guests from 16 countries.
Plenty of news, exciting discussions, and
­intensive networking with an international
flavor. ­Innovation Day 2013 brought fresh
energy to the packaging industry. The
presentation concept is evidently working
brilliantly because during its first two years
of existence, ­
Innovation Day has already
managed to establish itself as an important
event for the industry.
The speakers expounded on the theme
Packaging and POS“ from various
p erspectives. As the day progressed,
it ­became clear that many factors decide
the success or failure of products at pointof-sale. All factors must be taken into
­consideration in packaging concepts.
Third Innovation Day in Fall 2014
Event organizer R
­ obert Obermayr, Head of
Innovation/Division K at Greiner Packaging
International, says „We are thrilled with the
success in 2013 and have already begun
planning the third Innovation Day. It will be
held in Fall 2014 at the conference center of
­Packworld, which is proving to be the perfect
place to send our message.“
At the POS, the moment
of truth is determined
in a matter of seconds.
Packaging plays a critical
role when the consumer
makes his decision. It
performs the important
task of communication
and conveys brand image
and value.
Regional –
the number one
Regional products –
regionally packaged
This is just a small selection of the successful regional products
packaged by Greiner Packaging:
 Heidi Yogurt
As with Heidi of the famous children‘s series, Heidi Yogurt
also embodies the pristine nature of Swiss mountains. Yogurt
products from Berglandmilch Switzerland, esthetically packaged
in cup-shaped jars, project this image of quality 100%.
 AdR (Migros)
The Swiss company Migros identifies products that
originate from the immediate vicinity with its label,
AdR (meaning „From the region, for the region“).
AdR has been a success story for more than
a decade – supported by packaging solutions from
Greiner Packaging.
 Organic Yogurt from Yeo Valley
Yeo Valley is considered the most successful brand of organic
dairy products in Great Britain. The company stresses continuity:
All organic milk is sourced traditionally from British organic
farmers. Greiner Packaging has been its packaging partner for
more than 10 years, primarily with K3® packaging solutions.
 Jogurella: a piece of Austria
Jogurella is an Austrian fruit yogurt classic that has been
in the market for more than 40 years. A red and white flag
on the foil lid symbolizes where the contents were sourced.
Greiner Packaging assisted Jogurella in expanding the range
of products through Jogurella mixi (a cup with a lid containing
candy-coated chocolate).
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Regional – increa
the number one
The question of sourcing is increasingly determining
the modern lifestyle. Consumers like it regional.
We are all part of Europe! But the size brought about
by a union like the EU has also meant some loss for the
individual. Above all, the loss of identity. It’s not surprising
that people are increasingly longing for the homeland.
The “Servus Wave” rolling through the media landscape
of Austria and the neighbouring Alpine regions is a striking
example of this. “Servus Magazine” has been successfully
scoring points with values such as authenticity, regionality,
and tradition.
Regional foods enjoy trust
This trend very much applies to food. Anything grown or
produced in the region is deemed a piece of homeland.
Moreover, consumers’ trust in regional foods is much
greater than in those global players – a trend that has been
reinforced by the latest food scandals. The climate footprint
of regional products is also a further bonus, since short
transport distances reduce CO2 emissions.
01|14 unique packpaper
singly becoming
Regionality is the booming
countermovement to globalisation.
Regional, organic, or both?
There are signs of a clear trend toward regional foods.
Experts are still discussing how much this has developed.
Some claim that “the previous organic trend has now
become the trend toward regionality”. A current survey
of the German Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture, and
Consumer Protection shows that regionality alone is not
enough. Of those who responded, 77 percent prefer the
combination of “organic & regional”.
The rapid rise of slow food
Regionality is also a fixed factor in the rapid rise of the
Slow Food movement. Slow Food is a collective term for
conscious, pleasurable, regional food, and has its origins in
Italy. German futurologist Matthias Horx sees a significant
food trend in Slow Food. According to his definition, Slow
Food products are authentic with respect to regionality and
seasonality. They are produced and enjoyed as traditionally
or originally as possible.
Greiner Packaging International:
Customers profit from a large,
robust network that responds
flexibly, and provides local
As close to customers as possible
Customer proximity is the order of the
day. For Greiner Packaging International,
customer proximity takes many forms. Firstly,
it is local: The decentralized organization of
the network structure responds as quickly,
unbureaucratically, and flexibly as a regional
supplier. Secondly, it has context: People
on-site know the customers, their needs, their
markets, and the consumer behavior in the
respective region. This understanding, paired
with knowledge of the legal and technical
conditions, facilitates efficient customer care.
It is an important cornerstone for mutual market
The production and distribution network of
Greiner Packaging International stretches across
all regions in Europe. The network structure
brings many advantages to customers. For
instance, all technologies are available at all
sites. Regional and national customers therefore
enjoy a high degree of solution expertise and a
wide variety of solutions. Key customers who
operate internationally can opt to manufacture
the same packaging at different sites for the
nearest sales region.
Local is the
new organic:
creates new
appetite for regional
From the current
“sales trends” of
the Matthias Horx
(Future Institute)
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A total solution ready for
New heat pump housing made of synthetic material
The Austrian manufacturer Neura is one of
the most innovative companies in the heat
pump sector. Optimizing measures affect
every detail. A heat pump housing made
of synthetic material was therefore further
developed with Greiner Assistec. This has
major advantages compared to alternatives
made of sheet metal. The synthetic surface
saves on a coating process and allows for
more freedom in designing the shape
and color. The material is lighter, thereby
reducing the total weight of the heat pump.
A specially developed weatherstrip made of
silicon that improves water resistance is used
to seal the outer walls.
Insulation with foam by Eurofoam
Greiner Assistec utilizes the diversity of
expertise within the Greiner group in
manufacturing the heat pump housing.
The module is insulated with audio foam
from Eurofoam, which ensures low-noise
operation. “Neura heat pump housings
are a classic example of comprehensive
solutions under one roof that
Greiner Assistec can offer
its clients,“ says Franz Dilly,
Head of the Greiner Assistec
Tech facts
 Material
Housing: ABS UV-stabilized
Insulation: audio foam
 Sealing: weatherstrip made of silicon
 Technologies: plate thermoforming,
gluing, ultrasonic welding
Robust inner lining for
medical refrigerators
Greiner Assistec meets high standards for design,
geometry, and stability
Tech facts
 Material: PS
 Technology: plate
Greiner Assistec produces the interior
trim of medical cooling devices for Kirsch,
the German market leader in the field
of pharma­
c eutical and blood cooling.
The standards for
materials used for
these cooling devices
are much higher
than for commercial
household refri­g e­
ra­t ors. The inner
lining must meet very
strict guidelines as
regards hygiene and
Sophisticated tooling and production
The design of the interior space presented a
special challenge. Medical refrigerators do
not have classic shelves, but rather drawers
that are opened and closed several times a
day. This process strains the inner lining on
which they are guided. From the production
point of view, it means ensuring sufficient
wall strength in the sensitive areas. Greiner
Assistec accomplishes this with the help
of sophisticated tooling and production
technology. A new five-axis milling machine
ensures the most precise implementation of
design and geometry possible.
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Plastic & Carton –
a brilliant combination
Innovative material combination
provides added value for consumers
In the process of combining plastic and
carton, Greiner Assistec emphasizes its
industrial design competence in non-food
packaging. An ingenious combination of the
two materials creates many new possibilities.
Plastic takes care of the function, and carton
of the information, thereby greatly increasing
flexibility. A range of products, for example,
can therefore be designed modularly – using
one plastic part and different-sized additions
made of carton.
The many faces of added value
Combining materials adds value for the
consumer. This can take many forms: easier
handling, better portioning, greater product
safety, optimized technical functionality,
and much more. In short: the combination
of plastic and carton opens doors to new
solutions previously unattainable with the
use of just one of the two materials.
One stop for flexible
For customers of Greiner
Assistec, the attractive
combination options offer a
number of advantages. They
get customized solutions
from one source, i.e., a single
partner. In terms of design
and dimensions, they enjoy
maximum flexibility. Aside from
the considerable traditional knowhow in plastics processing, Greiner
Assistec also applies the latest
know-how in carton. This is a result
of a joint venture with Cardbox Packaging,
a multinational manufacturer of high-quality
and up-market collapsible boxes.
Tech facts
 Materials: all
plastics, carton
 Surface treatment:
carton enhancement
through embossing
and printing
 Technologies:
injection molding
Owner, editor, publisher, and editorial office:
Greiner Packaging GmbH
Greiner Straße 70, 4550 Kremsmünster, Austria
Court of Reg.: Landesgericht Steyr, Chamber of Commerce
Reg. No.: 176892k
Responsible for content: Kenneth Boldog
Photos: Greiner Packaging, Kirsch, Wolfgang Stadler,
Clemens Pürstinger, Nik Fleischmann, Monika Klinger,
Sergiy Telesh/Netrun78/Iakov Kalinin/smereka/Rus S/auremar/
Warren Goldswain/Shutterstock Inc.
Creation, concept, and artwork:
Das Kommunikationshaus Bad Aussee, Austria,
Printer: Samson Druck GmbH
Subject to alterations, errors, and misprints.
unique packpaper 01|14
Vodka in PET bottles
conquers the Duty Free Shops
Greiner Packaging manufactures 500-ml bottles for vodka
products of CEDC, the beverage group
PET plastic is gaining popularity as
packaging material for spirits. Low tare
weight, shatterproof properties, and optimal
transparency are three strong arguments for
its use in duty free shops at airports. The
Central European Distribution Company
(CEDC) is therefore increasingly relying
on PET and purchasing 500-ml bottles
Packaging facts
 Contents: 500 ml
 Material: PET
 Decoration: ultra-clear self-adhesive film labels
 Technology: injection stretch blow molding
from Greiner Packaging for its three Polish
vodka brands: Bols, Žubrówka, and Soplica.
Production takes place at the modern
facilities in Grodzisk Mazowiecki, which has
long been a reliable partner of CEDC.
Vodka market leader in Poland, Russia, and
CEDC was established in the early 1990s
and has since built its superior position as a
beverage specialist in Eastern Europe. Aside
from the import and export business, the
company has grown to become one of the
largest vodka manufacturers in the world.
Today, CEDC vodka products are leaders
in the key markets of Poland, Russia, and
Packaging for baked goods –
Decoration goes premium
New packaging solution for British supermarket
chain uses highly transparent PETs
Until now, little importance has been
placed on the look of the packaging for
cake and tart decorating supplies in Great
Britain. Now, however, a supermarket
chain is putting a creative spin to this area.
Highly transparent PETs – designed and
developed by Greiner Packaging – lend a
premium touch to decorating products
such as silver dragées, sugar stars, pearls,
confetti, etc. The new packaging solution
is winning people over, offering benefits to
both supplier and consumers.
Elegant, practical, and variable
The elegant, highly transparent PET has a
capacity of 100 ml. An embossed screw
cap makes it resealable and keeps the
contents dry. Compared with industry
standard packaging, this premium packaging
improves handling and the
average life of the filled
products. The British
supermarket chain has
since been offering
27 different items
in the practical,
highly transparent
PET jars.
 Contents: 100 ml
 Material: PET
 Technology:
injection stretch blow
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Baby bottles demand
quality and safety
Quality management “Made in Austria”
for MAM Anti-Colic
The Austrian company MAM has established
itself as a global brand for baby products.
MAM products combine knowledge from
medical research with innovative design and
technical know-how. Anti-Colic is the name
of a proven baby bottle from MAM, and its
name emphasizes its advantage: it reduces
colic in 80% of all cases. The special design
with a bottom valve ensures this.
Greiner Packaging as a reliable
Producing the component of MAM
Anti-Colic baby bottle was entrusted to
Greiner Packaging for
several reasons:
Years of
in Europe in
the field of
sensitive baby
items was one;
as was the fact that these products require
reliable quality management and the utmost
product safety. Greiner Packaging offers both
– complete with the logistic advantage of
sales-oriented warehousing. MAM profits
from short, highly flexible delivery times.
Kotányi spice jars
New with butterfly cap
The entire packaging – jar, cap, automatic
insertion of foil seal
The name Kotányi has been synonymous with
premium quality precious spices and herbs
since 1881. Now that cooking is again very
much in style, Kotányi scores with convenient,
quality products. The butterfly cap, a new cap
from Greiner Packaging, matches Kotanyi’s
high standards. It has two different openings
– one for sprinkling and another for pouring.
The cap can be opened with one hand – a big
advantage in daily use.
Creating added value for consumers
Günter Ausserwöger, Head of the Kavo
Division at Greiner Packaging International,
explains, “The butterfly cap packaging
project is the latest result of our longstanding
partnership with Kotányi. Together, we have
created added value for the end consumer.”
Greiner Packaging manufactures jars in
different sizes as well as the butterfly caps,
and automatically puts the seal inserts into
the cap, thereby ensuring a first-opening
 Capacity: 130 ml
 Material: PP
 Technology:
injection molding
 Capacity: 1,200,
1,500 and 3,000 ml
 Material: PP
 Technology: injection
molding, stretch blow
 Automated insertion
of foil seal
Stability and
loading capacity
Even lighter – even more stable – even more durable
• Only 12.5 kg (about 50% of a wooden palette)
• 1,000 kg loading capacity for rectangular packaging
(at room temperature)
• Precise contour – ideal for high-rack facilities
• Hygienic – easy to clean
• Sustainable – made of recycled materials
Based on international
ISO 8611
by the renowned
Greiner Assistec GmbH
4550 kremsmünster, austria
tel.: +43 7583 7251-0