January 2004 - Brittany`s Hope


January 2004 - Brittany`s Hope
Aiding Adoption of Special Children Worldwide
Perennial Path
Quarterly Newsletter of the Brittany’s Hope Foundation
Featured Family
Sydney Comes Home To Her Forever Family
by Steve Nagy
Our adoption story begins in July of 2000
with my wife Susan and I agreeing to adopt a
child. We ran this conclusion past our little
boy, Stevie, (then age 3) to which his reply was
“when will she be here?”
The decision to adopt was easy. The decision
of where to adopt, and the mountain of
paperwork, as well as the weeks and months
of waiting to bring our little girl home was
difficult to say the least. After discussing with
friends who have adopted internationally, and
contacting International Family Services (now
World’s Together) we decided Vietnam would
be the destination.
The paperwork begins
World’s Together helped us get the ball
rolling. We originally applied for adoption
of an infant girl. The paperwork process had
begun. By late September 2000 we were on the
waiting list. We were sure that we would have
 In This Issue 
Featured Family .................................. 1
Remembering Brittany ........................ 2
Contemplations from Candace............ 4
2003 Donors ...................................... 5
Btittany’s Buds ................................... 6
Brittany’s Blossoms ............................ 7
Sofi’s Dream ....................................... 8
3rd Annual Golf Benefit ...................... 8
“A World of Christmas” ...................... 9
Family Picnic ..................................... 10
Brittany’s Blooms ............................. 11
Sol Siden & Friends ........................... 11
Sydney and Steven Nagy at the Brittany’s Hope Family Picnic.
Sydney has her arms full of toys while Steven helps guide her around obstacles on the grass.
a referral by Christmas. The Christmas Holiday
passed with no referral. Susan, Stevie and I
were becoming impatient to say the least.
We learn about Sydney
Finally... in early April 2001 we received word
that a little girl with special needs (16 months
old at the time) was in need of a family and a
home in the United States to help her manage
her disability. Brittany’s Hope was already
in the process of finding Sydney a home, we
are grateful that her home is now with us.
Clearly a child with this disability (Congenital
Blindness) would receive better treatment for
her disability in the U.S. than she could have in
Vietnam. We were given the option to accept
or decline the referral. How could we say no?
We agreed and this little girl, Sydney Nga Nagy
would soon be our daughter.
Winter 2004
1 Volume 1, Issue 2
World’s Together & Brittany’s Hope
Once again World’s Together and Brittany’s
Hope stepped up to the plate and helped us
with the next step of the adoption process. An
associate on staff at World’s Together who had
familiarity with Brittany’s Hope from other
cases, had already contacted Brittany’s Hope
regarding Sydney’s case. We worked together
with these two entities and soon we were on
our way to Vietnam in late August 2001.
Saying hello for the first time
The adoption process once we arrived had
seemed to run flawlessly. I can still remember
the first time we met Sydney. She was
beautiful. Dressed-up nicely in a little pink
dress. Susan took hold of her and Sydney
Continued on page 3
A Tribute to Brittany Ann O’Connell (December 22, 1975 – January 19, 1999)
Remembering the Young Woman
Who Inspired Our Garden of Hope
by Candace Abel
Over the years, I have been asked
many times about our beautiful daughter, Brittany. People see her name in all
our literature, and are naturally curious
about her story. When people ask, I am
always happy to talk about Brittany’s
love of children and her desire to make
a difference in the world. Visitors to our
web site can read about her aspirations
and dreams which became the basis of
our foundation. However, I find myself
reluctant to talk about the essence of
who she was as a person and her niche
in our family; not because I am ashamed
of her nor because I care less about her
than my surviving children. The simple
truth is like any bereaved mother, sharing bits of our personal relationship…
intimate moments both good and
bad…stirs up the slow ache of losing
her. This time of year in particular, with
Brittany’s birthday on December 22nd, the loss
of this vibrant life renews with the gathering of
our family for the holidays. The sad quiet January days following the joyous hubbub of activity highlight the loss. This anniversary it will be
five years since our Brittany left us, and it feels
right to draw back the curtains on memories we
No, I am not getting a social
work degree. I am getting a
degree in socializing!
bed empty and a note on her pillow.
Panicked we raced out the door only to
discover her sitting on the back porch,
suitcase by her side, crying with her dog
on her lap. I sat down beside her and
wrapped her in my arms. “The dog didn’t
want to leave,” she said. “Just the dog?”
I answered back. “Yes,” she said, “HE is
the only one with any sense!” Britt’s
wonderful sense of humor saved the
day, and many more to come.
Britt soon figured out that we were
not letting go of her (or the dog), and in
that knowledge she was able to let go of
her pain. What joy we experienced as a
family when Brittany emerged from her
suffocating rage and blossomed into a
radiant young woman!
Brittany in her garden.
held close for so long. Perhaps in the recalling
of this resilient and luminous young woman, I
can express the profound blessing adoption can
be to both child and family.
Brittany joined our family in 1989 at the age
of 12, following the desertion of her father, and
the diagnosis of her mother’s terminal cancer.
She was desperately in need of a stable home
where she could process her mother’s death
and let go of the anger she held for her father.
I don’t care if I’m grounded,
Mom. I am not going to give
you my car keys... Hey! Why is
Dad taking the back wheel off
my car?
Never one to hold back, Britt was zany and
outgoing, and at times irreverent in a charming
way. She held opinions about everything from
abortion to cafeteria food. She was indignant
at injustices she saw around her, and stated so
loudly. She walked in the Pro-Life March every
January, saved turtles from roads and brought
home stray cats; her last stray, Sigmund (“It’s
short for Freud, Mom!”) still resides with us.
I am woman.
I am Britt.
Hear me ROAR!
Brittany and Elizabeth shared a close relationship.
We tried hard to be that family for her. It was
not always easy to parent an angry teenager;
we were young and inexperienced ourselves,
Brittany being older than the other children
in our home at the time, then age 9, 4, and
8 weeks old. I recall one particularly difficult
day shortly after her first Christmas with us,
when she tested us by breaking several rules
in the house. Knowing that the festivities had
churned up some grief issues, we did not deal
with her harshly, but grounded her all the
same. The following morning we found her
Brittany (left) celebrating with a friend
at their 1994 high school graduation.
continued on page 2
Remembering Brittany
continued from page 2
Politics fascinated her, babies delighted her
and old people were “cool.” After she spent
hours every Saturday night staying with an
ailing neighbor lady, she came home and announced, “You know, Lawrence Welk is a kinda
fun old dude!” And when the sweet neighbor
lady died, she cried for weeks and cherished the
porcelain angel the woman had given to her.
Britt thoroughly loved her family, especially
enjoying the cultural components of her adopted siblings. I recall her excitement at MaiLynn’s arrival from Vietnam in December 1995.
On Christmas day itself, Mai-Lynn seemed
overwhelmed with the parade of visitors, until
Brittany plunked wrapping and bows on her
head, and declared herself, “The Present Princess!” We were lucky enough to capture the
wonderful moment of Mai’s reaction on film to
be enjoyed forever.
Brittany, Elizabeth and Candace having fun in the leaves in 1991.
they were too big to do so. When Britt went
away to college, she gave Liz her beloved Cabbage Patch dolls “to take care of” and called
home so often we installed an 800 number.
“The Present Princess”
During her college years, Brittany grew into
a beautiful young woman and I gained a friend
eager at a moment’s notice to shop, travel, or
go to the theater. In truth, I loved these years,
when distance afforded us the opportunity to
relate as equals. We began to share thoughts
and feelings that only come with maturity. I
was the person she called when her first real
“love” broke her heart.
Britt loved her siblings, but she completely
adored her littlest sister, Elizabeth, twelve years
her junior. They had a special bond the rest of
us were privileged to watch from the outside.
They spent hours playing Barbie and dress-up
and slept together in a twin bed, even when
the peace and love only a family can provide.”
Brittany would die in an icy car crash, but her
dreams would not; Brittany’s Hope Foundation
is building Brittany’s dream one child, one life
at a time. The same sweet joy I felt in watching Britt grow, I now feel every time I watch
another granted child come home and flourish.
This wonderful and powerful work is healing
my heart each and every day.
Recently, I had a dream of Brittany walking
through a garden of flowers, much like the garden in our foundation’s symbol. She seemed so
peaceful and content, enjoying the sun and inhaling the heady scents. I would like to believe
this is what Britt is doing today, strolling in our
Eternal Garden of Hope, humming and happy,
stooping to pick the sweetest and prettiest
of God’s floral gems, and smiling every time a
child comes home. 
Brittany clowning with sister Lorraine.
She changed her major three times before
settling on Social Work and minoring in
political science; my pictures of abandoned
children in orphanages, taken on travels to
Vietnam and India, really struck a chord deep
within her. She loved her little sister so much,
it was impossible for her to understand anyone
abandoning or abusing a child. She began
to talk of law school and working to “help
abandoned children” someday.
Brittany, Elizabeth, Court and Nathaniel in 1990.
Shortly before she died, Britt spoke the special words that form the core of our mission,
“I dream of a world where all children know
I dream of a world where all
children know the peace and love
only a family can provide.
— Brittany Ann O’Connell (1975-1999)
Contemplations from Candace
Sydney Comes Home
Dear Friends,
snuggled right up. I remember saying hello
to her for the first time as Susan and I cried
with joy and relief that our family was finally
complete. I only wish that my son Stevie
could have been there that day. We decided
that he would be better off staying at home
with family during our two-week trip.
Happy New Year and welcome to 2004! As
I write this, I am looking out on a beautiful,
crisp landscape of winter’s full glory. God has
graced us with the cleansing chill of a freshly
falling snow once again, forcing cars from the
road and muffling the sounds of daily life. Time
stands still and the world seems embraced by
a sense of sereneness. I am grateful for this
day of peace. It has been a busy year and I
could use the time to reflect on our activities.
We held several very successful fundraisers,
including our 3rd annual golf tournament and
our 2nd annual home tour. We attended adoption fairs, spoke at local Rotary clubs, colleges
and churches, and created a flurry of publicity
about the work we are doing. 2003 saw us
continue our Cribs for Kids campaign, now a
permanent program of Brittany’s Hope. We
were able to answer the call when an ailing 2year-old Vietnamese child needed the funds to
get life-saving heart surgery. We increased the
number of affiliate agencies we link with, in an
effort to reach more waiting children and help
more families; we grew our revenue resources
by three times in just three years, going from
an initial budget of $75,000 to $225,000.00
in 2003.
In 2003, we had the opportunity to advocate for 34 deserving and wonderful children,
including paraplegic Archie from the Ukraine,
sweet baby Anna with limb deformities, and
intelligent and kind Shen-Hung who lives with
cerebral palsy. We found a family for 10-yearold Meng Wei, who needs immediate medical
intervention for his rare blood disorder, and
Indian-born Sowmya who is a double ampu-
tee. The four Andreyev siblings will join their
younger brother and sister in the United States,
and Sergey will get treatment for his medical
needs with his new family in North Carolina.
One of our local families, the Heffners will travel
to Russia in the next 2 weeks for feisty and adorable Ekaterina; Ekaterina will need to visit a doctor to resolve her facial paralysis brought on by a
botched ear operation.
We personally witnessed the miracle of God’s
work when the Foehlingers adopted Alesksie,
an 8 year-old from Russia; Cris Foehlinger was
a local journalist who was touched by Aleksie,
when she wrote a story on our foundation. We
had other wonderful miracle stories like the Jarrells who traveled to Russia for their sons, Alex
and Andrey, only to learn about a younger sister,
Rosa; they left for Russia as a couple, and came
home a family of five; miracles such as single
mother Lori’s journey for her son, Roman, a
boy of 8 who waited a long time for a mother’s
love and Sina and Sento, orphaned sisters from
war-torn Sierra Leone, who finally know peace in
the arms of the Litseys in Kentucky. These sweet
sisters, originally listed as twins, guarded the secret for 3 long years, that indeed they were NOT
twins, for fear they would be separated.
The snow continues to fall as I write. I watch
as the flakes stick against the stark limbs of our
ancient chestnut tree, successfully transforming
it into an artic sculpture. I am reminded of the
transformation I see in our children when they finally arrive home to their families. Much like the
brilliant snow, pure love sticks and transforms
the spirit, like Sina and Sento’s story where love
replaced fear with trust. The old chestnut tree
looks radiant, its crystalline arms enrobed in
pure white fur, stretching heavenward.
continued from page 1
Several other adoptive parents in the room
cried as each child was brought to them as
well. What a great experience for all of us.
Sydney and the other babies at the orphanage
had clearly been cared for very well. All were
clean and well nourished.
Returning home safely, despite the
September 11th tragedy.
Upon competition of the adoption process in
Hanoi, we flew to Ho Chi Minh City to meet
with the United States Consulate on Tuesday,
September 11th, 2001. We felt stranded and
uneasy because of the horrible events that
happened that day back home. Fortunately
we were able to have Sydney’s Visa expedited
through the compassion and cooperation of
the Staff of the U.S. Consulate and we returned
home safely with Sydney on September 15,
We have worked closely with Brittany’s Hope
since our return to help ensure other children
around the world have the opportunity that
Sydney had. 
I follow the branches
upward and feel a
prayer rise from my
soul; a prayer of deep
gratitude to God for
the donors, volunteers,
families, and supporters
who have made this
year possible. Your love
has stuck and transformed the very spirit of
our work at Brittany’s
Hope. From my heart,
I thank you.
Candace and her daughter Tianna. (Photo courtesy of Crystal Cooper Photography)
In Peace, bel
andace A
Sydney Nagy in a formal portait taken in 2004.
 
2003 Donors – Tending Our Garden
A heartfelt “Thank you!” to our cultivators, whose donations make our garden flourish.
($0 to $99)
John & Joanne Gotsahll
James & Barbara Snyder
Robert & Joan Griffith
Robert & Linda Good
Elizabethtown College
Debra J. Beisell
Benjamin & Mary Louise
Cal & Wendy Matichak
Brian Spangler
Martin & Jane Moore
Stephen Medwick
Julie P. Riker
John & Rachel Zeager
Lorraine M. Abel
Becky M. Fox
Patricia A. Gay
Everett & Joanne Kirchner
Blake A. Miller
Carl & Lisa Glatfelter
Ben Mootz
Michael & Laura Stiefel
Robert & Tracey Stoviak
John & Susan Witmeyer
John & Carol Borst
Linda Harmsen
Renee A. Boyd
Nate & Craig Hartranft
Rachel N. Mohler
Londonderry Group Ltd
George & Susan Kershner
Dave Andrews
Richard Zimmerman
Larry & Lynda Hess
Franklin & Love Eichler
Robert & Joanne Kippel
Fay Robinson
Jeffrey & Jane Tennis
Hilda & Paul M. Lytle, Jr.
Mary Mother of the Church
William & Nancy Jean
Alan F. Raemisch
Tim & Nicole Brubaker
George & Pamela
Debra L. Miller
Robert & Kathleen Perniciaro
Janis A. Markey
Emily D. Stengel
John & Carolyn McFalls
Greg & Kim Reber
Philip & Bernadette
Sandy Martin Country
Loretta J. Rea
Brian Eckroth &
Melissa Guzejko
Corine Dicarlo
William & Bonita Parks
Carl & Marietta Benke
Cynthia & Frank Telenko
Stephen & Carole Birli
Julie P. Riker
Julie & Michael Abel
John & Susan Christopher
Robert & Janet Parks
Russell Dephilis/Savalla Rambo
John & Carol Borst
Roberta Freeman
Dennis & Barbara Dautrich
Walker Sales
John & Joanne Gotshall
Blake A. Miller
Patrick & Lynn Rohal
J. Kenneth & Elaa Mellinger
Mary H. Bruno
Michael & Debra Sicotte
Ray & Barbara Diener
Carl & Lisa Glatfelter
Martin & Jane Moore
Mark & Cindy Farmer
John & Deborah Pizzola
Jay & Carol Mylin
Pam Runkle
Larry & Carol Killian
J. Paul Zanowski
Nelson & Danielle
Marvin Keith Edwards
George & Eileen Rzecinski
Jack & Ruth Rice
Susan Bedger
L. Edwin & Judith Hixon
John & Pamela Miller
Earl & Bonnie Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Wiliam Henry
Dean & Darcie Zeager
Redith F. Snoberger
Arthur & Jeanne Gasper
Robert & Betty J.
Thomas E. Kline
Neal S. Harnly, MD
Thomas Connolly & Sons
John & Carolyn McFalls
Robert & MaryJo Garraty
Peter & Soraya Sahd
Will & Lynn Eagleson
John & Mary Anne Barrett
Gary & Lisa Tuerk
Gene & Paula Tobias
Andrey & Tracy McGowan
Thomas & Elaine Bowersox
Paula & Robert Gasper
Dennis & Joyce Glackin
KAR Klinic
Richard Grzywinski
Robert & Elaine Knowles
John & Angelina Wenzel
J.W. & R.M. Berglund
Diane Leitner
Paul & Gloria Henneman
Maureen E. Smith
Richard & Carol Morgan
Wayne & Donna Raichle
Joseph & Kimberly Coover
Gerald & Carol Underkoffler
Jeri & Debra Donadee
Jennifer & Scott Miller
John & Ladora Field
Todd & Trina Deasel
Boyd & Gayle Knott
Steven & Karen Gerhart
William & Suzanne Burger
John & Janie Deardorff
P.B.I., Inc.
John & Phyllis Stevens
Beverly A. Ferry
David & Sarah Campbell
Elaine Eyster
Carl & Wanda Rohda
Doh je
($100 to $249)
Mr. & Mrs. Ara
First United Methodist Church
Marcella Fahnestock
Tyco Electronics
Ray & Barbara Diener
Harold & Linda Crider
Gordon & Nicole Price
Andrew W. Maurey
Robert Stack
Scott & Meghan Fedor
Bruce & Mindy Robinson
Mark Post
Donecker’s Furniture
Greg & Jeanetta Johnson
John & Marcia Harnish
William & Elaine Wentling
William & Betty Knerr
Grande Place
Mark & Kim Sillik
Hugh & Rosemary Boyle
Carl & Wanda Rohde
James Elbert Page
Thomas & Anne Martin
James & Amy Vanhorn
Autoradio USA, Inc.
Zane & Melissa Gizzi
Clarence & Eileen Fox
Choice Nursing, Inc.
Corine A. Dicarlo
John & Margaret Costello
Mark & Patricia Hyduk
Christian D. Hall
James & Connie Bair
William K. Andersen, MD
Omni Interactive Systems
David & Andrea Levengood
Will & Lynn Eagleson
Across the World
EMI Global, Inc.
Omnitronics, LLC
Power Service
Menasha Corporation
Crimestopper Security
Heritage Buiders
Vanco, Inc.
Car Freshener Corporation
Rodney Haugh
Wililam & Marianne Young
Roth’s Furniture Store
Dale & Marsha Walker
Gerald & Mary Jean Risser
Robert & Tracey Stoviak
Rohrer Corp
The Pampered Chef
St. Peters School
Joseph Palilla
Street Glow
Sillwater Kicker
Joseph & Rose Block
Precise Meter
Lucan Oil Products, Inc.
Coby Electronics Corp
MSD Line, Inc.
Yellow Global
Consumer Electronics
($500 to $749)
David & Carol Witmer
M P Lyons, Inc.
Scott Edwards
Sandra Lewin Interior
Koser Jewelers
Re/Max Cornerstone
Mark G. Caldwell
Lucas Oil Products, Inc.
Koser Jewelers
Frederick A. Hess
William & Eleanor
Don Wayne Klinger, AIA
John D. Gerlach
David & Sharon Kline
Commonwealth Caterers
Tencom Ltd
Innovative Marketing
Boyer Printing & Binding
Edward Misel
Heritage Insurance Agency
Richard & Alice Clouser
($2,500 to $4,999)
Wiilson Electronics
Hunan Prov
Min Hsiang Corp.
($5,000 to $7,499)
Shanghai New Focus
Meridian Intl.
Love’s Travel Stops
($7,500 to $9,999)
Heritage Builders
($10,000 to $14,999)
K40 American Antenna
Baie Dankie
($250 to $499)
FPPF Chemical Co, Inc.
Richard and Jane Albright
Frederick & Evelyn Wahl
Hammerhead Industries
Hinkle’s Pharmacy
Brian & Christine Blight
Franklin & Sharon Greiner
H.B. McClure Company
R.A. & Janice Santefort
Abel & Son Roofing
Walter & Irmgard Neugebauer
Lori M. Benner
Convergence Marketing
AB & T Sales Corp
Procomm, Inc.
Denise Bollard
Keller Brother Motor Co.
Brian & Donita Sturgis
Boll Electric Inc.
Tastefully Simple
Advantage Group, Inc.
Johnson Safety, Inc.
Global Wireless
Nikolaus & Hoenadel, LLP
($750 to $999)
Eric & Stacy Gasper
Ricky & Deborah Diehl
($1,000 to $2,499)
Escort Inc.
Hunan Winco
Mohni Kundnani
Silco Oil Co.
Robert & Joyce Byers
Keen Auto Parts
Hanselman Landscape
United Pacific Industries,
Wachovia Corpoation
Ronald & Nancy Walborn
($15,000 to $24,999)
Sunfield Corporation
Pink Roses
($25,000 to $50,000)
Pilot Corporation
DAS Distributors
In Kind Contributors
(donors of goods and services)
Carol’s Creations
Country Designs by
Sandy Martin
Country Market Nursery
Donecker’s Christopher
Radko Christmas Gallery
Elegant Walls
Kristabel’s Timeless
Gifts & Boutique
Mueller’s Flower Shop
Roth’s Furniture Store
S&S Design
Jim Showers, Floral Artist
Hershey Pantry
Passage to India
T.J. Rockwell’s
Sue Long
Suk Shuglie Artists
Elizabethtown Dental Assoc.
Conewago Manor Inn
F&S Imagery
Brittany’s Buds: Granted Children Waiting For Families
Darling baby Anna was born on May 3, 2001
with a congenital deformity of her hands and
right leg. She is described as active and happy,
and likes to interact with adults. Anna has a
good appetite and loves her music class where
she sings and dances to tunes. Contact Miriam
Johnson of MAPS at 207-225-4101 if you are
interested in bringing Anna home to love!
Amount of grant: $7,500.
Incredibly, beautiful Swapna resides in an
orphanage in India since her birth in June of
2002. Her general health is good, but she is
in need of surgery to repair her bilateral club
hands. When she is shy, she covers her face
with both her hands and peeps through her
fingers. She can sit without support, and play
with her favorite toys. She is very friendly, can
speak several words, and loves to listen to
music. She eats and sleeps very well. Swapna
needs the love only a family can provide for her,
and we have provided a $10,000.00 grant to
help with her costs. Please prayerfully consider
adding this beautiful, waiting baby to your
family. Call LoveBasket at 636-797-4100 to
inquire about her.
Adorable Eun Yung is happily waiting for
her forever family. Born in Korea in the spring
of 2003, Eun Yung is diagnosed with microopthalmia and choroidal coloboma in her right
eye. It is expected she will need an artificial
eye in the future. The findings for her left eye
are normal. An MRI showed some mild brain
atrophy. Eun Yung is a delight for her foster
family, and is said to be progressing nicely and
reaching milestones on target. She is described
as cheerful, cute and alert. If you are interested
in Eun Yung call Angela Ko at 215-249-0100,
ext 118. Eun Yung has a $7,500.00 grant.
Pretty little Anisa is described as a “gifted and
self-dependent girl”. Born in the spring of 1996,
Anisa takes her responsibilities seriously, and
is cooperative and neat. She loves poetry and
enjoys memorizing and reciting it. She arrived in
the orphanage in 1999, and has waited four years
for a loving family. Her medical records indicate
that she has some residual encephalopathy.
For more information about Anisa, please call
Donalee Thornock from Focus on Children at
307-279-3434 or email [email protected].
Amount of Grant: $5,000.00.
Beautiful and sweet sisters, Lubov and Dianna,
born 7/3/92 and 8/11/96 are eagerly awaiting a
Mom and Dad to make them a family. Born in
Russia, they are in good health, however Dianna
has suffered significant burns over her arm, torso
and leg. Dianna and Lubov visited California last
summer. Their host family describes Luba as
athletic, helpful, cooperative, intelligent and
eager to learn English. Dianna is determined,
energetic, quick to laugh, and charming. Both
are described as affectionate and adaptable,
with a good sense of humor. Their relationship
is described as typical with Luba watching out
for her younger sister. If you are Lubov and
Dianna’s forever family call Linda from Cradle
of Hope at 301-587-4400, and ask about their
waiting $9,500.00 grant.
New Year’s baby Almagul was born in 1994
and entered the orphanage in 2000. She is
sweet-natured and even-tempered, but also
self-reliant. She does very well in school,
loves reading and has a curious nature. She
is wonderful with the younger children, and is
quite musically talented. For more information
about her, please call Donalee Thornock from
Focus on Children at 307-279-3434 or email
[email protected] Amount of grant: $5,000.
Some orphanages do not allow publication of
adoptable children’s photos or names. Information about the children listed below is available
by contacting Holly of La Vida at 1-800-5131910.
Asia 01 – A darling little boy, born December
2002, with a cleft palate and lip. This little guy
is really adorable and is available to married
couples or singles older than 30. This country
also has requirements for minimum income and
access to health care resources. Do not let this
little sweet pea wait too long for his family.
Grant: $5,000.00.
Asia 02 – This absolutely beautiful 5 year-old
is visually impaired. She is described as shy, but
happy, having good self-control, helpful to other
children, and very smart. She brushes her teeth,
dresses, and goes to the restroom herself. She
loves to sing, and recites many poems by heart.
Grant: $6,600.00.
Asia 03 – This 4-year-old boy is described as
developing typically in all areas, loves to eat, enjoys the other children, and can sing and dance.
He suffers from a congenital heart condition that
is considered correctable in the United States.
Grant: $6,600.00.
Asia 04 – This cute 7-year-old girl has some
deformities of the hands and a teratoma on her
left eye, but is otherwise healthy. Her caregivers
say that this does not stop this kind little girl.
She helps with the cleaning, dishes, loves to
recite poems, and can read in Chinese. Her grant
is $6,600.00.
Asia 05 – This pixie 5-year-old girl has Hepatitis B, but is quite healthy. She resides in a foster
home. She is a picky eater, but is very independent and enjoys helping her foster mother. She
loves to play dolls, go to the market, ride a bike,
and play in the sand. She loves to draw and can
count to ten. Grant: $5000.00.
Asia 06 – This sweet, round-faced 7-year-old
girl is kind and gets along well with her caregivers and the other children. She loves to paint,
has a good imagination, is smart and has good
language abilities. She was treated for Hepatitis
B, but is healthy today. Her grant is $5,000.00.
Asia 07 – This 5-year-old girl has Hepatitis B
and a corrected heart condition. She is normal
and active, funny and smart. She resides in a foster home where she is described as independent,
pretty, silly, helpful, has a good appetite and a
quick learner. She has a $5,000.00 grant.
The Perennial Path is published quarterly by
the Brittany’s Hope Foundation, 1160 N. Market
Street, Elizabethtown, PA 17022, (717) 367-9614.
Debra Miller, Editor; Deborah Ellis, Art Director;
Contributors: Steve Nagy, Candace Abel, Cathy
Miller, John Eliason, Jr., Michael Roberts, Debra
Miller, Nancy Becker, Lori Geres.
Special Feature
Brittany’s Blossoms: Sunbeams in Our Garden
Sweet-faced Artem was born on February
25, 1999 in the Ukraine. Archie has spinal
cord injury resulting from a breech birth and is
paralyzed from the waist down. He is a smart,
engaging, social, and spirited little boy who
desperately needs a family. He has had some
surgery but has never been able to walk.
Precious Oleg is 4 1⁄2 years old, resides in
Russia and is permanently visually impaired. He
knows his way around the orphanage, is completely self-sufficient in dressing, feeding, and
toileting himself. His speech is good, and he can
identify shapes and objects.
Oleg is a good candidate for adoption, but if
we do not find a family for him soon, he will
be moved to an orphanage for invalid children,
where he will not be allowed to be adopted and
his needs will not be met.
Oleg has a $13,000.00 grant to help with his
adoption costs. We also have a videotape of
this beautiful child. Please pray for Oleg to find
his loving family and call Stacey at MAPS (207775-4101) for more information.
If Archie is not adopted in the near future he
will be moved into the “handicapped children’s
home”, an institution which is primarily populated by mentally retarded and emotionally
disturbed children.
Archie’s disability is only physical, and he
will not receive appropriate educational/social
opportunities or challenges in this new facility. Archie has a $13,000.00 grant to offset
his fees. We are very committed to finding this
sweet boy a loving home where he will get
the proper medical care he needs. Call Stacey
Dudley of MAPS at 207-775-4101 for more
Every child deserves a
loving family.
Smart and eager Benjamin was born on
March 4, 1996 in the country of Sierra Leone
in Africa. He has spent his whole life living in
a country divided by war. In spite of this, he is
described as “happy, smart, and loves soccer”.
He has adjusted well to his life in the orphanage. Benjamin is motivated to have a family, but
he hopes to stay in touch with his best friend
Ansumana after adoption. If yours is the home
where Benjamin can finally know peace, call
Cindy of MAPS at 1-207-757-8649 for more
information about his $7,500.00 grant.
Brittany’s Hope Third Annual Golf Benefit
The third annual Brittany’s Hope Golf Benefit was very exciting! It was originally scheduled
for Friday, September 19, 2003 but due to Hurricane Isabel it had to be rescheduled to Friday,
October 17th, 2003. There were 68 golfers competing for lots of prizes including phones, DVD
players, TV’s, a home theater system, and a top team prize of $500.00. Brittany’s Hope Golf
Benefit 2003 raised over $35,575.00 with more than 80 companies and individuals contributing to the cause.
Congratulations to the first place team of Rodney Haugh, Jay Kostanbauder, Don Parmer and
Dick Housel. Finishing second place was the team of Bill Young, Jon Klahold, Don Stankus,
and Randy Young.
We expect the fourth annual Brittany’s Hope Golf Benefit on September 17th, 2004 to be
bigger and better than ever! We hope you will join us! 
Special Feature
Sofi’s Dream
by John C. Eliason, Jr.
North Museum of Natural History and Science
Try to comprehend the loneliness of a young
orphan girl in Siberia. At such northern latitudes the nights are long, frigid, and desolate.
To endure the inhospitable climate and darkness without the comfort of a loving parent is
difficult to imagine. Such was the life of Sofi.
Sofi’s only solace was to gaze at the stars.
The sparkling night sky helped her spirit survive. She felt better just staring at the stars,
and she dreamed of flying there.
Then, a miracle occurred for Sofi. She was adopted by a single mother in the United States.
Sofi’s gained a new life of warmth and love and
opportunity. But she never forgot her earliest
experiences. While in third grade, she was
moved to submit an essay to NASA to name
the new Mars rovers.
Her choices – “Spirit” and “Opportunity”
– reflected both her bleak past and her new life
in the United States. NASA was moved by her
story and selected her submission from more
than 10,000 entries.
“Spirit” stands ready to explore the Gusev
crater, and “Opportunity” will reach Mars later
this month.
Like Sofi, we can be enriched by looking into
the night sky. Today, Sofi aspires to be an astronaut and go to Mars. 
John C. Eliason Jr. teaches astronomy at Manheim
Township High School and is director of the Planetarium at the North Museum of Natural History and
Science in Lancaster. The North Museum has created
a vision of Mars in a new gallery exhibit. For information, visit http://www.northmuseum.org
Photo courtesy of Candace Abel.
You Can Plant
Their future depends on you.
Imagine the life of a child who has never known
a home with a family. No mother, no father, no
one to encourage and love them. They survive,
but do not thrive.
Brittany’s Hope Foundation wholeheartedly
believes that every child deserves to have a loving family. We are accomplishing that mission,
one child at a time, with the help of generous
people like you.
Every single dollar of your tax-deductible gift
is used to ease the financial burden of families
wishing to adopt special needs children. Your
help makes a critical difference. None of the
donations given to Brittany’s Hope Foundation
are used to cover the costs of running our non-
profit organization. Our board members are all
volunteers, and they give their time and money
to fund administrative costs. Even things such as
postage and office supplies are donated. We are
grrateful for the generous vendors who give us
reduced rates and discounts for their services.
Donations can be made on our website at http:
//www.brittanyshope.org/contributions.html, or
mail your gift to us.
If you cannot donate money, we gladly accept
offers of volunteer assistance. Contact us to find
out the countless ways you can help. In return,
you’ll get the satisfaction of knowing that you
have given special needs children a future of
hope and promise. 
Special Feature
“A World of Christmas”... A World of Gratitude!
by Debra L. Miller, Secretary, Brittany’s Hope Foundation
November 1st and 2nd, 2003 Candace and
David Abel along with their children graciously
opened their beautiful home “Stone Gables” for
the second annual Home Tour to benefit Brittany’s Hope Foundation. All of the money raised
goes entirely to fund the adoption of special
needs children. What an incredible success it
was this year, as we were able to open grants
for thirteen children in need of loving families!
This would not have been possible without
the fantastic support of our sponsors, board
members, volunteers and countless others.
We are so very grateful for the love and support of the community.
Carol Mylin of Carol’s Creations decorated
this room as well.
A small visitor smiles in delight as she discovers a
beautiful handmade doll in a carriage.
The Abels’ Kitchen featured the West Asia
Region, decorated by Kristabel’s Timeless Gifts
& Boutique. The festive table in this room had
a beautiful sari set with traditional silver Indian
plates and dishes.
Please join us next year when our theme will
be Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol” and
held on November 6th and 7th, 2004. If you
would be interested in the amazing feeling of
volunteering for this wonderful event, please
contact any Board member, or Candace Abel
at 1160 North Market Street, Elizabethtown,
PA 17022, or phone 717.367.9614. You may
also email us from the Brittany’s Hope Foundation web site: www.brittanyshope.org.
We look forward to seeing you there! 
The Great Room represented the East Europe
Region and was decorated by Carol Mylin of
Carol’s Creations. It featured handmade Moravian stars on the Christmas tree and shoes on
the hearth, a German tradition.
The next room was the Great Hall representing the African Region and decorated by Carol
Mylin of Carol’s Creations. Eucalyptus and
hibiscus were featured, as they are a common
theme in Zimbabwe.
Last on the tour was the Conservatory highlighting an Americana theme. The walls of the
Conservatory featured patriotic traditional red,
white and blue decor with a 1950’s theme!
Barry Atticks and Nicole Brubaker of Sol Siden
performed inspirational music in the Conservatory.
Sol Siden and other entertainers will be headlining
an evening of music and enjoyment to benefit
Brittany’s Hope Foundation on March 19, 2004.
Santa promises to leave extra goodies for this
hard-working volunteer.
This year’s tour featured a different country/
region in every room, decorated beautifully and
appropriately, which provided a brief education
into celebrating Christmas across the world.
The formal living room was dedicated to the
Russian Region featuring Babushka, a traditional Christmas figure who distributes presents to
children and samovar or traditional teapot similar to those used Russia. The Christmas tree
was decorated with teddy bears from around
the world by Donecker’s Christopher Radko
Christmas Gallery.
The formal dining room took on the appearance of the East Asia Region. The highlight of
this room was the beautiful authentic China
place settings on the table. Sandy Martin, of
Country Designs by Sandy Martin decorated
the dining room.
What would we do without our volunteers? These wonderful students from Elizabethtown College’s International
Club gave their time to help with the Home Tour. From left: Ali Raza (Pakistan), Sujit Pathak (Nepal), Janet Atim
(Uganda), Mai Usami (Japan), Kendra Henry (USA), Emi Kanno (Japan), and Amy Sue Bartlett (Saipan, USA).
Brittany’s Hope Annual Family Picnic
Playing in Our Garden
by Nancy Becker, Board Member
Hurricane Isabel’s winds and rain toppled power lines but couldn’t dampen
the enthusiasm of adoptive families, donors, and board members planning to
attend the Brittany’s Hope Picnic at the Stone Gables on September 20, 2003.
On the day of the picnic, a bevy of volunteers cleaned up countless
branches, set up tables, and brought delicious covered dish items. Even
those without power (or showers!) came to meet some of the Brittany’s
Hope sponsored children and to share in the fellowship of those who support
Brittany’s Hope’s goals.
David and Candy Abel take a moment to enjoy a snuggle with their
children Emily, Fabienne and Tia. Candy is wearing a balloon hat!
William and Aleksie Froe
battle with balloon swords.
Patti the Clown entertained the children with bead stringing and painting craft
projects. The children were able to take home the suncatchers they painted, and
were so pleased with the bead necklaces and bracelets they made.
Sydney Depoto is cute as a button
with her face painted like a tiger.
What fun the kids had playing in the swimming pool, jacuzzi, and wooden pirate ship! They
made crafts and balloon animals with Patti the Clown, and had their faces painted.
The adults benefited even more by experiencing the bright eyes and infectious smiles of the
beautiful and energetic children! 
Salad with Fresh Corn,
Snap Peas and Bacon
11⁄2 cups snap peas, cut in half diagonally
11⁄2 cups fresh corn kernels (about 2 ears)
1⁄2 head romaine lettuce
1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, and diced
1 carrot, peeled and shredded
1⁄2 red bell pepper, diced
3 green onions, sliced
5 radishes, thinly sliced
1 cup basil leaves (1 oz.), cut into thin strips
6 cherry tomatoes, halved
1⁄2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt
1⁄4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
12 bacon slices, cooked and crumbled
Cook peas in boiling water to cover for 1 to 2
minutes; plunge into ice water to stop cooking
process. Cook corn in boiling water 2 minutes;
plunge into ice water. Drain peas and corn.
Chop lettuce and place in a large bowl. Add all
vegetables; toss with Mustard Vinaigrette. Add
cheese, salt and pepper; toss gently. Mound
salad on a large platter, and sprinkle with bacon.
Makes 8 servings.
Ashley Reber flashes her
glorious sunny smile!
John, Eric, Stacey and Daniel Gasper enjoyed lunch by the pool.
Recipe courtesy of board member Marcy Fahnestock.
Mustard Vinaigrette
2 Tablespoons red wine vinegar, 1 Tablespoon
fresh lemon juice, 1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard,
2 teaspoons minced garlic, 9 Tablespoons
olive oil, Kosher salt & fresh ground pepper to
taste.Combine first four ingredients in a bowl.
Whisk in oil; stir in salt and pepper.
Brittany’s Blooms... We’re Home!
When Andrey and Alexander’s parents traveled to Russia, they never
dreamed they would be bringing home the boys’ sister Rosa, too!
Karina’s new family helps her
celebrate her Russian heritage.
Hi Candy,
your family!
Happiest of New Year s to you and have had a
I have to tell you that Roman and ted to thank you
wonderful holiday, and again, I wan all possible!
and your organization for making it
This has been a dream come true. Ican bring,
knew the heart aching joy that a chiand in the lives of my
and now, with ,Roman in my life, hout him.
family, I can t imagine my life wit
can meet this amazing child ... the t
I nee
beyond me, and I hur
thought that he may hav
hope of opportunity or love.
for those other chi
one little boy, and I am
You have made suc
that it can be. Once Roman
committed to making his life the besIt am going to start looking
and I have settled in completely, ther.
for another little boy to be his bro
you all the best, and
Thank you again Candy, and I wisworh king with you in 2004!
look forward to talking with you, and
All the best,
Aleksie’s happiness shows
in his beautiful smile.
Sol Siden & Friends
Join us for an evening of exhilarating Christian music and entertainment! On Friday,
March 19, 2004, Sol Siden will be taking
part in a very special night to benefit the
Brittany’s Hope Foundation.
The show will be held at the 840-seat Leffler Chapel on the campus of Elizabethtown
College. It will feature video stories of the
children Brittany’s Hope has helped, and an
introduction to some of the children.
Special guests Miss Pennsylvania, Candace
Otto, and Lori Burkholder from WGAL News
will be present. Musical guests Hands of
Praise, Drexel University Dance Ensemble
and the Harrisburg Singers will add their talents to the celebration. Tickets to the private
backstage reception can also be purchased,
where attendees will have the opportunity to
meet and greet the performers.
The event is being organized by the Brittany’s Hope Foundation and Rider Hall Music
Company. Information about ticket availablility will be posted on Sol Siden’s web site
(www.solsidenmusic.com) and on Brittany’s
Hope web site (www.brittanyshope.org), or
contact Brittany’s Hope Foundation at (717)
367-9614. Tickets are $25 per person for
the concert, or $50 per person for both the
concert and private backstage reception. We
hope to see you there! 
Brittany’s Hope Foundation
1000 N. Market Street
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
(717) 367-9614
Aiding Adoption of Special Children Worldwide
100% of your donations are used to place
special needs children with loving families.
Calling all Friends!
You are invited to...
Visit us on the web at http://www.brittanyshope.org