From All Of Us Here at Panther Primitives
From All Of Us Here at Panther Primitives
From All Of Us Here at Panther Primitives When the weather begins to turn chilly we start thinking about the Holidays. Our Christmas flyer has become an annual tradition, and we hope you like this year’s selection of gift items and special offers. They’re good till December 31, 2011! We wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season and a peaceful and happy 2012! Sincerely, The Darby Family TOMAHAWK THROWER’S STARTER KIT SPECIAL! Hawk and knife throwing has enjoyed a huge increase in popularity recently. As a special holiday offer, we’ve put together this beginner’s hawk throwing package to get you started. Our starter kit includes one of our hand forged throwing hawks, an extra wooden handle, and a copy of the book Knife and Tomahawk Throwing by Hardin. Normal price would be $33.45. We’re offering this package for the sale price of just $28.75 until December 31, 2011. (Ship Wt. 5 lbs.) Big ‘Hawk Thrower’s Starter Kit........Catalog No. 3011-028-2........$28.75 Small ‘Hawk Thrower’s Starter Kit (Substitute the Mouse Hawk for the Full Sized Hawk) Catalog No. 3011-033-2.................................................................$26.00 Chilly weather is here. You’ll be ready for it with our warm and toasty winter clothing. BLANKET SHIRT We make this pullover shirt from medium weight blanket wool, so it’s perfect for those times when a coat is too much. Order on the larger side because you’ll want to wear it over top of other clothing. Choose Dk. Red, Dk. Green or Dk. Blue. Cat. No. 3020-850-1 (Ship Wt. 3 lbs.) LARGE (Up to 42-44).........$53.00 XL LARGE (44-50)..............$56.00 KID’S BLANKET SHIRT - Catalog No. 3020-893-1 (Ship Wt. 2 lbs.) Sizes (2-4), (6-8)......................................................$24.00 Size (10-12)..............................................................$28.00 RED LONG JOHNS Our 100% Cotton long johns will be your best friend at that next chilly outing. They have a wide overlap one button seat. Specify S, M, L, XL, XXL (Ship Wt. 2 lbs.) Cat. No. 3020-882-1 $25.00 KID’S LONG JOHNS 50/50 Cotton-Poly Specify: S(6-8), M(10-12), L(14-16), XL(18-20) Cat. No. 3020-891-2......................................... $25.00 DELUXE FURNITURE PLANS Our furniture plans are the perfect winter project for any do-it-yourselfer. Very detailed, including complete tool lists and bill of materials All you need are basic woodworking skills. (Ship Wt. 1 lb. ea.) CHAIRS - Includes the standard slat chair, small slat chair, double slat chair, and a small flip flop table. Catalog No. 2999-100-2................ $15.00 BEDS - Includes single, double and queen size beds with both short and tall posts and the double size four poster bed. Catalog No. 2999-102-2................................................................... $15.00 TABLES - Both small and large flip flop tables, folding trestle table, buskboard table and a gate leg tavern table. Catalog No. 2999-104-2.................. $15.00 TRUNKS - Three sizes each of flat, round top and packing crate style trunks. Catalog No. 2999-106-2....................................................... $15.00 CAMP KITCHEN - An upper cabinet, 3 lower cabinets and a couple of different trestle tables to choose from. Catalog No. 2999-108-2.......... $15.00 CARTS AND WHEELS - 4 wheel cart, a 2 wheel cart, and 16”, 20” and 24” diameter wheels that are either spoked or solid wood. You’ll need a well equiped woodshop. Ship Wt. 1 lb. Catalog No. 2003-801-1............ $20.00 If you have been thinking about a new tent, RIGHT NOW is the time to buy. Due to a dramatic jump in cotton prices during the past year, tent prices are about to increase by as much as 25 to 30 percent! We have decided to hold the old prices from our Catalog #20 as a holiday special until January 1, 2012. In order to take advantage of the lower prices you must: 1) Place your order, with 20% deposit, before January 1, 2012. 2) Pay the balance on your order and take delivery before February 1, 2012. This offer absolutely expires January 1, 2012 so don’t wait too long! NEW! HORN DRINKING CUPS Whether it’s for a shot of holiday nog or maybe a bit of spiced rum, these handmade cow horn cups are just right. They’re lightweight and fit nicely into your haversack, belt bag, etc. Natural horns, colors vary. (Ship Wt. 1 lbs. ea.) 3” Horn Cup..................... Cat. No. 3020-821-3.................................... $5.50 5” Horn Cup..................... Cat. No. 3020-822-3.................................... $7.00 CANVAS BUCKET RUGS No camp should be without a couple of these collapsible buckets. We use them for toting all sorts of things. The Regular size holds approx. 1½ gallons, the Large size holds about 4 gallons. (Ship Wt. 2 lbs. ea.) Regular Cat. No. 3011-002-1........ $8.00 Large Cat. No. 3011-002-2.......$10.00 Our 30”x60” saddle blankets make great rugs both at camp and at home. Made of blended yarns, they come in mixed colors and can be cleaned in your washing machine (on cold) and line dried. They’re on sale for the holidays! (Ship Wt. 2 lbs.) Catalog No. 1230-016-2 (Reg. Price $17.00) Only $15.00 (till 12/31/11) 1750’s SUNDIAL COMPASS This is an exact reproduction, done entirely in brass, of an instrument used by Roger’s Rangers. The original was dug up on Rogers Island in the remains of an officer’s hut. Diameter 1¾”. (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) Catalog No. 1230-007-2....$24.00 AQUITAINE STARLIGHT DIAL Named after Eleanor of Aquitaine, who gave one of these to Henry the II. On sunny days, it works by suspending the beautiful ring by its black satin cord. Through a tiny hole, a bead of light shines through to illuminate a number corresponding to the time of day. Made of solid pewter with bronze accents, it is about 1” in diameter. (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) Cat. No. 1230-020-1...........$38.00 If you have one of the above timepieces for sunny days, you’ll want one of these for night time. By lining up the center hole and swing arm with the North Star and the Big Dipper, you will be able to figure out the time of night! Made of pewter. 2¼” x 1¼” with a satin cord. (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) Cat. No. 1230-023-1.......$38.00 CALL US Toll Free WITH YOUR Order 1-800-487-2684 TINWARE COFFEE POTS NEW! Authentic for as far back as the 17th century, we’re offering this camp necessity in two convenient sizes. The 5 quart size is 11” high with a 8½” diameter base and the 2 quart size is 8½” high with a 6” diameter base. Both sizes feature a sturdy handle and a heavy gauge wire bail with insulating wood grip. Small holes inside the pouring spout help filter coffee grounds. (Ship Wt. 4 lbs.) JUMBO SIZE (5 Qt.) Cat. No. 3100-019-2................ $60.00 PERSONAL SIZE (2 Qt.) Cat. No. 3100-020-2......... $49.00 HERITAGE The Musical History Tour NEW! This compact disc contains sixteen traditional tunes and ballads representative of the old-time music that was enjoyed by explorers, fur traders and pioneers of the 18th and early 19th centuries. The trio that makes up Heritage uses authentic arrangements and instruments (fiddle, banjo, guitar, spoons, flute, etc.) Includes St. Anne’s Reel, Rosin The Bow, Soldier’s Joy, Shenandoah, Flop-Eared Mule, and many more. (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) Catalog No. 3001-226-1....................... $15.00 SPICE BOX PERSONAL KNIFE Our beautiful wooden box set is on sale for the holidays! The large box is 9¼” in diameter and 3½” tall. The center box for pepper is 3¼” in diameter and the other seven boxes are 2s” in diameter. Each box is made of lightweight veneer wood and handpainted. In addition to the pepper box, there are small boxes for cloves, cinnamon, mustard, mace, nutmeg, and allspice. (Spices not included) A perfect gift idea for home or camp use. (Ship Wt. 3 lbs.) Catalog No. 2007-032-2 (Regular Price $35.00) Sale Price $29.95 (till 12/31/11) We think this good looking little 4d” long knife makes a fine gift idea. It’s small enough to tuck into a neck sheath, a sock or a bodice. Made with a polished bone scale handle and 2½” stainless steel blade, it includes a leather sheath with a snap closure. (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) Cat. No. 2007-022-2 (Regular Price $14.00) On Sale Until 12/31/11 For $12.00! LEANIN’ TREE CHRISTMAS CARDS We think these cards are the nicest you’ll find anywhere and we take pleasure in offering them each year for the holidays. each box contains ten 5”x7” cards, and each card comes with a colorfully designed envelope. You’re bound to get plenty of compliments from the folks on your Christmas card list! (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) Catalog No. C72682 Catalog No. C70979 “May the coming days hold for you all the quiet and gentle joys of the season.” - Artist Dustin Lyon $9.95 “Hope your camp is safe and warm, secure away from wind and storm, and that all good things will come your way to bring you joy on Christmas Day!” - Artist Robert L. Walton $9.95 Catalog No. C72489 “Wishing you a season of comfort and joy... a year of prosperity and peace. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.” - Artist James Hautman $9.95 Catalog No. C72645 “May your home be aglow with the warmth of the Holiday Season.” - Artist Dustin Lyon $9.95 Catalog No. C72701 “Greetings of the Season. May the spirit of Christmas light up your heart and home.” - Artist Gayle Running Wolf $9.95 ASSORTMENT: Two cards and envelopes from each of the above designs for a total of ten cards and envelopes. CHRISTMAS CARD ASSORTMENT....Catalog No. 1000-100-3......$9.95 From Your Friends At Panther Primitives Check inside for sale items, gift ideas, stocking stuffers and more! From: Panther Primitives P.O. Box 32 Normantown, WV 25267 1-800-487-2684 CHANGE service requested PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Normantown, WV Permit No. 1 A FREE GIFT FOR YOU! OUR WAY OF SAYING THANKS FOR CHOOSING PANTHER With your order of $50.00 or more from this flyer (including any tent order placed by 12/31/11) we’ll send along one of our popular canvas bookbags. They’re great for carrying almost anything! There is a limit of one free gift per customer. To receive your FREE BOOK BAG you must enter the catalog number on your order blank or tell us when you call your order in. Be sure to specify White, Red, Blue, Black, Green, Yellow, Purple or Khaki. (Ship Wt. 1 lb.) Catalog No. 1235-348-1 THREE EASY WAYS TO PLACE YOUR ORDER BY PHONE: Call us Toll Free at 1‑800‑487‑2684 for Charge Card orders. Our staff will be here to serve you weekdays 9:00‑5:00 E.S.T. except during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. BY MAIL: Simply enclose your check or money order with the order blank below or write your credit card info on the order form. Refer to the shipping charts in Catalog #20 to determine the freight amount or give us a call. BY FAX: Fax in your copy of this order blank at 1‑304‑462‑7755. Mail Your Order To: PANTHER PRIMITIVES P.O. Box 32 Normantown, WV 25267 MAILING ADDRESS ______________________________ Name _____________________________ Street _____________________________ City _______________________________ State_________________Zip ___________ Telephone ( _____ ) ____________________________ ITEM NAME, SIZE, COLOR, ETC. UNIT QTY. COMPLETE CATALOG NO. PRICE TOTAL Date SHIPPING ADDRESS (if different) MAILING ADDRESS ______________________________ Name _____________________________ Street _____________________________ City _______________________________ State_________________Zip ___________ Telephone ( _____ ) ____________________________ Date GIFT CERTIFICATE (Enter Amount You’d Like) $ SUB TOTAL Shipping & Handling Card Number Expiration Cardholder Signature _______________________________ If you live in W.VA add 6% Sales Tax Giftwrapping Old-Style Paper $5.00 per item TOTAL The Gift That Everyone Loves! Panther gift certificates are the perfect thing to slip inside those Christmas Cards you’re mailing. They’re available in any size denomination and we’ll send along one of our catalogs for the recipient to shop through. That way, you know that you’ve given just the right gift!
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From All Of Us Here at Panther Primitives
BY MAIL: Simply enclose your check or money order with the order blank below or write your credit card info on the order form.
Refer to the shipping charts in Catalog #23