Untitled - Sidcot School


Untitled - Sidcot School
Friday 19 September
Important dates for next week
House on duty
Boarders’ activity
Saturday 20 September
10.00 – 16.30 Trip to Roman Baths, Bath
10.00 – 16.00 Rehearsal, Sherlock (A1/20 Drama Studio)
House on duty
Boarders’ activities
Sunday 21 September
Duke of Edinburgh Silver Expedition for Year 11 - returns
14.00 – 16.00 Inter house quiz
19.30 – 21.00 Badminton tournament (Sports Centre)
Sports fixture
Monday 22 September
Year 11 IGCSE Geography Coursework coastal fieldwork
14.00 – 16.30 Boys’ Rugby – U9IX v Oldmixon Primary School (A)
Sports fixtures
Tuesday 23 September
Time TBC
Boys’ Rugby – U14XV v Shapwick School (A)
Time TBC
Girls’ Netball – U14 VII v Shapwick School (A)
Sports fixtures
Wednesday 24 September
14.00 – 15.45 Author Visit - Elen Caldecott (Junior School Hall)
14.30 – 17.30 Boys’ Rugby – 1st XV, U16XV v Rendcomb College (H)
15.30 – 17.30 Boys’ Rugby – U12XV v Bristol Cathedral School (H)
Sports fixture
Thursday 25 September
Year 9 Art trip to Walsall
Inter house bake off
The Foxtrot departs - leaving for overnight at Sibford school
13.00 – 17.00 Year 7 trip to see Barnum at Bristol Hippodrome
18.30 – 19.00 Meeting for Worship (Small Meeting House)
19.00 – 20.30 Films for Action weekly activity (A1/20 Drama Studio)
16.00 – 17.30 Girls’ Netball and Hockey – U13, U14 VII & U15/16 XI v Backwell School (H)
Friday 26 September
Duke of Edinburgh Silver/Gold Expedition for Years 12 and 13 – departs
Southern Schools Quaker Pilgrimage (Foxtrot) 26 – 29 September 2014
Bath Children’s Festival of Literature – starts
08.30 – 13.00 Open Morning
09.00 – 12.00 Macmillan Coffee Morning
16.00 – 17.30 Teaching Staff Meeting (Old Library)
18.30 – 19.15 Improvisation Evening (A1/20 Drama Studio)
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Friday 19 September
From the Headmaster
I am frequently reminded that the best ambassadors for what we do as a school at Sidcot are our students.
Whether this is on the sports field, showing parents and prospective students around the school at open days,
taking part in school performances or just the way they conduct themselves in the local community, they show a
quiet assurance and natural ability to engage with those around them. However, one event that allowed the quality
of our young people to shine through took place during the summer holidays, when our Head Girl, Gaby House
and International Head Boy, Sepand Malek, took part in the Society of Heads’ Senior Prefects’ Conference at
Rishworth School in West Yorkshire.
Gaby and Sepand joined their opposite numbers from a number of schools belonging to the Society of Heads
for a two-day intensive programme featuring team building, leadership and public speaking activities. I received
feedback on their participation from the course organisers and, without wishing to embarrass Gaby and Sepand
too much, was delighted to learn that they scored top marks in all the evaluated categories. Of particular note
was the quality of their public speaking and the ease with which they communicated with others in the group.
Clearly Gaby and Sepand represented Sidcot with great distinction on this occasion, for which I am most grateful.
However, I am even more encouraged that their example is one that I know others will follow in the years to come.
Iain Kilpatrick
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Friday 19 September
Useful information and dates
Share your opinion with the Good Schools Guide
Sidcot’s entry in the Good Schools Guide is currently
being rewritten. Parental opinion is an important part of
this process, so if any of you have any comments you
would like share with our reviewer Charlotte Obolensky,
she would be delighted to talk to you - anonymously!
She can be contacted by email or on her mobile:
[email protected]
07712 589249
More information about the guide
can be found via the
Good Schools Guide website:
Year 9 fieldwork/investigation of the Eden Project,
St. Austell, Cornwall, Monday 29 September
Just a reminder of our early start 7.30am for 7.45am
departure, so please don’t be late! We should be
arriving back at school some time around 6pm, traffic
permitting. An Information letter with further details will
be issued shortly to all students on the trip, so please
check that it has been brought home. Any queries,
please contact me: [email protected]
Aubrey Bufton
Head of Geography
Calling all students!
There will be a Sidcot house bake off this coming
Thursday (25 September) starting at 9am. Two students
will represent each house by making a cake using a
Victoria sponge recipe base – decorated, flavoured
and shaped to the student’s choice. We are fortunate
to have Nigel Horley, owner of La Patisserie Supreme
in Bristol, as our judge. If you wish to participate
please see me, or see your house captains who will be
organising the contestants – it would be lovely to have
two representitives from each house. If you want any
advice or wish to practice, please drop into the food
room at any time. I intend to run an after school practice
bake off session next Wednesday.
Your finished cakes will be sold at the coffee morning
next Friday and all proceeds will go straight to
Macmillan so come on everyone, get baking! This event
will be held in the Sidcot Hub until 12pm.
Donna Cox, Food Technology Department
Bev King, Head of West House
Music trip: The Messiah – Royal Albert Hall
We have only a few places left! If you would like to sing
please see me. This trip will leave school on Sunday 30
November at 7am for a very full and inspiring day. We
will work with a professional conductor and full orchestra
and perform the oratorio during the afternoon to an
audience. Parents/guardians are more than welcome.
All monies raised will go to Water Aid.
Bev King
Director of Music
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Friday 19 September
Introducing new staff at Sidcot
My first impression of Sidcot was its beautiful setting; I am still surprised every so
often by glimpses of countryside and stunning views peeking out behind buildings
or between trees. Having spent the last fifteen years living and working in a bustling
town, the sense of space and peace is wonderful.
Before coming to Sidcot I worked at Rugby School in Warwickshire, primarily as a
teacher of Drama and English but latterly as a boarding Housemaster. Boarding is
certainly in my blood and I have spent all but two of my seventeen year teaching
career living in boarding houses. I have also coached a lot of sport, including Rugby,
Cricket, Hockey, Soccer and Fives (look it up). It is these experiences I hope to bring
to my role of Deputy Head, with a specific focus on Boarding and the Co-Curriculum.
I am glad to be living in the heart of Winscombe and the ability to walk to work in the morning is wonderful – less so
for my children, (Henry and Anna) who have an uphill slog to get to the Junior School every day.
I have been touched by the warm welcome we have all received on arriving at Sidcot and I look forward to the
future; the school is going through some exciting times and I am proud to be a part of that.
Matt Williams
Deputy Head – Boarding and Co-curricular
Centre for Peace and Global Studies
Trip to Friends House – Monday 6 October
We have 12 places to offer to Sidcot students for
an excursion to Friends House in London, during
the start of Quaker week. It will be an early start
– we join the local Sidcot Quakers on their coach
which departs at 7am and will return to Sidcot for
approximately 7pm. This day is an opportunity for
students to visit, find out about and enjoy Friends
House and learn more about the work that goes on
there. Friend’s House is opposite Euston Station in
London, an oasis of calm in the busy capital.
There will be a chance to hear about Quaker
peace and social justice work, to visit and find out
about the Quaker Library (one of the biggest and
best), to visit the Quaker Centre, with its bookshop
and worship space, and to learn lots more about
Friends House. If you would like a place please
sign up in the library.
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Friday 19 September
Centre for Peace and Global Studies
Marking International Day of Peace – 21 September
We will be marking the international day of peace by
looking at the issue of conflict minerals, particularly the
ongoing war in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
these devices has fuelled two decades of violent war in
my home country, the DRC, and in so many others, but
one small action by many could help end the violence.”
– Bandi Mbubi, Congo Calling (July 2013)
“My wish is to convince everyone to do one simple
thing: to insist on fairly traded mobile phones, tablets,
and games consoles, and in so doing, transform an
industry and the world. The illegal trade in minerals for
Supporting a charity focussed on reducing conflict in
the Democratic Republic of Congo we have a series
of activities.
1) Friday break time: Whole school art activity where we will create our
statement about how the demand for mobile technology is fuelling war.
We support Congo Calling in their demand for Fair Trade phones, for the
ethical sourcing of minerals and the creation of an open and transparent
supply chain.
2) Peace poppies will go on sale Friday and Monday – proceeds go to
Congo Calling ( Enamel poppies £2 / Crepe paper poppies £1)
3) Lunctime talk from Congo Calling – 1pm in Old Library
4) Fireside Talk (more details below)
Monday break times – peace café
Joining the international Peace One Day campaign
we ask: “Who will you make Peace with.” There will
be a cake sale where students can buy a fairy cake
and decorate with their own logo or message – maybe
giving it away to someone as a peace gesture.
Again, proceeds will go to Congo calling.
Fireside Talk
We were delighted when one of our international
students came back to Sidcot asking to share her
experiences of war with her peers. In response we
have arranged the first of our Fireside Talks, taking
place in the Old library on Sunday 21 September.
Ella Shklarek will share with the audience her
experiences of living in Israel throughout the summer
of 2014. From her home near Gaza she has personally
experienced the turmoil of war. Ella will share her
insights and her opinions on the conflict situation,
exploring with guests the issues on both sides of the
conflict. She asks: “Do you get up each morning with
war in your heart or peace in your heart?”
The talk will be chaired by Professor Tim Niblock from
the University of Exeter. Professor Niblock’s research
interests cover a wide range of areas related to the
politics, economics and international relations of the
Arab and Islamic worlds. Of central concern has
been the political economy of the states of the Arab
world, the international relations of the Middle Eastern
region, the relations between Gulf countries and East/
South Asian countries, Islam and the state, and issues
relating to civil society and democratisation in Arab and
Islamic states.
Come along and listen to the points of view of those
with experience and expertise in the ongoing unrest in
the Middle East. Sign up in the Trevelyan Library.
Jackie Bagnall
Director, Centre for Peace and Global Studies
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Friday 19 September
Sixth Form
Over the last few weeks our Lower
Sixth students have been taking
part in activities to help settle in and
get to know each other. There are
30 Lower Sixth students who are
new to the school this year and we
have twelve different nationalities
represented in this year group alone.
On the first day of term, there were
team-building games for the tutor
groups at the end of the school day.
On Thursday last week, we had the annual Brean Down walk: the
pictures show us making our way up the steps at the start at the start
of the walk – and Scott and Sascha beyond the fort at the end of the
promontory! Together with the fish and chips at the Brean Down Inn,
for all 99 of us on the walk, it was a perfect way to spend the evening.
Simon Allen
Head of Sixth Form
Duke of Edinburgh
DofE Bronze Award
This week, Year 10 students were given an introductory talk about the Duke of
Edinburgh Scheme, to give an idea of what it is about. Two letters were issued:
Enrolment on the scheme and Training Day 1. Both letters have information to
be completed and returned. Copies are available on the Duke for Edinburgh
Firefly page. The dates for training days are: Day 1 – Sunday 12 October;
Day 2 – Saturday 8 November. Please email Graham Hartley or Jim Scott if
you have any questions about how the scheme operates at Sidcot.
Graham Hartley
DofE Bronze Leader
Sidcot Equestrian Centre
Show jump training
Weekly show jump training will take place on a
Thursday and Friday (time tbc) – email
[email protected] to sign up.
Jane Keep
Equestrian Centre Manager
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NSEA membership
All students who wish to represent the school in any
equestrian event need to register ASAP with the NSEA
(National Schools Equestrian Association). Come to
the Equestrian Centre or email with your full name and
date of birth. A £15 fee is also required.
Friday 19 September
CAS Introduction day
CAS is an integral part of the International Baccalaureate programme followed by some of the Sixth Formers
at Sidcot. CAS stands for: Creativity, Action, Service and students spend a few hours each week following a
programme of activities divided between these three areas. The idea is to provide an enjoyable break from study
while giving students the opportunity for personal development and the encouragement needed to try something
new. On Saturday 13 September the new Lower Sixth IB students enjoyed a day of activities which introduced
them to the CAS programme. We started with team building activities in the school and students were able to gain
ideas for their CAS programme from the diaries of past students. We then moved to local woodland where groups
created their own sculptures from natural materials before enjoying lunch, marshmallows and dough sticks around
a campfire. We then added action by climbing to the summit of Crook Peak where some of the students found their
own way back to Sidcot.
Jim Scott and Celine Potts
CAS Co-ordinators
Mathematics Department
Maths Café
Drop in help is available four times a week with
members of the Maths Department, from Year 7 to
Year 13. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes
and Wednesday after school. Details available in every
Maths classroom. We would be very happy to help.
Graham Hartley
Mathematics Faculty
Music Department
I was delighted to see the newly formed ‘String
Chamber Group’ in full flow on Monday with their new
teacher, Miss Laura Heathcote. Please ensure full
attendance in the weeks ahead!
Concert Band also started this week with Mrs Naomi
McDonald (flute teacher) and will be every other week
swapping with Jazz Band, which is run by Mr Andy
Hague (trumpet teacher). Please be reminded to look
at your music and practice in between rehearsals.
Bev King
Director of Music
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Friday 19 September
English Department
Philip Pullman to Judge Connell Essay prize
The award winning novelist Philip Pullman, author of the Northern Lights Trilogy,
is the judge of this year’s prestigious Connell Essay prize. Essays of any type
are being accepted, ranging from literary comparisons to short stories. The
competition is now open, with submissions being accepted from 15 September to
15 January next year. As if that wasn’t incentive enough, £500 will be awarded to
the best entry with full sets of Connell guides for the runners up. To find out more
visit www.connellguides.com
A Streetcar Named Desire and To Kill A Mockingbird
The English Department is delighted to announce two trips this half of term to see hugely influential American
work on the stage and screen. GCSE groups who have To Kill A Mockingbird as their set text will be travelling to
the Malvern Theatre on Wednesday 1 October to see this enthralling, poignant and important retelling of Harper
Lee’s masterpiece. The Sixth Form, including our IB contingent, will have the pleasure of watching the much
lauded production of A Streetcar Named Desire. It seems that the tremendous success of the National Theatre’s
screenings is catching and the same technology has been employed by The Young Vic to great effect. Gillian
Anderson’s performance of Blanche Dubois has been described as “the performance of her career” – Daily
Telegraph. The screening will be shown at the Odeon in Taunton on Monday 6 October.
Ed Pemberton
English Faculty
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Friday 19 September
Textiles Department
Year 9 Textiles
Last Friday, in collaboration with the Geography department, Year 9 were set the challenge of researching and
decorating a white baseball boot. The brief was to convey a given ecosystem based on topics they are currently
studying in Geography. The group were divided into table teams and given one iPad, one tray of trimmings and one
of four mood boards: Marine, Desert/Savannah, Tropical rainforest and Tundra/polar. With just one double lesson
the teams had to decide how best to represent their ecosystem for judging by Miss Prankherd, before the lunch bell
rang. All teams allocated roles for research, decoration and promotional material. Team Tropical Rainforest won
with a beautifully executed design and fantastic promotional posters and material on the plight of their ecosystem.
I welcome you to view the wonderful shoes on display in the Textiles room. The class will reinforce their project
with the upcoming trip to the Eden Project and go on to design their own individual up-cycled shoe based on an
endangered species or habitat.
Donna Ralph
Textiles Department
Who needs London Fashion Week?
This week has seen the biannual London Fashion
Week with fashion shows and trade stands popping up
all over the capital. Not to be outdone here at Sidcot,
the Textile room was transformed into a design studio
by Year 10 Textile students Aleksandra Levina, Maddy
Hann, Bella Hurley-Simmons, Kitty Leung, Sophie
Spurrell, Marie Alandrova, Nina Lin and Charlotte
Boddy. They created their own designs by draping
uncut lengths of fabric on the mannequins using pins
to dart, tuck, gather and pleat the fabric to suppress
the fullness in order to achieve the shape and design
they envisaged. The students were investigating how
different fabrics react to being shaped and draped
to equip them with the knowledge they will require
for their first design and make project. I was very
impressed with what was achieved in an hour. Watch
out for these young designers!
Donna Cox, Textiles Department
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Friday 19 September
Art Department
I am really excited by the prospect of abundant and abundantly creative
photography in the year ahead. Already, in the first two weeks of school,
there has been lots of photography happening as we have many keen
students embarking on GCSE and A Level courses.
Last week Apple launched a new iteration of their iPhone, the original smart
phone and a device that has, in my humble opinion, totally revolutionised
photography. With smartphones – Android, Apple or Microsoft – most of
us now carry a sophisticated camera with us most of the time, and what
is more, this camera is attached to a very powerful computer, and the
possibility of all sorts of pixel bending algorithms.
Most of the photographs here were taken on iPhones, and manipulated
in a range of apps. My favourites are Snapseed, Photoshop Touch, and
Blender, but there are so many. The photo of last week’s boundary walk
has been snazified with an app called Rays, and the painted face similarly
artified an extraordinary app called Tangled FX.
We have new set of Apple laptops in the department, with Adobe
Photoshop installed, along with Adobe Premier for film making, and Final
Cut pro for the real pro film editors. We also have a set of iPads, with
the same power as the iPhone in terms of the amazing verity of apps
available, and later in the term we shall be doing a collaborative project
with the Oxford University Museums Education department, piloting the
use of iPads in the Ashmolean, Pitt River’s and University museums.
There is also the darkroom photography activity after school on
Wednesday, for those who want to learn what photography was like
before the advent of the smart phone, and for those who would like to
experiment with the opposite end of the technological photo – creative
device, a beer can with a pin hole in it.
Simon Allen, Head of Sixth Form, announced a photo competition this
week, open to all, on the theme of wildlife, similar to the BBC’s wildlife
photographer of the year competition. This will be judged by me at the
end of September, with prizes for winning entries!
Ross Wallis
Head of Creative Arts
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Friday 19 September
Trevelyan Library
Sidcot is sponsoring an event at the
Bath Festival of Children’s Literature.
We are pleased to be associated with
Cornelia Funke in discussion with
David Almond on Saturday 4 October
in the Guildhall, Bath. To mark the
event we have commissioned book
sculptures for two of their famous
works: The Book Thief and Skellig.
Wendy Worley
Sidcot Arts Centre
Improvisation Evening
This autumn the drama department and members of
Hurly Burly, (Sidcot’s own theatre company) will be
presenting two evenings of improvisation. The first of
these will be on Friday 26 September starting at 6.30pm.
Friday 19 September
11.00 – 18.00 It’s All 2 Much exhibition – free entry
Saturday 20 September
10.00 – 16.00 It’s All 2 Much exhibition – free entry
Thursday 25 September
11.00 – 18.00 It’s All 2 Much exhibition – free entry
Friday 26 September
11.00 – 18.00 It’s All 2 Much exhibition – free entry
Sidcot Drama Department and
Hurly Burly Theatre Company:
Improvisation Evening
Parents, friends, and family are invited to join teams of
talented Sidcot students as they compete in a range of
hilarious improvisation games and challenges for your
entertainment. Favourite games include ‘party quirks,’
‘styles and genres’ and ‘blind date’.
Saturday 27 September
Exhibition is closed on this day (last day)
Tickets are available from the main school reception
and will be offered on a first come first served basis.
Emma Davis, Community Events Manager
Georgina Micklethwaite, Exhibition Development Officer
Tel: 01934 845299 | Email: [email protected]
Twitter and Facebook: SidcotArts
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Friday 19 September
Sports Faculty
Silver for Sidcot at British
Swimming Championships
The summer break saw Year 9 student Immy Moroney
travel North to take on the best of the UK’s swimmers
at the National Open Water Swimming Championships.
This year’s tougher than ever qualifying times for the 13
year age group meant only 16 swimmers managed to
qualify for the final which was held in Sheffield in August.
All 16 girls start from a pontoon together and with
no lanes open water swimming tends to be a fairly
bruising event with swimmers all going for the same
line. For the first 800 metres the lead group bunched
together with around six girls all jostling for key
position. The referee sounded several warning blasts
asking the girls to spread out and, eventually, Immy
and the UKs top distance swimmer from London pulled
clear of the pack. In a fairly tightly fought exchange,
the London swimmer pulled through to take the gold
medal in a shade under 20 minutes with Immy just 10
seconds behind picking up the silver medal. Very well
done indeed.
Girls’ U12 Netball v St. Katherine’s, Wednesday 17
September: Sidcot 8 – 4 St. Kath’s
The U12 girls enjoyed a well-deserved victory in this
their first ever taste of senior school netball. From the
outset they moved the ball confidently and surprised
their opposition with terrific speed in their passing.
Unfortunately this initially resulted in many handling
errors, but Sidcot were quicker to react to the loose
ball and so maintained longer periods of possession.
Eventually Sidcot began to slow the game down,
gaining better control, as well as passing the ball
more intelligently to the player in space. There was
some good interplay within the attacking third between
Maisy Hann, Frankie Harrill and Freya King, enabling
Frankie to score freely near to the post. At the opposite
end of the court the Sidcot defence worked hard to
deny the St Kath’s girls from scoring and as the game
progressed it was evident that Sidcot were just that
little more experienced in moving the ball effectively
through the court. This was a very pleasing result and
one in which hopefully they can build upon when they
meet Broadoak in their next game.
Player of the match: Frankie Harrill
Rosie Bellinger, Head of Physical Education
Sue Taylor, Physical Education Faculty
Girls’ U14 Netball v St. Katherine’s, Wednesday 17
September: Sidcot 10 – 8 St. Kath’s
After a rather slow start where Sidcot allowed their
opposition to dominate, they eventually started to
demonstrate better handling and positioning throughout
the court. Losing heavily after the first two quarters
the girls began to play with greater fluency and
determination, moving the ball at speed and utilising
the width of the court to their advantage. As they grew
in confidence so did the opportunities to score and
with their opponents tiring Sidcot pulled away to win
a closely contested game. Hopefully they can get off
to a quicker and more dynamic start when they face
Broadoak in their next encounter.
Player of the match: Millie Ashdown / Savina Mu
Sue Taylor, Physical Education Faculty
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Friday 19 September
Sports Faculty
Senior Girls Hockey v Kings of Wessex,
Wednesday 17 September: Sidcot 0 – 2 K.O.W
A combined team from Years 10 to 12 travelled away
for their first fixture of the season. The girls gelled
together well from the start even though they were
not used to playing with each other. The attack was
even from both sides for most of the match with both
teams missing opportunities to score. There was some
excellent passing particularly in the midfield area, the
girls just lacked a little determination within the ‘D’.
Kings had a lucky break in both halves and scored two
goals from deflections behind the goal keeper. Sidcot
were unlucky not to equalise with two great strikes
across goal near the end of the game which could not
quite be reached to be tapped into the goal. It was an
encouraging start from which the girls can work and
improve on in future games.
Player of the match: Emma Patch
Mary Dowds
Physical Education Faculty
U14 Rugby v Clifton College, Saturday 13
September: Sidcot 24 – 19 Clifton
In perfect rugby conditions Sidcot were very slow
to start, conceding a try in the first five minutes with
Clifton stamping their authority in the contact area.
However, captain Harry Wayne rallied his troops
leading from the front and they fought their way back
into the match, with Jonny Alvis scoring an excellent
individual try midway through the first half; Oscar
Browne gave Sidcot the advantage just before the
break. In a very even second half, Jacob Mcgurl and
Oscar Browne scored again to hold off a very spirited
opposition. Finn Thornton converted twice to cap off an
all-round good performance.
U16 XV v Clifton College, Saturday 13 September:
Sidcot 33 – 15 Clifton
On a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon the Under
16XV, fresh from an excellent season opener against
St Kath’s, took on the altogether sterner test of Clifton
College. A rousing team talk seemed to do the trick as
the boys exploded out of the blocks in quite splendid
style. Using our undoubted bulk up front and in the
centres, we spent the first 20 minutes battering the
home team and it wasn’t long before their spirited
defence started to show some gaps. Messrs Taylor
and Sergeev outflanked their wingers to score fine tries
and these were complemented by a bullocking run
and score from Elkins. The second half was a tighter
affair as Clifton started to attack the fringes more
successfully and retain possession more efficiently.
This yielded three tries for them but the game was put
out of sight by excellent tries from Ricol and Smith.
Macarthur contributed four successful conversions to
leave the final score some 33 points to 15, a fair result.
This was a great performance and leaves the boys in
good order as we move towards tough fixtures against
QEH, Rendcomb and Millfield. Man of the match was
Eren Raja Sansi whose work on the flank was tireless
in defence and attack.
Simon Cattermole
Physical Education Faculty
Man of the match: Jonny Alvis
Alex Smith
Physical Education Faculty
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