2014 Report


2014 Report
2014 Report
The Activity of the Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Romania – the Helsinki Committee
București, str. Nicolae Tonitza nr.8A
(40)(21)312.45.28 [email protected]
2014 Report | 2
Short History
Created in 1990, APADOR-CH has brought its contribution to a better knowledge and
compliance with human rights in Romania for over 20 years. The Association monitors
the way human rights are observed and helps inform citizens about the rights they have
and how to protect them.
APADOR-CH offers consultancy to persons who wish to address the European Court of
Human Rights (ECHR) after having exhausted every appeal in domestic courts and, for
strategic cases in its area of interest and expertise, also offers free representation before
the ECHR.
At the same time, the Association monitors the activity of state institutions and reacts by
public statements or legislative advocacy every time there is a threat against fundamental
human rights.
For 2012-2014, APADOR-CH has followed a set of strategic objectives:
1. Increasing the degree of enforcement for human rights decisions in domestic rule of
2. Developing efficient mechanisms to protect the rights of persons in detention or under
3. Developing institutional practices and mechanisms to increase transparency and good
4. Taking a stand against threats to human rights.
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Human Rights in Romania during 2014
In 2014, Romania had two rounds of elections – for the European Parliament and for its President. If the
European election did not place any controversial issues on the public agenda, with parties preferring to
count on their loyal electorate, the presidential vote polarized the society and generated heated debates.
The presidential elections were marked by vote suppression, with many people living abroad being
unable to exercise their right. During both rounds of election, APADOR-CH conducted information
campaigns on electoral rights, misdemeanors and offences, as well as offered legal counseling to those
who wished to press charges.
In terms of legislation, Romania went through a productive period in terms of laws and ordinances
regulating electronic communications – the so called Big Brother laws, - aiming to mass surveillance of
citizens by intelligence services, in violation of the right to privacy. All draft bills were declared
unconstitutional, but the legislative process is ongoing. Alongside other organizations, APADOR-CH
has constantly campaigned against these bills.
The Association continued its multi-annual projects in monitoring human rights in penitentiaries and
police custody facilities. Unfortunately, the year 2014 saw several incidents where citizens were
brutalized by law enforcement agents, including the death of a young man in a police station in
In 2014, APADOR-CH extended its network, joining international platforms with similar values and
missions. The aim was to increase the impact of its activity and bring it to international level, as well as
to consolidate its capacity to respond to regional challenges. Currently, APADOR-CH is part of the
Fundamental Rights Agency Civil Society Platform, JUSTICIA European Rights Network and Civic
Solidarity Platform.
This report presents, in short, the most important projects and achievements in 2014, as well as updates
on the ongoing multi-annual programs in the fields of human rights monitoring, legal counseling and
legislative advocacy. If you wish to find out more on our current activity, to joins us as a voluntary or to
support us with a donation, please visit our website at www.apador.org.
Maria-Nicoleta Andreescu
Executive director of APADOR-CH
2014 Report | 4
Projects 2014
European Parliament Elections 2014 – Open your eyes before the poll closes
Presidential Elections 2014 – Vote lawfully, don’t let others chose for you
The Civil Society for a More Efficient National Integrity Council
Children Deprived of Liberty in Central and Eastern Europe
FTI Study on Pre-Trial Arrest and Its Alternatives
Training Courses for Lawyers on the Rights of Indicted Persons
The Anti-Discrimination Coalition
Politics without Barriers
The European Court of Human Rights
Consultancy & Representation
Cases Won in 2014
ECHR Decisions against Romania
Cases Won Before Domestic Courts
Multi-Annual Activities
Monitoring Human Rights in Detention Facilities
Abuse by Law Enforcement Agencies: the Dumitrache, Mako and Section 10 Cases
Public Communication
Useful Information
Reaction to Human Rights Violations and Legislative Advocacy
19- 20
Media Coverage
2014 Report | 5
Projects 2014
Alongside its current activities and multi-annual programs, in 2014 APADOR-CH conducted several
separate projects. Some of them were completed during the same year, as was the case of the election
campaign projects related to the European and presidential polls.
Elections 2014 – Open your eyes before the
poll closes!
The project run between April and December 2014 aimed to
stimulate participation, to provide citizens with the correct
information on their electoral rights and duties and to sanction
possible electoral misbehavior on the part of politicians. The
project had two parts – for the European and presidential elections
respectively – and was funded by the Open Society Initiative for
European Parliament Elections 2014
On May 25, Romanians were called to elect 32 of the party or
independent candidates to become members of the European
Parliament. Beyond political doctrines and more or less believable
promises, an election campaign is often witness to statements on
the fringes or in breach of the law, APADOR-CH offered
Romanian voters a set of useful instruments to identify such
infringements and encouraged them to vote.
Presidential Elections 2014
On November 16, Romanians elected a new president. The
presidential ballot was marred, in both rounds, by the poor
organization of polling stations abroad, where Romanians who
lived or traveled out of the country. The situation triggered a flood
of indignation from voters and a fortunate increase in voter
turnout, both at home and abroad.
APADOR-CH provided citizens with information on election
misdemeanors and offences – before the elections – and legal
counseling between the rounds and after the ballot for those who
wished to press charges for being prevented to vote.
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The Civil Society for a More Efficient National Integrity Council
After launching the project “What Is
the CNI and What It Should Be” in
2013, APADOR-CH continued it last
year by bringing more NGOs around
the table, to work together to the aim
of appointing two members of the
civil society into the National
Integrity Council.
The result, procedure and whole
adventure of appointing
representatives in the CNI may be
seen here. The process continues: the
two CNI representatives receive
support for their activity and the civil society attempts to appoint a member in the National Council for
Combating Discrimination as well.
Children Deprived of Liberty in Central and Eastern Europe
Throughout 2014, APADOR-CH was part of an international project that included Romania, Hungary,
Bulgaria and Poland, with the aim of analyzing the laws regulating deprivation of freedom for minors
and the way it is enforced throughout the region. APADOR-CH also conducted extra-judiciary
investigations in penitentiaries and police lock-ups. Their aim was to monitor detention conditions and
the way the rights of minors held in detention were observed. Visits were unannounced.
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FTI Study on Pre-Trial Arrest and Its Alternatives
Between June 2014 and May 2016, APADOR-CH runs this project under the co-ordination of
Fair Trials International, a London-based non-governmental organization, with support from
the European Commission.
APADOR-CH will contribute to a
comparative study on the use of pretrial detention and alternative
The study will enable participant
organizations – from Poland, Hungary,
Lithuania, Greece, Ireland,
Netherlands, Italy and Great Britain –
to offer assistance to the European
Union in formulating common policies
for the scope of pre-trial arrest. You
may find information on the EU
position on pre-trial arrest here.
Training Courses for Lawyers on the Rights of Indicted Persons
Under the co-ordination of the same FTI, between May 2014 and April 2016 APADOR-CH runs the
program Practitioner Training on Roadmap Directive, enabling lawyers to keep better informed about
European Union directives regulating procedural rights for detainees.
The Anti-Discrimination Coalition
As a member of the Anti-Discrimination Coalition, since the summer of 2014 APADOR-CH has
implemented the project Access to Justice and Adequate Remedies for Victims of Discrimination,
coordinated by ACCEPT Association. The project aims to increase access to justice and to provide
active remedies for persons subject to discrimination.
APADOR-CH attorneys offer counseling to persons subjected to discrimination.
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Politics without Barriers
APADOR-CH and other 16 civil society organizations initiated the campaign entitled “Politics
without Barriers”, aimed at amending election laws in order to liberalize the access of citizens
to politics.
“Politics without Barriers” aims to bring changes to the legislation, so as to guarantee the right
to political association and participation in elections.
The proposals made by the coalition organizations have two major objectives:
1. The first objective is to eliminate administrative barriers to registering a new party and
the condition of gathering a certain number of support signatures in order to enlist a
party in any election.
2. The second objective is to ensure higher equality of chances for large parties, small
parties, newly established parties and independent candidates.
The project will go on until the law is amended in consequence.
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The European Court of Human Rights
Consultancy & Representation before the ECHR
Since January 1st, 2014, a set of amendments to the regulations of the European Court of Human
Rights (ECHR) have come into effect, changing in some respects the way petitioners in search of
European justice must address the Court. APADOR-CH explained the new ECHR rules to the
Romanian public by clarifying what an individual application to the Court should contain and
what are the procedures to be followed to have an application admitted..
APADOR-CH currently represents the following cases before the ECHR:
 Șerban Marinescu - a strategic
case for APADOR-CH - was
represented before domestic courts by
Nicoleta Popescu, the Association’s
attorney, since 2007. In October
2013, the complaint was filed with the
ECHR, under Article 3 of the
European Convention on Human
Rights. Marinescu was beaten by cops
in a police precinct in Bucharest, but
in six years the aggressors were not
investigated in any way. The ECHR
judgment is expected in 2015;
Victor Stanciu was stopped by a police patrol in 2012 and as he refused to provide any ID, he
was taken to Police Station 19 in Bucharest and beaten. His complaint was filed with the ECHR
in October 2013, under Article 3 of the Convention, and the Court found it admissible on
September 16th, 2014;
Several detainees complaining to the ECHR about detention conditions in Romania had their
cases accepted as admissible, mainly under Article 3 of the European Convention on Human
Rights: detainee Adrian Drăgan (detention conditions, lack of adequate medical care, lack of
effective remedies), Marius Mavroian (detention conditions).
In 2014, more than 90 persons received legal counseling at the APADOR-CH office, and more
than 500 consultations were provided by phone to people who intended to address the
European Court of Human Rights.
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Cases Won before the ECHR in 2014
In the Roşiianu case, the ECHR ruled against the State because the Baia Mare mayor
refused to disclose public information to a journalist - Ioan Romeo Roșiianu, a local TV
presenter, obtained from the ECHR what his former mayor had systematically denied him since
2005. Romania was sanctioned by the Court to pay 4000 Euro in damages to the journalist
because the former mayor refused to provide the information he needed to do his job, despite the
fact that domestic courts had decided in Roșiianu’s favor. The applicant was represented by
attorney Diana Hatneanu and supported by APADOR-CH, as a strategic case for Romania.
In the Stoica case, the ECHR decided that Romanian courts should reopen the miners’ riot
file – the Grand Chamber of the ECHR decided that Romania breached Articles 2, 3 and 6 in the
case of Mocanu and others vs Romania, after applicants Anca Mocanu, Marin Stoica and the
Association “21 Decembrie 1989” complained that domestic investigations into the events of
June 1990 were ineffective. Romanian citizen Marin Stoica, now 65, was beaten and put in a
coma on June 13th, 1990, at
the headquarters of the
After 23 years of injustice in my country, Romania, I have a
Romanian Television. The
satisfaction and I feel some relief, even health relief, despite
man was going to work when
my three traumas, because after 7 years of trial at the
he was picked up from the
ECHR I managed to stand before the 17 judges of the Grand
street, deprived of freedom
Chamber; I believe these judges, from 17 countries, looked
for several hours and fiercely
at my file with great seriousness
beaten. He woke up at the
hospital the next day, where
Marian Stoica
he was advised to take off, so
he wouldn’t be arrested, alongside other protesters. He did leave and was afraid to leave his
house for three months. He could not shake away his fear later, and it had devastating effects
upon his mind. He dared file a complaint only 10 years later, in 2001, when investigations in the
miners’ riot finally started to move ahead. The Stoica case was represented before the ECHR by
attorney Diana Hatneanu, supported by APADOR-CH.
In the Flămânzeanu case, another Romanian beaten by the police found justice at the ECHR,
while national police keeps beating up people – The European Court of Human Rights ruled
on November 4th in the case of Flămânzeanu vs Romania (12717/09) and found the Romanian
State in breach of the right not to be submitted to inhuman and degrading treatment. The
applicant was supported by APADOR-CH, through its attorney, Nicoleta Popescu.
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ECHR Rulings against Romania for Penitentiary Conditions
APADOR-CH continued in 2014 its program to support strategic litigations before ECHR for prison
conditions. At the same time, the European Court continued to rule against Romania for its poor
detention conditions.
The ECHR judged on April 1st, 2014, in the case of Rădulescu vs Romania (32800/012) and
found that the Romanian State infringed upon the right of its citizen, Aurel Rădulescu, not to be
submitted to degrading treatment. The applicant was supported by APADOR-CH.
Rădulescu complained to the European Court about detention conditions in the Rahova and
Jilava penitentiaries and in Police Station 15 custody facility in Bucharest. The Court found
that his complaints – regarding overcrowding and lack of hygiene – were confirmed by the
report of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), as well as by detention conditions
reports made by APADOR-CH following its visits to prisons and police lock-ups
Cases Won Before Domestic Courts
The Toma and Orlescu cases - Romania 2014: Freedom of expression, guaranteed by the Constitution,
is won in court due to procedural flaws
More than 20 years after the street won back freedom of expression and had it guaranteed by the
Constitution, protesters in Romania are in the situation of fighting for this right in court, using legal
tricks and procedural flaws to win. An old law, badly enforced by the authorities, is to blame for this
restriction of the constitutional right to freedom of expression. APADOR-CH ran several projects over
the last years trying to amend Law no. 60/1991.
In 2014, APADOR-CH attorney Nicoleta Popescu managed to win the cases brought before the court by
Mircea Toma și Laura Orlescu, two citizens who had taken part in a peaceful protest in front of the
Parliament building and had been fined for it by gendarmes.
Unfortunately, not all protesters are as lucky, therefore the law still needs to be modified. APADOR-CH
has used the cases to inform citizens how they can successfully contest fines for protesting.
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The case of Marian Ivan against the Gendarmerie – Marian Ivan was fined with the maximum
amount of 5.000 lei for not having informed the Gendarmerie, 48 hours in advance, that he was going to
organize a Bike Ride in Bucharest.
Ivan contested the fine in court, the complaint was admitted and the report annulled. Ivan was
exonerated by a decision of Sector 1 First Instance Court, issued on November 1st, 2014.
The court noted that the fine report and the fine were proven unfounded as long as the plaintiff had
officially announced the city hall about the event.
The Gendarmerie is going to appeal against the decision. Marian Ivan was counseled and represented in
court by APADOR-CH attorney Nicoleta Popescu.
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Multi-Annual Activities
Monitoring Human Rights in Detention Facilities
In 2014, APADOR-CH continued to monitor police lock-ups and prisons. The results of their analysis
shows a slight improvement of conditions in some penitentiaries, but overcrowding remains a problem
of the overall system and nothing has been done to solve it, while medical care for detainees is often
The monitoring visits covered 13 penitentiaries (Botoșani, Jilava, Satu Mare, Baia Mare, Craiova, Iași,
Târgu Ocna, Bacău, Târgu Mureș, Buziaș, Tichilești, Brăila, Găești) and four police custody facilities
(București, Mureș, Iași, Prahova). The units holding minors and young detainees were visited twice, in
order to take note of possible improvements, as part of the project “Children Deprived of Liberty in
Central and Eastern Europe”.
The reports that concluded each visit may be found on the Association’s website.
Abuse by Law Enforcement Agencies
In Romania, in the years 2014, there are still cases of abuse by law enforcement agents against citizens,
despite the fact that the media often uncovers them and complaints are being filed against the
perpetrators. One of the causes for having this problem persist is the lack of domestic court sentences
and sanctions against the perpetrators.
The investigations and trials last for years or are left uncompleted, generating the impression that police
agents who do wrong are protected by the system, being removed from their former, visible, positions
or, at most, excluded from the police force.
Justice is often found at the ECHR, but nothing changes in the country.
Another Romanian beaten by the police finds justice before the ECHR, at home, police
keeps beating people
Four citizens beaten by the police in the center of Bucharest over the last two months
2014 Report | 14
The Dinte Case
The Mako Case
Station 10 Case
APADOR-CH provided legal
advice and support for victims of
police or gendarmerie abuse, but
also took public attitude in
defense of integrity
whistleblowers who helped
disclose abuse cases. See case of
Piatra Neamț policeman who
published a video of police
section chief abusing a minor girl
inside the precinct
2014 Report | 15
The Dinte Case
Daniel Dumitrache,
killed by police at
Section 10 in
Bucharest – Interview
with the victim’s
mother (video)
The protest of the civil society after Dumitrache’s
death at a police precinct, Bucharest, Romania 2014
The Dinte Case
The family accused the police of having beaten him to death. According to official
documents, the death occurred at 15 Stelea Spătaru Street, the former police precinct,
now the venue for Police Station 10 garages and for the brief detention of “suspects”
identified by Station 10 cops. The death certificate noted as cause of death acute
anemia, massive hemoperitoneum and pathologic rupture of the spleen. The certificate
was registered on 05.03.2014, but dated the death on March 4 th, 2014, and left the time
of death box empty
On March 4, 2014, GabrielDaniel Dumitrache, aka
Dinte, aged 26, living in
Bucharest, sector 3, without
legal domicile, left the house
he shared with his mother and
other family members around
7 p.m., to go to work, in the
Unirii neighborhood. Daniel
was a Roma ethnic and had
no formal training and no
proper job, but earned his
living as a “parking boy”.
During the same night March
4 to 5), several policemen
came to his mother’s house
and asked to see Daniels’ ID.
20 minutes after they left
with his birth certificate, the
police announced the family
that Daniel was dead. The
police agents are still under
investigation in this case.
The APADOR-CH Report of
the Dumitrache (Dinte) Case
2014 Report | 16
Ștefan Mako went to
APADOR-CH to complain
about the beatings and
inhuman treatment suffered
at the hands of several
policemen from the Old
Center Police Station in
Bucharest, on 22 Şelari
Ștefan Mako is a young
journalist with Casa
Jurnalistului (Journalist’s
House), a community of
independent reporters who
publish mainly online
features and investigations.
Bucharest, Romania 2014, two community policemen
brutalize a citizen and the journalist who got them on
camera in the city center
Lately, Mako has been
documenting a story about
police abuse starting from the
case of Daniel Gabriel
Dumitrache, who died in the
Police Station 10 garages.
The APADOR-CH report on
the Mako Case
The Mako Case
How one gets beaten by the police for doing one’s job
The policeman inventoried the personal belongings of the journalist and his ID, all displayed on the
table, noticed that he had a Hungarian name and his residence was in Covasna Country and asked
him ironically: “So, you, a country boy, come here to videotape me?” Swear words, threats of rape,
another slap on the cheek and a spit on the face followed. Then, the angry policemen accused the
journalist he had no civic spirit, because he intervened while they were identifying an “aggressor”.
requested for Police
Station 10 to be
2014 Report | 17
Public Communication
Useful Information
Given the general discontent caused by the inability to exercise one’s right to vote for the presidential
elections abroad, APADOR-CH diversified its Useful Information section inaugurated in 2013 on the
website of the Association, by adding new forms that citizens were able to use in demanding their rights.
The following information was added to the site:
- What is hate speech and how you can oppose it
- How to check whether your Personal Number voted instead of you for the presidential elections
- How to file a penal complaint if you were prevented to vote
- How to contest a misdemeanor report
Reactions to Human Rights Abuse and Legislative Advocacy
Advocacy against the Big Brother laws
The Big Brother law should not have been passed! – the European Court of Justice said today
We ask MPs to vote against the draft bill on registered pre-pay cards
APADOR-CH asked MPs and parties to abrogate Big Brother Law
The Parliament stealthily grants the Government’s wish to monitor pre-pay phone and wireless internet users
The Parliament connects our computers directly to secret service servers
Who can still stop the signing of the pre-pay cards law
Last appeal for a complaint of unconstitutionality against the pre-pay cards law: Băsescu to the Constitutional
Court - Big Brother is unconstitutional, don’t christen any new relatives
How many unconstitutionality verdicts to you need to respect our private lives?
The law on pre-pay phone and Wi-Fi cards sold only with ID declared unconstitutional
The appeal of the civil society to declare the Cybernetic Security Law as unconstitutional
We commend the initiative of liberal MPs to attack Cybernetic Security Law
2014 Report | 18
asks for the
ns Service (STS) to
be abolished
The Government wants
to punish crimes before
they are committed
Reaction to
amendments to the
Criminal Procedure
APADOR-CH and other 17 organizations filed an “amicus
curiae” brief with the Constitutional Court in order to stop
the Parliament from suppressing NGOs
A procedure introduced for the first time to Romania by
APADOR-CH in order to support human rights causes
before the Constitutional Court
The Superior Council of Magistrates should consult
with journalists before issuing a media guide
End the Orthodox Church monopoly on religion
school textbooks
APADOR-CH asked the Minister of Education to
organize consultations for the contents of the new
religion textbooks, because the ones used during
the last two decades teach children intolerance
and indoctrinate them.
APADOR-CH and other 19 civic organizations asked
for a public debate of the final form of the draft
Whom are the gendarmes in Pungești protecting – as a continuation of the 2013 report on the breech of fundamental
freedoms for Pungești inhabitants, APADOR-CH asked the Ministry of Interior to modify the order that made such
abuse from the authorities possible
Actions against the emergency ordinance that allows mayors to switch party right before the
Misters Ponta and Dragnea, don’t put law between brackets!
APADOR-CH asks the Ombudsman to attack the party-switching ordinance
The ordinance was declared unconstitutional after the presidential elections
APADOR-CH continued to monitor the creation of the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture
After 5 years of delays, the Government wants to introduce an “emergency” National Mechanism for the Prevention
of Torture
How is the Ombudsman looking for experts in torture prevention
2014 Report | 19
Local authorities sell public
information with a trade mark-up
An APADOR-CH project analyzing
how local and central public authorities
enforce Law 544/2001 on access to
public information by adding
sometimes prohibitive taxes in order to
discourage citizens to request
For ten years, Romanian has been in an
emergency situation every three days
An APADOR-CH initiative underlining the
tendency of all Romanian governments to
pass laws instead of the Parliament, by
abusively using emergency ordinances
Video advocacy
In 2014, APADOR-CH developed a video section of its public communication activities
Several campaigns and projects supported by the organization in 2014 had a video illustration, and some
of our multimedia clips were successful on social media networks as well as in mainstream media.
SRI wants to “fix” our computers by force – a film on how the Romanian intelligence Service hopes to
regulate the Internet in Romania and monitor all online activity under the pretext of providing national
cybernetic security.
Iulia Motoc, ECHR judge: Detention conditions and unlawful arrests dominate the country’s cases
before the ECHR. A short interview about the new ECHR procedures and the cases Romanians bring
before the European Court.
What are Romanians expecting from the EU – a series of interviews with Bucharest citizens about their
expectations on Europe’s Day and before European elections.
Do you know your rights? – a fundraising campaign aiming to redirect 2% of income tax to APADORCH, during which citizens were asked whether they were aware of their rights.
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Media coverage
Starting in 2014, APADOR-CH has an organization blog page on the Adevărul online platform. The members
and staff of APADOR-CH post opinion pieces and useful information on a weekly basis.
All entries posted in 2014
Radio RFI, December 23, 2014
The Cybernetic Security Law – problems and solutions
România liberă, December 22, 2014
Questions raised by the Cybernetic Security Law
TVR, December 19, 2014
The Cybernetic Security Law passed by Parliament
Radio RFI, December 10, 2014
Romania, indirectly incriminated by report on CIA activity
Adevărul, December 3, 2014
Facebook – public space. The consequences of the Supreme Court decision upon de users of the popular
social media network
Hotnews, November 20, 2014
APADOR-CH asks for the resignation of Senator Gabriela Firea, after CNCD (National Council for
2014 Report | 21
Combating Discrimination) decides the accusations she brought against President Klaus Iohannis for
having no children were discriminatory
Radio RFI, November 20, 2014
APADOR-CH: top government members committed a crime by preventing vote abroad
România liberă, November 12, 2014
Journalist brutalized by the police for video of cops beating a man. NGOs ask the MoI to sanction the
policemen involved. Bucharest police launches investigation into the incident
Click, November 7, 2014
This is how you find out if someone else voted instead of you
Radio RFI, November 6, 2014
Presidential ballot – second round: What can be done so not a single vote is prevented?
ProTV News, November 6, 2014
APADOR-CH: “How to check whether your Personal Number voted instead of you for the presidential
Libertatea, November 6, 2014
Man beaten by cops receives damages from the ECH
Presidential elections: How you can find out whether someone else voted instead of you
Mediafax, November 5, 2014
APADOR-CH: Romanian man beaten by cops received 7,500 Euro damages from the ECHR
Think Outside the Box, November 5, 2014
Another Romanian beaten by cops finds justice at the ECHR, while national police keeps beating up
Mediafax, November 3, 2014
APADOR-CH asks the Government to eliminate statutory declarations from the Electoral Law before
the second round
Metropotam, October 31, 2014
Presidential elections 2014: electoral misdemeanors and offences
DIGI 24, October 26, 2014
The ECHR decides against Romania: „No prescription for miners’ riot crimes”
TVR, September 17, 2014
The ECHR decides to reopen the miners’ riot file of 1990. Exclusive: Marin Stoica’s testimony
2014 Report | 22
Radio România Actualități, September 17, 2014
The ECHR has the Romanian state re-open the investigation into the miners’ riot
EVZ, September 17, 2014
The ECHR decides that Romanian should reopen the miners’ riot case. Iliescu: “Miners also did good
România liberă, September 17, 2014
ECHR: Romania must provide justice for the victims of the miners’ riots. The investigation of crimes
against humanity must continue
Mediafax, September 17, 2014
The ECHR has Romania continue investigations into the miners’ riot file
Radio RFI, September 16, 2014
Pre-pay phone cards may still be bought without producing ID
Digi24TV, August 31, 2014
State institutions have tariffs for providing public information
Digi24TV, August 28, 2014
Favoring laws: Ferentari neighborhood buried in mud and empty promises. The project was under the
administration of a governmental NGO
România liberă, July 27, 2014
Romania under a state of emergency? PM Ponta passed an emergency ordinance every 72 hours
Radio RFI, July 4, 2014
Emergency ordinances come rolling. How can they be stopped?
Hotnews, June 26, 2014
Romanians will have to show ID to buy pre-pay phone cards after January 1, 2016 – Specialty
Committees of the Chamber of Deputies
Mediafax, June 25, 2014
The ECHR decides against Romania after Baia Mare ex-mayor fails to respond to journalist
TVR, June 14-15, 2014
Romanian intelligence agencies will have access to any public or private computer system
TVR, April 13, 2014 – Ultima ediție
Collecting ID of pre-pay phone users – between necessity and violation of rights
TVR – news, April 9, 2014
Law stipulating the archiving of traffic data must be abrogated – EU court of Justice decides
2014 Report | 23
Mediafax, April 9, 2014
Pre-pay phone cards to be bought and used only after providing ID
Adevărul, April 8, 2014
EU Court of Justice invalidates Big Brother Directive
Mediafax, April 8, 2014
APADOR-CH: EU Court of Justice has invalidated Big Brother Directive. Romanian authorities must
abrogate the law
Realitatea TV, March 21, 2014
APADOR-CH attorney Nicoleta Popescu, invited to TV show „În ultimă instanță” (At the Last Instance)
to discuss police station beatings
Think Outside the Box, March 19, 2014
Protest against police abuse after young man is beaten to death
Vice, March 18, 2014
Abandon all your rights at the door, if you end up in police lock-up
Hotnews, March 13, 2014
APADOR-CH: In the case of the parking boy who died at a police precinct in the Capital, the European
Convention on Human Rights was breeched
Adevărul, March 13, 2014
Is torture to death possible in a State of Law?
Revista 22, March 12, 2014
APADOR-CH: Report on the case of Gabriel-Daniel Dumitrache, who died in Police Station 10 garages
Mediafax, January 30, 2014
APADOR-CH asks for a delay in the enforcement of Criminal Codes after signaling flaws
România liberă, January 22, 2014
APADOR-CH asks for the STS to be abolished: the Apuseni crash demonstrated the uselessness of the
RealitateaTV, January 22, 2014
APADOR-CH asks for the STS to be abolished: the Apuseni crash only revealed its uselessness
2014 Report | 24
In 2014, the activity of APADOR-CH was financially supported by:
• Balkan Trust for Democracy
• The European Commission
• The Civil Society Development Foundation through its Accelerator Fund, part of the Civic
Innovation Fund program
• Open Society Institute’s Human Rights and Governance Program
• United Nation Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture