Aquaculture - AKVA group
Aquaculture - AKVA group
MERDBASERT AKVAKULTUR 2011/2012-N Cage Farming Aquaculture AKVA group-Cage Farming-N-08.11 2011 2012 Software page 14 Cages page Net Cleaning page 50 Feed Barges page Camera Systems page 80 28 56 C O N T E N T S : COMPLETE PROJECTS .............. 4 SOFTWARE ........................... 14 CAGES ............................... 28 NETS ................................... 44 NET CLEANING SYSTEMS ....... 50 FEED BARGES ...................... 56 FEED SYSTEMS ..................... 68 CAMERA SYSTEMS ................ 80 ENVIRONMENTAL SENSORS .... 96 BIOMASS ESTIMATORS ......... 100 UNDERWATER LIGHTS .......... 102 WORKBOATS .......................106 LAND BASED FARMING .........110 WORLDWIDE SALES .............116 2 3 Your technology partner - Cage Farming Aquaculture Feed Barges Plastic Cages Software Steel Cages Feed Systems Work Boats Environmental Sensors Camera Systems Net Cleaning Underwater Lights Nets From single components and software to complete solutions AKVA group is recognized as a pioneer and technology driver in the global aquaculture industry for more than 30 years. Today, the company is the world´s largest supplier, from single components to large, advanced and tailor made cage farming projects. We have developed a reputation for quality products and software that provide maximum reliability and cost effectiveness. Large numbers of cages, boats, nets, net cleaners, feed barges, feed systems, sensors, cameras, underwater lights and software are currently in use on a wide variety of farms all around the world. 4 Barges and Feed Systems TROND WILLIKSEN, NEW CEO AKVA group ASA. The central feed system concept was invented by AKVA group in 1980 and Akvasmart CCS is today the most popular and reliable feed system world wide. Camera and Sensor Systems Farming and Seafood Software Advanced video camera and sensor systems monitor both the fish and the feeding process. This ensures optimum operations and a healthy environment. Fishtalk is a unique IT concept and tool that provides integrated operations and full control of fish farming and seafood production. 5 Turn your supplier into your partner... Minimizing risks... AKVA group is the only supplier with the capability to offer both cage Project planning Budgeting Hardware solutions Software solutions Training farming and land based aquaculture operations with complete technical solutions. Being a dedicated AKVA group partner means leaving responsibility for technical matters to external experts, while allowing your own personnel to focus on biology and production. AKVA group’s team of professionals knows what is important for your success in the aquaculture industry. We are able and willing to take on the responsibility for delivering Two heads think better than one, says an old proverb. In terms of planning an aquaculture operation it translates into allowing people with different know-howto work together in the planning process. Letting AKVA’s technical experts team up with your own operational experts will allow a more holistic view of the planned project. Budgeting means planning ahead to create an image of the size and shape of your operations. It is imperative for the finance- and sales department in their jobs. Allowing technical considerations into the budget will also help you identify constraints or bottlenecks in your operation. Are you happy with standard solutions or does your operation or employees require fine tuning of some of the hardware? In a carefully planned turn-key project, specific hardware requirements can be taken into account at an early stage so they won’t add extra costs or delays along the way. “I know the software can do it, if I can only figure out how.” We have heard it before, and aim to make all software solution a user-friendly and integrated part of your operation. This will turn it from a headache to a tool that helps you communicate with your equipment, and helps your fish talk back to you. Many think instruction manuals are tedious, they are, but still an important part of successful farm operations. Sufficient training of your staff and managers will minimize the amount of frustration that builds up while browsing through a manual in search of a solution to a problem. Training of staff, face-to-face is always a smart investment. technology with the quality, standards and service level needed to minimize the risk of technical problems which may lead to production down-time and associated financial losses. We will ensure the integration and quality of our work by undertaking thorough and detailed planning and pre-project design of your farm. This will enable you to focus on biological and financial performance, while the rest is handled by us. A complete solution is a new concept in the aquaculture industry. Choosing a AKVA group supplier is like choosing a business partner to help you plan and shape the best possible aquaculture operation based on your initial idea, challenge or problem. Your partner will take part in the planning and design of solutions to make your new farm optimal with regards to biological, economical- and technical risk, mechanical system design, site evaluation, system drawings, project planning, construction, assembly, startup and training of managers and personnel. As a farm owner or farm manager your main concern is to create a safe environment where your investment can grow as fast as possible without adding more cost than necessary. Partnering with AKVA group will allow you to keep your focus on fine tuning operations to increase profitability, while sharing the technical load with people who are experts in achieving technical excellence. Installations Plug and play may be the preferred mode for anyone wanting to connect two pieces of equipment together. In an aquaculture facility, putting the pieces together may not be quite as simple – although it might AKVA group offers complecte intergrated packages with all the equipment and software you need for your operations. Turning the key to a better operation Increasing value, shoulder by shoulder seem like it when our experts are at work. Professional installations prevents future headaches and costly mistakes. 6 Farm Management support The start-up phase is critical to the success of any farm, and having a system expert on site for support will ensure optimal utilization of both your hardware- and software solutions. AKVA group offers full Farm Management Support to help fine-tune your site and for consultation and staff training, ensuring the best possible results. Software support An operation is only as good as the software needed to manage it. Efficient farm control also needs efficient and timely software support that can lend a helping hand in times of trouble. AKVA group has an entire department dedicated to this task, ready to step in to get you back on track. Service & Maintenance support Systems running year on end, sometimes in extreme weather, will always be subject to extensive wear and tear. In order to maintain steady operations, preventive service ageements and proper maintenance are critical. AKVA group’s Service department has decades of experience in supporting and doing maintenance under such conditions. 7 External site operation Being able to run the farm by remote control, also means being able to hand over certain operations to people located off-site. AKVA group now offers a new operation package - the farm manager can focus completely on the fish, while our technical staff looks after the technical equipment. Financing - loan or leasing? Training - AKVA Academy… Export financing Simple and affordable leasing AKVA group ASA may, in cooperation with Eksportfinans, offer competitive financing to foreign buyers. Eksportfinans, the Norwegian export credit agency for Export Financing, is owned by banks and the Norwegian Ministry for Trade and Industry. It is the only financial institution specialized in long term exports financing of Norwegian capital goods and services. With up to 100% leasing of equipment from Product training in Spain. AKVA group, you will free capital and simplify your finance management. What are the benefits of leasing? • Minimum administration and increased financial freedom • Complete user right of equipment • More time to concentrate on the strategic Eksportfinans offers a range of interest rate options based on the sales contract. Loan on Commercial Interest Reference Rate (CIRR) terms, may be given with a re-payment period of up to 10 years. CIRR is a free of charge interest rate option for the borrower in the period from acceptance of the loan until delivery of the equipment/service. Eksportfinans offers financing of up to 85% of the sales contract. management • Leasing is profitable, simple and predictable What happens following the leasing period? • The equipment can be returned • The leasing can be continued at a significantly reduced rate • A buy-out price can be requested Local variations may apply and leasing may not The financing requires backing from the Norwegian Guarantee Institute for Export Credits (GIEK) and/or a commercial bank for 100% of the loan to cover political and commercial risks, related to the credit given in the whole repayment period. be available in all markets. For further information, please contact your nearest AKVA group office. Professional aquaculture training The courses can take place in one of AKVA group’s dedicated training facilities or, if preferred, at the customers site. The classes are instructed by AKVA group’s dedicated specialists, ensuring the highest possible quality of the courses. Some of the most popular training modules include: The AKVA Academy was established with the aim of conveying theoretical, practical and biological knowledge of how AKVA group products optimize aquaculture results. The extensive curriculum includes numerous practical and theoretical product training courses, as well as a comprehensive 2 year Quality Farming program. in close cooperation with the customer. Further on, • Product Specific Training, spanning the full AKVA group product range • Advanced Product Maintenance • Software Training • Quality Farming programs (Level 1 & 2). and to ensure the highest possible learning outcome, Training is a key component of employee development, Preparation, Training , Follow-up… For more information, please visit All training programs are tailor-made and planned the following stages are followed: and is guaranteed to have a positive effect on staff motivation and operation. The invaluable relations and 1. Individual self-paced preparation phase 2. Face-to-face training 3. Close post-training follow-up shared knowledge of the product specialists, ensures optimal utilization of all your AKVA technology. Competitive financing solutions... A wide range of plastic cages, steel cages, feed barges and work boats of different types and sizes have been financed. A wide range of courses and training programs... Feed systems, monitoring equipment, net cleaners, and underwater lights can be leased. 8 Flexible recirculation systems for salt- or fresh water, both outdoors and indoors installations, are often made possible through export finance. AKVA group’s software courses are among the most popular. The 2 year Quality Farming program ensures production optimization. 9 AKVA group offers a wide range of advanced aquaculture technology, and provides customized product training on demand. Technical Service - Software Support Advanced cage farming needs professional maintenance... As aquaculture equipment becomes more advanced, the need for professional service and preventive maintenance increases. AKVA group offers global professional service on all products; on or off location including: Through on-site visits, AKVA group technician will get a complete overview and understanding of specific solutions on the site, specific requirements, preferences and work routines of local staff. Adding a face factor to this will ease communication between the site staff and the dedicated technician in the future. • Fixed pricing on reconditioned critical spare parts with guaranteed local availability. • Technical telephone support during local office hours. • Professional consultancy services. • System upgrades, including fixed pricing on specific rebuild kits. • Fast service response times. SmartService - a safe solution Regular service prevents downtime, and thus ensures predictable and uninterrupted production. AKVA group’s comprehensive and flexible SmartService agreement is a safe solution providing a wide range of benefits, such as: • • • • • • Software Support - a necessary tool Turning a software solution into the optimal work tool requires both understanding about local knowledge, work routines and preferences. Achieving optimal control on the farm often takes settings, tuning and adjustment of the software solution according to local requirements and priorities. For its turn-key customers, AKVA group’s dedicated software team offers: Prioritized 24 hour telephone support. Discount on spare parts. Discount on service technician rates. Discount on software upgrades. Discount on AKVA Academy training programs. Dedicated AKVA group service representative during office hours. • On-site support Telephone support Online support • Implementation • Training • Upgrading of licenses • Consulting • Tailor-made solutions • On-site training • In depth training • Securing long time investments It is recommended that the SmartService agreement is upgraded to include regular on-site visits by experienced AKVA group technicians resulting in: • Status report of the site. • Yearly maintenance documentation in accordance to local HSE standards. • Development of regular preventive maintenance routines. Professional service, support and maintenance... With a SmartService agreement, the farm manager can focus completely on the fish, while our technical staff looks after the equipment. 10 AKVA group offer a regular service visit with equipment control and maintenance, including a detailed status report. 11 More advanced aquaculture technology increaces the need for more professional service, support and maintenance. Why choose a complete solution There are many benefits of a comlete delivery from and we will ensure excellent system compatibility AKVA group. The main one is having the entire and integration in order to provide you with a trouble aquaculture project designed, managed, supplied free operation delivered on time. All of this will result in and installed by AKVA group’s team of professionals. improved farm operations and profitability. In addition, We have decades of experience in designing and you will have one price tag for your entire farm, no supplying aquaculture technology worldwide. hidden costs and one of the industry’s most reliable You will deal with one supplier for all deliveries, companies as your project partner. Easy reporting and compliance with national and international regulations Compiling data and preparing applications and reports often seems like a complete waste of time and money. So why spend any more time doing it than necessary? When all your equipment speaks one language, data can automatically be compiled into reports and sent off to government agencies or regulatory bodies by the click of a mouse. With AKVA personnel onboard such systems are more than just a distant dream. Hatchery in Malaysia Full integration of all equipment and software With AKVA group as your partner, we will make sure into chaos, and instead being an efficient tool for the feeding system speaks the same language as farm management. Control is the key to successful the camera, the sensors, the budgeting software risk management and a profitable business. That’s or the water treatment system. Planning for full why we deliver integration – to put you in control. integration will help avoid your equipment turning Place your bet on a winning team Being a top performer means that you have to keep of aquaculture. Our research team is constantly a close eye on operational performance while also churning out new products or improving on the old being updated on important technology progress and ones. Betting on us will allow you to see your bright innovations. AKVA group already has a portfolio of ideas or needs of today, turn into effective and well the most proven and updated technology in the world tested products of tomorrow. Cage Farming Aquaculture or closed Land Based Aquaculture, outdoors and indoors AKVA group today delivers complete solutions for cage farming aquaculture worldwide. Feed barges, work boats, cages, nets, mooring systems and other technology and smart software solutions. 12 Closed land based farms outdoors can be a viable alternative for areas without suitable coastline or water quality. This provides full control and predictable farming independent of weather conditions. 13 Closed land based farms indoors is a good solution when there are high requirements for temperature and water quality control. A state of the art recirculation system provides optimal farming conditions. Production and Process Control Software Intelligent IT solutions ensure full control... Fishtalk, Maritech and iControl are unique concepts and tools that provide Integrated Operations of fish farming and seafood productions. This ensures optimum efficiency, excellent fish quality and increased profitability. The software covers all needs for process control, production control and planning. Fishtalk: This software covers most aspects of the biological production control and planning, as well as sales and cost budgeting. Reports and analysis are the basis for decisions, both long term and short term, and provides historical overview, status and prognosis. Maritech: This software controls the processing, packing and labeling, records quality and sizes, as well as providing cost analysis. Maritech also controls purchasing, inventory records and various sales activities. iControl: The system is designed for optimal industrial control of the processes and activities on fish farms. The system offers full control, surveillance and integration of machines, sensors and all processes on the fish farm. 14 15 iControl process control system... iControl is the new process control platform used to connect to and keep control on everything from local farm sites to large international aquaculture corporations. The system is open ended and compatible with all types of equipment, sensors and technical installations. Smart 3D design with interactive control functions, makes it incredibly easy to operate. iControl shows you the operating status of every component on your farm at all times. It also pinpoints an alarm to the exact location of a problem should it occur. - the interactive integration control platform Environmental Sensors Underwater Lights Camera Systems Monitor and control all parameters in your production environment to secure maximum stability in your system. iControl supports all types of sensors. Under- and above water lighting is incorporated in the system, and the Light intensity is seamlessly controlled. Both analog and digital cameras are integrated in the system, and are fully controllable from any site or position. The alarm system supports full traceability; “who, did what, and when” is not a question anymore. All devices are closely monitored and controlled. Information about the present state, running hours and maintenance is conveniently monitored. Control an unlimited number of light regimes using Light Planner. The powerful measurement and correction functionality are a part of the light module. Multible scalable camera windows can be shown and controlled directly on screen. iControl provides real time status of the entire farm, such as: live feeding status, silo levels, environmental- and pellet sensor readings. Usefriendly menues and icons Company Region Group Device iControl provides the ability to gather data and combine information from all levels of your aquaculture operations, including controlling and monitoring all technical processes. This improves management´s production overview and control. The intuitive user interface provides easy access to all relevant information. The system is modular based, ackling icons and functionality automatically when installing new equipment. iControl is fully customizable, bringing forth exactly the information that the individual user needs. All the advanced special functions, well known in AKVA Control, are avalible if needed. It is easy to navigate the different sites and systems through the intuitive menu. The main overview provides fast access to the present state of the entire system. Full feeding control of multiple cages simultaneously Correct amount of feed served on time One person can remotely feed several cages through the intuitive user interface with brand new features and functionality. AKVA groups feeding software is a result of more than 30 years of development in close cooperation with fishfarmers all over the world. 16 All customications. such as language settings and alarm preferences, are easily managed through the intuitive menu. 17 A new role based control system... Dedicated access... Example roles... Within the organization, roles are created for various job functions and permissions to perform certain operations are assigned thereafter. When a user is set-up in the system and assigned a role, a set of functions, are automatically made accessible. • Automatic functionality is set-up of user level access • Automatic set-up of external alarm system • Automatically define relevant - dedicated information to relevant user Production Management This is the highest level of the hierarchy providing access to all levels of the company. All production data compiled is to show key information. This level provides a fast overview of the present situation and vector of development. Full access to all sites and systems. Automatically calculated KPI’s. Real-time performance check. Easy navigation and production control. All production data in one database. information for the roles Communication clients iControl provides the site management team with detailed information about the operational status. All subsystems of can easily be evaluated, compared and analyzed. iControl is a multiplatform system that provides monitoring and control access to the operation through a set of communication clients such as your mobile phone. Site Manager Full customization of modules. iControl gives farm technicans dedicated logging and control of physical parameters that may influence fish welfare, thus allows fast reaction to scenarios falling outside the normal production. Desktop client Farm Technician Web client Intelligent alarm and event system. Full control of light and feed systems. Manage and control all cameras. Monitor the status of all equipment. Proactive maintenance planning. Production environment analysis. Mobile client Personal access rights iControl provides the maintanace team with dedicated logging of all parameters associated with the equipment on site. All user have a personal user account where they are able to define access rights, language settings and what information is displayed in the system. Maintenance Manager 18 19 Full software integration... AKVA group, the leader in aquaculture software AKVA group’s software division has its origins in the merger between Maritech and Superior Systems. Both companies were market leaders within their fields; Superior Systems within operational control of marine and freshwater operations, and Maritech in systems for packing, sales, logistics and financial management of seafood production. AKVA group has since then safeguarded their unique position, and has developed the integration between the systems even further. As a result, this is the most robust, flexible and user-friendly aquaculture software on the market. Integrated companies are able to trace every single fish from broodstock to the end customer, including audit trails, documentation and financial management. More than 30 years of innovative solutions AKVA group developed the first solutions for the seafood industry as long ago as in 1978. The very first system was run on an office computer, creating simple final notes for fish-buyers in Norway. From here packing systems for weighing and labeling salmon and trout were developed, followed by even more sophisticated aquaculture management solutions. This allowed for detailed farm records, as well as accurate planning and forecasting. Thereafter, the sales and logistics solutions adapted especially to fish trading were launched. Our software is in use by most Norwegian aquaculture and fishery companies, a strong testimony to the fact that AKVA group offers aquaculture software solutions that are second to none! Rules and regulations The requirements imposed by national authorities for the aquaculture industry are in most countries changing rapidly and becoming increasingly more demanding. AKVA group’s Fishtalk solutions provide a sound basis for certification in accordance to the Global Gap and BR C quality standards. These require documentation for food safety, as well as for Health, Safety and Environment standards (HSE). This includes HACCP. Fishtalk also simplifies the mandatory reporting to the authorities. Tailor-made solutions for cost effective aquaculture With decades of experience to draw from, our professional consultants will act as both partners and advisors. This in turn ensures the best possible return investment. It is not just a question of installing the software; training and knowing how to use it correctly is equally important. Our consultants will help you optimize your farming process; they will ensure that you deliver Fishtalk offers accurate production control, budgeting and planning Fishtalk Control provides a complete overview of the biological status of the production. The tool keeps track of all activities through the sophisticated log; from unit and farm level, to top executive management. Fishtalk Finance enables simulation of the financial effects of the planned activities. The solution provides in-depth information according to the biological plans, budgets and forecasts, -all based on a set of different scenarios. 20 Fishtalk Plan provides optimal production plans according to your production and market strategies. This gives you a unique basis for making qualified operational decisions based on various scenarios for each species. the correct product to the correct customer every time; they will help you maintain recordkeeping to a minimum; they will enable you to target your sales to the market offering the best price, and so on. When providing our software division with your requirements, we will customize the solutions to make your business as efficient as possible. Intelligent dedicated software ensures safer and more cost effective solutions Fishtalk Processing ensures production control for the entire value chain within the processing plant from raw material reception until dispatch of final product. Maritech Trading is a trading system built for the seafood industry - it keeps track of the product, cost and profits from purchase order to customer invoice. 21 Wisefish is an end-to-end fully integrated ERP solution for the seafood industry based on Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Complete Value Chain Control... Farming Software Fishtalk Plan and Finance give a fast and detailed overview of when the fish will be ready for the market, as well as trends in production costs over time. It gives a quick summary of the biological and financial consequences of changes in underlying conditions, i.e. through simulating changes in growth conditions, environment, feeding regimes, feed prices, smolt, harvesting and other planned or simulated changes. ... Broodstock • Pit tagging and individual fish control • Traceability from brood fish to harvest • Traceability over several brood fish generations • Stripping of eggs Financial figures and planning data can be presented in a single report, enabling unwanted developments to be corrected. Support for decisionmaking is available, in addition to the ability to make corrections. The system contains many customised scenarios for different species. . Hatchery • Hatching trays • Separate registration for incubation, including data such as environment, mortality, destruction, treatments and shocking of eggs in hatching cabinets and trays. • Hatching First Feeding On-growing • Daily registrations from smolt to harvest • Integration with feed system, environmental sensors and packing system • Feed control, including inventory, receiving, calibrating etc. • Flexible growth tables and extensive growth report options • Full product (seafood) documentation • Daily registration from hatching to smolt • Grading, vaccinating and treatments • Full traceability and extensive reporting Complete control from hatchery to customer... Planning, budgeting, finance... Fishtalk Plan and Finance has been specifically developed for the planning, budgeting and simulation of biological and financial data from the entire value chain from initial stocking to harvest. The programs enable costs to be optimised and rolling forecasts, both financial and operational, to be prepared. Juvenile Fishtalk controls the farming process and ensures detailed documentation of feed type, feed batch and feeding time. All treatments and vital environmental data is recorded. This documents the processes and ensures environmentally friendly and safe food. The fish are traced from the farm site to the customer, via a packing/labelling and sales system. The system is a new platform for certification in accordance with the GlobalGap and BRC quality standards. The Fishtalk suite registers data which helps you significantly improve the operational side of your business. Through financial reporting, site comparisons, the possibility to select the best smolt, site, feed, etc., you will have the tools necessary to optimize your operation and return on investments. Through the fully integrated Fishtalk solutions from broodstock to end-customer, you as manager is presented with a unique opportunity to identify and implement any improvements necessary to ensure best in class operations. Seafood Software Processing Harvesting • • • • • • • • Packing systems with weighing & labeling Box and pallet labeling Harvest-, packing- and use-by date Packing of sales orders Prioritization of orders Updating of inventory Updating of sales orders Forecasts 22 • • • • • • • Raw materials receipt Raw materials consumption Yield Product labelling Additives consumption Product calculations Procurement control Logistics • Stock- and warehouse management • Pallet locations, know where your goods are • Scanning in/out, improve shipping • Consignment notes, CMR • Container lists, cargo lists • Documentation of delivered goods per container • Integration with customs Sales Customer • Order registration, simple routines • E-commerce, automatic receipt of orders • Preliminary and retrospective calculations, control over income • Order status, improve the sales process • Market analysis, see which markets will give the best results at any one time • Forecasts, what do we have to sell, what have the customers ordered, status weekend. Avoid discounted sales on Mondays. 23 • • • • • Verifiable food safety Audit trail from roe to customer (supermarket) CV – gives all information about the fish Improve market access through audit trails Use product labelling to spread information about products, the fish-farmer, producer. • Food recipes. Dedicated Software... Intergrated Farming (Broodstock to customer) Full control of the value chain from broodstock to customer! The Fishtalk solutions simplify routines and provide audit trails and financial control from the registration of juvenile origin, through to the end product. The packing system is fully integrated with the sales/logistics solution, so that the packing facility can finalize the shipment directly on the basis of the customer order. The fish is then invoiced and the sale posted. After packing, the aquaculture system is updated with the exact results of the production. Fishtalk is fully integrated with the accounts system providing complete financial control. The accounts system exchanges data with the farm system in order to calculate the cost price per kilo of live biomass. Fishtalk gives you complete control, ensuring maximum efficiency and profitability. Salmon farm, Norway. Broodstock Hatchery First Feeding Juvenile On-growing Harvesting Processing Logistics Sales Customer Standard Farming (Broodstock to harvesting) Fishtalk is fully scalable, making it an excellent tool for large and small businesses alike. You only need to invest in the modules required for your business. If you run a hatchery to on-growing, the production control system in combination with the budgeting-, finance and accounting modules, will fulfill your needs. As a result, you will have the necessary audit trail data and financial control. You will be able to benchmark different sites and batches in order to identify the most efficient operating methods in terms of the best feed, species, etc. This will enhance your operation and improve the profitability of the business. If the business covers packing and sales, our industry specific packing and sales/logistics solutions will cover your needs. Broodstock Hatchery First Feeding Juvenile Sea Brass and Sea Bream farm, Turkey. On-growing Basic Farming (One or two stages) For the spesialized business covering one or two stages in the value chain, Fishtalk is scaled according to their requirements. This applies to both the software solution and the investment framework. Therfore regardless of the size and type of operation, the Fishtalk solutions will improve the control and profitability of your business. Juvenile On-growing Cobia farm, Vietnam. 24 25 Flexible graphics and useful data Fishtalk and Maritech have a modern user interface built on Microsoft Windows standards that enable the users to easily recognize the applications. This applies to both screen image designs and keyboard functions. The system is built on SQL Data Bases and has good integration with Microsoft Office products such as Excel and Word. Reports can be sent directly from the system via E-mail to the receiver. Great importance has been put on user friendliness in order to save time both during start-up, training and subsequent daily use. Possibilities to operate with multiple different scenarios. Displays projected available biomass month by month. Come see us at the Boston Seafood Show Graphical display of different scenarios based on simulated Campbell River Halifax Canada Inc. AKVAgroup Canada Inc. growthAKVAgroup 1495 Baikie Road 5251 Duke Street, Suite 606, P.O. Box 397 Duke Tower, Scotia Square conditions. Campbell River Halifax, NS Booth 1368 BC V9W 1R9 Canada Tel +1 (250) 286-8802 Fax +1 (250) 286-8805 B3J 1P3 Canada Tel +1 (902) 482-2663 Fax +1 (902) 405-3373 Named to the Elite Microsoft Dynamics Presidents Club 2007 & 2008 The Packing Module ensures full control of the fish packing process directly from the processing line or from cold storage Company and site portals that provide quick overview of status and shortcuts to the most used routines. User defines graphs directly in the portal. Overview of site status with user settable column definitions. Easy to choose site or unit in the file directory tree. The system also has functionality that allows the use of wireless hardware such as scanners, handheld terminals, forklift terminals and printers for barcode labeling. This adds quality assurance to all data that are registered in the system. Data is only registered once. Calendar that provides quick access to data registrations. Columns that show size distribution. Fishtalk New features Control in News Fishtalk Control Fishtalk Lice shows lice developments and effect of treatments for each cage or region. Fishtalk Wrasse provides stocking numbers for each cage and percentage of Wrasse vs. salmon. FFishtalk Benchmarking provides fast and simple rankings compared to established production goals, such as growth rates, feed conversion rates, hit rates and other KPIs as VF3 and SGR. 26 Fishtalk Tide provides accurate real time tide levels and predicted hourly changes. This makes it easy to plan operations that depends on slack tide, such as net changes and lice treatments. Maritech seafood software provides full traceability through the entire process and simplifies search for activated data. The system also contains several useful programs for cost estimation. The flexible fish storage system provides the management with full logistics and operational control, as well as analysis possibilities of every detail of the process. 27 Cages - the world´s leading cage supplier AKVA group is the world’s leading supplier of both plastic and steel cages. Polarcirkel, the most recognized brand in aquaculture, invented the plastic cage concept in Norway in 1974, and has since supplied more than 42,000 cages worldwide. The renowned Wavemaster steel cages originated in Ireland in 1985, and more than 12,000 cages have since been delivered globally. In order to ensure the highest possible quality, competitive pricing and on-time deliveries, the cages and components are manufactured in many different regions. All cages are installed by professional installation teams, and serviced by professional AKVA group service technicians. AKVA group invests heavily in innovative and professional R&D in order to remain the leading supplier of cages; not only to improve products in the short term, but also to look into the future of tomorrow’s demands for cage technology. 28 29 All-Plastic-Cages: A well proven concept in flexible cage design for extreme conditions... Polarcirkel Cages Experience is a crucial success factor in the fish farming business. AKVA group (Polarcirkel) invented the plastic cage in 1974, and has since supplied more than 42.000 Polarcirkel Cages and 12.000 Polarcirkel Boats. The cages are made from raw materials especially suited for the dynamic loads of the sea, and are available in a wide range of models, shapes and sizes to suit individual needs. Many have tried to copy these products, but none have managed to match the genuine Polarcirkel designs and quality builds. Plastic cages started out as small single pipe circles, but now our largest models approach 200m circumference, and with floating pipes of 500mm diameter. Both circular and square cage systems are available. Combined with AKVA group´s global sales and service network, the Polarcirkel Cage is well proven and recognized worldwide. Safe Polarcirkel walkways In order to increase crew safety on fish farms, another Polarcirkel innovation was launched in 1999; the integrated Polarcirkel Walkways. The anti-skid walkway panels fit securely between the two floating pipes, forming a stable and safe working surface. The PE pressure moulded panels are held in place with strong and flexible continuous PE tubing inter-locking the panels to the PIM brackets. New PIM Bracket design provides superior strength. Strong and rigid HDPE hand rails. The Polarcirkel cages include smart solutions for fully integrated walkways, sinker tube systems, safety floatation and system redundancies. A secondary redundancy safety chain placed inside the outer floating pipe is optional. Polarcirkel quality and certification All Polarcirkel Cages are manufactured and assembled in accordance with AKVA group’s Quality Assurance System (ISO 9001) which is certified by DNV (Det Norske Veritas). All cages in Norway are designed in accordance with NS9415 (Norwegian Standard 9415 for cage farming equipment to prevent fish escape). Polarcirkel Cage History Newspaper photo presenting the first Polarcirkel cage in 1974. 30 Photos showing today’s large 500mm cages compared to the 225mm “Gigante” cage 15 years ago! 31 Polarcirkel 500mm cage - a safe and stable platform designed for extreme weather conditions. Polarcirkel Cages - designed for rough conditions... Strong Polarcirkel PIM Brackets Extensive use of PE (Polyethylene) in our PIM (Pressure Injection Moulded) brackets eliminates corrosion, minimizes expensive and difficult maintenance, and substantially increases cage lifespan compared to steel brackets. This is especially important in areas with high salinity, warm water temperatures and choppy seas. Polarcirkel cage sizes The most popular models are the circular cages in 315, 400, 450 and 500mm floating pipes with circumferences from 90-160m. Only strong and high quality PE is used for Polarcirkel brackets, while many suppliers use weak and low quality rotationally moulded Medium and Low Density Polyethylene. This makes the Polarcirkel brackets superior in terms of structural strength, durability and UV resistance. This is especially important in high energy offshore farm sites and areas with high UV radiation from the sun. For areas prone to icing, such as Norway and Canada, another critical advantage of the Polarcirkel HDPE brackets is that they will not ice up as steel brackets do. Icing is a dangerous safety problem for all floating structures, including cages. Heavy ice overloads the cage, reduces stability and jeopardizes overall cage integrity. As the name indicates, the Polarcirkel cages are well suited for extreme arctic conditions! Proven Sinker Tube concept As cages grew bigger and nets became harder and harder to control in strong All Polarcirkel Cage designs are carried out by our professional R&D department. Independent marine engineering consultants are also involved in advanced static and dynamic load calculations to ensure all designs meet or exceed expected real life loads as well as applicable industry standards. currents, Polarcirkel invented the sinker tube concept in 1989. A concept that later has been adopted as an industry standard. The Polarcirkel Sinker Tube consists of a 200-280mm heavy walled PE pipe filled with steel wires (typically 20-70 kg/m). It is supported by strong ropes fastened through the stainless steel sleeve in the PIM brackets. Polarcirkel PIM-500 Bracket Long life - built to withstand extreme conditions above and below the surface Forget corrosion! Photo showing a Polarcirkel bracket after ten years in saltwater! A wide range of flexible Polarcirkel cages are designed for extreme weather conditions, such as here on Norway’s stormy coastline at 70° North. 32 Polarcirkel cages are known for their strong railings and high reserve buoyancy, which is crucial in case of sudden excessive net loads or icing. AKVA groups proven sinker tube system uses a vertical rope. No metal parts, such as chain and shackles, can therefore cause damage to the net. All the weight of the net and sinker tube system is supported by the floating pipe - NOT by the handrail. 33 When harvesting, the net volume is reduced by lifting vertical ropes of the sinker tube system. This leaves no load on the handrails. Extra wide catamaran design New Polarcirkel Anchoring Connector Polarcirkel’s extra wide catamaran design ensures maximum cage stability and railing stiffness. Combined with strong stanchions and interlocked railing design, this make the Polarcirkel Cages safe and easy to work on without sacrificing seaworthiness and strength. Due to its low weight-to-strength ratio, the Polarcirkel Cages have very high reserve buoyancy compared to cages with other brackets. This easily results in our larger cages having up to 4-5 metric tons higher reserve buoyancy. This substantially increases cage safety margins in case of sudden operational problems that weigh down the cages (icing, mass mortality, storms, strong currents etc.). We are now introducing a new and innovative anchoring connector system that simplifies the anchoring process and improves the structural strength of the cage when anchored at the site. This anchoring connection is also NS9415 certified. (Norwegian Standard 9415). Unique Polarcirkel redundancy systems In addition to obvious redundancy safety factors such as individually secured brackets, individually secured anchoring connector and Styrofoam inside floating pipes, Polarcirkel also offer an optional secondary continous safety chain inside the outer floating pipe. This will serve as an unbreakable barrier in case the cages integrity is severely compromised. Keeping the chain inside the pipe leaves it out of the weather until needed and maintains a clean exterior cage layout. All of this makes the Polarcirkel Cages the safest and most escape proof cages on the market! Main design features include: • • • • • Practical and safe shackle point connection No corrosion No boat damage or obstruction from anchor lines Separates cage bracket from anchor load Allows for custom positioning to match anchor grid system • Primary load to inner floating pipe that carries main net loads • Secondary back-up connection to outer floating pipe • Extra wide load distribution sleeve eliminates point loading • Freely rotates anchor load perpendicular to the floating pipe • PE sleeve on PE pipe minimizes pipe chafe • Sideways locking system allows for safe angular loads The new Polarcirkel anchoring connector eliminates most of the weak points typical of steel brackets: Corrosion, damage to work boats, sideways jamming of brackets, chafe on floating pipes, need for chafe sleeves, point loading floating pipes, bending connection lugs, icing loads etc. Net Hooks & Accessories A wide range of integrated accessories are available for the Polarcirkel Cages, including: • Various types of Polarcirkel Net Hooks. These systems simplify net handling on the cages and provide a secure attachment point for your nets. • Polarcirkel Center Support Stands. These are placed in the center of the cage to keep the bird nets high off the water. Standard sizes from 1.5m to 5m high. Custom sizes are also available. • Feed systems, cameras and environmental sensors, wireless networks, cage lighting etc. A flexible solution with a wide range of accessories Polarcirkel Cages are used all over the world, such as here at a Vietnam cobia farm. 34 Most plastic cages are moored in a grid system and include sinker tube, center support stand, feed system/barge, cameras and sensors. 35 Various types of net hooks are available. The systems simplify net handling on the cages and provide a secure attachment point for your nets. Polarcirkel Plastic Cages Specifications Cage Models: 225/250 Cage sizes – Floating pipe diameter: 225/250mm (9”/10”) 450 500 315mm (12”) 400mm (16”) 450mm (18”) 500mm (20”) Imperial sizes to be confirmed. Cage sizes – Standard circumferences: 40 - 90m (130 - 300’) 60 - 100m (200 - 330’) 90 - 160m (300 - 530’) 120 - 160m (400 - 530’) 130 - 200m (430 - 660’) At centre of inner floating pipe. Cage sizes – Standard diameters: 13 – 29m (42 – 94’) 19 – 32m (63 – 104’) 29 – 51m (94 – 167’) 38 – 51m (125 – 167’) 41 – 64m (136 – 209’) At centre of inner floating pipe. Center - center distance between floating pipes: 55/52cm (20”/20”) 66cm (26”) 85cm (33”) 100cm (39”) 110cm (43”) Bracket – PE Injection Moulded (new PIM Type): – Yes Yes Yes Yes Bracket – PE Welded (original “Nova” type) – Yes Yes – – Original welded NOVA bracket. Yes Yes – – – Original injection moulded bracket. Standard distance between brackets: 2m (6’ 7”) 2m (6’ 7”) 2.5m (8’ 2”) 2.5m (8’ 2”) 2.6m (8’ 6”) Dimension – HDPE Handrail Upright: 125mm 125mm 160mm 160mm 160mm Not applicable for steel brackets. Dimension – Handrail Pipe: 110mm 110mm 140mm 140mm 140mm Applies for both PE and steel brackets. PE (SS opt.) PE (SS opt.) Stainless Steel (12mm) Stainless Steel (12mm) Stainless Steel (12mm) Only inner pipe Only inner pipe Only inner pipe Only inner pipe Only inner pipe Bracket – PE Injection Moulded (original type): Net hook on uprights: Polystyrene Safety Floatation added: Available with – Secondary Safety Chain (redundancy): 400 Comments PIM Bracket (Plastic Injection Moulded Bracket) with plastic uprights. Inside outer pipe Inside outer pipe Inside outer pipe Inside outer pipe Inside outer pipe Can be customized to fit nets. One single hook per upright included. Custom hooks available Available in all floating pipes on request. Continuous internal safety chain inside the outer floating pipe for an extra safety Materials used – PE80 & PE100: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Applies to plastic components. NS-EN ISO 9001:2000 Certification: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes The Polarcirkel factory is ISO certified. Norwegian Standard – NS9415 Certified: – Yes Yes Yes Yes Mandatory for Norway only. Available as Two-Ring Cage: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Standard Cage Available as Three-Ring Cage: Yes - – – – Avail. with Walkway Decking: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Available with Sinker Tube: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Avail. as Submergible Cage: Yes Yes Not yet Not yet Not yet Avail. with Mooring Analysis: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Polarcirkel Square Cages Standard sizes available: 3x3m (10x10’) / 5x5m (17x17’) / 7x7m (23x23’) / 9x9m (30x30’) / 11x11m (37x37’) 13x13m (43x43’) A wide range of high quality and durable Polarcirkel Feeding Pipes are available in various dimensions, wall thicknesses and coil lengths. 36 315 Two different types of Center Support Stands are available. These are placed in the center of the cage to keep the bird nets high off the water. Standard sizes from 1.5m to 5m high. 37 With original injection moulded bracket only. Mainly used for 400 model and up. Ask for specific details. Available in most markets. Available outside Norway only – as individual cages or cage systems. Polarcirkel ”Cartwheels” are offered with circumference from 30 to 72meters. Wavemaster Steel Cages Safe and strong steel cages... Wavemaster is the world’s leading supplier of steel cages with close to 10.000 cages delivered since 1985! The cages provide an ideal platform for fish farming. Wide non-slip walkways with high freeboard around all sides of the cages allow the operator full flexibility of operation and easy access from cage to cage. This is becoming essential for good husbandry and maintenance. The compactness and simplified mooring arrangements make Wavemaster Steel Cages a very attractive option for many sites. The cages are available in a wide range of models, single- or double string systems and sizes up to 40x40m to suit individual needs. Photo showing bushing type hinge for less exposed sites. The upper surface of each float incorporates sloping surfaces so that any feed or debris deposited can be washed away by wave action or water hose. High reserve buoyancy is crucial in case of sudden excessive net loads. The patented moulded rubber hinge system allows the cage structure to adapt to the wave profile, thereby reducing loads on the member and ensuring longer life of the cages. A wide range of smart, intergrated accessory solutions Wavemaster has a proven track record of installations on a wide range of sites and in many different climates around the world, such as here in Chile. 38 The handrail system provides tie off points at the main walkway level, posts to support the net and removable handrails. They can easily be removed while the net is tied to the posts. 39 The Wavemaster Steel Cages include smart solutions for fully integrated non-slip walkways, net supports and floats with self-draining top. Wavemaster - a trusted steel cage concept... Wavemaster began producing steel cages in Ireland in 1985, in Canada in 1988 and in Chile in 1990, and today supplies cages to all world markets. The large number of cages currently in use on a wide variety of sites, operating under diverse wave and wind conditions world wide, has demonstrated the reliability of the Wavemaster design. Produced locally and designed to suit local markets, Wavemaster provides the most cost effective steel cages available to the industry. Steel cages are suitable for sites with moderate exposure and strong tidal currents. Combined with a global sales and service network, the Wavemaster Steel Cages are a well proven concept indeed! Feed Barge Hot dip galvanizing All components are hot dipped galvanized after manufacture. This has proven to be the most effective and durable coating for use on fish pen structures. Ongoing R&D All of the Wavemaster designs are continuously updated to reflect operating experience and the changing work practises of the fish farmers using the equipment. This continues to make Wavemaster the leading edge steel cage in the fish farming industry. Secure floats Two different types of floats are available. The standard type provides normal free board while the high type provides extra high free board. All are rotationally moulded, UV stabilized polyethylene filled with expanded polystyrene and then sealed. They are attached to the cage structure using galvanized steel bands and bolts (Chile & Scotland) or bolts with fender washers (Canada). Smart and userfriendly cage design Steel cages allow for a simplified mooring arrangement due to it’s system structure and design. The wide walkways provide superior support for predator nets, well spaced from the fish net. This is a crucial feature for some areas. 40 A wide range of strong, high quality mooring systems are also available in various dimensions. Safe and stable cage construction built to withstand icing and rough conditions. Feed barges can be moored at the end of steel cages and provide easy access to the cages for farm staff. 41 Wavemaster steel cages are also available with driveable centre walkway, such as here in British Columbia, Canada. Galvanized quality cages with extra wide walkways... Wavemaster Steel Cages Specifications Wavemaster Cages: EX-1000 Range HP-2000 Range HX-2400 Range Comments Please consult your Wavemaster representative for expert advice on proper model selection. HP-2000 HX-2400 (Exposed) (High Performance) (High Exposure) 10 x 10m (30 x 30’) 12 x 12m (40 x 40’) 15 x 15m (50 x 50’) 20 x 20m (60 x 60’) 24 x 24m ( 80 x 80’) 25 x 25m ( 82 x 82’) 30 x 30m (100 x 100’) 40 x 40m (130 x 130’) 30 x 30m (100 x 100’) Inner measurements: Centre walkway width: 2.1 - 2.5m (7’ - 8’ 2”) 2.1 - 2.5m (7’ - 8’ 2”) 2.4 - 3m (7’10” - 10’) 1m (3’ 3”) 2m (6’ 7”) 2.4m (7’ 10”) 63mm (2.5”) 78mm (3”) 78mm (3”) Single or double string Single or double string Single or double string Floats available – Standard: Yes Yes Yes Floats available – Increased Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1100mm (43.3”) 1100mm (43.3”) 1100mm (43.3”) Yes Yes Yes Some local variations may apply. Posts & handrails or handrails only Posts & handrails or handrails only Posts & handrails or handrails only Some local variations may apply. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Norway only Norway only Norway only Model description: Cage sizes available – Perimeter walkway width: Hinge bushing: Cage configuration layout: freeboard: EX-1000 36 x 36m (122 x 122’) 40 x 40m (130 x 130’) Some local variations may apply. Some local variations may apply. Some local variations may apply. Available in both moulded rubber or nylon type. Rotational moulded polyethylene (blue or black colour). Rotational moulded polyethylene (blue or black colour). Floats filled with expanded polystyrene and sealed for added safety. Railing height: Railing net hooks included: Railing type: Hot dipped galvanizing: ISO 9001:2000 Certification: Norwegian Standard – NS9415 Certified: Wavemaster Steel Cages in Scotland. 42 43 Variations will apply to meet local Health & Safety Requirements. Applicable and mandatory for cages supplied in Norway only. Nets • • • • • High durability Escape prevention Maximized water flow No need for antifouling paint Easily recyclable material Aquaculture nets Rock slide nets Shark nets Breakwater construction The unique Polarcirkel EcoNet concept can totally change today’s fishfarming! This longlife net technology has been used to make over 4000 fish farming nets in Japan since 1988, in addition to many other usages including shark nets, rock slide nets etc. The EcoNet is made from very strong but light weight PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) and has some superior characteristics, including: being virtually escape proof, predator proof and has a 20-year lifespan compared to nylon nets that often only last 4-7 years. The non-fibre wire has very hard surface that resists marine fouling and makes it easy to clean in the water using Idema Net Cleaners. This also eliminates the use of antifouling paints and ongoing net changes. The Polarcirkel EcoNet semi-rigid structure keeps the net shape intact to maximize water flow and oxygen to the fish. PET is easily recyclable! 44 45 Polarcirkel EcoNet - High durability and escape prevention... Deformation and loads Net sample after 20 years use in seawater in Japan! Full tensile strength is retained. Fish escaping trough holes in the net accounts for most of reported cases. Fish farm net deformation and loads are affected by three main factors: CURRENTS + NET TYPE (rigidity, drag, strenght) + NET WEIGHTS. The unique semi-rigid and low-drag EcoNets maintain a superior net shape in strong currents compared to conventional nets, thus providing optimum water flow and oxygen levels for your fish. Less net weights are then required to keep EcoNets in place. The result is reduced deformation/drag, reduced risk of net chafe/damage and reduced overall displacement (weight) of the entire cage system. This means less load on the mooring systems and more reserve buoyancy for the cages. The semi-rigid structure keeps the net shape intact to maximize water flow and oxygen supply to the fish. A 20cm long cut in regular netting will open wide and the fish will escape. The EcoNets are made to withstand rough conditions, stormy weather, predators, biological or mechanical damage. New ills. Example of EcoNet cage in 0.5 knots current (0.25 m/sec.). The net will still keep a very good and stable shape. Polarcirkel EcoNet used in submergible steel cage in Japan. 46 110 100 90 80 70 60 ≈ 0 Conventional nets will deform more than EcoNet in the same current. Nylon Monofilament 3mm Polyester Monofilament 3mm . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 Years of exposure 4 The new PET netting wire retains tensile strength for 20 years below and above water. This graph shows results of longterm outdoor exposure tests. 47 5 Tensile strenght retention % Polyester Monofilament 3mm Tensile strenght retention % The same cut in an EcoNet will tend to stay closed due to the double twisted thermo formed semi-rigid structure and non-tearing weaving. 110 100 90 80 Hot dip galvanized iron wire 3.2mm .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . 70 60 ≈ 0 1 2 3 Years in seawater 4 5 The PET wire used for EcoNets is chemical and seawater resistant. This graph shows results of long-term seawater exposure tests. Polarcirkel EcoNet keeps the net shape intact and maximizes water flow and oxygen to the fish... Easy to install - easy to keep clean Once the Polarcirkel EcoNet is installed in the cage there is no need to disconnect it during normal operations. Exceptions will be in case of net damage. The EcoNets are cleaned in the water and are not taken out for cleaning or antifouling. Net handling and fish husbandry Standard EcoNets made for circular and square cages. The upper section have vertical walls with a 1m jump-net up top and the bottom is normally cone shaped. Although Polarcirkel EcoNet is a semi-rigid net, it can still be handled in very similar ways to a nylon net. This includes drying up the net for crowding fish during harvest, fastening the net to the cages and attaching sinker tubes etc. However, as the EcoNet is being tested and used in new markets and for new species, new and better techniques will continue to be developed to simplify net handling and ensure the best possible fish husbandry. T A = Mesh width B = Mesh pitch C Polarcirkel EcoNet being installed by use of cranes and skilled farm technicians. C = Mesh height D = Mesh A If overloaded, EcoNet stretch about 60-70% before it finally breaks. diagonal T = Wire D thickness B Photo showing towing of a new Polarcirkel cage with EcoNet to a new location. In comparison, nylon stretch about 40% before it finally breaks. The shape of the EcoNet wire mesh is designed to remain intact if a single wire is cut. This means the mesh will remain stable and the shape intact with minimum negative effect of the strength of the net cage structure. The Polarcirkel EcoNet is made from very strong but light weight PET, (Polyethylene Terephthalate). Polarcirkel EcoNet is available in two different mesh sizes: • Polarcirkel EcoNet is approved for fishfarming use according to Norwegian Standard 9415 (NS9415). Extra strong long-life nets Mesh size: t (mm) A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) weight Large: 3,0 45 50 71 59 590g/m2 Small: 2,5 35 40 43 37 570g/m2 Four great challenges... Long term testing shows that Polarcirkel EcoNets retain full strength even after years of exposure to weather, sunlight, chemicals, seawater, abrasion and the sharp teeth of various fish and predators. Most other fibre type netting degrade relatively fast. For shorter periods, Polarcirkel EcoNet can be hooked onto the railing net hooks when dried up. The floating plastic cage (floating collar) is the component of the fish farming cage that supports the entire weight and loads of the entire EcoNet (not the railing). 48 The Polarcirkel EcoNets are made for rough, daily use, from very strong but light weight PET, (Polyethylene Terephthalate). The hard non-fibre wire reduce settling of marine fouling and makes the net easy to clean with Idema Net Cleaners. This also eliminates the use of anti-fouling paints. Mechanical damage 49 Ekstreme weather Predators Biological detorioration Idema Net Cleaning Systems Effective Net Cleaning ensures optimum oxygen levels and faster growth... Idema Net Cleaners were launched in 1987, and are today renowned for quality, high performance and their ease of use. The first Net Cleaners had single 30cm diameter cleaning discs, operated from the cage edge using a shaft. Underwater pressure washing of cages containing fish has become even more common as the requirements to environmentally friendly aquaculture in larger cages provides the best scale of economics. With this in mind we have developed and improved the Idema Net Cleaners and can now present the best range of Net cleaners and high pressure pumps ever. This combination offers you the most effecient cleaning system suited for all types and sizes of cages. The new ejector creates a significantly better push against net. It is available as an option on all on all new frames, or as an upgrade-kit for already delivered net cleaners. Growth (gram/day) Effective Net Cleaning reduces decease and stimulates growth Ava ila ble oxy g en in the 9.0 wat er 8.5 8.0 Growth 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 Sa lm o s n´ ox yg ne en Temperature ed This curve is almost identical for most aquaculture species such as; trout, cod, halibut, sea bass and sea bream. 5.5 Temperature 4 7 10 13 16 19 Growth curve for salmon Good waterflow through the nets are crucial at high water temperatures. Redused marine fouling improves the environmental conditions Fouled net: Water with oxygen passes outside the cage. Clean net: Water with oxygen is flowing through the cage. Strong marine fouling on the net will reduce the oxygen supply. Algea growth can increase bacterial loads and cause diseases and stress in the biomass. 50 It is proven that increased marine fouling leads to reduced water flow. As a result, the oxygen rich water will mostly flow around the cage. 51 The width of the cleaning path ranges from 80cm up to 290cm. The largest model uses 7 washing discs. Environmentally friendly, flexible and smart solutions... A wide range of models - up to 7 cleaning discs In Net Cleaning, filtered high pressure sea water is used to remove marine fouling on the nets. Idema Net Cleaners use The large Net Cleaners can be rotating cleaning discs mounted on support frames in various operated in automatic mode by shapes and combinations. We use rugged, tailor-made high- two persons using a crane, winch, pressure pumps to drive the cleaning discs. The cleaning cap stand or as a integrated option process starts with submerging the frame on the inside of the on ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle). net, using only sea water under high pressure. Idema cleaning The smallest Net Cleaners can systems do not use chemicals or scrubbing action making easily be operated from the cage them environmentally friendly while ensuring minimal wear by a single person. on the nets. One of the new models in the Idema range; an effective 7 disc washing rig with a stainless steel protective for the net. The width of the cleaning path ranges from 80cm, up to 290cm for the largest model using 7 washing discs. The discs are generally delivered in 40cm diameter but can also be ordered in 30cm or 50cm diameter. A video camera provides full control of the Net Cleaning On the larger Idema frames we offer tailor-made camera and video systems that provide a full overview, and the possibility to inspect of the nets. A camera The Heavy Duty center bearing with silicium-carbide pressure housing mean less service calls and minimal down time. Heavy Duty Cleaning discs with smooth front rail in stainless steel ensures minimal wear of the net. The discs have low resistance in the water, extra high rotation speed - from 750 to 1500 rpm depending of water pressure, flow rate and cleaning disc diameter. installed direcly on the Net Cleaner will send you crystal clear video Extra strong 2-layer steel reinforced high pressure hose with strong connector fittings for heavy duty use. images that can be saved for later inspection and documentation of the net cleaning process. Environmental data helps you to stimulate growth Idema Net Cleaners also keep nets clean in tropical waters, as here in Thailand. It is extremly important to keep the weight of the cages light in cold periods. Icing and fouling can indirectly cause breakdowns and serious damage. 52 This Optical Oxygen Sensor connects directly to the feed system and can stop the feeding at low oxygen levels. With a Polarcirkel Cabin workboat you can easily visit the site and watch the net cleaning on a PC screen. With one of our smart camera systems you can watch the net cleaning both above and below water, via cable or via a wireless sensor network (CAP). 53 The environmental conditions in the cages are the most vital parameters for top quality and faster biomass growth. Idema Net Cleaning Specifications GASOLINE DRIVE DIESEL DRIVE HYDRAULIC DRIVE High Pressure Washers: F-Drive K-28-280-SB D-Drive K-28-250-SD D-Drive K-60-300-SD D-Drive K-136-300-SD D-Drive K-188-300-SD-JD D-Drive K-240-280-SD-JD John Deere H-Drive K-136-300-H H-Drive K-188-300-H Fitted to workboat 400x200x200cm 60x35x25cm 60x45x37cm 60x35x25cm 60x45x25cm 95x72x37cm 113x73x52cm 113x73x52cm approx. 2400kg 40kg 80kg 40kg 40kg 150kg 350kg 350kg Diesel Diesel Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic 10 10 2 2 2 2 4 8 8 Up to 200 meter Up to 200 meter Up to 90 meter Up to 90 meter Up to 200 meter Up to 90 meter Up to 120 meter Up to 200 meter Up to 200 meter Integrated pump Integrated pump Integrated pump Integrated pump Integrated pump As stand alone unit As stand alone unit or dedicated water or dedicated water supply. supply. John Deere 50hp 150hp 150hp 150hp 120x60x75cm 120x80x80cm 230x90x160cm 400x200x200cm 400x200x200cm 80kg 180kg approx. 1000kg approx. 2300kg approx. 2400kg Gasoline Diesel Diesel Diesel 2 2 4 8 Up to 90 meter Up to 90 meter Up to 120 meter Up to 200 meter Recommended H-Drive K-60-300-SH Fitted to workboat John Deere 22hp Max cleaning discs: H-Drive K-41-210-SH Fitted to workboat HATZ 2G40 22hp Fuel: H-Drive K-30-200-SH Fitted to workboat Vanguard V-Twin Max hp: Weight: H-Drive K-25-400-SH Fitted to workboat Engine: Size: H-Drive K-28-280-SH Fitted to workboat John Deere Fitted to workboat cage circumference: Standard equipment: 40m high pressure hose, 3m suction hose, power nozzle with 40cm extension and swivel coupling. Delivered on a Delivered with Delivered with Delivered with Delivered with stainless steel frame sound proof sound proof stainless steel sound stainless steel sound in Euro pallet size cabinet and cabinet and proof cabinet and proof cabinet and with lifting lugs. integrated pump. integrated pump. integrated pump. integrated pump. Water, liter/min: 28 28 60 136 188 240 28 25 30 41 60 136 188 Bar: 280 250 300 300 300 280 280 400 200 210 300 300 300 WASHING AREA (WIDTH) CAGE SIZE FRAMES FRAMES Gasoline, diesel or hydraulically driven High Pressure Washers We offer a rugged series of High Pressure Washers for seawater suited to various system solutions and cage sizes. The gasoline driven washers (F-Drive), are light-weight • C=120-200m 270cm and perfect as portable units. The diesel driven units (D-Drive), are almost maintenance free, use less fuel then the gasoline models and are well suited for large, powerful, permanent solutions. The Hydraulic driven high pressure models (H-Drive), Net Cleaners with 2 discs can easily be operated from the cage by a single person. • C=120-200m 270cm • 180cm C=90-160m HIGH PRESSURE WASHERS K 188-300SD K 188-300SH K 136-300SD K 136-300SH • 180cm C=90-160m K 60-300SD K 60-300SH The hard non-fibre wire in the new EcoNets reduces settling of marine K 28-250SD 28-280SB fouling and K are extremely easy to K 41-210SH clean using KIdema Net Cleaners. 28-280SH • 90cm C=30-90m K 18-280SB K 18-280SH Diesel are small, compact and almost maintenance free, perfect for below deck installations in workboats. | Net Cleaning system solutions The illustration to the left presents a range of effective Net Cleaning framesfor different cage constructions and sizes. The high pressure pumps can be driven by gasoline, diesel or hydraulics, depending on the best solution for your farm. Heavy Duty Cleaning discs with smooth frames in stainless steel ensure minimal wear on the net. Additional benefits include low friction in the water and extra high rotation speed - from 750 to 1500 rpm. C=<30m Fuel Hydraulic C=Circumference 54 55 Diesel (D-Drive) 2-10 cleaning discs Idema K-188-300-SD-JD-150 Size 400x200x200cm. Cleaning discs: 5+5. Hydraulical (H-Drive) 2-8 cleaning discs Idema K-60-300-SH-CO-64 Size: 95x72x37cm. Cleaning discs: 4. Gasoline (F-Drive) 2 cleaning discs Idema K-28-280-SB-VA-22 Size: 120X60x75 cm. Cleaning discs: 2. Feed Barges AKVA group is the world’s leading supplier of feed barges with decades of experience and more than 250 barges delivered in many regions of the world. The latest models provide true scale of economics efficiencies to a wide range of cage farming operations with sizes ranging from 96 to 600 metric tons. They include the latest innovations in FEED CARE CERTIFIED and efficient feed handling, storage, logistics and personnel comforts to ensure a functional and safe farm base for your crew. AKVA group has feed barges suitable for a wide range of sites and climates, including inshore, offshore, arctic and tropical areas. All barges are delivered turn-key, fully self contained with Akvasmart CCS Feed Systems, generator(s), control room, living quarters, safety equipment and all other optional equipment installed, such as integrated mort silage systems, camera- and sensor systems. Wavemaster Feed Barges are designed by experienced Norwegian naval architects and built by selected shipyards to meet all applicable standards and requirements for quality, seaworthiness, stability, health and safety. 56 57 Successful feed barge deliveries are the result of close design cooperation with our customers... Customer Satisfaction... Design and safety High quality - economic solutions Dimensioning, structural strength and stability calculations are performed by experienced and professional naval architects. All Wavemaster Feed Barges are designed in accordance with NS9415 in terms of vessel safety and stability. This means that the barges conforms to all applicable requirements in terms of intact and damaged stability at various loading combinations, accidental flooding, expected icing and snow loads. The main purpose for a feed barge is to provide the most efficient, optimized and reliable feed system for your farming operations. The second purpose is to provide a safe and seaworthy barge that can withstand the forces of nature at your farmbase site. Historically, feed systems have been built into feed barges. AKVA group has now turned this around and builds feed barges around feed Wavemaster Feed Barges are systems! This means that the supplied with all safety gear entire feed system installation required for the country of must first and foremost be operation as a minimum. FEED CARE CERTIFIED with Typical standard / optional optimal internal feed pipe safety equipment may include: design (stainless piping, safety hand-rails and non-skid routing, sweeps, connections, surfaces throughout, life rings vertical lift, air cooling, air with heaving line, boarding control system, selector valve positioning etc.). This is now built into all Wavemaster ladders, fire extinguishers, seawater pump and hose, dual AC 400, starboard side. Feed Barges. automatic bilge pumps in each bulkhead, fluorescent safety labelling througout, emergency exits, rechargeable waterproof flash- Each individual barge model has also lights, anchoring light, exterior lights, silo been optimized to ensure the lowest deck flood lights, search light, remote fuel possible cost compared to size of shut-off valve, remote shut-off for barge. As a result, the AKVA group machine room ventilation, smoke- Feed Barges are the most cost and fire alarm systems, water efficient barges on the market with intrusion alarm, VHF radio, life raft, no material or space wasted. immersion suits etc. AC 400, main control room. More than 250 tailor-made feed barges have been delivered Bremnes Seashore, one of the largest salmon farming companies in Southern Norway, has been a satisfied AKVA group customer for more than 20 years. Photo showing CEO Olav Svendsen in their brand new Wavemaster AC 400 Feed Barge. 58 Four AM 400 Classic Feed Barges with Quattro feed systems being loaded aboard freighter bound for Newfoundland, Canada (2007). AC 400 Panorama Feed Barge delivered with large panorama control room, living area, kitchen and bathroom (2008). 59 Tandem towing of two AM 320 Comfort Feed Barges along Norway´s coastline. Wide selection of models... Smart interior solutions Our latest line includes three main models in various sizes: Comfort & design • AkvaCenter: AC 400/AC 600 The AM models are available with either “Comfort” • AkvaMaster: AM 240/AM 320/AM 400 12S or “Classic” housing: • AkvaJunior: AJ 96/AJ 150 - MED • Comfort: This is the two-storey housing where The labour market is becoming increasingly competitive and fish farms struggle to compete for the best employees. Consequently, crew comforts and safety are becoming increasingly important in order to attract and retain highly qualified personnel to run the farms. A modern Wavemaster Feed Barge increases staff motivation and gives the entire crew another good reason to be proud of working in the aquaculture industry. The AC models are available with either a “Panorama” or “Comfort” housing: the top contains the combined control room, living room and kitchen, and the deck level section contains bathroom, cabins and/or wardrobe. • Panorama: This is the standard option with extra • Classic: This is the smaller main deck level option spacious top floor that includes a large open control that contains combined control room, kitchenette, and living room with panoramic views of the farm, lunch table and bathroom (no cabins). full size kitchen, bathroom and possible private office and/or cabins. The AJ models are only available in a basic control- • Comfort: This is the smaller option with combined and lunch room design, although some customized control room, living room and kitchen. Some custom solutions are possible below deck and by extending solutions are possible. the housing. Please inquire. AKVA group´s professional interior designers have made several great options for interior outfitting and designs to suit different budgets and preferences. As a result, most of our customers now choose options such as: fully insulated living quarters and cabins, proper ventilation systems, in-floor heating, double glazed marine windows, tinted roller blinds, all appliances, TV / Stereo, control room desk, chairs, shelving, living room furniture, bedding, full size bathroom with shower cabinet, hot & cold pressurized freshwater, sewer tank, complete electrical system, smoke and water intrusion alarm system etc. Modern feed barges are becoming a main work place with proper meeting facilities, living areas and entertainment centers. Full kitchen solutions are available for most barges. More than 250 tailor-made feed barges have been delivered AM 96 Feed Barge with Twin feed system launched in Turkey (2006). AM 320 Comfort Feed Barge with Quattro feed system delivered in Norway (2007). 60 AM 320 Comfort Feed Barge with Quattro feed system delivered in Norway (2010). Barges are serial manufactured. Picture showing an AM 400 Classic being launched and destined for Canada (2007). AM 320 Comfort Feed Barge with Quattro feed system delivered in Scotland (2007). 61 AC 480 Panorama feed barge with Hexa (6 line) feed system under tow in the North Sea to customer in Northern Norway (2008). Quality is everything... The control room is the heart of the barge. This is where the operator has all information available and control the entire feeding process. In order to ensure a durable product and maximum lifespan, all barges are primed and painted using high quality marine epoxy paint systems. In addition to the required safety gear onboard, most Wavemaster feed barges also include water intrusion and fire alarm systems. Generators with sound proof cabinets installed in the machine room. Control and living room Pantry Cabin level Wardrobe Deck level Machine room Wavemaster Barges are designed to withstand extreme weather conditions. Most barges are supplied with large fuel tank(s), freshwater tank, hot water tank, sewer tank and optional mort silage tank. Reinforced bottom trumpet for anchoring pipes distributes loads and prevents chain being snagged during tightening. Storage/Workshop AC 400 Panorama with 4 decks. Subject to local safety regulations, most barges include 3-5 watertight bulkheads with two automatic bilgepumps in each. Wavemaster AC 400 Feed Barges can be delivered with compact interior layouts that allow for practical cabins, bathrooms, veterinary room, diver´s room, storage and workshop. Heavy duty internal anchoring pipes with flared bottom openings. Oversized to allow for two anchor chains in each pipe. Three main feed barge models with feed capacity from 96 up to 600 mtons The AC 400 and AC 600 Panorama is delivered with large Panorama control room, living area, kitchen and bathroom AM 400 12S Feed Barge with 12 silos and Quatro feed system is one of our new barge models. 62 The new AJ 150 Feed Barge with Twin feed system has been designed for the Mediterranean as well as for smaller salmon farms. Decades of experience has resulted in superior designs and layouts. All windows, watertight doors and hatches are high grade marine quality. Optional solutions are available such as extended deck platforms in each ends. 63 Steel hull, superstructures and feed silos are manufactured using marine grade mild steel, type NVA or equivalent. Up to 12 parallel feed lines... Feed system All barges have built-in Akvasmart CCS Feed Systems, and the largest models are available with up to 12 parallel feed lines. Most are supplied with 90mm Quattro systems (4 feed lines), but some with Twin (2) and some Hexa (6). The Feed Blowers are installed in the machine room together with the control cabinets. Cooling pipes for the feed transport air are welded to the outside hull in a protected position below the water line. The standard dimension is 110mm in order to prepare all barges for future expansions. The feed enters the air flow through the Doser Valves and is then blown through seamless stainless pipes inside the barge and up to the Selector Valves on the exterior main deck platforms. From there, the feed continues through the PE feeding pipe to each cage, where Rotor Spreaders distribute the feed onto the cage surface. The entire process and feed system is FEED CARE CERTIFIED. All optional equipment, such as networks for integrated camera-, pellet- and environmental sensors is installed at the shipyard. The barges are ready for start-up and feeding once it is moored at the farm site and feeding pipes connected. All systems are operated from the comfortable main Control Room, with great panoramic views of the cages. The feed storage capacity in each silo range from 15-70 metric tons (based on a density of salmon feed at 650kg/m3). Most feed barges are supplied with Quattro feed system (4 feed lines). The Blowers connect directly to efficient cooling pipes outside the underwater hull. Feed silos All barges have large built-in bulk feed silos with weather proof loading hatches at the upper deck level. The standard loading hatches are 180x240cm with two smaller hatches inserted. This enables maximum utilization of available silo volume when fully loading the silos. The number of silos ranges from 4 to 24 (see table), but most barges have the optimal 8 silos for the Quattro feed systems. The silo capacity range from 15-70 metric tons depending on the model (silo capacities are based on salmon feed density of 650kg/m3). The feed is normally loaded using a crane and bulk-bags (500-1000kg bags), but the latest method is bulk delivery directly from large feed supply vessels using blowers or conveyors. The feed is loaded into the silos using either bulk bags or bulk blower/conveyor systems. Hatches are available in various sizes. Each silo can hold from 15 - 70 mtons of feed and connects to a FEED CARE CERTIFIED doser valve that transfer feed into the stainless feeding pipe. Steel plate thicknesses of 5.5 - 6.5mm. The silo sections are often made with corrugated steel plates in order to achieve high strength to weight ratio and smooth internal surfaces. Userfriendly disinfection and cleaning The Akvasmart Feed System concept is the only central feed system on the market designed to allow for simple but thorough cleaning and disinfecting if required. The silos can be steam cleaned and degreased internally with the Feed Doser and Feed Blower running, blowing debris and grey water out of the barge. This process also cleans dosers, internal piping, selector valve and feed pipes. Once the feed has entered the internal stainless feed pipes, the selector valve sends it to the correct cage via flexible HDPE feed pipe. Akvasmart Feed Dosers are. available with capacities from 10g/sec. to 192kg/min. Real time measurement of airflow, backpressure and temperature ensures optimum feed handling. Full control of the feeding process from silo to cage... Full control of the feeding process using Akvasmart Feed System and cameras from the feed barge control room. All internal feed piping systems are FEED CARE CERTIFIED stainless steel pipes with optimal connections, bends and routing to preserve the pellets. 64 Silo loading hatches are available in various sizes. Photo showing dual size bulk loading hatches for blower / conveyor filling. The unique Akvasmart CCS feed system is perfectly integrated on a wide range of Wavemaster feed barges. The air control system keep the pellet speed in the gentle feed handling area, significantly reducing the risk of blockage and breakage. 65 All Wavemaster feed barges are designed by professional naval architects to meet all required regulations. Wavemaster Feed Barges Specifications AC600 AC 400 AM 400 12S AM 320 AM 240 AJ 150 AJ 96 Feed storage capacity 600 400 400 320 240 150 96 Based on density of 650kg/m3 Usable silo capacity m3) 920 615 600 490 370 250 150 Some variations may apply 12 8 12 8 6 6-8 4 * 1.2 1,2 * Optional Optional Model: Comments: Feed storage Number of silos Secondary hatch cover size (m) *Optional: 1,6 x 1,6 Barge specifications Length - Overall (LOA) m 28,5 22 27,5 27 23 13,3 14,5 Some variations may apply Beam - Overall (BOA) m 12 12 12 10 10 12 8 Some variations may apply Some variations may apply Hull height - to main deck (m) 4 4 4 3,5 3,5 3 2,5 Number of watertight compartments 5 5 4 4 4 3 Optional Min. friboard with Hs >=3m, standard mooring (m) 1,19 1,07 1,17 1,16 1,09 0,93 Draft 0,7-1,4m Min. friboard with Hs >=3m, X - mooring (m) 1,35 1,24 1,33 1,36 1,29 1,09 N/A Panorama/Comfort Panorama/Comfort Comfort/Classic Comfort/Classic Comfort / Classic Comfort/Classic Yes Yes * No * Optional - Diver´s room Yes Yes Yes No Some variations may apply Deck house - options available Subject to applicable regulations Hs = Significant wave hight Veterinary room possible Yes Yes Yes Bio -secure zoning possible Yes Yes Yes 5 3+1 small 4 2+1 small 2+1 small 2 1 Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Some variations may apply 2x11.5 2x11.5 2x3-2x6 5,5 Some variations may apply PE PE PE or GRP PE or GRP Some variations may apply Max numbers of generators Fuel tank , construction 2x13 2x13 2x11.5 Fresh water tank, construction PE PE PE Fresh water tank capacity (m3) 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-8 1-2 N/A Some variations may apply Sewer tank, construction PE PE Steel or PE Steel or PE Steel or PE Steel or PE Steel or PE Some variations may apply Sewer tank capacity (m3) 3 3 3-6 3 3 1 1 Some variations may apply Paited steel Painted steel Painted steel Painted steel Painted steel N/A N/A Some variations may apply 18-72 18-72 11.5x2** 13-26 13-26 N/A N/A Some variations may apply Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A N/A Strongly reccomended NS 9415/NYTEK NS 9415/NYTEK NS 9415/NYTEK NS 9415/NYTEK NS9415/NYTEK N/A N/A Some variations may apply DNV 1A1 Barge R3 DNV 1A1 Barge R3 DNV 1A1 Barge R3 DNV 1A1 Barge R3 DNV 1A1 Barge R3 DNV 1A1 Barge R3 DNV 1A1 Barge R3 Some variations may apply Please inquire Please inquire Please inquire Please inquire Please inquire Please inquire Please inquire Some variations may apply Fuel tank capacity (m3) Silage tank, construction Silage tank, capacity (m3) Zink metalizing above water line Certified according to Designed according to Optional equipment Feeding system Number of possible feed lines 2-12 2-8 * 2-8 2-6 2-6 1-4 Position of selector Side Side Bow/Side Bow Bow Bow Bow Air cooling system 110mm steel cooling pipes 110mm steel cooling pipes 110mm steel cooling pipes (U-profile) 110mm steel cooling pipes (U-profile) 110mm steel cooling pipes (U-profile) 110mm steel cooling pipes Air to cooler * Bow: 4-6 lines, side 4 - 12 lines Some variations may apply ** Option to this can be.2x11.5 silage tanks+ 4x11.5 emergency silage tanks with out any facilities. Certification guide, construction/anchoring: The Wavemaster Feed Barges are designed in accordance with DNV 1A1 Barge R3 classification. Steel hull, superstructures and feed silos are manufactured using marine grade mild steel, type NVA or equivalent. All steel construction is performed in accordance with NS470, and all welding is tested by certified NDT (Non Destructive Testing) inspector. The silo modules are constructed with corrugated steel plates in order to get smooth internal surfaces and a high strength to weight ratio (not all models). All Wavemaster Feed Barges for Norway are certified in accordance with NS9415 (The Norwegian Standard 9415 applies to marine fish farming equipment such as cages, nets, moorings and barges) and NYTEK (directives) by NOOMAS certification. See above table for applicable certification codes for each barge model. (Some variations may apply depending on country).The AM models have slightly different anchoring pipe while the AJ 96 model only have standard anchor connection lugs. 62 66 67 Feed Systems Matches fish appetite... The central feed system concept was invented by AKVA in 1980 and Akvasmart CCS is today the most popular and reliable feed system world wide. The system is suitable for all species feeding on pellets. It is now also fully integrated with camera control, pellet- and environmental sensors, as well as Fishtalk production control software. All feeding and environmental data is stored in the Fishtalk database. This unique integration allows for full overview and control of all operational activities from farm site to top management level. The Akvasmart CCS Feed System will feed the correct amount, at the optimal rate, on time and every time. This powerful system provides great opportunities to optimize the entire feeding process. AkvaControl is the leading edge feed system software, now part of the Fishtalk software family. New functionality includes meal planner, group feeding and adaptive feeding. Combined with data from environmental sensors, this allows for efficient analysis and benchmarking between farm sites. 68 69 Akvasmart CCS Feed System Wireless CAP Transmitter with surface camera Fishtalk AkvaControl The Akvasmart CCS Feed System is designed to handle more than 40 feed lines running in parallel and more than 1000 cage/tank units, centralized- and/or hopper feeders, all operated from one PC. CCS Feeding Computer Akvasmart CCS is the perfect choice for feeding fish, designed to fit the requirements from low capacity system such as CCS-32, up to high capacity systems such as CCS-110. Temperature Sensor Current Sensor Oxygen Sensor Remote location Camera Systems Feed Silos: Up to 8 silos can be connected in series for each feed line. All Akvasmart CCS Feed Rotor Spreaders Feed Blower: Generates transport air for the feed system. Systems and components are FEED CARE CERTIFIED to preserve pellet quality from silos to fish. Air Cooler: Reduces the temperature of the transport air. Feed Doser: With capacities from 10g/sec up to 192kg/min. Polarcirkel Feeding Pipes A wide range of high quality and durable Polarcirkel Feeding Pipes for aquaculture are available in various dimensions with wall thicknesses and coil lengths up to 1000 metres. Feed Selector Valve: Distributes feed to the correct cage and ensures gentle feed handling. New Air Control system: Regulated air speed and keeping the pellet in the gentle feed handling area significantly reduce the risk of blockage and feed breakage. Optimal pellet speed. Too low pellet speed. The Feed Selector Valve is the to transfer the feed into the air flow. connection point for the HDPE As this is a critical part of any feed feeding pipes. The pipes are system, it is important that only exposed to the full forces of the FEED CARE CERTIFIED equipment ocean, and consequently we have is used. In order to meet all our designed a very rugged strain customer’s needs, we can offer both relief bracket that can handle Feed Doser Valves and Feed Augers the expected loads. Our product with Sluice Valves for this purpose. line includes a wide variety The choice is yours! of Selector Valve models with connections from 4 to 60 feeding The Air Control ensures optimal pellet speed. 70 A custom Feed Doser Valve is used pipes (depending on model). 71 New Feed Selector Valve with 4 large pipe connections, 90 or 110mm. Feed pipes (OD) scaled 1:1. Feed system capacities and transport lengths... The Akvasmart CCS Feed System • Transport lengths is designed to fulfill all feeding • Biomass (feed amount) requirements, regardless of species • Number of units (cages) or how you want to feed your fish. • Species Akvasmart CCS Feed System Specifications System Feeding pipe size: OD (mm) Wall thickness: The configuration of the system is (mm) CCS-63 CCS-90 32 (1”) 63 (2”) 90 (3”) 110 (4”) 2,9 (0,11”) 4 (0,16”) 7 (0,28”) 6,3 (0,25”) Max.(mm) 5-7 9 - 12 17 - 25 25+ Min.(mm) No.2 crumb. 1,2 3 3 Pellet sizes: */** • CCS 110mm (OD) - Pellets 3mm to 25mm+ • CCS 90mm (OD) - Pellets 3mm to 25mm Imperial (North America) • CCS 63mm (OD) - Pellets 1.2mm to 12mm • CCS 32mm (OD) - Pellets no. 2 crumb. to 7mm 2 520 5 220 5 220 with "VariDoser 1500" – – 11 520 11 520 with ”FeedDoser 4000” 10,8 42,0 87,0 87,0 with "VariDoser 1500" – – 192 192 with ”FeedDoser 4000” 1,2 2,4 3,0 3,0 10 20 40 50 with "VariDoser 1500" – – 200 200 with ”FeedDoser 4000” m 300 600 800 1400 */** Max. feeding rate at max. feeding pipe length: kg/min. 3,6 12 36 30 *** Max. feeding rate at half of max. feeding pipe length: kg/min. 5,4 21 108 150 Max. feeding rate at short feeding pipe length */** 10,8 42,0 87,0 87,0 kg/min. with "VariDoser 1500" – – 192 192 with ”FeedDoser 4000” capacity: */**/*** Max. feeding rate: 192kg/min Min. feeding rate: */**/*** • CCS 110mm kg/hour kg/min. kg/min. Min. feed dose (single dose) */** grams • CCS 90mm Transport lengths: • CCS 63mm • CCS 32mm 3kg/min Max. feed pipe length: 10kg/min 300m This must be evaluated in each specific case. 648 Max. feeding */**/*** 10kg/min Comments Feeding data (for each feed line): based on the following factors: 42kg/min CCS-110 CCS-32 10kg/min 600m 30kg/min 800m 1400m * The capacity of the feed system depends on the technical quality of the pellet, the feeding regime as well as the length of the feed pipe. *** Power consumption (max): PE Feeding pipes Dimensions kW 7,5 15 - 18,5 22 - 30 45 0,18 0,18 SDR** Weight/m FeedSelector Valve: kW 0,18 0,18 2,9mm 11 280g/m 0,37 0,75 15,75 750g/m Feeder: FeedDoser/ VariDoser: kW 4mm 0,37 0,75 66,4mm 4,3mm 17,6 980g/m Feeder: Auger & Sluice Valve: kW 1,5 1,5 90mm 79,8mm 5,1mm 17,6 1390g/m 90mm 76mm 7mm 12,8 1900g/m 110mm 97,4mm 6,3mm 17,6 2090g/m OD ID Wall thickness 32mm 32mm 26,2mm 63mm 63mm 55mm 75mm* 75mm 90mm* 90mm 110mm Feed Blower: Power consumption: Size: Weight: Rotor Spreader RS-63C RS-90C RS-110C 63mm (2”) 90mm (3”) 110mm (4”) 12mm (1/2”) * 25mm (1”) * 25mm+ (1”) * 50-100RPM * 50-100RPM * 50-100RPM * Approx. 4-12m Ø *Approx. 12-40’ Ø * Approx. 5-18m Ø *Approx. 16-60’ * Approx. 5-18m Ø *Approx. 16-60’ * Stainless Steel/Alum. Rotor/POM Stainless Steel/Alum. Rotor/POM Stainless Steel/Alum. Rotor/POM (Delrin) Polyform buoy (Delrin) Polyform buoy (Delrin) Polyform buoy Height above water: 1,2m (4’) 1,2m (4’) 1,4m (4’6”) Draft: 1,8m (6’) 1,8m (6’) 1,8m (6’) Approx. 30kg (66 lbs.) 33kg (73 lbs.) 38kg (84 lbs.) HDPE pipe dimension: Max pellet size: Recommended RPM: Spread diameter (adjustable): Materials: Total weight: * Depending on feed system and feed type 72 1,5 1,5 * Depending on actual transport distance ** Depending on type of feed, technical feed quality, pellet size, feed rates and system settings *** At continuous feeding **** Depending on actual feeding pipe length CCS Control Cabinet * Not standard dimensions for Akvasmart CCS Feed System. ** SDR = Outer diameter (OD) / Wall thickness. Max. load/unit The Akvasmart Feed Blower generates transport air for the feed system. Comments Standard 400VAC 50Hz From 8kW to 185kW Single CCS 32 to Quatro CCS 110 2100mm x 1200mm x 500mm HxWxD - in mm From 120kg to 400kg Single CCS 32 to Quatro CCS 110 The Feed Doser Valve is used to transfer the feed into the air flow - up to 192kg/min. with optimum pellet quality. 73 The CCS product line includes a wide variety of Selector Valve models with connections from 4 to 60 feeding pipes. Rotor Spreaders Akvasmart CCS Accessories: Air Control system Rotor Spreder designed for tanks, Faster and even growth from excellent feed spread Akvasmart Air Control System is installed between the Air Cooler and Feed Doser. Regulated air speed ensures optimal pellet flow, significantly reducing the risk of blockage and breakage. If the pellet/air speed is too low, the risk for pellet blockage is increased. If the pellet/air speed is too high, dust and breakage is increased. The system also monitors and logs airspeed, back pressure and temperature. Pellet clogging Pellet damage Gentle feed handling Low pellet speed Correct pellet speed Too high pellet speed 32mm or 63mm rotor tip. Rugged, splash proof Remote Control for rough outdoor use The unique Rotor Spreader is designed to provide excellent feed spread in cages. All our models have adjustable light weight aluminium rotor pipes that allow for lower air speed for startup and rotation. This means less dust and breakage, power consumption, back pressure, air temperature, noise and wear and tear on the feed pipes. Our unique ventilated Zenon bearing requires no regular cleaning and does not corrode. Due to its light displacement and low point of gravity, the Rotor Spreader is very stable in rough seas. All Akvasmart Rotor Spreaders are easy to install and simple to maintain. Twistable rotor tip in hardened aluminum. Smart remote controls provide new opportunities at the fish farm. The rugged Tablet PCs gives you access to all the functionality in AkvaControl and Fishtalk while away from the control room. You can control the feed system, look at environmental sensor readings and watch video from the feeding cameras, all on the Remote Control. Feed Blower Rotor Spreader flow chart: Air Cooler Feed Doser Feed Selector Rotor Spreader Light weight but strong construction ensures reliable performance in rough weather. More than 3500 Rotor Spreaders delivered... The unique ventilated Zenon bearing requires no regular cleaning and does not corrode. Strong feed pipe connection floating on the surface minimizes mechanical loads compared to submerged connectors. (63mm to 110mm.) 74 Tablet PC with a large touch screen The remote control provides access to The flexible remote units can even for easy operation. all the programs you have on your PC. be used fixed in a workboat. Silo outlet gate and temperature sensor solutions The Rotor Spreaders are used in all types of cages. More than 7000 units are delivered world wide. A rugged silo outlet gate, made from galvanized steel, can easily be installed in between the silo flange and feed doser valve. The outlet gate makes it possible to remove the feed doser valve with pellets in the silo. 75 Up to two temperature sensors can be directly connected to each feed selector valve in the Akvasmart CCS Feed system. AkvaControl Feed System Software Correct amount of feed – always served on time… AkvaControl is a powerful and advanced software for daily control of all your feeding processes. Combined with Akvasmart CCS Feed System, it is the most adaptable and user-friendly system on the market. AkvaControl is developed over the last 30 years in close cooperation with fish farmers all over the world. This has resulted in full integration with camera systems, pellet- and environmental sensors. Basically, the feed is delivered just the way you and the fish wants it. Biological approach Total overview provides excellent results. The only feed system software with biomass regulated feeding regimes based on accurate Remote control monitoring of fish appetite and environmental Alarms data. Environmental monitoring and logging Oxygen-, temperature- and current sensors are fully integrated in AkvaControl. All sensor data are displayed in real time and logged Fishtalk Feed system for further analysis. This allows for optimal feeding at all times. Fishtalk software database integration All data generated in AkvaControl is accessible in Fishtalk Control, providing end-to-end production overview, control, analysis, benchmarking and reporting. Monitoring of appetite Technical and environmental alarm functions Predefined alarms (high current, low oxygen, high Environmental data temperature, feed system and technical errors). Alarm output to site alarm (flashing light/siren) and/or via SMS/text messaging. Accurate control of all your feeding processes AkvaControl is a result of more than 30 years of software development in close relations with fish farmers all over the world. 76 Powerful software that generates complex reports to analyze and optimize feeding regimes. 77 AkvaControl provides real time status of the entire farm, such as: live feeding status, silo levels, environmentaland pellet sensor readings. - the information you need in one window How to feed, when to feed... Key functionality in AkvaControl: • Wizards - AkvaControl utilizes Wizards to further simplify the setup and daily management • Full farm overview at a glance – Intuitive of the feed system. and logical screen views at multiple levels such Graphical site layout with real time feeding status. Navigation bar with icons for all main functions. • Powerful reporting and analysis tools - as entire farm, each unit (cage, tank or pond), each feed line or each fish group. The powerful report generator provides a complete • System capacity planning - Can the feed data. This allows for advanced analysis to optimize overview in various time ranges and for various system meet your planned daily feeding require- feeding regimes. ments? Prior to feeding, AkvaControl will compare actual feed system capacities with required Gentle feed handling without blocking feed pipes feeding regime. Conflicts are visualized in order for the operator to optimize daily feed system Real time measurement of airflow, backpressure capacities. and temperature ensures optimum feed handling. • Advanced meal planning – This powerful • Low airflow: Blocked pipe. planning tool simplifies the setup of feeding • High airflow: High risk of dust and breakage. individual meals at group or unit level. The Air Control system is visualized in AkvaControl • Multiple group feeding regimes - Groups through a simple graph per feeding line. The graph of units with identical criteria are treated equally. displays real-time data for each unit being fed, and This especially simplifies the setup and daily automatically adjusts the blower speed to ensure management of cyclic feeding of many units. operation in the gentle feed handling area. • Hopper control – AkvaControl allows for advanced operation of individual feed hoppers as well as centralized feed systems. One system software can therefore control all feeding activities at the farm. • Integrated feeding camera control – Camera selection is done in the main screen view. Manual or automatic camera selection can be set up to monitor the feeding. • New Air Control System - Through realtime measurement and control of the air flow, air temperature and back pressure, AkvaControl Control of manual feeding - directly in the main display. Graphical display of feeding data. Real time display of pellet transport data. allows for optimizing pellet transportation. The result is full Feed Care Certification where feed dust and breakage are minimized. This also reduces the risk of feed blockages. Status and control of current feeding. Real time display showing environmental sensors. Silo status for all silos. Low pellet speed. 78 Correct pellet speed. 79 Too high pellet speed. Camera and Sensor Systems Full overview, full control... Akvasmart’s advanced video camera and sensor systems monitor both the fish and the feeding process. This ensures optimum operations and a healthy environment for both people and fish. Flexible camera solutions, like monochrome feeding cameras or winch controlled pan & tilt 360o Twin colour cameras, provides crystal clear pictures. Wireless transmission of surface and underwater video images, feeding- and environmental data to the farm base. 80 81 Wireless CAP with built-in Full overview, full control... surface camera, transmits data from cameras and sensors. Control Room/Feed Barge or Work Boat Akvasmart Cameras have been produced for more than 20 years. Basic HR Camera Based on this experience AKVA group Low Light HR Camera SmartEye Surveillance Camera provides control over has a complete product range from unwanted visitors, predators, feed spread or simply added safety when working alone at the farm. basic monochrome fixed cameras to movable pan & tilt colour cameras. For cage farming production units, Akvasmart Cameras can be used to monitor: Super HR Camera • Underwater feeding activity EAP The Super HR and Basic HR, monochrome underwater video cameras, are the world’s most popular feeding cameras. • Surface feeding activity • Fish behaviour • Fish maturation Environmental Access Point for transmitting environmental data (hardwired or wireless), including hardwired network for video camera transmission. • Fish parasites (sealice) • Morts at the bottom of the cage • General surveillance SmartEye Camera The SmartEye is a advanced inspection system that can be controlled from the cage, a controll room or using the internet. SmartEye has an extra botom camera and can pan 360° and tilt 90°. Environmental Sensors Environmental sensors monitor and log water temperature, oxygen and tidal currents. This ensures optimum conditions for the fish. The data can be transmitted via a CAP or a hardwired or wireless EAP. SmartEye 360 Twin Camera The SmartEye Camera System is a class above and the most advanced system on the market. SmartEye Twin can pan 360°, and tilt 360°! SmartWinch A dual SmartWinch allows easy vertical and horizontal positioning of the SmartEye cameara inside the cages. @ SmartController Remote Video AkvaControl/iControl A complete range of dedicated camera solutions... The CAP surface camera can monitor fish surface activity and feed spread, even in poor light conditions. Exceptionally sharp and clear video images in full colour provides useful information about your fish. 82 The video camera looks straight up towards the surface during the feeding in order to see uneaten pellets. The new CAP wireless transmitter and surface camera provides all vital data and 3600 overview. Akvasmart cameras provides perfect overview and the SmartController ensures fast and and accurate winch and camera control. 83 Remote Video provides full remote access to all cameras installed at the farm, including zoom, pan/tilt and winch controls. CAP - Wireless Sensor Network )))) Wireless transmission of video and sensor data... This wireless sensor network is an important integrated part of the Akvasmart CCS feed system. The new CAP (Cage Access Point) has two-way data communication with the feed system and is an active part of AkvaControl. Up to two underwater video cameras can be connected to each unit, in addition to the built-in surface camera and camera winch. Important new features include more powerful transmitters, external channel selection, 360° adjustable surface camera and directional antennas. The CAP also allows for connection of temperature-, oxygen-, currentand doppler pellet sensors. Video and sensor data are transmitted by wireless from each cage to the base. The Wireless Sensor Network provides a practical and reliable access point and communication between cages and farm base. The CAP is userfriendly and easy to mount on cage handrails. Built-in directional antenna and adjustable 360 degrees horizontal view. Battery and cable connections are integrated in a splashproof compartment. AkvaControl Sensors Monitor Cameras CAP CAP Sensor CAP Built-in surface camera: 1 pcs. Resolution: Light sensitivity: 1 pcs. 380 TV-lines 380 TV-lines 0.2 [email protected] (Colour) 0.2 [email protected] (Colour) 92o 92o 5,8 GHz*** 5,8 GHz*** Angle of view: Frequency - video transmission: Frequency - command radio: Power supply: Smart CAP 868 MHz*** 2,4 GHz*** 12 – 24VDC / 230VAC* 12 – 24VDC / 230VAC* Power consumption: 110 - 1100mA** 180 - 4900mA** Aluminum/PC/Stainless Steel Aluminum/PC/Stainless Steel Ø280 x 770 (Ø10,9"x30,3") Ø280 x 770 (Ø10,9"x30,3") 7kg 7kg Underwater Camera: 2 pcs. 1 pcs. Temperature Sensor: 1 pcs. - Current Sensor: 1 pcs. - Oxygen Sensor: 1 pcs. - Camera Winch: - 1 pcs. Materials: Size – Width x Height : Weight: Connections Robust access point for a wide range of AKVA cameras and sensors. Non-corrossive materials and low maintenance. * Via separate AC adapter (extra) ** Depending on connected equipment *** Frequencies can vary from country to country CAP - a new powerful and reliable transmitter The new wireless CAP can transmit camera and sensor data and can easily be installed on both steel- and plastic cages. 84 The CAP has a built-in surface camera for monitoring fish surface activity and feed spread even in difficult light conditions. 85 The Akvasmart Smart CAP is designed for the SmartEye Twin Camera and can also control the flexible Smart Winch. SmartEye Camera System Top of the line - feeding and inspection cameras... SmartEye Camera The SmartEye Twin 360 Camera System is a class above and without doubt the best system of its kind on the market. It is an advanced feeding and inspection colour camera with unique features that can be operated from the cage, a work boat, the feeding control room and via the internet. It provides sharp, colour and/or monochrome video underwater images. Standard configuration includes upper camera and lower camera in high resolution colour, but monochrome is used to get very high light sensitivity for looking down into deep and dark cages. Both cameras are syncronized for full 360o vertical movement using one joystick. No external moving parts will prevent leaks. Combined with the dual SmartWinch system, SmartEye 360 Twin provides a great insight into the feeding response and condition of your fish. It is a highly reliable camera that is connected to the base via our new CAP wireless video transmitter. SmartEye 360 Twin is also available with built-in depth- and temperature sensor. Top of the line underwater video camera. Synchronized endless 360° pan and tilt. Robust and waterproof connection plug. Crystal clear colour images. The SmartController provides fast and accurate camera and winch controls. @ Dual SmartWinch CAP Video Base Receiver SmartController Monitor Portable PC SmartEye/SmartEye 360 Twin A new syncronized endless 360o pan and tilt camera... SmartEye 360 Twin Camera 86 A flexible dual SmartWinch allows easy The new SmartEye 360 Twin has an Exceptionally sharp and clear video images and accurate vertical and horizontal endless 360o pan and tilt, with no in full colour provides useful information positioning inside the cages. moveable parts in the water! about your fish. 87 Crystal clear first choice feeding cameras... HR Feeding Cameras Robust and reliable suspension bridle. This is the world’s most popular feeding camera series. These are stationary cameras that are hanging underneath The camera is built into the non-fouling bronze top of the Super HR housing. the fish´eating area (typically at 5-8m) and look straight up to easily detect uneaten pellets sinking towards the camera. All of our cameras can be used with Akvasmart hardwired or wireless Low Light HR Camera camera systems and can be operated from the cage, a workboat, feeding control room and via the Internet. One camera is usually permanently installed in each cage. Robust urethane underwater cable includes a waterproof connection plug. Low Light HR Camera The Low Light HR Feeding Camera is a monochrome camera designed for use in conditions with low light and poor visibility. Basic HR Camera The Basic HR Feeding Camera is a Basic HR Feeding Camera simple, reliable and affordable camera that is a smart choice if you need The Low Light HR camera is tailor-made for poor light conditions. effective feeding control in cage. The Low Light HR can easily also be used as a portable video camera. Super HR Camera The Super HR Feeding Camera is a ruggedized and extremely reliable CAP high-resolution camera designed for use under all conditions. Available in both colour and monochrome HR Cameras Farm Inspection Monitor versions. Hardwired network A flexible and affordable camera solution Super HR Feeding Camera Super HR provides exceptionally sharp and crystal clear video images, even during poor light and visibility conditions. 88 Looking straight up towards the bright surface makes it easy to spot uneaten pellets. 89 Up to three HR cameras works with the advanced wireless CAP transmitters. These also include built-in surface cameras. SmartEye Surveillance Camera Camera Specifications Detects predators and other unwanted visitors. Cameras Type: Resolution: Light sensitivity: The camera can pan CCD sensor: 360°, and tilt 90°. El. iris/Lense: Angle of view: Materials: Cable: Depth rating: Power: Size - H x Ø: SmartEye SmartEye 360 Twin Surveillance Camera with 90o unwanted visitors, predators, feed spread or simply added safety when working alone at the farm. This is an advanced surveillance Upper: Colour Lower: Monochrome Monochrome Colour or Monochrome Monochrome 480 TVL 480 TVL (Center) 570 TVL (Center) 600 TVL 600 TVL 600 TVL 0.01(@F0.8) 1.5lx (@ F1.2) 0.0003lx (@ F1.4) 0.0001(@F0.8) 0.001 Lux (@ F0.1.4) 0.001 Lux (@ F0.1.4) 1/3” Sony 1/3” Sony 1/3” Sony 1/3” Sony 1/3” Sony 1/2” Sony Auto / 3.6mm Auto / 2.8mm Auto / 3.5mm Type: camera with clear colours and unique functionality, that can be operated from the cage, work boat, control room or via the Light sensitivity: Internet. The 24x optical zoom provides detailed information CCD sensor: from your farm. El. iris/Lense: Materials: Colour 480 TV-lines CCD Ex View 0,07 lux 90° in air, 76° in water Delrin/Acrylic/Bronze Delrin/Acrylic Delrin/Bronze/Stainl.steel Delrin (POM)/Acrylic 50m (165’) Urethane * 50m (165’) Urethane * 30m (100’) Urethane* 30m (100’) Urethane* 50m (165’) Urethane * 200m (655’) 200m (655’) 200m (655’) Up to 75m (245’) Up to 45m (130’) limited by cable limited by cable limited by cable optional optional 12VDC/400mA 11-30VDC / 1.2A 12VDC/400mA 216mm x 165mm 361mm x 171mm 14.2 x 6.7” diam.) 200mm x 90mm 140mm x Ø 80mm 70mm x Ø 75mm (8”x 3.5”diam.) (5.5” x 3.15” diam.) (2.75” x 3” diam.) 5.4kg (12 lbs) (bouyancy ≈ -0.5kg) without cable 4.5kg (10.4 lbs.) 4.8 kg (10.6 lbs) 1.95 kg (4.3 lbs) with cable with cable with cable 2.6kg (5.7 lbs.) without cable 12VDC (less than 100mA) 12VDC (less than 100mA) Hardwired Camera Network A simple, reliable and affordable network solution for smaller cages and tanks. Auto / 3.6mm Painted steel/Plastic/Acrylic Cable: Of 15, 30 or 80m (fixed) Power: 24VAC (via control cabinet) Size - H x Ø: Weight: Control unit Auto 92° (72° under water) Delrin/Acrylic/Bronze Complete feeding control can also easily be achieved by using a permanent hardwired fixed camera in each cage. A solid and affordable 300mm x Ø 190mm camera solution for smaller cages and tanks. (11.8” x 7.5” diam.) Surveillance camera Auto 92° (72° under water) 92° (72° under water) Wide angle: PC Auto / 3.6mm 92° (72° under water) SmartEye Surveillance Camera Resolution: Remote Video Basic HR * Longer cables are available on request. to 10o zoom (24x optical). The SmartEye Surveillance Camera provides better control over Super HR Colour (8.5”x 6.5” diam.) Weight: Low Light HR Indoors at hatcheries hardwired network is 5,8kg (12.8 lbs.) probably the best solution. Monitor The waterproof enclosure includes sealed connection plugs for sensors, all installed Detect unwanted visitors... inside a protective aluminum housing with brackets for 63mm conduit pipes for wiring. Both seabirds and seals can cause conserable damage to your fish stocks. You can easily zoom in from a wide-angle to view the details you want to see. SmartEye Surveillance Camera provides crystal clear colour video images. Simple HR Feeding Cameras user interface ensures user-friendly operation. 90 91 SmartEye Surveillance Camera Hardwired Network Monitor Ø = 160m Ø = 90m Ø = 120m 5m Ø = 40m 3 (6 ,7 1 % 3 2 (2 3 ) 0 2 ,9 0 8 % m 3 5 6 3 ) 0 ( 1 1, m 2 0% 5 3 (0 0 m ) ,4 3 % (0 ) .2 % ) 1 8 5 0 m The Fish Farm Inspection System gives crystal clear video images from the submerged camera during feeding, and therefore provides a unique possibility to feed according to the fish appetite. The buildt-in battery gives the flexibility to use the system without any other infrastructure and the ruggedized system is build into a PELI-case. The new inspection system can easily be connected to Akvasmart cameras such as; SmartEye 360 Twin, Basic- HR and SuperHR. There is also an integrated Pan/ Tilt controller for the SmartEye 360 Twin Camera. 7m Ø = 60m - rugged, portable feeding control 4 2 5 0 m Fish Farm Inspection System Visible area (%): 5m depth and 7m width. Why use a camera to monitor feeding? Cage sizes have rapidly increased over the last 20 years, and as a result, the visible area has decreased accordingly. In a cage of 160 diameters, only 0,2% is visible from the surface. Therefore a submersible camera is a requirement for monitoring and controlling feeding. Fish Farm Inspection unit Basic HR Super HR Low Light HR SmartEye External monitor (or VCR) Fish Farm Inspection System 230v AC Power supply: Power supply: (optional external battery) Power consumption: 12V DC 30W * 230v AC - 400mA 12v DC - 2,75A The Inspection System is tailor-made for 13Ah/12v DC Internal battery capacity: 3 - 6 hours * control of feeding and fish behavior, and can easily be connected to Akvasmart cameras like SmartEye 360 Twin, Super 470mm x 350mm x 180mm - 10kg Sizes: (length/width/height - weight) (18,3” x 14,3” x 7” - 22 lbs) HR and Basic HR. Ingress Protection. Lid closed: IP68 Lid open: IP65 * Depending on connected equipment Fish Farm Inspection System provides crystal clear overview Accurate fingertip control provides full overview of the cage in a few seconds, a smart and userfriendly solution. 92 LCD screen made for rough, daily use and provides excellent readability in all lightning conditions. 93 A rugged, portable unit with internal battery and waterproof connection plugs. Remote Video Monitor fish behaviour via internet... Get full overview of what is going on at your farm from home, the office or at another site. Remote Video provides full access to all cameras installed at the farm, such as surveillance-, surfaceand underwater cameras, including zoom, pan/tilt and winch controls. You only need a PC with broadband internet connection to see real-time User-friendly menus provide simple operation. From overview to detailed view by clicking on the desired image. video from your farm. This makes it a practical tool for showcasing production facilities, such as at the office or at trade-shows and conferences. SmartEye Twin/Surveillance/Surface Cameras @ Remote Video SmartEye Twin HR Cameras The advanced wireless sensor network with built-in surface camera provides the opportunity for live video images from each cage. Doppler PC CAP Remote Video Capacity: Image resolution: Power supply: Size - L x W x H: 4 separate video lines simultaneously Max. 720 x 526 DVD quality 12VDC (via AC adapter) 100mm x 150mm x 40mm (4” x 6” x 1.6”) 0,55kg (1.2 lbs.) plus power supply Weight: Minimum Internet speed: Minimum PC requirements: 1,5 Mbit ◊UP from farm site* DVD resolution 1GHz processor, 512MB RAM, updated .NET 1.1, DirectX9.0 and 40GB free disc space * Quality is reduced at lower speeds Crystal clear video or images can be saved on your PC for later documentation. Receive live location video via internet... With our Remote Video system and SmartEye Surveillance camera, you can zoom in on details. 94 A colleague can show you video of a problem by using a portable camera and a Remote Video system. Problems can then be solved without the presence of a specialist. 95 With broadband internet access, you have full control of what is happening at your farm. @ Environmental Sensors Environmental data is a critical feeding parameter... To know the environmental data as temperature, oxygen and current speed are factors that are important inputs when feeding fish. In the Akvasmart CCS Feed System all these factors can be set to automatically control or adjust the feeding. All environmental data will be logged and can be used in further analyses either in AkvaControl or in Fishtalk. Temperature - the foundation for all feeding regimes and growth models. The Akvasmart Temperature Sensor is a reliable and robust sensor that can be submerged at desired depths. Accurate real time readings are displayed and logged by the AkvaControl Feed System software. AkvaControl can calculate the expected daily feed amount based on feed tables with measured temperature data. The Akvasmart Temperature Sensor is connected to the Akvasmart CCS Feed System either by connection to the Akvasmart CCS Selector Valve or via the CAP network. Temperature Sensor The machined bronze housing prevents marine fouling and makes the sensor low maintenance. Oxygen – an important factor for growth and fish welfare. The Akvasmart Oxygen Sensor is connected to the Akvasmart CCS Feed System and can stop the feeding at low oxygen levels in water. The Oxygen Sensor is an optical sensor that is robust and dependable with no need for water flow. The only maintenance is periodic cleaning and there is no need for re-calibration. The principle of operation is to illuminate the oxygen as the reflected light is a measurement of dissolved oxygen in the water. Optical Oxygen Sensor Environmental current – knowledge’s prevents feed waste The Akvasmart Current Sensor is connected to the Akvasmart CCS Feed System and will prevent feed waste caused by tidal current that pushing pellets out of the cage. The Akvasmart Current Sensor is located in strategic positions at site and you set which cages that are connected to the sensor and the maximum tidal current speed (in cm/sec) that allows feeding. When the current speed exceeds the limit, the feeding temporarily stops in these cages and resumes at slack current later, all other cages will be feed as scheduled. The absolute oxygen concentration is measured by illuminating a membrane with modulated blue light and by reading the phase changes in the reflected red light. The signal is then linearised and temperature compensated. EAP Current Sensor Oxygen Sensor CAP Temperature Sensor Current Sensor CCS AkvaControl Fishtalk Note. The Temperature Sensor can also be connected directly to the CCS Feeding System. The Current Sensor angles like a pendulum when exposed to currents. The angle is measured and converted electronically to cm/sec. Accurate environmenent control is a important insurance Continuous data readings from the cages are transmitted through the Akvasmart wireless sensor network (CAP) or via an EAP (Environmental Access Point). 96 Using the Temperature Sensor in combination with an Oxygen Sensor gives a good picture of the environment. 97 The integration between Akva Control and Fishtalk software provides the choice of where and when to analyse the environmental data. Environmental Access Point (EAP) Full integration of environmental sensors The EAP is directly linked to the Akvasmart CCS Feed System via the AkvaControl software. Collecting and logging environmental data from one or multiple depths provides better control of the feeding and possibilities of analysis of environmental data compared to feeding data. The EAP (Environmental Access Point) is a robust sensor connection hub that allows connection of multiple sensors in one location. The two-way communication between EAP and the feed system is either wireless or hard wired. The EAP is then an active part of the feed system, allowing connection of sensors such as temperature, oxygen and current. Temperature Sensor, Oxygen Sensor and Current Sensor Environmental Access Point (EAP) AkvaControl Environmental Sensors Specifications Optical Oxygen Sensor % Saturation Mg/liter Temperature Sensor +/- 2,5% +/- 2,5% 0-40ºC (32-104ºF) 0-40ºC (32-104ºF) Measurement range: 0 -150% 0 -16 ppm Measuring principle: Optical fluorescence Optical fluorescence 0-42‰ 0-42‰ Depth rating: 30m, limited by cable (100´) Delrin (POM) Delrin (POM) Size - L x Ø: 80mm x 50mm (3.15"x2"diam.) Accuracy: Operating temp. range: Salinity: Materials: Power consumption: Cable: Plug: Max depth rating: Size - L x Ø: Weight: 20mA 20mA 50m (165´) 50m (165´) Amphenol (7-pin waterproof Amphenol (7-pin waterproof potted plug) potted plug) 300m (985`) limited by cable 300m (985`) limited by cable 120mm x Ø 40mm (4.75”x1.6”) 120mm x Ø 40mm (4.75”x1.6”) 5,6kg (12.3 lbs.) with cable 5,6kg (12.3 lbs.) with cable Accuracy: Measurement range: Housing materials: Cable: Accuracy: +/- 2 cm/sec. Measurement range: 0 – 50 cm/sec. (0-1 knots) 0 - 100 cm/sec. (0-2 knots) Measuring principle: Electronic tilt sensor Electronic tilt sensor Acrylic/POM/Aluminum Acrylic/POM/Aluminum 75mA 75mA 30m (100’) urethane cable 30m (100’) urethane cable Amphenol 7-pin water Amphenol 7-pin water proof potted plug proof potted plug 30m (100’)* 30m (100’)* 165mm x 165mm x 200mm 165mm x 165mm x 200mm (6.5” x 6.5” x 8”) (6.5” x 6.5” x 8”) Materials: Power consumption: Cable: Plug: Max. depth rating: Size - L x W x H: Weight: 5kg - 12kg** 5.3kg - 12.3kg** (11 lbs. - 26.5 lbs.**) (11.7 lbs. - 27.1 lbs. **) 98 99 Machined bronze Connection plug: Amphenol waterproof plug (potted with epoxy) EAP Single Triple Wireless or hard wired * Amphenol plugs and/ or direct terminal connections Materials: Size - L x W x H: Fibreglass/Acrylic/Aluminum 370x300x170mm 560x560x170mm (14.5”x12”x6.7”) (22”x22”x6.7”) Weight: 5kg (11 lbs.) 8kg (18 lbs) Sensor Connections Temperature: 1 pcs 3 pcs. Oxygen: 1 pcs. 3 pcs. Current: 1 pcs. 3 pcs. Accessories: Protection aluminum housing for installation on plastic- or steel cage railings (highly recommended) * Hard wired EAP can only be used with Akvasmart CCS Feed System. Wireless also allows for stand-alone use, but then with Akvasmart CCS, base radio and PC. * Limited by cable length. ** Including stainless steel stabiliser weight and cable. (32-122oF) 3.5kg (7.7 lbs) with cable Type: 0 – 100 cm/sec +/- 1 cm/sec. (+/- 0.18oF) Weight: Connections: Type: 0 – 50 cm/sec. 0 to 50 C o 30m (100´) urethane cable Communication: Current Sensor +/- 0.1o C Vicass HD Biomass Estimator Measures fish weight and size with high accuracy... The new Vicass HD (High Definition) will provide farmers with accurate and efficient biomass estimation, taking high quality digital stereo images of the live fish swimming in the cage. The images are analyzed in order to determine average weight of each fish. Analyzing Grabbing of images Reporting The new Vicass HD can now connect to an off-the-shelf Tablet PC which reduces size and weight. Main benefits: • High accuracy, capacity and speed • Easy integration with Fishtalk Software. Models are now available for: Atlantics, Chinook, Coho, Tasman Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Altantic Haddock, Red Sea Bream, Med. Sea Bass/Bream, Striped Jack, Yellowtail, Japanese Amberjack and Southern Blue Fin Tuna. A stereoscopic video image measures the height and length of each fish. Advanced geometry algorithms accurately calculate the live weight of the fish. The new camera unit captures 300-500 images at three different depths before they are analyzed. The new Vicass HD Camera unit weights appr. 13kgs and measures 13 x 20 x 44cm. Vicass HD Camera Tablet PC Software An accurate biomass calulation tool for a wide range of species... Accurate and efficient biomass estimation, taking high quality digital stereo images of the live fish while swimming in the cage. 100 Intelligent software can easily provide a detailed biomass report with an accurate size distribution graph. 101 The Vicass tablet PC with a touch screen has at least 4-6 times higher sampling and reporting capacity than an IR frame system. Idema Underwater Lights Stable and accurate lighting increases profits... Underwater lights The correct use of underwater lights for many aquaculture species, ensures reduced fish maturation. In addition it results in faster growth and more effective feed utilization. The Idema Underwater Lights series are adapted for smolt and juveniles in small tanks, as well as for salmon, cod and other fast growing species that require light in larger cage farms. The high quality underwater lights have excellent light distribution, which allows for easy bulb replacement, functional design and a rugged construction. The power is connected to the underwater light through a standard IP67 plug, enabling simple installation. The standard cable length are 35 or 55 meters. Idema Underwater Lights are the ideal tools to help improve yield and profits. Natural lighting 3000g 2000g 1000g 0 2 4 6 8 months By using extra light on i.e. salmon, you will achieve faster growth and get higher harvest weight as opposed to not using underwater lights. - Quality is always profitable! Idema Underwater Lights can easily be installed in tanks or in cages at various dephts, ensuring stable and accurate light distribution. Standard 35m or 55m rugged underwater cable (urethane-cable), and a waterproof connection plug. The LED bulbs emit an even blue light, while metal halogen provides clear daylight appearing blue green underneath the surface. An extra strong construction of POM (PolyOxyMethylene/ Delrin) that is almost maintenance free. Rugged and water-proof connection box. Expected service life on the LED bulbs is in the region of 70.000 hours! Idema BlueLed 360W ISO approved Pyro Borosilicate glass to withstand rough use in cage farming operations. Idema SubLite 1000W More than 15.000 Idema Underwater Lights have been delivered... Idema Underwater Lights are often used for salmon, trout, cod and other fast growing species. 102 Light treatment is also successfully used for smolt and juveniles in tanks and cages of different types and sizes. 103 More than 15.000 Idema Underwater Lights have been delivered world-wide in the last 15 years. Bright solutions for a wide range of tanks and cages... BlueLED 100W with blue light rays, have the highest penetration in seawater, and therefore the greatest efficiency. LED (Light Emitting Diode) is often called ´eternity light´ and is the most cost effective light solution on the market – and a perfect match to a diesel generator. The light diodes have extremely long duration with a predicted service life of up to 70.000 hours! Which means; no bulb changing for many years ahead. Recommended use: Tanks and smaller cages. NEW BlueLED 360W with blue light rays is our newly developed luminairie for the sea cages. This luminairie is utilizing the newest High Intensity LED-technology with almost four times more effective light source than the BlueLED 100W. The blue colour has proven to be the most efficient when it comes to effect on biology in the fish. LED luminairies can provide more effective output from each luminairie compared to other lamp technologies. It saves cost on power generators, less power use and uses less copper in the installations. All this in addition to a long service life of the luminairie. Recommended use: Medium and large cages. SubLite Integra 250W/400W is the smallest member of the SubLite family. The light can be offered in two luminosities for smolt, juvenile and smaller locations. This model is often used in cod farming with lights placed at various depths for a smooth distribution of light all over the cage. The light bulb and the electronic control device is integrated in the housing compartment and has a service time in the region of 5.000 hours. Recommended use: Tanks, smaller and medium cages. Idema Underwater Lights Specifications Specifications: Operating voltage: BlueLed 100W BlueLed 360W Integra 250/400W Integra 1000W Standard 2000W 230 VAC/50Hz (24DC) 230 VAC 50Hz (24DC) 230 VAC 50Hz 230 VAC 50Hz 230 VAC 50Hz Starting current 0,5 second: 1,0A (230W) - 2,45A (563W) / 3,0A (690W) 8,0A (1840W) 13,0A (2990W) Starting current 1 second: 2,5A (115W) - 1,9A (437W) / 2,0A (460W) 6,4A (1472W) 12,1A (2783W) Operating current (2 minutes): 0,5A (106W) - 1,3A (299W) / 1,8A (414W) 5A (1150W) 9,35A (2150W) Total efficiency: Service life with even colour: 115W 380W 275W / 460W 1065W 2070W appr. 70 000 hours appr. 70 000 hours appr. 5000 hours appr. 5000 hours appr. 5000 hours Light source: 1080 LED 344 LED HQI-T 250D / HQI-T 400D HQI-T 1000D HQI-T 2000D Colour temperature (Kelvin): 20000 K 20000 K 5300K / 6100K 6000K 4400K - Luminosity: Weight, light housing: Weight, with cable: Weight, connection box: Size, length + Ø: Material in the main housing, density: Material in connection box: Pyro Borosilicate glass 3.3: Cable, standard lenght: Cooling fluid: Recommended use: Blue light - 20 000 Im / 35 000 Im 85 000 Im 190 000 Im 8,5kg 8,5kg 7kg / 10kg 21,6kg 11kg 14kg (appr. 2 l. oil) 14kg (appr. 2 l. oil) 11kg / 14kg 28kg 17kg - - - - 19,2kg 641mm + 120mm 641mm + 120mm 648mm + 140mm 818mm + 180mm 642mm + 140mm POM 1,41g/cm3 POM 1,41g/cm3 POM 1,41g/cm3 POM 1,41g/cm3 POM 1,41g/cm3 DIN 53479 - L15 DIN 53479 - L15 DIN 53479 - L15 DIN 53479 - L15 DIN 53479 - L15 - - - - Fire coated aluminum ISO 3585- 2,23 g/cm3 ISO 3585- 2,23 g/cm3 ISO 3585- 2,23 g/cm3 ISO 3585- 2,23 g/cm3 PUR 3G1,5 35m or 55m PUR 3G1,5 35m or 55m PUR 3G1,5 PUR 3G2,5 PUR 3G2,5 35m or 55m 35m or 55m 35m or 55m Silikon oil Silikon oil Tanks /smaller cages Medium & large cages Tanks /medium & small cages Medium & large cages Large cages ISO 3585- 2,23 g/cm 3 Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Daylight Camera with wireless sensor network SubLite Integra 1000W is our bestseller for salmon farms and the most rugged light unit in the market. It is placed at various depths and the powerful light ensures an excellent spread. The light bulb and the electronic control device is integrated in the housing and is easy to install. This unit also has a service life in the region of 5.000 hours. Recommended use: Medium and large cages. SubLite Standard 2000W is the most powerfull solution we offer. It provides extra strong lighting in large cages where there is a need for strong light conditions without using a lots of sepatate units. It features solid construction with a separate connection box and a service life in the region of 5.000 hours. Recommended use: Large cages. Underwater Light Connection box Monitor You can easily install the underwater lights at fixed depths and positions by using buoys and ropes. Bright dedicated light solutions... For indoor locations we recommend 100W to 400W illumination. BlueLed or SubLite 250W/400W is the smart choice here. 104 PC Idema Underwater Lights are a smart solution in artic areas where the light conditions are poor in the winter time. 105 Accurate even light distribution throughout the biomass is vital in tanks with high density and humus loaded water. Workboats - for extreme weather conditions The robust Polarcirkel Workboats offers great design, quality build, unique flexibility, user-friendliness and low maintenance. Polarcirkel RBBs (Rigid Buoyancy Boats) are self-bailing and in contrast to a conventional RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat), have rigid pontoons filled with polystyrene. Combined with 21o V-shaped hull, this design makes a virtually unsinkable boat with unique stability and excellent seaworthiness. All Polarcirkel boats are tested in extreme weather conditions all over the world. All models are loaded with smart details and unique features for safe operation in tough conditions and we ensure our products have an emphasis on safety and the environment. Indeed, the HDPE-100 plastic is LNG-based with great recycling properties. Popular fishing and diving model with sadle seat. 106 107 Polarcirkel Open Workboats Sloping pontoons with integrated steps. Smart bench with extra stowage space. These robust Polarcirkel Open Workboats offers great design, quality build, unique flexibility, userfriendliness and low maintenance. Polarcirkel RBBs (Rigid Buoyancy Boats) are self-bailing and in contrast to a conventional RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat), and have rigid pontoons filled with polystyrene. Combined with 21o V-shaped hull, this design makes a virtually unsinkable boat with unique stability and excellent seaworthiness. All Polarcirkel boats are tested in extreme conditions all over the world. They are loaded with smart details and unique features for safe operation in tough conditions, with emphasis on safety and the environment. The PE-100 plastic is LNG-based with great recycling properties. Polarcirkel Cabin Workboats Open Workboats* 560 660 Lenght (LOA): 560cm (18'5") 660cm (21' 8") Beam (BOA): 205cm (6' 9") Displacement: 650kg/1430 lbs 850kg/1870 lbs Max hp: Recommended HPS: 248cm (8' 2") 760 820 760cm (25') 820cm (27') 270cm (8' 10") 270cm (8' 10") Max persons: Polyethylene PE-100: Shaft: V-bottom 21o : 100hp 150hp 200hp 200hp From 80hp From 115hp From 150hp From 150hp 2250kg/4960 lbs 10 12 15 15 • • • • Long X-Long X-Long X-Long • • • • * Inboard and outboard Open Workboats, standard equipment: • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 pcs mooring cleats Extra protective hull strips Stowage space with hatch Manual bilge pump Self-bailing deck Red gunwales Fire extinguisher Anchor and rode Non-skid rubber deck mat outside Red HDPE rub rail on pontoons Built-in steps in aft pontoons Hydraulic steering wheel CE approved, category C Inboard only: • Dashboard mounted controls • Electric bilge pump with sensor • Battery, main switch & ignition lock • Insulated engine hatch with pneumatic lifters • Built-in diesel tanks 2 x 200 litres Highly reliable Volvo Penta diesel engines 130hp 435hp. • RPM gauge, temperature gauge, oil pressure gauge, voltmeter and tilt indicator • Steering console with instrumentation and antenna arch with nav-lights Outboard only: • 4 x lifting eyes • Step boards • Fuel tank: 67L (17.7 US Gal.) or 103L (27.2 US Gal.) • Fuel gauge • Battery compartment under bench • Guard rails around bench • Seat with stowage space Optional equipment: Search lights, work lights, antenna arch, bow platform with pulpits, marine electronics, etc. AKVA group´s tough and reliable hand-crafted Polarcirkel Cabin Workboats benefit from great design values, high quality build, unique flexibility and extremely low maintenance. Polarcirkel RBBs (Rigid Buoyancy Boats) are self-bailing and in contrast to a conventional RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat), have rigid pontoons filled with polystyrene for ultimate safety. The Cabin Workboats are specifically designed for, and by professional users, such as the fish farming industry and contractors with high demands on flexibility, stability and loading capacity. These models offers a variety of Volvo Penta inboard turbo-diesels from 130hp to 435hp. The inboard models are available with water-jet or stern drives. Boats delivered with engine installed are subjected to a full sea trial at our factory to ensure all systems are working properly prior to delivery. 760 820 910 Length (LOA): 760cm (25') 820cm (27') 910cm (30") Beam (BOA): 270cm (9') 270cm (9') 300cm (10') Displacement: 2400kg/5290 lbs 2600kg/5730 lbs 3600kg/7940 lbs 260hp 310hp 435hp Cabin Workboats, inboard 1090kg/2400 lbs 1200kg/2650 lbs 1000kg/2200 lbs 1250kg/2760 lbs 2250kg/4960 lbs Max load: A compact optional life-raft can ensure your safety. Max Hp: From 225hp From 225hp From 370hp 1600kg/3530 lbs 1400kg/3090 lbs 1400kg/3090 lbs Max persons: 8 8 8 Polyethylene PE-100: • • • X-long X-long — • • • Recommended HPS: Max load: Shaft (Outboard versions): V-bottom 21 : o Cabin Workboats, standard equipment: • 4 pcs mooring cleats • • • • • • • • • • • Extra protective hull strips Stowage space with hatch in bow Manual bilge pump Self-bailing deck Red gunwales Fire extinguisher Anchor and rode Hydraulic steering wheel Dashboard mounted controls Electric bilge pump with sensor Insulated engine hatch with pneumatic lifters • Battery, main switch & ignition lock • Insulated cabin • Dual helm seats with suspension • 3-passenger bench seat • RPM gauge, temperature gauge, oil pressure gauge, voltmeter and tilt indicator • Built-in diesel tanks 2 x 200 litres • Head available on the 860 model • Non-skid rubber deck mat outside • Red HDPE rub rail on pontoons • Built-in steps in aft pontoons • CE approved, category C Optional equipment: Search lights, work ligths, hydraulic installation, capstan, bow platform with pulpits, marine electronics, etc. Polarcirkel boats are maintenance free and highly stable Polarcirkel has flexible modell solutions, such as Polarcirkel Sport, with removable cockpit enclosure for windy or rainy days. We can offer Polarcirkel open outboard and inboard series with workboat models from 5.50 to 8.20m. 108 The boats have performed exceptionally well in arctic and tropical regions and can handle temperatures from ÷40°C to +55°C. Polarcirkel Cabin Workboat has comfortable cabin and can easily be equipped with dedicated AKVA group control units and smart software. Polarcirkel RBB (Rigid Buoyancy Boat) hulls are self-bailing and have rigid pontoons filled with polystyrene that makes them virtually unsinkable. 109 Polarcirkel Workboats are offered in three versions with inboard engines from 130hp to 435hp and lengths of 7.60, 8.20 and 9.10m. Land Based Aquaculture - your new technology parter A few years ago it was hard to imagine a supplier of complete land based aquaculture solutions. Today AKVA group steps into that role, with all the commitment and dedication it takes to become the preferred supplier-, maintenance-, service- and training partner for such companies worldwide. AKVA group’s team of professionals have decades of experience supplying functional aquaculture technology to companies worldwide. Your business will never be easier than this. Welcome to the future... Break-through in farming of Bluefin Tuna! Time Magazine awarded farming of Blufin Tuna in tanks as the world´s 2nd best invention in 2009. The break-through was done by Clean Seas Ltd. in Port Lincoln Australia, and was made possible by a recirculation aquaculture system for land based farmong of tuna delivered by AKVA group. Norway´s most advanced recirculation project This modern and advanced land based aquaculture project with recirculation was opened recently by Sundfjord Smolt in the North of Norway. AKVA group has been the main supplier for this new, exiting project. The farm will produce between 8 and 10 million smolt each year. 110 111 Land Based Aquaculture - from extensive to intensive solutions... Akvasmart CCS Feed Systems AKVA group offers a wide range of land based aquaculture Mort Collector technology, from single components to turn-key installations worldwide. The complete range of quality products and software provides maximum reliability and cost effectiveness. Oxygen Control gram Unlike the short history of cage farming aquaculture, land 300 based aquaculture goes back thousands of years with most of the production being fresh water farms in China and Asia. Land based aquaculture is today one the fastest growing food industries in the world. Although most of the industry was 200 100 developed as extensive fish farming in ponds with low technology 0 2 4 6 8 months Header Pump solutions, the main reason for today’s growth is the increased NH3 use of intensive solutions and the latest innovations in water treatment technology. This makes it possible to maintain Experienced growth rates for Rainbow Trout: (Months from 2g to 300g.) excellent water quality combined with exceptional low waterand energy consumption. Over the last 20 years, energy consumption per kilo fish produced has been reduced by more Recirculation Flow through than 80% while water recirculation has increased to more than 99%. In addition to freshwater, AKVA group also has unique knowledge in saltwater recirculation systems, making it feasible with profitable production of almost any species anywhere in the world. Our main success criteria include scientific competence, practical experience and close cooperation with both customers and research communities. This has enabled us to develop innovative and cost-effective solutions for most land based gram 4000 3000 Mechanical Filter 2000 1000 aquaculture projects. 0 4 8 12 16 UV Filter months Experienced growth rates for Yellowtail Kingfish: (Months from 5g to 4000g.) CO2 Stripper Split-loop design CO2 Recirculation Flow through AKVA group has more than 30 years of aquaculture experience in designing and supplying viable recirculation systems. The common raceway designs are suitable for species like turbot and sole, but can also be used for eel and shrimp. 112 UNI Recirculation Systems can be located almost anywhere; this Yellowtail Kingfish hatchery is located in the middle of the Atacama Desert in Chile. Rotor Spreaders Biomass Estimator Feeding Pipes Underwater Lights Camera Systems Surveillance Cameras Oxygen Sensors Temperature Sensors Service & Maintenance AKVA Academy Farming Software Seafood Software 113 For more information, order our new Land Based Aquaculture Catalogue. Worldwide sales and service... E U R O P E NORWAY AKVA group ASA - Bryne (Head Office) 4340 Bryne, Norway Telephone: 02582 (Norway only) Telephone: +47 - 51 77 85 00 Fax: +47 - 51 77 85 01 E-mail: [email protected] AKVA group - Averøy Kårvåg, 6530 Averøy, Norway Telephone: +47 - 71 51 73 00 Fax: +47 - 71 51 73 99 AKVA group - Trondheim Ladebekken 17, 7041 Trondheim, Norway Telephone: +47 - 73 84 28 00 Fax: +47 - 73 84 28 01 AKVA group - Sandstad 7246 Sandstad, Norway Telephone: +47 – 72 44 11 00 Fax: +47 – 72 44 28 00 AKVA group - Mo i Rana 8607 Mo i Rana, Norway Telephone: +47 - 75 14 37 50 Fax: +47 - 75 14 37 51 AKVA group ASA - Tromsø Skippergata 41, 9008 Tromsø, Norway Tel +47 75 00 66 50 Fax +47 75 00 66 51 DENMARK AKVA group Denmark AS (Recirculation) Teknikervej, 7000 Fredericia, Denmark Telephone: +45 7551 3211 Fax: +45 7551 4211 SWEDEN AKVA group - Agent: Modus Trading AB, Färjegårdarne 7 78461 Borlänge, Sweden Telephone: +46 - (0)243 883 22 Fax: +46 - (0)243 21 17 78 E-mail: [email protected] FINLAND AKVA group - Agent: OY MG Trading AB, Michel Guillon Ivisnäsplanen 2E, SF-02260 Esbo, Finland Telephone: +358 - 9867 68422 Fax: +358 - 9867 68420 FA R O E I S L A N D S AKVA group - Agent: EL-TEKNIK SpF. FO-520 Leirvík, Sporamørk 8 kj, Faroe Islands Telephone: +298 44 33 13 Fax: +298 44 33 14 UK (SCOTLAND) AKVA group Scotland Ltd. 36F Shore Street, Inverness Scotland, UK, IV1 1NF Telephone: +44 (0)1463 221 444 Fax: +44 (0)1463 223 535 GREECE Akvasmart/Fishtalk - Agent: Zellas Trading Company Dodekanisou Str., GR-174 56 Alimos, Athens, Greece Telephone: +30 - 210 7014881 Fax: +30 - 210 7012666 E-mail: [email protected] TURKEY AKVA group Kültür Balıkçılığı Ekipmanları Limited Şirketi Milas-Bodrum Yolu No:39, Kemikler Köyü 48200 Milas/Muğla, Turkey Telephone: +90 - 252-374-6434 Fax: +90 - 252-374-6432 For other European countries, please contact Head Office in Norway. A S I A VIETNAM AKVA group ASA Representative Office Saigon Trade Center, Floor 31 37 Ton Duc Thang Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Telephone: +84 8 3910 7429 Fax: +84 8 3910 0082 Email: [email protected] For other Asian countries, please contact Head Office in Norway. A F R I C A TUNISIA AKVA group - Agent: Sociètè Mèditerranèenne d`Etudes et Conseils 72, Avenue Habib Bourguiba, 2080 Ariana, Tunisie Telephone: +216 71 700 453 Fax: +216 71 700 297 Email: [email protected] For other African countries, please contact Head Office in Norway. A M E R I C A S CANADA AKVA group North America Inc. 1495 Baikie Road, Campbell River BC, V9W 1R9 Canada Telephone: +1 - 250-286-8802 Fax: +1 - 250-286-8805 AKVA group North America Inc. 5251 Duke Street, Suite 606, Duke Tower, Scotia Square Halifax, NS, B3J 1P3 Canada Telephone: +1-902-482-2663 Fax: +1 - 902-405-3373 For USA, please contact the office in Canada. CHILE AKVA group Ruta 5 Sur Km. 1030, Puerto Montt, Chile Telephone: +56 - 65 250250 Fax: +56 - 65 257119 For other Latin American countries, please contact the office in Chile. O C E A N I A For countries in Oceania, please contact the office in Chile. General Disclaimer All specifications in this catalogue are subject to change without prior notice or obligation on the part of AKVA group. AKVA group shall not be held liable for possible errors in this catalogue. Product specifications, performance data, warranties and general terms and conditions of sale, must be described and verified in sales contracts. Local and regional product variations may apply. • Complete Solutions • Recirculation Systems • Plastic Cages • Steel Cages • Moorings • Nets • Net Cleaning • Workboats • Feed Barges • Feed Systems • Camera & Sensor Systems • Underwater Lights • Farming Software • Seafood Software 114 115
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