From All Of Us Here at Panther Primitives
From All Of Us Here at Panther Primitives
From All Of Us Here at Panther Primitives Here in the foothills of West Virginia the leaves are turning beautiful colors and the nights have turned crisp and cool. That means the Holidays are right around the corner! We’ve put together some great sale and special gift items for you in this year’s Christmas flyer. To cap it off we’re offering you 10% OFF ON PANTHER TENTS! It’s all for a limited time. Order before December 31, 2015 to take advantage of these specials, and have a wonderful holiday season! Sincerely, The Darby Family ! NEW PALMSIZEDBOWIEKNIFE This useful all-purpose knife is compact enough to stow easily in your camp gear. 3¼” blade, 5¼” overall length with dark horn handle (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) Cat. No. 2007-023-2..........................Sale $12.00 ea. Native American BraIDeD SInew - Heavy 12 strand braided artificial sinew, natural in color. The best for necklaces and other heavy duty uses. Cat. No.6791-092-1......................$10.00/20 yd. roll rounD SInew - Natural color, round artificial sinew. 100 lb. test! Cat. No.6791-091-1......................$7.50/270 yd. roll STOCKUPONEATINGUTENSILS alSo aVaIlaBle Blue enamelware Spoon 7” long - Cat. No. 3010-896-2 Only $.50 ea! FolDInG SporK - 8” long (opened) Cat. No. 3031-020-1 Sale Price $15.00 wHITe or BuFFalo Horn SCale HanDle FlaTware 2 Tine Fork Cat. No. 2501-100-2.....$12.00 Knife Cat. No. 2502-100-2.....$12.00 Spoon Cat. No. 2503-100-2.....$12.00 FlaT arTIFICIal SInew Can be split just like real sinew and used for chokers, leather work, etc. 1/2 lB. Spool - natural color. Cat. No. 6791-094-1............$7.50 ea. 60 FT. BoBBIn - Specify Natural, Black or White. Cat. No. 3011-015-2......................................................$1.75 ea. Native American A LOVELY GIFT FOR HER, PLUS FREE STUFF! NECESSARYBOX special offer tin cup We’ve made a special purchase of these frontier style tin cups at a price you’ll probably never see again! As a bonus, your cup comes in an attractive gift box with historical notes. 1q Cup 3 new designs indicated in red Capacity (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) Catalog No. 3010-810-2....Only $8.00 ea. • Native American Native American • • • Our Necessary Box organizes all the items a lady needs to get her through a week of camping. It’s 8½” x 16” x 9” tall with a fold down handle and a 6d” x 9” removable two compartment tray. It includes a 5d” x 5d” mirror on the inside of the lid. Unfinished pine, it’s sanded smooth and ready for you to stain or paint. As a holiday bonus we’re including a FREE HORN COmB and a FREE BAR OF LYE SOAP (A $7.50 value) with your purchase! (Ship Wt. 13 lbs.) Cat. No. 3100-801-2 ....................................... $95.00 Native American 1-800-525-0846 opes pe perr bo box LEANIN’TREECHRISTMASCARDS We send these every year because they are our favorites! We think you C73680 will agree that these are the nicest cards you can find. Each box contains ten 5”x7” cards, and each card comes with a colorfully designed envelope. You’re bound to get plenty of compliments from the folks on your Christmas card list! (Ship Wt. 1 lb.)............................................$9.95 per box Ever Ev erry ca e card rd comes witth C73681 Greetings of the Season May the spirit of Christmas light up your heart and home. —Gale Running Wolf Catalog No. C72701 C 24 May the Great Spirit bless you now and all through the coming year. May the snow fall softly upon you; only gentle breezes blow… And may the joyous moments C73681 you share remain forever in your heart!—Carla Romero Catalog No. C70543 24 C73680 May the soft snows of heaven fall gently on your lodge, and may the Great Spirit bless all who enter there. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year —Dustin Lyon Catalog No. C73680 C73682 Within your camp may you have warmth…Within your world may you have peace. Merry Christmas —Dustin Lyon Catalog No. C73682 Can’t decide which one is your favorite? GET THE ASSORTmENT! Two cards and envelopes from each of the above designs for a total of ten cards and envelopes. CHRISTMAS CARD ASSORTMENT Catalog C73682 No. 1000-100-3......$9.95 C73680 Season’s Greetings May this find you safe and warm, tucked away from wind and storm, and may you find that Christmas cheer abides with you throughout the year. —Marilyn Angel Wynn Catalog No. C73246 SUPER SEASONAL SAVINGS ON HISTORY’S BEST TENTS!!! TAKE10%OFFYOURORDER RIGHT NOW is the time to treat yourself to the new Panther tent that you’ve been dreaming about. Ask Santa to give us a call because we’re kicking off the holiday season by giving you 10% off any full sized tipi, wall tent, marquee, leanto, hunter’s tent or wedge tent. (Canvas Only) To qualify: 1) Place your order, with 20% deposit, between 11/1/15 and 12/31/15. 2) You must pay the balance and take delivery before February 1, 2016. It’s as simple as that! So right now is the time to give yourself an early Christmas present! THIS OFFER BEGINS NOVEmBER 1, 2015. IT ABSOLUTELY EXPIRES DECEmBER 31, 2015! TENTREPAIRKIT(WithABonus) Fall and winter is the time to make tent repairs. Our popular repair kit includes a waterproof canvas bag containing 2 - 18” x 18” patches (10 oz. waterproof), 2 oz. bottle of canvas glue, 2 needles, palm thimble, 9 ft. of ½” tie material and thread. As a Holiday Bonus we’re throwing in 6 FREE rolled canvas peg loops (a $6.00 value). (Ship Wt. 2 lbs.) Catalog No. 1236-800-2...................................$15.00 SHOOTER’SBOX A great gift idea for anyone who shoots muzzleloaders. This 9¼” x 16 x 8” tall pine box includes a 7d” x 9” tray and is a convenient way to organize flints, caps, patches, balls, tools, powder, etc. Unfinished and ready for you to stain or paint. (Ship Wt. 13 lbs.) Cat. No. 3100-800-2.........................................$95.00 FREE FOR THE HOLIDAYS! We’re including a FREE bag of cleaning patches with each Shooter’s Box purchased between 11/1/15 and 12/31/15 SAVEBIGON ABAG! We overstocked on these handy drawstring bags so we’re offering them to you at the best price you will ever see! Rope drawstrings and tough canvas bodies make these perfect for toting and storing almost anything. (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) REGULAR-15½” W x 17” L Cat. No. 3030-102-2B ..........................................$4.00 ea. LARGE-20½” W x 20½” L Cat. No. 3030-113-3B ..........................................$5.00 ea. GRANNY’SHOLIDAY RECIPE! Our ½ Gallon Old-Time Stoneware Jug comes to you along with the recipes for a couple of Granny’s favorite Holiday Sippin’ mixtures. Just in case you overdo it, we’re also including a box of “morning After”, an all natural hangover cure! There are two doses in the box, so you’re covered for New Year’s Eve, too! (Ship Wt. 8 lbs.) Catalog No. 3010-868-4...................................$24.00 ea. DELUXEFURNITUREPLANS Our furniture plans are the perfect winter project for any do-it-yourselfer. Very detailed, including complete tool lists and bill of materials All you need are basic woodworking skills. (Ship Wt. 1 lb. ea.) CHAIRS - Includes the standard slat chair, small slat chair, double slat chair, and a small flip flop table. Catalog No. 2999-100-2 ............... $15.00 BEDS - Includes single, double and queen size beds with both short and tall posts and the double size four poster bed. Catalog No. 2999-102-2 .................................................................. $15.00 TABLES - Both small and large flip flop tables, folding trestle table, buskboard T table and a gate leg tavern table. Catalog No. 2999-104-2................. $15.00 TRUNKS - Three sizes each of flat, round top and packing crate style trunks. Catalog No. 2999-106-2 ...................................................... $15.00 CAmP P KITCHEN - An upper cabinet, 3 lower cabinets and a couple of dif different trestle tables to choose from. Catalog No. 2999-108-2......... $15.00 CARTS AND WHEELS - 4 wheel cart, a 2 wheel cart, and 16”, 20” and 24” diameter wheels that are either spoked or solid wood. You’ll need a well equiped woodshop. Ship Wt. 1 lb. Catalog No. 2003-801-1 ........... $20.00 Chilly weather is here. You’ll be ready for it with our warm and toasty winter clothing. BLANKETSHIRT We make this pullover shirt from medium weight blanket wool, so it’s perfect for those times when a coat is too much. Order on the larger side because you’ll want to wear it over top of other clothing. Choose Dk. Red, Dk. Green or Dk. Blue. Cat. No. 3020-850-1 (Ship Wt. 3 lbs.) REDLONG JOHNS LARGE (Up to 42-44).......$64.00 XL LARGE (44-50)...............................................$67.00 Our 100% Cotton long johns will be your best friend at that next chilly outing. They have a wide overlap one button seat. Specify S, m, L, XL, XXL (Ship Wt. 2 lbs.) Cat. No. 3020-882-1 $25.00 KID’S BLANKET SHIRT - Catalog No. 3020-893-1 (Ship Wt. 2 lbs.) Sizes (2-4), (6-8)..................................................$29.00 Size (10-12).........................................................$33.00 KID’S LONG JOHNS 50/50 Cotton-Poly Specify: S(6-8), m(10-12), L(14-16), XL(18-20) Cat. No. 3020-891-2.........................................$25.00 FIRE STARTING KIT THROW ANOTHER LOG ON THE FIRE! Bring in the wood with our popular firewood carrier. This tough canvas wood carrier makes the task easier, cleaner, and faster! It rolls up easily for storage. (Ship Wt. 2 lbs.) Catalog No. 1235-330-2...................................$12.00 Easy to learn and fun to use. Our kit includes flint, steel striker, 100% cotton char, jute fiber, an airtight 3 oz. tin and complete instructions. (Ship Wt. 2 lbs.) Catalog No. 6780-000-2................................$14.00 FOLDINGHANDLESKILLETS 18thCENTURYBRAZIER When it’s raining (or snowing) and you don’t want to cook over a firepit, this brazier is the perfect solution. Use it to cook or boil your morning coffee under the shelter of your tent fly! The cooking grate is 7½”x7½” the coal box is 6½” tall with a grate for coals in the bottom. 3” legs keep the base up off the ground for an overall ht. of 11” including the 4 pot holders. FOR OUTSIDE USE ONLY ONLY. (Ship Wt. 12 lbs.) Catalog No. 3002-020-2...................................$70.00 Patterned after a Rev. War example these are perfect for trekking or packing light. made of 13 gauge steel, the handle folds flat for easy transport. Simply insert a stick into the tubular end for whatever length handle you’d like. FULL SIZE - 9” Dia. x 1” Deep w/ 54” Handle (Ship Wt. 2 lbs.) Cat. No. 2008-122-2 ...................................$30.00 TREK SIZE - 62” Dia. x 1w” Deep w/ 34” Handle (Ship Wt. 2 lbs.) Cat. No. 2008-124-2 ...................................$30.00 BONUS COUPONS! BONUS COUPONS! BONUS COUPONS! 10%OFF OILSKINOR CANVAS TRAILTARPS WITH PURCHASE OF 20 OR MORE STAKES (Page 43 of Catalog #23) (Page 70 of Catalog #23) Begins 11/1/15 Expires 12/31/15 Begins 11/1/15 Expires 12/31/15 FREE STAKEBAG FREE FLAGBAG WITH PURCHASE OF ANY HISTORICAL FLAG 10%OFF OILSKIN FROCKS&RAIN CLOAKS (Page 42 of Catalog #23) (Page 123 of Catalog #23) (Page 114 of Catalog #23) Begins 11/1/15 Expires 12/31/15 Begins 11/1/15 Expires 12/31/15 Begins 11/1/15 Expires 12/31/15 10%OFF TENTFLYS& DININGFLYS Stocking Stuffers RUMCUP Copper plated. 1/4 gill, (2”x2”) with tin lining. Sorry, Rum not included! Catalog No.3010-811-1 $12.00 (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) CAMPSCRUBBER Primitive pot scrubber made of natural sisal. Cat. No. 3011-150-2 $3.50 ea. (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) FInGerleSS GloVeS Soap & TIn TooTHBruSH 85% wool, 15% nylon. 3”x4”x1¼” deep heavy Genuine bone handle and Grayish Brown. gauge tin box and a bar of all natural bristles. Med - Cat. No. 3011-306-1 pumice soap. Catalog No. 3010-007-2 Lrg - Cat. No 3011-307-1 Catalog No. 3000-949-2 $11.00 $12.00 $10.00/pair (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) A FREE GIFT FOR YOU! With your order of $50.00 or more from this flyer (including any tent order) placed by 12/31/15 we’ll send along a FREE BOX OF LEANIN’ TREE CHRISTmAS CARDS. You’ll get 10 cards and envelopes (these are different than the cards offered in this flyer). To receive your FREE CHRISTmAS CARDS you must enter the catalog number on your order blank or tell us when you call your order in. There is a limit of one free gift per customer. While supplies last. (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) FREE CHRISTmAS CARDS.....Catalog No. 1000-100-1 From Your Friends At Panther Primitives Check inside for sale items, gift ideas, stocking stuffers and more! From: Panther Primitives PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Normantown, WV Permit No. 1 P.O. Box 32 Normantown, WV 25267 1-800-487-2684 CHANGE SERVICE REqUESTED THREEEASYWAYSTOPLACEYOURORDER BY PHONE: Call us Toll Free at 1-800-487-2684 for Charge Card orders. Our staff will be here to serve you weekdays 9:00-5:00 E.S.T. except during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. BY MAIL: Simply enclose your check or money order with the order blank below or write your credit card info on the order form. Refer to the shipping charts in Catalog #23 UNIT QTY. ITEM NAME, COMPLETE TOTAL to determine the freight amount or give SIZE, COLOR, ETC. CATALOG NO. PRICE us a call. BY FAX: Fax in your copy of this order blank at 1-304-462-7755. SHIPPINGADDRESS ADDRESS MAILING ______________________________ Name _____________________________ Street _____________________________ City _______________________________ State_________________Zip ___________ Telephone ( _____ ) ____________________________ Date Mail Your Order To: PANTHER PRIMITIVES P.O. Box 32 Normantown, WV 25267 The Gift That Everyone Loves! SUB TOTAL Shipping & Handling If you live in W.VA add 6% Sales Tax TOTAL Panther gift certificates are the perfect thing to slip inside those Christmas Cards you’re mailing. They’re available in any size denomination and we’ll send along one of our catalogs for the recipient to shop through. That way, you know that you’ve given just the right gift!
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From All Of Us Here at Panther Primitives
BY PHONE: Call us Toll Free at 1‑800‑487‑2684 for Charge Card orders. Our staff will be here to serve you weekdays 9:00‑5:00 E.S.T. except during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.