file - Mount Scopus Memorial College
file - Mount Scopus Memorial College
Published for the Scopus Community Editor: Vicki Davis From the Principal Students enjoy new building History was made at the start of Term 4 as the children of Gandel Besen House walked into their new learning environment for the first time. With thanks to the Federal Government’s Stimulus Package and the significant fundraising campaign undertaken by the College Foundation, teachers and children who had had to meet the challenge of antiquated classrooms for too long are now able to enjoy a state-of-the-art building, which truly enables us to teach in the way that children learn. The children of the Primary School at Burwood are looking forward to their new building in Term 1, and, together with significant enhancements at Fink Karp Ivany and the Secondary School, we are making progress towards realising the vision of a thoroughly modernised College. But the physical fabric is just one small part of a school. This year has seen our Primary teaching validated by the International Baccalaureate Organisation as we become an authorised provider of the Primary Years Programme. Accomplishment in NAPLANs and a crop of Premier’s Awards for outstanding VCE achievement have confirmed our students’ desire to learn and to succeed, whilst our expanding extra-curricular program continues to develop their personality. More events have been added to the College’s calendar of Jewish experiences and the Ulpan program is enriched by a visit to Jewish Europe. As our numbers grow, so do our buildings and our programs. However the most important growth is not of our institution, but of each one of our individual students, growing and learning as they negotiate the challenging journey from infancy to adulthood. It is this growth that is always our finest testimony, and to help our students along the way is our greatest privilege. Rabbi James Kennard KALEIDOSCOPE DECEMBER 2010 TEVET 5771 STUDENTS ENJOYING THEIR NEW LEARNING SPACES AT GANDEL BESEN HOUSE Students from Prep to Year 3 at Gandel Besen House are enjoying their amazing new building, after moving in at the start of this term. Following a mezzuzah ceremony and the sealing of a time capsule, to be opened in 25 years, the students quickly got down to exploring their new learning environment. With bright, light filled learning spaces, dedicated wet areas, computer areas, art space and a superb Learning Resource Centre (library), our students are genuinely excited to come to school each day. In the next stage of works, demolition has started on the old two storey building at the front of the campus, to make way for the offstreet drop-off zone and hard court areas. On the Gandel Campus at Burwood work is continuing on our new Upper Primary School for Years 4-6 students. Adjacent to the Besen Family Performing Arts Centre, the new building will incorporate flexible learning spaces, a designated Year 6 zone combined with an Informal Jewish Education centre and wireless access throughout. The building is certainly starting to take shape with the external facade work going up and students are excited to begin the 2011 school year in this state-of-the-art school. At our Fink Karp Ivany Campus, students are enjoying a new library, artificial turf for the oval and a new play area installed recently. In the Secondary School, air conditioning will be introduced to the majority of student learning and staff areas for 2011. Our system will employ world-leading green technology that utilises gas powered condensing units rather than traditional electricity. In addition, the existing furniture will be replaced with modern fixtures commencing an ongoing program of upgrading further areas in the Secondary School. WORKS CONTINUE ON THE NEW TWO STOREY UPPER PRIMARY SCHOOL BUILDING ON THE GANDEL CAMPUS 1 Ulpan = Prague + Israel Students Awarded Mazal Tov to the following students who were awarded Premier’s VCE Awards based on their outstanding subject results in 2009: ULPAN PARTICIPANTS The Ulpan program expanded this year to include a three day visit to Prague for students participating in both programs. Brandon Alter – Religion and Society Karen Freilich – English Religion and Society Sheli Kuperman –Hospitality (VET) Joshua Ludski – E nglish Religion and Society David Scnhall – History Jessica Tavassoli – Religion and Society Michael Thurin – Religion and Society Students visited many sites in the Jewish Quarter, including some of the city’s beautiful old synagogues. They also visited Terezin as part of the ‘Holocaust – Remember and Never Forget’ program, and explored the old city of Prague. Twenty students on the 11 week program left in late October and after visiting Prague, spent the next six weeks studying, working and living on kibbutzim in the Beit Shean area in Israel. An additional 48 Year 10 students left in early December on the five week program. After their visit to Prague, they joined students from the 11 week program for a busy schedule of classes, tours and volunteer work in Israel. We warmly acknowledge the generous involvement of the Helen and Bori Liberman family in our Israel experience program. We also appreciate the support of Rae Baer and her family by providing the Gunther Baer Perpetual Memorial Award. Israelphones have also generously provided for a number of awards. With over half our Year 10 students participating in Ulpan programs, we wish all our Ulpaniks an exciting, enriching and rewarding experience. Year 6 PYP Exhibition After weeks of preparation, Year 6 students were excited to celebrate their learning at the inaugural PYP Exhibition at the end of Term 3. TYLER KRAIN, NATALIE GABRIEL, ASHLEIGH CARP AND BRYCE MORLEY IN FRONT OF THEIR DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION STAND AT THE YEAR 6 PYP EXHIBITION In the final year of the IB Primary Years Programme, students participate in an end of PYP project known as the Exhibition, where they engage in an inquiry process that is collaborative and transdisciplinary. They identify, investigate and offer solutions to real-life issues or problems. The PYP exhibition allowed our students to showcase how they created their own central idea, lines of inquiry and questions. Visitors were amazed at the depth of their inquiries and at the actions they had taken. Students worked in small groups to research their topic and present their findings in a variety of ways, through posters, powerpoint displays, websites, brochures and videos. Their theme for this unit was ‘How We Share the Planet’ and the central idea was ‘Social inequities create the need for action in the world’. The topics they researched ranged from child labour, gender discrimination, aged care and disability discrimination to homelessness, hunger, access to clean water and AIDS/HIV. KALEIDOSCOPE DECEMBER 2010 TEVET 5771 JOSH LUDSKI WITH RABBI JAMES KENNARD AT THE PREMIER’S AWARDS CEREMONY (Many of our winners are on programs in Israel this year and were unable to attend the ceremony.) VCE Premier’s Awards are presented to the top five students throughout Victoria in each subject (top 10 in English and Maths) by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. With all five Premier’s Awards for Religion and Society being awarded to Scopus students, together with awards for English, History and VET Hospitality, a subject increasingly popular with many students, we congratulate our students and staff on their exceptional achievements. A further Mazal Tov to Karen Freilich and Michael Thurin who were both awarded an Australian Students Prize. The Australian Students Prize is a Commonwealth Government initiative and recognises outstanding achievement in the final year of secondary education. Five hundred prizes are awarded nationally. 2 Primary Musical Mazal Tov to our School Captains and Student Leaders for 2010/2011 College Captains Vice Captains Jewish Life Social Action School Environment School Spirit MEMBERS OF THE CAST The True Story of Arthur Phillip was a truly amazing production. Over 350 students from Years 3 to 6 staged this funny, light hearted musical. A journey through England in the 1700s, and an amusing look at why the British chose Arthur Phillip to be the leader of the first fleet, allowed our students to show their talents as actors, singers and dancers. Featuring our own version of popular songs like History Never Repeats, Time Warp and Down Under, the cast soon realised that instead of tracking down England’s finest navigator, Arthur Phillip, they instead found a nogood, lazy gardener called Arfur Filip! Ashlee Chapman and Daniel Komesaroff Rachel Alter and Ariel Kark Adiel Cohney and Ma’ayan Geffen Jarred Abrahams and Daniela Spilkin Georgia Lang and Raphael Tamir House Captains AshkanazySimonne Cohen BialikTessa Zajac HillelNicole Jechilevsky MonashJoshua Goldsmith Co-Curricular Captains and Office Bearers Performing Arts Captains Taylor Bloom and Amanda Rotberg Sports Captains Daniel Halprin and Jarryd Ludski Video Crew Manager Morgan Mondel Opus Editor Ryan Saffer Tzedakah Coordinator Rebecca Goldman Scopus Minyan Merakezet Tamara Bach Scopus Minyan Gabbai David Berlinski Written and Directed by Head of Smorgon Family Primary School, Greg Hannon, with Musical Direction by Dani Aisen and the incredible support of staff and parents, The True Story of Arthur Phillip was a true pleasure to watch. SECONDARY CAPTAINS 2010/2011, BACK ROW: AMANDA ROTBERG, MORGAN MONDEL, DAVID BERLINSKI, ARIEL KARK, RACHEL ALTER, ADIEL COHNEY, MA’AYAN GEFFEN, JARRED ABRAHAMS, DANIELA SPILKIN, GEORGIA LANG, RAPHAEL TAMIR, JOSHUA GOLDSMITH, REBECCA GOLDMAN, TAYLOR BLOOM. MIDDLE ROW: RYAN SAFFER, MS KERRY-ANN WAINWRIGHT (HEAD OF YEAR 11), MRS SHARON STOCKER (HEAD OF SECONDARY SCHOOL), ASHLEE CHAPMAN, RABBI JAMES KENNARD (PRINCIPAL), DANIEL KOMESAROFF, MR AVI COHEN (DIRECTOR OF JEWISH STUDIES AND IVRIT). FRONT ROW: TAMARA BACH, NICOLE JECHILEVSKY, JARRYD LUDSKI, DANIEL HALPRIN, SIMONNE COHEN, TESSA ZAJAC Smorgon Family Primary School Captains School Captains Isabella Smorgon Dean Spilkin PYP Authorised During Term 3, we were delighted to learn the College had gained authorisation by the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) as a deliverer of the Primary Years Programme (PYP), following a recent visit of IBO assessors to our school. Together with last year’s authorisation of the Secondary School as a deliverer of the Middle Years Programme (MYP), we now truly have earned the title of an ’IBO World School’. KALEIDOSCOPE DECEMBER 2010 TEVET 5771 Portfolio Captains Matthew Bassat, Victoria Benson-Heap, Lexie Efron, Sasha Fink, Hannah Goldman, Ariella Grunfeld, Blake Kagan, Shachar Kavallero, Jade Lew, Gemma Ludski, Adam Miller, Ruby Peer, Jay Singer, Tanya Zail Don’t miss the 2011 Scopus musical Beauty and the Beast 10,11,12,13 April For tickets please call 9834 0000 3 2011 Scholarship Recipients Mazal Tov to the recipients of scholarships, bursaries and awards for 2011: Academic Scholarships Architect Michael Kaufman Scholarship Melbourne Hebrew Congregation Scholarship Mina and Leo Fink Scholarship Loti and Victor Smorgon Scholarship Caulfield Hebrew Congregation Scholarship H W Ehrmann Memorial Scholarship Israel Experience 2010 Gunther Baer Perpetual Memorial Award Israel Phones Awards Noah Abelman Rebecca Connors Michelle Maryanovsky Olivia Shenken Yaniv Cohen David Cochrane-Davis Roni Froumine James Adams, Jaimie Chapman, Gilad Cohen, Asher Diamond Dylan Klein, Emma Klein, Ryan Prince, and Jesse Schnall We acknowledge the generous involvement of the Helen and Bori Liberman family in our Israel Experience Program Music Scholarships Friends of Performing Arts Scholarship (Trumpet) Friends of Performing Arts Scholarship (Voice) Gusta Besen Memorial Music Scholarship (Piano) Gusta Besen Memorial Music Scholarship (Voice) Gusta Besen Memorial Music Scholarship (Trumpet) Bernard McCrae Scholarship (Alto Saxophone) Jarred Steinberg Celeste Cordner-Loff Joshua Faraday Yarden Raz Rebecca Connors Eli Janover The following Perpetual Awards are also held by students of the College: Aaron and Frania Gelbard Scholarship Aaron Cohen Foundation Scholarship Abraham Feiglin Memorial Bursary Architect Michael Kaufman Scholarship Benzion Patkin Memorial Scholarship Betty and Henry Lipton Scholarship B’nai B’rith Foundation Bursary Charlotte Kritzler Scholarship Hannah and Michael Solomons Memorial Scholarship Henry and Erma Jacoby Scholarship King-Smith Family Scholarship Leonard Stanton Scholarship Ludwig and Betty Ehrmann Scholarship Norman and Victor Smorgon Kew Hebrew Congregation Tefillah Scholarships Rose Landau Memorial Bursary Sophie and Norman Kave Memorial Scholarship The following awards will also be distributed on a needs basis: Aaron Arthur Smith Memorial Bursaries B’nai Brith Harmony Music Bursary B’nai Brith Unit Mitzvah ’Making a Difference’ Bursary Brett Frenkiel Sports Bursary Harry Kempler Bursary Heini Rose Memorial Bursary Hilda and Izrael Kozlowski Memorial Bursary Hilton Rubin Bursary I and C Rozen Bursary Ida and Max Plotka Memorial Bursary James, Abigail and Phyllis Stanton Bursary Jeremy Lanzer Bursary Jessica and Paul Simon Bursary (of Ballarat) Julia Feitel Pearl Memorial Bursary Lillian Webb Memorial Bursary Morris Plotkin Bursary Mr Nat Solomons of Adelaide Bursary Mrs Nat Solomons of Adelaide Bursary MSMC Parents’ Association Bursary Naomi Fink Segev Memorial Bursary Natasha Karp Bursary National Council of Jewish Women of Australia Foundation Bursary Nicholas and Elizabeth Slezak Bursary Noah Borensztajn Sports Bursary Rettig Bursary Rev E Kowadlo Bursary Rose Rosanove Bursary Rosie and Solomon Lew Bursary Richard Kohn Bursary Victor Smorgon Bursaries Salomon Rogers Memorial Bursary for Judaic Studies Sarah and Peter Komesaroff Memorial Bursaries Smorgon Family Bursary Scholarship Sonia and Don Marejn Bursaries Sylvia Gelman Life Enhancement Bursary Werdiger Family Jewish Education Assistance Grants Yvonne and Ian Fayman Sports Bursary FKI students explore Melbourne Year 1 students from Fink Karp Ivany Campus visited the Royal Botanic Gardens and the Shrine of Remembrance this term as part of their IB Primary Years Programme unit of inquiry, ‘Where we are in place and time’. The students had been learning about how individual groups and nations value places for many reasons, and their excursion to two of Melbourne’s landmarks helped them to further understand the importance of these special places. FKI YEAR 1 STUDENTS AT THE SHRINE OF REMEMBRANCE KALEIDOSCOPE DECEMBER 2010 TEVET 5771 4 Generation to Generation 2010 Graduation Ball The 2010 Graduation Ball was attended by 750 family and close friends and was held for the first time at Flemington Racecourse. Cambodia 2010 The occasion was a true celebration of our Year 12 students and their achievements, and as they took centre stage for the presentation of their Graduation Certificates the sentiment was felt across the room. Level Convenor, Rob Scholz praised the students for both their individual and combined achievements, while Ronnen Leizerovitz delivered the valedictory address on behalf of his classmates. The Class of 2010 then took to the dance floor for their final gathering and every song played held a special significance to each of them during their developing years. TOP ROW: DAPHNA ESHEL, JODIE KAGAN (NEE JACOBS). ROW 2: OREN MALIN, JACQUELINE GREENBERG (NEE RETI), AMY RUBIN (NEE GOLVAN), KANE SIEGEL. ROW 3: GAVIN APPEL, AIDAN RUBINFELD, DINA RUBINFELD (NEE FELMAN), TIFFANY GOLDSTEIN (NEE KLEIN). ROW 4: CHLOE APPEL, EMILY MALIN, OLIVER GOLDSTEIN, LUKE SIEGEL. ROW 5: AVIV KLARNET, ELISE RUBIN, SAM GREENBERG, MYAH KAGAN The special atmosphere of this Scopus evening epitomised student life and was a fitting culmination of their school years together at Mount Scopus College. The Scopus tradition is indeed strong in many of our families and recently a group of Old Collegians from the class of 1994 gathered at Gandel Besen House for a special photo. Many of them also have parents who attended Scopus and they are delighted that their own children will one day be proud third generation Scopus graduates. As part of the Community and Service component of the MYP, 20 Year 9 students journeyed to Cambodia in Term 2. Under the guidance of Mr Morris and Mrs Wolters, students embarked on a life changing journey. Soon after arriving, students conducted an art activity at a local school in Siem Reap. With little or no English spoken by the locals, it was amazing how our students communicated by providing simple instructions and demonstrations. The second project involved building houses in a rural village. House frames were prebuilt and our students finished the process by nailing the bamboo floor boards and hanging the walls. On completion they took part in a rewarding handover ceremony to the local recipients. Students also returned to the Lighthouse Orphanage, which their peers had visited on last year’s trip, and once again performed important community service work. The group was also fortunate to experience an amazing Shabbat at the recently opened Chabad Cambodia in Phnom Penh. Photo courtesy of Jeff Joseph They had all started their own Scopus education at Gandel Besen House in the early 1980s and were the first year group to go all the way through at GBH and then move to the Gandel Campus at Burwood, eventually graduating in 1994. They are now all proud parents of children in kindergarten at Scopus and feel a very special bond with the school. BUILDING HOUSES IN CAMBODIA 2010 GRADUATION BALL We look forward to making a difference again in 2011. Mount Scopus Memorial College is undergoing its biggest physical transformation since the move to Burwood in 1952. The new Gandel Besen House is already occupied. The new upper primary school at the Gandel Campus will be ready for 2011. The Secondary School will feature new furniture, refurbishment and air-conditioning in key areas for 2011. The Foundation needs to raise $10 million to fund these developments. We thank those who have already made a commitment to the Ready to Roar Campaign. We invite you to become involved. Foundation entry level membership requires a pledge of $20,000 which may be paid over 4 years and is fully tax deductible. To become a Mount Scopus College Foundation member or to discuss making any gift, bequest or scholarship endowment, please contact Marilyn Simon, Foundation Executive Director. Tel: 9834 0124 Fax: 9834 0001 Email: [email protected] KALEIDOSCOPE DECEMBER 2010 TEVET 5771 5 Parents’ Association Around the campuses Over 180 players enjoyed the GBH Poker Night in July. Thanks to Paul Platus and Ricky Smorgon for convening this highly successful fundraising event and securing the generous support of Major Sponsor, Deloittes, and Sponsors, Nexia ASR, Platus Family,, Steg Family, TIC Group and Lombard Paper. The FKI Games and Trivia Night was a sell-out success for the second year, with over 130 parents and friends attending. The event was proudly supported by Major Sponsors, Jindi, Fuji Xerox, Bentleigh Jewellers and many other generous prize donors. The Inaugural SFPS Walk-to-Sports Day attracted over 50 walkers. The event was proudly sponsored by Minihaha and Hiawatha and convened by Andy Gild and her enthusiastic committee. Despite the threat of rain, all walkers arriving at the Gandel Campus, Burwood for the Primary Athletics Carnival approximately two hours after setting off from Caulfield Park, exhausted but jubilant. The success of the Walk-to-Sports Day ensured it will become a regular event on the SFPS PA calendar. DANA ROSENSZWEIG, SHARONNE SLONIM, SABINA ALDOUBY AND ROZ DE BORTOLI 2010 Summer Luncheon The Summer Luncheon is arguably the most anticipated event on the PA calendar, and the 2010 Luncheon was no exception. This year we were kindly hosted by Scopus parents and OCs, Eric and Carly Cohen at Leonda by the Yarra. As in past years the Luncheon was deliciously catered by PA volunteers, with a little help from our Years 4 and 5 students in the Kitchen Garden. Guest Speaker, Tracy Bevan, Co-Founder of the McGrath Foundation had her audience in fits of laughter while detailing the early days of her friendship with the late Jane McGrath and the perks and pitfalls of being the wife of an international cricketer. She also emphasised the importance of Breast Care Nurses and the message of Breast Cancer KALEIDOSCOPE DECEMBER 2010 TEVET 5771 Awareness with passion, sensitivity and a touch of humour. Over $1,500 was raised at the Luncheon for the McGrath Foundation through the sale of McGrath merchandise and the pink teddies kindly donated by Build-A-Bear. Partners, Gross Waddell, Highpoint Property Group, Kalus Kenny, knpSolutions, KPMG, Platinum Construction, Pomeroy Pacific, Programmed Property Services and Rimoptics. JUSTIN LIBERMAN (CONVENOR), SIMON BARKER, LUKE PEPPERELL, STEVE VOON AND DAN CAREY CARLY COHEN, TRACY BEVAN AND JUSTINE KURAN The Luncheon was generously supported by Platinum Sponsors,, Arnold Bloch Liebler, the De Bortoli Family, Highpoint Property Group, Home Touch Systems, Mercedes-Benz Melbourne and SEED, Gold Sponsors, Lisa Farber and Justin Liberman and Lowe Lippmann, and Silver Sponsors, Victoria Station, NicePak Products, Nexia ASR, Cardiac Science, Shanteali, Victoria Body Corporate Services, Chemist Warehouse, Tisher Liner, COSTCO and Kliger Wood. We also received substantial product support from Perrier, Shortonlooks, Ciscos, the Australian Jewish News, Print Dynamics and Kosher Classique. We are also grateful to all those who donated prizes, including Executive Edge and Mercedes-Benz of Melbourne. The 2010 Luncheon was convened by PA President, Justine Kuran together with a hard-working and committed team of volunteers. A $100,000 cheque was presented by Justine to Rabbi Kennard on behalf of the Parents’ Association, representing a portion of the money that will be donated to the school this year. BDO Mount Scopus Golf Challenge The weather was perfect for the 2010 BDO Scopus Golf Challenge at Cranbourne Golf Club. Congratulations to the team from Construction Engineering who took out the top prize by a whisker from the Gross Waddell team. Special thanks to Convenor, Justin Liberman for organising a fantastic tournament and to Mark Hansky for his ongoing support. Thanks to the 22 Golf Day sponsors, led by BDO, and including Major Sponsors SECURECorp, RTG and Jagen, and Hole Sponsors; Aon, Arnold Bloch Leibler, BMW, Caprice, Construction Engineering, DLA Phillips Fox, Fitzroys, Gary Peer, GMK Adult Education Evenings In 2010 the Parents’ Association hosted some wonderfully informative evenings for parents. The annual ‘Puberty Blues’ evening in June provided valuable tools for navigating those ‘difficult’ years, and in August Rabbi Kennard addressed us on his thoughts about ‘Why bad things happen to good people’. Helen Synman Archive Project In July the College appointed Glen Turnbull, a professional Archivist, to continue the wonderful work of the late Helen Synman, and to lead and guide the many volunteers who regularly assist on a Wednesday. Digitisation and the cataloguing of the Mount Scopus collection onto a computer database will be his immediate priority, and it is hoped that this database will become accessible to the Scopus community in time. If you have material you are happy to donate to the Helen Synman Archive Project or allow us to copy, please contact Glen at [email protected]. or 0409 287 359. Similarly, if you would like to get involved in any way please contact Glen. Assistance is also sought to name the students in the photograph below, taken of Grade 2 in 1949 at St Kilda Road. CAN YOU HELP IDENTIFY THE STUDENTS IN THIS PHOTO, TAKEN IN 1949? PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] OR CALL GLEN ON 0409 287 359 6 Reunions The Class of 1970, 40 year reunion held on 10/10/10 was attended by over 70 Old Collegians, as well as former teachers: Mrs Gelman, Mr Fergus, Mr Barnard and Mrs Negler. The organising committee comprising Joey Borensztajn, Alan Finkel, Alex Hampel, Ann Smorgon, Adrian Blashki, David Freeman, Harry Adlerstein, Helen Landau, Marilyn Wagen, Phyllis Agam, Roslyn Wingens and Sam Siegel came together to locate former classmates and teachers, sift through memorabilia and organise a Skype link up with classmates in Israel. The Class of 1980 reunion committee of Lindy (Hamersfeld) Tamir, Lynette (Kramer) Halperin, Pnina (Oberman) Horn, Sharon (Joseph) Unger, Boaz Stark and Ernie Schwartz organised a trip down memory lane, for their 30 year reunion. Over 70 Old Collegians invoked memories of their schooldays with music of the era and collages of images from school, and the menu of the old tuck shop including tomato soup, and egg and lettuce sandwiches served in brown paper bags. Avi Cohen, Director of Jewish Studies, conducted a tour of the College showcasing facilities that many of the group’s children are now enjoying. More than 120 Old Collegians attended the Class of 1990, 20 year reunion, together with their year convenor, Mr Gerald Lever and Mrs Carol Jensen. Rabbi Kennard led the group on a tour of the College, highlighting many of the changes since they were at school. The evening included an audio-visual presentation with material gleaned from the Helen Synman Archive Project. Thank you to Paul Steinberg and his committee: Adam Joske, Dana Felbel, Ashley Raboy, Mandy Engel, Caroline Cohen, Phil Goldberg, and Damien Banky. The Class of 2000 held their 10 year reunion in late October. With the sun shining they were able to open the doors of the Caf and have the 90 guests relax on the adjacent decking. The committee of Natasha (Karp) Mymin, Warren Mymin, Joshua Pask, Jonathan Granek and Irit Harris tracked down their former classmates and organised the successful afternoon. Sharon Stocker, Head of Secondary School, showed the group around the College, and the group’s level coordinator, Lorraine Schwartz, also attended the function. Thank you to all the reunion groups who have kindly donated to the College following their successful reunions in 2010. 2011 Reunions Planning is starting for the 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 year reunions in 2011. To get involved please contact Denise Kain 9834 0257 or email: [email protected] Please update your email address on the Old Collegians Online Directory when it changes. That way we can keep you informed about reunions and Scopus events and news. Go to and click on Old Collegians Directory. Sharing their Simchas Mazal Tov and thank you to the family and friends of Alexandra Baron, who generously donated to the College on the occasion of Alexandra’s Bat Mitzvah. Thank you also to the family and friends of Tracie Olcha (OC ’87), who kindly donated to the College on the occasion of Tracie’s 40th birthday. The College is grateful for the photographic services and ongoing support of Jeff Joseph of Cha Cha Cha Photography throughout 2010. A number of the photos in Kaleidoscope and other school publications have been taken and kindly donated by Jeff. ALEXANDRA BARON AND RABBI JAMES KENNARD KALEIDOSCOPE DECEMBER 2010 TEVET 5771 7 Dor le Dor – Generation to Generation Please continue to keep us informed by sending your news to [email protected] or call us on 9834 0168. BIRTHS Rebecca (Feil) ’94 and David Vorchheimer, Kai Naomi (Bergman) ’94 and Ben Landau ’93, Kovi Leora (Elton) ’92 and Mitch Moszkowicz, Zaiden Hayley (Wiesner) ’99 and Josh Rynderman, Oscar Sharon (Kend) ’92 and Jonathan Cashmore ’92, Matthew Karen (Serry) ’89 and Daved Lambert, Luke Natalie (Freeman) ’97 and Gary Adler, Layla Mish (Dodge) ’94 and Geoff Kohn ’91, Amelie Robin (Novy) ’90 and Damian Fletcher, Maya Diana (Ginger) and Allan Sheffield ’92, Zac Justine (Kaplan) ’95 and Mark Alter ’89, Zac Tamara (Slomovic) ’98 and David Goldberg ’97, Dean Nadine (Berk) ’95 and Nick Gold, Sophie and Isabelle Zoe (Spiegel) and Darren Smorgon ’93, Eva Rachel (Bloom) ’90 and Mark Bokser ’85, Scarlett Lisa (Janovic) ’93 and Darren Lurie ’90, Jesse Sharon Glasman ’93 and Yinon Hacham, Noa Sara (Friedman) ’89 and Simon Starr, Gavriel Michelle (Rockawin) ’92 and Daniel Levy, Joshua Martine (Arnheim) ’93 and Oshik Harari, Ronni Leah (Nisanov) and Saul Akoka ’88, Eve Adina (Wytwornik) and Rodney Fleiszig ’95, Jacob Jade (Bloom) ’97 and Yossi Shmaltz, Abraham Sarah (Rogers) and Michael Gingold ’94, Ella Rachel (Davidson) and Adrian Mieszelewicz 90, Jordan Amanda (Collins) and Andrew Castan ’85, Alexis Kathy (Damatopoulos) and Stephen Smorgon ’95, Jake Cassie (Rosenberg) ’96 and Jason Wrobel ’89, Nicholas Adrienne (Blechman) and Ryan Behr ’93, James Natalie (Mond) ’96 and Marty Dodge, Abbie Robyn (Karro) ’00 and Darren Krawitz, Zac Emily (Israel) ’97 and David Nadelman, Cassie Rachel (Erlich) ’95 and Gary Rubinstein ’91, Joshua Danya (Blackstone) ’93 and Josh Goodman, Zev Deborah (Wiesner) and Jason Flamm ’90, Jonathan Suzanne (Layton) ’84 and Paul McMahon, Grace Julia (Trayer) and David Goldman ’87, Oscar Kerry (Hale) and Sammy Wolfe ’83, Hayden Romy (Feingold) ’91 and Steve Kelly, Flynn Talia Boltin ’94 and Daniel Fineberg ’94, Goldie Jodi (Behr) ’91 and Daniel Preston, Noa Lynne (Gaddie) and David Wilson ’95, Benjamin Natalie (Dorevitch) ’89 and Adam Chrapot ’89, Lenny Rebecca (Jaffe) and Adam Burman ’94, Toby Lara (Winter) ’95 and Dan Krasnostein, Lyla Corinne (Ashley) and Jonathan Golshevsky ’96, Ben Maxine (Heimann) and Joel Goldman ’91, Jayde Tamara (Collaton) and Wayne Lasky ’93, Frankie Shlomit (Eshel) ’90 and Marc Selan ’91, Gilly Elise (Woods) and Adrian Rose ’80, Sacha Amber (Neuman) and Paul Rubenstein ’84, Tal Cheryl (Rozen) ’97 and Anthony Kelmann ’91, Gabriel Lisa (James) ’92 and Danny Degen, Ashley Danielle (Rozencwajg) ’94 and Tom Hersz, Riley Cindy (Kupshik) ’00 and Michael Klinger ’98, Bailey Sarit (Aharon) and Mark Szmerling ’90, Noa Rachel (Gilovitz) and Meir Kramer ’93, Emmanuelle Natasha (Rubinfeld) ’99 and Dean Sholl ’90, Ezra Romi (Janovic) ’95 and Dion Stub ’96, Lexi Ruthie (Kingsley) ’94 and Ryan Bass, Abby Sharen (Fink) ’89 and Simon Krite, Samuel Tory (Gersh) ’00 and Ilan Kraus, Ariel Danielle (Marks) ’94 and Jeremy Davis ’87, Samuel Anna (Sandground) ’92 and Daniel Field, Mia Kiyomi (Mineura) and Joe Baladi ’75, Rachel Charlotte (Freeman) ’96 and Rob Willis, Annie Tracy (Sevel) ’96 and Ronen Shoshan, Libby Jacqui Kessler and Ari Rubin ’97, Sasha Dina (Figdor) and Raphael Sebbag ’97, Benzion Joanna Rogers ’98 and Darren Rubenstein ’97, Charlotte Tracy (Richter) ’95 and Matt Dudakov, Huxley Dalia (Rotstein) ’91 and David Lucas, Gittel Debbie (Pack) ’89 and Brad Lyons, Samantha Lara (Picker) ’99 and Eli Eretz ’97, Zev Leah (Zilberman) and Darren Sharp ’94, Ziggy Lauren Silberman ’97 and Cameron Hunter, Gisele Cecilia (Hutton) and Zac Rosenberg ’90, Isla Debbie (Grusd) ’00 and Mark Gluck ’99, Ruby Kerryn (Lowe) ’87 and Raphael Arndt ’87, Toby Bianca (Keil) ’01 and Simon Sokolski ’91, Zac Aviva (Feiglin) ’95 and James Carnell, Hudson Tali (Wyner) and Daniel Steiner ’91, Zoe Florence (Wilk) and Jarrad Pyke ’93, Nathan Rebecca Preston '92 ’06 and Bar Gal-On, Elad Limor Komornick ’89 and Michael Aladjem ’92, Sadie Samantha (Chai) and Rodney Snider ’97, Ella Tammy (Sedergreen) ’89 and Kane Edelsten, Miles Karina (Shpigel) and Jeremy Banky ’92, Nathaniel Nicole (Grossbard) ’95 and Adam Adler, Luke Alida (Sztainbok) ’97 and Steven Karro, Eden Natalie (Lewit) and Jason Rose ’91, Minnie Mandi (Sacks) ’98 and Joseph Azoulay, Sienna Abby (Friedman) and Amir Lefkovic ’97, Mia Justine Hofman ’93 and Guy Olian, Mahli Leanne (Mymin) ’90 and Les Levin ’83, Eden Gabrieli Ben David and Daniel Rink ’89, Sophia Neda (Haghighi) and Joel Mahemoff ’90, Ebony Michelle Goldberg ’93 and Jeff Lynn, Nathan Nicola (Atkin) and Darion Pohl ’90, Eli Estelle (Grunberg) ’00 and Noam Judah, Teva Karen (Katz) and David Alberts ’82, Archie Lisa (Raskin) ’98 and Brett Lewis ’98, Ciara Mirella (Faigenbaum) and Doron Sternfein ’90, Maxi Rachel (Baer) ’96 and Ashley Lewis ’95, Sophia Larni (Snider) ’95 and Jason Feldman, Rachel Jessica Piorun-Vernon and Joel Vernon ’92, Justine Dannielle Michaels and Ben Pitt ’90, Jemma MARRIAGES Li-Tal Manor ’00 and Allon Zohar Melissa Levin ’01 and Richard Michaels Nicole Milun ’00 and Amit Rubin Jessica Bialek ’94 and Sabino Matera Monica Hersch ’99 and Ben Gullifer Nadine King ’85 and Ben Weinstock Lironne Wein ’02 and Alex Voskoboinik Fairlie Wayne ’01 and Jonathan Mahemoff Sandra Braun ’92 and Marcus Miller Nicole Kleid ’99 and Joel Small ’96 Irit Livne ’89 and Jonathan Jackson ’89 Shanee Fleischer ’99 and Ran Oren Diana Finkelstein and Daniel Cohen ’03 Debbie Barbalatt and Greg Hack ’94 Sheli Aizenstros ’00 and James Tsun Karen Erdos and Josh Bihary ’91 Sophie Glaysher and Paul Oppenheimer ’91 Rebecca Eckhaus and Adam Rozencwajg ’96 Yoko Sonobe and Paul Chapman ’94 Jessica Krulis and Dean Rzechta ’97 Bianca Miselowski ’97 and Daniel Segal ’94 Jess Scholl ’02 and Ben Tuszynski ’00 IN MEMORY Ruth Aloni ’66 Brenda Begley (past staff) Ron Krongold ’62 Peter Lefkovic ’70 Stephen Lubofsky ’75 Frank Meyer ’61 Sam Okun ’76 The Scopus community extends its deepest condolences to the Korman and Synman families on the passing of Rose Kornan. The Kornans were actively involved in Scopus from day one and their efforts on behalf of Scopus are well known. Rose was on the College founding committee with Benzion Patkin and was also the initiator of the Debutante Ball and President of the Mothers’ Club for many years. Up until last year Rose was a keen volunteer, working in the College Archives each week. The information in our Dor-le-Dor listing is compiled from notices placed in the Australian Jewish News and from personal notifications. A copy of Kaleidoscope is available on the College website. Keeping Kids @ Scopus RICKY SMORGON, KEREN LUDSKI AND MELISSA FAIGEN Under the able leadership of our Co-Chairs Melissa Faigen, Keren Ludski and Ricky Smorgon, and with the assistance of coordinator, Tracie Olcha, more people than ever before gave to our Scholarship Fund during our Annual Giving 2010 campaign. Parents, grandparents, Old Collegians, staff and students manned the phones in our innovative and fully computerised ’call centre’. Donors were given the opportunity to make online donations for the very first time at au/mountscopscollegeannualgiving which proved to be a very successful initiative. Thank you sincerely to all involved and to our donors who understood the importance of ‘Keeping Kids at Scopus’. If for any reason we missed you, please donate online or call Heidi on 9834 0122 or email [email protected] to add your tax deductible gift. KALEIDOSCOPE DECEMBER 2010 TEVET 5771 Mount Scopus Memorial College, Gandel Campus 245 Burwood Highway, Burwood Victoria Australia 3125 Telephone 9834 0000 Facsimile 9834 0001 Email [email protected] Editor: Vicki Davis 8
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