Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS): An Overview Celia M. Reyes CBMS Network Leader Presentation during the 12th CBMS National Conference Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria February 29, 2016 What is CBMS? An organized way of collecting information at the local level for use of local government units, national government agencies, non-government organizations, and civil society for planning, program implementation and impact monitoring. A tool intended for improved governance and greater transparency and accountability in resource allocation. A tool to empower communities What are the features of CBMS? It involves the complete enumeration of all households. It collects data on the demographic, economic and social characteristics of households, including the different dimensions of poverty. The LGUs take the lead in the data collection and processing, serve as the repository of the database and use the data in the formulation of annual development and investment plans. Members of the community are involved in the whole CBMS process. Databanks are established at each geopolitical level. CBMS Core Indicators of Poverty Dimension Health and Nutrition Indicator Proportion of children under 5 who died Health poor Proportion of women who died due to pregnancy related causes Housing Education Proportion of children aged 0-5 who are malnourished Nutrition poor Proportion of households in makeshift housing Housing poor Proportion of households who are informal settlers Tenure poor Proportion of households without access to safe water supply Water poor Proportion of households without access to sanitary toilet facilities Toilet poor Proportion of children 6-11 years old who are not attending elementary school CBMS Core Indicators of Poverty Dimension Indicator Proportion of children 12-15 years old who are not attending secondary school Proportion of children 6-15 years old who are not attending school Income and Employment Education poor Proportion of households with income below the poverty threshold Proportion of households with income below the food threshold Income poor Proportion of households who experienced hunger due to food shortage Peace and Order Proportion of persons in the labor force who are unemployed Job Poor Proportion of persons who are victims of crime Security Poor CBMS Accelerated Poverty Profiling (CBMS APP) Developed by the CBMS Network Team, the CBMS APP is an organized, systematic and efficient process of use of latest information and communication technology tools e.g. tablets, and the standard CBMS instruments for data collection (CBMS SCAN), processing (CBMS STATSIM), poverty mapping (QGIS) and data management tools. Data is transmitted and managed and accessed through the CBMS Portal. CBMS Accelerated Poverty Profiling (CBMS APP) • Data collection with encoding and GPS reading: CBMS Scan and Portal • Data Processing: CBMS StatSimPro • Poverty Mapping: Quantum GIS (QGIS) As of February 2016, the CBMS portal has • Data for more than 2.5M households • 12,765 registered devices • 13,647 registered users • 320 local government units CBMS Software are provided to LGU partners implementing CBMS for FREE CBMS StatSimPro CBMS Scan and Portal QGIS CBMS Accelerated Poverty Profiling (CBMS APP) CBMS-SCAN uses Android mobile devices in collecting household census data CBMS Accelerated Poverty Profiling (CBMS APP) Data is transmitted and managed and accessed through the CBMS PORTAL. CBMS Accelerated Poverty Profiling (CBMS APP) The CBMS StatSimPro was built to output automaticallygenerated reports for the 13+1 core indicators and basic tabulation, listing and querying of the CBMS database CBMS Accelerated Poverty Profiling (CBMS APP) Aside from automaticallygenerated tables, lists through simple querying is produced using the CBMS StatSimPro List of malnourished children in an LGU with age and sex Confidential info CBMS Accelerated Poverty Profiling (CBMS APP) Adoption of QGIS, a user-friendly open source GIS software which runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX and Windows. Coverage of CBMS Implementation in the Philippines as of January 31, 2016 75 provinces, 32 of which are province-wide, 891 municipalities 74 cities covering 23,932 barangays atea CBMS APP track CBMS PAPER track At least 239 LGUs have more than 1 round of CBMS census (of which over 66 LGUs have at least 3 rounds of data collection) Developments in 2015 PSA Approval of CBMS Questionnaires PSA Approval • Household Profile Questionnaire (CBMS FORM 1 VN 11201401) PSA Approval No: DILG-1540-01 Expires on 31 October 2016 • Barangay Profile Questionnaire (CBMS FORM 2 VN 11201401) PSA Approval No: DILG-1540-01 Expires on 31 October 2016 Infographics Infographics of LGUs with CBMS APP are available from the CBMS portal website http://cbms.dlsu.edu.ph/ Migration Rider Questionnaire in selected LGUs in Region 4A To realize the goal of the SUMMID* initiative (spearheaded by NEDAIV-A) to strengthen, upscale and mainstream migration and development in the local level, 13 questions were included in a rider questionnaire to the CBMS core questions in the CBMS SCAN form. It is currently being implemented in selected LGUs in Region 4A in collaboration with the DILG. SUMMID: Strengthening, Upscaling and Mainstreaming International Migration and Development CBMS for DRRM • • • • Disaster prevention and mitigation Disaster preparedness Response and early recovery Recovery and rehabilitation *from National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework Rain-induced Landslide Map with Location of Households covered by the CBMS Census, 2014-2016 Location of Households High Susceptibility Moderate Susceptibility Low Susceptibility Possible Areas Prone to Landslides Accumulation Source of basic hazard map: http://www.ppdobohol.lgu.ph/ Source of household location: CBMS Accelerated Poverty Profiling Census, P rovince of Bohol, 2014-2016 Storm Surge (Advisory 4) with Location of Households covered by the CBMS Census, Tubigon, Bohol, 2014-2015 With members aged 0-14 and 65 and above Without members aged 0-14 and 65 and above Elementary school Secondary school Source of Flood Map: Project NOAH. http://noah.dost.gov.ph/#/section/stormsurge/ssadvisory Source of household location: CBMS Accelerated Poverty Profiling Census, Tubigon, Bohol, 2014-2015 CBMS Data, Municipality of Tubigon, Bohol, 2014-2015 Total number of households: 10,053 CBMS Data, Tubigon, Bohol Population Children 0-5 years old Children 6-14 years old Members 65 years old and above Members who are disabled Population Total Male Female 43742 5082 8486 3244 1015 21961 2616 4402 1350 485 21781 2466 4084 1894 530 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Out of the 60 MDG indicators, 23 are included in the CBMS. Official MDG Goal Indicators CBMS Proportion 1 9 6 66.7 2 3 2 66.7 3 3 1 33.3 4 3 2 66.7 5 6 3 50.0 6 10 3 30.0 7 10 3 30.0 8 16 3 18.8 Total 60 23 38.3 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Automatically-generated table in StatSim Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Total CBMS 4 1 4 7 1 1 1 4 2 1 3 0 1 0 1 4 1 36 Total 9 15 25 11 14 10 6 15 12 12 13 12 5 10 15 21 24 229 Proportion 44.4 6.7 16.0 63.6 7.1 10.0 16.7 26.7 16.7 8.3 23.1 0.0 20.0 0.0 6.7 19.0 4.2 15.7 As of date, there is a total of 229 proposed indicators, including149 “green” and 80 “grey” indicators. 36/229 can be generated through CBMS. Panel Data Location of households with malnourished children 0-5 years old (MUAC), selected LGUs, Leyte, 2014 BPQ Processing in StatSim Automatically-generated report of BPQ tables Location of facilities from BPQ in QGIS maps CBMS APP AND BUB • One of the eligible projects under BUB is CBMS APP • Capacity-building is being provided by DILG Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS): An Overview PEP Asia - CBMS International Network Coordinating Team De La Salle - Angelo King Institute for Economic and Business Studies 10th Floor, Angelo King International Center, Estrada corner Arellano Streets, Malate, Manila Telefax (632) 5262067; Email at: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: http://www.pep-net.org/about-cbms
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