May -


May -
East Kent NARPO
“Eis Servire Qui Serviverunt”
Number 148
May 2016
Thursday 30th June
Boughton Golf Club, Brickfield Lane, Boughton ME13 9AJ
12 Noon for 1pm Lunch
Cantaloupe Melon Cup with Sweet Summer Fruits Drizzled with Summer Pudding Coulis and
topped with refreshing Lemon Sorbet
Main Course
Slow Braised Sweet Honey Glazed Pork Chop on a bed of Roasted Pear and Root Vegetables
with Wholegrain Mustard and Cider Sauce. Minted Baby New potatoes and Steamed Seasonal
Vegetarian Option
Sweet Course
Warm Toffee, Apple & Banana Crumble Tartlet with Butterscotch Sauce & Thick Clotted
Tea/Coffee and Mints included
Subsidised at £15 per head £8 for widows. Wheelchair Access
The Deal Reunion will
be held on Wednesday
10th August at 7.30 pm.
The venue is Elizabeth
House, 32 St. Mary’s
Road, Walmer. (next to
St. Mary’s Church).
Refreshments will be
provided. Members, old
and new, are most
Jim Boughton, the
organiser can be contacted on 01304 822777.
Summer Lunches
Ticket applications
are on Page 8
For those wishing to play golf it will be £10.50 in the morning on the par 3 course.
There is no need to book
• Chairman’s Column:
Page 2
• Editorial:
Page 3
• Narpo Travel & Health
Page 5
• AGM Report:
Thuursday 15th September at Royal Temple Yacht Club,
Marine Terrace, Ramsgate. 12noon for 1pm lunch
Menu to be published via Email and the August Newsletter
• Memories of a Kiddy Cop
Page 7
• Luncheon Tickets: Page 8
• Small Ads & Widows Pension for Life:
Page 9
• Obituaries:
Subsidised at £15 per person - £8 widows
(Service not included)
Page 6
Page 10
• Change to Benevolent
Fund Rule 4:
Page 11
• Branch Directory: Page 12
© 2016 All rights reserved. The East Kent NARPO Branch Newsletter is published by the Branch Executive
Committee. Opinions expressed by contributors are theirs, and not necessarily those of the Branch Committee. EO&E. Printed in Broadstairs by Seward Copyshop Church Street St Peters Broadstairs CT10 2 TU
East Kent NARPO Newsletter
Chairman's Column
Hi everyone
Spring has sprung and
the long winter is behind us and it is time
for looking forward
to sunny days and warm evenings.
Cyril Hall
Cyril, now aged 90, has recently
lost his wife Pearl and is seeking
contact with some of his old colleagues and friends to talk over old
times. Cyril can be contacted on
01227 454067. He would very
much welcome contact.
We held the AGM on the Tuesday
On The Move
19th April and thanks again for those
who attended to support the branch.
I am grateful for Tim Packham of the
Federation for his address and Mike
Davis one of our members, for entertaining us with some of his close
magic; a good evening was had by all.
Terry Vine has moved address in
James Faulkner, Westgate to
Johnathan Lord, Herne Bay to
Doreen Philps, Eastbourne to
Tony Power has moved address at
Minster-on Sea
I remind everyone to keep us
up to date with your email or if you
have changed address then please let
us know?
The two Snowball email systems are
there so we can keep you up to date
with news, events and obituary notices.
It was used to great effect when one
of our colleagues passed away, he was
in desperate straits at the time with
no relatives to organise a funeral. We
were afraid that the funeral would
pass with only a handful attending. As
a result of the obituary snowball being
used, over 60 members attended the
crematorium to show their support
for him. Donald Lugg who officiated
at the funeral service was over the
moon with the response. This in my
view demonstrates the close bond
that exists within NARPO locally.
Do enjoy the summer and see you in
Page 2
Mick Deans, Abbotts Langley,
Herts. To Lydd on Sea
Charles Hogan, Builth Wells to
Cwmbran, Wales
Robert Sidoli, Ashford to Barry,
Rebecca Byrne, Hothfield to
Kennington nr. Ashford
Karen Griffin, Dunkirk to
Morpeth, Northumberland
Roger Connor, Faversham to
Colin McKeown has moved
address at Ramsgate
Mark Janaway, Barham to Deal
Ann Wiggins has moved address at
David Baker, Canterbury to Kings
Doug Ramsden, Appledore to
John Cressey, Margate to
This corner is for those who
have access to the internet
In this edition:
Web Corner
Police Oracle is the magazine covering all policing issues in the UK and
took over from the old Police Review magazine.
the autumn.
Kind Regards
Bob Pollard
Note: Most public libraries will have access to the web; you may have
to book in advance
East Kent NARPO Newsletter
Welcome to the
May newsletter. You
will see from the
front page that two
of this years lunches
are again highlighted.
These really are superb lunch
dates and if you haven't yet
attended one of these I would
highly recommend you give it a go.
They are a great way to meet old
colleagues and have a good time.
These two lunches are always well
attended and it would be good to
see a full house!
In Web Corner I have highlighted
the site which carries ‘Police Oracle’, the national policing magazine
that covers all current police news
and information. This magazine
succeeded the old ‘Police Review’.
Sadly one significant feature of
this newsletter are the number of
obituaries. They and their families
are in our thoughts.
I have to echo what Bob Pollard
said at the AGM in thanking both
Jim Boughton and Bill Eggleton for
their unswerving loyalty and dedication to the Branch over many
years. We welcome Bill Russell to
the committee in place of Jim. At
the time of writing a replacement
for Bill has not materialized.
many months of delay I’m
pleased to say that the long
dispute over the commutation
debacle has at long last been
settled. Those former officers who
were involved have now been
financially recompensed; all thanks
to Milne. In my recent travels I
have met some of those involved
who rather strangely had big
smiley happy faces!
I can’t go without mentioning, at
the time of writing, that wintery
weather seems to have returned.
I hope when you read this the
Spring weather has got a lot
warmer. Have a great Summer!
Dave Ashwell—Editor
Page 3
Welcome to New Members
Eileen Dodd, St Margaret’s-atCliffe, Dover
Brian Leighton, Macclesfield
Gary Shaw, Deal
Kane Clifford, Densole
Maria Skinner, Sleaford,
Police Search
A policeman searched me in a
public toilet last night and found
a small bag of class A drugs.
"It's not my fault," I said, "Every
time I try flushing them down
the toilet they magically appear
back in my pocket again."
"Do you really expect me to believe that?" The officer laughed.
I said, "I'll prove it to you if you
want me to!"
The Officer said, "Go on then"
he smiled, handing me the bag he
had found on me.
After flushing them, he looked at
me and said, "Well, show me
your pocket then."
"What for?" I asked.
He said, "The drugs."
I said, "What drugs?"
Cenotaph Service 2016
Nationally NARPO are usually
allocated 50 places for the
Cenotaph at the Remembrance
service and march past. Places
go very quickly and are allocated
by the CEO at Wakefield on a
first come first served basis. If
you wish to take part this year,
please advise the Branch Secretary as soon as possible, as you
must be proposed by the
Branch. A reserve list is held, so
please apply now, you may still
get a place.
The Matt Cartoons © are copyright and
reproduced by kind permission of Matt/The
Daily Telegraph.
Anthony Pollen, Herne Bay
Nick Millgate, Ashford
Michelle Whitehead,
Wendy Jones, Herne Bay
Ray Marsh, Ashford
David Medgett, Dover
Mark Platts, Herne Bay
Keith Lawrence, Ashford
Andrew Sutherland, Bilsington
Mark Arnold, Whitstable
Anthony Henley, Faversham
East Kent NARPO Newsletter
Final Tribute
Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water
twice, because the flow that has passed will never
pass again. Enjoy every moment of life.
As a bagpiper, I played many gigs. Recently I was
asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends,
so the service was to be at a pauper's cemetery in
the Nova Scotia back country.
Page 4
Old Bikers
I called your house the other day and was told you
were down at your favourite biker bar with some
I wasn't sure where that was, but was told I wouldn't
have much trouble finding it.
Sure enough, I drove just a couple blocks and there it
There is nothing like the feel of the sun on your face
and the wind in your hair, is there?
As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost
and, being a typical man, I didn't stop for directions.
I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy
had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in
sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and
they were eating lunch. I felt badly and apologized to
the men for being late.
I went to the side of the grave and looked down and
the vault lid was already in place. I didn't know what
else to do, so I started to play.
The workers put down their lunches and began to
gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this
man with no family and friends. I played like I've
never played before for this homeless man.
And as I played "Amazing Grace", the workers began
to weep. They wept, I wept, we all wept together.
When I finished, I packed up my bagpipes and started
for my car. Though my head was hung low, my heart
was full.
As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the
workers say, "I never seen anything like that before,
and I've been putting in septic tanks for twenty
It seems I'm still's a man thing.
Chris Carter
Our apologies to Chris Carter of New Milton, Hants
who we reported in the last newsletter had moved to
Ramsgate. He has not and tells us that he has no intention to. The Chris Carter who has moved lived in
Broadstairs and moved to Ramsgate. I hope this up
clears the confusion.
Confused Editor
Questions that Haunt Me
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put
money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
What disease did cured ham actually have?
How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on
Why is it that people say they 'slept like a baby' when babies wake up like every two hours?
If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?
Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!
East Kent NARPO Newsletter
National wish to bring to your attention that they
have introduced changes to the way in which the NARPO
travel and health insurance schemes operate.
Effective from February NARPO will no longer be responsible
for the administration and processing of the schemes; that
function has now been taken over by Police Mutual and any
enquiries or requests involving payments or cancellations
should be directed to them on their dedicated contact email
and phone line as below:
E mail – [email protected] Tel no: 0151 242 7648
Any enquiries in relation to policy cover, claims and pricing
should continue to be directed to: Harry McGimpsey at:
Page 5
Paraprosdokian Sentences
A figure of speech that uses an unexpected
ending to a series or phrase.
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit;
Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
Dolphins are so smart that within a few
weeks of captivity, they can train people to
stand on the very edge of the pool and
throw them fish.
Whenever I fill out an application that says,
"If an emergency, notify:_____" I put,
Why do Americans choose from just two
people to run for president and 50 for Miss
[email protected] or
You do not need a parachute to skydive.
0800 3308 575 for Travel Insurance and 0800 112 4815 for
You only need a parachute to skydive twice.
Health Insurance.
A bloke's wife goes missing while diving off the West Australian Coast. He reports the event, searches fruitlessly and spends a terrible night wondering what could have happened to her. Next morning there's a knock at
the door and he is confronted by a couple of policemen, an old Sergeant and a younger Constable.
The Sergeant says, "Mate, we have some news for you. Unfortunately some really bad news, but, some good
news, and maybe some more good news".
"Well", says the bloke, "I guess I'd better have the bad news first?" The Sergeant says, "I'm really sorry mate, but
your wife is dead. Young Bill here found her lying at about five fathoms in a little cleft in the reef. He got a line
around her and we pulled her up, but she was dead."
The bloke is naturally distressed to hear of this and has a bit of a turn. But after a few minutes he pulls himself
together and asks what the good news is.
The Sarge says, "Well when we got your wife up, there were quite a few really good sized lobsters and a swag
of nice crabs attached to her, so we've brought you your share." He hands the bloke a bag with a couple of nice
lobsters and four or five crabs in it.
"Geez thanks! They're bloody beauties. I guess it's an ill wind and all that... So what's the other possible good
"Well", the Sarge says, "If you fancy a quick trip, me and Bill get off duty at around 11 o'clock and we're gonna
shoot over there and pull her up again!"
East Kent NARPO Newsletter
Page 6
Annual General Meeting
The East Kent Branch of NARPO held their Annual General Meeting, along with the William Thrift Trust Annual
General Meeting on 19th April 2016. The meeting commenced with a minutes silence to remember ‘absent
friends’. A total of 37 members attended the meeting.
Chairman Bob Pollard addressed the meeting and gave a summary of the years social events, mentioning the
success of last years Summer Lunch, Ramsgate Reunion Lunch and the Christmas Lunch. He also mentioned that
the Force museum will continue but the venue is not confirmed. It will probably not be at Force Headquarters.
The proposed new rules of NARPO will not be voted on until 2017, having been rejected in 2015.
Norman Liggins, the new Branch Secretary gave the membership an insight as to his police history and a report
for 2015/16. He thanked both Patricia Eggleton and Di Witney for their assistance in adapting to the new role.
The Committees for the East Kent Branch and the William Thrift Fund were then re-elected. In addition Bill
Russell was elected to the committee as the representative for Dover; Jim Boughton having stood down.
The minutes for both the AGM and William Thrift Trust were accepted without question, as were the
secretaries and treasurers reports.
Tim Packham from the Federation then gave an input as to the
current situation within the police service. He stated that the
Force is still under tremendous financial pressure, having to cut
33 million GBP in the next four years. He then told the meeting
that Kent was actually recruiting 81officers this year bringing
the strength up to 3,260. He went on to say that the digital age
had arrived within the Service explaining that officers did not
have to return to the station to fill in crime reports etc, that all
crime inputs were done via smartphones/computers out on the
ground. He rather wittingly ended by saying the Welsh forces
had introduced a requirement that officers seeking promotion
to Chief Inspector will now have to speak Welsh!
The Chairman Bob Pollard closed the meeting by thanking Jim Boughton and Bill Eggleton for their service on
the committee.
Member Mike Davis then introduced himself as a member of the Magic Circle and gave the audience an insight
as to it’s history explaining it wasn’t a secret society but a society of secrets. After the very interesting insight he
then entertained the meeting with some very clever ‘magic’.
At the close of business a social evening followed and all enjoyed the buffet whilst renewing old friendships.
Our very best wishes and congratulations go to Graham and
Eleanor Pond of Hythe who celebrated 65 years of marriage on
17th March 2016. They received a visit from Bill and Tricia Eggleton who on behalf of East Kent NARPO presented them with a
blue Hydrangea and blue pottery pot for outside, two bottles of
Rose wine, chocolates and a card. They were both thrilled to have
shared their celebration and send their many thanks to NARPO
East Kent NARPO Newsletter
Page 7
Memories of a Kiddy Kop Biker
I’ve been a biker since 1969 (although technically I started in the womb as my mum didn’t stop riding pillion on
my dad’s AJS until she was seven months gone!) I’ve been to the TT (once) but I haven’t visited a relatively local
mecca, the Ace Café in North London yet. Whilst checking a route for a run out on my Triumph Tiger 800, I
saw how close Hendon was to it and then a song came into my
“We are the Police Cadets from Hendon,
We are the MP double C,
And every morning you can find us,
“GET ON PARADE!” with Bill Bailey.
We love to do our drill and judo,
We like to keep our weekends free.
We are the Police Cadets from Hendon,
We are the MP double C C C!”
(If you know a different version, I wouldn’t be surprised!)
So yes I was a Kiddy Kop from 1970 – ‘72 but I wasn’t in the Met. I was Kent (K93) and along with the Met and
us, we had cadets from Surrey and the RUC. I was only up there for three terms from September ‘70 till July
‘71 but my transport was my trusty Triumph. (Now that’s brand loyalty – a Triumph at 16 and a Triumph at 60.
Winter weekends were fun. I’d arrive back in Thanet Saturday afternoon where a hot bath and a cup of tea
would be waiting at home to help thaw me out.
A nice little run from Thanet to Hendon on dark and cold Sunday nights to return to the college after the weekend home. I really looked forward to the Dartford Tunnel. The fumes might have been smelly but they were
warm! I usually had a stop just before to stick my hands near the exhaust pipes so I could feel the controls
again. I’m spoilt now. My 2012 Tiger has heated grips (and ABS which would have been useful then on some of
the greasy London roads).
When I got there, I dumped my clean clothes up in my dormitory (thanks, mum) and rode round to park the
bike in its London home. Three of us had found an old lady with an empty garage to her house locally and we
paid her rent to store our bikes there. We couldn’t keep them on site and it was handy if we wanted to pop
out during the week. History repeated itself when I became a baby bobby in training at Sandgate in ’72 as two of
us did the same again and rented an empty garage just around the corner in the Enbrook Valley. We weren’t
going to suffer the wrath of the local bobby on his bike for parking our cars on the highway all week thus
‘Causing an unnecessary obstruction!’ Good old Ben Bray, bless his soul, sit up and beg cycle and moustache!
Time moves on. One of my aims was to be paid for riding bikes and this I achieved in 1975 when I completed
my Standard Motorcycle Course and was allocated my first Police patrol bike at T4, Ashford and it was – yes,
you’ve guessed it (or not) a Triumph Saint 650cc! Shoulder number T237.
A couple of years later and I had the Holy Grail – a Class One ticket. I’m still riding now (which is not easy
when trying to use a laptop keyboard!) and I thank the instructors at the Kent Police Driving School, my colleagues on Traffic and the bible that is the ‘Roadcraft’ book for keeping me in one piece and no broken bones
throughout my riding career.
I did return the karma by becoming an instructor myself on the old ACU/RAC rider training scheme at Folkestone which was then superseded by the Kent Rider Scheme run by the KCC and I still bump into old students
although luckily, not literally!
Whatever role you had in our Constabulary, I hope you enjoyed it too and what you learned has helped you
throughout your life, both before and after retirement.
Keep it between the hedges!
Terry Wright
East Kent NARPO Newsletter
Page 8
.…………………..Post Code………………..Telephone……………………………..
Please send……… @ £15 (£8 widows), for the Summer Lunch at
Boughton Golf Club. Cheques to be made payable to ‘NARPO East Kent
Branch’. Please enclose a SAE for your tickets, and post the completed
form to Tina Sloman, 5 Lime Tree House, St Lawrence Ground, Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, CT1 3NY. Tel: 01227 763760: E Mail: [email protected]
.…………………..Post Code………………..Telephone……………………………..
Please send……… @ £15 (£8 widows), for the Ramsgate Lunch at
Royal Temple Yacht Club, Westcliff Terrace. Cheques to be made payable to
‘NARPO East Kent Branch’. Please enclose a SAE for your tickets, and post
the completed form to Tina Sloman, 5 Lime Tree House, St Lawrence Ground, Old
Dover Road, Canterbury, CT1 3NY. Tel: 01227 763760: E Mail: [email protected]
Our warmest congratulations go to Bert and Beryl Ashman
of Folkestone in celebration of their 70th wedding anniversary. Bert tells us that they married on 22nd February 1946
in Maidstone. He had been serving as a War Office wireless
operator at Station ‘X’, Bletchley Park and Beryl had been a
nurse at the British Legion Hospital, Preston Hall, Maidstone
nursing ex POW servicemen suffering from chest infections.
He tells us that Beryl is known affectionately as ‘Queen B’
and once a year the swarm get together when they have
their 17 great grand children visit. On behalf of the East Kent
members Roy Chadwick presented them with champagne,
flowers and chocolates. This event was followed by a family
meal at a local hotel in Folkestone.
East Kent NARPO Newsletter
Page 9
Members wishing to place an advert should send the details to me together with a cheque for £5
which will be for welfare purposes. Please make cheques payable to ‘The National Association of
Retired Police Officers East Kent Branch’ and forward to Mr. D. Ashwell, Windmill Lodge, Mill Lane,
Willesborough, Ashford, Kent TN24 0QG.
Services offered by advertisers are not specifically endorsed by this Branch. The Editor reserves the
right to refuse or withdraw advertisements at his discretion and does not accept liability for clerical
or printer’s errors, although every care is taken to avoid mistakes. Advertisements in the East Kent
NARPO Newsletter are accepted only on the understanding that the advertisers warrant that the
advertisements do not contravene the Trade Description Act 1968, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975
and the Business Advertisements (Disclosure) Order of 1997 and conform to the British Code of
Advertising Practice.
Coins and Banknotes, especially George 111 or
I pay good prices. Willing to travel.
Please contact Richard Hardy ex 2086
Telephone: 07786 644055
Email: [email protected]
For that special holiday for two this modern apartment with uninterrupted breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean, is within 5 minutes
walk of the beach, bars and restaurants. Set in the picturesque village
of Canico, the apartment has all the modern facilities including many
English TV Channels, and internet access. The capital of Madeira,
Funchal is only 13km away, accessed by a 30 minute bus ride from
outside the apartment. Guests will be met at the airport on arrival by
taxi to the apartment at an additional cost of 25 Euros each way.
Cost: £500 for two weeks - £275 for one week. For full colour brochure and details Tel: 01303 779272
Following recent changes to the Regulations concerning survivors’ pensions, and how they are
dealt with should the survivor remarry, co-habit or form a civil partnership, it has become clear that
there are three different approaches in operation within the United Kingdom.
The Justice Minister in the Northern Ireland Executive, David Ford, announced on 21 March 2014 that all survivors of members of the RUC pension scheme should retain their pensions for life irrespective of the circumstances of the death of the former officer. As a result all survivors are entitled to have their pensions reinstated effective from 1 July 2014.
On the 18th January this year the 2006 Police [Injury Benefit] Regulations were amended [see Circular 39/15].
This change means that survivors’ pensions paid in respect of 1987 Police Pension scheme members will no
longer have to forfeit their pension where the police officer dies on duty or dies as a result of an injury received on duty. In England and Wales this change only applies to widows, widowers or surviving civil partners,
who marry, remarry, form a civil partnership or start to cohabit on or after 1st April 2015. This change came
into force retrospectively from 1st April 2015.
In Scotland however the change applies to all those wives, husbands, or civil partners of police officers who
died on duty who have already had their pension withdrawn because of remarriage, forming a civil partnership
or cohabitation and, consequently they will have their pension reinstated with effect from 1 October 2015 irrespective of when the remarriage, cohabitation or civil partnership occurred.
In view of the changes made I would encourage all our members to write to their MP to highlight the injustice
in an effort to bring pressure on Government to adopt a standard approach across the UK in respect of this
matter and I have put a template letter on the website for members to use at:
East Kent NARPO Newsletter
Page 10
It is with great regret that I inform you of the following deaths. We send our sympathies to their families.
Please note: Information available at the time of publication is often very limited.
Adley, Frederick John former
Superintendant 1372 aged 91
years of Margate, died on 4th
January 2016. He joined the Force
in May 1946 and retired on 16th
May 1976, having served at Dartford, Force Headquarters, Dover,
Bredhurst, Tunbridge Wells Rochester, Ramsgate and Margate.
Delaney, Michael former
Constable 5502 aged 62 years of
Westfield, East Sussex died on
23rd March 2106. He leaves a
widow, Carol. Michael joined Kent
Police in February 1975 serving at
Maidstone, Cranbrook, Traffic and
Tunbridge Wells before retiring in
March 2004.
Cave, John former Constable
1225 aged 103 years of Folkestone, died on 10th February
2016. John joined Dover Borough
Police in 1939 before joining the
Royal Corps of Signals, serving in
North Africa between 1940 and
1944, then France and Germany
from 1944 to 1945 when he resumed his police service until his
retirement in 1964, having served
at Dover and Folkestone.
Footman, Paul former Sergeant
5104 aged 68 years of Bournemouth, died on 23rd March 2014.
Paul joined Kent Police in 1973
serving at Dartford, Faversham,
FHQ - Training, Whitstable,
Herne Bay, and Canterbury before
retiring in October 2004 when he
continued working for Kent Police
in a civilian post.
Pawsey, Miriam Jane widow of
the late Constable 2282
Pawsey of Whitstable collapsed
and died suddenly at home on
10th February 2016. Miriam was a
widow member of East Kent
Green, Thomas former
Constable 7395 aged 65 years of
Folkestone died on 29th February
2106. Thomas joined Kent Police
in April 1982 and retired on ill
health in November 1995, having
served at Canterbury.
Peggie, David former Inspector
1767 aged 92 years, died on 11th
February 2016. David joined Kent
Police in August 1948 and retired
in December 1976. We have no
further service history information.
Griffiths, David Huw, former
Constable 7611 aged 61 years of
Edenbridge. David joined the
Force in February 1984 serving at
Tonbridge, Lamberhurst, Cranbrook and Ashford before retiring
in July 2009
Portsmouth, Vera widow of
former Sergeant 1483 W.M. (Bill)
Portsmouth, died on 1st March
2016. Vera was a widow member
of East Kent NARPO.
Chiswell, William Raymond, (Bill)
former Sergeant 3295 aged 74
years of Maidstone, died on 17th
January 2016. He leaves a widow,
Dorothy. Bill joined Kent Police in
December 1962 and retired May
1991, having served in Dartford,
Ramsgate, Chatham and Maidstone – Support Group. . Bill was
a member of Maidstone branch
and an associate member of the
East Kent Branch of NARPO, a
member of the Kent Police Choir
and a keen Bowls Club member.
Cripps, Alan former Sergeant
3049 aged 76 years of Wingham,
died on 26th January 2016. His
wife Clarrie also sadly died shortly
after him on 8th February. Alan
joined the Force in 1961. He
served at Gillingham, Rainham,
Rochester, Wilmington/Dartford,
Margate and Herne Bay. In 1975
he was awarded a certificate of
merit for rescuing an elderly lady
from a burning house in Thanet .
He retired in May 1984.
Goreham, Myra Margaret aged
89 years died on 20th February
2106. Myra was the widow of
former Constable 1881 Geoffrey
Hall, Pearl Eileen wife of former
Sergeant 1337 Cyril Hall, died on
20th February 2016
Hill, Mary of Sittingbourne, the
wife of former officer 6432 Bob
Hill died on 24th March 2016.
Leipnik, David former Constable
9525 aged 64 years of Ditton, died
on 25th March 2016. He leaves a
widow, Anne. David joined Kent
Police in December 1993 serving
at Medway, Borough Green and
Maidstone before retiring in July
Potter, Brian former Constable
2628 aged 86 years of Suffolk.,
died on 9th January 2016. He
leaves a widow, Esme. Brian joined
the Force on 6th November 1957
having served at Maidstone, Rochester and Ramsgate before retiring
in 1983.
East Kent NARPO Newsletter
Obituaries continued from page 10
Skingle, John Eric, former
Sergeant 2520 aged 89 years of
Dover died on 5th February 2016.
he leaves a widow, Maureen. John
joined the Force on 24th Octo-
ber 1956 having served at Medway & Rochester, West
Kingsdown Rural, East Kent
Special Patrol Group, and Rural
Policing in Whitfield. John was
also a keen member of the
Kent Police Tug of War team in
Maidstone, before retiring in
Terry, Phillip former Sergeant
1391 aged 92 years of Littlestone,
died on 9th January 2016. He
leaves a widow, Vera. Philip joined
the Force in June 1946 and served
at Maidstone, Snodland, Herne
Bay, Deal, St Margaret’s Bay and
Tenterden before his retirement
in May 1974.
Umbers, Graham former
Detective Constable 3803 aged 69
years of Ramsgate, died on 4th
March 2016. Graham was born on
30th November 1946. He joined
the Force in January 1966 and
served at Aylesham, then at
Swanley and West Kingsdown before serving with Ramsgate CID.
He retired on 7th July 1981.
Watson, Laurence Roy, former
Constable 5101 aged 71 years of
Herne Bay, died on 5th March
2016. He leaves a widow, Lydia.
Laurence joined Surrey Police in
1968 and transferred to Kent in
1973. He served at Herne Bay,
Canterbury, Whitstable and Nackington returning to Canterbury
where he was serving when he
retired in January 1998.
Watts, Velma wife of East Kent
NARPO member Basil Watts of
Folkestone died on 4th February
Wickens, Aubrey former
Constable 2731 aged 82 years of
Tovil, died on 27th March 2016.
He leaves a widow, Ann. Aubrey
joined Kent Police in August 1958
serving at Dover, Deal, Rochester
and Gravesend before retiring in
June 1984.
Page 11
Easton, Brian former Sergeant
2304 aged 82 years of Wells, Somerset died 9th April 2016. Brian
joined Kent Police in June 1954
serving at Rochester, Tonbridge,
Gillingham and finally at FHQ before retiring in June 1986.
The lunch this year will be held at Kent Police College, Force Headquarters on 29th July. The cost will be £19. We are told that the pub who
supplied the beers and wine will not be present this year. You will be able
to purchase wine at the event but if members wish to drink beer/ spirits
you should bring your own. Soft drinks will be supplied free of charge.
On receiving an invitation to this event members should ensure they reply
either Yes or No. If you don’t reply then you name will be removed from
the list.
Members who wish to have their name included on the list should e mail
[email protected]
At the Benevolent Fund AGM on Monday 14th March, a vote was taken to
amend Fund Rule no.4, which is simply a raising of the age at which retired
colleagues no longer pay a subscription to the Benevolent Fund, from 60
to 65 years.
The rationale for this change is the fact that it was recently decided to
substantially increase the value of the death grant paid to all members or
their families when they pass away from £1250 to £2000.
The current contribution rate for retired members is £2.80 per month,
and whilst it is appreciated that some retired members may be disappointed with the decision, and may even consider withdrawing from the
fund. By doing so they will of course forfeit their right to any support by
way of a loan or more commonly a grant at some time in the future, and
of course a death grant.
This decision ONLY effects members (currently serving , and those who
are already retired) who were NOT 60 years of age prior to 1st April
2016. These members will now pay the £2.80 subscription until they are
65, in the same way many pay into various Federation insurances until
they are 65.
Any member who was 60 years of age prior 1st April 2016 will be an
honorary pensioner and should not be paying subscription to the fund
with effect from their 60th birthday..
The East Kent Branch of NARPO
Serving those who served
Branch Directory
Page 12
Bob Pollard
01227 363694
[email protected]
Vice Chairman
Peter Reynolds
01227 765948
[email protected]
Norman Liggins
01304 852265
[email protected]
Mrs. Lynn Gridley
47 Park Avenue
Deal CT14 9AW
01304 364806
[email protected]
Mrs. Diane Witney
01227 766215
[email protected]
Branch Secretary
1 Ash Grove
St. Margaret’s at Cliffe
CT15 6JE
Membership Secretary
16 Meadow Road
Canterbury CT2 8EU
Obituary Snowball
Gerry Skinner
01227 272357
[email protected]
Newsletter Distribution
John Piears
01843 845425
[email protected]
Newsletter & Website Editor
Dave Ashwell
01233 627340
[email protected]
Gerry Skinner
01227 272357
[email protected]
Deputy Welfare Co-ordinator
Phil Wood
01792 364410
[email protected]
Committee Member
E mail Address
Dave Ashwell
01233 627340
[email protected]
John Piears
01843 845425
[email protected]
David Lawson
01843 604560
[email protected]
Tom Witney
01227 766215
[email protected]
Canterbury Rural
Peter Reynolds
01227 765948
[email protected]
Deal and Walmer
Deborah Hunt
01304 613397
[email protected]
Bill Russell
01304 822332
[email protected]
Herne Bay
Roy Chadwick
Bob Pollard
01303 270461
01227 363594
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bill Eggleton
01303 812009
[email protected]
Tom Johnson
01843 589555
[email protected]
Romney Marsh
Phil Wood
01792 364410
[email protected]
Kevin Swinney
01795 533448
[email protected]
Annie Williams
01233 820678
[email protected]
Dave Edwards
01843 221263
[email protected]
Gerry Skinner
01227 272357
[email protected]
St. Margaret’s
Norman Liggins
01304 852285
[email protected]