Oasis of Rockford Desert of Illinois Tebala Gram THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF TEBALA TEMPLE A.A.O.N.M.S. Dave Babcock, Potentate Vol. 12, No. 5, May 2012 Tebala Welcomes Nine New Nobles On April 21st the Spring Ceremonial was held at Tebala starting with registration at 11 a.m. There were 9 new candidates out of the twelve petitions turned in. Lunch was served to the candidates and the Nobles in attendance by S.H.B. & G. at noon. The Ceremonial started at 1 pm when the Temple was opened by the Divan and then turned over to Don Kimes, P.P., and Ron Pauly, the Directors of The Ritualistic Divan and Chanters, respectively. At the conclusion of the First and Third Sections, which were done wonderfully, the Ceremonial continued with the Director Staff led by Tom Runge, P.P., who did a Great job of putting on the Second Section, including several new stunts for the candidates. Illustrious Sir Dave Babcock and Chief Rabban John Milliren took part in the final stunt earning over $800 dollars to be used toward membership. Everyone enjoyed having the Second Section back very much. The evening meal was provided by the Hoffman House and was a 3 meat buffet relished by all. The Fezzing ceremony was conducted by Don Kimes, P.P., where all the new Nobles had their Fez put on for the first time by their Ladies. The ceremony, as usual, was done with class and dignity. Welcome to all the new Nobles! More on page 15. Schedule of Upcoming Events: Sword of Bunker Hill Pyramid Club Open House Mothers’ Day Dinner TebalaGram deadline for submissions 5/5 5/9 5/11 5/14 Tebala Shrine Temple Monthly Meeting 5/16 Potentate’s Trip to New Orleans 5/22 – 27 Tebala Shrine Circus 6/1, 2, & 3 Chicago Shrine Hospital Open House 6/3 Tebala Gram 2 TebalaGram EDITOR: Peter J. Holm email: [email protected] SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE: All materials, notices, and articles must be received NO LATER than the 14th of each month previous to publication issue. email: [email protected] Mail to: Tebala Shrine Temple 7910 Newburg Road Rockford, IL 61108 ADVERTISING: Contact Tebala Shrine Office 815-332-2010 or email: [email protected] ADDRESS CHANGES: Direct to Mark Torrance, Recorder email: [email protected] See a color version of the TebalaGram linked to our website at We solicit your input, and are eager to assist you. Please request clerical help from Tebala at 815-332-2010 if needed. The TebalaGram email address is: [email protected]. Editorial Policy: All submissions to this issue of the TebalaGram have been included without alteration to style, grammar, or spelling in an attempt to preserve the creativity and integrity of the writers’ original intent. Any article or material submitted that does not meet the standard of Freemasonry or the Shrine will be stricken at the discretion of the Editor and the Divan. DISCLAIMER: Writers authoring submissions will be held accountable for accurate, inclusive, and timely info. The TebalaGram disavows assumption of any and all responsibility for inaccurate, missing, or late info included in submissions, or attributable to omitted submissions, published in this newsletter. Please keep submitting your articles, notices, and ads, and diligent TebalaGram staff will file them appropriately according to current editorial policy and confidentiality statements. Te b a l a w o r k i n g Note from the Pote... May 2012 Greetings Nobles, The Easter Egg Hunt was TONS OF FUN!! It was a very nice day and total of 34 children attended. They were greeted by the Easter Bunny as they arrived. Some were drawn to him and some shied away but they all had fun!! There were nearly 500 eggs filled with candy & coins hidden around the grounds. We also had our first Steak Fry for membership. A total of 25 Nobles and candidates attended. Thanks to Greg Stanbury & Leon Larsen for getting the grill & side dishes ready. The fresh cut rib eyes were delicious and it was a great social opportunity to get to know the new candidates. After that was the Scottish Rite Reunion. I have attended the Scottish Rite Reunion on many occasions in the past but this year was special for me because my oldest son, Brian, joined the Valley of Freeport. I was also proud to see Tebala so well represented. Last weekend we have our Spring Ceremonial. It was truly an honor to be a part of creating 9 new nobles. Three additional Nobles were scheduled to take part in the Ceremonial but were unable to attend. The Ladies Luncheon was held at Lino’s. Danielle Harriott, a Shrine Mom, and her Daughter Jaiden, a Shrine Kid, were the guests of honor. Danielle’s presentation had many in tears. Between all three events that day, we all had an opportunity to get to know the new Nobles and their wives. Please make them feel welcome when you see them at any of the upcoming events. I would like to thank the members of the Director’s Staff for putting on a great Second Section. Their efforts were greatly appreciated and everyone had a great time. Right around the corner is the Mother’s Day Dinner, the Pote’s Trip, the Circus, the Hospital Day in Chicago, the Director’s Staff Play Day, Blackhawk Farms, the Rock River Hill Climb, and the Imperial in Charlotte!!! Be sure to sign up for the Bus Trip into the Chicago Hospital Open House on June 3rd. Priority will be given to the new Nobles with seats being filled on a first come first served basis. Please do everything you can to “pitch in” at all of the upcoming events. Even an hour of your time will make a difference!! Often times the most important thing you can do is show up, wear your Fez, be seen and represent Tebala and Shriners everywhere! I would also like to ask that each of you buy your Circus Daddy & Grand Daddy Tickets so that you can be awarded your Circus Pin. Announcement: I am pleased to announce the appointment of our Noble Chaplain, Les McClelland, as Administrator of the Hospitaler’s List for Tebala Shrine Center. Les replaces Noble Larry Keyser who has served in that capacity for quite some time. As Larry moves up the line, his attention is increasingly focused on a myriad of new obligations & responsibilities. I wish to extend my most sincere appreciation to Larry and his Lady Jean for their work. They took over the long overdue task of making contact with individuals on the Hospitaler’s list and made significant headway. David G. Babcock Potentate 2012 m ov i n g H e a v e n a n d E a r t h f o r t h e K i d s ! Tebala Gram May 2012 3 TEBALA SHRINE TEMPLE MEETING MINUTES, April 18, 2012 DAVE BABCOCK, POTENTATE JOHN MILLIREN, CHIEF RABBAN LOY RICE, ASSISTANT RABBAN LARRY KEYSER, HIGH PRIEST & PROPHET ROBERT BOYD, ORIENTAL GUIDE VERNON PEARSON, TREASURER MARK TORRANCE, RECORDER Those present per register. THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:35 P.M. BY: DAVE BABCOCK, POTENTATE MINUTES: Motion made by Gene Gambrel, 2nd by Bear Barker to dispense with the reading of the minutes Finance committee approved the paying of the bills TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion made by Ziggy., 2nd by Bear Barker to accept Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed. INVESTMENT REPORT: Motion made by Mike Hoeth, 2nd by Bear Barker to accept investment report as presented, motion passed. PRESENTATION OF BILLS: Motion made by Tom Brawner, PP, 2nd by Gene Gambrel to pay the bills, motion passed. DEATHS, DEMITS, RESTORATIONS: Starting membership 1185, restored 1; expired 3; suspensions 0; associates 13; loss of 2; total membership 1183. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: CIRCUS – Loy Rice reported Telemarketer is working hard to make up for lost time. Posters, flyers, tickets, etc are ready to hand out. Ads need to be in by the 15th of May. Billboards are up. Loy thanked everyone for all the help in the past & in the future. HOSPITAL – Ron Obara, P.P. reported that if a person calls the hospital they now make them an appointment immediately. Hospital days is June 3rd, bus is going to be offered to new Nobles first & anyone else who wants to see what we do. The parade is at 3:00 pm. TEBALAGRAM – Pete Holm asked for more photos and articles P l a c e Y O U R ONIONS – Bob Armstrong reported the onions will be here on April 27th, will unload at 7:00 a.m. and Clubs & Units to pick up between 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. MEAT DRAWING – Chuck Slater 1,000 tickets sold so far out of 2,000. Will make a small profit RECYCLING – Illustrious Sir Dave says program is working well, presented check for $105 for latest run to the recycling center. ROCKFORD SPEEDWAY – Hollie Guist BLACKHAWK FARMS - Going along as planned. KARNIVAL OF KARNAGE – Asked people to work harder. Still working with Boone County on sprinkler system. Also, checking with Menards about cost of renting it. SHRINERS SCRAMBLE – Chuck Slater reported date as June 22nd in Sycamore. Kelly Wright has raised enough money to update the website. MEMBERSHIP – Robert Boyd made a presentation to: Illustrious Sir Dave Babcock, John Milliren, Tom Brawner, P.P., Chuck Slater, Les McClelland, Bear Barker, for their exemplary service to the Nobles of Shrine Fraternity. Illustrious Sir Dave was inducted into the Ushers for the Shrine Hospital. HIGH SCHOOL ALL STAR SHRINE FOOTBALL GAME – Mailing going out soon. July 11, 88 players to Hospital. OLD BUSINESS: Flag pole area is being worked on. Copier issue has been discussed and we are looking at a disposable copier/printer. NEW BUSINESS: Mrs. Mace donated a large donation to Tebala Temple, and the money has been put into our Maintenance Fund and general fund for the time being, until a plan has been developed how to best use this money for future building repairs. Some of those projects that have been suggested are A/C units, parking lots, bride room and walkway from upper parking lot to front entrance. Wilbert Hecht with Herb Brown led a a d v e r t i s em e n t i n t h e parade years ago when they came into the Shrine, and would like to celebrate by picking up the tab for the night for his 55 years as a Shriner. Lou Cowan spoke about the MDA “Make a Muscle” walk on May 19th. Encouraged all Shriners to participate. YMCA Log Lodge, registration 9:30 a.m. walk starts at 10:30 a.m. Illustrious Sir Dave thanked Larry Keyser & his wife Jeanie for all the work they have done on the Hospitalers. Dave then announced due to Larry being busy being Potentate in a few years, that Les McClelland will take over that position. Larry Keyser gave a short report on the meeting he had last week at Mizpah. Talked about presentations on the hospitals & membership. Loy Rice reported that an amendment to the Imperial Bylaws is being proposed to change one of the electioneering rules to be deleted because of the confusion it causes. Tom Runge, P.P. spoke about Ceremonial this upcoming weekend. Eleven petitions were presented for acceptance. Motion made by Roger Anderson, P.P. 2nd by Leon Larsen, P.P. to accept petitions. Motion passed. Motion made by Martin McDaniel, P.P., 2nd by Bear Barker to pay $1,500.00 to sponsor Jack Atchison’s race car for this season. Motion passed. May 19th Mini-Clinic from 9:00 – 12:00. From 12:00 to 4:00 DeKalb Lodge will have a chili cook off. Walt Steffes reported the Sword of Bunker Hill on Saturday, May 5th at 6:00 p.m. Mark Torrance spoke about getting Point-Of-Sale cash registers for the bars. Mark also spoke about starting up the Camel Herders. MEETING SUSPENDED AT 9:10 P.M. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: MARK TORRANCE, RECORDER Te b a l a G r a m T O D AY ! Tebala Gram 4 May 2012 NOBILITY BIRTHDAYS IN May 1st 8th 16th 25th Clay W. Cooper Donald B. Lockhart Larry Flowers Donald Kimes, PP Elbert Barrett James Gaffney, Jr. Norman Oehler Donald Vogeler 2nd 9th 17th 26th David Hayes Dean Miller Marty Thomas Henry Twombly Bob Harkness William Johnson George Koehler William Nichols William McCorkle Michael Senter George Darling Jon Delano Troy Feece 3rd 10th Curt D. Barnes David J. Erbes Donald M. Mueller Terry L. Ridenour William Gambrel Stewart S. Olson Michale Rumney Armer Severin, PP Donald G. Swanson 4th Kenneth E. Ellis Ralph Pabon Donald Umphryes 5th Clifton C. Bender Dale E. Kilgore Robert T. Metsker Robert D. Rutz 6th Jay B. Haka Reinhold Peterson John A. Swanson 7th Fred Fleming Wayne Olson Edward Watne Clyde Clubb Omar Wilhelms 19 th Thomas Jones Bruce Knipple 20th Jerry Boose 11 Louis Cerveny Terry L. Behling Ned Dickey Raymond Cain Roy C. French Terry R. Irwin Norman K. Hughes Vernon Prestegaard Donald L. Miller th 12 Craig Robertson Donald E. Arn 21st Robert Bittermann Henry Lanan Dean Chavez Richard Zenzen Wendell Court 22nd Brandon Johnson Terry R. Butz Roger L. Miller Paul D. Hill, Jr. th 13th Marvin Leopold, Sr. Joseph I Musser 14th Henry Hemmingsen Ardian Like Marc Mongan John H. Shockey Richard K. Webster 15 th Te b a l a 18th w o r k i n g William Bellomy Adam Keenan Dale Sievert m ov i n g Edward J. Keenan Duane G. Ohlen Mervin Rhoads 27th Ronald Asche Edwin Benson Gary Mitchell Dale H. Wacker 28th Forrest Burtner Richard Jordan Kenneth Kevern Jack Wilson 29th Harold H. Readel Greg Stanbury Elmer Ward 30th Leroy Embry Jr. Charles Owen Thomas I. Webb 31st William Fisher, PP Charles C. Rowland William Shaffer Sr. 23rd Paul W. Conrad Lewis DeGraff Levi Heinemeyer 24th Robert Donaldson Lee Felski Hunter Gilmore James Truninger H e a v e n a n d E a r t h f o r t h e K i d s ! Tebala Gram May 2012 Chaplain’s Call 5 Comments from your Chaplain: Here we are in the month of May and already the flowers that normally bloom in April and May actually started their exuberant display in March. Sometimes in life even nature cannot withhold its desire to shout out in joy when the conditions are ripe for expression. May is a wonderful month for it is a time when we find ourselves looking forward to experiencing new things in life. Gardens are beginning to develop, yards are being mowed and the smell of new cut grass fills the air. The Parade Activity Schedules are developed or are being developed. The Onions have arrived and are being marketed by all the clubs, units, and individuals. The plans and preparations for our annual Shrine Circus are being implemented. Our annual Mother’s Day celebration is planned with great anticipation by both Pat and I as we look forward to attending this activity. Our Potentate has planned an exciting trip to New Orleans. Golf activities have been scheduled. Believe it or not, there are additional activities scheduled that I cannot remember as I write this article. Fortunately, we all can obtain information on everything that is happening within Tebala through this publication as well as the web site. Imagine if you will not being able to experience any of this activity. I know we all realize that various members in our fraternity are not able to get around like they once did. Some are confined to an environment where the experiences of the outdoors are but faint memories. They, assuming their eyes are still functioning, only see the outdoors through a window that may not open. The experience of feeling the ground under their bare feet, smelling the newly mowed grass, or the flowers blooming along the walk, the smell of the fresh air following a rain storm are no longer accessible. Do you happen to know someone going through this experience? If you do, I would encourage you to reach out and touch as Hallmark once stated. Choose to make a visit and bring with you a smile of joy in seeing them. No talk about difficulties! Instead bring a sense of joy and excitement in seeing them! Remember the good times, rehearse the memories of the past and above all allow yourself to laugh with them. This will go far in helping you as well as your friend to have a wonderful day as well as nurture and encourage an expression of appreciation and mutual respect. In the event you cannot make such a trip then take a moment to call them on the phone. Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated “I know nothing which life has to offer so satisfying as the profound good understanding, which can subsist, after much exchange of good offices, between two virtuous men, each of whom is sure of himself, and sure of his friend. It is a happiness which postpones all other gratifications, and makes politics, and commerce, and churches, cheap.” As individuals we have chosen to follow a mutually respectful pathway in life that is reflective of standards representative of a Master Mason. This respect is displayed in our interactions with one another as Master Masons and with others. We always seek to put our best self forward extending a willingness to help others. It is my hope that all of us as can be perceived as being The Good Samaritan of our day! It is my hope and prayer that each of us will be fortunate enough to have such a friend as well as being a friend to another. May your journey in this grand month of May be filled with glorious moments of joy and happiness. I look forward to seeing you at Tebala in the near future. In the event you would like a personal visit from me I can be reached at the email address or phone number listed below. May the Supreme Ruler of the Universe continue to bless all of us with Good Fortune and Good Friends! Rev. Les McClelland Chaplain Tebala Shrine [email protected] 815-222-7943 Phone P l a c e Y O U R a d v e r t i s em e n t i n t h e Te b a l a G r a m T O D AY ! Tebala Gram 6 May 2012 Tebala Family Easter Egg Hunt The Easter Egg Hunt was a big success. A total of 34 children attended and the Easter Bunny was there to meet them. Some little ones really liked the Bunny, (one little boy nearly tackled him) while others were not too sure about the giant white rabbit with the fuzzy white tail. The children were divided into groups by age and each group had their own area to search. Nearly 500 eggs filled with candy & coins were hidden around the property. After the children were done gathering eggs they were each given a chocolate rabbit & a gift and there were cookies & juice boxes available. A special thanks goes out to Larry & Jean Keyser, “Bear” Barker, Bucky Babcock, Tom Watson & Nancy Shickles for all of their help. Te b a l a w o r k i n g m ov i n g H e a v e n a n d E a r t h f o r t h e K i d s ! Tebala Gram May 2012 P l a c e Y O U R a d v e r t i s em e n t i n t h e 7 Te b a l a G r a m T O D AY ! Tebala Gram 8 May 2012 LOVES PARK SHRINE CLUB NEWS…(and random thoughts) By the time you read this we will have had our first meeting of the year. In case you forgot when meetings are held, refer to TebalaGram (Note: meetings are held the second Thursday April through November) we will have attempted to repair...refurbish... update the Carousal. We need to get ready for a very ambitious parade season. Once again our Secretary Gene will strive to get us to the right place at the right time. Lady Pam Runge will celebrate a birthday on May 31. (Hope PP Tom remembers.) Incoming dues for 2012 have changed from a trickle to a drip. If you have not renewed or wish to join the Loves Park Shrine Club, send your check for $10.15 to the address at the end of the column. Thank you in advance for your support, new or continued. Our next meeting is May 17, 2012. We will meet at Tri-State Aluminum, 6300 Forest Hills Rd. Social 6:00 P.M. Meeting 7 P.M. We are Temple HOSTS for the June Temple Meeting. Mark your Calendars ---BE THERE! The first parade will be at Pecatonica on Memorial Day, unless we get invited to the Loves Park Young at Heart Parade. Watch your next meeting notice. Something for everyone TIME: Lady Barb, the Great Detective was called in when a valuable necklace was stolen from a party. All the guests had impeccable backgrounds. However, at dinner, the Great Detective listened carefully to the guests’ travel stories. Major Browning-Browning recounted tiger safaris in India, Mr. Jones-Jones spoke of visiting Angel Falls in South America, and Captain Simpleton told a tale of seeing penguins when he was at the North Pole. Who was the liar? Keep reading for the answer. Te b a l a w o r k i n g Miscellaneous: The number four is the only number in the English language that is spelled with the same number of letters as the number itself. The tallest president was Abraham Lincoln at 6 feet 4 inches. The shortest president was James Madison at 5 feet 4 inches. Bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers were all invented by women. The parachute was invented 120 years before the airplane. It was intended to save people who had to jump from burning buildings. Ponderings: The best thing you can give someone is a chance. No one means all they say and yet very few say all they mean. Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others. If you are confused, you are not paying full attention. Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that held its ground. The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment. No one tests the depth of a river with both feet You have to know the ropes in order to pull the strings. Happiness is a direction, not a destination. What you do today affects your tomorrows. Reading is to the mind; what exercise is to the body. A wise man changes his mind; a fool never does. Who Said That? (Some not quite famous yet Nobles) I don’t want to, I don’t have to, You can’t make me, I’M RE- m ov i n g H e a v e n a n d TIRED! Noble Roger Allen It takes a lot of Balls to Golf like I do. Noble Gene SnyderHonk if you love peace & quiet. Noble Bruce Sumpter When you have lots of things to do, get your GOLF GAME out of the way first. PP Leon Larsen On the other hand, you have different fingers. Noble Pete HolmBonus!! The most abundant elements on earth are oxygen & stupidity. Lady Denise Brain Teaser Answer: The liar was Captain Simpleton. (There are no penguins at the North Pole) Recent T-Shirt Sightings: MY HUSBAND has good taste. IF I CAN’T BE A GOOD EXAMPLE I’ll be a terrific warning SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Fishing is Expensive, Addictive and may lead to an uncontrollable Urge to Exaggerate I’m so OLD my alphabet soup is in LARGE TYPE MY WIFE has good taste My doctor told me to walk 1 mile a day, so I got another doctor. Just be Happy I’m not a Twin I’m not procrastinating until tomorrow. Organization takes the fun out of everything. Why don’t you ever see the headline “Psychic Wins the Lottery”? Two Wrongs don’t make a Right. But three Rights make a Left! Life’s To Do’s: 1. Compliment three people every day. 2. Over tip breakfast waitresses. 3. Say “THANK YOU” a lot. 4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know. 5. When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go. E a r t h f o r t h e K i d s ! Tebala Gram May 2012 6. Drink 8 glasses of water every day. 7. Remember that overnight success usually takes about fifteen years. 8. Don’t burn bridges; you’ll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river. 9. Learn to disagree without being disagreeable. 10. Carry jumper cables in your car. Kids & Grandkids Time: Q. What do Hawaiian cows wear when they go out? A. Moo-moos! Q. What do you call a pig who knows karate? A. Pork chop! R. What grade do lightning bugs get in school? A. A’s because they’re bright! Q. What kind of dance does a frog do best? A. Hip-HOP! Laugh a Little Time: Strange but true….a radio disc jockey reported that at work one night he accidentally knocked the record player sending the needle screeching across the record. To ease his error, he immediately grabbed the microphone and shouted, “Okay---which one of you listeners out there bumped into your radio and made my record skip?” To his embarrassment, several people actually phoned the radio station to apologize. This one is for Noble “Doc _ _ _ _”. How many chiropractors does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but it takes 30 visits. It’s almost time to duck out but first a reminder— Please forward your ideas, comments, questions, complaints, Atta boys, suggestions or whatever to President PP Leon Larsen at 1-815-633-7437(home) or 1815-494-1554(mobile):Vice President PP Tom Runge at 1-815-389-8622 (home)1-815-222-6566(mobile); Secretary Gene Snyder at 1-779-475-0222(home)1815-520-4997 (mobile) or Treasurer Jim Hall 1-815633-1784. The mailing address remains: Loves Park Shrine Club, P.O.Box 2411, Loves Park, IL 611320411. Now it’s time to duck out! Jim Hall, Scribe 9 MILITARY TRIVIA Actor Robert Ryan was a Marine drill instructor at Camp Pendleton, CA. FedEx founder Fred W. Smith served two tours of duty in Vietnam as a US. Marine. He received the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and two Purple Hearts. Kirk Douglas was a U.S. Navy communications officer in anti-submarine warfare. Actor Steve McQueen served in the Marines from 1947 to 1950. Captain Ronald Reagan signed Major Clark Gable’s discharge papers in 1944. Professional boxing brothers Leon and Michael Spinks both served in the Marines. Paul Newman was disqualified from the Navy’s pilot training because he was color blind. Singer Kate Smith helped sell $600 million worth of war bonds during World War 11. Baseball Hall of Famer Tom Seaver joined the Marine Corps Reserves in 1962… He was stationed at the Marine Corps Base at Twenty-nine Palms, CA. The words “In God We Trust” first appeared on a U.S. coin in 1864, during the Civil War. Pro wrestler and Minnesota Governor Jesse “the body” Ventura was a Navy SEAL….. He ended his Governor’s inaugural address with the SEAL war cry “HOO-YAH!” Actor George C. Scott (Patton) served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1945-49. He was a guard at Arlington National Cemetery and taught at the Marine Corps Institute. Clint Eastwood was drafted into the U.S. Army during the Korean War. An expert swimmer…he once swam three miles back to shore after a plane crash into the Pacific Ocean. On March 31, 1995, the Coast Guard sent its final message by Morse code, and then signed off. Actor Charlton Heston was a B-35 radio operator and gunner in the U.S. Army (1944-46). To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace. George Washington Jim Hall, Scribe Meat Drawing Winners First prize winner Timothy "Fritz" Tice won a chest freezer from Al Grace and $400 worth of store credit at Eickman's. Second prize winner David Stenger won $200 worth of store credit at Eickman's. Lastly, “Lucky” Leon Larson won $100 worth of store credit, also at Eichman’s. Thank you all who purchased tickets. P l a c e Y O U R a d v e r t i s em e n t i n t h e Te b a l a G r a m T O D AY ! Tebala Gram 10 SWORD of BUNKER HILL Blackhawk Order #8 Stockton, IL Saturday May 5, 2012 Candidates 6:00 p.m. Start 7:00 p.m. May 2012 Brother Nobles, Spring has sprung (though Winter will be back this weekend as I write this) and the Pyramid Club says welcome. Please keep Wednesday, May 9th open on your calendars as “The Pyramid Club” is going to open its doors for an Open House. The invitation is open to all of Tebala’s Nobles. So stop in to have some Hors d’oeuvres and “Refreshments”. We will be taking the time to explain what Tebala’s Pyramid Club is all about and enjoy the event. This is strictly a social club and we plan on having quarterly meetings to socialize and just have fun. Club members please remember to call and RSVP to either Dick or myself by phone or email. We look forward to seeing you at the Open House. See you at the Pyramid Club so you can find out what is going on in that little room next door. Please RSVP to – Dick Carlson (815) 397-0574 or Hollie Guist (815) 631-3695 (email [email protected]). Mother’s Day Dinner Friday, May 11th, 2012 Prime Rib & Lobster Prepared by Hoffman House $30.00 per person $10.00 for Children’s Meal (Ages 12 & Under)-Chicken Fingers & Fries Social 5:30PM Dinner 7:00 PM DJ Music by Carlos For Your Listening & Dancing Pleasure Open to the Public ~ Please Invite your friends! Reservations requested by May 7, 2012; Call Denise at 815-332-2010 Te b a l a w o r k i n g m ov i n g H e a v e n a n d E a r t h f o r t h e K i d s ! Tebala Gram May 2012 11 MONTHLY TEMPLE MEETING 7:30 PM, Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 At Tebala Shrine Center Attitude Adjustment 5:30 PM, Dinner 6:30 PM Buffet Dinner prepared by S, H, B, G & Co. Illustrious Sir Dave Babcock invites all Nobles to attend. th Reservations are requested by Monday, May 14 , 2012 Call the Tebala Office at 815-332-2010 Hosted by: Dekalb County Shrine Club, Aide In Charge: Patrick “Bucky” Babcock 55TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION INVITATION!! NOBLE Wilbert Hecht Jr. has spent 55 years of his life dedicated to helping the Children at the Shriners Hospitals. Let’s all gather together to get him started on his 56 th year!! At the May 16th Temple Meeting, Wilbert has generously offered to pay for the meals of everyone in attendance at his Celebratory Dinner. He has asked that ALL of the members of his “Shrine Family” join him in this celebration!! Don’t miss this very special day for a very special & generous man. If you haven’t made it to a Temple Meeting in a while, why not take this opportunity to stop by and congratulate Wilbert on this special occasion. Mark Your Calendars and call Denise at 815-332-2010 with your reservation right away. Can you guess where this was taken? POTE’S TRIP TO NEW ORLEANS 5/22-27/12 LAST CALL-SPACE IS LIMITED!! CALL DAVE AT 815-979-7528 OR TOM AT 815-494-2545 FOR INFO OR TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT! P l a c e Y O U R a d v e r t i s em e n t i n t h e Te b a l a G r a m T O D AY ! Tebala Gram 12 May 2012 CIRCUS TIME When you receive this issue of the TebalaGram it will be only days till the start of the 61th Tebala Shrine Circus on June 1st, 2th, & 3th, 2012. Show times are at 12:30 PM, 4:00 PM, & 7:30 PM. I look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible to help out. We need your help with this large undertaking. As I have stated before, many hands make for small work for all. Please show up an hour before performance time so we can get you in place for your assignment. If you have not sent in your money for your vouchers, please do so. We need your help in this manner also. Those who submit payment as a “Circus Daddy or Circus Grand-Daddy will receive a lapel pin that you can proudly wear to show that you support our efforts as a Tebala Shriner. I still need some Units or Clubs to present the “Colors” before the start of the performances for the following times: Saturday (7:30PM), Sunday (12:30 PM) and (7:30 PM). Three people are needed for each time. This gives your group a chance to show the public your pride in your country and your Club or Unit. Please help out. See you at the Circus. Loy Rice, Circus Chairman. Chicago Hospital Open House Sunday, June 3, 2012 Refreshments, Children’s Activities & the “World’s Shortest Parade”! $20.00 Per Person Don’t miss out on this opportunity to tour the Chicago Shriners Hospital for Children!! Includes your deluxe motorcoach transportation and lunch at the hospital & activities. Departs from Tebala at 11:30AM & Returns at approx. 5:30PM Sign-ups will be taken by calling Denise at 815-332-2010. Seats will be filled on a first come first served basis with priority being given to the newly created Nobles and their families. Remaining seats filled by order of sign up. Please RSVP ASAP!! Minimum 40 Passengers….Maximum 56 Passengers. Directors Staff 2012 Golf Playday Westlake Village Golf Course Saturday, June 16th, 2012 8:00 A.M. Shotgun Start Golf, Cart, Refreshments, Steak Dinner Fun and Games on the Course Get Your Team Together Now For Tickets or More Information Contact: Tom Runge – 815-222-6566 Leon Larsen – 815-494-1554 Bruce Sumpter – 815-621-6497 Te b a l a w o r k i n g m ov i n g H e a v e n a n d E a r t h f o r t h e K i d s ! Tebala Gram May 2012 13 19th Annual Blackhawk Vintage Classic June 16th & 17th Father’s Day Weekend Vintage Sports Car Racing 1.95 Mile Road Course Sanctioned by the Vintage Sports Car Driver’s Association To benefit Tebala Shrine’s Children’s Transportation Fund Vintage Airplane Display & Fly-In Antique & Vintage Sports Car Displays Adults $10.00 per day, Children 12 & Under are Free Fun for the Whole Family! Plan to spend a couple hours at this beautiful racetrack representing the Tebala Shriners! WEAR YOUR FEZ!! Parade Season is Coming Up Riding to Help the Shriners Hospital Tebala Shrine Big Wheels Looking for New Riders. If you can ride a regular bike, you can ride one of these. Call Bill Owens: C-773-870-0296 H-847-803-6738 [email protected] P l a c e Y O U R a d v e r t i s em e n t i n t h e Te b a l a G r a m T O D AY ! Tebala Gram 14 May 2012 2012 Imperial Session Charlotte, North Carolina June 29th thru July 5th, 2012 If interested in attending Please RSVP to Denise (815-332-2010) so that we can reserve an appropriate number of rooms. LOST IN THE DESERT Bauer, James S. Donaldson, Robert W. Eddy, Lyle S. Jackson, Elmer C. Johnson, William N. Kevern, Kenneth J. Leber, David A. Lucas, Michael R. Reinhard, Timothy L. Smith, Stewart M. Plans are moving along for the 38th Illinois High School All Star Football Game on July 14th. The players have been selected and will be going to our Chicago Unit on Wednesday July 11. For those interested, tickets will be available next month. Hopefully Tebala will make a good showing and this is the first year that all five Shrine Centers from the state have worked together. The event will be held in Bloomington and Eric Tjarks from Mohammed Shrine is the Director. The annual Donor Representative meeting was held in Chicago on April 13. Ideas were discussed regarding how to raise funds for the Hospital. Here at Tebala we do the “dog and pony show” to enlighten people about what is being done to restore children back to health. Do not forget “to remember” the hospital with your gifts. Bill Condon, Donor Representative TEBALA FAMILY TRIP TO THE ZOO Henry Vilas Zoo in Madison, WI Sunday, July 15th, 2012 Bus leaves at 9:00 AM from Tebala Everyone is welcome! $15.00* Ages 13 & Up $10.00* Ages 6-12 Free* 5 & Under *Covers the cost of your deluxe motor coach transportation… Admission to the Zoo is free but donations are gladly accepted. Bring a Picnic Lunch or enjoy lunch at the concession stands. Minimum of 40 paying passengers…Maximum 56 passengers Please sign up child’s name & age, adult’s name & phone number with Denise by July 1st. Seats will be filled on a first come first served basis so sign up early!! ARRRRRR, thar be a Calendar Change!! The date for the Pirate Party be changed from August 11th, 2012, to August 4th, 2012. Gather yer Piratey Gear Now, Matey, or Prepare ya to walk the plank! Te b a l a w o r k i n g m ov i n g H e a v e n a n d E a r t h f o r t h e K i d s ! Tebala Gram May 2012 15 Ceremonial Second Section Returns to Tebala David Babcock, Potentate, and John Milliren, Chief Rabban, helped the Tebala Directors Staff with their Second Section Ceremonial obligations. They both did a really sweet job and their performance was greatly enjoyed by all the Nobles and soon-to-be Nobles watching the show. The Directors Staff brought back a few old stunts as well as created a few new ones. The new stunts were created by Joe Zimmerman PP, Bruce Sumpter, Dave Giamalva and Pete Holm who all attended SDA (the Shrine Directors Association) in San Antonio, Texas. We had nine new Nobles participate in the Second Section as well as one Noble who missed out on the Second Section when he went into the Shrine. You may ask; “How did you ever talk the Potentate and Chief Rabban into taking part in the Second Section?” Well, the answer is easy. First, all Imperial Divan members at SDA this year were reported to have enjoyed participating in the stunts while having fun promoting the use of the Second Section as a great membership creation and retention tool. Secondly, our Divan members did it for the money that was raised for the Tebala Membership Fund. A contest was suggested. The two Divan members joining in agreed that the one with the least amount donated in his name to the Membership Fund would take part in the finale act of the Ceremonial Second Section. After tallying and announcing the collection results, our Treasurer Emeritus, Roger Anderson, P.P., declared a tie, and both the Potentate and Chief Rabban would have to participate. The donors that contributed the largest amount were able to assist in the finale. Possibly Chuck Pierce, P.P., and Bucky Babcock enjoyed the assisting part way too much. $788.00 was raised for the Membership Fund. Thanks to those who participated in the fun and thank you to all those that donated to the Membership Fund. Thank you to all the Directors, Nobles and especially Candidates who make the Second Section so much fun. Submitted by Director Tom Runge, P.P., Directors Staff Welcome new Nobles: (alphabetically ordered, not as shown} Robert Diehl (absent), Douglas Heckman, Mark Indyke, Robert Klazura, Larry Lagerhausen, David Marion, Jerry Minor, Eric Morrow, Derek Winfield Ceremonial LadiES’ LunchEOn Left: Daughters of the Nile Queen Jennie Patterson with Chicago Shriners Hospital child Jaiden Thompson and her mother Danielle Harriet-Thompson Right: Jaiden with unknown Noble Great Lakes Shrine Association 2012 Fall Ceremonial Session th This year’s GLSA Ceremonial Session will be held September 12 thru the 15th in Cincinnati, OH at the Great Wolf Conference Center. We will be staying at the Great Wolf Lodge which has its own indoor water park and is located next door to the King’s Island Amusement Park. If you are interested in attending, please contact Dave Babcock at 815-979-7528 for more information. P l a c e Y O U R a d v e r t i s em e n t i n t h e Te b a l a G r a m T O D AY ! Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 64 Rockford, IL Tebala Shrine Center 7910 Newburg Road Rockford, IL 61108 (815) 332-2010 Attention, Nobles! Join the fun and get involved. Make a call today! 2012 TEBALA OFFICERS Potentate: Dave Babcock email: [email protected] or [email protected] Home: 815-335-2498 Cell: 815-979-7528 Chief Rabban: John Milliren email: [email protected] or [email protected] Home: 815-874-5922 Cell: 815-703-6803 Assistant Rabban: Loy Rice email: [email protected] Home: 815-633-4673 Cell: 815-494-8667 High Priest & Prophet: Larry Keyser email: [email protected] Home: 815-544-7733 Oriental Guide: Robert R. Boyd email: [email protected] Cell: 815-262-2737 Treasurer: Vernon Pearson email: vpears87@yahoo,com Cell: 815-543-9618 Recorder: Mark Torrance email: [email protected] Cell: 815-871-6226 Tebala Shrine Office: 7910 Newburg Road Rockford, IL 61108 Office Hours: 8 AM – 4 PM M-F 815-332-2010 815-332-5923 Fax Blackhawk Farms Weekend Horse Patrol Dave Babcock 815-335-2498 Bill Heflin 815-234-2249 Cell: 815-979-7528 June 16-17, 2012 Klowns Dan Hartman 815-946-2000 Meeting first Tuesday Circus Loy Rice 815-633-4673 at Temple,7:30p.m. Cell: 815-979-7528 Upcoming events June 1-3, 2012 Parade Season Corn Boil Marshal Aides Director’s Staff Larry Whitsel 815-332-5760 Divan Aides Greg Stanbury 815-985-4471 Mini-Bikes August 15, 2012 Arthur Swanson 815-547-1064 Meeting first Thursday of the month at Zamador Club, Tebala Family Picnic DeKalb County S.C. Richmond, IL, 7:00 p.m. Divan All Aides Motor Patrol August 26, 2012 Mike Hoeth 847-223-1824 “Karnival of Karnage” Mark Torrance 815-871-6226 Matt Thomann 815-310-0310 Rick Jenks 815-985-4302 October 5-6, 12-14, 19-21, & 26-28, 2012 Parade Staff Ron Lanquist Dixon Shrine Club John Red 815-288-0250 Dressers Walter Lockhart 630-892-2251 Meeting fourth Tuesday at Temple at 7:30p.m. Freeport Shrine Club Dennis Meyers 815-541-1784 Freeport T-Ten Parade Club Dean White 815-623-3434 Office: 815-235-6136 Jo-Carroll Shrine Club Walt Steffes 815-947-3624 Cell: 815-238-0725 Meeting second Wednesday of the month; call for location. Legion of Honor Glenn Klebsdel 815-389-2426 815-397-0656 Loves Park Shrine Club Leon Larsen 815-633-7434 Ritualistic Divan Donald Kimes, P.P. Cell: 815-494-1554 815-335-2413 Meeting second Thursday, April—November Vidalia Onions Air Squadron Paul Thorne 630-365-6217 Bill Moses 815-547-9970 McHenry County Shrine Bill Fisher, P.P. 815-519-6240 Meeting fourth Wednesday of Club each month; call for location. Roland Wood 815-385-9172 Arabic Patrol Charles E. Beard 815-218-3623 Batavia Shrine Club Mendota Shrine Club Bob Armstrong 815-459-3898 Vade Wadmeyer 815-866-6177 Chanters Ronald Pauly 815-398-4548 Big Wheels Ogle County Shrine Club Bill Owens 847-803-6738 Hollie Guist 815-631-3695 Cell: 773-870-0296 Director’s Staff Tom Runge, P.P. 815-222-6566 [email protected] Past Masters Jim Allen 815-231-2555 Guards Blue Haze Choppers Peter J. Holm 815-389-1246 Joe Blanchard 815-985-4791 Speaker’s Bureau J. Anthony Kerby 815-968-3771 Honda Patrol DeKalb County Shrine Club Charles E. Beard 815-734-4887 Chuck Slater 847-774-7400
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