Newsletter Sept - Malaysian Trades Union Congress
Newsletter Sept - Malaysian Trades Union Congress
Sept 2015 Malaysian Trades Union Congress ‘Electronic Toll Collection (ETC)’ Systems Causing Loss Of Employment For Many Workers, Government Should Protect Human Workers Welfare and Security MTUC is disappointed with the loss of jobs for workers at toll booths, by reason of automation or the ‘electronic toll collection (ETC)’ system. Many local workers, especially women workers have lost their jobs by this move by highway toll operators. The Malaysian government failed to protect employment of workers, when these companies choose to do away with human workers in favor of automation. It must also be noted despite the existence of Smartcard and Touch ‘n Go lanes at toll booths, a large number of people still used the cash payment lanes. This also was used by taxis and other vehicles that were charged different rates compared to normal users. For many workers still, employers still do insist on receipts before reimbursement for travel is paid. Pre-paid cards only benefit one travel card companies, being Touch ‘n Go, and for many low waged workers whose regular income is also uncertain, by reason of the unchecked increase of precarious employments in Malaysia and the growing increase of loss of regular employments, prefer the ‘pay as you use’ method. This gives the worker real access and control to the money in hand. He prefers not to pay in advance money that is effectively stuck and irretrievable with ease in your Touch n Go cards. This preference can also be seen by many in Malaysia who still avoid regular auto-payment methods, preferring rather to make cash payments when the bill arrives. Likewise, the preference to use pre-paid, rather than being obligated to pay higher fixed rates for their telephony needs Malaysian government need to ensure that employment opportunities are not lost by reason of automation or otherwise, especially where it concerns local workers, more so in town and rural areas. MTUC urges the government to reverse or restrict this current move by highway operators to replace human workers in favor of automation. N.Gopal Kishnam Sept 2015 MTUC Langkah-langkah perlu diambil sepanjang jerebu melanda Golongan berisiko tinggi menghadkan aktiviti luar Golongan berisiko tinggi memakai alat pelindungan pernafasan ⇒ Orang ramai mengurangkan aktiviti-aktiviti lasak di luar rumah. kesihatan sepanjang jerebu melanda: 1.Kanak-kanak 2.Orang tua 3.Wanita mengandung 4.Pesakit jantung dan respiratori 5.Alahan kepada habuk Nasihat Umum bagi mengelakkan masalah kesihatan sepanjang jerebu melanda. 6.Perokok 7.Orang yang bekerja di luar bangunan ⇒ Kerap membasuh muka dan bahagian yang terdSumber:Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, edah kepada jerebu Jabatan Alam Sekitar ⇒ Minum banyak air masak. ⇒ Menggunakan alat penghawa dingin dengan mod kitaran dalam berada di dalam kenderaan. ⇒ Mereka yang mengalami batuk, selesema, asma, sakit mata dan mempunyai jangkitan paru-paru perlulah mendapatkan rawatan doctor dengan segera apabila keadaan bertambah teruk. ⇒ Perokok perlu berhenti merokok ⇒ Berada di dalam bangunan dan kurangkan berada dipersekitaran luar yang berjerebu. Golongan yang berisiko menghadapi masalah ⇒ ⇒ KES/AWARD yang penting membelakangkan kepentingan Kesatuan dan pekerja: No 942 of 2015 – Menidakkan Hak Pekerja– Menolak hak pekerja asing dari memasuki kesatuan sekerja No 1087 of 2015 – Pengerusi meneruskan perbicaraan walaupun pihak wakil kesatuan tidak hadir dan telah memaklumkan kepada mahkamah Kursus Perhubungan Perusahaan dan Rundingan Kolektif MTUC/SC MTUC dengan kerjasama Solidarity Center telah mengadakan kursus Perhubungan Perusahaan dam Rundingan Kolektif selama tiga hari di pusat MTUC dari 8-10hb September 2015. Seramai 31 peserta dari pelbagai sektor dan wilayah telah mengambil bahagian dengan 8 peserta wanita. 2 Sept 2015 MTUC Majlis Malam Mesra AMESU Majlis makan malam dan ramah mesra kesatuan AMESU di dewan Majlis Bandaran Teluk Intan. Seramai 700 ahli telah menghadirkan diri dan ucapan utama telah disampaikan oleh Sdra Zainal bin Ismail, Naib Presiden MTUC. Turut bersama ialah pegawai-pegawai utama MTUC Perak Sdra Ridzuan Zakaria, Timb Pengerusi Perak, Sdra Hamzah Jaafar, Setiausaha MTUC Perak, Sdra Tan Ismail Penolong Setiausaha dan Sdra Rosli Jaafar, bendahari. MTUC Sarawak : Bowling tournament was successfully organized by Women and Youth committee Sarawak Division on the 15 Aug. A total of 14 teams took part in a one day event that was graced open by Chairman of MTUC Sarawak Division Tuan Hj Ibrahim Hamid who is also the president of UTES Sarawak. Altogether 56 union members from various union in Sarawak participated. CIMB bankers from SBEU walked away with RM500 plus trophy. 2nd place won by team from UTES and 3rd place went to RHB bank SBEU. Reported by : Sister Hadiah Leen President, Sarawak Bank Employees' Union 3 Sept 2 015 MTUC ITUC-AP / MTUC / ATUC / ILO ASEAN TRIANGLE PROJECT ATUC Youth Rally and Dissemination Forum on Protecting Migrant Workers through Trade Union Agreements. “INTEGRATING YOUTH ACROSS BOARDERS” 3-5 September 2015, at YMCA Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The ASEAN Trade Union Council, in the first ATUC Youth Rally and Dissemination Forum on Protecting Migrant Workers through Trade Union Agreements in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 3-5 September 2015, with the participation of about 200 young workers/delegates and principal officers of 16 affiliate national labor centers, from nine (9) ASEAN member states, including observers and or resources persons from the International Labor Organisation (ILO) ACTRAV, ILO ASEAN Triangle Project (ATP), the International Trade Union Confederation Asia Pacific, and the ASEAN Secretariat. Engaged the active participation of and solicited the candid the of the youth delegates in the collective analysis and appreciation of the current state of young workers, labor market realities, decent work, migration, the labor movement and social media through structure learning exercises, workshops, group discussion, games and other fun activities. SYAMSUL AZWAN MUSTAR – Secretary Youth Committee. 4 Sept 2015-MTUC Naza Automotive Manufacturing berhentikan 300 pekerja Kira-kira 300 pekerja syarikat pengeluar kereta Naza Automotive Manufacturing (NAM) Sdn Bhd diberhentikan kerja hari ini selepas jualan kenderaan jatuh tahun ini sejak pengenalan Cukai Barang dan Perkhidmatan (GST) pada April lalu. Pemberhentian tersebut melibatkan 255 kakitangan, 30 Jawatankuasa NAM dan selebihnya kakitangan pentadbiran. Kesemua kakitangan yang diberhentikan itu diraikan dalam satu majlis perpisahan yang diadakan di Dewan Seri Zaleha di Gurun Kedah. Dalam satu atur cara majlis program yang dikirimkan kepada The Malaysian Insider, majlis perpisahan diadakan hari ini turut disertai Ketua Pegawai Operasi NAM Roslan Abd Ghani dan ucapan pegawai Jabatan Tenaga Kerja. Semasa majlis sama, semua kakitangan juga diberi surat pemberhentian kerja. The Malaysian Insider cuba menghubungi ibu pejabat NAM di Kedah bagi mendapatkan pengesahan mengenainya, bagaimanapun gagal mendapat sebarang maklum balas. NAM merupakan salah sebuah syarikat pengeluar kereta di bawah Kumpulan Naza yang memulakan operasi pada Mei 2004. Menurut maklumat daripada laman rasminya, NAM memiliki 1,000 tenaga kerja dan menjalankan kerja pemasangan kereta Peugeot dan Kia untuk pasaran tempatan dan luar negara. Jualan kenderaan keseluruhan pada Julai tahun ini susut kepada 58,646 unit daripada 60,269 unit yang dicatatkan pada bulan yang sama pada 2014. Persatuan Automotif Malaysia (MAA) berkata jumlah yang rendah itu disebabkan jualan kurang memberangsangkan dalam segmen kenderaan penumpang dan komersial. Jualan kenderaan penumpang pada Julai merosot kepada 52,636 unit berbanding 53,576 unit pada bulan yang sama tahun lepas, manakala jualan kenderaan komersial turun kepada 6,010 unit daripada 6,693 unit sebelum ini. Dari Januari hingga Julai, jualan kenderaan keseluruhan susut kepada 380,830 unit berbanding 393,425 unit bagi tempoh yang sama tahun lepas, kata MAA yang dipetik dalam laman rasminya. MAA sebelum ini juga meramalkan jualan kereta tahun ini bakal menyusut akibat pelaksanaan GST kerana orang ramai mengambil sikap tunggu dan lihat. – 27 Ogos, 2015. Source: 5 Sept 2015 MTUC Gaji tidak sesuai, menyebabkan pekerja tempatan menolah kerja 3D 6 Sept 2015 MTUC Index to measure real inflation! The MTUC would like to invite the Minister of Human Resources and his officers to discuss workers’ issues in the country in view of the deteriorating economic conditions in the country. “There’s also a need to handle the political and economic issues that are fast dragging the country down.” “ A big concern is the recent report that foreign investors may pull out another USD1 billion out of the bond market this week as the bonds mature.” It’s really bad that investor confidence was weakening and where this was being attributed to political issues. SecretaryGeneral N. Gopal Krishnan said that the government needs to do something drastic to overcome this issue. Apart from the weakening foreign investor confidence, the morale of workers in the country, especially Malaysians, are also being affected.” “We are fast losing trust in the government’s ability to handle matters transparently and in the interest of the people.” Also, in these times, the MTUC would like the government to declare whether foreign workers are still being brought into the country, said Gopal in his statement. “The Ministry of Human Resources should make an open declaration of the numbers.” The union was expressing its concern on the ongoing economic and political issues facing the country. “With the ringgit depreciating against major currencies, the cost of imports have gone up and as a direct consequence of this, there has been a further rise in the cost of living.” “The economic figures used such as inflation and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) does not reflect the real rise in the cost of living.” Gopal prefers to use the Mamak Stall Index to measure real inflation. “Just compare prices at the mamak stalls over the last one year. When other essentials such as rent, schooling for children, transport etc are also taken into account, Malaysian workers especially those from the lower income group are badly affected.” The union charged that jobs are being impacted in the current economic climate and the rate of retrenchment has been rising. “Employers are also taking advantage of the situation through various means. The government, through the Ministry of Human Resources, should intervene to ensure that employers are not abusing the system. PS MTUC 1 Oct 2015 Cuepacs Wants Gov't To Consider Three Months' Bonus In 2016 Budget The Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and formance all this while. Civil Services (Cuepacs) wants the government to consider giving a three-month bonus to civil servants when “Apart from that, when they received their bonus they the 2016 Budget is tabled. will spend and boost the economy further,” he said. Cuepecs secretary-general Datuk Lok Yim Pheng said Lok said Cuepacs also wanted the government to review the request was being made to ease the burden of civil and undertake improvements on the 252 salary schemes and allowances to ease their financial burden servants to face the current high cost of living. amidst the current economic challenges faced. He said “We are not requesting the government to give the three due attention should be given as it was the aspiration of -month bonus in a lump sum but in stages as we under- the 1.6 million civil servants in the country. stand the situation of the government,” the said. “The government probably should also provide more He said the request was also to appreciate the contribu- allocation for training opportunities to further upgrade tion of civil servants who showed excellent service per- their skills and expertise,” he said. Source: Bernama.September 11,2015 7 Sept 2015 MTUC AKTIVITI MTUCLatihan & Kursus LAWATAN DELEGASI UiTM TERENGGANU Pensyarah Dr Azizul Azhan turut dalam kursus MTUC Pelajar-pelajar telah bersama-sama peserta kursus MTUC bagi melihat sendiri aktiviti MTUC Seramai 30 pelajar bersama Pensyarah Dr Azizul Azhan bin Hj Hussain dari UiTM Dungun Terengganu telah mengadakan sessi lawatan sambal belajar dalam bidang Perhubungan Perusahaan pada 11hb Sept 2015. Turut bersama bersama delegasi ini ialah YB Abdullah Sani, Timb Presiden, Sdra Gopal Kishnam, Setiausaha Agung, Sdri Rajeswari, pegawai Penyelidikan dan Sdra Soma pegawai pendidikan. Wisma MTUC 10-5, Jalan USJ 9/5T, 47620 Subang Jaya, Selangor. Tel: 03-80242953 Fax:03-80243225 website :; email:mtucgeneral / disediakan oleh: Sdri.R.Rajeswari, Setiausaha Penyelidikan disahkan dan disemak : Sdra. N. Gopal Kishnam Setiausaha Agung. 8
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