Minutes of the Flat River Association. [serial]
Minutes of the Flat River Association. [serial]
THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA ENDOWED BY JOHN SPRUNT HILL CLASS OF 1889 VC286 F28 1819 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/minutesofflatriv1819flat According to appointment tho Association met, and Elder Gardner being absent, the introductory sermon was preached by Elder Thomas Crocker from Isaiah xxvi, 3. I: Elder George Roberts was appointed Moderator. from'eleven churches', being presentby their ed proper messengers, were read, and the names of the messengers enrolled as follows: 1 Neusc— James Weathers, William Browa? 2. Letteis John Terrel. 2 Cedm- Creel: — Stephen. Johnson, Moses NeaL Mm — William W. Farthing, Henry Bunch and Thomas Freeman. 4 Tanners — William Rudd, Guilford Talley*. 5 TaWs Creek — Young Montague, Kennan ParS ham, JEldcr E. Battle. 6 Buffal96-—Fhi\\i) Haley, Thomas Owen, Phras? ant Gold*. \ 7 Locke's— Elias Bowdon, Blouat CG0p3^. 8 Grassey Creek William Werrel, Charles Smith, Thomas Vass. 9 Tar 'JRirer—r Robert Obryan, William Jones, Abraham 81aighter.~ £ 10 Camp Creek— Roland Coolie, $o\h Jinkins, . . -. , — - William Collins. — Mount Carmell * William Henry. Merritt*> Thomas Weaver, Jacob death. % Corresponding Messengers presented their 11 letters as follow*. Elder G30. Roberts, & J Eldei William Brown. Sandy Creek— Major Dismukes, From Country Line ") Association. — Thomas Crocker, —Elder Holt. % Raleigh Jloanoake *• Absentees, - ' - . > 4 These together with brother John DolahnV and Kcv'u. John Chavos, visilhig brethren, being 4 invited, took scats with us. Elders George lio&erts, Wiiiiam Brown, a.vd Aimer Vv. Giopfoti were appointed to preach on toiabrrow, it being Lord's day: worship-to commence at IOjy clock. 6 Elders. Weathers, Brown, ami Battle, and brother Jacob Oreath and brother William Farthing, together with the Moderator and Clerk were appointed a select -Committee to make arrange, meats for Monday; 7 Brethren. Obryan, Farthing and Bunch were appointed to receive the- contributions .of tireo 1 • churchesi 8 Resolved,- That the association meet Bfter 9 o'clock on at halj' Monday. 9 After prayer by Elder Roberts, the Association, adjeurned 'till Monday morning. It must not here bo omitted, that while the Association were engaged in business Elder Holt and brother Jacob Creath preached at the stage. LORD'S BAY MORNING. Divine worship was introduced by Elder Wifliam Brown, who preached from 2eph. iii. 12. Elder Roberts then preached from Daniel, ik 4, He was succeeded by E!der A. >V, Clonton, who -preached from ii. Cor. xiii, 5. IThe congregating was very large and in part orderiy and attentive. " Mjndaij Morning Get, 13. The Association convened; and after prayer by Elder Battle proceeded to business. 1. The select committee to whom was reFererl w^^^^^S arrangements for Monday, fcawng made a sat!3 feeto ly report, were discha.g- Mf: < ^L °r: C v'rS e 'r ; 01 A eS 0n din Ji , :t % diB S messengers to the Conn. W?0rt ed and ' ^report , e oi r « s Pon«Iln . A^soe.a ; ,on, to ; S messengers to Country Soanoke, Rebuke ,»d Ra- 6il3rep?lted !^i«d ' andtllch "]H,rt ' made report M'iS^ w"iLers a '* to, .ton, V iff and General to the '''T OClaUOa *i«cchtd! x » messengers his report , eati!,n regard to his' ™ Elder' W. Clop1 hi £ was received. • a P!'0iisi2d to attend the ord>^tWriffi?^^ r Go d Siaj3 ^' satisfactory , i; r T?. f , repert. ma dB report ih regard hS*Er «the -ifsuciatiom fo Uto the fiUiidaot , 10 T ,att! oC '^fc= ' i allowed Aasociatioas, since he ' offic e. 85 per came into ioiSf'^ ^ Citc^leiterM .tails may C!erk P'Wnre and annex such subject ' decni proper. 3 M ' geUt efJ!lcst Hf a cJwAV'; Postponed ±""Z' * the till f" a'cctin* 1 i?e 1 Pa'-'t of the Asso- „ex t Association. °" . °'?«eng«r S Cj to William Farthing the llcx£ . Gsllwj g Assoeiaiion recommend 1U r^!U C% T,,at at GnWSy Crcek to postpone 4tc^i,-.r xictmatiou ofobrother Wirre) i;, 1!li3 '' :i.c 53. » . That in conformity ' With the rc- of the Church, quest Lord's day in at Grassy Creek, the November be set apart for a tliir-c! df*y of lasting and prayer. 14. Elders GIopton sad Creath were appointed messengers to Country Line Association ; Cooke and Weathers t© Raleigh ; Clopton, Gold and brother Farthing to Roanoke. 15. liuolvtd, That the next Association ba held at Tar River, on the Saturday before the 3d Lord's day in October ; and that Elder A. W. Cloptcn preach the Introductory sermon. 16. Resolved, That tho Clerk prepare and have printed and distributed 130 copies of these Min« utes. . Elder Battle haying resigned as C-.erk, in for the General Board of Foreign Association, this Missions, Elder A. W. Cioptou vsas appointed in 17. his stead. .18. Whereas dressed to appears that a letter was adthe select oornmittee, on Saturday night it by Dr. Benjamin Bullock, seriously involving the mora) character of Eider Eolad Cooke, Therefore resolved, by and with the consent of the Church at this place, and at the particular request of said Elder Roland Cooke, that ESder3 George Roberts, TTilliaw Brovra, A. W, Clopton, brother William* Chaves, ba and Farthing and the Rov'dlast, — are hereby, appointed a committee, to attend, at this place, on the Monday after 3d Lord's day in November, for the purpose of examining into tho said charges against Eldo? Coske and that thoy veport thereon, and that the £Ierk insert their rereport in these Minutes. Aftcr'praycr by Elder Roberts tic Associati&T> : adjournotf, . §s ! - ••- -v- • >.-'».,' £** ' - -t ! ~\ •*» ' »' -'. .fi» « fA> . - . * ' ; ' * ; ; .</> v ^^-> *>>»..•• v »<•>.! * .' ; . > ' *'' : j'.' •' 'v'*" ' ' .'- '' ' '/ ' Tic : ' -MTiittce •!!•' ' Monday '• • .. " " . ' ' - , ~S * '.- " rnwt gcc&t'diu'g -o sppsfst after a fall hearing and csamir, that, I nation itnessss and other evidences, in regard to the first allegation, it is their decided and unanimous opinion, that, if Elder Roland Cook said hs had a copy of Mr. Welboura's Will, ha mad® this declaration, under the fall impression, that Dr. Bullock was under obligations to write out the real "Will, according to the rough draught which Elder Cook then had and which he therefore callciks copy ©f Mr. Welbeurn's Will : aad that, though it may "net contain precisely the same words ; jet inasmuch as Elder Cook bettered, that the real Will was written by it, hcfias not, been gailty of falsehood, nu/rit, ' ' ; JSqv. Laving 'V''- : • . \* contained in Dr. Bullock's first Seeing also he stands furallegation agaiaat him. ther jnstified by the declaration of Mr. Weleoura that it (the loigh draught) was the copy ©f his Will. ;' En regferd to the second allegation eeattuned in Dr. Bulleck'e letter against EUtr Cook* Tfc© committee report, that «p®n examination ©f the rough draught ef the will, they cannot think it strange that Eldc* Cook should put each coiistractioB upon it as seriously to iga^licate tho character of Dr. JSulleofe. They d© not by this insinuate that Dr. Bullock Intended fraad. Far bo it from thorn. Bat inasmuch as tlbelast clause In thorough draught ireads time : ** my will is that J erry and Jenny bolong to B. B;'* and inasmuch as Elder Goek forced bis opinio© of Dr. Bullock's intention from $he rough draught alone ; tlu-y feel in dsty bound t© acquit him (the eaid Cooke) a I the charge <jf false* Sooa in saying < by the wffi Dr. Bulleck willed tat Btaroes to biiss^lf." in saying what t • is ' . ' ' * *-. r V •* ..»-•••••. X • V '• •. ' . ' f "... * ?-• , . > -.jr- . * ' ' 1 ' r ; 'ii5 a'ocjuittieg hi«s-of'fli« time tkey feeij ?/..-••:/.•? l??s be%iiaifrv$: But in Ur» sasn* v sivi'ae iii as ait from iu« fttft fifths res! will, t>{ir,rdf©H ? tbat Btdtack, ths;-© is not a shadow exhibited It Br. $f suspicion; that he intended any tiling like fraud tpben lie wrote the rough draught. In regard to other allegations of Dr. Bultaclc against Elder Csok ; or allegations of said Elder Cook against Dr Bullock tbe committee feel themselves under no obligation attend to teem. So far fro^ justifying hard speoebee is either party they most sincerely deprecate them : and earnestly pray that the reil of oblivion may, byeach party, be cast ever (be unhappy contention. After prayer by Elder Roberts the committee ttljeimel. t&eir : i HaYisg GEORGE BOBEXIT& Chairman A. W. CLOPTON Clerk. by tbe Association toprebe asmesed to these l&inutee beszv 'directed are a Circular to venture to subMitate instead of it the following $3Belution§ taken frera tbe Latter Day Lusinary* It is certain that many of tbe Brethen entertain very erreneeue ideas in regard to tbe Theological Institution now In contemplation. And It is boped that tbe information tontaincd in these Resolatieng, if it should net procure tbdr friendship to tbe institution, will in some decree resaave their prejudices. f " A.W. CLOPTOSf. ^ THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. . In a former number of this work, & Plan for an Institutes fer piout young men called by the churches to the Christian ministry, was fl^feaihtc^ by th© Board tf Missions fey th? - . . ci&sidefati*:\ *f tha churches aad brethren throughout the United States. Understanding from the American Baptist Magaziee, that it is wished that M the Plan laid before the Convention at its last meeting- by the President," be also nude public, we cheerfully iatroduce it. The utmost light that caa be thrown on the important subject is desi- rable. Proposed Resolutions, including a scheme tf Educii" Hon* having Jor its object the assistance of piem I young men designedfor Jhe gospel ministry, ivhich vtcre laid before Hie Baptist Convention ct FMlfo dilphia, in May, 1817. Resolved, That it be Fecoismended by this Convention, to the Baptist churches throughoat the ' I; form themfor the purpose ef United States, and their adherents, selves into education societies, aiding pious young Raen of their to confieidon, who bo called ef God to obtaining each education extensive usefulness in tfc© and enable then te appear net be ashamed, rightly appear on good evidence to the gespel ministry, in as nay best fit t&em for $ause ©four Redeemer, as workmen \Vho need dividing the u?ord of truth : And likewise for assisting poor ministers, who have families, end have not obtained the advantageu which are derived from a suitable education, by gratuitously furnishing them with the mast necessary and useful beohe s to aid them in their endeavors to ebtain mental improvement. For' the accomplishment of which design the following schamf* is sfibmitted to the fonsideration ef the churehes. 1 st. Let a charity sermon be preaehe^ ojjee a year* at least, in each church, and a collection made expressly for the purposes abev* specified ; and let ih8 monies so collected, together with any other Collections, donations er beqaetse obtained for sach pyypeses; be cenveyed by tkfi basds of a gsrson ss appointed a representative to specially attend the meeting of the associations to which such church belongs, afid there to bo deposited in a common fund, under the direction of a bedy of delegates similarly appoi-r»ti by other churches belonging to that association /to a nuuiber of associations cniting in the same measure as a cominou cause : excepting always such part of the monies, {say a third part) as shall be appropriated te the establishment and support of a Theological Seminary, in our connection, to be hereinafter described; trhieh last sum shall be conveyed to the general fund, and be placed under the care and direction of the Board of commissioners connected with this Convention, or such part of them as shall be instructed witk the superintendence of the education 1 > department. J 2d. Let the body formed by the coalition of churches, as a bora recommended, be styled the General Committee, or Trustees of the clutches united in vissociatieu or Associatians, and have a President, Treasurer, Secretary, and assistants, who shall be authorized to transact all necessary business as a special committee dsring the recess of the general committee. 3i. Let this committee of the churches be invcak tei with full powers to examine applicants for the Churches' bounty, with respect to their qualifications, according to the sentiment before expressed; to «it, that ministers must be the subject of renew' ' • grace, be called of God to the office, and vdGsive gifts of Jesus Chrisf, the great prophet df tin church, to fit them for too work. ,4th* Let the committee by their proper ohv cers, contract for the education of the young men so taken «nder their care, at some convenient seminary 5 superintend' their education tfnd laorr.ls. that iiig . &o & may be promoted by "due eseitemenf, the latter preserved in parity ; ft departure from';" which shall be considered as incurring censure 6: It shall also be considered as the loss of privilege. the object of their care, to secure the return of money'to the fund, which may have been expended a^ any time en the education of persons who do. not* in a reasonable time after they have completed their studies, enter en the work of the ministry to the satisfaction of the committee. 5th. After young men thus piovided for, have finished their classic;:! studies, or obtained a proper acquaintance with general science, lei it betho concern for the churches to plaoo them in a situation favourable to the study of divinity. While in circumstances which prevent their obtaining mars ample assistance, let the students come under the care efscme pious, well informed, and judicious minister ; but when a divinity college shall have 1le«n established, according to the prevteion made fn the coHstitutieM of this (/ invention, let as man^ of them as the respective funds of the societies, or ohtsrehes, ean suppoit, be seat to said seminary £ especially those who pes&ess superior talents, toge,* ther with a desire and aptaess for study. 6th. Aa if is possible that some chm lies belonging to the associations may refuse or negleet to former . ' contributions, and that embarrassments may arise fror.i this cause, let the exclusive right ef man. make aging the business of the fend be vested in tho delegates of these churches which regularly contribute t© its support. II. Resolved, IThat as seoa as a sufficient fan^ shall be obtained for this purpose, the Board oC Commissioners shall take measures for establishing, at some convenient and central situation, a Theological Seminar^ and Library, under the cajro or . . 11 learned, pious professors; in which theolo&T shall be studied in its various branches, church histnry* t$>e Hebrew language, and .-/.her ofie*tal langua- ges, the knowledge of which is favourable to© right understanding »f the sacred scriptures, as far as the same may be found practicable and convenient, together with biblical criticism and pulpit e< lequ«nce. III. Resolved, That the agents, or missionaries^ which maj be appointed by tfee Board of missions to travel in our own caujtry, shall ba particularly charged with the important concern of giving infer* "lTiation to the churches of our denoEainatiou, anl. the public at large, concerning the* true nature and design o. the svhenie in which the foregoing articles are comprehended, of recommencing it to their serious regard, and of affording assistance to those *whc may bo disposed to bring it inta operation, i* ^hat Xion. relates to a right beginning and organic *