St. Bernadette Parish
St. Bernadette Parish
St. Bernadette Parish 2331 EAST LOURDES DRIVE, APPLETON, WI 54915, 920-739-4157 Parish Mission Statement With enthusiastic spirit and welcoming hearts, we join together in our Catholic Faith to know, love and serve God through worship, education, service and mission opportunities for all. Welcome to St. Bernadette You may come as a stranger to us; yet you are known to the Lord, Jesus Christ, and in His name we bid you welcome; praying that you find peace, inspiration and our friendship in this His house of worship. Stewardship St. Bernadette is sustained by the generosity of our parishioners through time, talent, and treasure. Your generosity to our church makes it possible for us to prepare for the many challenges we face in proclaiming the Gospel. Thank you for your commitment to St. Bernadette Parish. Parish Offerings Prayer Requests St. Bernadette Parish has a prayer chain. If you would like to request a prayer, please contact the parish office at 7394157 or by email at [email protected] or drop your request in the collection basket. (All requests must be approved by the person whose name is being submitted). Welcome Visitors! We are happy that you have joined us in worship! If you would like to become a parish member, please contact the Parish office at 739-4157 to receive information on the upcoming Newcomer Welcome & Orientation gathering. The next session is Wednesday, November 3rd at 6:30 pm in the resource room. Pray the Rosary Please join us in church at 7:00 am every Sunday to Pray the Rosary. We are also in need of volunteers to assist with Praying the Rosary. If interested please contact Sandy at 739-4157 or [email protected]. . St. Bernadette has an assistance listening system for persons with hearing impairment. Please ask the ushers for assistance. 2 St. Bernadette Parish · Appleton, WI Liturgical Ministers Sacraments 23rd/4:00 pm 24th/7:15 am Confessions Cantor Saturday 10:00 am or by appointment Choir Baptisms E.M.: D. Geenen Greeter: Weddings Servers: Arrangements require at least twelve months for proper marriage preparation. Please contact the parish office as soon as possible. A one year active membership is required before planning the wedding. Ushers: Communion for the Homebound Please contact the parish office to arrange for regular or occasional visits by the pastoral staff to the homebound or shut-ins. Holy Communion is brought by the pastor each month. Captain: Eucharistic Worship Winter Schedule Labor Day Weekend - Memorial Weekend Saturday……………………………………………………………...4:00 pm Sunday…………………………………7:15 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am Summer Schedule 4pm Rel. Ed. Classes Gr. 1-6 (SCH/RE#) 6:30pm Bible Study (CR) 7pm Stop Smoking Seminar (RR) 8:30am Mass (CL) 4pm Rel. Ed. Classes Gr. 1-6 (SCH/RE#) 6:30pm Boy Scouts (CAF) 7pm Finance Council (RR) 7pm Women’s Fellowship (CR) Wednesday - 10/20 J. Lallensack B. Leonhardt S. Jensen Kollberg Schreiber Baranowski Schaar Slatky Van Hoof Peterson B. Payne C. Meulemans C. Baehnman E. Baranowski M. Wachuta R. Rippl B. Zuleger S. Stefonik E. Jore J. Bettag M. Hollenbach N. Coutu N. Jore C. Bettag J. Wagner A. Gagnon A. Jore S. Sowin D. Wilson Z. Oswald S. Boeckman V. Bressers B. Hollenbach J. Baranowski A. Schaar P. Grishaber P. Hollenbach C. Zoeller J. Thomes K. Sanderfoot M. Woods J. Zoeller M. Koth D. Van Hoof M. Adler D. Reinhardt October 18th Oct. 19th, 8:30 am Oct. 20th, 8:30 am Oct. 21st, 8:30 am Oct. 22nd, 7:45 am Oct. 23rd, 4:00 pm Oct. 24th, 7:15 am 9:00 am 10:45 am No Mass Ron & Wayne Le Fevre Harry & Irene Scovronski Joe & Carol Bushman William Waldhart Dr. Chris Wallace Parish Members Roland Tuyls Sr. Florence Horn Readings for the week of October 17th Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Tuesday - 10/19 Youth Choir Mass Intentions Memorial Weekend - Labor Day Weekend Saturday…………………………………………………………...4:00 pm Sunday…………………………………………….8:00 am, 10:00 am Monday - 10/18 Seraphim Reinl Eucharistic Assistance If you are unable to come forward to receive the Eucharist, please notify any usher before Mass and they will have a Eucharistic Minister bring Holy Communion to you. 10:45 am K. Schwanke Gr. Family: Lector: 9:00 am M. Dart D. Boeckman Infant Baptisms are celebrated during mass or after the last Sunday mass every second weekend of the month. To properly prepare for this sacrament, parents are asked to contact the parish office four months in advance and to attend a baptismal preparation program. The next two-hour session is being held November 22nd at 7:00 pm. October 23rd & 24th Thursday - 10/21 8:30am Mass (CL) 8:30am Mass (CH) 9:15am Bible Study (RR) 6:30pm Renewed Spirits 1:30pm Ch. Cleaning (CH) 6:30pm Jr. High Rel. Ed 7pm RCIA (RR) (SCH) 6:30pm Seraphim Choir (CH) 6:30pm Church Talks (RR) Ex 17:8-13/2 Tm 3:14-4:2/Lk 18:1-8 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38 Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48 Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53 ph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59 Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9 Sir 35:12-14, 16-18/2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18/ Lk 18:9-14 Friday - 10/22 6:30am FV Bible Study (CAF) 7:45am Mass (CH) Saturday - 10/23 9am Fall Clean up 10am Confessions 4pm Mass Sunday - 10/24 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Blood Pressure Clinic after Mass 7:15am, 9am & 10:45am Mass Blood Pressure Clinic after Masses Boy Scout wreath sale Capital Maintenance Collection Capital Maintenance Collection KEY LOCATIONS (CAF) = Cafeteria (CL) = Chapel (CH) = Church (CR) - Choir Room (NX) = Narthex (PC) = Parish Center/Gymnasium (SCH) = School (RE#) = Religious Education Classroom (RR) - Resource Room . Religious Education Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time · October 17, 2010 3 Grades 1-6 Religious Education Classes Attention... Business Owners, Professionals and Self Employed Monday, October 18th at 4:00 pm in school. Tuesday, October 19th at 4:00 pm in school. Jr. & Sr. High Religious Education Classes Jr. High: Wed., October 20th at 6:30 pm in school. Sr. High: Wed., November 3rd at 6:30 pm in school. RCIA Thursday, October 21st at 7:00 pm in resource room. Entertainment Books are again available this year in the Religious ed office. The books are $30 each. Proceeds go to help support youth ministry in the parish. St. Bernadette School Coats for Kids Collection St. Bernadette is again participating in WVBO’s Coats for Kids Collection. The collection starts October 1 and ends Oct. 27th. Please help our school by bringing in gently used coats for the collection and place either in the box in the narthex of the church or in the school lobby. Peek into Preschool Discover the ACES Xavier difference! Our elementary schools offer a world class curriculum focused on character development within a safe, nurturing environment. Join us for a Peek into Preschool on October 27th from 9:00-10:30 am. Call (920) 735-9380 to reserve your spot today. Courtesy Announcements Liturgical Publications, Inc. (LPi), our bulletin publisher, will have Dan Hrdi our parish representative visiting our parish within the next few weeks to service our bulletin. We would like to thank our present advertisers for renewing their ad and thereby continuing their support of our parish. For those interested in placing a new ad, this is your opportunity. As an added bonus, LPi has recently formed an advertisers buying group of 100,000+ businesses called LPi Family. Advertisers now can save more than the cost of an ad in buying group savings. Membership in the LPi Family buying group is FREE to all of our advertisers. To learn more about how LPi Family can reward you for being our advertiser please check out their website at . To obtain information about advertising for the new publication year, please contact the parish office or call Dan directly @ 1-800-950-9952 ext 2562. Keep in mind; our advertising sponsors make your bulletin possible. Weekly Offerings Church Support as of October 10th, 2010 Sacrificial Offering Need 2010/2011 Budget Week of 10/10..……………$14,545.………..........$14,783.55 July - Sept.......................$173,860……………….$166,422.31 Oct. Month to Date…….....$30,040…..................$28,673.90 July to Date……..............$203,900….................$195,096.21 “Advancing the Mission “Free to Serve” Top 50 Catholic High School Xavier High School Recognized as a Top 50 Catholic High School in the Nation ACES Xavier is proud to announce that Xavier High School has been named as one of the Top 50 Catholic High Schools in the Nation for 2010 & 2011! The Acton Institute awards this distinction for excellence in academics, Catholic identity, and civic education. We would like to thank you for supporting Xavier High School. Cooking For Cots Cots Women's Shelter is in need of people to make a meal during the months of November, December, May and June. The days are Monday, Wednesday & Friday. You pick the day. You would prepare one meal a month for a total of four meals per year. The meal serves 15 people and are put in disposable pans. If you can help please call Debbie Herbst at 920-202-3037. Teen Disciples: Who's Your Savior? Wanted high school students to come and join Teen Disciples on Monday, October 18th at Mount Tabor Center, Menasha from 7:00pm - 8:30pm. Good opportunity to connect and share with other high school students from the surrounding area. No need to call ahead, just stop by and join SPIRITUS team members for a free evening filled with discussion, music, activities, prayer and snack. Questions, call 722-8918. . Collected Program Goal $729,500 436 pledged Old Bishops Appeal Pledged to Date $351,925 Parish Obligation Balance Needed $377,075 ATM Collected YTD Balance Needed $105,539 $105,539 0 Parking Lot Repair $15,772 $15,772 0 Repair School Roof $153,142 $63,671 $89,471 Handicap Accessible School $145,000 0 $145,000 Parish Scholarship Fund $140,000 0 $140,000 In your monthly Sunday envelopes you will find an Advancing the Mission envelope for you to use for your ATM donation if you haven’t already made a pledge through The Green Bay Diocese. Please be sure to make check payable to “Advancing the Mission” THANK YOU to all who have contributed! 4 St. Bernadette Parish · Appleton, WI Catholic Queries Q. Some of my Protestant acquaintances criticize the Catholic Church for having a "works based" theology. They claim that faith is all one needs to be assured of one's salvation, per Ephesians 2:8-9. What passages of scripture might I use to support the Catholic teaching that our works do indeed have a bearing on our salvation? (Part 7) A. The first column in this series indicated that Ephesians 2:8-9 does not state that we are saved by faith. Instead, it states that we are saved by grace, through faith. And when one extends the passage to include verse 10, it also states that we were created to do good works. The second column quoted several paragraphs from the Catechism of the Catholic Church that further described the relationship between grace, faith and works. From the third column on, we have examined numerous passages of scripture that clearly portray how God judges us based upon our actions. If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins but a fearful prospect of judgment and a flaming fire that is going to consume the adversaries. (Hebrews 10:26-27) But whoever is made to suffer as a Christian should not be ashamed but glorify God because of the name. For it is time for the judgment to begin with the household of God; if it begins with us, how will it end for those who fail to obey the gospel of God? "And if the righteous one is barely saved, where will the godless and the sinner appear?" As a result, those who suffer in accord with God's will hand their souls over to a faithful creator as they do good. (1 Peter 4:16-19) Yet I hold this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, who teaches and misleads my servants to play the harlot and to eat food sacrificed to idols. I have given her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her harlotry. So I will cast her on a sickbed and plunge those who commit adultery with her into intense suffering unless they repent of her works. I will also put her children to death. Thus shall all the churches come to know that I am the searcher of hearts and minds and that I will give each of you what your works deserve. (Revelation 2:20-23) I saw the dead, the great and the lowly, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. Then another scroll was opened, the book of life. The dead were judged according to their deeds, by what was written in the scrolls. The sea gave up its dead; then Death and Hades gave up their dead. All the dead were judged according to their deeds. (Revelation 20:12-13) Let the wicked still act wickedly, and the filthy still be filthy. The righteous must still do right, and the holy still be holy. Behold, I am coming soon. I bring with me the recompense I will give to each according to his deeds. (Revelation 22:1112) This weekly column is presented by the St. Bernadette Parish Adult Enrichment Committee. . Reflection Corner In his later life my father was a great pray-er. Though his eyesight was poor from macular degeneration he used a variety of prayer cards and little prayer booklets on a regular basis. He found comfort in those simple expressions of faith, and he didn't hesitate to tell people he was praying for this or that or for them. (I know that he prayed that he would win the lottery, but since he couldn't go out and buy a ticket, that wasn't a frequent prayer of his.) Most of dad's prayers were for health or for the well-being of family members. And while he didn't pray unceasingly-in Wisconsin, Packers games take precedence over almost everything-he did pray often. The Gospel talks about praying always "without becoming weary." Jesus goes on to use the example of a woman who is seeking justice from a judge who "neither feared God nor respected any human being." This dishonest judge gives in because of the woman's persistence. (I always thought it was a bit odd in a parable about prayer to place God in the position of a dishonest judge, but that's the story Jesus told!) In our age, we like quick fulfillment. Credit helps us buy things right away. Overnight shipping ensures we get it the next day. Instant messaging keeps us in touch at the moment. And Twitter lets us know what's happening even on the go. All of this spontaneity can spill over into our spiritual lives, where we suddenly expect an instantaneous answer to our prayers. It is as though if the prayer isn't answered tomorrow, then there is no use in bothering with it. Relationships don't really work that way. Since prayer is more about our relationship with God than about ordering from some heavenly, our prayer will need time to mature and grow. We keep praying without becoming weary to deepen our union with God. Parish Office — 739-4157 Fax — 739-2795 Pastor Father Donald Zuleger Parochial Vicar Father David Kelly Deacon Deacon Michael Madden Director of Parish Operations Patty Eichhorst Bookkeeper Caren Rohde Worship Office Assist/Volunteer Coord. Sandy Reynolds Administrative Assist/Bulletin Editor Michele Ciske Maintenance Sam Ciske Janitor Roland Tuyls Religious Education Office 734-7502 Youth Ministry, RE Coordinator Gr. 7-12……Peter Gagnon RE Coordinator Gr 1-6…………………………………Shirley Riley Religious Education Secretary…………………Julie McMillan St. Bernadette School Office (ACES) 739-5391 Principal…………………………………………….Elizabeth Watson School Secretary…………………………………………………………. Council Members Parish Trustees Parish Council Lee Reynebeau, Paul Klister Fr. Zuleger, Lee Reynebeau, Scott Boeckman, Dave Sier, Carolyn Cox, Nancy Madden, Chris Sheptoski, Jim Thomes, Ken Washburn, Mike Zampaloni, Kelly Kohlbeck, Sue Humphrey, Mary Lietz Finance Council Fr. Zuleger, Patty Eichhorst, Paul Klister, Lydia Jansen, Steve Stefonik, Dean Basten, Fran Breuninger, Dick Christian, Luke Jacobs, Julie Lopas, Pete Niles, Matt Oswald, Bob Zahn, Mary Zoeller Parish News Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time · October 17, 2010 5 Parish News Finance Council Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 19th at 7:00pm in the parish resource room. Women’s Fellowship Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 19th at 7:00pm in the choir room at St. Bernadette Church. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Cindy Keep at 7300729. Church Talks 2010 with Fr. Don Wednesday evenings from 6:30 ~ 8:00pm in the St. Bernadette Church resource room. Topic of discussion will be Morality, 10 Commandments and the teachings of the Church. This program is free and no pre-registration is required. The remaining dates of the talks are Wednesday’s October 20 & 27, November 10th and Thursday, November 4th. All questions can be directed to the parish office at 739-4157 Fall Clean Up St. Bernadette will be having a Fall clean-up day on Saturday, October 23rd at 9:00 am. This is a great opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners in a fun and rewarding way. It’s also a great way to get in those service hours many of our students need. With many hands we can get the grounds ready for winter in just a few hours. Please be sure to bring work gloves and any tools you think might make the job easier. If you have any questions please call the parish office at 739-4157. Mission News The Mission Committee is having a grocery collection for St. Anthony's parish in Neopit, WI the weekends of October 16-17 and Oct. 23-24. St. Anthony's runs a food pantry out of their parish office and is in need of canned goods, paper products, baby items, cleaning supplies; anything non-perishable. For the last three years, St. Anthony's has also been the recipient of a portion of our Lenten Mission Collection. Please drop off items in or near the giving box in the Narthex. Our donation will be delivered the week of Oct. 24. Please call Otto Cox at 739-8286 if you have any questions. All Souls' Candle Lighting Service There will be a prayer service on Tuesday, November 2nd at 6:30 pm for all parishioners who had a loved one die in the past few years. If you and your family would like to light a candle at the prayer service, please call the office at 7394157 by Friday, October 29th to register for a candle. All parishioners are invited to attend. The Human Concerns Committee will have refreshments following the service. Joyce Rupp to Appear November 2nd at 6:30 pm at St. Therese Parish please join us for an evening with Joyce Rupp who will inspire us all with reflections based on her book, The Open Door. Admission is $15 or $17 at the door. Registration forms can be found at Please remember St. Bernadette Parish in your will or through a trust . Respect Life Committee We are in the process of reviving our parish Respect Life Committee. The mission of this committee is to promote and defend life at all stages from the unborn to the elderly. We are in need of volunteers to serve on this committee. Please contact Mike or Mary Kinderman at 738-9194. St. Bernadette Playgroup Join us every Tuesday morning from 8:30 - 10:30 am in the gym. Moms or dads (or grandparents) and their kids birth to pre-k are welcome. Health Care Ministry The Health Care Ministry will be having a Blood Pressure Clinic on October 23rd after the 4:00 Mass and October 24th after the 7:15, 9:00 and 10:45 am Masses. The Ministry will also offer Medication Reviews on the same weekend. We will take appointments BEFORE the 4:00 pm Mass on October 23rd and BEFORE and after the 7:15, 9:00 and 10:45 am Masses on October 24th . We will answer as many questions as we are able as nurses and will discuss your medications and their side effects. We do ask that you bring in all your prescription bottles. Call Peg at 830-9791 to set up appointment for the Medication Reviews. Pray for: In the spirit of Christian charity, please pray for those who have recently died: Wilfred “Bill” Van Handel: He is survived by his wife Lorna; 12 children: Mary (Vande Hey) and her husband, Don Clousing, Bob Van Handel, Joan (Jeff) Lamers, Ron (Jackie) Van Handel, Dan (Cathy) Van Handel, Dave Van Handel, Steve (Kris) Van Handel, Larry (Nancy) Van Handel, Julie (Charlie) Gross, Dennis (Tina) Van Handel, Don (Sandi) Van Handel, and Laurie (Terry) Leitzke; 28 grandchildren and 5 greatgrandchildren: Andy (Tiffany) Vande Hey and their children: Quinn and Zane, Mike Van Handel, Nicole (Andrew) Selbo, Katelyn Van Handel, Tiffany, Crystal, Becca and Josh Lamers, Jeremy (Lisa) Van Handel and their children: Jaden and Kaily, Jonathon, Jordan and Ashley Van Handel, Zack, Jacob and Kaylee Van Handel, Tara and Luke Van Handel, Patrick and Megan Van Handel, Caleb and Josh Gross, Ryan and Rachel Van Handel, Erin and Brienne Van Handel, Tyler, Keri and her son, Elijah, and Willie Leitzke; 5 brothers and sisters: Agnes Smudde, Rich (Grace) Van Handel, Ursula (Clarence) Vanden Heuvel, Audrey Van Camp, and Ervin (Ruth) Van Handel. He is further survived by nieces, nephews, in-laws, and numerous other relatives. Welcome To St. Bernadette’s… Jon, Shannon & Grace Callies Paul, Alice & Jason Harke Ben Nackers Gary Van Dyke Louis E. Wendt, Jr., Agent FAMILY DENTISTRY The Valley’s Most Preferred Funeral Home 3212 S. Oneida St. 537 N. Superior St. 831-9905 739-1231 AARON WALLACE OWNER / PARISH MEMBER PHONE 920.209.3944 Come to us for all your residential, commercial, and rental needs! From grass seed and fertilizer, to hand tools, wall block and pavers. Everything from mowing your lawn to planting your fields! N1957 E Frontage Road, Kaukauna WI 920.766.1861 * 1.877.939.3773 We accept new patients 2315 West Main St., Appleton 735-9366 Family Dentistry New Patients Welcome 730-9222 Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Daily Steaks, Seafood, Sandwiches Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 6:00pm • Sat. 8:00am - 4:00pm Customer Courtesy Shuttle Available 3341 So. Oneida St., Appleton • 739-7938 For Money Saving Coupons Visit SALM PLUMBING, INC. BUCKLIN’S TREE SERVICE Fox Valley Area Mulch-Colored & Natural Master Plumber #224509 Lenny Salm (920) 716-1154 733-0122 Free Estimates • Insured NORTHSIDE ST. JOSEPH CEMETERY A Diocesan Cemetery For Information Call or Write St. Joseph Cemetery, P.O. Box 2676 Appleton, WI 54913 Telephone (920) 733-1631 HARDWARE 1415 N. Richmond St., Appleton 734-5944 Neenah-720-7500 • 808 WinneconneAve • Fox Point Plaza S.Appleton-739-7676 • 2700 E Calumet • Next to FamilyVideo N.Appleton-739-7500 • 420 E Northland • Between Oneida & Meade Kimberly-788-9200 • 237 N Washington • In FamilyVideoTriplex COLONY OAKS CARE CENTER 601 N. Briarcliff Dr. Appleton, WI 54915 920-739-4466 BRETTSCHNEIDER Robert L. Hausserman, M.D. Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon TRETTIN-LEDERER Parish Member Funeral Chapel 2105 E. Enterprise Ave • Suite 112 Locally Owned and Operated Since 1887 Funeral Home and Cremation Services Appleton, WI 54913 • 920.731.3111 877.299.1827 / 920.731.7133 (fax) Orthopedic Clinic of Appleton, Inc. CHRISTENSEN & WISNET HEATING & COOLING Kaukauna Hortonville 788-0260 779-0151 733-7383 606 N. Oneida Bob Fickel FREE ESTIMATES We won’t let you down We promise Valley The Company You Keep ® %(&ROOHJH$YHQXH $SSOHWRQ:, Residential • Commercial Repairing & Remodeling Drain & Sewer Cleaning 734-1436 2201 E. Enterprise Ave., #101 Appleton, WI 54913 T: 920 882 1838 C: 920 840 8753 Fax: 920 733 1711 [email protected] ANNE SIEGRIST, DDS SPECIALIZING IN NEW & EXISTING HOMES 224 W. Calumet St., Appleton PERSONAL PRIDE IN EVERY DETAIL New York Life Insurance JAMES SPRINGBORN, D.D.S. JANE MATHEN, D.D.S. Serving you since 1923! (920) 731-1519 (920) 378-3727 BOB’S TOWING 920-585-9670 • Darboy W5732 Highway 10 • Menasha, WI 54952 Phone: (920) 993-8654 24 Hr. Towing & Flat Bed Service Specializing in Auto Lock-Outs Storage Yard 2121 E. Glendale • Appleton, WI 54911 7KHYLHZRIH[FHOOHQFH FXVWRPEXLOWYLQ\OZLQGRZV IRUQHZUHSODFHPHQW )5((,1+20((67,0$7(6 6KRZURRPDW:1RUGDOH'U Your Business Should Be Here! To Advertise here, please call Dan Hrdi at Complete Commercial Cleaning Services (262) 207-2562 920-788-4741 or email: [email protected] 444 S. Washington St., Kimberly 920/788-5244 Fax: 920/687-0484 Parish member Little Chute, WI 54140 Professional Park Leasing Professional Office Space JOE WISNET 1-800-924-8014 1500 Lamers Drive P.O. Box 242 4450 Greenville Dr. Appleton, WI 54913 Office: 920-882-7701 Fax: 920-734-0929 [email protected] BOOTS CHIROPRACTIC & Wellness Center, S.C. 1020 Truman St., Ste. B, Kimberly 997-9700 AHRENS & ASSOCIATES, S.C. Steven J. Ahrens, CPA Member AICPA, WICPA Brent L. Abitz • Angela R. Croft • Small Business Accounting • Payroll Processing • Business & Individual Tax Preparation & Consulting Over 20 Years Experience • Professional, Personal Service BOB ZAHN, LUTCF 2830 N. Mason St., Appleton 731-9202 730 S. Railroad St., Kimberly 788-7275 920-882-1288 Fax 920-882-1289 626 E. Longview Dr Ste A • Appleton 2401 E. Enterprise Avenue Appleton • 920-882-4070 A-S-K Associates, Inc. DANIEL J. JOHANEK D.D.S. “Where Smiles are Enhanced Daily” Accounting & Tax Service 2563 E. CALUMET STREET APPLETON, WI 54915 920-731-6416 Individualized Dentistry $5 00 LARGE PIZZA Valid at Participating Stores. Expires in 30 Days ©2010 Joseph H. Arnoldussen 525 N. Richmond St. 1506 S. Oneida St., Appleton 920-733-9531 Hospital Information 920-738-2000 Scanlan Jewelers 2031 E. Calumet St., Appleton Dr. Matt Bettag Parish Member Affinity Health System is a Catholic health care system. 1520 N. Meade St. • Appleton, WI 54911 Sponsored by Ministry Health Care and Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare. (920)734-7181 See us for all your hearing needs. FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-876-4574 970-738-0694 WWW.4LPi.COM MOST WATCH BATTERIES INSTALLED $5.00 with bulletin ad A 4C 01-0023 ST. BERNADETTE, APPLETON 10-11-2010 09:25:26