koncept - 120 Hours
koncept - 120 Hours
KONCEPT Life on earth is fragile. We have to take care of the earth if the next generations shall live and have the same opportunities as us. Everybody is aware of this fact with everyday warnings and encouraging advices, where ever we go. Whether it is the ending of the suns life, the global warming, the threatening overpopulation, or more. The problems are overwhelming and unmanageable for the individual, and therefor it is difficult to cope with. The responsible is ejected to higher authorities, but unfortunately the responsible always end up at the individual. Attitudes and habits have to change. Everyone have to think new and bigger, if development shall turn around. Overpopulation is not the problem, the consumers overuse are. But how does each consumer realize this? Creating debates to these issues, consumers have to experience the consequences in their life right now before the next generations will suffer. Consumers have to relate to what we have and lost, if we don’t change attitude. 85.000 people, but only resources for 1000! An attempt to recognize responsibility and respond to sustainability in an architectural way the earth is divided up into simple boxes. These boxes represent important natural resources that will run out in the nearest future. The boxes are organised in an architectural grid structure, which is easily understood of the festival participants - like a simplified version of the periodic table. To achieve a closer comparability to the real world, boxes are removed to illustrate the resources we already have used. This intervention is strictly elected from the wall’s position and orientation. The constellation gets an iconic status and creates a bridge over the path, so the participants are forced to interact with the icon. The south end is shortened, which creates a small place for cover. Furthermore dynamic interaction with the centrum of the festival and a dialog with the statue Vindfruen are generated. Where did you get That stool from? Population 1314 To amplify the message and force the festival participants to interact with the icon, the boxes in the grid structures are moveable and can be used as seating furniture. The boxes are constructed and designed similar, but divided into four groups of natural resources. A symbol of each natural resource is engraved into the boxes. When the boxes are moved from the icon and used as furniture, the boxes’ message will be spread around the festival area. Debates of natural resources and our uses of them will grow, as the participants interact with the furniture. When the festival participants remove all the stools, the simple grid is the only thing left. This lightweight construction symbolizes the exhausted and empty earth. Festival participants will now discover the consequences of their actions. If you only remove one stool, it doesn’t seem to affect the wall, but when everybody trades after this conviction, the construction will be emptied - similar to the earth. Resources Natural resources are basis for our life in the World. Increased demands and consumption of Fossil fuel, water, wood and Chcolate will eventually run out. Fossil Fuel oil: ca. 45 years. Produces 90 million barrels daily. naturalgas: ca. 55 years.Produces 8,7 Billion cubic meters daily. coal: ca. 65 years. Produces 23180 tonnes daily. Wood The last 10 years, forest area corresponding to Germany and Denmark together has been destroyed. Chocolate The Industry is affected by manual labor and child slavery. The Cocoa bean can only grow in excruciating within 10 degrees of equator and isn’t worth growing for West African farmers. Fresh Water The fresh water reserves are drying out, because the Climate is changing. Hey look! You are sitting on fossil fuel Resources 1314
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