Special Edition
Special Edition
Practitioner’s Newsletter Special Edition February 2014 UPDATED Practitioner’s Newsletter CONTENTS PRACTITIONER’S NEWSLETTER—SPECIAL FEBRUARY EDITION .............................................................................................. 3 Claims Processing Solution (CPS)—Project Overview ........................................................................................................... 4 Technical Specifications .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Codes Samples ....................................................................................................................... 9 Technical Specifications—Submission and Remittance Field Layouts ................................................................................. 11 APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Software Vendors and Service Bureaux ................................................................................................................................ 13 General Medical Billing Systems .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Service Bureaux ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Chiropractic Billing Systems ................................................................................................................................................. 16 Optometric Billing Systems ................................................................................................................................................... 17 2 February 2014 Practitioner’s Newsletter P RACTITIONER ’ S N EWSLETTER —S PECIAL F EBRUARY E DITION This special edition of the Practitioner’s Newsletter is to provide you with information regarding the new claims processing system being introduced by Manitoba Health (MH) later in 2014. Inside this issue, you will find key features of the new Claims Processing Solution (CPS) and how they may benefit your practices. The purpose of this communication is to: x Provide an overview of the project. x Highlight key changes to claims submission. x Identify required technical changes that must be taken into consideration by all stakeholders, including service providers, software vendors, service bureaux and office administrators. We are committed to working with practitioners to support the transition to the new CPS. MH will continue to provide you with updates on an ongoing basis. Our goal is to provide better customer service as part of this initiative. Should you have questions related to the project, we encourage you to contact our Claims Unit General Line at 204-786-7202 or 204-786-7355. February 2014 3 Practitioner’s Newsletter C LAIMS P ROCESSING S OLUTION (CPS)—P ROJECT O VERVIEW Manitoba Health (MH) is undertaking a project to replace the current billing system used to process provider claims since 1968. This is an important project that will give MH the opportunity to deal with some longstanding limitations of the existing system. The new CPS is a state-of-the-art application that will benefit providers and the government. Although the current system has automated processes, it requires significant manual intervention. With the total number of claims and payments increasing annually, significant negative impacts on service to practitioners were projected without a system upgrade. The CPS will allow more efficient processing by using leading technology to adjudicate claims electronically, while maintaining the security of provincial data. The new CPS is currently undergoing final development and testing. The project has scheduled a go-live for the latter half of 2014. A number of factors will determine the final go-live date, including feedback from providers. MH will update you on the timeframes for go-live over the coming months. The system has been designed with the intent for minimal impact to your practice management system. MH will continue to lead policy development related to processing and payment of medical claims, and continue to process these claims in-house with provincial employees. With the CPS, the method of claims submission will remain consistent with current practice. There will be certain changes associated with the CPS that you and your billing staff will need to adopt in order to submit claims. Some of the submission file data fields have been modified. There are a few new mandatory fields, for example, PHIN must be included or the claim will be rejected. Vendors and service bureaux have already been provided with the technical specifications to make the necessary changes to your practice management systems. The information provided to vendors and service bureaux is included for your information (please see Technical Specifications, p.5). A listing of vendors and service bureaux approved for Manitoba billing is also included if you are in need of one for your practice (Appendix A). The new CPS has a number of new key features of benefit to practitioners. One of the key features is an enhanced claims adjudication process. This is intended to provide consistency in adjudication and less manual intervention, which will reduce the time required to process claims. Another feature is improved explanations that accompany processed claims. Explanation of Benefits (EOB) codes will be replacing Disposal Codes on the remittance advice. EOB codes will provide specific details regarding the claim status (i.e. paid, rejected, reduced, pending), and what action to take, if required, for a claim to be processed. More details and examples are provided in the Technical Specifications. 4 February 2014 Practitioner’s Newsletter T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS Note: MH has provided these technical specifications to vendors and service bureaux. Disposal Codes–Replaced with Explanation of Benefit (EOB) Codes on Record Type 3: Currently there are 50 disposal codes listed in the Manitoba Physician’s Manual. These codes have provided limited explanation of why a claim has been changed, reduced or rejected. Manitoba Health (MH) will be replacing the disposal codes with Explanation of Benefit (EOB) codes. These codes will provide a more detailed account of a claim’s status on the remittance file. A small sample of current disposal codes and some of the new draft EOB codes are attached to this package, for information only. The EOB codes will replace the existing disposal code positions on the remittance advice record type 3 and 8 in columns 66 to 71. The current pending codes on record type 1, 4, and 6 of 71, 72, 73 and 74 will be amalgamated to a single code of “77” for all pending claims in column 66 to 67 and will be reported on record type 6 only. A claim that contains pending code 77 indicates that a claim is still in progress at MH and will be resolved on a future remittance. Microfilm Field on Record Types 2, 5 and 7. For electronic claims the microfilm number field on the remittance advice record types 2, 5 and 7 in columns 6471 is changing to an all numeric 8 digit key where there is no breakdown of the first 2 characters representing the month (e.g. TA, TB, etc). Currently these numbers roll over annually however in the new CPS these numbers will only roll over after 100 million claims are submitted to MH. Submission File Data Field Changes In order to reduce the number of claims requiring manual intervention, and therefore to expedite payment, some of the following submission file data fields have been changed: a) PHIN b) Start and/or Stop Time c) Bilateral/Incision Indicator d) Line Level Diagnostic Codes (ICD9) e) Non-Resident Birth Date f) On-Call Indicator g) Pre-Authorized Indicator h) Number of Patients i) Split Indicator We encourage you to start populating all of these fields, with the exception of the Split Indicator, as soon as you have made the changes to your system. a) PHIN Practitioners have been capturing the PHIN as the unique identifier on their records for many years. The PHIN will be a mandatory key field when the new system is implemented. Claims will be submitted with both the 6 digit registration number and the 9 digit PHIN populated. This field will remain on record type 4 column 59 to 67 of the submission record and record types 6 and 8 columns 41 to 52 on the remittance advice. February 2014 5 Practitioner’s Newsletter b) Start and/or Stop Time Record Type 6 Start and/or stop times, in 24 hour time format, will be required fields for specific tariffs in the new system. Times should not be provided in the remarks section unless two times are required (e.g. patient seen twice in a day – should be billed as 78509 X 2 on one line–need 2 start and stop times for one line so remarks would be necessary). The lists below are not exhaustive and are only meant as examples of where times would be required. Start times are in columns 63-66 and stop times are in columns 67-70. The following benefits must have start time populated: x 75553, 75555, 78000, 78001, 78005, 78474, 78576, 78605, 78608, 78944, 78958, 79727 x If more than one examination type in a day (e.g. complete history and physical exam and a regional exam for the same patient on the same day) then both benefits should have start times entered. x Obstetrical benefits 34800, 34803, 34822, 34824, 34825, 34826 and surgical procedures billed with a premium require time of delivery to be entered. x Surgical procedures billed with a premium require start times to be entered. x Any benefit billed in conjunction with another where start time would support payment of both benefits. The following benefits must have start and stop times populated: x 20338 x 22370 should have the start and stop times when invoiced with an anaesthetic procedure x 75556, 75557, 75558 x All anaesthetic procedures (prefix 4 benefits). c) Bilateral/Incision Indicator on Record Type 6 The role of submission file record type 6 column 71 has been expanded to indicate when procedures are done bilaterally as well as procedures done through the same or separate incisions. This indicator will be a required field for specific tariffs in the new system and this field will be blank when not applicable. Valid values for this field are as follows: x B–Bilateral x S–Same incision x D–Different incision x Blank–If not applicable to the line item d) Line Level Diagnostic Codes (ICD9) Submission files must allow for separate ICD’s per line or practitioners must submit the tariffs on separate claims with the appropriate ICD. Claims will reject if an ICD9 code is submitted and is not found in the ICD9 catalogue. Practitioners will be required to submit claims to the 4th and 5th character of the ICD where applicable. This means that if a 5 digit ICD is available and only 4 digits are submitted the claim will be rejected in some scenarios. e) Non-Resident Birth Date on Record Type 7 Increase the length of the birth date on record type 7 to 8 characters from the current 6 characters. In order to allow vendors to implement these changes in advance of the go live date, CPS will be reading the non-resident birth date from column 27 to 34 while the legacy system will continue to use column 21 through 26 for the 6 character birth date. If vendors prefer to populate both, that will not cause a problem in either system. 6 February 2014 Practitioner’s Newsletter f) On-Call Indicator on Record Type 3 A new On-Call Indicator field will be added to the submission record type 3 in column 67 to depict if the service was provided during a time when the service provider was on-call. If applicable this field should contain a value of “C” otherwise the field is left blank. g) Pre-Authorized Indicator on Record Type 3 The Pre-Authorized Indicator is used to report that the provider obtained prior approval from MH for coverage of a specific service (e.g. rhinoplasty for non cosmetic purposes). This field should contain a “P” in column 66 on record type 3 if the provider has received pre-authorization for the procedure. h) Number of Patients on Record Type 6 The number of patients in a group psychotherapy session or team conference tariffs currently reported in column 54 is moving to columns 61-62. Column 54 will be renamed to “Split Indicator” and is explained below. i) Split Indicator on Record Type 6 Column 54 will be renamed to “Split Indicator” and will indicate instructions on how to split claims for team surgeries, complete history and examinations done for hospital and CTU admissions, etc. The expanded values include the following: x E–Used to indicate when the tariff chosen is similar or equal to another service that exists today x L–Used when requesting less than the standard tariff rate. Some examples are listed below: x Rule of Application 31–Postoperative Surgical Care is the responsibility of the surgeon. If a postoperative patient is transferred to the care of another physician, that physician may claim for the services rendered, and benefits paid to this physician may be deducted from payment made to the surgeon up to a maximum of 15% of the surgeon’s fee. x Rule of Application 40–Where an Open Reduction is Followed by a Second Open Reduction by the same physician within the three (3) week period, 100% of the listed benefit will be paid for the first open reduction and 75% for the second reduction. The circumstances of the second requirement must be given by Special Report to justify this assessment. x Benefit catalogue items with notes within the Physician’s Manual advising to submit at a reduced rate (e.g. 25105). x A–Admission (complete physical exam for admission to hospital) x C–CTU (complete physical exam billed from CTU facilities 373, 375, 393, 394, 396, 397 or 399) x S–Split Surgeries–Rule of Application #30 - When Two Surgeons are involved in the management of a surgical case, by prior agreement between the surgeons, the total fee may be apportioned in relation to the responsibility taken and the work done. Each surgeon should send in his/her own claim showing the agreed apportionment to each surgeon. x G-General Anaesthetic February 2014 7 Practitioner’s Newsletter General Information for Vendors 8 • User sites continue to have a range of difficulty interpreting remittance advice or understanding the reports based on reconciliation of the remittance files that MH provides twice monthly. We ask that vendors continue to work with us to try to resolve these issues and together we can continue to educate the users on how to reconcile their accounts correctly. • MH continues to require that when new user site numbers are assigned, whether to an existing user or a user changing software vendors, they must successfully complete testing before that user site number will be activated. This requirement ensures that the user is able to produce the test submission and be able to reconcile all their accounts properly as well as a smooth go live transition. • When a user changes from one vendor to another a new electronic user number will be required. Functionally, this will mean that users will continue downloading remittance files from the old user number using the old vendor software until all claims have been reconciled. Once testing is complete under the new user number claims can be submitted through the new user number and software and do those reconciliations as well. Users will be running 2 billing systems & user numbers concurrently until all claims are reconciled on the old user number. This will keep the reconciliations and submissions clean and concise for the user sites. • Updated File Layouts are included with this package specifying where on the records these fields should be populated. February 2014 Practitioner’s Newsletter E XPLANATION OF B ENEFITS (EOB) CODES S AMPLES This list is not finalized and is not intended to be used for any purpose other than to give some draft examples of the upcoming changes. Current Disposal Code Disposal Code 11–Service included in bloc fee– service assessed accordingly. New EOB Codes O8–This service was rejected as it cannot be claimed on the same day as the benefit paid for ECT. O0–This service was rejected as it cannot be claimed on the same day with the benefit paid for a consultation. P2–This service was rejected as it cannot be claimed on the same day as the benefit paid for psychotherapy. P9–This service was rejected as local anaesthetic is included in the paid procedure. Q2–This service was rejected as it cannot be claimed in addition to the benefit paid for studies testing sleep disorders, overnight recording, telemetry or other ambulatory EEG monitoring. Disposal Code 21–Service included in operation, or anaesthetic fee–service assessed accordingly. N4–This service was rejected as a visit fee cannot be claimed at the same sitting with 23192. O7–This service was rejected as it is included in the benefit paid for surgical assistant within the 21 day post-op period. P5–This service was rejected as it is included in the benefit paid for the anaesthetic procedural services. P6–This service was rejected as this independent procedure service cannot be claimed as it is an integral part of a total paid service. P7–This service was rejected as diagnostic laparoscopy is included in the benefit paid for the laparoscopic operative procedure. U5–This service was rejected as this cast benefit is included within 21 days of the benefit paid for the surgical procedure. Disposal Code 51–Fee has been reduced to benefit level. R1–This service was rejected as it is included in the benefit paid for palliative care counselling. R2–This service was rejected as it cannot be claimed with the benefit paid for patient care family conference. R5–This service was rejected as individual psychotherapy and psychiatric care cannot be claimed on the same day by the same psychiatrist. One of these services was previously paid. R6–This service was rejected as technical or professional services are included in the benefit paid for the related total benefit. R8–This service was rejected as it cannot be claimed with the benefit paid for special call. February 2014 9 Practitioner’s Newsletter Disposal Code 17–another doctor charged for identical services–service rejected. T4–This service was rejected as it is included in the benefit paid to another provider for the related lung function test. V0–This service was rejected as the frequency limit of one botulinum toxin injection per 12 weeks has been reached. This service has been paid to you or another provider during this time span for this patient. W3–This service was rejected as the frequency limit of one service per 21 days has been reached. This service has been paid to you or another provider during this time span for this patient. W4–This service was rejected as the frequency limit as outlined in Rule of Application 44 has been reached. This service has been paid to you or another provider during this time span for this patient. W6–This service was rejected as the frequency limit of one service per two weeks has been reached. This service has been paid to you or another provider during this time span for this patient. Disposal Code 15–Patient identified as a resident of another province or territory. A4–This claim was refused as given name of reciprocal patient is mandatory for a non-resident claim. A5–This claim was refused as surname of reciprocal patient is mandatory for a non-resident claim. A6–This claim was refused as birth year of reciprocal patient is mandatory for a non-resident claim. A7–This claim was refused as birth month of reciprocal patient is mandatory for a non-resident claim. A8–This claim was refused as birth day of reciprocal patient is mandatory for a non-resident claim. 10 February 2014 Practitioner’s Newsletter T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS —S UBMISSION AND R EMITTANCE F IELD L AYOUTS February 2014 11 Practitioner’s Newsletter 12 February 2014 Practitioner’s Newsletter APPENDIX A S OFTWARE V ENDORS AND S ERVICE B UREAUX The following list contains names, addresses and phone numbers of medical software vendors who currently have sites billing claims electronically to Manitoba Health. Manitoba Health suggests you contact several different software vendors and request practitioner references from each vendor you contact, to assist you in your choice of vendor. General Medical Billing Systems ABC Medical System 63 Waterbury Drive Winnipeg, MB R3P 1R6 Contact: Dr Rajpal Ahluwalia Ph: 204-452-2220 Fx: 204-415-6590 E: [email protected] July 29 Consulting Inc. 23-845 Dakota St, Suite 187 Winnipeg, MB R2M 5M3 Contact: Sandy Sethi Ph: 204-480-9135 Fx: 204-480-9135 E: [email protected] Web: www.mbebilling.com Asystar Medical Records Solutions 421 Winterton Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2K 1K5 Contact: Bonny Muzyka-Dixon Ph: 204-663-7742 Fx: 204-221-7780 Web: www.asystar.com Max Systems Inc. 209-1100 Concordia Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2K 4B8 Contact: Barry F Banek Ph: 204-786-1460 ext. 210 Fx: 204-786-1522 E: [email protected] Web: www.maxsystems.com Code-Med Suite 306, 162-2025 Corydon Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3P 0N5 Contact: Nathan Hiebert Ph: 204-489-7522 Fx: 204-487-2604 E: [email protected] Web: www.code-med.com McKeever’s Software Wizardry 12077-256th Street Maple Ridge, BC V4R 1B5 Contact: Bob & Judy McKeever Ph: 1-800-663-5178 Fx: 1-604-462-8214 E: [email protected] Global Office Software Inc. (Great White North) Unit 157, 99 Scurfield Boulevard Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1Y1 Contact: Terry Davison Ph: 204-480-8773 E: [email protected] Web: www.globalofficesoftware.com Med Access Inc 7-2250 Leckie Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7K1 Contact: Karen Hansen Ph: 1-250-448-7788 ext. 6600 Help Desk (toll-free): 1-888-781-5553 E: [email protected] February 2014 13 Practitioner’s Newsletter Infonet Global, Inc. 18 Maple Cliff Cove St. Andrews, MB R1A 2Y7 Contact: Huan To Ph: 204-295-7107 Fx: 204-633-6840 E: [email protected] Medical Billing Data Services (2010) Ltd 132 Riverbend Crescent Winnipeg, MB R3J 1K3 Contact: John Allegro Ph: 204-800-9485 Cell: 204-797-2510 Fx: 204-589-8298 E: [email protected] Jonoke Software Development Inc. 3450 78th Avenue Edmonton, AB T6B 2X9 Contact: Aaron Bevan Ph: 1-800-254-0739 Fx: 1-780-448-3741 E: [email protected] Web: www.jonoke.com PeppEHR 1050 Lelia Avenue PO Box 49128 Winnipeg, MB R2V 4G8 Ph: 1-855-455-0202 E: [email protected] Web: www.peppEHR.com QHR Technologies, Inc. EMR Division Suite 300, 1620 Dickson Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 9Y2 Ph: 1-866-454-4681 Fx: 1-866-577-1075 E: [email protected] Web: www.qhrtechnologies.com 14 February 2014 Practitioner’s Newsletter Service Bureaux Asystar Medical Records Solutions 421 Winterton Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2K 1K5 Ph: 204-663-7742 Fx: 204-221-7780 Contact: Bonny Muzyka-Dixon Web: www.asystar.com Med Access Inc 7-2250 Leckie Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7K1 Contact : Karen Hansen Ph: 1-250-448-7788 ext. 6600 Help Desk (toll-free): 1-888-781-5553 E: [email protected] BFB Solutions 209-1100 Concordia Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2K 4B8 Ph: 204-786-1460 ext. 210 Fx: 204-786-1522 Contact: Barry F Banek Email: [email protected] Medical Billing Data Services (2010) Ltd 132 Riverbend Crescent Winnipeg, MB R3J 1K3 Contact: John Allegro Ph: 204-800-9485 Cell: 204-797-2510 Fx: 204-589-8298 E: [email protected] Billing Options Ltd. 454 River Road St. Andrews, MB R1A 3C1 Contact: Gail Masson Ph: 204-981-7662 Fx: 204-282-0370 E: [email protected] Web: www.billingoptions.ca Sunbaked Software Inc ChiroSUITE software (www.chirosuite.ca) 0103, 10357-109 Street S W Edmonton, AB T5J 1N3 Contact: Brock Denys Ph: 1-780-434-7376 Fx: 1-780-669-5852 E: [email protected] Web: www.sunbaked.com Code-Med Suite 306, 162-2025 Corydon Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3P 0N5 Contact: Linda Hiebert Ph: 204-489-7522 Fx: 204-487-2604 E: [email protected] Web: www.code-med.com SWEP Management Ltd 1760 Ness Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3J 0Y1 Contact: Lidia Ghobrial-Zaki Ph: 204-988-4860 Fx: 204-988-4870 E: [email protected] Web: www.swepmanagement.ca Global Office Software Inc. (Great White North) Unit 157, 99 Scurfield Boulevard Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1Y1 Contact: Terry Davison Ph: 204-480-8773 E: [email protected] Web: www.globalofficesoftware.com July 29 Hosted 23-845 Dakota St, Suite 187 Winnipeg, MB R2M 5M3 Contact: Sandy Sethi Ph: 204-480-9135 Fx: 204-480-9135 E: [email protected] Web: www.mbebilling.com February 2014 15 Practitioner’s Newsletter Chiropractic Billing Systems ABC Medical System 63 Waterbury Drive Winnipeg, MB R3P 1R6 Contact : Dr Rajpal Ahluwalia Ph: 204-452-2220 Fx: 204-415-6590 E: [email protected] Nexyka Inc. 35 19th Avenue Lachine, QC H8S 3R7 Ph: 1-877-891-3657 Fx: 1-514-313-5446 E: [email protected] Web: www.nexysoft.com Atlas Chiropractic System Brock Street East Tillsonburg, ON N4G 1Z5 Contact: Dr. Stephanie Laverdiere Ph: 1-877-602-8527 E: [email protected] Web: www.atlaschirosys.com Patient Management Programme (PMP) 30 20 Victoria Street, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M5C 2N8 Contact: Liz Pridham Ph: 1-800-561-7361 Fax: 1-416-860-0857 Website: www.chiropractic.on.ca Global Office Software Inc. (Great White North) Unit 157, 99 Scurfield Boulevard Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1Y1 Contact: Terry Davison Ph: 204-480-8773 E: [email protected] Web: www.globalofficesoftware.com Platinum System C.R. Corp Suite 103, Building 4 Harbour Industrial Estate St. Michael, Barbados BB11000 Toll Free: 1-888-880-8602 Fx: 1-866-737-2712 E: [email protected] Web: www.platinumsystem.com Max Systems Inc. 209-1100 Concordia Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2K 4B8 Contact: Barry F Banek Ph: 204-786-1460 ext. 210 Fx: 204-786-1522 E: [email protected] Web: www.dcmax.ca PeppEHR 1050 Leila Ave PO Box 49128 Winnipeg, MB R2V 4G8 Ph: 1-855-455-0202 E: [email protected] Web: www.peppEHR.com Med Access Inc 7-2250 Leckie Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7K1 Contact: Karen Hansen Ph: 1-250-448-7788 ext. 6600 Help Desk (toll-free): 1-888-781-5553 E: [email protected] Medical Billing Data Services (2010) Ltd 132 Riverbend Crescent Winnipeg, MB R3J 1K3 Contact: John Allegro Ph: 204-800-9485 Cell: 204-797-2510 Fx: 204-589-8298 E: [email protected] 16 February 2014 Practitioner’s Newsletter Optometric Billing Systems ABC Medical System 63 Waterbury Drive Winnipeg, MB R3P 1R6 USA Contact: Dr Rajpal Ahluwalia Ph : 204-452-2220 Fx : 204-415-6590 E: [email protected] My Vision Express 3050 Universal Blvd, Suite 120 Weston, FL 33331 Contact: Vipul Katyal Ph: 1-877-882-7456 Fx: 1-877-882-0329 E: [email protected] W: www.myvisionexpress.com Global Office Software Inc. (Great White North) Unit 157, 99 Scurfield Boulevard Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1Y1 Contact: Terry Davison Ph: 204-480-8773 E: [email protected] Web: www.globalofficesoftware.com Ocuco Canada Inc. Suite 2300 – 550 Burrard Street Bentall 5, Box 30 Vancouver, BC V6C 2B5 Contact: Dermot Walsh Ph: 204-1-860-432-3320 C: 1-860-899-6842 Fx: 1-860-748-4937 E: [email protected] W: www.ocuco.com Max Systems Inc. 209-1100 Concordia Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2K 4B8 Contact: Barry F Banek Ph: 204-786-1460 ext. 210 Fx: 204-786-1522 E: [email protected] Web: www.maxsystems.com OSI (Optometric Services Inc) 4 Pl. Du Commerce, Suite 460 Montreal, QC H3E 1J4 Ph: 1-514-762-2020 Fx: 1-514-762-9933 Contact: Yves Desrosiers E: [email protected] Web: www.optosys2.com Medical Billing Data Services (2010) Ltd 132 Riverbend Crescent Winnipeg, MB R3J 1K3 Contact: John Allegro Ph: 204-800-9485 Cell: 204-797-2510 Fx: 204-589-8298 E: [email protected] MSF Computing Inc. 1189 Talwood Court Peterborough, ON K9J 7X4 Contact: Scott Farley Ph: 1-519-749-0374 E: [email protected] Web: www.msfci.com February 2014 17