Minutes of the session of the Waccamaw Baptist Association
Minutes of the session of the Waccamaw Baptist Association
% MINUTES OF THE NINTH ANNUAL SESSION OF THE WACCAMAW BAPTIST>SSOGIATION HELD WITH Mi Tabor Church, Columbus November The 15th, 16th, 17th and Co., EL C, New Hope beginning Thursday, November 13th, 1884, JgipFive miles south of Whiteville Depot, N. RALEIGH EDWARDS, BROUGHTON & v 18th, 1883, next meeting of the Association will be held with Church, Columbus County, N. C CO.j C : STEAM PRINTERS AND BINDERS. I883. ' ' . OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION JOSHUA SOLES, Moderator, R, Pireway, FRINK, Clerk, D. BEST, Treasurer, Wm. Peacocks Store, Hickman's, S. EXECUTIVE Wm. S. McCaskill, Conway, S." C. R. D. Best, Hickman's " W. A. Spivey, Conway, " John A. Mayo, Conway, H. M. Anderson, Powellsville, N. C, " S. C. GO^iiVIITTEE. D. B. Watson, Powellsville, S. C. Joshua Soles, Pireway, N. C. " Samuel Frink, Walden, H. Thompson, Whiteville Dpt u ' First meeting of the Committee will be held with the Springfield Church, Horry County, S. C. 29th and 30 of December, 1883. , ORDAINED MINISTERS AND POST OFFSCE. Ammona, H. C, Hickmans, Boyd, Daniel, Hickman's, Brown, B. A., Socastee, Brown, A. "N., Conway, Conerly, J. M., Fair Bluff, Edwards, A. A., Supply, S. C. " ' " K C. " Hamilton, W. H.,B'dLand'g,S.C, " Holmes, H. H., Conway, Thompson, S. H., Nichols, West, Asa, Socastee, Stanly, G. F., Hickman's, Cains, S. J., Haskill, McCaskill, Wm. S., Conway, S.C. Martin, W. D. Port Harrelson, Millican, K, Shallotte, N. C. Mintz, J. A., Walden, Long, R. J., Walden, Owens, T. M., Socastee, S. c. Soles, Joshua, Pireway, N. C. ,Roe, A. B., Mchols, S. C. Nobles. A. M., Conway, Tart, W. L., Conway, Pridgen, Moses, Bayboro, " " " " LICENTIATES, Boyd, Wm., Bavboro, B utler S. C. R. G. White villeDpt, N. C Carter, A. W., Hammon's, S. C. Grainger, H. D., Powellsville," " Harrell. John, Haskill, " Harrelson, Geo. W., Haskill, N. C. Millican, Eli, Walden, McCormick, J. E., Socastee, S. C. Re-aves, J. J., Nixonville, , , Sellers, B. G., Shallotte, N. C. Stocks, A. G., Bughill, Tharp, J. W., Little River, S. C. Todd, S. S., Haskill, Patrick, E. L., Conway, Brenson, A. G., Conway, Todd, A. J., Wampee, Ray, W. M., Bayboro, : PROCEEDINGS. Mt. Tabor Church, Columbus Co., N. November The Waceamaw C, 15th, 1883. met with the Church ninth annual session. Elder John W. Gore opened the religious exercises by the use of the hymn, " Thy goodness, Lord, our souls confess," which was sung by the brethren. Prayer by Elder Gore. Elder Joshua Soles preached the Introductory Sermon from the text, " Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5: 16. Prayer by Elder A. at this place in Baptist Association its M. Nobles. An intermission of thirty minutes. Association re- assembled. Elder Joshua Soles read a part of the 12th chapter of Romans. The brethren sung " Jesus, lover of my soul." Prayer by Eld. W. S. McCaskili. The list of churches was called a majority being present, the Moderator declared the Association ready for business. Brethren Elder Geo. F. Stanly, Jesse Lancaster, J. L. Powell, M. E. Smith and Alva Enzor were appointed a committee on Finance. The list of churches was called, and the letters read by Elder John M. Conerly and brother S. F. Norris, and the delegates enrolled as follows The ; — Beulah Alford Bennett and E. Hickman. Chapel Hill J. J. Haws. Iron Hill—J. L. Powell. J. M. Jolly and F. K. Powell. Juniper Creek Not represented. Green Swamp Union Not represented. Mt. Tabor— Alva Soles, S. F. Norris, E. Prince. New Britton Not represented. New Hope H. Thompson, Jas. Jolly and A. W. Thompson. Pleasant Hill—W. S. Frink, J. M. White, E. Haws. — — — — — —A. Stocks. Long, Samuel Frink, Silent Grove—Jesse Lancaster. Shiloh — Not represented. Seven Creeks 8 hallotte—R. Gr. J. M. W. Grissett. Bethlehem— D. H. Chestnutt, C. J. Bryant. Buck Creek—J. Soles, L. M. V. Todd, M. E. Smith. Minutes of the 4 Cane Branch—^W. H. Hamilton, B. F. Prince. Cedar Grove— ~L. F. Hughes, J. J. Cook, Ceday Bay—B. T. Dudley, G. W. Dudley. Cedar Creek AntioeJi —D. — C. K. 0-erald, A. B. Roe. H. Jordan, A, A. Graham, J. H. Mishoe. Hickory Grove— G. W. Harrelson, E. L. Patrick, R. Anderson, Honey Camp Alva Enzor, L. Jones, J. J. Williamson. Macedonia—J ohn Causee, S. D. Todd, A. &. Martin. Mt. Olive— J. B. Williamson, Wm. Causee,. L. B. Phillips. Pleasant drove W. Hardee, J. C. Hardee. Pauley Stvamp—J. J. Cook. Pleasant Meadow— H. D. Grainger, J. M. Blanton,. W. D, Blanton. — — Pleasant Springs— Not represented. Pleasant View N. D. Currie. Pleasant Union— G. M. Rabon, E. Rabon, G. — W. Rabon. Socastee--1$o delegate present. Springfield— R. D. Best. Wm. Hughes, S. Hickman. SteritVs Swamp—-W. W, Roberts, W. S. Roberts. Salem — Calvin Gasque. United Churches— T.' Todd, F. W. H. Edge, T. J. Taught. Juniper Bay H. C. Amnions. Pleasant Home G. W. Stanly, F. A, Prince, J. H. Stanly. W — . — S. McCaskill, W. L. Tart. Union Valley— T. Jones, W. M. Bazen. Good Hope — H. B. Holmes. Collins' Creek —J. D. Marlow, J. L. Macklin, Conwayboro—W . J. 1 New Hope, Beulab, Shallotte and Springfield churches petition for the Association next year. The Association went into the permanent organization fkf unanimously re-electing Elder Joshua Soles Moderator, ;aiad brother W. S. Frink Clerk, and brother R. D. BestTreasCommittees were appointed as follows: ®m Vigilance— S. W. Prince, L. Watts, E. P. J. Stephens, C. J. Neally. W. Watts, On Religious Exercises—Henry Thompson, F. H. Fipps, F. A. Prince, A. S. H. .Martin. On .Ministerial Examination Elders W. L. Tart, W. CaskilL J. M. Conerly, R. J. Long, Moses Pridgen. On Sunday Schools—J. M. Conerly, S. F. Norris. — i « On On On On On On — Education W. L. Tart, J. F. Harrell. Special Changes Wm. Hughes, N. D. Currie. Correspondence J. H. Stanley, Alva Enzor, Periodicals W. H. Hamilton, Moses Pridgen. — — — — H. C. Amnions, Gr. F. Stanly. Ministerial Qualifications and Support Missions — S. S. Mc- D. Todd. Elder Jesse Lancaster, R. J. Long. On Temperance A. M. Nobles, J. L. Powell. On Prayer Meetings J. L. Powell. J. F. Harrell. On Preachers and Post Offices N. D. Currie, Alva Enzor, — Henry .Thompson. — — Waccamaw Baptist Association. 5 The Moderator extended an invitation to churches wishconnect with this Association there being no application made, the Moderator extended an invitation to visiting brethren and corresponding messengers. Elder John W. Gore, brethren Jos. F. Harrell, E. H. Todd and Joseph Stanaland, of the Cape Fear Association, were cordially re- ing to ; ceived. On motion, the Association adjourned to 9:30 A. M. to- morrow. Prayer by Elder W. L. Tart. SECOND DAY. Friday, Nov. 16th, 1883. The Association met pursuant to adjournment. The brethren spent half hour in religious exercises, conducted by Elder At J. Soles. Prayer by Elder 9:30 o'clock the Association was J. W. Gore. called to order by tho Moderator. The list of Churches was called. Minutes of yesterday read and approved. On motion, it is ordered that the Clerk buy one hundred blank church letters and send one to each church with the Minutes of this session. The Churches not present yesterday w ere called. The delegates from the Salem church responded, letter read and r delegates enrolled. Invitation renewed to visiting brethren from sister AssoElder E. D. Johnson from Cedar Creek Associaciations. tion was cordially invited to a seat with the body. The $7.00 sent to last session of this Association by the Sunday School at Antioch Church be paid over to Elder A. M. Nobles, with the additional amount of ten dollars sent up by the churches for Foreign Missions, with the request that Elder A. M. Nobles forward the same to the Foreign Mission Board at Richmond, Va. The committee on Religious Exercises announced that Elder A. B. Roe would preach at the stand at 11 o'clock, A. M., and Elder W. H. Hamilton at the same place at 1 o'clock P. M. The Association suspended business and Elder E. D. Johnson preached in the church from John 17 1. Recess for one hour. : — : ; Minutes of the 6 Afternoon Session. - Moderator Soles in the chair. The delegates from Beulah, Good Hope and Cedar Ba churches arrived, letters read and delegates enrolled. Elder W. S. McOaskill, chairman of the Executive Committee, read his report as follows : REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Waccamaw To the Baptist Association : Dear Brethren; — The undersigned, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Waccamaw Association, and ex-officio General Superintendent of Missions, begs to submit the following report That owing to the fact that there are churches in convenient distance of each other in every section within the bounds of this Association, except as hereinafter mentioned and that all of said churches have regular pastors, we found very little Mission work needed within our bounds. At a school house in the neighborhood of Port Harrelson, S. C, heretofore known as a mission station, the congregation has this year employed Elder H. H. Holmes to preach for them, and therefore the Executive Committee has not taken it into their work. Application for assistance was made to the committee from the neighborhood of Gallivant's Ferry, S. C, and assistance was rendered them. Recently a church has been constituted at this point. Special inquiry has been made for aged and infirm persons who were not able to get to church, and they have been visited and the gospel preached to them at their homes, so far as we are informed. One Missionary has been employed seven days spent in the work ten sermons preached; and the missionary has been paid for his services at two dollars per day for the time employed. ; ; W. Respectfully submitted, One added S. McCasktll, Greneral Superintendent. day by Elder W. H. Hamilton, with §2. 00 as his per diem, (Clerk.) to the above report. On motion, the report was received. following brethren were appointed as the Executive Elders W. 8 -McCasCommittee for the ensuing year, viz kill, J. Soles, R. D. Best, YV. A. Spivy, H. M. Anderson, Henry Thompson, J. A. Mayo and Samuel Frink. Report on Missions read by Elder H. C. Amnions The : : REPORT ON MISSIONS. "We, your committee, beg leave to report, that Ave in our judgment think that the kingdom of Christ has been extended by the missionary cause. If so we do recommend that this Association do take more fully into consideration the cause both in its bounds and in other fields. Respectfully submitted, H. C. Ammons, Chairman Committee. : Waccamaw Baptist Association. 7 On motion, the report was adopted. Messengers to sister Associations appointed : Pee Dee Association—-Elders W. L. Tart, W. S. McCaskill. Cedar Creek Elders J. M. Conerly, Moses Pridgen. Cape Fear— Elder G. F. Stanly and Bro. W. 8. Prink. Lumber River Association (Colored) Elder W. H. Hamilton and Bro. R. D. Best. To Gray's Creek Association (Colored) Elders J. Soles and N. To To To To — — — Milliean. Respectfully submitted, H. Stanly, J. Chairman of Committee. On motion, the above appointments were adopted. Agreed to hold the next session of this Association with the church at New Hope, Columbus county, N. C, to commence on Thursday, the 13th day of November, A. D. 1884, Elder W. S. McCaskill to preach the at 11 o'clock a. m. introductory sermon, with Elder J. M. Conerly as alternate. Elder A. M. Nobles to preach the 12 o'clock sermon on Sunday, with Elder W. L. Tart as alternate. Ordered, that the Clerk have 1.000 copies of these minutes printed, and distribute them among the churches pro rata. Ordered, that the Treasurer pay to the Clerk three dollars to purchase the one hundred blank church letters as ordered by this session. > The Association adjourned to 10 o'clock Prayer by Elder A. M. Nobles.' a. m. to-morrow. THIRD DAY. Saturday, November 17th, 1883. Association met pursuant to adjournment. Moderator Soles read a part of the first chapter of John, and the brethren sung, The ' ' To Christ the Lord let every Its noblest tribute bring When tongue he's the subject of the song, can refuse to sing." Who Prayer by Elder R. J. Long. List of churches called. Minutes of yesterday read and approved. On motion, Elders R. J. Long, A. G. Stocks, N. Milliean, and Bro. Samuel Frink, were appointed to inquire the cause of the failure of the New Britton, Shiloh, Juniper Creek : 'Minutes of the 8 and the Green Swamp Union churches not being represented at this Association as the Constitution requires. Bro. N. D. Currie read the report on Special Changes. REPORT ON SPECIAL CHANGES. Dear Brethren Your committee on Special Changes beg leave : to report as follows Recognizing at all times and under all circumstances the justice and wisdom of Him that doeth all things well, and while we bow with humble resignation to the Divine will and express our sorrow over the removal from our midst of some of our loved and venerated co-laborers in our Master's vineyard, yet we sorrow not as those are called to mourn the loss of Elder J. R. who have no hope. Thompson by death, at the age of 78. He has faithfully labored in his Master's vineyard as an humble and devoted minister, but his labors are ended, and he has entered into that rest that remaineth for the people of God. Though humble and unassuming, and approaching almost child-like simplicity in his deportment, yet he was a bold and fearless expounder of divine truth, sound in faith, and ready on all occasions to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. also mourn the loss, by death, of Brethren Jesse Bennett, William H. Gore and Moses Hewett, of the Shallotte church Brethren John B. Norris and W. F. C. Prince, of the Mt. Tabor church; Brethren K. A. Graham and Joseph Hodges, of the Honey Camp church; Sisters Mary Jane Frink and Ann E. Hughes, of the Pleasant Hill church, and nine others whose names were not given, have died and passed into that rest prepared for the finally faithful. In conclusion, while death has been busy in removing many from our midst, yet the Great Captain of our salvation has called many to fill the opening ranks of our army of the Lord many have been converted and young soldiers enlisted. We We ; — Let us take courage, and buckle on our are called we may also be ready. armor closer, that when N. D. Currie, of Committee. Chairman On motion, the report was adopted. Elder A. M. Nobles read the report on Temperance. REPORT ON TEMPERANCE. Your committee beg leave to report that when we take into consideration the wide-spread and alarming evil that is caused by intemperance, we are grieved beyond measure when we look around and see so many heart-broken widows and suffering children, that have been made so by the imprudent use of intoxicating liquors. No person professing to be a child of God, and having Christ in him the hope of glory, and commanded to let his light so shine in the world that sinners may see his good works and thereby be brought to Jesus no person should touch a drop of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, and only use it when prescribed by a physician — : r Waccamaw Baptist Association. 9 We do further request that all of our preachers keep as medicine. the evil continually impressed upon the minds of the members of the churches where they are pastors. Respectfully submitted, A. M. Nobles, Chairman of Committee. On motion, the report was adopted. Elder J. M. Conerly read the report on Ministerial ination Exam- : REPORT ON MINISTERIAL EXAMINATION. Dear Brethren : —Your committee beg leave to report : That we have carefully examined the aspirants, viz E. L. Patrick, G. W. Harrelson, A. W. Carter, H. D. Grainger and A. G. Stocks. We do recommend the two first named brethren, when they shall have received one or more calls to churches as pastors. We do recom: mend the others to the study of the Scriptures. Respectfully submitted, Committee. On motion, the report was adopted. Brother J. L. Powell read the report on Sunday Schools REPORT ON SUNDAY SCHOOLS. — Dear Brethren: The great object of the Sabbath Schools is to learn what our Heavenly Father has taught us in the Bible, and in order to accomplish this, we would recommend that all the members of all the churches of this Association meet together every Sabbath for the study of the Holy Scriptures, and that the brethren and sisters will consider it their duty to get all the children in their community in which they live to go to the Sabbath School and instruct them in the knowledge of the Word of God, and the pastors of the churches use their influence both in pulpit and private to secure Respectfully submitted, Committee. this end. On motion, the report was adopted. Brother Jacob L. Powell read the report on Prayer Meet- ings : REPORT ON PRAYER MEETINGS. Dear Brethren — Prayer is taught in God's Word to be an eswatchword, and we as christians in this life should pray, and enter heaven with prayer. Blessings are held in reserve for prayer. "Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." We would urge the necessity of praying always and the giving of thanks unto God for what he has done for : sential us. Respectfully submitted, On motion, the report was adopted. Committee. IO • Minutes of the REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. 5 o CHURCHES. pq o ft Beulah, Chapel Hill, Juniper Creek, Green Swamp Union, Mt. Tabor, by S. F. N orris, 1 00 . New New 5 00 Britton, Hope, Pleasant Hill, 5 00 Seven Creeks, 1 00 Shallotte, Silent Grove, Shiloh, 5 00 Iron . 3 00 Creek, 5 00 5 00 1 00 . Hill, Bethlehem, Buck Cane Branch, Cedar Grove, Cedar Bay, Cedar Creek, Antioch, 2 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 . Hickory Grove, . Honey Camp, Macedonia, Mt. Olive, Pleasant Grove, . 2 00 Pauley Swamp, Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Meadow, 5 00 Springs, View, Union, '2 . 3 00 Socastee, Springfield, Sterritt's 00 00 Swamp, Salem, United Churches, Juniper Bay, Pleasant Home, Conwayboro, . 3 00 . . Union 1*20 Valley, Good Hope, . Collins' Creek, $82 20 We have paid the 00 $3S 10 above amounts over to the Treasurer. G. F. Stanly, Ch'm'n Com. Respectfully submitted, Waccamaw Baptist Association. ii On motion, the report was adopted. Elder W. H. Hamilton read the report on Periodicals : REPORT ON PERIODICALS. Dear Brethren — Through the press we gain information needa people for the performance of our several duties. Therefore, we would urge the importance on all our brethren to subscribe for one or more of these papers: Biblical Recorder, Baptist Courier and Kind Words, as preachers that will preach wherever they meet you, day or night. : ful to qualify us as Committee. Respectfully submitted, On motion, the report was adopted. Allowed the Clerk $25.00 for his services. Ordered that the Treasurer pay the Clerk his salary and the further sum of $33.00 for printing and distributing the Minutes among the churches and to purchase the 100 blank church letters ordered by this session. Report of committee on Preachers and their Post Offices read and adopted. (See page 2.) Recess for thirty minutes. Afternoon Session. Moderator Soles in the chair. The Moderator announced that Elder W. H. Hamilton would preach at the stand immediately; Eider H. C. Amnions would accompany him. Elder A. M. Nobles, Agent for Foreign Missions, read his report, which is as follows: Cedar Grove, Juniper Bay, Pauley Swamp, Pleasant Meadow, Hickory Grove, Pleasant Meadow, $5 00 3 40 2 00 2 05 1 05 2 10 Conwayboro, Samuel Frink, H. C. Amnions, D. McD. Owens, 6 00 1 00 5 00 75 $28 35 The Executive Committee reported that they had reorganized by electing Elder Wm. S. McCaskill General Superintendent, Elder Joshua. Soles Clerk, and brother R. D. Best Treasurer and would hold their first meeting with the church at Springfield, Horry county, S. C, on Saturday before the 5th Sunday in December, A. D. 1883. The delegates from the Collins Creek Church (formerly Gapway) arrived, the letter read and the delegates enrolled. Elder W. L. Tart read the report on Education ; : Minutes of the 12 REPORT ON EDUCATION. Dear Brethren" — Your committee on Education beg leave to judgment education, next to religion, should be the most deserved object in life. Parents should feel it an imperative duty to educate their children, as by so doing their sons are better prepared to preach the gospel, and to defend the doctrines of Christ. It also better prepares them to fill every avocation in life. The age of progress demands us to make sacrifices in order to attain : report, that in our this great object. It also prepares our Respectfully submitted, in society. On daughters to fill their places Committee. motion, the report was adopted. TREASURER'S REPORT. Dr. 1883. To amount on hand To amount received — Finance Committee Associational Board. $ 57 66 : .. 82 20 38 10 Foreign Missions To am't collected by Elder A. M. Nobles for F. Missions To am't for State Missions (S. C) from Conwayboro ch., 28 30 18 77 . . , Minute Fund 7 00 $232 03 Cr. 1883. To amount By By By By By By By paid on Minutes $ am't paid Elder A. M. Nobles for For. Missions, am't pd Eld. A. M. Nobles for State Mis. (S. C.) amount paid Missionaries amount paid Clerk 30 00 45 30 18 77 16 00 amount amount amount 30 00 3 00 63 96 for for Minutes Blank Church Letters to balance 25 00 $232 03 To amount on hand To Sunday's collection $63 96 2 79 Total $ 66 75 R. D. Best, Treasurer. RESOLUTION OF THANKS. Resolved, That the thanks of this Association are due, and are hereby tendered to the inhabitants of this community, for the very hospitable manner in which they have entertained the delegates and visitors to this session of the Association. On motion, all unfinished business was referred to the officers of the Association. On motion, the Association adjourned after to-morrow to time and place appointed for the next session. Prayer by Elder A. M. Nobles. JOSHUA SOLES, W. S. Frink, Clerk. Moderator. Waccamaw Baptist Association. 13 SUNDAY. November 18th, 1883. At an early hour a large congregation assembled upon the church yard. Rev. Moses Pridgen preached at the stand to a large congregation. Text, Songs of Solomon 7: 12. Rev. W. L. Tart preached a most earnest and feeling sermon in the church. Text, 1 Kings 18: 22, "And Elijah o all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow him but And the people answered him if Baal, then follow him. not a word." At the conclusion, a collection was taken up amounting to two dollars and seventy-nine cents. Thus passed off another session of the Waccamaw Association, and we trust some good has been accomplished for Clerk. the Master's cause. ; i Minutes of the 14 r> v© o Tj" *o •* h invo O O ^ co t^ o nts»tcoo ** r^ O^co O CM ci in >sfr t)- co xnco O co en O Tf cm co tCO oo r^. ^t ci N 'W°JL •S3[BUI9jJ 'S9JBJ\[ N PT33Q i <M i N M CM CM CM H M CM CO COO psp OH •passiuisiQ M M p9.IO]S3>J -lauaq; U J Xq O^ CM CO I CM Tj- i CO H M l p,03>I M h-< CO CM •pszjldug PQ < h o <l a o : o — h i en " h h - V *u S >»-< 5 K -J " ^^- ^ d^ju-g _cScS--; >^ w ^T OH ^ g~ u.£ S%^.^^ ^ o ^u^S.S^^dbJOSgijdGS'o -£ .2 • 1 5? - --< -~; d > a => d d - to * cflMcnJcqy^PHPQuMi-lsiUU^Mu^iU en c/j ttJ d o o sM U! 5J 'd C/3 Cl C(J . 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