PDF - The Church of St. Martha
PDF - The Church of St. Martha
THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF SAINT MARTHA June 21, 2015 | 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Father’s Day MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Mass: Saturday Vigil Sunday 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 noon 4:00 pm Daily Mass: Monday thru Saturday 8:00 am First Friday Mass: 8:00 am 10:00 am SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office to make arrangements. Baptisms: 1st & 3rd Sundays at 1:15 pm. Please call the parish office to make arrangements. Parents’ Preparation Session is on the last Friday of the month at 7:00 pm. Confessions: Saturday, 3:00-4:00 pm or by Appointment Marriages: Please call the parish office to make arrangements one year in advance. DEVOTIONS Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament: Fridays, 8:30 am - 9:30am CLERGY & PASTORAL STAFF Pastor: Rev. David Swantek Assisting Priests: Rev. Bill Bausch Rev. Dominic Fuccile Rev. Gerry Marchand Rev. John Spino Deacons: Fran Groff Ted Kotz Staff: Director of Religious Education: Georgina Kotz Religious Education Secretary: Liz Caracciolo Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Bob Morris Director of Liturgical Music: Lou Letizia Business Manager/Accountant: Nancy Dormanski Parish Secretaries: Mary Nelson Fran Olson SUMMER OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Thursday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Friday 8:00 am – 12:00 noon Tuesday Wednesday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm SPECIAL HOLIDAY SCHEDULES & INCLEMENT WEATHER CLOSING: Please telephone the Parish Office Novenas: Follows 8:00 am Masses – Miraculous Medal (Wednesday) & St. Jude (Friday) Rosary: Monday-Saturday 7:35 am & following 8:00 am Mass; Sunday 7:05 am 3800 Herbertsville Road Point Pleasant, NJ 08742-5499 Phone: 732-295-3630 Fax: 732-295-9315 www.saintmartha.net We welcome all who seek to grow in faith and love just as St. Martha welcomed Jesus into her home. If you’d like to join our parish please call 732-295-3630. 1 St. Martha Church JUNE 20-21 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – FATHER’S DAY READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Sun: Reg. Collection: Support of St. Martha Church 2nd Collection: Building & Grounds MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, June 20 5:00 pm Father’s Day Novenas Sunday, June 21 7:30 am Father’s Day Novenas 9:00 am Father’s Day Novenas 10:30 am Father’s Day Novenas 12:00 pm Father’s Day Novenas 4:00 pm Father’s Day Novenas People of the Parish Monday, June 22 8:00 am Father’s Day Novenas Tuesday, June 23 8:00 am Father’s Day Novenas Wednesday, June 24 8:00 am Father’s Day Novenas Thursday, June 25 8:00 am Father’s Day Novenas Friday, June 26 8:00 am Father’s Day Novenas Saturday, June 27 8:00 am Father’s Day Novenas After Rev. Marchand celebrates the 4:00 pm mass on June 28th, there will be a reception with light refreshments in honor of his 60th Anniversary of his ordination into the priesthood and to show our appreciation for all he has done at St. Martha’s. HOLY INNOCENTS OUR DEARLY DEPARTED Please remember in your prayers the recently deceased members of our parish. LOW-GLUTEN HOST ST. GREGORY’S PANTRY NEEDS Job 38:1, 8-11 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 Mark 4:35-41 Genesis 12:1-9 Matthew 7:1-5 Genesis 13:2, 5-18 Matthew 7:6, 12-14 Isaiah 49:1-6 Acts of the Apostles 13:22-26 Luke 1:57-66, 80 Genesis 16:1-12, 15-16 Matthew 7:21-29 Genesis 17:1, 9-10, 15-22 Matthew 8:1-4 Genesis 18:1-15 Matthew 8:5-17 REV. MARCHAND’S 60TH ANNIVERSARY Joseph Cosulich In Thanksgiving Available upon request before Mass in the sacristy Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Mon: 1st Reading Gospel Tue: 1st Reading Gospel Wed: 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Thur: 1st Reading Gospel Fri: 1st Reading Gospel Sat: 1st Reading Gospel Need Help? Call St. Vincent de Paul at 732-2953630 ext 33. Our parish is here to help. MEMORIAL GIFTS: JUNE 20-26 Flowers to Mary: Tabernacle Candle: 1st Did you know that St. Martha’s offers a program for children with special needs that provides instruction so all children of God can make their sacraments? Contact Kathy Jobes at 732-4580707, Stephanie Correa at 732-279-6406, or Michele Kozal at 732-370-1148. K OF C BREAKFAST - Today after the Sunday morning masses. Canned products. 2 St. Martha Church Father’s Day Novena Intentions Frances & Bill Alagia Bob Baggitt Brian Byrne Gregory Chevalley George Clevenger Nadine Conaghan Richard Dawson Paul Demnicki Ronald Paul Disandro Michael Joseph Doolan Donald Dreher Maria Duszkewycz Cornelius “Neil” Egan Patrick Greene Raymond S. Greineisen Frank Guadagnino John Hannon, Sr. Frank Hrabal In Thanksgiving for Fr. Dave and His Parents Robert Johnston John Kelly Kleinknecht & Capko Families Ann Marie Kradell William Lanigan Cosimo "Casey" Luchino Eugene MacBride Alfred Martinetti, Jr. Harold Maxson John McAleavey Jeff McCormick Wesley McGoff Bill Morrow James Onderwater John Onderwater Daniel Ottmer Caesar Plietz Rudolph Pohle Ronald Porter Ulo Prema Thomas Robertson Thomas Rowe George Stickle Nicholas Tarquinio Joseph Tuohy Rocco Vacca Italo Vacca Pasquale “Pat” J. Verile Eugene "Gene" Ward Those listed here, as well as the names in the basket on the altar, will be remembered in a Novena of nine Masses, sharing in all graces therein, beginning with Mass on Father’s Day. COME AND YOU WILL SEA waves. They are mere creations and pray together – listening to what the sometimes (weekly) go to the Corner not gods, but the God who made Almighty says to you in that most Bagelry in Point Pleasant beach, grab them, who is greater than them, special of relationships. If you’re a coffee & a pork roll egg and cheese, whose greatness, and vast deep love single – let God speak to you – heart and then drive to the Manasquan is love itself – is spoken of and hinted to heart. Don’t just put it off or pass inlet; while watching the waves and at in their might and roar and foam. as a “nice idea”, let God draw you to birds and boats, I pray and listen and The widening of our minds, Full discloser here gang – I himself and speak to him, for he longs to speak with you. think about what God is saying to me soothing of our hearts, and invitation as his son and us as his parish. Have to dream that occurs when we walk you ever done this? along the shore line, the whisper of In Christ, The readings this week – align like that “better place”, postcards in a a constellation, a group of individual sense, of heaven that occurs to us – stars that when taken together reveal this comes from the Holy Spirit who a larger pattern. What is the pattern? wishes to speak to us; it’s no wonder It is the sea. Look at the psalm: Jesus himself often walked and “They who sailed the sea in ships, trading on the deep waters, These saw the works of the LORD and his wonders in the abyss” It is taken up in the 1st reading and prayed and thought at the seashore. So, here is your mission – an actual, practical mission: While many folks are drawn to the rides, and games, and salt water taffy (all good the Gospel. Throughout time folks by the way), I’d ask you to look have heard God reaching out to beyond the planks and the board them–through the majesty of nature walk – your homework this week – if and the sea – “whom the winds and you choose to accept it – is to be waves obey” as today’s Gospel says. drawn to the sea to “sea” what God No, we’re not going into pantheism or paganism. We don’t says to you. If you’re married, walk with your spouse, hold hands, and worship the sun or the sea or the 3 St. Martha Church KIDS BOX W I N D M A R T H A W E V A H R H F E Y E B O W S R S A I D T H O I H W H Y U A S E A J Y W A W F L A S G N I K I V F A N A E I M L P Q U N N Z A S Y R E S R T E E P O T E T I F A C E V R G H H D Y M H H A M D E N H E M P N T L E T I E O T MUSIC NOTES A T J T E O H A R A T W R H B S H O S O E C S W H A E E W O E V O N Y N T E Y A N R H I N D J D E K S A A M U D E T K E Words to Find (this is a big one!): “The wind ceased and there was great calm. Then he asked them, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?” They were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?”” (Mk 4:39-41). Vikings, Saint Martha, Saint Joseph Happy Fathers Day from Lou’s Desk 732-295-3630 Ext 36 Having Faith Is Never Walking Alone As we hear today’s gospel, once again we see another story of Faith. Jesus calms the angry sea. In the Broadway Play “Carousel” the lyrics to the song “You’ll Never Walk Alone” come into play very strongly. The first 2 lines of the song really strike a chord. The lyrics beautifully say “When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high, and don’t be afraid of the dark. At the end of the storm is a golden sky, and the sweet silver song of a lark.” Reading in between the lines of this song we can see the Gospel story reflected very well. It can easily be equated to the miracle that transpired. The disciples were afraid the boat they were in would not survive the storm, consequently they would perish as a result. Yet in the midst of the darkness that loomed over them Jesus calms the storm, tells the disciples not to be afraid, and reminds them to have faith. It is safe to say that the “golden sky and sweet sliver song of the lark” amid the storm is Jesus Himself. We are reminded once again to be people of faith. The well, loved hymn “Be Not Afraid” speaks of that same faith as well. “I go before you always, come follow me and I will give you rest.” With faith, we never walk alone. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Inspired by Gospel values, this lay organization leads all to join to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are in need and suffering. All requests are held confidential. 732-295-3630 x33 For News and Updates You’ll have no Regrets Go to www.saintmartha.net 4 St. Martha Church RELIGIOUS EDUCATION INFORMATION YOUTH MINISTRY 732-295-3630 x 35 [email protected] with Bob Morris 732-295-3630 ext. 31 [email protected] “Seeing the sun, the moon and the stars, I said to myself, ‘Who could be the Master of these beautiful things?’ I felt a great desire to see him, to know him and to pay him homage.” - St. Josephine Bakhita Faith at Home: Today is Father’s Day. Say the Our Father together before dinner in addition to your prayer before meals. And make card for Dad, letting him know you appreciate everything he does for you and for his example of faith! Registration for CCD: If you have not yet registered for 2015-2016, please do so as soon as possible. Forms may be found at the entrances to the church. Thank you. Ministry Opportunity: Thinking about ministering as a catechist? For some inspiration, go to www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5BOQeds3iU Call Gina Kotz for more information, or stop by the religious education office. Confirmation at St. Martha’s is scheduled: Confirmation will be celebrated at St. Martha’s on Thursday, November 12th at 4pm and 6pm with Bishop David O’Connell. Please continue to pray for all our young people who will be receiving the Seal of the Holy Spirit on that day. Needed for VBS: We ask the help of our generous parishioners for some items we need for SonSpark Labs: empty tubes from towel paper, lab coats, rope lights. If you have any questions, please call Liz at 732-295-3630, Ext. 37. Thank you! Here is a prayer for a graduation party: “Good and Loving God, thank you for this gathering to celebrate the graduation of ___. Thank you for his or her family, friends, teachers, coaches, and everyone who helped ___get to this moment. Give ___ the grace to open up his or her heart to enjoy this celebration and to fully express gratitude to all who come to this party. Thank you for the past years and what ___has accomplished. Thank you too for the hardships, because we know that hardships are part of what makes us into who we are. Help ___ to accept the blessings with gratitude, to reconcile where reconciliation is needed, and to move forward, confident in your plan for his or her life. Amen.” Youth Ministry is ramping up for the summer. Call me to find out the great things we’re about. 732-295-3630 ext. 31. FORTNIGHT FOR FREEDOM The Fortnight for Freedom will take place from June 21 to July 4, 2015, a time when our liturgical calendar celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power—St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, St. John the Baptist. Today many Christians are still being killed by hostile forces to the Gospel; they need our prayers. The theme of this year's Fortnight will focus on the "freedom to bear witness" to the truth of the Gospel. Let’s pray for Christians in persecuted parts of the world, that they and us will continue to bravely bear witness to the Gospel with love. www.usccb.org 5 St. Martha Church ORGANIZATIONS AROUND THE DIOCESE July 6-12 – Silent Directed/Private Retreat at Maris Stella Retreat Center, 609-494-2917 or [email protected] July 11 – Holy Family Academy 27th Annual Alumni/ae Luncheon, 11am-4pm, Doolan’s Shore Club Motor Lodge, Spring Lake Heights, Sr. Margaret at 1-267-336-2972 or [email protected] July 15 – Spirituality and Education Day for Maturing Adults 55+, 9am – 3:30pm, St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish, Hamilton, NJ, 609403-7191 or [email protected] (flyers at church entrance) August 7-9 – Retrouvaille Marriage Program, the Family Life Center, Malvern, PA, www.HelpOurMarriage.com or 1-800-4702230 August 17-23 – Private Retreat at Maris Stella Retreat Center, [email protected] or 609-494-2917 SHARING OUR TREASURE Weekend of June 13/14 Weekly Offerings Bequests Religious Education $ 20,006.42 $ $ 5,870.00 “Give to the Most High as he has given to you, generously, according to your means. For he is a God who always repays and will give back to you sevenfold.” Sirach 35:12-13 A PRAYER FOR FATHERS Blessed is the Father who lets the Lord be his guiding hand, whose faith brings his family courage, whose wisdom comes from God, and whose children stand and honor Him. ANNULMENT MINISTRY please contact the office to learn more. 732-295-3630. BEREAVEMENT GROUP meets the 1st Sunday of the month at 10:00 am. Please call the office to sign up. 732-295-3630. HOLY INNOCENTS for God’s special needs children. Kathy: 732-458-0707 or Stephanie: 732279-6406. INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP 1st Monday at 11:00 am Contact Annette Richards 732-674-6935. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS meets 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm. MOM’S BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, 9:30 am -11:00 am Information: Sue Byington (908-489-9288). PARISH BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, 7:30 pm–9:00 pm. Info: Michael Tuohy, 908-902-1725. PRECANA CONFERENCE AT ST. MARTHA CHURCH Next session is Nov. 7, 2015 at 10:00 am. To register, go to www.dioceseoftrenton.org/mar riage-preparation-events/ and scroll down to Nov. Questions - call AnnMarie at 732-206-0053. R.C.I.A. A process of prayer, study and spiritual formation prepares adults for entrance into community with the Church. Any adult interested is invited to call the Parish office. RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE meets Tuesday, November 10, at 1:00pm. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY meets 1st Monday at noon. Call Sharon Hettenbach, 732-892-6490. ROSARY MAKERS meets every other Friday at 10:00 am. Call Sharon, 732-892-6490. SACRED STEPPERS Mondays, 10 am – 12 pm. SEPARATED AND DIVORCED meet 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm. Contact Arlene, 732-7141747. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Will resume on Sept 17. Thursdays, at 9:00 am. Call Janet, 732-836-0303 to reserve material. 6 St. Martha Church FOOT CARE & SURGERY $1OFF OFF ANY ANY FAMILY $1 ~ House Calls Available ~ R. KURT MEIER, III ORDER w/ad D.P.M., D.A.B.P.S. ORDER SURGEON - PODIATRIST The Country Country The Bakery Baking on Premises Fresh Bread Our Specialty 732-899-4493 2095 ROUTE 88 EAST · BRICK MENTION THIS AD FOR 10% OFF HAP P Y P AW S 732-295-3997 2804 Bridge Ave., Pt. Pleasant 840-7502 OFFICE: 732-899-8299 Lee Richards Cell: 732-581-0877 HANDMADE CUSTOM JEWELRY ALL REPAIRS DONE ON PREMISES WHILE YOU WAIT AND WATCH 732 899 1436 FULLY INSURED/REFERENCES (OFFICE) FINE JEWELRY 2243 BRIDGE AVENUE · 295-8875 POINT PIZZA BY PUDGY $1.00 Will Be Donated To St. Martha With This Ad 732-892-6112 2708 BRIDGE AVENUE · POINT PLEASANT Pable Evertz Funeral Home FUNERALS · ADVANCED PLANNING · CREMATION RICHARD A. PABLE, N.J. LIC. NO. 2571 · ROBERT H. EVERTZ, 1945-2013 ERIC T. MCDONOUGH, MANAGER, N.J. LIC. NO. 4051 901 Beaver Dam Road · Point Pleasant · 732-899-3300 (Within 1 Mile Of St. Martha) Point Lobster Co. Brick Foot & Ankle Center Dental Implants Quality Integrity Trust OPEN 10 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK Formerly the Practice of Dr. Robert A. Wojciak 892-1729 EMERGENCY CARE AVAILABLE Peter S. Fam, DMD, FAGD, FIC0I 1 ST. LOUIS AVENUE POINT PLEASANT BEACH 732-295-8899 · 842 Arnold Avenue · Point Pleasant OLDE RIVERSIDE SCHOOL & CAMP HANDYMAN SPECIAL/TONY We Install 732-892-0093 • Closed Tuesday 2813 Bridge Ave., Pt. Pleasant studioninetileandstone.com Family Owned & Operated ~ ALL AROUND HOME ~ 732-899-1999 1635 Bay Avenue · Point Pleasant No Job Too Small Do Some Wood Working (Corner Bay & Bridge Avenues) www.monalyssarestaurant.com ~ UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP ~ A TOUCH OF CLASS SALON $5.00 OFF ANY SERVICE W/AD 732-899-0491 2610 BRIDGE AVENUE FUNERAL HOME Kevin C. O’Brien, Manager - NJ Lic. 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