UPPER SCHOOL MESSENGER May 1, 2015 MAY 1 UPPER SCHOOL STUDENT THEATER PROJECT The JCS Drama Club will present their annual Student Theater Project, entirely written, directed, staged and performed by Cooper students, in the Black Box Theater at 7 p.m. Admission is free and it is open seating. IMPORTANT DATES Re-Scheduled -- HABITAT CAR WASH – MAY 2 Alden Bridge Express Lube – 10 AM-2 PM May 1 Student Theater Project, 7pm in the Black Box Theater, in the PAC May 2 Habitat Car Wash, Alden Bridge Express Lube, 10am-2pm Tickets are $7 each and can be purchased in advance from any Habitat Steering Committee member or by contacting faculty advisors Kim Larance, Samir Muhith or Scott Blackburn. Don't miss out on this opportunity to put some shine on your car and into the lives of others! May 8 Alumni & Alumni Parent Social, at The Refuge Bistro & Bar, 6-8pm May 9 Cooper Quiz Bowl Challenge, see page 2 for details May 9-10 Middle & Upper School Dancers, “Life,” Glenn Family Stage, see page 2 Attention Alumni Parents Alumni & Alumni Parent Social Benefiting the Alumni Association Scholarship Fund Join us Friday, May 8th at The Refuge Bistro & Bar from 6 – 8 PM for socializing, hors d’oeuvres and wine tasting! You will be receiving a formal invitation in the mail soon. May 11 World Affairs Council Presentation “The Fight Against Forced Labor Slavery in India and China”, 7pm in the PAC May 12 Booster Bash, 2-5:30pm, Upper School Gym, Sports & Camp Physicals, free hotdogs and Burgers May 15 JCS Annual Sports Banquet, see page2 May 19 Senior Dinner 6-9pm, at La Torretta Lake Resort in Montgomery TX, see page 3 Link to the US Calendar: https://www.johncooper.org/upper-school-calendar Cooper Quiz Bowl Team Sponsoring Fun Community Challenge on Saturday, May 9 The John Cooper School's Varsity Quiz Bowl Team is raising funds to compete in the National Academic Championship by hosting a Community Quiz Bowl Challenge on campus on May 9. Members of the community are invited to form four-member teams and join in a morning of friendly Quiz Bowl competition. The entry fee of $60 per team ($50 for student teams) will go toward expenses for two Cooper student teams to attend the national competition that will be held in Chicago on June 6-8. The Cooper Community Quiz Bowl will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 12:30 p.m. (for those who qualify to play through all four rounds). “Most teams will be out after two rounds, by approximately 10:30 a.m., with the exception of those who go on to final rounds,” said faculty sponsor Shannon Hill. There will be a pre-game briefing. All teams play the first two rounds, and then rounds three and four are the playoffs. The teams that finish in first and second place are awarded prizes. Quiz Bowl team members are writing the questions and running Cooper's community tournament. "The team has a lot of fun writing challenging questions that are still appropriate for new players," said faculty sponsor Shannon Hill. "The questions are varied and can include topics related to the sciences, music and art, geography, math and current events. The emphasis is on having a good time." For more information, or to register your team, email Hill at [email protected]. Notes from the Dean: LOCKER CLEAN OUT INFORMATION It’s that time of year to think about cleaning out your locker! When your locker is sparkly clean, then you will be ready to have it checked off. 9th, 10th and 11th: During the break period on review days, your advisors will be available to check your clean locker. Failure to have your locker checked will result in a detention. UPPER SCHOOL MESSENGER May 1, 2015 MAY 11 WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL PRESENTATION “The Fight Against Forced Labor Slavery MAY 9 & 10 PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Glenn Family Main Stage Middle and Upper School dancers will take you through the decades through aerial, lyra, ballet, tap, hip hop and contemporary styles. Alumni dancers will perform as well as faculty members who will play in a live band. This is a don’t miss! Get tickets early for the best seats. www.coopertickets.org in India and China” The John Cooper School is hosting the third lecture in a series sponsored by The World Affairs Council of Houston on May 11 in the Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m. Attorney Jeffrey Pankratz, Executive Director of Justice Ventures International, will discuss human trafficking, slavery, prostitution and child labor in India and China and give illustrations of the problem and what is being done to combat it. Fifty-two Cooper students will also be recognized as Student Diplomats for their support of the World Affairs Council of Houston; for more information on the organization and its work, log on to www.wachouston.org. AP Exam Schedule : https://www.johncooper.org/document.doc?id=9521 2015 BOOSTER BASH Come One, Come All! Now Offering EXPRESS Lane! Booster Bash • Tuesday, May 12 2 to 5:30 p.m. – Upper School Gym Sports & Camp Physicals • Free Hotdogs and Burgers The Dragon Booster Club says “come one, come all” to its annual membership drive, Booster Bash. Each May, this event makes it easy for Booster Club member families to get physicals that are required not only for all Cooper students in grades seven through twelve, but for summer camps and other activities requiring physicals. It’s also a great time to visit with other families. Committee members get the grills out to cook and serve complimentary burgers and hotdogs, the concession stands are open for more goodies and all ages are welcome. As a time-saver, you can enroll online ahead of time and go to the Express Lane at this year’s Booster Bash. Enrollment is as easy as logging on to: https://www.johncooper.org/content/parents---dragon-bclub-registration-form The Dragon Booster Club supports all athletic teams at the varsity, junior varsity and Middle School levels and supports the athletic program by purchasing items and supporting activities throughout the year. For information about Dragon Booster Club activities and events, go to the Parents/Dragon Booster Club portion of the school website at www.johncooper.org. 2015 JCS Annual Sports Banquet Friday, May 15, 2015 Invitations have gone out and registration is available online! Please click here or call the Advancement Office at ext. 2441 to register. Attention Alumni Parents Keeping Connections Alive Please send any of your alumni’s achievements/honors/professional successes or wedding/engagement/baby information that you wish to share in the Alumni Newsletter, Transitions, to [email protected] and the update will be included in the Spring issue. UPPER SCHOOL MESSENGER May 1, 2015 End of Year Events for the Class of 2015 & Parents Please open the link for information and calendar: Please call or email each morning that your child is going to be absent. Please call or email to report an absence: Peg Burrell, US Office: 281-367-900x2354, email: [email protected] US Nurse’s Office: 281-367-0900x2446 , email: [email protected] Save the Date: 28th Annual JCS Golf Tournament Monday, October 26, 2015 The Woodlands Country Club Palmer Course Join us for the Golf Kick-Off Meeting! Thursday, May 14th Student Center Conference Room 7:30 AM http://cdn1.buuteeq.com/upload/20672/resortmap-5-14.pdf Save the Date: Annual Signatures Author Series Luncheon Due to the distance, afternoon traffic and/or construction to La Torretta from The Woodlands, drive time may be longer, lease allow plenty of time to arrive by 6:00pm. Featuring best-selling author of Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn Friday, December 4, 2015 The Woodlands Waterway http://www.latorrettalakeresort.com/map.htm Semester 2 Exams Marriott Hotel and Convention Center Please open the link :https://www.johncooper.org/document.doc?id=9379 Major Calendar Dates for 2015-2016 School Year https://www.johncooper.org/document.doc?id=8929 Visitor & Volunteer Parking is available across from the US & MS front entrances . Thank you for your cooperation! ALL PARENTS AND STUDENTS: Please be aware that the Reserved Parking spaces on campus are RESERVED 24 hours a day, not just during school hours. Please do not park in these spaces at ANY TIME! you, The Advancement Office Thank Parents: Please do not park in the numbered parking spots because each one is assigned to a student. Thank you. Ms. Crane, US Dean of Students