Twenty Five members enjoying a trip to the Wine Tasting Session on


Twenty Five members enjoying a trip to the Wine Tasting Session on
Salon Holiday
Twenty Five members enjoying a trip to the Wine Tasting
Session on the Twinning Holiday to Salon de Provence. The
holiday included trips to the Camargue, the “Musical Caves”.
The holiday was over 5 days.
Wertheim Hornblower’s History
More and more pieces of music
were rehearsed and the group
has now between 16 and 18
active hornblowers and is
performing four-part music in key
The Wertheim Hornblowers have
participated in national
competitions and won several
awards. In 2012 in Hungary at an
The Wertheim Hornblower
international competition they
Association (“Bläsercorps der
achieved a gold medal.
Kreisjägervereinigung Wertheim”) They perform for other
was established in 1952.
associations, at festive town
Originally horn signals, small
events (also in Twin Towns) as
marching tunes and fanfares were well as religious and charity
only blown at hunting events and events.
huntsmen’s festivities on the
small and more practical so called
“Fürst-Pless-Horn”. At that time,
the group always had between 10
and 16 members and would meet
weekly to practise and of course
also to attend hunting events.
First in the 80’s and 90’s – under
the leadership of musical director
Eberhard Geiger – the group
started to use the so called
“Parforce-Horn” from France
which enabled them also to
perform pieces of music and play
at Masses.
More about the Hornblowers on
page 5
The next article was written by
Edit Kabor (pictured below) the
Szentendre City Council Officer
responsible for Twinning &
International Activities.
The Musical we visited gave us an
insight into your cultural life. We
saw Peterborough and had an
exclusive tour of a Cambridge
Hungry Hungarians in
We arrived really hungry. Hungry
for the meeting with our twin
towns and the beginning of spring
in England. We did not remain
We received such a warm
welcome and incredible
hospitality from everyone. We
felt absolutely special and just
hope to return one day.
It began with the flags: Hungarian
alongside English ones. Our hosts
had taken care of some sunshine
so we could see the town in
bright colours. We had full English
breakfast – we were full to say
the least. Then we had a walking
tour of Huntingdon and
Godmanchester. We admired the
Town Halls, the river bank and
mostly the special atmosphere of
these typical English towns (let’s
not forget the beer either) that
some of us only knew from films.
What remains truly unforgettable
was the “Hungarian Night” with
goulash, strudel and Hungarian
language course.
Our four Hungarian youngsters
performed a witty little story of
two girls and their lovers in
authentic Hungarian costumes
with Hungarian folk music - full of
life! I have to admit our hosts
were just as full of life when
asked to dance. We had a
wonderful evening.
It was fascinating to see how
people on the “other side of the
world” were interested in our
culture, our food, our traditions
and even ourselves.
We came home full of
experience, beautiful pictures in
our minds, feeling we must come
back one day. We will do our best
to make you feel at home in
Hungary when you visit.
Thank You Edit Kabor
Sunday 2nd August
2015 at 12.30
Venue – 67 Sparrowhawk Way,
Hartford PE29 1XE
Tickets from Trish James
01480 454801
German Holiday Break 2016
Change of date
Wertheim has now informed us that it has made
plans for another Trade Fair in May 2016. As this
date unfortunately partly conflicts with the
planned HGTA holiday to Germany, our trip has
now been brought forward
to the second week in June !
The Hornblowers
A true highlight
by Gesine DeVere
The visit of the Wertheim
Hornblower’s from 4-8 June 2015
was indeed a true highlight –
tremendously enjoyed both by
our guests, the families who
hosted them during their stay and
all HGTA members who had
decided to participate in the
many arranged events.
Visits included the Cromwell
Museum, Johnson’s Farm Shop,
the Raptor Foundation, a trip to
Cambridge with the Guided Bus.
Fish and Chip dinner at the
George Hotel, dinner and Ceilidh
dancing at the Town Hall. Beer
tasting at the Falcon Inn and a
delicious meal at the nearby Hill
Restaurant – and of course last
but not least, the Hornblower’s
concerts at “All Saints Church”
and their two performances at
the Huntingdon Riverside Gala.
Our guests from Wertheim were
truly overwhelmed by the English
hospitality and generosity of their
host families (all volunteers),
the support of many other HGTA
members- and they were
tremendously pleased and
excited about the wonderful
programme, which had been
arranged for them – all crowned
by lovely weather.
Once again it was confirmed,
what a wonderful opportunity
these meetings between people
from our Twin Towns are to
promote the “Twinning Idea” of
better understanding, greater
knowledge and true friendship
between people of different
Salon De Provence Holiday
Forties Night
Twenty five members recently
travelled to Marseille for a short
holiday in Salon de Provence.
To celebrate VE Day HGTA held a
Forties night with authentic food,
music and union jack’s
We stayed at the Grande Hotel
de la Poste in the centre of the
town and whilst there visited
Cavalon organic vineyard in
Lambesc for a wine tasting and
picnic lunch. Preceded by an
aperitif in the fields among the
vines, no grapes to see, too early
in the season.
The evening got off to a good start
with many entering into the spirit
of things and coming in 40s style
clothing, period hair styles and
newspapers of the day.
The meal was ‘Woolton Pie’ a root
vegetable dish which people were
encouraged to eat in the war
years, it was surprisingly good
Top; apertif in the vineyard
Bottom; tasting the wine
Music was by Carole and David
who sang songs from the era and
looked the part in their dress and
hair styles. We had a short quiz
on prices of things then and now,
unfortunately drinks at the bar
were at today’s prices, but a good
time was had by all.
Gubbio celebrates the “Festa dei Ceri” on May 15th each year
A little bit of history
celebrates the “Festa dei Ceri” on May 15 each year.
Scholars Gubbio
and historians
are almost unanimous in agreement: the Ceri
Scholars and historians are almost unanimous in agreement: the Ceri Festival is a tribute of love and
is a tribute of love and affection towards Bishop Ubaldo which
affection towards Bishop Ubaldo which still carries on today, although expressed in the traditions
dating backon
to the
which took place
on May 15 1160
when traditions
the citizens of Gubbio
still carries
in the
their way up towards the Cathedral with candles in their hands in order
to the
took place on May 15th 1160 when the citizens
Ubaldo who was
on his deathbed.
of Gubbio
Thus it is that
since midMayway
in 1160up
draws upon
its most
noble heritage
in order
to renew in
act of love, devotion, gratitude and affection.
in order to honour their beloved Bishop Ubaldo who was
Over the centuries the original candles were replaced by wooden structures covered in wax, then by
on his
the present three wooden structures each five metres high, surmounted by the statues of the three
saints: Saint Ubaldo, Saint George and Saint Anthony, protectors respectively of the medieval bodies
is thattraders
sinceandmidMay in 1160 Gubbio draws upon its most
in order
of the
festival is divided
into several
the firstthis
in May
Ceri, devotion,
dismantled and in
position, are carried from the basilica of Saint Ubaldo on Mount Ingino (where the body
and horizontal
of Saint Ubaldo lies) to the Palace of Consuls, in the heart of the medieval town. They remain there
until May 15th, the day on which they are reassembled, lifted up in the Grand Piazza, supported on
the shoulders of the Ceraioli (Ceri bearers) and raced through the town. The course of the race,
frenetic, dramatic and exhausting, progresses along the route from the ancient town to the basilica
of the patron saint on Mount Ingino, where the Ceri return at dusk and remain until the first Sunday
in May of the following year.
Over the centuries the original candles were replaced by wooden
structures covered in wax, then by the present three wooden
structures each five metres high, surmounted by the statues of the
three saints: Saint Ubaldo, Saint George and Saint Anthony, protectors
respectively of the medieval bodies of bricklayers, traders and
The festival is divided into several parts: the first Sunday in May the
Ceri, dismantled and in a horizontal position, are carried from the
basilica of Saint Ubaldo on Mount Ingino (where the body of Saint
Ubaldo lies) to the Palace of Consuls, in the heart of the medieval
town. They remain there until May 15th, the day on which they are
reassembled, lifted up in the Grand Piazza, supported on the shoulders
of the Ceraioli (Ceri bearers) and raced through the town. The course
of the race, frenetic, dramatic and exhausting, progresses along the
route from the ancient town to the basilica of the patron saint on
Mount Ingino, where the Ceri return at dusk and remain until the first
Sunday in May of the following year.
Twinning Contacts
Malcolm Lyons
01480 454801
[email protected]
Doug Christison, 01487 843602
Ann Beevor, 01480 382428
Life Presidents
David King
01480 351527
[email protected]
Gesine DeVere
Wertheim Sub Committee
01480 412283
[email protected]
David Brown
Szentendre Sub Committee
01480 731296
[email protected]
Trish James
Salon & Social Sub committees
01480 454801
[email protected]
Anna Best
Gubbio Sub Committee
01480 391910
[email protected]
Carole Hitchings
Membership Secretary
01480 393479
[email protected]
Mike Humphrey
PR & Marketing
01480 436444
What’s On!
22nd November 2015
Huntingdon Christmas Lights
Switch On
Wine and Mince Pie Stall
5th December 2015
Christmas Dance and Meal
5th March 2016
Italian Evening
25th September 2016
Italian Flag Throwers
Coming events to be confirmed
Wood Green Fundraising Stall
Music Night
Stop Press!
We are always looking for
volunteers to help organise
fund raising and social events.
It is these events that ensure
we are a vibrant and active
Twinning Group.
If you want more information
contact Trish James on:
01480 454801