2015 Annual Report Raiffeisenverband Salzburg
2015 Annual Report Raiffeisenverband Salzburg
2015 Annual Report Raiffeisenverband Salzburg KEY FIGURES OF THE GROUP 2015 Annual Report 2 nn n KEY FIGURES OF THE GROUP in TEUR 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2015 Total assets 6,714,780 6,191,019 6,286,242 95,223 1.5% Loans and advances to customers 3,238,287 2,899,545 3,023,071 123,526 4.3% Liabilities to customers (excl. repo transactions) 2,482,481 2,149,490 2,331,421 181,931 8.5% 441,248 462,569 469,873 7,304 1.6% 10.2% 11.4% 11.4% -0.1% 652,883 624,343 606,011 -18,332 Total own funds ratio (total risk) 15.0% 15.4% 14.6% -0.8% Operating result 57,598 50,726 37,137 -13,589 -26.8% Profit on ordinary activities 40,112 12,217 19,158 6.941 56.8% Cost-Income-Ratio 61.6% 62.8% 72.6% 9.8% 9.1% 2.6% 3.9% 1.3% Total core capital (CET 1) Total core capital ratio (CET 1) Total own funds (adjusted for warehousing segment) Return on Equity (RoE, before tax) 3 Change -2.9% Raiffeisenverband Salzburg CONSOLIDATED FIGURES 2015 2015 Annual Report 4 nn n CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET ASSETS (TEUR) 1. Cash in hand, balances with central banks and post office banks 31.12.2015 31.12.2014 47,700 17,805 574,826 574,826 0 588,186 588,186 0 3. Loans and advances to credit institutions a)Repayable on demand b)Other loans and advances 1,678,540 649,783 1,028,757 1,613,120 717,543 895,577 4. Loans and advances to customers 3,023,071 2,899,545 292,791 20,192 272,599 0 384,113 20,181 363,932 0 30,543 40,497 314,669 312,297 1,068 3,460 35,978 0 35,810 0 6,679 0 9,231 0 197,572 188,510 184,261 173,607 0 0 0 0 82,620 100,209 0 0 1,254 1,695 6,286,242 6,191,019 2. Treasury bills and other bills eligible for refinancing with central banks a)Treasury bills and similar securities b)Other bills eligible for refinancing at central banks 5. Debt securities including fixed-income securities a)Issued by public bodies b)Issued by other borrowers showing separately: own debt securities 6. Shares and other variable-yield securities 7. Participating interests showing separately: Participating interests in credit institutions 8. Shares in affiliated undertakings showing separately: Shares in credit institutions 9. Intangible fixed assets showing separately: Goodwill 10. Tangible assets showing separately: Land and buildings occupied by a credit institution for its own activities 11. Own shares as well as shares in a controlling company or in a company holding a majority of shares showing separately: Nominal value 12. Other assets 13. Subscribed capital called but not paid 14. Prepayments and accrued income Total assets 5 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg nn n CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES (TEUR) 31.12.2015 31.12.2014 1. Liabilities to credit institutions a)Repayable on demand b)With agreed maturity dates or periods of notice 2,260,382 1,102,298 1,158,084 2,290,666 1,004,746 1,285,920 2. Liabilities to customers (non-banks) a)Saving deposits showing separately: aa) Repayable on demand bb) With agreed maturity dates or periods of notice b)Other liabilities showing separately: aa) Repayable on demand bb) With agreed maturity dates or periods of notice 2,331,421 800,605 2,149,490 791,187 203,050 597,555 1,530,815 152,516 638,671 1,358,303 1,280,979 249,837 1,181,337 176,966 3. Securitised liabilities a)Debt securities issued b)Other securitised liabilities 1,023,860 0 1,023,860 1,070,761 0 1,070,761 49,508 73,390 3,650 4,138 6.Provisions a)Provision for severance payments b)Provision for pensions c)Provision for taxation d) Other provisions 72,340 24,791 24,993 5,030 17,526 68,407 23,058 23,823 2,371 19,155 6. A Fund for general banking risks 16,756 16,756 7. Supplementary capital pursuant to part 2 titel I capital 4 of regulation (EU) 575/2013 39,850 41,350 8. Additional core capital pursuant to part 2 titel I capitel 3 of regulation (EU) 575/2013 0 0 8a. Mandatory convertible bonds pursuant to par. 26 BWG 0 0 8b.Instruments without voting rights pursuant to par. 26a BWG 0 0 73 73 54,396 54,396 1,344 1,344 0 1,344 1,344 0 357,606 0 68,104 289,502 345,191 0 67,823 277,368 72,058 72,058 3,000 3,000 6,286,242 6,191,019 4. Other liabilities 5. Accruals and deferred income 9. Minority Interests 10. Subscribed capital 11. Capital reserves a)Committed b)Uncommitted 12. Retained earnings a)Legal reserve b)Statutory reserve c)Other reserves 13. Liability reserve pursuant to Article 23 para. 6 BWG 14. Consolidated net profit for the year Total liabilities 2015 Annual Report 6 AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2015 OFF-BALANCE-SHEET-ITEMS (TEUR) 31.12.2015 31.12.2014 697,379 813,173 591,594 582,750 0 576,898 0 566,995 647,592 783,778 0 0 63,708 57,903 606,011 624,343 43,392 49,388 4,131,669 4,059,082 ASSETS 1. Foreign assets LIABILITIES 1. Contingent liabilities showing separately: a) Acceptances and endorsements b)Guarantees and assets pledged as collateral security 2.Commitments showing separately: Commitments arising from repurchase transactions 3. Commitments arising from agency services 4. Eligible capital pursuant to part 2 of regulation (EU) 575/2013 showing separately: Own funds pursuant to part 2 title I capital 4 of regulation (EU) 575/2013 5. Capital requirement pursuant to Article 92 of regulation (EU) 575/2013 showing separately: Capital requirement pursuant to Article 92 para. 1 nos. a of regulation (EU) 575/2013 11.37% 11.40% Capital requirement pursuant to Article 92 para. 1 nos. b of regulation (EU) 575/2013 11.37% 11.55% Capital requirement pursuant to Article 92 para. 1 nos. c of regulation (EU) 575/2013 14.67% 15.38% 722,875 649,659 6. Foreign liabilities 7 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg nn n CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT TEUR 2015 2014 1. Interest receivable and similar income showing separately: From fixed-income securities 99,535 27,959 111,142 31,280 -43,833 -55,605 55,702 55,537 3,102 214 967 1,442 0 479 20,269 1 175 17,578 0 2,515 4. Commissions receivable 42,761 42,101 5. Commissions payable -7,350 -7,006 3,476 2,577 85,519 82,165 183,210 195,644 -131,972 -95,634 -132,713 -96,929 -68,591 -68,722 -19,046 -879 -3,186 -1,170 -18,776 -906 -3,017 -2,163 -2,763 -36,338 -3,345 -35,784 -11,070 -10,964 -3,031 -1,241 -146,074 -144,918 37,137 50,726 2. Interest payable and similar expenses I. NET INTEREST INCOME 3. Income from securities and participating interests a)Income from shares and other variable-yield securities b)Income from participating interests c)Income from shares in affiliated undertakings d)Income from shares in companies stated as associates e)Income from other participating interests 6. Net profit on financial operations 7. Other operating income II. OPERATING INCOME 8. General administrative expenses a)Staff costs showing separately: aa)Wages and salaries bb)Expenses for statutory social contributions and compulsory contributions related to wages and salaries cc) Other social expenses dd)Expenses for pensions and assistance ee)Allocations to provision for pensions ff) Expenses for severance payments and contributions to severance and retirement funds b)Other administrative expenses 9. Value adjustments in respect of asset items 9 and 10 10. Other operating expenses III. OPERATING EXPENSES IV. OPERATING RESULT 2015 Annual Report 8 TEUR 2015 2014 -40,426 -20,267 22,447 -18,242 0 0 19,158 12,217 15. Extraordinary income showing separately: Withdrawals from the fund for general banking risks 0 0 0 0 16. Extraordinary expenses showing separately: Allocations to the fund for general banking risks 0 0 0 0 17. Extraordinary result (subtotal of items 15 and 16) 0 0 18. Tax on profit or loss -4,298 -185 19. Other taxes not reported under item 18 -5,273 -5,223 9,586 6,809 0 0 -6,586 -3,809 0 0 3,000 3,000 0 0 3,000 3,000 11. Value adjustments and re-adjustments in respect of loans and advances and provisions for contingent liabilities and for commitments 13. Value adjustments and re-adjustments in respect of transferable securities held as financial fixed assets. participating interests and shares in affiliated undertakings showing separately: From companies stated as associates V . PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES VI. PROFIT FOR THE YEAR AFTER TAX 20. Minority interests 21. Changes in reserves showing separately: Allocation (-) / Reversal (+) liability reserve VII. CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME FOR THE YEAR 22. Profit or loss brought forward VIII.CONSOLIDATED NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 9 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg EXCERPT FROM THE NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 2015 Annual Report 10 n n n EXCERPT FROM THE NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS According to § 265 UGB (Austrian Commercial Code) the consolidated balance sheet as well as the consolidated profit and loss account and the methods of accounting and valuation applied herein have to be commented. The notes were drawn up in due consideration of the provisions of the Austrian Commercial Code (UGB) and of the special provisions of the Austrian Banking Act (BWG). The consolidated financial statements were prepared pursuant to annex 2 to § 43 BWG, BGBl 532/1993, relevant version. A.GENERAL NOTES The annual financial statements were drawn up in line with the principles of orderly accounting and in accordance with the generally accepted standard practice of providing a true and fair view of the net assets and financial conditions of the company. The requirements of the relevant versions of the Austrian Commercial Code, the provisions of the Austrian Banking Act and the regulation (EU) 575/2013 (CRR) were applied. B.CONSOLIDATION PRINCIPLES AND METHODS a) Full consolidation Capital consolidation was conducted in accordance with § 254(1) (1) UGB (book value method), with the acquisition costs for the investments in subsidiaries charged against the respective proportionate equity at the time of initial inclusion. The initial consolidation took place on the effective date stated in table 2. Receivables and liabilities existing between the consolidated subsidiaries were eliminated as part of debt consolidation. Equally, intra-group revenues and expenses were set off by means of consolidation of revenues and expenses. b) At-Equity consolidation At-Equity consolidation was conducted in accordance with § 264(1)(1) UGB (book value method). The date of the subsidiary‘s initial inclusion in the consolidated financial statements was chosen as the significant date for determining the difference between the book value of the respective investment and the respective proportionate equity. The initial consolidation of Heimat Österreich gemeinnützige Wohnungs- und Siedlungsgesellschaft m.b.H. took place on the effective date of December 31st, 2000, the initial inclusion of Bergbahnen Aktiengesellschaft Wagrain on June 30th, 2015. Consolidation according to the at-equity method occurred based on the last available financial statement. Any variations in valuation methods of the parent company were not adjusted. 11 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg n n n EXCERPT FROM THE NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS C.SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATION 1. Change of the scope of consolidation In 2015 scope of fully consolidated companies has not changed in comparision to 2014. Amongst companies subject to at-equity consolidation Bergbahnen Aktiengesellschaft Wagrain was added to the scope of at-equity consolidation as per June 30th, 2015. 2. Disclosures on investments a) Fully consolidated companies The companies included in the Group are as follows: Name and registered office Share of capital direct indirect Agroconsult Austria Gesellschaft m.b.H., Sbg. 100.00% 01.01.2014 Industriebeteiligungs-GmbH, Sbg. 100.00% 01.01.2014 Unternehmensbeteiligung GmbH, Sbg. Fremdenverkehrs GmbH, Sbg. Inclusion according to § 30 (1) Z. 5 BWG 100.00% Initial consolidation 01.01.2014 01.01.2014 West Consult Objekterrichtungs- und Verwaltungs II Gesellschaft m.b.H., Sbg. 99.00% 0.50% 31.12.2014 West Consult Objekterrichtungs- und Verwaltungs III Gesellschaft m.b.H., Sbg. 99.00% 0.50% 31.12.2014 West Consult Objekterrichtungs- und Verwaltungs-IV Gesellschaft m.b.H., Sbg. 100.00% West Consult Leasing GmbH, Sbg. 99.00% 31.12.2014 0.50% 31.12.2014 WECO FH Holztechnikum GmbH, Sbg. 100.00% 31.12.2014 West Consult Revitalisierung Gesellschaft m.b.H., Sbg. 100.00% 31.12.2014 WECO REHA Leasing GmbH 100.00% 31.12.2014 Kienberg – Panoramastraße Errichtungs-GmbH, Sbg. 100.00% 31.12.2014 SABAG Garagen Projekterrichtungs- und Vermietungs-GmbH, Sbg. 99.00% 1.00% 31.12.2014 SABAG Schulen Errichtungs- und Vermietungs-GmbH, Sbg. 99.00% 1.00% 31.12.2014 SABAG Projekterrichtungs- und Vermietungs-GmbH GmbH, Sbg. 99.00% 1.00% 31.12.2014 Tinca-Beteiligungs-GmbH, Sbg. 100.00% 31.12.2014 vis-vitalis Lizenz- und Handels GmbH 100.00% 31.12.2014 PMN Beteiligungs- u. Finanzberatungs Gesellschaft m.b.H., Sbg. 100.00% 31.12.2014 BVG Liegenschaftsverwaltung GmbH, Sbg. 100.00% 31.12.2014 2015 Annual Report 12 b) Companies consolidated at-equity In order to evaluate the materiality of the associated companies, a materiality calculation was carried out based on quantitative indicators (equity, operating result) as well as qualitative indicators (one-time effect, sustainability). Companies, which are not consolidated at equity due to immateriality, are shown in the Group‘s list of shareholdings.Resulting from the materiality calculation, as per June 30th, 2015, Bergbahnen Aktiengesellschaft Wagrain was added to the at-equity consolidated companies, which now comprises of: income. Share of capital direct indirect Name and registered office Heimat Österreich, Salzburg Financial statements dated 25.00% Bergbahnen Aktiengesellschaft Wagrain 31.12.2014 2.00% c) Other companies These are subsidiaries not included in the consolidated financial statements due to their status of 41.56% 30.06.2015 having only minor importance in providing a true and fair view of the Group‘s financial conditions. Name and registered office Share of capital direct indirect Value Holdings Vermögensmanagement GmbH, München 67.50% 436 10 12/14 München Salzburg Besitzgesellschaft mbH, München 100.00% 38 -342 12/14 Mittelstandsbeteiligungs GmbH, Salzburg 100.00% 8,679 11,118 12/14 129 88 12/14 1,724 33 12/14 Value-Holding Fondsvermittlung GmbH, München Raiffeisenverband Salzburg Anteils- und Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH, Salzburg 67.5% 100.00% Equity in TEUR 13 Operating result in TEUR Balance sheet Raiffeisenverband Salzburg n n n EXCERPT FROM THE NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS D. ACCOUNTING AND VALUATION PRINCIPLES General principles The consolidated financial statements were prepared according to the regulations of the Austrian Banking Act (BWG), the EU regulation No. 575/2013 (CRR – Capital Requirements Regualtion) and the Corporate Code (UGB in its applicable version issued prior to the Accounting Amendment Law 2014 (Rechnungslegungsänderungsgesetz 2014, BGBL I 2015/22). The consolidated financial statements were prepared under consideration of the principles of proper accounting and the general requirement to present a true and fair view of the company‘s assets as well as of its financial and earnings situation. The consolidated financial statements were compiled according to the principle of completeness and balance sheet continuity. The valuation of assets and liabilities was based on the principle of individual evaluation assuming the company‘s ability as a going concern. In accordance with prudent commercial practices only realised gains as well as all identifiable risks and anticipated losses were taken into the profit and loss account at closing date. Foreign currency translation Foreign currencies were converted at the reference rate, published by the European Central Bank according to the provisions of § 58(1) BWG. In cases where no reference rate was available, foreign currencies were converted at the middle rate of reference banks. 2015 Annual Report 14 Securities Fixed Assets Regarding long-term fixed-income securities admitted to listing on a recognised stock exchange according to Article 4 clause 72 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, the option of write-ups and write-downs according to § 56(2-3) BWG was applied. Regarding long-term fixed-income securities not listed on a recognised stock exchange according to Article 4 clause 72 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, the positive difference between the acquisition costs and the amount repayable at maturity was recognised as expense immediately. Securities used as cover funds for ward money were valued according to the strict lower of cost method pursuant to § 2(3) Mündelsicherheitsverordnung (Austrian Trustees Securities Directive). All other securities reported under fixed assets were recognised according to § 56(1) BWG in compliance with the rules for the valuation of fixed assets, stipulated in the Austrian business law. Current Assets / Trading Positions Securities held for trading and listed at a recognised exchange pursuant to Article 4 clause 72 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, were valued at their market price. A market price, determined under liquid market conditions at the respective valuation date, is used as the valuation rate. All other trading securities were valued according to § 207 UGB. Investment funds were valued at their calculated value. Own stocks of subordinated own issues Own stocks of subordinated own issues reported on the asset side of the balance sheet amounted to TEUR 1,850 (PY TEUR 1,850) and are recognized at their nominal value. Risk provisions Value adjustments and provisions were made for recognisable risks in the case of loans and advances to credit institutions and loans and advances to customers. Participating interests Participation interests and shares in affiliated undertakings were carried at acquisition costs less extraordinary depreciation, where appropriate. Extraordinary depreciation is made in the case of value impairments which are likely to be of permanent nature, due to sustained losses, a reduction in equity and/or a reduced earnings capacity level. Tangible Assets Property and equipment were recognised at cost less scheduled depreciation. Assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis. Depreciation on property and plant ranges between 1.84% and 20.00%, between 5.00% and 33.3% on equipment. Extraordinary depreciation is made in the case of value impairments which are likely to be of a permanent nature. The low-value assets were fully written-off in the year of acquisition according to § 226(3) UGB. Capital expenses Premiums and discounts (Agios/Disagios) were distributed over the term of debt. Other capital expenses were recognised in the income statement of the year of issuance. Goods on stock Stock was valued in accordance with the strict lower of cost or market principle. Relating to agri- cultural machinery the identity pricing method was applied, the FIFO-method for other inventory. Care was taken to ensure a loss-free valuation. Liabilities Liabilities were recognised at their nominal value or at their higher redemption amount. Provisions Pension obligations The inclusion in the balance sheet is determined according to the provisions of §§ 198 and 211 UGB and the recommendations of the expert report no. 80 of the Examination Committee at the Austrian Chamber of Accountants and Tax Consultants (KFS/RL3). The provisions to cover pension obligations were calculated according to the partial value method. In this case total expenditure of a commitment is calculated and evenly distributed over the entire period of financing. The calculations were made in accordance with current mortality tables „AVÖ 2008 – P – Rechnungsgrundlagen für die Pensionsversicherung – Pagler & Pagler“, using the variant for salaried employees. For beneficiaries – comprising persons entitled in expectancy and benefit recipients – as well as for persons entitled to benefits that already reached the assumed retirement age the provisions are recognised at present value. Our calculations were based on an assumed retirement age of 65 for two men and 62 for all other active employees. The pension obligations are individually customised and partly adjusted in compliance with the applicable consumer price index. An actuarial interest rate of 2.00% (PY 2.25%) was applied. 15 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg n n n EXCERPT FROM THE NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS Severance Obligations Provisions for severance payments were calculated according to financial mathematical principles, based on an assumed retirement age of 60-65 years for women (60 – born until 01.12.1963 and 65 – born from 02.06.1968) and 65 years for men and an acturial interest rate of 2.00% (PY 2.25%). The calculation was made in accordance with the expert report (KFS/RL 2) and the modifications and amendments of the Institute for Business Economics, Tax Law, and Organization of the Austrian Chamber of Public Accountants and Tax Advisers. Additionally, a fluctuation discount was applied. Anniversary Bonuses Provisions for obligations to pay anniversary bonuses were calculated according to financial mathematical principles and by applying a fluctuation discount as well as an acturial interest rate of 2.00% (PY 2.25%), considering life expectancy according to the Austrian General Mortality Table. Derivative financial instruments For derivative financial instruments the fair value is calculated. The fair value is the amount at which the financial instruments can be sold or purchased on the balance sheet date at fair market conditions. Market values were applied in the assessment, if available. Internal assessment methods with current market parameters, particularly the present value technique and the option pricing model, were used for financial instruments without a market value. Generally, interest rate options (Caps, Floors) are arbitrage activities. Products for purchase and for disposal are equal in their terms. The differences between the value received 2015 Annual Report 16 and the value cleared are listed as revenue and expense in the profit and loss statement. If in individual cases open positions occur, they are valued subject to imparity. All swap contracts have been concluded for hedging reasons. No macro or cashflow hedges were used. The following interest rate swaps were used to hedge the fixed interest rate risks: • own issues (micro hedge) • nostro securities (micro hedge) • loans (micro- and portfolio hedge) • fixed saving deposits (portfolio hedge) • time deposits (portfolio hedge) • No macro hedges and cash flow hedges were used The hedge is carried out in accordance with the maturity of the underlying transaction, or the maturity of the portfolio. These hedges form a valuation unit with a particular underlying transaction as the particular future payment flows will even out. The effectiveness of the portfolio hedges is controlled by special effectiveness tests. During the fiscal year, the hedging relationship is tested by means of prospective effectiveness test. Based on a present value simulation, and planning horizon of one year, an interest rate change of +/- 100 basis points is assumed. Thereby, the capital payment flow from the underlying business, as well as the hedging products (interest rate swap) are analysed separately. These two present value results are set in relation to each other and may lie between 0.8 and 1.25 pursuant to AFRAC. At the end of the financial year a unique retrospective effectiveness test is carried out. In this connection, the changes in the present value of the underlying business and the hedging products (interest rate swap) are analysed on the basis of a modern historical simulation. The relations between the present values are allowed to range between 0.8 and 1.25 according to AFRAC. Interest rate swaps that are not used for hedging purposes were valued based on the imparity principle. Exchange rate risks are hedged with: • currency swaps and • forward exchange transactions E. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 1. Maturity breakdown Receivables from banks and non-banks, not available on demand, and payables to banks and non-banks, not available on demand are classified according to the remaining time to maturity: Receivables from banks, not available on demand TEUR TEUR (PY) up to 3 months 250,483 234,228 more than 3 months to 1 year 246,152 205,797 more than 1 to 5 years 528,745 454,134 3,377 1,418 more than 5 years Receivables from non-banks, not available on demand TEUR TEUR (PY) up to 3 months 197,506 248,680 more than 3 months to 1 year 380,430 256,353 more than 1 to 5 years 978,872 746,602 1,057,696 898,962 more than 5 years Payables to banks, not available on demand TEUR TEUR (PY) up to 3 months 482,955 415,708 more than 3 months to 1 year 443,180 608,937 more than 1 to 5 years 222,200 236,662 9,750 24,614 more than 5 years 17 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg n n n EXCERPT FROM THE NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS Payables to non-banks incl. savings deposits, not available on demand TEUR TEUR (PY) up to 3 months 228,119 306,386 more than 3 months to 1 year 514,384 460,819 96,179 46,534 8,710 1,898 more than 1 to 5 years more than 5 years Receivables from customers include notes receivable for TEUR 1,048 (PY TEUR 903). 2. Securities The book value (including accrued interest) of the debt securities including fixed-income securities admitted to trading amounts to TEUR 292,791 (PY TEUR 384,113 ). Thereof securities with a nominal value of TEUR 288,875 (PY TEUR 378,775) were recognised as fixed assets. The allocation to the fixed assets was accomplished by intention of the Management Board. Securities trading book consists of the following positions: TEUR Bonds, convertible bonds 1,701 2,027 0 1 -632 -1,354 Investment certificates / Certificates Interest rate futures sales TEUR (PY) Classification of book value/fair value pursuant to § 237a (1) (2) UGB in TEUR Balance sheet item Market value 2015 Treasury bills Book value 2015 Market value 2014 Book value 2014 21,919 22,050 10,010 10,025 Loans and advances to banks 0 0 0 0 Loans and advances to customers 0 0 0 0 85,558 87,462 73,601 75,213 107,477 109,512 83,611 85,238 Debt securities / fixed-incomes securities Total The bonds and securities in the books come from issuers with good creditworthiness. Therefore, a full repayment according to schedule is anticipated. 2015 Annual Report 18 Subordinated liabilities pursuant to § 64 (1) 5 BWG The securitised subordinated liabilities which amounted to more than 10% of all subordinated liabilities on the 31.12.2015 are: • Salzburger Nachranganleihe 08-2018/17, TEUR 30,000 (PY TEUR 30,000), due on 24.12.2018, fixed in terest rate 4,75% until 23.12.2013, an interest rate of 125 basis points above 3-month-EURIBOR will follow, settlement option at rate 100 on 23.12.2013 •Callable variable Salzburger Nachranganleihe 2011-2021/19, TEUR 6,250 (PY TEUR 6,250), due on 16.12.2021, interest rate 1st year: 3,5% fixed, interest rate years 2 to 5: 120 basis points above 3-month EURIBOR, interest rate years 6 to 10: 150 basis points above 3-month-EURIBOR, settlement option at rate 100, quarterly starting from 16.12.2016. •Callable variable Salzburger Nachranganleihe 2009-2021/33, TEUR 4,500 (PY TEUR 4,500), due on 21.12.2016, interest rate 3.95% fixed until 20.12.2016, an interest rate of 125 basis points above 3-month EURIBOR will follow, settlement option at rate 100 on 21.12.2016. In addition, there is one securitised subordinated bond with an issuing volume of total TEUR 600 (due in 2022), which does not exceed 10% of the sum of all subordinated liabilities. Ward Money The ward money at the reporting date amounted to TEUR 6,533 (PY TEUR 6,480). Gilt-edged securities with a total nominal value of TEUR 8,350 were attributed to backing. 3. Investments and related party transactions Profit and loss transfer agreements exist for the following affiliated companies: • Raiffeisen Immobilien Salzburg eGen (formerly Raiffeisen Realitäten reg. GenmbH) • Raiffeisen Salzburg Vorsorge GmbH • LGH Obertrum reg. GenmbH 4. Fixed Assets The land value of all developed properties is TEUR 92,656 (PY 83,084). 5. Other Assets Classification and illustration of other assets according to the most significant individual amounts, as far as these amounts are material for the assessment of the financial statements. 19 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg n n n EXCERPT FROM THE NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS TEUR TEUR (PY) Receivables from goods business 17,701 18,553 Goods in stock 27,799 26,332 Accruals for swaps 5,775 7,932 Other receivables 5,207 8,213 The Company has chosen the option not to capitalize deferred taxes on temporary differences between the statutory and the tax result. The value which would have been possible to capitalize according to § 198 (10) UGB was TEUR 17,954 (PY TEUR 16,049). 6. Equity and equity-related liabilities The untaxed reserves of the parent company totalling TEUR 5,976 (PY TEUR 6,195) were allocated in the Consolidated Balance Sheet in full to retained earnings. The classification of the core capital and the additional own funds are as follows: TEUR TEUR (PY) Subscribed capital 49,052 48,759 Fund for banking risks 16,756 16,756 321,944 311,567 82,880 87,051 -759 -1,564 469,873 462,569 0 6,400 Core tier 1 capital 469,873 468,969 Additional tier 2 capital 136,230 155,489 -92 -115 606,010 624,343 Retained earnings Other reserves Deductions from core tier 1 capital Common equity tier 1 capital Additional tier 1 capital Deductions from additional tier 2 capital Total own funds 2015 Annual Report 20 7. Disclosures concerning various items in the balance sheet a) Bonds with a nominal value of TEUR 50 are deposited in an account at OeKB to secure membership on the Vienna Stock Exchange (Arrangement deposit). Further trust deposits: • Trust deposit for Euroclear • Trust deposit for Clearstreambanking Frankfurt • Trust deposit for options Commerzbank • Trust deposit for retirement provisions • Trust deposit for OeKB/CBF • Trust deposit for derivatives RBI • Trust deposit for repo business • Trust deposit for repo-margin Nom. value Nom. value Nom. value Nom. value Nom. value Nom. value Nom. value Nom. value TEUR 10,500 TEUR 1,500 TEUR 1,000 TEUR 8,675 TEUR 1,500 TEUR 85,500 TEUR 94,527 TEUR 73 Assets assigned as security: Reason of assignment TEUR TEUR (PY) assigned to Subsidised export loans 36,414 30,074 Austrian Kontrollbank Global loans 49,926 45,645 European Investment Bank German state-aided loans 3,238 1,788 Bavarian subsidised loans 22,536 22,555 KFW Banking Group LFA Bavarian Subsidies Bank b) Total amount of assets and liabilities in foreign currency: TEUR TEUR (PY) Foreign currency assets 382,818 510,027 Foreign currency liabilities 151,793 174,502 21 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg n n n EXCERPT FROM THE NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 8. Off-Balance Sheet Items Among off-balance sheet transactions are information on positive fair values of derivative transactions. For negative fair values a provision for contingent losses was made, provided it is not part of hedging transactions. Furthermore, hedging transactions are entered into in the course of lending, that do not appear in the balance sheet. Mortgages, guarantees or rather loan guarantees, cash collaterals and other eligible assets mainly serve as collateral. In the disclosure report, according to Part 8 in the Regulation (EU) 575/2013, information is presented on collaterals valued from the supervisory point of view. The disclosure report can be found on consolidated basis at www.salzburg.raiffeisen.at (Impressum – Offenlegung). F. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT 1.Other operating income and expenses consist of the following significant individual items: TEUR TEUR (PY) Total amount operating income 85,519 82,165 - thereof net earnings from goods operations 47,473 45,692 - thereof income from the IT centre 10,190 11,424 TEUR TEUR (PY) Total amount operating expenses 3,031 1,241 - thereof allocation to deposit protection and winding-up funds 2,335 0 2.The total amount of income from administrative and agency services are TEUR 9,866 (PY TEUR 10,321). 2015 Annual Report 22 3.The expenses for the auditor amount to TEUR 491 (PY TEUR 477). Breakdown of the auditors fees are as follows: TEUR ÖRV TEUR (PY) KPMG others 384 19 52 Other confirmation services 2 0 Other services 9 395 Audit of financial statements Total ÖRV KPMG others 399 14 0 5 3 0 5 15 5 20 36 0 34 62 422 50 5 4. Losses realized on the disposal of fixed assets amounted to TEUR 92 (PY TEUR 116). 5.A tax on revenue and profit amounting to TEUR 4.298 (PY TEUR 185) was charged against profit on ordi nary activities. G. OTHER INFORMATION 1.In the 2015 financial year the average number of staff employed was 1,651 (PY 1,684). Thereof, 1,391 (PY 1,419) were employees and 260 (PY 265) workers. Included in these figures is an average of 66 (PY 64) persons employed at subsidiaries with profit and loss transfer agreements. Thereof, 62 (PY 60) were em ployees and 4 (VJ 4) workers. Staff costs of subsidiaries with profit and loss transfer agreements are re ported under personnel expenses and charged separately. 2.Loans to members of the Supervisory Board amounted to TEUR 498 (PY TEUR 178) as at 31 December 2015. Repayments to these loans totalling TEUR 42 (PY TEUR 220) were made during the 2015 financial year. 3.Expenses for severance payments and pensions in the reporting year for directors and senior managers amounted to TEUR 3,574 (PY TEUR 4,630) and TEUR 3,544 (PY TEUR 3,895) for other employees. 4.There were no material or off-market transactions between related parties and Raiffeisenverband Salzburg eGen pursuant to § 237(8b) and § 266(2b) UGB. 23 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg nn n MANAGEMENT REPORT CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR 2015, Raiffeisenverband Salzburg eGen BUSINESS PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT The financial year just ended was a successful one for all segments and went largely according to plan. Business performance was very satisfying, associated with a risk situation in line with the general economic environment. The result for the year 2015 showed a continuation of the positive development of the past years. The development at Raiffeisenverband Salzburg eGen (hereinafter called Raiffeisenverband Salzburg or RVS) played a major role in this trend, as it clearly dominated the consolidated financial statements in its position as the parent company. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL AND EARNINGS POSITIONS Group structure The Raiffeisenverband Group comprises the parent company Raiffeisenverband Salzburg eGen and 19 subsidiaries, thereof 18 financial institutions pursuant to Art. 4 para. 1 Z 26 CRR and a provider of ancilliary services pursuant to Art. 4 para. 1 Z 18 CRR. These companies are included in the consolidated financial statement according to the full consolidation method. The investment in the nonprofit housing association Heimat Österreich was accounted for using the equity method. 2015 Annual Report 24 The investment in Bergbahnen Aktiengesellschaft Wagrain has been added in the reporting year 2015 and is also taken into account at equity. Investments and shares in affiliated companies that are neither fully consolidated nor included in the consolidated financial statements with measurement according to the equity method were reported at the carrying amount from the individual financial statements. Balance sheet development As of 31 December 2015 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg‘s consolidated total assets amounted to EUR 6.3 billion. The Group‘s total assets are only EUR 21.6 million larger than the total assets of the Group’s parent individual financial statements. Due to a higher cash balance at the Austrian National Bank cash in hand increased from EUR 29.9 million to EUR 47.7 million. The item treasury bills and other bills amounted to EUR 574.8 million at year-end 2015 and decreased by about EUR 13.4 million. Loans and advances to banks increased by EUR 65.4 million to EUR 1,678.5 million at year-end 2015. Loans and advances to customers increased by 4.3%, from EUR 2,899.5 million to EUR 3,023.1 million. Debt securities, including fixed-income securities, decreased according to plan by 23.8% due to repayments and amounted to EUR 292.8 million. The balance sheet item shares and other variable-yield securities decreased by EUR 10.0 million to EUR 30.5 million. Participating interests and shares in affiliated undertakings amounted to EUR 350.6 million. In total this means an increase of the portfolio of EUR 2.5 million. Tangible and intangible assets, held as fixed assets with a book value of EUR 204.3 million at year-end 2015, showed an increase of EUR 6.5 million in comparison to the previous year. Other assets amounted to EUR 82.6 million. The accrued income was EUR 1.3 million and decreased by EUR 0.4 million. Liabilities to credit institutions amounted to EUR 2.3 billion at year-end 2015 and decreased by EUR 30.3 million in comparison to the previous year. Liabilities to customers (nonbanks) increased by EUR 181.9 million or 8.5% to EUR 2.3 billion at year-end 2015. The main reason for this development was an increase in term deposits by EUR 68.9 million, of savings deposits by EUR 9.4 million and of demand deposits by EUR 103.6 million. Securitised liabilities (incl. subordinated own issues) decreased by EUR 46.9 million to EUR 1.0 billion. Other liabilities decreased by EUR 23.9 million to EUR 49.5 million. Provisions amounted to EUR 72.3 million. Deferred income amounted to EUR 3.6 million and decreased by EUR 0.5 million in comparison to the previous year. Supplementary capital, in accordance with Chapter 4 of Title I of Part 2 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, decreased slightly by EUR 1.5 to EUR 39.9 million. Equity grew by EUR 12.4 million to EUR 505.2 million and was composed of subscribed capital, capital reserves, retained earnings, liability reserve, net profit for the year and the fund for general banking risks. Income statement Raiffeisenverband Salzburg dominated the Group‘s income statement as well. Due to the consolidation of the dividends of Agroconsult the operating result of the Group was 14% lower than the result shown in the individual financial statement. Net interest income increased slightly year-on-year by EUR 0.2 million to EUR 55.7 million. Income from securities and participating interests decreased mainly due to lower distributions from participations by EUR 17.2 million to EUR 3.1 million. Net commissions as a result of the commissions receivable and commissions payable increased by EUR 0.3 million to EUR 35.4 million. Net profit on financial operations grew by EUR 0.9 million to EUR 3.5 million, mainly attributable to an increase in exchange rate profit from foreign currency business. Other operating income decreased and amounted to EUR 85.5 million. Total operating income amounted to EUR 183.2 million in 2015 resulting in a decrease of EUR 12.4 million or 6.4%. The operating expenses increased by EUR 1.2 million in comparison to the previous year and amounted to EUR 146.1 million. The operating result as the balance of operating income and operating expenses decreased by 26.8% or EUR 13.6 million, resulting in EUR 37.1 million for 2015. The value adjustments in respect of accounts receivables, securities held as current assets as well as equity interests and securities held as fixed assets amounted to EUR 18.0 million, a decrease of EUR 20.5 million compared to 2014. 25 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg nn n MANAGEMENT REPORT Profit on ordinary activities increased considerably in 2015 to EUR 19.2 million, mainly due to the before mentioned improvement of the valuation result. In addition to Raiffeisenverband Salzburg, which dominates the Group, the following four CRR-Financial Institutions are seen as significant for the Group. The operation of Agroconsult Austria Gesellschaft m.b.H. includes the shareholder activity towards RZB AG. The Industriebeteiligungs-GmbH has invested in a non-profit residential- and housing company. Shares in companies in the tourism and energy sector are held by Fremdenverkehrs GmbH as well as by Unternehmensbeteiligung GmbH. The Heimat Österreich gemeinnützige Wohnungs- und Siedlungsgesellschaft m.b.H, in which Raiffeisenverband Salzburg holds an at equity participation, develops residential projects. and decreased therefore by EUR 18.3 million, which resulted from the decline of TIER II-Capital due to the phase out of grandfathered capital instruments in Basel III that are no longer eligible as capital. The level of own funds was 14.7% (previous year 15.4%) and was thus above the minimum legal requirement of 8%. Development of own funds in million EUR 2010 – 2015: +67 Mio. EUR (+12.4%) 17% 653 600 624 615 580 500 15.0% 539 400 12.2% 378 300 8.3% 390 15% 15.4% 14.7% 13.7% 12.8% 606 13% 463 470 11.4% 11.4% 441 416 10.2% 8.6% 11% 9% 9.3% 7% 201020112012201320142015 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Capital resources and profitability The Group reported capital resources well above the capital requirements pursuant to Basel III, which came into effect at the beginning of 2014. The total core capital (CET1) amounted to EUR 469.9 million at the end of 2015 (previous year EUR 462.6 million) and the additional core capital amounted to EUR 0.0 million (previous year EUR 6.4 million). Hence, the core capital amounted to EUR 469.9 million and increased by EUR 7.3 million in comparison with the previous year. The increase is mainly attributable to the growth in retained earnings. The total core capital ratio (CET1) was strong at 11.4%. Total own funds amounted to EUR 606.0 million 2015 Annual Report 26 Total own funds Total core capital (CET1) Total own funds ratio Total core capital ratio (CET1) The total own funds increased by 12.4% since 2010. The cost-income-ratio (CIR) as a ratio of operating expenses to operating income (excluding the goods business, auditing and ORG/IT) was at 68.2% slightly higher than in the previous year. The return on equity (ROE) before tax, a key figure showing the relation of profit of ordinary activities to average equity in 2015, for the year just ended was 3.9%. This represents an increase of 1.3 percentage points, owed to the improved profit of ordinary activity, caused by the discontinuation of one-time special items in 2014. NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Personnel On average 1,651 individuals were employed in the fully consolidated companies in 2015, which corresponds to a decrease of 33 employees compared with the previous year. Emphasis is placed on continuous staff training throughout the Group. In 2015, RVS, together with the independent Raiffeisen banks in the state of Salzburg, has founded the Raiffeisen Salzburg Carreer Center Cooperative (Raiffeisen Salzburg Karrierecenter eGen). The carreer center supports the member banks of the Raiffeisen Salzburg Banking Group in the field of employee management as well as personell development. For interested persons the carreer center offers employment possibilities within the Raiffeisen sector, beyond a single cooperative region. Environment Active climate protection and environmental responsibility are just as much a part of the Raiffeisen Salzburg philosophy as having branches throughout the city and state of Salzburg. Raiffeisenverband Salzburg is optimizing the use of energy at its places of business and also encourages employees to get involved with environmental issues. This employee programme aims at increasing environmental awareness and helping employees contribute to the reduction of CO2 by offering them incentives for participating. For example, employees of Raiffeisenverband Salzburg primarily use public transport for business trips and Raiffeisenverband Salzburg provides bicycles to be used by employees for business trips within the city of Salzburg.Sustaina- bility, which is one of the core values of Raiffeisenverband Salzburg, was an important aspect in the reconstruction of the Glasenbach branch. RISK MANAGEMENT An active risk management is the prerequisite of a sustainably successful bank and therefore of central importance for the long-term corporate development of Raiffeisenverband Salzburg. In the interests of customers and shareholders Raiffeisenverband Salzburg ensures the security and rentability of the bank by operating most modern methods and systems in the fileds of risk management and risk controlling. Risk policy The management board determines the strategy of Raiffeisenverband Salzburg and its group members based on the business policy situation, considering the risk bearing capacity, the staffing and technical-organisational equipment. It defines the corporate goals and the requirements to reach them. The strategy includes all planned developments of all important business activities and is divided into partial strategies. Before starting with new business – new products, business types or in new markets – an analysis of the business-related risks takes place as part of the product introduction process. Risk strategy The risk strategy provides a basis for the risk culture of the group of Raiffeisenverband Salzburg. The strategy is revised continuously and provided 27 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg nn n MANAGEMENT REPORT in a concerted fashion for all identified risk types. The risk strategy is supplemented by the risk manual which demonstrates detailed description of procedural and methodical rules. The risk manual outlines in particular the risk measurement methods for group’s relevant risk types. Furthermore, the operational and organizational structure in risk management is demonstrated. The group follows a conservative risk policy. This can be recognized by low volumes in the trading book, conservative managing of the loan and shareholding positions as well as by the small market price risk. Derivative financial instruments are generally only intended for hedging purposes within the predetermined limits of the strategy. The hedge strategy is documented in the application of the valuation guidelines for hedge accounting. Risk management organisation Risk management is accountable for the decentralised organisational structure of the group. In general, the overall responsibility for each risk type is attributed to a responsible manager. This overall responsibility is independent of organisational units which have the possibility to take such risks. To avoid conflicts of interest, the organisational separation of front- and back-office units is ensured up to senior management level. To detect any undesirable development in time and make appropriate decisions, the results of the ongoing risk monitoring are included in the risk reporting. In addition to daily risk reports, a central element of the reporting system is the monthly risk report. This monthly risk report demonstrates the risk bearing capacity as well as the risks and limits of all control units. 2015 Annual Report 28 Risk bearing capacity In addition to regulatory requirements and as part of the Group‘s overall bank management, risks are compared to both, an economic (intrinsic) as well as a going-concern risk coverage potential (going concern basis). All quantifiable risk types are limited in alignment with the risk strategy. This limitation takes into account the economic perspective (value-at-risk confidence level of 99.9% – holding period 1 year) of each control unit. Therefore, the going-concern perspective (value-at-risk confidence level of 95% at the year end) and the regulatory requirements are strict constraints. Using ongoing monitoring in connection with the risk reporting it is assured that the actually incurred risks do not exceed the predetermined limit. Proportional split of the Group‘s total indentified risk types as per 31.12.2015: 7,0% 0,2% 4,8% 5,6% 48,3% 0,6% 3,7% 0,6% 22,4% 0,8% 5,2% 1,0% Credit risk Currency ans payment vehicle risk Macroeconomic risk CVA risk Investment risk Market risk Credit Spread risk Liquidity risk Operational risk Real estate risk Country risk Other risks Consequently, it is ensured that the group can bear the incurred risks at all times. An integrated stress test, related to the P&L developments and the effects on the total own funds ratio, complements the risk bearing capacity analytics. The average risk utilization in 2015 was 89.1% of the allocated risk limits and 82.0% of the total risk coverage potential and was thus well below the allowable limits and the defined risk coverage potential. Material risk types The Group defines risk as an unfavourable future development, which can adversely affect the financial, earning and liquidity position of the bank. In line with this risk strategy it is distinguished, amongst others, between credit, investment, market value, liquidity and operational risks. The most important risks for Raiffeisenverband Salzburg are the credit, investment and – due to its cental bank function – liquidity risk. At RVS the existing systems and procedures ensure an early identification, quantification, representation, aggregation, planning, controlling, limitation and monitoring of the most important risks. Credit risk Credit risk is the primary risk factor and comprises besides credit risk also counterparty and issuer risk. Credit risk is classified according to the relevant product groups, whereat loans are assigned to classical credit risk, derivatives to counterparty risk and securities to issuer risk. A seperate risk classification, included in the risk bearing ability calculation, is the currency- and repayment vehicle risk. RVS follows a restrictive new lending policy and aims to reduce further the already low ratio of 5.0% of the customer lending volume. In addition to that the country risk, macro economic risk and the CVA (Credit Value Adjustment) risk are all defined as separate risk classes and included in the risk bearing ability calculation. Country risk defines the danger connected to loans granted to foreign creditors of an incomplete or late capital payment agreed upon due to restrictions in international payments, illiquidity or payment refusal of governmental debtors or guarantors – independent of their creditworthiness. Macro economic risks results from reduced earnings (profits, costs, risks) due to economic deterioration. The CVA risk refers to the assessment of derivatives and represents the risk of potential market value losses due to higher credit risk fees for the counterparty – without its default. Investment risk The investment risk is defined as a separate risk type within RVS and applies to potential losses arising from provision of equity capital to associated companies. Generally, RVS does not aim for further investment portfolio expansion. Attributable to the group’s corporate policy, the group considers itself as a sustainable and strategic investor. The focus is on integration into the Raiffeisen sector in Austria, including its strategic development, as well as selected investments in regional tourism infrastructure projects. Market risk Market risks denote potential losses from adverse changes in market value of positions due to changes in interest rates (interest rate risk), foreign exchange rates (currency risk), as well as equity prices, indices and fund prices (shares/fund risk). 29 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg nn n MANAGEMENT REPORT In the ALM-Committee Meeting all executive directors are represented. This committee has ultimate responsibility for all market risks and determines the framework for the management of strategic assets and liability positions. Within this committee the present risk situation is reported and appropriate gearing measures are determined. RVS intends to avoid market risks. In this respect, accord. to art. 94 CRR, RVS changed to a small trading book in 2015. rites and has shown a very high quality at all times. The group constantly takes measures to supervise level and quality of the liquidity buffer as well as the in- and outflow to fulfill the internal Survival Period as well as the legally required Liquidity Coverage Ratios (LCR). Both have been fulfilled in 2015 at all times. Besides this further supervisory measrues such as Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) and Asset Encumbrance were ensured. Credit Spread Risk Credit spread risk is defined as a separate risk category and is included in the risk bearing ability calculation. It refers to potential losses due to changing market prices caused by changes in credit spreads or the spread curve in comparison to the risk-free rate. Operational risk Operational risks reflect the risk of direct or indirect losses resulting from inadequate or failed internal infrastructure, internal processes and from employees or external events. This definition of operational risk includes legal risk but not reputation risk, strategic risk and business risk. The risk identification and assessment is a basis for the definition and evaluation of essential controls, as part of an effective and efficient internal control. Thus, regarding the operational risks, risk assessment, recording of claims and complaints and business process analysis are of particular importance. Liquidity risk The group divides the liquidity risk basically into operative (insolvency risk) and structural liquidity risk (refinancing risk or liquidity maturity transformation risk). As a regional universal bank, Raiffeisenverband Salzburg draws its liquidity primarily from customer deposits and is therefore only secondarily dependent on money and capital markets. The main objective is to secure solvency and refinancing capacity at all times. The Group´s liquidity risk management focuses primarily on the operational liquidity risk, which is adequately limited and, by overcomplying to legal requirements, conservatively steered by numerous measures. A key control parameter for the operational liquidity risk is the liquidity buffer that ensures a sufficient survival period during normal business times and also in times of stress. The buffer consisted in 2015 mainly of Level 1 High Quality Liquid Assets secu- 2015 Annual Report 30 Other risks The real estate risk accounts for the fluctuations in the market value of real estate for own use, included in the financial statement. Other not quantifiable risks are accounted for by adding an appropriate premium to the quantifiable risks and are subject to qualitative controlling. The following risk types are subsumed by the Group: concentration risk, money laundering and terror financing risk, business model risk, excessive debt risk, residual risk of using credit risk minimizing techniques, securitization risk, systemic risk, reputation risk as well as business- and strategic risks. The measure- ment options for these risks are in a continous development process. BRANCHES The Group operates 15 registered branches with a focus on the city of Salzburg (11), on the Zell am See area (3) and Oberndorf (1). The average number of employees at these 15 branches was 127 in 2015. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Due to the nature of the industry there is no information to be disclosed about research and development. EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE Significant events with a material impact on the net assets, financial positions and results of operations did not occur after the balance sheet date 2015. OUTLOOK FOR 2016 Especially in the light of the global uncertainties – expansion of the bond purchase program of the ECB until 2017 and geopolitical issues such as the low oil price that causes additional uncertainty – the significance of Raiffeisenverband Salzburg as a regional, reliable and sustainably operating partner will be strengthened. Based on a solid company result of 2015, Raiffeisenverband Salzburg – as the parent company – together with the independent Raiffeisen banks in Salzburg will further strengthen and expand its market leadership in all areas of the banking business in the state of Salzburg. The market development focus will remain on professional and comprehensive solutions to corporate, business and private customers.The support to the Raiffeisen banks in relation to customer care will be further intensified. In the field of project and in- frastructure financing, a selective regional growth will be aimed for in 2016, in which we develop sustainable solutions together with our customers. The Group of Raiffeisenverband Salzburg will be affected by the development of the industries in which the Group‘s subsidiary companies operate. The Account Amendment Law 2014 (Rechnungslegungs-Änderungsgesetz 2014) will be applied in 2016 for the first time. Especially the changes in the principles of recognition and measurement can affect the disclosure of the asset-, finance- and profit situation in the upcoming business year. A positive effect can result from the change of the principles of recognition and measurement for deferred taxes, a negative effect from the introduction of the discounting requirement for long-term provisions. Furthermore allowances for non default accounts receivables will be made starting from 2016, whereas, due to provisions accord. to §57(1) Banking Act already made in previous years, no relevant effects are expected for the valuation result. The investment plan of the Group of Raiffeisenverband Salzburg for 2016 envisages a total investment of approximately EUR 15.3 million. Thereof, EUR 9.4 million relates to land and buildings, EUR 2.6 million to IT equipment including hard- and software as well as EUR 3.3 million to operating and business equipment, vehicle fleet and machinery. The sales and product offensive, started in 2015, will continue. Due to an expected better evaluation result, both the result from ordinary activities and net income is expected to increase sharply in the coming year. In light of the current economic outlook Raiffeisenverband Salzburg will continue to expand its position in 2016 as the leading regional bank in the state of Salzburg. 31 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg nn n AUDITOR‘S REPORT The audit of the attached consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2015 and the management report for the group was performed by Österreichischer Raiffeisenverband. The audit of the consolidated financial statements and the management report for the group did not give rise to any objections. The consolidated financial statements and the accounting system are in accordance with legal requirements. The consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all respects, 2015 Annual Report 32 the financial position, the results of its operations and cash flow in accordance with Austrian generally accepted accounting principles. The management report for the group corresponds with the consolidated financial statements. The consolidated financial statements in its full length can be looked up in the commercial register at the Regional Court of Salzburg. The Statements will be published in the „Raiffeisen Zeitung“. nn n EXECUTIVE BODIES Management Board Supervisory Board Günther Reibersdorfer General Manager Peter Burgschwaiger Chairman Andreas Derndorfer Corporate Management Thomas Winter Deputy Chairman Heinz Konrad Corporate Banking Friedrich Geisler Renate Hofbauer Blasius Reschreiter Johann Riedl Thomas Nussbaumer Service Center Bank Erich Ortner Private and Retail Banking Delegates of the Employees’ Committee Executive Board Bernhard Befurt Hubert Dorfer Johannes Huber Sebastian Schönbuchner Chairman State Commissioner Richard Hacksteiner Deputy Chairman Wolfgang Ebner Bernhard Mazegger Felix Berger Alois Lüftenegger Anton Ronacher Herbert Steger Herbert Sturm Erich Zauner 33 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg nn n PUBLICATION DETAILS Media owner, publisher Raiffeisen Medienverein Salzburg, 5020 Salzburg Editorial team Corporate Management, 5020 Salzburg, Schwarzstraße 13 – 15, Tel.: +43 662 8886-0, www.rvs.at Concept/design Raiffeisenverband Salzburg eGen, Marketing Publishing place 5020 Salzburg, Schwarzstraße 13 – 15 Note The forecasts, plans and forward-looking statements contained in this annual report are based on the state of knowledge and assessments of Raiffeisenverband Salzburg at the time of its preparation. Like all statements about the future, they are subject to known and unknown risks, as well as uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. No guarantee can be provided for the accuracy of forecasts, target values or forward-looking statements. This annual report has been prepared and the data checked with the greatest possible care. Nonetheless, rounding, transmission, typesetting and printing errors cannot be ruled out. In the summing up of rounded amounts and percentages, rounding-off differences may occur. This annual report was prepared in German. The annual report in English is a translation of the original German report. The only authentic version is the German version. 2015 Annual Report 34 nn n RAIFFEISENVERBAND SALZBURG Raiffeisenverband Salzburg eGen Raiffeisen Salzburg Vorsorge GmbH 5020 Salzburg, Schwarzstraße 13 – 15 Tel.:+43 662 8886-0 Fax:+43 662 8886-10009 with 12 branches in the city of Salzburg and branches in Oberndorf, Zell am See, Thumersbach and Schüttdorf. 65 Raiffeisenbanken with 51 branches www.salzburg.raiffeisen.at www.internetwertpapiere.at 5020 Salzburg, Schwarzstraße 13 – 15 Tel.:+43 662 8886-14308 Fax:+43 662 8886-14379 www.raiffeisen-salzburg-vorsorge.at Raiffeisen Immobilien Salzburg eGen 5020 Salzburg, Schwarzstraße 9 Tel.:+43 662 8886-14222 Fax:+43 662 8886-14229 www.raiffeisen-immobilien.at 35 Raiffeisenverband Salzburg
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8. Additional core capital pursuant to part 2 titel I capitel 3