Picture - Fort Jackson Leader
Picture - Fort Jackson Leader
POST HOLDS EMERGENCY EXERCISE — PAGE 16 TRUE BLUE SOLDIERS COMPLETE EXPERT INFANTRYMAN BADGE TESTING — PAGE 3 ★ COMMUNITY SNAPSHOTS, PAGE 12 ★ HAPPENINGS, PAGE 22 ★ HEALTH, PAGE 24 ★ CHAPEL, PAGE 34 ★ NEWS ON THE COVER Photo by JENNIFER STRIDE Staff Sgt. Christopher George, 3rd Battalion, 34th Infantry Regiment, is one of seven Soldiers who successfully completed the Expert Infantryman Badge test last week. SEE PAGE 3. Photos by SUSANNE KAPPLER Sexual assault prevention in focus across post Above, Staff Sgt. Andrea Myers, a victim advocate assigned to Moncrief Army Community Hospital, hands out magnets to drivers entering Gate 2 Friday. The magnets, pictured left, feature the phone number and website of the Safe Helpline, which is available to victims of sexual assault. Below, Maj. Gen. Bradley Becker, Fort Jackson’s commanding general, signs a proclamation declaring April Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. Fort Jackson, South Carolina 29207 This civilian enterprise newspaper, which has a circulation of 15,000, is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. Army. Contents of the Fort Jackson Leader are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, Department of the Army or Fort Jackson. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of the Army or Camden Media Company of the firms, products or services advertised. All editorial content of the Fort Jackson Leader is prepared, edited, provided and approved by the Public Affairs Office of Fort Jackson. The Fort Jackson Leader is published by Camden Media Company, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army, under exclusive written contract with Fort Jackson. The civilian printer is responsible for commercial advertising. For display advertising rates and information call (803) 432-6157 or write Camden Media Company, P.O. Box 1137, Camden, S.C. 29020. For classified advertising information only: call (800) 698-3514 or e-mail [email protected] or fax (803) 432-7609. For questions or concerns about subscriptions, call (803) 432-6157. To submit articles, story ideas or announcements, write the Fort Jackson Leader, Fort Jackson, S.C. 29207, call (803) 751-7045 or e-mail [email protected]. Commanding General .............. Maj. Gen. Bradley A. Becker Garrison Commander ....................... Col. Michael S. Graese Public Affairs Officer ................................... Michael B. Pond Command Information Officer .............. Christopher Fletcher Editor/Staff writer ....................................... Susanne Kappler Staff writer ................................................. Wallace McBride Staff writer ......................................................Jennifer Stride Website: www.fortjacksonleader.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/FortJacksonLeader Twitter: www.twitter.com/fortjacksonpao Page 2 Photo by DAVID SHANES, command photographer The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 NEWS Photo by WALLACE McBRIDE Staff Sgt. Brian Lambert, 3rd Battalion, 34th Infantry Regiment, takes off his gear after completing the 12-mile foot march Friday. Lambert was one of seven Fort Jackson Soldiers who earned the Expert Infantryman Badge. The badge marks the highest level of expertise for infantrymen. Infantrymen display skills By WALLACE McBRIDE Fort Jackson Leader At the beginning of Expert InfantryPDQ %DGJH TXDOL¿FDWLRQV ODVW ZHHN 6ROGLHUVKDGTXDOL¿HGWRSXWWKHLUVNLOOVWR WKHWHVW2IWKRVHMXVWVHYHQ6ROGLHUVZHUH OHIW VWDQGLQJ ZKHQ WKH HYHQW FDPH WR DQ HQG¿YHGD\VODWHU 7KH LQFKZLGH PHWDO EDGJH GHSLFWV DPRGHO6SULQJ¿HOG$UVHQDOPXVNHW RQ D OLJKW EOXH EDFNJURXQG DQG IRU WKH $UP\¶V LQIDQWU\PHQ LW V\PEROL]HV WKDW D 6ROGLHULVDPRQJWKHEHVWRIWKHEHVW7KLV \HDU¶V¿YHGD\VHULHVRIFKDOOHQJHVHQGHG )ULGD\PRUQLQJZLWKDPLOHIRRWPDUFK LQ IXOO ³EDWWOH UDWWOH´ IROORZHG E\ D SUHVHQWDWLRQ FHUHPRQ\ IRU WKRVH ZKR FRPSOHWHGWKH¿QDOFKDOOHQJH 7KH ([SHUW ,QIDQWU\PDQ %DGJH H[LVWV WR VKRZFDVH WKH FRPPLWPHQWV RI SURIHV- April 9, 2015 VLRQDO LQIDQWU\PHQ VDLG 3RVW &RPPDQG 6JW0DM:LOOLDP+DLQ ³7KLV LV QRW WR GLPLQLVK RWKHU MREV LQ WKH $UP\ EXW WKLV FHUHPRQ\ LV QRW MXVW DERXW WKH ,QIDQWU\ ² LW¶V DERXW D JURXS RILQIDQWU\PHQZKRDUHDWWKHWRSRIWKHLU SURIHVVLRQ´ +DLQ VDLG ³$IWHU WKUHH GHFDGHVRIZDWFKLQJWKH$UP\LQDFWLRQ,¶P FRPSOHWHO\ FRQYLQFHG WKDW LW WDNHV D VSHFLDO EUHHG WR H[FHO LQ WKLV FKRVHQ SURIHVVLRQ´ 7KH([SHUW,QIDQWU\PDQ%DGJHZDVHVWDEOLVKHGLQDVDQDZDUGWRKRQRUWKH LQIDQWU\PHQ7KH¿UVWURXQGRIWHVWVWRRN SODFHDW)RUW%UDJJ1RUWK&DUROLQDZLWK 6ROGLHUVIURPWKHWK,QIDQWU\'LYLVLRQSDUWLFLSDWLQJ7KHRULJLQDOWDVNVUHTXLUHG6ROGLHUVWRTXDOLI\ZLWKDYDULHW\RI Photo by JENNIFER STRIDE ZHDSRQV FRPSOHWH D PLOH IRRW PDUFK ZLWK ¿HOG HTXLSPHQW LQ IHZHU WKDQ HLJKW A Soldier identifies the coordinates of buildings during Expert Infantry- See EIB: Page 10 man Badge testing April 1. Infantrymen underwent a series of rigorous tests throughout the course of a week to qualify for the badge. The Fort Jackson Leader Page 3 NEWS Post teens learn leadership skills By JENNIFER STRIDE Fort Jackson Leader More than 100 teens between the ages of 10 and 19 attended the second annual leadership development summit at the Solomon Center Friday. Vendors, local professionals and a motivational speaker were on hand to provide the teens with resources and education geared toward leadership. In September, Shaneen Corujo with the Army Community Service Family Advocacy Program conducted a needs assessment in conjunction with Child, Youth and School 6HUYLFHVWR¿QGRXWZKDWWHHQVZDQWHGDQGQHHGHGWROHDUQ about. The resulting focus groups conducted surveys and came up with a comprehensive program for the summit WKDW FDWHUHG WR WKH VSHFL¿F QHHGV LGHQWL¿HG E\ WKH WHHQV Corujo led the summit. “The summit is designed to highlight leadership in the teen community,” Corujo said. “Our goal is to help the teens be able to step out and take that leadership to the next level in their own communities.” Barbara Martin, ACS Employment Readiness Program manager, provided information to teens on various careers and how to write resumes, discussed avenues used to search for jobs, and told them about current job opportunities available through the teen employment program. Brandon Jackson, Destiny Kinsler, Taylor and Ravyn Cunningham from the Fort Jackson Keystone Club piggy-backed off Martin’s class and held mock job interviews. “We want to help teens prepare to enter the workforce,” Corujo said. “The vendors give them a lot of resources and options.” Tim Bowers, a motivational speaker for teens, spoke to the whole group during lunch in an effort to inspire and encourage them to be more proactive in life. “We want to be able to see kids from the military, rural communities, kids from everywhere be more active and take on those leadership roles,” Corujo said. Shirley Anne Flowers Martin, with the Chaplain Family Life Center, talked about goal setting with the teens. She had the teens prepare vision boards, identifying where WKH\VDZWKHPVHOYHVLQ¿YH\HDUVDQGKRZWKH\SODQQHGWR achieve those goals. “I try to be a liaison between our generation and theirs,” Corujo said. “How do you get that energy and that wisdom combined if we don’t communicate?” Natasha Pauling, an attorney with the Richland County Photo by JENNIFER STRIDE A participant checks out items on display during Fort Jackson’s Teen Summit Friday at the Solomon Center. More than 100 teenagers learned about leadership skills throughout the day. Labor Department, spoke with teens about their rights and how to safely exercise those rights. Joe Ryan from the South Carolina Attorney General’s 2I¿FHWDONHGLQGHSWKZLWKWHHQVDERXW,QWHUQHWVDIHW\DQG social media. Social workers with the Family Advocacy Program held sessions focused on teen dating and violence. “We want to spend more on the prevention side and less on the intervention side,” Corujo said. Melody Dees from the United Way Diamonds Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program spoke with teens about parenthood, babies and teen pregnancy and Sandra Barnes from the Army Substance Abuse Program discussed the VLJQL¿FDQWUDPL¿FDWLRQVRIVXEVWDQFHDEXVHDQGDYDLODEOH resources for getting help. Rodney Burgess and Sidney Crawford from South Carolina Youth Challenges provided information to teens on KHDOWK DQG ¿WQHVV DQG &KHU\O /H\VDWK )HOHFLD -RKQVRQ and Brandy Palmer from the Exceptional Family Members Program advised the teens on what resources are available to support teens with special needs. Kevin Lawrence and Terrence Crawford, from the Richland County Sheriff’s Department, and Frederick Johnson, with Fort Jackson’s Directorate of Emergency Services, held open dialogue with the teens in an effort to help bolster relationships between teens and law enforcement. They also informed the teens about volunteer opportunities in the law enforcement community. Corujo said the reason the summit was focused on military teens is that their voice seems to be missing in the civilian population. “They have unique aspects about being military kids,” Corujo said. “We wanted to help them hone in on those skills and teach people who they are and help them get to the level where they will go out in the community and do great things.” [email protected] FORT JACKSON GATE HOURS Gate 1: 5 a.m to 1 p.m., Monday through Friday 3:30 to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, outbound only Closed on weekends and federal holidays Gate 2: Open around the clock Gate 4: 5 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday Closed on weekends and federal holidays Gate 5: 5 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday through Friday 3:30 to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, outbound only 5 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday Page 4 The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 April 9, 2015 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 5 NEWS National Child Abuse Prevention Month Symposium addresses child abuse By WALLACE McBRIDE Fort Jackson Leader Social workers and law enforcement representatives from all over South Carolina gathered at Fort Jackson last week for a discussion about child abuse. “When I talk to Soldiers on Fort Jackson, they know about hitting a child, they know about sexual abuse,” said Greg Lewis, Family Advocacy Program specialist. “But there are some things they don’t know about, like neglect and emotional abuse.” The Family Advocacy Program seminar was designed to highlight less explicit forms of child abuse, he said. Leading the discussion was Sharon Cooper, a consultant and board member for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. “We now have new research that helps us understand that, when children have been victims, it profoundly affects their health long term,” Cooper said. “This is new research that many people don’t know about, and it helps us to recognize how important prevention is going to be.” 7KH GH¿QLWLRQ RI DEXVH KDV HYROYHG over the years to include forms of maltreatment that are not necessarily physiPhoto by WALLACE McBRIDE cal, she said. Sharon Cooper, a consultant and board member for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, “It’s almost as if we have really dimin- addresses attendees of Fort Jackson’s training session about child abuse April 2 at the NCO Club. ished incidents of typical child maltreatment,” Cooper said. “Now we see differwas a wealth of information. Such as what maltreatment, which was once referred to 7KLVGH¿QLWLRQDOVRLQFOXGHVRQOLQHKXent kinds of things coming forward, such social media has done to our families — as “emotional abuse.” miliation by guardians, which sometimes as Internet crimes against children.” knowing that people spend so much time “In 2012, the American Academy of takes people by surprise, she said. “I signed up because I knew it was on social media that they forget to feed Pediatrics submitted a policy statement so “Parents or caregivers are videotaping about child abuse awareness and wanted to their children is more than my mind could that health care providers — and individu- humiliating experiences of their children support it,” said Karen Owens Blanding, digest.” als who take care of children in families and putting them on YouTube,” Cooper who works for Fort Jackson’s Early InCooper said medical professionals now — can recognize what constitutes psycho- said. “Those things don’t go away.” tervention Program. “What I got, though, KDYHDFOHDUHUGH¿QLWLRQRISV\FKRORJLFDO logical maltreatment,” Cooper said. [email protected] Page 6 The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 SALES MANAGER LIKE WORKING IN A FAST PACED GOAL ORIENTED POSITION WITH A SUCCESSFUL, FAST GROWING, AND FAMILY FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT? We are adding a new sales manager to hire, motivate, train, and recruit our sales staff to be all they can be and to exceed their goals. We are looking for proven ability to guide and direct a team and to work with them individually and hold them accountable for their success. r(PPE$PNNVOJDBUJPO4LJMMT r(PBM0SJFOUFE r4UBOEPVU.PUJWBUPS r:FBST&YQFSJFODF r#BDIFMPST%FHSFFJOSFMBUFEàFMEPS equivalent rTBMBSZQMVTCPOVT incentives and car allowance. LEESBURG 803-542-7506 WO CANTEY SERVICES, parent company of William Cantey’s Dr. Energy Saver and Cantey Foundation Specialists would like the opportunity to see what you have to offer. We are South Carolina’s fastest growing foundation repair company and the 4th largest Dr. Energy Saver dealer out of 132 in the country. INSIDE & OUTSIDE TABLES (stop by or call for table rates) Please send resume to: [email protected] f/ LeesburgFlea 4650 Leesburg Rd. Tuesday-Sunday 6AM-6PM You’ll CLEAN up with this great deal! Refinance your auto with AllSouth and get... No payments for 90 $ * 100 days & cash back! Powell Dojaquez 5470 Jackson Blvd. Online at (803) 736-3110 www.AllSouth.org *Approval is based on credit worthiness; existing AllSouth auto loans are not eligible for this promotion; minimum loan amount of $5,000; interest will continue to accrue during the 90 days with no payment; $100 will be deposited into your account when the loan is established. Federally Insured by the NCUA. April 9, 2015 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 7 NEWS Know your money limitations, eliminate debt A re you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? :KHQLVHQRXJK¿QDOO\HQRXJK":RXOGQ¶WLWEH QLFHWRQRWEHEURNHDIHZGD\VEHIRUHSD\GD\" If so, it is time to face reality and get a grip on spending DQGIRFXVRQUHGXFLQJGHEW 2QHRIWKH¿UVWVWHSVLVWRWDNHDKDUGORRNDWRXUVHOYHV3HRSOHDUHW\SLFDOO\HLWKHUVDYHUVRUVSHQGHUV %HLQJDVSHQGHULV2.LI\RXKDYHVHOIFRQWURODQGEXGJHWDSSURSULDWHO\IRUWKHLWHPV\RXDUHSXUFKDVLQJ%XW ZKHQWKHVSHQGLQJOHDGVWRPD[HGRXWFUHGLWFDUGVRU LVFDXVLQJ\RXWRIDOOEHKLQGRQELOOV\RXKDYHORVWVHOI FRQWURO7KLVLVZKHQWKHVWUHVVDQGWKHSDWKWR¿QDQFLDO GLVDVWHUEHJLQV 7KHQH[WVWHSLVWRUHFRJQL]HKRZZHJRWRXUVHOYHV LQWRGHEW$UHZHLPSXOVHVKRSSHUVPHDQLQJZHJRWR WKHPDOODQGZDONRXWZLWKVRPHWKLQJWKDWZHGRQRW QHHG",IWKLVLVWKHFDVHZHQHHGWRPLQLPL]HRXUH[SRVXUHWRWKHPDOORUVWRUHVZHJHQHUDOO\VKRS,IZHKDYH WRJRWRRXUIDYRULWHVWRUHZHOHDYHWKHFUHGLWFDUGVDW home and take the minimum required cash to purchase WKHLWHPVZHQHHG 2UPD\EHLWLVEHFDXVHZHGRQRWKDYH¿QDQFLDO JRDOVHVWDEOLVKHGVRDQ\H[WUDPRQH\LVYLHZHGDV spending money instead of savings or investment PRQH\3HUKDSVLW¶VWKHGUHDGHG³ZDQWV´YHUVXV³QHHGV´ EDWWOH personal use) and credit card payments (do not include WKHPRUWJDJHSD\PHQWDQGDGGWKHPWRJHWKHU 1H[W¿JXUHRXW\RXUPRQWKO\QHWLQFRPHRUWDNH KRPHSD\1RZOHW¶V¿JXUHRXW\RXUGHEWWRLQFRPH UDWLRGHEWGLYLGHGE\WDNHKRPHSD\)RUH[DPSOH GHEWGLYLGHGE\WDNHKRPHSD\HTXDOV RUDSHUFHQWGHEWWRLQFRPHUDWLR ,I\RXUUDWLRH[FHHGVSHUFHQW\RXDUHRYHULQGHEWed and need to develop an immediate plan to reduce VSHQGLQJ,I\RXUDWLRH[FHHGVSHUFHQW\RXDUHPRUH WKDQOLNHO\GHDOLQJZLWKVHULRXVGHEWSUREOHPVDQG VKRXOGVHHNLPPHGLDWHKHOS 2QFH\RXKDYHDFOHDUSLFWXUHRI\RXUGHEWLWLV WLPHWRGHYHORSDSODQ$Q$UP\&RPPXQLW\6HUYLFH ¿QDQFLDOFRXQVHORUFDQFRPSOHWHD¿QDQFLDODVVHVVPHQW WRGHWHUPLQHDUHDVRILPSURYHPHQWGLVFXVV¿QDQFLDO JRDOVGRZQORDG\RXUFUHGLWUHSRUWDQGFUHGLWVFRUHDQG DVVLVWZLWKLQWHUSUHWDWLRQRIWKHVH ,I\RXZRXOGOLNHWROHDUQKRZWRZRUN\RXUZD\RXW RIWKHGHEWF\FOHSODQWRDWWHQGWKH³/XQFKDQG/HDUQ´ RXWRIGHEWVHPLQDURQIURPDPWRSP 0RQGD\DWWKH(GXFDWLRQ&HQWHU5RRP%/HDUQ YDOXDEOHLQIRUPDWLRQWRKHOS\RXUVHOI)DPLO\PHPEHUV DQGVXERUGLQDWHVWRJHWRXWRIGHEW 7R5693RUWRVFKHGXOHDQDSSRLQWPHQWZLWKD¿QDQFLDOFRXQVHORUFDOO FINANCIAL ADVICE By SHAWN SMITH Army Community Services Financial Readiness 2XULPDJHLVDQRWKHUUHDVRQZK\ZHJHWRXUVHOYHV LQWR¿QDQFLDOGLVWUHVV)RUH[DPSOHSXUFKDVLQJWKH FDUZHZDQWYHUVXVWKHFDUZHQHHG7KHFDUZHQHHG LVEXWLQVWHDGZHEX\WKHFDUZHZDQWZLWKD $34,000 price tag (plus additional insurance, gas, mainWHQDQFHHWF7KHDIIRUGDEOHPRQWKO\SD\PHQW KDVMXVWVKRWXSWRDQXQDIIRUGDEOHSD\PHQWEXW KH\,ORRNJRRGDQGWKDW¶VDOOWKDWPDWWHUVULJKW" 7KHUHDUHWLPHVZHJHWVRFRQVXPHGZLWKKRZSHRSOHYLHZXVZHDOORZRXUVHOYHVWRPDNHEDGPRQHWDU\ FKRLFHV³,¶PDVHUJHDQW¿UVWFODVVVR,VKRXOGKDYH«´ RU³,¶PDPDMRUVR,VKRXOGKDYH«´EXWZKHQWKDW XQH[SHFWHGHPHUJHQF\DULVHVGR\RXKDYHWKH¿QDQFLDO resources to mitigate it? GET A GRIP ON YOUR DEBT +RZPXFKDUH\RXUPRQWKO\GHEWSD\PHQWV":ULWH GRZQDOO\RXUGHEWSD\PHQWVORDQVIRUDXWRVFKRRO News and Notes DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE )RUW-DFNVRQZLOOUHPHPEHUWKHYLFWLPV RI WKH +RORFDXVW ZLWK D FRPPHPRUDWLRQ FHUHPRQ\IURPDPWRSP7XHVGD\ DW WKH 1&2 &OXE ([KLELW GLVSOD\V ZLOO EHRSHQIURPDP7KHFHUHPRQ\ZLOO EHJLQDWQRRQ7KHJXHVWVSHDNHUVDUH%DUU\ $EOHVH[HFXWLYHGLUHFWRURIWKH&ROXPELD -HZLV)RXQGDWLRQDQGWKH.DWLHDQG,UZLQ .DKQ -HZLVK &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU DQG 0DUOHQH 5RWK FRFKDLU RI WKH &ROXPELD +RORFDXVW (GXFDWLRQ &RPPLVVLRQ 7KH HYHQWLVIUHHDQGRSHQWRWKHSXEOLF &KLOG )DPLO\ )XQ )DLU IURP DP WR SP$SULODW6HPPHV/DNH5HFUHDWLRQ $UHD $FWLYLWLHV LQFOXGH IUHH ULGHV DQG JDPHV&RQFHVVLRQVZLOOEHDYDLODEOH ,Q UHFRJQLWLRQ RI (DUWK 'D\ $SULO WKH 'LUHFWRUDWH RI 3XEOLF :RUNV ZLOO FROOHFW SHUVRQDO HOHFWURQLF ZDVWH GXULQJ WKHHYHQWIRUUHF\FOLQJ )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ FDOO ALCOHOL AWARENESS TRAINING $OFRKRODZDUHQHVVWUDLQLQJLVVFKHGXOHG IRU DP DQG SP 0RQGD\ DQG DP0D\DWWKH6RORPRQ&HQWHU7KH BIG DAY OUT, FAMILY FUN FAIR 7KH'LUHFWRUDWHRI)DPLO\DQG0RUDOH HYHQW ZLOO LQFOXGH SUHVHQWDWLRQV IURP :HOIDUHDQG5HFUHDWLRQZLOOKRVWLWVDQQXDO 0RWKHUV DJDLQVW 'UXQN 'ULYLQJ DQG WKH %LJ 'D\ 2XW DQG 0RQWK RI WKH 0LOLWDU\ 6RXWK&DUROLQD+LJKZD\3DWURO Information subject to change. To submit an announcement, email [email protected]. DOD BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SURVEY TO INCLUDE FORT JACKSON )RUW-DFNVRQ6ROGLHUV)DPLO\PHPEHUVDQGKHDOWKFDUHSURYLGHUVDUHLQYLWHGWR SDUWLFLSDWHLQDUHVHDUFKVWXG\IXQGHGE\'2'DLPHGDWLPSURYLQJEHKDYLRUDOKHDOWK VHUYLFHVIRU6ROGLHUV,QYLWDWLRQVWRFRPSOHWHWKHFRQ¿GHQWLDOVXUYH\WLWOHG³2SHQLQJ 'RRUV6WUHQJWKHQLQJ%HKDYLRUDO+HDOWK6XSSRUWIRU6ROGLHUV´ZLOOEHHPDLOHGVRRQ WRDUDQGRPVDPSOHRI6ROGLHUVIDPLO\PHPEHUVDQGKHDOWKFDUHSURYLGHUV,QGLYLGXDO UHVSRQVHVZLOOQRWEHUHSRUWHGWRWKH$UP\)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOORU email [email protected]. Ft. Jackson Movie Schedule PH (803)751-7488 Adult $5.50/Child (6-11): $3.00 3D: Adult $7.50/Child (6-11): $5.00 3319 Jackson BLVD **Ticket sales open 30 minutes prior to each movie** *Movie times and schedule are subject to change without notice* Thursday April 9 The Duff (PG-13) 3 p.m. Friday April 17 Cinderella (PG) 7 p.m. Friday April 10 The Kingsman: Secret Service (R) 7 p.m. Saturday April 18 The Duff (PG-13) 2 p.m. Run All Night (R) 4:30 p.m. Saturday April 11 Free Military Appreciation Showing (PG-13) 2 p.m. Sunday April 12 Run All Night (R) 2 p.m. Unfinished Business (R) 4 p.m. Wednesday April 15 The Kingsman: Secret Service (R) 2 p.m. Run All Night (R) 4:30 p.m. Thursday April 16 Unfinished Business (R) 3 p.m. Sunday April 19 Unfinished Business (R) 2 p.m. Cinderella (PG) 4 p.m. Wednesday April 22 Unfinished Business (R) 2 p.m. Run All Night (R) 4 p.m. Thursday April 23 The Duff (PG-13) 3 p.m. Friday April 24 The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (PG) 7 p.m. @fortjacksonpao Like the Leader on Facebook. www.facebook.com/FortJacksonLeader Page 8 The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 GRAND OPENING EVENT FINANCING AVAILABLE** for ACTIVE DUTY + National Guard + Reserves + Gov’t Employees + Retired Military L VE supp rt Buy1,Get1 $ SAMPLE SAVINGS! 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Military Teddy Bears, Jewelry and Watch Protection Plans, Ring Sizing and other services may not be used as a ‘1/2 OFF Item.’ Other merchandise exclusions may apply. Not to be combined with any other offer. Not valid on prior purchases. Not valid on returns or exchanges. **ALL CREDIT SALES SUBJECT TO APPROVAL. Annual finance percentage rate is 14.99%. The price shown is the retail price. It does not include sales tax (if required), ring sizing (if necessary), or shipping/insurance/handling or finance charges. (Sales tax applicable to CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, KS, MS, NC, NY, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA.) Estimated twice monthly payments (per payday) shown are calculated based on minimum monthly payment of $70 and/or terms up to 18-months (on purchases up to $2,200) or 21-months (for purchases of $2,201 or greater). Actual payment may be higher or lower and will be provided upon credit approval. †Color Enhanced Diamonds created through a process which retains clarity. April 9, 2015 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 9 UP CLOSE EIB Continued from Page 3 KRXUVDQGFRPSOHWHLQ¿OWUDWLRQFORVHFRPEDWDQGFRPEDWLQFLWLHVFRXUVHV Of those 100 Soldiers, Hain said only 10 earned the EDGJH7KHWHVWKDVHYROYHGRYHUWKH\HDUVWRPHHWZKDWHYHUGHPDQGVZHUHEHLQJSODFHGRQWKH,QIDQWU\DOOZLWK WKHJRDORILGHQWLI\LQJWKHEHVW6ROGLHUVWKH$UP\KDGWR RIIHU )RU6WDII6JW&KULVWRSKHU*HRUJHRIWKHUG%DWWDOLRQ WK,QIDQWU\5HJLPHQWODVWZHHNZDVKLVWKLUGDWWHPSWDW HDUQLQJWKH([SHUW,QIDQWU\PDQ%DGJH:KHQKH¿QLVKHG )ULGD\PRUQLQJ¶VPDUFKKLVIDWKHU²DUHWLUHGQRQFRPPLVVLRQHGRI¿FHU²ZDVZDLWLQJIRUKLPDWWKH¿QLVKOLQH ³:HZHUHLQWKHVHUYLFHVDWWKHVDPHWLPHGXULQJWKH ODVWWZR\HDUVRIP\FDUHHU´VDLG-RKQ*HRUJHZKRUHWLUHGDVDVHUJHDQW¿UVWFODVVLQ³,WZDVQLFHWREH DEOHWRSLQDSUHVWLJLRXVDZDUGOLNHWKLVRQKLP+H¶VWULHG IRUWKUHH\HDUVDQG,¶PYHU\SURXGRIKLP´ 7KHFULWHULDIRUTXDOLI\LQJIRUWKH([SHUW,QIDQWU\PDQ %DGJHKDYHFKDQJHGVLQFHEXWKDYHDOZD\VVWUHVVHG SK\VLFDO¿WQHVVZHDSRQVSUR¿FLHQF\DQGFRPPRQ6ROGLHUVNLOOVVXFKDVODQGQDYLJDWLRQDQGIRRWPDUFKLQJ ³,W¶V DQ LQFUHGLEO\ GLI¿FXOW WHVW WR SUHSDUH IRU´ VDLG 6WDII 6JW -DFRE 7URYDWR QG %DWWDOLRQ WK ,QIDQWU\ 5HJLPHQW ZKR ZDV DPRQJ ODVW ZHHN¶V 6ROGLHUV WR HDUQ WKHEDGJH³:HGRQ¶WXVXDOO\JHWWRUXFNPDUFKOLNHWKLV´ $V D GULOO VHUJHDQW KH VDLG WKHUH¶V OLWWOH WLPH LQ KLV VFKHGXOHWRSUHSDUHIRU(,%FKDOOHQJHV ³,¶P DOZD\V ZLWK WKH WURRSV´ KH VDLG ³, GRQ¶W HYHQ KDYHWLPHIRUP\VHOIUHDOO\,JRKRPHJRWREHGZDNH XSDQGVHHWKHWURRSVDJDLQ:HJHWWRZDONZLWKWKHPEXW Photo by JENNIFER STRIDE LW¶VDWDVORZHUSDFH,W¶VKDUGWRWUDLQIRUDPLOHPDUFK A Soldier assesses a ‘casualty’ with a chest wound during Expert Infantryman Badge qualifiOLNHWKLV´ cation April 1. Almost 80 Fort Jackson infantrymen tried out for the badge. [email protected] Photo by VERAN HILL, Public Affairs Office Above, a Soldier tries to locate a target during Expert Infantryman Badge testing April 1. Left, Maj. Gen. Bradley Becker, left, Fort Jackson’s commanding general, pins the Expert Infantryman Badge on Staff Sgt. Jacob Trovato, 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment, Friday at Darby Field. Photo by WALLACE McBRIDE Page 10 The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 UP CLOSE Photos by JENNIFER STRIDE Above, children and child care providers participate in the Month of the Military Child parade April 1 at the Imboden Street Child Development Center. Left, Children of all ages march against child abuse April 2. Children take center stage Right, children wear masks during the Month of the Military Child parade April 1 at the Imboden Street Child Development Center. Below, children and adults led by Col. Michael Graese, garrison commander, march to raise awareness of child abuse April 2. The march started at Pierce Terrace Elementary School and ended at the Youth Center. April 9, 2015 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 11 COMMUNITY SNAPSHOTS Courtesy photo VSC to elect new board members The Victory Spouses Club is scheduled to elect some new board members during its April meeting, which is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., April 21 at the Officers’ Club. The board for 20152016 will be introduced at the May luncheon. Pictured is the current board, which includes, from left, Brad Weber, Jennifer Johnston, Amiee Butler, Vivian Duckett, Linda Joyce, Chastity Radcliffe, Barb Hain, Heather Stout, Lee Anna Suggs, Lauri Duke, Lara Chamberlain, Michelle Turley, Leanne Kocian, Mary Cook, Ginny Holland, Stacie Beecher, Lori Sonsalla and Rene Perez. Page 12 The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 NEWS Center exhibits next-generation training By C. TODD LOPEZ Army News Service WASHINGTON — Army training will likely always inYROYH6ROGLHUVJRLQJWRWKH¿HOGDQG¿ULQJWKHLUZHDSRQV But in the near future, it will also involve a lot more training LQ³V\QWKHWLF´HQYLURQPHQWVWRPDNHWLPHLQWKH¿HOGPRUH SURGXFWLYHDQGPHDQLQJIXO ³7KH QH[W FDSDELOLW\ ZLOO EH D OHDGHUIRFXVHG 6ROGLHU FHQWULF FDSDELOLW\ WKDW LPPHUVHV 6ROGLHUV ZKHUHYHU WKH\ DUHDWWKHSRLQWRIWUDLQLQJLQDV\QWKHWLFHQYLURQPHQWWKDW allows us to tailor that environment to the demands of the OHDGHU´ VDLG &RO 'DYLG &DQQRQ RI WKH &RPELQHG $UPV &HQWHURU&$&RQ)RUW/HDYHQZRUWK.DQVDV ([SHUWVDWWKH&$&DQG75$'2&&DQQRQVDLGEHOLHYH WKHQH[WHYROXWLRQLQ$UP\WUDLQLQJZLOOEHLQWURGXFHGEHtween 2023 and 2031, and will involve synthetic training HQYLURQPHQWVFRQQHFWHGWRJHWKHUE\DJOREDOQHWZRUNWKDW allows Soldiers all over the world to train together, wherevHUWKH\DUHXVLQJWUDLQLQJUHJLPHQVWKDWZHUHGHVLJQHGE\ H[SHUWVIRUQRWMXVWVSHFL¿FPLVVLRQW\SHVEXWIRUPLVVLRQV LQVSHFL¿FSDUWVRIWKHZRUOG ³$6ROGLHULQ.RUHDFDQEHWUDLQHGZLWKD6ROGLHUDW)RUW +RRG´&DQQRQVDLG³$6ROGLHUSUHSDULQJWRGHSOR\LQVXSSRUWRIDJOREDORSHUDWLRQFDQWUDLQKLVWDVNLQWKDWLPPHUVLYHHQYLURQPHQWDQGWKHFXOWXUHDWKRPHVWDWLRQ$QGQRW MXVWRQHWLPHOLNHDWRQHRIRXUFRPEDWWUDLQLQJFHQWHUVEXW QXPHURXVWLPHV´ Cannon attended the Association of the United States $UP\ RU$86$ ,QVWLWXWH RI /DQG :DUIDUH *OREDO )RUFH 6\PSRVLXP0DUFKWKURXJK$SULOLQ+XQWVYLOOH$ODEDPD7KHUHKHPDQQHGDGLVSOD\WKDWKLJKOLJKWHGWKHHYROXWLRQRI³WUDLQLQJWKHEDVLFV´IURP:RUOG:DU,,WR%RVQLD WR,UDTDQG$IJKDQLVWDQ In World War II, Cannon said, it was clear who the enemy was — they wore a uniform — and there was little interacWLRQRQWKHSDUWRI6ROGLHUVZLWKWKHFLYLOLDQSRSXODWLRQ,Q $IJKDQLVWDQDQG,UDTKHVDLGLWEHFDPHPRUHXQFOHDUZKR the enemy was, and there was much more interaction with WKHFLYLOLDQSRSXODWLRQGHPRQVWUDWLQJDQLQFUHDVHLQERWK ³DPELJXLW\´DQG³FKDRV´LQWKHRSHUDWLQJHQYLURQPHQW &DQQRQVDLGIXWXUHRSHUDWLQJHQYLURQPHQWVZLOOEHGLIIHUHQWWKDQWKH\DUHWRGD\EXWDPELJXLW\DQGFKDRVRQWKH EDWWOH¿HOGZLOOFRQWLQXHWRLQFUHDVH6ROGHUVPXVWEHWUDLQHG for such environments, even when it is unclear what exactly WKRVHHQYLURQPHQWVZLOOORRNOLNH ³7KHWULFNLVWR¿JKWWKHXQNQRZQWRGHWHUPLQHWKHXQNQRZQEHIRUHZHNQRZLW´&DQQRQVDLG +HVDLGWKHH[SHFWDWLRQLVWRGHYHORSWUDLQLQJWRROVWKDW DUHDGDSWDEOHWRZKDWHYHUFDSDELOLW\DFRPPDQGHUQHHGVWR WUDLQRQDQGWRPDNHLWSRVVLEOHIRUDFRPPDQGHUWRWUDLQ KLV6ROGLHUVZKHUHYHUWKH\DUH ³,W¶OOEHFORXGEDVHGQHWZRUNGHOLYHUHGGHYLFHRULHQWHGFDSDELOLW\WKDWLVERUQHRQWKHPLVVLRQFRPPDQGLQIRUPDWLRQQHWZRUN´KHVDLG³,W¶OOEHZKHUHYHUWKH6ROGLHULV ORFDWHG´ 7UDLQLQJ FRXUVHV ZLOO EH GHYHORSHG FHQWUDOO\ E\ DFDGHPLFVDQGPLOLWDU\H[SHUWVDQGZLOOEHFRQVWDQWO\XSGDWHG DQGXSJUDGHGWRPDWFKWKHQHHGVRIWKHFRPPDQGHUVWKDW request them and to meet the demands of any environment RUVLWXDWLRQWKDWQHHGVWREHWUDLQHG&DQQRQVDLG Soldiers will interface with that information and those VFHQDULRVWKURXJKJHDUWKDWLVQRW\HWGHYHORSHGEXWZKLFK KHOSV VLPXODWH YDULRXV W\SHV RI PLOLWDU\ HTXLSPHQW WKDW D 6ROGLHUZRXOGQHHGWRWUDLQIRUDQRSHUDWLRQVNLOORUWHFKQLTXH “Our Soldiers can relate to this: It’s not necessarily a ULÀHEXWDGHYLFHWKDWUHSOLFDWHVDULÀH´&DQQRQVDLG³1RW DWDQNEXWDGHYLFHWKDWUHSOLFDWHVEHLQJLQVLGHDWDQN'R April 9, 2015 Photo by C. TODD LOPEZ, Army News Service Command Sgt. Maj. James Sims, with Army Materiel Command, tries out a scenario in Virtual Battle Space using a set of 3D goggles, during the 2015 Association of the United States Army Institute of Land Warfare symposium in Huntsville, Ala., March 31. \RXQHHGDWDQNWRWUDLQDWDQN"2XUDQVZHULVQR ³2XUDQVZHULV\RXKDYHWRKDYHWKHKDSWLFDQGWDFWLOH DQGLPPHUVLYHHQYLURQPHQWZKHUHYHU\RXQHHG<RXZLOO have an immersive environment, some kind of device, and PD\EH D SURMHFWRU WKDW PDSV WKH URRP WKDW SURYLGHV \RX ZLWKZKDWWKHLQVLGHRIWKHWDQNORRNVOLNH$QGPRUHLPSRUWDQWZKDWWKHHQYLURQPHQWORRNVOLNH´ 8QLWV&DQQRQVDLGZLOOKDYHWKHQHFHVVDU\JHDUDVSDUW RI WKHLU WUDLQLQJ HTXLSPHQW DQG WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ WKDW SURYLGHV WKH VFHQDULRV DQG WUDLQLQJ FRXUVHV ZLOO EH DYDLODEOH DQ\ZKHUHYLDWKHJOREDOQHWZRUN ³6R ZH DUH EXLOGLQJ D V\QWKHWLF WUDLQLQJ HQYLURQPHQW ZKLFKDOORZVXVWRLPSURYHWKHLPPHUVLRQRIRXU6ROGLHUV — training our units, our larger formations, and our senior echelon leaders in the environment they will encounter in a FRPSOH[HQYLURQPHQW´ 7KH$UP\DOUHDG\XVHVVLPXODWHGWUDLQLQJ&DQQRQVDLG 2QHH[DPSOHZDVRQGLVSOD\DW$86$&DQQRQKDGDFRS\ RIWKH'YLGHRWUDLQHU³9LUWXDO%DWWOH6SDFH´RU9%6RQ DFRPSXWHUWKHUHUXQQLQJDVFHQDULRWKDWZRXOGEHIDPLOLDU WRWKRVHZKRFRQGXFWHGRSHUDWLRQVLQ,UDT %XW&DQQRQKDGDVHWRI'JRJJOHVDWWDFKHGWRWKHJDPH that allowed conference attendees to immerse themselves in the scenario in 360 degrees — something that is not done LQWKH$UP\3XWWLQJRQWKH'JRJJOHVDQGDSDLURIQRLVH FDQFHOOLQJKHDGSKRQHVD³SOD\HU´VWRRGLQDVJXQQHURQD 6WU\NHUFRPEDWYHKLFOHDQGZHQWDORQJRQWKHPLVVLRQ 8QOLNH SOD\LQJ WKH JDPH RQ D ODSWRS RU GHVNWRS FRPSXWHU²ZKLFKLVKRZ6ROGLHUVXVHWKHJDPHQRZ²ZLWK WKH ' KHDGVHW WKH SOD\HU ZDV LPPHUVHG LQ WKH JDPH$ VHQVRU LQ IURQW RI WKH SOD\HU URWDWHG ¿HOG RI YLVLRQ LQ WKH headset as he rotated his head — as though he were actually LQWKHJDPH &DQQRQ VDLG WKH ' JRJJOHV DUH QRW \HW SDUW RI WKH $UP\¶V9%6SURJUDPEXWKHVDLGWKHH[SHULHQFHRIIHUVD JOLPSVHRIZKDWWKH$UP\LVKRSLQJIRUZLWKLWVV\QWKHWLF WUDLQLQJHQYLURQPHQW 7KH9%6VLPXODWRULVQRWWKHRQO\WUDLQLQJFDSDELOLW\WKH $UP\XVHVQRZ&DQQRQVDLG The Fort Jackson Leader ³,QWKHJDPHVIRUWUDLQLQJSRUWIROLRZHKDYHWUDLQLQJ VXSSRUWSDFNDJHVWKDWDOORZDVTXDGOHDGHUWRDFWXDOO\WUDLQ his Soldiers on a variety of tasks from home station and in a FODVVURRP´KHVDLG³7KH\GRQ¶WKDYHWRJRRXWWRWKHUDQJH RU¿HOG²WKH\FDQGRLWLQWKHGD\URRPXVLQJDPLOLWDU\ JDPLQJFRPSXWHU´ &DQQRQ VDLG WKHUH DUH DSSOLFDWLRQV WR DVVHPEOH GLVDVVHPEOHRUFOHDUDZHDSRQVV\VWHPIRULQVWDQFH$QGGRLQJ LW RQ D VLPXODWRU LV DQ LQH[SHQVLYH ZD\ WR JHW LQ SUDFWLFH EHIRUHGRLQJLWIRUUHDO ³7KH\ZLOOJHWWKHUHSHWLWLRQVWKH\QHHG´KHVDLG³$QG ZH PDNH LW IXQ IRU WKHP :H PDNH LW VR WKH\ FRPSHWH DJDLQVWWKHLUEXGGLHV6RE\WKHWLPHWKH\JHWWRWKHUDQJH they enter at a higher skill level than we would have if we KDGSXWWKHPRQDEXVDQGWRRNWKHPWRWKHUDQJHDQGVWDUWHG¿ULQJ´ There is great cost in taking Soldiers to the range or to WKH¿HOGWRSUDFWLFHWDVNVIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHWKDWFRXOGKDYH EHHQKRQHGLQJDUULVRQ&DQQRQVDLG ³:HGRVHHFRVWVDYLQJVKHUH%\EHLQJLQDQLPPHUVLYH V\QWKHWLF HQYLURQPHQW ,¶OO JHW PRUH UHSHWLWLRQV 6R ZKHQ ,JRWRWKHOLYHHQYLURQPHQW,¶PEHWWHU,¶PPRUHWUDLQHG ,¶P PRUH FDSDEOH RI GRLQJ ZKDW WKH PLVVLRQ FDOOV IRU$ FRPSOHWHO\ V\QWKHWLF HQYLURQPHQW UHGXFHV WKH DPRXQW RI RYHUKHDG 7KH FRQWUDFWRUV DQG WKH SHRSOH \RX QHHG WR UXQWKHVHODUJHFRPSOH[WKFHQWXU\WHFKQRORJLHV²ZH ZRQ¶WQHHGWKHPDQ\PRUH´ 7KH FRPSOH[LW\ RI WKH FXUUHQW RSHUDWLQJ HQYLURQPHQW DQGWKHH[SHFWDWLRQRIDQHYHQPRUHFRPSOH[IXWXUHRSHUDWLQJ HQYLURQPHQW PHDQV 6ROGLHUV QHHG UHSHWLWLRQ LQ WUDLQLQJDQGDORWRILW7LPHVSHQWWUDLQLQJLQWKH¿HOGLVEHWWHU VSHQWOHDUQLQJWRDGDSWWRFKDQJLQJVLWXDWLRQVDQGVFHQDULRV WKDQWROHDUQLQJEDVLFVZKLFKFRXOGEHWDXJKWEDFNKRPH ³7KHODVW\HDUVRIFRQÀLFWUHDOO\VKRZHGXVZKDWZH UHDOO\QHHGDUHWKRVHULFKUHSHWLWLRQV´&DQQRQVDLG³$QG KRZ\RXDFKLHYHWKDWULFKQHVVLQUHSHWLWLRQV²\RXFDQ¶W ZDLWWRDOLYHHQYLURQPHQWDQ\PRUH:HKDYHWRSURYLGHD synthetic environment that immerses that Soldier and that OHDGHULQWRWKHFRPSOH[LWLHVWKDWKHRUVKHZLOOIDFH´ Page 13 LUGOFF...Where You Pay Less - A Lot Less LugoffFord.com We’re The Fastest Growing Ford Dealer In The Midlands So We’re Remodeling To Serve You Better! 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Expires 4/30/15. 10 OFF $ TIRE ROTATION CAROLINA CDJR. Expires 4/30/15. CARO LINA $)3:4-&3t+&&1t%0%(&t3". &'%&571-32&] LUGOFF...Where It’s Always Fast, Fair & Friendly! Page 14 The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 LUGOFF...Where You Pay Less - A Lot Less $ 500 FORD MILITARY REBATE Saluting Those Who Serve *Offer with approved credit, 0% 60 months, $16.67 per thousand borrowed, down payment may vary, expires4/30/15. Vehicle best price guarantee against any other new Ford Dealer in SC/NC, on exact vehicle in dealer stock, documentation required, dealer reserves right to purchase vehicle from competing dealer then resale to consumer at a savings. *3%-$$$-0".0#-5,#" ALL MAKES! 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April 9, 2015 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 15 NEWS Strong B.A.N.D.S. returns to posts By Jessica Ryan IMCOM 6$1$1721,2²7KH¿IWKDQQXDO6WURQJ%$1'6 FDPSDLJQ ZLOO UHWXUQ WR SDUWLFLSDWLQJ$UP\ JDUULVRQV ZRUOGZLGHLQ0D\ 6WURQJ %$1'6 ² ZKLFK VWDQGV IRU 6WURQJ %DODQFH$FWLYLW\1XWULWLRQ'HWHUPLQDWLRQDQG6WUHQJWK² SURPRWHVJDUULVRQ¿WQHVVDQGZHOOQHVVSURJUDPVDYDLODEOH WR 6ROGLHUV )DPLOLHV UHWLUHHV DQG FLYLOLDQV 7KLV \HDU¶V WKHPHLV³7RWDO$UP\6WURQJ´ZKLFKKLJKOLJKWVKRZDOO PHPEHUVRIWKH$UP\FRPPXQLW\DUHHVVHQWLDOLQEXLOGLQJ DUHVLOLHQW¿JKWLQJIRUFH 7KHFDPSDLJQLVKHOGGXULQJ1DWLRQDO3K\VLFDO)LWQHVV DQG6SRUWV0RQWK3DUWLFLSDWLQJJDUULVRQVZLOOSODQDPLQLPXPRI¿YH¿WQHVVDQGKHDOWKUHODWHGHYHQWVWKURXJKRXW WKH PRQWK ,Q SUHYLRXV \HDUV HYHQWV UDQJHG IURP WUDGLWLRQDOVSRUWVDQG¿WQHVVSURJUDPPLQJDQGKHDOWKIDLUVWR 6WRU\:DONVDQGERZOLQJWRXUQDPHQWV ³:HDUHDOZD\VORRNLQJIRULGHDVWRHQKDQFHWKHSURJUDPPLQJLQYROYLQJSK\VLFDO¿WQHVVRQRXULQVWDOODWLRQ´ VDLG1HLO6PLWKVSRUWVGLUHFWRUDW)RUW*RUGRQ*HRUJLD ³:HVWULYHIRURXU6ROGLHUVDQGWKHLU)DPLOLHVWRSDUWLFLSDWH LQ IXQ ZRUWKZKLOH DFWLYLWLHV WKDW ZLOO SURJUHVV LQWR PDNLQJNH\LPSRUWDQWOLIHVW\OHFKDQJHV´ $QHZDGGLWLRQLQLV5XQWR+RQRUDQHYHQWGHYHORSHG LQ SDUWQHUVKLS ZLWK WKH 6XUYLYRU 2XWUHDFK 6HUYLFHVSURJUDP7KHHYHQWZKLFKZDV¿UVWKHOGDWWKH $UP\7HQ0LOHUJLYHVSHRSOHDQRSSRUWXQLW\WRZDONRU UXQ LQ GHGLFDWLRQ RI IDOOHQ PLOLWDU\ PHPEHUV 7KH ([FKDQJHZLOOSURYLGHIUHHUDFHELEVIRUSDUWLFLSDQWVWRZULWH WKHKRQRUHH¶VQDPHRQ7KLUW\IRXUJDUULVRQVZLOOFRQGXFW YDULRXV5XQWR+RQRUHYHQWVLQFOXGLQJIXQIXQV.VDQG .V 6WURQJ %$1'6 DOVR VXSSRUWV RWKHU $UP\ LQLWLDWLYHVVXFKDVWKH5HDG\DQG5HVLOLHQWFDPSDLJQDQG$UP\ 0HGLFLQH¶V3HUIRUPDQFH7ULDG ³, HQFRXUDJH DQ\RQH ZKR LV SDUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ 6WURQJ %$1'6 WR FKHFN RXW WKH 3HUIRUPDQFH7ULDG EHFDXVH LW FRPSOHPHQWV ZKDW 6WURQJ %$1'6 LV DOO DERXW D U.S. Army photo Strong B.A.N.D.S. supporters show their solidarity at a Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., event. Supporters receive a black and gold band to wear on their wrist to display their achievement and raise awareness of the importance of health and fitness. VWDWHRIPLQG´VDLG/W&RO-DVRQ6LOYHUQDLO6\VWHPIRU +HDOWKDQG3HUIRUPDQFH7ULDG$FWLYLW\/HDGIRUWKH+HDGTXDUWHUV'HSDUWPHQWRIWKH$UP\2I¿FHRIWKH6XUJHRQ *HQHUDO ³$GGLQJ WKH WHQHWV RI WKH 3HUIRUPDQFH 7ULDG FDQ RSWLPL]H VOHHS DFWLYLW\ DQG QXWULWLRQ EHKDYLRUV DQG FKRLFHV´ 3DUWQHULQJ ZLWK WKH +XPDQ 3HUIRUPDQFH 5HVRXUFH &HQWHUDQGWKH$UP\3XEOLF+HDOWK&RPPDQGWKHFDPSDLJQZLOOKDYHERWKSULQWDQGRQOLQHHGXFDWLRQDOPDWHUL- DOVDQGYLGHRVDYDLODEOHWRSDUWLFLSDQWVDWQRFRVW2QOLQH PDWHULDOVZLOOEHDFFHVVLEOHDWWKH6WURQJ%$1'6RI¿FLDOZHEVLWH ,QDGGLWLRQSDUWLFLSDQWVZLOOUHFHLYHDJROGDQGEODFN ZULVWEDQG WR V\PEROL]H WKHLU FRPPLWPHQW WR D KHDOWKLHU OLIHVW\OH /DXQFKHG LQ 6WURQJ %$1'6 HQFRXUDJHV DOO PHPEHUVRIWKHPLOLWDU\FRPPXQLW\WRVWDUWDQGPDLQWDLQ DKHDOWK\OLIHVW\OH TSP: How $100 can turn into $100,000 By BETH PERRY Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board $SULO LV )LQDQFLDO /LWHUDF\ 0RQWK WKH SHUIHFW WLPH WR UHHYDOXDWH \RXU VSHQGLQJ KDELWV &DQ VDYLQJ WRGD\ PHDQ KDYLQJLQWKHIXWXUH",WFDQLI\RXXVH WLPHWR\RXUDGYDQWDJH 7KH 7KULIW 6DYLQJV 3ODQ RU 763 LV D ORZFRVW UHWLUHPHQW SODQ IRU PLOLWDU\ DQG IHGHUDO FLYLOLDQ HPSOR\HHV 7KRXVDQGV RI PLOLWDU\ PHPEHUV \RXQJHU WKDQ DOUHDG\KDYHRUPRUHLQWKHLU763 DFFRXQWV 6WDUW QRZ DQG HYHQ D OLWWOH FDQ PHDQDORW 7LPHLV\RXUELJJHVWDOO\ZKHQLWFRPHV WR WKH JURZWK RI \RXU VDYLQJV /HW¶V VD\ \RXU EDVLF SD\ LV SHU PRQWK DQG \RXVDYHSHUFHQWRI\RXUSD\LQ\RXU763 DFFRXQW7KDW¶VDERXWHDFKPRQWK,I \RX OHDYH WKH PLOLWDU\ DIWHU \HDUV \RX FRXOGKDYHPRUHWKDQ(YHQLI\RX QHYHUDGGPRUHPRQH\WKDWFRXOG JURZWRDOPRVWLQ\HDUV ,I \RX FRQWULEXWH SHUFHQW RI \RXU SD\WKHVDPHZD\\RXFRXOGKDYHDOPRVW (YHQLI\RXFDQQRWDIIRUGPRQWKO\ HYHU\GROODUPDNHVDGLIIHUHQFH3OXV\RX FDQFRQWULEXWHLQFHQWLYHVSHFLDODQGERQXV SD\7RVWDUWRULQFUHDVH\RXUFRQWULEXWLRQV VLJQLQWRP\3D\DQGFKRRVHWKH³7UDGLWLRQDO763DQG5RWK763´RSWLRQ 7KH5RWKRSWLRQPHDQV\RXSD\WD[HVRQ WKHPRQH\\RXVDYHEHIRUHLWJRHVLQWR\RXU 763DFFRXQW6R\RXSD\QRLQFRPHWD[HV ZKHQ\RXWDNHLWRXWDQG\RXUHDUQLQJVFDQ DOVR EH WD[IUHH LI FHUWDLQ FRQGLWLRQV DUH PHW$Q\ FRPEDW ]RQH SD\ \RX UHFHLYH LV DOZD\VWD[IUHH,I\RXFRQWULEXWHLWWRWKH 5RWKRSWLRQDQGPHHWFHUWDLQFRQGLWLRQV WKDWPRQH\FDQJURZWD[IUHHDVZHOO <RXU 763 DFFRXQW LV \RXUV WR NHHS ZKHWKHU\RXDUHZLWKWKHXQLIRUPHGVHUYLFHVIRUWZR\HDUVRU3OXVLI\RXWDNHD IHGHUDOMREDIWHUWKHPLOLWDU\\RXFDQNHHS FRQWULEXWLQJWRWKH763(YHQLI\RXGRQRW WDNHDIHGHUDOMRE\RXFDQPDQDJH\RXULQYHVWPHQWV DW ORZ FRVW ZKLOH \RXU VDYLQJV JURZ 5HPHPEHU XVH P\3D\ WR FKDQJH \RXU 763FRQWULEXWLRQV²QRWWKH763ZHEVLWH ,I\RXZRXOGOLNHWRFKDQJHWKHIXQGV\RX LQYHVWLQORJLQWR³0\$FFRXQW´DWhttps:// www.tsp.govDQGFKRRVH³&RQWULEXWLRQ$O- ORFDWLRQV´ RU ³,QWHUIXQG7UDQVIHUV´ RQ WKH OHIW7RUHVHW\RXUSDVVZRUGFDOO DQGFKRRVHRSWLRQ 5HDG\WRVDYH"+HUH¶VKRZ 6LJQ LQWR P\3D\ &OLFN ³7UDGLWLRQDO 763DQG5RWK763´ 'HFLGHZKHWKHUWRPDNH5RWKRUWUDGLWLRQDOFRQWULEXWLRQV &KRRVH KRZ PXFK \RX ZRXOG OLNH WR VDYHSHUFHQWIRUH[DPSOH &OLFN³6DYH´DWWKHERWWRPRIWKHVFUHHQ Editor’s note: Figures are based on the L 2050 Fund’s projected long-term returns. Returns are not guaranteed and may be substantially less. Roth earnings are paid tax-free if you have reached age 59 1/2 or KDYHDSHUPDQHQWGLVDELOLW\DQG¿YH\HDUV KDYH SDVVHG VLQFH WKH \HDU RI \RXU ¿UVW Roth contribution. Visit our website at www.fortjacksonleader.com. Follow the Leader on Twitter at www.twitter.com/fortjacksonpao. Page 16 The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 NEWS NCO selected as liaison of the month By CHRISTINA L. MYERS Columbia Recruiting Battalion Sgt. 1st Class Tyrell Osborne, an Army guidance counselor for the Columbia Recruiting Battalion, was recently named the Fort Jackson Military Entrance Processing Station, or MEPS, Army Liaison of the Month. “He is a rare breed of Soldier,” said Master Sgt. Sean Carrigan, who is Osborne’s direct supervisor. Carrigan explained that he challenges everyone who works with him to be perfect. “Sgt. 1st Class Osborne understood immediately that achieving perfection was not what I was really asking. The real challenge is to want to be perfect and he wants to be perfect,” Carrigan said. Osborne’s military journey started with the Alabama National Guard. Given his family’s military history, he knew he was destined to serve. “I had always known I was going to do something with the military because I’m third generation,” Osborne said. “My grandpa was in the Navy, my dad was in the Army during Vietnam, and I have all kinds of aunts and uncles who have served.” Osborne learned of the honor via email from the MEPS commander. He did not know he was in the running before being selected, but was humbled to know others recognized how serious he takes his job. ³,W¶VIXO¿OOLQJWRDFWXDOO\JHWUHFRJQLWLRQ´ Osborne said. “I remember what it’s like to EHDUHFUXLWHURQWKHJURXQGWU\LQJWR¿QG TXDOL¿HG \RXQJ PHQ DQG ZRPHQ IRU WKH Army. I try to provide a quality product to Photo by L.A. SULLY, Columbia Recruiting Battalion Sgt. 1st Class Tyrell Osborne, left, a guidance counselor with the Columbia Recruiting Battalion, was named the Military Entrance Processing Station Army Liaison of the Month. WKH¿HOGLQDWLPHO\PDQQHU´ for 18 years, is not shy about expressing his signature, the NCO Creed: Sgt. 1st Class Charles Warner, who love for his job and said he is absolutely “I know my Soldiers and will always works with Osborne daily, said he knows driven to help people. place their need above my own. I will comthis is true. “Every day I get to come into work and municate consistently with my Soldiers and “As an operations NCO, I turn to Os- help people realize their dreams,” Osborne never leave them uninformed.” borne as someone I can go to when I need said. “I also get to give back to the Army When Osborne is not on the job, he enhelp from MEPS,” he said. “He’s a true for giving me the quality of life it has en- joys spending time with his wife and four team player and dedicated unlike anyone abled me to have.” children, studying for his bachelor’s degree I’ve ever seen.” Osborne’s passion for the Army is evi- in psychology and occasionally playing one Osborne, who has served in the Army dent by the words inscribed on his email of his favorite video games, Call of Duty. Changes coming Sept. 1 to use-or-lose policy mum of 120 days of leave (60 days of ordinary leave, plus 60 days of SLA). Soldiers who meet the SLA provisions can still carry forward up to 120 days leave if their leave and earnings WASHINGTON — The temporary authority allowing statement, also known as LES, has 60 days of leave coded 6ROGLHUVWRFDUU\RYHUGD\VRIOHDYHIURPRQH¿VFDO\HDU as SLA and the LES remarks block shows “Combat Zone into the next will expire Sept. 30. Leave Carryover Balance” with its expiration date. Most Soldiers will only be allowed to carry 60 days of “Each Soldier has an individual responsibility to moniOHDYHLQWRWKHQH[W¿VFDO\HDU WRU DQG PDQDJH KLV RU KHU OHDYH´ RI¿FLDOV VDLG LQ DQ DOO Soldiers will lose it, if they don’t use it by Oct. 1, Army Army activities, or ALARACT, message, dated March 1. SHUVRQQHORI¿FLDOVVDLGRIOHDYHLQH[FHVVRIGD\VXQOHVV The 75-day carry-over authority began with the 2008 special leave accrual, or SLA applies. National Defense Authorization Act, authorizing a two-year SLA allows Soldiers who have served in a mission temporary authority. Since then, Congress has extended the ZKHUH WKH\ ZHUH HOLJLEOH IRU KRVWLOH ¿UH SD\ RU LPPLQHQW authority twice, adding four consecutive years. The 2016 danger pay for a continuous period of at least 120 days to National Defense Authorization Act is not expected to exaccrue leave. Under SLA, Soldiers can accumulate a maxi- WHQGWKHDXWKRULW\RI¿FLDOVVDLG By GARY SHEFTICK Army News Service The Defense Finance and Accounting Service, or DFAS, is in the process of emailing a notice to all Soldiers projected to have more than 60 days accrued leave on Sept. 30, RI¿FLDOVVDLG')$6ZLOOFRQWLQXHWRLQFOXGHPRQWKO\QRtices on Soldiers’ LES that state: “Important: Manage your leave. On Oct. 1, 2015, you will lose all accrued leave over 60 days, unless SLA applies.” Currently, DFAS software has not been updated to use 60 days in the use/lose computation; therefore all LESs will understate the use/lose balance by 15 days. DFAS is making WKHQHFHVVDU\V\VWHPFKDQJHVWRFRUUHFWWKDWHUURURI¿FLDOV VDLGDQGWKH\HVWLPDWHWKH¿[ZLOOEHFRPSOHWHGE\-XQH The recent ALARACT echoes DOD guidance that commanders should continue to monitor the leave of their Service members, and encourage them to use any accrued leave days that exceed the 60-day carry-over limit. Fort Jackson Leader 4 min. . Fort Jackson, SC Join us on Facebook. Visit www.facebook.com/fortjacksonleader and click “like.” Like . Comment . Share April 9, 2015 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 17 NEWS Army to revise tattoo policy By C. TODD LOPEZ Army News Service HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — The Army will update its policy on tattoos during the coming weeks, making it more accommodating to current social norms, the Army’s chief of staff said. During a press conference during the Association of the United States Army Global Force Symposium and Exposition here, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said the service regularly reviews and makes updates to Army Regulation 670-1. “As part of the regular process that we go through in reviewing regulations, covering the wear and appearance of the Army uniform, and the appearance of our Soldiers, we will be releasing in the coming weeks, an update to that policy, and the most notable change is going to be the change in the tattoo policy in the Army,” Odierno said. Soldiers will no longer be limited to a particular size or number of tattoos permitted on the arms or legs, Odierno said, provided those tattoos are not extremist, indecent, sexist or racist. The policy will, however, continue to prohibit tattoos above the T-shirt neckline, on the head, face, wrists and hands. There will be an exception allowing one ring tattoo on each hand. Odierno said that changes to the policy came after listening to feedback from Soldiers, and after discussion with senior enlisted leaders. “We have listened to the Soldiers,” Odierno said. “I’ve talked to our sergeants major and our non-commissioned of¿FHUVDQGVRPHRIRXURI¿FHUVDQGIUDQNO\VRFLHW\LVFKDQJing its view of tattoos, and I think we need to change along with it.” During an interview last week, Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel Dailey discussed the upcoming change to the Army tattoo policy. He said that the message from the Soldiers he talks to is clear: Soldiers have tattoos, tattoos are acceptable now, and the tattoo policy might affect a decision to re-enlist. “You can’t go anywhere without hearing about the Army’s tattoo policy,” Dailey said. “It came up when I was at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy too. So it’s not just Soldiers, but leaders as well.” The sergeant major said American culture has changed, and that tattoos are more accepted now than they have ever EHHQEHIRUH7KH$UP\LVDUHÀHFWLRQRI$PHULFDQVRFLHW\ Photo by DAVID VERGUN, Army News Service A Soldier displays his grandfathered tattoos under the current Army Regulation 670-1. The number and size of tattoos on the arms and legs will be less restrictive under an updated policy. and American society, he said, accepts tattoos. “I think this is a realization that we are in a different generation,” he said. “Tattoos are more prevalent in young Americans than I think they have ever been throughout American history.” When it was implemented, the current Army tattoo policy did not force out Soldiers who had tattoos below the elbow or knee or above the neck line. However, the policy did require Soldiers to have those tattoos documented. It also limited additional tattoos in those places. “These Soldiers understand that, they know they are grandfathered in,” Dailey said. “But they have fears. We have documented every one of those tattoos, and they expect that could one day be used against them with regards to promotions or things like that.” Dailey said he has asked Soldiers about how the current tattoo policy might affect their decision to separate from military service. He said “overwhelmingly,” Soldiers have said the policy would play a role in their deciding to stay in or to leave. Dailey said he did not want the tattoo policy to be the deciding factor for why a good Soldier might decide to leave the Army. He said he felt that the policy might in some way be at odds with the requirement to maintain an all-volunteer force. “So then we struggle with — do the standards of discipline we’ve established override the needs of what we need to maintain the all-volunteer force, and the quality all-volunteer force, even more so as we draw down?” he asked. “When we move this standard too far to the right, can we actually maintain the all-volunteer force in the future?” Dailey’s discussions with Soldiers and his concerns regarding the effects of the existing tattoo policy on the Army’s ability to maintain the all-volunteer force, were included in his own recommendations regarding the tattoo policy that he made to the Army chief of staff and the Army secretary. Environmental News CALENDAR OF EVENTS Hazardous Substance Management class: 8:30 a.m., today, 2563 Essayons Way. For more information, call 751-4231 or email [email protected]. Environmental, energy and recycling meeting: 2:30 p.m., April 16, Post Conference Room. Earth Day celebration: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., April 18, Semmes Lake. The event will include free activities, games and educational booths. Electronic waste, batteries and tires will be collected for recycling. (QYLURQPHQWDO &RPSOLDQFH 2I¿FHUV Course: May 19-20, 3240 Sumter Street. For more information, call 751-5011 or Page 18 greasers, cleaning materials, solvents, pesticides, reusable hazardous materials and empty containers with lids. POST-WIDE SPRING CLEANUP DID YOU KNOW ... Fort Jackson’s post-wide spring cleanup Recycling Center: 5671 Lee Road, According to the Environmental Protection Agency, American households gen- is scheduled from Monday through May Monday through Friday. 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., erate about 1.6 million tons of hazardous 21. Units and organizations are encouraged Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The center waste from unused hazardous household to use this time to clean up their areas of re- accepts plastics, glass, cardboard, metals, products each year. Hazardous waste is any sponsibility. Remember to take disposable cans, cooking grease, pallets and paper. DLA-DSJ: 1902 Ewell Road, by apZDVWH WKDW KDV WKH SRWHQWLDO WR FDWFK ¿UH items to the appropriate facilities. react, explode under certain conditions, Mulch Site: Golden Arrow Road, Mon- pointment only, 751-7698. The site is reis corrosive or toxic. Common household day through Friday, 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. and sponsible for the disposal of all governhazardous waste items include drain clean- 12:45 to 3 p.m. The site accepts yard waste. ment items. ers, oven cleaners, oil based paint, paint Reuse Center: 2558 Essayons Way, Environmental Division: 2563 Essaythinners, adhesives, pesticides, dry-cell Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ons Way, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. EDWWHULHV DQG ÀXRUHVFHQW OLJKW EXOEV )RU 7KHFHQWHUDFFHSWVUHXVDEOHRI¿FHVXSSOLHV to noon. The site accepts batteries and light information about hazardous waste dispos- paints, paint-related materials, sealers, de- bulbs. email [email protected]. al, call 751-4231. The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 NEWS Army launches ‘not in my squad’ initiative By J.D. LEIPOLD Army News Service WASHINGTON — The Army’s senior non-commisVLRQHGRI¿FHUDQQRXQFHGDQHZLQLWLDWLYHWRULGWKHUDQNV RIVH[XDODVVDXOWDQGKDUDVVPHQWE\JLYLQJUHVSRQVLELOLW\ IRU]HURWROHUDQFHWR¿UVWOLQHVTXDGOHDGHUV ³µ1RWLQP\VTXDG¶LVQRWDEXPSHUVWLFNHULW¶VDQDQWKHPDFDOOWRGXW\´VDLG6JW0DMRIWKH$UP\'DQLHO 'DLOH\ GXULQJ D 3HQWDJRQ FRXUW\DUG REVHUYDQFH 0DUFK NLFNLQJRII6H[XDO$VVDXOW$ZDUHQHVVDQG3UHYHQWLRQ 0RQWK ³µ1RWLQP\VTXDG¶LVDSURPLVHWKDWHDFKOHDGHUPXVW PDNH LQ RUGHU WR FDUH IRU WKRVH LQ KLV RU KHU FKDUJH ´ 'DLOH\ VDLG ³µ1RW LQ P\ VTXDG¶ LV DERXW MXQLRU OHDGHUV WDNLQJRZQHUVKLSRIVROXWLRQV´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¿GHQFH ³:HDUHKHDGHGLQWKHULJKWGLUHFWLRQWRFKDQJHWKHFXOWXUHRIUHSRUWLQJDQGXOWLPDWHO\SUHYHQWLQJVH[XDODVVDXOW DQGKDUDVVPHQW´KHVDLG³:HPXVWUHPDLQFRPPLWWHGWR PDNLQJIXUWKHUDGYDQFHVDORQJRXU¿YHOLQHVRIHIIRUW² SUHYHQWLRQ LQYHVWLJDWLRQ DFFRXQWDELOLW\ DGYRFDF\ DQG DVVHVVPHQWDQGZHPXVWFRQWLQXHWRZRUNRQIRVWHULQJD FOLPDWHZKHUHLQGLYLGXDOVDUHQRWDIUDLGRIUHWDOLDWLRQRU WKHVWLJPDRIUHSRUWLQJDFULPH´ $UP\&KLHIRI6WDII*HQ5D\2GLHUQRIROORZHG'DLOH\WHOOLQJWKHDXGLHQFHRI6ROGLHUVDQGFLYLOLDQVDERXWD YLGHRKHKDGVHHQGXULQJWKH6H[XDO+DUDVVPHQW$VVDXOW 5HVSRQVH DQG 3UHYHQWLRQ RU 6+$53 VXPPLW RI VHQLRU OHDGHUV KH KDG KRVWHG LQ )HEUXDU\ 7KH YLGHR ZDV VKRW VKRUWO\ DIWHU WKH 6ROGLHU DQG 1&2 RI WKH <HDU KDG MXVW Photo by J.D. LEIPOLD, Army News Service Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel Dailey introduces the ‘not in my squad’ initiative during the launch of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month at the Pentagon, March 31. ¿QLVKHGDQREVWDFOHFRXUVH ³7KH\ ZHUH WLUHG DQG ZHUH JLYHQ D SRS TXHVWLRQ ² KRZGR\RXWKLQNWKH$UP\VKRXOGGHDOZLWKVH[XDODVVDXOW DQG VH[XDO KDUDVVPHQW 7KHLU DQVZHUV JRW WR WKH FRUHRIHYHU\WKLQJZHEHOLHYHLQ7KH\WDONHGDERXWWKH FRUHRIDVTXDGWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIHDFKRWKHUUHO\LQJRQ HDFKRWKHUDQGWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIHUDGLFDWLQJWKLVIURPRXU $UP\DQGWKDWWROGPHRXU6ROGLHUVXQGHUVWDQGZKDW¶V ULJKW´2GLHUQRVDLG³7KLVLVUHDOO\DERXWWKHFRUHRIZKR ZHDUHDQGPDNLQJVXUHHYHU\ERG\XQGHUQHDWKXVXQGHUVWDQGVZHZLOOQRWWROHUDWHWKHVHDFWV´ ³1RWLQP\VTXDGQRWLQRXU$UP\ZHDUHWUXVWHGSURIHVVLRQDOVVR,NQRZDOORIXVZLOOMRLQWRJHWKHUDQGFRQ- WLQXHWRWLUHOHVVO\DQGWHQDFLRXVO\IRFXVRQWKHZHOOEHLQJ VDIHW\DQGGLJQLW\RIRXU6ROGLHUVDQGHTXDOO\GHGLFDWHG FLYLOLDQFRUSV´$UP\6HFUHWDU\-RKQ0F+XJKVDLG ³6H[XDO DVVDXOW DQG VH[XDO KDUDVVPHQW VKDWWHUV JRRG RUGHU²LWVKDWWHUVGLVFLSOLQHEXWPRUHWKDQDQ\WKLQJHOVH LWVKDWWHUVWKHOLYHVRIRXU6ROGLHUVDQGRXUODUJHU$UP\ IDPLO\DQGIRUDOOWKRVHUHDVRQVDQGVRPDQ\PRUHZH¶YH JRWWRGRHYHU\WKLQJZHFDQGD\DIWHUGD\KRXUDIWHUKRXU WRVWDPSRXWVH[XDODVVDXOWDQGUHSULVDO´0F+XJKVDLG ³:H KDYH WR LQVWLOO WUXVW DQG FRQ¿GHQFH LQ RXU 6ROGLHUV DQG RXU FLYLOLDQV VR WKH\ NQRZ WKH\ FDQ FRPH IRUZDUG WR OHDGHUV DQG ZKHQ WKH\ GR WKH\ ZRQ¶W EH YLFWLPL]HG DJDLQ´ Six more women qualify for Ranger School Soldiers cool down after a two-mile run with their assigned weapons, before participating in an obstacle course, as part of the Ranger Training Assessment Course, or RTAC, on Fort Benning, Ga., Feb. 7. Six more women have qualified to attend the first Army Ranger course to include women, bringing to 12 the number of female Soldiers eligible for the elite school. The six women successfully finished the RTAC March 19, along with 25 of the 85 men who began that two-week course. The six women were among 34 female Soldiers who began that RTAC, March 6, on Fort Benning, which hosts both the RTAC and the Ranger course. U.S. Army photo by SGT. SARA WAKAI April 9, 2015 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 19 Page 20 The Fort Jackson Leader- Members of the Richland County Sheriff’s Department’s emergency response team storm the 81st Regional Support Command building Tuesday during a mass casualty training exercise. IN FOCUS CMYK 27” WEB-100 lives,” he told them The event was also designed to challenge mutual response agreements with off-post agencies, such as the Richland &RXQW\ 6KHULII¶V 2I¿FH DQG UHJLRQDO PHGLFDO VHUYLFHV VDLG 0DUN0DOODFK)RUW-DFNVRQLQVWDOODWLRQDQWLWHUURULVPRI¿FHU Several teams entered the building to test their response VNLOOV 3RVW ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW RI¿FHUV ZHUH IROORZHG E\ WKH 5LFKODQG &RXQW\ 6KHULII¶V 2I¿FH HPHUJHQF\ UHVSRQVH WHDP ODWHULQWKHGD\2QFHWKHVPRNHFOHDUHGIURPWKHZHDSRQV based drills, the casualties were carried outside to a makeVKLIW PHGLFDO WULDJH 7KHUH HPHUJHQF\ PHGLFDO WHFKQLFLDQV WHVWHGWKHLURZQUHVSRQVHWRWKHFULVLV Although the active shooter scenario had wrapped by lunchtime, it continued to provide learning opportunities for SRVWVHFXULW\0DOODFKVDLG “How are we going to recover,” Mallach asked, “whether LW¶VGDPDJHWRWKHEXLOGLQJVRUSHUVRQQHO"+RZDUHZHWUDFNLQJSDWLHQWV"7KHUHDUHJRLQJWREH¿YHGLIIHUHQWKRVSLWDOVLQYROYHGZLWKWKLV´ The incident site would also be treated as a crime scene DQGLQYROYHWKH$UP\¶V&ULPLQDO,QYHVWLJDWLRQ&RPPDQGDQG )%, ³,WKDVPXOWLSOHPRYLQJSDUWV´0DOODFKVDLG Among those parts was an “intelligence build up” that took SODFH0RQGD\DWRWKHUORFDWLRQVRQSRVW6XVSLFLRXVSDFNDJHV were left at designated locations to test how people respondHG,WZDVDZD\RILQFOXGLQJHYHU\RQHRQSRVWLQGHWHUULQJ WHUURUDWWDFNVKHVDLG ³:H¶UHWU\LQJWRUDLVHWKHOHYHORIFRPPXQLW\DZDUHQHVV DQG FRPPXQLW\ SDUWLFLSDWLRQ´ 0DOODFK VDLG ³,I \RX VHH VRPHWKLQJVD\VRPHWKLQJ5HSRUWVXVSLFLRXVLQGLYLGXDOVDFWLYLWLHVDQGSDFNDJHV´ [email protected] April 9, 2015 April 9, 2015 A ‘masked gunman’ played by a Department of Defense civilian looks for further ‘victims.’ Two “masked gunmen” walked into a Fort Jackson buildLQJ7XHVGD\PRUQLQJDQGRSHQHG¿UH The two men carried automatic weapons and walked casuDOO\WKURXJKWKHWZRVWRU\RI¿FHEXLOGLQJRIWKHSRVW¶VVW Regional Support Command, shooting indiscriminately at 6ROGLHUV DQG VWDII :LWKLQ PLQXWHV WKH ÀRRUV ZHUH OLWWHUHG ZLWK³FDVXDOWLHV´6RPHRIWKHPZHUHGHDGRWKHUVVHULRXVO\ LQMXUHG Although the gunpowder in the air that day was real, evHU\WKLQJ HOVH ZDV VLPXODWHG 7KH GD\¶V ³FDVXDOWLHV´ ZHUH Soldiers and Department of Defense civilians wearing injury prosthetics and mDNHXS7KH VKRRWHUV ZHUH DOVR )RUW -DFNVRQHPSOR\HHVLQFRVWXPH¿ULQJEODQNVLQWRWKHDLU,W was part of a mass causalities exercise designed to test Fort -DFNVRQ¶VUHVSRQVHWRWHUURULVWDFWLYLW\ The actors for the event were mostly young Soldiers, who were issued prosthetic injuries at Darby Field before EHLQJWUDQVSRUWHGE\EXVWRWKHH[HUFLVHORFDWLRQ6RPHRI them were playing characters intended to be disabled by their injuries who needed to be carried out of the building E\HPHUJHQF\PHGLFDOWHDPVVHYHUDOKRXUVODWHU 7KHGULOOZDVIRUWKHEHQH¿WRIHYHU\ERG\DW)RUW-DFNson, said Dave Perkins, an antiterrorism specialist with the VW5HJLRQDO6XSSRUW&RPPDQG(YHQWKRXJKWKH6ROGLHUV ZRXOG VSHQG PRVW RI WKH GD\ SURQH RQ WKH ÀRRUV RI WKH EXLOGLQJKHUHPLQGHGWKHPWKDWWKH\ZHUHPDNLQJVLJQL¿FDQWFRQWULEXWLRQVWRSRVWVHFXULW\ ³:H¶UHSUDFWLFLQJWRPDNHVXUHZHFDQSUHYHQWFDVXDOWLHVRSHUDWHDVVDIHO\DQGHI¿FLHQWO\DVSRVVLEOHDQGVDYH By WALLACE McBRIDE Fort Jackson Leader The Fort Jackson Leader Page 21 Tuesday’s training exercise on Fort Jackson involved members of post and regional law enforcement, fire departments, and emergency medical response units from five area hospitals. Photos by WALLACE McBRIDE Post tests response to mass casualty crisis ‘Multiple moving parts’ CMYK HAPPENINGS Calendar Monday Out of debt seminar 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Education Center, Room B206 For more information, call 751-5256. Tuesday SSI Holocaust remembrance observance 10 to 11 a.m., Soldier Support Institute auditorium The guest speaker is Lilly Filler. Saturday, April 18 Fitness dog walking 9:30 a.m., Corner of Lee and Hill streets For more information, call 751-3700. Monday, April 20 Investment basics seminar 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Education Center, Room B206 For more information, call 751-5256. TAX CENTER OPEN 7KH )RUW -DFNVRQ ,QFRPH 7D[$VVLVWDQFH &HQWHU LV open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., weekdays until Wednesday. 6HUYLFHV DUH DYDLODEOH WR DFWLYHGXW\ 6HUYLFH PHPEHUVHOLJLEOHIDPLO\PHPEHUVDQGHOLJLEOHUHWLUHHV$VVLVWDQFHLVSURYLGHGE\DSSRLQWPHQWRQO\ 7D[SD\HUVPXVW $UULYH PLQXWHV EHIRUH WKHLU VFKHGXOHG DSSRLQWment time. %ULQJ WKHLU : IRUPV ZKLFK FDQ EH GRZQORDGHG from https://mypay.dfas.mil. Bring all Form 1098s or 1099s. Bring a valid military ID card. %ULQJ D SRZHU RI DWWRUQH\ LI ¿OLQJ IRU DQRWKHU SHUVRQRU¿OLQJ³PDUULHG¿OLQJMRLQWO\´ZLWKRXWWKHVSRXVH present. Bring their Social Security cards. 7D[SD\HUVZKRZLVKWRUHFHLYHDQH[SHGLWHGUHIXQG YLDGLUHFWGHSRVLWPXVWEULQJDFDQFHOHGFKHFN 7D[ SUHSDUDWLRQ ZLOO EH OLPLWHG WR EDVLF WD[ UHWXUQV and customers who own no more than one home. 7KHWD[FHQWHULVORFDWHGDW0DJUXGHU$YH For more information and to schedule and appointPHQWFDOO-7$; Tuesday, April 21 Victory Spouses’ Club luncheon DPWRSP2I¿FHUV¶&OXE 7KLV PRQWK¶V WKHPH LV ³*DUGHQ 3DUW\´ )RU PRUH message/568941. To register, email kymila.k.cheese.mil@ information, email [email protected]. mail.mil or [email protected]. Thursday, April 23 BOOK DRIVE SCHEDULED 3UHSDUH\RXU¿QDQFHVWRSXUFKDVHDKRPH The Fort Jackson Housing Mayoral Council is hosting 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Education Center, Room B206 DERRNGULYHWRSURPRWHVXPPHUUHDGLQJ1HZRUJHQWO\ For more information, call 751-5256. XVHG ERRNV PD\ EH GURSSHG RII DW WKH7KRPDV /HH +DOO /LEUDU\WKH)RUW-DFNVRQ+RXVLQJ2I¿FHRU&&3LQFNQH\ Monday, April 27 Elementary School until May 22. Book give-aways are Identity theft seminar scheduled from 1 to 5 p.m., June 5 and from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Education Center, Room B206 3:30 p.m., June 6 at the Solomon Center. For more information, call 751-5256. Monday, May 4 and Tuesday, May 5 Military clothing reclamation sale 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., 2570 Warehouse Road The sale is open to military and military retirees. Cash only. For more information, call 751-7213. Saturday, May 23 Scavenger hunt bike ride 8 a.m., Marion Street Station Bikes and helmets are provided. For more information, call 751-3700. Thursday, May 28 Carolina Maude Foundation golf tournament SP)RUW-DFNVRQ*ROI&OXE For more information, visit www.agregimentalweek.com. Announcements CIF CLOSURE 7KH&HQWUDO,VVXH)DFLOLW\ZLOOEHFORVHGIRULWVVHPL DQQXDOLQYHQWRU\-XQH3HUVRQQHOZKRDUHVFKHGXOHG WRGHSDUWGXULQJWKDWWLPHSHULRGDUHUHTXHVWHGWRFDOO&,) at 751-6524/2870/2739 to schedule an out-processing apSRLQWPHQWDVVRRQDVSRVVLEOH&,)ZLOOKDQGOHHPHUJHQcies during that time. Emergencies do not include direct H[FKDQJHLQSURFHVVLQJURXWLQHWUDQVDFWLRQVDQGRXWSURcessing. CIF will resume normal operations June 22. WORKSHOP FOR HR PROFESSIONALS $³&RPEDWWR&RUSRUDWH´PLOLWDU\ZRUNVKRSIRUKXPDQ resource professionals is scheduled from 11:30 a.m. to 1 SP0D\DWWKH1&2&OXE5HJLVWUDWLRQLVUHTXLUHG For more information, visit https://www.milsuite.mil/book/ Page 22 SPORTS SHORTS Soccer matches are played at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and noon DW+LOWRQ)LHOG6RIWEDOO&RPSOH[ .DP$SULOGHWDLOVWREHGHWHUPLQHG )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ FDOO WKH 6SRUWV 2I¿FH DW 3096. THRIFT SHOP NEWS &RQVLJQRUV DUH HOLJLEOH IRU WKH7KULIW 6KRS¶V OD\DZD\ and credit program. 7KH*ROGHQ&DUULDJH3URJUDPSURYLGHVIUHHEDOOJRZQV IRUVSRXVHVRIDFWLYHGXW\VHUYLFHPHPEHUVLQWKHUDQNRI VHUJHDQWDQGEHORZ SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES $SSOLFDWLRQV IRU WKH$UP\ (PHUJHQF\ 5HOLHI 6SRXVH 6FKRODUVKLS SURJUDP DQG WKH 0DM *HQ -DPHV 8UVDQR 6FKRODUVKLS3URJUDPZLOOEHDFFHSWHGWKURXJK0D\)RU more information, visit www.aerhq.org. $SSOLFDWLRQVIRU7KDQNV86$VFKRODUVKLSVZLOOEHDFFHSWHGWKURXJK0D\7KHVFKRODUVKLSVDUHDYDLODEOHWR FKLOGUHQ DQG VSRXVHV RI 6HUYLFH PHPEHUV )RU PRUH LQformation, visit www.thanksusa.org/scholarship-program. COMMISSARY NEWS 9LVLWwww.commissaries.com for the latest news, to see what is on sale, to create a shopping list and more. To acFHVVWKHODWHVWVDOHVÀ\HUFOLFNRQ³6DOHVDQG(YHQWV´LQWKH ³6KRSSLQJ´WDE7KH³6DYLQJV$LVOH´DOORZVYLVLWRUVWRVHH HYHU\SURGXFWRQVDOHDIWHUVHOHFWLQJDVSHFL¿FVWRUH6KRSSHUVPD\DOVRDFFHVVDGYLFHDQGUHFLSHVXQGHUWKH³+HDOWK\ /LYLQJ´WDE The Commissary rewards card allows shoppers to use digital coupons at any commissary. For more information, visit www.commissaries.com/rewards/index.cfm. The Fort Jackson Leader- AAFES NEWS $$)(6LVKLULQJIRRGZRUNHUVIRULQWHUPLWWHQWSRVLWLRQVDWWKH$UE\¶VUHVWDXUDQWWKDWLVVFKHGXOHGWRRSHQDW WKH IRRG FRXUW 6DODU\ VWDUWV DW SHU KRXU )RU PRUH information, visit www.applymyexchange.com. ([FKDQJH VKRSSHUV KDYH D FKDQFH WR ZLQ RQH RI VL[ ([FKDQJHJLIWFDUGVE\SDUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKH8QLOHYHU VZHHSVWDNHVWKURXJKWRGD\7RHQWHUVKRSSHUVPD\¿OORXW DQHQWU\IURPDWWKH([FKDQJH $XWKRUL]HGVKRSSHUVPD\SDUWLFLSDWHLQWKH([FKDQJH¶V ³&KRRVH <RXU &UXLVH *LYHDZD\´ WKURXJK $SULO )RU more information, visit www.shopmyexchange.com/ BecauseOfYou. 7KH([FKDQJHLVUHZDUGLQJPLOLWDU\VWXGHQWVZKRH[FHO LQWKHFODVVURRPZLWKLWV³0DNHWKH*UDGH´SURJUDP(OLJLEOHVWXGHQWVPD\UHFHLYHIUHHIRRGFRXSRQVDQGGLVFRXQWV RQ VHOHFW LWHPV )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ VHH WKH ([FKDQJH store manager. Housing happenings MAYORS NEEDED The mayoral council is looking for volunteers to serve as mayors for the on-post housing communities. Being a part of WKHFRXQFLODOORZVUHVLGHQWVWREHDYRLFHIRUWKHFRPPXQLW\ In addition to receiving credit for volunteer hours, mayors will get to meet new people and receive training. Child care LV SURYLGHG ZKLOH SHUIRUPLQJ PD\RUDO GXWLHV 3RVLWLRQV DUH FXUUHQWO\ DYDLODEOH LQ 3LHUFH 7HUUDFH 3LHUFH 7HUUDFH 3LHUFH 7HUUDFH 3LHUFH 7HUUDFH DQG +RZLH 9LOODJH ,QWHUHVWHG UHVLGHQWV VKRXOG HPDLO 9LFNLH *ULHU DW usarmy. jackson.imcom-atlantic.mbx.fort-jackson-dpw-housing@ mail.mil. HOUSING SEMINARS 7KH)RUW-DFNVRQ+RXVLQJ6HUYLFHV2I¿FHLVLQWKHSURFHVV of developing a schedule of housing seminars for 2015. The RI¿FH LV LQWHUHVWHG LQ \RXU IHHGEDFN FRQFHUQLQJ KRXVLQJ UHODWHGWRSLFV\RXZRXOGOLNHWROHDUQDERXW&ODVVHVZLOOWDNH place from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. or from 6 to 8 pm. Topics PD\ LQFOXGH EXW DUH QRW OLPLWHG WR KRPH RZQHUVKLS VKRUW VDOHV SXUFKDVLQJ GLVWUHVVHG SURSHUWLHV IRU VDOH E\ RZQHU home inspections, etc. Send your interests to usarmy.jackson. [email protected]. RENT CONCESSIONS 3URUDWHG UHQW IRU OHJDF\ KRPHV LQ 3LHUFH7HUUDFH DQG 3LHUFH7HUUDFHLVDYDLODEOHZLWKDQ$SULOPRYHLQ)RUPRUH information and other rent concession opportunities, call 7388275. REFER A FRIEND Current on-post residents who refer a friend to live on post PD\ EH HOLJLEOH WR UHFHLYH RII QH[W PRQWK¶V UHQW )RU more information, call 738-8275. ONE CALL NOW SYSTEM Residents are encouraged to make sure the Balfour BeDWW\&RPPXQLWLHVPDQDJHPHQWRI¿FHKDVWKHLUPRVWFXUUHQW SKRQHQXPEHUDQGHPDLODGGUHVVRQ¿OHIRULWV2QH&DOO1RZ V\VWHP2QH&DOO1RZLVXVHGWRGHOLYHUHPHUJHQF\ZHDWKHU updates and report utility outages, scheduled maintenances and weekly event updates. PET CARE 3HWRZQHUVDUHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHLUSHWVDQGDUHUHTXLUHG WRUHPRYHWKHLUSHWV¶VROLGZDVWHLQDOODUHDVGDLO\1RQFRPpliance could result in loss of pet privileges or the loss of privilege to reside on post. Information is subject to change. Visit the community calendar at http://jackson.armylive.dodlive.mil/ for a full listing of calendar events. April 9, 2015 AROUND POST Saluting this Basic Combat Training cycle’s honorees DRILL SERGEANTS OF THE CYCLE, Photos by OITHIP PICKERT, Public Affairs Office Staff Sgt. Cleet Anderson Alpha Company 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment Staff Sgt. Harry Lichtenberger Bravo Company 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment Staff Sgt. Jacklyn Sosa Charlie Company 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment Staff Sgt. Lisa Brown Delta Company 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment Staff Sgt. Jose Trujillo Echo Company 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment Staff Sgt. Jonathan Morgan Charlie Company Lightning Battalion SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE Pvt. Leilani McSwain SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE Pvt. Bivian Morales SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE Spc. John Bruni SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE Pvt. Daniel Cooper SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE Pfc. Austin Shumbo SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE N/A SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE Pfc. Kevin Doss SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE Pvt. Daniel Hurst SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE Pfc. Eric Hughes SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE Pvt. Brianna Reynolds SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE Spc. John Journey SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE Pvt. Austin Crist HIGH APFT Pfc. David Haun HIGH APFT Pvt. Jacob Bredl HIGH APFT Spc. Jai Rhodes HIGH APFT 3YW(ULQ*ULI¿WK HIGH APFT Pvt. Christopher Ulmer HIGH APFT Pfc. Adam Suazorodas HIGH BRM Spc. Myles Hardy HIGH BRM Pvt. Ferman Cepeda HIGH BRM Spc. Daniel Blackstone HIGH BRM Pvt. Riley Vandergalien HIGH BRM Pfc. Steven Garza HIGH BRM Pvt. Michael Denoux www.fortjacksonleader.com www.facebook.com/FortJacksonLeader www.twitter.com/FortJacksonPAO www.youtube.com/user/FortJacksonSC To place your ads in the Ft. Jackson Leader Email: [email protected] or Fax 803-432-7609 April 9, 2015 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 23 HEALTH STI prevention starts with you By MIRANDA ANDREWS and NIKKI JORDAN U.S. Army Public Health Command The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that more than 20 million new sexually transmitted infections, or STIs, occur annually in the U.S., contributing to roughly 110 million total infections and $16 billion in medical costs each year. Common STIs include human papillomavirus, or HPV, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, herpes simplex virus, or HSV, syphilis, Hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV. About half of new STIs occur in people 15-24 years old. STIs are also common among the military active-duty population. More than a third of all Service members are younger than 25. Risk factors for infection and disease trends tend to mirror those observed nationally. Depending on the STI, symptoms can include painful urination, itching, discharge, painful or swollen testicles, bleeding between menstrual cycles, painful intercourse, abdominal or pelvic pain or rashes. More often, an STI may not have noticeable symptoms. Chlamydia, for example, is known as the “silent infection,” and fails to show symptoms in about 80 percent of infected women and 50 percent of infected men. Likewise, syphilis is another STI that often goes unnoticed in early stages. It is on the rise in both civilian and military communities, especially among men who have sex with men. Having an STI can make it easier to get another. Periodic STI testing is often the best way to identify infections. Common high-risk behaviors include having unprotected sex, inconsistent condom use, multiple partners, one night stands, soliciting sex and being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Technology such as “hook-up” apps has also increased STI risks by linking anonymous partners for casual sex. Online profiles can be deceptive, setting you up for a dangerous situation which leaves lingering uncertainty about STIs. The anonymous encounters make it challenging to notify a partner of a positive STI test. All STIs are preventable, many are curable and all can be treated to manage symptoms. Prevention starts by communicating with intimate partners and taking charge of one’s sexual health. Effective ways to reduce your risk include: Using a condom correctly every time when engaging in oral, vaginal or anal sexual activity; Reducing the number of sexual partners and the number of high-risk partners, situations and sex acts; Being in a mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner; Talking to a medical provider about getting tested (every three to six months); Getting the HPV and Hepatitis B vaccines. If you are concerned about your STI risk, you can request testing through your primary care clinic. Military treatment facilities offer free, confidential testing, treatment and counseling for TRICARE beneficiaries. Local public health departments also offer low-cost testing and treatment. For additional information regarding STIs or HPV and Hepatitis B vaccination, contact your primary care provider or preventive medicine department. Remember, prevention starts with you. Prescription home delivery available 75,&$5(EHQH¿FLDULHVFDQVZLWFKWRKRPHGHOLYHU\IRUDQ\PHGLFDWLRQWDNHQUHJXODUO\7KHUHDUHVHYHUDOZD\VWRVZLWFK Visit www.facebook.com/MoncriefACH to get the latest news regarding Moncrief Army Community Hospital, health tips, TRICARE updates and information from the Army Medical Command. 7KH¿UVWVKLSPHQWZLOOXVXDOO\DUULYHZLWKLQWZRZHHNV 6ZLWFKLQJWRKRPHGHOLYHU\FDQDOVRVDYHPRQH\²IRUHYHU\ EUDQGQDPHGUXJFRPSDUHGWRXVLQJDQHWZRUNSKDUPDF\,QDGGLWLRQWKHUHLVQRFRSD\IRUDGD\VXSSO\RIJHQHULFGUXJV ([SUHVV6FULSWVVWRFNVDOOGUXJVRQWKH75,&$5(IRUPXODU\ Follow the Leader www.twitter.com/fortjacksonpao. Page 24 &DOO([SUHVV6FULSWVDW $VN\RXUSURYLGHUWRID[\RXUSUHVFULSWLRQWR([SUHVV6FULSWV DW $VN\RXUSURYLGHUWRH3UHVFULEHWR³([SUHVV6FULSW0DLO3KDUPDF\´ 0DLO\RXUSUHVFULSWLRQDORQJZLWKDFRPSOHWHGPDLORUGHUIRUP WR([SUHVV6FULSWV,QF32%R[3KRHQL[$] The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 Don’t Leave Money On The Table Advertise in the Ft. Jackson Leader Call Betsy Greenway 803-432-6157 April 9, 2015 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 25 To place your ads in the Ft. Jackson Leader Email: [email protected] or Fax 803-432-7609 Page 26 The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 As a Veteran, I’ve been in your boots! Call me for all your legal concerns. Military Divorce/DUI/Personal Injury Start Your FREE Consultation Today! Call (803) 834-7879 or email JR@BattlesFor 6SULQJ9DOOH\ 7ZR1RWFK5G &ROXPELD6& +DUELVRQ +DUELVRQ%OYG &ROXPELD6& 6XQ7KXUVDPSP)UL6DWDPPLG 7ZR1RWFK5G &ROXPELD6& April 9, 2015 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 27 AROUND POST Recurring meetings WEEKLY MEETINGS Alcoholics Anonymous open meeting ................................Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9 a.m., 9810 Lee Road, 751-6597. Columbia Composite Squadron (Civil Air Patrol)...........Mondays, 6:30 p.m., Owens Field, main conference room, [email protected] or www.scwg.cap.gov. Family story time ................................................................Fridays, 11-11:30 a.m., Post Library, 751-5589. Helping Everyone Reach Optimum Strength...................7XHVGD\VWRSP0RQFULHI$UP\&RPPXQLW\+RVSLWDOVHYHQWKÀRRU2SHQWRFRPEDWYHWHUDQVDQGWKHLUIDPLO\PHPEHUV Play group ............................................................................Wednesdays, 10 to 11:30 a.m., Room 8, 5614 Hood St., for children 3 and younger, 751-9035/6325. Protestant Women of the Chapel .......................................Mondays, 7 to 8:30 p.m., and Tuesdays, 9 to 11:30 a.m., Main Post Chapel, [email protected]. 5DQJHFRQWUROEULH¿QJ ........................................................Mondays and Fridays, 1 p.m., Education Center, Room 302, 751-7171. Sergeant Audie Murphy Club Association study hall......Thursdays, noon, NCO Academy conference room, www.facebook.com/FJSAMCA. Toastmasters International ................................................Wednesdays, 11:40 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Main Post Chapel, 629-7696 or (910) 224-8307. Veterans of South Carolina ................................................7XHVGD\VDP)O\LQJ-WUXFNVWRSDW)DLU¿[email protected]. Walking away stress ............................................................0RQGD\VDQG)ULGD\VDPDWWKHSHFDQRUFKDUGQHDUWKHSRVWRI¿FHRQ(DUO\6WUHHW MONTHLY MEETINGS 92nd Buffalo Chapter 20 DAV ...........................................Third Saturday of the month, except July and August, 11 a.m., DAV Headquarters, 511 Violet St., West Columbia, 260-1067. Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association, Carolina Chapter ................................................................Second Tuesday of the month, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., NCO Club, 751-3014. American Legion Post 182..................................................)LUVW7XHVGD\RIWKHPRQWKSP2I¿FHUV¶&OXE American Legion Post 195..................................................Fourth Thursday of the month, 7 p.m., 534 Wildwood Lane, Lugoff. American Legion Louis D. Simmons Post 215 .................Fourth Sunday of the month, 5 p.m., 2432 Chappelle St., 765-0175. American Legion Riders Motorcycle Group (ALR Chapter 195) .............................................................Second Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m., American Legion Post 195, 534 Wildwood Lane, Lugoff, 699-2598 or [email protected]. American Legion Riders Motorcycle Group ....................Third Thursday of the month, 7 p.m., American Legion Post 6, 200 Pickens St., 360-3830. Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers ...........................First and third Wednesday of the month, 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Single Soldier Complex, Building 2447, 751-1148. Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers Adopt-A-School program ..................................................Second Wednesday of the month during the school year, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meeting at the Single Soldier Complex, Building 2447, for transportation to Forrest Heights Elementary School, 751-1148. Community Information Exchange...................................Second Thursday of the month, noon to 1 p.m., NCO Club, 751-5444. Combat Vets Motorcycle Association ................................Third Sunday of the month at noon, (774) 451-7504, email [email protected] or visit www.combatvet.org. Disabled American Veterans Chapter and Auxiliary, Woodrow Wilson Chapter #4 .............................................Second Monday of the month (September through June), 6 p.m., 511 Violet St., West Columbia, 467-8355 or [email protected]. Fleet Reserve Association Branch and Unit 202...............Third Tuesday of the month, 12:30 p.m., 2620 Lee Road, 647-0040 or [email protected]. Fort Jackson Bass Club ......................................................First Monday of the month, 7 p.m., Joe E. Mann Center, www.jacksonanglers.com. Fort Jackson Homeschoolers .............................................Second and fourth Tuesday of the month. For time and location, call 419-0760 or email [email protected]. Gold Star Wives, Palmetto Chapter ..................................6HFRQG6XQGD\RIWKHPRQWKSP0RQFULHI$UP\&RPPXQLW\+RVSLWDOWKLUGÀRRUFRQIHUHQFHURRP Ladies Auxiliary Louis D. Simmons Post 215...................Fourth Sunday of the month, 3 p.m., 2432 Chappelle St., 765-0175. Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 641 .........................................Second Sunday of the month, 2 p.m., 534 S. Beltline Blvd., 782-5943 or 782-0148. Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 4262 .......................................Second Sunday of the month, 5 p.m., 5821 North Main St., 754-1614. MEDPROS training ............................................................Third Friday of the month, 1-4 p.m., Moncrief Army Community Hospital, Room 9-83. Email [email protected]. Military Chaplains Association, South Carolina Chapter .Second Tuesday of the month, noon, NCO Club, 751-7316 or email [email protected] National Federation of Federal Employees ......................6HFRQG7XHVGD\RIWKHPRQWKDP)RUQH\6W¿UVWÀRRU National Active and Retired Federal Employees Chapter 87 ...........................................................................6HFRQG)ULGD\RIWKHPRQWKDP6HDZHOO¶V5RVHZRRG'[email protected] or [email protected]. Our Circle — Counseling support group for spouses......First Saturday of the month, 10 a.m. to noon, Chaplain Family Life Center, 751-4949. Professional Mentorship Network .....................................Fourth Tuesday of the month, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., NCO Club, 751-8187. Purple Heart #402 ...............................................................Fourth Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., American Legion Post 6, 200 Pickens St., 351-2333. Retired Enlisted Association ..............................................7KLUG)ULGD\RIWKHPRQWKSP0RQFULHI$UP\&RPPXQLW\+RVSLWDOWKLUGÀ[email protected]. Seabees .................................................................................Second Monday of the month, 7 p.m., West Metro Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center, 755-7792 or 755-0300. Sergeant Audie Murphy Club Association .......................First Tuesday of the month, noon, NCO Club, www.facebook.com/FJSAMCA. Sergeants Major Association ............................................../DVWZRUNLQJ7KXUVGD\RIWKHPRQWKSP0DJUXGHU¶V3XE Society of American Military Engineers ...........................Fourth Thursday of the month, 11:30 a.m., 254-0518 or 765-0320. 6:$03)2;:DUUDQW2I¿FHU$VVRFLDWLRQ ......................)LUVW7KXUVGD\RIWKHPRQWKDPWRSP2I¿FHUV¶&[email protected] The Rocks Inc., James Webster Smith Chapter ...............Third Tuesday of the month, 6 p.m., Post Conference Room. 9HWHUDQVRI)RUHLJQ:DUV*DQG\*ULI¿Q3RVW ........Third Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., 5821 North Main St., 754-1614 or 447-2320. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 641....................................Second Monday of the month, 7:30 p.m., 534 S. Beltline Blvd., 782-5943 or 782-0148. Veterans of South Carolina ................................................)LUVW7XHVGD\RIWKHPRQWKSP5HÀHFWLRQ&OXE+RXVHDW&DVVLD&[email protected]. Victory Riders Motorcycle Club ........................................)LUVWDQGWKLUG7KXUVGD\RIWKHPRQWKSP0DJUXGHU¶V3XE([email protected]. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 303 ......................Third Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., American Legion Post 6, 200 Pickens St., 312-4895. Weight Loss Surgery Support Group ...............................Second and fourth Monday of the month, noon, Weight Management Center, 180 Laurel St.; Second Monday of the month, 6:30 p.m., Palmetto Health Baptist Breast Health Center, 1501 Sumter St., ground level, Meeting Room 2. To submit a recurring meeting, email the name of the group, when and where the meeting takes place and contact information to [email protected]. Page 28 Fort Jackson Leader Join us on Facebook. Visit www.facebook.com/fortjacksonleader and click “like.” 4 min. . Fort Jackson, SC Like . Comment . Share The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 “Our fixed-price menu features hand-cut beef, poultry, pork and lamb served tableside. The salad buffet selection, which includes fresh seafood and sushi, rivals any other in the Carolinas. We invite you to come enjoy the feast.” DINING ROOM: MONDAY - FRIDAY 5PM - CLOSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 4PM - CLOSE HAPPY HOUR MONDAY - FRIDAY 5PM - 7PM SPECIAL OFFER 20% OFF DINNER FEAST MUST PRESENT AD TO RECEIVE SPECIAL OFFER. EXPIRES APRIL 30TH, 2015 1 COUPON PER CHECK. DINE IN ONLY. DISCOUNT NOT VALID ON BEVERAGES, DESSERT, TAX OR GRATUITY. NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNT, PROMOTION OR COUPON. NOT VALID WITH LADIES NIGHT DISCOUNT. South Carolina’s Premier Churrascaria 410 Columbiana Dr. / Columbia, SC / 803.708.3151 / RIOZ.COM April 9, 2015 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 29 ! " & ) "## " " * ,'($ )$0,/< 35$&7,&( 85*(17 &$5( +) + You served us Now let us serve you Francis Marion University’s innovative new RN-to-BSN program for Veterans recognizes the value of their military training and experience with actual course credit, making the path to the critical BSN degree faster and more convenient. Call or visit us online now. 843-661-1674 www.fmarion.edu/academics/nursing Page 30 The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 LUNCH SPECIALS Chicken $ 7.00 Shrimp $ 7.50 Steak $ 8.00 Lunch Monday - Friday 11:30pm - 2pm 1999 North Beltline Blvd. 803-782-1064 Dinner Monday - thursday 5pm - 9:30pm Friday: 5pm - 10:30pm saturday 4:30pm - 10:30pm sunday: 4:30pm - 9:30pm www.satosteak.com To place your ads in the Ft. Jackson Leader Email: [email protected] or Fax 803-432-7609 April 9, 2015 Credit for military training 100% online Frequent course starts grantham.edu/jackson (800) 216-0429 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 31 S.R. Anderson, Attorney At Law Former JAG Officer RECEIVE 10% OFF WITH THIS AD! Sew ins, micro links, cuts, color, natural hair, micros, twists, tree braids, crochet braids, relaxers keratin treatments & more! 108 Columbia Northeast Dr. Suite C www.Haircandybeauty.com Call or book online now! 803-800-3801 In private practice in Columbia 35 years. Free initial consultation. Divorce, Adoption, Legal Separation, Probate, Wills, Auto Accidents. Call (803) 252-2828. THANK YOU DISCOUNTS! We appreciate your service. Stop in and let us take care of you! 440 Killian Road 786-6400 mcdanielsautogroup.com 10% Active Duty Military Discount Located in Five Points Spring...On The Road 701 Santee Ave., Ste B Columbia, SC 29205 (803) 708-5611 Your Number One Source for ALL Electronic Cigarettes and Accessories PLACE YOUR AD IN 107 S.C. NEWSPAPERS Inquire about our 1st Time Buyer Program WE APPROVE ALL CAR LOANS E2 and above and reach more than 2.5 million readers using our small space display ad network Statewide or regional buys available Donna Yount 888.727.7377 scnewspapernetwork.com South Carolina Newspaper Network FINDING THE RIGHT RIDE FOR YOU CALL US TODAY! DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE! (803) 816-2772 LOCATED ON TWO NOTCH NEAR DECKER BLVD IN COLUMBIA, SC Page 32 The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 For Advertising Information Contact: [email protected] Advertise Today! Betsy Greenway 432-6157 April 9, 2015 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 33 CHAPEL Worship Schedule PROTESTANT Sunday 9 a.m. McCrady Chapel (SCARNG), McCrady Training Center 9:30 a.m. Hispanic service, Magruder Chapel 9:30 a.m. Main Post Chapel 10:30 a.m. Daniel Circle Chapel Gospel service, Daniel Circle Chapel 10:45 a.m. Sunday school, Main Post Chapel 11 a.m. Memorial Chapel 11 a.m. Chapel Next, Bayonet Chapel Protestant Bible Study/Prayer Service Sunday 9:30 a.m. Chapel Next Bible study, Bayonet Chapel Monday 7 p.m. Women’s Bible study (PWOC), Main Post Chapel 7 p.m. Men’s Bible study (PMOC), Chaplain Family Life Center Tuesday 9 to 11:30 a.m. Women's Bible study (PWOC), Main Post Chapel Wednesday 6 p.m. Gospel prayer service, Daniel Circle Chapel 7 p.m. Gospel Bible study, Daniel Circle Chapel Thursday 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Fresh encounter Bible study, Chaplain Family Life Center Protestant Youth of the Chapel Saturday 11 a.m. Daniel Circle Chapel youth group, Dorn VA Hospital (first Saturday of each month) Sunday 5 to 6:30 p.m. Club Beyond youth group, Chaplain Family Life Center CATHOLIC Monday through Thursday Page 34 11:30 a.m. Mass, Main Post Chapel Sunday 7:30 a.m. Confession, Solomon Center 8 a.m. IET Mass, Solomon Center 9:30 a.m. CCD (September through May), Education Center 9:30 a.m. Religious ed class for adults (September through May), Main Post Chapel 9:30 a.m. Religious ed class for children (September through May), Main Post Chapel 10:30 a.m. Reconciliation (after Mass or by appointment), Main Post Chapel 11 a.m. Mass, Main Post Chapel 12:30 p.m. Catholic youth ministry, Main Post Chapel Wednesday 7 p.m. Rosary, Main Post Chapel 7:30 p.m. RCIA/Adult inquiry (September through May), Main Post Chapel ANGLICAN/LITURGICAL/EPISCOPAL Sunday 8 a.m. Anderson Street Chapel ISLAMIC Sunday 8 to 10 a.m. Islamic studies, Main Post Chapel Friday 12:45 to 1:30 p.m. Jumah services, Main Post Chapel JEWISH Sunday 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Worship service, Memorial Chapel 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Jewish book study, Post Conference Room CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday 11:30 a.m. Anderson Street Chapel The Fort Jackson Leader- LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday 9:30 to 11 a.m. Anderson Street Chapel Wednesday 3 to 5 p.m. LDS family social, Anderson Street Chapel Wednesday 7 to 8 p.m. LDS scripture study, Anderson Street Chapel ADDRESSES, PHONE NUMBERS Anderson Street Chapel 2335 Anderson St., 751-7032 Bayonet Chapel 9476 Kemper St., 751-6322/4542 Daniel Circle Chapel 3359 Daniel Circle, corner of Jackson Boulevard, 751-1297/4478 Education Center 4581 Scales Ave. Chaplain Family Life Center 5460 Marion Ave. (to the side of the POV lot), 7514961 Magruder Chapel 4360 Magruder Ave., 751-3883 Main Post Chapel 4580 Scales Ave., corner of Strom Thurmond Blvd., 751-6469/6681 McCrady Chapel (SCARNG) 3820 McCrady Road (located at McCrady Training Center) Memorial Chapel 4470 Jackson Blvd., 751-7324 U.S. Army Chaplain Center and School 10100 Lee Road Warrior Chapel (120th AG Bn.) 1895 Washington St., 751-5086/7427 Installation Chaplain's Office 4475 Gregg St., 751-3121/6318 April 9, 2015 April 9, 2015 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 35 681'$<0$< 681'$< 0$< *$7(623(1$7$00$7&+67$576$730 &$0'(132/2),(/' &/$66,&$//<&$52/,1$&20 6321625('%< & EQUESTRIAN Ticket Options: .BZ$MJQBOE.BJM t(FOFSBM"ENJTTJPOEnter Greene Street (Includes General Parking Space) ........................................................................................................................$15.00 Children Ages 6 and under — Free t3FTFSWFE'JFME4JEF5BJMHBUF1BSLJOH (Includes 2 General Admission Tickets) ........................................................................................................... $100.00 t"CFSEFFO-VODIFPO5FOUEnter Broad Street By Reservation Only (per person) $75.00 or private table of 8 ................................................................... $700.00 Luncheon Tent includes General Parking Space, Catered Luncheon by Aberdeen Catery, and Open Bar Reservations must be made by May 8, 2015 for the Aberdeen Tent. Please make checks payable to: Aberdeen Polo Mail to: Aberdeen Catery P.O. Box 56 Camden, SC 29021 Page 36 Tickets may be purchased the day of the Polo Match or at the $ISPOJDMF*OEFQFOEFOU8%F,BMC4USFFU $BNEFO4$ No refunds. Event will be held rain or shine. Gates close at 7:00 p.m. The Fort Jackson Leader- April 9, 2015 3 car garage, 7 years old. 2800 HSF. N/E Columbia. The Summit. $216,000. 412-352-6032. For Rent 117 Leeside Circle, Columbia. 3BR/1.5BA home with carport, 1,000 sf. 10 minutes from Ft. (by 77/20, Alpine Rd, Percival Rd, Marbun Rd). $720/month, $500/ deposit. Please call 803-447-6434 or 783-8553. 2BR/2Full Bath Patio Home/ Condo located 303 Eagles Landing Drive. All modern amenities: Sky Lights, Private Patio, new Appliances, French doors, near golf course etc. $850/month. 15 minute commute from Fort Jackson. 1 year lease required. Please call 678 490-5013. 3300sqft quiet country home on 5 cleared acres. Living room, dining room, den, large eat-inkitchen, 5BR/3BA, large front sitting porch w/morning sun, recently remodeled. 2 new high HI¿FLHQF\+9$&XQLWVSHU month, last month rent & security deposit required. (803)432-4954/ (803)920-8785. %5%$ Z¿UHSODFH IURQW porch, 2 car garage, 2050 sqft. Very convenient to Ft Jackson Gate 1 & 2. $1100/month please call 803-206-1547. 3BR/2BA Home for Rent, 1200sqft, 12x24 covered/screened deck, fenced backyard, vaulted ceiling. Security deposit required. Near Gate 5 Ft. Jackson, 20 minutes from Shaw. $875/month. Call 803-960-3203. Beautiful 4BR/3BA in NE Cola. Nice backyard with deck and privacy fence. District two schools, convenient to Ft Jackson and Sandhill Mall. Rent $1100.00 per month with option to buy. For more information call Shawn at 803-331-5066. Beautiful Condo: 2 large BR, 2 full Baths (recently remodeled). VTIW +DUGZRRG ÀRRUV /5 & DR, ceiling fans. Remodeled kitchen, washer/dryer hookups, screened porch. Clubhouse, walking trails. 10 minutes to Fort. $700/month + security deposit. No Pets/No Waterbeds. 803-7886689. For Rent: Beautiful covered space for motor home or travel trailer, with 12x50 porch and lots of shade trees. Located in Blythewood, SC, 15 minutes from Ft. Jackson. Space is not in a trailer park. Call 803-360-7885 for information. Fully furnished 3BR/2.5BA home 10 minutes from post. 2 car garage, fenced yard, in-ground SRRO ¿UHSODFH SHWV RN ZLWK QRQ refundable deposit. $1,100 plus deposit. Please call 803-4036031. Houses for Rent: 5 Bedroom, 4 FULL Bathrooms, 3 car garage, 7 years old. 2800 HSF. N/E Columbia. The Summit. $1700/ month. 412-352-6032. Lake Carolina, Harborside Village 3BR, 2.5BA house, w/2 car garage Non-smokers, Small Pet OK Lake Carolina Schools, $1,575/mo Phone 803-699-3012 Page 38 5HÀHFWLRQV*DWHG &RPPXQLW\ only 10 min. Ft. Jackson/VA Hospital/Downtown 2BR/2.5BA, 1575 sqft, 3 Stocked ponds, Pool, Club House, Nature Trails $ 950.00/month. Please contact 803-917-8611. RENTAL IN FOREST HILLS. Close to Ft Jackson and downtown. 4/2.5 with master suite down. Hardwoods/fenced yard/sunroom/ gas logs. Avail 5-15-15. $1700/ PR:RQ¶WODVW Transportation Cars/Trucks/Vans 1994 Toyota For Sale. 4 cyl, 1.8 DOHC engine with manual trans. Very clean inside with Z racing wheels, runs, but has blown head gasket. $800.00 OBO. Please call 803-983-5620. 2007 Chrysler PT Cruiser Convertible, one owner, bluegray exterior, gray interior, 23,100 actual miles, $8,000, negotiable. POC: Tommy Stack, home 803469-0573, work 803-895-6679, cell 803-968-1314. MATTRESSES! Brand New. Queen $99, Full $90. 8QEHDWDEOH 3ULFHV &DOO 238-6288 Announcements Picnic Tables, Swings, Gliders. *UHDW *LIW ,GHDV &DOO 6810. For Your Information Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a painrelieving brace -little or NO cost to you. Medicare Patients Call +HDOWK +RWOLQH 1RZ 6016. LeGrand Cosmetology 425-8449 Clinic Hours Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 11:00-1:30 Friday & Saturday 8:30-1:30 3D\JHW$1<VHUYLFH once a week for 4 weeks Updo and make-up session $35.00 Services performed by supervised students MEDICAL BILLING 75$,1((6 1(('(' %HFRPH D 0HGLFDO 2I¿FH $VVLVWDQW 12 (;3(5,(1&(1(('('2QOLQH 7UDLQLQJ FDQ JHW \RX MRE UHDG\ HS diploma/GED & PC/Internet QHHGHG Pinestraw Season Is Here. Fresh clean pinestraw - Spreading available. Torres Pinestraw. (Kershaw County Area). 803-7298882. Sell your structured settlement or annuity payments for CASH 12:<RXGRQ¶WKDYHWRZDLWIRU \RXU IXWXUH SD\PHQWV DQ\ ORQJHU Call 1-800-446-9734. Yard Sales Yard & Estate Sales ANTIQUES, China, Art, Housewares. Multi-Family. Friday 9-4; Saturday 7-12. No EarlyBirds. Carriage House Lane, off Broad Street, off Green St. LAKE WATEREE, 1925 Elderberry Lane Ridgeway, SC 6DW $SULO <DUG equipment, furniture, exercise equipment, antiques, household. 0XFKPRUH Items for Sale Auctions $'9(57,6( <285 $8&7,21 in 107 S.C. newspapers for only <RXU ZRUG FODVVL¿HG DG will reach more than 2.6 million UHDGHUV &DOO 'RQQD <RXQW DW WKH S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888727-7377. General Merchandise ***USED STORAGE BUILDINGS** Free Delivery. 100’s to choose from. Buy or 5HQW7R2ZQ +XJH 6DYLQJV www.backyardstorage.com. Call 803-563-6244 (ask for Debra). Dish TV Retailer - SAVE 50% RQ TXDOLI\LQJ SDFNDJHV 6WDUWLQJ $19.99/month (for 12 months). FREE Premium Movie Channels. )5(( ,QVWDOODWLRQ &$// COMPARE LOCAL DEALS 1-800-635-0278. SAWMILLS from only $4,397.00 0$.( 6$9( 021(< ZLWK your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: www. NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800578-1363 Ext. 300N. Sectional Must Sell- Brand New sectional still in plastic, $375. Call now 803-250-5511. Switch & Save Event from 'LUHF79 3DFNDJHV VWDUWLQJ DW $19.99/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX, FREE GENIE HD/ '958SJUDGH1)/6XQGD\ Ticket Included with Select Packages. New Customers Only IV Support Holdings LLC. An authorized DirecTV Dealer. Some exclusions apply - Call for details 1-800-291-6954. Services Home Repairs & Improvement ****Decks Unlimited of Camden, LLC. For all your new construction, home improvement or recreational needs. Free estimates. Licensed/Insured. 803309-2303/803-243-2654 ***A Notch Above Tree Care. Top Quality Service-Lowest Prices. Licensed//Insured. BBB accredited. Call 803-983-9721 or 803-669-3414 and save. Free Mulch. ***Jim’s Home Maintenance*** Providing Reliable and Affordable Services in Kershaw County. Over 25 years of experience in Lawn Maintenance and Home Improvements (Power Washing, Small Home Repairs, Debris Removal and Gutter Cleaning). FREE ESTIMATES. Licensed & Insured. (845)548-0529 *Jerry Morris Home Improvements & Vinyl Siding. 6” Seamless Gutters, Replacement Windows, Metal & Shingle Roofs, Remodeling, Room Additions, Decks, etc. 432-3881(home); 6692481(cell) BARNHILL’S TREE SERVICE. Tree trimming & removal. Reasonable, Reliable, Licensed & Bonded. Free Estimates. 4257368. BATHTUB REFINISHING. CarolinasTubDoctor.com Renew or change the color of your bathtub, tile or sink. Fiberglass repair specialists. 5 yr. warranty. 864.598.0882, 843.548.4287 or 803.782.6655. Since 1989. &KDUOHV 5 *ULI¿Q 6U +RPH Improvement. Locally owned. Free Estimates. Residential & &RPPHUFLDO 5RR¿QJ 6HDPOHVV Gutters/Cleaning, Replacement Windows, Vinyl Siding, Decks, Carpentry, Additions. 803-5721168. The Fort Jackson Leader- David Branham Construction. Homes, Additions, Remodeling, Decks, Siding, Cabinets, Garages and More. Quality Work. 803438-6768 or 803-427-3707 CDL-A Drivers: Earn up to $0.44 per mile, $2,500 Sign On Bonus PLUS up to $0.02 per mile in ERQXV &DOO RU SuperServiceLLC.com EXTERIOR DREAMS & SEAMLESS GUTTERS. 6” seamless GUTTERS & all other exterior remodeling. dreamgutters. com. 803-425-7160. LOWEST PRICES ON GUTTERS- GUARANTEED! DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW! Learn to drive for US XPRESS (DUQSHUZHHN 1RH[SHULHQFHQHHGHG %HWUDLQHGEDVHGORFDOO\ 86;SUHVVFDQFRYHUFRVWV 1-888-263-7364 JD’s Construction, Inc. I’ll be your local carpenter specializing in all your in-home & outside carpentry repairs. Monday-Friday 7:00-5:30. Call James 803-427-1239 2OGH 6RXWK 5RR¿QJ Construction Co., LLC. Free Estimates. Complete Roof Replacements. Roof Leak Repairs. As low as $49.95. (803)796-2366. Lawn Care **VETERANS LANDSCAPING Pressure Washing, Draining Systems, Tree Trimming/ 5HPRYDO6RG<DUG0DLQWHQDQFH Clean-up, Fill Dirt, Pinestraw, Mulch, Gravel, Irrigation Systems, Grading, Hauling/ Chipper Service. We do anything & everything. 803-427-9133/803572-1776. Licensed/Insured. Reliable/Dependable. Accepting new clients. Jones Landscaping Lawn Care. Hedge/Shrub Trimming, Pine straw Mulch & More. Free (VWLPDWHV DQG $IIRUGDEOH 3ULFHV Licensed/Insured. Call Cody 803427-5944. Jobs Drivers Wanted Drivers: Regional. Per Diem pay: More money, less taxes. Excellent Home Time. Newer Trucks. CDL-A 1 yr. exp. 855-204-6535. Drivers: CDL A or B to transfer vehicles from local body plants to various locations throughtout U.S. - No forced dispatch - pay is settled 24-48 hours after completed load submission. Apply online at www. mamotransportation.com under Careers or call 1-800-501-3783. Experienced OTR Flatbed Drivers earn 50 up to 55 cpm loaded. VLJQRQWR4XDOL¿HGGULYHUV Good home time. Call: 843-2663731 / www.bulldoghiway.com EOE +RPH 7LPH *XDUDQWHHG :HHNO\ Company & Owner Operators. Regional Lanes: GA, SC, NC, FL, 9$ 9HUL¿DEOH ([SHULHQFH *RRG MVA & CSA, CDL-A. No Hazmat. Apply: www.browntrucking.com, Contact Bryan: 864-430-5235. -RLQ RXU 7HDP *XDUDQWHHG SD\ for Class A CDL Flatbed Drivers. Regional and OTR. Great pay/ EHQH¿WVN PDWFK &$// 72'$< ZZZMJU inc.com $'9(57,6( <285 '5,9(5 JOBS in 107 S.C. newspapers for RQO\<RXUZRUGFODVVL¿HG ad will reach more than 2.6 million UHDGHUV &DOO 'RQQD <RXQW DW WKH S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888727-7377. OTR FLATBED DRIVERS 1(('(' &ODVV $ &'/ required. No hazmat. Home 3 out 4 weekends. Competitive pay & H[FHOOHQW EHQH¿WV $SSO\ RQOLQH sennfreightlines.com or call 800477-0792. Are you ready to kick-start your new career? Now Interviewing Accredited Truck Driving School Graduates (With CDL-A) for our Entry Level Apprentice Program. Must have Good MVR, Work History and Criminal Background history. Call Chris Blackwell at 843-266-3731 to discuss pay and EHQH¿WV ZZZEXOOGRJKLZD\FRP EOE AIRLINE CAREERS begin here - Get started by training as FAA FHUWL¿HG $YLDWLRQ 7HFKQLFLDQ )LQDQFLDODLGIRUTXDOL¿HGVWXGHQWV Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-367-2513. %2186 +RPH ZHHNO\ EHQH¿WV vacation. OTR Drivers, CDL, Clean MVR, 2 yrs. exp., J & J Farms, 808 Byron Hicks Rd., Jefferson, SC. Call Glen or Ronnie: 843-672-5003. Box trucker driver needed: Will drive box truck, unloading & loading, driving forklift and assisting with production operation. 20-25 hrs. wk. $11.54 hr. Requirements: 1 yr. of experience driving a large truck or bus. Knowledge of Camden area required. Ability to lift up to 50 lbs. regularly. To apply: call 4321068 or apply @ www.jobs.sc.gov EOE Help Wanted Angelic Healthcare seeking CNAs/PCAs. Call Amber, Monday-Friday between 9am5pm if interested at 843-667-5100. Carolina Bridge Co. is currently hiring bridge carpenters and lead men. EEO. Contact Johnny Platt @ 803-707-9580. Municipal Judge City of Camden is accepting applications/resumes for a Municipal Judge to preside over its court. The Municipal Judge will hear and determine all cases properly brought before the Municipal Court. Duties include issuing arrest warrants, search warrants, summons and subpoenas, setting and accepting bond for jailed inmates. Associates Degree with criminal justice or criminal law experience is preferred. Also requires judicial training and April 9, 2015 SDVVLQJ WKH MXGLFLDO FHUWL¿FDWLRQ exam. Applications are available at www.cityofcamden.org. Submit applications/resumes to City of Camden Personnel Department, PO Box 7002, Camden, SC 29021, or [email protected]. Deadline for applying is April 30, 2015. EOE. Creek Landing Public Boat Ramp. All appliances included. 803-6690374. Need part-time housekeeper & part-time front desk associate for rotating shift. Computer knowledge a must. Apply in person between 7am-3pm, Monday - Friday at EconoLodge, 529 Hwy. 601, Lugoff. No Phone Calls. Land/Lots For Sale Springdale Healthcare, a leader in long-term care, is currently VHHNLQJTXDOL¿HGDSSOLFDQWVIRUWKH following positions: &HUWL¿HG 1XUVLQJ $VVLVWDQW )XOO Time (3p-11p) & every weekend. LPN- Full time (3p-11p) & Full time weekends We offer an attractive FRPSHQVDWLRQ DQG EHQH¿WV SDFNDJH ÀH[LEOH VFKHGXOHV DQG D wonderful team environment. Please apply in person at 146 Battleship Road, Camden, SC or fax resume to 803-432-3739, Attention: Human Resources or visit our website at www. palmettohealthandrehab.com Candidates must successfully complete background check and drug screen prior to hire. EOE Textile cut and sew company needs fabric cutter. Located in Lugoff. Call 438-1971 from 9:00AM-4:30PM for details. :$17 025( 021(< 25 $ NEW CAREER? LAID OFF? Xtra Mile can get you rolling in a new job today. Enroll in CDL Class-A Training. 803-484-6313/ www.trucktrucktruck.com WANTED: LIFE AGENTS: ($51$'$<*UHDW$JHQW %HQH¿WV &RPPLVVLRQV 3DLG Daily; Liberal Underwriting; Leads, Leads, Leads. LIFE INSURANCE, LICENSE REQUIRED. Call 1-888-7136020. WELDING CAREERS - Hands on training for career opportunities in aviation, automotive, manufacturing and more. Financial DLG IRU TXDOL¿HG VWXGHQWV -RE placement assistance. CALL AIM 877-206-4006. Real Estate Homes For Sale *Awesome sale beautiful 4BR houses. Buy Now/Great Opportunity. Ready to Occupy. Camden. Lyttleton St/Chesnut St/ Bloomsbury Cir. Graham Realty, Inc. (803)432-7370. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath brick home for sale in Lugoff. Located in Conifer $FUHV +DUGZRRG DQG 7LOH ÀRRUV throughout. 803-713-4138 3BR, 2BA, privacy fence, storage building. Camden. 606-939-1177 or 803-713-7741. )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Doublewide Mobile Home, 3BR, 2BA. Very nice, energy HI¿FLHQW0XVW6HH7R$SSUHFLDWH Extremely low price- $76,000.00, GXHWRUHORFDWLQJ9HU\¿UPFDQ¶W negotiate or reduce. Located: River Rd., 1/4 mile to Colonel Creek Market(Groceries), Gas Service, 2 Restaurants and Colonel April 9, 2015 Near Asheville, NC New custombuilt 1,328 sf log cabin on 2.2 ac. $79,900. Features mtn. views, pict ZLQGRZVORIWGHFNV(=WR¿QLVK 828-286-1666. *WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN A MINI TREE FARM OF OVER 17+ ACRES WITH APPROXIMATELY 685 FEET OF LAKE WATEREE FRONTAGE Property is on Camden side less than 10 miles from town. Parcel has excellent home EXLOGLQJVLWHVDQGÀRDWLQJ docks with 2 approved septic tank permits and is already divided into separate lots. The property fronts on Lystra Road and has a pleasant terrain with a gentle slope to the water frontage. Over 1000 feet of paved road frontage and over 1500 feet of gravel road frontage. For additional information, contact Townley Redfearn, agent with Coldwell Banker at (803)424-3713. 6& QHZVSDSHU UHDGHUV <RXU ZRUG FODVVL¿HG DG ZLOO DSSHDU in 107 S.C. newspapers for RQO\ &DOO 'RQQD <RXQW DW the South Carolina Newspaper Network, 1-888-727-7377 Large mobile home lots with trees in the Cassatt area. Not in a mobile home park. Call 432-1300. Transportation Cars/Trucks/Vans Car Shopping? Follow the Department of Consumer Affairs’ road map for buying a new set of wheels. Contact us today at 800-922-1594 or www.consumer. sc.gov 1 acre lot w/well and septic. 2 miles from I-20 located on Cleveland School Rd. Remove old trailer- free for 6 months. Call 803-427-8568. $&5(6 )25 6$/( %< OWNER. Owner Financing. 803427-3888. harryives@hotmail. com For Sale/Owner Finance. Nice wooded lot- Mt. Hebron Rd., Cassatt area. Approx. 3.67 acres with septic & water tap. 200’ paved road frontage. $20,800. Call Charles 803-572-1168. Auctions Online Real Estate Auction; 204 S. Eden Dr., Cayce, SC. 3bed/2bath, 1500 sq.ft. Bidding closes Thursday, April 16 at 2:00pm. wwwrhlee.com R.H. Lee & Co. 803-337-2300 SCAL192 For Rent ****RENTALS-(All Price Ranges). Large/small, 5/4BR/3BR/2BR Houses/Condos/ Apts/Mobile Homes(Short/ Long Term. Special- Move-In Allowance. Plus Commercial/ 2I¿FH5HWDLO3URSHUW\ $YDLODEOH. Camden/Lugoff/Elgin area. Graham Realty, Inc. (803)4327370/432-0855 **A lovely two bedroom condo. $595 Rent Special with 1 year lease. Beautiful park like setting in downtown Camden. Call Marie 803-432-5215 1BR newly remodeled house in Camden. Stove & refrigerator. 1 yr. lease required. $575/month; $350 deposit. 272-2629. For Advertising Contact: 1BR/2BR apartments. $400/ mo-$450/mo. SPECIAL MOVEIN(1st month FREE Rent). Energy HI¿FLHQW*URXQG/HYHO *UDKDP Realty, Inc. 803-432-7370/4320855. Serving Camden/Lugoff/ Elgin & surrounding areas. Betsy Greenway - 432-6157 [email protected] $'9(57,6(<2859$&$7,21 3523(57< )25 5(17 25 SALE to more than 2.6 million The Fort Jackson Leader Page 39 Page 40 The Fort Jackson Leader April 9, 2015