MODEL ANSWERS Date: 13.05.2013 AR-7926 Time
MODEL ANSWERS Date: 13.05.2013 AR-7926 Time
MODEL ANSWERS Date: 13.05.2013 AR-7926 Time: 2.00 PM – 5.00 PM B.A./B.Sc. (Hons.) (Inte.) Fourth Semester Examination- 2013 Anthropology (Paper-I) Human Evolution Maximum Marks: 45 Section- A Note- This section contains ten objective type questions. Each question carries 1.5 marks. Q1) Objective type Questions: 10 x 1.5= 15 (i) Who gave the theory of Pangenesis? a. Charles Darwin; b. A. Weismann; c. Washburn; d. None of these Answer: a. Charles Darwin (ii) Who was ‘Lucy’? a. Australopithecus africanus; b. Homo habilis; c. Australopithecus aferensis; d. None of the above. Answer: c. Australopithecus aferensis (iii) Great apes are mainly found in; a. Asia; b. Europe; c. Africa; d. America Answer: c. Africa (iv) Sagittal crest is observed in: a. Chimpanzee; b. Gorilla; c. Orangutan; d. Langur Answer: b. Gorilla (v) Which one is the example of palaeontological evidence of organic evolution? a. Archaeopteryx; b. Bird; c. Reptiles; d. None of the above Answer: a. Archaeopteryx (vi) Who discovered Homo-erectus javanensis? a. Lewis; b. Leaky; c. Raymond Dart; d. Eugene Dubois Answer: d. Eugene Dubois (vii) New world monkey are also known as: a. Platyrrhine; b. Catarrhini; c. Both a & b; d. None Answer: a. Platyrrhine (viii) In which year Australopithecus boisei was discovered? a. 1973; b. 1959; 1924; d. None Answer: b. 1959 (ix) Who discover fossil remains of Ramapithecus from Siwalik hills? a. M.L. Lartet; b. Raymond Dart; c. G.E. Lewis; d. None of the above Answer: c. G.E. Lewis (x) Who discover “Taung baby”? a. Raymond Dart; b. Eugene Dubois; c. Anderson & Zdansky; d. Leaky Answer: a. Raymond Dart 1 Section B (Long Answer type question) 04 x 7.5= 30 Q2. Answer: Sinanthropus pekinensis: Specimen: A reconstructed skull on the basis of a dozen incomplete skulls, mandibles and 147 teeth. The reconstruction was done by F. Weidenreich, and is known from his report: The skull of “Sinanthropus pekinensis”. The basis for reconstruction was the most complete skull of a lightly built female. The mind portion of the face is sheer guesswork. Discoverer: The first calotte (skull III) was discovered by W.C. Pei in 1929. Site: Lower cave at Zhoukoudian, 30 miles southwest of Bejing (erstwhile, Peking), China. Geological Age: Middle Pleistocene, about 300,000 year’s age. Physical features: (Cast of reconstructed skull). 1. The contour is long and oval-narrow in front and wider behind. 2. Cranial Sutures are not traceable (fused). 3. The supraorbital torus is heavy and projecting. 2 Phylogenetic position and affinity: The middle Pleistocene hominid finds from the limestone cave of Zhoukoudian, near Beijing, China was attributed the designated “Sinanthropus pekinensis” by Dr. Davidson Black. Dr. F. Weidenreich made a detail comparative study of the skull with the Java specimen (Pithecanthropus). From that comparative study it was inferred that both the finds belong to the same genus, Pithecanthropus. Later, by 1940, both Sinanthropus and Pithecanthropus materials were included in the genus Homo and in 1950 in the species H. erectus. They are distinguished at the subspecific level. Systematic position Order: Primates Suborder Anthropoidea Superfamily Hominidea Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: H. erectus Subspecies: H. e. pekinensis Trinomial name Homo erectus pekinensis (Black, 1927) Synonyms Sinanthropus pekinensis Q3. Choukoutine man: Specimen: Late in 1929, after years of digging, the paleontologists at the site finally reached the layer that they were searching for, that held the remains of forty ancient human ancestors. The remains were found in a chasm uncovered after breaching a thick layer of black clay. A partial skull, consisting of most of the braincase but almost none of the face that had been found at Zhoukoudian. 3 Discoverer: On December 2nd by W. C. Pei, the young Chinese scientist in charge of excavation at the site. Site: Lower cave at Zhoukoudian, 30 miles southwest of Bejing (erstwhile, Peking), China. Geological Age: Middle Pleistocene, about 300,000 year’s age. Physical features: (Cast of reconstructed skull). 4 Phylogenetic position and affinity: The middle Pleistocene hominid finds from the limestone cave of Zhoukoudian, near Beijing, China was attributed the designated “Sinanthropus pekinensis” by Dr. Davidson Black. Dr. F. Weidenreich made a detail comparative study of the skull with the Java specimen (Pithecanthropus). From that comparative study it was inferred that both the finds belong to the same genus, Pithecanthropus. Later, by 1940, both Sinanthropus and Pithecanthropus materials were included in the genus Homo and in 1950 in the species H. erectus. They are distinguished at the subspecific level. Systematic position Order: Primates Suborder Anthropoidea Superfamily Hominidea Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: H. erectus Subspecies: H. e. pekinensis Trinomial name Homo erectus erectus Synonyms Choukoutine man 5 Q4. Java man: 6 7 Q5. Classification of Order Primate by Simpson (1945) 8 Q6. Answer: Lucy Specimen: The first A. afarensis skeleton was discovered on November 24, 1974 near Hadar in Ethiopia by Tom Gray in the company of Donald Johanson, as part of a team involving Maurice Taieb, Yves Coppens and Tim White in the Middle Awash of Ethiopia's Afar Depression. The most famous fossil is the partial skeleton named Lucy (3.2 million years old) found by Donald Johanson and colleagues, who, in celebration of their find, repeatedly played the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Australopithecus afarensis is an extinct hominid that lived between 3.9 and 2.9 million years ago. A. afarensis was slenderly built, like the younger Australopithecus africanus. It is thought that A. afarensis was more closely related to the genusHomo (which includes the modern human species Homo sapiens), whether as a direct ancestor or a close relative of an unknown ancestor, than any other known primate from the same time. Discovery: Australopithecus afarensis fossils have only been discovered within northern Africa. Despite Laetoli being the type locality for A. afarensis, the most extensive remains assigned to the species are found in Hadar, Afar Region of Ethiopia, including 9 the above-mentioned "Lucy" partial skeleton and the "First Family" found at the AL 333 locality. Other localities bearing A. afarensis remains include Omo, Maka, Fejej and Belohdelie in Ethiopia, and Koobi Fora and Lothagam in Kenya. Characteristic Features: A; Skull and brain size 1. Compared to the modern and extinct great apes, A. afarensis has reduced canines and molars, although they are still relatively larger than in modern humans. 2. A. afarensis also has a relatively smallbrain size (~380–430 cm3) and a prognathic face (i.e. a face with forward projecting jaws). 3. The image of a bipedal hominid with a small brain and primitive face was quite a revelation to the paleoanthropological world at the time. This was due to the earlier belief that an increase in brain size was the first major hominin adaptive shift. B: Skeletal morphology and locomotion 1. Morphology of scapula appears to be ape-like and very different from modern humans. 2. The curvature of the finger and toe bones (phalanges) approaches that of modern-day apes, and is suggestive of their ability to efficiently grasp branches and climb. 3. The loss of an abductable great toe and therefore the ability to grasp with the foot (a feature of all other primates) suggests A. afarensis was no longer adapted to climbing. 4. A number of traits in the A. afarensis skeleton strongly reflect bipedalism, the pelvis is far more human-like than ape-like. 5. The iliac blades are short and wide, the sacrum is wide and positioned directly behind the hip joint, and evidence of a strong attachment for the knee extensors is clear. 6. The pelvis is not wholly human-like (being markedly wide, or flared, with laterally orientated iliac blades), these features point to a structure that can be considered radically remodeled to accommodate a significant degree of bipedalism in the animals' locomotor repertoire. 7. The femur also angles in toward the knee from the hip. 8. The feet also feature adducted big toes, making it difficult if not impossible to grasp branches with the hindlimbs. 10 9. The loss of a grasping hindlimb also increases the risk of an infant being dropped or falling, as primates typically hold onto their mothers while the mother goes about her daily business. 10. Bones of the foot (such as the calcaneus) also indicate bipedality. Phylogenetic position: The discovery of a 3.2 million year-old bone in Hadar, Ethiopia at the AL 333 site was announced In February 2011. The foot bone shows that the species had arches in its feet, which confirmed that the species walked upright for the majority of the time. The foot bone is one of 49 new bones discovered, and indicates that A. afarensis is "a lot more human-like than we had ever supposed before", according to the lead scientist on the study. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Hominidae Subfamily: Homininae Genus: Australopithecus Species: A. afarensis Binomial name Australopithecus afarensis (Johanson & White, 1978) Q7. Answer: Organic Evolution: It Is The Process Of Gradual Change Of An Organism From Simpler To Complex Form. Organic, Or Biological, Evolution Is The Modification Of Living Organisms During Their Descent, Generation By Generation, From Common Ancestors. The term evolution is derived from Latin word evolve which means unfolding or unrolling which implies the process of gradual and orderly change from one condition to another through succession or a series of changing events. By organic evolution it is understood that the gradual and orderly changes are taking place in all life forms on the earth's crust, since the origin of first life. According to the doctrine of organic evolution as propounded by Charles Darwin the plants and animals of present day form are the 11 descendants of the plants and animals of the past and are the progenitors of plants and animals of the future. Eevidences of organic evolution The theories which we have discussed are imaginary. There is no practical proof for them. The various animals which we are seeing to-day were gradually evolved from simple past lived organisms. It is not possible for anybody to observe a single change, because our life span is too short. Hence scientists collected evidences from different branches of biology. They are, 1. Morphological and anatomical evidences. 2. Embryological evidences 3. Paleontological evidences. 4. Physiological evidences. 5. Zoo geographical evidences. a. Morphological and anatomical evidences 1. Homologous organs The organs which have common origin and structure are called homologous organs. The homologous organs may differ in function and form (shape). a. Homologous organsExample - If we observe the fore limb of a frog, wing of a bird, paddle of a whale and hand of a man, all of them have same origin and same structure. Each of the organs has same bones, same blood vessels and same nerves. Because the above animals are living in different habitats and the organs have to perform different functions. In frog, the homologous organs (fore limbs} perform leaping movement. In birds, the homologous organs (wings) perform flying movement. In whale, the homologous organs (paddles) perform swimming movement. In man, the homologous organs (hands) perform holding of objects. 12 Analogous organs The organs which have common form and function are called analogous organs. But they must differ in origin and structure. The wings of insect, bird and bat. In both the wings perform flying. But the wing of insect is derived from ectoderm and it is supported by chitinous nervures. Whereas the wing of bird is derived from mesoderm and it is supported by bones. Vestigeal organs The organs which are non functional and reduced in an organism are called vestigial organs. But these organs were well developed and performed functions in ancestors. The organs become functionless when the animals enter into new habitat or when their function is taken up by another organ or when the habits are changed. Presence of vestigial organs is the most convincing evidence in favour of organic evolution. Eg., Wisdom teeth, body hair etc. Embryological principles Von Baer proposed these principles by studying the embryology of fish, frog, tortoise, pigeon, chimpanzee and man. The early embryos of above animals resemble with each other closely. That it is impossible to separate if the embryos were mixed. But the embryos differ in the final stages clue to the formation of specialized characters. The similarity of early embryos tells that the above animals have common ancestors. 13 1. Fossils Study of the past lived organisms which are not now on the globe or fossils is called paleontology. Normally hard parts like spicules, setae, chitinous exoskeleton, shells, spiny exoskeleton, scales, bones, feathers, teeth and hair of past lived organisms were preserved as fossils. 2. Fossilisation It is the process of formation of fossils of past lived organisms. Normally an animal becomes fossil due to sudden environmental change. Majority of the fossils are formed by petrifaction. It is the process of replacement of organic matter by minerals like sand, lime, iron oxides etc. 3. Fossils collection Fossils are exposed due to natural erosion of the soil or by excavation (digging of the soil). In india fossil collection and observation are being conducted by birbalsahni institute of palaeobotany, Lucknow. It observed three fossil parks in India. a. Deccan plateau of Mandla District, M.P The paleontologists collected 50 million years old fossil forest trees. b. Rajmahal hills, Bihar: Scientists collected 100 million years old fossils. c. Coal mines of Orissa: Scientists collected 260 million years old fossils. 4. Fossils-types The fossils are four types. They are unaltered, altered, moulds and coprolite fossils. 5. Geological time scale – observations Archaeopteryx: this missing link was collected from jurassic period. The archaeopteryx contains the structures of both reptiles and aves. Evolution-physiological evidences Study of the functional aspects of the organism is called physiology. The organs and organ systems are similar in the closely related animals. The functional aspect of closely related animals is also same. The physiological evidences are studied in three headings; they are: 1. Fundamental unity of life, 2. Biochemical similarities between groups and 3. Biochemical recapitulations. 5. Zoo geographical evidece of evolution The study of the distribution of animals on the globe is called zoo geography. The different kinds of animals living in a particular area form the fauna. The geographical distribution of animals provides a good evidence for organic evolution. a. Fauna of Africa and Madagascar For example the fauna of Africa belongs to Ethiopian region differs from the fauna of Madagascar even though both the regions are present in subtropics. 14 b. Fauna of Australia and South America – The fauna of South America located d inneotropical region consists of bears, llamas, sloths, armadillos etc. c. Fauna of poles The south and north poles consist of same ecological conditions. The South Pole consists of penguins, where as the north pole consists of polar bears. This difference is mainly due to adaptability. d. Fauna of Northeren hemisphere The continents, North America and Eurasia of northern hemisphere consist of same fauna. Q8. Answer: Australopithes africanus: An Australian anatomist at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, named Raymond Dart, discovered the first australopithecine in November 1924 and published his interpretation of it in the journal Nature in February 1925. The fossil was that of an immature apelike individual and was found at a lime quarry at Taung, southwest of Johannesburg. The fossil existed of the face, part of the cranium, the complete lower jaw and a brain endocast, formed when sand inside the skull hardened to rock, recording the shape of the brain. Australopithecus africanus appeared to be apelike in having a protruding face and small brain, but had distinctly unapelike dentition, including small canines and large, flat molars. A bipedal posture was again indicated by the central position of the foramen magnum, and by the anatomy of the spine, pelvis, and femur. Dating these South African australopithecines has been a difficult task, because their cave context is not appropriate for radiometric dating. Ranges have been tentatively suggested for 3.5 to 2.5 million years for the gracile australopithecines and 2.0 to 1.0 million years for the robust species. Australopithecus aferensis: The earliest known hominine for which sufficient diagnostic anatomical evidence was available was Australopithecus afarensis, fossils of which have been found in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Kenya, and most of which date between 2.9 and 3.9 million years. New finds of fossils as old or older than A. afarensis have been made in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Chad. These speciments, which are sufficiently different from A. afarensis to have been named a new species, include the following: Ardipithecus ramidus from Ethiopia, dated at 4.4 million years; Australopithecus anamensis from Kenya, with an age range of 4.2 to 3.9 million years; and Australopithecus bahrelghazali from Chad, with an age estimate of 3 to 3.5 million years. The first afarensis fossils were found in the mid 1970s. Their initial interpretation was controversial and remains so today, albeit to a lesser degree. While many anthropologists accept that the multitude of fossil specimens that have been attributed to afarensis do indeed represent a single, sexually dimorphic species, others believe that the fossils belong to two, and perhaps more, species. For a long time afarensis was assumed to have represented the founding species of the hominine clade and the ancestor of all later species. The most spectacular of these finds was the partial skeleton named "Lucy"; in addition, remains of 13 individuals were found at a single site and were subsequently 15 dubbed the First Family. It was clear from the start that some of the homninines were small while others were large. Johanson and White described A. afarensis as being much more primitive than other known hominies, with a strongly apelike appearance above the neck and a stronly humanlike form below the neck; as having extreme sexual dimorphism in body size (males larger than females); and as being ancestral to all later hominines. This table shows the main morphological differences between the two main members of the so-called "gracile" Australopithecine family; Australopithecus afarensis and Australopithecus africanus. Variables Height Weight Cranial Volume Known Date Distribution Physique A. afarensis 1.0 - 1.5 metres 30 - 70 kg 400 - 500 cc 4.0 - 2.5 million years ago Eastern Africa Light build; some ape-like features Skull form Low, flat forehead; projecting face; prominent brow ridges Relatively large incisors and canines; gap between upper incisors and canines; moderate-sized molars Marked to moderate Jaws/Teeth Sexual Dimorphism A. africanus 1.1 - 1.4 metres 30 - 60 kg 400 - 500 cc 3.0 - 2.5 million years ago Southern Africa Light build; probably relatively long arms; more "human" features Higher forehead; shorter face; brow ridges less prominent Small incisor-like canines; no gap between upper incisors and canines; larger molars Probably less than A. afarensis 16
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